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Sopris the

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una nueva publicación semanal con noticias Volume 13, Number 10 | April 15-21, 2021 locales en español.

connections since 2009

CAREing for cats

Photo and text by Will Sardinsky Sopris Sun Correspondent

Little One reached her paw out, claws poking through her brown tabby fur, until it momentarily rested on Keira Clark’s outstretched right hand. Keira squeezed the device resting in her left hand and a sharp click shot from it. Right after, she set a chunk of tuna next to Little One. “Good high five!” Clark exclaimed as her feline friend licked her reward. Clark, Programs Director at

Colorado Animal Rescue (CARE) and Colleen Hickman, the Feline Specialist, began training cats in this manner in February 2021. They were one of eleven animal welfare organizations selected to be a part of this semester’s Jackson Galaxy Cat Pawsitive Pro Training Program. Jackson Galaxy, the “Cesar Milan of the cat world,” Hickman said, worked with a team of feline behavior experts to develop the training protocols. Working with these behavior experts and using a clicker, a small plastic

device that makes an audible click when pressed, the CARE team worked to mark, and subsequently reward, desirable behaviors. “It has been as much of a learning experience for the humans as it has been for the cats,” Hickman remarked. With shier and more fearful cats, the training ranged from clicking when a cat made eye contact to teaching them to “nose-boop,” or touch their nose to a specified target — in this case a cork on the end of a stick. Hickman explained how this can help cats

build confidence while also teaching them that interacting with humans is rewarding. She went on to say that with cats who are already more social, they “can do some of the more ‘flashy’ behaviors if you will, like high-fives and going through hoops.” Clark added that there are actually some practical applications too, like getting a cat to enter its crate or teaching it the ‘place’ command, where it stays in the same place until released. While one black cat, Litten, worked on jumping through hoops

and a brown tabby, Little One, worked on high-fives and nose-booping, Clark reminisced on another cat who had worked in the program, Jazz. At first he wouldn’t come out of his box, but by the end of his time at CARE he waited at his door, meowing, asking for training. “These cats are suddenly asking for the attention … you could actually see the gears turning. It was really amazing and put a huge smile on my face because people think they’re not trainable like dogs, but they are! Continued on page 13



By Raleigh Burleigh For over 13 years, The Sopris Sun has delivered on our mission to inform, inspire, and build community. In 2020, the board and staff rose to extraordinary challenges and didn’t miss a beat. With great sacrifice, editor Will Grandbois, artistic director Ylice Golden, and ad manager Todd Chamberlin — along with our dedicated contributors, board members, and volunteers — assured that The Sopris Sun was continually delivered every week without pause. In this way, our nonprofit newspaper remained an invaluable source of information and connection even as other avenues for community-building and cohesion were lost. A review of the wide-ranging topics covered in last year’s editions reveals unsurprisingly that “health” was at the top, followed closely by “business,” “local government,”

Help us be the people’s paper and “nonprofits.” That snapshot reveals a clear commitment to our communal wellness. Meanwhile, other categories typical of The Sopris Sun continued to appear, including Our Town local personality features, gorgeous photo spreads, and more. The Sopris Sun was born of crisis for times of crisis. Even when the Grizzly Creek Fire closed Glenwood Canyon, isolating us from our printer in Gypsum, fresh editions were delivered. We are proud to announce our next step as a nonprofit news outlet. Beyond unfaltering commitment to our weekly print product, “to inform, inspire, and build community,” The Sopris Sun is adding to our mission, “by fostering diverse and independent journalism.” Our nonprofit status affords The Sopris Sun a platform for outreach and nurture to assure that independent journalism for future generations is cultivated within our own communities. This expanded mission statement formalizes a longstanding attribute of The Sopris Sun. We’ve graduated reporters like Megan Tackett to serve as editor in chief for the Aspen Daily News; freelancer Kathleen Shannon now works full time in KDNK’s newsroom; former editor Terray Sylvester has gone on to publish with Reuters, Getty,

Bloomberg, VICE Magazine, and High Country News; and our first editor, Trina Ortega, is now editor in chief for Mountain Flyer Magazine. Within the expanded mission is an opportunity to bring more of our diverse community into the fold of locally-produced journalism. In the past, we’ve published the Roaring Fork Rampage. In the future, we will launch an after-school program designed to bring together high schoolers from throughout the valley to produce original content for print. Along with promoting sound and ethical practices, The Sopris Sun will teach media literacy to help our youth navigate the prevalence of misinformation. El Sol del Valle is already making a splash as a new, regular Spanish-section within The Sopris Sun. This involves training and supporting people with translation and reporting work and will continue to define itself through authentic voices from within the valley’s Spanishspeaking communities. It’s no secret that to sustain a newspaper is increasingly a challenge. So far, advertising in 2021 has come with understandable hesitation. Additionally, we face a more than 20% increase in printing costs beginning May 1. Thankfully, The Sopris Sun board chose to broaden

Todd Chamberlin’s role from ad manager to executive director as an evolution for the paper and new strategy for navigating increasingly uncertain times. This spring, we are asking you to help us match two substantial grants. FirstBank has generously pledged up to $20,000 if we can raise an equivalent amount among individual donors. This adds to $5,000 pledged by MANAUS to help us launch el Sol del Valle. Our ultimate goal is $35,000 to sustain and grow The Sopris Sun. More than ever, your donations are essential to our continuation as a community asset and service. In this way, we become “the people’s paper,” beholden to our readers beyond all else. Take stake in this community journal by donating today. As always, know that we are open and eager to hear from you. This story of our home is complex and merits diverse voices in respectful conversation. Help us to be that forum by showing support and keeping us apprised. Where is coverage lacking? How may we better reflect and inform our ever-changing community? Know that you too are The Sopris Sun. For more on how to donate and why, check out this week’s back cover.

Sincerest thanks to our

Honorary Publishers

for their annual commitment of $1,000+ Email todd@soprissun.com for more information.

Lee Beck & John Stickney Kay Brunnier Michelle & Ed Buchman Toni Cerise CoVenture Sue Edelstein & Bill Spence Deborah & Shane Evans Greg & Kathy Feinsinger Peter & Mike Gilbert Gary & Jill Knaus Carly & Frosty Merriott Lee Mulcahy James Noyes Ken & Donna Riley Patti & George Stranahan Anne Sullivan & John Colson Megan Tackett True Nature Healing Arts Elizabeth Wysong

Legacy Givers

for including us in their final wishes. Mary Lilly

And all our SunScribers

and community members for your support.

It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

LETTERS Re: ATV frenzy For over six years I have been an advocate of a Forest Service permit plan that would limit and manage the traffic entering the Lead King Loop. This would include a noise ordinance requiring all ATVs and motorized vehicles to comply with a reasonable decibel level standard while traveling the loop (a portion of which adjoins the Maroon Bells Wilderness Area). Permit fees could fund enforcement and establish much needed pit toilets to mitigate the problem of human waste, which is becoming a serious issue in an ecosystem that includes the headwaters of the Crystal River. When it became apparent at the April 1 town of Marble meeting that the Lead King Loop Steering Committee (established by the mayor and the town manager), had, after over two years of conducting private meetings, made little progress moving the Forest Service management process forward, I and others felt an emergency ATV ban would be the only realistic solution toward preventing further environmental degradation and avoiding an impending safety crisis. An education kiosk and a paid parking lot does nothing to limit the volume of vehicles. Two days a week of enforcement, without establishing any actual rules to be enforced (other than issuing parking citations), will not provide relief to the residents who are enduring this onslaught of seasonal traffic, or to the wilderness areas that are being degraded.

An ATV ban as an interim management solution would make a real difference. I believe the majority of the community, along with our county commissioners are supportive of this action. What remains unclear is where Mayor Vinciguerra and the Marble Town Council stand on the issue. Teri Havens Marble

Re: Ascendigo Ranch My letter voices the opinion of a longtime Missouri Heights resident who has examined the Ascendigo Ranch proposal and finds it to be dangerously incompatible with our locale. I have lived on this arid plateau since 1980 and feel very strongly that this large commercial operation is unsuitable, the most important reasons being water usage and fire danger. WATER: As both a resident and former board member of Kings Row, I am very familiar with the changing nature of our limited water supply. Official acknowledgement of this water situation was proved by our opposition to the Hunt Ranch proposal in 2008 where the development was prevented by a Water Court decree severely limiting water use in the development. That kept it from moving forward. The situation is more desperate now due to continuing home construction and environmental conditions. Ascendigo’s proposal shows the organization’s lack of understanding of both domestic and agricultural water laws and realities.

WILDFIRE: Since residing here, my home has been threatened four times by wildfire and I have been evacuated twice. Therefore, I would not consider wildfire to be a casual threat to residents’ well-being but VERY REAL and growing annually. Missouri Heights has experienced seasonally increasing, uncontrollable drought and winds that raise both the possibility and potential spread of wildfire across our neighborhoods. We cannot tolerate the increased water use and subsequent danger posed by a large commercial operation. This opinion is NOT ABOUT AUTISM, it is about water and fire. The limited amount of water we have in Missouri Heights must be saved for current residents to drink and suppress wildfires, not to be used by a large commercial facility. That possibility is an extreme danger to people that already live here. Susan Cuseo Missouri Heights

Cyclists beware! For the avid cyclists going up Catherine’s Store Road, through Fender Lane and El Jebel Road (Cattle Creek Road from Wendy’s)… you are about to be challenged! Your safety on this route is in peril. If the proposed Ascendigo development is permitted, this popular loop might soon become a thoroughfare for construction Continued on page 17

The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The community is invited to submit letters up to 500 words to news@soprissun.com. Longer columns are considered on a case-by-case basis. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday. 2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • April 15 - April 21, 2021

Donate by mail or online.

P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com

Editor Raleigh Burleigh • 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Executive Director Todd Chamberlin • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Graphic Designer: Ylice Golden Delivery: Crystal Tapp Proofreader: Lee Beck Current Board Members Linda Criswell • Klaus Kocher

Kay Clarke • Lee Beck • Megan Tackett Gayle Wells • Donna Dayton Terri Ritchie • Eric Smith • Vanessa Porras The Sopris Sun Board meets at 6:30 p.m. on second Mondays at the Third Street Center. Contact board@soprissun.com to reach them.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young Colin Laird • Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

Shippee Open Space sustains Highland cattle and elk By Geneviève Villamizar Sopris Sun Correspondent

OST is charged with conserving open space Ag lands, and also to continue existing wildlife use and need, especially wintering grounds for elk. Photo by Paul Holsinger.

especially sensitive during this time. Winter disturbances or being driven to flee burns calories critical to surviving winters and carrying pregnancies to term. “This was the first time we incorporated that into the lease — once September 1 hits, you can’t put your animals on the property, but you must irrigate it beyond September 1, even though it’s only for wildlife,” Holsinger says. With an eye to the elk and their lease, Mountain Primal refrains from grazing their American Highland cattle on Shippee Open Space and continues to irrigate in order to maximize forage for the elk. The Maases own several conservation easement properties and are “conservationminded,” says Holsinger, “and no stranger to the expectations of the county when it comes to conserved land.”

As a self-taught home builder, John moved his family to Aspen, where he could challenge himself further. Eventually, John and Catherine bought acreage to build their own dream home. They originally planned to subdivide the land for additional home sites. While going through the design and permitting process, John, who had grown up hunting and fishing, felt the call of the land — once land has been disrupted from its natural state, it must be managed to maintain its vigor, diversity, and resiliency in the face of encroaching noxious weeds and the rigors of our arid climate. John taught himself to irrigate. He taught himself to hay. He bought the necessary equipment. With four thousand bales of hay in the barn, the Maas family opted not to build on that land after all; acquiring, instead, their first hundred head of cattle. For the Maases— raising

not only cattle but kids— has been hard work and the “pursuit of excellence at all costs,” as he explained in a 2019 podcast with another meat producer. “They’re very easy to work with because I don’t hear from them,” says Holsinger. “They maintain the ditches, they irrigate. They’re property managers and it looks great.” Sound management benefits the Avalanche elk, a herd making the headlines for its steady decline in maturing calves and herd size. The Sept. 1 cut-off is crucial for them to rebound. “I don’t think people know that we started doing this on our agriculture fields,” Holsinger says. “It’s important for the public to know that it’s a balance. We take our mission— ag, recreation, wildlife, and scenic open space — we take all four of those seriously on every piece. We try and balance where we can.”


There’s a precious parcel of land where the Avalanche elk herd can forage in peace, away from shoulder-season recreation on the Crown. It’s sandwiched between two chunks of private Mountain Primal Meat Company acreage. It’s enclosed in a multitude of adjacent conservation easements. It’s Pitkin County’s Shippee Open Space. “This particular ag-land lease was not put out to the public,” says Open Space and Trails (OST) lease administrator Paul Holsinger. “It’s an annual lease that we renew each year as we cue up the final management plan.” Named for its main irrigation ditch, the lease on Shippee’s 36 acres was offered to John and Catherine Maas of Mountain Primal for several reasons. “One simple reason,” says Holsinger, “is that the platted access is undeveloped. A lessee would have to essentially use a GPS to make sure they are within the access easement — and then wade through the Home Supply Ditch just to get to the property. Primal took on maintenance of the property while also understanding that we purchased the property for winter elk habitat and OST wanted to include language [in the lease] to support wildlife.” The lease requires that “the property shall be maintained to support wildlife habitat and a minimum of 50% of the land area will not be grazed or have the vegetation cut or removed beyond Sept. 1, to allow forage to be present for wildlife.” The elk rut (mating season) peaks in midSeptember through mid-October. Cow elk gestate for eight and a half months and are

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SCUTTLEBUTT GarCo coverage It may appear ironic that the week after The Sopris Sun began regular coverage of Garfield’s Board of County Commissioners meetings, the county’s streaming service ceased to function properly this week. Until a recording of the April 12 meeting is recovered, or secretarial minutes are completed (and approved by the Board), the public will have to wait to be informed about the decisions made during that meeting’s agenda. A few items of note: County Treasurer's annual update regarding Garfield County Investment Policy and 2021 resolutions; proposed 960-acre land exchange between XTO Energy Inc. and Colorado Parks and Wildlife near Meeker; Lift-Up requesting a reduction of landfill fees; Rifle’s Garfield County Airport Director Brian Condie seeking approval to accept Federal Aviation Administration coronavirus relief grant up to $23,000 for employee expenses. Airport Director Condie was also scheduled to request that the concept plan for a new airport hangar be changed from non-commercial to commercial.

Francisco case continued The much-anticipated Michael Francisco case in the Town of Carbondale’s (TOC) municipal court was continued to April 26 at 4:30 p.m. Town Prosecutor Angela Roff says, “The request was made in the interest of justice,” and that she and defense attorney Michael Edminister jointly requested the continuance. In an interview with KDNK’s News Director Amy Hadden Marsh, Edminister mentions that the presiding judge was ill and, rather than inviting a substitute

judge for a single hearing, the opposing parties agreed a continuance was more appropriate.

projects that benefit rangelands. Application materials are due by May 28, details at cssrm. org/scholarships.html


Hit the books

Work will begin on Monday, April 19, to mitigate the risk of rockfall along Highway 133 between McClure Pass summit and Carbondale. Work will take place at five separate sites, including Penny Hot Springs, and is scheduled for completion by midOctober. Travelers can expect full traffic stops of up to 20 minutes at one or two sites during most weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Details at bit.ly/133rockfall

Basalt Regional Library has returned to normal hours. The library is open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m.

Conservation funding Colorado Parks and Wildlife and Great Outdoors Colorado are collaborating to fund coalitions working to protect Colorado’s land, water, and wildlife through the Colorado Outdoor Regional Partnerships Initiative signed by Governor Polis last October. Funding applications are due by May 20, more details at bit.ly/CORPIfunds

Now hiring Wilderness Workshop is hiring for a campaign manager to help protect public lands and waters in Western Colorado. Applications are due by May 5, details at wildernessworkshop.org/careers

Ranch hand The Colorado Chapter of the Society for Range Management will provide three scholarships in 2021-2022 to support students, ranchers, and other professionals as they pursue academic programs and

Sounds good! Aspen Music Festival and School will return in-person this summer with rigorous safety protocols. Events are posted online at aspenmusicfestival.com with tickets on sale beginning May 17.

Fishbook Colorado resident fishing licenses are now accessible through an official mobile app. Anglers may now purchase their licenses online to display on a smartphone with the myColorado App. More items, like individual park passes and annual hunting licenses, will eventually be added to this service.

Spellebration Literacy Outreach’s annual spelling bee returns after last year’s first-ever cancellation. The event will take place virtually on April 30 beginning at 7 p.m. This major fundraiser supports one-on-one tutoring for basic literacy. This year’s theme is MasqueREAD and Two River Productions will livestream the competition on Facebook and YouTube. Team sign-ups are due by April 26 by contacting Rachel Baiyor at programs@ literacyoutreach.org or 970-945-5282.

Ylice Golden and Crystal Tapp laminate QR codes with a machine donated by the Roadside Gallery. Scan these codes to notify us when a Sopris Sun delivery box is empty and we'll bring more papers by. Photo by Raleigh Burleigh.

Folks celebrating another trip around the sun this week include: Aisha Weinhold and Deloras Pulver (April 15); Rachel Connor, Ylice Golden and Emma Rose (April 16); HP Hansen and Doug Stewart (April 17); Stephanie Schilling and Hadley Hentschel (April 18); Francisco NevarezBurgueno, Deborah

Colley, Karen Dixon, Leslie Emerson, Jill and Alleghany Meadows, Louie Neil and James Surls (April 19); Julie Bomersback, Jack Bergstrom, Jared Carlson, April Clark and Molly Jacober (April 20); Renae Gustine and Shannon Muse (April 21).

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Meet Megan Baiardo, RFHS’s next principal

By Jeanne Souldern Sopris Sun Correspondent

The first thing you notice about Megan Baiardo is her smile and her warm, friendly manner. After a lengthy conversation, you leave with a better understanding of the 20-year educator and school administrator who is confident, thoughtful and dedicated to the students she serves. In March, the Roaring Fork School District (RFSD) announced Baiardo was hired and would be assuming duties as Roaring Fork High School's (RFHS) new principal in August. The announcement was met with criticism by some Carbondale community members, not for who was hired but for who wasn't. Letters to the editor, appearing in The Sopris Sun, voiced concerns about RFSD's decision, pointing to the need for continuity and stability within the RFHS community, given the fact that the school has had multiple principals in just a little over three years. Baiardo hopes to ease some of those concerns by arriving to the position with four years of RFSD leadership experience as assistant principal at Basalt High School. When the position became available at RFHS, Baiardo reflected, "this is my opportunity to be in the community that my kids are going to graduate from and in the community of so many people that I interact with on a daily basis." In 2017, when her husband Jonathan got an electrical engineering job in Aspen, they moved to Carbondale where their two daughters, Gianna and Lily, now attend Crystal River Elementary School. Why Carbondale, as opposed to anywhere else in the Roaring Fork Valley? "We liked the downtown in Carbondale and the way it pulls off the road, you don't drive by it, you stop in it," she said. Moving to Carbondale, Baiardo recalled, "I knew I wanted to be in leadership that was more administrative than the instructional coaching, so I applied for the

Megan Baiardo is Roaring Fork High School's next principal. Photo by Jeanne Souldern.

assistant principal job at Basalt." Working at Basalt High School has not been easy. In her first month there, the school community dealt with the suicide of a student. The Lake Christine fire happened Youthentity Ad English that following summer. And, in her second year, the high

school lost two more students to suicide. According to Baiardo, the topic of student mental health issues is paramount within schools. She explained, "I think it's being addressed really wonderfully. Our work is not done, but I look at the support for our students in that realm in this community, and I am awestruck. And it has gotten better since I started four years ago." Some credit, she says, goes to Colorado Department of Education grants, which provide funding for a prevention specialist who works with RFHS students. Explaining the importance of solid relationships with staff, Baiardo says, "The three biggest things you really have to focus on with a staff is building trust, offering transparency, and opening up communication. Those three things are critical to a strong working-relationship where teachers feel supported." Reflecting on her personal educational journey, Baiardo focused on geological engineering while in high school. During her freshman and sophomore years of college, she participated in the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). An educational nonprofit founded in 1950, SWE is the world's largest advocate for women working in engineering and technology. She attended the University of Wisconsin at Madison, earning an undergraduate degree in secondary science and earth and space science. In 2005, she completed her Master's in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment through an accredited online program at Walden University in Minneapolis. As far as leaving Basalt High School, Baiardo says the timing is right. "I've worked side-by-side with [Basalt High School Principal] Peter Mueller and we've done some really good things. I just felt like it was time for me to work as a leader in my own school." Baiardo sees herself as an integral player in leading, along with many others, RFHS's future, saying, "I just 4.9x7.pdf 1 4/13/21 11:45 really wanted the ability to AM start making my own vision and working with my own team."

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River Park project moves ahead

By Todd Hartley Sopris Sun Correspondent

After crawling along at a snail's pace for years, progress on both the public and private areas of Basalt River Park is set to pick up its pace this spring and summer, and some parts — including walking paths and, possibly, a restaurant — could be usable before the end of the year. That was the takeaway following the passage of two resolutions related to the construction of the river park and improvements to Two Rivers Road at Tuesday night's Basalt Town Council meeting. It marks a step forward for the long-embattled property in downtown Basalt, but it remains to be seen just what the price tag will be for the town. The first resolution of the two regarded responsibilities for public improvements to Two Rivers Road. The road, one of Basalt's major thoroughfares, runs along the northern edge of the Basalt River Park property and will require major upgrades in the form of sidewalks, parking spaces and chicanes, which are alternating curves or lane shifts that encourage motorists to slow down. Chicanes are already being used on Two Rivers Road just west of the property. The developers of the Basalt River Park condos, townhomes and apartments will supply the contractor to construct the improvements and

are required by contract to contribute $600,000 to the improvement budget. Costs beyond that will fall to the Town of Basalt. The improvements are estimated to cost $1,184,982. If the estimate comes in at or below that number, the town manager can approve the contract. If it comes in higher, however, the estimate will have to be approved by the town council. As it is, the costs already exceed what the town has in its budget for the project by $169,000, according to assistant town planner James Lindt. With costs running over this early in the process, before bids have even been solicited, Basalt Mayor Bill Kane had some concerns. "When will we get a lock on what, ultimately, will be our share of this?" Kane asked Town Finance Director Christy Chicoine. "Is this a guaranteed maximum, or is there going to be cost creep as it continues to float up?" Chicoine responded that it would be impossible to guess the final costs, but she believed that contingencies built into the project budget would be enough to cover any unexpected increases. "If I was able to tell council that this really was the end-all, I would play the stock market," Chicoine quipped, "but we have some reasonable assurance that this is going to be able to cover our costs." Local businessman Tim Belinski,

who is heading the Basalt River Park development team, said that his subcontractors have been aware of the impending improvement projects since the fall, and "hopefully, by having kind of pre-noticed the subs, this isn't coming as new information to them, and they're ready to go." Belinski also dropped the surprise of the night when he noted that a restaurant to be constructed adjacent to the park will be the first structure built, starting early this summer. "It's projected to be open for business by the end of the calendar year if all goes fully as planned," he said. The final resolution of the evening approved the Basalt River Project phasing plan and directs town staff to seek bids for the construction of Phase I. The final design for the park, drawn up by Basalt-based Connect One Design and Sopris Engineering of Carbondale, was approved in the fall of 2019, but no construction contracts were signed because the town didn't actually own the park until purchasing it in November 2020. In late 2019, according to Town Manager Ryan Mahoney, the town had roughly $1 million earmarked for the project through a sales tax dedicated to parks, open space and trails. It's likely things will cost more than originally estimated, though, as costs have gone up across the board in the construction industry in the last year-plus.

Nothing goes out of fashion when it’s simply the best!

Basalt River Park rendering. Graphic courtesy of Connect One Design.

The phasing plan was presented Tuesday night by Connect One's Elise Wolf, who laid out just what will be happening in Phase I. All of the hardscape, such as paths and walls, will be installed first, along with concrete banding along the edge of the great lawn and crusher fine paths down to the river and connecting the new river park with Old Pond Park (crusher fine paths are made of gravel-like crushed rock rather than asphalt or concrete). Phase I will also include utilities and boulder work along the river to create places for boaters to pull off and tie up. Phase II, construction of which is slated to begin in the spring of 2022, will include the softscapes, such as lawns, trees and landscaping, and all of the amenities, including a bandshell, climbing tree, willow forts and an innovative motion-activated misting water feature "We specifically scheduled it so that

Phase I will go in in the fall. We'll be able to wrap that up for the winter and be able to open some of the trail connections," said Wolf. "And when spring 2022 comes along, we'll pick it right back up for Phase II, so it won't appear as if the park has been divided into phasing. It's just kind of one seamless phase." The one wild card when it comes to the phasing is the great lawn, which is slated for Phase II but could be moved up to Phase I if conditions and money allow. It's an idea that sat very well with Mayor Kane, who wanted staff to look strongly at the great lawn if sodding can happen this summer. "If it's possible that it's in August I think that's going to really make a difference," said Kane. Belinski agreed. "If that great lawn and things were up against the patio edge," he said, "it would certainly help with the opening of the restaurant."

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6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • April 15 - April 21, 2021

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Eigth Street Option B deemed a "non-starter"

By Raleigh Burleigh Sopris Sun Editor

Carbondale’s Board of Town Trustees met on Tuesday, April 13 for their regular meeting. All trustees were in attendance. The consent agenda included “accounts payable” totalling $456,761.65. Items of major expense were $97,500 for the town’s share of repairs on the athletic track at Carbondale Middle School, $59,539 to cover two payments to Gould Construction for the wastewater clarifier project, $51,334 for March trash service, $43,750 refunded for an erroneous sales tax payment received, $32,240 for rebuilding the conveyor system on the street sweeper and $6,925 for four bear-proof trash cans. Additionally, approval of the consent agenda granted permission for summer street patios to several downtown businesses. Wednesdaythrough-Saturday Main Street closures begin May 1 and continue through October 15. Thunder River Theatre Company and Pop’s Liquor were approved for liquor license renewals. Sopris Labs, a retail marijuana facility, was granted a renewal for manufacturing infused products. The town joined an intergovernmental agreement for mosquito control with Glenwood Springs, Rifle, Silt, New Castle and Parachute.

During trustee comments, Lani Kitching encouraged everyone to consider attending Senior Matters’ “Reopening Our Lives” conversation with Dr. Brooke Allen on April 20 at 3:30 p.m. Luis Yllanes stated that the Public Art Commission is preparing for new installations around town and a June 30 reception. Regarding the ongoing Francisco case, Yllanes expressed dismay, “it’s an injustice I can’t remain silent about.” New York Pizza was approved for a full liquor license. The restaurant’s owner Kevin Jones told Trustees that his expectation is they will primarily sell beer and wine, like at their locations in Aspen and Basalt. Parcels three and four of the Thompson Park subdivision, west of the historic Thompson House Museum, were approved for construction. This includes 13 residential units: seven family homes on parcel four and four multi-family triplex buildings totalling six units on parcel three. The approval came with increased fees recommended by staff and a sidewalk easement along Jewell’s Lane. Efforts will be undertaken to minimize the effects of construction on the Thompson House Museum, and the deed-restricted, affordable housing units planned for parcel three will receive their certificate of occupancy before the market-rate units are granted theirs.

The meeting concluded with a discussion of the Eighth Street corridor. Chloe Ward with Alta Planning and Design reviewed two options presented to the Bike, Pedestrian and Trails Commission (BPTC) on March 1, plus a third option assimilating BPTC’s comments into their preferred option. Ward revealed that the changes to Option B, already the more expensive of the two, would increase the cost by roughly $100,000. Before turning to public comment, Mayor Dan Richardson made clear that whatever option is selected will provide guidance and be adjusted according to the town’s needs and restraints. Over a dozen people commented on the project. Despite disagreements, an overtone of respect, gratitude and recognition predominated the discussion. Eighth Street neighbor Jillene Rector began by stating “You’ve done so well listening to us. I just want to thank you.” Neighbor Brian Hightower suggested it’s “privileged of a position to suggest that families don’t need the parking,” calling it “untenable” that Option B would remove approximately 50 spaces from the east side of Eighth Street. Three members of the Carbondale AgeFriendly Community Initiative spoke to the importance of this corridor to many seniors, some of whom ride tricycles and are hearing impaired. The BPTC was called “visionary” for

choosing an option that emphasizes walking and “moves people away from dependency on cars.” Meanwhile, nine foot sidewalks was lauded as excessive. Many people asked that mature trees be kept living. Some neighbors expressed concern over the cost, veering toward $1 million with the suggested, adjusted option. Toward the end of the public comment period, former-mayor Michael Hassig dropped in to offer sage advice. He suggested that the substantive decision for the evening was to eliminate parking or not. As a resident that lives a block from Eighth Street, Hassig offered “I would concur with other speakers and neighbors who live on that street.” As a design professional actively involved in bidding costs, Hassig warned that he’s “completely skeptical” of the cited costs and wouldn’t be surprised if the project came in 50% more expensive. Following public comment, Mayor Richardson affirmed, “We’re certainly not going to resolve everything tonight” and asked that the board provide guidance on the parking issues, “a threshold question.” Several trustees called Option B a “non-starter,” for reasons of parking, cost and overall impact. Ultimately, Option A was chosen to guide the process forward. Trustee Ben Bohmfalk remarked that it is unusual for the board of trustees to diverge from a commission’s

recommendation, but reminded participants that Option A failed by one vote at the BPTC meeting. The finer details of lane widths, consistency, and buffer composition will continue at the trustees’ next meeting.

From the town’s weekly report:

Free COVID testing site remains in operation behind Town Hall. Website to reserve testing: rfvcovidtest.com Town ditches turn on April 15. Elm trees with roots growing in Ella Ditch, behind Sopris Elementary School and the Orchard Church, were removed. The upper portion of Carbondale Ditch was turned on April 5 to supply water to the RVR golf course. A newly lined ditch section there is performing well. Parks and Rec. is hiring for seasonal work including lifeguards, water safety instructors, a recreation assistant for summer programming and a group fitness instructor. Planning and Zoning meets on April 15 for two continued public hearings: an above-garage ADU in Colorado Meadows and a Rezoning, Administrative Site Plan Review, Preliminary Plat and Special Use Permit for ANB Bank to build a new bank near City Market. Comprehensive plan update process begins in May. Familiarity with the existing 2013 Comprehensive Plan is recommended to interested persons.



APRIL 24th, 8AM to 2PM

General Household Waste Fees Pick-up truck load Carbondale residents $10 Non-residents $25 Pick-up load with trailer Carbondale residents $20 Non-residents $35

Mountain Waste • • • • •

General household (furniture, old wood, fencing, etc.) Yard waste, tree branches and other organic materials Textiles (must be in bags) Mattresses ($10 each) Metals

Items for Recycling & Fees

CORRecycling correcycling.com Electronic waste: up to 3 TVs, CRT monitors and copiers plus unlimited smaller items. FREE for town residents after 19,000 pounds and non-residents 35¢ per pound. Items accepted: TVs, monitors, printers, microwaves, laptops, copiers, hard drives for destruction.

Brite Ideas Bulb Recycling coloradobulbrecycling.com Batteries: car, phone, and all batteries Light bulbs: Fluorescents, CFL, HID, UV lamps, neon signs PCB ballasts Mercury thermostats Freon refrigerators

JLM Tires The first 100 tires up to 18” without rims FREE for town residents. 8 tires per customer. $8 per tire after the limit.

Located in the parking lot behind Town Hall

Located in the parking lot behind Town Hall

Located in the parking lot at 4th & Colorado

Crews will alternate lunches between 12 and 1 so unloading may take additional time during this time frame. Please plan accordingly. Prescription Drug Drop-off Carbondale Police Department. Located in Town Hall lobby.

Hazardous waste, i.e., oil, paint, cleaning fluids/canisters, car liquids, propane bottles, etc. will not be accepted at this event. THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • April 15 - April 21, 2021 • 7


Visit soprissun.com to submit events.



KDNK celebrates 38 years on the airwaves! Tune in for the chance to win a commemorative t-shirt. EXTREME FIRE

Colorado Mountain College hosts 14-year wildfire veteran Kale Casey for a virtual presentation at 6:30 p.m. Casey served as one of the lead information officers on both the Grizzly Creek and Cameron Peak fires in Colorado. He will talk about unusual wildfire behaviors observed last summer and measures communities and individuals can take to protect property and businesses during this upcoming fire season. To register, email adeter@coloradomtn.edu


Sopris Theatre Company presents “Nina Variations” by Steven Dietz. The production will be streamed the weekends of April 16 and 23 with showings at 7 p.m. on Friday/Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sundays. Tickets are available at ShowTix4U.com or by calling 970-947-8177. STREAMIN’ STEVE’S

The Sopris Quartet performs at Steve’s Guitars at 7:30. The livestream will be available via the “GrassRoots Community Network” YouTube channel.


Davi Nikent Center for Human Flourishing hosts Michael Regan with Wildness of the Heart Institute for a primer on remembering and interpreting dreams. Join virtually at 10 a.m. by registering at davinikent.com

Thunder River Theatre Company’s production of “The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey” is streamed online on April 17 and 18. More info at thunderrivertheatre.com GARDEN PERFORMANCE

Sopris Soarers perform Woodland Story outside The Launchpad. The show is free and shows off the flying moves of aerialist students ages 6 to 15. The show will be performed twice, at 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.


Roaring Fork Conservancy invites volunteers to help clean up trash along rivers throughout the Roaring Fork Watershed, April 19 through April 23. Preregistration is required to help on Frying Pan Road and along the Roaring Fork River through Basalt. More details at bit. ly/RFcleanup


Senior Matter and Garfield County Libraries host an open conversation for people 65 and up about life, postpandemic, led by Carbondale Neurologist Dr. Brooke Allen. Dr. Allen serves on Pitkin County’s Medical Advisory Team and runs free COVID testing services throughout the valley. To register for this talk, taking place at 3:30 p.m., visit bit.ly/ reopeninglives

Got Drugs?


Local author Lisa Dancing-Light presents her new book, “Magic Mountain,” at an online event taking place at 3 p.m. The event is free and open to all. Details at gcpld.org DRIVE-IN EARTH DAY

5Point Film showcases an all-new program with six short films capturing stories from Mongolia to Miami to remote Alaska. Showings take place at Roaring Fork High School at 8 p.m. on April 22 and April 23. Tickets at 5pointfilm.org


Colorado Mountain College hosts the 2021 Envision Sustainability Conference via Zoom. The event begins with an address by CMC President Carrie Hauser at 9 a.m., continues with presentations by graduating sustainability majors, and concludes with a keynote address by photographer and filmmaker Pete McBride at 11 a.m. Registration is at coloradomtn.edu/ sustainabilityconference/



Eagle County managers, elected officials, department directors, and other staff visit the Roaring Fork Valley every Friday from 9 a.m. to noon at the El Jebel Community Center. UNDER THE SUN

Join Sopris Sun correspondents and guests for Everything Under The Sun, airing every Thursday on KDNK at 4 p.m.

On April 15, wildfire veteran Kale Casey will discuss wildfire behavior, and talk about ways to protect yourself and your property from wildfires. Photo Kari Greer/USDA Forest Service KARAOKE THURSDAYS

The Black Nugget offers karaoke on Thursdays at 7 p.m. FIND YOUR VOICE!

River Bridge Regional Center hosts special, online programming all month. “Different Heroes, Different Dreams,” a film presentation with Joyce Bulifant, begins at 6 p.m. on April 17. “Helping Others Find Their Voice Through Story Sharing” begins at 5:30 p.m. on April 19. “Plant the Seeds of Your Life” begins at 5:30 p.m. on April 20. “Uncovering the Secret to Writing and the True Power of Words” begins at 6 p.m. on April 21. More at riverbridgerc.org

Title Sponsor

Rotary Club of Carbondale

Friday, May 7, 2021 Sopris Park in Carbondale, CO

Turn in your unused or expired household prescription and over-the-counter medication for safe disposal Saturday April 24, 2021 - 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Watch live as up to 1,000 numbered ping-pong balls fall from the Carbondale & Rural Fire Ladder Truck down onto a field of targets in Sopris Park during Carbondale’s First Friday on May 7th! The ball that lands closest to the center target wins the

GRAND PRIZE of $5,000 CASH! Other targets offer prize packages including $500 cash!

Adopt your ball: $20 each or 3 for $50

The disposal location is: Carbondale Police Department

Need not be present to win!

Visit: www.paybee.io/@fireballdrop@1,

511 Colorado Avenue, Suite 911 Carbondale, CO 81623 970-963-2662

 use the QR code here, or purchase from our partners at:

• Ascendigo Autism Services • Roaring Fork Pickleball • Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District • Roaring Fork Youth Soccer • YouthZone • Stepping Stones

The following items WILL NOT be accepted:

Needles & Sharps • Mercury (thermometers) • Oxygen Containers • Chemotherapy/Radioactive Substances • Pressurized Canisters • Illicit Drugs

Proceeds benefit Carbondale Rotary Club, our local high school scholarships, youth exchange programs and community and international projects. Ball drop will be streamed on Facebook Live (facebook.com/ carbondalerotaryclub) at 5pm on Friday, May 7, 2021.


Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

Featured Sponsor

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • April 15 - April 21, 2021 • 8


Sol del el

Conectando comunidades


Desde La Clínica

by Dra. Maria Judith Alvarez La obesidad y los problemas de salud asociados (diabetes, hipertensión, enfermedades del corazón, colesterol y triglicéridos altos, etc.) se han convertido en un problema mayor en los EEUU. Esta es una columna basada en el libro del Dr. Michael Greger. Lo que comes es el factor más importante que causa y revierte la obesidad. Sin embargo, también es importante cuando comes. Esto tiene que ver con los

Volumen 1, Número 7 | 15 al 21 de abril de 2021

Agradecemos su apoyo para este nuevo proyecto.

Cuando comes importa

ritmos circadianos — que son los biorritmos naturales diarios de nuestro cuerpo, que ocurren repetitivamente cada 24 horas. Estos biorritmos afectan la digestión, la temperatura corporal, la presión arterial, los niveles de las hormonas, la actividad del sistema inmune, el momento más eficaz para tomar las pastillas para la presión arterial (a la hora de acostarse) y el tiempo efectivo para la quimioterapia. Sorprendentemente, nuestro microbioma intestinal (flora Intestinal) también tiene ritmos circadianos, y cuando nuestro microbioma está formado por microbios que promueven la salud, está sincronizado con nuestros biorritmos del cuerpo. Según el Dr. Greger, los ritmos circadianos explican el hecho de que "las calorías de la mañana no parecen contar tanto como las calorías de la noche..” Las “Zonas Azules” son cinco áreas del mundo donde la gente vive vidas particularmente largas y saludables. Uno de los mensajes

para llevar a casa del estudio de estas poblaciones es que deberíamos "desayunar como un rey, almorzar como un príncipe y cenar como un pobre.” Los que se saltan el desayuno tienen tasas más altas de sobrepeso u obesidad. Esto parece contradictorio porque si omitiera el desayuno, esperaría perder peso debido a la ingesta de menos calorías totales por día. Sin embargo, el Dr. Greger revisa los estudios que muestran que "las calorías de la mañana no parecen contar tanto como las calorías de la noche.” No solo debes desayunar todos los días, sino también para tener un peso y una salud óptimos debe ser la comida más grande del día en cuanto a calorías. En un estudio israelí de mujeres obesas y con sobrepeso, la mitad de los sujetos comieron de acuerdo con el principio repríncipe-pobre y la otra mitad comía la misma cantidad de calorías, pero en diferente secuencia, podre-príncipe-rey, con la mayor cantidad de calorías

al final del día. Al final del estudio de doce semanas, el grupo de reypríncipe-pobre perdió 19 libras y el grupo de pobre-príncipe-rey perdió 11 libras. En otro estudio, los investigadores del Ejército de EEUU hicieron que la mitad de los participantes del estudio solo cenaran y la otra mitad solo desayunaran, cada mitad ingiere la misma cantidad de calorías. Los participantes que solo desayunaron perdieron dos libras a la semana en comparación con el grupo que solo cenaba. Una explicación de este fenómeno es que, debido a los ritmos circadianos, nuestros cuerpos utilizan un cincuenta por ciento más de calorías para digerir los alimentos por la mañana en comparación con la noche. Trabajar en un turno de noche interrumpe nuestros ritmos circadianos. ¿Y adivina qué? Los trabajadores del turno de noche tienen tasas significativamente más altas de sobrepeso u obesidad en comparación con los trabajadores del turno de día.

También tienen tasas más altas de diabetes, enfermedades cardíacas y cáncer. A continuación se presentan los nueve consejos del Dr. Greger para perder peso, sincronizandose con los ritmos circadianos de nuestro cuerpo: nunca se salte el desayuno; Consuma la mayor parte de sus calorías diarias para el desayuno, menos para el almuerzo e incluso menos para la cena; duerma durante la noche y manténgase activo durante el día; duerma entre siete y ocho horas; irse a la cama a las 10 y levantarse a las seis o siete; evite la exposición a la luz brillante por la noche; duerma en total oscuridad; cene al menos dos horas y media antes de acostarse; evite comer por la noche. Si usted le gustaría tener una consulta gratis en la Clínica del Pueblo para ayudarle a controlar su salud, comuníquese con Isabel Almeida, 970-948-1072 o Judith Alvarez, 970-989-3513.

CHISME DEL PUEBLO ¡Contratando! Valley Settlement busca cubrir varios puestos en sus equipos de programación. Hay oportunidades con El Busesito, Educación para Adultos, Familia, Amigos y Vecinos, y Aprendiendo con Amor. Si usted o alguien que conoce está interesado en unirse a una organización comprometida con la creación de un valle más inclusivo para todos, visite a valleysettlement.org/es/recursos/ empleo

Consultas médicas gratis La Clínica del Pueblo ofrece consultas médicas gratis en Third Street Center el tercer sábado de cada mes, incluyendo este sábado 17 de abril. Las consultas son proveídas de 9 a.m. a 3 p.m. Para citas, consultas y preguntas, contacte a Judith Alvares al 970-989-3513.

¡Encuentra tu voz! River Bridge regional Center anfitriona una programación especial todo el mes. Para más información, visite riverbridgerc.org.

Estafadores Durante los últimos meses, la policía local ha visto un incremento en llamadas de estafadores acerca del desempleo. Los oficiales trabajarán con las víctimas para poder discutir reclamos fraudulentos bajo sus

nombres. Se recomienda contactar a la policía si usted o su empleador recibe una llamada sospechosa. También es recomendado guardar documentos de impuestos que llegan por correo, aun si no fueron solicitados.

Día de las Madres Ya es el momento para que las madres con bebés recién nacides o adoptades programen un retrato gratis con nosotres para nuestra edición especial del Día de las Madres. Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto a Raleigh Burleigh al 970-456-6929 para reservar una sesión de fotos el 10, 11, 24 o 25 de abril. Precauciones de COVID serán observadas.

Aniversario de oro Carbondale Arts está buscando diseños para el póster y camisa del 50th Annual Mountain Fair. Artistas interesades deben entregar un concepto bien desarrollado junto con otras tres muestras. El ganador recibirá $500 y 10 camisas. Hechas a mano o digital, las participaciones deben ser entregadas antes del 30 de abril. ¿Preguntas? Envié un correo electrónico a brian@carbondalearts. com

Subvenciones de FAB Inscripciones para la subvención del 2021 de la Junta de Asesoría Financiera de la Ciudad de Glenwood Springs (FAB) serán recibidas hasta

el 10 de mayo. Subvenciones de FAB están disponibles a organizaciones benéficas, de gobierno y entidades respaldadas por impuestos para servicios humanos, eventos especiales, promoción de turismo y otros servicios públicos. Para más información, visite cogs.us/FABgrant

Vacunas Todes les residentes de Colorado de 16 años o más ya son elegibles para recibir una vacuna. Residentes del condado de Garfield pueden hacer una cita llamando a Valley View Hospital al 970-384-7632. Residentes del condado de Eagle pueden llamar al 970-328-9750. Residentes del condado de Pitkin pueden llamar al 970-429-3363. Pruebas para el COVID están disponibles gratis a través del Valle de Roaring Fork haciendo citas al rfvcovidtest.com.

Por Larry Day

El periodico del pueblo

al pliegue de periodismo producido Por más de 13 años, The Sopris localmente. No es un secreto que Sun se ha entregado nuestra misión para sostener a un periódico es cada de informar, inspirar y construir una vez un desafío. Esta primavera, le Reabriendo nuestras vidas comunidad. En el 2020, a pesar de pedimos a nuestres lectores que nos Senior Matter y las bibliotecas del desafíos extraordinarios, no perdimos ayuden a emparejar dos subvenciones condado de Garfield anfitriona una el ritmo. incluso con el incendio de sustanciales. FirstBank ha prometido conversación abierta para las personas Grizzly Creek que cerró el cañón de generosamente proveer $20,000 si de 65 años o mayores, se discutirá acerca logramos recaudar lo equivalente de la vida antes de la pandemia, dirigida Glenwood, alejándonos de nuestra entre donantes individuales. Esto se impresora en Gypsum. Más allá de un por neurológico de Carbondale Dr. añade a los $5,000 por MANAUS compromiso inquebrantable a nuestra Brooke Allen. Dr. Allen hace parte del equipo de asesoría médica del condado producción impresa, The Sopris Sun para ayudar a lanzar El Sol del Valle. de Pitkin y ejecuta servicios gratis para está añadiendo a nuestra misión: “a Nuestra meta final es $35,000 para pruebas de COVID a través del valle. fomentar un periodismo diverso e sostener y crecer a The Sopris Sun. Para inscribirse a su charla, la cual independiente.” Dentro de la misión Más que nunca, sus donaciones son tomara acabo a las 3:30, visite: bit.ly/ expandida existe la oportunidad de esenciales para nuestra continuación reopeninglives brindar más a nuestra comunidad como un servicio para la comunidad el Sol del Valle • Conector de comunidad • 15 al 21 de april de 2021 • 9





¡El fútbol de los Rams está de vuelta! Por Jeanne Souldern Traducción por Dolores Duarte

En una tarde de sábado,de 67 grados, sin una nube en el cielo, podías sentir la electricidad en el aire — el equipo titular de fútbol americano, los Rams de la Roaring Fork High School estaban de vuelta en Carbondale. Puede que los Rams hayan sufrido una dura derrota al perder 47-6 ante los Mustangs de Manitou Springs el 3 de abril, pero el entusiasmo mostrado por los jugadores, el cuerpo técnico y los espectadores no pudo ser igualado por el equipo contrario. La emoción del día se centró en el regreso del programa de fútbol de los Rams, que ha estado en pausa desde el otoño de 2017. Fue un debut memorable en casa, en una temporada ya modificada debido a los protocolos del COVID que trajo la Asociación de Actividades de High School de Colorado, el organismo

estatal que gobierna el atletismo de las escuelas secundarias. Antes del partido, el junior de los Rams, David Good, cantó una apasionada interpretación de "The Star-Spangled Banner.” La importancia del regreso del fútbol de los Rams no pasó desapercibida por los estudiantes, la familia y los aficionados en las gradas, que mostraron su apoyo inquebrantable. La lista de 25 jugadores consiste en 17 jugadores que son de primer o segundo año, lo que es un buen augurio para los jugadores que regresan el próximo año para continuar y construir el programa. Esa alineación incluye al estudiante de primer año de los Rams, Max Bollock, como mariscal de campo titular y como una fuerte seguridad en la defensa. Aunque el resultado no haya sido lo que el equipo y los fieles de los Rams esperaban, fue un día brillante para tener de vuelta el fútbol en Carbondale.

Donaciones por correo o en línea P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Raleigh Burleigh • 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Executive Director Todd Chamberlin • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Directora Artística: Ylice Golden Traductora: Jacquelinne Castro Distribucion: Crystal Tapp Miembros de la Mesa Directiva

Linda Criswell • Klaus Kocher Kay Clarke • Lee Beck • Megan Tackett Gayle Wells • Donna Dayton • Terri Ritchie Eric Smith • Vanessa Porras The Sopris Sun, Inc. Es un miembro orgulloso del Distrito Creativo de Carbondale The Sopris Sun, Inc. es una 501(c)(3) organización benéfica sin fines de lucro. Contribuciones financieras son deducibles de impuestos.


Para contribuir ideas y contenido al Sol del Valle, escribiéndonos a: sol@soprissun.com

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El equipo de fútbol americano de Roaring Fork High School, los Rams, inició su primera temporada en años con emoción. Jugaba con fuerza todo el equipo incluyendo Geo Ambrosio (arriba), Oscar Barraaza y Max Bollock (izquierda). Fotos por Sue Rollyson.

6:38 PM


Para Otoño 2021

Explore industrias y aprende habilidades reales

Recibe créditos hacia graduación Conoce a otros estudiantes de esta área en la escuela secundaria Las clases toman lugar durante horas escolar 2021-22 Clases:

Para comprar espacio publicitario en español, inglés, o ambos, mándanos un correo electrónico a: adsales@soprissun.com También se puede contactarnos llamando a 970-510-3003.

VACUNA PARA COVID-19 Todas las dosis son gratuitas. No es necesario ser ciudadano de los Estados Unidos y tampoco se necesita demostrar su presencia legal para recibir una vacuna de COVID-19 en Colorado. Además, la salud pública nunca compartirá su información con fines de inmigración o para aplicar la ley.

GRATIS | SEGURO | ACCESIBLE PARA TODOS Número de teléfono: 970-340-8504 Localidades: Sitios en los condados Garfield, Eagle, Pitkin

Estructura y Diseño y la industria de la Construcción

Artes Culinarias y Hostelería

Servicios de Salud para Animales y Humanos

Comienza tu futuro.

Youthentity.org 10 • el Sol del Valle • soprissun.com/espanol/ • 15 al 21 de april de 2021

¿Se requiere cita? Sí Cómo hacer cita: Llamar o hacer cita en línea


La migración más grande del mundo Por Mary Harris, Roaring Fork Audubon Traducción por Dolores Duarte

La migración más grande de animales en el mundo está llegando a Norteamérica. Una parte de esta migración pasará justo por el Valle Roaring Fork; y para nuestra suerte, muchos se quedarán a reproducirse, ¡la mayoría de ellos regresan al mismo sitio del hábitat donde nacieron! La migración de las aves es una de las grandes maravillas del mundo natural. Aproximadamente una de cada cinco especies de aves migra. Nuestro diminuto colibrí de cola ancha, procedente del sur de México, y el gran halcón Swainson, que regresa de su hogar invernal en las pampas de Argentina, son algunos de los muchos que vienen a crear nuevas generaciones en nuestro valle. Estos viajes épicos son nada menos que asombrosos; es una hazaña casi increíble de resistencia, fuerza y vigor. Considera lo improbable de que una diminuta curruca de un tercio de libra encuentre con seguridad su lugar para anidar después de volar miles de kilómetros y desafiar tormentas y depredadores, solo para hacer el viaje de vuelta unos meses después. El viaje se realiza para la tarea crucial de reproducción. Deben migrar para darse un festín con la explosión de riquezas que proporcionan nuestros veranos nórdicos. Estas currucas comen insectos desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer, reuniendo alimentos para formar una familia y, con suerte, suficiente energía para el viaje de regreso. Imagina nuestros bosques sin estas aves trabajadoras que consumen vorazmente los insectos que pueden amenazar las plantas nativas. Cuidan nuestras plantas nativas controlando los insectos, polinizando y reproduciéndose

para mantener todo en equilibrio. Son nuestros jardineros naturales. Las aves migratorias siguen rutas establecidas que incluyen hábitats para detenerse, descansar y reabastecerse a lo largo del camino. Muchas aves diferentes comparten rutas similares, creando "superautopistas" de aves en todo el mundo. Uno de los mayores misterios de la migración es cómo las aves encuentran su camino. Estudios científicos sobre diversas especies de aves revelan varias técnicas diferentes de navegación de las aves. La American Bird Conservancy muestra algunos de estos métodos: • Sensación magnética. Muchas aves tienen sustancias químicas o compuestos especiales en sus cerebros, ojos o picos que les ayudan a percibir el campo magnético de la Tierra. Esto ayuda a las aves a orientarse en la dirección correcta para los viajes largos, como una brújula interna. • Mapa geográfico. Debido a que las aves siguen las mismas rutas migratorias año tras año, su aguda capacidad de visión les permite trazar un mapa de su viaje. Las diferentes formas del terreno y las características geográficas, como ríos, costas, cañones y cordilleras, pueden ayudar a las aves a seguir la dirección correcta. • Orientación de los astros. Los migradores nocturnos utilizan la posición de las estrellas y la orientación de las constelaciones puede proporcionarles direcciones de navegación necesarias. Durante el día, las aves también utilizan el sol para navegar. • Rutas aprendidas. Algunas especies de aves, como las grullas y los gansos de la

nieve, aprenden las rutas migratorias de sus padres y de otras aves adultas de la bandada. Una vez aprendidas, las aves más jóvenes pueden recorrer la ruta con éxito por sí mismas. Los grandes migradores, como halcones y águilas, pueden utilizar las corrientes térmicas diurnas como ayuda, pero la mayoría de los pájaros cantores deben viajar de noche para evitar a los depredadores y mantenerse frescos mientras vuelan. Aunque estas habilidades facilitan la migración, el viaje es peligroso. Se calcula que más del 60% de algunas especies de aves nunca completan una migración de ida y vuelta. Además, nuestras aves se enfrentan a tantas amenazas causadas por el ser humano en el camino, que es increíble que lo consigan. Es una época difícil para ser un ave. En los últimos 60 años, hemos perdido un tercio de nuestras aves. Entre los muchos peligros causados por el hombre están la pérdida de paradas críticas para reabastecerse debido a la destrucción del hábitat, luces nocturnas, ventanas, molinos de viento, pesticidas y los depredadores al aterrizar. Las ventanas suelen ser invisibles para las aves, y las colisiones mortales se producen con una regularidad aterradora. Estas colisiones alcanzan hasta un billón de muertes de aves en los Estados Unidos cada año. Al aterrizar, las aves migratorias deben tener cuidado con los depredadores naturales, gatos domésticos y salvajes. Los gatos callejeros amenazan a las aves de todo el mundo. Se introdujeron en Estados Unidos hace varios cientos de años y ahora son la mayor amenaza causada por el hombre para las aves, ya que matan aproximadamente 2.4 billones de aves silvestres

Tangara aliblanca. Foto por Shep Harris. cada año. Las dos primeras semanas de mayo son la época de más llegada de aves. Cada una de ellas se instala afanosamente en su hábitat preferido de pinos y enebros, álamos, abetos, riberas, humedales, praderas, matorrales, incluso por encima de la línea de árboles. Nuestras aves nativas necesitan voces fuertes para la conservación y restauración de los hábitats, y los que tienen agua disponible son especialmente importantes a medida que nos enfrentamos al cambio climático. Habla con tu familia, tus amigos y tus funcionarios para que promuevan códigos de construcción que eviten la colisión con las ventanas y leyes de control de mascotas. "Si cuidas de las aves, cuidas la mayoría de los grandes problemas del mundo,” dice el Dr. Thomas Lovejoy; y estoy de acuerdo. Sal a la calle y disfruta de la magia de las aves en nuestras montañas con un nuevo aprecio por el épico viaje que hicieron para llegar hasta aquí. Puesto que la mayoría de nuestras aves migratorias llegan desde América Latina: ¡Disfruta la primavera con tus pájaros!


24 DE ABRIL, 8AM to 2PM

Tarifa general de residuos domésticos Carga de camioneta Residentes de Carbondale $10 no residentes $25 Carga de camioneta con remolqu Residentes de Carbondale $20 no residentes $35

Mountain Waste • •

• •

Hogar en general (muebles, madera vieja, materiales para cercas, etc.) Desechos de jardín, ramas de árboles y otros materiales textiles orgánicos (deben estar en bolsas) Colchones ($10 cada uno) Metales



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Localizados en el estacionamiento detrás del ayuntamiento

Localizados en el estacionamiento detrás del ayuntamiento

Localizado en el estacionamiento en 4th & Colorado

correcycling.com Desechos electrónicos: hasta 3 televisores, monitores de computadora y fotocopiadoras además de artículos más pequeños limitados. GRATIS para residentes después de 19,000 libras y 35¢ por libra para no residentes. Artículos aceptados: televisores, monitores, impresoras, microondas, computadora portátil, discos duros para destrucción.

coloradobulbrecycling.com Baterias de: carros, teléfonos y todas las baterías Bombillos: Fluorescentes, CFL, HID, lamparas UV, letreros de neón balastos PCB termostatos de mercurio Refrigerador de freón

Las primeras 100 llantas hasta 18” sin aros de llanta GRATIS para los residentes. 8 llantas por cliente $8 por llanta después del límite.

Personal tomarán almuerzos alternados entre las 12 y la 1 debido a esto, las descargas podrían tomar tiempo adicional durante este periodo de tiempo. Por favor planee respectivamente. Entrega de medicamentos recetados Departamento de Policía de Carbondale Localizado en el vestíbulo del ayuntamiento

Residuos peligrosos, es decir, aceite, pintura, fluidos/botes de limpieza, líquidos de carros, botellas de propano, etc. no serán aceptados en este evento. el Sol del Valle • Conector de comunidad • 15 al 21 de april de 2021 • 11

Angel Limón comparte su alma mariachi con el Valle Roaring Fork

Por Raleigh Burleigh Sopris Sun Editor

Angel Limón, originario de Jalisco, México, es conocido localmente por su talento tocando la vihuela y cantando con el grupo musical Jalisco Mariachi. Con una preferencia por la música tradicional, el compositor José Alfredo Jiménez Sandoval es una de sus inspiraciones. Aun así, Jalisco Mariachi también toca “covers” de canciones populares interpretadas al estilo mariachi. Tocar música está en su sangre, Limón proviene de una familia musical. Específicamente, proviene de una familia de mariachis. Llegó por primera vez a Colorado desde California, invitado por un amigo, en 2002. Aunque iba a pasar unas pocas semanas acá, prefirió quedarse todo el invierno. Según Limón, “hay muchísima gente y mucha delincuencia” en California. Aquí, en cambio, encontró tranquilidad y por ese entonces, no había tanta gente en el Valle Roaring Fork como ahora. Todavía viven en México sus

padres y familia cercana y les echa de menos. Su instrumento, la vihuela, lleva cinco cuerdas y a pesar de su tamaño, resuena fuerte. Su grupo es nombrado por el estado de México desde donde viene. Cuenta que la música mariachi es una tradición bien amada ahí, tocada durante todo tipo de fiestas incluyendo bodas y cumpleaños. Típicamente, se toca mientras que la gente disfruta de la comida. Localmente, Limón ha tocado en Montrose, Olathe, Meeker, Craig, Grand Junction, y hasta Vernal, Utah. Cuenta que no hay mucha competencia por otros grupos de mariachi aquí, y había tiempos en que tocaba su banda casi todas las noches por algún local. A menudo, tocan en El Horizonte Restaurant, antes cuando estaba en el The Sopris Shopping Center en Carbondale, y todavía en su restaurante en Basalt. Una vez, tocó en una camioneta subiendo White Hill de Carbondale hacia la iglesia católica para el festejo de la Santa Virgen de Guadalupe. En año de pandemia, Mariachi Jalisco se vio bastante

afectada por las restricciones, por cierres de restaurantes y la falta de eventos. Limón tiene nostalgias y ganas de volver a compartir su cultura con las comunidades del valle cuando ya sea el momento. Gracias a Amy Kimberly, directora de Carbondale Arts, Jalisco Mariachi tuvo la oportunidad de subir a un escenario móvil armado por Mountain Fair. Por años podría vivir de tocar música casi todas las noches. Con la llegada del recesión de 2008, tuvo que buscar otro ingreso y se encontró trabajando en un rancho local. Le ha gustado trabajar con los caballos y estar al aire libre. “Es muy relajante trabajar con animales.” Aun así, su primera pasión se mantiene como tocar música y así compartir su cultura. “Puedes estar toda la semana trabajando,” nos contó, y estar contratado para tocar música es aún emocionate: “Una cosa que traes en la sangre,” una oportunidad para perderse en algo más. En fin, “una cosa bonita.” Para contratar a Jalisco Mariachi, llama a 970-4568645.

Angel Limón y su vihuela. Foto de cortesía.

¿Tienes medicamentos?

Entregue sus medicamentos no usados ni vencidos y medicamentos de venta libre para eliminación segura Sábado 24 de abril de 2021 - 10:00 am a 2:00 pm La ubicación de disposición es: Departamento de Policía de Carbondale 511 Colorado Avenue, Suite 911 Carbondale, CO 81623 970-963-2662

Si tiene alguna pregunta por favor de comunicarse con S.A.N.A. www.facebook.com/2020SANA

Los siguientes artículos NO serán aceptados:

• Agujas y Punzones • Mercurio (termómetros) • Recipientes de Oxígeno • Quimioterapia / Sustancias radiactivas • Frascos Presurizados • Drogas Ilícitas


Los Navegadores Irma Avila y Gabriel Bonilla de SNAP estarán en las distribuciones de comida y realizaran llamadas para ayudar a las familias que puedan estar en riesgo de padecer hambre y conectar con recursos en la comunidad.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

12 • el Sol del Valle • soprissun.com/espanol/ • 15 al 21 de april de 2021

Cats from cover

Colorado Animal Rescue (CARE) was one of eleven animal welfare organizations selected to be part of this semester's Jackson Galaxy Cat Pawsitive Pro Traiing Program. CARE Programs Director Keira Clark and Feline Specialist Colleen Hickman have since been busy training cats to literally jump through hoops. Photos by Will Sardinsky.

They’re so smart! You might need to train them a little differently [than dogs], but they’re highly trainable.” “It’s all about doing things on their terms,” Hickman noted as Mamba, the orange tabby, refused a smorgasbord of options. “While one day they might love tuna, the next day that may have completely changed.” Mamba eventually took a mild interest in string cheese and emerged from her cubby. Clark acknowledged that regardless of a cat’s level of performance while training, the ultimate goal of the program is not only to get cats adopted, but also offer mental stimulation while they’re at the shelter. Despite the program officially ending April 30, Clark and Hickman plan to continue integrating what they learned from the past months into daily life for cats at CARE. “The whole point of the program was a stepping stone,” Hickman said. “We already have a really great enrichment program which our volunteer staff helps carry out, where every cat is assigned daily enrichment. That’s anything from cat grass, to grooming, to being read to, to treat puzzles. But then the training is the next step to get to that mental place where they are then challenged.” “We don’t want this to stop, it’s such a huge benefit for everyone!” finished Clark.

¡Se aproxima el Día Mother’s Day is de la Madre! not that far away! Invitamos a todas las madres con bebes nacides dentro del último año que tomen un retrato profesional con nosotres para la edición especial del Sopris Sun/Sol del Valle.

Now’s the time for moms with babies born within the last year to schedule portraits for our special spread in the May 6 Sopris Sun.

Llama a 970-510-3003 para hacer una cita para el 10, 11, 24, o 25 de abril. Fechas adicionales serán agregadas según la necesidad.

Call or text Mark Burrows 970-379-4581 for reservations on April 10-11 or 24-25.

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • April 15 - April 21, 2021 • 13

14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • April 15 - April 21, 2021

Thunder River's solo show teaches acceptance

By Jeanne Souldern Sopris Sun Correspondent

The story begins with the disappearance of a 14-year-old gay male, Leonard Pelkey. As Detective Chuck DeSantis investigates the missing person case, we come to know Leonard's brilliant spirit in Thunder River Theatre Company's (TRTC) production of "The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey." In 1998, playwright James Lecesne co-founded The Trevor Project, a national nonprofit organization, which provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) youth. During COVID-19, TRTC Executive Artistic Director Corey Simpson said, selecting and casting plays has been a challenge. “A while back, I started looking at one and two-person plays and really found some fantastic pieces that still had messages that really resonate for this time right now.” Simpson said, this one “checked a lot of boxes.” And being a solo show, it was easy to rehearse safely, with the actor in the theater and the director remotely directing through her laptop.” Owen O'Farrell, a seasoned TRTC actor, plays nine characters in the solo show. The main character, Chuck DeSantis, is a gritty detective in a "godforsaken precinct down

the Jersey shore." It is through his investigation that we meet the eight other characters who knew Leonard. DeSantis delivers the story surrounding the investigation to the audience some ten years after it happened. DeSantis has been changed by working on this case, in his way, being touched by Leonard’s life. At Simpson’s suggestion, O’Farrell found inspiration for DeSantis’ storytelling by acting as if he was telling the story to his own son, who is now 21 years old and who O’Farrell raised as a single dad. As O’Farrell recalled, “That was a trigger for me. That was a really big thing that made it important that I have to tell this story about this incredible gay kid who people bullied and how he changed all these people's lives.” According to Simpson, "What you discover, through the course of the play, is that most of these people are not people who would typically spend time with a character like Leonard, and we find out that they were all dramatically impacted in a really positive way by knowing this young man." Although Leonard never appears in the play, we get a distinct sense of his wise-beyond-his-years outlook on life — to “stay true to you.” Director Sue Lavin said of the play selection process, "his spirit was so resilient and positive and original that I just loved the play."

O'Farrell pulls off what is no easy feat, even for a seasoned actor — learning 27 pages of dialogue. "It's a large, large undertaking, learning nine characters, and that's not just nine, there's also other characters within the speeches of the other characters that also have to be portrayed," O'Farrell said. Yet O'Farrell achieves seamless transitions between characters of varying genders, ages, and personalities. This is accomplished in part by giving each character distinctive mannerisms. Lavin, with 50 years of directing experience, said she needed to "mine the script for all its emotional power and deliver it in a true and honest way." She credits "the fortunate choice of Owen O'Farrell as our actor,” because “he was capable of many of those moments of profundity that the play had." The set is minimalist, which allows us to focus on O'Farrell’s performance. Production designer Sean Jeffries had the idea of a tall post of interwoven wooden strips — symbolizing Leonard's connections to others — where critical pieces of evidence are displayed. Lavin referred to them as "spiritual props" as "they represent the boy in a real, spiritual way." Yes, you will laugh out loud. The trail of emotional content is dotted with many little breadcrumbs of humor to provide moments of levity. Lavin calls the humor "fabulous" and

Actor Owen O'Farrell successfully tackles the portrayal of nine characters in TRTC's production of "The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey." Courtesy photo. explained, "That’s how it's crafted, to give us these breaks because it's a relentless script." And you will think. You will look at your own biases, your wishes for someone you care about to change their behavior or dress so they stay “safe;” so they aren't bullied, threatened, or worse. In DeSantis' interview with Marion Tochterman, a character who is a client at the hair salon where Leonard works, recalls a conversation with Leonard where she asked him, "But do you have to be so

much yourself ?" To which Leonard answered, "If you stop being yourself, then the terrorists win." As Simpson said, the message is about acceptance and to "live your truth and be proud of that." By the play’s end, we understand that Leonard would want that for all of us. The production can be streamed on-demand the weekend of April 17 and 18 through Showtix4U by purchasing tickets at thunderrivertheatre.com. This production has been sponsored by a grant from AspenOUT.

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • April 15 - April 21, 2021 • 15

Remembering Coal Basin tragedy

By Bill Jochems Special to The Sopris Sun

It was forty years ago, but feels like yesterday. Thwap, thwap, thwap and echoes of helicopters woke Redstone at dawn. Then Tom Brokaw’s voice came through: “and this morning, in Redstone, Colorado...” National news, but a locally intense and tragic story. There was a massive explosion deep in Mid-Continent’s Dutch Creek Number One mine in Coal Basin, six miles west of Redstone. Twentyone miners were still down there. The gas blew, early in the swing shift, April 15, and frantic rescue efforts continued for two days. Some miners were able to call out. Rescue team members Tim Cole and Lee McBride went in within a couple of hours. They helped six injured miners out, but the devastation kept them 800 feet from the explosion’s epicenter. Fifteen men were still missing. Heavy gloom came down on our town. We knew these men. Redstone, built by John Osgood as a mining and coking town, was still a mining town in 1981. True, Osgood's widow sold off most of the original houses, but Mid-Continent owned the Redstone Inn and miners lived here, families in houses, and single men in motels and apartments. They patronized and socialized in the Inn and Townhouse (now Propaganda Pie). The end of every day shift brought a line of pick-up trucks to the General Store, buying six-packs for the drive home. At Mid-Continent’s zenith, several hundred miners produced

Roof jacks standing at the entrance of Redstone memorialize the area's mining history. Photo by Debbie Strom. up to a million tons of metallurgical coal per year. Two shifts of 30-ton trucks, one every four minutes, hauled coal to the unit train at Carbondale. Access to the explosion site was difficult. The portal was 10,000 feet up in Coal Basin. And then the tunnel went 6,000 feet into the mountain, following the coal seam down the 10 degree dip, and ending an extraordinary 3,000 feet under Huntsman’s Ridge. That was the site of the explosion. Gas had to be cleared and safety insured, before rescuers reached the site on the second day and confirmed that all 15 men had been killed in the explosion.



did gas build up? What was the ignition source? Mid-Continent mined coal for another ten years, but as American steel production declined, so did the market for metallurgical coal. By the early 1990s the mines shut down. The names of the 15 men who died on April 15, 1981, are inscribed on the plaque at the base of Coal Road, along with the names of the 40 other men who died in Coal Basin, from 1901 to 1990. The plaque is inscribed: COAL MINING HAS ALWAYS BEEN DANGEROUS WORK.

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How did this happen? The Coal Basin mines were known to be “gassy.” An explosion in 1965 killed nine men. Methane oozes from every face of newly cut coal and when it reaches 5% to 15%, a tiny spark will set it off. Great efforts were made to ventilate the mines and hold the methane down below 1%. Powerful eightfoot fans were at the portals, forcing gales into the mines. Heavy brattice curtains directed fresh air to the gassiest locations. When gas exceeded 1%, operations were shut down. But something went terribly wrong that day. Federal investigation followed, but questions remain. Why

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16 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • April 15 - April 21, 2021

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This Is Your Backyard


OPINION By Alex Menard

The Upper Crystal River Valley, from Marble to Schofield Pass, is the finest backyard anyone could wish for. Mostly spectacular wilderness, it also contains the town of Crystal with the famous mill and other historic mining sites. It is home to majestic mountains from the rugged granite ridges of Capitol and Snowmass peaks to the red ledges of the Maroon Bells. Vast spruce, aspen, pine and fir forests cover the sides of the peaks, where clear streams and lakes drain into the last free flowing river in western Colorado, the Crystal. This is home

to elk, moose, bear, eagle and other wild neighbors. The Lead King Loop (LKL) exists as a remnant of the mining era. The result is a narrow band of private land with county and forest roads, surrounded by designated and de facto wilderness. Another historical result is that the Upper Crystal Valley is under the jurisdiction of Gunnison County, while being widely separated from Gunnison physically. The designated Maroon Snowmass Wilderness was included in the original Wilderness Act of 1964, which attests to its quality as a first selection. The LKL is conterminous on the north with wilderness for about 40% of its length. On the south side is the proposed Treasury wilderness. The LKL is the only access route for many trails into the wilderness from this side of the Elk Mountains range. Motorized access has existed on the LKL since the first Stanley Steamer reached Crystal and jeep tours have been offered for half a century. But a recent form of transport, the ATV, has had a major impact on the environment, wildlife


and quality of life for nearby residents. First, in 2015, the town of Marble made the non-conforming use of ATVs in the town legal. Then, the use of ATVs was made legal on the county road by Gunnison County Commissioners. In both cases, these were not planned or thoughtful acts. In fact, they were just making a pre-existing use legal. These actions resulted last season in over 200 vehicles on the LKL on a single day. Modern ATV use is not compatible with pedestrianism, which is an established use on the LKL. The intimidation caused by speeding vehicles, with accompanying noise, dust, fumes, erosion, damaged vegetation and scaring away of wildlife are negative effects imposed on hikers. And ATV use is not compatible with the fragile mountain environment on the LKL. Protection means erring on the side of conservation, not recreation. The sheer volume of use requires some level of control. ATV users clearly have the largest impact and eliminating them would have the greatest effect and be easiest to

Continued from page 2

vehicles, delivery trucks, service carriers, and up to 450 added vehicles a day, many unfamiliar with these roads. The extra traffic from this (or future commercial developments) will be horrific. This presents a real danger to you and those of us who live in Missouri Heights. There is no “share the road” credo with earth movers and dump trucks. There is no shoulder on these roads, so a gentle pass around a cyclist is already difficult today. I envision a long line of cars, impatiently trying to see around a truck and then encountering a cyclist...this is not safe! Please join us as we oppose the application to allow the Ascendigo ranch development. Your voice is as valuable as those of residents here. You stand to lose a beautiful and wellloved cycling loop. More information on how to oppose locating Ascendigo in Missouri Heights is available at the Keep Missouri Height Rural website: KeepMOHrural.com Sue Craver Missouri Heights Resident

pieces and weeks of rehab ahead, but without

Recognizing greatness

a very special place. All the amenities we

Carbondale takes care of its own! On April 8, while walking to the library with my small dog, I tripped on an uneven sidewalk and fell headlong, hitting my head and both knees on the pavement. Within minutes, a Federal Express driver stopped to offer assistance, followed by a young man and a neighbor closeby, Sara (as luck would have it, an emergency physician’s assistant). She quickly scooped up my confused and frightened dog and put her in her yard. In pain and unable to put any weight on my leg, all three helped me to stand and carried me to Sara’s car so she could drop me off at Roaring Fork Family Practice. Sara stayed with me until a wheelchair was found and helped me connect with my two daughters. I now have a slight concussion, a patella broken in several

their assistance, it could have been far worse. I am so indebted to all three and would like to express my thanks and applaud their quick action and compassionate care. Where else could you find such generosity of spirit!!

enforce. This solution has historic precedence in Pitkin County. Gunnison County has both the ability and the responsibility to manage ATV use on the LKL by controlling ATV use on the only access, County Road 3 (CR3). The tiny town of Marble has neither the ability or responsibility to manage forest use or provide services. The U.S. Forest Service will follow the lead and direction of the county by revising its Travel Management Plan for the LKL. This is how it happened in Pitkin County. If the town of Marble wants to continue having legal use of ATVs in town limits, this is totally compatible with an ATV closure on CR3. Immediate closure of CR3 to ATV use and ATV trailer parking is necessary for resource protection. This action would eliminate access to the Lead King Loop by ATVs, reducing the largest part of environmental impact, stop conflict with hikers and return peace and quality of life to the towns of Marble and Crystal, as well as residents along CR3. The expense of enforcement may be cited by county officials as a

reason for delay. Banning ATVs from county roads is the policy in all the rest of Gunnison County, as well as in all of Pitkin County. In the event that the county commissioners fail to enact an ATV ban, a moratorium on all motor vehicles should be enacted immediately, with a locked gate installed on the county road. Residents and the jeep tour operator could be given a key or combo to the gate. Closure should remain in effect until support services such as parking, enforcement and restrooms are provided. Assert your right to protect your backyard and to enjoy it in a quiet, sustainable way. Email the Gunnison county commissioners. Tell them this is your backyard more than theirs, as they are all on the other side of the mountains. Even if you are not their constituent, this is public land and belongs to you. Here are the addresses: rmason@ gunnisoncounty.org, eksmith@ gunnisoncounty.org, jhouk@ gunnisoncounty.org. For more information, contact Alex Menard at menardalex02@ gmail.com.

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¡Cómprate 4 anuncios (por uso cuando quieras) entre hoy y el 30 de abril y recibirás un anuncio adicional en español gratis! ¡Incluye diseño y traducción! Contáctanos llamando 970-510-3003 o por correo electrónico a sol@soprissun.com

Double Deal!

If you buy 4 ads (use any time) between now and April 30th, you will get a Spanish ad free! Plus free design and free translation! For more info contact Todd Chamberlin | adsales@soprissun.com | 970-510-0246

Nancy Roen Carbondale

Take a breather We are so angry about what has been going on with developments the last few years. Small town character is basically gone. For what is left, we need to stop developments and like a business: take stock and inventory. When we do this inventory we will see what we have, and later what we need.

Sol del el

Val le

To most of us, we are at the critical point of no return. The further on this path we go, the worse it gets. Glenwood has always been have are at least world class. Then why are we trying to choke ourselves to death? Our job is not to provide high density units for the masses. Our job is to take care of the safety and welfare of our residents. Our job is to take care of our very special home. Please. Michael Hoban Glenwood Springs Haiku #4 Hear the ravens talk Their raucous call and response Wish I understood. Jampa

Working Togethe r For Pets And The ir People 2801 CR 11 Glenwoo d Springs 4 , CO (970)9479173

C.A.R.E. h as 10 do gs, 5 cat 5 mice a sa vailable for adop nd tion.

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name is Vanna. I am a sweet olde exact) with an r gal (11 years young to crooked little eaadorable chubby face and onbe licks if you give r. I’m sure to give you lots e back. My fosterme some scratches on my of RJ Paddywacks house and wa family said I did great in th 400 E Valley Rd. # I/J other dogs ansda perfect dog! I do well with e kids. Next to City Call 970-947 Market in El Jebel information ab -9173 for more out me. 970.963.1700


THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • April 15 - April 21, 2021 • 17


By Suzie Brady

We don 't charge for obits

The death of a loved one costs enough. The Sopris Sun is happy to publish local obituaries of a reasonable length, including a picture, free of charge.

Send submissions to news@soprissun.com @rockymountainhighq

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18 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com • April 15 - April 21, 2021


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Graduating seniors on Roaring Fork High School's soccer team ( from left to right) Gio Ambrosio, Bryan Cruz, Edin Tena, Talon Carballiera, Alvin Garcia, Carlos Ortiz, Gustavo Amador, Daniel Carreno, Noah Wheeless, Alex Jaquez and Ryan Camp lift their coach Nick Forbes into the air.

Roaring Fork Rams' senior night soccer game was played against longtime rival team Basalt Longhorns. Ultimately, the varsity Rams won five to one. Photos Sue Rollyson.

Helmeted man saves osprey

Contribution by Shelly Merriam

Courtesy photo

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Red bailing twine, commonly used by adult osprey for their nests, can become a source of death by entanglement. Colorado Rocky Mountain School (CRMS) arranges its removal annually from the nest on their campus monitored by a camera for the students’ science education. Last week, Earth-Wise Horticulture donated services, sending this brave man in a a cherry picker to pull free the bailing twine, ducking dive-bombs by the osprey couple as he worked.


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Last year, a young hatchling died on camera in the nest from entanglement. The parents tried to release him to no avail. His siblings cuddled with him, until the parents moved the dead bird to the edge of the nest. Ranchers and farmers are encouraged to pick up bailing twine from their fields to help with the survival of our local osprey population. To view the “CRMS Osprey Cam” check out crms.org/academic/science/ osprey-camera. The osprey couple is expected to be laying eggs by the end of this month.

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector • April 15 - April 21, 2021 • 19

Rising to meet the needs of The Roaring Fork and Colorado River Valleys The Sopris Sun is a nonprofit, community-oriented media outlet that serves this area like no for-profit news model can. We are more than just an award-winning local newspaper. The Sopris Sun informs, inspires, and builds community one story at a time. We are constantly honing and crafting our initiatives to meet the needs of the people that live here.

Over the last year we have:

• Grown our focus to reach beyond just Carbondale, and we now include new feature sections such as Basalt Buzz, regular Garfield County news, and more in-depth coverage on the valley-wide topics that matter. • Expanded our pages to include the local Spanish-speaking community with a weekly sister pullout publication “el Sol del Valle.” • Launched “Everything Under The Sun” an informative 30-minute radio program on KDNK. • Began planning a new journalism incubation program for high school students to fill the gap left by the discontinuation of courses in our local schools. • Started an online newsletter in cooperation with COLab to assist a college student in getting real world experience. • Created income opportunities and increased visibility for local talent such as cartoonists, puzzlemakers, photographers, and writers. • Provided nearly 700 new (free and sponsored) advertising opportunities to help over 75 other nonprofits share important events, COVID information, mental health support, emergency food resources, and more. • Gave away free advertising space to struggling restaurants and businesses during the pandemic closures. • Increased distribution from Aspen to Parachute and Carbondale to Marble. Additionally, we came up with creative ways to get our newspapers into the hands of people who are shut in.

YOUR HELP is needed to carry on this important work! By supporting The Sopris Sun, you will help us: • • • •

Foster diverse, independent, local journalism today and for future generations Continue to focus on supporting other nonprofit organizations Provide coverage to underserved communities Offer instruction and growth experiences to budding journalists


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Our fundraising goal is $35,000 and we have a matching grant for the first $25,000 we raise.



SoprisSun.com/donate $15,000


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970-510-0246 $10,000

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PO Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623

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