21 05 06

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Sopris the

Happy Mother's Day!

Cultivating community

Volume 13, Number 13 | May 6-12, 2021

connections since 2009

Abbey and Emerson Edward Ehlers

Christina and Daniel Alexander Torres

Collette Newell and Skyler Chan

Ella and Juniper Lynne Wright

Gigi and Lex Classen

Lena and Zayden and Zander Fowlkes

Li and Hailey McBrayer

Lily Ruiz and Andres Huitzilin Alvarado

Lucy Perutz and Daisy Britt

Mila Fomina and Alan Ferman

Nikki and Brooks MacLeod

Serena and Delos Murphy

Tristen Burkholder and Micaiah King

Veronica and Maya Morales

Yulia and Michelle Shtirkova

More mothers and babies on pages 6 and 7


Ps & Qs

By Jeannie Perry 2021 sure seems to be a year of big change. New habits (and buildings!) are cropping up faster than the tulips, as we all try to figure out how to cope with our new normal. Between learning how to bake bread, entertaining ourselves at home and cutting out the daily commute, maybe COVID was just the thing to bring about compassion, commonality and cleaner energy. If necessity is the mother of invention, then adaptability and creativity must be her sisters … Speaking of sisters, mine is moving home. Hooray! I can’t wait for Griswold holidays, Family Circus dinners, and Freaky Fridays. I am the oldest of three daughters and we were all born here, in Aspen. But before you get an image of over-

The Bread War: Carbondale on the frontline

privileged, undernourished, resting-bitch-faced sisters, let me remind you that 40-some years ago, Aspen was just a small mountain town with an eclectic community, pretty decent skiing and a significant drug craving (they say more cocaine traveled up Highway 82 than any road in Colombia). But we were little kids. Our Aspen was homemade bread, playing by the river and picking out school clothes from the Sears catalogue. This was before anyone wore fur in Aspen; in fact, it was pre-animal-print anything. People wore those unisex vests with a sunrise (or sunset, depending on your perspective) on the back. To this day, those down vests — with shades of pumpkin orange, lemon yellow and caca brown — are quite the nostalgic trigger for me. They remind me of a time when I was still naïve about the world, before I saw that profit rules every industry; before I realized our food was genetically modified, our water poisoned with chemicals, our homelessness ignored by polite society. Aspen in the 1970s was a town full of people who had hitchhiked there with a little dough in their pocket and then

just never went home. Instead, they spent their days skiing and their nights drinking in the Red Onion, until the money ran out — then they spent their nights working in the Red Onion. It was real, small-town living, before The Excess showed up. Before the little mountain town became an international hotspot for emotionally unavailable parents to “spend the holiday” with their kids, and long before you could play Daughter or Bought Her? on the Hyman mall. Our school projects were things like handprints molded in clay, picture frames made from construction paper and Elmer’s glue and poster board all-about-me questionnaires. My sister’s board reported that our dad “drank beer and played Tugof-war” for a living, because we had just attended the annual Ski Co picnic. Dad always smelled of three-in-one oil mixed with a particular scent that lingers in ski patrol locker rooms ... It’s a good smell; like damp wool, cold metal and sack lunch. My primary memories of Aspen are yellowgold leaves, red mountains and bright white clouds against a cool blue sky. While I can’t remember seeing anyone panhandle, I do

remember neighbors bringing hella casseroles in times of crisis. And the school bus drove all the way down to the end of the road after Ted Bundy escaped from jail. It wasn’t that bad things didn’t happen, but we were all in it together. There wasn’t the level of Haves versus Have Nots that we see today. Maybe because everyone was ordering out of the same catalogue, or because status was held by the quality of your bread and drugs, not your mansion and private jet. Now I live downvalley, with the rest of the refugees, and it’s happening here. Carbondale is losing ground as we speak, from a small town where neighbors shared potato casseroles to a place of part-time residences and expensive bobble shops (that’s bobble, not bottle). Right now, it is more affordable to live at the Days Inn than any long-term rental in or around Carbondale. But, as a community, we can decide what has value. The level of inequity in this valley is not set in stone, and we can reinvent the wheel — we can even go hybrid. Carbondale, hold the line! The Bread War is not over. I am not giving up. In fact, I’m calling in reinforcements. Just wait ‘til my sister gets here …

LETTERS Re: Ascendigo Ranch While Ascendigo Ranch’s proposal for a year-round camp is laudable, there could not be a more poorly-chosen location. There are many compelling reasons to deny this proposal (water resources, traffic, limited roads, noise, pollution, zoning regulations) and I will focus on a crucial one: wildfire threat. During my time in Missouri Heights, I have been evacuated twice (almost three times; I was ready) due to encroaching wildfires. As the Panorama Fire approached our neighborhood, the sheriff came to the house and yelled through his bullhorn, “You need to leave NOW. I’m not talking about 15 minutes, but NOW.” It was terrifying. “Those with autism are likely to hide in fire situations: in closets, under beds, behind furniture.” Adapted from autismspeaks.org “Individuals with autism have a particular problem with fire drills: the noise, lights and crowded halls.” Adapted from autismclassroomresources.com Safely rescuing many children within minutes of an approaching fire (with very few access roads) could be futile and tragic. “The consequences of intense dry periods are severe, including more intense and dangerous wildfires,” from Post Independent.

“Governor Polis warns that wildfire season is a year-round phenomenon,” Post Independent. WRONG LOCATION. Katherine Reppa Missouri Heights

Re: ATV frenzy As a full-time resident of Marble, I want to share a few thoughts about the push to ban ATVs. Many of us live here for the peace and tranquility, the beauty and access to wilderness, the solitude, so it’s not terribly surprising that Marble residents have grown increasingly frustrated by the visitor increase and resulting disruption to so many of the things we love about this place. I’m also frustrated, but I do not believe a ban on ATVs will solve our problems. I support the multi-pronged approach that has been outlined to inform and educate visitors and increase enforcement as a first step. Marble is a really special place. However, the “visitor boom” Marble has been experiencing in recent years is not unique to Marble. Nationwide, more people are visiting public lands than ever and, of course, COVID only added to that increase. Colorado Parks and Wildlife reported a 30% increase in visitation in 2020. Given this well-known increase

in public land use and mountain town tourism, I was surprised by the idea that we could solve the town’s problems and that we could save the Lead King Loop (LKL) by banning ATVs. As an avid runner, I spend a lot of time as a pedestrian on the LKL and our roads in town, and I will share that banning ATVs will not solve the problems and nuisances I’ve experienced – far from it. Here are the main problems and nuisances I experience every summer in my jaunts around town and the LKL: · Speeding, creating dust and scary conditions for pedestrians · Drinking and driving, causing unsafe conditions for all · Illegal parking, blocking traffic and causing a nuisance · Constant traffic, causing frustration for all — especially as a pedestrian on the narrow LKL · Clear traces being left, including litter, human waste and dog poop My experience isn’t unique. These complaints are commonplace in Marble conversation. Yes, many ATV users certainly speed, drink and drive, park illegally, add to the traffic, leave a trace, etc., but they are not alone: people driving jeeps, trucks, SUVs, motorcycles and cars do all of these things too. If ATVs are Continued on page 24

Correction: Larry Day’s sketches featured on last week’s cover were more interpretive than editor Raleigh Burleigh realized. In fact, Katrina Byars was the sole person to “spill” into the courtroom from outside, although others already inside joined her protest.

The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The community is invited to submit letters up to 500 words to news@soprissun.com. Longer columns are considered on a case-by-case basis. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday. 2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com •May 6 - 12, 2021

Sincerest thanks to our

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Lee Beck & John Stickney Kay Brunnier Michelle & Ed Buchman Toni Cerise CoVenture Sue Edelstein & Bill Spence Deborah & Shane Evans Greg & Kathy Feinsinger Peter & Mike Gilbert Gary & Jill Knaus Carly & Frosty Merriott Lee Mulcahy James Noyes Ken & Donna Riley Patti & George Stranahan Anne Sullivan & John Colson Megan Tackett True Nature Healing Arts Elizabeth Wysong

Legacy Givers

for including us in their final wishes. Mary Lilly

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It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

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P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com

Editor Raleigh Burleigh • 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Executive Director Todd Chamberlin • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Graphic Designer: Ylice Golden Delivery: Crystal Tapp Proofreader: Lee Beck Current Board Members Linda Criswell • Klaus Kocher

Kay Clarke • Lee Beck • Megan Tackett Gayle Wells • Donna Dayton Terri Ritchie • Eric Smith • Vanessa Porras The Sopris Sun Board meets at 6:30 p.m. on second Mondays at the Third Street Center. Contact board@soprissun.com to reach them.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Barbara New Becky Young • Elizabeth Phillips • Colin Laird Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

Glassblowing at CRMS refined by expertise By Will Sardinsky Sopris Sun Correspondent

José Chardiet glances through purple tinted glasses, checking on the molten-orange blob of viscous glass dangling off a metal rod. The blob twirls in sync as his lean arms push and pull. Studio assistant Martin Gerdin gathers more glass on another metal rod, moving skillfully around the small studio despite nearly maxing out its height capacity. “I was working all the time in my studio in Missouri Heights which was really isolated. I saw it as ‘okay, there’s this community down there that I can be a part of and I really would enjoy being back teaching.’” This thought led Chardiet, an internationally-acclaimed glass blower, to accept a job teaching at the Colorado Rocky Mountain School (CRMS) and, as Gerdin put it, to “save the program from disappearing at the school.” Before teaching at CRMS, Chardiet lived many other lives. His family left Cuba when Chardiet was four years old after realizing that things weren’t going well with Fidel Castro’s leadership. His father had attended Dartmouth University in New Hampshire and felt comfortable in New England so they settled in Connecticut. For his undergraduate degree, Chardiet attended Southern Connecticut State University on a scholarship to swim. During his freshman three-dimensional design course, the instructor, who had started the glass blowing program, went to check on students working in the glass studio. Chardiet followed. “I was just so blown away by it and the next semester I took my first glass class.

I quit swimming and just went full on into glass. I never looked back.” Chardiet went on to do his Master of Fine Arts (MFA) at Kent State in Ohio. While visiting Detroit, Michigan, for a professor’s art opening, he attended the exhibit “Primitivism in 20th Century Art” where he found an early, yet lasting, source of inspiration. “They would have African and Oceanic art, which I had never been exposed to on that level, and they’d have it next to work like Picasso’s, right up to contemporary art. You could see the influence of it. I was influenced by it!” In his artist statement, Chardiet reflected, “I was struck by the tribal artists’ ability to take unpretentious, common-place objects and elevate them through carving, pattern and abstraction to a higher level, visually and conceptually.” After graduating from his MFA program, Chardiet returned to Connecticut to set up his own studio where he gained recognition in the glass community. In his early 30s, he was offered a teaching position at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. “That really changed my life for a while. It was a huge university and big glass blowing program like nothing I’d ever seen.” After teaching for 10 years, he left to set up a new studio in Providence, Rhode Island. “I don’t know what I was thinking! I walked away from a tenured full-professor position, basically job security for life.” He didn’t regret it though because his work was selling profusely while gaining further recognition in the art world. Chardiet’s work was regularly exhibited in solo and group exhibitions across the U.S. and abroad. Ideas that inspired him from the

“Primitivism” exhibit still influenced his work. “In African art and other forms of ancient art, the vessel is always a kind of metaphor for the human body. That’s really what I’m interested in … I think about the soul a lot, the interior part of people.” While glass blowing began as a functional craft, Chardiet’s work had departed from tradition as he crafted “still lives” and nonfunctional vessels, like teapots made of solid glass. “To many people, it’s got to function. It’s got to be hollow. But, it really doesn’t have to be. I like playing around with those traditions ... just kind of flipping it upside down… and making it completely nonfunctional— but hopefully making it really visually interesting too,” Chardiet said. He often finishes these by sandblasting or electroplating metal to the outside to create an opaque textured surface, while leaving windows that allow you to see inside to question what a solid container can hold. After 10 productive years in Providence, Chardiet and his wife relocated to the Roaring Fork Valley. They had met here at one of Chardiet’s gallery shows where she was working. After she moved to Providence with him, it was his turn to move back with her. This is when Chardiet’s studio once again relocated, but this time to Missouri Heights and then to CRMS. While Chardiet is less involved in the gallery world than he used to be, he still makes his own work on top of teaching, which presents a new set of challenges. “I’ve never taught on the high school level before, and that’s new and it’s different … We’re [Chardiet and Gerdin] balancing making our own work, you know,

Internationally-renowned artist José Chardiet works as studio assistant Martin Gerdin looks on. Photo by Will Sardinsky. and working with the students. So, if I’d been working in the morning on my own stuff in front of the furnaces, it gets pretty hot and I’m pretty tired by the time I’m teaching in the afternoon, but I love the community here.” Chardiet’s work retains slight traces of the numerous landscapes he’s inhabited, mainly in his use of color. He believes Carbondale will also impact the glass he creates. “I could see the red stone here and the mountains literally make their way into my work.”

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Venmo or Check (preferred). No credit cards. All garden starts are organically grown and are well suited to the Roaring Fork Valley Climate. CRMS Organic Garden Learning Center 500 Holden Way, Carbondale Bring your own box to carry home all of your goodies. THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector •May 6 - 12, 2021 • 3

SCUTTLEBUTT Roadwork season

Human habitat

Construction on Blake Avenue in Glenwood Springs between 29th Street and Highway 82 is underway. Work is anticipated to be complete in August. Motorists should expect lane closures with alternating one-way traffic on Blake Avenue and some full road closures on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Access to businesses will remain open. The bus stops by Walmart will be closed until September.

The days are warming and construction is ramping up. Habitat for Humanity is welcoming volunteers back to the Basalt Vista build site beginning May 15. All volunteers are asked to wear a mask, bring water and a bagged lunch. To schedule a volunteer day, email CarolynM@HabitatRoaringFork.org

Carbondale traffic Work began Monday to replace a sewer line along Colorado Avenue in Carbondale. The project is expected to be completed by June 30. A detour of northbound traffic on Highway 133 is anticipated to last through May 14. During the detour, traffic will be routed through the Sopris Shopping Center parking lot. Access to businesses and residences will be maintained, but nonlocal traffic is discouraged.

133 delays Work has begun to mitigate the risk of rockfall along Highway 133 between McClure Pass summit and Carbondale. This will take place at five separate sites, including Penny Hot Springs, and is scheduled for completion in October. Travelers can expect full traffic stops of up to 20 minutes at one or two sites during most weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Details at bit. ly/133rockfall

Dolores construction Construction is underway for a new Marble Shop building on Dolores Way, between Napa Auto Parts and the ANB Bank. Because the KAY PUD is zoned “light industrial,” and the developer is not increasing residential density, developers were able to go straight to building permit.

Garden plots The Peach Valley Children’s Community Garden, located between New Castle and Silt, has six garden plots, cultivated using hügelkultur techniques, available to families wishing to connect. The focus of this new initiative is to bring families with young children together to explore permaculture and play in nature. The fee structure is sliding scale/ donation based. For more info, contact Whitney at peachvalleypermaculture@ gmail.com

Restoration planting The Middle Colorado Watershed Council and Colorado Natural Heritage Program are planning eight days of volunteer opportunities to help

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plant 3,700 native plants along the banks of Rifle Creek. To sign up, with lunch included, between Saturday, May 8, and Sunday, May 16, visit bit.ly/ restoringRifle

Restaurant revitalization The Small Business Administration is receiving applications for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund. The American Rescue Plan Act designates $28.6 billion to this fund to help restaurants and other eligible businesses impacted by the pandemic with grants. Learn more, bit.ly/helprestaurants

Solarize setting Solarize Garfield County has 55 home solar systems installed or under contract, adding over 400KW of renewable energy capacity to our local grid. By enrolling in the program, participants receive a free consultation, followed by a no-cost, no-commitment assessment of their property. Xcel rebates and program discounts are also available. The deadline to join is June 4. More at garfieldcleanenergy.org/ solarize/

Women’s Voices

Thanks teachers!

The Colorado Heart Gallery (COHG) is a traveling photography display and website dedicated to helping prospective families looking to adopt to connect with children and youth in foster care. COHG is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion and does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or

The Colorado Department of Education celebrates the first week of May as Teacher Appreciation Week. We are grateful for the resilience and adaptability of our teachers in a particularly challenging year. Special discounts for teachers are at bit.ly/ teachingperks

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Basalt Middle School fifth graders helped their town with a trash clean-up on Arbor Day. The kids also visited an Amur Chokecherry Tree planted by town arborist Chris Beiser. Courtesy photo.

This Mother’s Day weekend, local nonprofit VOICES releases the first episode of an original podcast series called “Origin Stories.” The series features ten local women sharing true stories about defining moments of transformation. Two other episodes will be available at voicesrfv.org and aired by local radio stations this month.

Finding family

expression, gender identity or marital status. Learn more at coheartgallery.org

Spring clean Carbondale Dog Park Friends invites people to help spread wood chips on May 8 from 10 a.m. to noon. To sign up, call 970-319-5703 or write to carbondaledpfriends@gmail.com

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another trip around the sun this week include: Joe Burleigh, Soozie Lindbloom, Stephen Olson and Maggie Suma (May 6); Amanda Leahy (May 7); Judy Milne, Ricky Ross and Karen Tafejian (May 8); Cheyenne Booher, Jillian Livingston and Karen CrownhartNieslanik (May 9); Kay Bell, Chris Perry and Damian Sequichie (May 10); Mark Chain (May 11).

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Post-burn, life returns at Hanging Lake

By Geneviève Villamizar Sopris Sun Correspondent

Peak summer heat. Drought and Code Red winds that had brawled with billowing skies of black, gray and amber. Fifty square miles of wildfire shut I-70 down for thirteen days. Between the recent Lake Christine Fire, COVID, global warming and species collapse — the 2020 Grizzly Creek Fire unleashed grief among locals. “That initial helicopter flyover — the day following, when we knew that the fire was here, in the vicinity of Hanging Lake — it started with a feeling of apprehension and anxiety,” said U.S. Forest Service District Ranger Leanne Veldhuis during an April 29 media tour. Hosted by Glenwood Springs, the Colorado Department of Transportation and the U.S. Forest Service, reporters, photographers and news anchors from Grand Junction to Denver attended. “What were we going to find?” Veldhui asked. “For those folks who got to go up, seeing that it had survived was a huge sigh of relief, and joy, amid the rest of the ongoing fire. We had this one win to hold on to.” The press gathered just two days before the official re-opening of the Hanging Lake Trail on Saturday, May 1. The atmosphere was electric yet hushed — we would be the first private citizens to visit Hanging Lake since its closure. The approach was eerie; familiar but different. Right away, we passed a trail worker chainsawing a snarl of charred Wood’s rose. Yet, below, tender new leaves glowed green at the feet of its dead parent, rising from the black. With the canyon to ourselves, forest rangers and ecologists shared stories of rockslides, avalanches, blow-ups and fleeing wildlife.

Nearly one year after the Grizzly Creek Fire came close to scorching Hanging Lake, new life returns emerges from beneath the ashes. Photo by Paula Mayer. Inside the canyon, shadows of fire chased decaying snow across ephemerally saturated soils. Tendrils of virgin green beckoned us upward. Suspended in the senses and emotions, time vanished. Suddenly we’d arrived: the slick pages of magazine and website photography took form before us: That famous log. The hanging gardens. Limestone cliffs and waterfalls — it was all there, still aqua, still clear, and still magical.

Brookies finned quietly through swaying chartreuse algae and travertine. Inches from the plastic boardwalk framing the lake, lay the remnants of a pinyon from two centuries ago. The fire had scooped its heart out, leaving a crescent edge. Counting across the remaining rings, burnished by the swipe of a chainsaw, more than 80 years of kinship between lake and pine were laid bare. How many wildfires before this one, hidden

in rings of history and now gone to ash? “We’re going to let the area naturally recover,” said Veldhuis. “We need to do a little bit of stabilization in some areas, but the trail’s good. It’s ready to go.” Scattered along the boardwalk, reporters and photographers sought sound bytes and imagery equal to the moment. Ripples from a rising trout spread outward. “Miracle” comes to mind.



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THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector •May 6 - 12, 2021 • 5

2021 Happy Mother's Day! Congratulations to these new mommies and babies! Ever since the Valley Journal started this tradition back in the early '80s, publishing pictures of new babies and their mothers each Mother's Day has been a joyous annual event that the whole valley looks forward to seeing. We would like to extend a special thanks to photographer Mark Burrows for donating his skills to make this celebration of motherhood happen each year! From all of us at The Sopris Sun and Sol del Valle, happy Mother's Day and ¡feliz Día de las Madres!

Adriana Hernandez and Santiago Ezequiel Torre

Andrea and Walter Sommerfeld Korber

Britta and Maya Hadden

Brittany and Peter Webb

Brooke and Benjamin Coon

Caitlin and Lucy Schard

Cara and Karson Nieslanik

Casey Bowen and Marley Winter Anson

Catherine and Miles Christoff

Claire and Henry Orion Rather

Danielle and Dylan Dudley

Danielle and George Francis Choate

Danielle and Madison Weaber

Devika Gurung and Arya Padma Pevec

Gaby and Sheccid Bello

6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com •May 6 - 12, 2021

Hattie Johnson and Otto Canyon Snodgrass

Heloise Clark and Charlie Lynne Moore

Kellyn and Liv Kadence Wardell

Kelsey and Clyde Sterling O Koski

Kirsten and Elena Israel Koerper Kuhn

Leigh and Miriam Leigh Edlind

Lily and Margot Larkin

Lucy and Wyatt Emerson Bell Kessler

Mayra and Jadriel Quintero

Melissa and Greta Maple Malone

Michelle and Cason Moon Lundin

Randi and Gavin Buchman

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THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector •May 6 - 12, 2021 • 7


RFHS art show returns By Jeanne Souldern

Sopris Sun Correspondent

Last year saw the Roaring Fork High School (RFHS) annual student art show canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The tradition has returned this year with the show featuring artwork from over 100 students. From Monday, May 10, through Wednesday, May 12, the show displays work created throughout the school year by students under the guidance of fine and industrial arts staff Michael Black, Guinevere Jones and Leslie Keery. Keery has been teaching art at RFHS since 2009. In her first year at RFHS, Jones splits her time teaching both art and English as a Second Language. She previously taught art at Basalt Middle School for 11 years. Black, an industrial arts teacher and RFHS alumnus, will have many pieces in the show from students in his woodworking and shop classes. Black is the son of Larry, a retired and popular industrial arts teacher who worked at RFHS for over 30 years. Woodworking pieces include cutting boards, tables, chairs and benches, of which Keery says, "There will be some stunning pieces on display." Keery noted, "This year, we also will have some capstone presentations in the art show. Because of COVID, it became the only way that [students] were going to be able to share what they were doing with the community." When the school year started with online schooling, Jones said, she and Keery spent a lot of time putting together individual packets

of art supplies (sketchbooks, colored pencils, watercolors, etc.) for all students to pick up. "Leslie and I both firmly believe that making is this innate need,” Jones told The Sopris Sun. “During the pandemic, I was hearing from students, 'I have a lot of anxiety.' They just didn't feel excited about anything. As teenagers, normally, this is such a big time for outward growth and socializing. I think they needed art more than ever." Jones explained the challenges of teaching an art class online, saying, "there is a conversation that happens with students through that visual medium, so getting students to share things was hard. All of a sudden, they're sharing, and there are 25 other people on the screen. It feels really vulnerable instead of when you're just walking around a classroom and interacting and it's more organic." RFHS student Keiry Lopez Perez has a piece in the show called a "muscle project" where she recreated the human muscle system of a hand, constructing it in "an artistic way." She used colored pencils to illustrate muscles on a mannequin hand. Lopez Perez, senior class president, will be attending Colorado State University after graduation. She wants to take art classes in college, noting the benefits. She said, "Taking an art class in high school has helped me a lot, especially with stress." Sophomore Morgan Kaegebein also has several pieces in the show produced for her jewelry/metalwork and fine art classes. One of Kaegebein's favorite projects was creating painting-like images onto paper using stamps. First, she carved designs into

RFHS student Morgan Kaegebein poses next to jewelry on display at the art show. Photo by Sue Rollyson. a linoleum block, creating three stamps, and then used those stamps in repeated patterns —"to just explore and keep adding" — creating the final work of art. Her mother, Mindy, owns Kaegebein Design Groupe, an interior design firm. Kaegebein says that after high school, she would like to explore some form of art as a professional. "I like color and putting different things together and seeing how they work together. I just like to design types of things and artistic elements, so I will probably do something involving art." The RFHS annual student art show will be open to the public for viewing at the high school library from May 10 through May 12, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Attendees must sign in when entering and facemasks are required.

"Muscle Project" by Keiry Lopez Perez. Photo by Sue Rollyson.

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6-7 PM | 4th & Main Indigenous song and dance in honor by renowned native pride performer, Larry Yazzie, who will perform live flute music, storytelling, a majestical eagle dance. Main Street between Third Street and Fourth Street will close to traffic at 4:30 P.M. – 10:30 P.M, to provide additional outdoor dining and room for social distancing. All alcoholic beverages must be consumed within the licensed premises. Alcohol is not permitted beyond designated areas. No alcohol is allowed on the lawn on the corner of Fourth Street and Main Street. Please comply with the local ordinances, which require frequent hand washing, social distancing, and wearing of a mask indoors.


NOT A KDNK MEMBER? CALL 963-0139 GO TO KDNK.ORG THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector •May 6 - 12, 2021 • 8

Art Work By: Brett Haynes

SATURDAY, MAY 8TH SOPRIS PARK | 10AM-5PM A Celebration of Spring &Sustainability

More Information on our FaceBook Page & carbondalearts.com

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector •May 6 - 12, 2021 • 9


Commissioners get serious about multicultural outreach

By Raleigh Burleigh Sopris Sun Editor

Garfield County Commissioners, at a work session on May 4, welcomed New Castle Councilwoman Crystal Mariscal to assist with bringing to fruition a campaign promise made by Commissioner Mike Samson. The idea to form a Garfield County Latino Outreach Group/Coalition or Council of Diversity came about in late 2020 with Democratic challengers Beatriz Soto and Leslie Robinson “giving voters the impression that only they could work on this,” said Samson. Asserting that the commission as it exists could do the same, “I think that kind of blew their mind.” “I’m really happy to work on this with Crystal,” began Commissioner Tom Jankovsky. “What kind of commission are we looking for? How are you going to recruit?” “What would be the overall purpose, Crystal?” Chairman John Martin chimed in. “To function as one community,” Marsical responded, "we need to work as one community. To integrate the entire community, we must understand the needs of the entire community.”

Informal dialogue ensued, first brainstorming the group’s composition. Mariscal proposed reaching out to each municipality’s representatives to identify a group of Latino leaders, willing to meet once a month. Jankovsky suggested that beyond having a representative from each municipality, Spanish-speaking persons living in unincorporated Garfield County should also be included “for a semblance of equal representation.” County Manager Kevin Batchelder joined in to comment that advisory committees “run the gamut, from the fair board with a big budget to the Human Services Commission — not appointed by the [Garfield County Commissioners] but joined at the hip to Garfield County.” Batchelder clarified that a set of bylaws would cover details like the number of officers and process for appointing them. Beyond those ruling details, Jankovsky asserted, “We’d like to have input from the Hispanic community on what’s going on. There’s issues that we don’t realize are there.” “Let’s say this were already set up and functioning before COVID,”

Samson agreed. “I think this would have been a great thing when we started to have a problem.” Addressing Mariscal as a hypothetical member of the committee, he continued, “It’s your community that seems to be having some problems here with whatever it is. We’re not quite sure we even understand what the problem is, so maybe you can help define the problem for us and give us some possible solutions to take care of it. That’s where I envision this type of an advisory council to be. And I think Tom hit it right on the head, I know we don’t totally understand the problems that affect the Latino community like they do because that’s them and they’re living it. We’re not living it.” “Maybe.” Interjected Martin. “We might be sharing the same issues and not realizing it.” “Sure, different nonprofits have been doing this,” continued Mariscal, “But I think it’s time for the county to do something.” “The first thing as a board is to do a resolution and decide on a purpose.” Martin led, “Rules and regulations and who they report to … mundane government stuff.” Among a spattering of questions: where to meet

and how, what sort of budget will be allocated to the group, what will staff participation look like and how will commissioners be reported to. “It’s great to have people come together. Like juggling a ball, who do they hand it off to?” “You’re going to have to get organized to be organized,” suggested Samson. “Have a founding group and meet with our staff to start organizing it…” Mariscal was designated as the right person to start organizing. “Make sure to select people that really represent the groups we represent,” requested Martin. “Not just activists. We need down-to-earth people and members of the community.” Martin also asked that Mariscal consider how this group will interact with alreadyformed community groups. Mariscal offered that they could be invited as guests to present to the commission. Martin made clear that this advisory group would make recommendations with final authority belonging to the commissioners. “This is to help us to understand and make proper decisions.” “This is going to be impactful,” said Mariscal. “I want solutions coming from that committee, I want all three

Garfield County Chairman John Martin. Sketch by Larry Day.

commissioners to be open-minded with an open heart for topics that will come to you. Be conscious, there will be difficult, hard things coming.” “That’s what you want,” said Martin, referring to government. “You want real challenging stuff to discuss.” “My intention is to integrate the community. This is my fight,” continued Marsical, highlighting the diversity that exists within the local Spanish-speaking population, between first and second generation families as well as people from different countries and cultures. “It is not only one box, not only one idea.” “England and the United States are divided by a common language” Martin mused. “That is not unique to Spanish folks.” “Thank you all for this start,” said Samson. “Last thing I’ll say to you, Crystal, is ‘good luck!’” “We’re trying to change the world,” concluded Mariscal. “It’s not easy.”

Harmony Scott

Kind hearts are the gardens, Kind thoughts are the roots, Kind words are the flowers, Kind deeds are the fruits, Take care of your garden And keep out the weeds, Fill it with sunshine, Kind words, and Kind deeds. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com •May 6 - 12, 2021

High Country RSVP expands to Pitkin County By Jeanne Souldern Sopris Sun Correspondent

In 1973, a group of community advocates met to address the needs of seniors living in Garfield County. They formed what would later become High Country RSVP (Retired Service Volunteer Program), which offers seniors volunteer opportunities using their skills and life experiences to serve the community. High Country RSVP is a sponsored program of Colorado Mountain College (CMC) with staff regarded as CMC employees. They operate under the governing structure of the college and use the Glenwood Springs CMC location for their office. Current High Country RSVP staff includes Director Mary Moon and a part-time manager who oversees the Garfield County volunteer program. RSVP is under the umbrella of the national AmeriCorps Seniors organization and funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency. AmeriCorps Seniors, which engages more than 200,000 volunteers nationwide, announced an expansion of grant funding opportunities to start RSVP programs in previously unserved counties using additional funds allocated by Congress. High Country RSVP was awarded an AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP grant of $75,000. As of April 1, they are expanding their services into Pitkin County. The grant will allow for hiring a volunteer manager dedicated to the Pitkin County program. Moon said, “I was really excited about that opportunity because, over the years, we’ve been

High Country RSVP provides federal and state income tax return preparation and filing, free of charge, for seniors, veterans, persons with a disability, or those who have low to moderate incomes. Courtesy photo. approached a couple of times with people asking if we could provide our services over in Pitkin County. And previously, our federal grant limited us to just serving in Garfield County.” Expanding to Pitkin County will include volunteer placement services, continuing education classes, Medicare counseling and a tax assistance program. “Most local nonprofit organizations generally do not make the distinction between county lines, aiming to serve ‘from Aspen to Parachute,’” Moon explained. “It is with that motivation, of serving the entire interwoven community, that we are expanding our RSVP program,” she added.


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“The federal agency has six different priority areas that all of our volunteer opportunities need to fit into,” Moon said. Those six priority areas are: 1) healthy futures, 2) education, 3) environmental stewardship, 4) Veterans, 5) economic opportunity and 6) disaster services. Another measurable objective will quantify how many people are served and how many agencies are helped by RSVP volunteers. As Moon explained, the grant contains specific and measurable objectives including enlisting a minimum of 75 volunteers in the Pitkin County program within the first three years. RSVP is getting the word out to potential volunteers by sending information through

the Pitkin County senior programs newsletter. “Right now, we have just a little over 200 volunteers serving in Garfield County, so that’s kind of our first goal,” Moon noted. The AmeriCorps Seniors grant is $75,000 per year, for three years. After that, High Country RSVP can apply for a recompete grant, allowing them to participate in open competition for funding renewal. Many programs, currently provided in Garfield County, will be transferable to Pitkin County. However, Moon noted, “Pitkin [County] also has a lot of art and music culture, so there’s going to be some different opportunities there that we may not have in Garfield County.” High Country RSVP is in the process of applying for 501(c) 3 nonprofit status. Moon explained current funding sources require all RSVP volunteers to be 55 or older. Once they obtain their nonprofit status, she said they plan to expand the volunteer programs to people of all ages. Moon concluded by saying, “Sometimes people ask, ‘Why volunteer?’ Especially seniors. I would just say that our seniors have incredible knowledge and expertise from a lifetime of experiences that they’ve had. When they use those skills and that knowledge and give back to an organization in their community, it can be really impactful for both them and the community organization.” For more information about volunteer opportunities, contact Moon at mpmoon@ coloradomtn.edu or 970-947-8462.

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Sol del el




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CALENDAR FRIDAY MAY 7 ADVENTURE PARK All rides and attractions at the Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park open for the summer. PLANT SALE Colorado Rocky Mountain School’s annual plant sale continues through May 20. One hour shopping slots are available from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. For an appointment, crms.org/plantsale FIREBALL DROP

PLANT of the week COTONEASTER ̶ This shrub is a valuable and versatile landscape deciduous plant for creating a hedge or barrier and there are groundcover varieties too. It has glossy green leaves, small white flowers, red berries and nice fall color. It can be pruned as a formal, shaped hedge or left as a more natural spreading shape. Full to part sun.

PERENNIAL of the week ICELAND POPPY ̶ This poppy is smaller and more delicate cousin of the Oriental Poppy. Orange, white, red and yellow flowers float on wiry stems. Long lasting bloom (May-July) in sunny areas.

PRODUCT of the week HUMMINGBIRD FEEDERS ̶ They’re baaack! Provide hummingbird habitat in your yard with plants (ask us) and hummingbird feeders kept full (1:4 sugar/water-no red dye) and clean. Come in and seed our great selection of high quality, large capacity (for our hungry mountain hummers) feeders.


Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Closed Sundays

REMEMBER: SENIOR DAY IS EVERY TUESDAY. 15% OFF STOREWIDE FOR 62+ YEAR OLDS. 400 Gillespie Drive, El Jebel, CO 81623 970-963-1173 12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com •May 6 - 12, 2021

The Carbondale Rotary Club drops ping pong balls from a fire truck ladder at Sopris Park at 5 p.m. to fundraise for local scholarships. Each ball costs $20 (or three for $50) for purchase at paybee.io/@fireballdrop@1. Whichever ball gets the closest to the target wins the $5,000 grand prize! PAIRINGS Carbondale Clay Center’s Annual Pairings Exhibition goes on display from 5 to 7 p.m. and continues through May 29. Over 200 handmade ceramic cups made by local and national artists will be available to purchase. A drink ticket, redeemable at participating beverage partners, is included with each cup! FIRST FRIDAY Carbondale Arts presents “HELD,” a new exhibit by Jenn Weede and Shelly Safir Marolt, and “Transformation” by Hunter Hoan. An outdoor artist talk kicks it off at 5:15 p.m. at The Launchpad.

SATURDAY MAY 8 VOLUNTEER OUTDOORS Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers builds a bike trail at the Grand Hogback in Rifle at 8:30 a.m. Registration, rfov.org MEET THE AUTHOR Local author Nancy Bo Flood presents her book “First Laugh: Welcome Baby” highlighting the First Laugh Ceremony practiced by the Navajo culture. The virtual event begins at 10 a.m. Navajo bead bracelet kits are available at Garfield County Libraries to go along with the event. More at gcpld.org/laugh PLANT SALE Yampah Mountain High School hosts a plant sale fundraiser from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at their campus in Glenwood Springs. Plants for sale include herbs, flowers and vegetable starts. Students have been regionally adapting seeds for three years. Proceeds benefit sustainable science education and providing plants to gardeners that use the region’s Lift-Up food pantries. DANDELION DAY Originally started by Carbondale’s Environmental Board, Dandelion Day is a celebration of spring, sustainability and community with local vendors and live music at Sopris Park from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

MONDAY MAY 10 BIRDING Roaring Fork Audubon leads a birding trip along the Crystal River in Carbondale at 8 a.m. To sign up, email randybrimm@gmail.com

Visit soprissun.com to submit events.

RFHS ART SHOW Roaring Fork High School’s arts and woods exposé is on display from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the school library through May 12.

TUESDAY MAY 11 BIRDING Roaring Fork Audubon leads a birding trip at Riverfront Park in Carbondale at 7 a.m. To sign up, email smnharris@gmail.com PAPER FLOWERS Basalt Regional Library offers paper flower kits for pick up from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Perfect for that special someone without a green thumb! VOLUNTEER OUTDOORS Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers works on a trail to connect Sutey Ranch with the Red Hill mesa at 4 p.m. Registration, rfov.org

WEDNESDAY MAY 12 BIRDING Roaring Fork Audubon leads a birding trip on Red Hill at 8 a.m. To sign up, email fulcon@comcast.net BLOODMOBILE St. Mary’s Bloodmobile will be at the Carbondale Rec. Center from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. A photo ID, mask, and preregistration are required, visit bit.ly/givingblood STEWARDING IMAGINATION Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers joins a plein air painter on Red Hill at 2 p.m. Registration, rfov.org ASK A LAWYER Alpine Legal Services offers 15 minute consultations with an attorney by phone relating to family law from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. No appointment necessary, call 970-368-2246. BINGO Carbondale Beer Works hosts BINGO benefitting Colorado Animal Rescue at 7 p.m. Cards cost $1 each, raffle tickets will cost $3 each or three for $5.

FURTHER OUT THURSDAY MAY 13 FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS Basalt Regional Library teaches kids to make flower arrangements outdoors at 3:30 p.m. For registration, basaltlibrary.org GRIZZLY CREEK FIRE Garfield County Libraries and Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers stream a virtual townhall with the Glenwood Canyon Restoration Alliance at 6 p.m. Registration, rfov.org


Basalt Regional Library offers a flower arrangement workshop for adults outdoors at 5:30 p.m. For registration, basaltlibrary.org


Healthy Living instructor Jake Carroll leads a beginner’s guide to Tai Chi at Basalt Regional Library every Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Pre-registration: info@basaltlibrary.org


Sol del el

Conectando comunidades


OTRA PERSPECTIVA Por Crystal Mariscal Con una chancla en una mano, en la otra mano el cucharón y en su boca una constante plegaria hacia el cielo. La chancla para prevenir y corregir las desobediencias, el cucharón para menear el contenido de la olla, de la cual siempre salía un olor que me hacía agua la boca, entre las especias y condimentos hasta la sopa de fideos era un manjar hecha por su mano. La oración era para pedir a El Creador por que sus hijos no se fueran por el mal camino y que el sustento no faltara nunca en su

Volumen 1, Número 10 | 6 al 12 de mayo de 2021

Agradecemos su apoyo para este nuevo proyecto.

Tributo para mi madre

hogar. Siempre maquillada y con su cabello recogido, ropa siempre muy limpia y con su semblante serio. La primera en despertar y la última en dormirse. De niña me gustaba llegar corriendo a casa al salir de la escuela, divisaba el humo desde el tejado de la casa y saboreaba las tortillas hechas a mano. Me apresuraba a encontrar el mejor lugar en la mesa — claro, entre más cerca de la radio mejor. Me devoraba los frijoles en el plato mientras ella preguntaba sobre la escuela. A veces me perdía contemplando su rostro, no se si eran los chapetes colorados por el fuego de la estufa, por la tremenda tarea de hacer las tortillas, o si era un brillo especial que resplandecía su rostro, y que me hacía sentirme segura y amada. A escondidas, me gustaba ponerme sus tacones y pintarme los labios. Imaginaba y jugaba a ser grande y ser como ella. Cada festival del 10 de Mayo, me esmeraba en presentar algo para ella frente al público. Honestamente, fueron más las

vergüenzas que la pobre pasó por mi manera de entonar mis canciones y poesías. Yo creo que habrá deseado desaparecer, pero muy orgullosa me aplaudía. Crecí pensando que ella tenía poderes mágicos, o una conexión divina, ya que para todo tenía un remedio o una solución. Sobre su memorial, ¡caray! Sabía dónde estaba todo, no importaba que fuera, ella sabía donde dejamos cada cosa. Las confesiones los sábados con el párroco de la iglesia casi siempre trataban de las mentiras que le había contado a ella en la semana. Al confesarme, sentía que ya tenía su perdón sin que ella lo supiera. Varias veces me cacho en la mentira y hubiese preferido la penitencia del párroco a la manera tan peculiar que ella tenía de corregirme. Y no, no era miedo, era respeto. Su carácter se transformó con el paso de los años, y cosas que yo nunca pensé ver que ella hiciera ¡las hizo y las hace! Y no conmigo, ¡sino con mis hijos! Desde dejarse peinar, brincar en su cama o, peor aún, dejar que su

impecable cocina se ensucie por ponerse a hornear galletas con ellos. Hasta cierto punto me da envidia, sobre todo cuando los mal consciente con helado por las noches. Pero de la envidia yo paso a el enojo muy rapido, ya que al querer corregir a mis hijos frente a ella terminó corregida yo. La cara de mis hijos por ir a visitarla no tiene precio, sobre todo por que donde quiera que esté ella tiene buffet. La cocina es su terapia, pasa horas y horas en ella, desde acomodando y limpiando todo a su gusto, hasta cocinando. Pese a que los años no perdonan, mis ojos la siguen viendo tan linda y bella como siempre. Con su cabello recogido y su semblante serio, siempre atenta a escuchar. Ya no mantiene la chancla en la mano. Ahora, con su experiencia corrige, llena de sabiduría, nunca te dará un mal consejo. Sigue con la plegaria hacia el cielo, pidiendo por sus generaciones. Lee mis ojos y sabe lo que calma mi alma. Me consuela con sus abrazos y sus palabras tibias. El saber que cree en mí, me hace sentirme poderosa

e invencible. Ella es la mujer que más he admirado en mi vida y que a pesar de que nunca obtendrá un reconocimiento por todas sus noches de desvelo atendiendo mis resfriados, o dolores de barriga por haber comido más dulces de los permitidos. Esa mujer a la que olvido decirle a diario que le agradezco con el alma el haberme inculcado buenos valores y educado para ser una persona de bien, a ella hoy yo lo quiero decir ¡Feliz Día de las Madres! Gracias por haber remendado mis uniformes y haberme curado las rodillas raspadas. Ahora de adulta, gracias por prepararme el té mientras me abrazas el alma, y por hacerme creer de nuevo en la humanidad. Dicen que no se es hijo hasta que no se es padre, y si, creo que tienen razón, puesto que desde estos zapatos se entienden los sacrificios que se hacen de corazón. Madre mía, te amo. Espero les guste este tributo por el Día de las Madres, gracias a cada una de ellas por dedicar su vida a sus hijos.

el Día del Diente de León es una celebración de la primavera, sustentabilidad y de la comunidad. Habrán vendedores locales y música en vivo en Sopris Park de 10 a.m. a 5 p.m. el día sábado, 8 de mayo.

Observación de aves

alcantarilla a lo largo de Colorado Avenue en Carbondale. Se espera que el proyecto sea completado para el 30 de junio. Un desvío del tráfico en dirección al norte en Highway 133 está previsto durar hasta el 14 de mayo. Durante el desvío, el tráfico será dirigido a través del estacionamiento de Sopris Shopping Center. El acceso a los negocios y residencias serán mantenidas, pero el tráfico no local es desalentado.

muy agradecidos por la resiliencia y adaptabilidad demostrada por nuestres educadores en sus esfuerzos extraordinarios para ayudar durante este año especialmente complicado. Descuentos especiales para maestres, bit.ly/teachingperks

CHISME Conoce a la autora La autora local Nancy Bo Flood presenta su libro “Primera Risa: Bienvenide Bebe” el sábado 8 de mayo, destacando la Ceremonia de la Primera Risa el cual es practicado por la cultura Navajo. El evento virtual comenzará a las 10 a.m. kits de pulseras de cuenta Navajo estarán disponibles en las bibliotecas del condado de Garfield para ir a lo largo del evento. Para más información visite gcpld.org/laugh

Venta de plantas Yampah Mountain High School anfitriona una venta de plantas para recaudar fondos de 10 a.m. a 1 p.m. en su campus en Glenwood Springs el sábado 8 de mayo. Las plantas en venta incluyen hierbas, flores y vegetales. Les estudiantes han estado adaptando semillas regionalmente ya por tres años. Ganancias beneficiarán a la educación de ciencia sustentable y proveerán plantas a jardineros que usan la dispensa de alimentos de Lift-Up.

Diente de León Originalmente empezado en la Junta Ambiental de Carbondale,

Parcelas de jardín El jardín comunitario de Peach Valley Children, localizado entre Newcastle y Silt, tiene seis parcelas, cultivadas usando técnicas hügelkultur, disponibles a familias que desean conectarse con otras familias y la tierra. El enfoque de esta iniciativa es juntarse para explorar la permacultura y jugar en la naturaleza. El costo es basado en escala móvil/donaciones. Para más información, contacte a Whitney a peachvalleypermaculture@gmail. com.

Clase de jardineria Garfield County Colorado State University Extension ofrece una clase introductoria de jardinería en Demeter’s Garden en Carbondale, al sur del Third Street Center, comenzando el 18 de mayo. Clases bilingües son de 6 p.m. a 7 p.m. cada martes hasta el 14 de septiembre. Para más información, llame 970-510-1290 o visite carbondalerec.com.

Roaring Fork Audubon guiará un viaje de observación de aves el 10 de mayo a lo largo del Río Crystal en Carbondale a las 8 a.m. (para inscribirse, envíe un correo electrónico a randybrimm@ gmail.com), en Riverfront Park en Carbondale el 11 de mayo a las 7 a.m. (envíe un correo electrónico a smnharris@gmail.com) y el 12 de mayo en Red Hill a las 8 am. (envíe un correo electrónico a fulcon@comcast.net).

Trabajo en la carretera Está en marcha construcción en Blake Avenue en Glenwood Springs entre 29th Street y Highway 82. La construcción está prevista para terminar en agosto. Los motoristas deben contar con cierres de carriles con alternativas de carril de una sola línea en Blake Avenue y algunos cierres en días de semana de 7 a.m. a 5 p.m. El acceso a negocios seguirá abierto. Las paradas de autobús al lado de Walmart se mantendrán cerradas hasta septiembre.

Retrasos en 133 El trabajo ha empezado a mitigar el riesgo de deslizamiento de rocas a lo largo de Highway 133 entre la cumbre de McClure Pass y Carbondale. Esto tomará lugar en cinco sitios diferentes, incluyendo Penny Hot Springs, y está programado para completarse en octubre. Viajeres deben contar con paradas de tráfico completas de hasta 20 minutos en uno o dos sitios durante días de semana entre las 8:30 a.m. y 5 p.m. Para más detalles, bit.ly/133rockfall

Emparejamientos La exhibición anual de Carbondale Clay Center “Emparejamientos” arranca el viernes 7 de mayo de 5 p.m. a 7 p.m. y continuará hasta el 29 de mayo. Más de 200 tazas de cerámica hechas a mano por artistas locales y nacionales estarán disponibles en venta. Un ticket de bebida, redimible con negocios participantes, es incluido con cada taza.

Pregúntale a un abogado

Alpine Legal Services ofrece consultas de 15 minutos con un abogado por teléfono relacionado ¡Gracias maestres! El departamento de educación con ley familiar de 5 p.m. a 7 Tráfico en Carbondale de Colorado celebra la primera p.m. el miércoles, 12 de mayo. La construcción empezó el semana de mayo como Semana de Tener cita no es necesario, para lunes para reemplazar una línea de Apreciación al Maestre. Estamos participar llame 970-368-2246. el Sol del Valle • Conector de comunidad • 6 al 12 de mayo de 2021 • 13

Todos ganan con proyecto de CMC/HCE

Por Ken Pletcher Traducción por Dolores Duarte

A principios de abril, Holy Cross Energy (HCE) anunció que se asociaba con el Colorado Mountain College (CMC) para desarrollar una gran instalación solar fotovoltaica cerca de Glenwood Springs. La instalación, que se construirá en terrenos propiedad del CMC cerca de su campus de Spring Valley, tendrá una capacidad de generación de 4.5 megawatts (MW). También incluirá un componente de almacenamiento en baterías de 5 MW, o 15 megawattshora (MWh). La construcción, operación y mantenimiento de la instalación correrán a cargo de Ameresco, Inc. con sede en Massachusetts, empresa líder en el desarrollo de recursos energéticos renovables. Bajo un contrato de compra de energía con HCE, Ameresco suministrará energía renovable a la empresa. Phil Dunn, director de información pública del CMC, señaló varias formas en que la nueva instalación beneficiará a la escuela. En primer lugar, "forma parte del objetivo del CMC de ser neutral en carbono para el año 2050, como parte del Compromiso Climático de los presidentes [de college y universidades de Estados Unidos] de 2007.” También está vinculado al plan de acción de viabilidad del CMC, completado en 2016, en

el que "hacemos un seguimiento exhaustivo, lo mejor que podemos, de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, de viajes, de compostaje, etc." mientras el college trabaja para alcanzar su meta del 2050. Además de recibir ingresos de Ameresco por el alquiler del terreno para la instalación, el CMC obtendrá créditos energéticos de la energía producida, ya que la producción es mucho mayor que la que la escuela consume. "Esto incluirá no sólo el campus de Spring Valley, sino también los de Aspen y Edwards,” explicó Dunn, señalando que como las instalaciones de Carbondale reciben el servicio de Xcel Energy, no forman parte de este programa. Sean Nesbitt, director de instalaciones del CMC, añadió: "Es muy bueno cuando se puede hacer algo con la generación de energía local, a un gran costo, que ayudará al CMC a lograr sus objetivos de viabilidad. Cumple con muchos puntos del proceso. Incluyendo proveer una herramienta educativa para los estudiantes". Sam Whelan, director de suministro eléctrico de HCE, explicó que el proyecto comenzó con la publicación por parte de HCE de una RFP (solicitud de propuestas) en la que se invitaba a todas las partes "interesadas en cualquier cosa limpia y renovable" a presentar propuestas. Ese enfoque

los llevó finalmente a asociarse con CMC y Ameresco para crear uno de los que HCE denomina "huertos solares.” Whelan dijo que era poco típico pedir simultáneamente un promotor y el terreno para construir. Actualmente, el proyecto está en proceso de revisión, con la esperanza de que la construcción pueda comenzar a principios de otoño. Si todo va según lo previsto, la instalación podría estar en línea a principios de 2022. Una visión más amplia Aunque la instalación de Spring Valley sólo aportará alrededor del 1% de la energía que HCE suministra a sus clientes, sigue siendo un componente importante del objetivo "100X30" declarado por la empresa, de suministrar el 100% de su electricidad a partir de recursos renovables para 2030, especialmente con la adición del almacenamiento en baterías, que se ha vuelto más rentable a medida que los precios de las baterías han bajado drásticamente en los últimos años. Whelan añadió: "A medida que avanzamos hacia nuestros objetivos energéticos, queremos desarrollar una capacidad de generación flexible, y el almacenamiento en baterías es útil" para equilibrar la distribución de energía cuando los paneles solares no están generando electricidad. Entre otros proyectos de energía renovable, HCE está intentando

14 • el Sol del Valle • soprissun.com/espanol/ • 22 al 28 de april de 2021

construir otro parque solar de 5 MW en McLain Flats Road, cerca del aeropuerto de Aspen/ Condado de Pitkin. Está previsto que la construcción comience esta primavera y se complete en otoño. Un proyecto aún más ambicioso es un gran parque eólico en el este de Colorado, cerca de Arriba, que generará 100 MW, o aproximadamente un tercio de la demanda total de energía de HCE. La terminación está prevista para finales de 2021. Más recientemente, en un comunicado de prensa del 19 de abril, HCE anunció otros dos proyectos solares locales, uno en Parachute y otro en Silt. Cada uno de ellos producirá 10 MW de energía y tendrá 20 MWh de capacidad de almacenamiento en baterías. Está previsto que las obras comiencen a finales de 2021 y se completen a finales de 2022. Al reflexionar sobre estos y otros proyectos, Jenna Weatherred, vicepresidenta de relaciones con los miembros y la comunidad de la empresa, comentó: "Estar en una comunidad como [Roaring Fork Valley] nos permite hacer muchas cosas interesantes. Podemos hacer proyectos muy buenos porque recibimos mucho apoyo de la comunidad.” Añadió: "Las estrellas están alineadas para que todos ganemos."

Donaciones por correo o en línea P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Raleigh Burleigh • 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Executive Director Todd Chamberlin • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Directora Artística: Ylice Golden Traductora: Jacquelinne Castro Distribucion: Crystal Tapp Miembros de la Mesa Directiva

Linda Criswell • Klaus Kocher Kay Clarke • Lee Beck • Megan Tackett Gayle Wells • Donna Dayton • Terri Ritchie Eric Smith • Vanessa Porras The Sopris Sun, Inc. Es un miembro orgulloso del Distrito Creativo de Carbondale The Sopris Sun, Inc. es una 501(c)(3) organización benéfica sin fines de lucro. Contribuciones financieras son deducibles de impuestos.


Para contribuir ideas y contenido al Sol del Valle, escribiéndonos a: sol@soprissun.com Para comprar espacio publicitario en español, inglés, o ambos, mándanos un correo electrónico a: adsales@soprissun.com También se puede contactarnos llamando a 970-510-3003.

El caso Francisco, continuado Por James Steindler Traducción por Dolores Duarte

Michael Francisco es un residente de la ciudad de Carbondale quien trabaja en el City Market de Aspen. En la víspera de Navidad, 2020, Francisco fue arrestado dentro del City Market de Carbondale por alegaciones de 1) conducta desordenada 2) resistir arresto y 3) obstrucción de operaciones gubernamentales. Se le acusaba a Francisco de hacer muecas y gestos hacia una empleada de la gasolinera, por lo cual la gerente de la entrada le pidió al oficial remover al sospechoso. El jefe de policía solicitó por oficiales con la meta de retirar a Francisco sin instigar ningún problema, pero las cosas se intensificaron. Los oficiales le dijeron a Francisco que estaba traspasando y que administración quería que se retirara, a lo cual Francisco respondió que no había causado ningún problema y que de hecho conocía a la gerente general. Los oficiales pidieron ver la identificación de Francisco lo cual el reuso. El jefe de policía asegura que el departamento actuó según las acusaciones de que Francisco portaba de manera inapropiada y que el arresto no era basado en el color de su piel.

El día 26 de abril, la historia del caso siguió con una audiencia en el Tribunal Municipal de Carbondale terminó con un nuevo aplazamiento. Los ciudadanos abarrotaron la sala del tribunal – tanto como los asientos espaciados dentro del Ayuntamiento podían acomodar – y afuera varios más sostenían carteles expresando su molestia por el caso. Después de presenciar el proceso de unos cuantos casos no relacionados que estaban primero en la agenda del tribunal, los oídos de la gente se agudizaron cuando el de Francisco fue llamado al orden. "En este momento, el pueblo y el Sr. Edminister [el abogado defensor de Francisco] están hablando de una deposición,” dijo la fiscal Angela Roff, "y las personas pedirían ... que se aplazara el asunto para seguir discutiendo una resolución.” El juez John Collins siguió con el abogado de la defensa Michael Edminister, quien respondió: "No tengo ninguna oposición a su moción.” El asunto se fijó para el 24 de mayo a las 4:30 p.m. y la audiencia fue suspendida. La ex fideicomisaria de la ciudad, Katrina Byars, entró en la sala con un cartel de protesta en la mano. "Esto es un error judicial,” exclamó, "no puedo creer que esto haya continuado... ¡Qué vergüenza!" Byars concluyó

diciendo: "Hay que retirar estos cargos. Retira estos cargos, retira los cargos.” Aplausos de aprobación resonaron en la sala cuando Byars salió. Durante la audiencia de cinco minutos, el juez Collins preguntó a Roff si se habían recibido los registros solicitados del City Market. Roff respondió que alrededor del 90% de los materiales se habían recibido y que no creía que el resto de los materiales no revelados afectarán el curso del caso. Roff dijo más tarde a The Sopris Sun que "recibieron la mayor parte de los materiales solicitados el 15 de marzo.” The Sopris Sun se puso en contacto de nuevo con el City Market para comentarios, pero al cierre de esta edición no había recibido respuesta. Cuando se le preguntó en qué momento se puede desestimar un caso debido a pruebas insuficientes o incrédulas, Roff respondió: "Los fiscales tienen el deber de seguir adelante sólo en los casos con pruebas suficientes,” y resumió: "En este caso, puedo afirmar que no he desestimado los cargos.” Edminister declaró que su cliente quiere que se retire el caso y que, de lo contrario, lo llevarán a juicio. Francisco también quiere una disculpa, a la que Edminister cree que tiene derecho. La idea de Sopris justicia restaurativa también ha

Conozcan a las 3 coordinadoras Comunitarias de SANA.

Ciudadanos abarrotaron la sala del tribunal de Carbondale y afuera varios más sostenían carteles expresando su apoyo para Michael Francisco. Dibujo por Larry Day. pasado por ambas partes y, según Edminister, ninguna de ellas descarta la idea para este caso. La justicia restaurativa es una vía alterna a la resolución de un caso penal. La idea es involucrar a todas las partes interesadas para llegar a un resultado colectivo. Los facilitadores organizan las reuniones y se aseguran de que todos los implicados se sientan seguros – a menudo esto significa que los participantes acuerdan no hablar de los detalles del proceso fuera de él, infundiendo así un nivel de confianza entre ellos. El resultado, sin embargo, se comparte públicamente. Esto es especialmente importante cuando la comunidad en general se ha visto afectada. Algunas personas están Sun Ad 4.9x7.pdf 1 4/12/21 6:38 PM frustradas y han acusado a la

ciudad de retrasar y no abordar adecuadamente la presunta mala conducta policial en el momento de la detención de Francisco. Roff dijo a The Sopris Sun: "Nadie en la ciudad puede hablar sobre las discusiones específicas de este caso" porque todavía se está procesando. Roff dijo: "Interfiere con la administración de justicia hablar sobre este caso más allá de lo que es información pública.” Francisco dijo a los agentes la noche de su detención que no había hecho nada malo. El continúa repitiendo ese mensaje. "Es lamentable que tenga que pasar por una situación en la que no había ningún problema y que me den largas,” dijo, "pero creo que hay un propósito mayor para ello."


Para Otoño 2021



Maria Judith Alvarez

Soira Ceja

Brenda Kaiser

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Explore industrias y aprende habilidades reales

Recibe créditos hacia graduación Conoce a otros estudiantes de esta área en la escuela secundaria Las clases toman lugar durante horas escolar 2021-22 Clases:

Estructura y Diseño y la industria de la Construcción

Artes Culinarias y Hostelería

Servicios de Salud para Animales y Humanos

Comienza tu futuro.

Youthentity.org THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector •May 6 - 12, 2021 • 15

Bridging Resources facilita conexiones

Por Jacquelinne Castro Sol Coresponsal

Cuando la pandemia golpeó el año pasado, nuestra comunidad se dio cuenta de la dificultad transitan familias con circunstancias desesperantes como COVID. Es por esto que Aspen Community Foundation, junto con Servicios Humanos del condado de Pitkin, vió una necesidad por un apoyo extra. Repentinamente, muchas familias se enfrentaron a problemas financieros y médicos y fueron incapaces de encontrar los recursos adecuados. Un año después de que los impactos de COVID empezaron, continuamos viendo estas represalias del virus, incluyendo penurias financieras. Consecuentemente, el Aspen Community Foundation está conectando a personas en necesidad con ayuda ya existente a través de un nuevo programa. El programa Bringing Resources es temporalmente fundado por el condado de Pitkin, Aspen Community Foundation y fondos de Respuesta Regional de COVID. Es dirigido por la coordinadora Joseline Rivas. En esencia, la meta es conectar a las personas en circunstancias de desventaja con los recursos adecuados mientras trayendo conocimiento de las opciones disponibles para superar necesidades financieras y médicas. Rivas solicitó para servir como coordinadora para el programa temporario en febrero. Ella nació en El Salvador y llegó a los Estados Unidos cuando tenía siete años de edad. Creció en New Castle, Rifle y más tarde se mudó a Texas después de la escuela

secundaria. Eventualmente, decidió regresar al valle. A lo largo de su vida, Joseline ha buscado ayudar a familias como la de ella y disfruta escuchar y conocer a personas. Todo esto la alentó a seguir una vocación que le permita ayudar a la comunidad. Rivas comenzó trabajando para el distrito escolar de Roaring Fork en el 2017 y solicitó la posición de Aspen Community Foundation en busca de construir más equidad en el valle y levantar a personas con necesidades económicas. Cuando empezó a trabajar con Aspen Community Foundation, ella encontró “muy conmovedor” escuchar que las personas reciben ayuda. Rivas explicó que el programa Bringing Resources tiene como objetivo conectar a las personas con servicios eficaces a lo largo del valle, desde Aspen hasta Parachute. Hasta la fecha, el programa ha recibido la mayoría de sus llamadas desde Rifle, Glenwood y Carbondale. En total, 51 llamadores han sido referidos a recursos y agencias de la comunidad, con la mayoría identificándose como parte de la comunidad hispana. Sin embargo, según Rivas, personas de diversos orígenes han llamado por ayuda. Quizás el obstáculo más grande para alguna gente, ella comparte, es superar la vergüenza en pedir asistencia. Este programa cubre ayuda económica, principalmente enfocando en asistir con pagos de renta, pero también ayuda con salud mental, pruebas de COVID e inscribirse para inyecciones.

Come join our team! Valley Settlement is hiring for the following positions:

Como funciona El proceso para pedir ayuda comienza llamando al navegador (970-4561091) y dejando un correo de voz describiendo sus necesidades. Dentro de 24 horas, recibirá una llamada con recursos sugeridos. Más tarde, un correo electrónico de seguimiento será enviado para preguntar si la persona recibió la ayuda que necesitaba. Rivas también explica que, como el programa empezó recientemente, también enfrenta varios desafíos y aspira a adaptarse y mejorar de acuerdo con las necesidades de cada persona. Todavía hay mucho que aprender. Aun así, visualizan un programa que asiste a la comunidad de una manera oportuna y fácil. Personas con dificultad de pedir ayuda, quizás por sentir vergüenza, son alentadas a contactarse. Este programa está previsto terminar en diciembre a no ser que alta demanda requiera su continuación. Para contactar a Bringing Resources, llame a Fernanda Flesner al 970456-1091. Toda la información se mantiene confidencial.

¿Necesita recursos de ayuda económica? Uno de nuestros navegadores puede ayudarlo a encontrar recursos. ¡Llámenos hoy! (970) 456-1091

Únete a nuestro equipo! Valley Settlement está contratando para los siguientes puestos:

Full-time Openings:

Ofertas de Empleo de Tiempo Completo:

The Little Bus ( El Busesito) Program

Programa The Little Bus (El Busesito)

Family, Friends and Neighbors Program

Programa de Familia, Amigos y Vecinos

Lead Preschool Teacher Salary Range: $43,000-$50,000

Family Navigator Salary range - $40,000-$50,000 Family Educator $40,000-$50,000 Early Childhood Lead Teacher Salary Range: $43,000-$50,000

Part-time Openings:

Maestra Principal de Preescolar Salario: $ 43,000- $ 50,000

Guía de Navegación para la Familia Salario: $ 40,000- $ 50,000 Educador/a de Familia Salario: $ 40,000- $ 50,000 Maestra/o Titular de Primera Infancia Salario: $ 43,000- $ 50,000

Ofertas de Empleo de Medio Tiempo:

Adult Focused Programs

Programas Enfocados en Adultos

Valley Settlement’s benefit package includes: Employer sponsored health plan (medical, vision, dental and life), Simple IRA, Generous Paid Time Off (PTO) plan and 12 paid holidays.

Valley Settlement’s paquete de beneficios incluye: Plan de salud patrocinado por el empleador (médico, oftalmológico, dental y de vida), IRA simple, plan generoso de tiempo libre remunerado y 12 días feriados pagados.

Computer Literacy Teacher $25/hr English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher $25/hr Math & Spanish Literacy Teacher $25/hr

To apply and for more information on these job opportunities please visit https://valleysettlement.org/resources/job-board/.

16 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com •May 6 - 12, 2021

Maestro/a de Computación $ 25 / hora Maestro/a de Inglés como Segunda Lengua (ESL) $ 25 / hora Maestro/a de Matemáticas y Español $ 25 / hora

Para aplicar y para obtener más información sobre estas oportunidades de empleo, visite https://valleysettlement.org/resources/job-board/.

Bridging Resources facilitates connections

By Jacquelinne Castro Sopris Sun Correspondent

When the pandemic hit last year, our community realized the difficulty that many families go through, even when emergencies like COVID aren’t exasperating circumstances. For this reason, the Aspen Community Foundation and Pitkin County Human Services saw a need for extra support. Suddenly, many families encountered financial and medical problems and were unable to find the right resources. One year after the impacts from COVID began, we continue to see repercussions of the virus, including financial hardships. Consequently, the Aspen Community Foundation is connecting people in need with already existing support through a new program. The Bringing Resources Program, temporarily funded by Pitkin County and Aspen Community Foundation’s Rescue and COVID Regional Response Funds, is led by coordinator Joseline Rivas. In essence, the goal is to connect people in disadvantaged circumstances with the right resources while also bringing awareness to choices available to overcome financial and medical needs. Rivas applied to serve as coordinator for the temporary program back in February. She was born in El Salvador and arrived in the United States when she was seven years old. She grew up in New Castle, Rifle and later on moved to Texas after high school. Eventually, she decided to come back to the valley.

el Pueblo de carboNdale

Throughout her life, Joseline has sought to help families like her own and she enjoys listening to and meeting people. All of this has led her to pursue a career in service to the community. Rivas started working for the Roaring Fork School District in 2017 and applied for the Aspen Community Foundation position in search of encouraging more equality in the valley and helping to lift up people with economic needs. When she started working with Aspen Community Foundation, she found it “very heartwarming to hear that people are receiving help…” and in cases where people don’t manage to get the right help, she sees a need to “try and continue to work with them and get them to the right place.” Rivas explained that the Bringing Resources Program aims to connect people with services across the valley, from Aspen to Parachute. So far, the program has received the most calls for assistance from Rifle, Glenwood and Carbondale. In all, 51 callers have been referred to community resources and agencies, with a majority identifying as part of the Hispanic community. Nonetheless, according to Rivas, persons of diverse backgrounds are calling. Perhaps the greatest obstacle for some, she shares, is overcoming shame in asking for assistance. This program covers economic aid, mostly focusing on rental assistance, and also helps with mental wellness, COVID testing and signing up for COVID shots.


Proyecto de reemPlazo de alcaNtarilla de la aveNida colorado:

El trabajo de la línea de alcantarilla se llevara acabo entre el 3 de mayo y 30 de junio en la avenida Colorado. El trafico se desviara del 4 de mayo a 14 de mayo. Gracias por su paciencia mientras que el Pueblo instala una nueva alcantarilla para mejorar la capacidad de la infraestructura.

ordeN de taPabocas:

El estado de Colorado tiene una orden para el uso de tapabocas adentro, la orden de tapabocas del Pueblo de Carbondale es igual. Tapabocas no son requeridas afuera. Queremos que los negocios operen con seguridad y puedan decidir el limite de capacidad o imponer otras medidas de seguridad. El Pueblo continua limitar la ocupacion en el ayuntamiento y Centro de Recreación.

How it works The process to request help begins with calling a navigator (970-456-1091) and leaving a voicemail describing needs. Within 24 hours, the person will receive a return call with suggested resources. Later on, a follow-up email is sent to ask if the person received the help they needed. Rivas also explained that because the program started only recently, it still faces several challenges and aims to adapt and improve according to each person’s needs. There’s more to learn, yet they envision a program that supports the community in a timely and easy way. Persons with difficulty asking for help, perhaps feeling a sense of embarrassment, are encouraged to reach out. The program is scheduled to end in December unless high demand makes the need for it to continue apparent. To contact Bridging Resources, call Fernanda Flesner at 970-456-1091. All information is kept confidential.

Need economic assistance resources? One of our navigators can help you find resources. Call us today! (970) 456-1091

toWN of CarboNdalE


Colorado avENuE SEWEr rEplaCEmENt projECt:

Sewer line work will take place on Colorado Avenue May 3 – June 30. Traffic will be detoured May 4 – May 14. Thank you for your patience as the Town works to install a new sewer line improving infrastructure capacity.

maSk ordEr:

The State of Colorado indoor mask order is in place, and the Town of Carbondale indoor mask order is in place. Masks are not required outdoors. Businesses are encouraged to operate safely and may decide to what extent to limit capacity or impose other safety measures. The Town continues to limit occupancy in Town Hall and in the Recreation Center.

cierre de calle maiN Para comer afuera:

maiN StrEEt CloSiNg for outdoor diNiNg:

Entre 1 de mayo y 15 de octubre, la calle Main entre la Calle Trecera y Calle Cuarta cerrara de 4:30 P.M. – 10:30 P.M. miércoles a sábado cada semana. Esta es la segunda temporara que se cierra la calle para proveer asientos afuera para comer y espacio comercial para que los restaurantes locales tengan distansamiento social. Recordatorio: Le pedimos a todos que consuman alcohol dentro de las instalaciones autorizadas adentro y afuera. El alcohol no esta permitdo fuera de las areas designadas. Alcohol no es permitido en el sacate en la esquina de Cuarta Calle y en la Calle Main.

May 1 - October 15, the Town of Carbondale’s Main Street between Third Street and Fourth Street will close to traffic at 4:30 P.M. – 10:30 P.M Wednesdays – Saturdays each week. This is the second year of the temporary street closure to provide additional outdoor dining and commercial space for local restaurants to allow social distancing. Reminder: Everyone is asked to consume alcohol within the licensed premise and identified outdoor areas. Alcohol is not permitted beyond designated areas. No alcohol is allowed on the lawn on the corner of Fourth Street and Main Street.

Proyecto de chiP y sello:

Chip aNd SEal projECt:

El proyecto anual de chip y sello comienza el 10 de mayo. Los equipos realizaran este trabajo en las calles en el lado este del los puentes de River Valley Ranch y sur de la Calle Main. Esto ayuda preserver y proteger la inversion del Pueblo en sus carreteras. Por favor de manejar despacio alrededor de los trabajadores.

The Town’s annual chip seal project begins May 10. Crews will be performing this work on roads east of the bridges in River Valley Ranch and downtown roads south of Main Street. This works helps preserve and protect the Town’s investment in its roadways. Please drive slow around road crews.

Gracias por mantener a su perro con correa en los parques publicos. Leyes de correa estan vigentes en la los parques de Carbondale para la seguridad de su perro y los demás. Gracias por acordarse de ponerle la correa a su perro!

Thank you for keeping your dog on a leash in our public parks: Leash laws are in effect in Carbondale parks for the safety of your dog and those around them. Thank you for remembering to leash your dog!

970-963-2733 • carbondalegov.org

970-963-2733 • carbondalegov.org THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector •May 6 - 12, 2021 • 17

After Hours Urgent Care is up and running By James Steindler Sopris Sun Correspondent

Hurt yourself ? Can’t wait until Monday? Know it’s going to cost an arm and a leg, hopefully not literally, for a trip to the Emergency Room (ER)? Well, Valley View’s After Hours Urgent Care (AHUC) might be your answer. AHUC opened its doors to serve injuries that fall in the grey area between, “oh expletive, we need to go to the ER,” and a primary care visit. Since the beginning of the year, AHUC staff have been mending injuries and curing minor illnesses at its location within Valley View Hospital. AHUC shares the main entry of the ER but, upon entering, one encounters signage and video monitors at the registration desk directing folks with less severe ailments to the AHUC. The operating hours are Monday through Thursday, from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., Fridays from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday through Sunday from noon to 8 p.m. Care is provided to anyone over six months old. “Valley View’s AHUC will be able to treat patients faster and more affordably,” said Ben Peery, Medical Director of the After Hours Urgent Care and Emergency Services. Peery expressed that costs, which typically would be astronomical after a visit to the ER, will be significantly lower for patients. Part of the reason ER bills climb so high is due solely to the fact that care was given in the ER. When someone visits the ER, they are provided a special degree of attention and resources regardless of the gravity of their injury. This is then reflected in the bill.

Upon entering the automatic doors to the ER there is a sign that directs patients to ask themselves if they need urgent or emergency care. Courtesy Photo.

Dr. Ben Peery leads the newly formed team of AHUC at Valley View Hospital. Courtesy Photo.

“For many years, patients have been coming in after hours [to the ER] to get care for minor fractures, lacerations and illnesses ... so we recognized that there was a need,” Peery stated, “We can lower the cost because the level of care does not require an evaluation by an emergency team.” At the same time, since the ER is just next door, if a patient comes in with a condition that does merit emergency care, they will still be in the right place. “There have been cases where patients come in and we say, ‘Wait hold on, you need to be seen by the emergency department.’” Many of the patients they’ve seen so far do not have a primary care physician. The

said Peery, “But obviously, as things go, sometimes patients can’t get in during those hours.” At AHUC, “families come in to be seen after hours, and we’re really trying to fill that gap,” he concluded. “This was actually the brain child of our current CEO Brian Murphy, MD,” said Peery. “This new service is the result of great collaboration across Valley View and with independent community providers,” Murphy elaborated, “... Their work and leadership are instrumental in creating this offering to better serve our community.” Aspen Valley Hospital also offers AfterHours Medical Care at its Basalt location.

staff at AHUC encourage those patients to make a follow up appointment with one of the hospital’s primary care providers. For patients who do not have insurance, “We feel very strongly that they're benefiting,” said Peery, “and not having to be buried by a medical bill from an ER visit for a non-emergent condition.” According to Peery they’re seeing more folks on the weekends and “during the weekdays, the bulk of our patients are seen between 5 [p.m.] and 8 p.m.” As the word gets out, more patients filter in. “Almost every primary care office in this valley does have available time slots to see patients with urgent care concerns,”

Now Open

After Hours Urgent Care Life keeps going after hours and so do we. Valley View is proud to announce the opening of After Hours Urgent Care. From nasal congestion to a sprained ankle, our walk-in clinic is here to treat you. Thanks to its convenient location inside Valley View next to the Emergency Department, you get to decide the right level of care for you at the right price.


LEARN MORE AT VVH.ORG/URGENTCARE 18 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com •May 6 - 12, 2021

Overcoming lang-hauler symptoms


Then, around week four, my body shut down. I found myself in the ER convinced I was having a heart attack. If I were a robot, you could say the wiring in my body short circuited, which caused the most bizarre and frightening symptoms. My heart felt like it had barbed wire woven through it, my heart rate would spike while doing simple things like standing in line at the grocery store. My breathing patterns became labored, my ability to fall asleep annihilated. Most days my digestion was horribly slow and by Judith Ritschard my arms and hands would buzz or go numb like I dipped them in IcyHot I’m back. Did you miss me? I’ve cream. In short, I felt like crap all the been laying low recovering from time for months. long-haul COVID and certainly Because I was desperate for lacking any creative mojo. I read answers, I called the only doctor I my last column in quarantine, had in my contacts. A doctor I didn’t while eating soup I could not taste really know because before COVID or smell, extremely anxious about I was one of those super healthy, fit being sick with the virus. I suppose and foolish individuals who pride I had every reason to be worried themselves in not having a primary as this virus proved to be the most care physician. This doctor was no terrifying sickness I have ever help. But, to be fair, I think most experienced. doctors were and continue to be at The initial week that I was sick a loss with the mysterious longhaul was mild. No fever. No cough. The COVID symptoms. Prescribing antihardest part was the boredom of depression meds was certainly a kneebeing locked away from my family. jerk reaction. Of course, these meds A FaceTime Thanksgiving is not didn’t have any effect. Although I was something I care to repeat. After a few feeling down about my body being so weeks I was doing better. Although out of whack, the root problem was much slower, I went back to some of not depression or anxiety. my physical activities like Crossfit and After that, my gut feeling was Ad English 4.9x7.pdf 4/13/21 AM uphilling onYouthentity Buttermilk. to go1 with what I11:45 believe and have

Bits & Pieces

always believed to be the best path for me and that is alternative medicine. I work in the alternative medicine world and my mother raised us with her vast knowledge of Mexican herbal remedies so it just felt right. I worked closely with the most caring and intuitive acupuncturist, named Heidi Stoeckl, in Basalt and with our local shaman medicine woman, Dr. Hilary Back. Okay, maybe she isn’t a shaman — maybe more of a naturopath — but brilliant and extremely knowledgeable in her field, nonetheless. I also did my own research. During all those sleepless nights, I read many books on the vagus nerve which is like the soothing balm of the body. This one long winding nerve plays a big role in chilling us out. It helps lower our heart rate. It governs our breathing patterns and even aids in our digestion. Basically, it rules all those functions that so many long-haulers, including myself, suddenly found were not working properly. I learned there were many ways to tone this nerve and so, for several months, the babying of it was my top priority. On top of acupuncture, massage and a slew of supplements, I braved many cold river plunges. I learned all sorts of breathing exercises. I hummed, I gargled water. I took every measure to ensure I had a

healthy gut biome by doing things like quitting coffee, sugar, dairy, chocolate and alcohol. Over the weeks, I started steadily improving even though many times it felt like it was two steps forward one step back.

"My heart felt like it d had barbe n wire wove ... " through it

It was not an easy, linear road to recovery. There was a lot of fear that would creep in. Especially at night, when dark thoughts would take over. Would I ever see my active lifestyle again? Would I ever sleep again? There are so many unknowns about this virus. I don’t know about you but unknowns freak me out. Today, I still can’t smell much so I burn more food than I care to admit. But, I’m thrilled to report I'm back to all my physical activities. I still have to monitor how hard I push my body and I have obsessively good sleep hygiene. The occasional rough night happens, but overall,

I’m so much better than I was a few months ago. And as much as I believe in alternative medicine, I have met a caring doctor who I’m excited to call my primary care physician and who is working with many other long-haulers. Through this season of suffering I was often asked if I gained some spiritual insight. I can’t say enduring this pain could be connected to any enlightenment or greater wisdom. There was nothing noble about it. I was just one of the unlucky ones who had to get through it the best I could. I can say, however, that this ordeal made me feel more gratitude for my body’s ability to heal itself and for the team of people who supported me along the way. Maybe my unlucky go with COVID did make me more compassionate, and that is precisely why I decided to share this with you, just in case there is anyone out there who is struggling with longhaul symptoms and worried that they will never get better. I'm truly sympathetic to those struggles and maybe my story can inspire a bit of hope. Surround yourself with a good team of healers, be gentle with yourself. But most of all, believe you can get better. Recovery, although slow, is totally possible.

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George Weber: inspired by students’ enthusiasm

By Olivia Emmer Sopris Sun Correspondent

George Weber is the long-time music teacher at Colorado Rocky Mountain School (CRMS). This conversation was edited for length.

Q: Where are you from? A: I was born in Denver and spent most of my early childhood there. When I graduated from high school, I was playing music in bands and decided not to go to college. I went on the road, traveling around the western United States playing music. At the end of about 10 years of doing that, I hit a ceiling of income and comfort with what I was doing and decided to go back to school. I studied music in Boulder at the University of Colorado. I was able to play a lot of music there, mostly jazz, and ended up playing with Pete Wernick [of Hot Rize fame], who is a bluegrass banjo player. We didn’t really do bluegrass, but we did instrumental music based on banjo, vibraphone, clarinet, bass and drums. I did that for quite a while. Q: How did you end up in Carbondale? A: Since I was about 16, I’d been coming up to the Roaring Fork Valley. I was introduced to the valley by working on a ranch up above Snowmass. So I was familiar with the valley and had played concerts at Colorado Rocky Mountain School (CRMS), and had a strong

interest in the school and the people that worked here. I was working in Boulder when the person I knew who taught music up here said they were retiring. I said “Well, may I send my resume to you and apply for the job?” I did that, made my move to the valley, and I’ve lived here since 1996 teaching at CRMS.

Q: Would you tell me more about your world as a teacher? A: I have a bachelor’s and master’s degree in percussion performance and symphonic literature. I felt pretty comfortable teaching classical music as well, or band music. So when the kids came to class, I literally asked them what they wanted to do because it was a small number of kids, because I was a new teacher just developing a program. The program before was just in the evenings or when kids wanted special help but there wasn’t actually a music program at CRMS. Most of [the students] wanted to play guitar so we started studying guitar. And that just kept developing and building into more and bigger classes. So the program here has been pretty contemporary. We’ve been studying current music, pop music. But we’ve also done some classical music, bluegrass music, folk music, we’ve done punk music. I let the kids decide what they want to learn and play and I let them decide what instruments they want to learn how to play. So my music classes are very, very much student driven.

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Q: What motivates you as a teacher? A: What keeps me going is kids’ enjoyment of learning. The reason I’m still here and the primary reason I continue teaching is because I really enjoy experiencing students learning something new. They just get so excited. So, being around kids, their vitality, their energy, just enlivens me tremendously. I enjoy teaching and watching kids learn. Q: What do you like to do when you’re not teaching? A: I love the outdoors. One of the really good parts about working in a school like [CRMS] is I’ve been fortunate to be trained in wilderness backpacking and I’ve also been trained to lead river trips. I don’t get to do as much of that as I want because the school is a busy place, but I have done all those things while I’ve been here. So my passion, when I’m not in the classroom is definitely to get outdoors. My simplest way to do that is I walk my dogs a couple of times a day. In the summer I spend a lot more time hiking and spend a lot of time outdoors. I still spend a lot of time playing music for myself, recording, writing songs and arranging music. Q: What is your primary instrument these days? A: The instrument I play the best is the vibraphone. But it’s the instrument I teach the least because kids have such a strong interest

George Weber. Photo by Olivia Emmer. in guitar, piano, voice and drums. So, my primary instrument in the classroom ends up being guitar. The guitar is always with me, because it’s such a great teaching tool and a great way to accompany kids no matter what instrument they’re playing.

Vital Statistics: Favorite hike: Anything above 10,000 feet near Crested Butte. Favorite reading: Books my students might read, memoirs, biographies of musicians, National Geographic, the news. Favorite music: That’s tough. I have a really broad appreciation of many types of music. Some favorites are country music, jazz, Bruce Springsteen, Jimi Hendrix.

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Pitkin County Open Space & Trails’ lease recommendation under fire

By Matthew Bennett Aspen Daily News

The Pitkin Board of County Commissioners heard from a number of people on April 28 who were concerned that favoritism and bias as opposed to qualifications and fairness played a role in a recent Open Space and Trails lease recommendation. “I want to be very clear that I am offended by being called a ‘racist,’ a ‘bigot’ and that I treat people differently because of their race, their creed, their color, their culture ... I don’t,” Commissioner Patti Clapper said in response to a few callers’ comments during the regularly-scheduled BOCC meeting. “I look at people for who they are and what they are — not for any of those other things I mentioned.” In a 4-0 vote, the BOCC approved — on first reading — the agricultural lease agreement, as recommended by OST, between Pitkin County and Marigold Livestock Co. for the Glassier Open Space. Commissioner Steve Child was not in attendance for the April 28 BOCC meeting. According to a BOCC memo, the two separate properties that comprise the Glassier Open Space and that are protected by conservation easements were publicly advertised in the “Aspen Daily News, via social media

outlets, and direct email to agriculture producers.” In total, seven proposals were received for one or both Glassier Open Space properties, and a selection committee, consisting of Open Space and Trails staff, scored each application based on five criteria: description of operation (65%), agricultural background (15%), ability to succeed (5%), references (5%) and lease rate (10%). Jose Miranda, who owns Rocking TT Bar and submitted proposals for both Glassier Open Space properties, questioned how the selection committee could have given his references a 3.33 out of 5 and a 3.67 out of 5 respectively without having actually called any of the references he put down. With Rocking TT Bar, Miranda proposed a wide array of agricultural activities on the properties include: water buffalo, pigs, chickens, bees, vegetables, herbs and fruit trees. “My issue is not in regards to the scoring mistake, it’s in regards to the fact that the selection committee did not follow the procedure that was clearly outlined for them,” Miranda said to ­ commissioners. “I called all of my references, none of them were contacted.” The successful proposals from

Marigold Livestock Co. earned a 5 out of 5 on both of its proposals’ listed references — no other proposals received perfect scores under the reference criteria. Marigold Livestock Co. proposed raising “sheep, meat chickens and eventually laying hens” on the properties according to a BOCC summary of its proposal. “You can look back and see ways that things could have been more precise or more polished but I’m very happy to be recommending you approve this lease,” Dale Will, Pitkin County Open Space and Trails acquisition and special projects director, said to commissioners. “We had a similar discussion last week with the Open Space Board of Trustees and they unanimously are recommending to the county commissioners that this lease be approved.” During the public comment portion of the meeting, community members voiced their displeasure, not necessarily with Marigold Livestock Co., but instead Open Space and Trails’ selection process. “Just imagine being an immigrant or a person of color or someone who’s not well connected to the community and being told that your r­eferences — people who you trust and revere and who have mentored you — were

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Favoritism and bias over qualifications and fairness were alleged by some members of the public to have played a role in a recent Open Space and Trails lease recommendation for the Glassier property near Carbondale. Photo by Anna Stonehouse/Aspen Daily News. not high quality or relevant enough,” Erin Cuseo, a vegetable farmer and proprietor of Erin’s Acres Farms said. “If we continue to ignore the problematic nature of the actions of OST and Pitkin County, we continue to let a bias like this go unchecked. These actions and comments will pile up to create structural discrimination.” The BOCC will conduct a second reading and public hearing to approve or deny the Glassier Open Space lease agreement with Marigold Livestock Co. on May 12.

“No one is free of implicit bias and if you want us to believe that this process was not colored by such bias you have to show your work and communicate your reasons for this decision using sound rationale,” said Adrian Fielder, a lifelong educator. “Until all applicants are provided with objective evaluations of their proposals and a sound explanation of those evaluations then this lease will have a shadow over it that is not fitting of the land that we’re all trying to steward here.”

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ATV decision deferred

Amy Hadden Marsh Sopris Sun Correspondent

“There’s no silver bullet to fix this,” said Jonathan Houck, Gunnison County Board of Commissioners Chair, more than once at Tuesday’s regular Zoom meeting. He was referring to an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) problem that’s been a thorn in the side of Marble residents for almost a decade. Since 2013, the amount of ATVs on local roads, particularly County Road 3, has increased, negatively impacting the quality of life in Marble. John Armstrong, president of the Crystal Valley Environmental Protection Association, said that the vehicles create a health hazard. “[They generate] dust and fumes and noise, and certainly a safety issue for Marble residents and anybody else traveling that road.” In 2015 and again in 2018, despite public outcry, Gunnison County Commissioners signed resolutions allowing ATVs on County Road 3, east of Beaver Lake to the bottom of an area known as Daniel’s Hill. But, Armstrong said, that hasn’t helped. “It continues to be problematic.” One problem is that ATV use doesn’t stop at the bottom of Daniel’s Hill. The top of the hill is where County Road 3 ends and access to the White River National Forest begins. Naturally, ATV users are riding from

Beaver Lake to the top of the hill. What the 2015 and 2018 county resolutions fail to clarify is that state law prohibits ATVs on the portion of the road that climbs Daniel’s Hill. According to Colorado Revised Statute 33-14.5-108, ATVs are not allowed on any “public roadway, highway or street in the state except in emergency situations or for agricultural purposes.” The proposed resolution states that Gunnison County Commissioners “understand that the public has historically used all-terrain vehicles, off-highway vehicles and utility terrain vehicles on that certain portion of County Road 3.” But, that so-called historic use for three-quarters of a mile, from the bottom to the top of Daniel’s Hill, has essentially been illegal. Like many land use issues in the Roaring Fork and Crystal River valleys, the ATV situation in Marble — or rather the solution to the ATV situation in Marble — is complicated. It requires federal, state, county, and municipal cooperation. Marble residents have taken their complaints to the Marble Town Council. In 2018, the Lead King Loop Steering Committee was formed to work with the US Forest Service on management solutions. But, so far, according to Armstrong and other residents, nothing has changed. Gunnison County Commissioner Liz Smith said Tuesday that she

considers the ATV issue to be an urgent problem that has caused her to lose sleep. “The crush of volume of people with the free-for-all OHVs on the Lead King Loop, I don’t know that there’s enough enforcement in the world that can really manage that without a different policy.” She added that community collaboration is key to finding a solution. “When you have all these jurisdictional entities overlapping in this very small place, you need partners to get a long-term solution.” Enforcement was thrown around during the discussion like a football from the county to the US Forest Service (USFS). Can the Gunnison County Sheriff spare a deputy during high-volume days? What about a USFS Law Enforcement Officer? Kevin Warner, District Ranger for the Aspen/Sopris Ranger District, said that no USFS provision separates ATVs from jeeps or other street-legal vehicles on Forest Service roads. He added that a long-term solution would require revising the White River National Forest Travel Management Plan. “It would involve a huge public process,” he explained, including the National Environmental Policy Act process and a new engineering analysis. “The engineering analysis that was done on the road when our travel management plan was first done showed that this route was

This sign was posted at the parking area of the millsite, where the town of Marble designated parking for trailers to unload ATVs. Courtesy photo. safe and intended for all those sizes of vehicles.” The most recent travel management plan for the White River National Forest was completed in 2011 after seven years of work. Warner also said the USFS manages public lands for multiple use and not just for a small public minority that doesn’t like ATVs. “We manage it for everyone.” He added that he wants to collaborate with the public, the town and Colorado Parks and Wildlife, but his authority is limited. After more than an hour of discussion, no signs of any kind of solution were forthcoming. Hence, Jonathan Houck’s silver bullet remark. But, Marble resident Greg Staple believes there are some silver



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buckshot solutions. He told The Sopris Sun in an email that he recently wrote Warner a letter asking what steps the USFS planned to take to deter illegal ATV use up Daniel’s Hill. “I suggested that a temporary emergency [ATV] travel ban on the western end of the Lead King Loop was needed to avoid dangerous trailering of [ATVs] up the hill and illegal parking at the top.” He added that Warner was unresponsive. Locals are worried about Memorial Day, typically a highvolume ATV weekend for Marble. The holiday is three weeks away and there is no solution in sight. More discussion on the Gunnison County Commissioners proposed resolution is set for Tuesday, May 18.



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Neighborly disputes

By Raleigh Burleigh Sopris Sun Editor

At the end of Harmony Lane, four miles up Missouri Heights from El Jebel — or five miles from Highway 82 on Catherine’s Store Road — a small crowd gathered on a pleasant Saturday morning. The meeting consisted of representatives for Ascendigo Autism Services and Missouri Heights residents, along with others curious to know more about the proposed therapeutic summer camp/ranch development. It was the third of such meetings hosted by Ascendigo in response to an outpouring of vocal opposition to their proposal. “We hope the benefits outweigh the impacts,” began Ascendigo Chief Operating Officer Dan Richardson. Almost immediately, residents chimed in to question the benefit that Ascendigo would bring to their neighborhood. Richardson responded, “Laughter and vitality,” and “we’ll improve Harmony,” referring practically to the road in and perhaps aspiring that the metaphor result true as well. For many weeks, neighbors organized as Keep Missouri Heights Rural (KMHR) have written to local newspapers, concerned about impacts including increased fire danger, traffic, noise and light pollution. As drought conditions persist and worsen, perhaps the greatest concern is water. As of May 5, KMHR’s petition had garnered 478 signatures.

The proposal in question includes some 42,000 square feet of constructions across 126.8 acres belonging to the Carbondale-based nonprofit which serves individuals on the autism spectrum. The development is planned to occur in phases over three years: Phase 1 installs a caretaker dwelling unit and equestrian facility; Phase 2 builds out the day camp with a playing field, basecamp building and activity barn; Phase 3 introduces overnight stays with camper and staff lodging; and Phase 4 would add a pond feature and guest cabin. Standing among the neighbors, among aromatic fields of sage, reverence for this land comes easy. One understands the opposition’s determination to protect it. Still, information cited in opposition letters portrays a notably different reality than Ascendigo’s assurances. Ascendigo’s proposal does not involve rezoning per se. Educational use is allowed in the existing rural district by Garfield County if a limited impact review is approved by the commissioners. Nonetheless, the use is clearly different than residential. Campers, as well as most employees, would come and go with a sole caretaker living fulltime on the property. Some neighbors expressed a preference for more homes, versus an operation more akin to a business, belonging to a nonprofit corporation with a multi-million dollar budget.

Another point of concern is whether this proposal truly depicts the “full buildout.” According to Ascendigo, the proposal shows a completed project, including the controversial irrigationfed pond which tour-goers were told is not guaranteed even if the rest of the project receives approval. Perhaps the greatest discrepancy is Ascendigo’s assertion that the properties in question — Whitecloud Ridge (already subdivided into 13 lots on 79.5 acres) and Harmony Heights C (6 acres) and D (41.29 acres) — would otherwise be developed into 21 single family homes, plus two ADUs. This projection, calculated by Robert Schultz Consulting, according to Ascendigo CEO Peter Bell, is a plausible but not imminent scenario. Keep Missouri Heights Rural would sooner cite 13 homes as the figure, erring on the opposite end of possible alternatives. In the words of Missouri Heights resident Kimala Fite, “Studies are only as good as the assumptions they’re based on.” Even given the 23 dwelling unit possibility, neighbor Kirk Hartley points out that Ascendigo’s traffic study assertion of 269 peak-day vehicle trips seems bloated. That’s nearly a dozen vehicle trips per home. Asendigo’s projected peak-day vehicle trips, 210, is based on outlier event days, which they state would occur twice per year with up to 150 people. Otherwise, max capacity is capped at 24 campers and 48

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Ascendigo CEO Peter Bell demonstrates on a map where their proposed development would place buildings. Photo by Raleigh Burleigh. staffers during the summer weeks, with 94 parking spaces across the landscape. Ascendigo says they do not plan to rent the facilities to other groups and will not host conferences. Touring the hills, Ascendigo Director of Development Julie Kaufman clarified another point of confusion. Previously, a consultant with “poor information” stated that hospital services may be needed one to two times per week. In fact, as confirmed by reports reviewed by The Sopris Sun, there have been only three incidents since 2007 at Ascendigo’s summer camps requiring immediate medical attention. Regarding fire danger, neighbor Robert Sardinsky, a 24-year resident of Missouri Heights and 33-year volunteer with Roaring Fork Fire Rescue, challenged Ascendigo to go above and beyond code for fire mitigation. Richardson requested that

Sardinsky provide feedback to make their proposal as “firewise” as possible. Sardinsky complied, “as an interested party, not expert,” and suggested aggressive strategies and prevention plans beginning with construction practices. Ascendigo also stated that their premises would adhere to International Dark-Sky standards, with groundfacing fixtures and motion sensors, to minimize light pollution. Representatives of Ascendigo attributed changes in their proposal, the same that some opposition regards as suspicious, to accommodations made for the sake of being good neighbors and fitting in with the rural peace of Missouri Heights. The conversation is scheduled to begin with Garfield County Commissioners on May 10, followed by another site visit.

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We need native plants and they need us

By Nancy Peterson Special to The Sopris Sun

On March 25, in a unanimous bipartisan vote, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution designating April 2021 as National Native Plant Month. Although the month is behind us, it’s not too late to get behind the resolution. So, what’s a native plant? A Colorado native plant is defined as a plant that existed in our state before European settlement. Today in Colorado, native plants are important because most require little irrigation and less mowing and bloom without fertilizers and pesticides. If that weren’t enough, native plants can provide shelter and food for birds who make our town their home year-round, as well as those moving in to breed and others migrating through in spring and fall. In addition, native plants provide nectar and pollen for pollinators. Where would we be without our pollinators — ants, bees, beetles, butterflies, flies, birds, hummingbirds and moths? Unfortunately, pollinators are declining due to habitat loss, introduction and spread of invasive plants, disease and misuse of pesticides. These factors not only threaten their lives, they threaten us as well. That’s because about 80% of all flowering plants and over 75% of the staple crop plants we eat depend on pollinators. The indigenous Ute were intimately connected to Colorado’s diverse plants, animals and habitats. As the Ute knew, native plants weren’t only beautiful to behold, they were also useful. Not far from Carbondale, you can visit the ethnobotany garden at the Ute Indian Museum in Montrose. The garden focuses on the Ute’s knowledge of native plants for plant classification, cultivation and use as food, medicine and shelter. In the time of the Utes, lawns were unknown. Now, 56 million Americans mow an area eight times the size of New Jersey each week and burn 800 million gallons of gasoline annually using mowers and weed-whackers. These actions contribute to the greenhouse gases that drive global warming. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that more

than 17 million gallons of fuel are spilled annually to refuel lawn equipment. Further, nearly 80 million pounds of pesticides are applied to lawns annually and 10 times more pesticides are used per acre on our lawns than farmers use on crops. Pesticides transported by runoff and wind pollute streams and wetlands miles away. The good news is that with thoughtful plant, shrub and tree choices, your property, planned garden or container planter can provide seeds, insects, shelter and nesting sites for birds. In North America, 96% of all terrestrial bird species feed insects to their young; native birds need native plants and the insects that have coevolved with them. When you plant exotic species with leaves that aren’t palatable to native insects and caterpillars, you eliminate an important food source for birds. When you plant native flowering perennials, you also save time and money. Perennial plants persist for many growing seasons because the top portion usually dies back each winter and regrows the following spring from the same root system. When you plant native ornamental grasses, you create visual beauty year-round. If you don’t cut back some types of flowering perennials and ornamental grasses in the fall, they will provide food for songbirds during winter. Good flowering perennial choices include seed-bearing plants such as Purple Coneflower, Hummingbird Mint, Lavender and perennial Sunflower; good ornamental grass choices include Indian Grass, Little Bluestem, Karl Foerster and Prairie Dropseed. When you purchase plants, make sure they are free of neonicotinoids. These pesticides harm or kill pollinators. Even if plants are labeled as “pollinator plants,” find out if the plants have been treated with neonicotinoids by asking a salesperson or looking at the plant labels. Avoid spraying plants in your garden with insecticides, and never spray the flowers. By using the National Audubon Society’s Native Plant Database, you can easily identify appropriate plants for your garden. And, If you’re participating in Carbondale’s Potted Plants on Main event in May and June, please consider native plants. It’s been three years since my sister and I moved to Hendrick Ranch and built our house on an empty lot. We had the property

The author’s garden comes to life in June, 2020. Photo by Nancy Peterson. professionally landscaped with plants, shrubs and trees that would be attractive and beneficial to birds, bees, butterflies and bugs and not attractive to munching deer. We’re proud that our property recently received Habitat Hero Garden status from Audubon Rockies. If you’re in the neighborhood, stop by, say hello and admire our garden paradise at 905 Melissa Lane. We hope you’ll be inspired!


Continued from page 2

banned, I believe we will be having the same conversation about all of these issues next year because the real issue is a huge increase in visitation to a place that currently lacks the infrastructure to handle it. ATV users are one of the many user groups that would benefit from increased education and enforcement. In the past few months, we’ve heard a handful of people make repeated calls for the outright banning of ATVs in Marble and on CR3. Maybe permit systems, increased development, or outright bans will be needed in the future to manage the visitor boom — as has been implemented in other high-use areas — but I don’t support jumping straight to any of those solutions. I fully support the education and information campaigns planned for this summer, along with the other plans in place to manage

parking and increase enforcement. Kelsy Been Marble

Celebrating educators The Roaring Fork Schools are recognizing May as Staff Appreciation Month. As we celebrate end-of-year achievements for our students and schools, we want to recognize the heroic teachers and staff members who make those successes possible. While we have worked hard over many years to build a world-class school district, nothing makes a bigger difference than the people who work with your children in the classroom, on the playing fields, in the cafeteria and on the school bus. This year, more than at any other time in recent history, the people who work in our schools have

stepped up, taken personal risks, learned new skills, managed health and safety concerns, and made strides in student learning. Every time I read a newspaper headline about “lost learning” in other parts of the country, I feel gratitude for the teachers and staff members who helped our students learn many new skills, knowledge, resilience, perseverance and empathy. Let’s also remember that our teachers and staff members struggle to afford to live and work in our community. While our school district has the third highest cost of living in Colorado, our per-pupil funding ranks 60th. Due to tight fiscal management, we are able to pay our teachers the 37th highest wages in the state, but that’s not enough. So, in addition to sharing gratitude for the people who work with your children, please consider that the time has come for us as a community to step up in the voting booth to contribute to a local solution to the pending wage

A special heartfelt Thank You with Love to Mother, Mammy, and Katie and especially to you Carly, for a job well done! And from Carly to her sweet “Momma" . She was never too old to sit on her lap.

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL YOU MOMS! 970-704-1101 970-704-9101 Fax frosty@frostycpa.com frostycpa.com 1101 Village Road LLA2 Carbondale, Colorado 24 • THE SOPRIS SUN • soprissun.com •May 6 - 12, 2021

JOHN FROST MERRIOT Certified Public Accountant

crisis in our schools. Now more than ever, we appreciate every staff member for making a difference for our students and communities. Personally, and on behalf of the board of education and leadership team of the school district, I want to thank all staff members for making the Roaring Fork Schools a great place to learn. Superintendent Rob Stein Roaring Fork School District

Listen In the night dark trees An Intelligence of owls Tutor their young ones. Jampa Carbondale

Spirals of Gratitude

Espirales de Gratitud

By William Evans

Traducción y foto por Raleigh Burleigh

Respecting source

Respetando fuente

is a way of seeing the world.

es la forma de ver al mundo.

Remembering the life cycle and

Recordando que los ciclos de vida y

water cycle are one - inspires

agua son uno - inspira

dancing and singing

bailando y cantando

in spirals of gratitude

en espirales de gratitud

connecting upstream with downstream.

conectando río arriba con río abajo.

Where living water swirls,

Donde agua viviente se arremolina,

dwells within our cells, is expressed as appreciation -

habita nuestras células, se expresa con aprecio -

we heal our relationships

sanamos nuestros vínculos

in a living world.

en un mundo viviente.

Is this the hour

¿Es este la hora

we have been waiting for?

que hemos esperado?

Sol del el

Our fundraising goal is $35,000!


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Visit: SoprisSun.com/donate Call: 970 -510-0246 Mail: PO Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623 The Sopris Sun is a 501c3 community driven platform. Your donations are tax deductible. THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector •May 6 - 12, 2021 • 25

By Suzie Brady


SUZOKU PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Carbondale Board of Trustees for the purpose of considering a Preliminary/Final Plat to divide a 1.44 acre parcel into two lots. The application proposes to rezone the northerly lot (Lot 1) to the Commercial/Retail/Wholesale zone district and the southerly lot (Lot 2) to the Mixed-Use zone district. A bank with a drive-through service window is then proposed on Lot 1. This requires an Administrative Site Plan Review for the bank and a Special Use Permit for the drive-through. Lot 2 would remain undeveloped under this proposal. The property is located west of Highway 133, just south of the City Market Fueling Station. The bank would be across the highway from the Sopris Shopping Center. The owner is ANB (Koger Propsi, CEO and President). The applicant is Doug Pratte, The Land Studio, Inc. Said Public Hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. on May 25, 2021. You may watch a live streaming of the meeting on You Tube. Search Town of Carbondale May 25, 2021 meeting. Please be aware that you will experience a 15-30 second delay. If you would like to submit comments regarding this application, email your comments or letter to msikes@carbondaleco.net by 3:00 pm on May 25, 2021. This email or letter will be entered into the record. If you would like to comment during the meeting, email msikes@carbondaleco.net with your full name and address by 3:00 pm on May 25, 2021. You will receive instructions on joining the meeting online prior to 6:00 p.m. Also, you may contact msikes@carbondaleco.net

to get a phone number to listen to the meeting, however, you will be unable to make comments. Wifi will be available in the lobby of Town Hall and a phone will also be available in the lobby for the public to listen to the meeting. Please email Janet Buck at jbuck@carbondaleco. net or call 970/510-1208 by 3:00 p.m. the date of the public hearing if special accommodations are necessary to participate in the meeting. Copies of the proposed application are available on the Town's website at www.carbondalegov.org. Please contact msikes@carbondaleco.net if you are unable to view the application on the Town's website and would like to request an alternate method of review. Janet Buck Town Planner PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN hat a Public Hearing will be held before the Carbondale Board of Trustees for the purpose of considering an application for a Site Plan Review and Variance Request to exceed the 35-foot building height limit by two feet, or 37 feet. The Site Plan Review is subject to the provisions of the Annexation Agreement between the Town of Carbondale and the Carbondale and Rural Fire Protection District recorded at Reception # 663047 and Ordinance No. 19 Series of 2004 recorded at Reception # 663049. The property is located at Parcel A of the lot line adjustment plat of Parcel A, Smith Exemption Property and Lot 2B, the North Face Base Camp Subdivision Exemption plat – recorded October 18, 2006 at Reception # 684636 The proposal is to construct a fire training facility consisting of a multi-use Training Building and associated training infrastructure. The applicant and owner is the Carbondale and

Rural Fire Protection District. Said Public Hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. on May 25, 2021. You may watch a live streaming of the meeting on You Tube. Search Town of Carbondale meeting May 25, 2021. Please be aware that you will experience a 15-30 second delay. If you would like to submit comments regarding this application, email your comments or letter to msikes@carbondaleco.net by 3:00 pm on May 25, 2021. This email or letter will be entered into the record. If you would like to comment during the meeting, email msikes@carbondaleco.net with your full name and address by 3:00 pm on May 25, 2021. You will receive instructions on joining the meeting online prior to 6:00 p.m. Also, you may contact msikes@carbondaleco.net to get a phone number to listen to the meeting, however, you will be unable to make comments. Wifi will be available in the lobby of Town Hall and a phone will also be available in the lobby for the public to listen to the meeting. Please email Janet Buck at jbuck@carbondaleco. net or call 970/510-1208 by 3:00 p.m. the date of the public hearing if special accommodations are necessary to participate in the meeting. Copies of the proposed application are available on the Town’s website at www.carbondalegov.org. Please contact msikes@carbondaleco.net if you are unable to view the application on the Town’s website and would like to request an alternate method of review. John Leybourne Planner

Lighthouse Barber by Larry Day.


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More Mommies & Babies! In this year of inclusivity, photographer Jane Bachrach thought it appropriate to honor other mothers on this Mother's Day too. And we agreed! Happy Mother's Day (again) from The Sopris Sun! Photos by Jane Bachrach.

THE SOPRIS SUN • Your weekly community connector •May 6 - 12, 2021 • 27

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