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The Rampage 2270 Highway 133, Carbondale, CO 81623

Month 2018 Volume 11 Issue 02

Perspectivas en La Navidad

-Jose Rascon

During Christmas time, Roaring Fork High School (RFHS) becomes a wonderland full of green pine trees, lights, ornaments, candy canes, and shining stars. RFHS students and staff explain how they celebrate Christmas and what it means to them. Durante las épocas navideñas, Roaring Fork High School está llena de verdes árboles gigantes, luces, adornos, bastones de dulces, y una estrella. Estudiantes y empleados de Roaring Fork explican cómo celebran la navidad y que significa para ellos. Para empezar, la navidad es un dia el cual se puede dedicar el tiempo a su familia, y tener buenos recuerdos juntos. Muchas personas, incluyendo estudiantes y maestros, tienen diferentes pensamientos en este dia. Algunas personas que no son tan creyentes piensan que este dia es para tener diversión y dedicar tiempo a sus familiares. Otras personas que son más religiosas dicen que este dia es para honorar al niño dios. Maestra de matemáticas Lindsay Dunkin explica que Courtesy Photo ella celebra la Navidad debido a que es el nacimiento del niño dios. Ella le gusta celebrar la Navidad por dar y recibir regalos, visitar a sus familiares, e ir a la iglesia. Para ella, el significado de la Navidad es el niño dios y también para tener un tiempo jubiloso alrededor de aquellos que están a su lado. While many adults treasure the holiday for its focus on the spirit of giving and time with family, some teenagers have a vastly different view of Christmas. Junior Charlie Candela explained, “Christmas is a day to be off school. Also, it’s a good excuse to throw a party at my house.” Other student agree with Candela, and view Christmas as an excuse to have parties and get presents. Sophomore Brandy Padilla expanded, “Well, what can I say? Christmas to me is boring; I tend to celebrate it just for food and candy. When those things end, I go to sleep and try to be excited about gifts.” No matter how old you are, Santa Claus is a part of the celebration. Candela described him as a joyful, old, fat, man who brings joy to kids. He is in charge of bringing presents, and is known to make Christmas fun for everyone. Christmas is important to some for reasons beyond gifts, food, and Santa. Many believe that Christmas is a celebration of Christ’s birth, and we give presents to honor His birthday. A staff member at RFHS, Karina Baca, explains,

“Santa Claus is nothing to me! I was taught that the meaning of Christmas is to celebrate together, have dinner, and honor Jesus.” She is a Christian and believes that Jesus is the main point to celebrate this holiday. Although a lot of people tend to celebrate it differently and focus instead on traveling to see family, some Christians dedicate it to honoring Jesus Christ. A staff member at RFHS, Kyle Gaarder explains how he goes to see his family and meet them. He tells that if he doesn’t his family is incomplete. He celebrates Christmas because it’s a day off where he travels and stays with his family together. He is from a family that he and his dad are the only males, so it means a lot to see his full family again. Although he is a guy, who doesn’t expect gifts a perfect gift for him would be a hug or something thoughtful that is not a physical object. I n conclusion, some meanings come from the heart, and some people have a purpose for gifts, days off and food. Other people explain thoughtfully that Christmas is a day for joy and being together with their family. Katherine DeCamp a teacher from RFHS, tells that she likes to be with her family together. They celebrate by playing board games, cooking, baking, and being together. She clearly explained how this day is full of joy. Lastly, a student from RFHS, Jessica Kollar, says that her family celebrates Christmas just because it’s a holiday. She is not a religious person. As she explained that her family taught her this way, to get presents and have a wonderful time in this day. Most of the people think that Christmas is a day to get together as a family and receive or give presents to other people. However, others tend to forget that we honor Christ’s birth. We all think differently; What do you think? What’s the true meaning of Christmas? Casi todas las personas piensan que La Navidad es un dia para estar juntos en familia y recibir o dar regalos a otras personas. Sin embargo, otros se les olvida que es un dia para honrar el cumpleaños de Cristo. Todos pensamos diferente, pero usted que piensa? Cual es el verdadero significado de La Navidad?

What’s Inside

The Red Crane Page 2

Senior Spotlight Page 3

Focus: Election Results

RFHS Basketball Rams Day Page Page 7 8 Contact us at rframpage@gmail.com

Follow us on instagram @rframpage

2 December 2018 | Rampage


The Red Crane - Chapter 1

-Ruthie Brown Dark clouds gathered in a pale sky on an October morning draped in rain. The leaves had begun to turn and frost clung to the rocks lining shore and sea. The birds had flown south, all but one. She was the red crane, painted against a backdrop of morning ocean, blossoming brunnera, and afternoon sky. These are the stories of those she helped to fly. Reed Roon was the first to call upon me. I must have been contemplating something but I have no recollection of the subject or thought; I simply remember, with clarity and vividness, the word “bird,” for that’s when the phone began ringing. One- two- three- four- five- six- seven- “hello,” the response was like hands, prying my heart from my chest and dropping it. The emptiness seemed all too familiar. And so I left through the old red door and stepped out onto the pavement, stopping only to grab the package wrapped in brown paper, and with bare feet, I slipped into darkness. My breath fell behind me and I felt myself stumbling. Soon I was hitting the ground, but I had no time. None at all. Blood padded onto asphalt from knees woven with gravel and dirt. I was running and running and running. And finally, I was there. The bright yellow house looked grey painted against a backdrop of towering trees and buildings rocking with time. I let myself in as the house creaked with gloom, which crept into the corners, seeped through cracks and was draped across the body sprawled on the leather couch. The body was limp and grey with a mess of bottles and needles and pills and cobwebs gathered in piles around it. I ran to him and rubbed my knuckles over his chest bone. He was unresponsive. I checked his pulse, but there wasn’t one. I took his phone from the floor and dialed 911. The dispatch answered and I began pleading, “Please help. My friend.” I choked, “My frie... my friend isn’t breathing… overdose.” I should have said hurry. A man responded, his voice eerily calm, “Where is your friend?” “381 Cortman Road, Ruborne Bay.” “What’s your name?”

-Ray Siegfried

“Adrianna Malloy.” “Adrianna, medics and officers are on their way.” I dropped the phone. My body shook. It was cold. My knees stung but the worst part was the tears welling in my eyes. Reed was my best friend, my only friend. And my best friend’s life was in danger and so I continued the process I had begun. I lifted his chin upwards and tilted his head, sealed his mouth with my own, plugged his nose and breathed two quick breaths. I waited- one- twothree- four- five seconds, another breath. Onetwo- three- four- “Please” five- breath- one- two“Please” three- four- five. I pulled the package from my pocket. My hands moved methodically as I took the orange top off the vile. I drew 1cc of the Naloxone I had used with my father more than once, I removed the extra air, and quickly pushed it up Reed’s nose, administering the medication to bring him back to life. “Come on, Reed. Don’t be like my father,” I begged. “I still need you. Come on, Reed.” His body lay limp. That night sadness and despair and fear met each other like old friends. They conversed for what seemed like hours until the sirens came. The lights spilling from the police cars dashed across stained walls: “This is the police, there was a report of an overdose, is someone in there. Are you there? Adrianna?” “Here! We’re here!” The medics lifted Reed’s lifeless body from the leather and into the ambulance. At some point I arrived at the hospital, whether I drove myself or someone else drove me, I don’t know but I was watching as they took him into the emergency room. He never came out. My tears drowned out the echoing noise of sor-

row chasing me. I had taken every medical class available and became capable of applying first aid, but not capable enough. Reed was the second person I had lost and I soon learned he would not be the last. His death changed something in me as they all do. I began folding cranes. My fingers fiddled with the origami paper as I made the birds. That word so vivid in my memory was turned red for Reed- the color of his hair. And on each bird, I scrawled Reed’s phone number in black ink. This was my way of honoring him. He was now flying, soaring above clouds soaked in summer sunsets, and so I began to hang them. They were scattered throughout Ruborne Bay, my town. The floor of my mom’s apartment was a paper forest and my ceiling- a red sky. He wasn’t awarded a funeral. His memory was slowly drifting away. He had no family, not anymore, and I was his only friend. I now realize that was why we had become so close. We were each walking in each other’s shoes, miles, and miles of walking. His dead parents’ house sold along with its contents. But I kept his cell phone as I had brought it with me to the hospital. And one day it rang. One- two- three- four- was this him- fivethat’s impossible but...maybe- six- seven. “Hello,” a woman’s voice called out. Anonymity is a curious thing. That woman was the first to ask me- a stranger- for help. Soon the word spread a girl would answer the phone number scribbled on the paper cranes and she would help. A new purpose emerged. Reed would be the last hurt by this town and its people. I had become the red crane, an entity who helped everyone and anyone. The origami cranes were my messengers, and the messages were secrets sealed with black ink.

New Teacher: Kayla Kawalick

New teacher Kayla Kawalick came to Colorado to teach skiing, but now she is a full time geography teacher at Roaring Fork High School (RFHS). Kawalick is currently the long-term substitute for Matthew Wells, who is on sabbatical and teaching in Thailand this year. Originally from Farmington, Connecticut, Kawalick lived and worked in Steamboat Springs, Colorado for 5 years prior to moving to the valley. While living in Connecticut, Kawalick spent much of her time “shredding the slopes” in Maine, and since moving to Colorado, not much has changed! She still loves to ski any chance she gets. Colorado is the perfect location for Kawalick because of her passion for skiing and being outdoors. This winter, she will work for Aspen Ski Company part time. Kawalick also has a passion for travel. Impressively enough, she has been to 47 of 50 states. She wants to go to all fifty states and is only missing Michigan, North Dakota, and

Montana. Being from New England, she is an avid Boston Red Sox fan and was excited when they won the World Series this year. Students have had positive feedback regarding Kawalick’s instruction and energy. RFHS sophomore Martin Ramirez pointed out that she is a kind teacher who gives homework regularly. Sophomore Jose Rascon referred to Kawalick as “cool” because “she’s not boring like other ones.” “I like that everything we learn in her class we are going to use in life. If we don’t need it in life, she doesn’t teach it.” Junior Connor Brennan, who is in Kawalick’s Crew, said, “I think she’s nice. She’s a lot different [from Mr. Wells’ personality] in that Mr. Wells jokes around and Ms. Kawalick is a little more just focused on what we need to get done in Crew.” Roaring Fork High School students and staff are excited to share this year with Ms. Kawalick, and look forward to seeing all that she will add to the school community!

Photo courtesy of Kayla Kawalick

December 2018 | Rampage 3


Senior Spotlight: Jeremiah McCarroll -Kira Ettelson

Photo by Daniela Rivera

Jeremiah McCarroll, a senior at Roaring Fork High School (RFHS), is finishing his last year of high school and preparing to move on to col-

lege to pursue his career in art. Junior Daniela Rivera described Jeremiah as “very shy, but he is someone you could always reach out to.” To those that know him, Jeremiah is a great friend who can create true art with just a piece of paper and a pencil. Senior Caroline Farris states that she loves “how genuinely kind he is.” Jeremiah is a person everyone should get to know because he is reliable and will put a smile on anyone’s face. Senior Rocio Contreras states that “he is talented, smart, loyal, a great friend, and funny.” Jeremiah is someone who is known to keep to himself, but is still very enjoyable to be around. Beneath his soft-spoken and timid exterior is a funny teenager with a great sense of humor. What Jeremiah does not express with his words, he shows through his artwork. Jeremiah is known to be a phenomenal artist, and got accepted into the young creators internship, though not many would know because he is so humble. Many students have only had the opportunity to experience Jeremiah’s artwork from art class, which Rivera believes can “hold him back from showing his own creativity.” Jeremiah’s independent artwork is equally as impressive as the work he produces in the classroom. Contreras shares that his art “is amazing and he is super talented!” RFHS En-

lish Language Development (ELD) and journalism teacher Mary Kate Deacy agrees that Jeremiah “is very humble about his talents.” In school, he is most interested in science because of “evolution and how things work.” He is inspired most by his mom because she is always pushing him to do better. She encourages his art, but also encourages him to apply himself in other areas as well. After graduating from RFHS, Jeremiah plans to attend Colorado Mountain College (CMC) to major in art or graphic design. During his free time, he enjoys babysitting, going to church, and developing his art skills. After college, Jeremiah is looking forward to “seeing the people who have supported [him] throughout [his] life.” Jeremiah was born in Selma, Alabama, and grew up there until he moved to Colorado about 2 and a half years ago. He is 17 years old, and lives with his mom and his older brother who is 25. Jeremiah feels that moving to Colorado has allowed more opportunities for furthering his artistic passion and developing his career in art. RFHS is lucky to have such an inspirational artist who will hopefully continue to share his art in the Roaring Fork Valley for years to come.

Freshmen on The Rise at Roaring Fork?

-Connor Brennan As Roaring Fork High School (RFHS) nears the end of the first semester this fall, the freshman class has worked toward academic success through new strategies put in place by administrators. According to RFHS 9th and 10thgrade counselor, Sue Turner, this year’s freshman have shown vast improvement compared to last year because of new strategies which were determined based on cooperation between staff at Carbondale Middle School and RFHS. One new change is the use of a planner. At the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year, all freshmen and sophomores received free planners from the school. Turner said, “We decided to buy and give planners to all of our freshmen and sophomores to help them keep track of their assignments, tests, and projects,” which is different from last year. “Most of last year’s freshmen did not have planners and many had a difficult time keeping track of their work and schedule,” said Turner. She believes planners are an essential tool this year for students success but last year “very few freshmen had a good system for keeping track of their work and schedule.” Another way the staff and oth-

er students have helped the incoming freshmen students is through Link Leaders working as mentors to meet with each freshman at least two to four times in the first quarter of the year. Each of the 26 mentors checked in with 4 to 5 different freshmen in order to meet with nearly 100 freshmen in quarter 1. The purpose of the meetings was to see how freshmen were feeling about school, help them prioritize their time, encourage them to ask for help from teachers, and guide their academic success. At the start of quarter 2, each Link Mentor met with one or two freshmen who needed additional support academically. Turner is responsible for setting up Link Leaders as mentors for the new freshmen students in their 1st semester at Roaring Fork High School. Before that, Link Leaders focused mainly on freshman orientation in August and group-building activities during Crew. Now the Link Leaders program functions as a support for freshman throughout the first semester to help keep them stay on track and transition smoothly into high school. Ms. Turner is right to feel that “it’s one of the most important things [she does] at RFHS.” She says it is working well be-

cause “[the Link Leaders] act more like a big brother or sister than a parent or teacher and freshmen respond well to that kind of support.” Senior Link Leader Kelvin Requeno added that Link Leaders “encourage [the mentees] to do their best and [they] can see improvement in their grades.” He takes pride in being able to help new students. A junior and Link Leader Lucas

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Schramer says that he “would tell every freshman to get involved with school activities as much as possible” because they allow for more social opportunity and for more memories to be made. Overall, the addition of planners and more involvement from the Link Leaders as mentors has given the freshman class a stronger academic start to the year than years past.

43 December December2018 2018 | |Rampage Rampage


2018 Midterm Elections:

The Elections at a G

The 2018 November midterm elections have proven to be groundbreaking as many voters lept onto House of Representatives and Senate houses have witnessed dramatic change, making this year’s Midt


The Democratic party filled 233 seats in the House of Representatives; the Republican’s filled The Republican party gained seats in the senate as they now have 52 seats compared to the Dem 37 of the 50 states held gubernatorial elections The House swings Democratic while the Senate remains majority Republican

A Look at Some of the New Player Alexandria Ocasio CortezThe youngest woman elected to congress, at age 29.

Courtesy Photos

Deb Haaland & Sharice DavisThe first Native American women to be elected to congress.

Haaland on the left, Davis on the right


Jared PolisFirst openly gay man to be elected governor.

Sylvi Escob gress


December2018 2018 ||| Rampage Rampage 5 December December 2018 Rampage 44


: Riding the “Blue Wave”

Glance lance

oo the the “Blue “Blue Wave” Wave” that that swept swept the the country. country. Both Both the the term term Elections Elections one one to to go go down down in in history. history.

199 199 mocrat’s mocrat’s 47 47

Photo Photocourtesy courtesyofofThe TheWashington WashingtonPost Post

rs in Politics

ia a Garcia Garcia && Veronica Veronica barar- First First Latina Latina conconwomen from swomen from Texas. Texas.

aa on on the the left left,, Escobar Escobar on on the the right right

Rashida Rashida Talib Talib && Ilhan Ilhan OmarOmar- The The fifirst rst Muslim Muslim womwomen en elected elected to to Congress. Congress.

Student Opinions

“I “I thought thought the the elections elections were were extremely extremely important important for for everyeveryone one to to vote vote on on because because even even though though it’s it’s not not the the Presidemt Presidemt being being elected, elected, it’s it’s still still choices choices being being made made in in our our state state and and federal federal governments...and governments...and II voted!” voted!” -Senior -Senior William William Luckett Luckett “It’s “It’s not not that that II don’t don’t really really care care [about [about the the midterm midterm elecelections], tions], it’s it’s just just that that II don’t don’t really really think think that that voting voting here here in in the the United United States States makes makes aa diff difference erence just just because because it’s it’s not not up up to to us.” us.” -Junior -Junior Charlie Charlie CanCandela dela “No. “No. The The elections elections weren’t weren’t that that important important to to me.” me.” -Sophomore -Sophomore Maya Maya Lindgren Lindgren “I “I thought thought it it was was important important that that the the Democrats Democrats regained regained the the house. house. ”” -Sophomore -Sophomore Ryan Ryan Camp Camp

Omar Omar on on the the left left,, Tlaib Tlaib on on the the right right

| Rampage 6 December 2018 | Rampage Month 2018


Advace Placement Classes, are they needed? -Colin Shapard Advanced placement (AP) courses- are they worth the time and effort put into them? The advanced placement program began in 1955, and now there are courses in more than two dozen subjects. The program started in the midst of the Cold War because the United States was worried that high schools weren’t properly educating their students. A concern in regards to AP classes is that the rapid expansion of the AP program has set many students up to fail on their exams. There have been some who have argued that College Board excessively pushes their programs, especially into low-income schools, due to the subsidization of the testing. The aggressive pushing in many cases causes AP classes to be promoted as honors level classes that are open to anyone. Along with this, many schools complain about how College Board does not provide adequate support or resources in making sure schools can actually prepare students for the exams, which leads to many students wasting their money taking exams that they are likely to fail. In addition, the issue of aggressively pushing AP classes makes those classes seem like the only logical step to students. Soren Blachly, a junior at Glenwood High School, talked about how the mindset at his school is that “if you aren’t taking advanced classes, you aren’t doing well.” Zoe, a freshman at Kenyon College, expressed

-Daniela Rivera

how many times she stayed awake until two or three in the morning to do homework for her AP classes. Furthermore, she expressed how she felt like she “had no choice but to overload her schedule,” as she was always told that if she wasn’t taking advanced classes the colleges she wanted to attend wouldn’t accept her. The culture around AP classes may be extreme, but there are many benefits to these classes. AP classes are thought to help even out the playing field, as they give many students, no matter where they live, the opportunity to further educate themselves, and, these classes give college credits which can help reduce the cost of college. Moreover, advanced classes give a student a GPA boost of about 0.1, which in many cases can be extremely beneficial. Along with that, many parents and teachers love the fact that AP classes expand the number of class options. The polarizing opinions that go along with AP classes are astounding. Many colleges have started refusing to accept the credits, most notably the University of Chicago Lab School, as they believe that “the courses prevent teachers and students from experiencing a truly rewarding, in-depth academic inquiry of the subject”. This prevention of academic inquiry is known as “teaching to the test”, a teaching style that is well known in many high schools across the country. Teaching to the test is the act of not teaching

students the subjects, but how to score as high as possible when you take the test. Teaching to the test creates a huge issue which permeates across the whole of education: most students do not know the information, but only how to score well on the test. This is a notion that most of the students who were interviewed complained about. The idea that they haven’t learned much from the classes that they are taking, but how to better pass the test, and, a large portion also believe that if they don’t pass the test that they have wasted a large sum of their time and money. When everything comes down to it that is the biggest piece: time and money. What must be remembered is that College Board, at its core, is a for profit company; they make money when you take the test. Thus, they don’t care whether or not you pass, but whether or not you take their test at the end of the year. To answer the question at the beginning, “are AP classes worth your time and effort?” Yes and no, if you feel that you’ll be able to pass the test and if you believe you’ll be able to score a 4 or 5 at the end of the year, then yes; however, if you feel that you won’t be able to score that high then you’ll be wasting both your time and money.

Little Ones With Little Ones

Rachel Cooper has been a teacher at Roaring Fork High School for 16 years and a health teacher here for 11 years. Cooper developed a project for her health classes titled the baby budget where students find out how much it costs to raise a child for its first year of life. This idea was developed in part by tv show called the Baby Borrowers aired in 2008 and has expanded the project since then. It began with a simple baby budget and in recent years was developed into an egg and furthermore into baby dolls. Like real parents, Coopers students quickly learn that parenting is harder than it might seem. The dolls were collected donations by Cooper’s roommate from thrift stores around the valley. The main goal of the project is to educate students mainly on the struggles of parenting but also a bit of a head start on financial planning. As for students who might not take the act of lugging a baby doll around seriously, Cooper believes that students generally have two motives for doing good on the projects, and at times they combine. These motives were, the grade because the projects are

worth so many points in the grade book or the actual interest in finding out how much a baby

Courtesy photo

costs. The projects are a very dynamic and complex one. Students must fill out various worksheets and packets and even have to do a night “on call”. The worksheets extend from things such as birth certificates and the baby budget to a babysitting log. “Backseat full of baby dolls” She gives the students clothes and the babies and blankets although students do have to provide their own form of “transportation” or baby carrier. Some students do dive in all the way like for example cooper mention a senior in the class who would sit and rock the baby throughout

the class while doing schoolwork. In the past, students were asked what the day in the life of a baby was and students were just oblivious after she explained that they wrote the baby was sleeping all day and only woke up three times in the whole day. The financial awareness and planning parenthood is the biggest takeaways she hopes students get from the project. The reality aspects of it are that they choose their own partners and sometimes they become frustrated with partners and the “irresponsible” partner isn’t counted down for it because they either take it seriously because of babies or because they care about their grade. Its also interesting to see at times, boys who partner together as much as the girls in the project. Students also have consequences for irresponsibly treating their babies or “child abuse”. They have to write papers about the effects of living with a baby with a disability or fetal alcohol syndrome. Students also will be sent to detention if they are caught abusing their children.


Month 2018 December 2018 | | Rampage Rampage 7

RFHS Basketball Season Starting Strong -Tyler Gruel The end of last year’s basketball season saw the RFHS Boys team ranked 13th in state, and the RFHS Girls team ranked 30th in state. With this year’s season fast approaching many of the players and coaches are reflecting on the successes and failures that their team went through last season and what they can do to grow from this. Athletic Director Jade Bath explained some of the downfails the RFHS Girls Basketball team went through last year. “we let some of the games slip away from us, we had a lot of close games that we should’ve won” Senior boys basketball player, Aidan Sloan, expressed that, “One of the failures we had last year was that we peaked too early. We were playing our best basketball later in the regular season when it should’ve been during playoffs.” It seems that the both the boys and girls teams are well aware of their past shortcomings and have a determined attitude going into this season. Bath described her team’s attitude as, “More focused and ready to work harder, they want to build off their successes from last year.” Despite the ups and downs that both teams have faced in the past and have to come the Basketball season also brings a change in spirit in the athletes and community as well. This can be best encapsulated in a quote from Athletic Director Bath who explained that,“basketball season is fun because ev-

Photo courtesy of Sue Rollyson

eryone has the same schedule and are often playing in the same places. I feel like basketball really brings everyone together” The loss of last year’s graduating seniors will of course affect the team dynamic. But it also, as Bath

explained, “Seniors this year and even the underclassman can step up and fill that void and role that the seniors left last year.” Aidan Sloan, shared this sentiment which he expressed as, “We lost a really good player last year with Justin (Thompson) graduating, but I think that we’re ready to fill his shoes and start the season.” Sloan expressed that there are still many good players on the team and they still have their fill of talent regardless of losing last years seniors. As for if the boys or girls look to be more successful going into this basketball season, Bath takes a neutral and positive stance “I mean we always hope that both teams will be successful and make it through the post season and even into state. But the big picture is just that we have to focus one game at at time and do what you can in that game. Hopefully by taking it game by game, we will be able to push through to the postseason and have success.” Sloan also expressed a similar point of view about the boys team explaining, “I think it’s just important that we grow every game and that we just keep going up and don’t hit that peak too early.” It seems that RFHS is more than ready for basketball and has high hopes going into this season. With players and coaches determined to build upon their failures from last year, the community will surely see spirited teams and hard played games this season.

Do You Give a Flake About Skiing? -Solana Teitler

In a valley where winter is centered around skiing and snowboarding, it’s no surprise that many Roaring Fork High School (RFHS) students are eagerly anticipating the 2018-19 ski season. Many students began skiing when they were only a few years old. Junior Connor Brennan has been at the sport for an impressive 14 years, taking to the slopes with family and friends whenever he gets the chance. Brennan loves skiing because “it is individual, and you can be creative with how you do it.” Makenzie Maker, a junior at RFHS, began downhill skiing at the age of 2 and telemark skiing at 11 years old. Maker expressed that she loves to ski not only because it is graceful and beautiful, but also because it allows her to find a “sense of zen.” She explained, “When I ski, I forget everything that is bothering me and just enjoy the moment.”

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Both of these students agreed that they were, in the words of Brennan, “excited for this season,” especially after poor conditions last year. Aspen Ski Company Sustainability Director and Executive Director of the Environment Foundation, Matthew Hamilton, described last season’s conditions as “challenging, and indicative of what ski seasons could be like more often as temperatures continue to rise.” Due to these changes in climate and temperature, Aspen Ski Co is taking many actions to help protect the environment. For many years, they have supported and promoted the “Protect Our Winters (POW)” campaign, which was founded by snowboarder Jeremy Jones. POW’s mission is to “mobilize the outdoor sports community against climate change” because, as Jones explained, “our playgrounds and livelihoods also depend on healthy

winters.” This year, Aspen Ski Co has launched a new initiative called “Give a Flake,” which describes climate change as “a moral issue, an economic issue, and an issue of supreme importance,” and encourages everyone to raise awareness of it. Aspen Ski Co is dedicated to educating guests about the importance of climate change and dedicated to “protecting our winters.” As Brennan stated, “Winters are important to our community because, economically, there are a lot of jobs based around it,” and as Maker noted, winter is important because so many people are passionate about skiing. Winters are an integral part of sports, tourism, and life in the Roaring Fork community. As Hamilton said, “You can never predict what the rest of the season will be like,” but hopefully this one is full of joy and snow!

2018 | Rampage 8 December December 2018


Food for Thought: Carbondale Creamery & Cafe 1150 CO-133 Carbondale, CO 81623

Rampage Staff Editors in Chief Solana Teitler Tyler Gruel

Price Rating: $$ Star Rating: Overview: The Carbondale Creamery and Cafe AKA The Creamery is one of the hottest spots for lunch according to Roaring Fork High School students. The Creamery receives overwhelmingly positive reviews from our students, and is a very popular place in town. The Creamery provides a mix of options in their menu, offering healthier options, such as Acai Bowls, as well as sweet ones like their homemade gelato and pastries. How to Get There: The Creamery is located on Highway 133 at the corner of Garfield Avenue between Beijing Tokyo and Phillips 66. What To Do: If you have a test coming up and you need

to cram a study session into your schedule, The Creamery is recommended place to get your friends to meet up and do it. The variety of options on the menu allow you to never go wrong with choosing to eat there for breakfast, brunch, or lunch… or even if you just want something sweet to eat. Word to the Wise: If you’re on a budget the Creamery may not be your cheapest option. Reviews have mentioned the food being very worth the price, but if you only have a few dollars on you, don’t plan on getting a whole meal. Reviews from our students: “I eat there like two or three times a week! I will be honest though, the prices are a little high [but] I’d give it 4 stars out of 5.”

Heard in the Hallways “Everytime I eat lettuce I think I should start an ASMR” “He’s not just a dude he’s a DUDE” “Relationships are like the autoimmune system”

- William Luckett, Senior “I think even though the menu is not the biggest there is a good variety.” - Meave Cassitty, senior “The food is worth the price and everyone [that works] there is super friendly!” - Bella Lee, Junior “I think the menu is very unique and it offers some food items that aren’t served in other places in Carbondale like avocado toast and açaí bowls which sets it apart from other cafes and stores.” - Lucy Meade, Junior “Their cinnamon rolls are dank.” - Tyler Gruel, Senior

Happy Holidays from the Rampage! We wish that this winter season is full of joy and good cheer. Thank you for reading, and we hope that you enjoyed our paper. If you have any questions or ads that you would like to see printed in our next issue, please feel free to email us at rframpage@gmail.com. Happy Holdiays!

Editorial Staff Feature Editor Lilly Peery News Editor Ruthie Brown Focus Editors Solana Teitler Tyler Gruel Sports Editor Ruby Fuller Entertainment Editor Daniela Rivera Copy Editors Tyler Gruel Lilly Peery Solana Teitler Daniela Rivera Ruby Fuller


Colin Shapard Jose Rascon Cesar Ayala Lizzie Allender Noah Wheelles Connor Brennan Ray Siegfried Kira Ettleson

“Math is a religion” “Sometimes when I’m asleep I wake up because I miss myself ” “Whats the difference between a Jedi and Gemini” *sees Leslie Knope* “Is that Ms.Goodman?” “Wait, Chicago is not a state?” “Bro you have to download flappy golf ”

Policy Statement: Published 7 times a year, the student newspaper of Roaring Fork High School is a public forum, with its students editorial board making all decisions concerning its content. Unsigned editorials express the views of the majority of the editorial board.

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