January 19, 2012

Page 1


Fingering the snow



Library update

School commentary


Sopris Carbondale’s

weekly, non-profit newspaper


Volume 3, Number 49 | January 19, 2012

Band of Heathens return Band of Heathens drummer John Chipman gives a variation of “thumbs up” to the sound man during a sound check before the band’s Jan. 13 show at PAC3. For more on what goes on before a PAC3 show, please turn to page 7. Jane Bachrach photo

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Carbondale Commentary The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, e-mail editor Lynn Burton at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.

e Sopris Sun and the Village at Crystal River As a community-supported, non-profit newspaper, we feel it is our duty to our readers to be as objective as possible. From the beginning of the Sopris Sun in February 2009, we decided that we would provide a venue for all facets and opinions of the community. Our goal is to respect all opinions. By taking an editorial stand on the Village at Crystal River (VCR) we risk losing that objectivity and your trust. Speaking of trust, since the VCR issue has come up, we hope that you have noticed that our approach has been to present both sides of the issue as fairly as possible. We understand the VCR developer has proposed a development that is not allowed under current zoning. There are many who support the developer’s proposal. We also understand that there are those who view the VCR PIF as a tax burden and a poor fit for Carbondale. Most of all, we appreciate the Town Trustees giving the residents of Carbondale the

opportunity to vote on this issue. We encourage everyone to reach an informed opinion and then vote. Whichever way this vote turns out, we are privileged to live in one of the most desirable places on earth. We will manage to survive this and live together and continue to treasure all that makes Carbondale so unique. It is, after all, the people who live here and who contribute to the social fabric that makes this the community that is the envy of other towns. In February, the Sopris Sun will have its third birthday as an independent newspaper and we will invite everyone, no matter how you voted on the VCR, to come and celebrate with us. Details to follow.

The Sopris Sun Board of Directors

The Sun asked the mayor The Sopris Sun wishes to clear up a major misconception concerning Carbondale Mayor Stacey Bernot’s Jan. 12 guest opinion titled “General Fund trends downward.” Some in the Locals for Smarter Growth camp think Bernot approached The Sopris Sun, asking to write the guest opinion. That’s not correct. Sopris Sun Editor Lynn Burton asked Bernot to write the guest opinion. While we’re at it, the headline on Bernot’s guest opinion was also his: “General Fund trends downward.” And while we’re really at it, trustees Frosty Merriott and Pam Zentmyer asked to write a guest opinion in this week’s Sopris Sun and we accorded them that opportunity. ••• Town manager Jay Harrington also logs in with a clarification concerning last week’s page 3 article about community funding requests. He states: “Just a quick clarification, the Town allocated $36,550 in non-profit funding from the recreation sales and use tax, not $156,050. That number included $4,500 in Vale funding, $80,000 from the general fund, $25,000 from the water fund and $10,000 from the waste water fund.”


Carbondale finances not “trending down” By Frosty Merriott and Pam Zentmyer Clearly one can always look at a glass as being half full or half empty. We choose to see it as half full and take some issue with last week’s headline,“General Fund trends downward” based on some observations. The year 2008’s General Fund Reserve was $3.1million, 2009’s was $4.3 million, 2010’s was $4.8million, and 2011’s was $4.8 million. The year 2012’s is projected at $4.7million. The 2012 budget holds sales tax revenue (which makes up 60 percent of our budgeted revenue) steady from 2011 despite a significant up-tick in September (8.7 percent), October (3 percent), November (4.5 percent), and December (6 percent) collections. In fact, our sales tax collections seem to be trending upward from 2011. Not yet significant, but up none-the-less for the first time in years. Additionally, we have budgeted our extractive mitigation fees conservatively and could get twice-fold what we budgeted. Do we have some long-term capital budget issues? Yes, however we have a very healthy reserve fund at $4.7 million despite going through the Great Recession. We currently sit with nearly a year of expenses in reserve. Generally Accepted Accounting

Principles suggest that a town should have at least a three-month reserve and TABOR requires only 2 percent! For this we should be proud, yet cautious and mindful of our spending — which this board has certainly been. Recently we considered purchasing a vacant lot downtown, but chose not to make an offer. The parcel has since been purchased and a lease has been arranged with the town so that we may continue to enjoy the park as a public space. With our laddered investments only returning roughly 1 percent, investment in land could be a wise choice. The land could always be sold if we needed the money or built upon if we ever needed expansion of town services. Or it could simply STAY A PARK and continue as an asset to our community! We as, many Carbondalians, are still believers in the value of grass and trees. Yes, our capital construction fund is at $20,031. To solve this now, we could move $1 million out of our general fund and still have a healthy reserve fund by anyone’s standards. The Streetscape Fund is projected to be $449,000 at the end of 2012 and projected to take in $182,000 a year for the next nine years for a total of about $1.6 million. This money will be utilized to help build the new library and to improve

Highway 133 and downtown. In a recent meeting with the Garfield County commissioners there was county interest in working collaboratively on infrastructure expenditures such as the library and our new Gateway Park. Hopefully we will be able to leverage our Streetscape and General Fund monies to accomplish significant capital construction over the coming years. Do we have long-term capital issues? Some. Are we “broke” and trending down? We say emphatically, NO! Let’s embark on a visioning process to identify and quantify our deferred maintenance needs, finish prioritizing our capital expenditures and implement a long-term plan. Giving away the versatility to raise our sales taxes by 1 percent to buy a roundabout we don’t need is not a solution to our long-term capital problems. Please continue to study the data for yourself to reach your own conclusions, ask questions and by all means continue to support your local, neighbor owned establishments throughout our amazing little town. Frosty Merriott and Pam Zentmyer are members of the Carbondale Board of Trustees.

The Sopris Sun encourages commentaries on local issues from our readers. Please keep your commentary local and keep it to 700 words, then dispatch it to news@soprissun.com or P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. Don’t forget to tell us your name, phone number, where you live and any other pertinent information about yourself. 2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012

To inform, inspire and build community Donations accepted online or by mail. For information call 510-3003 Editor: Lynn Burton • 510-3003 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Bob Albright • 970-927-2175 bob@soprissun.com Photographer/Writer: Jane Bachrach Ad/Page Production: Terri Ritchie Paper Boy: Cameron Wiggin Webmaster: Will Grandbois Sopris Sun, LLC Managing Board of Directors: Peggy DeVilbiss • David Johnson Allyn Harvey • Colin Laird Laura McCormick • Trina Ortega Jean Perry • Elizabeth Phillips Frank Zlogar

Sopris Sun, LLC • P.O. Box 399 520 S. Third Street #35 Carbondale, CO 81623

970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Visit us on facebook.com Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun is an LLC organized under the 501c3 non-profit structure of the Roaring Fork Community Development Corporation.

New food group plans to spur local production By Angela Paulone Sopris Sun Correspondent During the Foodie Summit at Rock Bottom Ranch this past October, an idea was created: to begin a Food Policy Council in the Roaring Fork Valley. It seemed to Gwen Garcelon and Dawne Vrabel that this valley needed more self-reliance and a way to collaborate with other people/groups that focus on local, slow food and sustainability. It seemed there was a need to organize such groups with an overarching vision and strategy. Using Dawne’s imagery, the idea of a council would be like Penn Station in New York City: a place to gather and focus

on the value of coming together. This budding grassroots council consists of these two women, Gwen and Dawne, and is strictly on a volunteer basis presently. Their purpose is fairly clear though: to organize advocacy and to have a common intention to increase capacity to produce local food. They began thinking that we, as people of the valley, of Colorado, of the United States and of the world, need to start looking at our priorities. They felt that a group needed to exist to create more economic viabil-

cuss the council’s projects. Beginning in February, the Roaring Fork Food Policy Council and the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute will be at the Basalt Library the third Wednesday of the month from 5:30-7 p.m. conducting organizational meetings and classes about sustainable gardening. The council’s future goals for the Roaring Fork Valley are: • to stabilize a transparent, centralized community-based structure; • to acquire complete food secu— Dawne Vrabel rity; • to provide extended growing seasons; ity within the food system. • and to maintain a grassroots economic “Local is not a fad anymore,”said Vrabel. “People are becoming more aware of development and ultimately, self-reliance. One local foodie pointed out that community,” Garcelon added. “Real security comes from relying on each other.” Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his essay entiOne project they have in mind is food- tled “Self-reliance,” states: “There is a time shed mapping. According to the in every man’s education when he arrives foodroutes.org Web site, a food shed is at the conviction that envy is ignorance; “similar to the concept of a watershed: that imitation is suicide; that he must take while watersheds outline the flow of himself for better, for worse, as his porwater supplying a particular area, food- tion; that though the wide universe is full sheds outline the flow of food feeding a of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed particular area. “Your foodshed encompasses the farm, on that plot of ground which is given to your table and everything in between,” him to till.” The key word for the Food Policy says the food routes’ Web site. The Roaring Fork Food Policy Council Council seems to be “collaboration.” intends to construct a food assessment, a Garcelon said, “Collaboration is central to mapping of the valley to see what it is maximize potential of the already brilliant producing, to see what’s missing and to fill work done by the highly passionate and in the gaps. Basically, it’s taking a picture intelligent people of this valley.” Vrabel added, “We’re in this for the long of where valley residents can access locally grown food, including geographical haul. Food is your vital force and makes you happy. It’s a cliché, but it’s true: you are and human resources. Upcoming events where the council what you eat and when we connect with will be present are Colorado Mountain food we reconnect with ourselves, our comCollege’s TEDx Conference on Jan. 21. munity and our environment. It creates an There will be a local community food incredible sustainable feedback of that life forum from 2-4 p.m., open to all to dis- cycle.”

“We’re in this for the long haul. Food is your vital force and makes you happy.”

Wilderness Workshop presents Aldo Leopold film on Jan. 25 Sopris Sun Staff Report

On Jan. 15, The Sopris Sun set out to determine the snow depth at the Spring Gulch Nordic trail system southwest of town. The conclusion? The deepest snow reached to the middle knuckle on an old geezer’s index finger. A snowstorm early this week added to the pack and might have even covered a crusty cow pie (not shown here) near the picnic tables. Despite the scant snow, determined grooming efforts have apparently made parts of the area skiable. Spring Gulch officials were not available for comment. Photo and finger by Lynn Burton

The Wilderness Workshop presents “The Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time” at the Third Street Center at 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 25. There’s no charge for admittance. The screening is part of the Wilderness Workshop’s free Naturalist Nights speaker series. The film examines Leopold’s thinking, renewing his idea of a land ethic for a population facing 21st century ecological challenges. “Green Fire” describes the formation of Leopold’s idea, exploring how it changed one man and later permeated through all arenas of conservation. Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) is best known to some for proposing the “wilderness area” philosophy on public lands, although others give credit to Arthur Carhart for his plan at Trapper’s Lake on the Flat Tops north of Glenwood Springs in the 1920s. “The film challenges viewers to contemplate their own relationship with the land community,” said a Wilderness Workshop spokesman. The film also features commentary and insight from some of today’s most recognized scholars and conservation leaders, including three of Aldo Leopold’s children, noted environmental writers, scientists, humanities experts, public policy leaders, business leaders and leaders of non-profit groups inspired by Leopold. The Naturalist Nights series is jointly presented by the Carbondale-based Wilderness Workshop, the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies and the Roaring Fork Audubon Society. For more information, contact the Wilderness Workshop at 963-3977. The film will also be screened at the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 26. THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012 • 3

Carbondale trustees consider riding arena lights By Lynn Burton Sopris Sun Staff Writer The Carbondale Board of Trustees talked lights at the riding arena on Tuesday night; on Jan. 24 they’ll discuss Main Street closures for special events. First, the lights. A memo from Recreation Director Jeff Jackel listed three possible upgrades for the Gus Darien Riding Arena: • re-lighting the arena with “green” technology (that produces less light pollution); • installing a new set of bleachers on the north side of the arena; • building a covered roof on the new bleachers on the south side. Jackel said Garfield County might provide some funds for arena upgrades under the auspices of economic development. The total cost for lights, covered bleachers and new bleachers comes to $158,000. Besides Garfield County funding, the town can also apply for state GOCO grants. The trustees in attendance Tuesday night (Mayor Stacey Bernot, John Hoffmann, John Foulkrod, Elizabeth Murphy and Pam Zentmyer) seemed most interested in upgrading the lights. Referring to lighting at the Carbondale Wild West Rodeo, Jackel said “safety is a big concern.” He said the existing lights create shadows, and horses sometimes almost go over the fence. “I’ve heard the lighting is poor from a contestant’s point,” he said.

“Would we see increased times in team roping?” Foulkrod asked. In other action from Tuesday night: Town clerk Cathy Derby told the trustees 700 voters (25 percent) have cast mail-in ballots in the Village at Crystal River special election, which ends Jan. 31. She said the final turnout could be 60 percent. “That’s a pretty good turnout,” she said. Sonoran Institute Project Manager John Lavey presented trustees with plans for its Garfield County Community Development Academy (Feb. 20-April 16). According to a Sonoran Institute memo, the academy is “an engaging and interactive 8-week course that brings together local officials, civic and business leaders, and active citizens interested in promoting quality development in their community.” The trustees made no commitment to send anyone to the academy. As for the upcoming Jan. 24 meeting, the trustees will hear recommendations from the Special Events Committee for the following Main Street closures this year: • May 4 from 6 to 8 p.m. between Third and Fourth streets for a lulubelle fashion show; • Sept. 9 from 1 to 10 p.m. between Third and Fourth Street for the Pour House’s Community Appreciation Night; • Sept. 22 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. for a criterion bike race organized by Aloha Mountain Cyclery; • Dec. 7 from 4 to 9 p.m. between Fourth and Weant for Light Up Carbondale. The suspect is described as a 45 to 55 year old Hispanic male, with brown eyes, brown hair.



The Glenwood Springs Police Department is looking for any information on the whereabouts or identity of the suspect pictured at right. This male is wanted for questioning regarding a Sex Assault on a child, which occurred on December 25, 2011 at the El Horizonte Restaurant in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.

Crime Stoppers of Garfield County and the Glenwood Springs Police Department are searching for information that will lead to the arrest and or indictment of the suspect or suspects involved in this case. Remain anonymous and earn up to $1,000 by calling:

970-945-0101 or visiting www.garcocrimestoppers.com and clicking “Report a Tip” Tab. “Let’s solve this case”

The Sopris Sun provided space for this Crime Stoppers message.

Carbondale Police Department is now accepting applications for the position of POLICE OFFICER We are looking for a highly motivated individual who will enjoy working in a TEAM/ Community Policing environment. Ability to work shift work, weekends and holidays a must. We offer an excellent benefit package. Must be Colorado POST certified. Spanish and college are a plus! Applicants must be at least 21 years old, have or ability to obtain a valid Colorado driver’s license and no felony convictions. Applicants must complete background checks and participate in a ride-along program. Send resume and references to Carbondale Police Department, 511 Colorado Ave., #911, Carbondale, CO 81623 or to Sgt. Chris Wurtsmith, cwurtsmith@carbondaleco.net, or for an application and further information, go to www.carbondalegov.org. Deadline is 'FCSVBSZ , 201 at 5:00 p.m.

4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012

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Cop Shop

The following events are drawn from incident reports of the Carbondale Police Department. Jan. 13 at 12:02 a.m. police assisted EMS with a heroin overdose in the Hendrick Ranch sub-division. Jan. 13 A white terrier named Dino continues to elude police in the vicinity of Mancos and Morrison. Jan. 14 at 4:33 a.m. a resident called police and said he’d locked the keys in his car. An officer was able to open the car door. Jan. 14 at 11:51 p.m. a black Hummer H3 took off with out paying for $25.71 worth of gas at 7/Eleven. Jan. 15 at 11:48 p.m. police officers contacted two men in a Dodge pickup truck at the Villas de Santa Lucia apartments. The men said they work for a car booting company and were on the lookout for vehicles without parking permits. The police report concluded “Everything was okay.” Jan. 16 at 7:10 a.m. and 7:59 a.m. police responded to a pair of twovehicle accidents. There were no injuries. Jan. 16 at 9:28 p.m. dispatch received a report of females yelling at each other in the vicinity of Roaring Fork High School. Officers responded and found some high school girls who said they were just playing around and yelling. Jan. 17 at 5:33 a.m. a resident on 11th Street called police and asked for an officer to drive by. An officer drove by but did not see anything suspicious. Police were unable to reach the caller.

Gordon Cooper Library design beginning to take shape By Lynn Burton Sopris Sun Staff Writer The Garfield County Library District held its third and final open house to explain and receive input on the new Gordon Cooper Library, slated for construction at Third Street and Sopris Avenue later this year. The Carbondale Planning and Zoning Commission’s first public hearing about the library is Feb. 16. The following e-mail questions were put to project architect Andrea Korber, Garfield County Library District Director Amelia Shelley, and project planning consultant Mark Chain.

Question: Does the building have a main feature? Korber: It’s a building with four fronts, so there really isn’t a back. There is also a wonderful main space with a Mount Sopris view that will be a singularly Carbondale experience. Shelley: I think the building will offer both an indoor and outdoor experience for users, an expansive space inside and out.

Q: What’s the orientation? Will there be big windows facing Mount Sopris? Korber: There are big windows facing Mount Sopris. The main public entrance faces Sopris Avenue. Shelley: We believe it’s important to have a presence on Sopris Avenue for identity but want to keep it muted since we are in a residential setting.

Q: How does the entrance work?

should emulate. any thoughts on this one?

Korber: It is under a covered porch along Sopris Avenue. That porch can be entered from the street, the parking lot or from Third Street. There is also a patio to the south of the library. It will face the lawn that the library shares with the old school. There is a roof overhang that covers part of it. Shelley: There’s also a planned sculpture garden on the Third Street side to soften the building’s presence to the neighborhood to the east.

Chain: It is important to note that the Basalt library is in a very different location. The Carbondale site sits at the edge of an older, historic neighborhood, and is halfway along the Third Street Corridor between the Third Street Center and downtown/Main Street. Existing character must be respected, both in terms of the residential neighborhood and the historic RE-1 building. The Basalt library is removed from downtown, is not adjacent to historic residential areas or population centers and is in a heavily trafficked area.

Q: Not meaning to create a controversy here, but will any of those gigantic spruce trees to the south be cut down to open up Mount Sopris views? Korber: There are some spruces that will likely be cut down because of the building footprint. Likely two spruces will be removed.

Q: What will P&Z consider during the review process? Chain: The submittal requirements are for “conceptual” building elevations. The design is always reviewed in these matters but is usually not the main focus of such reviews. Parking is always a concern, for better or worse. In this case, I believe the P&Z will stick more to the library’s relationship to existing neighborhoods and massing, as well as the height and other zoning criteria.

Q: at the Jan. 12 open house, some folks pointed to the new Basalt library as something Carbondale

Q: The architects of the new Glenwood library ran afoul of the town council over their “modern” design. Does Carbondale’s new library design have a name? Korber: The Glenwood library is part of a larger project with a downtown multi-story parking deck, and has a bunch of associated planning issues with which it contends. It’s located in a dense downtown site, and just quite different from the Carbondale situation. The Carbondale library’s architecture doesn’t really have a name. Contextual, responsive design is a goal though. Shelley: The Glenwood project is in a historic district and has been asked to adhere to particular design guidelines as enforced by the city. The Carbondale project has more freedom to create a very different sort of structure while respecting the surrounding residential neighborhood and the historic school building. The goals of the two projects are quite different although the size is similar.

Roaring Fork boys and girls notched wins on their home court on Jan. 13 against Basalt with scores of 57-29 for the guys and 57-33 for the gals. Shown here are Johnny Nieslanik (left) and Maddie Nieslanik (right). The girls won their game against Coal Ridge the following afternoon 65-34, while the boys fell 53-43. Next up, both teams play Rifle at home on Jan. 20 (5:30 p.m. girls/7 p.m. boys) and Cedaredge at home on Jan. 21 (2:30 p.m. girls/4 p.m. boys). Photos by Sue Rollyson THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012 • 5


Send your scuttlebutt to news@SoprisSun.com.

Walkin’ your dog

tia Brown and Jesse Compos. The competition went from Nov. 28-Dec. 12. A big chunk of that 1,153 came from CMS student Tanner Korn (who brought in 118 cans that he bought with his allowance). Sue Feeney’s group brought in 383 items of non-perishable goods.

Folks who walk their small dogs at the Delaney dog park take note. A regular walker reports spotting a pair of coyotes patrolling the property at around 8 a.m. on a recent morning. The coyotes were last seen trotting east through the Nieslanik cattle pasture. Folks might remember that last year on the Rio Grande Trail in Aspen a small dog came out on the losing end of an encounter with some coyotes.

Overheard in the bar Upon learning that John Huntsman was giving up his run at the Republican nomination for president, a Carbondale political pundit had this to say after getting up from his barstool at the Pour House earlier this week. “I am bummed ... Huntsman speaks Chinese and if the Chinese are going to be telling us what to do, we need someone in the White House who understands what they are saying.”

Wussow joins Green Line Green Line Architects of Carbondale recently hired long-time local Jeremy Wussow as a new architectural staff member. Wussow is happy to be back: “As long time local residents, my family and I are very excited to reestablish our connection to the Roaring Fork Valley.” Wussow comes to Green Line with more than13 years of experience with Rudd construction. The next four months of working as an architectural intern will fulfill the requirements for his degree (a bachelor in environmental design at Montana State University in Bozeman). Once he receives the undergraduate degree, he will begin MSU’s year-long master of architecture degree program, which he hopes to complete by May 2013).

How cold?

Piano classes

The Carbondale Board of Trustees recognized Students of the Month on Jan. 12 and they are (left to right): Omar Gomez, Emily Wilson and Foster Hayes. Not shown is Mariela Martinez. Photo by Lynn Burton

It was so cold on Missouri Heights on Monday night, a resident reports her goats refused to even stick their nose out of their cozy goathouse and they had to be fed breakfast in bed.

Good goin’ Carbondale Middle School students donated 1,153 cans of food to Lift-Up during the holidays thanks to several competitions organized by Chelsey Serrano, Lilli Smalls, Por-

The Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities starts piano classes under instructor Laurel Sheehan on Jan. 19, continuing through March 8. For details, call Sheehan at 963-7411.

Free TV Someone out there has a 27 inch Sony TV they’ll give away. For details, call 963-3861.

They say it’s your birthday Locals celebrating their birthday this week include: Lois Hayes (Jan. 19), Audrey Ahumada, Olivia Emery and John Smollen (Jan. 20), Karen Jammeron, Jeremiah Bernat and Dick Howard (Jan. 21), Tom Penzel and Awnee Montano (Jan. 22), Ted Kauffman, Cinday Weaver, Shelle de Beque and Tom Adgate (Jan. 23), Phil Harris, Susanne Shrimp and Peggy Chain (Jan. 24). Belated birthday greetings go out to Michael Hassig (Jan. 14).


BRAND NEW MERCHANDISE AT DISCOUNT PRICES! Open Daily 11AM - 7PM, Sundays Noon to 5PM ACCESSORIZE WITH LABELS! Come check out our scarf bar with scarves from Italy and Handbags by Kate Spade, Coach, Vera Bradley, Brighton, Brahmin, Cole Haan and more! And don't forget to ask about our RADS sale of the day! 6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012

Clockwise: Ed Jurdi (Band of Heathens); Hap Harriman (Mile Markers); Joshua Cain (roadie); Ben Oldham (Mile Markers mascot); John, Ed and Trevor (Band of Heathens).

Sound check PAC3 was bustling late Friday afternoon during the sound check, when the Band of Heathens, the Mile Markers and sound engineers were setting and adjusting instrument and vocal levels. Meanwhile, crew members were dressing mannequins and kids were checking things out. The concert took place later that evening with the Mile Markers kicking off the evening’s performance, followed by Carbondale favorites from Austin Texas — the Band of Heathens. Photos by Jane Bachrach

THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012 • 7

e purpose driven butterfly By Angela Paulone Sopris Sun Correspondent Do you ever wonder how you cope with the stresses and tribulations of today’s society? How do we stay positive and develop a healthy self esteem? Bella Dodds may have the answer. Bella Dodds, a stress specialist who lives in Basalt, aids people in identifying the blocks in their life and helps transform their energy into purpose and empowerment. Through her experience, she became inspired to write a book. This book, “The Butterfly Story,” began as an idea four years ago. Dodds said she was inspired by the message of the butterfly: “Part of their life transformation is through their struggle — no one can do it for them, they have to struggle on their own. But challenges are okay; they’re a part of life and they become the next step.” Dodds’ intent was to translate that idea of struggle into empowering messages, mainly for children, but ultimately for people of all ages. Her hope is that this book shows how to gain tools in creating opportunities to transform. This is her first book and with the excitement of its debut she is hoping that the message will be clear: “Each of us has unique gifts which we grow into. The world needs us to be our best selves.” Her favorite part of the book is when the main character, a caterpillar, goes on a journey and sees the stars for the first time. While in awe and still discovering more, the caterpillar begins to ask what purpose she has. She meets a great tree that tells her not to underestimate herself, that she’s important and that she has something to add to the world. The hardest part of writing this book for Dodds was the challenge of making it accessible to children but not dumbed down. “When you’re inspired by something, it overwhelms you; how do you translate that?” In writing this book, she has learned to stick with one main theme, to take a whole day for herself in nature and to stay away from technology. Stories have their own energy, and in order to stick with it, she needs a lot of time. Within her time, her story developed first and then her illustrations. The inspiration for her artistry was her characters. “Each character has a unique quality and energy that they reveal. I wanted the illustrations to be bold, brilliant, and dynamic, to be little pieces of art.” In following the theme of challenges and triumphs, her illustrations stay true to those ideas: black and white for the challenges and vibrant colors for achievements. When asked her advice for young writers, Dodds states, “Pursue what you are 100 percent inspired by because you need to be dedicated. You need to love it so you don’t get sick of it.” She also wants people to understand that “The Butterfly Story” is “a book that creates a conversation between kids and parents. It is something that has substance to teach kids empowering ideas.” Bella Dodds will be promoting her book around the Roaring Fork Valley, beginning with a book launch on Jan. 20 at The Gathering Place (on Snowmass Drive) at 6 p.m.

Brad Moore ran through his lines last week during a rehearsal for “Unmarried in America: Prop 8 on Trial.” Others in the play include: Chris Alleman, Josh Blanchard, Raleigh Burleigh, Patrick Bondy, Jeff Carlson, Jimmy Coates, Tom Cochran, Summer Thomas Cole, Ellie Davis, Charlie Deford, Ryan Fleming, Cindy Hines, Maureen Jackson, China Kwan and Wendy Tennis. A staged reading of the Kristin Carlson play, directed by Wendy Moore, will be presented at the Wheeler Opera House in Aspen at 7 p.m. on Jan. 19 as part of Gay Ski Week. Photo by Lynn Burton 8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012


The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 400 words. Letters exceeding that length may be edited or returned for revisions. Include your name and residence (for publication) and a contact email and phone number. Submit letters via email to letters@soprissun.com or via snail mail to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623.

Show us an idea Dear Editor: I have read almost every letter from both sides on the Village at Crystal river debate. I would like to see one smart growth idea from the self-acclaimed“smarter growth”side. Just one serious idea, that’s all. You have had 12 years, and all you’ve said is no, no, no. First it was NO big box, then NOT that store, and then, that is NOT what is good for us. Why don’t you just be honest and say what you are, citizens for NO growth. The say yes group wants to move forward with something positive for the town. “Smarter Growth” just says no, no and no. Ask some local merchants and trades people if they are better off than they were four years ago. Some of you recognize the problem and are trying to help with occasional cash mobs. That’s noble, but it only helps one merchant for one night, and is not a longterm solution for the town. What we need to do is to say yes to Carbondale and do something positive instead of chanting the 12-year old mantra of no, no, no. Twelve years of no is enough. It’s time for yes, yes, yes. Bill Grant Carbondale

Beloved townspeople Dear Editor: Tonight coming home from my job at the monastery, I heard an interesting piece of information on the local news at 5 p.m. on KDNK. Disclosures on monies raised by both the No group and the Yes group for the VCR proposal were that the No group had raised $4,500 and had spent $3,000 of that. I was one of the locals that contributed our $25 check to support the smarter growth people. It was disclosed that the Yes group had raised $30,000 contributed by the Crystal River Development and had spent it all. This sounds like the developer is pretty desperate. I am a mother of nine, four of which live here in Carbondale, as do some of our grandchildren. None of us can vote yes on this project. We moved here in 1984 and the amount of smart growth that we have seen take place in Carbondale is a tribute to a town of 5,000. How many non-profits do we have? How many incredible restaurants do we have? What other town has a Third Street Center? What other town has a Crystal Theater? Open your eyes and see what we have. This is why we feel we live in the most incredible town in the universe. This is why my vote is a resounding no to VCR. Love and peace to all, Patricia L. Johnson Carbondale

yes on VCR Dear Editor: I have been following the Village at Crystal River for several years and attended many meetings. I have heard comments saying VCR is not right for Carbondale. The property is zoned commercial. Commercial as shown in the town regulations includes markets. The comment, “we don’t need a new City Market,”

has been stated by several from the group against the VCR project. Has anyone asked City Market? Yes, the developer did and City Market believes they need a new store to compete with Whole Foods. What are the chances that once Whole Foods opens, City Market can’t compete with their existing store and they close? Maybe the question that needs to be asked is, do you want a new City Market or no City Market? A company would not spend money to build a new store unless they believe it is necessary. I stopped at the new City Market in Grand Junction yesterday for gas. The price was $2.89 per gallon. With my City Market card discount, I paid $2.59. That savings makes the PIF look pretty small. We are all paying a PIF or tax now and it doesn’t matter where you shop. At least the PIF at the new City Market pays for infrastructure improvements in Carbondale rather than infrastructure in Glenwood Springs or El Jebel when you shop there and pay tax and fees to them. If I were allowed to vote, I would vote to approve the VCR project.The property is not going to be a Frisbee park or greenhouses. It is commercial – and there many other commercial uses much worse than a market. Read the town regulations showing what could go on the property and you will then understand a market is a pretty good option. Rockwood Shepard Highway 133

Ideal for growing Dear Editor: My family lived on the Bar Fork Ranch in the 1940s and 50s. I was pleased that Shorty and Patsy Pabst enabled John and Ann Holden to found the Colorado Rocky Mountain School in 1953. My 60+ years of interest in the ranch impels me to speak out on the proposed plans for the southeast 25 acres. That land comes with senior (1880s) water rights and its proximity to Carbondale makes it an ideal location for community fruit orchards and vegetable gardens. Highway 133 was never intended to be part of Carbondale: it is a state highway connecting Highway 82 to Paonia, and is controlled by the Highway Department. Those who would like to see it become a swishy suburban boulevard will be frustrated for several decades. The City Market is a fine facility at its present location. The employees work hard, and are helpful and friendly. It is in the top 1 or 2 percent of all supermarkets on the planet. Access to town is via a traffic light and convenient distance. The proposal to locate a new market further from town and away from a traffic signal makes no sense; a traffic circle is dumb and dangerous for nonmotorized traffic, especially when one has groceries and small children. Considering the economy, asking shoppers to subsidize a private development is an insult to their intelligence. I urge you to not approve the destruction of that field. Charles Moore Satank

Vote NO to a sales job

I'm a salesman. I'm selling a story.

– Rich Schierburg, Developer of Village at Crystal River

We find it doubtful that many valleywide folks will adjust their shopping trips to visit VCR... it seems to us that the developer stands to gain the most, and the benefits to the community are negligible.

– The Aspen Daily News, endorsing a NO vote on VCR

Don’t buy into a raw deal, Carbondale

Please vote NO on the VCR Paid for by Locals for Smarter Growth • 837 Sopris Ave • Craig Silberman, Treasurer

LETTERS page 13 THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012 • 9

Community Calendar To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is 5 p.m. Saturday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted. For up-to-the-minute valley-wide event listings, check out the Community Calendar online at soprissun.com. View and submit events online at soprissun.com/calendar.

THURSDAY Jan. 19 FILM SCREENING • “Thrive!” is shown at the Third Street Center from 7 to 9 p.m. The documentary shows how money affects peoples’ lives. The film is co-presented by A Spiritual Center, Davi Nikent, GreenWeaver, HighLife Unlimited, Sustainable Settings and True Nature Healing Arts. Advance tickets are $5 at highlifeunlimited.com/store/. THIRD THURSDay • The Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities presents a talk/demonstration by Sweet Rubys Chocloates owner Rochelle Norwood. Hand altered hemp tank top shirts by Jenna Bradford (of the Carbondale SEWOP) will also be offered for sale. The whole thing goes from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Third Street Center. Info: 963-1680. THEaTRE • In conjunction with Gay Ski Week in Aspen, a reading of the play “Unmarried in America: Prop 8 on Trial” is presented at 7 p.m. at the Wheeler Opera House. The reading is produced by Stage Aspen in association with Colorado Mountain College and the Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities. Tickets are $20 at 920-5770. ROTaRy • The Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at noon at Mi Casita.

FRIDAY Jan. 20 MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre presents

“Hugo” (PG) at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 20-26 and “Young Adult” (R) at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 20-22. SKaTE PaRTy • The town of Carbondale throws a skating party from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Gus Darien rodeo arena east of town on County Road 100. There’ll be a bonfire to keep everyone warm, hot dogs and marshmallows to roast and lots of hot chocolate. A limited number of skates will be available to rent at the Carbondale Recreation Center prior to the event. The town will bring the rest of its skate inventory to the rink for on-site rentals. The rink will be split to allow a free skate/family side and a broomball/hockey side. There’s no charge for this event. LIVE MUSIC • Steve’s Guitars presents live music every Friday. LIVE MUSIC • Colorado Mountain College presents singer/songwriter Paul Fran-zik at its Spring Valley Campus at 7:30 p.m. A dessert reception will be held at 6:30 p.m.

Fran-zik founded Feed Them with Music, a Carbondale-based nonprofit that helps to fund hunger-prevention programs, such as the Sopudep School Lunch Program in Haiti. Concert tickets are $20. Info: 9478367. LIVE MUSIC • Rivers restaurant in Glenwood Springs presents the Leonard Curry Trio (rock, folk and bluegrass) from 9 p.m. to midnight. There’s no cover.

SUNDAY Jan. 22 aUDITIONS • Colorado Mountain College Theatre holds auditions for “The Rocky Picture Horror Show” from noon to 6 p.m. on Jan. 22-23 at the New Space Theatre on the

Spring Valley campus. The performance dates are April 13-14, 19-21 and 26-29. Info: 947-8177.

TUESDAY Jan. 24 TIME TRaVEL • The Aspen Historical Society kicks off its Time Travel series with “Members of the Board: Pioneers of Shred” at 5:30 p.m. at the Wheeler Opera House. Tickets are $8. Info: 925-3721 ext. 102.

WEDNESDAY Jan. 25 ROTaRy • Carbondale Rotary meets at the firehouse Wednesdays at 7 a.m. OPEN MIC • Dan Rosenthal hosts open mic nights at Rivers restaurant in Glenwood Springs every Wednesday from 8 to 10 p.m. POTBELLy PERSPECTIVES • The Aspen Center for Environmental Studies continues its Potbelly Perspectives series with “Turkey & Greece: Climbing & More,” featuring Santiago Valerga and Carolina Fritz-Kelly. The lectures take place at Hallam Lake. Info: 925-5756.

Save the Date FRIDAY, Feb. 3 REaDING TO yOUR KIDS • Raising a Reader and the Western Colorado Pre-school Cooperative present Ellen Galinsky at 6 p.m. at Carbondale Middle School. Galinsky has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America and World News Tonight. It’s free, and a Spanish translation will be provided.

CALENDAR page 11


Mom, what is ’God?’ Dad, what happens when you die?


Please Join Us

The Rifters


HONORING THE JACKSON FAMILY 970.947.8367 Songwriter Paul Fran-zik has recorded $20 - adults for 25 years, and founded Feed Them $15 - students With Music. Your attendance will contribute 2000 meals to the hungry.

Paul Fran-zik January 20

6:30 pm-dessert 7:30 pm-concert

CMC in Glenwood Springs

“ANSWERING BIG QUESTIONS FROM LITTLE PEOPLE” A conversation for kids and adults about how to tackle life’s big questions with honesty, integrity, and love. We help you have the conversations. YOU provide the answers for your children based on YOUR world view! All ages welcome! Sunday January 22, 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. LUNCH PROVIDED Calaway Room, Third Street Center, Carbondale Led by Rev. Gretchen Haley (mom of two young children) Heather Rydell, Local Early Childhood Education Expert All also are welcome to our regular Sunday gathering at 10 a.m. including Child Care and Religious Exploration.

Spring Valley New Space Theater 3000 County Rd 114

For more information www.TwoRiversUU.org Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist

10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012

Community Calendar

continued from page 10

Further Out THURSDAY Jan. 26 GRaNT INFO • The Basalt Library continues a series about grant-seeker online resources from 11 a.m. to noon. This weeks’ program is titled “Your Board and Fundraising.” It’s free. Info: 927-4311, Ext. 2.

SATURDAY Feb. 4 SHINING STaRS • These tickets won’t last long. A benefit hors d’oeuvres dinner with fondue, prepared by Susie Jiminez of Spice It Up catering, takes place from 6:30 to 10 p.m. on the Little Bear roof top in Aspen. The night’s music will be provided by Already Gone. Menu items include: tuna tartare on wontons, chicken

Hold the Presses dumplings with soy lime dipping sauce, vegetable spring rolls with jalapeno cilantro sauce, shrimp ceviche on spiced tortilla chips, avocado mousse, parmesan and apples wrapped in proscuitto, fingerling potatoes with creme fraiche and caviar, sopes with truffled white bean puree and cabbage slaw, rice cakes with seared tilapia, Chile de arbol aioli, pork spring rolls with sweet chile sauce, pan seared beef, ricotta and blue cheese stuffed jalapenos with lemon crust, lamb cous cous, and taziki stuffed mini pitas; chocolate fondue with assorted dipping items, Sangria wine, beer, horchata and hibiscus tea. There’ll be a silent auction. Tickets are $75 at www.ShiningStarsFoundation.org.

Ongoing SENIOR ZUMBa • Senior Matters offers Zumba classes for seniors at the Third Street Center from 2 to 3 p.m. on Tuesdays through Jan. 31. There is a fee for attending. Info: 945-8822. BILINGUaL STORy TIME • The Gordon Cooper Library hosts a bilingual storytime Saturdays at 11 a.m. Fun will be hand with stories and songs in Spanish and English. It’s open to all. Info: 963-2889.

a.m. on Wednesdays. MayOR’S COFFEE HOUR • Chat with Carbondale Mayor Stacey Bernot on Tuesdays from 7 to 8 a.m. at the Village Smithy, located at 26 S. Third St. GORDON COOPER • The Gordon Cooper Library presents activities for kids from kindergarten through fifth grade from 4 to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays, and toddler and infant story time on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. Info: 963-2889.

BONFIRE STORy TIME • Betsy’s Barefoot Books invites children of all ages to a series of family story times featuring local children’s authors at Bonfire Coffee from 3:45 to 4:30 p.m. every Friday through February.

BOOK CLUB • The Senior Matters Book Club meets the third Tuesday of the month at the Third Street Center from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Info: 945-7094.

SELF DEFENSE • Cuong Nhu Oriental Martial Arts holds self defense training at the Santa Fe Ballet space in the Third Street Center Thursdays at 7 p.m. Info: 274-0870.

BLOOD DRIVE • Valley View Hospital in Glenwood Springs holds its monthly blood drives from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the third Tuesday of the month. Info: 384-6657.

FREE CLaSSES • True Nature Healing Arts offers one week of free classes to Roaring Fork Valley residents who are first time students to TNHA. Info: 963-9900.

CONVERSaTION CIRCLES • Literacy Outreach holds conversation circles for non-English speakers to practice their English at the Gordon Cooper Library Mondays from 2 to 3:30 p.m. and Fridays from 10 to 1 a.m. Volunteers are needed. Info: 945-5282.

UNITaRIaN UNIVERSaLISTS • Two Rivers Unitarian Universalists meet at the Third Street Center Sundays at 10 a.m. Child care is provided. Info: www.tworiversuu.org.

CaNCER SUPPORT GROUP • Pathfinders holds its support group at the Third Street Center the fourth Tuesday of every month. Info: Elizabeth Miller at 925-7792.

MUSIC CLaSSES • All Valley Music Together enrollment for Winter Bells Music classes continues. This is music and creative movement for parents with their young children (infants to 5). Info: 963-1482.

aL-aNON MEETS • Al-Anon for friends and families of alcoholics meets at the Orchard Tuesdays. Info: 963-8773.

BaSaLT LIBRaRy • Story time returns to the Basalt Library Mondays at 10:15 and 11 a.m. for Book Babies. Preschool story times are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m., with Toddler Rhyme Time at 10:30

GRIEF GROUP • Hospice of the Valley, in partnership with Grand River Hospital, is offering an ongoing Grief and Loss Support Group that meets the first and third Monday of every month. Info: 544-1574.

VCR FOLKS HOLD FIRESIDE CHaT • Developer Rich Schierburg and Say Yes to Carbondale Treasurer Jim Calaway hold a fireside chat at the Gathering Center at 6:15 p.m. on Jan. 24 to discuss the proposed Villlage at Crystal River. Schierburg and Calaway will explain the opportunities and benefits of VCR and benefits for the community. Light refreshments will be served. The Gathering Center at the Orchard is located at 110 Snowmass Drive. NORTH FORKERS DISCUSS GaS DRILLING • Citizens for a Healthy Community is holding a public hearing on the Bureau of Land Management’s proposed 30,000-acre oil and gas lease sale in the North Fork Valley. The hearing will be held on Jan. 28, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., at Hotchkiss High School. State Sen. Gail Schwartz will conduct the hearing. According to Citizens for a Healthy Community, the size and scope of the proposed lease sale make it imperative that the public is given the opportunity to express their concerns at a public hearing. “Therefore, we have scheduled the Jan. 28 hearing. The goal of this hearing is to record public comments to submit to the BLM,” said a CHC spokesman. TOWN TO TOWN TOUR CaNCELLED • Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteer’s Town to Town tour slated for Jan. 21 has been cancelled due to lack of snow in the mid-valley. “We were hoping that the storm on Sunday and Monday would be a big one and deliver the snow we need to be able to put on this Nordic event on the Rio Grande Trail between Aspen and Basalt,” said a RFOV spokesman. “Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers would like to express our extreme disappointment at having to cancel the Tour and to thank all of our amazing sponsors, volunteers and participants who were looking forward to another great community event.”

The band Z Squared performs at the Ram Jam winter concert at Roaring Fork High School at 7 p.m. on Jan. 19. The lineup also includes members of the RFHS guitar class and the Ram Band, which will perform William Byrd’s “Pavanne and March,” “The Music of the Night” from “The Phantom of the Opera,” “Autumn Leaves,” “Eye on the Prize” and Sonny Rollins’ “St. Thomas. Donations will benefit the Roaring Fork High School music program. Shown here are Z Squared members A.J. Gray and Kevin Drudge. Photo by Jennifer Hunt

www.SayYEStoCarbondale.com THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012 • 11

Community Briefs Loeb holds drumming workshop Laurie Loeb’s Rhythms of the Heart offers an Africaninspired drumming workshop on at the Carbondale Community School in Satank from 10 a.m. to 1p.m. on Jan. 28. Appropriate for both beginners and intermediates, the workshop will focus on playing multi-part rhythmic patterns in ensemble, developing rhythmic sensibility, and basic djembe/ashiko technique. Participants will also have the opportunity to play African-style bass drums, cowbell, and shekere, as well as create their own improvisational rhythms for community drum circles. “Group hand-drumming provides relaxation, increased energy, and a sense of well-being, and has been proven to enhance coordination, mind-body connection, attention, and listening skills,” Loeb said. The fee is $40. Drums are available for rent for $10 and advance reservation is imperative. Send your name, phone number, e-mail address, check and rental drum reservation to Box 363, Carbondale 81623. For further info, e-mail loeb@rof.net.

VVaS applications due Jan. 20 The deadline to submit an application for the non-juried Valley Visual Art Show is Jan. 20. Applications are available at www.carbondalearts.com. Entrants must be members of the Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities. Fees are $20 for one piece and $25 for two. Pieces must be brought to the CCAH office in the Third Street Center by Jan. 31. The show runs Feb. 3-24. For details, call 963-1680.

Design challenge carries $500 awards The Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities (CCAH) announces its Collage Designer Challenge for its fourth annual Green is the New Black Fashion Extravaganza, slated for March 9-10. First prize in both the Functional Fashion Forward De-

These folks recently fired up the community bread oven at the Third Street center and baked up so many kinds of bread you might not believe it. They included: baguette, 100-percent whole wheat loaf, pumpernickel, Bronco Bread (it was orange and contained yams), pumpkin bread, and white and wheat flour-dusted boules. As the oven cooled down, they also cooked bulgar stew, vegetable casserole and steel-cut baked oatmeal with apples. “We met at the oven the following morning for Sunday breakfast,” said oven spokeswoman Linda Romero Criswell. Courtesy photo sign and the Creative Couture categories is $500 cash. Sponsored by Collage! Creative Collections in Carbondale, all participating designers will receive a 20 percent discount on vintage fabric and notions. To register as a designer by Jan. 25, go to www.carbondalearts.com or cal 963-1680. Designers who enter the Functional Fashion Forward Design challenge must submit a ready-to-wear piece or ensemble that feels fashion-forward vs. retro, is made from sustainable materials and exhibits comfort, durability and function. The designers in the Creative Couture challenge must creatively exhibit the use of reclaimed materials that are fresh and unique and effectively articulates a vision of the future

Out West Antique Collections Formerly, Out West Antiques has relocated Now Open at Red Rock Plaza 768 Hwy 133 Carbondale 970-963-4131

Bringing together the finest

Antique Dealers in the Roaring Fork Valley ANTIQUES: The original recycle!

that is visually striking and takes on the task of moving fashion forward using materials from the past. In both challenges, all pieces must be hand-made by the designer, and constructed from sustainable materials.

SOTa resumes textile art classes Classes at the Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities’ School of Textile Arts are now under way. They include: inkle loom weaving, garment construction, knitted socks, beginning sewing for youth, surface design survey class, block printing, indigo dying and shibori resist class, and yarn spinning. For details, to go www.carbondalearts.com.

CALLING all SCULPTORS! Apply to be Included In

“Art aRound Town 2012” Carbondale’s Fabulous Street Sculpture Program Apply at w w w.callforentry.org More information at w w w.publicartcarbondale.org

Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District and Garfield County

Community Wildfire Protection Plan Public Meeting January 25, 2012 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Carbondale Fire Headquarters building, 301 Meadowood Drive For more information contact Bill Gavette, 970-963-2491

12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012

Deadline: February 29

Getting past the VCR goofiness

PIF a bailout for the VCR developer

Dear Editor: With what’s been written and said about the Village at Crystal River project coming up for a vote, how do you decide when the antis’ comments drive you in favor and the pros make you dislike the whole deal? I mean, really, urban gardening? Cows grazing? Or unbuilt condos and apartments on six acres of commercial ground fronting Main Street help the city’s financial situation? We need this project for a new City Market when the land is already zoned commercial? Carbondale is not open for business? I’ve been mentally composing this letter for several weeks and came to the conclusion that whatever the outcome of the election, most important for all of us is to keep our emotions under control. It just isn’t important enough to make enemies and fracture the community. Further fracture, I should add. We don’t live in some utopian LaLa land now, won’t be in a blighted commercial death zone with passage, and we aren’t going to wither up with a no vote; the whole 24 acres will still be zoned commercial. We need to get past the goofiness that got us to this point (another letter?) and look at the project itself. My take is that VCR is just poor, a dog. The site plan is poor, with City Market and the other commercial on the north end requiring an expensive entrance from Highway 133, certainly an improvement for the development, but no improvement to anyone else using Highway 133. The residential is poor. Six acres goes from commercial to residential and not Low Density Residential. It fronts Main Street, a prime commercial location; 165 units with no tap fees buy-in schedule. Carbondale is obliged to provide service, the owner of VCR decides if and when to buy the taps at his convenience. The only likely build out that I see is that this is perfect for an oil field man camp. We will have zoning for the man camp needed for the Thompson Creek Gas Field. Cool! One of the better arguments I have heard in favor is the issue of fairness to the developer. Really though, read any issue of our local paper, go to one town council meeting, listen to a day of Carbondale radio, have the smallest knowledge of past land-use issues and who wouldn’t know? What could be expected from us? How could he not know? Anyway, pass or fail, the current developer probably will not be the eventual owner and developer, very little will actually get built, an updated different plan will come to a new board in the future, and what might have been either way won’t be known and, hopefully we will all just get along while we write letters about how our special spot we just moved to is being spoiled or dying on the vine. Brad Hendricks Satank

Dear Editor: The PIF is a bailout for the Village at Crystal River developer. It’s as simple as that. No one is bailing me out, or any of the other citizens in Carbondale who own homes that are crashing in value. No one is subsidizing us while we work two jobs and struggle to keep our kids in college. No one is lining our pockets with dollars siphoned out of the budgets of those feeding our families. I spend $1,000 per month on food for my family. That’s $120 per year in PIF at today’s prices, not prices 10 or 20 years from now. Not a lot? That same $120 would buy us a spectacular meal at Six89 restaurant, where money would be supporting local farms, local employees and a local entrepreneur who has made a huge difference in our town both economically and with a social conscience. It also gives sales tax dollars straight to the town coffers, without a quick, additional diversion to the developer’s bank account. Though the Meadows has a PIF, they are uncommon, and a sign that the development cannot stand on its own economics. Any engineer or savvy town government can tell you that. The bankrupt businesses at the Meadows can tell you that. All of Willits, including Whole Foods, does not have a PIF tax. In this case, the developer paid top dollar for the VCR property, and wants us to bail him out of his responsibilities for the road improvements into his mall. He demands that we pay a 1 percent fee on all goods sold on this property, including groceries, until his construction bond plus interest is paid for. The bond of $2.4 million is estimated to accrue interest so that our payout over 24 years (the minimum time the town Web site says repayment will take) will be $5 million. That’s $5 million we are tacking on to our grocery bill, because frankly, City Market is the only thing committed to this new development. So for $5 million we get an abandoned building at the corner of Main and Highway 133, eight new jobs at a grocery store one mile down the road, and a cluster of traffic at a roundabout funneling cars away from downtown and into this mall. The developer, however, gets out of his obligations, lines his pockets with more profit, and puts higher food costs onto the backs of our working class families. The developer gets a subsidy. Translation: privatized profit and socialized cost. It’s as simple as that. The PIF hurts families, and has the strongest impact on the lower and middle classes who spend a greater portion of their income on food. It translates into less food we are able to buy at the grocery store, and less disposable income for other necessities. Really, it’s as simple as that. Vote no to a PIF tax. Please drop your ballot at Town Hall by Jan. 31; if you choose to mail your ballot, it is imperative that it be signed, stamped and mailed by Jan. 24. Denise Moss, Carbondale

Letters om page 9 Vote yes on VCR Dear Editor: We have fiddled for the past 10 years; now we are being burned by our aggressive, proactive, visionary neighbors of Basalt. Everyday, thousands of dollars leave our community and settle in the coffers of the retail complex seven miles up Highway 82. Much of the exodus of Carbondale cash is because we choose not to shop at the outdated, substandard, inadequate City Market in our town. Carbondale is a gateway for visitors. Building VCR along with improving and beautifying Highway 133 would create a potential gold mine for our town. Cleaning the house and rolling out the welcome mat would entice visitors to stop, shop, and explore what our town has to offer. Revitalizing Highway 133 will display our town’s commitment to high standards of quality and excellence. It will be a resource to us in controlling our own destiny. It’s not about a grocery store; it’s about a commitment to our past, present, and future. Let’s lead rather than be led. Vote yes on VCR. Dave Kolquist Carbondale

No, no, no Dear Editor: I have met too many people who know nothing more about the VCR proposal than its offer of a new City Market and highway improvements. Many have been led to believe that these amenities cannot materialize without the VCR being approved. No, no, no, not true. Current commercial zoning on the VCR parcel allows for the construction of a new grocery store, as well as other commercial and retail uses. However, Mr. Schierburg is asking for a zoning change from commercial to PUD (planned unit development) in order to add residential uses, higher buildings, and more density than the current zoning allows. Highway 133 improvements are slated for 2013 regardless of whether the VCR is approved or denied. An approval of VCR would simply affect the timing and design of improvements. And by the way, don’t let anyone convince you that without the VCR being approved, property taxes will be raised. Some nasty governments around the world have historically used the tactic of pitting people against one and other and instilling fear in them in order to weaken and control them. Let’s not succumb to similar attempts here, not by government but rather by developers. Proposed property tax increases must be put to a vote of the LETTERS page 14

www.SayYEStoCarbondale.com THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012 • 13

Food myths continue despite evidence to the contrary It is not surprising that myths arise conThink of a potato as a sponge: both will cerning food, something we deal with several absorb salty water in the same concentration times a day, every day of our lives. What is as the rest of the water in the pot. When you surprising is our tendency to accept these remove the cooked potato, there will be without much challenge. Persome salt in it, but there will haps that’s because we usually also be some water, so the hear these from the ultimate saltiness in the remaining liqauthority figures — our mothuid is unchanged. You may as ers — and accordingly regard well pour out some of the the assertions as gospel. salty water and replace it There is nothing harmful with unsalted water. Unfortuabout most food myths, so feel nately, there’s no magic solufree to believe them. But some tion for excess salt in a liquid. myths lead either to mistakes Shiny or dull? or unnecessary steps in cookMany recipes specify placing, and I want to make your ing either the shiny or the dull kitchen experiences easier and side of aluminum foil in some more rewarding.Today I’ll disrelation to the item with cuss a few myths involving which it’s being used. We’re food preparation. Next time led to believe that the shiny I’ll look at some concerning By Chef George Bohmfalk side reflects and the dull side health and nutrition. absorbs heat. Worry no more; it doesn’t matOnion tears ter. For efficient manufacturing, two foil For every person who sheds tears while sheets are rolled out facing each other, recutting onions, there seems to be a different sulting in a shiny side against the gigantic mythical solution. I’ve been instructed to polished steel rollers and a dull side where breathe through my mouth, hold a large the sheets meet. Physicists have studied the kitchen match between my teeth, chill the heat transference of the two sides and find onions, and wear glasses. no measurable difference. Onion tears are caused by a sulfuric compound that sprays into the air when we cut To cut or to tear? I learned about this myth from some of an onion. The invisible spray gets all over us, my cooking students, who were horrified but we only notice it in our sensitive eyes. when I asked them to cut some lettuce for a The compound reacts with our normal tears to form extremely irritating sulfuric acid, and salad. Their mothers had assured them that cutting lettuce causes brown edges, and that more tears flow to wash that away. Hence, anything to minimize the spray get- tearing separates the pieces neatly between ting in our eyes will help, like mouth breath- cells, with less damage and no discoloration. ing, which blows away some of the spray. Microscopic studies show that tearing damWearing goggles or glasses and chilling the ages just as many cells as does cutting, and onion help, as does cutting the onion under comparisons show no difference between water. But those are also tedious, if not im- bowls of cut or torn lettuce. Depending on practical steps. My solution is to open a win- my mood and how much salad I’m making, dow, turn on a fan or stove vent, and not hold I either tear or cut. Searing and juiciness. How many times my head over the cutting board.Anything that have you heard or read, “Sear the meat over diverts the spray from the eyes should make high heat to seal in the juices?” Sorry, doesonion cutting less of a crying game. n’t work. Browning the surface of meat does Potato: a salt sponge? develop nice flavor and color, but it doesn’t I don’t know where the myth arose that keep the juices in their place. As meat cooks, you can remove salt from a too-salty soup or the muscle fibers contract, squeezing juices other liquid by dropping in a potato or two, out. A beautifully seared surface is not a but this is a widely held belief which I’ve water barrier, and moisture seeps away just heard even TV cooks recommend. There is as thoroughly with slow or fast cooking. The nothing about a potato that preferentially secret to juicy meat: lots of interior fat and soaks up salt. no more than medium-rare cooking.

The Fork

that Roared

14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012

Marinate for tenderness? The Italian verb, mariner, originally meant to preserve food for mariners at sea, usually by salting or pickling in an acid, like vinegar. That doesn’t mean that your pasta sauce is pickled; marinara sauce got its name as Italian sailors’ wives quickly prepared it as they saw their husbands’ boats coming into port. Many recipes suggest that marinating will tenderize meat. Marinades don’t penetrate more than a few millimeters into meat, so

any tenderizing is limited to the surface areas. Seasoned marinades do impart some flavor to meat, and this role of covering up the “gamey” taste of wild meat accounts for marinades’ popularity among hunters. Marinating will add flavor to all meat and fish, but only long, slow cooking will make that venison roast tender. Do you have any food myths you’d like to know more about? E-mail me at gbohmfalk@yahoo.com.

Letters continued om page 13 people for approval or denial. Our choices are only as good as our information, and unfortunately, there has been a glaring lack of accurate information, as well as blatant misinformation being disseminated about this development proposal in hopes of convincing the public that it would greatly benefit our town. We do not have to approve the VCR proposal with its 1 percent PIF, unrealistic retail sales growth and sales tax revenue projections, supposed jobs creation, outmoded automobile-oriented suburban mall design and token lowest level of green building to have a new grocery store and Highway 133 improvements. Just vote no on the VCR in its present form. Laurie Loeb Carbondale

Keep locals voting locally Dear Editor: I am a local, and I vote yes for Carbondale. As an employee at Carbondale Middle School, a parent of three children and a resident of downtown Carbondale, I support the Village of Crystal River because it will encourage new retail options, beautify the entrance into Carbondale, and increase future revenue that will support our parks, school programs, and lifestyle. I know of many families whose children attend Carbondale schools yet they shop elsewhere. A new, improved market will encourage these visitors to spend here instead of driving up to El Jebel.

Please vote yes for Carbondale to keep locals shopping locally. Jennifer Lamont Carbondale

Thanks for the balance Dear Editor: Thank you for the well-balanced effort to cover all sides of the proposed Village at Crystal River issues in the last edition of Sopris Sun. As a resident and voter, this subject is important to me. However, after reading the editorials, columns and letters, I am still puzzled, and would like to know what the correct cost and time-to-complete estimates for the several stages really are. How much will the town really make in revenues and how soon will these monies start entering the town coffers at each stage of the development? How much will VCR detrimentally impact local businesses? Will the chain stores that plan to be part of the development take more money away from the town than they add when their impact on the success or failure of existing local businesses is taken into consideration? Doesn’t our town owe primary allegiance to the businesses that have built Carbondale? Before we become dazzled by big development promises, shouldn’t we weigh such considerations carefully? These are important questions to me that need to be clearly weighed and discussed. Perhaps the town should solicit unbiased, non-aligned sources that can correctly asLETTERS page 15

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Guest Commentary

Letters om page 14

Looking toward our next RE-1 superintendent

sess the real impact such a development have had on other towns, and will have on ours. Also, the question of whether the citizens of Carbondale could potentially be responsible for paying for the roundabout and highway development, as well as whether a PIF would be needed to pay for it was not definitively explained. I would agree that this should be paid for by the developers and investors, rather than by local residents. The potential for disruption of the local economy, and an unfinished nightmare for the town should estimates prove unrealistic to me are definitely important concerns and need to be weighed and determined carefully. As I see it, we are being asked to vote on an event that could have major repercussions on the future of Carbondale, for better or worse, and I feel woefully uninformed and inadequately prepared at this time to cast a sensible vote about such an important issue. I guess I am left with the question, “How can I find out what the real facts are so I can make an informed decision in this election?” Fred Pulver Carbondale

By Debbie Bruell There are many theories being told about why the Roaring Fork RE-1 School Board recently terminated Superintendent Judy Haptonstall’s contract, effective June 30, 2012. These theories include: • New board members and a few teachers held a personal grudge against Haptonstall; • The dismissal of Glenwood Springs Principal Sonya Hemmen led to hundreds of angry parents who demanded Haptonstall’s removal; • Haptonstall was marching the district toward what she called “the next step in standardized education” — the Moving On initiative — and teachers resisted this change. As someone who has been involved in the Roaring Fork School District for the past 12 years — from parent volunteer to paid staff member to school board member — I see a much longer and deeper history to Haptonstall’s dismissal than any of the above stories suggest. Understanding this history will help us make the best possible choice for our next superintendent.

Board elections under Haptonstall After Fred Wall announced his retirement as superintendent in 2005, there was significant pressure from community members against hiring then-Assistant Superintendent Haptonstall as our next superintendent. However, the hiring of the superintendent rests in the hands of the board, and the board selected Haptonstall in 2006. The community’s discontent with Haptonstall’s leadership — from Glenwood to Basalt — has been voiced through the democratic process since 2007. In every board election during Haptonstall’s tenure as superintendent, the candidates who questioned her leadership have been elected; the candidates who expressed strong support for her leadership have been defeated. In 2007, Bill Lamont and I ran for the two contested seats on the school board. Both of us had publicly questioned some critical decisions of Wall and Haptonstall in the years before this election. Our opponents were board members who had voiced strong support for Haptonstall’s leadership for years. Lamont and I both beat our incumbents by wide margins. (I garnered 65 percent of the votes; Lamont 60 percent.) The election of 2011 followed the same pattern: the two board candidates who questioned Haptonstall’s leadership were elected; the incumbent who voiced strong support for Haptonstall’s leadership was defeated by a wide margin (Daniel Biggs at 66 percent vs. Myles Rovig at 34 percent). Clearly, concerns about Haptonstall’s leadership have been present throughout her entire tenure as superintendent.

Leadership issues Looking back through the history of Haptonstall’s leadership, some critical issues emerge repeatedly.These issues include:

• The need for greater openness and responsiveness to feedback; • The excessive number of initiatives that come and go; • The rapid pace with which some of these initiatives are undertaken; • The inconsistency of directives from the district-level. All of these issues are documented in a comprehensive evaluation of our district that the Colorado Department of Education undertook in 2008 (see Comprehensive Appraisal for District Improvement, CADI, at www.rfsd.k12.co.us). These issues were present during Haptonstall’s first years as superintendent — for example, during the tenure of a previous principal at Roaring Fork High School. And these issues have continued to surface in recent years. For example, Haptonstall altered the basic tenets of the Moving On initiative, after they were already agreed upon by teachers, without acknowledging this change. Significantly, these changes made Moving On much more restrictive and difficult to implement. It is important to acknowledge that Haptonstall is extremely hardworking and deeply committed to our district. Nevertheless, many aspects of her leadership have hindered the quality of education our teachers and staff could be providing to our children. Recognizing this fact will help us choose the best possible candidate for our next superintendent.

Choosing our next superintendent We will never find the perfect superintendent, but there are a few qualities we should insist upon: openness and responsiveness to input; a good sense for defining high, yet reasonable expectations for teachers; dependability and trustworthiness; and a genuine respect for teachers and principals as professionals. No superintendent has all the knowledge, ideas, or skills to run a district completely on their own. We need a leader who recognizes that fact. We need someone who is eager to draw on the ideas and perspectives of teachers and principals throughout the district; someone who is open to hearing about what’s working and what’s not; someone who is willing to acknowledge their own limitations and admit when they have made a mistake. Being superintendent of any district is a very hard job. Being superintendent for the three towns within our district could be particularly challenging. We don’t tend to be people who blindly do as we’re told. We’re a creative, independent, critically thinking bunch, and we like to be actively involved in decisions that affect us and our children. But those characteristics are also our strengths. We need a superintendent who is eager to draw on those strengths – not view them as a threat. Our schools are filled with outstanding teachers and principals. We need a superintendent who will challenge and encourage our staff to use their talents and wisdom to inspire, teach, and care for our children. Our children, along with Roaring Fork School District taxpayers, deserve that much.

VCR’s flex zone Dear Editor: The recent forum addressed several important issues related to TVCR. Projected sales tax revenue to the town, the PIF, the town’s financial condition, the timing of the residential development, etc. I hope all of the listeners, whether they were in person or listening/watching from the radio or TV, had more facts about TVCR at the end of the forum than they did prior to it. One of the subjects that I hoped would have been addressed was the flex zone. This +/- 3.0 acre parcel offers a wide range of opportunities. These uses include any medical related uses, both clinical and otherwise. Senior citizen related support services. The parcel cannot be developed as residential, but the parcel across the street, Lot 7, is zoned for residential. A portion of this lot could be developed into senior housing, either affordable or market rate, which would complement any senior related support service in the flex zone. The parcel could also be developed for lodging. In addition, one of its approved uses includes any retail use. Due to its location at the western edge of the property, it would take a special retail use to locate on a parcel not fronting or maybe even visible from Highway 133, but it is of a size that a 25,000-30,000square-foot user could locate there. This retail use could generate another +/- $75,000LETTERS page 16

www.SayYEStoCarbondale.com THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012 • 15

Letters continued om page 15 $90,000 in sales tax revenue to the town. However, just to be conservative, I did not assume any new sales tax revenue would be generated from this parcel. Special uses for the flex zone include a school and a light manufacturing facility with a retail component at the front of the building. As you can see, the fact that TVCR includes a “flex zone” is a huge advantage to the development. Although it is flexible, the PUD language spells out specifically what general uses can go on the parcel. For instance, a junkyard or an auto yard, which I think might have been suggested from canvassing phone calls from the opponents to the project are not approved uses. My goal will be to attract uses that will compliment the uses that may already be in the development and would also be assets to the town. I hope this letter provides the facts about the flex zone and shows what a huge opportunity this parcel has for the entire

development and the town. Rich Schierburg Crystal River Market Place LLC

Loving this town Dear Editor: Driving from the Clay Center down Main Street recently, I had this great feeling I describe as: I just love this town. On a recent Midwest trip, I had the pleasure of shopping in a wonderful grocery store, “The Fresh Market.” I felt grocery store envy in a store smaller than City Market with far more fresh food and healthy products at affordable prices, all beautifully displayed. Do we really need 58,000 square feet for City Market to give us the “upscale store” that I didn’t know we were asking for? I thought we simply wanted a store offering better quality, organic food.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Carbondale Planning and Zoning Commission for the purpose of Site Specific Development Plan Review for the proposed Library to be located on Lot 2A of the Third Street Correction Plat, reception # 801133, at the corner of Sopris Avenue and Third Street, Carbondale Colorado.

The applicant and owner is the Garfield County Public Library District, Well Fargo Bank Trustee. Said Public Hearing will be held at the Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO. at 7:00 p.m. on February 16, 2012.

Copies of the proposed application are on file in The Planning Department office, Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO. and may be examined by interested persons during regular working hours, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. John Leybourne Town of Carbondale

ORDINANCE NO. 1 Series 2012

AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE, COLORADO, AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF TITLE 13 OF THE CARBONDALE TOWN CODE CONCERNING WATER AND WASTE WATER SERVICE FEES NOTICE: This Ordinance was introduced, read, and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carbondale, Colorado, on January 10, 2012.

This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after publication of this notice. The full text of said Ordinance is available to the public at www.carbondalegov.org or at the office of the Town Clerk, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado, during normal business hours. THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE _________________________ By: s/s Stacey Bernot, Mayor

Published in The Sopris Sun on January 19, 2012.

ORDINANCE NO. 2 Series 2012

ORDINANCE NO. 3 Series 2012

NOTICE: This Ordinance was introduced, read, and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carbondale, Colorado, on January 10, 2012.

NOTICE: This Ordinance was introduced, read, and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carbondale, Colorado, on January 10, 2012.


This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after publication of this notice. The full text of said Ordinance is available to the public at www.carbondalegov.org or at the office of the Town Clerk, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado, during normal business hours. THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE _________________________ By: s/s Stacey Bernot, Mayor

ATTEST: __________________________ s/s Cathy Derby, Town Clerk

ATTEST: __________________________ s/s Cathy Derby, Town Clerk

Published in The Sopris Sun on January 19, 2012


This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after publication of this notice. The full text of said Ordinance is available to the public at www.carbondalegov.org or at the office of the Town Clerk, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado, during normal business hours. THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE _________________________ By: s/s Stacey Bernot, Mayor

Published in The Sopris Sun on January 19, 2012.

Published in The Sopris Sun on January 19, 2012.




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16 • THE SOPRIS SUN • JaNUaRy 19, 2012

NOTICE: This Ordinance was introduced, read, and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carbondale, Colorado, on January 10, 2012. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after publication of this notice. The full text of said Ordinance is available to the public at www.carbondalegov.org or at the office of the Town Clerk, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado, during normal business hours. THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE _________________________ By: s/s Stacey Bernot, Mayor

Published in The Sopris Sun on January 19, 2012.

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Look What oin’ We’re D

ORDINANCE NO. 4 Series 2012

ATTEST: __________________________ s/s Cathy Derby, Town Clerk

ATTEST: __________________________ s/s Cathy Derby, Town Clerk


people. It appears that so many of them oppose this project. They represent the future and we should listen to them. I wonder what it would feel like for all of us, on both sides of this issue, to feel excited and supportive of the new development at VCR? What if it featured a healthy food market, a conference center, an alternative energy institute, a straw bale, unique hotel attracting tourists and workshop/conference attendees? A development like this would reflect the values that make Carbondale unique. It would also provide jobs, bring income from tourists and students and not just count on locals shopping there. There is no shortage of ideas for sustainable, innovative, exciting and income-producing development! It would just feel so great to drive by there and say “YES! I love this town!” Diane Kenney Carbondale

Why consent to build a giant store for a national corporation like Kroger that has not seemed particularly invested in our community or our non-profits? If they really cared about serving us better, why haven’t they done so already in the space they currently have that is filled with all kinds of non-food products and lots of extremely unhealthy, processed foods? A 58,000 square foot store means it will take us even longer to shop as we pass by more aisles of unnecessary “stuff.” Midvalley folks are not going to drive to Carbondale for this. What City Market really needs is competition from a smaller, high quality, affordable store like The Fresh Market or perhaps, a Sunflower Market. The current VCR proposal will simply homogenize our town and leave an empty shell of a building across the street. Carbondale has attracted a community of talented, skilled and intelligent young


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