180517 Rampage

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The Rampage 2270 Highway 133 Carbondale, CO 81623

May 2018

Volume 11 Issue 7

To Thailand and Beyond!

What’s Inside

- Lilly Peery

Beloved RFHS social studies teacher Matt Wells is taking a sabbatical for the 2018-2019 school year to venture to Thailand with his family, and teach for a year. Wells explains that he and his wife both traveled when they were younger, and they hope that this experience will inspire their two daughters to want to “see and explore as much of the world as possible.” The Wells’ will be moving to Chennai, Thailand for the year. Wells and his wife Cathy will teach middle school social studies at the Nakornpayap International School. As a young adult, Wells discovered his passion for traveling. Through his acceptance into the Peace Corps, Wells embarked on trips to Cote D’ivoire, as well as traveled to Sierra Leone, Honduras, London, and many more places across the globe. “I miss living internationally and that experience,” said Wells. “That experience, for me, changed my life.” Upon his arrival in Thailand, Wells plans to start a pen-pal program between RFHS and Nakornpayap students. “I want to get kids connected,” he said. Additionally, he plans to see as much of Thailand and the surrounding countries as possible with his family. “I’m looking forward to Thai food, living in Southeast Asia, and being in what likes look a really pretty place!” stated Wells. Students and staff members from across the school all had amazing things to say about long-time RFHS teacher, Mr. Wells:

Internship Opportunities Page 3

Senior Most Likely To’s Page 4-5 Courtesy Photo

“Wells has been a supportive and positive colleague. He’s also been an integral member of the 10th grade crew team and I will miss him dearly.” - Mary Kate Deacy, ELD teacher “I’m gonna miss how great of a teacher he is and his supportive nature!” - Allie Meisler “I think I’m gonna miss his enthusiasm.” - Hannah Cole

Soccer and Baseball Season Wrap-up Page 7

“I’m gonna miss his stories and his ability to make class fun. I love his class!” - Logan Erickson “I will miss his bright and lively personality and his ability to make teaching fun!” - Tasha Kotz “I’m gonna miss him because he’s a mainstay on our teacher team! He’s a beast at intramurals.” - PE teacher, Ken Woodard “Teaches weird things like the chinese dynasty song, he beats up kids during intramurals and I think that every single student here will miss him everyday.” - RFHS Vice Principal Kelsie Goodman Mr. Wells, you will be missed! RFHS wishes you and your family all the best on your adventures in South-East Asia!

Contact us at rframpage@gmail.com

Rams Day Page 8 Selfie by Matt Wells

Follow us on instagram @rframpage

Feature Cómo tener éxito como estudi- How to Succeed as an ELD Newante recién llegado de otro país comer at RFHS Mi nombre es Yovani Valenzuela. Yo me mude a Carbondale de El Salvador en 2016. No sabía nada de inglés. No traía los registros escolares así que la secundaria me califico como alumno de 10 grado. Una vez que obtuve los registros, fui calificado como un senior, y ahora estoy trabajando en completar todos mis requisitos de graduación para obtener mi diploma de preparatoria. Estos son mis tips para tener éxito en la escuela y para ser un estudiante exitoso si eres nuevo en los estados unidos. Aquí les doy unos consejos que les puedo recomendar.

My name is Yovani Valenzuela. I moved to Carbondale from El Salvador in 2016. I did not know English. I did not have the credits from my school, so I qualified as a 10th grade student. When I received my transcripts, I qualified as a senior, and now I am working to complete all my graduation requirements to obtain my high school diploma. These are my tips to succeed as a student if you are new to the United States.

Lista de consejos para estudiantes inmigrantes para tener exito en high school: • • Poner atencion en clases • • Mantener una asistencia buena • • Conocer a otras personas de tu alrededor para hacer amigos con quienes puedes divertirte • Llegar a la escuela y a clases temprano y prepara- • do para estudiar. • Intentar dar lo mejor y la mejor apariencia a los • • profesores en clases • Hacer las tareas y entregarlas a tiempo--esa es una • prioridad para tener buenos grados • Levantar la mano cuando tu maestro pide voluntarios--esta es la forma de obtener puntos de participación y ellos te verán como un estudiante • decente • Unirse a las actividades de la High School para • que conozcas más personas nuevas y mantengas • buenos grados • Aplicar a becas para tener un apoyo económico y seguir con tus estudios • Entregar todos sus grados terminados de tu país • para que asi si tu estás en un grado bajo te puedan • subir al que tienes que estar • No dudar pedir ayuda para lo que sea--con tareas, proyectos, consejos o problemas • Hablar con Sra. Vosler y Sra. Deacy son-- excelen- • tes para hablar si te sientes fuera de lugar o solo o • homesick • Practicar tu inglés con tus profesores de RFHS porque algunos de ellos son bilingües • Nunca olvidar que “Sí, se puede!” Otra cosa que a mí más me ayudó cuando llegué a los estados unidos fue hacer amigos para divertirme con ellos y salir con ellos. Siempre me ayudaron cuando los necesitaba. Nunca te des por vencido si eres un estudiante nuevo en otro país. si sigues los pasos que yo he seguido in RFHS podrás triunfar en la escuela y en la vida. Te recomiendo que los tomes en cuenta. Te ayudarán mucho.

List of Tips for Immigrant Students to Succeed in High School: Pay attention in classes Maintain good attendance Meet other people around you to make friends with whom you can have fun Arrive at school and classes early and ready to study Try your best in your classes Do the homework and turn it in on time - that is a priority to have good grades Raise your hand when your teacher asks for volunteers - this is the way to get participation points and they will see you as a decent student Join the activities of the high school so you meet more new people and keep good grades Apply for scholarships to get financial support and continue your studies Submit all your finished credits/transcripts from your country so that you are placed in the correct grade Do not hesitate to ask for help with homework, projects, advice or problems Talk to Ms. Vosler and Ms. Deacy. They are great to talk to if you feel out of place, alone, or homesick Practice your English with your RFHS teachers because some of them are bilingual Never forget that “Yes, you can!”

2 Rampage May 2018

Senior Spotlight: Jose “Pepe” Rico

-Tyler Gruel

Jose Rico, better known at Roaring Fork High School as Pepe Rico, is part of the senior class of 2018. Some of the things that he likes most about RFHS are, “Going to all the basketball games, football games, volleyball games, and all the school events like Ramsday, and the community meetings,” as well as “all the events we do that other schools don’t do.”

Here are some tips that I can recommend.

Another thing that helped me most when I arrived in the United States was to make friends to have fun with them and go out with them. They always helped me when I needed them. Never give up if you are a new student in another country. If you follow the steps that I followed in RFHS, you can succeed in school and in life. I recommend you take them into account. They will help you a lot.

Courtesy Photo -Daniel Cortes Lopez

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In his free time Rico enjoys going to the gym, hanging out with friends and just recently got into boxing. Throughout high school he has not only enjoyed participating in and attending school events but has also been the star of some such as the 2018 senior prom where he was coronated prom king. Some of his greatest inspirations that helped get him through high school were all of the teachers he had and his brother. Rico plans to attend Colorado Mesa University in the fall to study radiology. For all of the rising seniors and seniors to come after him he has this parting advice, “Don’t start getting lazy with your work, just because it’s your last year.”

Parents! Come see how students are learning how to take care of their bodies through essential oils. 11:40-12:20 in Mr. Hentschel’s room on Thursday, May 17th Presented by Emily Johnson

RFHS’ Jason Rittmiller AKA Ritt, a physical education teacher and art teacher, will not be returning for the 2018-2019 school year. Ritt is sadly leaving the Roaring Fork Valley and moving to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. In Cedar Rapids, Ritt will be teaching sculpture, ceramics, and jewelry in the art department at Xavier High School. Ritt has been in the Roaring Fork Valley for over 2 years, but his family is now ready for a change. As he supports 2 kids and a wife in this expensive area, their greatest motivation for moving is financial. Another motivator for Ritt is how he can spend his time. Ritt enjoys going to sporting events and other school activities, but due to his home being located an hour away in Marble, he usually can’t make it. RFHS History teacher Lyn Williams will be taking over Ritt’s position. RFHS has enjoyed Ritt’s time at the school, and he will surely be missed by many. Williams has big shoes to fill, but we know he can do it. We hope for the best for both Ritt and Williams!

Feature Internship Opportunites Across the Roaring Fork Valley

-Kloe Lee

Our valley’s businesses put forth so many amazing learning opportunities for high school students that aren’t always utilized. During my junior year of high school, I was granted the opportunity to obtain an internship working with Democratic candidate Gail Schwartz on her campaign for Congress. Throughout the process, not only did I learn numerous new skills, but also I decided the future path I wanted to go down. During this internship, I was able to shape my interests, determine my likely college major, and further discern my career path. Below you will find an extensive list of opportunities and internships to get involved within your community, which could allow you to make new connections, and potentially shape your future. If you are a student who is at least 15 years old with a passion for art, check out the internship opportunity presented by the Aspen Art Museum: Art Educators in Training. With this internship, you will get the chance to work with children learning about art in a museum setting. For more information and how to apply: https://www.aspenartmuseum.org/ learning/internships The Aspen Center for Physics is offering an internship position for students interested in the vast field of physics. You would get the chance to support the speaker series and summer programming. It’s an amazing opportunity to meet world class scientists and expand your horizons and network. For more information and how to apply: https://www.aspenphys.org/ Another internship (this one will be paid) in the academic science field is presented by the Aspen Science Center and is available to students in grades 10 and 11. This summer paid internship is all about helping out with science camps for younger kids. For more information please go to the Aspen Science

Center’s website: https://aspensciencecenter.org For students interested in working with younger students, the CRMS Preschool or Children’s Rocky Mountain School Internship is perfect. CRMS Preschool is interested in having students come during the day to volunteer. Ideally, this position could be filled by someone who is interested in a career in early childhood development, or in preschool administration. For more information please contact CRMS Preschool. There are numerous Glen X Internships being presented this summer. Glen X is offering internships to as many students as they are able. The majority of these internships will be paid. What projects you work on and what you gain out of this internship will depend on what your personal interests are and what skills you want to develop. Each opportunity is unique. Internships are open to all high school students and applications are due June 1. For more information go the the Glen X website. The Rocky Mountain Youth Corps are offering a two week paid summer internship for students to work on trails and engage in leadership training with the US Forest Service & Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers. For more information: http://www.rockymountainyouthcorps.org/internship-program Every summer, the Sopris Sun offers intern positions to students who want to become published journalists. This internship provides the opportunity to write about local issues, opinions, and engage in a one of a kind experience. Contact Cliff Colia with the Sopris Sun if interested: cliffcolia@comcast.net. There are always so many amazing and unique internship, volunteer, and work opportunities for students in the Roaring Fork Valley. Take advantage of these experiences. Check Andrea Caruso’s website for new updates regularly.

RFHS Students Danced the night away at prom 2k18 -Hannah Bingaman

There was no shortage of dancing at Roaring Fork High School’s galaxy-themed prom. The dance, held on April 21st at the River Valley Ranch Barn, was a fun, and exciting evening for junior and senior attendees. The dance was hosted by many dedicated students of the junior class, and took almost a year’s worth of planning. Junior Solana Teitler, head of the prom committee stated, “It turned out differently than we originally thought, but it went pretty well.” Besides dancing, students were able to get dressed up in funky outfits for the photobooth run by Aw Snap Photo. RFHS teacher Roark Roney also took portraits of students and their dates.

Of course, the night wouldn’t have been complete without the crowning of Prom King and Queen. The titles went to seniors Pepe Rico and Reece Ettleson. Senior Megan Rusby reflected on the tradition of prom, and how “it is something that American teens can look forward to. It is also the start of saying goodbye to the seniors.” Compared to last year’s prom, many students expressed that although they had an amazing time, the dj from last year was much better. However they also expressed that it was nice to be able to request the songs that they wanted to hear. Overall, prom was a night to remember for everyone. It is safe to say that prom 2018 was one for the books.

From left to right, Aidan Sloan, Althea Brooke, Caroline Wisroth, Hayden Nickamin, Mercedes Gual de Torella, Spencer Ochko, Justin Thompson, and Isabella Hernandez share contagious smiles as they get dressed up for the photobooth.

From left to right: Sophomore Renee Bruell and seniors Trevor Stroud, Hannah Bingaman, Ralph Good, Lucas Bensch, Chelsey Serrano, Bella Ulrych, Megan Rusby, and Jaden Stryker having fun at their first, and last prom.

3 Rampage May 2018

Humans of the Roaring Fork Valley

-Chelsey Serrano

As the end of the school year approaches many seniors are looking to finalize their plans for next year. Some are taking gap years, or joining the workforce, while others are set on transitioning straight into their college careers. With all this exciting change up in the air, we are taking a look at some of the ways our students have grown throughout high school and paths they plan to take.

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“A lot of people know me as a love poet, and often I have a tendency to romanticize things, even people. One of the lessons I’ve had to learn is that there are two ways to dehumanize someone; to dismiss them, or idolize them, and I have been guilty of both. One of the things I’ve struggled to understand is something that Mr. Carb,[a teacher at RFHS], has tried to instill in me which is that once you focus on being the best you that you can be, everything else will fall into place. In the fall I will be attending University of Colorado Boulder enrolled in the School of Arts and Sciences. I plan to pursuit a major in Aerospace Engineering and a minor in Creative Writing, so that I can write love poems in the space sector! [However, I still] worry about being able to pay for college. I worry about not receiving as many scholarships as I need. I worry about debt. But the money will come, and I will be out of here, and no matter how much debt it puts me in, I’m going to school. Looking back this valley hasn’t shaped me in the same way it has many of my peers. A lot of people love our outdoors for hiking, biking, horseback riding, and everything in between, but I’ve never had that connection with nature. This valley has influenced me in the ways that schools don’t like to talk about, and I know I will carry a lot of the baggage of this valley with me into college. I just hope that I can leave some of the not so good parts behind, and take with me the memories of beautiful sights as I go off to CU Boulder. A word to the upcoming seniors: I don’t care how ad nauseum the homework is: do it. The busy work will be sickening, the capstone will make you wish you had been held back, just do it, don’t let senior-itis kill you and your grades. Get the work done, get out.”



Rampage | May 2018

The Class of Gissel Alvarez Most likely to write her own book Irving Anchondo Most likely to have his license suspended… again Adamary Andrade Most likely to be diagnosed with the worst ever case of senioritis Leslye Benitez Most likely to get pulled over for driving too slow Lucas Bensch Most likely to try to take a bath in the dishwasher Hannah Bingaman Most likely to become “Stacy’s mom” and not understand this reference Cal Branigan Most likely to be the next Steven Spielberg Drew Broadhurst Most likely to win the lottery and not even notice Rodrigo Camargo Most likely to become the next YouTube gamer with a huge scandal

Edwin Cisneros Candela Most likely to coach a little leauge soccer team and carry them to nationals

Jasper Germain Most likely to make it to the Olympics as a high jumper

Eduardo “Jaciel” Carrillo Most likely to start a “Chambelan for Hire” business

Paige Gianinetti Most likely to become the next Miss America

Iliana Castillon Most likely to have a lobster sanctuary Felina Cruz Most likely to win American Ninja Warrior and donate the cash prize to charity Johnny Dolores Most likely to get arrested for drag racing Reece Ettelson Most likely to start a sorority at CMC Knoll Featherstone Most likely to become a member of the U.S. national debate team Diana Fuentes Most likely to be the next star of TLC’s 20 kids and counting

Ruben Gomez Most likely to break every bone within the first semester of college Arely Gonzalez Most likely to become a professional tour guide Ralph Good Most likely to take coaching little league baseball too seriously Camilo Guevara-Stone Most likely to become a world renowned guitar player and not tell anyone

Keegan Holt Most likely to run a used car dealership out of his garage and never turn a profit Emily Johnson Most likely to get the first ever PhD. in essential oil sciences Cesar Lechuga Soto Most likely to move to Mexico the day before graduation Kloe Lee Most likely to become the head of the Britney Spears fan club Edward Lopez Most likely to become the next Jordan Belfort Alexis Lopez Most likely to start his own clothing brand

Zoe Hanlon Most likely to adopt 20+ cats

Andy Loya Most likely to become a Soundcloud rapper

Juan Hernandez Most likely to run a reputable film review site

Jesse Mattics Most likely to make a career out of street racing camaros


Rampage | May 2018


Most Likely To... Luis Medina-Hernandez Gio Ortiz Most likely to ask an Most likely to become the underclassmen he doesn’t next Chef ramsey really know to prom Kevin Pacheco Vanessa Montoya Most likely to become a Most likely to get doctor and be too shy to destroyed at chess interact with his patients Josey Morford Hector Pelayo Most likely to have a sugar Most likely to become the daddy next Dr. Miami Lily Nichols Most likely to appear on the Real Housewives of the Roaring Fork Valley

Ronaldo Petatan Mariche Most likely to start a gang called the Broken Knees

Megan Nieslanik Most likely to become the next Jade

Marco Ramos Lechuga Most likely to become a stay-at-home soccer dad

Owen O’Farrell Most likely to still live in his parent’s basement after graduation

Durga Reed Most likely to have no shame in hating everyone around him

Spencer Ochko Most likely to to catch feelings 5 minutes into a first date

Jose “Pepe” Rico Most likely to become the next Tapatio Man

Kevin Oliva Most likely to be the next city market manager Maggie Ordonez Lomeli Most likely to host a cookout in the library

Kenia Rodriguez Alonso Most likely to actually do the stats homework Eduardo Rubio Most likely to be a professional bodybuilder

Megan Rusby Most likely to become the next big meme

Kajsa Sutro Most likely to drive in the left lane with blinker on going 45 mph on a freeway

Chelsey Serrano Most likely to go from class president to U.S.A. Justin Thompson president Most likely to be mistaken for Supreme Patty Leslia Serrano Mike Topete Most likely to be late to Most likely to never learn graduation because she went on a last minute trip Spanish to Hawaii Eric Torres Lilli Smalls Most likely to wear sunMost likely to be on first glasses inside all the time name basis with all the Carbondale police Isabella Ulrych department Most likely to smuggle a chicken into CSU Eric Sotelo Most likely to major in Lindsy Vega Munoz gender studies Most likely to work a nurse daytime job all while Trevor Stroud being famous folklorico Most likely to win a lifetime dancer supply of milk Jaden Stryker Most likely to not give his brother a ride to graduation Theo Stryker Most likely to not have a ride to graduation

Honorary Seniors: Rohnan Holt Most likely to make it when everyone said he wouldn’t Fatima Oliva Most likely to have the best parenting advice


6 Rampage May 2018

Roaring Fork Community United! - Ruthie Brown

On Friday April 27, the students and teachers of Roaring Fork High School joined Crystal River Elementary, Carbondale Middle School and multiple Roaring Fork Valley community members for a unifying crew experience on the RFHS football field. The event “was a response to recent school violence and part of a nation-wide movement,” said Ben Bohmfalk the Technology Integration Facilitator, Roaring Fork Schools. The message Photo by Sue Assistant Principal Kelsie Goodman hoped to send was “You’re safe, you’re loved and you’re cared for.” The event began with 17 seconds of silence in honor of the 17 lives lost in the Parkland school shooting, led by Martin Madsen, Matthew Koenigsknecht and Charlie Candela Arellanes. Activities were directed by Charlie Candela Arellanes, in an effort to have students from K-12 interact with each other. Those activities included students finding a stranger, going back to back with them, and then asking and replying to a question. The activities were designed to unify the schools and circulate peoples’ voices. Then, individu-

Rollyson Persiko

als and groups spoke about personal events, opinions, and their view of the current situation of our country. Common themes included topics such as safety, learning, and community. “A lot of the little kids really wanted to be attentive and listening and kind. They were curious,” said sophomore Daniela Rivera. RFHS social studies teacher Matt Wells introduced the purpose of this event with a speech on encouragement, then CMS students Payton O’Hara, Jack Kearsey, and Alexandra Gallegos spoke about courage and finally, RFHS students Solana Teitler and Lilly Peery closed the meeting with a speech regarding strength

in unity. “I hope we can continue to stick together in events such as this particularly in regards to school safety,” said RFHS Principal Brett Stringer. This event was entirely student led and meant to unify our community by creating a safe environment for students of all ages. “I think it was good to focus on unity and preventing violence through inclusion rather than getting embroiled in the politics of gun control. Almost every school shooter was a student who felt alienated and bullied at school, so if we can address those issues locally, we can decrease the likelihood of a tragedy occurring in our community.”

SerranosMarbleInc@gmail.com Cell: (970)948-7321 Office: (970)384-2015

Trauma-Based Training for Teachers

- Tomas Bensch

The trauma-based training program, hosted by Roaring Fork Schools on Saturday April 28th at Bridges High School Commons, trained teachers to identify students with trauma and then help students develop the skills to help themselves. Teachers across the district are voluntarily participating in training to increase a sense of belonging and decrease interference in learning and education caused by students’ trauma. This training also aims to increase equitable access to learning by building shared language and protocols to coordinate effective behavior supports within and beyond the classroom. Trauma-based training is becoming more common and showing more benefits now more than ever. One of the results teachers have reported seeing, as a result of the trauma-based training, is higher attendance rates and greater success from students in classes. The training also benefits teachers, Secondary Instructional Facilitator Lindsey Hentschel said, “As with many caregiving professions, teachers are at risk for experiencing Compassion Fatigue or Secondary Traumatic Stress, and thus effective self-care is a critical best practice for being an effective teacher.” This helps teachers stay healthy and in turn help their students maintain a healthy life. Schools across the district have realized how important it is to be understanding and patient with students affected by trauma and have

started to incorporate trauma-based training in their curriculums. Trauma refers to a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. Hentschel said that with appropriate training ¨teachers are better able to separate themselves from the behavior their students and not take things as - TylerofGruel personally. This is important because it helps to eliminate power struggles and keeps teachers and students in an instructional role instead of a punitive role. This is critical so that teachers and students understand each other and keep a healthy relationship. Teachers need to be patient and in turn they will be able to form their own self-care systems. Trauma-based training is becoming more and more relevant as technology increases and social interaction decreases. More research has also been done regarding this subject which increased people’s understanding of trauma and its severity. The initial comprehensive research on trauma occurred in the late 1990s and showed the detrimental health effects of childhood trauma experiences. Ever since then the training has become more popular and more needed. Hentschel said, “Schools are exceptionally well-situated to be first responders and resource connectors. There have been a lot of exciting developments in neuroscience over the past 10-15 years that create more hope and possibility.” Possibility and hope for lower anxiety levels, a growing feeling of acceptance among students and overall happiness.

Sports RF Baseball has its First Winning Season in 6 Years -Frankie Harrington

The RF Baseball team finished the season with a record of 10-9 (4-5 WSL), but it wasn’t enough to make the state playoffs. At the end of the season, the Rams were one seed away from achieving the team goal of making state. Although many on the team were hoping to make playoffs, the season was not a downfall. It was the first winning season in 6 years for RF Baseball. “Going in we were determined to make it to playoffs, but it didn’t really work out for us,” said departing

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Senior Ralph Good. Good, a 4 year varsity starter, plans to attend Wake Forest next fall. “In the end our season was successful because we had our best season yet and we put ourselves into the playoff equation.” For the departing seniors, coach Madsen hopes they were left with a once in a lifetime experience. “I hope I left the seniors with the experiences and memories they will always remember when they leave RF and realize how fun the game was.” The departing seniors include star pitcher Drew Broadhurst, as well as Good, Megan Nieslanik, and Hector Pelayo. Broadhurst finished the season with a 1.33 ERA, striking out 102 batters in 58 innings, which were all highlighted in a perfect game thrown against Meeker. The strength of the seniors will be a tough hole to fill, yet the future still looks bright for RF Baseball, even in the midst of a disappointing finish. “The future is very bright for RF baseball, we have seven returning starters,” said Head Coach Marty Madsen. “Next year we are going to be solid and I hope to make playoffs,” said sophomore third baseman Eli Nickamin. This year was a good season for a program that is on the rise.

So Close! Rams Girl’s Soccer Just Miss Playoffs -Ralphie Good

Roaring Fork’s girls soccer team found themselves in a familiar place as in previous seasons, and that is on the cusp of a playoff spot. The fate of this talented team came down to one final game against Basalt High School. A win meant a coveted spot in the 3A CHSAA Girls Soccer Tournament, and a loss meant the end of a successful season. The team put together a strong record going 8-3-2 prior to their final game, and had seen breakout offensive seasons by sophomore, Emily Broadhurst, and freshman, Letey Crownhart. Despite the impressive stats, they still needed to take care of business on Saturday, May 5th. The day brought perfect conditions and the Lady

strongest in our league,” says Kloe Lee, a senior defenseman. “I think the future is very bright for this program.” The production from seniors Lee, Leslia Serrano, Lindsy Vega, Kajsa Sutro, and Lily Nichols will be missed. For four years these ladies have led the lady rams through the ups and downs of high school sports, and have established themselves as a team to fear in the 3A Western Slope League. This is an emotional time for high school athletes as they see their captains and friends leave to tackle the next steps in life, but it is also a sweet time for Roaring Fork Girls Soccer. This team is going to be a force to be reckoned with next season, and it will be exciting to see the torch passed to the talented returning players.

7 Rampage May 2018

Congratulations to our Graduating Spring Sports Seniors! Baseball • Ralph Good • Andrew Broadhurst • Megan Neislanik • Hector Pelayo Girls Soccer • Kloe Lee • Kajsa Sutro • Lindsy Vega • Leslia Serrano • Lily Nichols Track and Field • Trevor Stroud • Spencer Ochko • Justin Thompson • Jasper Germain • Durga Reed Girls Lacrosse • Megan Rusby

801 Main Court Carbondale, Colorado (970) 704-9400 WHITEHOUSEPIZZA.COM

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Rams got off the bus determined to secure a spot in the postseason. Despite an all-around effort, the Longhorns proved to be to much to handle for the Rams. Roaring Fork fell 2-0 in the tightly contested match. Though their season is over, the lady Rams have a very bright future. They are only losing 5 seniors, and a majority of their top contributors will be making a return to the pitch for head coach Nick Forbes. “Even without our seniors, I think that the returners are more than ready to keep our team one of the

Entertainment Gems of the Valley: The Savage Lakes

-Ruby Fuller

On a clear sunny day, hiking is a go-to plan. Savage Lakes is a hike more than suitable for a summer day. It is a 3.8 mile hike, where you reach the Savage Lakes near the top. The trail is surrounded by wilderness, a hike with one of the most alluring views in the valley. It’s also not one of your well known hikes, so if you’re looking for something new, check it out!

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What to do: Pack some water, grab some sunscreen and go for a hike! The trail is also great for trail running if you are looking for even more of a challenge. Just put one foot in front of the other! If you are looking to camp as well, look out for the Elk Wallow Campground on the road en route to the trailhead. How to Get There: From Carbondale travel east on Hwy. 82 to Basalt. Turn left into downtown Basalt and follow the Frying Pan River Road for about 27 miles. Approximately 3 miles past Meredith, turn left on to road #501. About one mile past Elk Wallow Campground take the left fork to the trailhead approximately .2 of a mile before the dead end. (Courtesy of AllTrails.com) Words to the Wise: Please keep your dogs on a leash! Protection of wildlife is the number one priority, keep an eye out for those marmots. Also, if you go early on into summer there still might be snow patches and the trail might be somewhat muddy. Bring appropriate shoes for the 3.8 mile hike. Reviews from our students: “I love the Savage Lakes hike, it’s a good length and not too common!” - William Luckett

RFHS Getting in the Rams Day Spirit Rampage -Lucy Meade

Carbondale’s Roaring Fork High School (RFHS) is ramming through the final stretch of the school year, and finishing strong with a fun and active Rams day: a time for the community to unite and provide service for the town. On May 25th, RFHS will spend half the day completing community service around Carbondale by cleaning up trash, participating in activities with children, and helping the environment. The second half of the day consists of students participating in CREW games on the field, and eventually saying goodbye to the class of 2018. To kick off the this day-long special event, each class will vote in their new class president, and the entire school chooses the new head boy and head girl, bidding adieu to the previous school leaders such as Reece Ettleson, who was school year 2017-2018 head girl. “Being very involved in our school since freshman year has been amazing,” Ettleson stated. “As high school wraps up for my class and I, I’m glad we get to go out with a bang by helping our community and having an afternoon spent with all of our closest friends.” This couldn’t be truer, and having such fantastic leaders this year will make the transition to next year’s new leaders smooth. As soon as the new heads of the school have been elected, each class sends up a group of charismatic classmates to participate in a lip sync battle between classes which is always an entertaining part of Rams day. Once the curtain has been closed on singing and dancing on the auditeria stage, students and teachers reconvene in their CREW classes and migrate to the area of the town where they will be providing service from 9:15-12:00. For social studies teacher Matt Wells, Rams day is a chance to give back to the surrounding community, not just a time for horseplay on the RFHS field. Wells stated, “Rams day should be fun! Unfortunately, I think [the service] aspect gets lost a bit, which is a major part of Rams day, and should not be overlooked due to its importance.” The service that Wells’ CREW will be providing is help for the people in the assisted living homes by Hendrick Ranch: Sheldon Park Senior Living. Wells is enthused to be helping out the community on this fun day, but he also wishes for “the service part to be developed more organically throughout the year.” However, even spending 3-4 hours focused on service is a great way to give back locally, and link together with fellow CREW members, before the fun and games begin on the RFHS field. Even new students, such as Junior Maeve Cassetty, coming from CRMS are stoked for this celebratory day to conclude the 2018 school year. “It’s going to be a day that encompasses the Roaring Fork spirit and everything I love about being a ram!” said Cassetty enthusiastically. She says the spirit and participation is the best part about this high school, and she is so glad to have the chance to participate.

Heard in the Hallways “Every time you speak you become a worse person.” “She’s like a breath fresh air” “That’s what I hate about my body. Le hechas y ya quiere salir.”

The Claudette Carter ARTmentors Annual Exhibition May 11-30 The Art Base “I used to do parkour but then I broke my leg.” “Cat food goes down smoothly unlike dog food, that stuff hurts.”

Anika Chapman “The Big Picture” Collage

8 Rampage May 2018

“I think I can hang myself with my hair right now. It’s a sign.”


Editors in Chief Iliana Castillon Kloe Lee

Editorial Staff Feature Editor Chelsey Serrano News Editor Ruby Fuller Focus Editor Iliana Castillon Tyler Gruel Kloe Lee Sports Editor Ralph Good Frankie Harrington Entertainment Editor Daniela Rivera Copy Editors Hannah Bingaman Tyler Gruel Lilly Peery


Tomas Bensch Ruthie Brown Daniel Cortes Colin Shapard Peyton Sherman Lucy Meade Others Theo Stryker

Policy Statement: Published 7 times a year, the student newspaper of Roaring Fork High School is a public forum, with its students editorial board making all decisions concerning its content. Unsigned editorials express the views of the majority of the editorial board.

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