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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Carbondale’s weekly

community connector

Volume 12, Number 1 | Feb. 13-19, 2020

La vie en rose

While Marge MacDoland and Christine Lester’s organizational flair is apparent throughout Golddigger’s Specialty Consignment (65 Favre Ln. in El Jebel), it’s the pink room that really steals the show. The homage to the pair’s favorite color came about when they had a lot of time on their hands during the recession and remains an open secret for customers to discover — and take something home. Photo by Will Grandbois

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Eight ways it’s weird to be Mexican OPINION

Bits & Pieces

By Judith Ritschard

I don’t care what culture you identify with the most, or how amazing or superior you may think your culture is to others. Every single group has its eyebrowraising, kooky, cultural neuroses, and we Mexicans are no different. As most of you know by now, I mostly consider myself American Mountain Girl (it’s a real culture I swear), but because I grew up surrounded by my beloved Mexican family, I feel I can give you all a little glimpse of some “Mexicanisimos” that I invite you to giggle at with me. Número uno: When you’re Mexican you have an endless supply of primos, tías, and tíos. It may look something like this. You’re with mamá when she runs into an unfamiliar face on the street. Small talk, hugs, and promises to call more often are exchanged. You want to know, “mamá, who was that?” The answer most commonly being a. a cousin, b. an auntie or c. an uncle. I’m purposely omitting that they could also be a compadre or comadre because that is a whole other category I don’t have time to go into. Anyway, for years I was under the impression that I had the most enormous family in the world until later when

I realized that we were not actually blood-related to all these people. In short, it doesn’t take much for a Mexican to label you or treat you like family. Número dos: Older Mexican women are the O.G. eco-conscious mamás of the land. Just open up any Mexican woman’s fridge and you will find a whole array of plastic containers being reused until their labels start fading or they crack. In the one marked “butter spread,” surprise! You’ll find salsa verde. In the other one marked “cream cheese” you’ll find leftover frijoles. Although the guessing game that is my mother’s fridge drives me loca, I do admit it’s exciting when you “win” the leftover enchilada! But, please do yourself a favor and never ask, “¿Oye, mamá, dónde está la salsa?” because the answer will always be “búscala!” Look for it, because your guess is as good as hers. Número tres: Mexicans would rather be labeled anything but stingy. Being called tacaño is the worst character flaw one could possibly have. Because it’s culturally unacceptable to be a tightwad, you will find that no matter how little a Mexican family owns they will find ways to share what little they do have. On the other hand, it is very culturally acceptable to be labeled jealous. I’ve noted in Anglo culture jealousy is seen as a weakness or vulnerability, but if you’re Mexican it’s permissible ... a true sign of being passionately in love. Número cuatro: Mexican men have a deep affection for el gel (pronounced el hell), or more commonly known as hair gel. The type of hair gel a muchacho uses is a big measurement of manliness. That and how spicy he eats his food. Who knows? Maybe one dollop of the right brand of gel has the power to make one into a telenovela star

named Rodrigo. The asinine part is that while I sit here and poke fun at this obsession with hair product, I’m reminded that in my boys’ bathroom there is this stuff called “Moco de Gorila” (Gorilla snot). The label boasts it’s the best gel for those spiky or slicked back hairdos. And guess what? Their father did not buy it for them. Oh, gel no. This Mexican did. Número cinco: Mexican women love their perfume as much as Mexican men love their cologne. I have not figured out why, because frankly, it all gives me a migraine. Maybe it’s just a deep cultural fear of ever having the slightest B.O. I swear even Mexican babies have their own eau de toilette called “Colonia para Bebés” because God knows baby B.O. is just the worst. Número seis: Mexicans are deeply devoted to Vicky Vaporú — a product I found out some time in junior high was actually pronounced Vicks VapoRub. This eye-stinging, eucalyptusscented goop is the equivalent to what Windex was in the romantic comedy My Big Fat Greek Wedding. In other words, it’s the end-all, cure-all to any ailment you’ve got. Sore muscles? Vaporú. Chest cold? Vaporú! Broken arm? Vah-po-rú! Número siete: And speaking of ailments that brings me to a very Mexican condition called los nervios, which literally means “the nerves.” This psychological syndrome is not solely suffered by Mexicans. It is a very real thing that many Spanish speaking cultures experience or would love to diagnose you with. Take, for example, my 80-year old host mother in Spain. Often she made everyone in the household “infusiones para los nervios” or calming teas that help smooth out the nerves. The best I can describe this affliction is like having a bad

case of anxiety. In Latin cultures, los nervios is a legit reason to get out of anything you want. Next time you want to bail on your girlfriends to sit on the couch with a margarita and Netflix, it’s okay, because you’ve got a case of los nervios. Número ocho: Mexicans and many other Latinos are bigtime frightened by “cold” weather — and I’m not referring to the actual cold we have here in the snowy mountains of Colorado. I have been in my flip-flops and beach sarong while on vacation in Mexico when I’ve noticed mothers carrying babies who would survive a night in the Arctic Circle. The cherubs were so bundled up in booties, knit hats, and sometimes multiple blankets. As a child, I often heard the panicky and passive-aggressive question ”¿No tienes frio?”. It’s a question layed thick with genuine worry and later judgment because now I’m the neglectful mother who is allowing the grandchildren to run around barefoot or leave the house without seven sweaters on. A Latina friend of mine jokes how her mother still forbids her to step into the winter air with wet hair. “Te va dar neumonía!” Latin moms warn their children. It’s funny even though we never get pneumonia from wet hair or not wearing our slippers, now we catch ourselves when we have an impulse to vigorously towel dry our children’s hair. There you have it — a little glimpse into the quirkier side of this culture. And although I can’t pretend to know the answers to why they exist, all I know is that every culture has its eccentricities, so really we Mexicans are just as crazy as the rest of you. Judith Ritschard was born by the sea in Mexico then transplanted to the Roaring Fork Valley where she turned full on mountain girl.


Continued on page 16

Honorary Publishers for their annual commitment of $1,000+ Email marilyn@gmail.com for more information.

Jim Calaway, Honorary Chair Kay Brunnier Scott Gilbert – Habitat for Humanity RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger Carolyn Nelson Jim Noyes True Nature Healing Arts Nicolette Toussaint Jill and Gary Knaus Megan Tackett Ken & Donna Riley Michelle & Ed Buchman CoVenture

Legacy Givers for including us in their final wishes.

Mary Lilly

And all our SunScribers and community members for your support.

It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

Donate online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Todd Chamberlin • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com

SISU a bluebird success Dear Editor: Superbowl Sunday dawned cold and blue. The last two consecutive SISUs, Mount Sopris Nordic Council’s Spring Gulch annual fundraiser, suffered far from ideal conditions. Last Sunday was idyllic. Antique Ski-Meister Elliot Norquist raved that the morning conditions were the best SISU he had ever skied! Norquist is trails manager for the system. He oversees the devoted snow grooming staff of Noah Scher, Monica Schwaller and Julia Monroe. These skilled operators are the only paid staff in the volunteer community powered organization. And volunteers came out in numbers to make the event a success (generously rewarded with complimentary White House pizzas).

Sincerest thanks to our

Graphic Designer: Ylice Golden Reporter: Roberta McGowan Delivery: Tom Sands Current Board Members board@soprissun.com Raleigh Burleigh, President Marilyn Murphy, Vice President Linda Criswell, Secretary Klaus Kocher, Treasurer Kay Clarke • Carol Craven Megan Tackett • Gayle Wells The Sopris Sun Board meets at 6:30 p.m on second Mondays at the Third Street Center. Contact board@soprissun.com to reach them.

Sue Gray had plenty of sun to enjoy on Waimanalo Beach, Oahu. Bring a paper with you when you travel and send a picture to news@soprissun.com!

The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The community is invited to submit letters up to 500 words to news@soprissun.com. Longer columns are considered on a case-by-case basis. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday. 2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

For the love of bread Bakers adapt to the altitude, climate By Kate Phillips Sopris Sun Correspondent Ask any baker and they’ll tell you the most satisfying part of breadmaking is the moment a beautiful, round loaf comes fresh out of the oven; with its brown, crispy outside and warm, chewy inside, it is no wonder bread has been a staple on tables around the world for generations. For years, bread making has stayed relatively the same — mix a few ingredients together, let it rise, and voila, you have your own artisanstyle bread ready to be shared! However, when you add elevation and a drier climate, breadmaking can become a complex process that deters many people. But, what if expert bakers told you there was a way to demystify this process, and within 24 hours you could be satiated by your own homemade bread? If you ask Dave Biber, owner of Shepherd Breads in Carbondale, bread enthusiasts can successfully bake their own bread with just a few adjustments. “I think hydration is more of a factor than elevation,” Biber said. “Don’t be afraid to tweak the hydration amounts. If you use an online bread recipe, you’re probably going to need to add more water than it says.” Biber is no novice when it comes to baking in different climate zones. He attended culinary school in the Bay Area — famous for its sourdough breads — baked at 8000’ in Mammoth Lakes, and then moved to Maui to hone his craft. Throughout his baking travels, Biber noticed very similar results — that is, until he moved here. “There is a significant difference between Maui and the valley,” Biber said. “It can range up to a 10 percent difference in the water to flour ratio.” Fiona McCullough of Granetta Panini agrees that

hydration plays a major role in breadmaking. “Fully hydrated grains somehow taste different,” McCullough said. “It’s not just the environment that affects the grains, it’s the amount of water. It’s better to add more water than the recipe says.” McCullough also notes that temperature control is very important. Bread makers ought to consider the air, water, and flour temperatures as they affect the fermentation process. Ideally, bread makers want their dough to ferment at about 75°F. In addition to hydration and temperature, Linda Romero Criswell, a longtime bread maker in the valley, said that time is the secret ingredient. “Breadmaking is really very simple” Criswell said. “People are daunted because it takes time. I do really long rises, but have learned how to simplify the process since I make all the bread in my family. When starting, you really have to honor the process and learn how the dough is supposed to feel.” For beginners, Criswell suggests starting with plain breads. As you gain more experience, you can add ingredients such as eggs, applesauce, or raisins — but keeping your recipe simple helps you get a true understanding of the process considering anything you add changes the rise. When asked about the rise, Criswell said that longer rises allow for more elasticity, and when your dough is ready to be baked it will snap back into place like a rubber band. McCullough elaborates that time allows for a longer fermentation process which builds the bread’s flavor. Perhaps the single most important aspect to remember with bread is that it is a living organism. Using a starter brings this to light as it requires feeding throughout the fermentation process. Biber, whose bread and butter

is sourdough, keeps 13 pounds of active and healthy starter on hand. Rather than one feed, Biber has found that two feeds has made a big difference in his baking. “It is not that much extra work,” Biber said. “I feed my bread once in the morning and once the night before baking. I have my starter calculated to my production needs, but I’m always happy to share starter with anyone who is interested.” Since dough is alive, your bread might not always turn out the way you expect. However, the experts agree that it if you start with an open mind and continue to be curious, breadmaking can become a lifelong craft. “I have made many mistakes over the years,” Criswell said. “I remember being really proud when my grandmother [an expert baker] liked it. Nothing is set in stone — it is not what you do, it David Biber of Shepherd Breads brings his passion for sourdough bread to the is what the dough does.” “There’s always something to Carbondale community. Courtesy photo learn,” McCullough said. “Even though I’ve done it thousands of No knead bread recipe for beginners times I still don’t have it dialed; I’m always trying to make it Ingredients better.” 2 cups warm water* Shepherd Breads is currently 2 tsp salt available at Mana Foods, 1 tsp yeast Carbondale Creamery, and on 3 ¾ cups whole wheat flour the menu at Landmark Cafe. Interested parties can also place Steps orders online at shepherdbreads. 1. Mix all ingredients with a wooden spoon in a wooden bowl. Cover the bowl com by 9am on Thursdays. with a wet towel and let the dough sit in a draft-free space for 12-24 hours Interested in baking your (depending upon elasticity). 2. The next day, do the elasticity test on the dough. If ready, preheat oven to own bread? Join Criswell 450°F and place a lidded dutch oven inside. at the Community Oven Let it get hot! this summer and check out 3. Meanwhile, add a small handful of flour to dough and mix with a wooden carbondalecommunit yoven. spoon. weebly.com for more information. 4. Place dough onto parchment paper and let it rest until oven is hot. Can’t wait? Then attend the 5. Bake covered for 30 minutes and then uncovered for 15 minutes. Carbondale Recreation Center’s 6. After 45 minutes, knock the bottom of your bread and listen for a hollow upcoming Milling Grain and sound. If you hear it let your bread cool on a wire rack. Enjoy! Making Bread class on Feb. 24. Register online at carbondalerec. *experiment with hydration activityreg.com today!

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020 • 3

SCUTTLEBUTT Out in the cold

Friday, Feb. 14 is Winter Bike to Work Day across the state, with hot beverages, doughnuts and healthier snacks and prizes from 7 to 9 a.m. at the Carbondale Park and Ride. Get involved at a broader level by visiting winterbiketoworkday.org and using #wbtwd on social media.

The sound of music

The Aspen Music Festival and School is celebrating the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth with the season theme “Beethoven’s Revolution" and the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment with the theme "Uncommon Women of Note." The season kicks off the first week of July and features a free concert on Independence Day — visit aspenmusicfestival.com for the full lineup.

Join the hunt

If you are a novice hunter under 18 and want to learn how to hunt wild turkey, Colorado Parks and Wildlife encourages you to apply for a chance at participating in a pair of mentored turkey hunts on private lands this spring. Prospective hunters must submit their application — complete with name, address, hunter education number, guardian contact info and a short narrative on why they should be selected — by April 1. Email bailey. franklin@state.co.us or post it to DWM Bailey Franklin, PO Box 1181, Meeker, CO 81641.

Better together

Batch’s girl scout cookie and beer pairing is back from 3 to 9 p.m. Feb. 17-22 — or until the cookies run out. Get four 5 oz. beers and four cookies for $10 or double your cookies for $12.

Send your scuttlebutt to news@soprissun.com.

What’s the scam?

The Garfield County Sheriff ’s office has issued a warning about a scam which involves receiving a call from a recognized utility such as Excel. They spoof in the actual number of the utility so the caller ID looks legitimate. You are told that you owe several hundred dollars and if payment is not made immediately you will have your gas or electric shut off. You are provided with a 1-800 number, when you call the response on the other end seems legitimate. Do not take the bait. Be wary; if you think the call is legitimate, you will be able to reach the utility during regular business hours. Do not rush out and secure a cash card or you too will become a victim.

Snow what?

The snow falling on the West Slope this winter will turn into the water we drink, play on and grow our food with this spring. The community is invited to learn more about Western Colorado’s snowpack during the Colorado River District’s second annual “Know Your Snow” webinar at noon Wednesday, Feb. 19. The webinar will feature presentations from Colorado River District Deputy Chief Engineer Dave Kanzer and Dr. Jeffrey Deems, a research scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center. It’s free to attend, visit register online at bit.ly/KnowYourSnow to register.

Laying a foundation

A 12,000 square foot Garfield County Education Center is planned inside an existing building on at 937 Railroad Ave. in Rifle, adjacent to the Rifle Creek Trail and near the fairgrounds. It will transform from an empty warehouse to a two-story range, shop and expo space with room for the community to train on wood shop, metal works, cooking,


LOVEBIRDS Even the eagles are pairing off for Valentine's Day. But if you're lacking a valentine of your own, don't despair. It's a great opportunity to express your love for family and friends, too. Photo by Sue Rollyson gardening, quilting, sewing, robotics and much more. The current warehouse is a single floor, so a second level will be added in the renovation. Andrea Korber, architect, owner and principal, Land+Shelter, an architectural firm in Carbondale, has developed plans for the inside of the education center. Visit garfield. extension.colostate.edu for more information or to donate.

Smart student

Sharing is caring

Folks celebrating another trip around the sun this week include: Amy Rota (Feb. 13); Andrea Stewart (Feb. 14); Megan Tackett, Dave Plumb, Beto Mendoza and Jennifer Moss (Feb. 15) Jen Moss and Dale Will (Feb. 16); Emma Scher (Feb. 17) Wendy Moore (Feb. 18).

The Sopris 100 Who Care’s next event is slated for 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24 at the old Thompson Barn. Contact 309-1901 or bcretti@gmail.com for more information and look for more details in next week’s Sopris Sun.

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Wheaton College student April Phinney of Redstone was named to the Dean's List for the Fall 2019 semester.To earn Dean's List honors at Wheaton, an undergraduate student must carry 12 or more credit hours and achieve a 3.5 grade point average or higher on the 4.0 scale.

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4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020

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Heritage Park is much more than a nursing home By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff Just like its residents, Heritage Park Care Center wears its age well. A quiet presence on the end of Village Road since 1987, it has only become more essential as the town has grown around it and other senior care facilities have sprung up, “What I think makes our facility unique is the continuum of care,” Executive Director Brian Zaragoza explained. Indeed, the only overlap with a facility like Sopris Lodge — currently under construction on the north end of Second Street — is the assisted living wing, which offers meals, housekeeping, laundry and otherwise leaves residents to their own devices. But the bulk of Heritage Park’s 80odd patients are somewhere else on the spectrum of needs. Many need more care and oversight, and there’s a special secure unit for memory care residents. Meanwhile, others visit only for a few days while a caregiver is out of town on vacation, or while they’re recovering from a medical procedure. Still more community members take advantage of outpatient rehab services. Among the nurses, therapists housekeepers, management and bus driver, the facility hosts 160 employees — more than half of them full time. That makes them the second biggest employer in town after the

Amy Rota, Assistant Director of Rehab, monitors vitals while Doris Lee and John Shuttel exercise. Photo by Will Grandbois school district. While there are plenty of locks for security reasons, visitors are admitted at all hours. In addition to friends and family, church and school groups often take advantage of the opportunity. “We see a lot of community visitors,” Zaragoza said. “Sometimes someone will be here to see their mom or dad and poke their head into another room to say hello.” While some residents may have

moved directly to Heritage Park to be closer to family, most have deep connections in the community, and Zaragoza takes great pride in the organization’s role in keeping them here. “I was blessed to walk into a building that has such a good reputation,” he said. “We’ve been here so long that everybody’s got a story. There have been so many influential people who have lived here. It has

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been extremely humbling.” Zaragoza is also well aware that many families don’t like the idea of having someone else care for their aging loved ones. “A lot of folks are scared off by the idea of a nursing home,” he said. “It kind of depends on how familiar a family is with the longterm care industry.” And while there are many cultures that keep multiple generations in

the same home for life, he cautioned against a direct comparison. Instead, he encouraged folks to put themselves in the shoes of someone working multiple jobs, living in a different state or still raising their own kids trying to figure out how to care for a parent who needs bathroom or bathing help. “Not only do people not know how to handle it, but it takes a big mental toll,” he said. A nursing home also offers opportunities for socialization, both with other residents and the community at large. The staff also has the expertise to help families navigate systems like Medicare and Medicaid to help pay for their services. And, when end of life comes, they know how to deal with that, too. “We’re not in the business of saving everyone who walks in the door, and that’s a tough concept,” Zaragoza noted. It says something that, despite the sad aspects of the job, Heritage Park was recently selected as the Carbondale Chamber of Commerce’s Business of the Year in no small part on account of being a great place to work. And the staff has no intention of resting on its laurels. “The world of healthcare is always evolving,” Zaragoza said. “It’s a question of how we adapt to those changes while still promoting a high level of care.”

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020 • 5

2020 Program Dual Deal AD RATES PER PROGRAM

BACK PAGE (6.75” x 9.634”) FULL PAGE (6.75” x 9.34”) HALF PAGE (3.30” x 9.34” or 6.75” x 4.55”) 1/4 PAGE (3.30” x 4.50”) 1/8 PAGE (3.30” x 2.20”) Nonprofit pricing available.

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Green is the New Black Fashion Extravaganza

CONTENT DEADLINE DATE: Friday, February 21 by 5 p.m. Friday, June 24 by 5 p.m.



Todd Chamberlin | Todd @soprissun.com | 970-510-0246 6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020

Carbondale on ice

The Gus Darien arena brings together different types of skaters, from young students from the Marble Charter School to adult hockey and broom ball enthusiasts. Photos by Roberta McGowan

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020 • 7

RFV Circle syncs ceremony across borders By Kathleen Shannon Special to The Sopris Sun In the midst of blizzard conditions Feb. 9, I stood huddled by a warm fire on Ute land next to the remnants of the day’s Lakota ceremony listening to a traditional Aztec song. We were there to honor and celebrate February’s full moon — called the Snow Moon, the Hunger Moon, or the Baby Bear Moon, depending on who is addressing it. While this ceremony may sound like a random assortment of Indigenous practices and terminology, the Roaring Fork Valley Circle invites such diversity in its practices. The Circle gathers monthly to hold full moon and Lakota Inipi, or sweat lodge, ceremonies. Their tributes to various Indigenous tribes are modeled after the event that brought the Circle into being: the XI Native Gathering of the Americas. Eighty Indigenous delegates from tribes spanning from Alaska to Peru were present at that Gathering in Carbondale in December 2009, which was “huge as far as making known the connectedness of Indigenous peoples” according to Rita Marsh, who played a critical role in coordinating the event. International attendees agreed to hold full moon ceremonies monthly in their respective home communities after the closing of the Gathering as both an act of synchronization and to “hold the energy of the coming together of the eagle and the condor,” said Marsh. The story of the eagle and the condor appears in various adaptations in Indigenous communities throughout the Americas. The eagle represents the north, knowledge, and masculine energy while the condor represents the south and female energy closely connected to earth. The two were

separated during colonialization of the Americas, but are prophesied to reunite during a reunion of the whole human race, which will allow opportunity for healing of ancestral wounds. Marsh’s involvement in both the Gathering and the Circle stems from her desire to be informed by and to have a deeper appreciation of nature. While descendants of settlers will never have a “genetic relationship with the earth,” as Indigenous folks do, Marsh tries to facilitate one through her participation in ceremony and through the relationships she’s formed over time with Indigenous elders throughout the Valley and beyond. She became increasingly interested in the Native culture of the Valley when she moved here in 1965. Her interest also led Marsh to reckon with the history of her childhood home in Ontario, Canada. Her paternal family emigrated from Ireland to Ontario in the mid-nineteenth century, Marsh explained, and received a land grant of 100 acres at no cost beyond the responsibility to settle and farm it. “I’ve always felt that the land wasn’t really ours,” Marsh said, but she thought her family should consider themselves “caretakers of the land, just as the Native people were previously.” From Ontario to Carbondale and throughout the Americas, this is a widespread history resulting from the mid-fifteenth century concept of international law known as the doctrine of discovery, in which European entities could take control of non-Christian lands. Echoes of this unapologetic colonialism are visible throughout our culture today. A glaring example happens annually on the second Monday of October. As of 2019, what is federally recognized as Columbus Day is now recognized as Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Carbondale: an


8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020

effort spearheaded by the Roaring Fork Valley Circle. The Circle was also behind the renaming of Bull Pasture Park to Nuche Park in 2014. “Ute” was the name the Spaniards assigned to the Indigenous people of this area, but “Nuche” is the word the tribe uses to refer to themselves, which translates in English to “the people.” The Circle hopes to raise funds this year to create a standing dedication to the Nuche at the park, Marsh told me. They also hope to build a better access path to their summertime full moon ceremony location there. This practice of territory acknowledgment is becoming a more common one in American culture. It serves as a way to “insert an awareness of Indigenous presence and land rights in everyday life,” according to Native Land Digital, a Canadian nonprofit that has created an online interactive world map of pre-colonial Indigenous lands. One reason the Gathering of the Americas was brought to Carbondale in 2009 is because it sits at the foot of Mt. Sopris, recognized as many to have spiritual or mystical appeal. While Valley residents and visitors gaze upon the mountain, they should recognize that it was named for a European settler. Indigenous people have historically referred to it as what translates to “Old Ancient Mountain Heart Sits There.” At the base of the mountain and around the fire on Sunday, Circle members and I began our full moon ceremony by calling in the seven directions: North, East, South, West, Father Sky, Mother Earth, and All Within. At its close, with snow swiftly gathering around us, a member prayed: “Blessings be on all who gathered here. Blessings be on those who couldn’t make it. Blessings be on all those who never heard of this.”

It all started with the Native Gathering of the Americas in 2009. File photo by Jane Bachrach If you’d like to hear more about the Circle or about Indigenous news, find Roaring Fork Valley Circle on Facebook. This article was written on Núu-agha-tuvu-pu/ Nuche/Ute land.

Eight years since the last Mr. Carbondale, it returns as Mr. Roaring Fork. File photo by Jane Bachrach

Stake your claim to the Mr. Roaring Fork throne By Roberta McGowan Sopris Sun Staff Of course you have what it takes. That’s the approach from organizers at KDNK Community Radio and Batch at Roaring Fork Beer Company when it comes to the Mr. Roaring Fork Pageant (formerly Mr. Carbondale) set for Saturday, Feb.15. The festivities kickoff at 6

p.m. with a dessert reception at the door included with the door entry ticket. The magic begins at 7 p.m. You don’t have to be a 30-something guy with a six pack and dazzling white smile. As Erin Galbreath, KDNK development director, said, “All bodies are welcome.” She noted there are no age limits and encouraged more participants to sign up for free

BIG CITY SELECTION, MOUNTAIN TOWN VIBE. More than 60 strains of flower plus concentrates, edibles, tinctures, topicals, CBD, and more.

by contacting erin@kdnk.org or 963-0139. You just have to be a Roaring Fork Valley resident who gives back to his community. “It’s equally important that Mr. Roaring Fork present a picture of a man solidly committed to his neighborhood, town, family and friends.” Galbreath added. Contestants and attendees must be over 21. Galbreath explained that KDNK hosts three over 21 events each year: women’s arm wrestling, Mr. Roaring Fork and the annual Halloween party. This is a fun and games event as KDNK describes it. Leave the serious stuff at home and show off your talents and enthusiasm. The event will also be a goodbye to Galbreath, who is leaving KDNK to work at C.A.R.E. Contestants compete in three different categories: changing costumes from formal/ evening wear to work clothes and then reciting what is loosely described as a “dirty limerick.” Be ready to take the crown from the last champion, Michael Gorman, now one of the judges who score each contestant’s creativity, frivolity and talent. Other judges are Sondi Reiff, Jason Hodges, Felicia Trevor, Kat Rich, Kristen Levey and Genevieve Villamizar. All the scores will be added up. The person with the highest total score becomes the alpha male til the next contest. And, you ask, are there prizes for the winners? Yes, for sure. The new Mr. Roaring Fork (first place) receives an overnight stay at Avalanche Ranch, a 2020 Batch Founders Membership, a champion hat by Dave Kodama and the hand-forged trophy created by Olivia Pevec which features a large railroad spike bottle opener. The runner up wins a bottle of whiskey donated by Dan Bullock and a $50 Batch gift certificate. Door entry is $10 for KDNK members and $15 for others. Go to KDNK.org to pre-purchase tickets.

What’s in a name? Why was this pageant reinstated after an eight-year hiatus — and as Mr. Roaring Fork instead of Mr. Carbondale? “We wanted to reflect on our widening coverage area that brings together residents and communities,” Station Manager Gavin Dahl explained. “We want to reflect a range of people who are criss-crossing the Valley. We are the glue to connect all these different communities.” KDNK now transmits over nine different frequencies across : • 88.1 FM: New Castle, Silt, Rifle, • • • • • • • • •

Gypsum, Eagle 88.1 FM: Carbondale 88.3 FM: Aspen 88.3 FM: Glenwood Springs 88.5 FM: Basalt 88.5 FM: Redstone 93.5 FM: Leadville 94.7 FM: Old Snowmass 94.9 FM: Thomasville 99.9 FM: Snowmass Village

KDNK’s first air date was April 15, 1983. The call letters referred to downtown Carbondale’s Dinkel building, where the station's studio was first located. The station broadcasts other programming besides music; National Public Radio (NPR), Democracy Now and local and regional news. With the format change at Aspen’s KAJX public rodeo station to all news, Dahl sees an opportunity to include more jazz and blues in programing. “We need to keep up our image of having ‘funky vitality,’” Dahl smiled. “We are authentic and local and now the only community access station around.”


CARBONDALE 970-510-3065 304 HIGHWAY 133 9:00AM–7:00PM


THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020 • 9

Munchie Monday 10% off Nature’s High Edibles

Wax Wednesday $5 off all Double Black Concentrates

Flower Power weekend!

$5 off and flower eighths Friday & Saturday

Mushrooming brought Trent and Kristen Blizzard together. Courtesy photo

CARBONDALE 970-963-9323 580 Main Street #300 Carbondale, CO 21+ Recreational

GLENWOOD SPRINGS 970-384-2034 716 Grand Avenue Glenwood Springs, CO 21+ Medical & Recreational


Congratulations to The Ranch at Roaring Fork on their new website! Check it out at: ranchatroaringfork.com

View more of our work at:





Carbondale, CO

10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020

A kingdom of their own Local couple connects through foraging By Geneviève Villamizar Special to The Sopris Sun Merriam-Webster defines “symbiosis” as an interaction between two different organisms living in intimate association, typically to the advantage of both. Think of Nemo, impervious to the sting of sea anemones, taking refuge within its tentacles. In thanks, Nemo scares off predators of the anemone; his wastes nourish the anemone. Trent and Kristen Blizzard also enjoy a symbiosis of sorts in a regeneratively affectionate and adventurous marriage. Combining complementary skills, they work together remotely, successfully. Attending to primal urges for “the hunt,” for deeply meaningful connections to the land, the Blizzards road trip often, including campouts on a coastal piece of land purchased to extend their foraging possibilities. Their obsession with mushroom hunting, in particular, has led to their high-traffic blog, Modern-Forager.com.

Planting a spore What began online and long-distance evolved into a life together. Kristen was working at Avon’s Walking Mountains Science Center when she was first introduced to foraging for wild edibles and mushrooms. Trent, living in Glenwood, was also intrigued when an avid foraging friend and elite athlete, Tigran, generously offered to take Trent out. “We went on an eight-mile hike, like up, up, up! I’m gasping; he worked me. Two hours later, we’re back at the car and we hadn’t found a thing. We crossed to the other side of the road and they were everywhere. He hazed me!” Trent howls. “He took me on a two-hour exhausting hike when he knew the whole time there were mushrooms right there! And so we picked all the mushrooms we wanted in half an hour.” As Trent continues with their “turning point” story, he and Kristen finish each other’s sentences, tag-teaming in the telling. “It’s early afternoon at this point, so we drive back home, an hour away. I call Kristen on the phone, she gets in the car, and we drive back up!” Trent says. “Same day!” Kristen laughs. “The same day because we both had wanted this!” says Trent. “Then on? We were hooked.” “They were everywhere. It was one of those years everything aligned: the weather was good; it was warm; we got a lot of rain. And there was ton

of mushrooms everywhere. That was it because of that day. We were in complete awe,” says Kristen. Having met them only moments ago, I note the way they look at one another. Definitely chemistry. They share laughter, touch one another. They’re telling this story not just to me, but to each other still, six years after the fact. “We went up and explored that area every day in a row, for weeks!” Trent says. What was it like for them? Crawling along the pungent forest floor, going from mushroom to mushroom to mushroom? “It’s magical up there,” Kristen sighs. “It’s pretty common for people to name their mushroom places. We named this place “Mushroomtopia” (which is silly) because they were just everywhere, and it was all the mushrooms; they all tend to enjoy the same habitat. So it was porcinis, chanterelles, hawks wings, lactarius, and mushrooms we didn’t even know at this point!” What was it like to share this moment with one another? “We were early in our dating at that point; we were hunting mushrooms and falling in love,” says Trent. “I’m so lucky,” Kristen says, grinning, “I know.” “We indulge this passion in each other. I have a weird idea for something on mushrooms and she’s like, yeah, let’s go do it!”

A bumper crop of burn morels last summer renewed local intrest in foraging. Courtesy photo Continued on page 11

KINGDOM from page 10

Underground filaments

Composition and decomposition

This is a second marriage for them both. They’ve learned what they do and don’t want from the first marriages. Both choose to use adversity as a source of nourishment for growth — somewhat like the porcini, whose root threads interlink with the roots of spruce, or even directly on a decaying spruce tree stump. “Many of the mushrooms here in Colorado are mycorrhizal,” says Kristen, “growing in symbiosis with a specific tree. They won’t grow without that tree.” “And in different regions, they grow with different trees,” adds Trent. “They might grow with spruce or fir here, but in other parts of the sate, they grow with pine trees. In Spain, they’ll grow with a bush— “ “Which is very rare,” Kristen interjects. “In the East Coast,” he finishes, “they’ll grow with deciduous trees.” Kristen then dives deeper into the mysterious underworld of mushrooms. “Mushrooms are the information agents of the forest. So, their mycelial network, which looks like roots, sort of like a white, webby network — you can see it everywhere beneath the soil — connects with the roots of trees.” Some of us will recall Suzanne Simard’s research from the late 1990s, where she used radioactive carbon isotopes to prove that trees communicated. They do so through these mycorrhizal networks of fungi, their mycelium “roots,” and tree roots, back and forth and even between species. Listening to Kristen discuss this, her reverence for this social network of connection and sharing is palpable. “One of the things I like best about this hobby,” she adds, “is the people that you meet. It is the most diverse set people that will find anywhere— crossing political and economic lines, young and old, men and women. These mushrooms bring people that would never be together, together.” “We’ve made really good friends,” Trent interjects. “Great friends, from all over the place,” Kristen says, sharing stories of the Oregan land where they camp and hunt with new friends; describing friends around the country and locally — chefs, naturalists, writers, artists, scientists — all connected through mushrooms. “These people are so genuine and willing to share. It’s more of a collection of people, to be honest than a collection of places.”

The Blizzards travel to fungi festivals and often present to the public. They’ve written a mushroom primer; are but two of a handful of people in the state of Colorado with commercial licenses. They’ve cultivated solid reputations. So much so, they were approached by publishers to write a book. “We’re working on a cookbook of sorts,” she admits, clearly not wanting to brag. “It’s not just recipes. There’ll be about 25 foragers and we’ll highlight their origin stories and how their passions got fueled.” They’ll share mushroom lore, insider techniques, and showcase 10 of their favorite species. The mock-up of the book is luscious, rich with their own beautiful mushroom photography. With a due date two months away, they’re crossing their fingers for a Christmas release. “We’re writing together. It’s weird, I don’t know — we work together, spend all of our time together — we have yet to get sick of each other. Having the perspective of dating, and been married and divorced, when I met Trent, instead of this feeling of here’s a man very opposite of me, I had this feeling of, wow, we’re very similar. He’s like me in a man’s body,” she laughs. “We have the same family background, we like the same things, and we have the same sort of temperament.” “I think on our first date, we had a lot of, “Wow, we have a lot of things in common!” and then another thing, and another thing,” Trent says, as he describes a perfectly horrible date— excellent company, bad food, really bad karaoke. As organisms, the golden chanterelle, feathery hawks wing and the like are in a kingdom of their own. They are a fungus — not a plant, not an animal. They don’t release oxygen. Don’t need sunlight to photosynthate. Instead, they feed off of, metabolize, dead plant matter, just as a compost pile does. “We always say this: we don’t think it would have worked as well if we hadn’t met each other carrying the baggage that we do. All that past history works because we’ve chosen to learn from it. Every day, we appreciate each other for different reasons than people that haven’t been through some craziness,” she says. “We can be so much more thankful for who we are together.” “We worked hard to use our baggage productively,” Trent agrees, composting refuse to produce riches. Marriage and careers, obsessions and temperament. With a symbiosis that defines and sustains them equally, it would seem the Blizzards, too, are in a kingdom of their own.

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Sopris Theatre Company Producer: Hal Sundin Associate Producers: Alice Bedard-Voorhees and Rick Voorhees Kelly and Jim Cleaver

Private Eyes

18 General Admission 13 Students, Seniors, CMC Faculty/Staff






By Steven Dietz

Directed by Brad Moore

970-947-8177 svticketsales @ coloradomtn.edu

© 2020, Sopris Theatre Company

Few hobbyists get to eat the fruits of their labors. Courtesy photo

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEB. 13 2/11/20 - 19, 2020 • 11 11:16 AM

Private Eyes Sopris Sun Ad.indd 1



Come to a special event with flowers, jewelry and chocolate supporting local makers and artists from 6 to 8 p.m. at Batch (358 Main St.). CLASSIC MOVIE NIGHT

MONDAY FEB. 17 MANAGE CAREER CHALLENGES Learn how to maintain mental hygiene on the job while dealing with stress and frustration. Identify specific stressors employees struggle with, learn tools to support well being while being challenged by these stressors. Explore possible strategies to lessen, tolerate better, eliminate stressors and discover additional support. Session begins at 6.p.m. at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) Go to www.gcpld.org for details.

The Sopris Sun celebrates its 11th birthday with a special showing of the ‘80s classic “ET The Extraterrestrial� at 7 p.m. at the Crystal Theatre (427 Main St.). Tickets are $12 for adults and $8 for kids 12 and under. Visit LISTEN TO A RISING STAR soprissun.com for reservations. VIiolinist Kerson Leong will perform at 7 HEART’S WISDOM p.m. at Mountain View Church (2195 CR Watch the movie “Sacred Journey of 154). Admission is by membership ticket and the Heart,� overall winner of the 2014 limited seating will be available for $25 after international film festival, from 7 to 8:45 p.m. members are seated. For information, visit at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). www.gsconcertassn.org or call 379-3488. $5 suggested donation. Visit davinikent.org for information.



Â? Â? Â Â Â Â Â Â?

Free Public Lecture  Â?Â?  Â? Â? Â? Â

Enjoy a Valentine 's Day tasting with a chocolate fountain and fruit and cheese platter from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Redstone Inn (82 Redstone Blvd., Redstone) Call 963-2526 for details. YOUTH POETRY SLAM

High school poets take the stage to showcase their original poems and unique voices at the Seventh Annual Roaring Fork Valley Youth Poetry Slam from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S.Third St.). Students interested in performing should arrive by 3 p.m. for registration, workshop and rehearsal. Contact aspenwords.org for information. DATE NIGHT


Elliott Dacher, MD introduces attendees to his book "Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing." Learn about this guiding vehicle for personal health and flourishing, as it is a good time to share the wisdom and potential of the model with community members and beyond. The presentation begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) Fee is by donation; contact ritamarsh@ davinikent.org with questions.



This Naturalist Night compares tropical and native species and the need for conservation in the Valley from 6 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S.Third St.). Contact aspennature.org or wildernessworkshop.org for information.

Come to an all-inclusive night of romantic fun and use the wheel to create an unforgettable piece of pottery from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the FURTHER OUT Carbondale Clay Center (135 Main St.). Event includes instruction, materials, firings, wine, THURSDAY FEB. 20 chocolates, beverages and other snacks. For CLASS AND A GLASS $65 tickets contact carbondaleclay.org or call Warm your winter while painting pre-made 963-2529. mugs and sipping on special cocktails.from 6 to 8 p.m at Marble Distillery (150 Main St.). Cost is $25 for one cocktail and one mug to FRI JAN. 14 - THU FEB. 20 decorate. Go to carbondaleclay.org for more MOVIES information. The Crystal Theatre (427 Main St.) presents “Knives Out� (PG-13) at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 14 and 15; “Honeyland� (NR) at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 16 & FRIDAY FEB. 21 18-20, and “JoJo Rabbit� (PG-13) (PG-13) at 5 OPEN JUNCTURE p.m. Feb. 16. The rescheduled Metal + Clay opening reception showcases works and collaborations SATURDAY FEB. 15 from local artists Megan Wussow, Liz Heller, Mark Cesark, K. Rhynus Cesark, WOODEN ROCK IN REDSTONE Nancy Lovendahl and Scott Keating at the Enjoy live classic rock and originals performed Carbondale Clay Center (135 Main St.) from by this local band from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at 6 to 8 p.m. the Grill in the Redstone Inn (82 Redstone REMEMBER ‘70S MUSIC? Blvd.) Call 963.2526 for more information. Enjoy the country-folk-rock feel of Jill Cohn’s MR. ROARING FORK PAGEANT songs from 7 p.m. at the Marble Distillery (150 Show your talents and get costume changes Main St.) Go to jillcohn.com to learn more. ready for this Valentines hangover event benefiting KDNK. This event (formerly called SATURDAY FEB. 22 Mr. Carbondale) begins at 7 p.m. at Batch (358 Main St.). Door Entry is $10 for KDNK FAFA AND AMINA RETURN Members and $15 for others. Participant Learn Salsa for Social dancing at two registration is free. Please contact Erin at workshops and optional private lessons plus 963-0139 or erin@kdnk.org to register. Go to a dance party at night. Sessions by Mezcla kdnk.org for pre-purchase door entry. Socials begin at 10:30 a.m. at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). Bring water, dance shoes and MARBLE COMEDY a snack. Tickets are $45 for both workshops This monthly show features favorite comics in and $25 to drop in. Go to MezclaSocials@ and around Colorado and beyond from 7 to gmail.com or call/text 963-8425 to register. 8:15 p.m. at the Marble Distillery (150 Main St.). Nathan Lund will be headlining, Georgia RELEASE AND RESTORE Comstock featuring and Nic Dean hosting. Learn about Myofascial Release for Self Care, a form of self-massage designed to target Go to marbledistilling.com for $10 tickets. commonly tight areas of the body and restore POET & PIANIST the health and vitality of muscles and tissues. Songwriter Kuf Knotz and classically-trained Tickets are $45 for the event which runs from 5 Christine Elise combine forces at Steve’s to 7 p.m. at True Nature (100 N.Third St.). Go Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) beginning at 8:30 to truenaturehealingarts.com for information. p.m. or thereabouts. MUSICAL JOURNEY FIVE PIECE BLUEGRASS BAND

12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020


The Floodgate Operators from Crested Butte combine fast, flat-picking traditional with energetic and heartfelt originals from 9:15 p.m. to 1:15 a.m. at The Black Nugget (403 Main St.).

Ley Line, a world folk band from Austin TX, takes listeners through the genres of blues, folk and soul inspired by their world travels. Doors open at 8 p.m. at Steve's Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.). Contact sguitars@sopris.net for ticket information.



Robert Woo .....................Thursdays, 2/20-2/27 ............................ 6-8pm The FLOW state is where we feel our best, and perform our best. Learn how to channel powerful emotions towards the state of Flow, and enhance performance in a variety of areas including teaching, learning, athletics, and creativity.


Sally Melia ......................Mondays, 2/24-4/20 ...................6:30-9:30pm Learn to sew starting with a simple project and/or get help with your own project of choice. Bring your own sewing machine, or borrow one from the instructor. Up-cycling your wardrobe and thrift finds is encouraged.


Penny Greenwell ............Tuesdays, 2/25-3/10 .............................. 5-8pm Let your creativity flow and create art prints, posters or holiday cards. Amazingly crisp images, representational or abstract, emerge from simple cutting techniques. Non-toxic inks and solvents used. All materials and supplies included. All levels welcome.


Miranda Watson .............Tuesdays, 3/3 1-4pm 3/17 & 3/24 9am-4pm Master the basics and/or intermediate features of worksheet operations using Microsoft Excel with these three classes in our PC computer lab.


Kitty Riley .......................Mondays, 3/16-4/13 .............................. 6-8pm Hone your writing skills and expand your self-expression with Poetry or any other creative writing. Style will be discussed and ideas shared.


Jeremy Joseph ...............Wednesdays, 3/18-4/8 .......................... 6-8pm Learn to create unique and dramatic landscape photographs using your camera manually, and make those images pop with “Lightroom” software. Gain insight into when the light is best, and how to scout new locations.

Celebrate The Sun's birthday with "E.T." at the Crystal Theatre on Feb. 13 — see the calendar for details!


Carbondale Arts (76 S. Fourth St.) celebrates a wide variety of local artists through Feb. 28. BUSINESS MASTERMIND

Guided by a facilitator and drawing on the collective wisdom of the group, entrepreneurs discuss a variety of topics related to the unique challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs in a free event from 7 to 9 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month at Marble Distilling (150 Main St.). YAPPY HOUR

Colorado Animal Rescue’s Yappy Hour at the Marble Distilling (150 Main St.) takes place at 5:30 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Sip on handcrafted cocktails and meet a C.A.R.E. dog, with $1 from every drink donated to C.A.R.E. Bring your own dog along as well. COMMUNITY MEAL

Faith Lutheran Church (1340 Highway 133), in collaboration with Carbondale Homeless Assistance, hosts a free community meal from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month. Visit faithcarbondale.com or call 510-5046 for information. HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION

Free opportunities include a powerpoint presentation by Dr. Greg Feinsinger about the science behind plant-based nutrition at 7 p.m. the first Monday of the month. Also free one-hour consultations for heart attack and other chronic illness prevention are available by appointment Monday mornings by calling 379-5718. Plus, come to a plantbased whole-foods potluck at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the month at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). FINESSE YOUR FREQUENCY

Make more magic in your unique business/ career the first and third Wednesdays, or come as a creative person/artist the second and fourth Wednesdays. Both events run from noon to 1 p.m. at Coventure (201 Main St.). Email mellietest@gmail.com for details.


*www.coloradomtn.edu/community-education Carbondale Lappala Center • 690 Colorado Ave • 963-2172

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, a 12-step group will meet from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday at Holland Hills United Methodist Church (167 Holland Hills Rd., Basalt). MINDFULNESS IN RECOVERY

An inclusive, peer-led recovery support group open to anyone with a desire for recovery — independent of faith and regardless of race, gender or orientation — meets Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). MINDFULNESS

The Mindful Life Program in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). offers group sessions Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Admission is by donation and registration is not necessary. Contact mindfullifeprogram.org or 633-0163 for more information. RF INSIGHT

Lisa Goddard offers a Western Buddhist mix of zen, vipassana and secular mindfulness meditation from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. Mondays at Roaring Fork Aikikai (2553 Dolores Way) and 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Aspen Chapel (77 Meadowood Dr.) for upvalley commuters. HAPPINESS HOUR

Meditate silently from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. every Friday except First Friday at True Nature (100 N. Third St.). MEDITATION

Free silent meditation sessions at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.) from 6:45 to 7:30 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Call 3883597 for more information. DHARMA

The Way of Compassion Dharma Center holds a talk and meditation from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and a silent meditation and Buddha of Compassion practice at 8 a.m. Saturdays, the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). PING PONG

Senior Matters (520 S. Third St., Suite 33) offers a table tennis club for adults from 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesdays. Contact Marcel Kahhak at 963-5901 with questions.

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020 • 13

Changes coming to Eighth Street By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff After three meetings to discuss four similar proposals for Eighth Street multimodal and traffic calming planning, staff suggested Alta Planning and Design and trustees backed the play. “It was probably one of the hardest [proposal] reviews I’ve actually been through because things were so tight,” Public Works Director Kevin Schorzman told the board on Feb. 11. “Their overall project understanding and proposal was probably slightly more detailed than the other three proposals.” Alta’s not-to-exceed cost of $67,910 was the second lowest of the bunch, he added. Trustee Ben Bohmfalk expressed some sticker shock, prompting a discussion of the public engagement line item. Schozman pointed out that the project — a long-term effort to improve pedestrian and bike access and curb vehicle speeds — is of interest not just to residents in the area, but to the whole town due to the corridor’s status as an alternative to Highway 133. The proposed approach includes not just interpreters

but bilingual engineers to help explain the plan to Spanish speakers. For Trustee Heather Henry, the public engagement is an essential first step, particularly for something that’s likely to unfold in phases without much additional outreach. “To me, that kind of investment upfront early on sets the stage for a lot of different people to be on board,” she said. Following the unanimous approval, the study is expected to wrap up in June with some improvements starting as soon as this year.

In other action, trustees… Agreed to reimburse the developer of 1201 Main St. for some of the infrastructure improvement costs on the property, such as the sewer main upgrade. The project, which includes 27 rental housing units and 3,800 square feet of commercial space, was approved last December and just submitted a building permit application. Expressed support for a memorandum of understanding among members of the Greater Roaring Fork Housing Coalition. The exact language is still under revision — and Trustee Marty Silverstein expressed hopes that retirees should included.

COP SHOP From Jan. 24 through Feb. 6, Carbondale Police handled 446 calls for service. During that period, officers investigated the following cases of note: FRIDAY Jan. 24 at 3:49 p.m. In the process of investigating a fight at 7-11, police arrested a 21-year-old for violation of a restraining order, disorderly conduct and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. FRIDAY Jan. 24 at 8:30 p.m. A 36-yearold and a 41-year-old were arrested on active warrants. SATURDAY Jan. 25 at 12:04 a.m. Following a traffic stop for expired registration, a 28-year-old was summoned for driving under the influence. SATURDAY Jan. 25 at 2:11 a.m. A traffic stop for speeding and weaving led to a 20-year-old being summoned for driving under the influence as well as the aforementioned charges. MONDAY Jan. 27 at 7:42 a.m. Officers issued a 49-year-old a citation for running a school bus stop sign. MONDAY Jan. 27 at 12:32 p.m. A 34-year-old was cited following a noninjury accident in a parking lot.

Students of the month Ella Cramer and Noah Chittendon. Photo by Will Grandbois

Grease was removed from sewer lines in your area!

Prevent Sewer Overflows Keep fats, cooking oils, and grease out of drains. Over time, grease buildup can cold the entire sewer line. For more information call 970-963-3140 Utilities Department - Wastewater Division 14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020

MONDAY Jan. 27 at 5:22 p.m. Police were contacted about a fight between middle schoolers.

WEDNESDAY Jan. 29 at 3:30 p.m. When cigarettes were confiscated from a high school student, officers followed up. SATURDAY Feb. 1 at 2:13 p.m. After failing to find a 41-year-old for a welfare check, police reported him as a missing person but later located him. SUNDAY Feb. 2 at 2:22 a.m. A traffic stop for no tail light led to a 25-year-old’s arrest on suspicion of driving under the influence. SUNDAY Feb. 2 at 11:53 p.m. A 77-year-old was summoned for failure to report an accident involving damage. MONDAY Feb. 3 at 6:46 p.m. Someone hit a stop sign along Highway 133. TUESDAY Feb. 4 at 7:40 p.m. Police were informed of possible threats made to a local resident. THURSDAY Feb. 6 at 9:52 a.m. A 29-year-old was arrested on a pair of warrants. THURSDAY Feb. 6 at 9:20 p.m. Following a traffic stop for failure to observe a traffic control device, a 61-yearold man was summoned for driving under the influence.

Get Involved The Town of Carbondale Boards and Commissions have the following vacancies: • •

Historic Preservation Commission Bike, Pedestrian and Trails Commission

• • •

Tree Board Environmental Board Public Arts Commission Contact: Kae McDonald 970-510-1248 kmcdonald@carbondaleco.net

Applications: https://www.carbondalegov.org/government/boards_&_commissions

First Democratic U.S. Senate candidate visits Carbondale By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff Lorena Garcia hopes to make history. She certainly stands out among the Democrats looking to unseat Senator Cory Gardner. A seventh-generation Coloradan on one side and a first-generation American on the other, her background is in community organizing and she and her wife Jaimi have been married for seven years. But she’s not content to coast on demographics. She visited Dos Gringos Burritos on Feb. 9 to meet with potential constituents and circulate the petition to confirm her place on the ballot. That means 1,500 signatures from each senate district, but while other candidates opt for caucuses, she prefers the direct approach. “If we really want to put people at the center of this campaign, then we need to show support from the people,” she said. “We don’t just go around giving stump speeches. We engage with folks at the personal level and answer every question that’s asked.” Indeed, she greeted every attendee personally, asking questions rather than pontificating. Then, when everyone was settled, she layed out her policies. The first thing she’d do if elected is grow the number of Supreme Court judges. Then, she’d offer her expertise in evaluating candidates for the court, cabinet and other appointed roles.

Election Date: Tuesday, March 3, 2020

“We need to elect a fighter, not a politician,” she told the crowd. “I fear that we will see Trump win again … If we can flip the Senate, we can turn back all of his dangerous executive orders and ensure that the people that he nominates to lead our state agencies are actually qualified to do so.” Despite her rhetoric against the Republicans in Washington, she expressed an intention to represent every single person in Colorado. “Even if we disagree, at least we will have had a conversation,” she said. “Oil and gas is poisoning our earth, but the oil and gas workforce is trying to make a living. If we embrace them and rely on their expertise, we have buy-in and not pushback.” She cited her opposition to hydraulic fracking as one of the main distinctions between her and former governor John Hickenlooper. As for Andrew Romanoff, she urged folks to look into his past approach to immigration. “If you care about dignity for all people, I am your candidate,” she said. “We have an opportunity — no, an obligation — to be brave and courageous and vote our values … It’s going to take every single one of this to win this race and restore the pride that we might have once had in our federal government.” Visit lorenaforsenate.com for more information or mail hayley@lorenaforsenate. com to find a place to sign Garcia’s petition.

Senate candidate Lorena Garcia ( far right) passionately addresses the crowd during a meet and greet at Dos Gringos. Photo by Will Grandbois

Presidential primary ballots in the mail Colorado’s registered Democratic, Republican and unaffiliated voters will soon be receiving ballots for the 2020 Presidential Primary Election. In 2016, voters supported Proposition 107 by a margin of 64 to 36 percent, returning the presidential primary to Colorado in presidential election years for the first time since 2000. Garfield County is mailing 32,289 ballots out on February 10 for the election, which takes place on “Super Tuesday,” March 3. Colorado’s own Michael Bennet dropped out of the race following the New Hampshire primary, but will likely still appear on many ballots. Unaffiliated voters are receiving both Democratic and Republican ballots,

though only one may be filled out and returned — if both are sent back, neither will count. If a registered voter is age 17 at the time of the presidential primary and will be 18 before the 2020 presidential election, they will receive a presidential primary ballot and may vote. You can drop your ballot around the clock at Carbondale Town Hall.

More caucuses, elections to come The current round of ballots are just for the presidency. Candidate selection for county and state offices as well as federal legislatures will continue through June. Visit GoVoteColorado.gov for more information on the primary process or to check your registration status.


Election Type: Mail Ballot with in person voting options at Voter Service & Polling Centers

Election Hours: 7:00 am to 7:00 pm on Election Day

Ballots will be mailed between February and February 14th to active voters. Unaffiliated voters who did not makeElection a preference Democratic Election Date: Tuesday, November 5, 201910thElection Type: Mail Ballot with inregistered person voting options at Voter Service & Polling Centers Hours: for 7:00aam to 7:00 pmoronRepublican Election Day ballot will receive ballots for both parties. Unaffiliated voters must vote only one ballot and return only one voted ballot. If an unaffiliated voter marks both ballots and returns both voted ballots, neither one of the ballots returned will be counted. Unaffiliated voters who made a preference for the Presidential Primary and want that same preferred Ballots willfor be mailed between 11th and October 18thmust to all active voters. after the Presidential in GlenwoodPrimary Springs or the Votingwww.govotecolorado.gov. VSPC located at the County Administration at 195 West 14tha St. #D in party ballot the June 30,October 2020 Primary Election makeregistered that request by Early visiting VotersBldg. affiliated with minor political party that is not having a primary will not receive a ballot. Voters affiliated with a political party but who want28th. to vote in a different party’s primary had one to make that party Rifle beginning Monday October Each VSPC open on Election Day will have at least ADA accessible ballot affiliation change by February 3, 2020.

Voters who do not receive their ballots may request replacement ballots in person at the County Clerk’s Offices marking device (BMD) available for use from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. in Glenwood or Rifle orabyballot phonepacket (970-384-3700 option 2), replacement fax (970-947-1078) or emailin(elections@ Voters who doSprings not receive may request ballots person at the County Clerk’s Offices in Glenwood Springs or Rifle or by phone (970-384-3700 option 2, fax (970-947-1078) Thethat lastdate dayvoters to request ballotbybe is February 2020. After that date must appear garfield-county.com). The last dayorto email request(elections@garfield-county.com). that a ballot be mailed is October 28, 2019. After Returnthat votedaballots mailmailed with appropriate postage24, affixed ($0.55) or you may handvoters deliver your ballot to one in person at the County Clerk’s office or a Voter Service and Polling Center to request a replacement ballot, register to vote, or complete a change of address and receive a ballot. must appear in person at the County Clerk’s office or a Voter Service and Polling Center (VSPC) to request a of the designated drop-off sites listed below. Ballots must be received at a Voter Service and Polling Center or Any voter may surrender their mail ballot and cast their vote on an ADA accessible ballot marking device located at the Clerk’s office in Glenwood Springs or the Early Voting replacement ballot, to vote, orAdministration complete a changeBldg. of address and195 receive a ballot. may surrender County Clerk’s offices 24, by 7:00 pm onEach Election Day toopen be counted. Postmarks dowill not count. your one voter (VSPC) located at register the County D at West 14thAny St.voter in Rifle beginningthe Monday February 2020. VSPC on Election Day haveVerify at least ADAtheir accessible ballot marking device available for use from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. mail ballot and cast their vote on an ADA accessible ballot marking device (BMD) located at the Clerk’s office registration information and track your ballot (sent and received) at www.govotecolorado.com. ReturnCounty voted ballots by mail postage you may15hand deliver Town stamp) Hall Drop-offor Sites: October – November 5, 2019your ballot to one of the designated drop-office sites listed below. Office Drop-off sites for votedwith ballotsappropriate - Beginning October 14, 2019 affixed ($0.55 Ballots must be received at a Voter Service and Polling Center or the County Clerk’s offices by 7:00 pm on Election Day to be counted. Postmarks do not count. GARFIELD COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER information COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING TOWN HALLat www.govotecolorado.gov. PARACHUTE TOWN HALL SILT TOWN HALL CARBONDALE TOWN HALL Verify your voter registration and track your ballot (sent NEW andCASTLE received)

109 8th St, Glenwood Springs, CO 195 W 14th St Bldg. D, Rifle, CO 450 W Main Street, New Castle, CO County voted ballots 31, am 2020 East Entrance M – FOffice : 7:30 amDrop-off – 5:00 pm sites M - for F : 8:30 am – 5:00 pm - Beginning January M: 8:00 -5:00 pm Suite 200County M - FClerk : 8:30& Recorder am - 5:00 pm Election Day Open 7:00 Building am – 7:00 pm 10:00 Garfield County Administration NewT-F: Castle Townam Hall– 5:00 pm 450 W Main Street 109 8th (24/77:00 Drop-Box ) pm 195 W24/7 14th StDrop-Box Bldg. D, Rifle, CO (24/7 Drop-Box ) Election DayStOpen am -7:00 Monday 8:00 am -5:00 pm East M – F 7:30 am – 5:00 pm M - F 8:30 am – 5:00 pm 24/7Entrance Drop-Box Tues-Friday 10:am – 5:00 pm Suite 200 M - F 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Election Day Open 7:00 am – 7:00 pm Early Voting Service & Polling Centers-October 28 –Nov 4, 2019 (excluding Sundays) Election Day Open 7:00 am – 7:00 pm

222 Grand Valley Way, Parachute, CO 231 N 7th Street, Silt, Colorado 511 Colorado Ave Hall Sites:M -February 11 –pmMarch 3, 2020 Carbondale, CO M -Thursday:Town 7:30 am - 5:00Drop-off pm F: 8:00 am- 5:00 24/7Town Drop-Box Parachute Town Hall Silt Town Hall Carbondale Hall ONLY

222 Grand Valley Way M -Thursday 8:00 am - 5:30 pm

231 N 7th Street M – F 8:00 am -5:00 pm

511 Colorado Ave 24/7 drop-box only near the main entrance No drop-box in the Town Clerk’s Office

Additional Voter Service & Polling Centers open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm on Election Day Only

Voter Service & Polling Centers and Polling Centers Courthouse in Glenwood SpringsAve Additional Voter Service & Polling Centers open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm on Election Day Only CARBONDALE TOWN HALL, 511 Colorado GARFIELD COUNTY COURTHOUSE, Room 200 ― M-F 8:30 am toVoter 5:00Service pm & Election Day from 7am tolocated 7pm at the Garfield County Courthouse, Room 200 M-F 8:30 am to 5:00 pm & Election Day from 7am to 7pm • Carbondale Town Hall- 511 Colorado Ave the&County will be open Saturday FebruaryCENTER, 29, 100 GLENWOOD SPRINGS COMMUNITY Wulfsohn Rd COUNTY Rifle 195 W 14th ― M-F 8:30 am toand 5:00atpm ElectionAdministration Day from 7am toBuilding 7pm in Rifle County Admin Bldg, Rifle 195 W 14th St. M-F 8:30 amADMIN to 5:00BLDG., pm & Election Day from 7am St. to 7pm • Glenwood Springs Community Center - 100 Wulfsohn Rd fromSprings 10:00 am NEW CASTLE LIBRARY, 402 W Main St Voter(1st Service and PollingRoom) Centers located attotheMarch Courthouse Glenwood andtoat2:00 the pm. Early Voting Location: County Admin Bldg-Rifle Floor, Conference February 24, 2020 2, 2020 in2020 • New Castle Library - 402 W Main St All voter services available of these (M-F hours 8:30 am to 5:00 pm). ElectionCounty Day MarchAdministration 3, 2020 (7:00 amBuilding to 7:00 pm). • Silt Library - 680 Home Ave in Rifle will be open Saturday November 2, 2019 from 10:00atamboth to 2:00 pm. sites.SILT LIBRARY, 680 Home Ave Parachute Library - 244 Grand Valley Way PARACHUTE LIBRARY, 244 Grand Valley Way • All voter services available at both of these sites.

Designated Election Official: Jean M. Alberico, Garfield County Clerk & Recorder

Sample Ballotsat available at www.garfield-county.com Sample Ballots available www.garfield-county.com or www.govotecolorado.com Questions: 970-384-3700 Option 2 for Garfield County Elections Department

Questions: 970-384-3700 Option 2 for Garfield County Elections Department

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020 • 15


Continued from page 2

Beware the money Dear Editor: If they didn’t know it before, Colorado Rising and 350 Colorado — sponsors of the ill-fated oil and gas drilling setback Proposition 112 two years ago — now know what it’s like to go up against an advertising blitz. An industry political action committee ironically called Protect Colorado amassed $40 million to flood the airways with commercials attacking 112. As many politicians and all public relations people will ascribe, if you repeat a lie often enough, people will begin to believe it. After some positive early polling, Proposition 112 went down 4555. Keep that in mind when you’re watching Mike Bloomberg’s deluge of TV ads. He has the big money, although in this case it’s his own, and he’s foregoing the early primaries and caucuses believing, quite accurately, he can reach more people with the

boob tube. The question I’d like to ask Bloomberg is what is your stance on money in politics? He’s taking advantage of the fact there are no controls on campaign spending in this country and equal time rules only require TV and radio to give the opportunity to opponents. Candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who’ve taken pledges to accept no money from PACs and are committed to small dollar donations, can’t possibly keep up with Bloomberg in the great cash grab. Based on the Proposition 112 example, Bloomberg will buy the nomination. Surely even Bloomberg must see that’s not fair. Whatever, I’m much more confident that, as president, Sanders or Warren will lead legislation that’ll bring our abhorrent, chaotic electoral process we’re now experiencing under control. Fred Malo Jr. Carbondale

An indoor sports facility? Dear Editor: Carbondale and its community want to have the ACE Hardware store move into the grocery store that will soon not be one. But my friend Jake and I have been asking some questions around the school and they all seem pretty convinced. Although a hardware store would be nice moving into the modern day city market, an indoor sports facility would please the community way more because playing sports is a great way to stay fit and healthy, to play your sports that you can’t play in the winter indoors, and it’s a great way to bring the community together in a competitive and fun way. As you know, the City Market we are using right now is the only grocery store in Carbondale, but when the new City Market is done being built, I think the best we can do is to gain, and an indoor sports facility would be great because it would be the only sports facility in carbondale and around the valley. Plus, if this sports facility were to be built, and if you build a turf/artificial grass soccer/football field it would be great for those two sports to be able to play their sports during the winter because we are not able to play those sports during the winter on some nice grass. Soccer / football kids and adults have really nothing to do during the winter other than to play our sports in the snow or gym



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floor, but if there is an indoor sports facility with some turf grass indoors, it would be great because it would feel good with some grass because it would feel like we are playing in the summer. Another reason Carbondale and our valley should have a sports facility is that we need to keep kids that play these entertaining sports fit and healthy, and most of all keep them happy and not too distant from their sport. A child could lose a lot of love for their sport, if they are not going to play it for a whole season. Plus not playing a sport for a whole season could get you very unfit and unhealthy. The schedule for these sports players is to go to school, come home and just sit there waiting for spring to come. Although an indoor sports facility could be expensive to build and could be difficult to build, it would be a great way for our future to stay healthy, to play our sports that you can’t play in the winter, and a great way to bring the community together in a competitive and fun way. I hope you take a chance on this. Josh Hernandez Carbondale Middle School

Kids need exercise Dear Editor: Is a sports complex useless? Is it necessary? Is it a financial waste? As you know, there aren’t a lot of kids that exercise over the winter and, considering that there's more space with the new City Market being built, we can use that space to build a sports complex so then kids can be fit over the winter. The community should use the City Market space and turn it into a sports complex because there could be a lot of profit with tourism, there isn’t a lot to do over the winter, and kids need exercise over the winter. Well, during the winter there are some kids that don’t get a lot of exercise during the winter. According to Christopher Kist, “nearly 80 percent of adolescents aren’t getting enough aerobic exercise.” This shows that not a lot of kids get a lot of exercise over the winter and there aren’t a lot of things to do since it’s so cold outside and the majority of kids like football and soccer, the sports complex can help kids play more. Now, the sports complex can help kids actually do something over the winter now according to sportsshow.net “American Continued on page 18

TheMount SoprisNordicCouncilwouldlike to thank everyone who participatedin our 28th Annual

Ski forSisu O

Ever supportive local skiers were joined by the Aspen Valley Ski Club (which includes our local youth) and coaches in skiing remarkable distances to support the annual fundraiser. There was not a frown to be found in the Thompson Divide that day! The free ski trails, located on Cattlemen’s and Crystal River Ranch property, were immaculately groomed. A great community deserves a great ski area to which we are all grateful. Skiers and Locals are encouraged to join or renew their memberships. Marvel at these distances skied: Matt Johnson 73 K, August Teague 63 K, Austin Weiss 60 K, Corbin Carpenter 60 K, Laurie Stone 53 K, Helene Carlson 50 K, Anders Weiss 50 K, Eske Roennau 50 K, Andre Wille 50 K, Kian Sullivan 50 K, Suzy Ellison 47 K, Cara Agran 38 K, Lola Villafranco 38 K, Eva McDonough 38 K, Sam Friday 38 K, Elizabeth Barsness 38 K, Kate Oldham 38 K, Ben Oldham 38 K, Noah Wheeless 38 K, Kara LaPointe 38 K, Pierre Wille 38 K, Sarah Villafranco 35 K, Russ Criswell 35 K, Stephen Shapiro 35 K, Rob Russell 31 K, Reed Russell 31 K and Ali Silcox 31 K. (Only distances of over 30 Kilometers are reported and we deeply regret if anyone slipped the lap counters dragnet.) Thank you all! John Armstrong Satank


ThankstoallthedonorstotheSilentAuction:AspenSkiCompany,BackboneMedia,Honey Thanks to all the donors to the Silent Auction: Aspen Ski Co, Backbone Media, Stinger and Big Agnes, Dos Gringos, Peppino’sPizza, SusanJordanMassage, Bonfire Coffee, Alpine Honey Stinger/Big Agnes, Bristlecone Sports, Aspen XC Center, Cripple Creek Bank,IndependenceRunandHike,WhiteHousePizza,TheVillageSmithy,JoyBlongMassage, Backcountry, Batch, Avalanche Ranch and Hot Springs, Fit Rose, Ace Hardware, BristleconeSports, PhatThaiandTownrestaurants,Ace Hardware,SoprisLiquorandWine, Village Smithy, Independence Run and Hike, Dos Gringos, White House Pizza, StrangeImports,AlohaMountainCyclery,AvalancheRanch andHotSprings,SummitCanyon Mountaineering,RockyMountainEvents,RoaringForkValleyCoop,CarbondaleArtsCouncil, Peppinos Pizza, ThePourHouse, Bonfire Coffee, Carbondale Recreation Center, RedRockDiner,Salomon,BabyGearLab,SunlightBikeandSki,ThePaintStore,TimbosPizza, Allegria Restaurant, Crystal Theatre, Sopris Liquor & Wine, Strange Imports, RFCOOP,CarbondaleBeerWorks,GlenwoodHotSprings,IronMountainHotSprings,Water True Nature, Marble Distillery, Mountain Flow Eco Wax, Madshus, and GapRanch,CrippleCreek,JudyMilne,PeterThompsonParagliding,AspenXCCenter,Nordic skiinstructors: RobRussell,Emily VanGorp,JustinSilcox,TrueNature,ThePourHouse,Mi Izakaya. Casita, Black Diamond, Glenwood VaporCavesand The Marble Distillery. Thanks to KDNK & the Sopris Sun for their support of the event.


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Anatomy of a Retrograde OPINION

Sun Signs By Whitney Will

By now, most people have heard of Mercury retrograde. It is one facet of astrology that has made its way into the mainstream. Mercury retrograde is known for complicating travel plans, confusing communication, messing up technology, and eliciting all sorts of frustrating shenanigans when you are just trying to get out the door and you are already late. When Mercury goes retrograde, it foils all of the things that Mercury represents: ideas, communication, transportation, plans, and technology. However, Mercury retrograde is not simply an on or off thing, it has a progression and several stages to its


course through the sky. In honor of the upcoming Mercury retrograde that begins on Feb. 17, let us examine the course of the retrograde cycle and clear some things up. First, the retrograde motion of the planets is “apparent” retrograde — they do not actually move backward. From the perspective of the sun, no planets ever have retrograde motion. From our perspective on earth, planets appear to slow down, stop at a spot in the sky (called the station degree), and then move backward (during the retrograde period) before slowing again, stopping again (called the direct station), and then proceeding and picking up speed in forward motion once more. The planets closer to the sun than Earth (Mercury and Venus) will conjoin the sun during the middle part of their retrogrades, while planets beyond Earth (Mars and all the others) will oppose (180° apart) the sun during their retrogrades. Mercury goes retrograde approximately three times per year, usually in the signs of one element. In 2020, Mercury will spend time retrograding through all three water signs (Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio). The water element is the least verbal and most intuitive element of the four, meaning that the retrograde period of the year may be characterized by highly emotional tenors, confusion, and introversion. It also makes the retrograde periods powerful times for meditation, reflection, and emotional

housekeeping. During any given retrograde, the planet will cross a certain set of degrees of the zodiac three times. I will use Mercury’s upcoming retrograde to explain. Mercury will move forward until Feb. 17, when it will stop at 12°50’ of Pisces. Between Feb. 17 and March 9 Mercury will retrograde from 12° Pisces back to 28°13’ Aquarius before stopping again. Finally, resuming forward motion, it will cross those degrees again. Twice forward, once backward, 28˚ Aquarius to 12˚ Pisces will have been traversed three times. These 14 degrees of the zodiac are receiving special consideration during this time, though how this will affect you depends on your individual birth chart. The first pass over these degrees is called the pre-shadow of the retrograde, the second is the retrograde itself, and the third is called the post shadow. Further, at the midpoint of the retrograde, Mercury will conjoin the Sun, splitting the retrograde in half and bringing some helpful insight. All of these phases indicate different stages in qualitative time. The pre-shadow, which began on Feb. 2, offers the prelude of things to come. If you pay attention during this time to the people, topics, issues, and communications around you, you will probably notice how these same things come up again during the retrograde for a second look. Things done in haste during the pre-shadow must be labored over in the retrograde.

As Earth passes Mars, the latter will temporarily appear to reverse its motion across the sky. Graphic by Brian Brondel / Wikimedia Commons During the retrograde itself, which lasts from Feb. 17 ‘til March 9, all terms beginning with the prefix “re” apply: you may have to revisit, rethink, reflect, redo. It can be easy to get frustrated but remember: this is an opportunity to slow down, learn something new, and become fully present in your usually busy life. This is not to say that your life will slow down in correspondence, but the more flexibility you build into it, the easier it will be when interruption inevitably happens. At the midpoint of the retrograde, the Sun conjoins Mercury. This is called the “cazimi.” At this point, Mercury is between the Earth and the Sun, and a clear piece of insight may come through as Mercury the thinker connects with the solar, lifesustaining force. It is the turning point of the retrograde, and often the remaining time of the retrograde is

made easier by the realization of the cazimi. Importantly though, often the information presented is not actionable until Mercury goes direct, so try not to push the river. The post-shadow period is a time of integration. Mercury hasn’t picked up speed yet, but is looking toward the future rather than backward and inward. It is a time when the lessons of the retrograde are still present, but you can use what you have learned to take new action. This period will last March 10 through 29. Over the next few months, there will inevitably be some interruption to plans and a few miscommunications, try to take these frustrations as an invitation to slow down. Whitney Will is a Valley native and consulting astrologer for Starhearth Astrology.


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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020 • 17

LETTERS Football is the most popular sport in America. Football is also the Ninth Most Popular Sport All Around the World.” Well, obviously during the winter it snows a lot and kids can’t really play football because of the snow and the cold, but if we had the sports complex kids would be able to play football and there could be early practice for high schoolers who play football or soccer and it will also help kids stay fit. A way that the sports complex can earn a lot of profit is from the community but also from tourists. According to schoolsplus. co.uk, “sports facilities can hold large tournaments that can bring people from neighbouring towns and villages. This increase of people can help bring more revenue into the town.” this shows that with a sports complex we can make big events like a soccer tournament or other sports, and the community can help make those events happen. Although a sports complex can be expensive to build and it can be difficult with other businesses who might want to move in the City Market, it can bring in a lot of profit with tourism, there isn’t a lot to do over the winter, and kids need exercise over the winter. With this letter I hope you can make a deal with other businesses and to just try and take a chance to try and make this idea happen. Angel Quinteros Carbondale Middle School

Good for everyone Dear Editor: Playing sports is a great way to stay fit and healthy - Amber Stromberg. During the summer of 2018, plans for a new grocery store were made it will be the biggest grocery store in the valley and people wonder what the old City Market will turn into. An indoor sports complex would be the best option for our town because it will benefit the whole valley, generate money for the community, and offer a place for everyone to be active. The closest sports complex is in Edwards, which is 54.1 miles away. Without traffic, that is an hour and thirteen-minute drive for only being able to play for one hour then you have to

18 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020

Continued from page 18 drive back home. An indoor sports complex in our valley will encourage kids and adults to play sports throughout the whole year. Although Ace Hardware moving into the City Market might help some adults, an indoor sports complex will help kids and adults throughout the whole valley with exercise. Another reason why an indoor sports complex will benefit are town is the facility will generate money for the community. For example, we sent out an email to the Carbondale Middle School asking if they would go to the indoor sports complex, 85 percent of the students and staff said yes they would go to it and that it would be beneficial to our town even though it would cost a lot to create the indoor sports complex in the next year, it would be paid off because of how many people will go there to play sports. Finally, the indoor sports complex offers a place for everyone to be active. For example, Steven Dawson points out that skiing hockey snowboarding are the most popular sports in the winter and those sports are pretty expensive, so why not build a complex for people to play soccer football and other sports. Because we live in a place where it snows a lot in the winter an indoor sports complex moving into the old City Market would be the best option for our community. Jacob Barlow Carbondale Middle School

A leg up Dear Editor: “Do you know what my favorite part of the game is? The opportunity to play.” – Mike Singletary. Many kids all over the world live in an environment where the weather is nice all year long. Kids are able to play sports throughout the year. They can play soccer and football outside in the sun during the winter. This is not the case in Carbondale, but we have the chance to create a place for kids and adults to exercise, to play. The City Market building will be not in use in the summer of 2020. Although Ace Hardware is the popular choice for the space, a sports complex should be the primary option because during the winter kids need a place to play sports, our local soccer teams

need to practice year-round, and kids and adults need more exercise. In the winter months, fields that are normally used and occupied by people playing sports are bare, untouched. Games like soccer, football, and baseball are unable to be played without getting wet and cold. Many people might say that kids should just suck it up and go and play in the snow but, kids these days don’t like to get wet and cold. They would rather be playing their favorite sport in a warm building. After analyzing Top 10 Most Popular Sports in America 2019 it became clear that 9-10 of the top ten sports in America could not be played in Carbondale in the winter (Das). I have no idea what I would do without soccer. I’m sure I have the same feelings as other kids. A sports complex lets the kids do what they love in a year-round environment. The Roaring Fork Valley loves soccer, perhaps the biggest sport in the valley. Our soccer club which spans from Carbondale to Aspen has elite teams that play in Denver leagues because they are too good for the mountain leagues. These teams in Denver have the ability to practice year-round. They have sports complexes at their disposal. The Broomfield team is able to practice year-round and go to tournaments. Which is a main reason why they are so skilled and can compete at higher levels. Not only the Roaring Fork Valley Soccer Club would benefit from this facility and help their teams improve and connect but the community as a whole. Another reason why the old City Market should be a soccer complex is that kids these days are addicted to their phones and do not play or come up with games to play. Many kids are not exercising and should be. This is not only the case for kids. Adults are now overweight or obese. Not many people are out exercising. I think that a sports complex would change that. The athletes in our community deserve the opportunity to play”year-round no matter what weather conditions are outside. Please consider the idea of a soccer complex as the main option for the space of the City Market. Bennett Jardine Carbondale Middle School



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NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR FRANCHISE BY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO NOTICE is hereby given that at the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carbondale, Garfield County, State of Colorado, to be held on February 25, 2020, at the hour of 6:00 p.m., at its usual meeting place in the Town Hall, in the Town of Carbondale, Colorado. Public Service Company of Colorado, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado, will make application to said Town for the passage of an ordinance granting to said Public Service Company of Colorado a franchise in said Town, entitled: Ordinance No. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE BY THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO FURNISH, SELL AND DISTRIBUTE ELECTRICITY TO THE TOWN AND ALL PERSONS, BUSINESSES, AND INDUSTRY WITHIN THE TOWN AND THE RIGHT TO ACQUIRE, CONSTRUCT, INSTALL, LOCATE, MAINTAIN, OPERATE AND EXTEND INTO, WITHIN AND THROUGH SAID TOWN ALL FACILITIES REASONABLE NECESSARY TO FURNISH, SELL AND DISTRIBUTE ELECTRICITY WITHIN THE TOWN AND THE RIGHT TO MAKE REASONABLE USE OF ALL STREETS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES AND PUBLIC EASEMENTS AS HEREIN DEFINED AS MAY BE NECESSARY; AND FIXING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF. Dated at Carbondale, Colorado, this 23rd day of January 2020. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO BY Kelly Flenniken, Area Manager Public Service Company of Colorado


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Public Hearing will be held before the Carbondale Planning and Zoning Commission for the purpose of considering a Special Use Permit and a Minor Site Plan Review for the purpose of constructing an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in the Residential Low-Density Zone District. The owner/applicant is proposing to add an Accessory Dwelling Unit to the basement of an existing single-family dwelling.

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The property is located at 522 N 8th

Street, 500 Buggy Circle, Carbondale, COOwner/Applicants 500 Buggy Circle, Carbondale, CO The

MASSAGE While the Carbondale Clay Center had to postpone its First Friday opening due to the weather, Amy Kimberly and Brian Colley of Carbondale Arts leaned in to the snow by assembling Swedish lanterns and conscripting The Sun's editor to help create a snow-person on the Launchpad lawn. Photos by Will Grandbois

John Ackerman

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Feldman Said Public Hearing will be held at the Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO at 7:00 p.m. on February 27, 2020. Copies of the proposed application are on file in the Planning Department office, Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO and may be examined by interested persons during regular working hours, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The application may also be reviewed on the Town’s website at www.carbondalegov.org John Leybourne Planner

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEB. 13 - 19, 2020 • 19

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