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Volume 14, Number 20 | June 23 - June 29, 2022

Cool science

Sarah R. Johnson, founder of Wild Rose Education, prepares to deploy an ice ball buoy from the North Slope Borough Search and Rescue Sikorsky S-92 helicopter along a 100-mile transect offshore of Utqiaġvik, Alaska. The buoys collect environmental conditions data to be used for climate research around the world. Photo by Ignatius Rigor

By Kate Phillips Sopris Sun Correspondent Nearly 100 miles offshore, north of Utqiaġvik, Alaska, Sarah R. Johnson, founder of Wild Rose Education in Carbondale, carefully leaned out of a hovering North Slope Borough Search and Rescue Sikorsky S-92 helicopter. Pausing for just a moment to take in the vastness of the Arctic Ocean, Johnson exhaled as she released an ice ball buoy onto the sea ice below. Before she could catch her breath, the pilot, wary of polar bears, quickly departed leaving the buoy to drift for years to come. “I have such a connection with place, and landscapes,” Johnson said. “I had never dreamed of going to the Arctic, but I love doing field science and I also love going on wilderness

adventures. This was an amazing opportunity to do both.” From March 27 through April 8, Johnson, a prominent environmental education specialist, was a part of the International Arctic Buoy Programme’s (IABP) Spring 2022 deployment, serving as the team’s PolarTREC education officer. Led by the University of Washington Polar Science Center and the Office of Naval Research International Cooperative Engagement Program for Polar Research, the IABP provides oceanographic and meteorological data for Arctic climate research. Johnson’s role included, but was not limited to, field assistance and expansion of the team’s outreach and academic programs. On this expedition, the team deployed over a dozen buoys that will drift on sea ice for several years. According

to Johnson, the buoys support climate research by recording environmental variables such as time, location, air pressure and temperature. The data is open-source, meaning anyone can access it, but Johnson said it is mostly utilized by the World Meteorological Organization for weather forecasting, sea ice observation and NASA satellite imagery verification. “Ultimately, this data has been cited by thousands of academic research journals because it is instrumental in helping us understand climate change,” she emphasized. “It is one of the longest, consistent records of the Arctic conditions.” Johnson first connected with the IABP in December 2019, when she was accepted into the prestigious PolarTREC program. Funded by the National Science Foundation, PolarTREC “provides opportunities for educators to continued on page 6


OPINION By Alex Menard

Editor's note: This article is a response to a letter to the editor published June 9. What is a weed? There are many ways to answer this question. A weed is a plant out of place. A weed is an unwanted visitor with undesirable features. A weed is a vigorous plant that can take over an area, described by the phrase “growing like a weed.” The suffix “weed” is added to many common native plants, like fireweed, sneezeweed and others. The word “weed” is also a technical term with a clearly defined meaning. The Colorado State Department of Agriculture protects our natural and agricultural environment by controlling the spread of noxious weeds. The Colorado Noxious Weed Act, established in 1990, accurately states what a noxious weed is. This is done not by a description or definition. A noxious weed is simply one that is included on the state noxious weed list. The Colorado Noxious Weed Act actually establishes four different subheadings: Lists A, B, C and the Watch List. The purpose is to provide separate management strategies


What can we do?

Be a ‘weed’ warrior

for different plants. List A contains species which must be eradicated wherever they are found. The plants on this list are uncommon or even unknown in Colorado. For this reason, control is feasible. The undesirable features of these plants are known from their behavior elsewhere. This list could be described as threats which can be controlled. You probably are unfamiliar with most List A plants. List B plants are already established here. The management strategy is to stop the continued spread of these species. These are plants which you would recognize and should learn to identify and control. Local examples include: absinthe wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare), chamomile (Anthemis cotula), tansy ( Tanacetum vulgare), houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale), oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) and yellow toadflax ( Linaria vulgaris). Remember that the scientific name is used for identification rather than the common name because it is unambiguous. The vulgare and vulgaris species names mean that it is the common variety of that genus. List C plants are established weeds which may be controlled by the choice of local governments. The state management strategy is to assist local governments, if they choose to try to control the spread of these weeds. You could say that the state does not consider eradication at the state level feasible. There are familiar weeds on this list: burdock (Arctium minus), mullein (Verbascum thapsus), bindweed or morning glory (Convolvulus arvensis) and puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris). Burdock

seeds stick to your socks, while puncturevine gives your bike a flat tire. The Watch List is a new addition, and serves only to identify plants that should be watched should they become problems. The weed list is updated regularly. A county weed list would contain all the plants listed on the state lists A and B, but may differ on List C plants. Some weeds are escaped ornamental plants from gardens and new ornamentals could be added to the list. A very safe strategy for gardeners is to emphasize native plants when planning a new garden. Dandelion and salsify are not on any list. This is because they are so well established that control is not feasible. Plants like this appear in Colorado flora books and are called naturalized or introduced. They are permanently established parts of our plant communities. Besides the economic costs of weed control imposed on gardeners, farmers and ranchers, weeds impact our native plant communities. Wildflower lovers should learn to identify and control weeds, which impact the health and diversity of natural landscapes. Weeds take over a natural community because they can outcompete the natives. This may be because of a lack of natural controls, prolific seed production, a longer growing season or other factors. The most important control factor is prevention. Weeds get their foot in the door whenever an area is disturbed and not immediately restored. Redstone has very few weeds because Pitkin County regulates and minimizes ground disturbance during

the big corporations and businesses that we will do what is needed to save our environment. We don't have money to spend on advertising to make the point about saving our future, but we do have each other. In many parts of the world, including the United States, people are organizing to place restrictions on disposable plastic, and it is working. An example is that hundreds of U.S. cities have banned or put a tax on disposable plastic bags to reduce their use. The government’s most effective way to reduce plastic in the Roaring Fork Valley is through restrictions, taxes, fees or bans. Let your representatives know how you feel. Wendy Draina Carbondale

Plastic? In the 1940s, when I was growing up, there were very few plastics and we lived without them. Now, they make life easier, but we do pay a price. Plastics show up in our waterways and are found in sea life throughout the world. Plastic began as a convenience that most people appreciated, but has become a very serious health and environmental threat. It is used to make clothing, bags, shoes, toys, machinery, tools, etc., etc., etc., and is a significant driver of fossil fuel extraction and climate change. Instead of using less plastics, we continue to use more. Of course, this drives big companies to make more. What can we do? We individually can make changes in our habits that you have probably thought about. Examples: use a plastic bag more than once; get substitutes for plastic bags; buy fresh food that has little or no packaging; use reusable containers for lunch packing and water bottles; Wave the flag As July 4th is soon approaching, I let take-out restaurants know that you appreciate the compostable cups they are using; when am encouraging all citizens in Garfield possible, choose paper, glass or metal over plastic County to hang their American flags. This flag is a symbol of our freedom and belongs goods, and so on. This is all good; however, we need to show to all of us. As we know, as Americans, our 2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • June 23 - June 29, 2022

construction. In contrast, unregulated Marble has serious weed problems. Disturbance of native vegetation by recreational vehicles provides another opportunity for weed establishment. Tires can carry weed seed to new locations. The first step in prevention is identification. Your county extension agent can give you a free Noxious Weeds of Colorado handbook, which contains photos and descriptions. There are also weed management guides available online through Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. Learning to identify weeds when they are small makes control easier. Want to learn more? The Marble Hub and Marble Museum are cosponsoring a free weed identification and control workshop on July 10 from 1 to 4 p.m. Meet at the Marble Hub.


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Salsify (Tragopogon pratensis) is also known as "the oyster plant" for its a delicate, slightly-sweet taste. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

pledge states, “One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Our flag stands for our constitution, our four freedoms and it is something we can unite under. Let's take our flag back and wave it proudly. Sondie Reiff Carbondale

Stop the lies Please stop spewing the lies about Lauren Boebert. One, she has not voted for or introduced legislation to reduce the age to buy guns (read the Congressional record). Two, she was not a paid escort. Three, she did not lead a group of the Jan. 6 rioters on a tour of the Capital days prior. Go to the Congressional Record and look at what she has actually done. She stands for all of Colorado. She has even requested that the transportation department look at making Cottonwood Pass an alternative road to I-70 when everyone else just talks about it. David Butler Carbondale continued on page 22

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for including us in their final wishes.

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CRMS invites you to be an osprey host By Max Seitel-Hayes Youth Correspondent

If you’ve been along Highway 82 by El Jebel and Basalt, or driven 133 through Carbondale, you’ve probably seen these majestic beauty perched in massive nests atop a lamppost, power pole, bridge or other tall structures. Though not social with humans, ospreys certainly take advantage of our infrastructure. They have a striking white head and brown wings, and feed on fish in our local rivers. But the osprey was not always this prevalent in the Valley. In the mid 20th century, the agricultural chemical dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was used across the United States as an easily-manufactured insecticide and had a severe impact on the avian population in North America. DDT causes the shells of bird eggs to be weak, and leads to a premature hatch. As DDT worked its way up the food chain, from plants, to rodents, all the way to birds of prey, avian populations began to plummet. Certain birds, including the osprey, almost went extinct before DDT was banned in 1972. In recent decades, ospreys have made a comeback in the Roaring Fork Valley, but some new problems have emerged. Many natural nesting sites have been destroyed by booming development. The ospreys have responded by nesting on made-man structures, such as power poles. These sites are dangerous to the ospreys, with their nests often blowing away, or some animals even getting electrocuted. In 2017, a Colorado Rocky Mountain School (CRMS) biology class led by teacher Kayo Ogilby came up with a solution to this problem. They took it upon themselves to build a safer nesting site for the ospreys. Their plan went into action after the class received news of an osprey nest falling off a local power pole. The nest blew off the pole multiple times, and it was obvious that the ospreys needed a better nesting location. The CRMS biology class, with aid from Xcel Energy, installed a new nesting site on CRMS property near the Crystal River. The new site is far away from dangerous infrastructure, and it is built in a way that protects the nest from blowing off. Five years later, that project has been a massive success. The same pair of ospreys have come back to the nest, and 12 chicks have been born. All of this has also been caught on camera with the CRMS Osprey Cam, accessible at www. crms.org/academics/osprey-camera/ This year, for reasons unknown, the nest has been abandoned. However, the school hopes to see it inhabited again next year. Since that original project, the Roaring Fork Valley’s osprey population has continued to increase, but new development of housing and infrastructure has continued to take away safe nesting sites. Ogilby and current biology students realized that, “one nest was not enough to help the population truly recover in our valleys.”

So, once again, they’ve come to the rescue. In a conversation with Caleb Imhoff, a member of Ogliby’s class, he said, “The osprey population has been increasing after the DDT incident, and we need to help the ospreys find better nesting sites to make sure that they have safe homes, not a nest balancing on an electrical pole.” Similar to the 2017 project, but now even bigger, Ogibly’s class wants to install multiple new nesting sites in the Valley. Students already proposed their plan to the Pitkin Board of County Commissioners and, through the Pitkin County Healthy Rivers Program, they received a $4,800 grant toward the project. This money funds the purchase of materials for the nests and their eventual installation, which will require heavy machinery. “Our mission is to sequentially install nesting boxes on poles to provide suitable nesting habitat that is no longer naturally available,” said Ogilby. “We decided to start with four boxes, initially, and the grant we were awarded by Pitkin County Healthy Rivers provides the funding to tackle this project.” Students from the class have already built nest boxes with four wooden sides, a wire-fence bottom and an open top. Now, in an effort to find local landowners willing to host a nesting box, the class has created social media posts about their project on the CRMS Instagram account. They also created an online form for anyone interested in hosting (linktr.ee/coloradorockymountainschool). A digital map keeps track of the distribution of possible nesting sites, to make sure they are spread out evenly throughout the Valley. During this project, the class has collaborated with Mary Harris of the Roaring Fork Audubon Society, birder Nancy Peterson, local writer and landscape designer Geneviève Joëlle Villamizar and Holy Cross Energy. To host a nest, you must have a specific type of property: near the river and surrounded by natural nest-building materials such as grass, bark and vines. The property must also be accessible to heavy machinery, but distanced from highways or electrical infrastructure.

(Top) The nest set up by CRMS in 2017 has brought a pair of Ospreys to a safer zone, and since then 12 chicks have been born. The nest rests inside a wood palette that protects it from blowing away. The pole to the right of the nest houses the CRMS Osprey Cam. (Bottom) Carbondale’s electrical substation, a hub of high voltage electrical infrastructure, is also the home of a nesting osprey pair. These ospreys are in danger of electrocution and burning, and their nest could easily blow away. Photos by George Soukup

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Double Up Food Bucks

Remember the six P’s in case of an evacuation: (1) people and pets; (2) papers, phone numbers and important documents; (3) prescriptions, vitamins and eyeglasses; (4) pictures and irreplaceable memorabilia; (5) personal computer hard drive and disks; (6) “plastic” (credit cards, ATM cards) and cash.

Persons with an EBT card (the modern equivalent of food stamps) can have their money matched, dollar for dollar, when shopping for fruits and vegetables at local farmers markets (up to $20 per visit). Find the schedule of nearby farmers markets on our calendar, page 9. Learn more about the state’s Double Up Food Bucks program at www.doubleupcolorado.org

River reckoning

Music comp

On June 14, nearly 100 years after the Colorado River Compact was signed by President Herbert Hoover, the commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation stated at a U.S. Senate Committee hearing that water use in the Colorado River system must be cut by “two to four million acre feet” by next year. She continued, “the challenges we are seeing today are unlike anything we have seen in our history,” concluding that the Bureau of Reclamation “has the authority to act unilaterally to protect the system.” States were given until Aug. 16 to figure out a path to conservation before the feds step in.

The Inspire Aspen Foundation is hosting a competition open to all musicians older than 16. A one-minute video of your performance must be submitted by June 26 for the chance to perform live at the Wheeler Opera House on July 5. Additionally, the top prize is a two-day recording session with Mad Dog Ranch+Studios. To submit an entry, follow @inspireaspenfoundation on Instagram, upload your video and use the tags #icaninspireaspen, #aspenrocks and @inspireaspenfoundation or email the video to inspireaspen@ gmail.com

Eighth Street progress Work continues on Eighth Street in Carbondale. Contrary to social media rumors, parking will be allowed on both sides of the street once the work is complete. Due to rising costs for materials and labor, the project was divided into two phases. Phase one focuses on the west side of the street from Rio Grande Trail to Village Road, and between the trail and Merrill Avenue on the east side of the street. Phase two will complete work on the east side.

Dribble Drive Hoops Sunlight Mini-Mayor Axelle Hansen, 9, has raised $500 for UNICEF to help support the children of Ukraine. Every year, Sunlight Mountain Resort dedicates 10% of the ski season’s proceeds from Sunny Pop soda sales toward a charitable cause chosen by the mini-mayor. Hansen also donated $250 to Return to Dirt, a local nonprofit. Courtesy photo

CLEER update

Old City Market prospects As reported by The Aspen Times, Pitkin County is teaming up with LIFT-UP and other food providers to conduct feasibility studies for a regional food hub and distribution center. Among the locations being considered: the old Emma store on Highway 82 and the former City Market in Carbondale. “LIFT-UP executive director Ivan Jackson said the nonprofit organization is working with the owner of the 45,000-square-foot supermarket space on a possible sale,” reported the Times.

Last fall, Clear Energy Economy for the Region (CLEER) and the town of Carbondale held a public forum to gather input on incorporating climate protection into the comprehensive plan update. They’re organizing a follow-up session next Thursday, June 30, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Third Street Center. They will focus on identifying specific action steps the town should take to significantly scale up its climate efforts, and interested residents are invited to participate. To find out more, call CLEER at 970-704-9200.

Dribble Drive Hoops, a basketball event company that conducts basketball workshops across the country, will offer a training clinic for boys and girls in third through 12th grade on July 11-14 at Roaring Fork High School. The cost is $200 per student for four three-hour sessions. For details, call Coach Washington at 918-9862255 or 405-492-5957.

They say it’s your birthday! Folks celebrating another trip around the sun this week include: Keith Edquist, Marc Loggins, Daniel Pulver, Donna Riley, Felix Tornare and Lauren Whittaker (June 23); Brian Keleher (June 24); Mark Burrows, Olivia Pevec and Michael Quint (June 25); Jaspen Mackin, Emilee Phelan, Zack Ritchie, Lucy Sontag and Jake Zamansky (June 26); Roberto de Leon, Erica Pincomb and Colton Mesner (June 27); Michael Black, Adele Craft, Erin Galbreath, Jeff Isaacson, Claire de L'Arbre and Beth Mulry (June 28); Zuleika Pevec, Patty Phelan and Drew Sorenson (June 29).


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TRTC rebrands at 25 By Myki Jones Sopris Sun Correspondent Thunder River Theatre Company (TRTC) is celebrating its 25th anniversary with an open house gala and cabaret at their building on Saturday, June 25. The event will feature food trucks, including Mama's Pierogi, and a bar for adult attendees courtesy of Marble Distilling. The action will take place outdoors on the lot surrounding the theater, with a stage set up for some of the Valley’s top performers, like Consensual Improv, Nina Gabianelli, Nikki Boxer, Mike Monroney and other cabaret singers known to TRTC. The event will conclude with a performance by local children with the Stage of Life Theatre Company. To top it all off, those in attendance can expect to hear some special announcements about the theater’s direction. Ticket prices, ($50 if purchased in advance, $60 at the door) include dinner and a show. Executive Director Sean Jeffries sat down with The Sopris Sun to discuss the beloved nonprofit’s rebranding efforts. Without divulging too many details, Jeffries said they’ve got a new logo to encapsulate the organization’s continued evolution. The new logo, he shared, is meant to be a symbol for a new and exciting creative edge the community staple will pursue. “We have, in recent years, been ramping up in quality — left, right and center. We started to feel like the logo needed a refresh, and an overall new look,” he said. Over the past six years, TRTC has been nominated approximately 30 times by the Colorado Theatre Guild and has won eight awards. The nonprofit felt that a new logo was

necessary to help tell their story, pushing the creative envelope with their space since 1995 — when the original logo was created. Jeffries continued, “I am definitely looking forward to seeing how we can grow with this community, and that is another fun reason for doing the gala at the theater itself, because it is a lot more personal and a lot less industrial. We want people to be in the place they are supporting, that ‘welcome to your theater’ sort of feeling.” TRTC board member Laurie Bernhard expressed excitement and hopefulness for the nonprofit to continue deepening its connections with the community. “We are moving into a really exciting new time where we are expanding our involvement with the community as a whole,” she said. “We are so looking forward to what is happening around the space and we are hoping it’ll become what we have always hoped for it to be.” Bernhard also provided a small teaser as to some of the announcements attendees can expect. She spoke of new opportunities for writers, as well as actors and stage hands looking for opportunities for involvement. Unfortunately, The Sopris Sun was sworn to silence regarding those details. On Saturday, June 25, all will be revealed. This 25-year anniversary and fundraising event was intended to take place in the summer of 2020, but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Jeffries said he hopes the event has a “carnival” feeling of festiveness. Masks are optional and proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test is required upon entry. For more information on this and upcoming TRTC events, visit www. thunderrivertheatre.com

Johnathan Webster (left) plays a deranged dentist and Garrett Greene is his patient in SoL Theatre Company's upcoming production of "Little Shop of Horrors" at Thunder River Theatre Company. Courtesy photo Garrett Greene, as Seymour, with Thea Hecht, as Audrey, in an upcoming SoL Theatre Company production. Courtesy photo

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • June 23 - June 29, 2022 • 5

Ute history returns to Redstone

By Dyana Z. Furmansky Sopris Sun Correspondent

Before they were marched out of Western Colorado in the 1880s, the Utes had spent some 10,000 summers in the Crystal River Valley, home to the Redstone Historical Society (RHS) since 2001. RHS invited C. J. Brafford, director of the Ute Indian Museum in Montrose, to talk about the present, as well as the past, of Colorado’s longest continuing inhabitants, at the society’s annual meeting on June 26. “My presentation is to create cultural awareness, and to be mindful that the Utes, who call themselves Nuuchi — are still here,” says Director Brafford, a member of the Oglala Lakota Sioux. By “here,” Brafford does not mean Redstone; one Ute reservation is in Utah, and two are in southwest Colorado. The last home of Chief Ouray, who was part Ute, serves as a portion of the Ute Indian Museum, and the grave of Ouray’s wife Chipeta is on the museum’s grounds. RHS’s program about the Utes is reportedly its first on the topic and is open to the public. “I’ve been telling the Redstone Historical Society that the story of the Crystal River Valley didn’t start with J.C. Osgood,” the coal and steel magnate who

founded the company town of Redstone in 1889, says RHS Board Member Larry K. Meredith. “It’s embarrassing that this will be the first time the society focuses on the Utes in our history.” Meredith moved to Redstone five years ago from Gunnison. His lifetime affinity for Ute culture led him to write the novel “This Cursed Valley” about white miners who moved to the Valley following the Utes’ forced removal, and a parting holy man’s eternal damnation of the new arrivals and their enterprises. Whether legend or not, the curse seems a response to Colorado Governor Fredrick Pitkin’s repeated promises to “rid the state of the Ute menace.” Emotions boiled over following the 1879 Ute uprising at the White River Indian Agency near present-day Meeker, which resulted in the killing of U.S. Major Thomas Thornburgh, 13 of his troops, Agency Head Nathan Meeker and 11 of Meeker’s white, male associates. Utes also kidnapped Meeker’s wife and daughter and held them for three weeks before returning them and other captives unharmed. Meeker had aroused the Utes’ anger, in part, by forcing them to take up farming, which had never been part of their culture. As nomads who traveled on foot and then by horse after Spanish

Cool Science... continued from cover

Ute Indian Museum Director C.J. Brafford, a Lakota, will give a presentation on the Ute at the Redstone Historical Society's June 26 annual meeting. Courtesy Photo

contact in the 1600s, the Utes left few made items in the places they lived. Depending on the season and the game they hunted, the Utes moved between higher and lower elevations. Many of their trails are still traveled, unknowingly, by contemporary residents of these valleys. “The landscape of sacred Mother Earth tells their story, which the Utes believe will never end,” says Brafford. The annual meeting on June 26 will take place behind the Redstone Inn at 2 p.m. It is free to members of the society, and all interested individuals are invited. There will be a cash bar and other refreshments. Learn more at historyredstone.org/ ute-indian-presentation/

Make time for your HEART

work in the field with cuttingedge scientists,” Johnson said. The knowledge PolarTREC educators gain from these experiences is then shared in both formal and nonformal academic settings to further Arctic climate curiosity. The original expedition was set to take place in March 2020, but the pandemic delayed it for two years. However, Johnson said, the delay helped her develop strong relationships with her colleagues and incorporate her extensive educational expertise to support the team’s goals. “I jumped in immediately to help them turn this whole STEM learning experience that they were in the middle of into [a virtual platform],” she said. “I worked with them for two years before ever traveling, and I was able to do a lot of cool stuff with them in that time.” According to Johnson, the collaboration between educators and scientists is critical for a thorough understanding of the Arctic’s climate. “When we look at a humongous geographic region of the planet, we realize that there has to be so many different kinds of science and research teams that can all cross-pollinate and really learn from each other,” she said. “Our work is truly integral to so many different research entities.”

Johnson emphasized that, while her team’s work is groundbreaking, they are not the first to be making these observations. “The Indigenous people have been doing this forever, and we’re just trying to get started,” she said. “Sea ice affects everything. ... The Inuit people of the Arctic Circle are so dependent on sea ice. They actually have more freedom in the winter months than summer months because they rely on it for travel with their dog sleds. They are some of the most mobile people on the planet.” While Johnson’s career is shifting toward a more global perspective, she will continue to design and facilitate climate change education workshops through Wild Rose Education. Her upcoming workshop, Summer Institute for Climate Change Education, will take place virtually July 18-22. “It’s incredible to be able to contribute to such a real project that influences the entire planet,” she said. “It’s not about me, it’s about our whole planet.” To Learn more about Johnson’s trip to the Arctic and Wild Rose Education, visit www. wildroseeducation.com/arctic. html where you can also find IABP and PolarTREC resources.

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6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • June 23 - June 29, 2022

Contact Todd Chamberlin adsales@soprissun.com 970-510-0246

Red Hill survey results are in!

By Olivia Emmer Sopris Sun correspondent

Carbondale’s much-loved trail system on Red Hill is now seeing more than 70,000 visits a year. That’s according to Davis Farrar, a member of the volunteer group, the Red Hill Council. While most of the Red Hill trail system is Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land, the council exists to help steward the popular trails. The council recently circulated a survey to try and learn more about who uses the trails, when, and what users see as priorities. The survey was available online in English and had just under 300 respondents. The last time the group did a survey was in the late 1990s. The main takeaways — based on responses by survey participants — were: the trails are most popular in the fall; most users visit the trails several times a month; the majority of users live in Carbondale; foot traffic represents the most common activity; slightly fewer than half of the users sometimes bring a dog. The survey identified poop bags/ trash as an important issue to address, along with the impact of mud on trails, trail erosion and vegetation damage. Farrar says that although many survey respondents were interested in trail closures for muddy conditions, it’s a non-starter with the BLM because, “they don't have the personnel to manage that.” Additionally, Farrar cited the unintentional consequences of trail closures, such as persistent users going around closure gates and furthering erosion problems by going off-trail. The Red Hill Council plans to focus more efforts on educating the public on why using trails when they’re muddy is such a problem. Both hikers and bikers can negatively impact trails if they use them while muddy. Farrar says if you want to use Red Hill trails during mud season, the key is to go out early, while the mud is frozen. Another priority for the council will be encouraging

dog owners to be responsible and always pack out their dog poop bags. Again, Farrar, “[dog poop litter is] not unique to Red Hill. It's everywhere, and in some places it's really bad. You know, I would say overall on Red Hill, based on the number of users up there, the dog poop situation could be a lot worse.” In an interview this spring with Carbondale’s parks and cemeteries supervisor, Russell Sissom, he said that the town orders approximately 200,000 dog bags for the year,


to service 35 dog stations around town. In the summer, TOC staff need to empty the dog pots at the Red Hill trailhead four times per week to keep pace. To learn more about the council and future surveys, or to submit feedback, information can be found at redhillcouncil. org or on the Red Hill Council’s Facebook page. Information about trail conditions can also often be found on the Roaring Fork Trail Conditions Facebook page.

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7 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • June 23 - June 29, 2022



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A full-body workout that targets specific muscles while engaging the entire body. Improve balance, muscle coordination, strength, and stability. In-person & Livestream. Mon/Wed, 6/27-8/3


Make rustic, artisan bread in Carbondale’s old-world style community oven. Mon/Wed, 6/27-8/3


Review the history of textiles, and learn all about fabric identification, construction, and end uses. Start your own fabric swatch resource book. Thursday evenings, 6/30-8/4


Join Social Mezcla’s Claudia Pawl to learn about various dance concepts and genres, with focus on Latin dances such as Salsa, Bachata, merengue and more. Monday evenings, 7/25-8/15



Visit soprissun.com to submit events


Start with the basics and learn more advanced skills each week. Topics include formatting, printing, formulas and functions, charting, and tables. Students will learn Excel tricks that they never knew before! Tuesday evenings, 7/26-8/30


Build on your previous oil painting experience and join with other painters for instructions and guided painting projects, with time to explore your own style. Tuesday mornings, 7/26-8/30


A series of five, hands-on classes with Linda Halloran. Students will learn Kiln Glass skills and concepts, and create their own unique functional items in glass. Saturday/Sunday afternoons, 8/6-8/20



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Downtown farmers markets are in full swing. Glenwood Springs’s market is on Tuesdays from 4 to 8 p.m., Carbondale's is on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Aspen’s is on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Basalt’s is on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Photo by Raleigh Burleigh

THURSDAY, JUNE 23 MUSTANG SHOWMAN Rodeo entertainer Bobby Kerr will perform at Carbondale’s Wild West Rodeo at the Gus Darien Arena. Gates open at 5:30 p.m. with slack at 6 p.m. and grand entry at 7:30 p.m. STATE OF THE CRYSTAL Learn about the state of our watershed and how that fits into the greater Colorado River basin with the Colorado River Water Conservation District at the Third Street Center from 5:30 to 8 p.m. FINDING BACH Carbondale Arts presents the Garden Music Concert Series, curated by MinTze Wu, kicking off with “Finding Bach” at the Thompson House at 6 p.m. CHAKRA COLOR SERIES A monthly chakra series with Aura Soma kicks off at True Nature at 6 p.m. Registration and more info at www.truenaturehealingarts.com

FRIDAY, JUNE 24 RESTORATION Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers guides restoration work at Maroon Creek Wetlands from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. RSVP at www.rfov.org PRIDE CELEBRATION The city of Glenwood Springs will host its first-ever Pride Celebration from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Bethel Plaza, with live music, family-friendly activities and drag performances at 6:30 p.m. LIVE MUSIC LP Herd performs at Heather’s in Basalt at 6:30 p.m. CRYSTAL THEATRE The Crystal Theatre shows “Elvis” at 7:30 p.m. THE CONTEMPORARY Sean Kelly and the Samples play at The Arts Campus at Willits at 8 p.m. Tickets at www.tacaw.org

SATURDAY, JUNE 25 GARDENS TOUR The Glenwood Springs Garden Club invites you to journey through some of the most beautiful gardens in the town. The tour begins at the Glenwood Community Garden at 9 a.m. sharp. Tickets are available at the start of the tour or online at www.bit.ly/GWSGardenTour 8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • June 23 - June 29, 2022

FESTIVAL LAS AMÉRICAS Club Rotario’s Festival Las Américas celebration is back in Sopris Park from noon to 8 p.m. The day will include family-friendly activities, live entertainment and a variety of food vendors. DISABILITY EDUCATION The Glenwood Vaudeville Revue presents the DisABILITY Education Film Fest. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. More info is at www.gvrshow.com/special-events MAGICAL MOMENTS Redstone's summer concert series is back with My Blue Sky playing at Avalanche Outfitters, behind the coke ovens on 133, at 6 p.m. MUSIC ON THE MOUNTAIN Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park’s Music on the Mountain series kicks off with Dance of the Sacred Fire and Gasoline Lollipops performing from 6 to 9 p.m. SILVER CELEBRATION Thunder River Theatre Company holds its Silver Celebration with live performances, food trucks, a silent auction and more from 6 to 9 p.m. Tickets and more info are at www.thunderrivertheatre.com CRYSTAL THEATRE The Crystal Theatre shows “Elvis” at 7:30 p.m. SALSA NIGHT Move to the art of salsa dancing at The Arts Campus at Willits. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Registration and more info at www.tacaw.org

SUNDAY, JUNE 26 UTE PRESENTATION The Redstone Historical Society hosts C.J. Brafford, director of the Ute Indian Museum in Montrose, for a presentation and discussion under the tent behind the Redstone Inn, from 2 to 5 p.m. All are welcome. For more info, email historyredstone@gmail.com CRYSTAL THEATRE The Crystal Theatre shows “Elvis” at 5 p.m. NEW MOON CEREMONY Sheridan Semple leads a new moon ceremony at True Nature from 6 to 7:30 p.m. More info at www. truenaturehealingarts.com

MONDAY, JUNE 27 STORIES FROM EVEREST Jon Gibbons shares his story about climbing the tallest mountain in the world at the Carbondale Library at 6 p.m. All are welcome. For more info, call 970-963-2889. PLANT-BASED POTLUCK The Center for Human Flourishing hosts a whole foods, plant-based potluck for fully vaccinated people at the Third Street Center at 6:30 p.m.

TUESDAY, JUNE 28 STEVE WEEKS MUSIC Basalt Library presents Steve Weeks and his guitar, for a free family-friendly show at 10 a.m. BEATBOX WORKSHOP As part of their Summer Reading Challenge events, Garfield County Libraries host Mr. Kneel for a beatbox workshop for children at the Glenwood Springs Library at 11 a.m. and Carbondale Library at 1:30 p.m. All events are free and open to the public. More at www.gcpld.org/summer-reading

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 MAKE IT RAIN The Colorado River District hosts a virtual webinar at noon called “How to Make it Rain When it’s Not Raining” to help water users navigate federal funding opportunities. To register, visit bit.ly/WWYL-WaterFunding LGBTQIA+ Carbondale Library celebrates diversity and Pride with games and snacks for all at 2:30 p.m. DIFFERENT VIEW Artists Jill Knutson, Cedar Keshet and Patti Kaech share their joy in a group show at the Blue Sage Center for the Arts in Paonia on display through Aug. 19 with an opening reception from 5 to 7 p.m. FILM NIGHT Aspen Film presents “The Art of Making It”, a documentary, at Anderson Ranch at 6 p.m. Tickets at www.andersonranch.org CRYSTAL THEATRE The Crystal Theatre shows “Elvis” at 7:30 p.m.

FURTHER OUT THURSDAY, JUNE 30 JAZZ STRAIGHT AHEAD Basalt Library presents the Wayne Wilkinson Trio for a blend of straight ahead and traditional jazz at 5:30 pm. The show is free, but registration is required. More at www.basaltlibrary.org LIVE MUSIC Rodrigo Arreguín plays at Heather’s in Basalt at 6:30 p.m. FANTASTIC FUNGI The Center for Human Flourishing, together with Akaljeet, a conscious death coach, show the documentary “Fantastic Fungi” at the Third Street Center at 7 p.m. No RSVP needed, donations appreciated. CRYSTAL THEATRE The Crystal Theatre shows “Elvis” at 7:30 p.m. LATIN JAZZ Josefina Mendez is joined by Walter Gorra, Gonzalo Teppa and Alejandro Castaño for a performance at The Arts Campus at Willits at 8 p.m. Tickets at www.tacaw.org

FRIDAY, JULY 1 GARDEN CONCERT Lizzy Plotkin and Natalie Spears perform at True Nature in the Peace Garden at 6 p.m. The concert will also be live broadcast on KDNK. More at www.truenaturehealingarts.com

SATURDAY, JULY 2 MAGICAL MOMENTS Redstone's summer concert series

continues with Moors & McCumber playing at Avalanche Outfitters at 6 p.m. BIRDS OF PLAY After a previous postponement, Bird of Play will in fact play at Steve’s Guitar’s at 8 p.m. HUSBANDS The Arts Campus at Willits presents an evening of landlocked beach pop with the band Husbands at 8 p.m. Tickets at www.tacaw.org


MONDAY, JULY 4 PATRIOTIC PARADES Redstone's annual Fourth of July celebration — the only parade you get to see twice — is scheduled for noon. Carbondale's recreation department invites folks to party at the pool. Glenwood Springs will celebrate at Two Rivers Park beginning at 4:30 p.m. with music at 6 p.m.

ONGOING MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS “Health is not just about pills and procedures.” La Clínica del Pueblo offers free medical consultations. For details, call Dr. Feinsinger at 970-379-5718. BIKE PROJECT The Carbondale Bike Project Shop helps people repair their bicycles on Tuesdays from 2 to 6 p.m. and Thursdays and Sundays from noon to 6 p.m. at the Third Street Center.



Online l en línea buddyprogram.org

COMMUNITY CHOIR The Carbondale Community Choir meets at Sopris Park on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

In Person l en persona June 27 l El 27 de junio Basalt Sunday Market el mercado dominical en Basalt July 2-3 l El 2 y 3 de julio Outside of Starbucks, Aspen afuera de Starbucks en Aspen

SENIOR LUNCH Every Wednesday at noon, Garfield County Senior Programs provides a nutritious meal for seniors at The Orchard. To reserve a place at the table, call 970-665-0041.

Scan to Register Escanee para inscribirse

ASK A LAWYER Alpine Legal Services offers a hotline clinic on Wednesdays from 5 to 7 p.m. Call 970-368-2246 and visit alpinelegalservices.org for the schedule of dates by legal topic.

Morning of July 4th En la mañana del 4 de julio 5 Mile Race l carrera de 5 millas 5K Race l carrera de 5 km 1 Mile Family Fun Walk caminata divertida en familia de 1 milla Wagner Park l Parque Wagner Aspen, Colorado

UNDER THE SUN Join Sopris Sun correspondents and guests for Everything Under The Sun, airing every Thursday on KDNK at 4 p.m. WILD WEST RODEO Carbondale’s summer rodeo series continues at the Gus Darien Arena every Thursday through August 18. Gates open at 5:30 p.m. with slack at 6 p.m. and grand entry at 7:30 p.m. GROUP RUN Independence Run and Hike leads a weekly group run on Thursdays departing from the store’s new location, next to City Market, at 6:30 p.m. AA The Meeting Place in Carbondale (981 Cowen Drive) offers “Hole in the Donut AA,” Monday through Saturday, at 6:45 a.m. plus “Daily Reprieve” at noon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Find a full schedule at www.meetingplacecarbondale.org WOMENS’ HEALTH Every first and third Tuesday, the Mobile Health Clinic will be parked on Gisella Way in Basalt from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., providing free ultrasounds, STI testing and more. More info is at www.pregnancycolorado.org MANGA CLUB Teens are invited to the Carbondale Library to discuss everything Manga, every first and third Thursday at 4:30 p.m. LEAF DROP Through September, the town of Carbondale offers to collect yard waste from residents every first and third Saturday at 4th Street and Colorado from 9 a.m. to noon.

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • June 23 - June 29, 2022 • 9

Elk Range makes mountain music By Myki Jones Sopris Sun Correspondent

A local bluegrass favorite, the acoustic quartet known as Elk Range, will be performing at this year's Mountain Fair on Saturday, July 30. The band says that they are excited to play in their hometown for friends and fans, while bringing their music to a more eclectic audience. Through July and August of this year, Elk Range has 20 shows on their roster all throughout the state. Elk Range is comprised of four talented musicians: Ken Gentry, who plays the mandolin and sings; Curtis Fiore, who plays guitar and sings; Betty Hoops who plays harmonica and sings on the band's most recent album; and Hugh Phillips, a recording artist from Nashville who has played upright bass for the band for a little over a year. Every member of the band also dabbles in the songwriting process. Hoops actually started out as a friend, and self-proclaimed “‘crazed fan” of the band, who would sit in during rehearsals. She followed the band for two years before Gentry and Fiore decided to let her join in on the harmonica, as well as vocals, something that Hoops said she only did as a hobby before. “Well, really what solidified

Elk Range all-stars (left to right): Ken Gentry, Hugh Phillips, Curtis Fiore and Betty Hoops performed at Palisade Brewgrass ahead of Sam Bush last September. Courtesy photo

it, I think, was I bought them — what's it called? — the drink holders that go on the mic stands,” Hoops joked. “I love bridging the sound between all the string instruments. The harmonica is a nice bridge between the strings or groundedness between the strings.”

Gentry told The Sopris Sun that Elk Range was born of circumstance. Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, Gentry started playing the mandolin at 17-yearsold after being influenced by the song “The Thrill is Gone” by B.B. King. He also cited as influences

the Grateful Dead, David Grisman, Jerry Garcia, as well as the genre of blues music as a whole. Gentry first met Fiore casually while working in the Roaring Fork Valley. After encountering one another at the Telluride Bluegrass Festival in 2015, camping close,

they chatted about their goals and eventually began working together. “I realized that there were a lot more guitar players than mandolin players around here. So I took the mandolin back up and have been doing that seriously for the decade I've been in the Valley,” Gentry told the Sopris Sun. Fiore, by contrast, started his music career playing in a metal band. “There's a lot of things that correlate there,” he said. “I always think bluegrass is metal music without distortion. I still appreciate metal music. It's just, you know, I like to hear the notes.” They affirmed that what keeps Elk Range shows exciting is that they never play the same set twice. Including covers and original works, their repertoire consists of over 180 songs. “We try to diversify every single show,” stated Gentry. “Whether someone is seeing us for the first time or the 10th, they’re going to get something new.” In addition to performing at Mountain Fair, Elk Range is excited to announce that they’ve been working on an “album’s worth” of new material. Their first album, “Long Winding Road”, is available to stream online. Check it out, as well as the schedule for upcoming performances, at elkrangemusic. com or on Instagram: @elk_range

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • June 23 - June 29, 2022 • 10

Sol del el

Conectando comunidades desde 2021


Volumen 2, Número 17 | 23 de junio - 29 de junio, de 2022

Tragedia en Uvalde y las noticias OPINIÓN

Pues ¿qué pasa cuando exigimos información instantánea? No recibimos información completa. Entonces, nos quejamos de que los oficiales nos dieron información errónea o incompleta. Nos preguntamos si tal vez esconden algo o si simplemente son incompetentes. La poca información que recibimos al inicio, El rincón del Sargento Por Carlos Cornejo aunque sea equivocada, la creemos como El pasado 24 de mayo ocurrió hecho. Esto a largo plazo crea confusión. una terrible tragedia en Uvalde, Texas. Una vez más, un joven armado con un arma de alto calibre entró a la escuela primaria Robb y cobardemente asesinó a estudiantes y facultad. Durante la brutal y caótica escena, la policía local, con ayuda de agentes federales, evacuaron la escuela como pudieron y finalmente neutralizaron al atacante. La escena era espeluznante. Tantos padres afuera de la escuela queriendo entrar y saber que sus hijos estaban a salvo y oficiales prohibiéndoles el paso. Lo que ocurrió después fue igual de caótico. El pequeño poblado se inundó de medios de comunicación, y la noticia dio vuelta al mundo al instante. Al mismo tiempo surgió un mar de preguntas… ¿Por qué esperaron tanto los oficiales para entrar al aula donde estaba el atacante? ¿Cómo fue que este atacante pudo entrar a la escuela sin que nadie se lo prohibiera? ¿Quién es el atacante? ¿Por qué nadie reporto sospechas antes? Estas y tantas preguntas más se le hacían a los oficiales encargados de la investigación. Primero, entiendo la necesidad de tener respuestas a nuestras preguntas y saber cómo fue que una tragedia así ocurrió y aún más importante, cómo se pudo haber evitado. El problema es que vivimos en una sociedad que quiere todo al instante. A veces nos confundimos y pensamos que el mundo real funciona como una búsqueda en Google. Donde puedes hacer cualquier pregunta y recibir datos instantáneos. Nuestra sed por información instantánea no se sacia y los medios de comunicación lo ven como una oportunidad de ganar más dinero. No pueden dejar pasar un instante porque nuestra atención es tan corta que si lo dejamos por un instante, nos distraemos y le perdemos interés. Pues ¿qué pasa cuando exigimos

información instantánea? No recibimos información completa. Entonces, nos quejamos de que los oficiales nos dieron información errónea o incompleta. Nos preguntamos si tal vez esconden algo o si simplemente son incompetentes. La poca información que recibimos al inicio, aunque sea equivocada, la creemos como hecho. Esto a largo plazo crea confusión. Cuando la verdad de los hechos sale a la luz, ya no sabemos ni qué creer. Este es el precio de llenar nuestra mente con lo inmediato. Imagínate que vas a un restaurante de comida rápida. Muchos de los ingredientes ya están preparados y han estado en refrigerio. Solo se calientan un par de cosas y te dan tu comida casi al instante. Aunque a veces sacia tu hambre, a la larga no es saludable. Al contrario, imagínate una comida de esas tan sabrosas preparadas en casa con la receta de la abuela. Donde se tomó tiempo para elegir los mejores ingredientes, frescos y saludables. Se dejó reposar lo que era necesario y se sirvió con todo lo necesario. Así nos satisface y es saludable. Lo mismo ocurre con la información, especialmente cuando son casos tan complicados. Una escena de homicidio, donde solo una persona pierde la vida, son de las escenas más complejas de investigar. Se llevan decenas de horas a los detectives poder procesar, recrear, interrogar, investigar el caso. Ahora una escena con múltiples víctimas es aún más compleja. Son cientos de entrevistas, cientos de piezas de evidencia, autopsias, órdenes de registro, etc, y etc. Todo toma tiempo, si es que queremos en verdad una información confiable y detallada. Si quieres comida rápida, no te quejes de la indigestión.

Segundo, he escuchado mucha crítica sobre la respuesta policial. Para dar mi opinión, me voy a esperar a que esté listo el guisado de la abuela. Pero si quiero aclarar lo difícil que son las decisiones que tuvieron que tomar los oficiales a cargo de la escena. Es muy fácil para nosotros juzgar las acciones desde la comodidad de nuestra arrogancia. Pero ponte en los zapatos del jefe de policía. Recuerda que en ese momento no tienes toda la información que saldrá después. Tienes a un atacante en un salón de clases, pero no sabes si hay más. No sabes si hay explosivos o otros atacantes afuera de la escuela. Tienes padres queriendo entrar a una escena activa donde ellos mismos pueden terminar como una víctima más. Tienes que evacuar la escuela. No quieres perder más vidas de las que ya se han perdido. Llegas al momento donde todas las decisiones tienen consecuencias letales. Lo único que te queda es tratar de minimizar el daño. La verdad no me gustaría estar en esos zapatos. Aunque no me da miedo dar crítica constructiva en casos policiales, primero debemos tener la información completa y saber qué información tenían en el momento los oficiales a cargo. Para cerrar, quiero dar mi más sentido pésame a todas las personas que han sido afectadas por esta terrible tragedia. No hay palabras que puedan ensordecer el llanto de esos padres y familiares. Se me parte el corazón al pensar en esos seres tan inocentes e indefensos. Confió que sus sonrisas y ruidosas personalidades continuarán en la gloria, donde seguro estarán gozosos.

CARTA A LA EDITORA Queridos padres,

Como adolscente que vive en una ciudad turística, me gustaría hablarles de los retos a los que nos enfrentamos los adolescentes. Sin embargo, antes de comenzar, quiero decirles que les tengo mucho aprecio. No puedo ni imaginarme todo lo que hacen "detrás del escenario" para que nuestras necesidades sean cubiertas. Falta de atención, salud mental, uso de substancias ilegales y falta de información son algunos de los retos a los que nos enfrentamos y en los que nuestros padres pueden apoyarnos. Cuando llega a casa/cuando su hijo llega a casa, ¿le pregunta cómo le fue en su día? Si la respuesta es no. ¿Por qué? Considero importante que los padres dediquen un tiempo de su día a establecer una relación con sus hijos. Dejar el teléfono, salir a pasear, montar en bicicleta o simplemente hacer cosas que le gusten a su hijo harán que se sienta querido y apreciado. Muchos adolescentes sufren problemas de salud mental como el estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión. Hablar con ellos no eliminará sus problemas de salud mental, pero le ayudará a entender cómo apoyar mejor a su adolecenste. Si su hijo le dice que tiene problemas, es importante que sea atento y no lo ignore. Cuando los padres ignoran un problema, y los adolescentes no tienen los recursos/información que necesitan, pueden recurrir al abuso de sustancias y tener problemas sociales (en la escuela, en casa, en los deportes, etc.). Es importante que apoye a su hijo a buscar ayuda profesional y recursos. Muchos adolescentes salen al mundo "real" con falta de recursos e información. Este problema está asociado a la falta de comunicación entre padres e hijos. Los jóvenes quieren aprender cosas que les ayuden. No enseñarles les llevará a un estado de curiosidad y les conducirá a la desinformación. Los adolescentes tienen acceso a mucha desinformación a través de su teléfono, por lo que es importante tener una relación fuerte con su hijo para que tenga la confianza de pedirle ayuda o consejo cuando lo necesite. La mejor manera de informar a su hijo no es con un "sermón,” sino manteniendo una conversación como si fuera su amigo, muchas veces sólo queremos que alguien nos escuche sin juzgar. "El signo de una gran paternidad no es el comportamiento del niño. El signo de una paternidad verdaderamente grande es el comportamiento de los padres" -Andy Smithson. Sé el padre que se esfuerza por resolver los problemas y no solo los ignora. Sinceramente, Vanessa Avitia

Ya no es proyecto, el HB22-1155 es ley Por Crystal Mariscal Editora Contribuyente El proyecto de ley HB221155 que pretende eliminar varias barreras que impedían que miles de estudiantes indocumentados calificaran para tarifas de matrícula estatal, ya es ley en el estado. Colorado Mountain College (CMC) recibió al gobernador Jared Polis, hace unas semanas, donde se realizó la firma que convertía el proyecto en ley. Se le preguntó a Yesenia Silva Estrada, directora ejecutiva de iniciativas estratégicas de CMC el por qué esto era un motivo de celebración para los latinos. “Antes de la HB22-1155, estudiantes indocumentados en el estado Colorado podrían pagar matrículas como residentes de Colorado y hasta obtener becas por medio de la ley ASSET. Pero esta ley también imponía restricciones arbitrarias a los estudiantes indocumentados,” nos explicó. “Por ejemplo, los estudiantes tenían que haber asistido a una escuela preparatoria (high school) de Colorado durante tres años antes de calificar para la matrícula estatal. También tenían que inscribirse en una universidad o colegio de Colorado dentro 12 meses después de su graduación de preparatoria o GED”. HB 22-1155 elimina estas restricciones que

Estrada llama “arbitrarias”. Según esta ley abre la oportunidad para que cualquier persona indocumentada (con o sin DACA) en todo el estado de Colorado tenga a pagar matrículas como residentes del Colorado, y además acceder becas para pagar por los costos de estudio universitario. “Antes de esta ley, quizás solo estudiantes jóvenes que han estado en nuestras escuelas preparatorias han podido acceder a estos beneficios. Ahora todos, incluyendo adultos que han obtenido su GED pueden beneficiarse,” agregó Estrada. HB22-1155 se convierte en una de las leyes más amplias en el país, en el tema de la educación, pretendiendo hacer un cambio en el futuro y educación de los jóvenes. Pero ¿cuáles son las estadísticas de graduados universitarios latinos? “En el estado de Colorado, solo el 39% de estudiantes latinos ingresan a comenzar estudios universitarios. Y de todos los estudiantes universitarios latinos, solo el 30% recibe un título o certificado universitario”, dijo Estrada. “En nuestras comunidades, tenemos escuelas preparatorias con hasta 70% de estudiantes latinos. Lo ideal sería que ese mismo porcentaje fuera representativo en admisiones universitarias. Más aún, lo importante sería también que

la mayoría que comienzan sus estudios los termine ya que es una inversión que están haciendo. Que al menos más de la mitad de los estudiantes latinos que ingresan en la universidad terminen”. Estrada lleva 12 años trabajando en programas que abren el acceso y éxito universitario, para estudiantes que tradicionalmente no obtienen un título universitario al mismo porcentaje de éxito que otros estudiantes. Compartió un mensaje, que está a continuación, haciendo de esta una entrevista única, diferente y muy emotiva. “Hace 13 años que me gradué con mi primer título universitario y en ese entonces me preguntaron que si cual era mi sueño. Lo ha sido, lo sigue, y seguirá siendo, continuar siendo una inspiración y un recurso para mi comunidad latina para que una educación universitaria esté al alcance de ellos y que sepan que una educación universitaria si se puede lograr”. Continuó, “Mi padre una vez me dijo que me apoyaba en ir a la universidad, pero su deseo era solo que consiguiera un buen trabajo. Mi padre solo cursó hasta tercero de primaria y ganaba bien en trabajos de construcción. Mi madre también tuvo un trabajo honrado limpiando casas y cuartos de hotel. Cumplí los deseos de mi padre al conseguir un buen empleo en un banco después de graduarse

de la preparatoria, pero también cumplí mi sueño de ser la primera en mi familia en graduarse de la universidad”. Según Estrada, “En Colorado hay una gran población con estudios universitarios pero estas personas no son personas locales. Son profesionistas que el estado ha importado de otros estados ya que los mismos residentes del estado no tienen la preparación y el conocimiento después de la preparatoria para ciertos trabajos. Es una necesidad económica tener a nuestros propios residentes del estado con el conocimiento y preparación para que no vengan otras personas o competir fácilmente por estos trabajos”. Concluyó, “La pandemia nos recordó lo fácil que las industrias y negocios pueden cambiar y cómo empleos dentro de estos pueden ser eliminados. Sin educación o preparación para hacer una transición a otro trabajo es más difícil para que estas personas hagan este cambio”. Estrada está agradecida por sus estudios universitarios, “ya que me han permitido tener una excelente oportunidad de empleo y una carrera que disfruto. Mis estudios me han dado la oportunidad de proveer para mi y mis hijos y se que tengo la oportunidad de cambiar de industria si así lo deseo o si el mundo lo forzará”.

Donaciones por correo o en línea P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Raleigh Burleigh • 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Editora Contribuyente Crystal Mariscal Directore Artístico Hattie Rensberry Diseñadora de anuncios Alyssa Ohnmacht Traductoras Jacquelinne Castro y Dolores Duarte Distribucion Frederic Kischbaum Executive Director Todd Chamberlin • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Miembros de la Mesa Directiva Klaus Kocher • Kay Clarke Lee Beck • Megan Tackett Gayle Wells • Donna Dayton Terri Ritchie • Eric Smith • Roger Berliner el Sol del Valle agradece por su apoyo a: MANUAS, FirstBank y Alpine Bank The Sopris Sun, Inc. es una 501(c)(3) organización benéfica sin fines de lucro. Contribuciones financieras son deducibles de impuestos. ¡ESCRÍBENOS! Para contribuir ideas y contenido al Sol del Valle, escribiéndonos a: sol@soprissun.com Para comprar espacio publicitario en español, inglés, o ambos, mándanos un correo electrónico a:


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4 0 0 R O B I N S O N S T R E E T, B A S A L T TA C A W. O R G

12 • EL SOL DEL VALLE • soprissun.com/espanol/ • 23 de junio - 29 de junio de 2022


Al No Artista Por Vanessa Porras

Hace varios años atrás leí el libro “Fahrenheit 451” de Ray Bradbury. Desde esa primera vez recuerdo vívidamente el pasaje al principio del cuento, cuando Guy Montag conoce a una chica curiosa llamada Clarisse McClellan que le cuenta sobre las carteleras. “¿Ha visto [las carteleras] de sesenta metros que hay fuera de la ciudad? ¿Sabía que hubo una época en que [las carteleras] sólo tenían seis metros de largo? Pero los automóviles empezaron a correr tanto que tuvieron que alargar la publicidad, para que durase un poco más”. Poco antes de contarle sobre las carteleras, McClellan le revela a Montag su sospecha de que los conductores no saben como es la hierba o las flores porque nunca las han visto detenidamente. Solo identifican una mancha borrosa y verde como la hierba. Lo reta y apuesta a que él no sabía que

El arte es una campaña publicitaria por las mañanas la hierba está cubierta de rocío. Me impactó leer un libro escrito en el año 1953 ya que parecía profético. Muchas de las observaciones y críticas ante la sociedad se habían manifestado y continúan desarrollándose. La imagen en mi mente de carteleras de esa inmensidad era impresionante pero peor aún, imaginarme un futuro donde la gente no conoce cómo son las flores me llegó como una daga al corazón. Los anuncios publicitarios son diseñados para hacer que su audiencia se sienta conectada con el producto que se está vendiendo o promocionando. Detrás de estos anuncios, hay mucha psicología de por medio que tiene el poder de manipular diferentes estados emocionales. Típicamente, cuando vemos un producto de lujo, como un reloj Rolex incrustado con diamantes, la emoción que esto invoca podría ser el deseo. Similarmente, al ver un anuncio de caras sonrientes en cuerpos tonificados divirtiéndose en una playa, nos podría hacer analizar nuestra propia felicidad e incluso dudar de ella. Muchas de las aplicaciones de redes sociales son participantes en esta manipulación emocional. Es importante entender que la

palabra manipulación se refiere a la explotación o control sobre alguien a favor de un individuo o en muchos casos a favor de corporaciones. El influenciar el comportamiento de alguien no es sinónimo a la manipulación aunque se necesita cierta influencia para poder manipular a alguien. La influencia no es necesariamente algo negativo, siempre y cuando uno esté consciente de ello. El problema comienza cuando los disque “influencers” de las redes sociales se convierten en campañas publicitarias y como consumidores perdemos la noción de lo que realmente importa. Comenzamos a comparar y nos damos cuenta que no tenemos todo aquello que nos hará feliz. “Cuando obtenga el carro último modelo entonces podré sentirme exitoso”, nos decimos, pero después del carro siempre sigue algo más y la lista nunca termina. Todos sabemos de antemano que en las redes sociales el tipo de anuncios que se consume no es el de una vida cotidiana, sino una vida de glamour. Esto distorsiona nuestra percepción de la realidad y nuestras prioridades lo cual nos hace susceptibles a la manipulación de ciertas campañas. Pero ¿qué

13 • EL SOL DEL VALLE • soprissun.com/espanol/ • 23 de junio - 29 de junio de 2022

La influencia no es necesariamente algo negativo, siempre y cuando uno esté consciente de ello.

pasaría si nosotros lanzáramos nuestra propia campaña publicitaria? El arte es un tributo a lo ordinario y a las cosas no tangibles y tan importantes. Hace unas semanas tuve el privilegio de charlar con la artista Hannah Stoll, cuyas obras aún cuelgan en la galería R2 de Carbondale Arts. Al observar las obras de Stoll, diría que su campaña publicitaria es para la conservación de escenas íntimas entre personas, momentos de ternura congelados en el tiempo con fondos excéntricamente multidimensionales. Una obra en particular me hizo pensar en mi madre, lo bonito que es mirarla y sentirla mientras platicamos y reímos juntas acostadas en la cama. La emoción que invoca este tipo de campaña es la gratitud por estos

momentos elusivos de gran valor. La artista Georgia O'Keeffe tuvo una de las campañas publicitarias más grandes para las flores. O’Keeffe observaba cada ondulacion de los petalos, cada transicion de color, la profundidad de donde brotan los pistilos y la belleza de sus musas. De forma semejante, el artista Claude Monet hizo una campaña para su jardín y su estanque de nenúfares. Monet observaba el puente sobre el estanque y pintaba desde la misma posición como las estaciones transformaban la vegetación y como la luz del día se reflejaba en el agua y cambiaba los colores de su jardín. El arte como campañas publicitarias nos ayuda a mantener una imagen realista de la vida. Nos ayuda a apreciar lo común y corriente y nos invita a desacelerar y observar. Es crucial recordar que los anuncios a los que estamos expuestos solo recalcan las cosas con cierto atractivo y encanto pero están vacías de valor genuino y sentimental. Al no artista, te reto a que observes el rocío en la hierba por la mañana, que bajes del auto y contemples las flores, no dejes que tu vida pase tan deprisa de un anuncio a otro, crea tu propia campaña publicitaria para aquellas cosas que realmente importan.

CHISME DEL PUEBLO Festival Las Américas La celebración del Festival Las Américas del Club Rotario regresa a Sopris Park este sábado, 25 de junio, desde las 12 p.m. hasta las 8 p.m. El día incluirá actividades familiares, entretenimiento en vivo y varios vendedores de comida.

dolar, cuando compren frutas y vegetales en mercados de agricultores locales (hasta $20 por visita). Encuentre el horario de mercados agrícolas cercanos en nuestro calendario, página 9. Para saber más acerca del programa estatal Double Up Food Bucks, visite www.doubleupcolorado.org.


Composición musical

Recuerda las seis iniciales de “P” en caso de una evacuación (1) personas y mascotas, (2) papeles, números de teléfono y documentos importantes; (3) prescripciones, vitaminas y anteojos; (4) fotos y recuerdos irremplazables (pictures); (5) discos duros de computadoras personales (personal computer hard drive); (6) “plástico” (tarjetas de crédito y tarjetas de cajero automático) y dinero en efectivo.

La Fundación Inspire Aspen está organizando una competencia abierta a todos los músicos mayores de 16 años. Un video de un minuto debe ser enviado antes del 26 de junio para obtener la oportunidad de tocar en vivo en Wheeler Opera House el 5 de julio. Adicionalmente, el premio mayor es una sesión grabación de dos días con Mad Dog Ranch+Studios. Para enviar su video, siga a @inspireaspenfoundation en Instagram, suba su video y etiquete #icaninspireaspen, #aspenrocks y @inspireaspenfoundation o envie el video por correo electrónico a inspireaspen@gmail.com

Cálculos del río El 14 de junio, casi 100 años después de que el Colorado River Compact fue firmado por el presidente Hebert Hoover, el comisionado de la Oficina de Recuperación de los Estados Unidos dijo en una audiencia del Comité del Senado que el uso del agua en el sistema del Río Colorado debe disminuir de “dos a cuatro millones de acres pies” durante el año siguiente. También dijo, “los desafíos que vemos hoy en día son muy diferentes a los que hemos visto en nuestra historia,” concluyendo que la Oficina de Recuperación “tiene la autoridad de actuar unilateralmente para poder proteger el sistema.” Se le han dado a los estados hasta el 16 de agosto para averiguar una manera de conservación antes de que los federales intervengan.

Progreso en la calle ocho El trabajo continúa en la calle ocho en Carbondale. Contrario a lo que dicen los rumores en redes sociales, el estacionamiento estará disponible en ambos lados de la calle una vez que el trabajo concluya. Debido al aumento de costos de los materiales y la labor, el proyecto fue dividido en dos fases. La fase uno se enfocara en el lado oeste de la calle desde el Rio Grande Trail hasta Village Road, y entremedio del sendero y Merrill Avenue en el lado este de la calle. La fase dos completará el trabajo en el lado este.

Entrenamiento de baloncesto Glenwood Springs celebrará su primer Festival Pride este viernes 24 de junio, desde las 5:30 p.m. hasta las 8 p.m. en Bethel Plaza. El evento incluirá música en vivo, eventos familiares, Drag Shows locales y más. Imagen de cortesía

Nuevos usos Como ha sido reportado por The Aspen Times, el condado de Pitkin se ha unido junto con LIFT-UP y otros proveedores de comida para conducir estudios de viabilidad para un centro regional de alimentos y centro de distribución. Entre las ubicaciones consideradas están: la tienda vieja Emma en la carretera 82 y la anterior City Market en Carbondale. “El director ejecutivo de LIFT-UP, Ivan Jackson, dijo que la organización sin fines de lucro está trabajando con el dueño del espacio de supermercado de 45,000 pies cuadrados y posiblemente una venta”, dijo The Aspen Times.

Duplicando el dinero Las personas con una tarjeta EBT (el equivalente actual de cupones de alimentos) pueden emparejar su dinero, dolar por

Dribble Drive Hoops, una compañía de eventos de baloncesto que conduce talleres de entrenamiento a través del país, ofrecerá un entrenamiento de formación para niños y niñas entre los grados del tercer y 12 y tomará lugar del 11 al 14 de julio en Roaring Fork High School. El costo es de $200 por estudiante por tres-cuatro sesiones. Para más detalles, llame al entrenador Washington al 918-986-2255 o al 405-492-5957.

Consultas médicas “La salud no es solamente pastillas y procedimientos”. La Clínica de Nuestro Pueblo ofrece consultas médicas gratis. Para más detalles, llame a Isabel al 970-984-1072.

¡Síguenos en Facebook! ¡No te pierdas ninguna novedad! Sigue a “Sol del Valle” en Facebook para estar al tanto de nuestras historias, columnas y chismes más recientes, incluyendo contenido no incluido en la versión impresa.

C O N F L U E N C E E A R LY C H I L D H O O D E D U C AT I O N C O A L I T I O N es un grupo de defensores de niños - negocios, profesionales educativos, líderes de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro y padres - en el valle de Roaring Fork (Aspen a Parachute). Nuestra meta es proveer oportunidades de aprendizaje temprano de alta calidad para todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad diversa y turística rural.

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INDEPENDENCIA • COMUNIDAD • COMPASIÓN • INTEGRIDAD • LEALTAD ES.ALPINEBANK.COM • MEMBER FDIC EL SOL DEL VALLE • Conector de comunidad • 23 de junio - 29 de junio de 2022 • 14


Focus narrows on Town Center properties

By Raleigh Burleigh Sopris Sun Editor Does Carbondale need a boutique hotel downtown? A parking garage? How about an enclosed space for a 3-4 season farmers market? While many details remain up in the air, Carbondale trustees are narrowing in on some of the fundamentals for how to proceed with the properties donated to the town late last year. The properties once contained Bonanza Trailer Park, home to about 80 people. Residents were evicted in 2002, after the land sold, and it has sat mostly empty ever since. The trustees’ work session on June 21 summarized input from a public engagement event on the topic on June 3. Town Manager Lauren Gister mentioned that the town also hosted three bilingual pop-ups to gather thoughts from Spanish-speaking residents. Additionally, the town tabled at the rodeo. “We’ve been trying to hit a wide breadth of Carbondale’s demographic,” she assured. Among the comments, the most persistent request was for affordable housing. “It’s where we started and where we’ll end,” surmised Mayor Ben Bohmfalk. He also noted that this is a rare opportunity to provide 100% deed-restricted housing for Carbondale. Although the town would like for the prospective units to specifically benefit people that work in Carbondale, even setting aside units for town employees, he clarified that there will be challenges to financing such restrictions. “Tax credits don’t allow discrimination,” he said. The narrowing of direction taken by trustees involved setting aside some requests, including for a boutique hotel and also for low intensity, open space, in order to maximize what can be done for the community with housing and commercial space. Trustee Erica Sparhawk referenced the 1,000-square-foot commercial units torn down just south of the Town Center properties, where True Nature started and the Dandelion Market was located. “I know from my time helping with the food co-op, it was really hard to find something remotely affordable or small enough,” she said, when the Dandelion Market’s lease was not renewed in 2017. “Whatever ends up being final, is not going to address all the needs,” stated trustee Luis Yllanes. He cautioned against making the project too affordable, citing Red Hill Lofts as leaving too many middle income people out of the equation.

In Carbondale, calculations for who qualifies for affordable housing are based on the area median income (AMI) in Garfield County (www.bit.ly/CarbondaleAMI) for a four-person household plus $7,500 for each additional person. In 2022, for a family of four, 100% AMI in Carbondale is $116,700. For a single person, 100% is $94,200. The town’s Unified Development Code requires that any new residential development with five or more dwelling units set aside 20% as deed-restricted, ranging from 80-150% AMI. The 30 units at Red Hill Lofts, a development along Dolores Way, are available to renters earning 50-80% AMI. Gail Schwartz, president of Habitat for Humanity, together with Jon Fox-Rubin, addressed the trustees on behalf of their organization, and vouched for ownership opportunities over purely rental units. Habitat for Humanity was recently awarded two parcels by the city of Glenwood Springs to build 22 homes; one parcel is high-density and the other, near the airport, will be built more in Habitat’s traditional duplex style. Fox-Rubin said that, using an off-site technique for a panelized modular product, Habitat is ramping up their capabilities to build more than 20 affordable, net zero units per year. In summary, “we want to be at the table,” said Schwartz. By sticking with Town Center’s already approved zoning, the process is simplified. Utilities are already ready to tie into, lotting is done and a pattern is laid out. What remains to be determined is the AMI range, the ratio of ownership units to rentals and the density of units. If parking is reduced, stated consultant Bob Schultz, 80 residential units could be achieved with commercial on the ground floor. “60 would be more graceful,” he said. Stating she’s a fan of biking and public transit, Sparhawk acknowledged, “Where we live, people have vehicles to get out and explore, I want to be realistic about where people put those vehicles.” The conversation will continue, likely in late July during a regular meeting. Previous to the Town Center conversation, trustees had their annual check-in with the Garfield County Commissioners. To review the meeting in its entirety, visit the town’s YouTube channel: Town of Carbondale. There you will find all town meetings archived.

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carbondale has adopted a Resolution initiating annexation and rezoning proceedings for a 25.950 acre parcel located in Garfield County, Colorado (“Red Hill property”). A Public Hearing will be held before the Board of Trustees for the purpose of finding and determining whether the Red Hill property meets the applicable requirements of Colorado law and is considered eligible for annexation and rezoning. The applicant is the Town of Carbondale. The property owners are the Town of Carbondale and Colorado Department of Transportation (“CDOT”). The Town of Carbondale acquired the Red Hill property in 2020. After acquisition, the Town of Carbondale did extensive trail work on Red Hill, including improvements to the lower and upper parking lots adjacent to Highway 82. In 2020, Garfield County and the Town of Carbondale entered into an agreement which requires that the Town of Carbondale annex the newly-acquired Red Hill property, including the portion of CDOT right-of-way necessary to encompass the portions of the lower parking area, the portions of the connecting road between the lower and upper parking areas, and the portions of County Road 107 up to and including the entrance to the parking lot access (approximately 200 feet north of Highway 82) which are located within the CDOT right-of-way. The total annexation area would be 25.950 acres. The portion of property in the CDOT right-of-way is 1.541 acres. The property is legally described as follows: A Parcel of land situated within a portion that property described in the document recorded as Reception No. 907792 of the Garfield County records and within a portion Colorado Department of Transportation Highway No. 82 ROW per Project No. C 0821-091; said Parcel of land being located in Lot 7, 8, 9 and 21 of Section 28, Township 7 South, Range 88 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian and is further described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly right-of-way of Colorado Department of Transportation Highway No. 82 Project No. C 0821-091 whence a found 3.25” 1986 B.L.M. Aluminum Cap monumenting the Northwest corner of the John Kelso Claim ( Northwest corner of said Lot 7) bears N.13°55’16”.E a distance of 849.86 feet; thence S.47°46’57”.E a distance of 196.24 feet; thence S.09°11’06”.W a distance of 77.42 feet; thence N.84°37’21”.W a distance of 161.47 feet to a point being 1 foot northerly of an existing fence; thence the following eight (8) courses one foot northerly of an existing fence: 1) N.87°02’15”.W a distance of 80.20 feet; 2) N.73°13’00”.W a distance of 31.29 feet; 3) N.83°35’25”.W a distance of 119.62 feet; 4) N.81°38’11”.W a distance of 84.78 feet; 5) S.86°53’55”.W a distance of 19.76 feet; 6) N.81°13’49”.W a distance of 165.40 feet; 7) N.67°41’13”.W a distance of 253.53 feet; 8) N.72°54’00”.W a distance of 69.76 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way of said Highway 82; thence the following four (4) courses along said right-of-way: 1) 170.20 feet along a non-tangent curve to the right having a radius of 1760.10 feet and a central angle of 05°32’26” (chord bears N.70°07’47”.W, a distance of 170.14 feet); 2) N.60°21’09”.W a distance of 288.32 feet; 3) N.62°45’15”.W a distance of 149.95 feet; 4) N.61°55’48”.W a distance of 324.64 feet to a point on the North-South ¼ line and west line of said Lot 21 of said Section 28, said point also being the Southwest corner of said property; thence the following seven (7) courses along the boundary of said property: 1) N.01°15’25”.E along said North-South ¼ line a distance of 241.21 feet to the Center ¼ corner of said Section 28; 2) S. 89°14’35”.E along the East-West ¼ line of said Section 28 a distance of 1856.57 feet, to the Southwest corner of said Lot 7; 3) N.00°28’09”. W along the westerly line of said Lot 7 a distance of 199.71 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 7; 4) N.88°28’22”.E along the northerly line of said Lot 7 a distance of 154.32 feet to a point on the westerly line of County Road No. 107 right-of-way as recorded in Book 673 at Page 648 of the Garfield County records; 5) leaving said northerly line S.04°40’55”.E along said westerly line a distance of 60.20 feet; 6) continuing along said westerly line S.25°33’55”.E a distance of 137.53 feet; 7) continuing along said westerly line S.31°11’05”.W a distance of 74.60 feet; thence leaving said westerly line 80.28 feet along a non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 247.00 feet and a central angle of 18°37’19” (chord bears S.42°24’08”.W, a distance of 79.93 feet); thence 10.41 feet along a reverse curve to the right having a radius of 100.00 feet and a central angle of 05°57’46” (chord bears S.36°04’21”.W, a distance of 10.40 feet); thence 36.69 feet along a reverse curve to the left having a radius of 150.00 feet and a central angle of 14°00’59” (chord bears S.32°02’45”.W, a distance of 36.60 feet); thence 63.94 feet along a reverse curve to the right having a radius of 58.00 feet and a central angle of 63°09’38” (chord bears S.56°37’05”.W, a distance of 60.75 feet); thence 14.56 feet along a reverse curve to the left having a radius of 50.00 feet and a central angle of 16°40’52” (chord bears S.79°51’27”.W, a distance of 14.51 feet); thence S.71°31’01”.W a distance of 76.25 feet; thence 69.02 along a curve to the left having a radius of 304.00 feet and a central angle of 13°00’30” (chord bears S.65°00’46”.W, a distance of 68.87); thence 27.44 feet along a reverse curve to the right having a radius of 100.00 feet and a central angle of 15°43’26” (chord bears S.66°22’15”.W, a distance of 27.36 feet); thence 175.11 feet along a reverse curve to the left having a radius of 150.00 feet and a central angle of 66°53’10” (chord bears S.40°47’23”.W, a distance of 165.33 feet); thence S.07°20’48”.W a distance of 28.86 feet; thence 157.36 feet along a curve to the left having a radius of 340.00 feet and a central angle of 26°31’07” (chord bears S.05°54’45”.E, a distance of 155.96 feet); thence 75.24 feet along a reverse curve to the right having a radius of 290.00 feet and a central angle of 14°51’52” (chord bears S.11°44’23”.E, a distance of 75.02 feet) to the point of beginning. Said Parcel of land containing 1,130,384 square feet or 25.950 acres, more or less. County of Garfield State of Colorado The proposal is to rezone the property from the Red Hill PUD (Garfield County zoning) to Open Space (Town zoning). Said Public Hearing will be held at the Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO at 6:00 p.m. on August 9, 2022.

Town Center public engagement began with an ice cream social on the promenade. A 21-page summary of the feedback gathered was included in this week’s work session packet (www.bit.ly/TownCenterfeedback). Photos by Raleigh Burleigh

15 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • June 23 - June 29, 2022

Copies of the proposed application are on file in the Planning Department office, Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO and may be examined by interested persons during regular working hours, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The application may also be reviewed on the Town’s website at www.carbondalegov.org

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • June 23 - June 29, 2022 • 16

17 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • June 23 - June 29, 2022

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • June 23 - June 29, 2022 • 18

19 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • June 23 - June 29, 2022

Locals rep at Outdoor Retailer show Photos by Will Sardinsky Many familiar faces could be spotted at the Outdoor Retailer show in Denver earlier this month. (Right) artist Lindsay Jones explored TOPO designs by Garmin; (bottom-left) Chris Brandt, president of the Red Hill Council, met folks with Trails Are Common Ground; (bottom-center) 5Point Film's team, Charlie Turnbull, Lindsay Jones, Luis Yllanes and Phil Mollenkof, presented a mini film festival; (bottom-right) Rygr's Ethan Peck sported a blanket-poncho design by Rumpl.

Carbondale Clay Center Thank you to our business sponsors,


135 Main Street



THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • June 23 - June 29, 2022 • 20

Sun showers in the sunflowers

Peonies bloom at the Basalt Community Garden. Photo by Elizabeth Key

By Elizabeth Key Sopris Sun Correspondent

The Basalt Community Garden is blooming in Southside, just west of Basalt High School. In its 10th year of operation, the half-acre garden has reached capacity. Currently, almost 100 garden plots are traversed by bark mulch paths supporting a whole new crop of gardeners. Gayle Shugars, one of the garden’s founders, is looking to the future. Shugars attributes the recent popularity of the community garden to the pandemic. “During COVID, I think that is when numbers really ticked upward because people had a place to go. They could get out and socialize, in a distant manner, and enjoy life.” Shugars says. The garden acted like a sanctuary where people could escape the everpresent fear of illness and death. Instead of worrying about exposure, community members could focus on cultivating life In a nurturing outdoor setting through roots, bulbs, seeds and starters. In 2012, Pitkin County and the town of Basalt purchased a 25.5-acre Grace-Shehi Meadows open space parcel for agriculture, recreation, wildlife and land management. Shugars, a career landscape professional and horticulturist, helped supervise the layout of the 8’x10’ plots and irrigation. She explains, “There are underground pipes that run east and west with a spigot every couple of plots, so people can use splitters to hook up individual, independent irrigation systems.” Many gardeners use timers and drip hoses to keep their plants hydrated. This system allows people the freedom to attend to their flowers, herb and vegetable gardens when it suits their schedules. Initially, the Basalt Community Garden grew from a desire for food security and sustainability. The garden prides itself on being organic. and growing produce locally

Elle Mullen frolics among the sunflowers at the Basalt Community Garden. Photo by Elizabeth Key

can save a significant amount of fuel. Grocery stores habitually source produce from a vicinity that can encompass hundreds or even thousands of miles, trucking in produce, especially from the warmer southern regions. Produce can spend a considerable amount of time traveling from harvest to store, arriving less than fresh. A community garden affords people a fresh alternative. With gas prices rising and food becoming ever more expensive, people are looking more to community gardens to supplement their grocery shopping. Community gardening is also a natural educational opportunity for children of all ages. Some don’t comprehend the agricultural process in this era of supermarkets and food on demand. “There’s so much to learn at the gardens. Just growing a plant from a seed is pretty magical,” Shugars says, “It's like a little science project out there.” Expressions of enlightened empowerment are evident watching a child pull a carrot from the ground, wash off the dirt and chomp down through its crisp core. The vegetables are as vibrant as the flowers, and the air is scented with fresh dirt and herbs. And the varieties of gardeners are as abundant as sunflower

21 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • June 23 - June 29, 2022

varietals. Gardeners of any skill level or background can observe neighboring plots to get ideas about prepping, planting, staking, irrigation and weeding. “It's kind of a fast track to learning gardening, even if you are new to it,” Shugars says. “Vegetable gardening hasn’t been my lifelong work, so I am still learning a lot after 10 years at the community garden.” People gather around their collective objectives, temperamental tomatoes and scrumptious successes. At the end of the season, gardeners transform their bounties into delectable dishes and exchange recipes at the community garden potluck. Shugars sees a garden expansion on the horizon because of the brisk pace of development in the Basalt area. ”There is another half-acre allocated for the garden to grow,” She says. “It really is great to have that garden out there now, too, for the employee housing, The Habitat for Humanity homes. There are a lot of young families out there, and they seem to be really excited to have that garden so near.” The cost to lease a plot for a season is 50 cents per square foot ($40) with a $100 refundable deposit after completing three volunteer hours during a community work day. For more information or to get on the waitlist for next season, visit: www.basalt.net/437/Basalt-Community-Gardens


Unlocking secrets with Ethan McVoy By James Steindler Contributing Editor The Local Locksmith Company opened for operation in August 2021. Since then, the company’s owner, and a Carbondale local, Ethan McVoy, has been helping those stuck outside their homes or vehicles. He shared with The Sopris Sun a little about himself and the locksmithing trade. This interview was edited for length and will be run in its entirety during Everything Under the Sun this Thursday, June 26, on KDNK at 4 p.m. We go back; it’s lovely to see a fellow Carbondalian doing well and starting their own business. Yeah, it feels great. It feels good to be able to represent the community and be there for people when they need me. I imagine, in your line of work, that people need you quite frequently to get out of a pinch. Absolutely. Any hour of the day I’m available. I’m happy to help out wherever I can and if I get woken up I can always go back to sleep. What is the name of your business? I’m the owner of the Local Locksmith Company, based right here out of Carbondale, Colorado. We’re technically called the Local Locksmith, LLC, but Local Locksmith Company is what we like to go by. Let’s hear a little more about you. Where were you born? I was born at the Aspen Valley Hospital. I’ve lived in Carbondale my whole life, besides the years I was in college in Washington state. Didn’t you grow up right there on the Crystal River? Yep, right near CRMS [Colorado Rocky Mountain School]. My sister went to CRMS before me and then I ended up going as well — one of the best experiences of my life.

What came before locksmithing? I was the printing press operator for the Aspen Daily News. It was great and I loved every minute of it. I was the press operator for four years — I worked there for five. I started as a, for lack of a better term, paper stacker; everytime a paper was cut we had to stack them up and get them shipped out. I learned from scratch and learned a lot in a short amount of time about how to run a big machine like that. With your current job, do you get a lot of calls at night? Yeah, I do. It’s always hard to predict when you’re going to get a call, but the goal is to be available whenever someone calls. Would you consider yourself a night owl? I’m still a night owl. I’ve had a hard time getting off the printing-press schedule, [though] it’s been since 2017. Has your mind always had an allure for mechanisms, going from the printing press to something as small as a lock? It’s probably from when I was a kid. I had more toys that were taken apart than were actually intact. I liked taking stuff apart and seeing how it worked. Then, going from something big to something really small was definitely an adjustment. … Where a printing press is closer to the workings of a car in a way — it’s got a drive shaft and all that sort of stuff — a lock is much more simple than that; there’s really only so many moving parts. What is your service area? It can vary quite a bit, but generally I’ll go all the way up to Aspen, to Marble, down to Rifle (sometimes a little further, if necessary) and then out to Eagle. …There’s so many variables in this industry that it’s really hard to predict exactly where you’re going to go, so you always just try to have a full tank of gas and be there as quickly as you can.

Ethan McVoy, owner of Local Locksmith Co., LLC, pulls up for a service call — Mount Sopris printed on his company van, and the real thing in the background. Photo by James Steindler

What are the most typical calls? The most frequent call I get at this point is someone either being locked out of their car, home or office. The next would probably be car keys …I think that happens more in the winter — people are skiing and they’ll lose their keys on the mountain. So, you make car keys? I make car keys. I cut, program and do anything that’s needed for car keys. I can replace cylinders and all that stuff. All I need is a place where a key goes in … and I can use a special tool to pick it and decode it. What separates your company from other locksmith companies? I would say, my ability and desire to go above and beyond. I think that my personality and ability to empathize with people and work with them is what would separate me from other security professionals in the area. Editor's note: James Steindler and Ethan McVoy are childhood friends.

Nominations now being accepted for the 2022 Pitkin County Cares and Greg Mace Awards

“The Pitkin County Cares and Greg Mace Awards give us the opportunity every year to recognize and thank community members who are making a difference, no matter how small “ - Pitkin County Commissioner Chair, Patti Clapper.

Scan QR Code for Nomination form

Learn more about the award: pitkincounty.com/pitkincountycares Email: pat.bingham130@gmail.com

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • June 23 - June 29, 2022 • 22


Alfred John Nemoff 1925 - April 25, 2022 At the age of 96, Alfred John Nemoff passed away on April 25. Al is survived by his loving wife of 24 years, Shelley Burke, four children and four stepchildren and their larger families. Al was able to be at home and to say goodbye to his loved ones before he made his transition. He passed away much as he lived — on his own terms, and with no regrets.

John Tripp July 18, 1919 - June 3, 2022 Longtime Carbondale resident John Tripp passed on to a new place filled with old friends and loved ones on June 3 at the age of 102. John was born in Waterbury, Connecticut on July 28, 1919, where he lived until World War II brought about changes for many, including John. He enlisted in the Army at Hartford, Connecticut on October 14, 1942. After a short time in the Army Air Corp, he joined the 87th Mountain Infantry Regiment which brought him to Camp Hale. In the summer of 1943, his regiment shipped out to liberate Kiska in the Aleutian Islands. After that mission, he returned to Camp Hale where the 87th merged with the newly formed 10th Mountain Division. A long period of training at Camp Hale was followed by the Division shipping out to take on the German army in Northern Italy. During that offensive John was wounded, receiving the Purple Heart

Al was born in Chicago in 1925 to parents from Russia. He entered the Navy when he was 17 and had a distinguished career as a fighter pilot. After seeing action during the Korean War, Al stayed on in the test pilot program, flying every plane the Navy had. He made over 1,000 carrier landings and retired as a very decorated captain. Still seeking adventure, Al settled in picturesque Aspen, where he met the love of his life, Shelley Burke. In their many years together, Al enthusiastically picked up horseback riding in the mountains of Colorado and in the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona, where they bought a second home. Al inspired many in the family by his endurance at work. He ran the plumbing department at the Miner’s Building in Aspen until

he was 90 years old! He was in the gym several times a week, and also took up bridge, becoming quite an accomplished partner. He and Shelley spent much of the past year enjoying the people and facilities at Sopris Lodge in Carbondale. While celebrating his life, Al was remembered for his gentle and kind smile, his adaptability and openness to try new things. He knew the few things which mattered to him, and did not stress about the rest. He was determined to be an active and eager participant in family life — and was able to maintain that all through his later years. We will treasure our memories and love for All through the rest of our lives.

and Bronze Star medals. While training at Camp Hale, John met and married Irene Walker. Eight months after the war ended, John returned to Colorado to reunite with Irene and his daughter, Judy. John and Irene settled in Denver where they added three boys to the family, Jon, Larry and Bill. John and Irene’s love of the mountains found them skiing, camping and hiking in and around Leadville and Aspen, in particular. While traveling from Denver to Aspen, they made a plan to settle in Carbondale, where they could enjoy waking up every morning with a view of Mount Sopris. Their dream to move to Carbondale came true in 1969 after purchasing land and building a home. John had many jobs around the Valley where he made many friends, both young and old, whom he and Irene treasured. They also traveled extensively, visiting all seven continents. They spent much time in Provence, France where John could speak and improve his French. John lived a long, full life. His mind was sharp and he was vibrant in his thoughts and

conversation to the end. Among his contributions to the Carbondale community, John provided an oral history to the Roaring Fork Veterans History Project in association with the Library of Congress in 2007; and he was interviewed many times for various articles and videos sharing a proud history. John was preceded in death by his wife Irene, his parents, two sisters and son-in-law Jim Briscoe. John is survived by his four children: Judy Briscoe, Paonia; Jon, Carbondale; Larry, Basalt; and Bill (Jill) Durango; also his brother-inlaw Jerry Walker, Tualatin, Oregon; seven grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren; many nieces, nephews and friends. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the 10th Mountain Foundation (10thmountainfoundation.org) or Aspen Public Radio in his name. A celebration of life for John will be held July 17 at Sopris Park between 1 and 4 p.m. “I love nature, it’s the greatest thing we have.” John Tripp, 2018.

I'm just waiting until you say the magic word…

Tre a t s !

El Jebel, Colorado 970-963-1700 RJPaddywacks.com 23 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • June 23 - June 29, 2022

Goodflower dispensary sprouts in Carbondale

By Myki Jones Sopris Sun Correspondent

Cousins Brandon Turner and Ty Ritchey opened Goodflower on April 12 to serve the Roaring Fork Valley with a robust approach to selling recreational and medical marijuana products and accessories. This includes discounts every day of the week, high-quality glass smoking pieces, essential oil candles, as well as a large selection of pure CBD products such as joints, lotions, bath salts and even readyto-brew coffee in collaboration with Lost Range CBD. Along with affordable prices on concentrates, flower and edible products, Goodflower has an ecofriendly focus. All containers in which products are sold, for example, are biodegradable. Plastic packaging is avoided when possible. Both Turner and Ritchey are originally from Texas and attended college together. In fact, the shop is set up to resemble Turner’s college apartment. He joked that the only thing missing is the coffee table where he and Ritchey spent countless hours dreaming up their perfect smoke shop. “Back in the day, in college, when we would be smoking and talking theories, we were also talking about cannabis and what it does for you. What it does to your body and stuff like that, and then we came up with the idea to open a dispensary,” Turner told The Sopris Sun. He added that, before moving to the Roaring Fork Valley, he and Ritchey would have loved to open their shop in Texas. However, due to the slower rate legalization of cannabis progressed in Texas, both men came first to

From left to right: Ty Ritchey, Holly Schaf, Konstance Lorentz and Brandon Turner pose in front of their products. Custom artwork for the shelves was done by Stanley Bell. Photo by Myki Jones

Colorado, where they decided they wanted to open a store that feels “new and different.” Ritchey emphasized that he wants the dispensary to have a comfortable atmosphere for both medical and recreational clients. Even during our interview, both men paused and took time to talk to both regulars and new customers that walked through the door, making sure everyone was able to find what they needed. “What separates us is we’re not attached to a corporation,” said Ritchey. “We don’t have to bring in the same kind of revenue they do. They have to sell all the stuff they grow, and if it is bad they still sell it. We don’t bring anything like that here. We go and we test everything that

we have brought in. We’re connoisseurs, and if we don’t like something then it's not going on the shelf.” The pair want to steer clear of the corporation route, offering intimacy instead. They want to keep the shop a place where people can come and watch a show in the lobby while they wait, making sure that budtenders get to know their clients. Goodflower is dead set on sticking to their fresh roots. Goodflower is located at 1101 Village Rd, Suite UL-4B, Carbondale, CO 81601. Feel free to stop by. They are open every day from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Goodflower also offers 30% off for customers with a medical card, as well as 15% off for seniors and veterans.

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • June 23 - June 29, 2022 • 24

Your source for showcasing local fiction, poetry and more! Send your creative pieces to: fiction@soprissun.com

The King of Panda Peak By Nancy McAtavey “Honey, I’m home,” she called from the back door. “What have you been… oh, snap! You’ve got your ski boots on.” She set the shopping bag on the counter and reached for her cell phone. “I have to get a picture of this, send it to everyone.” “Please, just wait.” “What’s wrong?” “I don’t know if I can get it off.” “Don’t be ridiculous, James. If you got it on, you can somehow get it off. If not, I’ll just call 911 and ask for help, ask them to bring the jaws of life. If they can cut open a car, they can cut through that ski boot, right?” “That’s not funny, Nancy.” I sighed and proceeded with my grunts and groans as I struggled with the boot. By the time the groceries were put away, my left foot was free. I stood up and headed for the bedroom. Nap time. ~ A bluebird sky with not a cloud in sight. This is why I moved to Colorado. This was a million miles from March in Maine: trails that were skied off by 10 a.m., gusty winds that put the lifts on hold, gray skies that suffocated the spring sun. I had been here a month; today was showtime at Buttermilk Mountain. No crowds, parking close to the lift and the gentle slope of Panda Peak: the ideal place for my comeback. The only thing between me and the top? A half-dozen noisy preschoolers wearing yellow bibs and capital letter name tags. Their ski instructor shouted over their chatter. “Now, listen up! Just two of you on the chair lift. When you get to the top, WAIT for me. Do not go ANYWHERE. Do you hear me? Everyone got that?” Heads nodded. “Any questions?” Emily flicked at her braids that peeked out from her helmet. “When is snack time?” Joey wiped his nose with his mittened hand. “When will my Mom and Dad be here?” Rory looked up the hill. “Are we going to ski straight down?” They all made it onto the lift. Their shouts and laughter followed them up the beginner hill. Next up? Me. Any questions? “What if I can’t lean forward to get off the chair? What if my left leg doesn’t turn and I just ski off into the woods? What if I have to go down the hill on a sled being pulled by a ski patroller?” It was a short ride, no time for answers. I skied off, adjusted my goggles, willed my left hand to hold onto my pole and pushed off. ~ I bent forward over my ski poles, trying to catch my breath. It hadn’t been a pretty sight but I made it down. Wide turns, jerky body movements, my body not quite aligned with my skis. I closed my eyes and previewed my next run: up, down, hands forward, turn. This next run would be better. “Hey, mister?” I opened my eyes. It was the Rory kid, the one who wanted to ski straight down. “Hi there.” “You in line, mister?”

“No, I’m just resting for a minute. And my name is Jim.” “Okay, Mister Jim. I’m Rory. You going up again or what?” “Yep, in a minute. I’m taking a little rest.” “You tired?” “Well, ah, yes. I haven’t been on skis in two years. I’m a little rusty.” “How come?” “How come what?” “How come you got rusted and haven’t been on skis?” I forgot how little kids asked so many questions. How? Why? I remembered my own kids at this age when every sentence ended with a question mark. “Surgery. I had an operation on my spine and my left side isn’t working right yet.” “Well, maybe you need to be in ski school. We’re learning how to make French fries and pizzas and how to get up when we fall. I know you’re a grown-up but I bet my instructor would let you in our class. I could ask...” “Well, thanks. But I’ll be okay. Just taking it a little slow.”

Haikus & Poetry

Is this what we want?

A week later, I came across Rory again. This time he was standing with his class, ski poles in hand, listening intently to his instructor. He’s made progress, I thought. Probably skiing down the hill like a rocket. He saw me when he looked over his shoulder and then pointed in the direction of the Summit Chairlift. He flashed a big smile as he shouted, “We’re going up ALL the way to the summit!” “Good for you,” I shouted back. “Go for it!” I watched again as those little kids so easily loaded the lift, reached back for the bar and then scooted their bottoms onto the chair. I watched as they traveled up the hill, their snow-panted legs dangling back and forth, their helmeted-heads bobbing up and down and back and forth. I stood there at the bottom for several minutes, looking at the Panda Peak lift in front of me and the Summit Lift right next to it. I made the decision; I was headed all the way up, too. There was no pause at the top; I just took off. There were some erratic turns and then three good ones linked together. My thighs burned as I reminded myself to breathe in and out, turn and turn. Again and again until I was at the bottom. Ski school was finished for the day. The little kids laughed and babbled as they struggled to get out of their skis. Emily flicked at her braids and Joey made several swipes at his nose with his mittened hand. I skied over to Rory, happy to see him smiling. “You made it! Good for you!” “And how about you, Mr. Jim? You made it, too. I watched you come all the way down the big slope.” “Yep, I did, Rory. I figured if you could do it, I could, too.” “You know what?” “What Rory?” “I think you are… the King of Panda Peak!” We high-fived and I turned to make my way toward the parking lot. Yep, I thought. I’m okay with that title... Mr. Jim, the King of Panda Peak.

By Alexander Pushkin Translation by Sofie Koski This is my rendition of a Russian poem, which I Google translated. I also looked at other English translations of this poem in order to write mine. My uncle is a fine man Living with Righteous ease Admired, true, with many a fan

Any town, U.S.

And since he’s been ill, filled with disease

Bullets rip through all bodies

He’s all the more looked up to

A grim routine rules

How wise, you cannot judge the sick


But my God, what a bore, waiting the whole night through

Five finches feeding Cat in the window


My Uncle

Chatters at the birds beyond Finches unflinching JM Jesse

His death being not in the least quick And what a chore! To adjust his pillow And his medicine force him to swallow But in amusing this half-dead uncle I must keep steady I can only sigh and quietly grumble “Oh the devil, just die already!”

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • June 23 - June 29, 2022 • 25

LETTERS Boebert’s record Listen to Lauren Boebert’s words and look at her voting record. She says that she is prolife (anti-abortion) but that seems to extend only until a child is born. She voted against the infant formula supply bills and the “Protect Our Kids Act” bills (changes in federal firearm laws). When she talks about “making America great again” her vision seems to be of an America where babies are purposely starved and children are slaughtered. Do we not have a moral obligation to protect the lives of the most innocent and the most vulnerable among us? Jill Knaus Carbondale

Dear Pitkin County Sheriff candidate, Michael Buysse, Unless you are a gun-toting pyromaniac, psychedelic novelist and hallucinating evangelist who likes to drive Independence Pass high on mushrooms and write degenerate columns in Sports Illustrated or novels for the disenchanted American, I suggest you change your defaced Hunter S. Thompson campaign ad. Might I suggest the symbols of a punk rock Care Bear with chains and tattoos or a Barney with long hair and tie dye. Thanks for your consideration, Morgan Williams Carbondale

Vote Velasco I am writing to share my support for Elizabeth Velasco in her candidacy for Colorado House District 57. I've had the pleasure of working with Elizabeth over the past year on the Wilderness Workshop Board of Directors. Elizabeth is a person of outstanding character. She is an excellent communicator and a tireless advocate. Her strong management, organizational, policy and people skills, as well as her experience facilitating collaboration in complex situations, like wildfires, are unmatched by any other candidate. Elizabeth consistently inspires me with her dedication to creating a better future for our communities and the landscapes that connect them. I truly can't imagine a better person to represent us in the state legislature. The Democratic primary election ends on June 28. If you are an Independent voter or a registered Democrat, please join me in supporting Elizabeth Velasco! Denali Barron Aspen

continued from page 2

Recommended reading Instructive for anyone who loves the creative side of Carbondale and poignant for us boomers are two recent memoirs, “Aspen Unstrung” by Sandy Munro and “The Town that Said Hell No” by Paul Andersen. The former is about Aspen and the latter about Crested Butte. Both books emphasize the ‘70s in each town when there were plenty of eccentricity, characters, community, commitment, art, fun and even affordability. Both books finish with laments to the loss of those characteristics due to gentrification, fast growth and homogenization. Carbondale still has many of those happy characteristics, but quickly is being overwhelmed by the sad ones. Carbondale is headed the way of both those towns, but can use those two examples to avoid many of their pitfalls. Michael Kinsley Old Snowmass

E-bikes In a recent local newspaper article, Lorenzo Semple stated the following : “You won't find me riding my e-bike on our hallowed single-track trails. If you want to ride the ‘good stuff,’ you have to do the work. Some things are still sacred.” This hits the nail on the head of the egotistical, head-up-your-ass attitude toward e-bikes on singletrack trails. I am a 72-year-old disabled veteran with Parkinson’s from agent orange exposure in Vietnam. There are many other people, not necessarily just the elderly, with physical limitations that keep us from enjoying the “good stuff.” The vast majority of single track trails in our area are on public land and were built with public money. So, listen up Pitkin County Commissioners, Aspen City Council and Parks and Recreation, BLM and White River National Forest administrators; quit kicking the can down the road and make a decision yourselves, don’t wait for the other authorities to do it (the excuse constantly being used). Quit denying the right of use to so many people simply because we need some electrical assistance to help us enjoy a public amenity. Gary Pax Carbondale

26 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • June 23 - June 29, 2022

Aspen Community Foundation helps children and families thrive from Aspen to Parachute.

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The second annual Golden Putter, a fundraiser for Carbondale Arts, took golf to a new level with many fun gimmicks on June 17. The top team was "Dude, Where's My Par" which included: Fox Benton, Clint Wilfley, Pete Rich and Chase Engels. Photos by Sarah Overbeck


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Open seats on the Town of Carbondale Planning & Zoning Commission and Board of Adjustment. Contact John Leybourne 970.510.1212. Applications may be found at www.carbondalegov.org or at Town Hall. Applications are due by July 1, 2022 at 5 pm. Goose by Larry Day

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • June 23 - June 29, 2022 • 27


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