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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Carbondale’s weekly

community connector

Volume 11, Number 31 | September 12, 2019

National sheepdog trials return to Strang Ranch Photos and text by Roberta McGowan Sopris Sun Staff On a crisp, cool September morning at the Strang Ranch in Missouri Heights, 500 sheep came figuratively to do battle with the 150 border collies trying to herd them. But, don’t worry, the dogs are highly trained herders, and the sheep also know the drill. This is the setting for the 2019 National Sheep Dog Trials to be held Tuesday, Sept. 10 through Sunday, Sept. 15 at the ranch. The event is organized through the United States Border Collie Handlers’ Association. The canine participants are among the top open dog and handler teams in North America. Also taking part are Nursery dogs, those under 36 months old who have won or placed in enough trials to compete for the title of National

Nursery Champion. As Bridget Strang, daughter of Kit and the late Mike Strang, explained, “I have always loved competing in dog trials. I’ve traveled to beautiful places around the country. And I adore all of the dogs, especially my seven-year-old border collie Ben.” “This year is the fourth time we’ve hosted the finals,” she said proudly. Strang explained why the family wanted to bring the trials here for the first time in 2011, “With our personal mission to conserve ranch land and educate about sustainability in tandem with showcasing the Western heritage we hold so dear, it was an easy decision to bring this wonderful event back to the valley.” The American Kennel Club describes border collies as affectionate, smart and energetic, “The almond eyes are the focus

of an intelligent expression — an intense gaze, the Border’s famous ‘herding eye,’ is a breed hallmark. On the move, borders are among the canine kingdom’s most agile, balanced, and durable citizens.” Volunteer Sharon Northrup from Crawford, calls the dogs “bilingual: they understand both whistle and voice commands.” And the dogs have learned what to do with the water filled metal horse trough placed near the handlers’ waiting area. They jump right in, enjoying the coolness and then vigorously shaking off the water after hopping out. The best teams compete for over $40,000. Sheep dog trials are modeled directly after similar events in Britain, where the border collie originated. The trial course tests the ability of a dog to manage sheep or goats properly under the differing circumstances encountered every day. Continued on page 6.




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Becoming a fermentista OPINION

Bits & Pieces

By Judith Ritschard

come in jars that are entirely too small. It’s time I buck up and become a fermentista. Ooh, I like the ring of that! I’ve ordered this new fermentation crock. It looks like a giant ceramic cookie jar. According to Amazon it’s the Cadillac of pickling vessels. I’ve got boxes of vegetables from my mother-in-law’s garden. And I’ve read most of the instructions: Wash your hands (not with antibacterial soap) Massage your vegetables (Think deep tissue not a gentle back rub) Use the right kind of salt, but not too much! Don’t disturb the ferment too much or it will invite yeast spores (Ick!) Keep veggies submerged in brine Remove surface molds (Um.. What!?) Foam on the surface is okay (It is? Are you sure?) My head is spinning. No doubt fermented foods are loaded with little organisms that are super beneficial to our whole being. They aid in digestion, they help our immune system, and recently I learned some studies show they are helping people with memory issues and anxiety. The science is saying we are the sum of all our good bacteria and not enough in our system can make us sicker. So, in the name of better health, I’m going in. Wish me luck. In a few weeks I’ll either have beautiful kraut, kimchi, and pickles or I’ll have a giant new cookie jar taking up room next to the bread maker, and the juicer, and that other kitchen appliance that I’m not sure what it is used for that and you’ll see me back at Whole Foods Market most likely buying overpriced pickled things.

This new book I have assures me that, “fermenting vegetables is a simple, inexpensive process that was used reliably for a few thousand years.” Okay, so if it’s so simple why am I so scared to venture into the world of lacto-fermentation? I assure you I know my way around a kitchen. I slice, dice, simmer and saute every day of my life. I’ve made my own pasta and my own cheese, but the idea of fermenting sounds more like a high school science experiment that can go way wrong. Maybe it’s because my whole life I’ve been told bacteria make you sick, and the idea of mold and scum on my food makes me shudder. I am the girl who throws out the entire block of cheese if it’s sprouted any amount of hairy mold. It makes my husband crazy sometimes. “Just cut it off !” he protests. I think he’s crazy. He thinks I’m a delicate flower. After a twenty-year relationship, it’s just one of those things you put up with then roll your eyes at because you both know neither one of you will ever change. But I also have a love affair with sour, pickled things. Having an Asian dad, I grew up with large The views expressed amounts of that spicy, funky in opinion pieces do Korean pickled cabbage not necessarily reflect better known as kimchi those of The Sopris Sun. The in my fridge. Later, I community is invited to submit was introduced to good letters of up to 250 words to sauerkraut when I started P.O. Box 399 or 500 words to sharing a life with this news@soprissun.com. Longer husband of mine who has columns are considered on strong Swiss German roots. a case-by-case basis. The But, for years now, I’ve been deadline for submission buying eight-dollar Whole is noon on Foods brand pickled things that Monday.

CORRECTIONS Andy Zanca's name was misspelled in the Our Town profile on Sept. 5. Additionally, Fred Malo's column had the last few paragraphs cut off. They read: Mr. Robbins shouldn’t waste his waste breath discussing health, safety, or the climate crisis with the Garfield County commissioners. He’d be wise to talk dollars and cents. The director should inform the commissioners of the growing costs to Medicaid caused by the increased incidence of hospitalization for people living near drilling and fracking. Tell them about the $130 million spent last year fighting climate-caused wildfires. Robbins needs to advise Garco’s leadership the time to soften the blow of the inevitable collapse of the fossil fuel industry is now. Continued support of this doomed endeavor serves no one. It’s time to find other revenue sources. Read the whole thing at soprissun.com.

LETTERS The qualities of mercy and compassion Dear Editor: As Portia famously stated in William Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice," "And earthly power doth then show likest God’s / When mercy seasons justice." Immigrants trying to find better lives for themselves and their families can be helped by a nation that demonstrates compassion and mercy, or criminalized by a legal system that defines how we should act as a nation. We can also show the best aspects of our national character to be "likest God's/ When mercy seasons justice." Let us strive for balance in all things, and especially national policy, lest we be branded as barbarically cruel or derided for weak national resolve. Let us show compassion and mercy, while protecting our country at the same time. We can do this if we keep in mind William Shakespeare's wise words, "And earthly power doth then show likest God’s / When mercy seasons justice." Fred Pulver Carbondale

Thanks for the rainbow Dear Editor: I always enjoy seeing a rainbow. I was especially delighted to see the rainbow on the cover of the Aug. 22 issue of The Sopris Sun. In these days, with the debate on global warming, it is nice to see a tangible reminder in the rainbow, which signifies that God has a covenant with man. "He will never flood the earth again, destroying all flesh (Genesis 9:15 NKJV).” The rainbow photo nicely ties in with Paige Meredith's column about fact vs opinion. Some may say this is just your opinion. I say it is a fact. History tells us that since the great global flood, some 6,000 years ago, the earth has never been totally flooded, killing all the people. Regardless, whether it is considered a fact or an opinion the question we need to answer is this: are people who have differing opinions on a given topic, willing to live together in peace and harmony, working out their issues without hurting one another? Call it fact or call it opinion, I believe that with God's help nothing is impossible. Jim DeBerge Carbondale

TROOPER TIPS What you need to know about I-70 traction requirements

By Master Trooper Gary Cutler It’s that time of year again, so we need to address snowstorms and driving in them. This year there has been some confusion with the new traction laws that travelers will be facing. So I’m here to help answer some of those questions. Most of the focus for the traction law has been about Interstate 70 in the mountains, but this can pertain to any of Colorado’s roadways that the state is responsible to maintain. Let’s start from the beginning; commercial vehicles are required to have chains on their vehicles from Sept. 1 through May 31 on I-70 between milepost 133 (Dotsero) and milepost 259 (Morrison) but this part does not pertain to passenger vehicles. Now let’s look at passenger vehicles. As a driver of a passenger vehicle, you will need to be aware when traction law is being implemented. The state will usually put this information on Variable Message Signs (VMS) along the roadways, or on CDOT’s web page. When this happens you need to be concerned with Code 15 and 16 which pertain to all passenger vehicles. The traction law

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • SEPTEMBER 12 - SEPTEMBER 18, 2019

will usually be implemented when you see snow starting to accumulate on the roadway. Code 15 is the first level which basically says passenger vehicles need to have at least one-eighth inch of tread on all tires. You will also have to have either snow tires, tires with the mud/snow (M+S) designation, four wheel drive, or all-wheel drive. When Code 16 is implemented, this is a last ditch attempt to keep the roadway open. So now there will be a larger amount of snow on the roadway and it means all vehicles will need to have chains or an alternative traction device (ATD) such as Autosocks. It doesn’t matter if you have four wheel drive; you need to have chains on your tires. Now earlier I mentioned passenger cars are not required to carry chains or ATD’s in their vehicles during the aforementioned time frame, but here’s the kicker — if the chain law is enacted after you are in the mountains you will not be able to access the roadway and may have to wait until the chain law is lifted to get to your destination. The traction laws will be enforced and if you have inadequate equipment during the traction law you may be fined more than $130. If you fail to comply with the mandatory chain law and you end up stuck and blocking the roadway you may be fined more than $650. The reason for the chain law is for safety and not to inconvenience other drivers by having vehicles that are illequipped for the weather and road conditions which end up blocking other travelers. I hope this has helped out some of your question my office has been fielding the past few weeks. As always, safe travels!

Sincerest thanks to our

Honorary Publishers for their annual commitment of $1,000+

Email barbara.dills@gmail.com for more information.

Jim Calaway, Honorary Chair Kay Brunnier Scott Gilbert – Habitat for Humanity RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger Carolyn Nelson Jim Noyes True Nature Healing Arts Nicolette Toussaint Jill and Gary Knaus Megan Tackett

Legacy Givers for including us in their final wishes.

Mary Lilly

And all our SunScribers and community members for your support.

It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

Donate online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Todd Chamberlin • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Graphic Designer: Ylice Golden Staff Reporter: Roberta McGowan Delivery: Tom Sands Current Board Members board@soprissun.com Marilyn Murphy, President Raleigh Burleigh, Vice President Linda Criswell, Secretary Klaus Kocher, Treasurer John Colson • April Spaulding Kay Clarke • Carol Craven The Sopris Sun Board meets regularly on the second Monday evening of each month at the Third Street Center.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

Roaring Fork High School Junior Gustavo Amador battled the Bears for control of the ball in a 2-0 victory over Rifle on Sept. 10. Photo by Sue Rollyson

Ram sports getting off on the right foot By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff As Roaring Fork Ram volleyball girls play their first home game on Sept. 14, the soccer boys will take on one of their toughest rivals on the road. The season is young yet, but both teams have had a chance to get a feel for their lineup and consider the competition. Despite losing a slate of seniors from last year’s stellar season, the soccer team is looking strong with a 4-0 record. “I think it’s motivating them to really work hard and be a collective effort,” coach Nick Forbes surmised. “They play more with each other, and it’s really

fun to watch and we’re getting the same results as last year.” Their Sept. 10 victory over Rifle — a top-ranked 4A school — was a particularly promising litmus test, although it didn’t come together until the second half. The upcoming game in Delta will tell even more as league play really gets going. The 3-1 Panthers will likely be keeping a close eye on Ram sophomore Ross Barlow, who leads the league with eight goals already this season (although Delta’s own Martin Corral is just one step behind). The following week, the boys will jump right into hosting crosstown rivals Colorado Rocky Mountain School — Forbes’ alma mater.

Fall 2019 Soccer Head Coach – Nick Forbes | Athletic Director – Jade Bath

“It’s usually a classy game that’s played hard and in the right spirit,” he noted. Things never really let up through Halloween, with tough games against Aspen, Basalt and Coal Ridge coming in quick succession. Forbes hopes that the decision to set varsity games at 6 p.m. will allow parents, schoolmates and members of the community to come out and support the team. Last year, with the school’s American football program sticking to junior varsity, a soccer game became the venue for crowning homecoming royalty. This year, the volleyball girls will have that honor during their Oct. 4 game — sans the four wheelers but

without fear of inclement weather. The girls, incidentally, have yet to play a league game but are 2-2 overall following the Soroco Tournament and a 3-2 away game against Rifle. Hosting Olathe will give the girls a chance to test their mettle on their home court. For second-year coach Karen Crownhart, the score isn’t the main metric she’ll be watching. “I’m not really pushing the outcome so much as the process of how we play and how we show up every game,” she said. “We have a really strong league, and I do really believe that we are contenders, but there’s also that mental part.” That doesn’t mean she doesn’t see the girls as contenders.

JV Football

“The game has changed a lot since when I coached before. Kids are a lot more skilled now,” she observed. “On any given night, every team is different, so you never know what’s going to happen.” In addition to cheering the Rams on at games, folks can support Roaring Fork athletics by participating in the Ram Classic Golf Tournament, with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. Friday, Sept. 20 at River Valley Ranch. $100 per person or $400 per team gets you 18 holes and an array of contests, not to mention a raffle, BBQ lunch and awards ceremony after. You can also sponsor a hole for $250 — call 355-3554 for more information.


Head Coach – David Close

Head Coach- Karen Crownhart | Athletic Director – Jade Bath

Athletic Director – Jade Bath

SEPT. 16 Meeker @ RFHS 4 p.m.

SEPT. 12 RFHS @ Aspen 4:30/5:30/6:30

OCT 1 Moffat @ RFHS 4:30/5:30/6:30

OCT. 22 RFHS @ Olathe 4:30/5:30/6:30 OCT. 29 Rifle @ RFHS 4:30/5:30/6:30

NOV. 2 Buena Vista Tournament TBD

SEPT. 14 RFHS @ Delta 11 a.m., 1 p.m

OCT. 11 RFHS @ Aspen 5 p.m.( JV), 7 p.m.(V)

SEPT. 23 Aspen @ RFHS 4 p.m.

SEPT. 14 Olathe @ RFHS 3:00/4:00/5:00

CRMS @ RFHS 4 p.m.( JV), 6 p.m.(V)

SEPT. 20

OCT. 18 Basalt @ RFHS 4 p.m.( JV), 6 p.m.(V)

SEPT. 30 Hotchkiss @RFHS 4 p.m.

SEPT17 Coal Ridge @ RFHS 4:30/5:30/6:30

OCT. 4 Gunnison @ RFHS 4:30/5:30/6:30 OCT. 8 RFHS @ Delta 4:30/5:30/6:30

SEPT. 28 Aspen @ RFHS 11 p.m.(V), 1 p.m.( JV)

OCT. 19 RFHS @ CRMS 11 p.m., 1 p.m.

OCT. 7 RFHS @ Aspen 4 p.m.

SEPT. 21 Cedaredge @ RFHS 11:00/12:00/1:00

OCT. 15 RFHS @ Cedaredge 4:30/5:30/6:30

OCT. 3 Delta @ RFHS 4 p.m.( JV), 6 p.m.(V)

OCT. 22 Moffat @ RFHS 4 p.m.( JV), 6 p.m.(V)

OCT. 14 Moffat @ RFHS 4 p.m.

SEPT. 24 RFHS @ Basalt 4:30/5:30/6:30

OCT. 17 Basalt @ RFHS 4:30/5:30/6:30

OCT. 8 RFHS @ Vail Mountain 4 p.m.(V), 6 p.m.( JV)

OCT. 24 RFHS @ Coal Ridge 4 p.m., 6 p.m.

OCT. 21 RFHS @ Grand Valley 5 p.m.

SEPT. 26 RFHS @ Grand Valley 4:30/5:30/6:30

OCT 19 RFHS @ Moffat 10:00/11:00/12:00

OCT. 31 Aspen @ RFHS 4:30/5:30/6:30

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • SEPTEMBER 12 - SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 • 3


Send your scuttlebutt to news@soprissun.com.

Shine on

p.m. Sept. 21 and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 22 at 1676 CR100 (Catherine Store Road) Unit N-2. The facility is free and open to the public.

The Shining Mountains Film Festival, a celebration of Native American culture and history, returns to Aspen Oct. 13-14 in conjunction with Indigenous People’s Day (which has replaced Columbus Day in Aspen.) Tickets went on sale Sept. 9 at aspenshowtix.com and range from $15 to $20 per screening.

Hang in there

New horizons The first prostate cancer treatment uusing OrionTM, a novel medical device that’s designed by C4 Imaging to facilitate the use of MRI in improving the accuracy of treatment, was just performed by Dr. Peter Rossi at Valley View Hospital Calaway Young Cancer Center. High Dose Rate (HDR) brachytherapy is a form of radiotherapy and a standard option for the curative treatment of many forms of cancer. The precise positioning of HDR applicators prior to treatment is critical for accurate delivery of therapy. Currently, this placement is usually guided by computed tomography (CT) imaging of metal wires that are temporarily placed inside the applicator. MRI can provide more anatomical detail than CT.

The curtain goes up Thunder River Theatre Company’s 2019-2020 season opens Sept. 26 with “A Walk in the Woods” a long-running Broadway play about two nuclear arms negotiators, one from Russia and the other from America, who discover friendship in the unlikeliest of

Folks on Latigo Loop and select others had a block party across several back yards on Sept. 8, with circle games, live music and a potluck dinner. In addition to giving everyone a chance to get to know their neighbors, the event also featured roundtable discussions on climate change. Organizer Jimmy Byrne hopes the hyper-local model catch on to create a global difference. "Our house is on fire and we need to do something about it," he said. The Two Rivers Unitarians will address climate change in the Sept. 15 service and the Global Climate Strike comes to Sopris Park at noon Sept. 20. Photo by Will Grandbois circumstances. That makes it the perfect time to buy a season pass and get four shows for the price of three — $50 for students, $65 for 20 and 30-somethings and $95 for other adults. Visit thunderrivertheatre.com for tickets and more information.

Winter is coming The Mount Sopris Nordic Council is getting the Spring Gulch trail system ready for the season with a 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. work day on Sunday, Sept. 15. With heat in the forecast, remember

your sun hats, snacks and plenty of water as well as durable work clothes, gloves, and pruning tools, wheelbarrows, rakes or shovels if you have them. White House Pizza has generously offered to provide pizza for the volunteers. Visit springgulch.org to become a member or let ‘em know you’re coming.

Keeps on giving The Buy Nothing Roaring Fork Facebook group split last week after becoming t0o big for the parent organization’s guidelines. This

Chill on a Hot Summer Day

apparently caused a backlash as some users appreciated the way it united the upper and lower valleys. Luckily, there’s already a solution: a new “Gifting Across the Valleys” group which has already proven quite active.

Secret stash Vintage Ski World is having a special sale of Richard Allen’s massive private collection of vintage ski equipment, posters, photos, memorabilia and other collector’s items. The event runs 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sept. 20, 10 a.m. to 7:30

The City of Glenwood Springs and USDA Forest Service are opening reservations for fall and winter Hanging Lake permits at visitglenwood.com/ hanginglake beginning at 10 a.m. on Sept. 16. The Hanging Lake Express shuttle will end the peak-season operations on Oct. 31, but those who visit from then through April 30 still need to obtain a $10 permit through the reservation system; and visitors may bike or drive their personal vehicles to the trailhead as shuttles will not be provided during the off-peak season. Hiking is allowed year-round, however, please be prepared as the trail becomes snow-covered, icy and treacherous during the winter months. Traction devices for boots and hiking poles are highly recommended.

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another trip around the sun this week include: Dominique Jackson, Chrissie Leonard, Allyn Harvey, Adam Carballeira and Andy Bohmfalk (Sept. 13); Rebecca Young and Matt Lang (Sept. 14); Kathryn Camp, Corey Simpson and Nina Pedersen (Sept. 15); Eaden Shantay and Al Draina (Sept. 16); Dani Grace Kopf, Sarah Smith Blanchard, Ken Olson, Vanessa Anthes, Bob Stein and Lori Meraz (Sept. 17); Coral Eva Froning, Frosty Merriott and Nancy Payne (Sept. 18)

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4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • SEPTEMBER 12 - SEPTEMBER 18, 2019

Giving monthly is a sustainable, painless way to support The Sun. $5 a month helps offset the cost of printing each issue, while $85 monthly will land you among the ranks of our honorary publishers. Find the amount that's right for you at soprissun.com/donate.

Butterfly art about missing native women

‘All Creatures Great and Small’ an elegy for threatened animals

Staff report The Art Base will host an artist talk and opening reception for Metamorphosis, by photographer Ben Timpson, from 5 to 7 p.m. Sept. 13 at the Charles J. Wyly Gallery, 99 Midland Ave. in Basalt. A descendant of the Pueblo Indian Tribes, Timpson uses safe-sourced butterfly wings to create portraits of Native American women who have been murdered, domestically abused or have gone missing. These women are two and a half times more likely to be raped or killed than any other women in the country. There is an enigma surrounding the butterfly; it is fragile, yet strong. Timpson states, “I am inspired by nature and feel compelled to tell the story of these women through the symbolic nature of the butterfly wing. The butterfly represents metamorphosis, fragility and hope, and it is revered and respected by tribes of the American Southwest.” Timpson researches victims and connects with family members to explain the project and intent of his work. Families share photographs that he uses for reference for the portraits. He works on a light table to construct a portrait from butterfly wings. The portraits are encased in wooden frames and backlit to show the transmitted and reflective light qualities of each piece. “It is my hope that this series brings awareness to a very important issue through beauty and change,” says Timpson. Timpson was awarded a Poynter

Staff Report

"Jane Doe" by Ben Timpson Fellowship at Yale University in 2019. He has exhibited nationally and internationally. Recent exhibitions include a solo show at Colorado Mountain College/Aspen and the Allegany National Photography exhibition with juror Shannon Thomas Perich, curator of the Photographic History Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. He received his MFA from Indiana University. Timpson is currently the Assistant Professor of Photography at Arizona State University. He was once the Photography and New Media Studio Coordinator at the Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Snowmass Village, Colorado.

Carbondale artist Nicolette Toussaint truly cares about how climate change negatively affects the planet, “We need to leave a world for our children and grandchildren.” She puts her emotions into the paintings now being exhibited at the CMC ArtShare Gallery in Glenwood Springs. An artist’s reception of Touissaint’s work is set for 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 13. It’s her tribute to the fauna of the Colorado Rockies as well as a lament. She described her paintings as a song of praise for the beauty of the landscapes surrounding Colorado Mountain College’s campuses. Toussaint gave a deeper meaning to her art: “I offer this show not just as an elegy for threatened

"Pica" by Nicolette Toussaint creatures – and nearly every animal in these paintings is threatened either by climate change or development – but also to inspire a spark of joy, to rekindle our deep connection to the natural world.” Being surrounded by nature gives her a sense of peace. “I could absolutely despair about what’s going on today. Instead, I try to show people what truly matters.” One of Toussaint’s paintings, “Pika,” features a small creature that lives in high altitude, cold climates like the slopes of Mt. Sopris. It doesn’t hibernate. She exclaimed, “It’s an amazing feat for a creature about the size of a baked potato,” she said.

Colorado Mountain College public information officer Debbie Crawford, said, “Nicolette’s paintings show great respect for our local landscapes, and especially for the creatures that inhabit them. From a bumblebee to a herd of buffalo, or a pika to a puma, these animals pose with dignity surrounded by the brightly enhanced colors of their endangered habitats. We are so grateful that she has shared her gifts of observation and interpretation through these remarkable paintings.” The ArtShare Gallery is located at 815 Cooper Ave., second floor, Glenwood Springs. Light refreshments will be served. The exhibit will remain on display through Oct. 7.


CARBONDALE DISPENSARY 9:00am–7:00pm 970–510–3065 304 Highway 133


THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • SEPTEMBER 12 - SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 • 5

Continued from cover. Officials judge outrun, lift, fetch and drive. Money raised benefits the non-profit National Sheep Dog Trials. Local animal shelter, Colorado Animal Rescue (C.A.R.E) receives the gate admission fees and sells branded merchandise. Vendors offer food and crafts for sale. The Strang family has long been known as thoughtful stewards of their 460-acre ranch. A family owned and run business since 1965, it is a working sheep and cattle ranch and an equestrian center, hosting many hunter/jumper and dressage shows, clinics and daily lessons. Recently the ranch acquired additional land for a cross country course. As the hub of the Roaring Fork Hounds Pony Club, the ranch hosts weekly riding sessions, rallies and fun days. Parts of the ranch are in a conservation easement held by Aspen Valley Land Trust. A conservation easement is a voluntary agreement between a landowner and a land trust that permanently limits certain types of future development while allowing for anticipated future uses on a property. Land placed into a conservation easement still belongs to the landowner, and the landowner retains the rights to sell the land or pass it on to heirs.

USBCHA National Sheepdog Trials Strang Ranch, 393 CR 102 in Missouri Heights $40 FOR A CARLOAD $15 FOR INDIVIDUAL ADULTS $5 FOR KIDS 8-16 KIDS UNDER 7 FREE Thursday Sept. 12

8 a.m. - Open Preliminary runs 77-115 9 a.m. - Nursery Preliminary runs 34-68 6:30 p.m. - ABCA Annual Meeting

Friday Sept. 13

8 a.m. - Open Preliminary runs 116-150 9 a.m. - Nursery Preliminary runs 69-102

​ Saturday Sept. 14 Doggie Demo park open 7:30 a.m. - Open Semi- finals (top 40 dogs) 8:30 a.m. - Nursery Finals handlers meeting, followed immediately by first dog 10 a.m. -3 p.m. - Dog Demos 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Cooking demo 6 - 9 p.m. - VIP dinner - invitation only Awards and Calcutta (open but RSVP) Sunday Sept. 15 Doggie Demo park open 7:15 a.m. - Opening Ceremonies 7:45 a.m. - Open Finals 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Dog Demos 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Cooking demos 4:30 p.m. - Awards presentation

The Strang Ranch is a spectacular setting, whether you're a cowboy bringing the sheep onto the field, a competitor cooling down your dog after a good run or a family spectating from the stands. Photos by Roberta McGowan



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6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • SEPTEMBER 12 - SEPTEMBER 18, 2019

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Hours of Operation at Third Street Center Sunday, 11 a.m - 5 p.m Thursday, 1 p.m. - 7 p.m. Volunteers needed September 29th for the Bicyle Re-homing Project


Linda Lafferty a shining light as an artist, equestrian By Roberta McGowan Sopris Sun Staff Take a bit of Macbeth, add in a touch of a surprisingly successful 17th century woman painter and then mix a magnificent champion mare into the cauldron. You’ll then come up with the creative, award-winning author Linda Lafferty of Missouri Heights. Chatting with Lafferty at the Strang Ranch as she completes a dozen horse-related tasks seems like trying to catch a rainbow. With her long silver hair and mischievous grin, Lafferty reminds one of a quintessential Carbondale resident: eclectic, talented, athletic and intelligent.” “I enjoy diving into the research for a book I’m planning,” Lafferty remarked. “While writing ‘The Girl Who Fought Napoleon,’ I uncovered a few secrets,” Lafferty grinned. Lafferty is well known in Carbondale as an award-winning novelist, specializing in historical fiction. She has won two Colorado Book Award for “The Drowning Guard” and “The Shepherdess of Sienna.” In additionon to her literary accomplishments, Lafferty competes successfully in equestrian competitions. “I’ve been riding my entire life, and horses are my passion.” Lafferty stood hosing off her nine-year-old, 16.3 hand high (five feet, four inches) mare Shiner as she shared her experiences, “Polo has

always attracted me. The crack of the polo mallet striking the ball and the intensity of riders and horses are so thrilling.” Lafferty first played polo at age 17 while attending Lancaster University, England. She won first place in the War of the Roses competition between Lancaster and Yorkshire. She has played at most of the polo fields in the Valley including Cozy Point Ranch and the former Preshana Farms in Carbondale, now owned by the Aspen Valley Polo Club LLC. Lafferty, who also enjoys stadium jumping and dressage, now primarily competes in cross country events like those at the Strang Ranch. Crosscountry courses contain several dozen obstacles built to look natural like those found in the countryside, like water, trees, logs, ditches, and riverbanks. She fox-hunted in Scotland for the first time. Later at age 19, she started riding with the hunt at Strang Ranch. “No. We didn’t kill anything at Strang's,” she explained. Lafferty co-authored her latest novel, “Light in the Shadows” with her husband Andy Stone. The book, published earlier this year, tells the compelling story of a supposedly undiscovered painting by 17th century Italian artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. The discovery revealed a torrent of intrigue, betrayal and murder. Her upcoming work “Fierce Dreamer” also touches the artistic world. This true story surrounds a

17th century 17-year-old girl from Rome who undergoes severe trauma. She does rise above her tragedy and the professional prejudices against women to become a celebrated and highly successful painter. The novel is scheduled for publication in May 2020. And there’s more in the pipeline for Lafferty. Imagine tackling the true stories of Shakespearean villains Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, who both actually lived in 1000 A.D. in Scotland. As yet untitled, the novel presents a kinder, gentler married couple. A Roaring Fork Valley educator for 20 years, Lafferty graduated from the University of Colorado with a master's degree and a PhD in education. But writing has always been her dream profession and now it is her life’s work. “I made this decision to keep on writing no matter what, till I die. And I meant it.” That was 27 years ago. Despite having hundreds of rejection letters, Lafferty persevered. “Because when I write, I start thinking more clearly. I go into a narrative voice I hear in my head, and I narrate the world around me. I love that voice. It just clears my mind – you get into this rhythm, and everything is more centered. There’s peace and you feel like you’re doing what you need to be doing.” Her lead characters are often strong women; those she describes as “shining lights.” Just like Lafferty herself.

Linda Lafferty relaxed while chatting about her two passions: writing historical novels and enjoying horse activities. Photo by Roberta McGowan


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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • SEPTEMBER 12 - SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 • 7

ASK THE SUN A READER WANTED TO KNOW: What's up with the stacks of rocks outside school district building? According to RFSD Chief Operating Officer Jeff Gatlin, it was intended to prevent people from parking on the roots of the large spruce trees there — an alternative to curb and gutter which would have disturbed the soil. So far, he said, they haven't had any feedback on the approach one way or the other.

Do you have a burning question that may not warrant a story but other locals might be curious about as well? Email news@soprissun.com and we'll do our best to track down and publish an answer.

Chamber’s annual Business Confluence encourages entrepreneurial spirit By Justin Patrick Sopris Sun Correspondent The Carbondale Chamber of Commerce is hosting its annual Business Confluence on Sept. 18 in the Third Street Center. This year’s theme is “The Carbondale Entrepreneurial Mindset,” and the event will focus on the advantages and challenges of starting a business here. The first part of the event, beginning at 2:30 p.m., will center on job growth and retention as part of broader economic impact. Carbondale Mayor Dan Richardson, Garfield County Commissioner Tom Jankovsky, and Jill Corbin, Director of Destination Development for Colorado Tourism, will offer remarks about efforts to foster entrepreneurism on a local, regional, and statewide level respectively. They will discuss what opportunities and programs exist to help small businesses start and grow. Corbin is visiting from Denver and “will be talking about some really neat resources the business community can tap into from the state level, whether it’s for mentoring, programming, or grant money,” said Andrea Stewart, executive director of the Carbondale Chamber. Next on the agenda is a “fireside chat” called Choosing Carbondale featuring renowned businessman Tyler Moebius of FastG8, a cloud-based data-marketing platform in town with over a dozen employees. He will discuss why people move to Carbondale for both business and lifestyle reasons. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers. “Tyler has such a great business background, it’s a great opportunity to ask questions and learn a little bit more about his story and the importance of giving back to the community,” Stewart said. After his fireside chat, Moebius will join a business panel representing various local industries. The panel will be moderated by Mike Lowe of COVENTURE on the highs and lows of working and living in Carbondale. Panelists include Mark Fischer of Phat Thai and The Pullman representing Culinary Arts; Angela Bruno of Carbondale

Chamber Director Andrea Stewart presents at last year's Confluence. Photo by Lamp Post Camera Works Clay Center representing Studio Arts; Laura Kirk of DHM Design and Tyler Moebius representing Design, Media, and Innovation; and Adam Miller of Why Cycles representing Outdoor Recreation. Finally, the event will conclude with an interactive business after hours and expo from 5 to 7 p.m. Attendees will have the chance to network while enjoying bites, beverages, and live music. Tickets are available at the Carbondale Chamber offices in the Third Street Center or online at carbondale.com. They are $30 per person for Carbondale Chamber members and $40 for general public and at-thedoors sales. For more information, call 963-1890.

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Thank You For Helping KDNK Raise $80,000

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www.kdnk.org 8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • SEPTEMBER 12 - SEPTEMBER 18, 2019

From first to last First Friday can sometimes seem like two events — the art walk and associated activities in the evening followed by the after-hours bar scene downtown. It all blended together more than usual this month, however, as a rainstorm came through shortly after Rotary's Running of the Balls (which was much less dusty than last year thanks both to the moisture and lack of leaf blowers). While some folks bailed altogether, others found there way into the galleries and restaurants and eventually entertainment elsewhere. Photos by Jennifer Johnson 9 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • SEPTEMBER 12 - SEPTEMBER 18, 2019


Submit your events at soprissun.com. Deadline is noon on Monday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted.

The Art Base (99 Midland Ave., Basalt) hosts the work of Ben Timpson, who uses safe-sourced butterfly wings to create portraits of Native American women who have been murdered, abused or gone missing, with a 5 to 7 p.m. opening.

A first-rate herding competition showcases land conservation, stewardship, and the region's ranching heritage takes over Strang Ranch (393 CR 102) — not to mention a food and craft fair, FUN FOLK doggie demos and a lamb cookoff with Colorado Animal Rescue as a At 5:30 p.m, Pam and Dan Rosenthal play Slow Groovin’ BBQ beneficiary. (101 W. First St., Marble).




Laura Barton takes you through the basic methods for emotional, physical and spiritual balance at 6 p.m. at Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.). ARCTIC EXPERIENCE

Nicolette Toussaint paints a tribute to the fauna of the Colorado Rockies for display at the CMC ArtShare Gallery (815 Cooper Ave., Glenwood Springs) with a 6 to 8 p.m. opening. STANDUP COMICS

Head over to Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Basalt High School teacher Leticia Fourth St.) around 8:30 p.m. for a Guzman Ingram will share her laugh. research expedition experience at 6 p.m. at the Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.). Her photos FRI SEPT. 13 - THU SEPT. 12 will be on display in the lobby MOVIES throughout September. The Crystal Theatre (427 Main St.) FABRIC & BRONZE presents “The Peanut Butter Falcon” Carbondale Arts presents a new solo (PG-13) at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 13-15 exhibition entitled “Transcultural and 17-19; “Once Upon a Time in Bonding In Clothing” by Etar and Hollywood” (R) at 4:15 p.m. Sept. “Jack Brendlinger: Retrospective” 14 and “Maiden” (PG, captioned) at at the Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.) 5:15 p.m. Sept. 15. Closed Sept. 16. with a 6 to 8 p.m. opening.




Dan Bern gives you a preview of “Regent Street” at Steve’s Guitars The Redstone Castle (58 Redstone (19 N. Fourth St.) with an 8 p.m. Castle Ln.) invites you to tap into your German side from 3 to 7 p.m. with craft start. beer, traditional cuisine and live music by Alpine Echo. $25 with $5 from FRIDAY SEPT. 13 each ticket benefiting the Redstone METAMORPHOSIS Community Association.



Martha Scanlan and Jon Neufeld play INTERWOVEN Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) at The Carbondale Clay Center (135 8:30 p.m. or thereabouts. Main St.) features collaborative INSTRUMENTALISTS works from Carbondale and Salida The Weston Smith Band takes the fiber and clay artists. stage at The Black Nugget (403 Main FARMERS MARKET St.) from 9 p.m. to midnight. Get fresh produce and other goods from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesdays SUNDAY SEPT. 15 through Sept. 25 at the Fourth CREATIVE UNIQUENESS Street Plaza. Learn to accept and embrace your YAPPY HOUR personal gifts with Ardis Hoffman from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Third Street Colorado Animal Rescue’s Yappy Center (520 S. Third St.) Register Hour at the Marble Bar (150 Main for $10 at ardishoffman@gmail. St.) takes place at 5:30 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Sip com or 340-9009. on handcrafted cocktails and meet a C.A.R.E. dog, with $1 from every MONDAY SEPT. 16 drink donated to C.A.R.E. Bring your own dog along as well. OPTIMAL HEALTH Dr. Greg Feinsinger will discuss THOMPSON TOURS lifestyle changes to maintain a better The house (301 Lewies Ln.) is open quality of life and longevity beginning for tours every Thursday, Friday and at 5:30 p.m. at the Carbondale Branch Saturday, from 1 to 4 p.m. $5 for ages Library (320 Sopris Ave.) 13 and up, info at carbondalehistory. org.




The Carbondale Chamber offers information on the economy, the census and economic resources in a 5 p.m. event at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.).


Experience life in another time with a tour of the elegant, beautifullypreserved home of Alma and John Osgood (58 Redstone Castle Ln.) at 10:15 a.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Tickets at theredstonecastle.com. HEALTH NUTRITION


Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, a 12-step group will meet from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday at Holland Hills United Methodist Church (167 Holland Hills Rd., Basalt). MINDFULNESS IN RECOVERY

An inclusive, peer-led recovery support group open to anyone with a desire for recovery — independent of faith and regardless of race, gender or orientation — meets Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m. in room 36 of the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) MINDFULNESS

The Mindful Life Program in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) offers group sessions Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Admission is by donation and registration is not necessary. Info: mindfullifeprogram.org and 970-633-0163. DHARMA

The Way of Compassion Dharma Center holds a Dharma talk and meditation from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and a silent meditation and Buddha of Compassion practice at 8 a.m. Saturdays at the Third Street THROUGH Center (520 S. Third St.).

Free opportunities include a POTATO DAY PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Greg Carbondale celebrates the crop that Feinsinger about the science behind put the town on the map with a parade, plant-based nutrition at 7 p.m. the lunch, games and live music around a first Monday of the month, free onehour consultations for heart attack theme of “Ghosts of Potatoes Past.”


and other chronic illness prevention by appointment Monday mornings (call 379-5718) and a plant-based whole-foods potluck at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the month — all at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.).


Free silent meditation sessions are held at the Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.) from 6:45 to 7:30 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (info at 306-1015). Continued on page 13.


RODEO join the fair board!



2:30 – 5:00pm Third Street Center Entrepreneur


noun (en· tre· pre· neur)

Job Growth & Retention | Economic Impact

• Dan Richardson – Carbondale Mayor • Tom Jankovsky – Garfield County Commissioner • Jill Corbin – Director of Destination Development, Colorado Tourism

“One who organizes, manages, & assumes the risks of a business or enterprise” ~ Merrian-Webster Dictionary

CHOOSING CARBONDALE with Tyler Moebius of FastG8

Fireside chat and Q&A on the entrepreneurial lifestyle in Carbondale


with Local Industries






Board members are needed for the remainder of 2019 and future years. In collaboration with Garfield County Administration, volunteer fair board members assist in ensuring the successful promotion, production, and execution of the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo. The fair is the first week of August each year. Fair board members serve three-year terms. The fair board meets the second Tuesday evening of each month, rotating between Garfield County Administration Building in Rifle and the Garfield County Administration Building in Glenwood Springs. Please visit garfieldcountyfair.com/main/board to view the Garfield County Fair Board mission statement, bylaws, orientation process and to apply. DEADLINE TO APPLY IS SEPTEMBER 20, 2019

Business After Hours & Expo

5:00 – 7:00 pm • Small bites and beverages provided

TICKETS: $30 Chamber Members • $40 Non-Members

www.Carbondale.com | 970.963.1890 10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • SEPTEMBER 12 - SEPTEMBER 18, 2019

est. 1938



The Carbondale Rotary Club meets at the Carbondale Fire Station (300 Meadowood Dr.) at 6:45 a.m. Wednesdays. The Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at White House Pizza (801 Main Ct.) at noon every Thursday. RF INSIGHT

Monday Night Meditation meets from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. at Roaring Fork Aikikai (2553 Dolores Way) and offers instruction in the Buddhist practice of Vipassana. RFI also offers secular mindfulness at the Carbondale Community School and is working with CMC to provide a class on “Zen and the Art of Dying” — more info at roaringforkinsight. org. LET’S JUST DANCE

Feel great, have fun and dance Tuesdays at The Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Catch a free lesson at 7 p.m., then from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. it’s open dancing with twostep, swing, waltz, line dance, salsa and more. No partner or experience necessary. $8/person; $14/couple. Questions? Call 970-366-6463 or email billypat4@gmail.com. SANSKRIT MANTRA

Devika Gurung demonstrates how chant is about more than spirituality, but also breath and rhythm at 4:30 p.m. Sundays at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). PUNCH PARKINSON’S

Rising Crane Training Center (768 Highway 133) offers free boxing / fitness classes for folks with Parkinson’s from 11 to noon Tuesdays and Thursdays. More info at 274-8473. TAI CHI

Continued from page 10.

All levels are welcome to participate a gentle path to health and flexibility from 9 to 10 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays with John Norton. Marty Finkelstein offers a 5 to 5:30 course for beginners before his 5:30 to 7 p.m. class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Both classes take place at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). RUN AROUND

Independence Run & Hike hosts a run around town Saturdays at 8 a.m. Meet at the store 596 Highway 133 (in La Fontana Plaza) and run various distances, with different routes each week. Info: 704-0909. KARAOKE

Stubbies Sports Bar (123 Emma Rd.) and Sandman bring you over 30,000 songs to choose from and a quality sound system to release your inner rockstar at 9 pm. every Thursday. LOSS SUPPORT

The Compassionate Friends of the Roaring Fork Valley, a group for parents, grandparents or siblings who have lost a child of any age, meets at 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month at The Orchard (110 Snowmass Dr.). BACHATA

Learn a Latin dance with Erik and Claudia Peña presenting weekly classes from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. every Thursday at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). $10 drop-in fee; info at 963-8425. BLUEGRASS JAM

Bring the instrument of your choice or just your voice for a weekly jam session first and last Sundays at 6 p.m. at Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) and all other Sundays at the

True Nature is hosting a "Yoga of Dreams" series from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday evenings through Oct. 8. Photo by Laurel Smith

Glenwood Springs Brew Garden (115 Sixth St.)

6 p.m. on the second Monday of the month.

from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays. Food and drink specials. Free.




Faith Lutheran Church (1340 Highway 133), in collaboration with Carbondale Homeless Assistance, hosts a free community meal from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month. Info: 5105046 or faithcarbondale.com.

Get a donation-based introduction to Hatha Yoga from 8 to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.).


A free facilitated workshop for adults, writing your personal history, one story at a time. Facilitated by Shelly Merriam, historian/writer/ genealogist. First and third Fridays, 10 a.m. to noon at the Glenwood Springs Branch Library, (815 Cooper Ave.). Info at 945-5958 or gcpld.org.

Wordsmiths of all experience and abilities gather at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at

Take the stage at Riverside Grill (181 Basalt Center Circle, Basalt)


Senior Matters (520 S. Third St. Suite 33) offers a table tennis club for adults from 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesdays. Contact Marcel Kahhak at 963-5901 for more information.


safety fa kids & teens S AV E



September 14

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Saturday, SEPT. 14 , 2019 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. AT VALLEY VIEW HOSPITAL

Car seat Checks

bike rodeo

helmet safety

Free car seat checks.

Kids bike safety.

Safety first!

Car seat check is located at lower valet at the Calaway•Young Cancer Center.

Bring your bike to participate or if you’re without, we have bikes and trikes to lend.

Bring or earn a helmet at the fair to participate in the bike rodeo and win prizes.

9/9/19 10:40 AM

“House on Fire: The Seas Are Rising and So Are We”

Jimmy Byrne, our TRUU music director, joins with worship associate Nicolette Toussaint in anticipation of the approaching worldwide actions on climate change. On Friday, September 20th, people around the globe are going to strike. At the end of August, Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old from Sweden led a protest march in front of the United Nations, during which protesters, many of them teenagers, surrounded her chanting, “It’s too hot!” “The seas are rising, and so are we!” With music, fellowship and resources from the UU Earth Ministries, we prepare to rise with our beloved community to save our beloved home.

Join us Sunday, September 15, 2019 - 10 a.m. Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist (TRUU) @ Third Street Center, Community Room


Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist

Music with Jimmy Byrne, Religious Exploration with Ana Chynoweth, Preschool with Justice Bouchet

Teen Zone! Thank you to our generous sponsors Berthod Motors | CMC Nursing program | Culvers | Kiwanis MOUNTAIN WASTE & RECYCLING | VVH Foundation

Visit VVH.ORG/SafetyFair for more information.

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • SEPTEMBER 12 - SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 • 11



From Town Manager Jay Harrington's weekly report to trustees, staff and others.

TUESDAY Sept. 3 at 3:37 p.m. A motorcyclist was injured and a white SUV fled the scene following an apparent road rage incident.

AQUATIC FACILITY Master Plan request for proposals bit packets are available at carbondalerec.com and at the Town hall. They’re due by 4 p.m. Sept. 27. 50-AMP SERVICE should be coming to the power pedestals at the Gateway RV Park.

THE PARKS & REC BROCHURE was delayed, but is at carbondalerec.com. SALES TAX REVENUES for August were up 4.9 percent year-over-year, bringing the year-to-date comparison to 4.8 percent. Lodging taxes were down 1.6 percent and the bag fee fund was up 7.5 percent. THE STEIN PROPERTY — located at the northeast corner of Highway 133 and Main — has a new Major Site Plan Review application. The proposal is for 27 rental apartments — five of which would be deed-restricted as affordable housing — as well as 3,881 square feet of commercial space. Public hearings will be held before both P&Z and the Board of Trustees. PICKLEBALL COURT excavation is well underway. SNOW AND ICE control training in Gunnison drew the streets supervisor and some of his crew for two days.

THE POOL IS CLOSED, with 6,341 visits for the season — fewer than the extremely hot summer of 2018, but more than any of the three years before that. WINTER HOURS are in effect at the Rec. Center, with new hours including 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fridays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays. SIGHT DISTANCE pruning took place around town, with the Town Arborist also inventorying the parks and developing a replacement plan for an upcoming project. WATER PLANT INSPECTION by the Colorado Department of Public Health established that everything was in order. SEX ASSAULT INVESTIGATOR Training is taking place for Officer Bell. A FULL-TIME, BENEFITED position in parks maintenance is still open — contact rsissom@carondaleco.net or 510-1327. Part-time, year-round positions are also open for recreation assistants (wtempest@ carbondaleco.net) and climbing instructors (jwall@carbondaleco.net).


Town Of Carbondale

Parks & Recreation Department

Aquatics Facility Master Plan

From Aug. 30 through Sept. 5, Carbondale Police handled 315 calls for service, including 33 parking problems, 70 traffic violations, six abandoned vehicles and the following cases of note: SATURDAY Aug. 31 at 12:38 a.m. Police responded to a trespass report on Surrey Road.

SATURDAY Aug. 31 at 9:22 a.m. Following ongoing noise complaints on Garfield Avenue, police followed up and took continuous decibel readings in the neighborhood. SATURDAY Aug. 31 at 7:01 p.m. No one was injured but two people were cited following a two-car accident in the roundabout. TUESDAY Sept. 3 at 6:52 a.m. Police took a report of child abuse and informed the Department of Human Services.

TUESDAY Sept. 3 11:11 p.m. After stopping a 22-year-old man for expired registration, officers discovered that the plates belonged to a different vehicle and impounded the car and arrested the driver. Additionally, two passengers were given warnings for underage consumption of alcohol and open containers. Additionally, the Basalt Police Department requested aid from Carbondale in investigating Carbondalian Brittany von Stein, who is facing allegations of sexual contact with one of her students at Basalt High School. Von Stein, 26, has been the choir director at Basalt High and Middle schools since 2015. Last year, she received the Outstanding Young Educator Award from the Colorado Music Educators Association after student participation nearly tripled. According to the affidavit for her arrest, the investigation began on Aug. 14 after Von

Stein herself approached the administration about rumors that she’d been having sex with the student in question. She also told them that he had kissed her during a private vocal lesson. The student confirmed the kiss, adding that she told him no one could ever know it happened. They began “an ongoing texting relationship” which “he used… as an opportunity to flirt with Ms. von Stein.” He said she initially didn’t flirt back, but was ultimately very personal with him. On Aug. 29, the student allegedly acknowledged a sexual relationship after his friends read some explicit texts from Von Stein — although he later denied it again during a forensic interview. The next day, after his phone was seized by police, the student gave a detailed account of an ongoing sexual relationship taking place at Von Stein’s Carbondale home. Von Stein was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault on a child by one in a postition of trust, a class three felony, on Sept. 4 before bonding out. The Sun will continue to follow her case through the court system.

Bears are back!

Town of Carbondale is seeking proposals from professional design firms to conduct a comprehensive master plan and feasibility study for the renovation or replacement of the John M. Fleet municipal pool. Interested firms who would like to receive a copy of the RFP should contact: Parks & Recreation Director, Eric Brendlinger, at (970) 510-1277 (OR) ebrendlinger@carbondaleco.net. A copy of the RFP is also available for download at www.carbondalegov.org

RFP bid packets must be received by September 27th, 2019.

All garbage or refuse containers must be stored in a secured enclosed area or own a bear resistant container. (Except on collection day between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.)

Up to $1,000 fine for violating trash/bear ordinance! Warnings will not be issued! Help keep the bears out of town and Carbondale safe.

Contact the Carbondale Police Department for more information at (970) 963-2662. Carbondale Town Ordinance:

NOW HIRING POLICE OFFICER | STARTING SALARY $50,000 | LATERALS WELCOME Information & application at www.carbondalegov.org Open until filled.

12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • SEPTEMBER 12 - SEPTEMBER 18, 2019

Sec. 7-3-60 (b) No person, including but not limited to an owner, occupant, lessee, person in possession or control, homeowners’ association officer, property manager or agent of a given premises, shall place any refuse or garbage container in any street, alley or other public place or upon any private property, whether or not owned by such person, within the Town, except in proper containers for collection, as provided in Section 7-3-50 above. No person shall place any such refuse or garbage container in any public street right-of-way for trash collection purposes by the Town or a private trash hauler, except for on the day collection occurs. For purposes of determining compliance with this requirement, refuse and garbage containers may be stored in a public street right-of-way only between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on the day of collection. Placement of refuse or garbage containers outside of this time period shall result in the levying of fines, pursuant to Subsection (g) below. Except for between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on the day of collection, and except in the instance that a refuse or garbage container is bear-resistant, as defined in Section 7-3-10 above, all refuse and garbage containers must be stored in secure enclosures when not out for collection.

Containment begins as Hunt Fire creates ‘mosaic landscape’ Staff report

Although only City Market is currently barred from offering plastic bags, Carbondale's Ace Hardware has taken the step voluntarily. Photo by Will Grandbois

Town not giving up plastic reduction

By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff It may be back to the drawing board for a bag-ban expansion, but single-use plastic was still the main topic of conversation at the Board of Trustees meeting on Sept. 10. The discussion didn’t yield much in the way of formal action, but Trustee Ben Bohmfalk did articulate an ideal: “eliminate the generation of single-use plastic in the Town of Carbondale.” He expressed full understanding that the Town will likely fall short in practice, but compared it to a similar renewable energy in terms of setting their sights high. Heather Henry also made comparisons to climate actions and the trash ordinance in advocating for her fellow trustees to articulate a clear vision before expecting the Environmental Board to propose specific solutions. E-Board member Jim Kirschivink was in attendance, and encouraged the assembly not to overspend on a consultant, advocating

instead to work with someone attempting to complete a Master’s thesis. The trustees, however, seemed inclined to stick with the resources already in use by the Town. As Town Manager Jay Harrington pointed out, there are a wide array of ways to tackle the issue. “It’s really just all over the place on how communities have kind of customized this to their needs,” he said. In other action, trustees… Agreed to consider the possibility of celebrating Indigenous People’s Day rather than Columbus Day at the next meeting. Following requests from the public, decided to schedule a meeting on residential — but not event — noise requirements. Discussed the results of a transportation survey of Crystal Meadows residents and decided that no immediate action was needed. Approved letter of credit reductions for both 1st Bank and City Market. Considered the possibility of bringing back a non-voting student trustee, a program which elapsed in 2013.

Firefighters from the Northwest Colorado Interagency Fire Management Unit are continuing to manage the Hunt Fire on Bureau of Land Management west of Highway 13 between Rifle and Meeker. Lightning ignited the fire on Sept. 5, and it has since grown to encompass more than 2,500 acres in thick brush on ridges and valleys north of the Roan Plateau. Shifts in the wind have brought smoke from the fire into the lower Roaring Fork Valley, and may again. Containment was estimated at 10 percent on Sept. 11 after crews scounted the burned area to determine where heat remains and where the fire has cooled. Firefighters have begun to prepare containment lines by cutting back brush around historic cabins, power poles, and buried gas pipelines, which will reduce the risk of the fire escaping the desired containment area if fire

activity were to increase. Fire managers’ objective is to keep the fire north of the Rio Blanco/Garfield County line, south of a gas pipeline that is located north of the fire, east of Hunter Creek and west of West Willow Creek. Callie Hendrickson, Executive Director of the White River and Douglas Creek Conservation Districts said “Thank you” to the BLM for deciding to manage the Hunt Fire for resource benefits. “Fire is an effective tool that has many benefits on the land,” she said. “It

creates fuel breaks that help slow the progress of future fires, stimulates new growth in mature, overgrown stands; and promotes watershed health and productive rangelands, while improving wildlife habitat. An area closure (Closure Order #CONOS000-19-01) is in effect to provide for firefighter and public safety in the area around the wildfire. The area closure includes public lands and routes within an area north of Rio Blanco/Garfield County

line, east of Hunter Creek Road, west of West Willow Creek Road, and extending north to County Road 5. This includes Big Jimmy Gulch. A total of 96 personnel are assigned to the fire, including one Type 1 helicopter, two hand crews, two modules, six engines, and a water tender. For the latest information about the Hunt Fire, visit inciweb.nwcg .gov/ incident/6583 or follow the Rio Blanco County Sheriff ’s Department Facebook page.

The Hunt and Mamm Creek fires are the most active in the area, but both are far from major settlements are being managed for forest health. Courtesy photo / map



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Join us for a Susan Michelle Celebration of the Life of Susan Michelle McEvoy-Strong McEvoy Strong Sunday September 15 2-4 PM The Redstone Inn Tent

Redstone, CO 12, 2019 Sept. 3, 1958 - June Questions – call Teresa at 970-379-1729

Susan McEvoy Strong passed peacefully on June 12, 2019 at age 60. As she lived every day, Susan squeezed every moment out of life that she could, outliving a terminal cancer diagnosis almost two years prior and continuing her adventures in the mountains of Colorado and Nepal until the very end. Born at Fort Rucker, Alabama on Sept. 3, 1958, Susan spent the majority of her childhood in North Easton, Massachusetts. She moved to the Roaring Fork Valley in 1979 and held a deep fascination and intimate relationship with the mountain

communities of Redstone and Marble. In 1993 she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Summa Cum Laude, from the University of Colorado Boulder. In 1996, Susan became a tour coordinator, caretaker, historian and docent at the Redstone Castle. Just as the yellow-linen pineapplestenciled wallpaper in the Castle’s entry hall was a universal sign of welcome and hospitality, Sue welcomed visitors and shared the past of Cleveholm Manor. Our modern day “Lady Bountiful” hosted numerous events at the Castle and was a long-standing member of the Historical Society as well as the Redstone Community Association. Susan was a talented staff writer and editor for the Crystal Valley Echo and Marble Times and a certified Pilates and Yoga Instructor. She also volunteered for the Dzi Foundation and later Global Dental. After she joined a Ladakh, India trip in 2006, Susan became a dental assistant and began co-leading yearly trips of volunteer doctors to remote villages around Ladakh, and Pokhara, Nepal. Susan was inspired by these magical places and the bright smiles of all the children she served. Susan had a quiet wit, a beautiful smile, a legendary

snort, and an infectious laugh. She loved the music of Bob Dylan and was rarely seen without a Golden Retriever by her side. Friends knew SuMac to be an ice climber, river runner, fan of all things Boston, and an avid hiker and backpacker, trekking each year to Silver Creek in Lead King Basin to photograph the prolific wildflowers. An exceptional skier, Aspen Highlands was the mountain where she skied religiously, dancing on snow. A strong, wise, courageous, and dedicated mountain woman, Susan will be missed by the friends and family she leaves behind, including her partner Dana Strong, beloved parents Leo and Janice McEvoy, brother John and sister-in-law Aedie McEvoy, nephews and niece Alexander, James, and Leydn McEvoy, her sister and brother-in-law Kathy (McEvoy) and Cameron Law, and nephews Micah and Eli Dawson. Susan loved Redstone and the community who always made it her home. Donations can be made in her name to the Pema Tsal monastery in Pokhara, Nepal. A celebration of Sue’s life will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 15 at the Redstone Inn. Call Teresa at 379-1729 with any questions.

June Nightingale Jan. 14, 1934 - Aug. 13, 2019 June Nightingale passed away surrounded by family on August 13, 2019, in Durango, CO. She was 85. She was born Anita June King in Wellington, TX on January 14, 1934. She grew up in Childress, TX and after graduating, she moved to Paonia, CO with her family. There she met and married Leonard ‘Tiny’ Nightingale. They had five children and settled down in Carbondale when Tiny got a teaching job. June had several jobs including working at a bank, running Nightingale’s Grocery in Carbondale, waitressing and selling real estate. June was an adventurous spirit. She loved to travel and visited Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada, Mexico, the Mediterranean, the

Caribbean and even went zip lining in Belize at the age of 76. She was an avid reader, enjoyed doing puzzles on her iPad, and in her younger days she played golf. Her favorite pastime was playing Bridge. She enjoyed spending time with her family. Nothing brought a bigger smile to her face than her great grandchildren Brayden, Addie and Summit. She was preceded in death by her daughter Dea, son Tim, husband Tiny, parents Oma and Clinton King and brother Granville King. She is survived by daughters Patty Bristol of Durango CO, Kelly Warnock (AJ) of Bradenton, FL, TIna Smith (Robert) of Morrison, CO and grandchildren Zach, Ciarra, Tyler, Savanna and Christian. A celebration of her life will be held in Paonia at the home of Claudia King on Sept. 28. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the hospice or a charity of your choice.

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Christi Couch of the meetup group "Hiking into Colorado's Past" noticed over the weekend that the water in Ivanhoe Lake, up the Fryingpan, had come down enough to reveal the old Midland Railway grade. Other traces remain, such as the west portal of the Hagerman Tunnel, into which you can peer inside but we'd strongly recommend against entering due to the risk of drowning, hypothermia or complete collapse. Still, it's hard to believe trains full of people used to pull up on Hell Gate and let out passengers for sight seeing (photo courtesy of the Aspen Historical Society).

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