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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Carbondale’s weekly

community connector

Volume 12, Number 51 | January 28 - February 3, 2021

Wade or float, the rivers beckon By Roberta McGowan Sopris Sun Staff

Need a peaceful Zen moment in the middle of winter? Why not go fly fishing on the Roaring Fork river? Yes, that’s what you read. And legions of anglers will concur. Experienced guides from Alpine Angling in Carbondale, Coleman Walker and C. P. Martinez lead the way down a winding, hilly and snow-covered route a half mile each way. It’s a cold, windless, blue bird sky day. Don’t worry about the weather, the shop provides the gear, from full-length waders to boots, all waterproof and comfortable. Yet, the payoffs are incredible — majestic views and the soon-to-be-memorable fishing adventure. Alpine Angling and its sister shop, Roaring Fork Anglers in Glenwood Springs, have been around for a while. Fishing enthusiasts from across the nation come to the Valley in search of the perfect location. According to Wikipedia, “Fly fishing is an angling method that uses a light-weight lure — called an artificial fly — to catch fish. The fly is cast using a fly rod, reel and specialized weighted line. Casting is the act of throwing bait or a lure using a fishing line out over the water using a flexible fishing rod. The usual technique is for the angler to quickly flick the rod from behind toward the water.” Fly tying is a whole other discipline requiring patience, skill and practice plus the right materials, consisting mostly of feathers and hairs and now also synthetic materials. Back to the fishing expedition. The river is calm and running slowly, but the flow, albeit gentle, is still there. The first few steps into the chilly water can be a wake up call to stay balanced, as the slick river rocks are everywhere. Especially as a newbie, patience and careful steps are vital. The guides make sure guests don’t fall. And it worked, no unexpected dip into the river. At least, not this time. The stillness of the moment is broken only by the barely perceptible whoosh of the fly fishing line, and the chuckle of Walker as he hooks a beautiful rainbow trout on his first cast. The barbless hook avoids injuring the fish. Walker carefully scoops it up with a net, gently removes the hook and easies it back into the river. Martinez explained to this beginning angler, “Just gently flick your wrist. Combine that with the up and over movement.” That requires concentration and knowledge. As in many sports, finesse is the key, not brute force. Many people around here know, the Fryingpan and the Lower Roaring Fork between Carbondale and Glenwood are “Gold Medal” rivers. That means that both are only “catch and release.” So, no trout dinner tonight. Nonetheless, good stories to tell. The Colorado, the Crystal and the Upper Fork between Carbondale and Aspen are not “Gold Medal” waters, so you can enjoy frying up those freshly caught fish. For more information, call Alpine Angling at 970963-9245 or Roaring Fork Anglers at 970-945-0180 or visit alpineangling.com. All it takes is a blue sky, calm waters and patience to enjoy fly fishing in the Roaring Fork Valley. Photo by Roberta McGowan.


SEEKING HIGHER GROUND By Nicolette Toussaint

On Fridays, I teach a colormixing class to five artists, aged 11 to about 75. They bring a burst of light to my week, piercing the gloom of my current shut-in/shut-down life. At the presidential inauguration, poet Amanda Gorman, resplendent in her sunshine yellow coat, similarly pierced the darkness many of us have been feeling for far too long. That's the magic of the arts. In easier times, art can feel like a luxury. But in dark days, when we ask, in Gorman's words, “Where can we find light in this never-ending shade?” The arts are a good place to look. Teaching art on Zoom has been a lifeline for me. Last March, I began to selfquarantine, suspecting that COVID-19 would make short work of me due to underlying health conditions. Soon, my calendar was black and blue with cross-outs: summer raft trips, camping in Utah, Aspen Music Festival concerts, Green

Light and color via Zoom

is the New Black, a Beethoven's birthday concert at Red Rocks, my art shows, the watercolor classes I taught at CMC. The walls started closing in. I could feel my lifelong enemy, depression, beginning to gnaw darkly at my bones. To keep my blues at bay, I decided to offer a free, online drawing class. When I'm drawing or painting, I lose track of time. My left brain — the scolding hemisphere that worries about money, my to-do list, politics and viruses — dozes off. I can feel myself drifting into my right brain, my right mind. Afterward, it's as though I've had a mini vacation. It's good therapy. I taught my first-ever Zoom art class on April 9, a beginning drawing class based on author/ artist Betty Edwards' classic book, “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.” That day, I posted online, “I had a delightful day, COVID be damned. I loved, loved, loved doing that ... A great way to celebrate my one-month anniversary of self-administered house arrest.” My classes soon caught on and my students weren't just Boomers forced to be Zoomers. I earned tips enough to pay for professional Zoom and a document camera. I was soon asked to teach paid classes beginning with a retreat for a law firm. Next, my neighbor Megan Currier made a request. Megan has long celebrated a yearly summer reunion with high school friends. When COVID

cancelled it, she asked me to teach watercolors online for the group. “Nicolette’s online art classes allowed me to reconnect with childhood friends and their children during COVID,” Megan wrote. “By taking an art class (and not just having a casual Zoom), we were able to engage in creative and playful ways across generations.” For a couple years, I have taught in-person art to two girls, now eight and 11, who are homeschooled. Until COVID came along, I didn't know that they were part of a “Willowpond” learning pod with other kids. My students' fine work soon prompted another Willowpond mom to ask me to teach. Of course, there are downsides to teaching on Zoom. I miss hugging my young students and I can't always see their work as well as I'd like. Space limitations are my biggest downfall — literally! Even though my painting desk will accommodate “double elephant” paper (26 by 39.5 inches) plus paints, palette and brushes, it's difficult to also juggle my computer, mouse and a document camera. When my cat “Zoom bombs” the picture, his paws and my language can become quite colorful. But teaching on Zoom has kept me connected. Students have joined my art classes from as far away as New York and California. A friend I knew in San Francisco joined my drawing class from her home, which is now in

Texas. I remember standing in a ladies’ room with Natalie, stifling laughter as we listened to her daughter, Isla, locked in a toilet stall. Isla, little more than a toddler then, had insisted she could “do it herself ” — and what she was doing was singing: “Rocka’ my soul in da’ buddum of Abraham, rocka’ my soul ...” I was stunned to discover, via Zoom, that Isla is now a teenager! Online classes have also allowed me to keep in touch with locals that have moved away. Ruth Putnam Young, a friend I once worked with in Aspen, is one of them. Ruth told me she needed to “reboot” her drawing skills; she had recently retired to Arizona and had time again for art. “The online class allowed me to work at home, and somewhat at my own pace, without the disruption of packing up my supplies and going somewhere. I also appreciated the Zoom aspect of working alongside other students, to see and appreciate their skill and approach.” Meaningfully, she adds, “I didn't feel so isolated, while in isolation.” Me too, Ruth. There's more light somewhere, beyond these four walls. If I can't travel to Utah to see it, I'll paint it and, as Amanda said, try to BE it. EDITORIAL NOTE: Between November and December, Nicolette had multiple eye surgeries that paused her online art classes. She's now back with 20/20 vision and color acuity she can't believe.

LETTERS Climate action I'm glad that Fred Malo addressed climate change in his most recent column ("God said, 'The fire, not a flood next time.'"), but I was disappointed that he offered few suggestions for how individuals can make a difference. There are many ways that each of us can reduce the greenhouse gases we emit from our homes and vehicles — and many of them save money, too! Various rebates and tax credits are also available, and Garfield Clean Energy (which is supported in part by your tax dollars) can help you maximize your savings. (Disclosure: I work for CLEER, which runs GCE's programs.) But individual action is never going to be enough to fully address climate change. For that, we need government leadership, and this is where individuals can have outsized influence. I urge everyone to use the power that they have as constituents to demand that their elected representatives take strong action on climate. Call or email your state legislators, Gov. Polis, and especially your members of Congress. Over and over. Don't do it alone, though. Join with others via one of the state or national organizations that have real lobbying power. One that I can

recommend personally is Citizens' Climate Lobby, whose Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (HR 763) will soon be reintroduced in the new Congress. Dave Reed Carbondale

Response to Frosty I am writing this as a followup to Frosty Merriott’s column last week titled: “Too Late for a Moratorium on Highway 133?” Frosty has long been a steward for the Town of Carbondale regarding environmental issues and we are fortunate to have him as part of the community. I would like to clarify a few of the items that he mentioned regarding building codes. Biospaces Energy Consulting, through funding from the Community Office for Resource Efficiency (CORE), has been updating over the last few years the Residential and Commercial Green Construction Codes for the Town of Carbondale. We have ensured that they are following the direction set by the town’s 2017 Climate Action Plan, which calls for all buildings to have zero emissions by 2050. More recently, the 2019 Net Zero for New Construction report by CORE,

CLEER and Biospaces Energy Consulting, maps out a path for getting to net zero for new construction by 2030 and calls for the adoption of new energy codes every three years. Last summer, a revision to the Carbondale Residential Efficient Building Program went into effect, requiring all new homes 2000 square feet and over in Carbondale to install solar or other renewables and have a HERS (Home Energy Rating System) rating. Homes less than 2,000 square feet have the option of installing solar or doing a HERS rating. A HERS rating ensures that homes will be built to a higher standard of efficiency. Implementing new building codes is always a lengthy process, as it is important to ensure that the new codes have been ‘fleshed out’ (generally by larger communities) and that we have elicited and received input from the building department and the building community. We need to ensure that our environmental goals are met while also making sure that the ability to build affordable housing in Carbondale is not made unattainable. We are currently working with the town to update the Commercial Green Construction Code that also increases Continued on page 13

The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The community is invited to submit letters up to 500 words to news@soprissun.com. Longer columns are considered on a case-by-case basis. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday. 2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • January 28 - February 3, 2021

Sincerest thanks to our

Honorary Publishers

for their annual commitment of $1,000+ Email todd@soprissun.com for more information.

Anne Sullivan & John Colson Bill Spence & Sue Edelstein Carly & Frosty Merriott CoVenture Deborah & Shane Evans Elizabeth Wysong Gary & Jill Knaus Greg & Kathy Feinsinger James Noyes Kay Brunnier Ken & Donna Riley Lee Beck & John Stickney Lee Mulcahy Megan Tackett Michelle & Ed Buchman Patricia & George Stranahan Peter & Mike Gilbert Toni Cerise True Nature Healing Arts

Legacy Givers

for including us in their final wishes. Mary Lilly

And all our SunScribers

and community members for your support.

It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

Donate by mail or online. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Raleigh Burleigh • 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Executive Director Todd Chamberlin • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Graphic Designer: Ylice Golden Reporter: Roberta McGowan Delivery: Crystal Tapp Proofreader: Lee Beck Current Board Members Linda Criswell • Klaus Kocher Kay Clarke • Lee Beck Megan Tackett • Gayle Wells Donna Dayton • Terri Ritchie The Sopris Sun Board meets at 6:30 p.m. on second Mondays at the Third Street Center. Contact board@soprissun.com to reach them.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young Colin Laird • Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell

The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

Preservation Commission advances amid Dinkel sale

By James Steindler Sopris Sun Correspondent

There is no doubt about it, Carbondale is bracing for change and many wonder at what cost. One particularly concerned group is the Carbondale Historical Preservation Commission (CHPC) which fears bits of the town’s history will continue to be chipped away. One significant motivator for such worry is the recent sale of the Dinkel Building in Carbondale’s Historical Commercial Core (HCC). If a building in the HCC (which spans from the east end of Main Street to 6th Street and north toward Town Hall) is older than 50 years, any renovations or demolition requires a permit. Before obtaining said permit, the CHPC will undergo a review of the building for its historical significance. A prospective developer is then encouraged, but not required, to consider the review. The CHPC has the power to stall a permit from being issued for up to 180 days to try and achieve a concession but, in the end, the proprietor has the final say. Essentially the town’s Unified Development Code (UDC) — as well as the Municipal Code — do not stand in the way of developers eventually altering or tearing down buildings which CHPC considers to have historical importance. That is, unless it is landmarked … we’ll get to that detail in a moment.

A fight to preserve CHPC board member John Williams put it this way, “We want to toughen up the code and give the town more say and teeth in the game.” So the CHPC has set out to change the code. First, they would like to expand HCC protections to the Old Town Residential (OTR) area as well as for “structures of [historical] merit” throughout town. OTR comprises many older homes south of Main Stree between 2nd Street and 8th Street. Secondly, the commission would like to require that a town staff member review any minor alteration proposals with a caveat that they may call on CHPC for further analysis. The commission is refining the proposed word changes which they’ll discuss with the Board of Town Trustees (BoTT) at a work session in the coming weeks. Town Planner John Leybourne added that, “A great amount of public input will be needed before a final version is approved.” Eventually, the proposed changes will go to the Planning and Zoning Department for a final review before circling back to the BoTT for approval.

A dog jaunts in front of the Dinkel building over 100 years later. Photo by James Steindler.

A dog sits in front of W.M. Dinkel Mercantile (The Black Nugget today) sometime around the end of WWI. The second flag from the top has a star for every local that served in the war. The lower flags are Liberty Loan Flags, awarded when a business or municipality surpassed its quota for selling bonds to finance the war. Image courtesy of Carbondale Historical Society and refined by Frank Norwood of Main St. Gallery and Framer. While members of the commission would like to see the decision of their review have more clout, Leybourne stated that even with the proposed changes, “CHPC would not be able to stop a project if the owner does not agree [to do so].” Therefore, CHPC is on a mission to get the word out to Carbondale property owners that there is an option to landmark their historic buildings. A subcommittee is currently working on a brochure with simplified information regarding the pros and cons of landmarking. Williams describes the brochure as the CliffNnotes to cumbersome legal jargon in the code. Other municipalities, including Glenwood Springs, already have similar brochures. Once a building is landmarked, it is protected (to a degree) from being demolished by future developers. However, there would still be a means to alter or demolish a landmarked building, albeit through several proceedings and many more strands of red tape. Most importantly, a developer would have to obtain a landmark alteration certificate granted by way of the CHPC for any proposed

alterations or demolition. A developer could then appeal for an exemption if their request is denied by the CHPC. According to Leybourne, at this time there are no landmarked buildings in Carbondale. Perhaps Dinkel will be the first.

Dinkel building If you came across a previous article about the Dinkel building in The Sopris Sun, you know that it was built by a prominent townsman — Wiliam Dinkel — in the late 19th century. In fact, the edifice is roughly the same age as the town itself. You may not know that the previous owner, Anthony Mazza owned the building for the last 30 years. Mazza purchased it from Dinkel’s grandson, Wallace de Beque. To the naked eye, the old structure remained mostly unchanged under Mazza with the exception of a cornice atop the building being removed after a brick fell from it to the street below. This raised some safety concerns prompting it’s removal. Nevertheless, even that seemingly small alteration stirred up a lot of resistance. Today, because the Dinkel building is in the HCC, any request for a demolition or alteration permit would prompt a courtesy review by the CHPC. Fortunately, the recent buyer does not intend to make any big modifications — at least, not anytime soon.

Lucked out this time Those worried that Carbondale is becoming increasingly more difficult to recognize may be happy to know that the new owner of the Dinkel building has a fondness for historical

preservation and even expressed a willingness to confer with the CHPC in the future. Rick Holmstrom is the founder and managing partner of Menlo Equities — a prominent property investment firm based out of California. The company invests in buildings across the nation. In fact, their first investment back in 1994 was in Silicon Valley and served as Apple’s original corporate headquarters — Apple still uses the building today. An important distinction is that Holmstrom invested in the Dinkel building outside of the company — a personal purchase, as he put it. He said, “The intent here is not to do some crazy repurposing of the building or modern kind of out-of-character work on it,” but added, “At the same time I think the effort is going to be to provide the TLC that the building needs.” Each of the business owners reached by The Sopris Sun expressed their hopes to stay and most indicated a mutual feeling that the new owner may be a good fit. He and his family have enjoyed live music at Steve’s Guitars, films at the Crystal Theatre and Holmstrom expressed sheer delight in Bonfire Coffee as somewhat of a connoisseur. Holmstrom lives in California but bought land near Prince Creek Road about 25 years ago where he and his wife built their second home roughly 15 years later. Furthermore, one of his children is a recent graduate of Colorado Rocky Mountain School. In short, while he’s not planning on redeveloping the Dinkel building, the family has developed their own niche in town.

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1127 School Street • Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • January 28 - February 3, 2021 • 3

SCUTTLEBUTT ReFUND Colorado The Donate to Colorado Nonprofit Fund (ReFUND CO) allows state taxpayers to donate a portion of their tax refunds to a Colorado-based nonprofit. This provides the sector with a funding boost and strengthens ties with donors. Learn more about the ReFUND Colorado campaign, timeline, eligibility requirements and more at coloradononprofits.org

Energy future Garfield County Libraries hosts a panel of local experts and industry leaders exploring how local energy companies are moving to reduce their impact on climate change and what steps consumers can take to save energy and money. The virtual event is on Wednesday, Feb. 3, at 3 p.m with simultaneous Spanish interpretation. Details at www.gcpld.org/resilient

Colorado is a non-partisan group dedicated to protecting and preserving constitutional rights.

Distance learning A student or staff member at Carbondale Middle School tested positive for COVID resulting in the quarantine of almost all of the 5th grade class because the entire grade and its teachers are considered a cohort. This cohort will return to in-person learning on Monday, Feb. 1.

5Point Film Fund The 2021 5Point Film Fund is now open for submissions, seeking to support filmmakers committed to telling important and impactful stories about adventure. Additional funds for water-related projects will be provided by Northwest River Supplies. Submissions are due by Apr. 1 at 5pointfilm.org

Freedom Rally

Tuition hike

Stay Free Colorado hosts a community event on Saturday, Jan. 30 at the courthouse plaza in Glenwood Springs at noon. Guest speakers include Garfield County Commissioner Tom Jankowski, Sheriff Lou Vallario, “America’s Mom” Sheronna Bishop, Dr. Jeff Barke and Dr. Tom Lankering. Stay Free

CMC trustees voted on Jan. 26 to increase tuition for 2021/2022 by $5 per credit hour for all categories except nonresident students. Meanwhile, fees for the college’s Learning Materials Program, including textbooks, will be lowered by $4 per credit hour. Additionally, the board approved several tuition discounts.

Retail Marijuana| 21 +

CMC responds Colorado Mountain College is offering scholarships of up to $1,000 for persons out of work due to COVID. Eligible applicants include employees with reduced hours or decreased pay and persons that left employment to care for dependents. More details are at coloradomtn.edu/scholarships

“Moments of light” Ann Korologos Gallery in Basalt presents a group exhibition exploring the interaction of light with landscapes of Colorado and Utah as captured in diverse painting styles. The exhibit is on view through Mar. 6 and virtually at korologosgallery.com

Poss recognition Poss Architecture + Planning and Interior Design, a local design firm, was selected as a 2021 A+Firm Awards Special Mention recipient in the Best Medium Firm category in the first annual A+Firm Awards by Architizer — an international design competition.

29th Annual Ski for Sisu Named for a Finnish concept describing stoic determination, Ski for Sisu @rockymountainhighq

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“Mixed Media Marriage” A collaborative exhibit by Wewer and Steve Keohane remains on exhibit at the Carbondale Clay Center through Jan. 30. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Snowboard clinic The second annual Kirstie Ennis Foundation Women Veterans' Snowboard Clinic is at Sunlight this Friday through Tuesday. Ennis had her leg amputated after her helicopter went down in Afghanistan. Since her recovery, she has made it her mission to educate, empower and inspire others through the outdoors — specifically for athletes with disabilities. More info is at kirstieennisfoundation.com

Financial aid Kids First and the City of Aspen are providing a financial aid program to help defray the expense of childcare for working families. The deadline for applications is Feb. 1 with assistance beginning Mar. 1. Only new applicants need to apply at this time. More at cityofaspen.com/316/ Financial-Aid

#9 in "Breakfast in Japan" series by Wewer Keohane. Courtesy image.

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another trip around the sun this week include: Greg Albrecht, Sharill Hawkins and Carly Rosenthal (Jan. 28); Noah Scher (Jan. 29); Ami Maes and Luca Rio Phelan (Jan. 30); Joani Lubrant (Feb. 1); Marcos Guevara, Candy Holgate, Nikki Macleod, Mountain Maes, Rex van Minnen and Silvia Rodriguez Gutierrez (Feb. 2); Stacey Novak, Sarah Strassburger and Bob Moore (Feb. 3).

Carbondale Police Department

is accepting applications for the following: Police Officer. Starting salary: $57,268. For application and full job description visit: www.carbondalegov.org Open until filled.

x-treme Specials


returns to Spring Gulch as a socially-distanced, nine-day skiathon beginning Feb. 6. This annual fundraiser helps to maintain the trail system for cross-country and skate skiing. Details for signing up as a participant, volunteer or both are at springgulch.org


WWW.HIGHQROCKIES.COM | 844-420-DANK (3265) 4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • January 28 - February 3, 2021

TOWN REPORT FREE COVID TESTING site remains in operation behind Town Hall with a slight decline in usage recently. The website to schedule an appointment is rfcovidtest.com COVID CASES in Garfield County continue to drop but the county remains at level orange according to the state. Town staff are working with the county and other municipalities to develop a “five-star” program to permit restaurants to operate with fewer restrictions after meeting special requirements. ICE REMOVAL efforts continue, with street crews also repairing sidewalk heaves and performing sign maintenance. PARKS & REC is closing out grants to improve the playground at Gianinetti Park and develop the master plan for a new aquatic facility. Both projects are complete. THE INTEGRATED WEED MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR 2021 was presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission and Environment Board. Trustees will review the plan on Feb. 9.

REC CENTER remains steady.

COP SHOP usage

ICE RINKS are open with social distancing and mask requirements.

THE FULL MOON TRI takes place at the rodeo grounds this Saturday, Jan. 30. In its third year, this fun-focused fundraiser involves cross-country skiing 1.5 miles, a three mile fat bike ride and .5 mile ice skate at the Gus Darien Arena. Registration is necessary online at carbondalerec.ocm or by calling 970.510.1290.

YOUTH CLIMBING CLASSES are offered in threeweek sessions in February.

From Dec. 14 through Jan. 21, Carbondale Police handled 894 calls for service, including the following cases of note: Thursday Dec. 24 at 5:38 p.m. Officers responded to a trespass at City Market. The male in question was released with a summons. Saturday Dec. 26 at 4:19 a.m. Police responded to a report of a woman being held a gunpoint. Officers secured the scene and the case is under investigation.

JAMES FRANKS was hired to join the finance department.

Saturday Dec. 26 at 7:27 p.m. Responding to a reported package theft, officers discovered the contents were gone.

TRUSTEES’ REGULAR MEETING on Jan. 26 saw all trustees in attendance. ■ A Community Hero Award was presented to staff of Carbondale Public Library by Marty Silverstein. ■ A loan refinance was approved to benefit the Third Street Center. ■ The Town accepted a request to partner with Aspen Valley Land Trust as a fiscal agent for two Great Outdoors Colorado grants totalling $110,000. The funds will be used to continue improvements at the Red Hill trailhead and for a Crystal River restoration project that improves ADA accessibility for Riverfront Park. ■ Clean Energy Economy for the Region presented a revised work plan for 2021 that was accepted by the trustees.

Saturday, Jan. 2 at 8:55 p.m. Officers were dispatched to a man sleeping in the basement of Mi Casita. He was issued a summons for criminal trespass. Monday, Jan. 11 at 10:27 a.m. A vehicle was reported stolen along Dolores Way. Sunday, Jan. 12 at 12:36 p.m. Officers responded to a trespass, jailing a man for violation of a restraining order. Friday, Jan. 15 at 9:47 p.m. A juvenile pulled over for driving through a stop sign was arrested after officers found drug paraphernalia in their vehicle. Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 3:17 a.m. Police responded to a man being assaulted with a baseball bat. The suspect was arrested and the victim was transported to St. Mary’s with major injuries. Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 9:21 p.m. A man was arrested for trespassing near Gianinetti Park.

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265 Main Street, Carbondale, Colorado | 970-440-2628 | SoprisLodge.com Independent Living | Assisted Living | Memory Care | Managed by THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • January 28 - February 3, 2021 • 5

Ending one more "ism"


Mature Content by Frank Sgambati

In many cultures, including that of our First Nations People, elders are admired, respected, and valued for their perspective and wisdom. Family and community members gather around elders to seek advice and learn from their life experiences. As a child, I cherished the time I spent with my grandparents, and later, with older friends. Stories of what life was like “way back when” held life lessons on morality, social justice, adversity, relationships and learning from mistakes. My grandfather, an Italian Catholic who lost his first two babies to typhoid fever, told me about coming home from work to learn that his third child, eightyear-old Anthony, died from fever while my grandmother prayed to a statue of the Virgin surrounded

by candles at Anthony’s bedside. My grandfather walked silently to the statue, picked it up and threw it through the open window. He never set foot in a church again. My father told me about the first time my grandfather took him to work in Manhattan. My father had never been outside of Queens. Grandpa drove a huge, horsedrawn delivery truck around lower Manhattan. My dad, who had never eaten anything other than Italian cuisine, had his first hot dog that day, and a big new world began to open for him. At age 70, I regard those conversations as some of the most valuable gifts I possess. They are blessings that guide me to this day and will guide me to my last. I’m saddened by the way we often view aging in the United States. Words attached to older adults in our time are often laden with derision. What images do “senior citizen,” “old,” “vulnerable” or “nursing home resident” bring to mind? They suggest weakness, neediness, incompetence; perhaps someone to be kind to, but not someone to be taken very seriously. Yesterday’s news, so to speak. There is no better example of ageism than the language that surrounded the 2020 presidential campaign. Joe Biden was often referred to as “too old to lead,”

“senile” and “lacking the stamina needed in a president.” “Poor Sleepy Joe!” The press, many voters and Donald Trump often referred to him as a “has been.” In a Democratic primary debate, Julian Castro suggested that Mr. Biden was unable to remember what he had said two minutes earlier. Such words, purposely chosen, do not portray a man with Biden’s vast governing experience, tempered by surviving several personal tragedies. Is this how Americans really feel about Joe Biden, or about “senior citizens” in general? I think not. Although Joe Biden will be the oldest individual elected to the presidency in this country, 81.3 million Americans saw his lifetime’s experience as an asset. 74.25 million people voted for an opponent only four years his junior. During the long Democratic primary cycle, younger, qualified candidates (including Julian Castro, 46) fell by the wayside, leaving 71-yearold Elizabeth Warren and 79-yearold Bernie Sanders as Biden’s strongest competitors. Americans, consciously or not, looked to elders to lead them through these frightening times. Thankfully, our society is continually evolving and becoming more aware of how

words and labels matter. We have become more conscious of using respectful language when referring to race, religion, sexual orientation and disability. But ageism continues to be one of the longer-standing acceptable biases. It’s time we became more aware of it. If we can agree about anything from the 2020 election, it may be the fact that when our community life destabilizes, we tend to look to elders for wisdom, stability and leadership. We cannot entirely understand what it’s like to be a different color, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, but if we are lucky, we will all live to become part of the older population. So, let’s try to understand right now how demeaning age discrimination is. Let’s consider the benefit of every person’s lifetime of experiences and how vital and productive a person can be well beyond what is considered “older.” John Lewis continued getting into “good trouble”; Mary Oliver and Pablo Neruda continued writing outstanding poetry; Einstein continued expanding our understanding of the universe; the Rolling Stones are still touring; and Bruce Springsteen just released his twentieth studio album, reflecting on aging, death and relationship. There

President Biden. Image by tiburi on Pixabay.com are myriad older athletes skiing, hiking, biking and rafting in our valley. In Glenwood Springs, the indomitable nonagenarian Hal Sundin is writing his informative monthly column. Let each of us, no matter our age, examine our own biases and look to age and experience as a gift. When you read this, a grandfather of seven (hopefully as wise as my grandfather) will have taken his presidential oath of office and be working hard on our behalf. But ageism will not be gone. Obliterating it is a job that belongs to us all. "Mature Content" is a new monthly column provided by the Carbondale AARP Age-Friendly Community Iniative (CAFCI).

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6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • January 28 - February 3, 2021



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Injured Wildlife 101 By Geneviève Villamizar Sopris Sun Correspondent

In December, my housemate discovered a buck in our yard with an injured leg and mangled antler. What do you do for injured wildlife? “Ideally, leave it alone and give [Colorado Parks and Wildlife] a call so we can assess it,” says District Wildlife Manager John Groves. “I’ll look at the condition of the animal — is it mobile, is it lying down on the ground, can it get up? I’m looking to see what the probability of it getting better is.” Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) will leave an animal with minor injuries alone. Groves tells of a deer with a broken leg, limping but mobile. A few years later, Groves still sees this buck in the neighborhood, doing well. Some injuries, however, require intervention. CPW treated a bighorn sheep for a puncture wound in his neck, needing to tranquilize him first. Over time, Groves watched it recover and carry on with it’s life. Not every wound ends so well. “If it’s an obvious compound fracture, the most humane thing to do is to put an animal down. Honestly,” says Groves, “that’s one of the worst parts of our job … the reality is, we want to do what’s right by the animal and not let them suffer if there's no chance of recovery.” Wildlife fencing along I-70 and Highway 82 has reduced wildlife collisions by 80 to 90 percent, but they still occur. When this happens, call 911. A Colorado state trooper will file an accident report, notify CPW, and euthanize wildlife that will not survive. Collisions aren’t the only issue impacting wildlife health. In a herd of six bucks and three yearlings near the Waldorf school last week, one of the bucks had a snarl of orange

Lynx tolerate recreation, but rely on limited habitat By Olivia Emmer Sopris Sun Correspondent

DWM Kurtis Tesch helps an osprey tangled in some fishing line. Courtesy image. baling twine in its antlers. Wildlife tangles with string lights, clothes lines, swing sets, and sports nets for volleyball or soccer, “stuff low enough that a buck can rub its antlers in it,” says Groves. These impediments make wildlife susceptible to snagging, thus, predation, dehydration, or starvation. If it’s a significant issue, call CPW. These cases are harder to manage, as the animals are mobile. Fortunately, ungulates shed antlers this time of year. In extreme cases, though, CPW can drug animals to remove the problem. Loose, sagging barbed wire or abandoned fences can harm animals, too. In early January, a cow elk leapt over a mid valley irrigation ditch to access pasture and forage. She impaled herself on a t-post that had been left standing when the fence was rebuilt. After freeing herself, she bled out and perished. For wildlife’s sake, drive more slowly at dusk and nighttime. Expect animals. Scan roadsides for motion, animal eyes, or silhouettes. If you have regular wildlife visitors in your neighborhood, be conscious of entanglement hazards in your yard. When you witness injury or vulnerable animals, don’t approach the animal. Contact Colorado Parks and Wildlife at 970-947-2920 or call 911.

States Forest Service (USFS), will present her research on lynx in Colorado as part of Naturalist Nights. This local series is hosted by Wilderness Workshop, Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, and Roaring Fork Audubon. Olson’s work was instigated by ecologist Liz Roberts, who is with the USFS White River National Forest. In 2010, when fieldwork for the lynx study began, Roberts knew that lynx, a “threatened” species under the Endangered Species Act, were present in the forest where she worked. Says Olson, “After the lynx was listed, we needed some more science to bridge that gap, to understand that human element, that recreated landscape that overlaps most of our quality lynx habitat.” Canada lynx are native to Colorado but were likely extirpated from the state for several decades. Jake Ivan, wildlife research scientist with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, was also involved with the lynx study. According to Ivan, “We have historic records of lynx in the state going back to the late 1800s, but by the mid-to-late 20th century we had very few, if any, left. The last known lynx was trapped near Vail in '74, I believe.” As the species approached listing through the Endangered Species Act in 2000, his agency began the process of reintroduction. “That effort started in 1999 and ran through 2006. We released 218 individuals over the course of that time.” Colorado is in the southern limit of the Canada lynx breeding range. Estimates indicate that only about 2% of the species’ range is in the lower 48. Ivan roughly estimates that today there are between 75 and 200 lynx living in Colorado. “That's probably a relatively appropriate number, given the habitat mapping exercises we've gone through, and where we think we have really good habitat, and how connected it is to other patches of good habitat. I think they've occupied and continued to persist in the places where they should. So, it'd be nice if there were more, but I think that's probably about what we can expect.” Lynx rely on spruce-fir forests where their main prey species, snowshoe hare, are abundant. Lynx are specially adapted to life in cold, snowy places, and have a competitive advantage over other hare predators like coyotes and bobcats, but only when there is good snow cover that interferes with those other animals’ movement on the landscape. The study found that while there is a limit, lynx were relatively tolerant of dispersed recreation. Olson explained, “We were surprised to find a nuanced response to recreation from lynx. So they definitely weren't doing really strong avoidance behaviors that we expected. They did small things, like shifted to be more active at night, or moved away from really highly motorized areas, but then with some recreation, like backcountry skiing, they were right on top of the backcountry ski trails. They didn't seem to mind that at all.” This tolerance had a threshold though,

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Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) are similar in size to bobcats (Lynx rufus) but are specially adapted to life in the snow, with large feet and long hind legs, relying mainly on snowshoe hare for prey. Photo by Ted Wood. and the study showed that developed areas, like ski resorts, had lynx avoiding that habitat until those areas closed for the season. The study told the researchers as much about how humans use the winter landscape as lynx. Humans in the dispersed recreation areas volunteered to carry GPS units, and their movements were tracked on the landscape in the same way the collared lynx were. As Roberts shared, “We've got this tool where we can actually show you how different user types, whether it's a helicopter skier, a snow shoer, a backcountry skier, a snowmobiler, we can show you how they select and use terrain.” It has been useful to better understand how different types of recreationists use the landscape, not only in wildlife management but in managing trail intersections and other safety concerns in mixed-use areas. The study ended in 2014, and since then, numbers in backcountry recreation have continued to grow dramatically. New technology, like snow bikes, has been released. Snow bikes in particular may change the footprint of mechanized recreation, by allowing faster movement through lynx habitat than skiers and skinners, while also allowing more forest access than larger machines like snowmobiles. While many believe lynx populations in Alaska and Canada to be healthy, the future of lynx in Colorado is uncertain. Some scientists believe that the southern extent of the Canada lynx breeding range is unlikely to persist in a warmed climate. Ivan explained, “If we get a huge fire in the wrong place, that really knocks out lynx habitat for a long, long time. It takes a long time for all that [forest] to regenerate to a point where lynx will use it. That's an unknown wildcard that seems like a bigger and bigger risk every year.” In addition to wildfire, climate change exerts other forces on lynx survival, like warm temperatures and reduced snowpack, lessening the lynx’s competitive advantages. To learn more, RSVP for the virtual presentation at aspennature.org/naturalist-nights. This free lecture takes place on Thursday, Feb. 4 at 6 p.m.

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LEAD students get Wilderness First Aid training

By Ken Pletcher Sopris Sun Correspondent

Over the recent Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend, The Buddy Program held Wilderness First Aid (WFA) training events for high school students in Rifle and Basalt. The training is a component of Buddy’s LEAD program, Leadership through Exploration, Action and Discovery. This year-long program is run in collaboration with Colorado Mountain College (CMC) providing the instructors. Those completing the program receive both high school and CMC credit. As the Buddy Program’s recruitment manager Laura Seay explained, “[LEAD] is a group, experiential mentoring program for high school teens that builds life skills through the lens of backcountry travel, and one of the program components is that students participate in a 16-hour [first aid] training and certification program.” This year’s training was divided into two eight-hour sessions in each location: Friday and Saturday in Rifle, Saturday and Sunday in Basalt. Senior LEAD Program Coordinator John Brasier was in charge of the Basalt sessions. “We have eight students, all seniors, participating this year,” he said. He explained that usually the WFA training involves all LEAD students in the district — including those in Rifle as well as in Carbondale — taking the class together. “Because of

COVID restrictions, we’re separating the groups this year.” Brasier noted that students in Carbondale will have their own training session later this spring. The WFA classes in Basalt were taught by Becky Young, Operations Coordinator for Desert Mountain Medicine based in Leadville. She noted that the training being provided is not as intense or detailed as that offered by Outward Bound or the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), but, “It allows students to use and appreciate the outdoors” in a safer manner. The sessions consisted of a combination of classroom-style discussions and hands-on practice. Brasier, a five-year veteran of the Buddy Program noted that this was his sixth WFA training class. “We started the day with the legalities of administering first aid,” including what constitutes consent and the scope of goodSamaritan laws. Students next learned how to conduct a basic physical exam of a victim (head-to-toe assessment) to determine the type and severity of injury. Other topics covered included how to detect and treat various types of shock, learning the difference between arterial and venous bleeding, and responding to heat and cold maladies. Much time was spent Saturday morning learning CPR techniques and then practicing on specialized dummies. Participants also practiced head-to-toe assessments on each other.

Young provided in-depth discussion Saturday afternoon on the various types of wounds one might encounter in the backcountry and how to treat them. After demonstrating techniques for applying pressure bandages and tourniquets to stanch bleeding, she showed the students how to cleanse and dress the wounds. Students were then invited to practice on Brasier, who had artfully created realistic-looking lacerations and abrasions on his limbs. Much of Sunday’s session was devoted to determining the types and treatment of fractures, and students were able to practice basic splinting procedures. Time was also spent on how to conduct field evacuations of victims when necessary. In addition, students were taught what to do if a person is experiencing anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction). Recipients of WFA training are now certified to administer epinephrine — Brasier noted that EpiPens have become standard equipment in field first aid kits. One student, when asked why she was in the LEAD program, responded, “I love being outdoors and in the backcountry. [The WFA course] is giving me that much more confidence to be out there.” Brasier was visibly proud of his students. “They are working hard and taking [the training] seriously. I’m really happy with their progress.” Because of COVID restrictions



A LEAD student practices cleansing a simulated wound on Buddy Program instructor John Brasier. Photo by Ken Pletcher.

Desert Mountain Medicine instructor Becky Young (right) observes two LEAD students practicing head to toe assessment procedures. Photo by Ken Pletcher. this year, LEAD program students will not be able to have their annual June campout in Moab, Utah. However, the Buddy Program has put protocols in

place, including purchasing individual tents for students, to continue a limited number of backcountry weekend campouts.


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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • January 28 - February 3, 2021 • 9

The Roaring Fork Youth Art ExpO : Still Lifes and Works from Home ASPeN ART MUSEUM February 27–March 14, 2021. Calling K–12 students From Aspen to Rifle to create works around three themes of being at home :

or e r e h W e Som

iss M u o Y e Someon

an objec t or roo m in your home ing t a e y o j en u o y l a e am

Artwork Drop Off Locations : Basalt : Basalt Regional Library Carbondale : The Launchpad Glenwood Springs : YouthZone Rifle : Rifle Branch Library Aspen : Aspen Art Museum (Visitor Information Desk)

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10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • January 28 - February 3, 2021


Emergency help for apartment dwellers

By Roberta McGowan Sopris Sun Staff Housing took center stage at the most recent Basalt Town Council meeting. With the pandemic ongoing and its associated economic downturn, affording rent is increasingly a challenge in the Roaring Fork Valley. In November and December 2020, the Basalt Affordable Community Housing group (BACH), first formed in 2009, provided emergency rental assistance to persons living in Basalt’s affordable housing properties like Roaring Fork Apartments. Six families were helped to the total tune of $10,000. BACH is a formal advisory commission to the Town Council on all matters related to affordable and community housing. BACH staff member Sara Nadolny noted that the program will continue in 2021, with the council having approved another $10,000. Nadolny also reported that the 2020 effort “was pretty successful,” and she points to the comments of one family that called the program “a life changing experience.” Nadolny explained the emergency program is meant to

provide gap funding and help leverage support from other available resources, because “the help is desperately needed.” Additional sources of support include Catholic Charities, Swift Eagle Charitable Foundation, Pitkin County and the state’s Emergency Housing Assistance Program. Mayor Bill Kane then asked, “Is this enough?” Nadolny replied, “Probably not,” elaborating that she was worried. “We need to watch for if and when the dance with the moratorium on evictions ends.” Mayor Kane called the program “a note of sensitivity and compassion.” Council member Elyse Hottel was concerned about prioritizing who gets the help, “We need to put in the application what industry [the applicant is] involved in, as restaurant workers are more affected than people in the personal service area.” The council also agreed they were not particularly hopeful the needs will drop off in 2021. The State of Colorado is also addressing landlord needs directly: through the Property Owner Preservation initiative (POP). If you or your tenants are unable to pay rent due to financial hardship caused by

Emma Flats. Courtesy image. COVID, you may be eligible for rental assistance from the state. More information, including eligibility requirements, is at dola. colorado.gov Basalt Council is also looking to add more rental affordable housing. A rental apartment complex, Emma Flats, at the east end of Emma Road, proposed by Front Fork Basalt LLC, presented its sketch plan for the council’s review. Of the 12 units, three are planned to be deed-restricted, category two affordable housing.

Valley of Love

The company also asked for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) amendment to allow for a fully residential building instead of the combined commercial and residential requirement, and a 32 foot height instead of the 30 foot height in the PUD. After council discussion, the site plan was approved with a caveat that allows for further examination of the height change proposal and the request for additional parking spaces.

On other topics, council approved two grants for local student mental health support. The first was a three-year, $150,000 agreement with Hope Center using substantial tobacco tax revenue for therapy assistance, a 24-hour Hope Line, and additional support for residents affected by a crisis. The other grant is $100,000 for a combined effort by the Hope Center and Basalt Elementary School for mental and behavioral health programs.

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • January 28 - February 3, 2021 • 11

Dollars, budgets and four-legged friends

By Tom Mercer Sopris Sun Correspondent

According to Wes Boyd, Executive Director of C.A.R.E. (Colorado Animal Rescue), their animal shelter is operating as normal despite the recent elimination of the Garfield County Sheriff ’s animal control program. The loss of funding for animal control from the county sheriff means that there will no longer be Garfield County Animal Control Officers available to handle or capture lost pets, trap stray animals, transport animals to shelters, or to provide assistance in the spaying, neutering, or funding of vaccinations for animals retrieved from unincorporated Garfield County locations. Municipal animal control services are expected to continue unabated. The only other animal shelter currently providing services in Garfield County is the Rifle Animal Shelter, which has also benefited from the Garfield County Sheriff ’s Animal Control program in the past. Heather Grant, Director of the Rifle Animal Shelter, encourages citizens to be mindful of their own safety when transporting animals to any shelter

from unincorporated Garfield County. There are currently a total of 58 animals in the care of Garfield County’s two animal shelters: 33 at C.A.R.E. and 25 at the Rifle Animal Shelter. C.A.R.E.’s Executive Director Boyd reports that, “We are now relying exclusively on the goodwill of citizens and volunteers to inform us about county stray pets, connect them to their owners and, when necessary, bring them to the shelter. Our 2021 budget is significantly reduced compared to years prior. The recent elimination of the Garfield County Sheriff ’s animal control program means that we won’t receive per-animal fees for county stray animals. This, combined with a decrease in funding from the Garfield County Board of County Commissioners, represents a 10%, or $80,000 decrease in our overall budget.” Despite the dire circumstances, Boyd notes that C.A.R.E. “remains focused on engaging with our community, protecting stray animals and preventing pets from losing their homes.” Boyd is not just referring to our canine and feline friends. He says that C.A.R.E. animal residents have

included ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, bearded dragons, snakes, parrots and chickens. He recalls that past residents even included a small crocodile. Recently, a large, colorful iguana called “Godzilla” joined the menagerie. When asked about a stray recently brought to C.A.R.E., Boyd recounted the story of a dog named Peat. Boyd recalls that “Peat was found on Four Mile Road. He was under-socialized, he could not walk on a leash, and he was afraid when meeting new people. No one came to retrieve Peat and, after five days, he was neutered and deemed healthy enough for adoption.” Peat came “out of his shell” with the help of the organization’s canine behavior team and he was adopted after just 12 days at C.A.R.E. Boyd credits Peat’s success story to the now-defunct animal control program, and to the donors whose support enabled staff to guide Peat through the socialization process. Boyd states that “The future of our shelter will depend on the commitment of local municipalities and governments to provide ongoing funding for animal welfare programs and services. This work, across the nation, has proven to be



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C.A.R.E. h as 4 dog s, 10 cat a rabbit s an available for adop d tion.

Peat was found on Four Mile Road, socialized by C.A.R.E. and adopted within 12 days. Courtesy image. vital to a healthy community. With our community’s love for animals and desire for healthy citizens, I’m confident that our elected officials will continue to prioritize and adjust funding accounts for our animal shelters.” As for Boyd’s outlook on C.A.R.E.’s future, he hopes that “Our community will continue to see the added value of an appropriately funded local animal shelter. With the support of engaged citizens, funding will remain and increase.” He continues, saying that “We see a

strong future for our organization and we are confident that pets in the Roaring Fork Valley and Garfield County will remain safe and loved while contributing to a healthy community.” This year, perhaps more than any other year, it is easy to see the logic that links the companionship of our animals to the well-being of the humans that love them. For more information about C.A.R.E., call 970-947-9173. The Rifle Animal Shelter can be reached at 970-625-8808.

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LETTERS renewable requirements and keeps buildings up-to-date with current building techniques. The 2021 Energy Code (IECC) and 2021 Green Construction Code (IGCC) published by the International Code Council are both expected to be published in early 2021 and we are positioning the town to be able to adopt both in 2021. Another important component that is coming in this arena is Smart Building Electrification which is slated to be included in the upcoming adoptions. This encourages cold climate heat pumps for heating and is a major step toward reducing carbon emissions. Our next big hurdle, and the most difficult part of achieving net zero emissions, is addressing the existing building stock. There is still much to do in this area and CLEER is working toward an approach for tackling this important piece of the puzzle. As always, this will require a balance of working towards our emission reduction goals while considering the financial impact to the town and the community. CORE, CLEER and the Town of Carbondale have consistently worked to achieve this balance while supporting the implementation of the updated Commercial and Residential Green codes. Biospaces Energy Consulting has been proud to play a part in these efforts. Jeff Dickinson Biospaces Energy Consulting, President Carbondale

Re: In defense of Lauren bru NO! Jeff Finesilver Carbondale

Continued from page 2


A glimmer of hope

January is School Board Recognition Month and Roaring Fork Schools wants to thank our board of education members for their commitment and contributions to our schools. Our board members volunteer countless hours to learn about big and small issues so that they can make critical decisions on complex educational and social issues that affect our entire school community. The board is charged with an important and incredibly tough job — a job that doesn’t come with any compensation. Their decisions directly impact our 5,300 students and 1,000 staff members. The current board has faced unique challenges as they have had to navigate the pandemic. Our three new board members had only been in the role for a few short months before Roaring Fork Schools had to respond to COVID. Each board member has found herself facing unprecedented challenges, forced to make decisions as school community members called for contradicting actions — all the while, facing the same challenges personally as parents, family members and community members. They handled these challenges with grace, diplomacy, wisdom and compassion. Being a board member is never easy, and it certainly wasn’t in 2020. We appreciate our board members for stepping up; we are grateful for their service and leadership. If you see a board member, please remember to thank them for all that they do for our school community. The Roaring Fork Schools Executive Team

A new beginning Fresh as overnight snowfall Blanketing rubble

would you administer these vaccinations inside a closed building? Maybe there’s a better way. Ed Colby New Castle

JM Jesse Glenwood Springs

To those who pay taxes

A better way? I got on Garfield County’s COVID vaccine list early, and I was pleased — not to mention grateful — when I received a call on Jan. 19, telling me to come in at noon the next day and roll up my sleeve. When I arrived at Valley View Hospital, the scene was well-organized and orderly. Helpful volunteers and staff members got the crowd of masked inoculation candidates socially distanced in a long line extending down one hall and then another. Finally, we were admitted to a large room filled with registration tables and nurses with needles. Everything proceeded smoothly and, after I got my shot and a Tweety Bird Band-Aid, I was directed to a waiting area at the far end of the room for 30 minutes of “observation.” And it was at this moment that it hit me: I was in a room full of people, in the middle of a pandemic. I didn’t want to catch the virus while I was getting a vaccination for it. I stepped outside onto a patio and sat down in the warm sunshine, reflecting that it would have been possible to conduct this whole exercise outdoors. While COVID numbers are down somewhat locally, new cases and deaths nationwide continue to increase at an alarming rate as new, more infectious variants emerge. My group was mainly seniors, which is to say, individuals at a greater risk from the virus. Why

While there seems to be such a widespread feeling of relief and general positive attitude in the country as a whole, now that we have a new administration at the head of our federal government, I think sufficient time and energy needs to be applied to hold Donnald Trump accountable for, to put it mildly, his gross lack of diligence in the performance of the duties he swore to perform in the office to which he was elected. Aside from whatever state or federal charges he may or may not face, I as a taxpayer and rationallythinking citizen, fail to see any reason to contribute financially to this poor excuse for a man, for the rest of his life (read: pension), as is normally provided to former presidents. Something along the lines of an expensepaid stay at the state facility down in Pueblo would be much more appropriate. For periodic outdoor activity, he could be escorted to the nearby melon fields and other such farms to perform manual weed removal; surely it would benefit his small, soft hands and also help to reign in his oversized and hyperly arrogant attitude (ego). We, as the taxpayers, need to demand serious consideration by those who make these decisions, regarding any financial support for such a dishonorable, criminal character named Donald Trump. Craig Bliss Carbondale

THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • January 28 - February 3, 2021 • 13

Your Big Backyard XV

Down 1. A quid of tobacco. 2. Creep along. 3. Engraves using an acid bath. 4. Stadium in Colorado Springs. 6. Kind of buster. 7. Runs from south to north (2 words). 10. ___ ____ Plaza, shopping mall in Carbondale, home of 450 Teppanyaki, Independence Run & Hike, and Dos Gringos. 11. Missouri ____ overlooks the Valley. 13. Style of column. 14. Type of mine. Across: 4. FAITH; 5. NATURITA; 8. RAWAH; 9. VOUCHER; 10. LE; 12. MASTONDONS; 15. WISLON; 16. HISTORICALPARK; 17. CHET; 18. AVALALANCHE Down: 1. CHAW; 2. INCH; 3. ETCHES; 4. FALCON; 6. BRONCO; 7. CRYSTALRIVER; 10. LAFONTANA; 11. HEIGHTS; 13. DORIC; 14. STRIP

Across 4. Lutheran church in Carbondale. 5. Tiny town on the Unaweep/ Tabeguache byway. 8. Wilderness in northern Colorado. Native American term meaning "wild place." 9. May be exchanged for goods or services. Similar to a coupon. 10. Masculine article. 12. Creatures discovered near Snowmass Village. 15. Kirk ____, Carbondale's police chief. 16. Silt ___ ___features farming equipment, blacksmithing demonstrations, mining artifacts, and folk music. 17. ___ Crowley served as Carbondale's town marshal in 1969. 18. A backcountry risk in winter and spring.

By Chromostome


RODEO join the fair board!

An Uplifting Evening of Light + Love + HeART February 13-14, 2021

An interactive HeArT Walk along the rio Grande ArTway Light & Art Installations

Live performances

decorated Farolitos

Farolito kits are available for purchase at ShopCarbondaleArts.com. All proceeds benefit the American Heart Association. Make a reservation for your group or pod of 10 or less before the event. Masks are required. Volunteering positions available.

Board members are needed for the remainder of 2021 and future years. In collaboration with Garfield County Administration, volunteer fair board members assist in ensuring the successful promotion, production, and execution of the Garfield County Fair & Rodeo. The fair is the last week of July each year. Fair board members serve three-year terms. The fair board meets the second Tuesday evening of each month, rotating between Garfield County Administration Building in Rifle and the Garfield County Administration Building in Glenwood Springs. Please visit garfieldcountyfair.com/main/board to view the Garfield County Fair Board mission statement, bylaws, orientation process and to apply. DEADLINE TO APPLY IS FEBRUARY 1, 2021

Full details available at

est. 1938

Angela Bruno & Greg McClain

Kevin Gibson & Carlos Herrera

Frosty Merriott

14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • January 28 - February 3, 2021




TO BE HELD VIA ZOOM: VISIT CARBONDALECO.ORG ON/AFTER MARCH 4, 2021 FOR INVITATION TO MEETING DATE AND TIME: MARCH 9, 2021 AT 6:00 P.M. DATE OF APPLICATION: JANUARY 25, 2021 BY ORDER OF: DAN RICHARDSON, MAYOR APPLICANT: RENEE GROSSMAN Information may be obtained from, and Petitions or Remonstrance’s may be filed with the Town Clerk, Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO 81623

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With a big grin, fishing guide Coleman Walker shows off the rainbow trout he caught and released back into the Roaring Fork River. Photo by Roberta McGowan.

Wish your sweetie a

Happy Valentine's Day

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For more info contact Todd Chamberlin

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The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

The death of a loved one costs enough. The Sopris Sun is happy to publish local obituaries of a reasonable length, including a picture, free of charge.

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Carbondale’s weekly community connector • January 28 - February 3, 2021 • 15

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