2022 Mountain Fair

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Happy 51st Mountain Fair! Anna Olson

Chris Lawrence

Ashley Eaton

Ashley Eberly

Chrissy Strom

Elissa Markoya

Jim Cardamone

Nancy Emerson

Audrey Imhoff

Bill Blanton

Carly Passchier

Erin Bassett

Gella Sutro

Jamie Maybon

Joy White

Konnie KrahnProsence

Nick Hough

Patty Brendlinger

Tammy Reid

Teresa Vetter

Leslie Newbury

Roshni Slali

Tessa Maize

Maria Wimmer

Sarah Murray

Troy Kampe

From your Realtor® friends at Coldwell Banker Mason Morse, celebrating over 60 years serving our community in the Roaring Fork Valley!

2 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

Welcome to the 51st Carbondale Mountain Fair Welcome

“Fare you well, fare you well I love you more than words can tell Listen to the river sing sweet songs To rock my soul” My time as Fair Director is soon to end, but it is with joy and confidence that I pass this fantastic job on to the new moons, Deb, Aly, Alta, and James. I have been honored and humbled to have been able to steer this amazing community ship for 19 years. I owe it to a wonderful town and a solid friend and cohort in this fair, Mark Taylor. He has been part of the fair longer than I, and now, we will both take our place in lounge chairs in the crowd. Please be kind to yourselves and each other and enjoy this fair with love. It’s been our pleasure to serve.

Bienvenides a la 51st Mountain Fair de Carbondale Distrito Creativo de Carbondale

El Distrito Creativo de Carbondale (CCD por sus siglas en inglés) está reconocido por el estado y certificado por la Oficina de Desarrollo Económico de Colorado, abarcando el núcleo histórico de Carbondale, e incluye las perlas regionales de Crystal Valley, Redstone y Marble. El CCD promueve la viabilidad, la autenticidad y el desarrollo económico. Los proyectos del distrito incluyen murales por toda la ciudad, el Rio Grande ARTway y la promoción de numerosos creativos y organizaciones sin fines de lucro de nuestra región. Para más información, consulta www.carbondalecreativedistrict.com

¡El Parque Artístico de la Juventud arranca su construcción!

El Rio Grande ARTway es un proyecto del CCD. Es un tramo de una milla de sendero pavimentado que atraviesa Carbondale. Está lleno de sorpresas de colores y deleite. El CCD está lanzando su tercer parque este verano, el Parque de Arte para Jóvenes, ubicado detrás del ayuntamiento, comenzó a construirse este mes. El parque tendrá un muro para escalar, un aula/anfiteatro al aire libre, una escultura sobre la unidad y mucho más. Estamos buscando patrocinadores que nos ayuden a hacer realidad este parque. Nos llena de alegría anunciar que la escultura de la unidad y el anfiteatro han sido patrocinados. ¿Podrías ser tú quien haga realidad el muro para escalar? Llama a Amy al 970.963.1680 si estás interesado.

The CCD is going strong! The Carbondale Creative District (CCD) is state recognized and certified by the Colorado Office of Economic Development, embracing the Carbondale historic core, and includes the regional pearls of the Crystal Valley, Redstone and Marble. The CCD promotes sustainability, authenticity and economic development. Projects of the district include murals around town, the Rio Grande ARTway and promotion of the many creatives and nonprofits in our region. For more information check out www.carbondalecreativedistrict.com

INDEX Youth Art Park Breaks Ground!

The Rio Grande ARTway is a project of the CCD. It is the one mile stretch of paved trail that runs through Carbondale. It is filled with colorful surprises and delight. The CCD is launching its third park this summer, The Youth Art Park. Located behind Town Hall, broke ground this month. The park will have a climbing wall, outdoor classroom/amphitheater, a Unity sculpture and more. We are looking for sponsors to help make this park a reality. We’re happy to announce the Unity Sculpture and Amphitheater have been sponsored. Could you be the one to make the Climbing Wall a reality? Call Amy at 970.963.1680 if interested.

Dedication 4 Upcoming Events 5 Information 6-14 Schedule 16-21, 27-29 Maps 22-25 Features 31

Schedule at a Glance 34 Raffle 36 Contests 37 Vendors 41-44 Cantina 45 Thank Yous 46-47


carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 3

The fair is dedicated to the one and only, Lee Ann Eustis. She arrived in this valley in 1965 and immediately adopted the “Carbondale” spirit. Lee Ann worked and loved Colorado Rocky Mountain School and it was that dedication that led her to the Carbondale Mountain Fair. In the early days CRMS was a very active participant in the fair and Lee Ann became a top volunteer. She participated in set-up, womanned the info booth, judged pies, including last year, and kept everyone feeling good with her generosity and smile. For many years she ran the Coca Cola Booth, which was a big fundraiser for the arts council. Her dedication to Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities included a stint as Board President and she was always a current member. Her joy for life was infectious. There are many memories of Mountain Fair and Lee Ann, and those that have them should share them this weekend. Her presence will be strong here.


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4 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

Carbondale Arts Upcoming Events

August 19- September 30 Clay National XVI: Say it with Clay in R2 Gallery A collaboration with Carbondale Clay Center, an annual national exhibition of ceramic art, juried by CCC’s founder, Diane Kenney. August 25 Garden Music Series: Chansons D’Amour Inspired by the most enduring love story in Greek Mythology, Orpheus & Eurydice. Performers: Amanda Balestrieri (soprano), Cody Laun (tenor), MinTze Wu (curator & violin), Sarah Graf (cello), Terry Lee (piano). September 10 Wham Blam Thank You Ma’am A fashion pop up and celebratory gala for Amy Kimberly’s re”wire”ment. September 15,16 Garden Music Series: Let’s Tango! The program explores the intersection of music and dance, with choreography inspired and informed by traditional form of Tango, classical ballet, and modern dance. Performers: Josefina Méndez (vocals), Michael Delalla (guitar), MinTze Wu (curator & violin), Tim Emmons (bass), Tim Fox (piano). October 7-November 4 Retrospective by Elliot Norquist in R2 Gallery Featuring metal sculpture over the years. November 4 Join us for a celebration of Día de los Muertos during November’s First Friday. A community ofrenda at The Launchpad and beautiful dancing by Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Folkórico. For a full schedule please visit carbondalearts.com, where all exhibits are also offered via virtual tour.

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Carbondale Arts’ Hot Tips for the Fair and Carbondale Life In General

The Valley View Mothers Tent

Located in the Oasis, this tent is a lovely space to nurse or rest with your child.

We embrace creativity and inspiration here so the best way to be part of this community is to let your colors shine. 1. The fair has costume themes each day and we love those that join in! Friday is Nocturnal Creatures , Saturday is Celestial Bodies and Sunday is Shiny and New with an Ode to Blue 2. Carbondale has many nonprofits and organizations and getting involved with any of them can enhance your life. Meet a few of them at The Cantina this weekend and help them raise money! 3. Shop early at the fair! It is cooler! Be sure to take in Makers Park and Main Street Vendors 4. Don’t miss the NEW Creative Canopy, bilingual activities and Mermaid Lounge in the Oasis or The Jam Tent in Makers’ Park! 5. Stop by the Carbondale Arts Silent Auction Booth for good deals. 6. Buy your t-shirts early!! You can find them in the park near the gazebo. 7. Volunteer all year long! Don’t just save it for the fair. 8. Ride your bike as often as you can. 9. Mountain Fair only takes 15% of its waste to the landfill. Dispose waste correctly! 10. See live music, dance and make art as often as possible. 11. Stay informed and become a member at carbondalearts.com

Consejos de Carbondale Arts para la feria y la vida en Carbondale en general Aquí aceptamos la creatividad y la inspiración, así que la mejor manera de ser parte de esta comunidad es dejar que tus colores brillen. 1. La feria tiene temas de disfraces cada día y ¡nos encanta que se unan! El viernes es Criaturas Nocturnas, el sábado es Cuerpos Celestiales y el domingo es Brillante y Nuevo con una oda al azul 2. Carbondale tiene muchas organizaciones sin fines de lucro y participar en cualquiera de ellas puede mejorar tu vida. ¡Conoce a algunas de ellas en La Cantina este fin de semana y ayúdales a recaudar dinero! 3. ¡Compra temprano en la feria! ¡Está más fresco! Asegúrate de disfrutar Makers Park y los vendedores de Main Street 4. ¡No te pierdas el nuevo toldo de arte creativo, shows bilingües y el Mermaid Lounge! 5. Pasa por el stand de la subasta silenciosa de Carbondale Arts para encontrar buenas ofertas. 6. ¡Compra tus camisetas temprano! Puedes encontrarlas en el parque cerca del templete. 7. ¡Sé voluntario durante todo el año! No lo dejes sólo para la feria. 8. Pasea en bicicleta tanto como sea posible. 9. La Feria de la Montaña sólo lleva el 15% de tus residuos al basurero. ¡Elimina los residuos correctamente! 10. Ve música en vivo, baila y haz arte tanto como puedas.. 11. Mantente informado y hazte miembro en carbondalearts.com 6 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

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Mountain Fair Sustainability

REUSE by bringing your own water bottles, plates and utensils to the fair; take them home and wash them. It’s like camping! Due to COVID we cannot reuse cups in the cantina. We are heartbroken about this but want everyone to be healthy. REUSE MORE TO USE LESS! • We do not sell bottled water at the fair. We have several WATER STATIONS full of clean mountain water marked with red and white water signs. Please bring your own reusable container and keep it with you.

In commemoration of the 51st Mountain Fair, the locally-owned EverGreen ZeroWaste will be taking a larger role in helping Mountain Fair to responsibly divert waste from the local landfills. The compost from the fair will be processed less than 20 miles away at the Pitkin County Compost Center. This commercial-scale operation allows the materials to be broken down into usable soil for our valley, once again completing the carbon cycle of life. That being said, reuse is still the key to reducing our waste and lowering our environmental fair-print! If we love our Mother Earth, it is now time for all of us to take personal responsibility in keeping her healthy. REDUCING and REUSING are important steps toward a zerowaste culture. While composting and recycling help, they are secondary. A BIG THANK-YOU to Evergreen Zero Waste for supporting our Green Team efforts. How can we all do this at Mountain Fair? Simply by using fewer single-use, disposable cups, plates and utensils. You can accomplish this by being aware of a few Green Team operations:

• If you are finished with your program, please promote REUSE by leaving it at the Entrance/Exits for others to use. COMPOSTING & RECYCLING are the next best personal steps at the fair. Please be part of this solution, not the problem, by assisting the volunteer-powered Green Team with proper sorting at the waste stations. • Sort your waste in the wellmarked containers at our waste stations where you will find friendly volunteers. Just about anything you purchase from a food vendor goes in the green compost bins. All food scraps, utensils, plates, bowls, cups and paper products are compostable. • ALL beer cups are COMPOSTABLE! We thank our zero-waste community partners: Evergreen Zero Waste, Pitkin County Compost Facility, Town of Carbondale, the Carbondale Environmental Board and YOU for being part of the Green Team! Learn more at the Green Team tent.

8 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

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You Can Have a Solar System With No $ Down carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 9

Sustentabilidad de Mountain Fair En conmemoración de la 51ª Feria de la Montaña, la empresa local EverGreen ZeroWaste asumirá un papel más importante para ayudar a la Feria de la Montaña a desviar responsablemente los residuos de los basureros locales. El compost de la feria se procesará a menos de 20 millas de distancia en el Centro de Compostaje del Condado de Pitkin. Esta operación a escala comercial permite que los materiales se descompongan en suelo utilizable para nuestro valle, completando una vez más el ciclo de vida del carbón. Dicho esto, la reutilización sigue siendo la clave para reducir nuestros residuos y disminuir nuestra

huella ecológica. Si amamos a nuestra Madre Tierra, ya es hora de que todos asumamos nuestra responsabilidad personal para mantenerla sana. REDUCIR y REUTILIZAR son pasos importantes hacia una cultura de cero residuos. Aunque el compostaje y el reciclaje ayudan, son secundarios. Un GRAN AGRADECIMIENTO a Evergreen Zero Waste por apoyar los esfuerzos de nuestro Equipo Verde. ¿Cómo podemos hacer esto en la Feria de la Montaña? Simplemente utilizando menos vasos, platos y utensilios desechables de un solo uso. Puedes lograrlo si eres consciente de algunas operaciones del Equipo Verde:

REUTILIZA trayendo tus propias botellas de agua, platos y utensilios a la feria; llévalos a casa y lávalos. ¡Es como acampar! Debido a COVID no podemos reutilizar los vasos en la cantina. Nos duele esto, pero queremos que todo el mundo esté sano. ¡REUTILIZAR MÁS PARA USAR MENOS! - No vendemos agua embotellada en la feria y tenemos varias ESTACIONES DE AGUA llenas de agua limpia de la montaña marcadas con señales de agua rojas y blancas. Por favor, trae tu propio recipiente reutilizable y manténlo contigo.

- Si

no utilizarás mas tu programa, por favor promueve la REUTILIZACIÓN dejándolo en la Entrada/Salida para que otros lo usen. El COMPOSTAJE y el RECICLAJE son los siguientes pasos personales en la feria. Por favor, forma parte de esta solución, no del problema, ayudando al Equipo Verde, formado por voluntarios, a clasificar adecuadamente los residuos en las estaciones.

compostaje. Todos los restos de comida, utensilios, platos, tazones, vasos y productos de papel son compostables. - ¡TODOS los vasos de cerveza son COMPOSTABLES! Agradecemos a nuestros socios de la comunidad de cero residuos: Evergreen Zero Waste, Pitkin County Compost Facility, Town of Carbondale, Carbondale Environmental Board y a ti por formar parte del Eqipo Verde. Pasa por el toldo del Equipo Verde para saber más.

- Clasifica tus residuos en los contenedores bien señalizados en nuestras estaciones de residuos, donde encontrarás amables voluntarios. Casi todo lo que compres a un vendedor de comida puede desecharse en los recipiestes verdes de 10 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

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12 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.


• Buy your refreshments at the Sopris Cantina and walk around the park (except the Oasis). The Cantina sells Coloradomade Odell Brewing Company’s special Mountain Fair brew, vodka mixed drinks from Carbondale’s Marble Distilling and Montanya Distillers in Crested Butte, our famous Stripped mojitos, and Big B’s hard ciders. Special Marble Marys will be available Saturday and Sunday mornings. • IDs and wristbands are required for persons drinking alcohol. All coolers will be inspected at the entrances of the park, and we expect all fairgoers to comply with these regulations. IF YOU ARE ON MAIN STREET you cannot walk around with open containers and we do urge you to support local businesses for your libations. NO WEAPONS OF ANY KIND CAN BE BROUGHT INTO FAIR


BICYCLES MUST BE PARKED in the bike corrals at the Forest Service parking lot off Weant, near Thunder River Theatre or the Seventh Street swimming pool area. Failure to comply may result in removal of your bike from the Fair confines. Please do not ride your bikes down the closed portion of Main Street. Thanks to Aloha Mountain Cyclery for setting up our bike

HANDICAPPED PARKING & RESTROOMS • Handicap placards must be posted on vehicles or they will be towed. FIRST AID • The Carbondale Fire District will once again staff the First-Aid Booth, located on the wood chips left of the stage. BATHROOMS The Sopris Park bathrooms are closed to the public. Lovely porta-potties, along with ADAaccessible bathrooms, are available along 7th Street and Weant, with additional porta-potties along the Promenade by the Makers’ Park and Main Street vendor areas. COOL DOWN A misting shower will be set up behind the gazebo at the corner of 7th and Euclid. Fairgoers are invited to cool off throughout the day.

LAWN CHAIRS, UMBRELLAS & SHADE COVERINGS • Communal shade tents are located in the Open Space area and are open to everyone. Picnic tables are scattered throughout shady spots in the park • Lawn chairs and umbrellas must be low profile, placed in designated spots marked on the map. Set- up allowed Friday after 3pm and 8am on Saturday and Sunday. • All items must be removed at the end of each night. • We have a marked space for people with physical challenges under the public shade tent to left of stage. LOST HUMANS The Info Booth oversees all lost humans. If you are missing someone please go there. REMINDERS · NO dogs, pets or glass allowed in Sopris Park. (please remove bold) · NO alcohol may be brought in or taken out of Sopris Park. · NO bicycles in Sopris Park or Makers’ Park · Bicycles must be dismounted in Pedestrian Areas · NO smoking of any kind, weapons of any kind or soliciting of any kind within the fair perimeter. · Individuals engaging in violent, aggressive, indecent, or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the fair premises · DO bring your indomitable community spirit · DO wear you most sparkly sun shining smile · DO fill you pockets with magic to share. · DO come by the Info Booth by the Gazebo Stage for answers to your questions, share your concerns, or just for a little fair-y love and support!

In the case of emergency, call 911 Individuals engaging in random acts of kindness and joy will be rewarded! carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 13

Información importante


• Compra tus refrescos en la Cantina Sopris y recorre el parque (excepto el Oasis). La Cantina vende la cerveza especial Mountain Fair de Odell Brewing Company, elaborada en Colorado, bebidas mezcladas con vodka de la destilería local Marble Distillery de Carbondale, nuestros famosos Stripped mojitos y los hard ciders de Big B’s. El sábado y el domingo por la mañana habrá Marble Marys especiales. • Las personas que consuman alcohol deberán presentar una identificación y portar un brazalete. Todos los contenedores tipo hielera serán inspeccionadas en las entradas al parque, y esperamos que todos los asistentes a la feria cumplan con estas normas. SI ESTÁS EN MAIN STREET no debes caminar con contenedores abiertos y te invitamos a apoyar a los negocios locales para tus libaciones. BICICLETAS DEBEN SER ESTACIONADAS en los corrales de bicicletas localizadas en los estacionamientos de Forest Service fuera de Weant, cerca de Thunder River Theatre o en el área de piscina de Seventh Street. El incumplimiento de estas regulaciones puede resultar en traslado de su bicicleta fuera de los confines de la feria. Por favor no monte su bicicleta en la porción cerrada de Main Street. ¡Agradecemos a Aloha Mountain Cyclery por instalar nuestro estacionamiento de bicicleta! ESTACIONAMIENTO PARA DISCAPACITADOS Y BAÑOS PARA DISCAPACITADOS • Estacionamiento y baños accesibles para personas discapacitadas están disponibles en el estacionamiento Forest Service en la calle principal, el cual le permite acceso fácil hacia el área de Oasis. • Los letreros para personas discapacitadas deben ser colocados en los vehículos o serán remolcados. PRIMEROS AUXILIOS • El Carbondale Fire District será el personal del Puesto de Primeros Auxilios, localizado en la parte izquierda del escenario. BAÑOS • Los baños de Sopris Park estarán cerrados al público. Porta orinales encantadores estarán localizados afuera de los portales de Weant y 7th Street hacia el parque, así como junto a Makers Park en el centro.

SACAR EL CALOR • Una ducha de llovizna será instalada detrás del kiosko en la esquina entre 7th Street y Euclid. Las personas que asistan a la feria están invitados a que se refresquen a lo largo del día. SILLAS, SOMBRILLAS Y CUBIERTAS DE SOMBRA • Las carpas de sombra oficiales están localizadas en el área de espacio abierto y disponible para todos. Mesas de picnic estarán dispersas en lugares con sombra a través del parque. • Sillas que vayan a ser colocadas en los espacios designados deben ser de variedad baja, sin respaldos altos, al menos que estén localizados en áreas perimetrales en el mapa. Paraguas bajas también son permitidas. Hemos marcado un espacio para las personas con desafíos físicos cerca del puesto de información. HUMANOS PERDIDOS El puesto de información supervisa todos los humanos perdidos. Si has perdido a alguien por favor vaya ahí. RECORDATORIOS

• • • •

NO perros, mascotas o vidrio es permitido en el parque. Citaciones de parte de la policía serán emitidas. NO alcohol puede ser traído o sacado del parque. NO bicicletas en el parque. NO fumar de ningún tipo en el parque.

14 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

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The 51st Annual Carbondale Mountain Fair SCHEDULE OF EVENTS KEY G - Gazebo (Main Stage) O - Oasis OS- Open Space M - Maker’s Park (Main & 6tH) C - Competition * - Bilingual Event Friday: Nocturnal Creatures Saturday: Celestial Bodies Sunday: Shiny and New with an Ode to Blue Your MC’s for the weekend are: Amy Kimberly, Aly Sanguily, Andy Bohmfalk, Pedro the Walrus, Rebecca Binion, Luis Yllanes.

Friday, July 29 Let’s start this fair out right. Join the procession from The Launchpad on 4th Street and parade to the park. Costumes, stilts, music and fun…all are welcome. Meet at the Launchpad at 3:15. Procession starts at 3:45 sharp! Noon - All vendors are open G 4:00 OPENING BLESSING WITH I AM A BUFFALO TOO, GRANDSON OF THE RED UTE. G 4:00 RHYTHM OF THE HEART COMMUNITY DRUM CIRCLE Bring a drum, percussion instrument or bucket and join Mother of the Fair, Laurie Loeb. G 4:50 MAYOR BEN WELCOME O 5:00-7:00 CREATURES OF NIGHT MASKS AT THE CREATIVE CANOPY Come relax under the Creative Canopy, where families can find supplies to make a mask of your favorite creature of the night. G 5:15 RED HILL ROLLERS A bluegrass and folk group made up of 4 voices and 19 strings based in Carbondale, Colorado. They derive their name from a local landmark and their sound from the community at large. This is a great band to get this lil community party rockin.

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16 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.


O 6:00 Rock anD Roll AcaDemY Roaring Fork Kids from the Rock and Roll Academy Roaring Fork perform songs we all know and love. Student performance is the culmination of a week-long music camp. Join us for some good old rockin' out! OS 6:45 SOPRIS SOARERS Soar into the start of the fair Friday night with a special adult exposé of aerial grace and strength. Sopris Soarers has been thrilling audiences around the valley for over 5 years! G 7:45 DEATH BY DUB Need some good reggae in your life? Death by Dub draws from the long history of reggae music and sound system culture, creating instrumental music that is fully saturated in the idioms of dub music, both in live performance and in the recording studio. The project is led by Dan Africano and Scott Flynn. www.facebook.com/DeathbyDubbb

Saturday, July 30 C 7:00 MOUNT SOPRIS RUNOFF 14 mile run from the Emma Schoolhouse back to Sopris Park, or a 4 mile run from Prince Creek to Sopris Park. Details available at the Info Booth.

KEY: M Maker’s Park C Competition G Gazebo O Oasis OS Open Space *Bilingual Event 10:00 VENDORS OPEN O 10:00 SPANISH MUSICAL STORYTIME WITH ALEJANDRA RICO* Local mother and educator Alejandro Rico of El Jardin de Satank shares songs and a puppet show in Spanish. *Bilingual event O 10:00 HEADPIECE MAKING AT THE CREATIVE CANOPY* Led by artist Andrea Harris, visitors will create their own custom, wearable, and celestial headpieces that can be worn throughout the fair. *Bilingual event G 10:00 CRYSTAL RIVER BALLET Students of Crystal River Ballet present Alice! Based on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll. A brief encounter with the Queen of Hearts, the White Rabbit, and the Mad Hatter. M 10:00 BLUEGRASS JAM IN THE JAM TENT Back by popular demand, the Jam Tent can be found in Makers Park. Craig and Sheena Patterson of the “Grass Patties” will be hosting the Valley Bluegrass Jam in the Jam Tent. Bring your banjo, mandolin, guitar, bass, fun tune, or just your keen ear to enjoy some good ol’ bluegrass.


Mule Deer, an icon of Colorado.

Photos Courtesy Jon Mullen/Ecostock

The Crystal River, one of Colorado’s last free-flowing rivers.

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C 10:30 FLY CASTING COMPETITION Sponsored by Alpine Angling in the Open Space. We love you Gill Finn!! C 11:00 PIE BAKING COMPETITION This year’s theme is Neon Moon…Bring entries to the Judging Tent, located next to the pavilion between 10:30 and 10:45am. Categories include fruit, cream and exotic.

G 11:30 QUEEN BEES Female-fueled music for the heart & soul featuring Joey Ball, Portia Rogers, Pam Rosenthal, and Aundrea Ware. From americana, country, folk, and bluegrass, this magical, all-female, band weaves together original stories and new interpretations of classic covers with stunning harmonies, inspiring melodies, and the perfect feminine touch.

OS 11:00 SOPRIS SOARERS Soar with our young and mighty aerialists as they fly you to the moon.

NOON SINGLES HORSESHOE COMP Located in Glassier Park, two blocks south of Sopris Park on Weant Boulevard. Register at the Info Booth.

O 11:00 HULA HOOP SESSION AND COMPETITION For kids and adults! Join Guinness Book Athlete, Betty Hoops as she teaches 20+ techniques. The competition includes Hoop Limbo & Team Relays. Handmade hoops provided and will be for sale after the competition.

O NOON RYAN CAMP AND WILLIAM BINGAMAN Come enjoy the soulful sounds of two local young men with their voices and guitars sharing original songs and covers.

O 11:15 MAKE A GRASS SKIRT AT THE CREATIVE CANOPY* Led by artist Gabriela Mejia, participants can decorate their very own grass skirt to use in the Polynesian Dance performance at the Oasis Stage. *Bilingual event. KEY: M Maker’s Park C Competition G Gazebo O Oasis OS Open Space *Bilingual Event

M 12:30 ENGSTROM BROTHERS AT THE JAM TENT Wes and Jay Engstrom have been using their sibling instincts to guide their musical journey, and play a blues/ americana/rock style with drums, guitar, bass and vocal harmonies. Come see these local boys jam! OS 1:00 ADULT LIMBO CONTEST How low can you go? The height to beat is 1’4”! Join Dr. Limbo, Eric Baumheier and live drummers for some friendly competition. Must be 18+.




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18 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

We sell a constantly changing inventory at a fraction of the retail prices.

O 1:00 POLYNESIAN DANCE WITH SANDRA PRADO Aspen Polynesia dancers and drummers share their energetic moves and lively sounds in an upbeat performance transporting us to the exotic island of Tahiti. O 1:00 CREATIVE CANOPY OPEN CRAFT & COLORING Families can find supplies and cool shade to take a creative break. Open until 5pm. O 2:00 LULLABIES AND REST TIME Join Holly Richardson and David Franklin with roots from the Waldorf School on the Roaring Fork for some horizontal time. Enjoy sung lullabies accompanied by gentle acoustic music. Blankets provided. G 2:30P ELK RANGE BLUEGRASS Elk Range Bluegrass has shared festival bills with Sam Bush Band and many bluegrass bands alike from Denver to Telluride. Highly influenced by bluegrass heroes and newgrass all-stars. If it ain't fast, it ain’t Elk Range bluegrass! M 2:00 GRASS PATTIES IN THE JAM TENT The dynamic duo, Craig and Sheena Patterson are founding members of “Wood Belly” and “The Ginny Mules”. Together they bring an array of styles rooted in folk, blues, country, and bluegrass, resulting in fresh songwriting and arrangements.

OS 2:15 TUG-O-WAR Place your bets on the Carbondale Fire or Police Departments! Winner takes all to donate to their favorite charity. Place bets at the Info Booth or at the event and come cheer on your favorite team. O 3:00 LOUNGE DU MER Get on your mermaid/man tails and come to the Oasis within the Oasis: Take a dip in the pool, relax in the sun or shade, enjoy some refreshments and simply chill out for a bit! Blankets Provided. Admission is FREE during this special time! M 3:30PM ROARING FORK RIVER BAND New Orleans style street band made of local student musicians. OS 4:00 WOMENS WOOD SPLITTING COMPETITION Hottest competition at the Fair! Hosted by Diesel Dan and Delia Bolster. Sign up at the Info Booth, slots fill quickly! M 4:00 SALSA LESSON + DANCE Brought to you by Mezcla Socials Dance In 2015 Brian and Claudia created Mezcla Socials Dance, a dance organization focused on acceptance and community growth. Brian and Claudia firmly believe that dance is for everyone. Join in the joy!!

Happy 51st Mountain Fair. Please leave your dogs at home.

EL JEBEL, COLORADO • 970-963-1700 • RJPADDYWACKS.COM carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 19

Goodflower for Mountain Fair! Friday $5 Joints no limit

Sat-Sun 15% off everything in store!

Best flower and edibles in the Valley! We are open till 11 pm!

WWW.GOODFLOWERCOLORADO.COM 1101 Village Road Suite UL4B and UL5B Carbondale, CO 81623

1-970-340-4474 20 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

OS 5:00 SOPRIS SOARERS Witness Sopris Soarers’ tribute to mothers, in honor of Amy Kimberly, the mother of Carbondale Arts. G 5:15 LOS MOCOCHETES A Chicano Funk band from Denver, CO, this colorful cast of characters fuses thoughtfully brazen, socio/politically charged song lyrics, groovilicious melodies and high-energy stage antics to create an immersive experience unlike anything you've ever seen before. Los Mocochetes has chosen to use their music to inspire and encourage positive social change. Music is medicine, laughter is medicine, community is medicine. C 6:00 POTTERS RELAY THROWDOWN To celebrate Carbondale Clay Center's 25th Anniversary, CCC is joining Mountain Fair's competitive festivities with a Throwdown Relay under the judging tent. Up to eight teams of four will compete in pottery challenges, two at a time, for the fastest overall time.

PC: Sarah Overbeck

Locals Tip: Don’t forget to go to the Silent Auction booth in Maker's Park for great deals on unique arts. OS 6:45 BONEDALE FLASH MOB BY COREDINATION BALLET A very special performance put on the Bonedale Flashmob, not to be missed! OS 7:30 COSMIC GALE FORCE STILT WALKING Traveling stilt, aerial, burlesque extraordinaire, Cosmic Gale Force, comes to the fair to spread her magic around the park during the Magic Beans.

R E A LT Y L L C 970.309.4775

G 7:45 MAGIC BEANS Nothin’ like a Saturday night dance party! The Magic Beans shows are just that, with an emphasis on original songwriting and extended segments of improvisation. The Magic Beans creatively invoke hints of your favorite live acts while managing to come across with a sound that is distinctly their own. OS 9:30 DANCE OF SACRED FIRE Dance of the Sacred Fire has performed on national and international stages, and collaborated on projects around the globe. Dance of Sacred Fire uses traditional and modern tools to create performances and experiences that are nothing short of magical. Come see a special performance to close out the fair Saturday night. KEY: M Maker’s Park C Competition G Gazebo O Oasis OS Open Space *Bilingual Event

970-309-4775 carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 21

pedestrians & bikes only

22 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

Garfield avenue food vendor access

Middle 7th

Mama’s Tent







Oasis Area

Rainbow Entry



town swimming pool & showers



Handicap Parking & and Accessible Entry


Pool Entrance

N. 7th St. Entry/Exit

bike parking


bike parking

us forest service

Main Street


Weant Blvd Entry/ Exit


Maker’s Park & Additional Booths

pedestrians & bikes only

Weant Blvd

July 29, 30 & 31, 2022

ll be towed

51st Carbondale Mountain Fair

Oasis Stage

kids carnival

Creative Canopy


7th Street

cool down misters

T-shirt Booth, Music store

Volunteer Check-in

Main Stage

INFO Booth

Raffle Booth



Food Alley 9




Sound Booth

Public Shade first aid




14 15




restricted vehicle access

backstage access

food vendor access

FOOD vendor

Bike Parking bike parking



art vendor

pedestrian/bike/permit access only

Euclid Avenue

Aerial Rig

Open Space




low-profile shade space

pedestrians & bikes only








low-profile shade space


stage loading

Green Team

vendor loading (30 mins)


Street Entrance

cool down misters

vendor loading (30 mins)



these TOILETS not available

Waste station


Judging Tent& & Public Shade

bike parking

Rainbow Lounge

Picnic Tables

carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 23

Residential permit Parking Only - others w

restricted vehicle access

Art Vendor





vendor loading (30 mins)

Alleyway Entrance

Valley Artists’ Galler

Maker’s Park

nt Te

6th Street


Carbondale Beer Works

Carbondale Arts



Weant Blvd Entrance

24 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

Peppino’s pizza

Mi Casita

pedestrians & bikes only

Sopris Park Additional Booths and Main Stage

Weant Blvd

Main Street

Señor taco show / axkawa

Pour House

main st. Spirits

Promenade Entrance

main st. framer

vendor loading (30 mins)

Black nugget

susan’s flowers

bonfire coffee




Steve’s guitars


bike parking

pedestrians & bikes only

4th Street

batch provisions

The launchpad

carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 25

You deserve service as elevated as your standards. Located in the Old Thompson Barn in Carbondale, the River Valley Ranch team of brokers has decades of experience representing buyers & sellers throughout the Roaring Fork Valley as well as a robust background in real estate development and property management. Work with us today.

970.963.0400 | AspenSnowmassSIR.com

26 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

Sunday, July 31 C 8:00 PORCUPINE LOOP BIKE RACE Sponsored by Aloha Mountain Cyclery. Fun is our goal and costumes are required. The mountain bike race starts at 8 a.m. Meet behind the Gazebo and be ready to ride! OS 8:30 YOGA WITH TRUE NATURE 10:00 Vendors Open O 10:00 SOPRIS CIRCUS CAMP The young Sopris Circus students will dazzle you with their latest feats and creative choreography led by movement educator and jumping bean, Julianna Lichatz, from the Waldorf School on the Roaring Fork. Come learn some circus skills too! M 10:00 RHYTHMYSTICS OPEN DRUM IN THE JAM TENT Sacred sounds open acoustic jam hosted by Rhythmystics. Bring your drums, your gongs, your bowls, your voices, your spirit, your whatever, and join us on the mountain people magic ship! KEY: M Maker’s Park C Competition G Gazebo

O 10:00 FLOWER CROWN MAKING AT THE CREATIVE CANOPY Creativity and beauty in the making. Come make your crown and feel the flower power with Waldorf School on the Roaring Fork. Open until 2:00pm. O 11:00 SINGING BONE MEDICINE PUPPET SHOW Puppeteers from Paonia, CO draw upon the archetypal and childlike quality of puppets and storytelling to inspire a deeper connection with our hearts and our community. G 11AM TARELL MARTIN AND C2 MASS CHOIR Traditional gospel is back! A professional, community-based choir, led by musician and producer, Tarell Martin. The C2 Mass Choir vision and mission is to use their gifts to do good in the community through singing. Touching hearts, inspiring change and growth, and encouraging people to fulfill their God-given dreams. C 11:00 CAKE BAKING COMPETITION The theme this year is Mystical Magic. Bring entries to the judging tent between 10:15 and 10:45am. Categories include cake, alternative/exotic cake and cupcake (please bring 12 for cupcakes) Please bring entries on a disposable platter or something that does not need to be returned.

O Oasis OS Open Space *Bilingual Event

carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 27

C NOON DOUBLE HORSES COMPETITION Located in Glassier Park, two blocks south of Sopris Park on Weant Boulevard. Register at the Info Booth beginning Friday. O NOON UKULADIES AND UKUDUDES The Crystal Valley Ukulady & Ukudude players led by Stephanie Askew, invite you to listen in or bring your ukulele and join in on some easy peasy tunes from the ‘20s, ‘30s and ‘40s, oldies, Beatle Mania and Hawaiian tunes. M 12:30 SINGER SONGWRITERS COMPETITION: ROUND 2 The 5 finalists from Round 1 of the Songwriter Competition will perform two more original songs at the Jam Tent. The winner will play two songs on the main stage before Ozomatli! O 1:00 CAPTAIN POW Climate Action theatre for kids, from the The Arts Campus at Willits. OS 1:30 SOPRIS SOARERS Sopris Soarers presents an exposé of aerial dance that we leave your heart soaring. O 2:00 COWBOY CORRAL Come share a rootin' tootin' time with the local

Cowboy Corral as we bring you all yer ol' favorite Cowboy Songs, stories of the Old West, and a bit of Cowboy Poetry. G 2:15 GRIM NYMPH Grim Nymph is the moniker of Carbondale based D.J. producer and multi instrumentalist Brett Haynes. Haynes's eclectic hip-funk sound is sure to get you grooving. G 2:45 KID ASTRONAUT From the far reaches of outer space comes Kid Astronaut, a time + dimension + traveling musician. With inspiration ranging from R&B/Soul, Hip Hop and Punk music, Kid Astronaut builds a universe of music, film, art and more. OS 4:15 MEN’S WOOD SPLITTING COMPETITION The testosterone is heavy in this popular event in which one man will be crowned king. Sign up early as slots fill quickly! A benefit auction of the wood follows. Sign ups are at the Information Booth. Slots fill quickly ! G 5:15 WINNER OF SINGER SONGWRITER PERFORMANCE The winner of the singer/songwriter competition will get the opportunity to play on the Main Stage before our closing act. Come see who the winner is and support our local musicians!


Mountain Fair 2022!

After a weekend of dancing and fun an appointment with Backcountry Chiropractic will serve you well! 2425 S. Grand Ave • Glenwood Springs CO 81601


Backcountrychirocolorado.com 28 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

KEY: M Maker’s Park C Competition G Gazebo O Oasis OS Open Space *Bilingual Event G 5:30PM OZOMATLI Since its inception in 1995, innovation and creativity have defined Ozomatli. Hailing from Los Angeles, the group found a way to represent the city’s eclectic culture through music that appeals to the local community and the world beyond. Ozomatli takes firm stances on various social justice issues. Their work focuses on giving voice to Latino culture, opportunity to children, fighting for workers’ rights, and promoting global unity and peace amongst people, cultures and nations. Locals Tip: Never miss the Sunday closer!

Become a Carbondale Arts Member

How do we do what we do? Your support keeps us thriving. Whether you are a participant, a volunteer, member or artist, your involvement is what keeps Carbondale Arts ticking! Members are our heart and soul and we show our appreciation year round. Please remember too, your membership helps us provide a FREE Fair, as well as so many great events, high-caliber gallery exhibitions and arts education programs. The value of every donation, large or small, leaves a lasting impact on what Carbondale Arts is able to offer the community. Please consider donating at carbondalearts.com Please upload all your fun photos to Instagram and tag @carbondalearts and use hashtags #mountainfair #sharethefair

Happy 51st Mountain Fair! Carbondale is a mountain community that thrives on supporting one another, unconditionally! Mountain Fair exemplifies the love and support of this community and the people who contribute to the culture that Carbondale offers. It has been my pleasure to serve in a variety of ways as a volunteer in this great town for 25 years. Other ways in which I feel I can help make a difference are by providing you with a free market analysis and/or helping you find your dream home here in the Roaring Fork Valley. Call me with your real estate needs or if you are curious about the value of your home!

Sarah Murray 970.618.0109 sarah@masonmorse.com

carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 29

Every time you use your ARTS Loyalty Debit Card*, Alpine Bank donates 10 cents to arts and culture-related causes and events that are important to you, like Mountain Fair. *Alpine Bank debit cards are available with no annual fee to individuals with an Alpine Bank checking account.

NEED CASH? Visit our ATM on the west side of the pavilion.



30 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.


From the Stage Designer: Loren Wilder

PC: Sarah Overbeck

Mark Taylor Passes the Torch

“There are no problems, only solutions.” This has been the guiding principal behind Mark Taylor’s tenure as Carbondale Mountain Fair Production Director. “Mark is the first guy onsite waiting for the truck filled with all the fair infrastructure to roll in on Tuesday eve, and he is the last guy there as the truck drives away on Monday,” says Amy Kimberly, Mountain Fair Director, “The fair doesn’t run without Mark.” Or at least, it hasn’t run without Mark for the last 20 years, but those days are soon to morph into stories and memories. Both Taylor and Kimberly are passing on their knowledge, passion and wisdom to a new group of directors, but their energy and love will still remain a part of the weekend. Mark Taylor began as a volunteer in the 90’s, helping Mike Teal build the KDNK Beer Booth. “I also helped Thomas Lawley (the director at the time) with some backstage stuff”. Geoff Legg held the position of Production Supervisor but when he left town, Taylor was a natural to move into the position and has held it ever since. He was there when Lawley left after 17 years. He was there for the interim director, and he was there when Kimberly came on in 2004. It was Taylor who ensured the spirit of the fair continued with each change. “I remember him telling me that even though Carbondale Arts put on the fair it belonged to the community”, remembers Kimberly, “The three things I needed to know were: Its got to be inclusive, its got to be free and we can’t get overrun by sponsorship”. That spirit continues today. Thank you Mark Taylor for all you have given this community!

The symbolism of the All Seeing Eye used this year on the Mountain Fair stage is often misunderstood. In all truth this symbol from antiquity represents the invisible mind’s eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. It represents the seat of our intuition and imagination. To manifest reality we must combine the imagination with the desires of our heart. What we are seeing on stage this year is the alchemical reality of how thoughts and feelings affect our three dimensional existence. Have a wonderful 51st Fair, Carbondale, you know how to use your high vibes to make something wonderful!



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carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 31





■ Our state and federal agencies manage 42 percent of Colorado’s majestic landscape, and our cities and counties maintain even more. Learn about and respect the spaces we all share. ■ Stay back from the pack. Find your way to less-visited and off-peak destinations to minimize down time and maximize your connection with special places. ■ Bring along reusable water bottles or hot drink tumblers to limit waste and stay hydrated in our dry climate.



■ Pack it in, pack it out. Or pick it up to leave a place better than you found it. Put litter, even crumbs, peels and cores in your nearest waste/recycling bin. ■ Wash yourself, your dog or whatever else needs cleaning at least 200 feet from waterways, and use biodegradable soap. A bubble bath is no treat for fish. ■ If you have to poo, walk at least 70 steps from trails, water and people. Dig a cat hole 6 inches deep, do your thing in the hole, cover it and pack out your TP. Or, use a wag bag (a disposable bag found in most outdoor stores) so you can pack out your waste.



■ Colorado’s low humidity has perks, but can create dry, dangerous conditions. Keep campfires small and manageable to avoid sparking wildfires. ■ When putting out a fire, water it until you can handle the embers. Never let a fire burn unattended. ■ Use care when smoking in Colorado’s dry climate. Always put cigarettes out completely, and don’t leave your butts behind. ■ Always check for local fire restrictions.



■ With 39,000 marked trails and 13,000 designated campsites, there’s no need to venture beyond. By sticking to these areas and camping at least 200 feet from lakes, rivers and streams, you’re helping natural areas stay natural. ■ Even though shortcuts can be tempting, please don’t take them. A few extra strides on the path will protect plants and the homes of the true locals.



■ Leave plants, rocks and historical items as you find them so others experience the joy of discovery. ■ Any of our 750 different species of wildflowers will live forever in a photo. Snap away, but only with a camera. ■ Colorado is beautiful all on its own. Building structures or campsites on public land isn’t cool. Keep it pristine for everyone to enjoy. ■ Treat all living things with respect. Carving or hacking plants and trees may kill or disfigure them.



■ Colorado is home to tens of thousands of furry, scaly and feathered creatures. To keep them – and you – safe, don’t approach them. ■ It is not adorable to feed wild animals. You could alter natural behaviors, exposing them to predators or even euthanasia. ■ Keep your furry buddies leashed when enjoying dog-friendly trails, and pack out their waste. All the way to a trashcan.



■ Chances are you’re not out in nature to people watch, so try out the lesser-known paths and sites. ■ Silence your cell phone before stepping into nature, and speak softly without using the speaker function. ■ Be considerate when passing others on the trails and yield to the uphill hiker and biker – they need the momentum. ■ Listen to nature. Keep your voice and music soft so all can enjoy the peace of Colorado.

Carbondale Tourism is a Stewardship Member of Care for Colorado. For more information, visit www.carbondale.com

©2021 Colorado Tourism Office. All rights reserved. Leave No Trace Seven Principles. ©Leave No Trace: www.LNT.org www.LNT.org.

32 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.



■ No ensucies o recoge tu basura para dejar un lugar mejor de como lo encontraste. Coloca la basura, incluso las migajas, las cáscaras y las semillas en el bote de basura/reciclaje más cercano.




■ Nuestras agencias federales y estatales administran el 42 por ciento del imponente entorno natural de Colorado, y nuestras ciudades y condados mantienen todavía más. Conozca los espacios que compartimos y respételos. ■ Aléjate de la multitud. Busca destinos menos visitados y de escasa actividad para minimizar el tiempo muerto y maximizar tu conexión con lugares especiales. ■ Lleva botellas de agua reutilizables o vasos térmicos para reducir la generación de basura y mantenerte hidratado en nuestro clima seco.


■ Si necesita defecar, aléjese por lo menos 70 pasos de los senderos, del agua y de la gente. Excave una fosa de 6 pulgadas (15 cm) de profundidad, realice sus necesidades en el agujero, cúbralo con tierra y llévese el papel de baño usado. También puede utilizar una bolsa WAG especial (un tipo de bolsa desechable que se puede encontrar en la mayoría de tiendas de productos para acampar) donde se llevará su material de desecho.



■ La baja humedad de Colorado tiene beneficios, pero puede crear condiciones secas y peligrosas. Procura que las fogatas sean pequeñas y controlables para evitar incendios forestales. ■ Al apagar el fuego, riégalo hasta que puedas manejar las brasas. Nunca dejes que el fuego arda sin vigilancia. ■ Ten cuidado al fumar en el clima seco de Colorado. Siempre apaga los cigarros por completo y no dejes las colillas tiradas. ■ Siempre revisa las restricciones de fuego locales.


■ Tenemos 39 000 senderos señalizados y 13 000 campamentos designados, por lo que no hay necesidad de aventurarse más allá. Al permanecer en estas áreas y acampar al menos a 200 pies (60 metros) de los lagos, ríos y arroyos, estás ayudando a los espacios naturales a conservarse naturales. ■ Aunque los atajos pueden ser tentadores, no los tomes. Unos cuantos pasos extra en el camino protegerán las plantas y los hogares de los verdaderos habitantes locales.


■ Para lavarte a ti, a tu perro o cualquier otra cosa que necesites limpiar, debes hacerlo al menos a 200 pies (60 metros) de los cauces de agua, y usar jabón biodegradable. El baño de espuma es perjudicial para los peces.


■ Deja las plantas, las rocas y los elementos históricos como los encuentres para que otros experimenten la emoción del descubrimiento. ■ Cualquiera de nuestras 750 especies diferentes de flores silvestres vivirá para siempre en una foto. Dispara solo tu cámara y llévate los recuerdos que desees. ■ Colorado es hermoso por sí solo. No es correcta la construcción de estructuras ni campamentos en terrenos públicos. Debes mantenerlos intactos para que todos lo disfruten. ■ Trata a todos los seres vivos con respeto. Tallar o cortar plantas y árboles puede matarlos o desfigurarlos.

Carbondale Tourism is a Stewardship Member of Care for Colorado. For more information, visit www.carbondale.com ©2021 Colorado Tourism Office. All rights reserved. Leave No Trace Seven Principles. ©Leave No Trace: www.LNT.org.




■ Colorado es el hogar de decenas de miles de criaturas peludas, escamosas y emplumadas. Para mantenerlas a salvo y mantenerte a salvo a ti también, no te les acerques. ■ No es lindo alimentar animales salvajes. Podrías alterar los comportamientos naturales, exponiéndolos a los depredadores o incluso a la eutanasia. ■ Mantén a tus amigos peludos con correa cuando disfrutes de los senderos aptos para perros y recoge sus desperdicios para depositarlos en un bote de basura.



■ Es probable que no estés en la naturaleza para ver gente, así que prueba los caminos y sitios menos conocidos. ■ Silencia tu teléfono celular antes de adentrarte en la naturaleza y habla en voz baja sin usar la función de altavoz. ■ Sé considerado cuando pases a otros por los senderos y cede el paso a los excursionistas y ciclistas que suben; ellos necesitan el impulso. ■ Escucha la naturaleza. Mantén tu voz baja y tu música también para que todos puedan disfrutar de la paz de Colorado.

carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 33


This Fair is dedicated to Leann Eustis and all those who gave of time and spirit . Dress themes for the weekend: Friday: Nocturnal Creatures Saturday: Celestial Bodies Sunday: Shiny and New with an Ode to Blue Your MC’s for the weekend: Amy Kimberly, Aly Sanguily, Andy Bohmfalk, Rebecca Binion, Luis Yllanes and The Walrus.

FRIDAY, JULY 29 FAIR OPENS AT 4 (vendor booths open at noon) Don’t miss the Opening Blessing by I am a Buffalo too, the grandson of Red Ute followed by the Drum Circle. 3:00 COME ONE, COME ALL to The Launchpad in Carbondale and be a part of the procession to Sopris Park, kicking off the 51st Annual Mountain Fair! Parade starts at 3:30 sharp! Noon

Vendor Booths Open

G 4:00 Opening Blessing bY I am a BuFFalo too, granDson oF tHe ReD Ute anD RHYtHm oF tHe Heart CommunitY Drum Circle G 4:50 Welcoming bY MaYor Ben O 5:00 Roaring Funk River BanD O 5:00 Creatures oF tHe NigHt Masks G 5:15 ReD Hill Rollers G 6:45 Sopris Soarers G 7:45 DeatH bY Dub Fair Closes

SATURDAY, JULY 30 C 7:00 Mount Sopris Run-OFF G 10:00 CrYstal River Ballet

10:00 Vendors Open M 10:00 Bluegrass Jam O 10:00 Bilingual Musical StorYtime OS 10:30 FlY Casting Competition OS 11:00 Sopris Soarers O 11:15 Grass Skirt Making C 11:00 Pie Baking Competition O 11:00 BettY Hoops Hula Hoop Session G 11:30 THe Queen Bees C Noon Singles HorsesHoe Competition O Noon RYan Camp anD Will Bingaman M 12:30 Engstrom BrotHers OS 1:00 ADult Limbo Contest O 1:00 PolYnesian Dance WitH SanDra O 1:00 Poster Coloring O 2:00 Lullabies anD Rest Time M 2:00 THe Grass Patties at tHe Jam Tent OS 2:15 Tug-O-War CPD vs. CFD G 2:30 Elk Range Bluegrass O 3:00 CaFe Du Mer at tHe Pool OS 4:00 Women’s WooDsplitting M 4:00 Salsa Lesson OS 5:00 Sopris Soarers G 5:15 Los MococHetes C 6:00 Potters RelaY THroWDoWn G 6:45 BoneDale FlasHmob G 7:30 Spoken WorD WitH AlYa HoWe OS 7:30 Stilt Walking bY Gale Force G 7:45 Magic Beans OS 9:30 Dance oF SacreD Fire

SUNDAY, JULY 31 C 8:00 Porcupine Loop Bike Race OS 8:30 True Nature Yoga O 9:00 Oasis Opens 10:00 Vendors Open O 10:00 Sopris Circus Camp M 10:00 RHYtHmYstics Open Drum O 10:00 FloWer CroWn Making O 11:00 Singing Bone MeDicine Puppet SHoW C 11:00 Cake Baking Competition G 11:00 C2 Mass CHoir WitH Tarell Martin C Noon Doubles HorsesHoe Competition O Noon UkulaDies anD UkuDuDe‘s G 12:30 Bracken Creek M 12:30 Singer SongWriter Competition O 1:00 Captain PoW OS 1:30 Sopris Soarers O 2:00 CoWboY Corral G 2:15 Grim NYmpH G 2:45PM KiD Astronaut OS 4:15 Men’s WooDsplitting Competition 5:00 Vendor Booths Close G 5:15 Singer SongWriter Winners G 5:15 RaFFle GP DraWings G 5:30 Ozomatli 5:45 Fair Closes

Fair Closes

KEY: M Maker’s Park C Competition G Gazebo O Oasis OS Open Space *Bilingual Event 34 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

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reduce single-use plastics in our community.


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carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 35

Get Raffle Tickets!

Buying raffle tickets is one of the best ways to support Carbondale Arts programming! We have many fantastic packages including Rafting; Restaurants; Wellness and Spa. Buy early and often. 1st Grand Prize: $1000 cash (High Q), Yeti cooler, Weber 2 burner propane grill, Ooni Pizza Oven w/accessories (Backbone Media), Monthly Dough from Peppino’s, $250 to Sopris Liquor & Wine. Value of $2710 2nd Prize: $250 cash (High Q), High Society SUP board package, Jamis men’s cruiser bike, Jamis women’s cruiser bike. Value of $2322 3rd Prize: $250 cash (High Q), 2 2-day Aspen SkiCo lift tickets, 1 night stay at Limelight Hotel in Snowmass, with food & beverage credit, 2 2-day equipment demos, gift certificate to Ajax Tavern. Value of $2000. Silent Auction The Silent Auction is a labor of love by many of our arts and crafts vendors, as well as local businesses, who believe in arts programming year round. Many of the items in the auction are donated by Mountain Fair vendors. This is a great place to check out the array of talent we have at the fair, as well as find wonderful deals and help Carbondale Arts. If you see any of the participating vendors, thank them. We couldn’t do this fair without them!

PC: Sarah Overbeck

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Talk to a personal banker today at 970•704•1012.

anbbank.com | Member FDIC 409 Dolores Way, Carbondale 36 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

PC: Mark Burrows

Contests & Competitions MT. SOPRIS RUNOFF (14+miles) & FOUR-MILE FAIR RUN Sponsored by Independence Run & Hike The 42nd annual 14 mile foot race from Basalt to the Mountain Fair starts at the Emma Schoolhouse at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, July 29. Runners for the Four Mile Fair Run need to be at Sopris Park by 7:15 AM. A shuttle will take these racers to the start of the 4 mile race on Prince Creek Road. Both races finish in the Open Space at Sopris Park. Come out and welcome the runners home. Shuttles available to return racers to their vehicles. You can sign up for all races at Independence Run & Hike. The cost is $55 for the 14 mile race and $35 for the 4 mile Fair Run. For more information, call 704-0909. FLY-CASTING COMPETITION Run by the infamous Gill Finn, a Roaring Fork Valley fly fishing legend, the competition takes place at 10 a.m. on Saturday at the Open Space area of the park. Prizes donated by Alpine Angling. Registration at the Info Booth. PIE AND CAKE BAKING The Pie Judging takes place at 11 a.m. Saturday. Cake Judging is at 11 a.m. on Sunday in the Judging Canopy near the pavilion. Categories include Fruit, Cream and Exotic for pies; Cake, Alternative Cake and Cupcake. HORSESHOE TOURNAMENTS The Singles Tourney takes place at high noon on Saturday. The Doubles Tourney is on Sunday, also at high noon. Both events take place at Glassier Park, two blocks south of Sopris Park on Weant Boulevard. Register at the Info Booth beginning Friday. LIMBO CONTEST Get down with Dr. Limbo at 1:00 p.m. Saturday in the Open Space area. Open to folks 18 and older. Prizes are donated by Alpine Angling and Dr. Limbo. THE WOOD SPLITTING CHAMPIONSHIP Sponsored by Aspen Tree

Not to be missed! The Women’s competition takes place at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday. The Men’s is held at 4:15 p.m. on Sunday; both are followed by a benefit firewood auction. Both competitions are in the Open Space. Registration is online or at Info Booth beginning on Friday. All entrants must wear safety shoes. Steel-toed protectors are available at the competition. Winners receive a new wood-splitting maul custom fabricated by Dave Kodama of Kenichi Woodworking. POTTERS THROWDOWN RELAY To celebrate Carbondale Clay Center's 25th Anniversary, CCC is joining Mountain Fair's competitive festivities with a Throwdown Relay on Saturday at 6pm under the judging tent. Up to eight teams of four will compete in pottery challenges, two at a time, for the fastest overall time. THE PORCUPINE LOOP BIKE RACE In its 17th year, this race is casual and sure to be a good time. Aloha Mountain Cyclery and Stomparillaz Creative Cycling Collective keep the fun factor high by requiring costumes and creating obstacles. Race day is Sunday July 31, with registration available all day Saturday at the Info Booth, and from 7-7:45 a.m. on Sunday at the Bike Parking area on Weant St. There will be a riders’ meeting at 7:45 a.m. at this location and the race will commence immediately following. The course begins on Prince Creek Road, goes up the Porcupine Loop Trail and ends in Sopris Park. Entry fee is $25 or $20 with a non-perishable food item for Lift Up. All other proceeds go to Carbondale Arts. YOGA WITH TRUE NATURE Sunday 8:30am in the open space. Join True Nature Yoga in the open space of the park for a morning of yoga before the fair opens. MOJITO MINT CONTEST Is mint taking over your garden? Help us help you: Bring your best, locally grown mint to the Cantina on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mint will be judged on flavor, appearance and quantity. Winner will receive a $25 gift certificate to the Cantina.

carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 37

The future of journalism depends on YOU! — ¡El futuro del periodismo depende de TI!

Únete al programa de publicación juvenil del Sol del Valle y The Sopris Sun

Join The Sopris Sun and Sol del Valle’s youth publishing program

¡Desde entrevistas a fotografías a caricaturas! Presentando maestres invitades en una gran variedad de temas. Todes les estudiantes son bienvenides a este programa de educación periodística. Los miércoles de 3 p.m. a 4:30 p.m. Comenzando el 21 de septiembre. Aplicaciones deben ser entregadas antes del 14 de septiembre.

Featuring guest teachers on a range of topics from ethics to interviewing to photography to cartooning! All high school students are welcome for this journalism education program on Wednesdays from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. beginning Sept. 21. Applications are due Sept. 14.

38 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.


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502 Main Street, Unit 11 | Carbondale, Colorado 81623

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40 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

Vendors 2D Art

22/23 Walden Watercolors Watercolor painting Elyssa Edgerly 24 Original Oil Paintings, Prints, Cards Feverish Art 31 Feverish Art Sweet Letterpress 54 Letterpress greetings, notecards, and art prints Lindsay Sutton-Stephens 74 Unusual Art with Levity on Unique Surfaces Travel Posters 77 Posters of Colorado 14ers and other locations in the state Roadside Gallery 81 Photography of Roadside Americana Roman Art Design 87 Chicano/contemporary Pop Art Sarah Uhl 117 Local watercolor landscapes, DIY kits, cards & stationary Vanessa Porras 134 Woodcut prints and ink drawings Erin Huybrechts-Davis 135 Greeting cards, prints and original art Someday 142 Mixed media illustrations

3D Art Grebe Batik 25/26 Batik, wax resist & dye techniques on custom sewn clothing Rokoko 27/28 Hand painted acrylic and mixed media on wood Robot Parade Metal Art 29 Layered metal wall art and sculpture Lily's Florist & Gifts 30 Bonsai, Lucky Bamboo, Hanging Air Plants/Cactus Arubymoon 38 Hand-carved blocks printed on flags, greeting cards, banners, framable prints Heartwood Artist 41 Originals Art, Giclee Prints, Cards Treestump Woodcraft 48/49 Recycled mesquite that has been enhanced with turquoise inlay in the natural voids Meg Harper Art 50 Upcycled materials are transformed painted w/ a custom 25 color palette. Nivek Metal 58, 59, 60 Hand cut and bent steel Sky Vine Butterflies 79 Mixed media backgrounds featuring insects hydrated and spread by the artist. Spoon Wright 91 Handmade kitchen utensils Turn Turn Woodworking 94 Lathe-turned, Hand-carved Art

Mountain Sculpture 97/98 Stone Mountainscape Makaio Design 99 Bright, bold, unique art Pika 122 Furniture Art Live Edge Slabs Priscilla Colebrook 123 Hand painted stones Tarazzo Vintage Original 124 Mixed Media Repurpose Artist Gourds by Laurie Jo 125 Gourd art nature inspired Earth Spirit Designs 139 A fusion of wood, stone & glass Sunshine Conduits 140 Impermanent nature art

Sacred Spirals By Lucy 117 Handmade adornments, herbal oils, elixirs and teas Laura the Maker 118 Wood home & hair accessories Tree Sky 119 Sculptural functional furniture, decor, jewelry Thread Metal Stone 143 Repurposed firehose bags and metalsmith jewelry

Bath & Body

Accessories Sherer Custom Saddles 32 Leather Goods Blowfish Designs 51/52 Lively and colorful hand-stitched hats Ironic Dilemma 61 Leather purses and accessories Kelly Horrigan Handmade 62 Leather statement jewelry, wall hangings, custom leather goods Darc moon malas 67 Handcrafted Gemstone Jewelry & Mala Beads Dying Breeds 90 Cut hides for belts & bags, fabricated steel buckles & embossing Samantha Cooley Bags & Accessories 95 Handcrafted Leather Good Festive Fascinators 103 Festive headwear and hatbands for children and adults Wild West Designs 115/ 116 Tapestry Purses & Hanging Chairs

Carbondale Arts Valley Artists Booth A core mission of Carbondale Arts is promoting local artists. Please stop by the Valley Artists’ Booth and see the incredible talent that lives in this valley! Paintings and prints, jewelry and cutting boards, pottery and glass. This year’s artists include: Peter Addison, Collin Arnold (Colorado Wild Jewelry), Andrea Bersson (Jeweled Musings), Annette Burch (Tabletop Creations), Becky Chase, Staci Dickerson, Caitlin Dunn Jewelry, Kathy Flanigan (Pura Simple), Jim Harris, Gregg Hollomon (2-Square Crafts), Laela Janssen, Mathew Jinks (Jinks & Grey), Maddie Martin, Judy Milne, Sydni Roach, Jennifer Roberts (The Notebook Bar), Anja Simpson (Topshelf Designs), and Pam Williams (Mia Gemma Designs)

Authentic 75 Organic hemp cannabidiol CBD oil product salves Mountain Time Soap 78 Hand craft soap and useful products for outdoor enthusiasts Cimarron Creek Essentials 144 Handcrafted organic bath & body products

Clothing Cyndi Buck Design 20/21 Hand-dyed garments & upcycled cashmere sweaters Colors Artwear 34 Hand sewn/dyed clothes River city sun wear 37 Quick dry clothing and UPF 50 sun shirts Nina Paul Batik Clothing 42 Colorful batiks & fabulous appliquéd cashmere sweaters July Five 44/ 45 Design, cut and sew functionally elegant clothing for women Goddess Gear 46/47 Women's natural fiber and organic clothing Sideshow Redesigns 64 Fabulous & Funky Western Shirts for Men Dye-Namics 70/71 Fold garments, bands/string to restrain, dyed to get desired effect akomplice 82 Contemporary art movement, often expressed through the medium of apparel Autumn Teneyl 120/121 Clothing that makes them feel attractive, viable & alive Denim Worx 133 Jean jackets with pizzaz

Culinary Bee Chama Honey 66 Raw honey, comb, bee pollen wax Hamilton's Mushrooms 92 Organic mushroom extracts Pollinator Chocolate 136 Chocolate sodas and popsicles Roaring Fork Spice 145 Small batch, hand-blended seasoning with

carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 41

sweets and savories, and infused honeys.

Food Slow Groovin' BBQ 1 Ridiculously good BBQ! India gourmet 2 Delicious Indian cuisine w/ vegan vegetarian, gluten-free choices Roaring Fork High School World Travelers Club 3 Gyros Aspen Mini Donuts 4 Made to order mini donuts along with - hot coffee and iced flavored coffee. JefFREEZZ 5 Italian Ice Funnellicious 6 Funnel cakes, corn dogs, soft pretzels and Philly cheese steaks The Little Pink Truck 7 local, chef inspired soups, salads and sandwiches. Senor Mango 8 Mangos! Bellare Inc. 9 Hand dipped Blue Bell ice cream White House Pizza 10 Pizza Gaijin Noodle 11 Locally sourced Asian street food with gluten free & vegan options.

Windy City Eats 12 Gourmet sliders and fresh salads Old Tyme Kettle Korn 13 Kettle corn Domingo Sausage 14 Sausage, egglant sandwiches, breakfast sandwiches Molly Crepes 15 Crepes & coffee Cowgirl Lemonade 16 Craft Maple Sweetened Lemonade Mama's Perogies 17 Perogies

Housewares two+two 76 Handmade, food-safe & reusable bags Hot Off the Press (Box Eleven, Pine Street Prints CO, Thimble Fox) 80 Screen-printed Textiles, Dyed, Printed, Sewn Goods and Contemporary Monoprints Sovereign Threads 86 Handwoven wool rugs and slipper socks Ananda Soy Candle 113 Hand-poured soy candles Colorado Hammock 126 Hand woven recycled hammocks

Jewelry Designs by Denise 35

Mixed media jewelry Karen Edge Studio 36 Base metals that are etched, cast into sparkly jewelry Bohemi 39/40 Handmade jewelry from scratch. Ceramics for jewelry display ring cones, dishes & nesting bowls The Pointed Arrow 43 Handmade jewelry inspired by nature created with love Shooting Star 53 Fire painted wall art Niyol jewelry 56 Organic-geometric jewelry Jane E Roberti 65 Fine jewelry LeGrande Jewelry 68/69 Hand-knotted jewelry, handmade leather goods. The Eclectic Edge 83 Upcycling antique teapots, plates, silverware and other kitchen items. Creative Effects Co. 88 Handcrafted Contemporary Jewelry Jen Lesea Designs 100 Fused silver jewelry Canyon Design Jewelry 102 Traditional Design Jewelry Sunward Jewelry 105 Burned Hats+Leather Jewelry Star Lux Jewels 106 UNIQUE Funky, Cosmic, Boho, Mountain

Happy 51st Mountain Fair! Thanks to Carbondale Arts, The Town of Carbondale, Musicians, Vendors, Artists, and Volunteers for making this annual celebration possible.

Celebrating 12 years of providing creative spaces to 35+ nonprofits, artists, and small businesses and community spaces for workshops, performances, and celebrations. A social impact incubator powered by community and sunshine Learn more at www.thirdstreetcenter.net 42 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

Mama Jewelry Crystal D'llusions 107a Prototype is made in metal, and cast in sterling silver. Mountain Dove Designs 109 Hand-forged artisan Jewelry MetalRock Designs 111 Handcrafted fine Jewelry Timothy Meier Design 112 Modern Jewelry for Men Alison Blair studio 114 Delicate Metal Work Jewelry Designs Chaos Creations 137 A unique metal expression L. Allen Paquin 138 Silver jewelry with gold accents. Pueblo style w/ contemporary flair Asana Natural Arts 141 Real butterfly wing jewelry

Mixed Read With Moxie next to 126 on street Hand bound journals, & soft sculptures. The Spider and The Moon 130 Healing arts tools, clothing, jewelry Chews on Belay Dog Toys 132 100% recycled climbing rope & Dog safe Tuff Ball®


The Spotted Pony Photography 57 Traditional film and darkroom Thomas E Heywood 84 Photographic prints Wildeye Imagery 93 Photo prints on metal Artistic Fabrications 110 Handmade metal garden art and decor Bob Coorsen Images 131 Fine Art Photography

Pottery tylerWARE 63 Functional ceramic wares Carbondale Clay Center 72 One of a kind ceramic work made by local potters. Bluehaven Porcelain 73 Handmade/handpainted porcelain Savanna LaBauve Studios 85 Savanna LaBauve Studios LLC Club Mud 107b/108 Beautiful & functional pottery Studio Rand LLC 112 High Fire Ceramics Pako Lazo pottery 129 Functional ceramics for the home E. Erickson Ceramics 134 Functional pottery reflecting the relationship between self & place

Services Henna Blessings 55 Henna is a natural plant stain temporary tattoo Aspen Intuitives 89 Astrology readings and tarot readings Grandma Glitter tattoos Oasis 1 Face paint & Glitter tattoos Magical Mala Oasis 2 Hair braiding bringing creativity and vibrant colors Face Painting Oasis 3 Face paint & Glitter Bar Acendigo Oasis 5 Kids crafts Hands of Wax Oasis 6 Sand art projects, Mop dolls, Hands of wax Massage Coop Massage Providing massage therapy with 10 therapist Happy Hair Braiding 58 different French Hair Braiding styles,decorated with flowers and sparkles.

carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 43

44 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

Cantina Power

The Mountain Fair Cantina raises money for many nonprofits every year. Not only does this help them, but they really help us. You can be part of this awesome circle of life by putting a few more dollars in their tip jars and showing them some love because they help make our town great. A big thanks to this years Cantina teams: Friday PM: KDNK & The Carbondale Clay Center Saturday AM: Carbondale Middle School & Marble Charter School Saturday PM: Carbondale Community School & Crystal River Elementary School Sunday AM: Gay For Good & Sopris Sun Sunday PM: Roaring Fork Leadership & Windwalkers The Cantina is only open until 7:30pm on Sunday.

What would we do without you?! The Carbondale Mountain Fair depends on the time, kindness, energy and support of many people and businesses, including more than 350 volunteers to run the fair. If we could kiss you all, we would! If we forgot anyone we promise we will make it up to you in great programming all year round. PC: Mark Burrows

carbondalearts.com • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • 45

Thank Yous Bethel Party Rentals Wise Elder Amy Kimberly Chief of Operations Deborah Colley Entertainment Conductor Aly Sanguily Production Lead James Gorman Vendor Coordination Alta Otto Production Team Mark Taylor Kevin Lundy Scott Levine Evan Schulte August Strelau Rodrigo Salcido Pete Thompson Shane Spyker Blake McDonald Brenden Petersen Aubrey Hood Jeptha Hoffman Jeff Britt Darin Binion Matt Hoogenboom Emmet Hood Garcelon Garrett Delcastillo Robert Burch Ed Piccolo Jason Segal

Darin Toy Ryan Jervis Justin Stein Electricians Bill Laemmel/Carbondale Light and Power Lance Dement Rob Janssen Joey Staron SeanHartman Park Perimeter Kelly Phillips Patty Nadon Zane Kessler Anthony Ducosin Vendor Support Shelle Debeque Savannah Otto Jack Otto Matt Macdonnell Phillis Smilack Sound and Lights SNOB Productions Jam Tent Morgan Williams Shanti Gruber Eric Baumheier Craig Patterson Green Team Jason White Erica Borum Jay Engstrom Wes Engstrom Kristin Mattera Alyssa Reindel

Dave Reindel Brad Snyder Mark Weinhold Cora Carballeira Pitkin County Compost Center Evergreen Zero Waste Water Richard Vottero Scott Levine Poster Design Maggie Summers Tarbert Program The Sopris Sun Translation Support Dolores Duarte Isabel Johnson Gabriela Alvarez Espinoza Andrea Harris Photographers Sarah Overbeck Mark Burrows Jim Ryan Jane Bachrach Renee Ramge Will Sardinsky Brent Moss Alina Hokanson Stage Design Loren Wilder Design Corey Summers Flower Design Eagle Crest Nursery Oasis Holly Richardson Michael Stout

Andrea Harris Julian Lichatz Live Broadcast KDNK Community Radio Carbondale Arts Artists’ Gallery Brian Colley Staci Dickerson T-Shirt Coordination Laura Stover Leah Swan Lucy Kessler Pam Williams Christine Helling Marina Skiles Shawn Tonozzi Mallory Yacullo Volunteer Coordinators Kellyn Wardell Helene Gude Brian Golden Brooke Bockelman Raffle Rebecca Binion Cortney McDougall Jill Napiwocki Aimee Yllanes Grand Prize Raffle Sponsors High Q Backbone Media Peppinos Pizza High Society Freeride Company Sopris Liquor and Wine Yeti Silent Auction Katy Parr

Thank Y o u !

We are so grateful for your continued support

Alpine Bank | Colorado Creative Industries | Thrift Shop of Aspen Town of Carbondale | re : LAND Aspen Community Foundation | Aspen Ski Co. | 2757 Design Co | Carbondale Comfort Inn & Suites FirstBank | High Q | Marble Distilling | Umbrella Roofing | Rickenbaugh Automotive Group | Slifer, Smith & Frampton | Sopris Lodge Aloha Mountain Sports | Avalanche Ranch | Dalby, Wendland & CO., P.C. Evergreen Zero Waste | Forum Phi Architects | Frosty Merriott | Independence Run & Hike Karp Neu Hanlon PC | Lauren Whittaker | Loge Properties | Odell Brewing Co. Redstone Cliffs Lodge Renew Senior Community | Sopris Liquor & Wine

46 • 2022 MOUNTAIN FAIR • Published by The Sopris Sun • #MOUNTAINFAIR on social media.

Thank Yous continued Elizabeth Hanke Marina Skiles Angie Stangl Gueneviere Jones Backstage + Hospitality Tory Neu Rachael Gillespie Kristen Levey Lindsay Gurley Shane Spyker Delia Bolster Claire Wright Evan Schulte Hank Van Berlo Mark Wisroth Adam Carballeira Christian Stack Backstage Food Peppinos Uncle Pizza Dominos Pizza Village Smithy Whitehouse Phat Thai Beer Works Sweet Coloradough Dos Gringos Slow Groovin' BBQ Mi Casita Bonfire New York Pizza Sustainable Settings Happy Belly CSA

Plosky's Deli Allegria Butler Rents Honey Butter Backline Snob Productions Charlie Noone Ashton Taufer Josh Behrman Chad Patrick Harley Ellis Info Booth Kat Rich Bob Schultz Jean Marie Hegarty Leslie Johnson Mustang Molly Cantina Evan Cree Jeff Dickinson Jeff Lauckhart Stage Management Jeff Britt Charlie Noone Darin Binion Matt Hoogenboom Peace Patrol Michael Gorman Jim Neu George Wear Dave Kanzer Elissa Stark-Gorman Dallas Erwin Alex Reginelli Shawna O’Shea

Gabriela Alvarez Espinoza Rainbow Lounge Coordinators Steve Mills Rebecca Binion Natalyn Cumings Janet Gordon Contests and Competitions Pie Contest Alta Otto Carly deBeque-Jager Amber VanBerlo Cake Contest April Crow-Spaulding Erin Galbreath Limbo Contest Dr. Limbo John Foulkrod Eric Baumherier Wood Splitting Contest Dru Handy Diesel Dan Giese Delia Bolster Aspen Tree Tug O War Kat Rich Luis Yllanes Mt. Sopris Runoff Brion After Kyle Jones Independence Run and Hike Porcupine Loop & Bike Parking Nic Degross Darin Binion Matt Hoogenboom Aloha Mountain Cyclery

Fly-casting Gill Finn Money Honeys Seth Goddard Guinevere Jones Lee Beck Ben Bohmfalk Amber Van Berlo Rachyl Keeling Mountain Fair Wellness John Ackerman Blake McDonald Couldn’t do this without KDNK Community Radio Carbondale Public Works Kirk Wilson Kevin Schorzman Eric Brendlinger Town of Carbondale Rob Goodwin Mike Wagner Carbondale EMTs Carbondale Fire Department Carbondale Police Dept. Carbondale Parks & Recreation Department The Carbondale Trustees Carbondale Swimming Pool Comfort Inn of Carbondale RE-1 School District Gay4Good Aspen Out Planned Parenthood RJ Paddywacks Carbondale Days Inn

Help your Fire Department help ¡Ayuda al Departamento de Bomberos you when the seconds count! cuando importan segundos! Register for Community Connect and create a FREE household or business safety profile today.

Registrate hoy para Community Connect y crea un perfil de seguridad para tu casa o negocio GRATIS.



You can share valuable information about your property, your people, your needs, and your pets that will help the fire department assist more effectively during an emergency.

Puedes compartir información valiosa sobre tu propiedad, gente, necesidades, y mascotas para ayudar al departamento de bomberos durante una emergencia.

Community Connect is Safe & Secure! Building a Safer Community Through Prevention, Preparedness, & Response

¡Community Connect es seguro! Cree una Comunidad Segura a través de la Prevención, Preparación, & Reacción

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