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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Carbondale’s weekly

community connector

Volume 12, Number 7 | March 26 - April 1, 2020

BLAST OFF The folks in Roaring Fork School District's employee housing have been keeping busy building and launching small rockets in the adjacent field. Three families — the Laskos, the Lands and the Holcombs — showed up for the first flights, prompting the placement of cones at six-foot intervals to ensure social distancing. One rocket ended up on the roof of the complex, but later blew down in the wind, paving the way for future experiments in rocket science. Photo by Mark Burrows

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Affirmation and denial


JUST MUTT By Stan Badgett

No, I don’t believe in myself. No, this isn’t a democracy. No, Trump is not a dictator; dictators don’t have to run for re-election or contend with a hostile press. No, God doesn’t depend on me. Yes, I depend on him. I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth — words from the Nicene Creed compiled nearly 1,700 years ago. Yes, I admire Abraham, Job, Moses, Jonah, St. Paul, John the Evangelist, Augustine, John Calvin, C.H. Spurgeon, G.K. Chesterton, Flannery O’Connor, Vivian Maier, Jung Chang, Thomas Sowell, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn — none of whom were perfect. Yes, we all depend on each other to varying degrees. Yes, we can learn

from each other. We were made in the image of God, and we are all fallen. Is one race superior? No. Science exists. Why deny it? Its underpinnings are philosophical. I hear people say that facts are stubborn things. It could be true, I’m not sure. I don’t agree with the Beatles who said, “I am you and you are me and we are all together.” I guess it could be true that we are together in the sense that we can be lumped into one category. We absorb sayings over a lifetime. One I’ve had to disown: “You are what you are and you ain’t what you ain’t. If you can’t do nothing else, you can always paint.” My dad more or less followed that dictum his entire adult life. And I’m still in the paint, so who knows? Maybe it’s true. Then again, I’ve done other things, so maybe it’s not. Can I still paint? Yes — so far, so good. Conundrum. Do I think outside the box? Yes and no. Which box are we talking about? When you say “box,” are you thinking about the same box I’m thinking about? Bob Dylan said this: “So many times I’ve heard people say, ‘If I had the money, I’d do things my way.’ ” And Reb

Tevye said, “When you’re rich they think you really know.” I wonder why cats like boxes so much. They peer out at you with this mystical gaze. Do I have to bring Schrodinger into this? Or Dr. Seuss? Boxes are a handy analogy for categories. I’ve spent years thinking about what makes things similar. No conclusions yet. Here is something strange. We hyperbolize to strengthen our case, but undercut ourselves in the process. For example, I might say, “That man always lies.” That is not a credible statement. In fact, it's a lie. To falsify my claim, one could simply point to any true statement the man has said. The nature of a declarative sentence is to affirm something. Even a bald-faced lie claims to be telling the truth. That’s the way language is set up. I don’t know if there’s any language where that’s not the case. There are other kinds of sentences, but this kind says, “I do declare.” I affirm the value of true or false questions. As a teacher I’m entitled to do that. Essay questions are laborious to grade. Sure, at times in

this column I’ve equivocated, such as waffling about whether facts are stubborn. It’s more a matter of what we can know. An out-of-focus photograph reflects the shutter speed and lenssetting of the camera I’m using, not the scene (such as the clouds outside my airplane window) I’ve photographed. The clouds are what they are, whether I’ve photographed them properly or not. This began as a cursory listing of affirmations and denials, but has somehow drifted into indeterminacy. Please don’t say we can’t know anything. Perhaps we can’t know anything as thoroughly as we’d like. We see through a glass darkly. We huff and we puff. We spout enthymemes with something that looks like confidence. Our bluster conceals the missing premise. Perhaps it’s a passion we’ve never been able to express, or perhaps it’s a hidden principle we haven’t yet taken the time to forge into something intelligible. Badgett formerly shared this column with fellow conservative Paige Meredith.


Sincerest thanks to our

Honorary Publishers for their annual commitment of $1,000+ Email marilyn@soprissun.com for more information.

Jim Calaway, Honorary Chair Kay Brunnier Scott Gilbert – Habitat for Humanity RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger Carolyn Nelson Jim Noyes True Nature Healing Arts Nicolette Toussaint Jill and Gary Knaus Megan Tackett Ken & Donna Riley Michelle & Ed Buchman CoVenture

Legacy Givers for including us in their final wishes.

Mary Lilly

And all our SunScribers and community members for your support.

No time for selfishness

The cost of wolves

Dear Editor: I paid my first visit to City Market since the coronavirus crisis hit the other day. The experience was discouraging. I was prepared for the empty shelves. I figured whatever they didn’t have that I needed I’d get the next time. What disturbed me was the reason for the lack of options. I could see why in every shopping cart, sometimes two baskets, full to the brim with enough goods to last a family of four for a year. I gave these hoarders the dirtiest look I could muster. These are the hooray for me and to hell with everybody else types who believe cast your bread upon the waters and share and share alike are for suckers. God bless the child who’s got his own. This philosophy seems to be endemic to the individualistic, capitalistic West. It’s not surprising Eastern cultures like China and South Korea have the highest recovery rate from the pandemic. Their century’s old traditions of collective and communal customs serve them well in times of crisis. What’s with all this toilet paper in the shopping carts? I saw enough to wallpaper every room in my house. I have a tip for you. That newsprint you’re looking at has other uses besides bringing you the latest coronavirus news. Ask anybody who’s been in the Army. In fact, the Australian newspaper NT News sent out eight blank pages in an edition for their readers to use for those purposes. If we’re gonna get through this time of trouble, we must see beyond the end of our own noses and endeavor to achieve the common welfare. Fred Malo Jr. Carbondale

Dear Editor: Thank you for printing the interesting article from Aspen Journalism. I agree climate change is decreasing the resilience of aspen forests and other habitats, but it is quite an assumption to state that Colorado lacks predators when both bear and lion populations are increasing while deer and elk have significantly declining populations. When elk peaked in the 1990s, aspens thrived and today there is no evidence of elk overgrazed aspen or riparian areas in western Colorado. In fact, when Malone made a pro-wolf video, she had to travel to Rocky Mountain National Park to find overgrazed willow, on the Front Range. Matt Barnes claims that with strategic grazing very few animals are lost to predators. However Defenders of Wildlife literature states that it is difficult to run cattle on grazing permits with wolves. The Tom Miner Basin spent $30,000 on range riders in 2015, the equivalent of 30-35 cows. Compensation costs continue to increase in Montana as wolf numbers increase and spread to new territories. Montana spent $300,000 between 1987 and 2008. They spent $200,000 in 2018, $300,000 in 2019, and expect to spend $400,000 by 2021. Eighty three percent of Montana’s wolf depredations occurs on private land. The aspen and shrub habitat of Colorado do not provide defensible areas like Montana’s open grasslands. Wolf depredation is only part of the cost. For cattle, weight of gain decreases, pregnancy rates decrease, and cows are stressed. Weight determines a rancher’s salary. Wolves will be in Colorado forever once reintroduced, costing the state millions

of dollars. A state managed program is dependent on annual funding from the legislature. Coronavirus may bankrupt the state and wolves will hardly be a top priority. Wolves are here, giving CPW the opportunity to slowly create the best management plan possible, with a thoughtful process that will protect elk and deer herds, critical ranchland habitat, and wolves. Marj Perry Carbondale

Vote Schalit and Schilling Dear Editor: Today I am writing in support of two outstanding candidates for the Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection Districts Board of Directors — Sydney Schalit and Gene Schilling. We need these two down to earth, intentional, grounded individuals. While they bring differing perspectives and histories, they have shown common sense collaboration, cohesive approaches, and critical thinking to the Fire and Protection District Board. Sydney Schalit brings a wealth of communication and marketing skills. These skills assisted in passing two ballot measures under two different Fire Chiefs. These measures helped our community to implement major upgrades to equipment, training, and facilities to protect each of us. She also was a champion for mental health access for our men and women putting their bodies and mind in harm’s way for us. Being a past Mountain Rescue Responder, I wish we would have had this kind of mental health access in the past. Gene and Sydney understand the grit and grace, courage and humility that come Continued on page 15

The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The community is invited to submit letters up to 500 words to news@soprissun.com. Longer columns are considered on a case-by-case basis. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday. 2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • MARCH 26 - APRIL 1, 2020

It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

Donate online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Todd Chamberlin • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Graphic Designer: Ylice Golden Reporter: Roberta McGowan Delivery: Tom Sands Current Board Members board@soprissun.com Raleigh Burleigh, President Marilyn Murphy, Vice President Linda Criswell, Secretary Klaus Kocher, Treasurer Kay Clarke • Carol Craven Megan Tackett • Gayle Wells The Sopris Sun Board meets at 6:30 p.m on second Mondays at the Third Street Center. Contact board@soprissun.com to reach them.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.


No entiendo (I don’t understand)... By James Steindler Sopris Sun Correspondent This time in our history casts a hue of uncertainty over everyone. It may be especially confusing for those who do not understand the language the information is given in. Spanish-speaking members of our community do their best to stay informed but the information being spread locally is often only offered in English. As is the case for everyone, getting factual information about the virus is of utmost importance. Paulina Navas and John Lopez with America's Chamber of Commerce (ACC), a local chamber catered to the Latine community, encourage Spanish speakers to refer to the CDC website for translated information regarding COVID 19.They further notice that Latine businesses and individuals are monitoring KDNK radio’s website for updates in Spanish as well. There has been a rapid communal response to assist people more vulnerable to the virus. Facebook groups such as Carbondale CO

Mutual Aid Group (CMA) sprung up overnight and are connecting people in need with those willing to help.There have been requests on the CMA page that their posts be translated. Another group, Coronavirus Community Aid Aspen to Parachute Community Help/ Ayuda Comunitaria, arose to meet the informational needs of Spanish speaking locals. Each of the posts on that page includes the option of being translated; a feature offered by Facebook. On social media ACC has started trending the hashtag #solosperdemosjuntosganamos which basically translates to: “alone we lose together we win” signifying the necessity for everyone to do their part. Navas explains that social media is a great tool to get the word out but worries about disseminating information to older Latine persons. She says, “The problem is that our older community doesn’t use social media; they don’t know about social media.” She hopes that there will be other means of coverage in Spanish in sources such as newspapers and news

broadcasts to reach this group. As far as businesses are concerned, to Navas, “It doesn’t matter if they are not a part of America's Chamber of Commerce. At this moment it is most important to help our community and try to overcome this crisis.” According to Navas and Lopez, many people in the hospitality and cleaning industries opted early on to stay home and not travel upvalley for work. They also mentioned that some businesses such as Fiesta Guadalejara in Glenwood Springs are selling overstocked disinfectants and cleaning supplies below market costs to people in need. The duo believe at this point the Latine business community overall is more concerned with public and personal health. Local governments are doing their best to get out informational updates but it is not consistently offered in Spanish. That said, the Town of Carbondale’s website does have a multilingual translation tool. Sally Boughton with Valley Settlement in Carbondale notes that Eagle County

If social distancing continues into May, Festival Las Americas will likely be yet another event to be canceled or postponed. File photo by Lynn Burton

is posting informational videos and text regarding COVID 19 in Spanish. Boughton explains, “I think it’s really important that our county governments are getting information out there in English and Spanish… only getting information out in English is going to hurt us in the long run.” According to Boughton, Eagle County Communications has convened “The COVID 19 LatinX Outreach Group,” which is made up of approximately 50 representatives from various agencies in Eagle and Vail

Valley but also includes participants from the Roaring Fork Valley. Those agencies then dispense their collective information and resources to the Spanish speaking communities each are connected with. Boughton reiterates that “a lot of the resources are relevant for folks in the Roaring Fork Valley as well.” Editor’s note: We’re experimenting with Latine as an easier to pronounce, pluralize and conjugate alternative to Latinx.

What if you can't go home? By James Steindler Sopris Sun Correspondent With the onset of COVID 19 disrupting everyone’s lives it seems solace these days is found within one’s own home. This time is perhaps particularly distressing for those who simply do not have a roof to isolate under. Lynn Kirchner with Carbondale Homeless Assistance (CHA) is concerned about homeless people “falling through the cracks.” She fears that the homeless community will be further alienated due to the public’s concern of viral spread. Kirchner says that because the Recreation Center is closed there is no place for homeless folks in Carbondale to take showers now. She hopes to figure out an alternative so people can take care of their hygienic needs because that is especially important currently. At CHA’s last board meeting, they discussed putting together baggies with Vitamin C and other immune boosters. Kirchner also plans

to reach out to Marble Distilling Co. which is currently manufacturing hand sanitizer and see if it’s management would be willing to donate some of their new product. Kirchner commends Lift-Up for their drive through stations opened at various locations and times from Aspen to Parachute. Lift-Up has contributed pre-packaged emergency food bags to people in need. The bags have been available for curbside pickup. Kirchner wants the public to know that “the homeless are aware and are doing everything they can within their means to stay healthy.” She further hopes that “the support for them in our community — because they are a part of our community — will continue.” Kirchner says that a growing concern is the “almost homeless” population. She said that because local restaurants and businesses have closed many people are left without income. Most people within that group are living paycheck to paycheck and she worries they will not be able to sustain paying their rent.

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Many folks without homes are still directly involved in the community — even weighing in on political issues. File photo by Jane Bachrach

Of course it would be great if landlords gave their tenants leniency, “but then who gives them a break?” Kirchner wonders. Kirchner implores people to not cast judgement during this uncertain time and to look

out for their neighbors without homes. Anyone can make a donation and/or drop off gift cards to Kirchner’s office at 711 Main St. in Carbondale or visit CHA’s facebook page for more information.


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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 26 - APRIL 1, 2020 • 3


Stuck! Local struggled to leave Nepal By Roberta McGowan Sopris Sun Staff As Nepal considered closing its borders because of the Covid-19 virus pandemic, one Carbondalian, Hamilton Pevec, was trapped in that remote South Asian country. Fortunately, he arrived home March 22 after enduring what he called a long, grueling journey. Pevec said he had been trying to escape before air travel was blocked, adding, “I was not certain whether or not I could get out.” Pevec recalled thinking, “I would be totally fine to remain here if it were not for the fact that I am currently separated by a world from my wife Devika Gurung, a yoga healer, and my four-yearold daughter Isa. All the upsides of being here mean nothing in the face of this separation. Extremely speaking, it feels like I would rather die with them than survive alone. My family is urging me to come home. However, Colorado has many confirmed cases and Nepal has none. Colorado cannot support its population with City Market and Whole Foods alone. There will never be enough food on the shelves. So when I return, I return to the more severe situation. But that doesn’t bother me, it confirms the power of love and family in the face of uncertainty.” Pevec is the co-founder/producer at Himalayan Yogini Retreat, formerly Nepali Yoga Centre, in Pokhara, Nepal. He noted his trip was business-related. He also is an independent filmmaker with Faux Reel Films and is completing post production on a documentary, Guerilla Aid, about the relief effort following the 2015 Nepal earthquake. The public can go to youtube.com to watch the trailer. Pevec’s saga began in late January after he arrived in Nepal via

Chengdu, the capital of the Western Chinese province of Sichuan, when the virus was still only in China. He recalled he passed three health quarantine checkpoints before arriving in Kathmandu, Nepal. Pevec had arrived before his wife and daughter were scheduled to fly in with the intention to meet up.” That never happened. Then his ordeal began. His return ticket was no longer good because the airplane was scheduled to fly first to Hong Kong, so he started trying to change his ticket and find a new route back to Colorado. The stress was so extreme, he remembered, that he caught a bad cold that wouldn’t go away, but finally did immediately after he confirmed his return flight. He finally booked with Qatar Airways to fly via Doha, Qatar’s capital, and then to the United States on JetBlue. Most other airlines, Pevec said, wanted to charge up to $3,000 to change this ticket, which had originally been slated for an April 7 return. Later, Nepal’s Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli announced a total freeze on long-haul transportation services until further notice. International flight operations at Tribhuvan International Airport near Kathmandu would remain shut until March 31, according to the Himalayan Times. The government also halted services offered by both private and public sectors — other than essential services — across the country until April 3. Like many other leaders, Oli made it clear that stern action would be taken against those involved in blackmarketing, hoarding and creating artificial market shortages. Pevec noted that the only health check on his return journey took place in the Kathmandu, Nepal airport. Still, he

You may recognize Pevec and the background from a picture we ran a few weeks ago, before travel became problematic. Photo courtesy of Rooz Os was told to self-quarantine for 14 days in a place other than his home or anyone else’s home. “It just dawned on me that I couldn’t visit my family or my mother who is in her early 70s,” he said. But, Pevec reminded himself that he strongly believes he’ll get through this, and he hopes, so will Carbondale.

Pitkin County closes Penny Hot Springs after massive gathering By Megan Tackett The Aspen Daily News Despite Pitkin County Sheriff Joe DiSalvo’s repeated statements about his faith in the community to police itself regarding social-distancing guidelines, a deputy was still sent to the Crystal River Valley on Sunday to enforce the closure of the popular Penny Hot Springs. However, the response by the deputy, along with the Colorado Department of Transportation, could be seen as a result of community self-policing. “We have friends that have a new baby, they live in Swiss Village, they take a drive everyday to get out, and every single day there are 20 to 40 cars at Penny Hot Springs. Who is responsible for controlling this? It needs to be closed,” wrote Aly Sanguily — proprietor of Batch, Roaring Fork Beer Co.’s downtown Carbondale tasting room — in a Facebook post earlier Sunday. Within the hour, Carbondale town trustee Luis Llanes replied that he had passed Sanguily’s concern to the town manager. “He’s talking to [the] Pitkin county manager in a bit and will let him know about this so they can take action,” Llanes wrote. Indeed, County Manager Jon Peacock heard from Carbondale’s town manager, Jay Harrington, on the matter. “I did have a board member email me with some concerns and forwarded them to Pitkin County this morning,” Harrington said in an email. “As it is out of our jurisdiction, I don’t have much

else to say. The state’s amended health order is pretty specific about gatherings of more than 10 people.” Pitkin County and CDOT split jurisdiction over the Penny Hot Springs area, Peacock explained. Pitkin County oversees the hot springs itself, while CDOT manages the parking area off Highway 133. “We made the decision to close our portion of it, which is the hot springs area, and we asked for CDOT’s cooperation in closing the parking area to further discourage people from using Penny Hot Springs and congregating there in violation of our public health order,” he said. That said, the sheriff ’s office doesn’t have enough deputies to commit one to police the hot springs area between Carbondale and Redstone all day, every day, Peacock continued — but other agencies have enforcement tools available to them, should people not respect the closure. “Open Space and Trails has the ability to write tickets, as does state patrol, for violating CDOT closures,” Peacock said. “Part of the message that our community really needs to understand is that if we’re going to overcome this, it’s going to take a lot of personal responsibility and action. We have limited resources, but we’ll certainly be keeping an eye on it.” He described the dynamic as “unfortunate” and expressed frustration that some people were not respecting public health guidelines for mitigating the spread of COVID-19. It’s clearly a sentiment felt by members of the public, as well

4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • MARCH 26 - APRIL 1, 2020

Pitkin County and Colorado Department of Transportation officials officially close the Penny Hot Springs on Sunday afternoon following local complaints of large gatherings in the area. Courtesy photo. — the driver of a passing car on Highway 133 shouted “thank you” to the sheriff ’s deputy that was onsite Sunday, and Sanguily’s post garnered 39 comments. “We must hold each other accountable. We must stop doing some of the things that we love doing with our friends until we can with good conscience and good heart and the safety for all enjoy it again,” she said via Facebook Messenger on Sunday. “We have an insanely strong community here, but after this, we will be stronger than we ever have been — and that is hard to imagine!”

Polis announces initiatives In a public address Sunday afternoon, Gov. Jared Polis reflected at the state level what locals were feeling regarding the hot springs: acknowledgement that social distancing is mentally

and emotionally difficult, but exasperated at some groups’ refusal to abide by what he called life-saving tactics. “There’s a far greater enforcement authority in these matters, and his name is the Grim Reaper,” Polis said. “That is the ultimate enforcement of ensuring we are all doing our individual best to ensure we are doing that social distancing.” That said, the governor — who last week closed all dine-in services at restaurants and bars and similarly closed public gathering spaces such as gyms, salons and theaters — ordered all noncritical employers to reduce the number of their inperson employees by 50 percent, effective immediately. “In the short-term, Coloradans must heed this order and take this gravely and seriously,” he said, adding that even though the state, which employs about 30,000 people, is considered critical, more

than 50 percent of the in-person staff will be teleworking in order to “lead by example.” “Just as a temporary closure of bars, of restaurants, of salons increases physical distancing, this will increase physical distancing,” he said. But Polis did acknowledge that the current closures are not sustainable. “Like many governors across the country, I’m furious that as the leaders of the free world, we’re being forced to close down businesses,” he said. To that end, the governor launched the Innovation Response Team, which will be responsible for coordinating public and private partnerships to the state’s emergency response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The team will initially focus on ramping up a mass testing program for the virus, creating a suite of services for citizens under isolation or quarantine, developing mobile and other technologies to help track the spread of the virus and creating locally sourced alternatives for constrained critical medical supplies such as N-95 masks. “At this point, while anything the federal government can provide us is helpful, we can’t count on that to meet the need,” he said, noting that he’s in contact with Congressional members and the Trump administration nearly daily. “There’s a lot of things happening federally,” he said. “We are digesting that in real time.” This story originally ran in the Aspen Daily News on March 23 and is reprinted here with permission.


Utility workers and services make life at home possible By Kathleen Shannon Sopris Sun Correspondent Whether you, reader, are consuming this local news via the internet or a hard copy of the paper, I’m willing to wager that you are reading it at home. While the nation scrambles to find normalcy under the utterly abnormal circumstances brought on by COVID-19, communities are learning to adapt much of their public life into the limitations of the private sphere. From shifts in the landscape of home refrigerators to changes in the way colleagues meet, adaptations to home life rely on the consistency of the resources, services, and individuals who make it possible. In-town residents will notice that ditch cleaning operations are underway, as usual. The Town of Carbondale is — as of Tuesday — still planning to open the ditches on April 15, according to Public Works Director Kevin Schorzman, whose department is responsible for streets, water, and wastewater. Turning on the ditches will, in fact, take pressure off the domestic water system, as those with ditch access can maintain yards and wash cars with ditch water. Refraining from flushing anything except toilet paper — including “flushable” wipes — will also help keep systems running smoothly. In light of increasing unemployment rates, Schorzman pointed out a benefit of being in Carbondale is that “neither of our utility companies carry debt. We need to realize that normal has changed,” Schorzman said. The Town will continue to bill as usual, but for those who may struggle with bills, “I think you’d see quite a bit of understanding” Schorzman said. “People have enough to worry about.” Compost pickup will continue as normal, thanks to the work of EverGreen ZeroWaste. Owner Alyssa Reindel said that the company has a good stock of personal safety materials workers will continue to use. Pickups are changing as restaurants see a decline in operations but, “as a mom and pop business ourselves,” Reindel is sensitive to these changes. EverGreen hopes to hold its annual compost give-back event around Earth Day, but is prepared to implement a coupon system with

Pitkin County Solid Waste Center, where all the compost is processed, in case of the event’s cancellation. Reindel expressed an increased sense of responsibility to the public at this time. “It goes beyond doing something for the community and the environment,” she told me while on her collection route Tuesday. They’re now “actually doing something for the health of citizens.” Carbondalians have companies like Holy Cross Electric (HCE) to thank for staying powered. Though he pointed out there is “no precedent” for current circumstances, Steve Beuning, Vice President of Power Supply and Programs at HCE, reported no changes on the supply side of operations. The company’s energy suppliers have assured him that “they’re protecting workers and infrastructure.” Beuning has observed a 10 percent decrease in overall electric usage recently, mostly due to the shutting down of ski resort operations. Peak time for daily usage has also changed this month from a typical evening-time bracket to an average of 1 p.m. Holy Cross employees who are able to work from home are doing so and line workers are storing trucks at home to minimize trips to the office. Holy Cross has extended its “cold weather rule” of disallowing supply terminations. Those who may have difficulty paying their bills can reach out in advance to make a payment plan. Many locals rely on Xfinity by Comcast to stay connected to work, school, health information, and loved ones. Spokesperson Alison Busse said “our system is built for this,” noting that spikes in internet usage are “not dissimilar to the night of the Super Bowl.” Comcast implemented new 60-day policies on March 13 to keep customers and others connected. They’ve made their Xfinity WiFi hotspots free to everyone, paused data plans to give customers unlimited data, and they will not disconnect customers or charge late fees during this period. They are offering certain internet packages free for 60 days to new customers and have increased internet speed for existing customers. Remember to give thanks to those keeping our lives as normal as possible even if, for the time being, gratitude is best expressed through your front window.

Though EverGreen ZeroWaste has lost several of their clients, little has changed for them procedurally. Staff mostly work independently with minimal physical contact, wear gloves and "use hand sanitizer anyway because our jobs are gross,” joked employee Jorden Dexter. Photo by Laurel Smith

Justin Zigler bends down to listen to his colleague who is attempting to remove roots from the Euclid and Eighth St. ditch culvert. The team is working without the help of temporary workers, but the opening is still slated for April 15. Photo by Laurel Smith

What organizations are doing during the crisis, continued The Sopris Sun is continually updating its online directory of how different businesses, nonprofits and other institutions are weathering social distancing — with a new system in the works to better present that information. Here are a few we missed last week, or that warrant an update. Remember, regulations and circumstances change quickly, so call ahead to make sure offerings are current.

Marble Distilling's Connie Baker poured "small" batches of hand sanitizer on March 20 because the parts needed for larger quantities are unavailable to similar efforts nationwide. Photo by Laurel Smith

450 Teppanyaki 510-5343 Open 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. for takeout. Closed Tuesdays Batch 510-5924 Open Mon. to Sat., 2 to 6 p.m. for curbside beer and hard seltzer growlers. The Beat Closed Beer Works Call 704-1216 or text 312-209-2054. For takeout, curbside or delivery. Open Tues. to Thurs. 12 to 8 p.m., Fri. to

Sun.12 to 9 p.m. Closed Mondays. Bonfire Coffee 510-5327 Call, go online or in-person for takeout. No inside seating Carbondale Arts (970) 963-1680, Facebook.com/ CarbondaleCreativeDistrict or sarah@ carbondalearts.com to find classes, performances, art classes and fun things to do with kids. Carbondale Chamber of Commerce 963-1980 Open virtually only. Crystal River Spas 963-2100 Showroom open Mon. to Fri. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dance Initiative 415-200-7008 or danceinitiative. org with many programs online and available at a discounted rate. Doctors Garden 963-9323 Order ahead only, Open 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 to 7 p.m. Patina Bar & Grille 510-5695 Open 12 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. daily Go to www.patinagrille.com for

special takeout menu. With reduced prices. Delivery serving Carbondale to West Bank area with 12 percent delivery fee. Phat Tai 963-7001 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Phone calls only. Takeout, curbside pickup or delivery inside town limits. Debit/ credit cards only. Twenty percent service charge. $40 minimum. Redstone Inn 963-2526 Closed but open to make future reservations. Ross Montessori Will be closed until at least April 17 with plans currently to return on April 20. Sopris Liquor & Wine 970-963-5880 or go to soprisliquor.com for the mobile app. Delivery best or call for pickup information. Village Smithy Closed for 30 days beginning March 17.

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 26 - APRIL 1, 2020 • 5


Send your scuttlebutt to news@soprissun.com.

We are still here! Not only are we still printing at least for now, but we have some scuttlebutt to share (albeit a bit deeper into the paper than usual)! Since there are still far too few items to fill our calendar, we’re happy to include some virtual opportunities here. We also hope you’ll consider emailing news@ soprissun.com with any creative works you might be creating in isolation with us. Also, if you had trouble putting your hands on a physical copy of this paper, let us know so we can continue dialing in our distribution under this new paradigm.

The show must go on The 29th Annual Aspen Shortsfest will go on as scheduled – online. Shortsfest will be the first festival that will be presented in its entirety on Festival Scope’s platform, and film-enthusiasts nationwide can screen festival programs from anywhere they choose. The online festival will be a limited-time event, just like the traditional festival, with special access codes to screen programs. Codes can be purchased March 24 through April 5 at AspenShowTix. com; individual programs are $10 each, or the full festival of nine programs is $75 — with discounts for students or members.

Virtual health Feeling unsettled by the shift in your life that has arisen with the challenges presented by coronavirus? Concerned in general about the state of your health or the health of a loved one? Join Rita Marsh for a free intro to The Integral Health Model articulated by Elliott Dacher, MD, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. March 26 via Zoom! Visit DaviNikent.org to register for live participation or to receive a recording after the fact.

Mountain Fair Poster? The 49th Annual Mountain Fair theme is Confluence/Confluencia: confluence of ages, cultures, identities and Carbondale as home to a confluence of rivers. The chosen design will be honed with help from Carbondale Arts and used on an 11x17 poster and t-shirts, with the winner receiving $500 plus 10 shirts. To apply, send a sketch of your idea and three work samples to brian@ carbondalearts.com by April 24.

Special delivery

The Sopris Sun is flabbergasted to hear that folks are still leaving stuff at the Near New — despite the fact it’s covered in no dumping signs, closed indefinitely and staffed by a very high-risk demographic. So this is an official warning that we plan to have a reporter stake out the intersection at an unspecified time to photograph and interview anyone who engages in such behavior.

OnTerra Systems has announced that its RouteSavvy route planning software (RouteSavvy.com) will be free through June 30 for up to 1,000 small businesses struggling to survive during the coronavirus pandemic. Interested owners can visit RouteSavvy.com for the free trial, allowing them to generate the most efficient route for home deliveries. The software is billed as ideal for “non-tech” folks and an online user guide and tech support is also being offered.

Poster perfect

With more time at home and an increased need for creative outlets, why not put some energy into a design idea for the annual

No damn dumping!

Phone from home KDNK and DJ Art Ackerman were recently featured on current. org — which covers news on public media. Station Manager Gavin Dahl felt it was too risky for the 94-year-old to come in to the studio for "Swing Swing Swing" — but the show must go on. Dahl

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6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • MARCH 26 - APRIL 1, 2020

Before the schools closed, art students at Roaring Fork High participated in "The Memory Project" — drawing portraits of kids in refugee camps in Syria and Malaysia. Courtesy photo

picked up Ackerman's personal record collection and handled the turntables while Ackerman hosted by phone. Ackerman's cat, Sparky, even had an unplanned cameo. Visit tinyurl.com/swingbyphone for the full story.

The times they are a changin’ Alex Sánchez has resigned from his position as executive director of Valley Settlement. The Board of Directors has named Elaine Grossman and Tracy Bethell as interim executive directors, both leaders in the organization since its inception. A search for a

permanent replacement is on hold pending more certainty around the COVID-19 outbreak.

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another trip around the sun this week include: Lily Meadows, Ruby Marker and Brian McIsaac (March 26); Shea Courtney and Andrea Marsh (March 27); Damon Scher, Hank van Berlo and John Field (March 28); Stacey Bernot, David Hayes and Bob Schultz (March 29); Jorie DeVilbiss (March 30) Georgia Ackerman, Colleen Borkovec and Jane Hart (March 31).

Silverstein slowing, not stopping By John Colson Sopris Sun Correspondent The little package of candy may still be on the counter at the Carbondale Post Office, and the music might still be playing on the boom box donated by KDNK, but Marty Silverstein won't be there. Silverstein, who has worked at the post office in Carbondale for about a decade and is finishing his first term as a trustee on the town board, had been planning for months to retire on March 31. But he decided to leave a bit early due to the ongoing Novel Coronavirus pandemic, and the fact that he has health issues that put him in a high-risk category, so last week he bid his final adieu to the career he began at the Aspen and Snowmass Village post offices in 1994 before transferring to Carbondale. “I jumped at the opportunity,” Silverstein said of the move, though he added that he had enjoyed the work at the up-valley facilities, particularly in Snowmass Village. Working mostly as a clerk in the Carbondale facility (with occasional stints as a mail carrier when needed), he settled into a routine of establishing himself as one of the more popular local postal workers, volunteering for local organizations and, in 2015, making a successful bid for a seat

on the town board. Silverstein, 68, grew up in the Bronx, a borough in the City of New York, and attended college at the Bronx Community College, the start of a peripatetic college career that took him to Defiance College in Defiance, Ohio for a BS in political science with a minor in business administration; then back to New York for course work at NYU that earned him a certificate in IBM programming and systems analysis in 1972 and jobs in computers for about 17 years, until 1989. But after his then-wife passed away from an illness, he said, “I needed a change of scenery, so I moved here and started over,” explaining that he first moved to Aspen to join a cousin who had moved to the Valley earlier. Working various jobs in the Aspen area, he lived in different locations and ultimately bought a house in Basalt. In 1994 he passed a test for employment with the Post Office and started working in Aspen and Snowmass Village, either as a mail carrier or a clerk in the facilities. It was during that time that he met and married his current wife, Kathy Webb, who had her own property management business and whom he hired to do the maintenance chores on his house. “She discovered we had a

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mutual love of hockey,” he said, and borrowed some videos he had of “the greatest hockey fights ever, and she loved that.” Though he admitted being “a little shy of marriage” after losing his first wife, before long they married and he soon sold his house in Basalt, moving into Kathy's home in Carbondale, where they still live, and transferring to the Carbondale Post Office. He gradually became known as one of the most helpful and friendly postal employees, a trait that led him to initiate the practice of having a container of candy on the counter after a young girl, recently arrived from Florida, asked him one day, “Where's the candy?” He also was instrumental in getting KDNK to donate a boom box to provide music for patrons' enjoyment, after the one that had served the facility for years broke down. Getting involved in Carbondale's volunteer culture, including work for the KDNK radio station and service on the Carbondale Parks & Rec Commission, he said he started thinking he ought to run for the town board. “I decided to do it, because I'm a masochist,” he said with a laugh. “I'd thought about running twice before I actually did run, because

Marty Silverstein poses quite deliberately outside the facility in which he spent most of his days until last week. Photo by John Colson

it seemed like a lot to take on.” But in 2016 he decided to take the chance and he won [for more on Silverstein's personal history, see the June 28, 2017 Sopris Sun). This year, Silverstein is one of three incumbents running unopposed for re-election, and he believes he still can make a positive contribution to the town's future. “I can't change Carbondale to stay static forever. It'd be nice if we could,” he mused, remarking that the trustee's duties are “hard, because you have to learn that you're not going to make everyone happy. But I think we have a very good board.”

Noting that the different trustees occasionally “disagree, respectfully,” he said most of the board's votes are unanimous because, “for the most part, we try to reach a consensus.” One example of a lengthy, sometimes heated area of disagreement, he said, was the decision to set up a single trashhauling company in town, rather than the hodgepodge of companies that had existed. “I had some real issues with that,” he recalled, but was ultimately won over by the environmental benefits the Continued on page 12


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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 26 - APRIL 1, 2020 • 7



Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

You have traveled to a country with an outbreak of COVID-19 and are at higher risk. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. Stay Home


Stay home for the next 14 days and monitor your health. Take your temperature with a thermometer two times a day and watch for symptoms.

Illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness and death. Symptoms may appear 2–14 days after exposure.

If you feel sick and have symptoms:

Symptoms can include:

• Call ahead before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room.

Fever (100.4°F/38°C or higher)

• Tell the doctor about your recent travel and your symptoms.


• Avoid contact with others.

Shortness of breath

• Do not travel while sick.

Visit the website for more information on monitoring your health and how to contact local public health officials. Visit: www.cdc.gov/COVIDtravel

CS 315649-B February 29, 2020 4:15 PM

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코로나바이러스감염증-19(COVID-19) 및 여행 후 건강 상태를 모니터 링하는 방법에 대한 정보를 보려면, 휴대폰 카메라로 이 코드를 스캔 하십시오:

Для получения информации о COVID-19 и о том, как контролировать состояние вашего здоровья после путешествия, включите камеру на вашем мобильном телефоне и отсканируйте этот код:





Pour obtenir des informations relatives à COVID-19 et à la manière de surveiller votre santé après un voyage, ouvrez la caméra de votre téléphone portable et scannez le code suivant : ‫دجتسملا انوروك سوريف لوح تامولعم ىلع لوصحلل‬ COVID-19 ‫رفسلا دعب ةيحصلا كتلاح ةبقارم ةيفيكو‬، ‫اًيئوض زمرلا اذه حسماو يولخلا كفتاه اريماك حتفا‬:

Untuk mendapatkan maklumat mengenai COVID-19 dan cara mengawasi kesihatan anda selepas perjalanan, buka kamera telefon bimbit anda dan imbas kod ini:

新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19 )に関する情報、および旅行後の自 身の健康状態を観察する方法について は、携帯電話のカメラを起動して、こ のコードをスキャンしてください:

Para obtener información sobre el COVID-19 y cómo monitorear su salud después de un viaje, abra la cámara de su teléfono y escanee este código:

Para obter informações sobre o COVID-19 e como monitorar sua saúde após a viagem, abra a câmera do seu celular e digitalize este código:

有关COVID-19 的信息以及如何在旅 行后监测您的健康状况,请打开手机 摄像头并扫描此二维码:

www.cdc.gov/COVIDTravel 8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • MARCH 26 - APRIL 1, 2020

Democratic and Republican assemblies convened virtually By James Steindler Sopris Sun Correspondent The Garfield County Republican and Democratic assemblies convened on March 20. Both of the assemblies were conducted via Zoom, a visual conference call tool utilized significantly throughout the professional world as of late. On March 16, Governor Polis signed a bill enabling assemblies to meet remotely due to public health concerns. As previously stated, both parties in Garfield County honored the order. Garfield County Democratic Chair John Krousouloudis enjoyed the experience over Zoom and believes it could be utilized in years to come. Krousouloudis stated, “This is a great tool for us for the future because it actually increases participation.” Eighty four of 100 delegates participated in the Democratic Party Assembly. They certified their new PCPs (Precinct Committee Persons), conducted preference polls and “formally voted for Katrina Byars to be on the June primary ballot as the Democratic Party Candidate for Commissioner District 2.” Of the Garfield County delegates, 34 are permitted to participate in each race at the next multi county and state assemblies. Romanoff ’s priorities, among others, include healthcare for all and addressing climate change. He previously served as the Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives. Romanoff began his career at the Southern Poverty Law Center fighting against civil injustices. Mitsch Bush has been a resident of Routt County since 1976 and served as a commissioner for six years. She was a member of the Colorado

House until 2017. Mitsch Bush ran against Scott Tipton for the US 3rd Congressional District seat in 2018 and is back again to fight the battle. She aims to bring transparency between her constituents and congress. Hanlon is a Carbondale local with a history of community service under his belt. He served as a park ranger for the Colorado Division of Parks and later completed training to become a post-certified peace officer in Colorado before going to law school. He has served as the city attorney for Glenwood Springs and specializes in water law. He hopes to address concerns including: climate change, water, “out of control” healthcare costs and housing affordability. Wilhelm was born in Detroit but currently lives in Glenwood Springs. Some of his priorities include lowering health insurance costs, creating new jobs outside the oil and gas industry and expanding on renewable energy. According to Carrie Couey, an organizer for Garfield County Republicans, they “did not conduct a preference poll in any of the races.” She further stated that US Senate and US District 3 preference polls will be conducted at higher regional assemblies. There were 107 participants during the assembly which was also held over Zoom. Couey further mentioned that they “ratified a vacancy committee and passed our resolutions.” The higher level assemblies are all expected to take place virtually during the time of the coronavirus pandemic. It is entirely possible that it will become a trend beyond our current situation that time as well. Tensions are especially high this election year and members of both parties remain on the edge of their seats...so fasten your seatbelts.

Democratic preference poll frontrunners

US Senate: Andrew Romanoff

CO Senate District 8: Karl Hanlon

US District 3: Diane Mitsch Bush

CO Senate District 8: Karl Hanlon

Not a KDNK member? Join today!

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Carbondale, CO

Carbondale Food Distribution: Monday & Thursday at 2 p.m. Third Street Center Visit www.liftup.org for other distribution locations and times and to make financial donations. ITEMS NEEDED: Non-perishable (no glass) food items & new reusable grocery bags or boxes to distribution locations.

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 26 - APRIL 1, 2020 • 9

TOWN REPORT TRUSTEE MEETINGS will be conducted remotely once the necessary systems are implemented to ensure they’re still public — the next one is scheduled for April 14. The Planning Commission might schedule a virtual meeting in late April, but all other commissions are in hiatus until at least May. WORK FROM HOME is being conducted on at least a partial basis by many municipal office workers, with a phone in the lobby as the only access to the building. THE USDA has been asked to lower interest rates on the Town’s revolving loan program. Late fees and penalties on utility bills and sales tax have been temporarily suspended. SOCIAL DISTANCING requirements in both English and Spanish have been posted in public parks, although they do not appear to be universally followed. BIDS for the new clarifier at the wastewater treatment plant have been received and will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees. A COVID-19 HOTLINE has been set up by Parks & Rec. staff — call 510-1292 and leave a detailed message if you have a question. HOME WORKOUTS are available for Circuits and Conditioning, Yin Yoga, Body Pump, Interval Training, Hard-core,

COP SHOP Summit Conditioning, Core Cardio, Alpine Training, Hatha Yoga, Foam Rolling, Chair Yoga, Tai Chi, Cycling, SilverSneakers. Email mdonnelly@ carbondaleco.net to sign up.

From March 6 through 19, Carbondale Police handled 420 calls for service. During that period, officers investigated the following cases of note:

DRINKING FOUNTAINS around Town have been disabled. Public restrooms are also out of commission, while porta potties are seeing increased servicing. A PERIMETER BURN was conducted at the Carbondale Nature Park. ON-SITE inspections are being limited, with some conducted by photograph.

FRIDAY MARCH 6 AT 2:01 A.M. Following a traffic stop for failure to dim high beams, careless driving and not using a turn signal, the 22-year-old driver was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.

Tobacco tax still on Bonedale ballot

FRIDAY MARCH 6 AT 11:50 A.M. A juvenile was issued a summons after a theft at City Market.

While the incumbent trustees remain unopposed by even a writein, the municipal election is still going ahead thanks to Ballot Issue A. Voters within town limits are being asked to approve an additional sales tax on tobacco of four dollars per pack or 40 percent on other tobacco products. If approved, it would take effect on July 1 and generate an estimated $700,000 annually for prevention and treatment of tobacco use and enforcement and education related to risks and regulations. Town Clerk Cathy Derby encouraged folks to vote early and address any issues as soon as possible. Ballots should be mailed this week or dropped off in front of Town Hall by 7 p.m. on April 7.

SATURDAY MARCH 7 AT 9:58 P.M. After stopping a white Subaru, police cited one minor for possession of alcohol and another for possession of marijuana. SUNDAY MARCH 8 AT 7:29 P.M. When police discovered that a 39-year-old man was violating his protection order and driving under the influence, he was jailed on those charges as well as false reporting, failure to provide proof of insurance and possession of a controlled substance. MONDAY MARCH 9 AT 1:09 P.M. A report of kids starting a fire behind the elementary school led to a summons for minor in possession. TUESDAY MARCH 10 AT 9:06 P.M. Following a traffic stop for failing to maintain a lane, a 46-year-

old woman was arrested for criminal impersonation, driving an unsafe vehicle, driving as a habitual traffic offender, speeding and bail bond violation. WEDNESDAY MARCH 11 AT 4:49 P.M. Two teens were summoned for assault. SATURDAY MARCH 14 AT 12:45 A.M. A traffic stop for a headlight out led to an underage possession charge for a 19-year-old man. SATURDAY MARCH 14 AT 1:33 A.M. A 33-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of DUI. SUNDAY MARCH 15 AT 12:02 A.M. Police took a 28-year-old man into custody after he turned himself in on a warrant. SUNDAY MARCH 15 AT 10:32 P.M. Following a disturbance call, two people were arrested for disorderly conduct and another for child abuse. TUESDAY MARCH 17 AT 10:44 P.M. After a 23-year-old man was stopped for speeding and arrested on a warrant, he was also charged with introduction of contraband coupled with possession of a controlled substance and paraphernalia. TUESDAY MARCH 17 AT 11:17 p.m. A 30-year-old man took off on foot after a traffic stop, but was apprehended and arrested on five warrants and additional charges of careless driving, criminal impersonation and resisting arrest. WEDNESDAY MARCH 19 AT 5:01 p.m. A public employee reported being harassed while collecting the mail.

PUBLIC NOTICE: NOTICE OF REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular municipal election of the Town of Carbondale, Colorado will be held on Tuesday,April 7, 2020. The details and information pertaining to said election are as follows: This is a mail ballot election. You may return your voted ballot by mail (do not forget to include adequate postage), or you may hand deliver your ballot to the designated drop-off locations listed below. Beginning March 17, 2020, ballots may be dropped off at Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado. The ballot box is located OUTSIDE of Town Hall and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through Election Day. Voting is available INSIDE Town Hall, 511 Colorado Ave., Carbondale, CO on Election Day, Tuesday April 7, 2020, from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. QUALIFICATIONS OF PERSONS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE In order to vote in the election, an elector must be eighteen (18) years of age as of the day of the election, be a citizen of the United States of America, be registered to vote, not be in prison, and have legally resided for at least thirty (30) days immediately preceding the election in Colorado and in the area that is within the municipal limits of the Town as of the date of the election (Town of Carbondale Home Rule Charter.) OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED Voters will elect three Trustees, at large, from the entire Town. The three candidates will each serve a four-year term. NAME OF CANDIDATES FOR TRUSTEE Vote for Up To THREE (3) LANI KITCHING BEN BOHMFALK MARTY SILVERSTEIN BALLOT Issue A TAX INCREASE ON THE SALE OF CIGARETTES AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS Shall the Town of Carbondale taxes be increased by up to $700,000.00 annually (which amount represents estimated revenues in 2021, the first full fiscal year of collection) and by whatever amount is generated thereafter through the imposition of new taxes to be used for prevention, cessation, treatment, and enforcement related to tobacco product consumption, promotion of mental and physical health, education and public health programs associated with tobacco product consumption including prevention of underage consumption, and other related Town expenses as follows: Beginning July 1, 2020, there shall be a new sales tax of twenty cents per cigarette or four dollars per pack of twenty cigarettes sold; beginning July 1, 2020, there shall be a new sales tax of 40 percent on the sales price of all other tobacco products; the terms “cigarette” and “tobacco product” shall have the same meanings as in the Town of Carbondale Municipal Code; and that the Town may collect, retain, and expend all of the revenues of such taxes and earnings thereon, notwithstanding the limitation of Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution or any other law? YES/FOR NO/AGAINST 10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • MARCH 26 - APRIL 1, 2020

Red Hill Road ready for facelift By Kate Phillips Sopris Sun Correspondent Carbondale Town and Garfield County officials are gearing up for the Red Hill Road Realignment Project that is expected to create a safer and more efficient traveling experience for all community members. While no official date has been released, officials believe that with consistent weather and final approval from CDOT, the project can begin as early as mid-April. Located directly off of the intersection of Highways 82 and 133, County Road 107 is a hot spot for Red Hill trail users and RFTA commuters; the road also plays host to multiple homes located beyond the trailhead. Due to increased use, CR 107 has become a major source of concern for many officials. “We have had some safety concerns with CR 107 for quite some time,” Town of Carbondale Public Works Director Kevin Schorzman said. “It is a winding and steep road with a lot of cars and people trying to get to the trailhead up the road. The property swap [from Aspen Valley Land Trust] was a great opportunity to address long standing concerns.” In 2018, the Town of Carbondale acquired land from the AVLT, and in an attempt to reduce recreation traffic on CR107, the once privately owned land has been converted into a new public trail system featuring lower trails and a new trailhead located 400 meters south of the original BLM trailhead. Davis Farrar, President of the Red Hill Council has noticed a reduction in foot traffic on CR-107, but there are still recreationists who are congregating on the road. “The Three Gulch trailhead is still open,

and the majority of folks are using the new trailhead,” Farrar said. “But some will go up the new trailhead and continue to use the old one when they leave.” Farrar explains that closing the BLM trailhead will eliminate recreation traffic on CR107. Currently there is no set date for closing the BLM trailhead, but talks are on the table. In the meantime, he believes the road realignment is a good management plan. According to Schorzman, CR-107 will receive a facelift that removes the dangerous hairpin turn at the intersection of HWY 82 and CR-107. By straightening the road, Schorzman said it will also allow for three new lanes of traffic at the intersection; one for entering CR-107 and the other two for crossing over HWY 82 towards HWY 133. According to Schorzman, there will be more room for cars and the flow will be much smoother. The current parking lot will also be removed and replaced with two lots on the west side of CR-107 that will double the amount of parking; a lower lot will be for commuters and an upper lot will be for trail users. The old lot will become a restoration area and be revegetated with native plants such as sagebrush and rabbitbrush, according to Schorzman. Earth that is removed for creation of the new lots will be placed into the restoration area to help recreate the original environment. With the new plan, recreationists will also have easier access to the trailhead thanks to encouragement and input from the Red Hill Council. To safely access the trailhead, there will be a pedestrian path that crosses over HWY 82 and leads directly to the new trailhead;

The Red Hill Road Realignment Project features a straightened CR-107, three new lanes of traffic, and additional parking to create easier and safer access. Courtesy graphic

thus completely eliminating the need for recreationists to use CR 107. Once the project begins, locals can expect it to take anywhere from four to six weeks for completion. Schorzman said that there are two major pieces of information that will dictate the start date: the first is having consistent weather and the second is receiving final approval from CDOT, which is expected to happen around April 15. Schorzman also noted that once the county and town receive the green light, the county plans to work five to six days a week for 12 hours a day. In that time, the Red Hill recreation area will be completely closed to all recreationists. While there has been some disagreement in the community about closure, Schorzman notes that there will only be one lane of traffic during construction and therefore not enough room for pedestrians and nonresident traffic.

Throughout construction, locals can also expect up to 30 minute holds at a time to allow for mechanical equipment movement and road setting. “This is a good project for the long term,” Schorzman said. “Safety is our biggest concern. We are not closing [Red Hill] to make it easier for trucks to get in and out. There will be all types of equipment during the day and we do not want to risk the safety of others.” Community members will receive at least one week’s notice prior to the start of the Red Hill Road Realignment Project. Information will be updated on the town website and the Red Hill parking lot message board. In light of COVID-19, there will be no upcoming community meetings regarding the project. Instead, residents can contact Kevin Schorzman directly via email (kschorzman@ carbondaleco.net) or phone (510-1217) with any questions or concerns.

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Silverstein from page 7 PAGES OF THE PAST change represented — fewer trucks on the streets, lower costs for most users immediately, and a sense that it would contribute to an overall ethic allowing “everybody to stop the destruction of Mother Earth.” Silverstein still contributes to various nonprofits, such as LiftUp, which provides food and other assistance to the valley's needier residents; CARE, the region's pet adoption agency; Senior Matters, which offers activities for local senior citizens, and Cowboy Up, an annual fundraising concert in the Fourth Street Plaza performance space. He also works with longtime local Steve Standiford to put together the annual Summer Music In the Park series of concerts, with some financial help from the town government. Standiford does the booking of acts, and Marty acts as Master of Ceremonies at the shows, introducing acts and asking for donations from the audience. As for the future, Silverstein said, “Maybe I'll slow down to threequarter speed, instead of full speed,” maintaining his volunteer activities and working to achieve some of the town's long-term goals, such as figuring out how to improve and expand the town's swimming pool. Whatever he ends up doing, he said, he and Kathy are not going anywhere. “We consider Carbondale our home,” he declared. “And we're going to stay here.”

From the archives of the Valley Journal and Sopris Sun

Papa’s got a brand new flag! March 27, 1980 “Some pretty wild stories,” seemed to be discouraging locals from signing up for a massage therapy course through Colorado Mountain College. “We’ve gotten a bad rap because of the massage parlor type of thing — it’s a tremendous stigma we’re trying to overcome,” instructor Diane Wamsley said. “The course is what we say it is — a therapy. It’s not risque.” It didn’t help that Roaring Fork High School Principal Jim Bader had ousted the program from the building following rumors of people running around the halls with sheets on. The class finally found a home at the firehouse. In other news… Carbondale Police teamed up with the Eta Mu Sorority to sponsor a local youth boxing league.

March 29, 1990 A group of 17 Japanese girls visited Carbondale as part of a Cultural Home Institute program. They stayed with local families, ate lots of American junk food and attended local schools. Aiko Wakamoto said the main difference in education was the freedom — to wear almost any kind of clothing, eat or drink in class and interact informally with the teachers. After a series of other stops around the state, the whole crew flew off to Disneyland. In other news… Two dry winters in a row had local officials worried about a water shortage.

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March 23, 2000

Ten years ago, The Sopris Sun decided to ditch A woman returning from a late night walk the front page design it launched with, and noticed a ladder up to her second floor window invited the community to design a replacement. Chris Hassig created the look we have today, but and surprised an apparent burglar, who fled it’s fun to look back at some of the alternatives. only to have a neighbor fire a shotgun in the fleeing man’s general direction. The suspect was apprehended unharmed — although his van had a few holes — and the whole case was Submitted by Rainy Day Designs referred to the District Attorney’s Office. In other news… The Environmental Board was able to convince trustees not to use chemical herbicides on North Face Park. Submitted by Beth Zukowski

March 25, 2010 The Village at Crystal River development proposal came before trustees. In addition to 125,000 square feet of commercial space (including a new 59,000 square foot City Market building), it called for at least 162 apartments on a 24-acre parcel west of Highway 133. “I need a certain amount of residential to attract the commercial,” Developer Rich Sheirburg explained. The number of homes could have climbed to as many as 268 if trustees allowed four stories, but they weren’t having it. (The whole thing was eventually shot down in a public vote, and development of the property under different owners didn’t begin in earnest until last year.) In other news… A different kind of full moon cruise was reported, with a buck-naked cyclist spotted at the east end of Main Street.

Submitted by Cindy Noel

Submitted by Jaime Bethall

Submitted by Kurt Englund

Submitted by Melissa Sidelinger

Submitted by Sue Gray

Mother’s Day Photo Shoot Reservations

Now’s the time for moms with babies born within the last year to schedule portraits for our special spread in the May 7 Sopris Sun. Social distance friendly! Ahora es el momento para que las mamás con bebés nacidos en el último año programen retratos para nuestra difusión especial en el Sopris Sun del 7 de mayo. Distancia social amigable! Call or text Mark Burrows 970-379-4581

world-class multimedia studio

Audio and visual excellence all under one roof ! 12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • MARCH 26 - APRIL 1, 2020



By A.P. Jacobson Instrument calibration can be defined as the process of making sure an instrument is working accurately, i.e. making sure the detector can detect smoke or carbon monoxide. Failure of calibration can be serious and deadly. In Minnesota, a judge threw out up to 58,000 cases because of failure to calibrate breathalyzers. The problem was that police officers using these devices did not realize or were not informed that initial and ongoing calibration of the analyzers is necessary. This failure is true for smoke and carbon monoxide detectors used in millions of structures around the world. Most people believe that these detectors can be “tested” by pushing the “test” button on these devices. This only tests the battery strength and electronic circuitry for the built-

Calibrate your smoke, carbon monoxide detectors in alarm. It does not test the device for its ability to respond to the presence of smoke or carbon monoxide! To calibrate these devices requires using real smoke or the verifiable presence of carbon monoxide, period! To test smoke detectors use a smoldering paper, burning cigarette or smoldering match stick held near the detector. Testing for carbon monoxide is more complicated but easily done. Canisters of “certified” carbon monoxide can be purchased on the internet for reasonable prices. The monoxide detector is placed in a ziplock bag and sealed off except for a small opening to allow insertion of the tube on the canister. After a few seconds of pushing the canister button and waiting a few minutes, if working, the detector will respond via the alarm circuit. Carbon monoxide is dangerous to our health and can damage the brain and other tissues and at high levels, be fatal. Lower levels of carbon monoxide cause symptoms such as those experienced with the common cold, i.e. shortness of breath, mild exertion, mild headaches and nausea. Higher levels cause dizziness, mental confusion, severe headaches, nausea, and fainting. Monoxide detectors sound an alarm when they sense a certain amount of carbon monoxide in the air over time.

Some detectors use a gel that changes color exposed to monoxide, others use electrodes in a solution or solid state electronics and records changes in electrical resistance. If working, detectors sound the alarm when exposed to monoxide. In all cases, the detectors must be placed in a monoxidefree environment to reset the circuitry. No response means that the detector is faulty, the canister is empty or the battery is low. The canisters feel empty when they arrive because the contents weigh hardly anything. In your baggie, place a tiny feather so it will be in line with the canister nozzle and any motion of the feather suggests escaping pressurized carbon monoxide. Smoke detectors are simpler and cost less than monoxide detectors. Like monoxide detectors, smoke alarms save thousands of lives per year and are recommended for each level of your home. These devices have a sensor to detect smoke and a very loud alarm. Statistics show house fires kill more people than all natural disasters combined. Time to calibrate! Like monoxide detectors, smoke

detectors are battery operated and also run on 120-volt house current or both. There are only two types of smoke detectors in use: one uses an LED light source and a photoelectric light detector separated by a small gap and mounted opposite to one another. In the absence of any interference, the sensor is quiet. When smoke enters through the many openings in the device, it scatters light from the LED lamp into the detector and this sets off the alarm. The second type of detection is termed ionization detector. Again, there is a small gap built into the system and that gap is filled with both

positive and negative ions created by a tiny bit of radioactive americium that emits alpha particles into the gap and ionizes the air filling the gap. An electronic circuit is designed to accept the resulting electronic signal caused by its collection of ions and all is quiet. However, when smoke enters the chamber it disturbs that signal by lowering the ion count and sets off the alarm. Like monoxide detectors, once the threat is gone by airing out the smoke, the detectors clarify the gap problem and restore the system back to normal. Silence. An important note: ionizationtype detectors respond better to flaming fires than photoelectric devices. The opposite is true for photoelectric devices which respond faster to smoldering fires. Given the trivial cost of smoke detectors, getting some of each kind seems logical. Distribute them through the home. Searching the internet for these data will answer a lot of your questions. Let’s calibrate! A.P. Jacobson is a Carbondale resident and Professor Emeritus at The University of Michigan’s School of Public Health.

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 26 - APRIL 1, 2020 • 13

Hello from Ohio!


By Bret Milam

Editor of The Clermont Sun Life has always been the little things, and in times of crisis, when those little things get taken away, we realize how important their cumulative effect was. It was only three weeks ago that I was in Olive Garden with most of my family to celebrate my parents' 25th wedding anniversary. While waiting for an open seat on a busy Saturday night, my sisters, sisterin-law and I, congregated at the bar shoulder-to-shoulder, waiting for our glasses of wine (I had Confetti Pink Moscato — don't judge, the sweet and fruity hit the right spot). Shoulder-to-shoulder. How quaint such a basic little aspect of life that seems now. It was only two weeks ago that my two co-workers, Garth Shanklin, our sports editor, and

Megan Alley, our reporter, were sitting in the office with me, grinding out through long Tuesday production days, and blowing off necessary steam on Wednesdays. A small, cramped office in what used to be an auto dealer shop. Taken for granted, and now missed. Others have it worse, much worse, having to isolate themselves from their spouses, children, and grandparents. Human connection must count as a little thing because it's so ubiquitous that we end up taking it for granted. But we don't have to take it for granted at this moment. The technology of the age affords us the opportunity to rewatch “The Office” yet again while we ride this out, but it also affords us the chance to stay connected, and to make new connections. I learned a lot from your editor while interning at the Glenwood Post Independent, like how to make eggs over a campfire with beautiful Mt. Sopris watching, or how to shoot a bow and arrow. But also, the whole journalism thing. Part of our role as journalists is to share human connection stories, and that's where Will's fantastic idea came in to do a modern version of pen pals, with — instead of handwritten letters (staying clean!) — email.

Never, we hope, will people enjoy checking their email inboxes more. While we may not have aweinspiring mountain ranges — another little thing I tried not to take for granted while in Glenwood Springs — Clermont County does offer your small town feel, is steeped in abolitionist history, and is quite outdoorsy, too, just don't expect that gorgeous Colorado weather here in Ohio. Clermont County, with 207,000 residents, has been trying to get out of the shadow of its bigger brother to the west, Cincinnati, for years. We're the Eastside, boasting bustling areas like Union and Miami Townships, and the city of Milford, which are like microcosms of Cincinnati: the familiar sit-down restaurants, craft beer distilleries, local shops, and even a training facility for the MLS soccer team FC Cincinnati. But as it emerges, Clermont strains at its roots, trying to maintain its rural, disperse Appalachian feel. Small villages like New Richmond (abutting the Ohio River), Bethel and Williamsburg speak to this, attest to that spirit. Clermont has a proud abolitionist history, with a few

Top: Main Street in the village of Batavia, Ohio, where The Clermont Sun’s offices are located. Below: one of our nature spots, Harsha Lake in East Fork State Park. stops along the Underground Railroad, home to James Birney's abolitionist newspaper, The Philanthropist, and we’re the birthplace of United States President Ulysses S. Grant. "Who would ever go to Ohio?” has become something of an internet meme, but if the last few paragraphs haven't convinced you, then need I say, we have Skyline Chili? If you're not familiar, that's spaghetti with

chilli over top of it, a healthy dose of cheese smothering it, and oyster cracks to top it off. Yup. If correspondence with us Ohioans sounds appealing while you're holed up in your homes, I encourage you to send Will (will@ soprissun.com) a paragraph about yourself and your family, and I will try to find someone similar to connect you with out here. Let's stay connected.

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Continued from page 2

with being a fire person, first responder, paramedic or any number of support personnel and volunteers that make our communities safe. Please support Sydney Schalit and Gene Schilling for positions on the Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection Districts, Board of Directors. Garry Schalla

Message from the mayor Dear Editor: Each day seems to bring new discoveries and new changes in lifestyles. The uncertainty is unnerving, but one thing remains constant - the Carbondale community is as strong as ever. Social distancing may prevent us from gathering, but it won’t prevent us from supporting each other. And there are many in our community who need the support. First, please don’t panic, be prudent about your actions and prepared for the situation. Please, take the social distancing order very seriously. Local, regional and federal agencies all agree that aggressive, proactive actions right now, as painful as they are, will minimize the impact

in the long run. But this strategy requires everyone’s cooperation, regardless of your age, health condition or any other circumstances. The Town of Carbondale and many other community organizations continue to assemble resources for the community to help support those who need it. During this time of uncertainty, the major focus for the Town is ensuring that critical public services are continued. Systems are in place and are regularly being updated to make sure that public safety, drinking water treatment, sewage treatment and public infrastructure continue to be operated and maintained at high levels. The Town is also working diligently to follow all Garfield County Public Health orders. Our webpage, carbondalegov. org is updated regularly to reflect current Town operations and Public Health orders. These are changing frequently, so please check our web page regularly. At risk populations such as seniors and those with special needs are likely hunkering down and could use food & supplies delivery and someone to

check-in on them. Parents who aren’t home with their kids could use help with childcare. Restaurants and other businesses could use our creativity to continue to support them while we keep our distance. And of course those who are sick need healthcare. It has been heartwarming to hear so many offers of support recently and please know that community leaders are working diligently to coordinate efforts of support. I encourage you to reference KDNK.org and SoprisSun.com to connect to Carbondale communityspecific resources. Various groups are attempting to consolidate and disseminate information and resources but that will continue to evolve, so please keep checking the websites listed above for up-to-date information. Please respect the orders of social distancing so that we can return to the lively and connected community we are, as quickly as possible. Thank you for your efforts. Dan Richardson Carbondale

Firefighters from Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District, Roaring Fork Fire Rescue, Glenwood Springs Fire Department, Aspen Fire Protection District, Upper Colorado River (UCR) Fire and Colorado Department of Fire Prevention and Control contained and extinguished the recent Mile 17 Wildland Fire. There were no injuries or damage to structures. On a related note, state officials are discouraging opening burning during the COVID-19 response. Photos by Roberta McGowan


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NOTICE In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, all Planning Commission public hearings are canceled until further notice. Once new public hearing dates are set, all public hearings will be re-noticed. If you have questions or want to confirm whether a public hearing has been cancelled, please e-mail jbuck@ carbondaleco.net or jleybourne@carbondaleco.net. You may also call Mary Sikes at 510-1212. NOTICE PURSUANT TO THE LIQUOR LAWS OF COLORADO LANDMARK CAFE, LLC; 689 MAIN STREET, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 Has requested the liquor licensing officials of carbondale to grant a transfer of a liquor license to sell malt, vinous, and spirituous liquors for consumption on the premises at 689 MAIN STREET. CARBONDALE, CO HEARING ON APPLICATION TO BE HELD AT: CARBONDALE TOWN HALL, 511 COLORADO AVENUE, CARBONDALE, COLORADO DATE AND TIME: APRIL 14, 2020 AT 6:00 P.M. DATE OF APPLICATION: MARCH 10, 2020 BY ORDER OF: DAN RICHARDSON, MAYOR APPLICANT: AARON ROGERS, PABLO WISE

Information may be obtained from, and Petitions or Remonstrance’s may be filed with the Town Clerk Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO 81623 ORDINANCE NO.4 Series of 2020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE, COLORADO, REVISING ARTICLES 4 AND 5 OF CHAPTER 6 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT OFF-SITE DELIVERIES FROM LICENSED MEDICAL MARIJUANA STORES AND TO AMEND BOTH MEDICAL AND RETAIL MARIJUANA LICENSE RENEWAL REQUIREMENTS REGARDING NON-OPERATIONAL FACILITIES. NOTICE: This Ordinance was introduced, read, and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carbondale, Colorado, on March 10, 2020. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after publication of this notice. The full text of said Ordinance is available to the public at www.carbondalegov.org or at the office of the Town Clerk, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado, during normal business hours. THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE Dan Richardson, Mayor


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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 26 - APRIL 1, 2020 • 15

A Message from Habitat for Humanity Roaring Fork Valley’s President, Gail Schwartz Dear Friends of Habitat, On behalf of the entire team at Habitat for Humanity Roaring Fork Valley, I would like to share our response to the challenges of today’s COVID-19 crisis. Out of an abundance of concern for our families and neighbors, we made the decision to launch a Virtual ReStore and temporarily close our brick and mortar location. Both our ReStore and our Basalt Vista build site will be closed to the public and our volunteers until it is safe to reopen. We stand in solidarity with businesses, governments, and organizations throughout our Valley who believe that it is our collective responsibility to do all we can to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of our staff and our community at this time.


When you shop our Virtual ReStore, you impact the lives of nearly 300 valley residents.


Let us help you find what you’re looking for by calling (970) 945-9138 SCHEDULE A FREE DONATION PICK-UP

Call (970) 618-1666 or schedule online at HabitatRFV.org/restore-schedule-pick-up GIVE A GIFT

If you are able, monetary donations are especially appreciated at this time. You can give online at HabitatRFV.org/give or by calling Kristen at (970) 309-8179

Because we are committed to our mission of “Building Homes, Building Hope and Building Community”, we are welcoming guests to our Virtual ReStore to shop our complete inventory online or over the phone. Guests can pick up their purchases curbside or, if preferred, arrange for our staff to provide White Glove delivery. Habitat for Humanity of the Roaring Fork Valley remains a community-based organization and we will continue to support the hardworking families in our valley who need us most. I strongly encourage you to continue supporting our community mission. Please see the blue box above for the ways you can help us navigate our way through this unprecedented crisis. With our hope and prayers for your family’s continued good health and well being,

Habitat homeowner and paramedic, Crystal Peters, with her daughter on move in day.

When you shop our Virtual ReStore, you’ll not only get great stuff—from gently-used furniture and appliances to building materials for all your home improvement needs—you’ll also help us build affordable homes with teachers and other local workforce families and impact the lives of our staff and subcontractors, their families, and all the people they touch in their service to our community. It really is a win-win for everyone involved.



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