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community connector

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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Volume 11, Number 1 | February 14, 2019

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Carbondale Commentary

The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, email editor Will Grandbois at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.

About the cover:

From the ashes Our cover illustration, masterfully created by local artist Jenny Tempest, shows The Sopris Sun as a phoenix rising from the ruins of The Valley Journal (not to be confused with the new Roaring Fork Weekly Journal). Ten years ago, The Sun started publication just six weeks after The Journal closed its doors. Since then, we have continued to soar thanks to the efforts of those who backed the idea of a nonprofit newspaper with their blood, sweat and tears and all those who continue to read and support it. The Sun rises each week thanks to you! See more about our anniversary on page 14.


The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 500 words via email at news@soprissun.com or 250 words via snail mail at P.O. Box 399, Carbondale CO 81623. please include your name, town, and contact information. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday.

Music trivia Dear Editor: You know trivia? Who knows ‘80s music, dude? Not millennials. “The Hog Mommas” Carbondale

Showtime Dear Editor Circus in D.C. No lions; snakes and weasels Sad, not funny clowns JM Jesse Glenwood Springs

SISU in the face of adversity Dear Editor: Just when we thought it couldn’t get worse ! Last year supporters of Spring Gulch Cross Country Ski Area hiked uphill in 3” of mud to Ski for SISU on limited terrain. SISU Sunday 2019 dawned with soaking rain. The rain broke to gale force winds which blew for three hours. The start banner was torn off and blown away in two minutes. Mount Sopris Nordic Council Board members circled vans and trucks to break the wind and strung a flapping tarp to the only things that wouldn’t blow away. The famous Shook Silent Auction persevered. White House supplied hot pizzas. The wind turned to driven wet snow — lots! Throughout it all, over 80 skier supporters came up to the Thompson Divide. Several hardcores skied 50 kilometers! Many others skied 10-20 miles for pledged contributions. SISU is that mythic determination in the face of all odds. Thanks to all those crazy skiers and volunteers, LETTERS page 15

Correction: A story on secondhand stores in the Feb. 7 indicated two different locations for Lulu’s Thrift. Is is, in fact, in the La Fontana Plaza.

The long arm of the law “I’m kinda discouraged.” to achieve the town’s worthy goal. Today, that was how Mason I’m a long-time accessibility adresponded to my daily “How are vocate. Just weeks after moving in you?” question. My query isn’t just to my house, I attacked the 80-foota routine. Every morning we both high blue spruce tree in front of it awaken to find ourselves in one an- with a reciprocating saw. I worried other’s company is a blessing. about what the neighbors would The cause of Mason’s discour- think as I hacked and heaped up the agement was a Town of boughs, but kept Carbondale flyer remindon slashing until I ing us that our sidewalks could walk under must be cleared within 24 the tree and along hours after snowfall. the sidewalk. Given Mason, who is 89 the spruce’s former and has had spine surdown-to-ground gery, has tried to help me undergrowth, I’m stay on the right side of sure that Rock the law. Some days, he Court’s dog walkcan’t walk to the mailers, pram-pushers box; other days, he might and seniors hadn’t amble a whole block. He used that sidewalk can sweep powder with for decades! a broom, but that’s it for Back when Masnow removal. So for son and I were both three years running, he’s spry and lived in hired helpers, stressing San Francisco, we the need to show up the By Nicolette Toussaint often chauffeured morning after a storm. the indomitable Not one of those contractors has Lucille Lockhart to church. A fourever shown up! and-half-foot-tall powerhouse who Thus, snow removal usually falls walked by dragging herself along to me. Usually, I’m up to it. I’m 67, on two arm-brace crutches, Lucille but I ski, skate and go to Zumba at shamed the City of San Francisco least once a week, in part because into making thousands of wheelchair it’s fun, in part because I’m working cuts in the sidewalks that line its to maintain my mobility. Twice this 1,260 miles of streets. Years before year, I have pulled my back while the 1990 Americans with Disabilities shoveling, rendering me a hunch- Act (ADA), Lucille warned everyone, back for days at a time. “You had better care about disabilWe live on a 150-degree corner ity. Because if you live long enough, and our lot is shaped like an ice you’re going to have one.” cream cone. There’s a pointed yard She was right. I have now acin back; the ice cream comprises quired four-ADA-worthy disabilities, the front. Our walk curves around enough that I sometimes envy Mason the top of the scoop with a two-car with his one-off issue with mobility. driveway crossing it where you’d Still, I spent weeks last summer plop a cherry on top. pondering how to avoid maroonI do get some snow-removal help ing Mason when I take the car out from my kindly east-side neighbor. of town. Between Carbondale’s iffy Bill Cotton often drives his snow sidewalks and Colorado’s convolutblower past his property and over to ed vehicle-licensing laws, neither golf my driveway. I also get a little help carts nor on-road electric runabouts from our blue spruce, which partial- (like those used by the Aspen Music ly shelters the west walk, lessening festival) proved practical. the snowfall. But it’s still a helluva a I wound up buying Laurie job. If I don’t get to it before Mason Loeb’s venerable 2005 Toyota Prius. needs to drive somewhere, the car “Snowball” has moved about a mile. compacts the walk crossing drive- Instead of being parked in front of way so hard I’d need an ice pick to the (not-actually-actionable) “senior make a dent. citizen parking” signs that Laurie Thus, our snow-removal not only has posted (to ensure she can consisdemands more energy than an hour- tently get from her car to her porch), long Zumba class, it takes me about it’s now parked in my damnable three times as long. double-wide driveway. Of course, Zumba doesn’t occur “Snowball” is perfect. Even most in near-zero temperatures. It doesn’t of Laurie’s trademark bumper stickrequire heavy lifting, and my size ers fit me. The one thing I worry isn’t a problem. Even before get- about is barricading Snowball in ting the town’s flyer — which I trust while trying to burrow out from went to everyone and wasn’t a dig under the long arm of Carbondale’s at my occasional inability to dig out snow-removal law. from under — I knew that scooping into the street was verboten. But to Trustee work session avoid that, I need to chuck it up and What: A chance to discuss the over drifts that are at least half as Town’s snow shoveling policy high as I am! That’s a tall order, one that has left me not just discour- When: 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 19 aged, but also sore. Where: Town Hall I’m not mad, just baffled as to how (511 Colorado Ave.)

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019


Seeking Higher Ground

Sincerest thanks to our Honorary Publishers

for their generous, ongoing commitment of support.

Jim Calaway, Honorary Chair Kay Brunnier Bob Ferguson – Jaywalker Lodge Scott Gilbert – Habitat for Humanity RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger Carolyn Nelson Jim Noyes True Nature Healing Arts Honorary Publishers commit to tax-deductible gifts of $1,000 or more annually. If you’d like to be included please contact Barbara Dills at barbara.dills@gmail.com or 963-5782.

Thank you to our SunScribers and community members for your support! It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

To inform, inspire and build community. Donate online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Carol Fabian • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Reporter: Megan Tackett Graphic Designer: Terri Ritchie Delivery: Tom Sands Current Board Members board@soprissun.com Marilyn Murphy, President Raleigh Burleigh, Vice President Linda Criswell, Secretary Klaus Kocher, Treasurer Barbara Dills • Stacey Bernot Nicolette Toussaint • John Colson April Spaulding The Sopris Sun Board meets regularly on the second Monday evening of each month at the Third Street Center.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

New public lands protection bill includes Thompson Divide By Amy Hadden Marsh Sopris Sun Correspondent All those protests, letter-writing campaigns, and yard signs to protect the Thompson Divide are reverberating in the halls of Congress. Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) and Congressman Joe Neguse, a Democrat who represents Colorado’s 2nd District, recently introduced the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act that would protect 400,000 acres in the state. “The CORE Act combines and improves four previously-introduced bills,” said Shannon Beckham, spokesperson for Senator Bennet. Those bills are the San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act, the Continental Divide Recreation, Wilderness and Camp Hale Legacy Act, the Thompson Divide Withdrawal and Protection Act of 2017, and the Curecanti National Recreation Area Boundary Establishment Act of 2010. “All of the proposals in the CORE Act were started at the local level and drafted with county commissioners, businesses, sportsmen, and conservationists over the last decade,” said Beckham. She added that the bills were combined to have a better chance to break through the gridlock in Congress. “Lands bills always pass in a package, and given Coloradans’ thoughtful work on these proposals, [the Senator] does not want any bill to be left out,” said Beckham. Stacey Patch Bernot, 5th generation native of the Crystal River Valley and former Carbondale mayor, told The Sopris Sun that permanent protection of close to 200,000 acres in the Thompson Divide is a big win for those who came together to keep the town’s backyard safe from fracking and energy development. “This really galvanized our region,” she said of the time when locals from all walks of life were working on protecting the Thompson Divide. “The coalition of ranchers, outdoor recreationists, hunters, fishermen, we don’t always get along,” she explained. “We’ll fight with our neighbor over water! But for the Thompson Divide, we all came together because we saw the importance of protecting this.” The Thompson Divide section of the CORE Act withdraws Federal land from oil and gas leasing. “It overlaps a good portion of the parts of that original Thompson Divide boundary that are in Garfield, Pitkin, and Gunnison counties,” explained Peter Hart, staff attorney for Carbondale’s Wilderness Workshop. “It also includes some additional acreage outside of the Thompson Divide, extending farther south.”

Exchange rate The Act acknowledges valid, existing lease rights within the withdrawal boundary but also gives energy companies that hold those leases a way to cash out. It’s called an exchange and the energy company can get credits from the Federal government if it wants to give up lease rights. “The credits could be used to pay rentals and royalties that they may owe the Federal government for other leases or to acquire new leases someplace else,” said Hart. There is one caveat for the exchange. Even though the Act does not name a specific energy company that has leases within the legislative boundary, it states that “any leaseholder with a Wolf Creek Storage Field development right shall

Bill Fales (center) and other local ranchers joined conservationists in 2012 to protect the Thompson Divide from natural gas drilling. Photo by Amy Hadden Marsh

“We’ll fight with our neighbor over water! But for the Thompson Divide, we all came together because we saw the importance of protecting this.” – Stacey Patch Bernot

permanently relinquish” all of those development rights if the company wants to exchange other leases on the Thompson Divide. “SG Interests has the development rights underneath the Wolf Creek Field and three leases at the top of McClure Pass in the Huntsman Unit,” said Hart. That means if SG wants to exchange the Huntsman Unit leases, it has to give up development rights under the Wolf Creek Field, which is in the heart of the Thompson Divide. Storage rights in the field would not be affected. SG Interests has not returned requests for comment but Shannon Beckham said that Senator Bennet’s office communicated with SG Interests ahead of the introduction of the 2017 Thompson Divide Withdrawal and Protection Act and the 2019 CORE Act. “The exchange language is nearly identical to the 2017 Thompson Divide bill, which was crafted based on extensive discussions with local communities, elected officials, and oil and

gas companies,” she explained. Gunnison Energy (GE) also holds leases inside and outside of the Thompson Divide legislative boundary. But, Beckham said the boundaries were modified in 2015 so the company could produce natural gas from existing leases in the Muddy Creek area. “GE can still produce the gas from certain leases with well pad locations outside of the revised legislative boundary of the Thompson Divide,” she explained. The CORE Act also protects close to 29,000 acres around Camp Hale, between Minturn and Leadville. Built in the 1940s for winter warfare training during World War II, Camp Hale was home to the 10th Mountain Division and is now a national historic site. Will Roush, director of Wilderness Workshop, said the camp’s wartime contribution is only one reason to protect it. “A lot of those veterans came back to Colorado and took their experience in the mountains and turned that experience into essentially the modern outdoor recreation economy,” he said. Well-known 10th Mountain Division vets include environmentalist David Brower, Paul Petzoldt, founder of the National Outdoor Leadership School, alpinist Fred Beckey, who climbers will recognize as the subject of the 2017 film “Dirtbag: the Legend of Fred Beckey”, ski film pioneer John Jay, and architect of post-war Aspen and ski resort designer Fritz Benedict, who also created the 10th

Mountain Division Hut System. “It’s not just protecting the actual camp where there were a bunch of buildings,” said Roush. “It’s protecting the whole landscape that those soldiers trained in and had their seminal experience in the out-of-doors so that now, future generations can go out and experience that landscape in a similar manner to the way the veterans did in the ‘40s.” According to Senator Bennet’s website, the CORE Act is widely supported, from Governor Jared Polis to anglers, skiers, ranchers, local governments, veterans, and Gunnison Energy. Stacey Bernot cautions against public complacency. She said the battle to save Thompson Divide is not over. “The CORE Act shows the importance of Thompson Divide to be coupled with these other three very important pieces,” she said. “I want to make sure that we’re not left out or carved out, that we have every right to be in this legislation.” Referring to the 2017 protection bill, she added, “We want to work with the Federal government to make sure that this goes through this time.” The Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act was introduced in late January and has been referred to committees in both the Senate and the House. Editor’s note: The Garfield County Commissioners declined to sign a letter of support for this legislation.

Methane leaks in the North Fork Valley The Colorado Outdoor Recreation Economy Act provides for capture and reuse of methane waste in the North Fork Valley, specifically from local coal mines. Peter Kolbenschlag, longtime activist for the area, said, “The mines in the North Fork are Colorado’s top single source of methane pollution, a superpotent greenhouse gas that is driving climate change.” Lands in the upper North Fork watershed are also included in the Thompson Divide withdrawal.

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019 • 3


Send your scuttlebutt to news@soprissun.com.

Car go

which opens March 2 in Grand Junction. More info at gjartcenter.org.

One of our neighbors at the Third Street Center recently learned the hard way that Carbondale can consider a vehicle abandoned after 72 hours in one place. She returned from a week away to find her car had been towed — although she didn’t end up having to pay the standard fine. It’s a good reminder to keep track of the Town’s policies if you’re parked on public property and not driving much.

Get schooled

With garden season fast approaching, it’s the perfect time to reserve a plot in the Good Seed Community Garden. Call 963-0229 for more information.

This spring, the Roaring Fork School District is offering a free family education event in each community on positive parenting solutions and essential brain science every parent should know. It’s part of a broader effort by Grace Tennant, the district’s Responsive Services Coordinator, to increase student and family engagement, sense of belonging, and voice. The Carbondale event takes place at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 21 at Carbondale Middle School. It will be offered in both English and Spanish with free dinner and childcare provided.

Hot item

Moxley’s got moxie

Seeds of spring

The Forest Service would like to remind the public that overnight camping permits for Conundrum Hot Springs for the April 1-July 31 timeframe will be available for reservation beginning at 8 a.m. on Feb. 15 at www.recreation.gov. Permits are required year-round for camping in the vicinity of Conundrum Hot Springs, an area roughly four miles in length that includes all of Conundrum Creek Valley from Silver Dollar Pond to Triangle Pass, including the popular Conundrum Hot Springs, with fall reservations available in June and winter in October.

What’s your name, man?

All this snow lends itself to sculpture, including these praying hands just off Highway 133 heading south and a project in progress behind Town Hall. Photo by Will Grandbois Service Academy nomination, including Carbondale’s Connor Cook. The individuals were selected based on meeting or exceeding the rigorous requirements of the respective academy and Congressman Tipton’s office.

Vet help

Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers’ Executive Director and principal founder David Hamilton has announced his resignation after more than two decades leading the organization. Hamilton will continue to work with RFOV’s Board of Directors over the next several months to ensure there is a smooth succession in leadership, and to prepare for the upcoming project season.

Garfield County has named Lisa Reed-Scott its new veterans service officer, which helps local veterans connect with needed services and benefits. The U.S. Marine Corps veteran and Michigan native worked at the Colorado Veterans Community Living Center in Rifle for 11 years and has signed on to serve in the role through 2020. She will operate out of the county offices at 803 Colorado Ave. in Glenwood Springs, and 195 West 14th Street, Building A, in Rifle.

What’s cooking

Art with heart

Congressman Scott Tipton recently announced the names of 26 students from his district who received a

Stephanie McConaughy is one of the artists featured in this year’s Rockies West National exhibit,

If you haven’t seen Trae Moxley around town lately it’s because he’s hanging his helmet in Atlanta, Georgia these days. The Roaring Fork grad and former Colorado State University standout landed a spot on the Atlanta Legions roster in the new Alliance of American Football league. He plays on the offensive line and is listed at 6’6” and 329 pounds. Some AAF games are aired on CBS. Atlanta’s next game is against Birmingham on Feb. 24.

Put a fork in it The Ram basketball boys are now 6-2 and third in the league following victories over Cedaredge and Moffat County on Feb. 8 and 9 and a loss to Coal Ridge on Feb. 12. The girls, meanwhile, are 4-4 in league with losses to Cedaredge and Moffat and a victory over Coal Ridge. Both teams will host Grand Valley for the final game of the regular season against

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another year of life this week include: Megan Tackett, Dave Plumb, Beto Mendoza and Jennifer Moss (Feb. 15); Jen Moss and Dale Will (Feb. 16); Emma Scher (Feb. 17); Wendy Moore (Feb. 18) and Jess Pedersen (Feb 20).


Thank you to The Sopris Sun’s Birthday Brunch generous sponsors 4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019

An inseparable team, in business and in life By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff For more than 50 years, Chris and Terri Chacos have shared each others’ ups and downs. Both physical therapists, they met at a class in Denver in 1968 just as Chris was planning to leave for a Quaker mission in Vietnam. “Oh no! I liked him and — gone!” Terri recalled. So she followed him, even though she thought he was kind of short. For two years, they grew closer from opposite dormitories, getting a hard look at the horrors of war as they treated civilian casualties. There, they met Paul and Ginny Lappala, a Carbondale couple with their own philanthropic passions. The Chacoses weren’t Quakers themselves but, Chris explained, “we liked the philosophy of helping others and we found a niche where we could contribute some talent.” Upon their return to the states, they got married and took up residence in a house in the Cherry Creek neighborhood of Denver. Chris, who hailed from Ohio but had lived the ski bum life as a young man, wasn’t content there. Their elder son, Eric was in diapers and their younger son, Charlie was in utero when they bought a condo on the S curve in Aspen in 1970. “I think my dad had the crazy idea that Denver was getting too big and he wanted to show my mom what the mountain life was like,” Charlie explained. “Even 40 years ago, he was working three jobs just to live in Aspen — doing concrete by day, the Crystal Palace by night and other stuff on the side.” Added Chris, “We were lucky, and we were survivors.” After five years upvalley, Chris got the bright idea of opening up a restaurant in the old blacksmith’s shop recently vacated by a tropical fish store and owned by Paul Lappala — The Village Smithy. It was one of the first restaurants in a town of 700 with a dirt Main Street. “We felt that there was a need,” Chris explained. Chris, the “personable” one, as Terri put it, took on the front-of-house role, while Terri, who had a head for numbers, did the backstage bookkeeping work. “We brought different pieces,” Chris said. “I loved being the host. She never missed a payroll.” Added Charlie, “These were two physical therapists who kind of jumped into the restaurant business… It wouldn’t have survived without both of them” They lived upstairs from the restaurant at first before moving to a house around the corner and eventually buying the property. The Smithy was a hit — Terri puts it down to just “good food” — and even briefly prompted an expansion to Glenwood. When Exxon pulled

The Chacos clan shortly after opening The Village Smithy (above, Valley Journal file photo by Rebecca Young) and celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2015 (below, Glenwood Springs Post Independent file photo by Will Grandbois).

out of the area in 1983 and the local economy went into decline, however, they seized the opportunity to simplify and sold the second location. That was probably for the best, as Terri suffered a stroke following an operation on a benign brain tumor in 1987. Although she was still fully present, it left her with limited use of her right hand and trouble putting together a complete sentence. With few words, she expresses herself well with a look or a gesture. “That put a little more pressure on dad to run everything,” Charlie said. “Their lives kind of changed abruptly. I was always impressed with their loyalty and commitment.” With her internal mental acuity unmarred, Terri continued to cook, clean and do the books. But as Chris began to reach retirement age, he looked to sell the business. Charlie, meanwhile, had gone off to Boulder for business school and was trying to make his own life there, but they finally convinced him to come back and take over. “I went from being a bartender / cook to a manager of 30 pretty much overnight,” he recalled. Chris continued to supervise for several years, coming in for is 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. “glory shift” to see all his customers. Terri still did the books, as well, and kept up the gardens and planters around the restaurant. Retirement freed them up to focus on different passions. Chris became “Mr. Main Street” — pushing beautification in long term planning and on a day-to-day basis. “He never saw a piece of trash he couldn’t bend over to pick up,” Charlie laughed. “We had to get a doctor’s order to stop him.” He was, in fact, slowing down. “As they aged, they grew to need each other,” Charlie added. In November 2017, Chris had a stroke of his own and ended up at Heritage Park. Terri stayed in their house around the corner until the following April and then joined him just before their 50th anniversary. For a while, they enjoyed adjoining rooms, but different needs have seperate them somewhat. Some health issues on Chris’s side recently prompted more extended separation and, Charlie said, “they missed each other for sure.” But most of the time they’re able to root for their teams together — although Terri’s more interested in the Nuggets and Chris follows the Broncos — and get out for dinner with their family once a week. And they were together a few days before Valentine’s Day to talk to The Sun. While Charlie was ostensibly there to prompt his parents, Terri prompted him right back. “We’re a good team, too,” he said of his brother, Eric, as his mom gave a mischievous grin. And when Chris struggled to answer a question, it only took a word from her to getting him going again. “Remember?” she said. “I remember.”

SOPR IS T H E AT R E COM PA N Y Season Producers Connie & Jim Calaway Associate Producers Kelly and Jim Cleaver Associate Producers Karen and Tom Cochran


February 15, 16, 22, 23: 7pm 17 & 24: 2pm $18 General Admission $13 Students, Seniors





Directed by Brendan T. Cochran © 2019, SOPRIS THEATRE COMPANY

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019 • 5

Comedy is serious business in Sopris Theatre’s ‘The Nerd’ By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff

In polite company, there’s a social contract regarding how we interact with one another. But what happens when the company isn’t so polite? That’s the question playwright Larry Shue poses in his two-act comedy “The Nerd.” And it’s the question Colorado Mountain College’s Sopris Theatre Company isn’t shying away from in its adaptation of the play, which opens at 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15. Director Brendan Cochran made an active decision to lean into the farce. “This show’s been an interesting show, because there’s a few things that the playwright throws Interloper Rick Steadman looking befuddled and ignorant to everyone else’s frustration with him in “The at you that we’ve really had to Nerd.” From left to right: Suzie Brady, Justin Tinker, Joshua Adamson, Evan Piccolo. Photo by Scot Gerdes work and figure out how we’re going to make it happen,” he said. As ing along with it to appease their But when Steadman actually McGinnus as well, concludes the if on cue, Suzie Brady, who plays friend and host Willum Cubbert, shows up to Cubbert’s dinner, his be- scene with a screeching rendition of female lead Tanzy McGinnus, played by Joshua Adamson. havior is over-the-top, comically bad. the national anthem after a downasked Cochran from which scene Cubbert, in turn, is trying to pla- So much so that Steadman hijacks trodden Cubbert retires to bed. he wanted to begin rehearsal. cate surprise guest at his birthday the night by manipulating everyone And that’s just in the first act. “Let’s just go from bags on the dinner Rick Steadman. Steadman, into a game of “Shoes and Socks,” “As long as the chaos is conheads and get at least to spinning a fellow ex-GI, saved Cubbert’s life which leads to “bags on the heads” trolled and everybody is safe on and humming,” he replied casually. in Vietnam. Cubbert woke up in a and “spinning and humming.” stage, it’s great,” Cochran laughed. Without missing a beat, the hospital after being shot and credThe game doesn’t end well, and “I really do believe that comedy actors took their places and the ited Steadman for his rescue. The Cubbert, an architect, finds him- is much harder to perform than lights dimmed. And yes, the scene two men had never met in person, self sacrificing an important busi- drama… In drama, you’re really involved the characters all put- though they’d exchanged letters, ness relationship with hotel mogul focused on the depth of the emoting paper grocery bags over their and in gratitude and typical Mid- Warnock “Ticky” Waldgrave, who tion and the connection between heads and eventually humming western hospitality, Cubbert wrote leaves with his wife and son in a the characters, and of course we and spinning in circles. None of the that as long as he was alive, Stead- huff. Steadman, who successfully want to do that with these guys, characters are particularly pleased man would always be welcome in drove away Cubbert’s friends and too, but there’s so much more SS_qtr_FashionShow_Advertise_2019.qxp_Layout 1 1/31/19 12:53 PM Page 1 with this situation — they’re go- his home in Indiana. tenants Axel Hammond and Tansy technically going on that has to


The program will be inserted in the March 14 issue of The Sopris Sun, and will be given to all event attendees March 15-16. Ad sizes available include: 1/2 page, 1/4 page and 1/8 page.


Ad Size


Half page


Horizontal 10” wide, 7” high

1/4 page


4.9” wide, 7” high

1/8 page


Horizontal 4.9” wide, 3.4” high

CONTACT: CAROL FABIAN at AdSales@soprissun.com or 970-510-0246 6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019

be done precisely. Otherwise, the choreographed chaos turns into real chaos, which isn’t as much fun to watch.” At that point in the conversation, his actors were still nearblindly humming and spinning on a stage with a two-foot drop at its edge. But they executed their choreography beautifully. “If you’re going to draw a real strong theme out of the show, it’s sort of, where do we draw the line between our tolerance and our civility and just these outrages that are thrown at us — which is something that I think is relevant in this day,” he continued. “Where do we draw that line between being civil, polite people and really having to be firm in what we believe and stand up for ourselves when we need to, and that’s sort of our main character’s journey in this show.” Of course, at its core, the show is a comedy. “More than anything, I think there is such a visceral release in just being able to come together as a group and laugh at something,” Cochran said. Thirteen-year-old Tyler Madden, who plays Waldgrave’s son Thor, offered another reflection after rehearsal. “It’s just insane. It’s like, is any person really that bad?” he asked emphatically. “I mean, that bad?” That’s a question for the second act.

So long for now The Temporary shutting its doors in May By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff It was always meant as a temporary space — that’s why The Arts Campus at Willits named the venue The Temporary. Still, when the lease was signed in August of 2017, the initial vision extended beyond May of this year. TACAW Executive Director Ryan Honey is taking it as an opportunity to ramp up the organization’s original plans to open The Permanent, another land parcel in Willits “down the street.” “There’s no question it’s a bit of a shock, but it’s just the right thing at the right time,” Honey said. “We had a sweetheart deal for rent; it was far below market value… but in getting that, the renter had the ability to give us 90 days notice to vacate, and when we executed the lease, both our board and the landlord thought that would be the last space in Willits to go.” Even Honey doesn’t know the details regarding the building’s new tenants, and Platform Ventures spokesman Tim Belinski isn’t offering any on-record details. TACAW received a letter of notice, and that was that. “It’s not unexpected — it was in the lease, we knew it could happen,” Honey said. “And at the end of the day, we’re about Willits and Basalt being a whole community, which means all these spaces are full and the arts center is built. So if this is a catalyst for those things to happen, we can’t be bummed about. We just have to welcome our new neighbor to town.” The Town of Basalt has a 99-year lease on the land on which The Permanent will be built, and TACAW has extensive building plans available on its website (tacaw.org/the-permanent); however, the timeline and nature of those plans have just changed with the lease termination. Honey plans to increase

fundraising efforts — the organization currently has $1M committed, which is a little less than half of what’s needed to break ground on building the new venue. Once that initial round of funding is secured, though, TACAW hopes to begin construction as soon as possible. “There’s a lot of variables when it comes to construction, and I think the realistic and optimistic timeline — but I think it’s totally achievable — is we break ground in the fall and then open a year later,” he said. “We’re still in the early stages of assessing how quickly we can raise the money, but I think the most important thing is not having a gap in the service we provide and find ways to have those kids come Saturday afternoons somewhere and see that theater or have families come and hear the music.” To that end, Honey is working on transitioning programming to a pop-up model. “We’re still going to program, it’s just going to look different. We’re going to program in probably people’s homes. We’re exploring other opportunities to program outside in the summer,” he said. In the less than two years since The Temporary’s opening, TACAW has facilitated partnerships with 35 other Valley nonprofits, he continued, so perhaps there will be opportunities to program in some of those facilities. No matter the specific location, though, Honey assured that TACAW will continue to serve the Midvalley area. “This is where our audience is; this is where our home is; this is where we’re building something. We love it when people from Aspen come to see a show here or when people from Glenwood come to see a show here, but we feel like the base that we’ve built is here in the midvalley, so our hope would be to program around the Midvalley.”

Above: The Permanent will serve as a multi-use incubator for arts, technology and culture, according to the TACAW website. The Town of Basalt has a 99-year lease on the land parcel, so everyone involved feels confident about the name.

Left: Erika Ryann opened the Mountain Music Showcase last November, a collaborative benefit between KDNK and The Temporary. Photo by Megan Tackett

Of course, TACAW is not the only creative nonprofit looking for a long-term facility in the area. The Art Base, 99 Midland Spur, also faces a looming lease

termination. “As the Town of Basalt has only approved a 3-year lease in our current space, we greatly appreciate your encouragement of securing a long-term home for our operations,” the Art Base website reads in its expansion update. “We will continue to explore all of our options and maintain a concerted effort to realize a facility for the Art Base that best serves our mission and meets the needs of the community. Cur-

rently our top priorities remain focused on fostering creativity, creating equal access to visual art, supporting Colorado artists, community vitality and fundraising for our bright future.” (Art Base Executive Director Genna Moe was not immediately available for comment. Still, Honey remains optimistic. “I don’t see direct competition right here in the Midvalley for what we’re doing, and I think there’s room for us to be successful and for other nonprofits to be successful,” he said.

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For Information & Reservations call 970-945-0667 • yampahspa.com Spa Open 9-9 Salon Open 9-7 • One Block East of the Hot Springs Pool The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019 • 7

Youth Poetry Slam just the first step in expression By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff Jo Altmaier spends most of local poetry group. her time at Colorado Mountain “She condensed her lessons College these days, but the Basalt into one for the evening, and High School senior really found I don’t know a lot about slam her voice at last year’s Poetry poetry, but I sure learned a lot,” Project, Aspen Words’ in-school, Weinhold said. “Some of the two-week program that places people in the group, [they’re] four full-time poets in 16 schools seasoned poets. It was neat to for two weeks in early February. witness them being supportive Altmaier was so inspired by and just living in and writing what she learned that she sought their own poems. She was super to continue the work after the nervous, and they just went with program’s completion, so she it. What was so cute, after they approached BHS Capstone Site read their poems, she says under Coordinator Nanette Weinhold her breath, ‘I’d really like to go about her intentions. to school with you guys.’ I think “Basically, she came to me last she really felt like she found her year and she told me she wanted tribe, despite the age difference.” to put something together for Ellie Scott, who coordinates her classmates at Basalt High the Poetry Project and subseSchool. She created all these les- quent Youth Poetry Slam, resons, and the night that students members Altmaier well. were supposed to arrive, nobody “Jo was one of our slammers came. She was kind of heartbro- last year, and I think she sat in ken,” Weinhold said. on some workshops and that reThat wasn’t the end of her ally ignited her passion for slam story, though. Weinhold con- poetry,” she recalled. sulted with longtime friend and Now, Altmaier has her own local poet Patrick Curry, who YouTube channel dedicated to MERRIOTT_qtr_Valentine_021419.qxp_Layout 1 POETRY 2/11/19 12:00 PM page Page 91 suggested Altmaier present to his SLAM

Top: Toluwanimi Obiwole performs her poetry at Carbondale Middle School as part of Aspen Words’ Poetry Project. Right: Ms. Cormier’s eighth grade class participate in a poetry workshop at St. Stephen’s Catholic School. Photos by Ellie Scott

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8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019

Poetry slam her poetry. “I think it really helped build her confidence. I love this program; I think it really empowers students. To see her just shine, oh my gosh,” Weinhold said of Poetry Project. Scott agrees. Now in its sixth year, the program continues to grow, and Scott sees more and more students participate in the workshops and assemblies at every school, every year. The energy is downright contagious. “My favorite part is just watching a kid in a workshop who does not consider themselves a writer, watching them take that bold step, read their poem in front of their peers and then get some applause or some snaps, and then watch their face: “I just did that!” To watch that dawning realization and just joy come over their face, that’s a powerful experience,” she beamed. Scott estimated that this year, more than 3,200 students in the Roaring Fork Valley participated. Poets Myrlin Hepworth, Mercedez Holtry, Toluwanimi Obiwole and Meta Sarmiento led the workshops and assemblies between Feb. 4 and Feb. 15, with a culminating Youth Poetry Slam at the Third Street Center at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15. “All high school poets who want to participate are welcome to show up at 3 p.m., then we’ll draw names based on who wants to actually slam,” Scott said of Friday’s event. “We’ll do about 20

Orgulloso de ser bilingúe

continued from page 8

and then two ‘sacrifice poets,’ so about 22 slammers. We will draw for names so it’s egalitarian and luck of the draw.” A sacrifice poet performs first in order to warm up the audience and set a standard with judges, two of whom are bilingual. “We encourage poems in Spanish, in English, in Spanglish,” Scott said. “All poems are welcome.” That was true of the workshops and assemblies, as well. “We were at an assembly at Glenwood Springs High School, and one girl got up and read in front of her entire student body an entire poem in Spanish,” she continued, adding that the student’s poem described a woman’s fear to walk through the world because of violence against brown women today. “She of course read it beautifully and had a gorgeous presence on stage, so we were really happy to see that.” Scott is confident that the Youth Poetry Slam will feature similarly moving works. “It represents our community coming together to talk about issues that are on the minds and hearts of our youth. It’s a night that celebrates youth voice in this valley, as a unified valley,” she said. “It’s a big opportunity for kids to be brave and speak their truth and perform some poems that they have been working on for a couple of weeks.”

Poetry Project isn’t the only opportunity local students have taken advantage of to hone their voices. Carbondale Middle Schoolers Emiliano Galindo and Gabriel Alexander Salas Mena took first and second place, respectively, in CABE’s Orgulloso de ser bilingüe/Proud to be Bilingual Essay Contest. Here’s the English version of Galindo’s piece: Being bilingual brings many opportunities in your life. For example, bilinguals earn five to 20 percent more per hour than people who only speak one language. Another example is that they can earn scholarships for a good school. Also, there are usually more job opportunities. The last specific example is, if you are bilingual and go to a job interview for something like a job in the White House you have more opportunities. Potentially five people are bilingual among 1,000 that are not bilingual, you will have better chances because you speak two languages. You can talk about important things with a group in Spanish and/or a group in English. You will be paid more for being bilingual than for speaking only in English. I am proud to be bilingual because it is a nice experience to know two languages. Being Latino (or bilingual), you can defend your country. If someone believes that you only speak

TheMountSoprisNordicCouncilwouldlike to thank everyone who participated in our 27th Annual

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them and you will not have to ask for help from another person or hire a translator spending money on better things/ enjoyment. The last example is that if you take Spanish classes you can earn the Seal of Biliteracy on your diploma when you graduate from high school. It signifies that you have had the experience of Spanish that you put effort towards learning languages and cultures. In conclusion, bilingual people are more likely to succeed in life because they have the advantage of understanding English and another language. In that way, you can make more friends and understand people if you are working as an employee in Walmart or City Market. Being bicultural brings two cultures in your life, because as my country is Mexico you might attach me to the Mexican culture. As I study here, they are teaching me about the culture of the United States.




Ski forSisu

English and speak badly about your country, you can tell them that it is not like that and that it is better than what they say. Another example is, if you are someone important you have the ability to speak for your country in two languages. You will be able to represent your country of origin. Finally, if you are bilingual, you can be the voice of your country if you travel to another country. Everyone will be proud of you! I believe that being bilingual is a good thing because you can understand many more things. If you do not know Spanish and you are going to live in Mexico, how are you going to do in school? Or if you are an adult, how will you be successful at work? Another example is you can help people who come from your country by translating, if they are progressing with their English. An example is when you as a tourist go to a country you can understand



ThankstoallthedonorstotheSilentAuction: AspenSkiCompany,BackboneMedia,Honey Thanks to all the donors to the Silent Auction: Aspen Ski Co, Backbone Media, Stingerand BigAgnes, Dos Gringos,Peppino’sPizza,SusanJordanMassage, Alpine Honey Stinger/Big Agnes, Bristlecone Sports, Main St. Liquor, BonfireCoffee, Aspen XC Center, Bank, Independence Run and Hike, White House Pizza, The Village Smithy, Joy Blong Massage, Beer Works, Batch, Avalanche Ranch and Hot Springs, Fit Rose, Ace Hardware, BristleconeSports,PhatThaiandTownrestaurants,AceHardware,SoprisLiquorandWine, Joy Blong Massage, Village Smithy, Roaring Fork Valley COOP, Independence StrangeImports,AlohaMountainCyclery,AvalancheRanchandHotSprings,SummitCanyon Mountaineering, MountainWhite Events,House RoaringPizza, Fork Valley Coop, Carbondale Arts House, Council, Run and Hike, Rocky Dos Gringos, Peppinos Pizza, The Pour Red Rock Diner, Salomon, Baby Gear Lab, Sunlight Bike and Ski, The Paint Store, Timbos Pizza, Bonfire Coffee, Baby Gear Lab, Carbondale Recreation Center, RFCOOP,CarbondaleBeerWorks,GlenwoodHotSprings,IronMountainHotSprings,Water Susan Restaurant, Theatre, ByrneNordic Gap Ranch,Jordan CrippleMassage, Creek, JudyAllegria Milne, Peter ThompsonCrystal Paragliding, AspenPixie XC Center, Massage, and Izakaya skiinstructors:RobRussell,EmilyVanGorp,JustinSilcox,TrueNature,ThePourHouse,Mi Casita, Black Diamond, Glenwood Vapor Cavesand The Marble Distillery. Thanks to KDNK & the Sopris Sun for their support of the event.

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844-420-DANK(3265) | www.HighQRockies.com The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019 • 9

Community Calendar THURSDAY Feb. 14

WINE & POETRY • Swing by Jimbo’s Fine Wine & Liquor (128 Basalt Center Cir.) for a 5 to 6 p.m. tasting, then share your favorite poem or your own work from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.). ANTI-VALENTINES • Check out Chad Steig’s art, enjoy a house-made hearty ramen bowl from Carousel 42 and don’t worry about whether or not you have a sweetie from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Batch (358 Main St.). Reserve your spot for $25 at 510-5934.

To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is noon on Monday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted.

FRIDAY Feb. 15

KIDS MOVIE • Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) screens “Ralph Breaks the Internet” at 2 p.m. with refreshments provided. Free and open to all.

SOCIAL MEDIA WORKSHOP • The Hello Company (146 Midland Ave. #4, Basalt) helps you harness Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest for your small business from 8:30 to 11 a.m. — register for $50 at the-hello-co.com.

FRI to THU Feb. 15-21

MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre (427 Main St.) presents “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” (PG) at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 1517, Feb. 20-21 and at 5 p.m. on Feb. 18; “A Star Is Born” (R) at 4:45 p.m. on Feb. 16 and “Green Book” (PG-13, captioned) at 4:45 p.m. on Feb. 17. Closed Feb. 19.

FAMILY HOEDOWN • Head up to Cozy Point Ranch (210 Juniper Hill Rd., Snowmass Village) from 3 to 7 p.m. for mechanical bull riding, music from the Hell Roaring String Band, barbecue and more. Organized by COM PASS, which operates the Aspen and Carbondale Community Schools. COUNTRY FOLK • Singer-songwriter Corb Lund plays from 8 to 11 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits). $25 in advance at tacaw.org or $30 at the door.

LOVE WORKSHOP • Tyler Lambuth invites you to give the love you want with a $25 event featuring meditation, journaling and discussion from 8 to 9:30 p.m. at Kula Yoga (443 Main St.). COMEDY • Adam Cayton-Holland offers a night of laughter with champagne specials at 8 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits). $27 in advance at tacaw.org or $23 at the door.


SUNDAY Feb. 17 GROWN-UP BOARD GAMES • Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.) invites the 18+ crowd to enjoy a piratetheme game night from 5 to 6:30 p.m. — register by emailing lbaumgarten@ basaltlibrary.org. LOVE FEST • Watch “Ghost” and get dirty on the potter’s wheel alone or with a date from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Carbondale Clay Center (135 Main ST.). $30 per person; reserve your seat at carbondaleclay.org.

SNOWSHOE SHUFFLE • Race around Sunlight Mountain Resort (10901 CR 117, Glenwood) from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. — leashed pups welcome.


FULL MOON RUN • Meet at Independence Run & Hike (586 Highway 133) at 6 p.m. then take off for the top of Mushroom Rock with a little howling along the way. Warm clothes, good traction and headlamps encouraged.

YOUTH POETRY SLAM • A two-week Poets-in-the-schools course culminates with a spoken-word showdown from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.).


BLUEGRASS • The Stillhouse Junkies take the stage at Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) at 8:30 p.m. or thereabouts.

NATURALIST NIGHTS • Research Institute at Crow Canyon Executive Vice President Mark Varien discusses the deep

MOVIES THAT MATTER • Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.) screens “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” at 5 p.m.

history of the Pueblo people at 6 p.m. the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) and the next day at Hallam Lake in Aspen.

Ongoing DRUM & DANCE • Drop by the Carbondale Community School (1505 Satank Rd.) Mondays through March 4 for an African drum class at 5:15 p.m. and African Dance class at 6:30 p.m. — $15 each. Also, catch a World Rhythms Dance Class from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays at True Nature (100 N. Third St) — $14 with a punch pass. HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION • Free opportunities include: One-hour consultations Monday mornings by appointment (379-5718) about heart attack and other chronic illness prevention through plant-based whole foods lifestyle with retired family doctor Greg Feinsinger, MD. At 6 p.m. Tuesdays, a livestream of Just 1 Thing 4 Health’s interviews with featured doctors. At 7 p.m. the first Monday of the month, a Powerpoint presentation about the science behind plant-based nutrition. Finally, at 6:30 p.m. the fourth Monday of the month, participate in a plant-based potluck. All events take place at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) and are supported by Davi Nikent Center for Human Flourishing. OFFICE HOURS • Sun Editor Will Grandbois will be at Blue Spruce Coffee in the Third Street Center at 8 a.m. every Monday taking tips, questions, comments and complaints, and will be available in the office around the corner thereafter. EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN • Staff and sources talk about this week’s paper and more at 4 p.m. Thursdays on KDNK (88.1 FM). CALENDAR continued on page 11

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3:58 PM

Community Calendar

continued from page 10


VALLEY VISUAL ART SHOW • Check out a wide array of 2D and 3D art from 50 local artists in an unjuried display of the area’s full range of talent at the Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). WINTER ART • The Ann Korologos Gallery (211 Midland Ave., Basalt) continues its “Seasons of the West” series with a group exhibition of the moods of snow as captured by Peter Campbell, Ewoud de Groot, Michael Fain, Simon Winegar, Dan Young and others. IMPRESSIONS IN INK • The printmakers of Carbondale’s Creative District show their work at the CMC ArtShare Gallery (815 Cooper Ave., Glenwood Springs). YOUR STORY, YOUR LIFE • A free facilitated workshop for adults, writing your personal history, one story at a time. Facilitated by Shelly Merriam, historian/writer/ genealogist. First and third Fridays, 10 a.m. to noon at the Glenwood Springs Branch Library, (815 Cooper Ave.). Info at 945-5958 or gcpld.org. LIFE DRAWING • Drop in for figure drawing with Staci Dickerson at 6:30 p.m. Mondays at The Helios Center (601 Sopris Ave.). YAPPY HOUR • Colorado Animal Rescue’s Yappy Hour at the Marble Bar (150 Main St.) takes place at 5:30 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Sip on handcrafted cocktails and meet a C.A.R.E. dog, with $1 from every drink donated to C.A.R.E. Bring your own dog along as well. COMMUNITY MEAL • Faith Lutheran Church (1340 Highway 133), in collaboration with Carbondale Homeless Assistance, hosts a free community meal from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month. Info: 510-5046 or faithcarbondale.com.

RUN AROUND • Independence Run & Hike hosts a run around town Saturdays at 8 a.m. Meet at the store 596 Highway 133 (in La Fontana Plaza) and run various distances, with different routes each week. Info: 704-0909. ROTARY • The Carbondale Rotary Club meets at the Carbondale Fire Station (300 Meadowood Dr.) at 6:45 a.m. Wednesdays. The Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at White House Pizza (801 Main Ct.) at noon every Thursday. YOGA • Get a donation-based introduction to Hatha Yoga from 8 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). MAKERSPACE • Children and teens are invited to design, create, tinker, and play with art and technology to design and create with 3D Pens, make stop-motion animation films, engineer duct tape creations, build their own video games, and more from 2 to 3:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.). MINDFULNESS IN RECOVERY • An inclusive, peer-led recovery support group open to anyone with a desire for recovery — independent of faith and regardless of race, gender or orientation — meets Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m. in room 36 of the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) MINDFULNESS • The Mindful Life Program in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) offers group sessions Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Admission is by donation and registration is not necessary. Info: mindfullifeprogram.org and 970-633-0163. DHARMA • The Way of Compassion Dharma Center holds a Dharma talk and meditation from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays and a silent meditation and Buddha of Compassion practice at 8 a.m. Saturdays at

the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). SANSKRIT MANTRA • Devika Gurung demonstrates how chant is about more than spirtuality, but also breath and rhythm at 4:30 p.m. Sundays at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). RF INSIGHT • Monday Night Meditation meets from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. at Roaring Fork Aikikai (2553 Dolores Way) and offers instruction in the Buddhist practice of Vipassana. RFI also offers secular mindfulness at the Carbondale Community School and is working with CMC to provide a class on “Zen and the Art of Dying” — more info at roaringforkinsight.org. MEDITATION • Free silent meditation sessions are held at the Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.) from 6:45 to 7:30 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (info at 306-1015). BOOK CLUB • Join friends and fellow readers to discuss great books at Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at 4 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month; call 963-2889 for this month’s selection. LOSS SUPPORT • The Compassionate Friends of the Roaring Fork Valley, a group for parents, grandparents or siblings who have lost a child of any age, meets at 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month at The Orchard (110 Snowmass Dr.). GRIEF AND LOSS • Pathfinders offers a grief and loss support group every other Monday at 6 p.m., and a caregiver support group every other Wednesday noon. An RSVP is required to Robyn Hubbard at 319-6854. Pathfinders offers support groups from Aspen to Rifle and is located in Carbondale at 1101 Village Rd. Info: pathfindersforcancer.org.

WALK WITH A DOC • Aspen Valley Hospital (401 Castle Creek Rd.) invites you to meet in the cafeteria at 10 a.m. the first Saturday of the month for a short discussion on a health-related topic, such as high blood pressure, asthma, anxiety, etc. BLUEGRASS JAM • Bring the instrument of your choice or just your voice for a weekly jam session first and last Sundays at 6 p.m. at Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) and all other Sundays at the Glenwood Springs Brew Garden (115 Sixth St.) OPEN MIC • Take the stage at Riverside Grill (181 Basalt Center Circle, Basalt) from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays. Food and drink specials. Free. KARAOKE • The Black Nugget (403 Main St.) and Sandman bring you over 30,000 songs to choose from and a quality sound system to release your inner rockstar at 9 pm. every Thursday.

Further Out FRI Feb. 22 - SAT Feb. 23

CIRQUE D’SOPRIS • SoL Theatre Company presents a show of youth design, daring and dance at 6 p.m. both nights at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). $15 for adults and $5 for students at soltheatrecompany.org.

THU Feb. 21 - SAT March 9

OF MICE AND MEN • Thunder River Theatre (67 Promenade) brings John Steinbeck’s Depression-era drama to life with 7:30 p.m. shows most weekends and a 2 p.m. matinee March 3. Tickets at thunderrivertheatre.com with a discount for 20 and 30-somethings.


`` ART & HUMANITIES: Hand Woven Baskets ........................ 2/21-2/28 (Th) ...... 9am-12:30pm Fabulous Felted Slippers ................... 2/23-2/24 (SSu) ......... 9am-4pm Creative Writing Workshop .............. 3/18-4/15 (M) .................. 6-8pm Contemporary Mosaic Art ................ 3/19 (T) ...................... 9am-4pm Beginning Photoshop ........................ 3/21-4/25 (Th)............ 6-8:30pm Blackwork Embroidery ...................... 3/25 (M) .......................... 1-4pm Hand Woven Baskets ........................ 3/28 (Th).................... 9am-4pm Beaded Amulet Bag........................... 3/29 (F)................. 9:30am-4pm Peyote Stitch Basics .......................... 3/30 (S) ........................... 1-4pm Mosaic Mandala ................................ 4/11 (Th) ..................... 9am-4pm Ukranian Egg Decorating .................. 4/13 (S) ..................... 10am-3pm Geology of the RF Valley ................... 4/24 (W) ............8:15am-5:15pm Bargello/Florentine Embroidery........ 4/8 (M) ............................ 1-4pm


Chili Cook-Off & Concert

Matwork ................................ 3/18-5/1 (MW) ........ 10-10:50am NPilates Integrative Yoga ................................ 3/19-4/30 (T) ............. 6-7:30pm

Join us for a good ole time of music, food and friendship with the our guest musicians and chili judges, the Cowboy Chorale!! We will enjoy a concert by the Cowboy Chorale followed by a chili cook-off with 2 categories, plant-based and meat-based chilis. We hope you’ll join us for a fun service, great music and wonderful food!

Qigong - Grandfather of Tai Chi ........ 3/19-5/2 (TTh) ...... 8:45-9:45am FREE Yoga Intro................................. 3/21 (Th) ..................... 6-7:15pm Yoga .................................................. 3/21-5/2 (Th) ............... 6-7:15pm Integrative Yoga ................................ 3/22-5/3 (F) ............. 10-11:30am


Join us Sunday, February 17, 2019 - 10 a.m.

Materia Medica: Dandelion/Comfrey ...3/10 (Su) .......................... 1-4pm Materia Medica: Nettles/Chickweed ... 3/31 (Su) .......................... 1-4pm Materia Medica: Burdock/Cleavers ........ 4/28 (Su).......................... 1-4pm Womens Workshop ........................... 3/22-3/23 (FS) ........... 9am-4pm Community First Aid and CPR .......... 4/6 (Sa)................. 8am-5:30pm

Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist (TRUU) @ Third Street Center, Community Room


Carbondale Lappala Center • 690 Colorado Ave. • 963-2172 More classes and online registration available at www.coloradomtn.edu

Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist

Music with Jimmy Byrne, Religious Exploration with Ana Chynoweth, Preschool with Justice Bouchet

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019 • 11

Town Report The following items are drawn from Town Manager Jay Harrington’s weekly report to staff, trustees and others. 450 CHRISTMAS TREES were chipped into mulch, which can be procured at the lot across from Town Hall. ICE SKATING rinks remain open but are “highly weather dependent.”

Cop Shop From Feb. 1 through 7, Carbondale Police handled 221 Calls for Service. During that period, officers investigated the following cases of note: FRIDAY Feb. 1 at 7:53 p.m. A domestic violence call at the high school led to the arrest of a 42-year-old woman on harassment charges.

FIRST AID, CPR and AED training renewal is being offered in-house for Parks and Rec. staff. ADULT BROOMBALL will wrap up this week after tournament play. RED HILL TRAILS have new signage at intersections and the trailhead, encouraging the public to use the new trails and become familiar with the designations. The downhill only bike trail is still under construction and Single Track Trails will mobilize in March and April to complete it. Bikers will need to descend the normal route and exit at the BLM trailhead until the downhill bike only trail is completed. The hiker specific trail “Ruthie’s Run” and the “Lower Three Gulch” trail are complete and open to the public. SNOW REMOVAL CODE reminder: (Article 1 Section 11-130) It is unlawful for any person to remove snow or ice from any private property and deposit such snow or ice upon any public street, sidewalk, alley or other public property within the Town. PLANNING AND ZONING will consider an amendment to the Unified Development Code related to signage on Feb. 14, with a public hearing on Feb. 28. SALES TAXES for January were down .4 percent year over year. GATEWAY PARK house remodeling is underway. BRANCH CLEARING for Xcel power lines prompted some complaints.

The Town of Carbondale recognized students of month: Cristian Gomez, Taylor Rubinstein and Charlotte Grobler at their meeting on Feb. 12. Photo by Will Grandbois WATER LEAK repairs have significantly reduced demands on the water system. Meanwhile, a solenoid is suspected to have failed at the Roaring Fork treatment plant, taking one filter offline. POTHOLE repair has begun. SUMMER SEASONAL POSITIONS should be advertised beginning this week. JOB OFFERS for two utilities positions have been made pending background checks.

FRIDAY Feb. 1 at 11:47 p.m. Upon investigating a disturbance on Main Street, police arrested a 25-year-old man for felony menacing and reckless driving. SATURDAY Feb. 2 at 9:44 p.m. Another disturbance call led to the arrest of an apparently intoxicated 33-year-old woman for criminal mischief and trespass. SUNDAY Feb. 3 at 8:36 p.m. Police launched an investigation into a possible sex assault on a minor.

PAUL LAZO has been hired as a new officer, with a conditional offer to someone else. Both are expected to graduate from the Spring Valley Police Academy in May. With Isabel Leach currently in Field Training, that could mean three new officers fluent in both Spanish and English.


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As a non-profit community service, we can only thrive and grow with your support.

12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019




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Escuela Publica K-8 Únicas y innovadoras mientras avanzan el logro estudiantil.

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Trustees contemplate climate vulnerability

By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff

The Town of Carbondale’s approach to global climate change is expanding from contributing to the best case scenario to preparing for the worst. Last autumn, trustees attended a two-day Vulnerability, Consequences, and Adaptation Planning Scenarios (VCAPS) workshop with the Western Water Assessment (WWA) group. A final report on the subject was completed in January, and a presentation by WWA’s Jeff Lukas was included in the Feb. 12 meeting packet as the board considered how its current budget squares with those findings. The study found that rainfall in Pitkin County — which does not include Carbondale but is the source of almost all of its water resources — was unusually variable from 2000-17 but actually fairly comparable on average to the 20th century. The comparison is less flattering against the relatively wet years from 1970-99. Tree-ring analysis, however, yields an even deeper context, with incredibly lean years inferred as far back as 1598. However, for extended drought, 2000-04 is right up there with 1622-26. Of course, tree rings aren’t a perfect predictor of streamflow, which in turn is driven by more than rainfall. Therein lies the rub. Even if precipitation remains constant, the presentation notes, warming alone creates a drying trend due to evaporation. Water that falls as rain or melts rapidly in the spring can also end up downstream rather than soaking into the soil or recharging groundwater. With average daily temperatures in Pitkin County expected to rise 5˚ F by 2050 even in low-emissions models, that means a signifi-

A Western Water Assessment graphic based on information from the NOAA Climate Explorer. cantly increased chance of drought, wildfires and other disruptions to life in the Valley. “Here’s real data and real science about what’s happening directly here,â€? Town Manger Jay Harrington told trustees. “When you look at some of those temperature projections‌ they’re pretty significant in terms of impact‌ It’s coming. It’s coming quicker than I think a lot of us thought.â€? And while the municipality has already taken actions toward combating climate change — including investments in renewable energy, the pending purchase of a hybrid police vehicle and adoption of a green building code — many of the action items discussed on Tuesday were more reaction-


Ogilbys turning out to be a family of fish It’s hard to say where the swimming legacy in the Ogilby family begins and ends. On one hand, it traces back at least as far as 1933 Illinois state freestyle champion Trahern Ogilby. On the other, it’s his great-granddaughters — AmĂŠlie, 12, and Laia, 9 — who have inspired the intervening generations — Chuck, 75, and Kayo, 45 — to get back into competition. “There’s a thread there that is really special,â€? said Kayo. “I have treasured getting to take that journey with them.â€? Chuck and Kayo recently returned from the National Championship, where the former took first in his age group for three events (the 50 back by nearly 3 seconds, the 100 by almost 12, and the 200 back by more than 15) and third in another, with the latter finishing fifth in the 1650 freestyle. The visit to Indianapolis was also a chance for Chuck to reflect on his college years under coach and “father of interval trainingâ€? James Counsilman. Some of his old teammates are in the hall of fame there, and Chuck was no slouch himself. Kayo remembers following his father around to meets as a kid and even got time out of school to attend the very first World Masters competition in New Zealand. At 41, however, Chuck decided to call it quits. “I went back into the pool and I just couldn’t do it,â€? he said. “I didn’t so much as put my toe into the water until three years ago.â€? Meanwhile, the family moved to Vail before buying Hell Roaring Ranch in 1978 and

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Currently $3,000 towards goal. Thank you!


This cute poodle was adopted by Michael Rosenberg Trayhern Ogilby who held Illinois state record in the 200 freestyle and is the middlenamesake of his great-grandaughter, Laia.

Just before the Alcatraz jump in April. From left Carbondale Rec. Director Eric Brendlinger, Sophia Jacober, Macie Brendlinger, AmĂŠlie Ogilby, Kayo Ogilby and Laia Ogilby.

ran it as a bed and breakfast for years before branching into Avalanche Ranch next door. Kayo grew up ski racing and playing soccer, and although he joined the swim team for one year in college, he set it aside until about 10 years ago. That’s when, as a teacher and ski coach at Colorado Rocky Mountain School, he decided he needed some background fitness. “I hit that age when I was struggling to keep up with teenagers,� he explained “Swimming keeps you younger in body and heart.�

other parts of their lives.� Pretty soon, he couldn’t resist the opportunity to join some of the open competitions — even if it meant joining a relay team with a 6, 11 and 13 year old.

Upstream It might never have gone beyond that had the family not taken AmĂŠlie to a swim meet in 2013. She was hooked immediately. “I really like the competition and the adrenaline,â€? she said. Pretty soon, Laia wanted in on the action. “I watched my sister for a long time and I wanted to do it,â€? she said. “Usually I’m swimming against people who are five years older, but I get faster each day.â€? She’s not quite ready to give up on horseback riding the way her big sister recently dropped ballet to train, however. AmĂŠlie’s new full-time routine helped her leapfrog right over the second-tier silver finals and make the cut to compete in state this year. “It was really fun to see the way setting goals transformed her,â€? Kayo said. Another game changer was swimming in open water. AmĂŠlie recently swam the Golden Gate Bridge and the whole family participated in the swim from Alcatraz to the mainland. Kayo himself has completed a gruelling route around Key West. “It changes your perception of what’s possible,â€? he said. “We feel like we’re seeing it percolate through

“His dad was a swimmer, he’s a swimmer, my dad’s a swimmer, my sister’s a swimmer. Now I’m a swimmer. That’s pretty cool.� – Laia Ogilby “Suddenly, I found myself instead of standing around and waiting being part of things,� he said. With that example, Chuck couldn’t help but buy a pair of goggles himself.

Stronger together The Ogilbys are all part of Team Sopris, a robust nonprofit run by parents and coaches which holds four morning practices each week at the Glenwood Community Center, and is recruiting adults who want to swim better. Contact Coach Heggy (theggy@teamsopris.org) for more information. “We’ve found ourselves part of a really neat team,� Kayo said. “It’s a long standing program that includes all the facets — club, high school and masters.� The kids’ bus driver at Waldorf is even involved, so they have a direct ride to the Glenwood Rec. Center after school. The family — and there’s a cousin or two in the mix, as well — contributes a particular talent for distance events, but it’s not just about one person. “Everyone comes together to cheer on and support each other,� Kayo said. The camaraderie helps them all get out of bed before dawn to practice. “When poppa brought in the book

about great grandpa, it inspired me to work as he had,â€? Laia said. “His dad was a swimmer, he’s a swimmer, my dad’s a swimmer, my sister’s a swimmer. Now I’m a swimmer. That’s pretty cool.â€? And while big wins like Chuck’s are exhilarating and exhausting, it’s the day-to-day goals of beating your personal record or maintaining against age or a new class. AmĂŠlie turns 13 in November and will enter a new bracket. First, she’s planning to attend a summer camp in Grand Junction and hopes to compete in the state meet for long course. “Swimming has progressed so much,â€? Chuck noted. “I didn’t train like the girls do until I was in college.â€? In fact, AmĂŠlie and Kayo are doing a lot of the same intervals, and in the past few weeks she has begun to outpace him. “I thought maybe I would have until she was in high school,â€? Kayo noted. “It’s an interesting milemarker as a parent, but I couldn’t be more thrilled. These kids are fish.â€?

River Bridge Executive Director Blythe Chapman has a lot going on. The organization’s annual signature “Imagineâ€? fundraiser, which requires its own year-round planning committee, is Saturday, April 28. Additionally, she’s overseeing a brick-andmortar expansion for the center: Garfield County purchased another building just down the street for River Bridge to offer its non-forensic work. “When they built this building 10 years ago, I don’t think there was any idea of what we would become,â€? Chapman said. “Since 2008, our numbers have increased Meghan Hurley sits with Frasier, the River Bridge facility dog, at the center. Hurley acts for forensic interviews alone by as Frasier’s handler, the mental health therapist for the organization and is also a GarCo 180 percent — that’s just fo- Dept. of Human Services employee. Photo by Renelle Lott rensic interviewing.â€? Last year, River Bridge con- state, only three service the Western Slope, cessful event like the Imagine fundraisers, ducted 223 forensic in- Derkash said. That means that while Riv- Chapman said, noting that this year, Ace terviews. In 2008, that er Bridge sees families from Steamboat Hardware in Carbondale donated $5,000 Springs or Leadville, many cases go through to join River Valley Ranch (which hosts the number was just 80. Forensic inter- reporting avenues with much more sterile event at the Old Thompson Barn) as previews aren’t the only environments than the Teddy-bear-laden senting sponsors. “[That] is huge for us,â€? she said about the uptick the center has couches that line the rooms at River Bridge. “The Department of Human Services is new sponsorship. “Every dollar that we raise absorbed. “The medical program, the training kind of similar to the DMV — they’ve got goes directly toward providing direct services.â€? program, community out- the glass window, and you’re like, ‘I’m here reach‌ all of that has grown to talk about my child’s sexual abuse case,’ Child Abuse and so much, and that leads to a lot and then you go sit in the plastic chair and River Bridge 101 wait with all these other people who are more traffic,â€? Chapman explained. What: Presentation to Roaring The second building will help manage there to receive services,â€? she said. Fork Young Professionals that increased traffic. It will also help enWhen: 6 - 8:30 p.m. sure that forensic interviews truly happen Something to celebrate Monday, April 23 It feels a little counterintuitive to have one family at a time in the current location, Where: GlenX, 520 S. Third St. which presently functions as the center’s a party in support of funding child abuse Children’s Safety Fair headquarters. There are two doors, one at prevention and investigation, but that’s exWhat: An interactive event targeted the front of the building and another on actly what Imagine 6 is all about, and River to the children, youth, and families. the side, to help manage foot traffic so that Bridge staff looks forward to it every year. When: 11 a.m - 2 p.m. “The more we talk about it, the more families never interact with nonessential Friday, April 27 awareness there is, the better it’s going to be. staff or other happenings. Where: Rifle Middle School, Bennett, for one, is looking forward to And this is a great event to come to because it’s 753 Railroad Ave. not having to utilize that side door as of- a big party,â€? Derkash said. “You can have fun, ten once the new building is operational — and it’s not this heavy, really intense thing.â€? Imagine 6 It’s also an opportunity for members of hopefully by the end of the year. When: 6 - 9 p.m. Saturday, April 28 “I don’t like making anybody go to the the multidisciplinary team — often in more Where: Old Thompson Barn, side door and making it feel sketchy,â€? she serious roles — to mingle with community 333 River Valley Ranch Rd. said. “That’s the biggest thing: not making it members in a social context, she added. Price: $75/person, $150/VIP ticket Indeed, it takes massive community supfeel sketchy.â€? (tinyurl.com/riverbridgeimagine6) Of the 16 child advocacy centers in the port in order to even be able to have a suc-

“We’re really just trying to reduce anxiety and the stress of the kid after they’ve experienced something really tough.�

Annie, adopted by Tracey Yajko

Jim Calaway, C.A.R.E. co-founder and animal lover

Keeping dogs ‘heeling�












Reclamation PAGE 3 proposed PAGE

Dandy5 schedule

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Aimee Cullwick and Delilah

Nan Campbell and Nevee

Katie Bannon and Isabelle









4, Number








and Katie

Maile LaPenna with Ember

Rachel Menke and Kaleesi


HER EN This 5, 2011 GIVE

specials in










and Andrea Maddalone





By Megan Tackett Carbondale Animal Rescue (CARE) Executive Director Wes Boyd and benefactor Jim Calaway made an impressive fundraising team at the annual Dressed to the K9s benefit, but it was Wendigo that really pulled at heart — and purse — strings. “He arrived at the shelter unable to use his back legs, dragging his feet. His toes were bloodied. He had two very very bad ear infections, multiple broken teeth and he also has cancer. Wendigo in most situations was facing death,� Boyd said. “In the 10 months that he’s been in our care, Wendigo is a different dog. His life has continued. He’s happy, he’s healthy, he’s walking. And I’d love for you to meet him tonight.� At first, the husky mix with a penchant for chewing cowboy boots stayed put, despite Boyd’s howling into the curtain wings. But when Wendigo did grace the stage, the white-haired could-be wolf won over everyone in attendance. Paddles started raising and people shouted donation pledges to the Thumper Fund, CARE’s emergency fund for the kind of extensive medical care like that Wendigo received. “The money we have set aside gives us the opportu-

Beth Grieser and Edan Guimond

Frisbie &



help Hundreds 16-17 Page

12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • APRIL 19-25, 2018

16 Unsung Page








and Walker


by Beth







and Alicia

Parker Potter







and Kim


Items and coupons




and Michelle

Partain Riley

and Meghan

and Michelle

and Soozie

and Julie



and Jen


Congratula to Carbondaletions Newest & Babies Moms ’s




and Trina

Sale for





Happ Mot y Day her’s





Angie and Axel Hannula




Portraits Trina CarolOrtega by Cravenand

13 •



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campgr quirky Nye

& Elissa




Paas Ferguson GinnyBarrett







Stefanie Diaz and Mayett Silva


returns Marston 19


Carbondal Tasting 3

Riley & Donna

& ah robler



Amanda and Cleo Nielsen

and Zentmyer Williams Pam Maxine



Malina Maggie Victoria Cruz and Cruz-Monge



Muhigirwa & Bonnie

Maes Maielle




Cara and Kepa Maiolo


and Recio




Jessica Beltran and Lucy Robinson

and Katie Workman Sherman

and XimenaMadewell Lautaru


Wenonah Jasmine




See more photos on pages 11-13 and at


Help us find forever homes for local pets! Genevieve Join us for lunch! Tons of giveaways, prizes, pets, and FUN! Free custom engraved pet ID tags






Happy â?¤ â?¤

Olivia and JJ Ruiz and Ranaye Braley

Edward Photos by Mark Burrows, rfvphoto.com

Kim Sanderford





AD RESERVATION DEADLINE: Monday, May 7 by noon Contact Carol Fabian 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com

Photos by Mark Burrows, rfvphoto.com

Chelsea and Stella Mae Robson

Cassidy and Brooke Sanderson

Aesop, adopted by CARE employee Noah Baskin

If we don’t have it in stock, we will strive to ďŹ nd it for you!

Katie Grey Walker and Emile Grey-Jinks

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Skiing a year-round sport for local teen By Jane Bachrach Sopris Sun Staff

Teague is the one who taught Kate about the importance of training and she attributes much of her success to him. “Because the season is so short, the training done in summer and fall is so important. This is a year-round sport, six days a week 50 weeks a year and two weeks for unstructured training,� Teague said. Most of her training is computerized, according to Teague. “Every time the athlete trains, they wear a heart monitor that tracks their speed, distance and heart rate, and they wear a wristband that evaluates how hard the athlete is working. The biggest struggle is going easy on the easy days,� Teague said. “Kate’s greatest asset is her mental strength. She’s good at being able to push when it hurts, and part of that is to stay relaxed and believe in the process while competing in major events. What this basically means is that she believes in herself and in her training,� he said. Kate achieved her goals the last two years but this year it will be different, Teague said. “Her goal this year will be process-driven rather than result-driven. Kate is on the verge of making the U.S. Ski Team for an international trip, and if she takes a year to work on process, she will make it.� If you’re curious about what Kate does on her few precious days off, we won’t keep you in suspense: she races bikes and kayaks.

DID YOU HUG YOUR SKIS TODAY? Maybe Nordic ski racer Kate Oldham should do an ad. The CRMS student has at least 10 pairs of skis that she uses for training and racing, depending on the conditions. Growing up, this Carbondale athlete would go cross-country skiing because that’s what her parents did for recreation. At 15-years-old, she’s now taking it seriously. Photo by Jane Bachrach

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Monday thru Friday 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. • Sunday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • APRIL 19-25, 2018 • 13

Holly and Scout Buell


Storewid e*

Fuel Up At the Pump with

Sara and Julia Erickson


15% Off

0760 Highway 133, Carbondale, CO (970) 963-2220

See more photos on pages 10-11 and at www.soprissun.com

25% Off

Fencing, livestock and Land scaping equipment, mate

Roaring Fork Valley COOP

Betsy and Arbaney After

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • SEPTEMBER 20-26, 2018 • 7


6-8 p.m.

Elly Harder with Jade and Willa Schachter


Chick Day April 18

Volume 10, Number 14 | May 10, 2018


6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • SEPTEMBER 20-26, 2018


First le 50 peope receiv a free chick!!

Brittany and Ilse Foss

Spring has arrived and ski season is just about over in the Roaring Fork Valley. Temperatures are on the rise and snow levels (what little there was this year) are on the wane. Ski enthusiasts are packing up and putting their skis in storage until next winter. Not 15-year-old Kate Oldham. Born and raised in Carbondale on healthy burritos and CafĂŠ Ole (her parents own Dos Gringos,) her ski season continues almost year-round — six days a week, sometimes twice a day for 11 months. But it has paid off. The CRMS student is a Nordic ski racer whose goal this year was to make the U16 division of Aspen Valley Ski Club’s (AVSC) National Competition team. This team competes nationally and is the highest-level program for cross-country skiing at AVSC. Not only did Kate make the team this last season, she excelled and ended up as a state champion with all state finishes (top 5 overall) in both skate and classic. She also achieved all-American (top 10) finishes in both skate and classic at Nationals. This is no easy feat for any teenager. Because of the year-round training schedule, the sport requires dedication and resilience. Especially if you’re a high school student that who forward each year to summer. If you want to compete there is no summer vacation. “Seventy-five percent of Nordic skiers are made in the summer,â€? Kate said. Kate’s Nordic ski coach is August Teague, who is the director of the AVSC and is quite the catch as far as ski coaches go. The Aspen native coached the Australian National Nordic team at the Olympics in Sochi, as well as two world championships.


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Susan and Emmett Rains


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Lindsay Francesca






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Volume 9, Number 14 | May 11, 2017


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photos by Erica and Mark Burrows Lucia





| May

Eli Minor


Celebrating Moms







Alexander and

April Long and Adelaide

Vanessa Anthes and Rowynn

Amy Kaufmann and Emily

Andrea Stewart and Lukas




Todas las mamĂĄs que dieron a la luz un bebĂŠ el aĂąo pasado di serĂĄn foto grafiadas gratis para la ediciĂłn especial del periĂłdico del DĂ­a de las Madres








abies children Mothers with kids of all ages welcome and photos will be available for purchase. Day will be raditional

| May 9, 2013

Bank PAGE robbed8

Brittany Bergin-Foff and







Portraits of moms and their babies born within the past year or children adopted since last Mother’s Day will be featured m in The Sopris Sun’s traditional Mother’s Day edition on May 10.

Volume 5, Number 13

weekly, non-profit newspaper


8, 2014



April 21 9am- 5 pm

Third Street Center Carbondale






| May









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Mark Burrows 970-379-4581 mark@rfvphoto.com

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community connector

Freddie is available for adoption

nity to just keep saying yes to every animal that comes into our care,� Boyd said, adding that about half of the animals that CARE receives require some sort of additional medical attention. And while the dogs were the night’s VIPs, a book released that night had a more feline flavor. “It’s a true story about a cat that made quite the venture and ended up at the CARE shelter. We found him through an ad in the paper, and it was the family cat!� author Kathy Barger said about her “memoir,� told through Guinness’ perspective. She plans to split the proceeds between CARE and Colorado Mountain College. “My objective is to raise money for both CARE and the No Barriers Fund at CMC, and that’s something not a lot of people know about. It’s a special fund that was set up for students that run into an emergency,� she explained. While the book tells the tale of a cat’s journey, Barger crafted the story specifically to resonate with children — she even hired eighth grader Jade Meyer to illustrate it. She hopes that, like the proceeds she raises through sales, the story can spread some joy. “This is a very caring story, and we need happy stories today in this world,� she said. “The Mr. Rogers kind of thing.�


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Buzzin’ around Mountain Fair


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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Chuck and Kayo at Masters Nationals in Indianapolis. Courtesy photos

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MAY 17-23, 2018 • 3

Informational evening with Purina Reps who will talk about chick health, feeding, and taking care of your flock.

Trustees gave final approval for Main Street Marketplace construction and heard from First Bank officials that groundbreaking will take place before the end of the month with opening sometime in October. Construction is also expected to begin on the new City Market by the beginning of June for completion in late 2020. The board also went into executive session to receive a litigation update regarding lawsuits filed by Pat Kiernan and Tumbleweed.

Amanda Stroder and Austin Dean Parks

A growing need

Frasier — the smiley facility dog at River Bridge Regional Center — was at the groomers. He had to appear in court the next day, where he had important footresting duties for the child testifying. “Whenever a child has to testify or give a witness statement or an impact statement, Frasier will sit at their feet,� said Bridget Derkash, forensic interviewer and community outreach coordinator at River Bridge. It’s a seemingly small thing, but it can make a huge difference. “They’re having to look at their offender while they’re talking; it’s so intense,� Derkash continued, “but the kiddo has this dog at their feet, so it helps make that process less intimidating.� At its core, that’s the entire mission of the center: making something terrible a little less so. The child advocacy center trains and staffs a multidisciplinary team of experts in their respective fields, all of whom are dedicated to ensuring families’ privacy and dignity through reporting alleged abuse. Lori Bennett, River Bridge’s victim advocate and administrative assistant, often finds herself turning on a white noise machine — she tends to prefer birds chirping — to diminish the risk of others overhearing a forensic interview. Derkash keeps toys in her desk. And of course, Frasier is usually on site. “We’re really just trying to reduce anxiety and the stress of the kid after they’ve already experienced something really tough,� Derkash said. “When there’s an allegation of physical abuse or sexual abuse or a kid is a witness to violence, instead of having to go to a lot of different places — like the police department or the Department of Human Services or the district attorney’s office or even a hospital — they get to come here and have all those services in one spot.�

In other news‌

Photos and text by Jane Bachrach


By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff

It is a crime that there are dogs without homes, and although we can’t solve this unfortunate problem everywhere, Colorado Animal Rescue (C.A.R.E.) is doing their best to solve it locally. Chief among their many supporters is The Dogfather, Jim Calaway, who co-founded C.A.R.E. and continues to raise money to support the shelter that rescues homeless animals and helps them get adopted. The shelter’s most important fundraiser of the year took place on Sept. 15 at the Carbondale Rec. Center, which was transformed into a nightclub where dogs and humans could eat and drink, socialize, enjoy entertainment and donate funds during the Dogfather’s renown “pledgeathon.� They ended up raising more than $200,000.

By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff


River Bridge fundraiser highlights need, celebrates successes

ary than preventative. “Where we’ve really concentrated our funding is on the utility side,� Harrington said. That includes securing water rights and increasing plant capacity in case of reduced output from one source — or a call that would bypass more junior rights. There is also money set aside for ditch and storm drain improvements and a new clarifier to produce more concentrated wastewater solids. There’s plenty more that could be done, Harrington noted, from reducing park irrigation to accelerating the Town’s Climate Action Plan. “I think last summer was a little wakeup call to folks what a river looks like with no

water in it,â€? he said. Ben Bohmfalk was certainly on board to take it a step further. “We have to prepare for the inevitable reality and start adjusting,â€? he observed. “We’re focused a lot on the supply side, and I think we should have some discussions on reducing demand as well.â€? Mayor Dan Richardson expressed an eagerness to have a community discussion on the topic, and Marty Silverstein was optimistic about public education. “People can be taught new habits. It just takes effort and time,â€? he said. “If our national government isn’t going to address these issues, than it’s up to us to address them because it’s going to affect us locally‌ I think we really lead by example, and we can do that with water.â€? That said, he didn’t expect it to be an easy discussion, particularly when it came to the town’s less-than-efficient ditch system. But, in Harrington’s assessment, it’s worth a try. “I honestly think this is one of the most important things you as a board can work on for the next couple of years,â€? he said.

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After buzzin’ around Mountain Fair for three days, you could feel the love from the pollinators as it spread throughout Sopris Park and beyond. These are just some of the faces scenes, events and people that stood out — there were also many more moments captured that could fill every page of this week’s newspaper. We hope you enjoy this photo journey of a memorable Mountain Fair that weathered the elements without too much of a sting!

Diesel Dan and Rhonda R2 Roberts left their hives to announce the women’s wood splitting competition on Saturday. Before alighting upon that scene they flew over the main stage where Crystal River Ballet’s production of Alice and Wonderland was being held. Meanwhile, this little honey bee flitted around the Oasis on Saturday morning while a table of judges at the pie-baking competition crack up at an argument between two photographers who shall remain unnamed. Photos and text by Jane Bachrach


RJPaddywacks.com Open: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-6:30 ~ Sat.-Sun. 10-5pm

R J Paddywacks Pet Outfitter

400 E. Valley Road # I/J • Next to City Market – El Jebel 10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com 6 • THE SOPRIS •SUN AUGUST • www.SoprisSun.com 2-8, 2018 • MARCH 22-28, 2018

The Sopris Sun is looking for a part-time Production Artist to layout and design our weekly newspaper. Experience in Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Acrobat required. Newspaper or publication experience helpful.

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’sThe weekly Sopris community Sun, Carbondale’s connectorweekly • AUGUST community 2-8, 2018 connector • 11 • MARCH 22-28, 2018 • 7


Please send resume and artwork sample to will@soprissun.com.


The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019 • 13

By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff

The ties that bind

To say The Sopris Sun is a team effort is both a cliché and an understatement, but it’s still the response I give every time someone compliments the paper (the same approach does not apply to complaints, I’m afraid). That truth could not have been more perfectly illustrated than it was at our sold-out tenth birthday party at The Way Home on Sunday. We filled every one of 70 seats with folks who had contributed to The Sun’s success in one way or another: board members, staff, columnists, donors, advertisers and readers from the very first issue ‘til today. We’ve talked a lot lately about the tremendous uphill battle of founding a paper in six weeks during the height of the recession. Perhaps we haven’t said enough about the decade since. The job of journalism has not become any easier, at least on the large scale. Newspapers continue to close, and those that endure are subject to cuts and compromises and distrust. But against that backdrop, Carbondale has supported its hometown paper, and The Sopris Sun has come out every week, 523 times in a row. It hasn’t always been easy. Our small staff feels the impact of every sick or personal day, and I’ve watched folks at our paper and others work under circumstances that might justifiably have sent them to bed for a month. Even when we’re at our best, there are hard decisions to make and tough issues to tackle. We will never please everyone and, honestly, that sometimes bothers me. But at the end of the week, we have something tangible to show for all our efforts — a blend of words and images from different minds and different eyes woven together

24 Years Locally Owned!

into a whole that, I think, is more than the sum of its parts. And while I’m very proud of our award-winning website, I still see the physical paper as our flagship product and best possible showcase of our editorial and submitted content, advertising and layout. Perhaps that’s because of all the time I’ve spent digging through the bound volumes of The Valley Journal in the back room at the Carbondale Branch Library. The process of writing “Pages of the Past” every week both pushes me to improve and keeps me grounded. It reminds me that the more things seem to change, the more they stay the same. In my mind, those volumes are nothing less than the history of Carbondale, tapping into roots even deeper than the paper’s own 35-year run. Until now, that story ended abruptly with 2008, for while The Sun kept chronicling, our archives have not been available alongside the Journal’s. But with some assistance from the Pitkin County Library and Michael Scher, the support of the board and some lovely work by Denver Bookbinding, we’re remedying that. I had the pleasure of showing off our first nine bound volumes at the birthday brunch, and am working with Carbondale Branch Library to make them publicly available there. We’re also planning to bind a second set to keep at the office. A few people have already stepped up to “sponsor” a year — cutting $150 checks to ensure a continued Carbondale chronicle. We’d love to have a backer for each issue, so please let me know at 510-0540 or will@soprissun. com if you’re interested. Regardless, I hope folks will take the opportunity to peruse the nearly 10,000 pages production designer Terri Ritchie has laid out and appreciate the different perspec-

Open 7 Days/Week



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self-service dog wash $15 Open: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-6:30 ~ Sat.-Sun. 10-5pm

R J Paddywacks Pet Outfitter

400 E. Valley Road # I/J • Next to City Market – El Jebel 14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019

Birthday Brunch attendees had a chance to look through bound volumes of past papers while folks from the very beginning right up to today hobnobbed. The Way Home did most of the heavy lifting, but some some Sun decor brightened things up a bit more. Photos by Klaus Kocher tives Trina, Terray, Lynn and myself brought to this role alongside a wide array of other contributors. I bet they’ll run across a memory they’d forgotten or a face they think about every day. Meanwhile, we’ll be hard at work writing this year’s history book as we try inform, inspire and build community on another trip around the sun.

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Letters from page 2 sponsors and board members that are the rock on which Spring Gulch is built. The Board of The Mount Sopris Nordic Council

Glad to be back Dear Editor: I am relieved and excited to report that employees are back to work and the AspenSopris Ranger District is getting back to the business of caring for the land and serving the many communities in and around the Roaring Fork Valley. About 20 employees on the Aspen-Sopris Ranger District were impacted by the partial government shutdown. Over the last 35 days, many of you have personally reached out to us with offers to help and kind words of encouragement. Some organizations such as Alpine Bank, Pitkin County, and Aspen Skiing Company offered short-term loans and alternative employment, and the town of Aspen started a GoFundMe site. Thank you for stepping up to assist employees with their needs! The symbolic gesture of a yellow ribbon tied around our flagpole in Carbondale warmed our hearts. We are grateful for the outpouring of community support. Not only did you offer our employees support, you took care of the land by leaving no trace and stewarding the White River National Forest. We are also grateful for the partner and community work that kept some of our visitor services functioning. We have great gratitude and respect for our partners, and we are so thankful for those strong partnerships we have in place to help deliver our mission. In the coming days, we will reset our work to continue delivering the benefits and services that you all expect from us. We recognize that the partial government shutdown has impacted the important work we do. Right now, we are assessing priorities for the remainder of the year. In this endeavor, we ask for your patience and understanding. There is a lot to do to prepare for another upcoming busy spring and summer season on the most-visited national forest in the nation. This is a challenge we will lean into in the coming months. As we continue to reconnect with you all and look ahead, we want you all to know that we are back open for business and we are honored to be serving the public again! Karen Schroyer Aspen-Sopris District Ranger

Legal Notice A letter of protest Commissioner Jankovsky: This is a letter of protest for your letter of endorsement for the Jordan Cove project, the Canadian proposal for a liquified natural gas pipeline from the gas fields of northwestern Colorado to a port near Coos Bay, Oregon. This is the last thing Garfield County needs. I’m sure you justify it, as you usually do, with job opportunities and increased revenues, but those are money issues. How much money is the adverse health and safety effects of natural gas extraction on the citizens of Garfield County and contributions to the looming climate crisis worth? I swear, the symbol of the Republican Party should be the dollar sign. Any action that brings in more cash must be good. This view is very shortsighted. The fossil fuel industry is yesterday’s news and the smart move for Garfield County and the rest of the nation is to switch to renewables as swiftly as possible. Worsening climate change is selling out

Parting Shot

our children’s and grandchildren’s future. We used to be a people who wanted to leave the world better than we found it. To paraphrase Sting, don’t Republicans love their children, too? Fred Malo Jr. Carbondale

Thanks, Jim Dear Editor: Jim Calaway’s life celebration was one of the most humorous, intelligent and compassionate I have attended. Jim and Connie are an amazing force. I say are, because in a real way Jim‘s here, in our hearts, as his giving affects our lives. Mother Teresa said, “It is not that we give, but the love that we give with, that makes the difference.” Jim understood that, and nowhere is it clearer than with his CARE shelter. I considered Jim to have been a developer of community and an architect of balanced society. I can only hope that his example continues to ripple out and inspire. John Hoffmann Carbondale

Roaring Fork Schools NOTICE OF FINAL CONTRACTOR’S SETTLEMENT To all individuals, corporations, governments or governmental subdivisions or agencies, business trusts, estates, trusts, limited liability companies, partnerships, associations, or other legal entities that have furnished labor, materials, sustenance, or other supplies used or consumed by the contractor, FCI Constructors, Inc., or such contractor’s subcontractor(s), in or about the performance of work, or who have supplied laborers, rental machinery, tools, or equipment to the extent used in the prosecution of the work, for the construction project described as follows: Roaring Fork School District RE-1 Carbondale Employee Housing Project (2016 –2018) 455 S 3rd St., Carbondale, CO 81623 and whose claim or claims therefore have not been paid by the said contractors, or its subcontractors, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 21st day of February 2019, at the contractor’s hour of 10:00 A.M., at the Roaring Fork School District RE-1, District Admin Office, 1405 Grand Avenue, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601, final settlement will be made for work contracted to be done by the said contractor, for the above described project and all appurtenances which are a part of said project. Verified statements of the amounts due and unpaid on account of such claim or claims shall be filed with and received by Jeff Gatlin, 1405 Grand Avenue, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601, by such time and date. Dated: February 4th, 2019 NV5 By: John Usery Title: Owner’s Representative Published in The Sopris Sun on February 14, 2019.

Unclassifieds Submit to unclassifieds@soprissun.com by Friday 12 p.m. Rates: $15 for 30 words, $20 for up to 50 words. Payment due before publication.*

THE SOPRIS SUN IS HIRING. Part-time Production Artist position available for layout and design of weekly newspaper. Experience in Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Acrobat required. Newspaper or publication experience helpful. Please send resume and artwork sample to will@soprissun.com. GET THE WORD OUT IN UNCLASSIFIEDS! Rates start at $15. Email unclassifieds@ soprissun.com. While Elli MacKinley, Elliot Audette and Nina Gerona did not take home the win at Carbondale Arts’ inaugural lipsync contest at Batch, they put on a sparkling performance of “Stacy’s Mom” for their audience. Photo by Erin Danneker

*Credit card payment information should be emailed to unclassifieds@ soprissun.com or call 970-274-1076. Checks may be dropped off at our office at the Third Street Center or mailed to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. Call 510-3003 for more info.

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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • FEBRUARY 14-20, 2019 • 15


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