Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper
Carbondale’s weekly
community connector
Volume 11, Number 19 | June 17, 2019
The years just roll by
Hannah Itzler must have appreciated having a stop in her hometown for her first Ride the Rockies under her own power. Her first time on the route, however, was almost 25 years ago as a toddler pulled by her parents. Photo by Erin Danneker — more on page 8
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A daunting place to be deaf
SEEKING HIGHER GROUND By Nicolette Toussaint
Thunder River Theatre’s latest play made me writhe, because it’s the story of my life. Or darn close to it. “Tribes” is about a deaf child born into a hearing family. During the first scene, the family carries on a fractious, backbiting argument, replete with outsized, overblown gestures. Through it, Billy sits silently, saying nothing, hearing nothing. After the combatants storm off, Billy asks her brother what the tempest was all about. His minimalist answer: Just dad acting up. Having sat in Billy’s seat for decades, I know what it’s like to wordlessly watch emotion, gesture and turbulence. Feeling as anxious as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, wondering what’s coming next. I’m not deaf, but profoundly hearingimpaired. Since my brother’s hearing is acute enough to have warranted the chief
sonar post aboard a nuclear submarine, it’s likely I too was born with keen hearing. I lost much of it as an infant due to a high fever and substandard medical care. During my childhood, no concessions were made for my disability. My hearing loss was diagnosed by Montview Elementary in Aurora during my first grade. Back then, hearing aids were essentially amplifiers, of no help for “cookie bite” loss, which takes a chunk out of speaking tones but leaves one able to hear high and low frequencies. I do recall a speech therapist at school who made me practice articulating certain letters with my lips against a balloon. Thanks to oral skill and some hearing, I never developed a flat “deaf voice.” I worked at lipreading, and like Billy in the play, I developed a knack for interpreting body language and filling in the blanks. It (mostly) worked. I managed to pass grades 1 through 12, passing as fully “aural” with only a few serious mishaps. Eunice Mosher, my seventh-grade math teacher, insisted on seating the class alphabetically by last name, placing me in the back right corner—and at maximum disadvantage. Algebra might as well have been Greek. I’m not sure why my dad, who had custody, didn’t intervene as my grades dropped from B to C to D. Like Christopher, the father in Tribes, my dad held
disability in contempt; I can well remember the scathing ridicule he heaped on anyone who showed physical weakness. But perhaps my father was just too busy dating and trying to regain his emotional balance, postdivorce, to pay attention? Like Billy in the play, I have sat alone in a crowd, reading body language absent spoken language, understanding about as much as a cat would. It does leave one feeling, as Billy angrily put it, like “a mascot” rather than a participant. Hearing loss is invisible; and wary of being relegated to second-class citizenship by “abled” people, I spent much of my life “passing”. Thunder River Theatre’s creative director, Corey Simpson, looked stunned when I told him about my hearing loss. He’s known me for several years, but never guessed that the questions I emailed while writing theatre reviews were often prompted by my inability to hear lines. In his notes for TRTC’s (excellent!) production, Corey mentioned an incident in which the “Tribes” cast requested an extra rehearsal. Michelle Mary Schaefer, the deaf actress who plays Billy, had no idea the rehearsal was being scheduled. Although she was in the room while plans were being made, no one was facing her during the discussion. Been there, done that! Twice, I have belatedly discovered that my Alaprima
painting group is holding an exhibition – one I know nothing about! Yes, I was in the room during the planning, but my friends keep a tinny radio turned on behind my seat. It jams my reception. The Alaprimas love me. They don’t mean to exclude me, but they’re abled and, thus, not on my frequency. Our valley seriously lacks resources for the deaf and hearing-impaired. Alexis, the Costco audiologist who programs my hearing aids, tells me clients drive to Eagle from as far away as Durango! Hearing aids have evolved, and these days, they’re frequency-tunable. Most connect with broadcast devices that SHOULD be installed in all “places of public accommodation.” (That’s part of civil rights law, required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.) But I don’t recall ever seeing such a device advertised or offered at any theatre or public meeting outside the Aspen Music Tent. In preparing for Tribes, Corey found that there are NO certified sign language interpreters in the Roaring Fork Valley—nor anywhere on the Western Slope! He also learned that after Aspen’s Deaf Camp closed, many of its employees moved away because of lack of resources. I understand. This is a hard place for the hearingimpaired to live. It must be daunting for the deaf.
The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. We invite members of the community to submit letters to the editor of up to 250 words by snail mail to P.O. Box 399 or 500 words emailed to Longer columns are considered on a case-by-case basis. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday.
Continued on page 14
Honorary Publishers for their annual commitment of $1,000+
Email for more information.
Jim Calaway, Honorary Chair Kay Brunnier Scott Gilbert – Habitat for Humanity RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger Carolyn Nelson Jim Noyes True Nature Healing Arts Nicolette Toussaint Jill and Gary Knaus
Legacy Givers
for including us in their final wishes.
Mary Lilly
And all our SunScribers and community members for your support.
It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.
Donate online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540
Don’t forget the music festival Dear Editor: In a recent Sopris Sun edition Bob Schultz listed many of this summer’s musical events. None of these included the Aspen Music Festival. Every summer I attend many Aspen Music School recitals and classes, most of which are free. Many Carbondale residents may be interested in learning what free recitals and music classes I attended just during the month of July, 2018, as follows: Escher String Quartet Master Class, Finckel-Wu Han Chamber Music Studio, Kantor Violin Studio Class, Pacifica Quartet Master Class, String/Piano Master Class, Kantor Violin Studio Class, Advanced Quartet Recital, Quartet Master Class with Dunham and Rosenberg, Aspen Chamber Music Series, Aspen Chamber Music Series, Advanced Quartet Recital, Kantor Violin Studio Class, Advanced Quartet Studies Master Class, Weilerstein String/Piano Master Class and String/Piano Master Class. All of these musical events I attended entirely free of charge. I went to one free Festival Orchestra Dress Rehearsal, and that was just because it was free. I am not as drawn to orchestral music as I am to chamber music which mostly occurs at the music school campus and at the Pitkin County Library. Getting to the music school usually involves leaving one’s car at the hospital and taking the free bus to the campus.
Sincerest thanks to our
Advertising: Carol Fabian • 970-510-0246 Reporter: Megan Tackett Graphic Designer: Ylice Golden Delivery: Tom Sands Current Board Members Marilyn Murphy, President Raleigh Burleigh, Vice President Linda Criswell, Secretary Klaus Kocher, Treasurer John Colson • April Spaulding Kay Clarke • Carol Craven The Sopris Sun Board meets regularly on the second Monday evening of each month at the Third Street Center.
Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell Send us your comments: The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District
Treasurer Klaus Kocher brought The Sun on board the RMS Queen Mary 2 on a recent trip between New York City (pictured) and Southhampton, England. Photo by Klaus Kocher
2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • • JUNE 20 - JUNE 27, 2019
The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible
Sunfire Ranch balances history and a sustainable future By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff In 1893, then-President Grover Cleveland signed the homestead patent for what Crystal Valley residents now know as Sunfire Ranch. It hangs, framed, in the Sewell family’s house on the property. Today, 126 years later, Jason Sewell finds himself faced with a sort of pioneering opportunity — but he’s not doing it alone. Connor Coleman, founder of Resiliency Lands, has been a close consultant for years and Casey Piscura of Wild Mountain Seeds has been diligently managing the soil. They’ve been getting ready — for what, exactly, is an evolving vision. But there’s no rush. “We’re always trying to figure out what the foundation is so the ranch can continue its next iteration. That’s how I see my work here: just building the foundation so my kids can take it or not,” Sewell said. It’s seen several iterations already. “The landscape was significantly different when the pioneers showed up,” he said. “They really had work ahead of them to break it out into agricultural l a n d that
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“Looking back, if I’d left, I don’t know if I would have come back. Divine intervention kind of kept me around, and I started investing myself and fixing some buildings because everything was just falling down. It had been without maintenance for 60 years,” he said. “I think just working around the ranch, taking care of my mom and really being outside, over time I fell in love with what it was: with the work, with the concept.”
Living the dream
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That concept — Sunfire Ranch as a fully operational entity heavily involved in the community — couldn’t come into fruition, however, if those 29 parcels were otherwise developed. So in 2015, Sewell and Pitkin County started negotiations over a conservation easement that would protect the land. This summer, the Board of County Commissioners and Board of Open Space and Trails both approved the master plan and that easement. “Typically, ranches have a fully functioning operation. [In] a lot of those operations, the process is a lot easier,” Coleman, who through his consulting business has overseen more than 400 conservation easements, said. “But we need to think about everything we could ever want to do. Once it closes and ink dries and we get our check from the county, we’ll be able to start to implement.” And the scope for their vision is both wide and long. It has to be, they maintain, to ensure the future of the ranch regardless of any changes in the market or climate. “The buzzword has been, for the last 10 years, sustainability,” Sewell said. “What that actually means in land ownership and land management is economic sustainability.” To that end, Sewell and Coleman have been working diligently to ensure economic diversity in their business model for the ranch. Their conversations bounce fluidly from tourism operations to the food industry to education. “I think the Sewells are great in that they are embracing, not necessarily fighting, the change and what’s going on in the community,” Coleman said. “Here’s the history of it, here’s a place to come and learn about not just what this was but also how a piece of property like this can help a community moving forward. Our goal here is to create a lot of good, quality food.” “And experience,” Sewell chimed in. “And education and research and on and on. That’s been a drive for me, is how can you contribute to agriculture and then the community? And try to figure out how to make the ranch survive with that.” They’ve even established Sunfire Outfitters — but any hunting will still be rooted in education, Coleman emphasized. “We’re technically a licensed outfitter with the state of Colorado,” he said. “We want to use that platform for education as well, so not to be a trophy hunting entity, but ... that the hunters that utilize the outfitting service learn [how the land works] and then we can also help cultivate the next generation of hunters that maybe don’t have an opportunity otherwise.”
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supported the mining up in Aspen. Then World War I and World War II, my grandfather was raising sheep for wool production and potatoes for the war effort.” In the 1970s, Sewell’s father Bob subdivided the property into 29 lots for agricultural leasing but discontinued the farming family tradition. “It was barely grazed and hayed every year, and it was kind of just maintenance,” he said. “So everything fell into disrepair.” Sewell left the area and earned a degree in business management from Fort Lewis College in Durango, where he met his wife Jaymie. He didn’t have plans to return home until his mother, who was a parapalegic, fell ill.
The Sewell family represents fifth- and sixth-generation Carbondalians at Sunfire Ranch. Jason Sewell is planning the next 126 years for Sunfire Ranch. Photos by Megan Tackett
Cautious steps forward If operating an outfitter and a wedding venue and a ranch all on the same property sounds overwhelming, it’s because it is, Sewell laughed. “It’s a big thing,” he said, and they’re just getting started. With the easement approved, he feels incredible pressure to make sure the first steps are done as right as possible. “We don’t want to make big mistakes here,” he said. “We want to take it slow. What is the impact going to be when we begin tourism operation? How does that fit with everything else going on here? There’s a lot of things we have to consider stepping over the line, posteasement.” To avoid making said mistakes, Sewell and Coleman study other ranches. “I probably spend hours a week just constantly keeping an eye on what other operations around the country and even beyond are doing,” Coleman said. “A summer or two ago, we spent some time just touring … getting input on what works and more importantly what doesn’t work.” Their hope is that in the future, Sunfire Ranch can be a source of education and inspiration for other outfits, as well. It’s all about paying it forward. “It’s figuring out which animals are best for this topography, climate, all those types of things,” Sewell said. “Hopefully, some of the lessons we learn along the way we can give to the agricultural community so that some of
these other ranches and family-owned operations can learn and grow and … not have to make the same mistakes we will.” But first, there’s still much to do, both on the land itself and in paperwork with Pitkin County. “We have to get our special review applications, because there’s multiple levels of that, getting our special event venue designation, getting education classes approved, and traffic studies and all the things that go along with getting those approvals,” he said. “We’re hoping to be in a place this time next year to really start implementing some of these things.” As for what that will actually look like, Sewell isn’t sure just yet — nobody knows the future for certain, but he’s hedging his bets, especially in an era of climate change. “Two years ago, we planted 56 fruit trees out here, and we actually planted some fruit trees that are out of our zone, that are one zone south,” he said. “It was like, ‘Why don’t we plant 15 peach trees and see what happens?’ Because by the time they start bearing fruit, we could be in a different zone.” That’s part of the reason the easement negotiations were particularly nuanced, Coleman said. “Making sure that the rights we reserve are considering [climate change],” he noted. “A hundred years from now, is a vineyard going to be viable here? Could be.”
THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JUNE 20 - JUNE 27, 2019 • 3
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Send your scuttlebutt to
Get on your bikes and ride Wednesday, June 26, is Colorado Bike to Work Day, and Carbondale will be celebrating with free coffee, snacks and giveaways to encourage commuters to switch to pedal power. It’s part of a regional effort organized by Garfield Clean Energy, CLEER RFTA and others, with stations up and down the Valley. Commuters passing through Carbondale can stop at the station along the Rio Grande Trail behind the Carbondale Recreation Center from 7 to 9 a.m.
Lightning before the thunder Thunder River Theatre Company is up for a staggering array of Henry Awards from the Colorado Theatre Guild: Season, Production ("Equus"), Direction ("Equus"), Actor (Owen O'Farrell, "Of Mice and Men" and Isaac Stackonis, "Equus"), Supporting Actress (Brittany Dye, "Equus"), Ensembled Performance ("Equus"), Tier 2 Lighting Design (Sean Jeffries, "Equus"), Tier 2 Costume Design (Madeline Miles & Colin Tugwell, "Equus") Costume Design (R. Thomas Ward, "Yankee Tavern") and Tier 2 Sound Design (Sean Jeffries, "Equus"). The awards will be announced July 22 in Lone Tree. Meanwhile, if this sounds like a troupe you’d like to be a part of, auditions for the next season — "A Walk In the Woods," "The Doyle and Debbie Show," "A View from the Bridge" and "Into the Breeches" — take place June 23 and 24 — email info@thunderrivertheatre. com.
son were showing off work of their own? “Alma Mater” follows the lives of seven young women from Canada West (present day Ontario) where they first come together at a church-oriented boarding school in New Jersey. The next book sale and signing event will be July 13 at the Authors’ Fair at the Marble Hub. Local readers may email to buy a signed copy.
school students in the coming academic year. Host families can expect to gain a new family member, experience a new culture, create lifelong friendships, and make a positive impact locally and globally. High school classes will start soon and interested parties must apply immediately. For more information, contact Ashlie Smith at (702) 5106225 or
They’ve got the power
The road less traveled
In addition to its primary rotating display of Jasper Johns, the Powers Art Center (just outside of Carbondale on Highway 82) hosts an array of other prominent works. The most recent is an exhibit of Roy Lichtenstein’s works donated to the Ryobi Foundation from the John and Kimiko Powers Collection, including "Peace Through Chemistry" and "Cathedral Series.”
Kebler Pass opened to the public on June 13. Travelers are warned to expect rough, wet, muddy spring conditions, however. For similar reasons, some roads and bridges in Pitkin County are not expected to open on time — more information on priority routes at
Host with the most International Student Exchange (ISE), a non-profit organization, is looking for volunteer families to host international high
Rangers gotta range After over five years of service to the Roaring Fork Valley and the Aspen-Sopris Ranger District, Karen Schroyer, District Ranger, is announcing her departure. Schroyer has accepted a position as the Deputy Forest Supervisor with the Mt.
Snow well Mike Baumli, mountain manager at Sunlight Mountain Resort, has been named the 2019 Snowmaker of the Year by Colorado Ski Country USA. Baumli started at Sunlight in 2004 and brought a wealth of snowmaking experience from his previous work at Keystone Resort, Eldora, and Aspen Mountain. Investments in snowmaking equipment helped Sunlight open three weeks earlier than planned last year, with skiing on Thanksgiving weekend for the first time in nearly two decades.
You go, kid When Vassar College held its 155th commencement ceremonies on May 26, Carbondalian Jackson Porter Hardin was among the 629 graduates. Hardin majored in Media Studies and a Correlate Sequence in Art History.
They say it’s your birthday
Blast from the past Remember us mentioning Pam Heckert’s upcoming novel when her husband and
Hood National Forest in Oregon. Selecting a new Aspen-Sopris Ranger will be a priority over the next several months for Forest leadership.
The Roaring Fork Youth Orchestra jam camp wrapped up with a June 14 performance at the corner of Fourth and Main. Photo by Erik Skeaff
Not a KDNK member? We're shocked!
Folks celebrating another year of life this week include: Brandon Jones, Ty Burtard, Arleen Ginn, Todd Fugate and Ernie Kollar (June 21); Jessica Kollar (June 22); Lauren Whittaker, Keith Edquist, Marc Loggins and Felix Tornare (June 23); Ariella Gintzler, Ian Hause and Brian Keleher (June 24); Olivia Pevec, Michael Quint and Mark Burrows (June 25) Jaspen Mackin, Lucy Sontag, Emilee Phelan and Zack Ritchie (June 26) Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper
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Adverteyes in The Sun celebrate our
25 anniversary sale th
SATURDAY, JUNE 22 ES - DEMOS - GIFT B A PRIZ R WIDE DISCOUNT SKE O S TS TORE O S D R. J. Paddywacks Pet Outfitter • M-F 9am - 6:30pm • Weekends 10am-5pm Next to City Market in El Jebel • 970-963-1700
4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • • JUNE 20 - JUNE 27, 2019
Affordable Advertising starting at $45 per week
Contact Carol Fabian today! | 970-510-0246
A career of compassionate veterinary medicine comes to a close By Jeanne Souldern Sopris Sun Correspondent Who knew hay fever would steer Dr. Chad Roeber, DVM to a career in veterinary medicine? But after a 33-year career as a veterinarian, he is leaving Alpine Animal Hospital. Roeber grew up on a cattle ranch in Paonia, one that has been in his family since 1889. He recalled, "I liked the animals, but I had terrible hay fever for one thing. And so growing up on a cattle ranch in the middle of a hay field was not necessarily a lot of fun." He spent many summers up in the high country riding because they had a forest permit for moving cattle. During that time, Roeber said, "I was trying to figure out a way how can I do something that involves animals, but not hay fields. I remember when I was probably about sixth grade, the vet came out to the ranch to work on a calf and I thought, that looks like that would be a good thing to do." Roeber also cited the influence of reading James Herriot stories ("All Creatures Great and Small") when he was younger. He said, "There's a good story... and it's not always just the animals, either. It's about your relationships with your clients and the people that are a good part of the fun."
As an undergraduate at the University of Denver, he took classes with students wanting to enter medical school. Roeber finished his undergraduate program in three years by completing the required hours and meeting the grade point average criteria. He then attended Colorado State University's veterinary program, graduating in 1986, at the age of 24. One of the summers while attending school, when driving to Aspen, he drove by the animal hospital, near El Jebel. He recalled saying, "Boy that would be a good place to work someday." After graduation, he dropped a résumé off at Alpine Animal Hospital. Then he and his wife, Jenni, spent one year in Northern California, where he worked at a practice that he admitted, "was not the practice I was dreaming of." He got the call from Alpine when a long-term partner was retiring. When he thinks of that phone call now, he referred to it as "almost surreal." He and Jenni moved to Carbondale in 1987 which also allowed them to be closer to their families in Paonia. "And, obviously, it's a beautiful place to live," Roeber added. As for his memories of Carbondale, he said, "When I was a kid we would drive
through here to go to Denver, and Main Street was still gravel. The Paonia marching band came over for Potato Day, and we marched down the gravel street." He recalled that in the late '80s and early '90s, the area kept changing more and more towards recreation with less mining and ranching. Roeber stated that changed Alpine's veterinary business from a "practice that was probably 25 to 30 percent cattle. Right now it's less than one percent." However, the need for veterinary care for horses increased, which led to Alpine's practice splitting into two separate businesses; Alpine Equine Hospital and Alpine Animal Hospital. Roeber noted the most significant change in veterinary medicine today is the number of women graduates. He said, "Graduating classes now are over 80 percent women, and it's gradually become a profession that women are successful in." Roeber cited another positive change in veterinary medicine is the recognition of the humananimal bond. He said, "It's obvious just how powerful it is; how much a part of our lives these animals become. And thank goodness they are now training veterinarians in grief. They say we see deaths five times more than a medical doctor just
Enroll NOW! Sign up June 3 - 28 HOW TO ENROLL: Online Office 511 Colorado Ave Weekdays: 9 AM-4 PM
because animals have a much shorter lifespan." He said a good part of his practice was helping clients dealing with grief. "Some of the best relationships I've developed were with people going through that grieving process. You can say they're just animals, but the grieving process people go through is the same." Alpine Animal Hospital has a euthanasia garden; a place that is quiet and off by itself, with a little pond dogs can get into for one last swim. Roeber said it was an essential part of the hospital's design. Roeber said it was time to move on to other things in life. "I started so young, and I was on a fast track. I graduated when I was only 24. My wife and I never did anything fun in our younger years." Jenni just left her job of 18 years as a vision therapist. They have two adult children and now there will be time for travel,
Chad Roeber. Courtesy photo family, and that "fun" that was put on hold when Roeber was getting established in a practice. You will also find Roeber at St. Benedict's Monastery, where he gets to use his ranching skills by doing fence and ditch work. As Roeber described it, "I don't even like the term retirement. I did 33 years of clinical practice; it just was time to do something different." The next chapter is just beginning.
Trash & Recycling
The Town of Carbondale is overhauling residential trash and recycling services within the town limits. • Residents should assess service level needs and enroll with a desired service level selection anytime from June 3-28, 2019. • Billing for trash and recycling pickup will be included on most residential monthly Town bills starting in September. New services start October 1, 2019. • Customers who do not contact the Town to select a service level will default to the medium trash with medium recycling option.
With your help, this change will be an opportunity for our community to: • Reduce the impact of trash hauling services on our streets • Do our part to reduce the amount of trash going into landfills • Decrease wildlife interactions associated with trash set-outs
The less you waste , the less you spend .
Questions: 970-510-1202 • • THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JUNE 20 - JUNE 27, 2019 • 5
Keeping The Meeting Place a safe (and free) space By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff There are myriad reasons people don’t successfully obtain treatment for substance abuse and addiction, according to the 2016 Garfield County Community Needs Assessment. Chief among them are lack of access and cost prohibitions. The Meeting Place at 981 Cowen Dr. seeks to ease those burdens. Just as the name suggests, it offers a safe space for recovery groups to meet. “People can come together in whatever fellowships or recovery groups that they wish. We leave that very broadly open,” Daniel Benavent, who serves on the board, said. “Otherwise, it’s hard to find a place. You can find some churches, but the requirements for the time and availability are very stringent.” In order to be truly accessible, of course, The Meeting Place must also be affordable — and that’s not easy in an area where square footage commands especially high rents. “We allow the groups that meet there to make contributions, but we don’t charge them a set rent amount,” he said. “The meetings only cover a portion of our rent.” That rent increased 10 percent in January this year, adding an almost $100 monthly financial
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burden to an organization run entirely by volunteers. To make up the difference, The Meeting Place board of directors and volunteers rely on fundraising efforts, such as the organization’s upcoming picnic from 12 - 2 p.m. on Sunday, June 23. “Outside the area, there’s a little yard there. We’re going to have grills and food and cornhole and things like that. The Meeting Place of course will be open the entire time,” he said, adding that the picnic is the next in what he called an event series. Event-based fundraising serves more than just the organization; it also keeps with its mission of providing a safe space, especially during social holidays that often tend to be alcohol centric. “We were open on New Year’s Eve past midnight and we were open on Halloween, which is also providing an alternative, sober environment for people seeking it on what might be triggering social events,” he said. In Garfield County, 18.3 percent of the self-reporting adult population qualifies as an excessive drinker, compared to 17.6 percent in Colorado and 16.4 percent nationally. The State of Colorado Substance Abuse Trend and Response Task Force reports alcohol as the primary substance of abuse in the Valley, followed by methamphetamines and marijuana, respectively.
Benavent once counted himself among those statistics, and his subsequent recovery was a major inspiration for his involvement with The Meeting Place. “I live here in the Valley; I am in recovery; I work in the nonprofit sector myself,” the Theatre Aspen general manager said. “So I felt this is a very, very worthwhile and important undertaking, and I want to contribute.”
Trick or treatment Though anonymity is an important aspect of gatherings at the Cowen Drive location, The Meeting Place makes its calendar readily available on its website (meetingplacecarbondale. org), and anyone interested in reserving the space need only use the contact form. “The schedule’s open; we welcome anybody who needs that place, whether it be a large group or just a small group that’s doing recovery or spiritual work,” Benavent said.
While The Meeting Place does not offer direct care, it’s still a vital part of the larger recovery community. Jaywalker Lodge, one of the largest addiction treatment facilities in the Roaring Fork Valley, even made a sizeable donation to help bolster the coffers. “Our support for that space is just purely donation to support the recovery community and what happens there, whether our guys are there or not,” Pat Shaffer, Jaywalker Chief of Admissions and Marketing, said. As for someone seeking treatment, Shaffer explained that it’s best to consult with an expert. Many online search results lead to paid directories that collect and subsequently sell users’ information. “We consider [it] a highly unethical way to do patient referrals,” he said. “Google’s probably about the worst place to try to find a quality treatment referral because of what that
landscape looks like.” For people wanting a more trustworthy online resource, Shaffer suggests the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers ( “That’s an organization that’s based on ethical treatment and what that should look like,” he said. And Jaywalker itself serves as another Carbondale-based resource, as its admission process starts with a personal consultation to determine a potential patient’s needs. “Seventy percent of the calls we get we end up referring out based on information from the family or the client, what their experience has been and actually diving into the case with them,” he said. Even the cost of a program can vary, depending on insurance coverage and other factors, which is why Jaywalker also partners with A Way Out in Aspen. “They’re fantastic with scholarshiping people. .. we do a bunch of work with them throughout the year in terms of fundraising and donation, too,” he said.
The Meeting Place Fundraising Picnic
Courtesy graph/chart from Grand Rapids Health, 2016 Community Needs Assessment
When: Sunday, June 23 12 - 2 p.m. Where: 981 Cowen Dr.
844-420-DANK(3265) | 6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • • JUNE 20 - JUNE 27, 2019
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Local hams have a field day By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff Despite the development of the Internet, satellites and the like, amateur radio is not only surviving, it’s thriving. The local Ski Country Amateur Radio Club boasts more than 100 members and consistently sees at least a dozen of them at 8 a.m. meetings every Tuesday at the Village Inn in Glenwood and strong participation in Sunday evening check-ins over the air. While the demographics admittedly lean a bit more toward experience, their ranks include men and women of all ages. “It’s a hobby for everybody,” younger member Brent Williams asserted. In fact, it’s much easier to get involved now than it used to be. When Gerry Hittenger got involved with his college radio club, you had to know Morse code and travel to a major city to take an FCC test to get your license. As an electrical engineering student, it took a while before he had the time to do so. By the time he took a ski trip with his future wife, Trish, however, he was using a mobile rig and she so was impressed with how useful it was she went off and got certified. “I think ham radio operators used to be viewed as kind of geeky, and they’re more respected now,” she said. It helps that the equipment cost is also much lower than it used to be, with entry-level devices available for under $100. Incidentally, nobody — at least in the club — knows for sure what “ham” has to do with anything. Conventional lore involves “ham-fisted” amateur operators during the old code days. “ It’s sort of a derogatory term, but we embraced it,” explained Meeting Program Coordinator Eric Grumling. Indeed, amateur operators have proven essential in providing communication when other systems go down (the area has seen several such outages in recent years — or are needed for something else.) “A backhoe can take out a cell tower for hours,”
Grumling noted. “Usually we can still communicate.” One of the major roles of amateur radio clubs around the country is emergency communication during natural disasters. And while the locals still help pass messages during hurricanes and the like, the relatively tame weather in Colorado leaves them time for other projects like helping out with special events. It’s not all serious business, either. Club members keep in touch when they’re out of cell range or send a Mother’s Day wish cross country just for fun. In their down time, they tune into signals from the South Pole, islands in the Pacific or bounced off the moon. Every so often, there’s a “fox hunt” in which participating hams come together to try to triangulate and track down a hidden transmitter. One of the biggest events of the year is the American Radio Relay League Field Day, which starts at noon on Saturday, June 22, with operators taking shifts through noon the next day. While most folks view it as “more of an exhibition than a competition” according to Grumling, the local crew still typically ends up in the top 20 or 25 clubs in the country. They get extra points for alternative power (not to mention press coverage) and gain some benefits from elevation and being in the middle of the country to offset the relatively low population and interference of the mountains. The public is welcome, and during daylight hours, a “Get on the air” station will allow interested onlookers to try their hand at the hobby. To get there, take Upper Cattle Creek Rd. into Missouri Heights out of El Jebel and follow the signs. For more info on the event and club, visit
PLANT of the week
The Ski Country Amateur Radio Club will participate in the AARL Field Day this weekend at 725 Spring Park Ridge.
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Remember: Senior Day is every Tuesday. 15% off storewide for 62+ year olds.
400 Gillespie Drive, El Jebel, CO 81623
THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JUNE 20 - JUNE 27, 2019 • 7
PROJECT GRADUATION Roaring Fork High School - 2019
RFHS Project Graduation is a community effort to keep our high school seniors safe on the important night of graduation and is completely funded and supported by the generous donations and volunteer efforts of these businesses and individuals A sincere THANK YOU on behalf of the Roaring Fork High School graduating class and those who know and love them. 305 345 Colorado Ave LLC Alpine Bank American Family Insurance American Legion Post ANB Bank Antique Gift Shop Aspen Skiing Company Aspen Thrift Store Avalanche Ranch Beaver Lake Lodge and Cabins Berthod Motors Carbondale Recreation Center Coldwell Banker Mason Morse Colorado Poolscapes Cowen Center Crystal Valley Dental Associates Dru Handy Custom Painting Element Hotel Gabriella Sutro Real Estate Inc. Garcias Market, Inc Garvik Construction Gianinetti Ranch Glenwood Adventure Park Glenwood Springs Subaru Gran Farnum Harmony Scott Holy Cross Energy Hunter Electric J. Frost Merriott Kaegebein Fine Homebuilding LLC Karen Crownhart Lisa Cohen Fitness M.R. Maintenance & Repair, LLC Mid Valley Church Mountainside Sewing Mt. Daly Enterprises LLC Mt. Sopris Rotary Club of Carbondale Peppino’s Pizza Ragged Mtn. Sports Reese Henry & Company Roaring Fork Booster Club Roaring Fork CO- OP Schmueser Gordon Meyer, Inc Senior Matters Seven Stars Rebekah Lodge #91
Sopris Chiropractic Sopris Furniture Repair Stableford Studios Sunburst Car Care Sunlight TAC Fit Three43 Main, Inc Phat Thai Tortilleria La Roca Town of Carbondale Umbrella Roofing, Inc Valley Meats Village Smithy White House Pizza David Carpenter & Laura Kirk John Foulkrod Jr. & Georgia Chamberlain Allyn Harvey Marty Silverstein Jennifer & Steven Ayers Kenneth & Deborah Baird Brandon Bearden & Angela Fullerton Stacey & Michael Bernot James & Kristina Bingaman Maureen Brennan Debbie & Marc Bruell Daniel & Meredith Bullock Tami & Mike Cassetty Charles Cole K. Fashen Miguel Ferman Matthew Hamilton Gwendolyn Hansen Audrey & Christopher Hazelton Rick & Sheryl Herrington Patricia Hubbard Jan Johnson Ernie & Barb Kollar Glen Kotz & Lisa Robbiano Colin & Alice Laird Joe Markham & Cindy Nett Jane Mason & Brian Vaughan Joseph Meade Tracey & Michael Mishel David & Angie Nickamin Liz & Thomas Penzel
Penny Ridley Michael & Martha Rose Kim Rubino Karen Salamida David & Laura Salg Hollis & Charlie Sutherland George Tempest Karen Thompson Paul Treadway & Trina Ortega Damien Webster Christine Rothchild Mark & Marja Wisroth Bernardo Benitez & Angelica Rochin Clemente Santana & Rosa Meraz Brad & Nancy Zeigel Aurora Sembrano Ken & Debbie Baird Chuck Cole Rosa Contreras Oscar Contreras Mica Fernandez Trini Rochin Karina Santiago Carmen Jacinto Claudia Zepeda Prado Nicole Allender Larry & Phoebe Gruel Bella Alonzo Gonzalez Mary Hernandez Antonio Hernandez Jeff Kelley Lori & Chad Knaus Laura Kuhl Leslie Lamont & Lance Luckett Dave Ritchie Trip Sutro Chris & Karla Sloan Kenny Teitler & Karla Stuckey Katherine Rushton Kim Feder Rachel Cooper Adam Carballeira Cliff Redish
Apologies to anyone we may have neglected to list. Please know that your contribution has helped save lives. THANK YOU!
As usual, Carbondale rolled out the red carpet as Ride the Rockies rolled through town just after our press deadline last Wednesday. Visitors and locals had a chance to mingle over food and music at the Fourth Street Plaza before the tired riders retired to their tent city on the Carbondale Middle School field. Photos by Erin Danneker THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JUNE 20 - JUNE 27, 2019 • 8
High water levels are creating potentially dangerous river conditions. Hazards will change day HIGH WATER DANGER HIGH WATER DANGE byWATER day. Always check HIGH DANGE High water levels are creating potentially dangerous river condition conditions. High water levels are creating potentially dangerous river condit Hazards will change day by day. Always check conditions.
The Bauhaus exhibit opened June 7 and is on display all month. Photo by Will Grandbois
High water levels are creating potentially river conditi will change day by day.dangerous Always check conditions. An intriguing integration of Bauhaus forms Hazards Hazards will change day by day. Always check conditions. movement and its influence. The work Review by Teka Israel High water levels are creating potentially dangerous river condit is another geometric composition, Special to The Sopris Sun Hazards will change day by day. Always check conditions. created with polychrome wood. The “Bauhaus Seen” is a cohesive, inspiring look at the influences of modernism and the Bauhaus movement. Running from now until July 5, the exhibit is at the R2 Gallery in the Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). The exhibit perfectly captures the essence of the Bauhaus movement. The Bauhaus movement originated in the early 1900s in Germany and was on the forefront of modernism. The art movement emphasized craft and the principles of design. In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus school, artists around the world have been exhibiting their works influenced by the modernist movement. Likewise, the Bauhaus exhibit curated by Brad Reed Nelson gathers furniture that exhibits clean lines and strong craft. "Ode to Joseph Albers" is a piece with a series of nesting tables. By carefully examining each piece, one can see that it was crafted from white oak, glass and paint. The piece is clean cut, bright, and unabashedly hand crafted. As a whole, the furniture has simple lines with strong materials. In contrast, artist Jason Schneider created a bench from corrugated cardboard. It is astonishing that he makes the cardboard appear as if it were created from fabric and foam. The title, "Mies Van Der Rohe" is fitting as it perfectly exemplifies the architect's style. Overall, the furniture is truly emblematic of the Bauhaus movement. The paintings, with about half by Dave Durrance, offer a pleasant cohesion to the entire exhibit. The paintings utilize simple design motifs with primarily simple geometry such as squares and circles. Durrance utilizes the basic geometry of a sphere to explore the juxtaposition of the sphere and its surroundings. In the painting, "Slice" the artist appears to have sliced the earth in half and spilled out all of its secrets, almost as if there are many moons hidden. The bold colors, but simple geometry compliments the Bauhaus furniture splendidly. “Durrance grew up in Aspen in the 1950s and ‘60s, and couldn’t help be influenced by the work of Bayer and the work of other Bauhaus artists,” according to a Carbondale Arts press release. Wendy Maruyama's painting "Untitled" is another example of the beautiful simplicity of the Bauhaus
HIGH WATER DANGER Swift Water, Dangerous Currents
colored wood creates a stunning contrast of the composition elements. Additionally, the texture of the wood Not are all hazards can be seen from the surface, even gentle High water levels creating potentially dangerous river conditions. lends another surprising element that Not all hazards can be seen from the surface, even stretches ofall water cancan have dangerous undercurrents. adds to the paintings' depth. Not hazards seencan from the surface, even gentl Hazards willgentle change day by day. Always check conditions. stretches of be water have dangerous Finally, the exhibit is rounded out Not all hazards can be seen from the surface, even gentle stretches of water can have dangerous undercurrents. undercurrents. by the stunning paintings of Richard ffi stretches of water can have dangerous undercurrents. Carter. The substantial paintings It's creating dangerous undercurrents thatsurface, can trap you Not all hazards can be seen from the even gentl each feature a large circle. However, ffiunderwater. Debris can also puncture rafts. It's creating dangerous undercurrents that can trap each painting is unique and explores stretches of water can have dangerous undercurrents. It's creating dangerous undercurrents that can trap you ffi the circle in a different way. For you underwater. Debris can also puncture rafts. It's creating dangerous undercurrents that can trap you underwater. Debris can also puncture rafts. instance, the three paintings, "Lynn's underwater. Debris can also puncture rafts. Pool Cool," "Y Ultimo Radial" and ffi Hypothermia is can a very real concern. Water will begentle colder the NotHypothermia all hazards be seen from the surface, even "Unbleached Hopper" all feature It's creating dangerous undercurrents that canwill trap you is a very real concern. Water deeper the River gets, creating a potentially deadly stretches of water can have dangerous undercurrents.situatio a large diameter circle. What is underwater. Debris can also puncture rafts. be colder the deeper the River gets, creating Hypothermia is aof very real concern. Water will beacolder for even the strongest swimmers. phenomenal is that despite using a potentially deadly situationfor even the strongest similar color scheme, each painting is Hypothermia a very will be colder deeperisthe Riverreal gets,concern. creating aWater potentially deadly situt ffi unique and has its own exploration of of swimmers. for River even the strongest of swimmers. deeper the gets, creating a potentially deadly It's creating dangerous undercurrents that can trap you situa color and design. "Y Ultimo Radial" Hypothermia is a very real concern. Water will be colder underwater. Debris can also puncture rafts. for even the strongest of swimmers. Ground can erode underneath, and breakaway without is a mixed media piece that appears deeper the standing River gets, creating potentially deadly situ warning. If you're on it, youacan swept away. to use painted duct tape or a plastic Ground can erode underneath, andget breakaway for even the strongest of swimmers. integrated into the painting. While the without warning. If you're standing it, you can Ground can erode underneath, andon breakaway without paintings are interesting when viewed Hypothermia is a very real concern. Water will be colder the get warning. swept away. Ifgets, you're standingand on it,breakaway you can getwithout swept aw Ground erode underneath, afar, the intricacies of the detail makes deepercan the River creating a potentially deadly situation them even more intriguing. warning. Ifthe you're standing on it, you can get swept awa for evenGround strongest of underneath, swimmers. can erode and breakaway without The whole show has close ties to the Bauhaus movement. warning. If you're standing on it, you can get swept awa “The exhibition also brings together two Roaring Fork Valley artists Ground can erode underneath, and breakaway without who have been directly influenced This is NOT the year to skipon wearing lifeget swept away. warning. If you're standing it, you a can by Herbert Bayer of the Bauhaus jacket! Life jackets really do save lives!!! movement: Richard Carter and Dave Durrance. Carter worked with Bayer This is NOT the year to skip wearing a life from 1972-1978 producing prints, This is NOT the year to skip wearing a life jacket! Life jackets really do savealives!!! architectural designs, sculptures, and This NOT the year to skip wearing life Poolis toys and inner tubes on the river can kill you. especially paintings...While Carter’s jacket! Life jackets really do save lives!!! jacket! Life jackets really lives!!! This is NOT the year tosave skip wearing a life Use equipment designed fordo the river, sub-standard art is unmistakably his own, it carries jacket! Life jacketsyou really doriver savehazards. lives!!! forward the legacy of Bayer and the equipment won't protect from Bauhaus,” states a Carbondale Arts This is NOT the year to skip wearing a life Pool toys and inner tubes on the river can kill you. press release. jacket! Life jackets really do save Pool toys and inner tubes onlives!!! theriver, riversub-standard can kill you. Use designed for the The release continues, “This year, Pool toys andequipment inner tubes on the river can kill you. Use equipment designed for the river, sub-standard the Bauhaus school celebrates its 100th Boating impaired puts your life at risk. Boat with others, no equipment won't protect you from river hazards. Pool toys and innerfor tubes the river can kill you. Use equipment designed theonriver, sub-standard year. When renowned Aspenites Walter equipment won’t protect you from river hazards. A preferred minimum is three boats. Let someone alone. Usewon't equipment designed for the river,hazards. sub-standard equipment protect you from river and Elizabeth Paepcke invited the Pool toys and inner tubes on the river can kill you. know where you are going and when you expect to return. equipment won't protect you from river hazards. famed Bauhaus designer Herbert Bayer Use equipment designed for the river, sub-standard to Aspen in the 1940s, they planted the Boating putsfrom yourriver life at risk. Boat with others equipment won'timpaired protect you hazards. seeds of the mountain modernism that A preferred minimum isrisk. three boats. Letwith someon alone. Boating impaired your life at risk. Boat Boating impaired putsputs your life at Boat with others, now flourishes in both the Roaring know where you are going and when you expect toothers retur Boating impaired puts is your life at risk. Boat with not alone. A preferred minimum is three Fork area and throughout the West.” A preferred minimum three boats. Letboats. someone alone.others, The modernism born out of the A preferred minimum isgoing three boats. Letto someone alone. Let someone know where youatwhen are when you Boating impaired puts your life risk. Boat with others, not know where you are going and youand expect return Bauhaus movement is alive and well know where you are going and when you expect to retur expect to return. A preferred minimum is three boats. Let someone alone. in the “Bauhaus Seen” exhibit. The know where you are going and when you expect to return. collection features historic pieces as well as more modern takes on the style. This is not an exhibit you will want to miss! “Bauhaus Seen” will run through July 5th at the R2 Gallery at 76 South 4th Street in Carbondale.
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Boat Sober and with Friends Boat Sober and with Friends
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Boat Sober and with Friends
Teka Israel admires art in her free time when she is not busy creating. THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JUNE 20 - JUNE 27, 2019 • 9
DRUMS & SPACE • Jessie Lehmann and friends offer learning followed by a community percussion jam for all ages at 6 p.m. at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.). COUNTRY FOLK • Pam and Dan Rosenthal play from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Carbondale Beer Works (647 Main St.). THIRD STREET FILMS • Davi Nikent (520 S. Third St.) screens “Time of the Sixth Sun” at 7 p.m. with weekly screenings of the eight accompanying docuseries thereafter. Admission by donation. SINGING OUT • Social-justice music-makers Heather Mae and Crys Matthews take the Steve’s Guitars stage (19 N. Fourth St.) at 8 p.m. or thereabouts.
SOLSTICE CELEBRATION • True Nature Healing Arts (100 N. Third St.) honors the light in the world and the community with a 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. series of events. I SEE MY LIGHT • Let Them Roar launches its new single with a 6:30 to 8 p.m. party at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). $10 suggested donation. GRAND FINALE • Pearl & Wood has moved their last show to A Way Home (689 Main St.) — still with a 8:30 p.m. start time but with an added chance to eat with the band fi rst. $15 donation.
h EARLYSPECIAL!til June 25t BIRdDiscount un
MOUNTAIN MUSIC • Jublingo makes the trip up from Denver to play The Black Nugget (403 Main St.) from 9 p.m. ‘til midnight.
STRAWBERRY DAYS • The 122nd iteration of the West Slope’s oldest festival runs all weekend at Sayre Park in Glenwood Springs, with plenty of other events around town.
MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre (427 Main St.) presents "Late Night" (R) at 7:30 p.m. June 21-23 & 25-27, "Booksmart" (R) at 5:15 p.m. June 22 and "The Mustang" (R) at 5:15 p.m. June 23. Closed Monday, June 24.
SOLSTICE SOUND • Relax, unwind and receive the frequencies and tones of Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, tingshas, hang and vocals from 7 to 8:30 p.m. with Davi Nikent (520 S. Third St.). $20 in advance or $25 at the door — info and registration via
Submit your events as Deadline is noon on Monday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted. support groups — more info at BENEFIT CONCERT • Support Nepal’s children at a free classical music concert of solo and chamber music from 5 to 7 p.m. at Christ Episcopal Church (536 W. North St., Aspen.).
MONDAY JUNE 24 PIANO CONCERT • Snowmass Chapel (5307 Owl Creek Rd., Snowmass Village) hosts Nathaniel Zhang — Junior Division Champion of the Virginia Waring International Piano Competition — for a 7 p.m. recital.
PIG ROAST • YouthEntity’s big fundraiser brings toetappin' music, mouth-watering food and inspiring stories to the Aspen Glen Club (545 Bald Eagle Way) from 6 to 9 p.m. — tickets at
EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN • Catch the staff of The Sun and special guests on KDNK (88.1 FM) at 4 p.m. first and third Thursdays.
SUICIDE AWARENESS • Bring questions and open minds to a brief rally and statistics speech followed by some poetry and a conversation beginning at 6 p.m. at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.).
JACK ROBERTS LIVE • The first in a series of such revues brings music, theatre and history together at 5:30 p.m. at the Redstone Castle (58 Redstone Castle Ln.). $35 for adults and $12.50 for kids under 12 with ereservations at redstonecastle.ticketspice. com.
MOVIE MATINEE • Teens are invited to a free screening of the PG-13 blockbuster “Captain Marvel” at 2 p.m. at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) with popcorn and drinks provided.
BROADWAY REVUE • Catch five dances from iconic Broadway shows re-imagined and performed by CoMotion featuring guest artist Marisa Paull Gorst at 8 p.m. at Waldorf School on the Roaring Fork (16543 Highway 82).
TEEN ESCAPE ROOM • “Space Rocks!” makes the move SOUL GRASS • Los Ox plays a from Parachute to Carbondale free show at The Black Nugget Branch Library (320 Sopris (403 Main St.) from 9:15 p.m. ‘til Ave.) with noon to 4 p.m. ART SALE • The Glenwood Springs Art Guild invites you the wee hours of the morning. Gettimeslots. More info at gcpld. to purchase pieces to call your your all-access pass or; visit the library to register. for only $99 until June 30th! own and take in some live SUNDAY JUNE 23 Compassion Film Festival® BLUES & ROCK • Tinsley painting from 1 to 6 p.m. Friday FUNDRAISER PICNIC • The Ellis wears his Southern roots andand Symposium 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday Meeting Place (981 Cowen proudly in a free 6 to 8 p.m. at Good Shepherd Lutheran Dr.) hosts a 12 to 2 p.m. event summer concert in Willits’ Join us Church for a weekend (1630 Grand Ave., to back their efforts for local Triangle Park. Glenwood Springs.) dedicated to celebrating and inspiring compassion our lives, communities, Get yourinall-access pass and the world.
for only $99 until June 30th!
August 9-11, 2019
Three days of lms, speakers, workshops, and a special performance by Let Them Roar
Get your all-acess pass today!
August 9-11, 2019 Third Street Center Carbondale, CO
in the 48th Annual 2019 Mountain Fair Program AD RATES FULL PAGE
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AD SPACE RESERVATION DEADLINE Wednesday, July 3 by noon CAMERA-READY DEADLINE Wednesday, July 10 by noon
Inserted in The Sopris Sun, Thursday, July 26 Camera Ready Ads need to be PDF ONLY at 300
Given directly to Mountain Fair guests
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Available online at
to standard PDF/X-1a:2001] with no marks, and no bleeds. Design services available at no charge.
CONTACT Carol Fabian 970-510-0246
10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • • JUNE 20 - JUNE 27, 2019
TRIBES • Thunder River Theatre Company (67 Promenade) presents Nina Raine’s tale of Billy who, born deaf, is surrounded by a family of idiosyncratic, fiercely competitive intellectuals who take their hearing for granted. Shows run June 21-22 and 27-29 at 7:30 p.m. and June 23 at 2 p.m. — tickets are $15-30 at
HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION • Free opportunities include a PowerPoint presentation by Retired Family Physician, Dr. Greg Feinsinger about the science behind plant-based nutrition, on the first Monday of every month at 7 pm., as well as Monday morning free one-hour consultations by appointment for heart attack and other chronic illness prevention through Plant-Based Whole Foods Lifestyle. (Call 379-5718.) A once a month Plant-Based whole foods potluck for anyone interested in plant-based living is the 4th Monday of the month at 6:30 pm. All events take place at 3rd Street Center, 520 S. Third St. RODEO • Catch the Carbondale Wild West Rodeo at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays through Aug. 22 at the Gus Darien Arena on Catherine Store Road. FARMERS MARKET • Get fresh produce and other goods from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesdays through Sept. 25 at the Fourth Street Plaza. Continued on page 13.
Compassion Film Festival® and Symposium
Join us for a weekend dedicated to celebrating and inspiring compassion in our lives, communities, and the world. Feature films, short films, speakers, workshops, special guests Compassion in Action, food and festivities. Special performance by Let Them Roar!
Get your all-access pass today!
COMMUNITY CALENDAR CASTLE TOURS • Experience life in another time with a tour of the elegant, beautifullypreserved home of Alma and John Osgood (58 Redstone Castle Ln.) at 10:15 a.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Tickets at MAGICAL MOMENTS • Bring your family, chairs, coolers and libations to the banks of the Crystal River at Redstone’s free summer concert series at 6 p.m. Saturdays. SUNSET YOGA • River Valley Ranch hosts complimentary classes at the first tee box from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday evenings throughout the summer. ELLIPSIS • Savanna LaBauve shows off the fruits of a two-year residency with a show at the Carbondale Clay Center (135 Main St.). BAUHAUS SEEN • Carbondale Arts (76 S. Fourth St.) hosts a group exhibition curated by Brad Reed Nelson, Richard Carter and Dave Durrance. YAPPY HOUR • Colorado Animal Rescue’s Yappy Hour at the Marble Bar (150 Main St.) takes place at 5:30 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Sip on handcrafted cocktails and meet a C.A.R.E. dog, with $1 from every drink donated to C.A.R.E. Bring your own dog along as well. WALK WITH A DOC • Aspen Valley Hospital (401 Castle Creek Rd.) invites you to meet in the cafeteria at 10 a.m. the first Saturday of the month for
a short discussion on a healthrelated topics, such as high blood pressure, asthma, anxiety, etc. RUN AROUND • Independence Run & Hike hosts a run around town Saturdays at 8 a.m. Meet at the store 596 Highway 133 (in La Fontana Plaza) and run various distances, with different routes each week. Info: 704-0909. LOSS SUPPORT • The Compassionate Friends of the Roaring Fork Valley, a group for parents, grandparents or siblings who have lost a child of any age, meets at 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month at The Orchard (110 Snowmass Dr.). GRIEF AND LOSS • Pathfinders offers a grief and loss support group every other Monday at 6 p.m., and a caregiver support group every other Wednesday noon. An RSVP is required to Robyn Hubbard at 319-6854. Pathfinders offers support groups from Aspen to Rifle and is located in Carbondale at 1101 Village Rd. Info: MEDITATION • Free silent meditation sessions are held at the Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.) from 6:45 to 7:30 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (info at 306-1015). YOGA • Get a donation-based introduction to Hatha Yoga from 8 to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). TAI CHI • All levels are welcome to participate a gentle path to health and flexibility from 9 to 10 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays with
Continued from page 12. John Norton. Marty Finkelstein offers a 5 to 5:30 course for beginners before his 5:30 to 7 p.m. class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Both classes take place at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.).
group — independent of faith and regardless of race, gender or orientation — meets Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m. in room 36 of the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.)
SANSKRIT MANTRA • Devika Gurung demonstrates how chant is about more than spirituality, but also breath and rhythm at 4:30 p.m. Sundays at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.).
LOVE ADDICTS • Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, a 12-step group will meet from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday at Holland Hills United Methodist Church (167 Holland Hills Rd., Basalt).
RF INSIGHT • Monday Night Meditation meets from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. at Roaring Fork Aikikai (2553 Dolores Way) and offers instruction in the Buddhist practice of Vipassana. RFI also offers secular mindfulness at the Carbondale Community School and is working with CMC to provide a class on “Zen and the Art of Dying” — more info at
BLUEGRASS JAM • Bring the instrument of your choice or just your voice for a weekly jam session first and last Sundays at 6 p.m. at Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) and all other Sundays at the Glenwood Springs Brew Garden (115 Sixth St.)
DHARMA • The Way of Compassion Dharma Center holds a Dharma talk and meditation from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and a silent meditation and Buddha of Compassion practice at 8 a.m. Saturdays at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). MINDFULNESS • The Mindful Life Program in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) offers group sessions Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Admission is by donation and registration is not necessary. Info: and 970-633-0163. MINDFULNESS IN RECOVERY • An inclusive, open, peer-led recovery support
OPEN MIC • Take the stage at Riverside Grill (181 Basalt Center Circle, Basalt) from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays. Food and drink specials. Free. KARAOKE • The Black Nugget (403 Main St.) and Sandman bring you over 30,000 songs to choose from and a quality sound system to release your inner rockstar at 9 pm. every Thursday. WORLD DANCE • Learn rhythms from various countries and cultures for $12 per class from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays at the Carbondale Community School (1505 Satank Rd.).
LET’S JUST DANCE • Feel great, have fun and dance Tuesdays at The Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Catch a free lesson at 7 p.m., then from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. it’s open dancing with two-step, swing, waltz, line dance, salsa and more. No partner or experience necessary. $8/person; $14/couple. Questions? Call 970-366-6463 or email
BACHATA • Learn a Latin dance with Erik and Claudia Peña presenting weekly classes from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. every Thursday at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). $10 drop-in fee; info at 963-8425. ROTARY • The Carbondale Rotary Club meets at the Carbondale Fire Station (300 Meadowood Dr.) at 6:45 a.m. Wednesdays. The Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at White House Pizza (801 Main Ct.) at noon every Thursday.
It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining! Come Raise A Glass To Mr. Pluger
“I love the Sopris Sun, because it is the best, which is what I deserve.”
A Fond Farewell Celebration For One Of Carbondale’s Finest 3rd Street Center, Round Room Friday, July 5th, 4 - 7Pm
Donating is easy online at or by mailing a check to PO Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JUNE 20 - JUNE 27, 2019 • 11
From June 7 through June 13, Carbondale Police handled 274 calls for service. During that period, officers investigated the following cases of note: FRIDAY JUNE 7 at 12:04 a.m. After a 58-year-old woman on a bicycle was hit by a car on Euclid, police issued a penalty assessment to a 16-yearold driver for careless driving and lack of a valid license. FRIDAY JUNE 7 at 7:33 p.m. Following a trespass report, police arrested a 59-year-old man for violation of restraining order and bond conditions.
From Town Manager Jay Harrington's weekly report to trustees, staff and others.
SITE WORK and utility undergrounding continues on an array of major developments, including Thompson Park, City Market, 1st Bank and Sopris Lodge SAND BAGS were installed along the Crystal River Trail.
SATURDAY JUNE 8 at 1:59 a.m. Police issued a harassment summons after observing a fight.
FLOODING on Main Street from the lateral ditch pipe that runs through Promenade Park should be a thing of the past following a fix.
SUNDAY JUNE 9 at 9:49 a.m. Officers spotted a 51-year-old man with an active warrant and transported him to the Garfield County Jail.
A SINKHOLE developed on a trail in River Valley Ranch over the winter and collapsed.
MONDAY JUNE 10 at 10:57 p.m. A report was filed regarding a hacked email and illicitly purchased gift cards.
THE ROARING FORK TREATMENT PLANT is 50 percent functional after a gasket failed on a filter skid. Technicians were on site this week to address the problem, and staff met with engineers to go over a filter addition. A site application review by Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment will be submitted in the near future.
TUESDAY JUNE 11 at 10:35 a.m. No one was injured but a citation was issued following an accident on Highway 133. TUESDAY JUNE 11 at 7:48 p.m. A panic alarm at a local liquor store summoned police, who were informed that a man had attempted to steal two bottles. WEDNESDAY JUNE 12 at 10:35 a.m. Following a speeding stop, a 36-year-old woman was found to be driving with a revoked license. THURSDAY JUNE 12 at 5:41 p.m. A woman was issued a summons following a dog attack.
UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE amendments have been integrated into a new draft by Clarion. Staff will review the redlined UDC — which is available on the Town’s website — to make sure it properly reflects the amendments prior to finalizing the document.
DIRT is being hauled to the cemetery. A FULL TIME POSITION in parks maintenance has just been posted (call Russ Sisson at 510-3127); seasonal work as lifeguards and swimming instructors (contact Margaret Donnelly at 510-1280); recreation assistants (contact Will Tempest at 510-1279), climbing instructors at the recreation center (call Jamie Wall at 510-1214); and a vegetation manager (call Mike Callas at 510-1331). SUMMER HOURS at the Carbondale Rec. Center are 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.
A LEAKING POOL HEATER was fixed and the decalcification project has been completed. The kiddie pool is now open. TRASH SIGN UPS continue through June 28. If no service level is elected, customers will be automatically enrolled in the medium trash with medium recycle. THE NEW UTILITY PAYMENT site already has 250 customers signed up. A NEW MANHOLE and sewer line is being installed on Village Lane.
A MEMORIAL SERVICE for John McCormick will take place from 4 to 7 p.m. June 22 at the Rec. Center. HENDRICKS SOCCER FIELD will be closed for top dressing until roughly July 12. HIGHWAY 133 IRRIGATION repair and replacement will result in some short road closures. ASCENDIGO and its clients will be conducting weed mitigation for the Town from June 24 to Aug. 4 as part of a vocational internship. NEW DOG AGILITY EQUIPMENT has been ordered for replacement per this year’s budget.
Sheija Binshaban is the Town’s new Police Services Technician. Photo by Will Grandbois
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It’s time to let the Town know about your trash preferences
Town representatives have been out and about trying to get the word out about the impending transition. Courtesy photo By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff Carbonale’s new single-hauler trash service doesn’t begin until October, but customers would be well served to pay attention now. “The Town wants to be really thoughtful about rolling it out and making sure people are set up for success,” explained Bryana Starbuck, one of several folks brought in to educate residents during the roll-out. Those who haven’t selected a service level by the end of June will be automatically enrolled in medium trash and medium recycling. There will be a 60-day period in which one free service switch will be allowed. After that, there’s a small charge. After all, Starbuck pointed out,
Mountain Waste and Recycling — the hauler that won the bid — doesn’t have an unlimited supply of each can size. So far, just over 300 people have made their selection — and it’s proving to be a pretty efficient process. “On average we’re seeing it take five minutes or less to fill out,” Starbuck said of the online form at “There are a lot of option, which can be overwhelming, but once people take a second, they realize it’s much easier than they thought.” The options in question are combinations of three sizes of trash cans (32, 64 and 96 gallons) and two sizes of recycling cans (64 and 96 gallons, picked up every other week). The medium option for both runs $30.46 a month. Large for both brings you up to $51.52. The “super saver” option for every-other-week pickup for the smallest trash size that brings the bottom price point down to $13.84 a month. A full run-down is available at and was also mailed to every address in town. Residents within city limits must select some level of service for both trash and recycling, although they’re welcome to contract with other companies for additional offerings like compost collection. Commercial customers and large apartment complexes will not be affected, and some Homeowners Associations have existing contracts which will be allowed to expire before the town policy applies. Starbuck hasn’t heard too many complaints about the plan, at least after she’s had a chance to explain the intent — to reduce waste, wildlife impacts and truck traffic — and the process — which involved more than a year of conversation between trustees, staff, haulers and the community. “When we walk people through how we arrived at this point, they’re understanding,” she said. “I think overall people are able to find something that works for them” The Town is working to address issues like leaf collection — the drop-off facility will be open longer to support the change. Folks who want to keep their own
containers that may not conform to one of the standard sizes should contact the Town. “Bear-proof bins are an investment, and they’re also something we want people to continue using,” Starbuck noted. Even folks who are content with the standard offering and have no questions should sign up to make sure that everyone is on the same page. Sample bins are in place at the Town Hall, and you can also call 510-1202 with questions. “If you’re not sure, just reach out to the Town,” Starbuck said.
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Audrey Katherine Spaulding July 24, 1957 June 12, 2019 Audrey Katherine Spaulding, 61 of Carbondale, passed away peacefully on June 12 in Rifle after a long battle with medical issues stemming from cobalt radiation that she received in the late ‘70s for a tumor on her spine. Audrey was born in Baltimore, MD on July 24, 1957 to parents Anna Elken Leighton and Charles Russell Leighton, both who preceded her in death. Her parents divorced in the early ‘60s and Audrey moved to Moorhead, MN with her Mom and sisters; Jennifer Susan Leighton Phillips, twin Andrea Carol Sharer deRuyter (husband Jerry deRuyter; daughter, Amy; son, Aaron), and Pamela Kirsten Leighton Ray. The family moved to Sacramento, CA in 1968. After spending a year in a foster home in 1971-72, Audrey went to live with her uncle Bob Elken and family in Steamboat Springs, CO where she graduated from high school and then headed to Glenwood Springs to attend CMC Spring Valley where she earned her Associates Degree in Secretarial Science. This is when she met Hank (Henry) E. Spaulding of Carbondale, and married in 1979 and had two sons; Luke (wife, Mollie; son, Liam) and Jake. Audrey lived in the Valley for 44 years and always considered Carbondale her home. She started her work
career with Drs. Knaus and Herrington and then moved over to Valley View Hospital in 1991 where she enjoyed working and telling her at times inappropriate jokes to keep things on a lighter note. Valley View is where she began lifelong friendships with some amazing individuals. Audrey also worked for a time at the Cyber Salon and then back to Valley View for volunteer work. The family can’t imagine going through the loss of Audrey without all the wonderful, caring and supportive friends she has; she was definitely blessed with all the friend’s she acquired during her life. She showed her love by baking goodies for her friends and all the guys at the Fire Houses in Carbondale and Glenwood Springs. In 1984 to 1989 she won ribbons at the Mountain Fair for her pear pie and other treats. Audrey loved spending time with friends and family. She also enjoyed hunting and camping with her boys and got her first elk license in 1975. Her favorite time of year was fall when all the colors are so bright and cheery, and she always had a special place in her heart for Mt Sopris. Like her mother, she had a love for cars and long road trips. Her favorite place to travel to was to the house on Pelican Lake, MN where she gained her love for loons and listening to their eerie calls. It was also a place that her family gathered and shared many stories and memories. Although she lived in an amount of pain that most of us could never imagine, she had a way of smiling through the pain and pushing forward. We will remember her strong will and stubbornness she had to the end. She will be missed dearly but the memories of her impact on so many lives will never fade. The family wants to thank the caring staff of E. Dene Moore Nursing home and Hospice of the Valley for working to get and keep her comfortable. The celebration of life will be at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 22 at The Orchard in Carbondale. The family asks that in lieu of flowers you can bring a dessert to share.
Additionally there are free concerts at the Basalt Public Library and, more rarely, at the Carbondale Public Library. To learn the schedule of the many music festival free events one needs to consult the festival “tear sheet” which comes out once a week every week throughout the summer and shows the time and location of all Aspen Music Festival events. The “tear sheet” is usually available every Thursday at Harris Hall and may be found at many other locations. Jim Breasted Carbondale
Senior network Dear Editor: We invite you to Join us at a Board of Trustees meeting on June 25, when members of the Carbondale Age Friendly Community Initiative (CAFCI) will request that the town of Carbondale be the first Roaring Fork Valley town to join the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities. Joining the network will enable Carbondale to tap global and national resources that help cities, towns and states become more age friendly. The senior demographic in Carbondale is 11+ percent and growing. The senior population ranges from very active and engaged to more fragile and in need of care. Carbondale Age-Friendly Community Initiative (CAFCI) is an ad hoc caucus of Carbondale’s senior citizens, working on their own and through other organizations, to strengthen seniors’ voices in and contributions to Carbondale. CAFCI’s purpose is simply to help seniors become more visible and vocal regarding local issues while contribute their unique experiences and resources. We look forward to ongoing community engagement and encourage you to join us on June 25. You can learn more about our caucus at or call us at 366-6460. Niki Delson Carbondale
Do you love Carbondale? Do you want to get to know it even better — and get paid to do so?
The Sopris Sun is hiring an Advertising Manager! While sales experience is a plus, an eagerness to learn the area’s business and nonprofit communities is more important. The position is commission based, which means the sky's the limit for your income, and you won't be tethered to a desk. Depending on your hustle, you'll probably put in 25-30 hours a week working with the people behind your favorite establishments about their business needs and how The Sopris Sun fits into their marketing strategy. Co-creating an advertising campaign — we offer clients free design! — can be the foundation for meaningful, win-win relationships. Your clients boost their branding by supporting the local, nonprofit newspaper, and you get to be the liaison that makes it all happen.
If this sounds like what you've been waiting for to boost your bank account and social capital, send a letter of intent and résumé to 14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • • JUNE 20 - JUNE 27, 2019
Continued from page 2.
Continued from page 14.
It should have been competitive
A tale of two tales
Dear Editor: Colorado Mountain College should put out a job submission request, published nationally, before they hand a choice job — a deanship — to the highly controversial and widely unpopular (at least within the Aspen business community) outgoing Aspen Mayor Steve Skadron. Skadron is an anti-business, left-wing ideologue. Skadron would never win a deanship through a nationally competitive process, a process that we citizens must demand that public institutions uphold. It would appear that Skadron has been handed an under-thetable, sweetheart deal from unaccountable liberal bureaucrats who obviously want to grease the skids to take CMC on a leftward lurch. I say, we citizens should demand that Steve Skadron's job offer be rescinded. A proper vetting process to all applicants across the United States should follow and a competitive job offer should ensue. Let Skadron compete with hundreds of other applicants. This is what Aspen is doing with its City Manager job position. We should demand that CMC do the same. Otherwise, the rational conclusion is obvious, CMC's liberal bureaucrats want to turn their institution of higher learning into a liberal indoctrination camp. John Hornblower Snowmass Village
Dear Editor: Last week, I attended two very different theatrical productions with a common thread. One was Denver’s Buell Theater’s performance of “Fiddler on the Roof,” a big, Broadway-type musical with spectacular dancing and haunting melodies. The other was “Tribes,” presented by Carbondale’s beloved Thunder River Theatre about the trials and tribulations of being deaf. The Buell Theater, of course, does things on a much larger scale, like scene changes. I did notice, however, that just like the TRTC, the shuffling of the sets is done by the actors, not stagehands. The stories are where I found the most salient similarities. If you’ve never seen it, “Fiddler on the Roof” is about a Jewish peasant village, Anatevka, in late 19th century tsarist Russia. Tevye is the father of five daughters and the tradition is that he’s to choose a mate for each one. Tevye arranges for his eldest daughter, Tzeitel, to marry a wealthy butcher, but she’s in love with a poor tailor. After some hilarious convincing of Tevye’s wife, he agrees to let Tzeitel wed the tailor. Hodel, the second daughter, falls for a firebrand political radical from Kiev and he takes her away from Anatevka and, eventually, to a Siberian gulag. They never asked Tevye for permission. Finally, Tevye’s limit is reached when the third daughter, Chava, asks for permission to marry a gentile. That’s when Tevye puts his foot down. He can’t agree to a betrothal outside the faith. After they marry anyway, Chava is dead to Tevye. “Tribes” is more about the relationship between hearing and deaf tribes than Jews and gentiles. However, the family at the center of the story is Jewish. The father, Christopher, sets his family apart by railing against the rednecks, Irish, or anyone who believes in God. He doesn’t want his deaf daughter, Billy, to learn sign because that’d make her more part of the deaf tribe than the rest of the family. Alright, I’m gonna go ahead and say it. I’m gonna say the words that’ve caused so much consternation among my Jewish friends and had them label me antisemitic. If you go out into the diaspora and set yourself apart, refuse to assimilate or intermarry, and call yourselves the chosen people, there’s gonna be trouble, especially if you encounter a group that thinks they’re the master race. I’m not saying the Jews asked for, deserved, or are responsible for the holocaust. That horror had its roots back when, well, the first Semites arose and was perpetrated, not only by the Nazis, but Christians. And, of course, it’s everyone’s right to worship as they please as long it doesn’t infringe on someone else’s rights. All I’m saying is diversity should be everyone’s goal. After all, we’re all part of the same tribe. Fred Malo Jr. Carbondale
Goodbye Roaring Gardens Dear Editor: Thanks to all of you who supported Roaring Gardens throughout the past few years. We loved growing veggies and canning for you, enjoying the special place by Catherine’s Store, and talking about all of the recipes we tried! Despite our expressed interest to stay longer at the location, the Polo Partners started looking for other farmers to grow at the location without letting us know. Erin’s Acres has taken over the space and is not affiliated with Roaring Gardens. I started growing vegetables with the Farm Collaborative and will mostly grow for three low income programs this season; I’m excited to be able to continue to provide produce to our valley! If you are looking for other local CSA programs or options at the markets please support Wild Mountain Seeds, Two Roots Farm, Borden Farms, ACES, and Skips Store in Basalt. Happy eating! Ben Armstrong Roaring Gardens
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Carbondale Planning and Zoning Commission for the purpose of considering a Major Plat Amendment to consolidate two separate lots into one lot.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Carbondale Planning and Zoning Commission for the purpose of considering an application to amend the Crystal Acres Planned Unit Development to Amend Section 12, Regulations for the Riparian Zone to better clarify trail/path construction standards in the Riparian Zone.
The properties are, 403 and 417 Crystal Canyon Drive also known as Lots 19 and 20 Block AA River Valley Ranch Phase 7. The Applicant is Mark Chain Consulting LLC. The owners are Randall and Juliet Spurrier. Said Public Hearing will be held at the Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO at 7:00 p.m. on July 11, 2019. Copies of the proposed application are on file in the Planning Department office, Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO and may be examined by interested persons during regular working hours, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The application may also be reviewed on the Town’s website at www.
The Applicants are Jerome Dayton and Donna Dayton. Said Property is reflected by the Crystal Acres PUD Subdivision Plat, Reception Number 432413 at the Garfield County Clerk and Recorder. Said Public Hearing will be held at the Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO at 7:00 p.m. on July 11, 2019. Copies of the proposed application are on file in the Planning Department office, Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO and may be examined by interested persons during regular working hours, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The application may also be reviewed on the Town’s website at John Leybourne Planner
John Leybourne Planner
A rare morning rainbow greeted early risers in the new campgrounds up Prince Creek on Father's Day — including Marc Grandbois and his two sons. Photo by Will Grandois
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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JUNE 20 - JUNE 27, 2019 • 15
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