February 16, 2012

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Roasting Gene


What a tree house


Debunking food myths


Sopris Carbondale’s

weekly, non-profit newspaper


Volume 4, Number 1 | February 16, 2012

Rams handle Aspen Kaleigh Wisroth puts one up in Roaring Fork’s 50-29 win over Aspen on Feb. 10. Wisroth, a senior, recorded 14 points; Megan Gianinetti, a junior, led the team with 23 points and 11 rebounds. The Lady Rams are 8-2 in 3A Western Slope league play and face Coal Ridge at home at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 17. They conclude league play at Rifle at 2:30 p.m. on Feb. 18 then host district tournament action on Feb. 21. Photo by Sue Rollyson

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Carbondale Commentary The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, e-mail editor Lynn Burton at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.

RFTA and natural gas (EdiToR’S noTE: The Sopris Sun asked Carbondale Town Trustee John Hoffmann to explain his position on the Roaring Fork Transit Agency’s on-going effort to draft an “aspirational policy” concerning natural gas production. Hoffmann sided with three other RFTA board members on Feb. 9 to include wording that expresses concerns over drilling in “environmentally sensitive areas.” Hoffmann’s e-mail response to The Sopris Sun’s question is printed below). RFTA made a decision to buy 18 CNG (compressed natural gas) buses as part of its Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project. The decision was made with the information and guidance of the Governor’s Energy Office, the Garfield Clean Energy Authority and It’s contractor – CLEER. The advantages are that NG (natural gas) is a local fuel, it’s pricing structure is more stable and runs about $1 per gallon less than diesel, plus the exhaust fumes contain far less CO2, CO, hydrocarbons, and sooty particles. Though the fuel is less weighing on the environment, like oil the NG extraction process can be very dirty and polluting if it is not managed carefully. Many of the regulations that would have controlled the extraction process to reduce its effect on the environment were taken away by the 2005 Energy Appropriations Bill, which placed a moratorium on the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, CERCLA, the Superfund Act, and NEPA. RFTA is sensitive to it’s mission of service and ecological benefit to our valley. People in our area are sensitive to the effects of NG extraction. Thus, RFTA staff felt the need to address that sensitively in a short statement on our Web site. The statement we considered was: “RFTA expects the gas and oil industry to adhere to industry best practices when exploring for, extracting, and delivering the energy resources upon which RFTA relies. “To the best of its ability, RFTA will attempt to do business with only those that do. “Additionally, RFTA does not support exploration or drilling for natural resources in environmentally sensitive areas.” The first part was fine with the entire board. The second part sounded like it would require an additional staff member to review the drilling practices of the supplier. And there is the observation that most suppliers sell their product to the pipeline company that has little desire to make the product more expensive for them. Which begged the question, “Is it hypocritical for RFTA to make a statement that it cannot enforce?” The third part got into trouble because there is a plethora of thoughts about what an environmentally sensitive area is. With the push to increase wilderness and protect remaining pockets of roadless land between developed areas and the growing organic farm movement that would see young farmers put out of business by gas extraction nearby, the statement proved politically challenging to others on the board. The statement will be reworked to address the concerns of the board. In England, “an environmentally sensitive area (ESA), is an official designation for an agricultural area that needs special protection because of its landscape, wildlife or historical value.” I am good with this definition. All areas are sensitive if one wishes to maintain the existing environment. Some environments are impossible to return to a native state once they are disturbed. These would be the sensitive ones. The Sopris Sun encourages commentaries on local issues from our readers. Remember: Keep your commentary local and keep it to 700 words, then dispatch it to news@soprissun.com or P.o. Box 399, Carbondale, Co 81623. don’t forget to tell us your name, phone number, where you live and any other pertinent information about yourself.


The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 400 words. Include your name and residence (for publication) and a contact email and phone number. Submit letters via email to letters@soprissun.com or via snail mail to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. The deadline to submit letters to the editor is 5 p.m. on Tuesday.

What Carbondale needs Dear Editor: It should be plainly evident by now that some of our elected officials as well as outside developers are not in touch with the culture of this town. The Village at Crystal River election and the previous election that turned down development at that site is proof of that. We need elected officials who are sensitive to the

towns needs and desires. Bob Johnson Carbondale

Take responsibility Dear Editor: I feel we as the voters need to take responsibility for whom we elect as our trustees.We really can’t blame the trustees for voting on issues in a manner that we don’t

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • FEbRUaRy 16, 2012

approve of if we have done the electing. Over the past few years, one half of the trustee body have voted in what they believed to be a responsible manner. The majority of the people they represent have entirely different perspectives and values on some of these issues (i.e. the Village at Crystal River). So let’s as a body only elect trustees that are in touch with what the people they represent have as their value system for this town. Love and peace to all, Patricia Johnson Carbondale

Let’s go birding Dear Editor: From Friday, Feb. 17 through Monday, Feb. 20 is the 15th annual Great Backyard Bird Count. Take part in a family-friendly, educational activity that is lots of fun, helps conservation and is free! The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is an annual four-day event that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of where the birds are across the continent. Anyone can participate, from beginning bird watchers to experts. It takes as little as 15 minutes on one day, or you can count for as long as you like each day of the event. Each year, tens of thousands of people throughout the United States and Canada take part in the great Backyard Bird Count. You can count birds wherever you are, including: at your school, in your backyard, off your balcony, at your local park, or at a nature center. You can count by yourself, or with your family, community group, school or friends. It’s an ideal way for more experienced birders to introduce children, grandchildren, and others to the wonderful world of birds. Scientist can learn a lot by knowing where the birds are. Bird populations are dynamic; they are constantly in flux. No single scientist or team of scientists could hope to document the complex distribution and movements of so many species in such a short time. We need your help! Make sure the birds from your community are well represented in the count. It doesn’t matter whether you report the five species coming to your backyard feeder or many more from the field. Your count can help us answer many questions: How will this winter’s snow and cold influence bird populations; where are winter finches and other irruptive species during some years but not others; how will the timing of birds’ migrations compare with past years; how are bird diseases, such as West Nile virus, affecting birds in different regions; what kinds of differences in bird diversity are apparent in cities versus suburban, rural, and natural areas; are any birds undergoing worrisome declines that point to the need for conservations attention? Join in this year’s Great Backyard Bird Count. Visit www.birdcount.org. You can also contact someone from your local Roaring Fork Audubon Society chapter for help at roaringforkaudubon.org or smnharris@gmail.com Get out there and enjoy our Colorado wildlife! Mary Harris Carbondale

Concerning natural gas Dear Editor: We are a group of Basalt Middle School fifth grade students, our names are: Helen Jurado, Alondra Torres, Mariaine Gonzalez and Rocio Contreras. We are writing about natural gas and solar energy. We are writing about these resources because we want to tell you all the pros and cons about these two resources. We should start using more solar instead of natural gas so we could have more natural gas in the future. Natural gas should be replaced by solar. Some cons about natural gas are that it can harm our environment. Another one is that it makes oil spills and global warmings. Natural gas is dangerous and it can make a fire. Another con is that many workers can get hurt because of the impact of natural gas. If someone lives near a gas well and the gas pipe breaks it can damage tap water. Two pros about natural gas are that it gives a lot of energy and it’s renewable (for now). As you can see, natural gas is good and bad. What I think is that we should use different resources that don’t pollute, like solar energy. *** Some reasons why we should stop using non-renewable resources and use renewable resources are because most non-renewable resources can damage and pollute our world. Natural gas can be good; solar has more pros than natural gas. Solar is a renewable resource that can last for a very long time, but on the other hand natural gas is non-renewable that means when it’s gone it’s gone. Though solar panels are expensive to buy, LETTERS page 13

To inform, inspire and build community Donations accepted online or by mail. For information call 510-3003 Editor: Lynn Burton • 510-3003 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Bob Albright • 970-927-2175 bob@soprissun.com Photographer/Writer: Jane Bachrach Ad/Page Production: Terri Ritchie Paper Boy: Cameron Wiggin Webmaster: Will Grandbois Sopris Sun, LLC Managing Board of Directors: Peggy DeVilbiss • David Johnson Allyn Harvey • Colin Laird Laura McCormick • Trina Ortega Jean Perry • Elizabeth Phillips Frank Zlogar

Sopris Sun, LLC • P.O. Box 399 520 S. Third Street #35 Carbondale, CO 81623

970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Visit us on facebook.com Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun is an LLC organized under the 501c3 non-profit structure of the Roaring Fork Community Development Corporation.

Working Group releasing preliminary draft Comp Plan By Lynn Burton Sopris Sun Staff Writer The title is the “Interim (Partial) Working Group Draft” comprehensive plan, dated Feb. 6, 2012. The draft plan is 61 pages long with five chapters and it will soon be refined into something residents can read, skim, thumb through and discuss when a series of community meetings takes place the week of April 16 to gather input that will lead to a final comprehensive plan the town trustees can vote on. Members of the Comprehensive Plan Working Group discussed the draft plan with Gabe Preston of RPI Consulting, town staffers and others on Feb. 13 in preparation for presenting a draft plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 15. “We’re pulling together information and ideas we’ve collected so far,” said Preston, whose firm is based in Durango. “Then we can begin adjusting and adapting (the plan) to reflect what the community wants.” Carbondale is more than a year into drafting a new comprehensive plan to replace the one created in 2000. The goal is to create a new plan that will guide the town in revising its land-use zoning codes. But for now, according to Working Group member Ben Bohmfalk, one section in the draft plan that probably has the best chance of being incorporated into the final plan is found in Section 3.1, which is titled “Small Town Character Vision and Goals.” Section 3.1 reads in its entirety: “Vision: “Carbondale retains its small-town, compact form and distinct geographic identity.

“Downtown is the thriving, historic, identifiable center of commerce, town culture, civic life, and celebrations – the heart of the community. “Downtown and the Highway 133 corridor play complimentary and distinct roles in providing a convenient and useful commercial base. “Diverse housing choices fit local earning power, ages, and abilities and support a diverse population. Business decisions and government policies results in more affordable housing on-the-ground. “The town boundary is a well-defined transition from an agricultural, rural landscape into small-town Carbondale. “Areas preferred for growth are serviced by a well-planned infrastructure and a multimodal transportation system that provides safe and convenient connectivity throughout town. “Our community is appreciative and is knowledgeable about our treasured cultural legacy, historic resources, and scenic assets which we strive to protect.” Section 3.1 continues: “GOaLS: “Goal 1 – Optimize resources in the town boundary with infill/re-development; “Goal 2 – Encourage quality design that enhances small town character; “Goal 3 – Maintain diversity in housing types; “Goal 4 – Identify opportunities for mixed-use commercial/residential; “Goal 5 – Integrate safe, attractive multi-modal options into infrastructure and development; “Goal 6 – Preserve and enhance the desirable characteristics of neighborhoods;

“Goal 7 – Contribute to and encourage land conservation on the town periphery.” Section 3.1 concludes: “Strategies for Small Town Community Character “The strategies for implementing the Small Town Character element of the comprehensive plan are articulated in the Chapter 4 – Future Land Use Plan.” Overall sections in the interim plan include: 2.1 – Economic and Demographic Trend Summary 2.2 – Linking Land Uses to the Town’s Fiscal Conditions 3.1 – Small Town Character Vision and Goals 3.2 – Economic Growth, Diversification and Self-Sufficiency 3.3 – Infrastructure and Town Government Fiscal Health 3.4 – Ecology 3.5 – Governance 3.6 – Diverse, Creative and Educated Community 3.7 – Youth Vision Chapter 4 – Multi-Modal Mobility Chapter 5 – Future Land Use Plan 5.1 – Introduction 5.2 – Residential Infill Areas-Historic 5.3 – Old Town Residential 5.4 – Downtown 5.5 – Downtown North.

Visioning On March 23, 2011, Carbondale residents filled town hall to articulate and suggest their own visions for Carbondale. One exercise asked residents what kind of headlines they would like to read in the Sopris

Sun 20 years from now. Those suggested headlines included: Carbondale fashion show on front page of Vogue. More serious headline suggestions included: Carbondale celebrates 15th anniversary of energy independence. Suggestions that fell between serious and funny included: Colorado Rocky Mountain School land still (where the Village at Crystal River was proposed) vacant. This week, Preston told The Sopris Sun that feedback from the public at upcoming meetings will focus on topics included in the draft comprehensive plan documents. “There’ll be no more blank pieces of paper,” he said. “(But) the comments we get from the community count. The intent is to make changes based on what the broader community has to say.” Many of those comments are expected to come from the community meetings slated for April 16. As for the Comprehensive Plan Working Group, they are not finished. They’ll consider the Highway 133 corridor at a meeting on March 5. The Carbondale Board of Trustees gets the final vote on the Comprehensive Plan. Preston said he expects the process to continue into the summer.

Next steps:

March 5 – Comprehensive Plan Working Group discusses Highway 133. March 15 – P&Z begins Comprehensive Plan discussions. April 16-20 – Community meetings to discuss Comprehensive Plan.

Carbondale Police Chief Gene Schilling gets ready to huff, puff and blow out the candles on his 60th birthday cake during a party thrown for him at the Crystal River Café on Feb. 12. organizers billed the bash as a “Pig Roast (Pride, integrity, Guts)” and the cake itself was shaped like a pig. Friends, family and co-workers packed the Crystal River Café conference room and the party spilled out to other parts of the establishment. Photo by Jane Bachrach

THE SOPRIS SUN • FEbRUaRy 16, 2012 • 3

News Briefs Encana funds natural gas buses Encana’s Community Investment grant program recently awarded $365,488 to the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA) to cover a portion of the cost of upgrading 22 new buses to run on compressed natural gas, according to a press release. RFTA, the nation’s largest rural transit agency, will soon expand its services to include faster Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service, to be known locally as VelociRFTA. “RFTA will be the first rural transit agency in the nation to implement a BRT system,” declared Dan Blankenship, CEO of RFTA. “CNG vehicles were not included in our original BRT budget and Encana’s grant will be instrumental in helping RFTA fund this transition to a domestic fuel. Greg Russi, chairman of Garfield Clean Energy, said “CNG is an important piece of the petroleum reduction puzzle. It is well suited for heavy-duty vehicles like RFTA buses, and directly contributes to economic development by keeping energy dollars from leaving this region.”

bLM seeks input The Bureau of Land Management seeks public comment on a proposal from BOPCO, L.P., to construct a facility 20 miles west of Meeker to treat produced water from oil and gas development on the Piceance Basin and discharge it into Yellow Creek. For details, call 970-878-3800.

CEC wins award Community solar-garden developer Clean

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Energy Collective has been awarded the Climate Change Business Journal’s 2011 Business Achievement Award for its pioneering work in renewable energy development, according to a press release. Climate Change Business Journal, a business research publication that provides strategic business intelligence on the Climate Change Industry, recognized CEC for developing a new business model for community solar, which can make solar PV ownership available to an enormous customer base of individuals and businesses whose premises or financial circumstances won’t accommodate an on-site PV array. In November 2011, the U.S. Department of Energy named CEC the Innovative Green Power Program of the Year. CEC is also a finalist for the Renewable Energy World’s Excellence in Renewable Energy Awards.

bLM seeks gas comments The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a natural gas exploratory proposal near DeBeque. Black Hills Plateau Production, LLC is proposing to drill up to 24 wells from 12 well pads over three years beginning in October 2012, according to a press release. The proposal area covers 33,000 acres in Mesa and Garfield counties. Black Hills currently operates approximately 75 wells in this area, some of which date back to 1978. For details, call 970-244-3093.


CMC trustees postpone decision At a recent meeting of the Colorado Mountain College Board of Trustees, the board voted to table a decision on setting 2012-13 tuition and fees until the next meeting, pending the receipt of more budget information. The board had been requested either to keep next year’s tuition the same as the current year’s, or to consider increasing tuition for lower-division classes by $2 to $3 per credit hour for in-district students, $6 for in-state and $20 for out-of-state. No tuition increase was proposed for 300- and 400-level classes.

Potential trustee field swells to 11 The number of potential candidates in the April 3 Carbondale Board of Trustee election swelled to 11 as of Wednesday afternoon. Incumbent John Hoffmann and challenger Bill Lamont have each taken out and returned their nominating petitions. Those taking out petitions but not yet returning them are: incumbent Pam Zentmyer, Stacy Stein, Doc Philip, Lorey Esquibel, Sean Keery, Allyn Harvey, James Breasted, Red Cunningham and Marty Silverstein. Candidates must return their nominating petitions with 25 valid signatures to town hall no later than 5 p.m. on Feb. 23. Ballots in the mail-in election go out March 12. Residents will vote for three seats on the seven-member board. Current trustees not facing re-election are mayor Stacey Bernot, Elizabeth Murphy and John Foulkrod. Trustee Ed Cortez cannot run again due to term limits.

Be Responsible!

Cop Shop

The following events are drawn from incident reports of the Carbondale Police department. Feb. 7 at 4:30 p.m. police received a call from a resident in the 100 block of Village Lane who said his bird was missing. The last time he saw the bird it was “rolling around on the floor,” according to police reports. The responding officer asked if it was possible the bird might have been left outside. The man said “It’s entirely possible because one never knows.” The man then told the officer he was going to clean up a little and maybe he’d find his bird. If not, he’d call his insurance company. Feb. 8 at 8:47 p.m. a woman called and reported she and her husband were on their bikes and were nearly hit by a truck near 8th and Merrill. Police later found the truck in a parking lot but were unable to locate the driver. Feb. 9 at 12:23 a.m. a resident in the 400 block of Euclid reported to police his truck might have been stolen. Police told the man his truck had been towed.

My Clothes:





N O N - S T O P C H I C A G O D E N V E R L O S A N G E L E S S A N F R A N C I S C O H O U S T O N D A L L A S / F T. W O R T H

4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • FEbRUaRy 16, 2012

A S P E N A I R P O R T. C O M

New book features Green Line tree house David Rasmussen Design built the tiny house Submitted Press Release

The Crystal River Tree House, located at the home of Branden Cohen and deva Shantay, covers 230 square feet. it was designed by Steve novy of Green Line Architects and built by david Rasmussen design. Courtesy photo

Carbondale Council on Arts & Humanities P resents The 4th Annual

A tree house designed by Carbondalebased Green Line Architects is one of the works featured in Lloyd Kahn’s recently released book “Tiny Homes, Simple Shelter.â€? The Crystal River Tree House, located outside Carbondale at the home of Branden Cohen and Deva Shantay, was designed by Steve Novy, principal of Green Line Architects. “It is truly an honor to be included in Lloyd’s new book,â€? said Novy. “Over the years, Lloyd’s books have taught us about our local vernacular styles, and shown us what people with drive and creative ideas can achieve.â€? “Tiny Homes, Simple Shelterâ€? features backcountry cabins, homes on wheels and even Kahn’s personal van. New York Times writer called the book “A glorious portfolio of quirky makers and dreamers‌ ,â€? in a review that appeared on Feb. 1. Most of the homes are handcrafted,

owner-built structures, the largest of which is only 500 square feet. A few of them were designed by architects. Novy is the only Colorado architect featured in the book. The book’s publication comes at a time when Americans are shifting their focus to smaller, more efďŹ cient homes, Kahn said. David Rasmussen, the owner of David Rasmussen Design who builds modern furniture and specializes in the design and construction of tree houses, collaborated with Novy on the project from start to ďŹ nish. Rasmussen selected, shaped and installed each piece of wood for the project; and designed and built the front door and interior lighting ďŹ xtures as well. “It’s always great to be able to design a project and then build it, too. I think it allows the spirit of the design to show through in the end,â€? Rasmussen said. Kahn is editor-in-chief of Shelter Publications, a Bolinas, Calif.-based company that has published soft cover books on a variety of topics for nearly 40 years. “Tiny Homes, Simple Shelterâ€? is the ďŹ fth in a series of books, which started with Kahn’s 1973 publication “Shelter.â€? Kahn describes the 1973 publication as a “book about simple homes, natural materials, human resourcefulness.â€? TREE HoUSE page 14

The Best place to warm up after playing in the snow! February’s Special

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Garfield County Humanitarian Service Awards

CALL for NOMINATIONS Honoring those who give their time and efforts to residents of Garfield County Nominations due Friday, March 2 Please submit a nomination form and at least three support letters that convey your nominee’s dedication to humanitarian efforts. Nomination form and rules available online: www.garfield-county.com or call (970) 456-3271 for forms by mail and information THE SOPRIS SUN • FEbRUaRy 16, 2012 • 5


Send your scuttlebutt to news@SoprisSun.com.

This just in

Pizza on tap Feb. 17

The Sopris Sun incorrectly reported in last week’s paper the recent Ski for Sisu fundraiser at Spring Gulch attracted participants from 4-69 years old. Turns out, the Sun was 14 years off the mark. The oldest skier was 83-year-old Bob Lucas. Good goin’, Bob.

The RE-1 School District lunch menu is as follows: Feb. 17 – Elementary schools: pizza, broccoli sticks, grapefruit wedges; middle schools: pizza, broccoli sticks, clementines; high schools: pizza, fruit, vegetable bar. Feb. 20 – No school. Feb. 21 – Elementary schools: posole, tortilla chips, cabbage and radish salad mix, apple wedges; middle schools: posole, tortilla chips, cabbage and radish salad mix, apple wedges; high schools: chicken fajitas, fruit and vegetable bar. Feb. 22 – Elementary schools: pig-nblanket, steamed broccoli, strawberry/banana mix; middle schools: baked French toast, herb roasted potatoes, sausage, grapefruit wedges; high schools: herb roasted chicken, fruit and vegetable bar. Feb. 23 – Elementary schools: super nachos, refried beans, salsa, diced peaches; middle schools: roasted chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, roll, diced peaches; high schools, enchiladas, fruit and vegetable bar.

Garvik makes Dean’s List Landon Garvik, a 2011 graduate from Roaring Fork High School, made the George Washington University Athletic Academy Dean’s List for the fall semester. Garvik was the 2009 and 2010 Western Slope volleyball player of the year and a 2010 All Colorado volleyball first team selection. She plays Division I volleyball at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

a real ducky derby Folks who frequent the Delaney dog park report “hundreds” of ducks, possibly mallards, have been walking around the north end of the cattle pasture east of the park of late. The ducks are sharing the pasture with a herd of cattle that come and go. What’s attracting the ducks? Local birders don’t know why the ducks have flocked to the cattle pasture this year, although feeding opportunities might have something to do with it. Mallards nest in late April through May.

Shining Stars dinner sparkles Spice It Up caterer Susie Jimenez reports there was lots of pressure in preparing 12

The Roaring Fork High School student section was loud and painted up for the Winter Homecoming basketball game against Aspen on Feb. 10. Six boys sat on the front row with “¡RFHS!” (one letter each) painted on their chests while four girls to their left completed the visual shout with “RAMS” painted on their stomachs (one letter each). Photo by Sue Rollyson appetizers for the recent Shining Stars fundraising dinner at the Dancing Bear in Aspen. “So for four days I shopped, prepped, packaged and cooked,” she tells The Sopris Sun. Other downvalley businesses helped out, including Premiere Party Rentals, Catherine Store Wine & Liquors and Floral Boutique. “We raised about $15,000 for our Shining Stars children. Thank you to every single person that was there, donated and volunteered,” Jimenez said.

Watch out on Feb. 20. Local schools are out for Presidents Day on Monday, Feb. 20 so keep an eye out for kids lugging their skis and snowboards to bus stops, kids on bikes, kids on skateboards and kids just out and about. As for adults, most government offices are closed; some adults have the day off but most probably don’t. School is also out for teacher conferences on Monday, Feb. 27, so watch out for the same things you did on Feb. 20.

They say it’s your birthday Birthday greetings go out to: Andy White and Jennifer Moss (Feb. 16), Elizabeth Holway and Ann Keller (Feb. 17), Wendy Moore and Erica Savard (Feb. 18), Randy Vanderhurst and Nancy Ball (Feb. 20), and Brian Leasure (Feb. 22).

CARBONDALE COMMUNITY SCHOOL Now Accepting Applications For the 2012-2013 school year Application Deadline: April 13 Progressive integrated curriculum Small, multi-aged classes (K-8) • Outdoor education Encouraging inquisitive, independent and self-motivated learners

February Birthstone Sale All Amethyst 20% off

Open House

You are invited to meet our teachers, view student portfolios, and tour our facilities.

Thursday, February 16th from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Ahora Aceptamos Aplicaciones Para el ciclo escolar 2012-2013 Un Curiculo activo basado en las experiencias de la vida Clases pequenas que combinan ninos de diferentes edades Grados Kinder - 8 • Educacion y actividades al aire libre Desarrollar estudiantes independientes v motivados

Exposicio Noche de la escuela abierta. Estan invitados a conocer nuestros maestros. Jueves, 16 de Febrero de 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Fecha limite para aplicationes: 13 de Abril

Carbondale Community School 5 0 B W E A N T B LV D • C A R B O N D A L E C O 8 1 6 2 3 • 9 7 0 . 9 6 3 . 1 4 0 1 R AV E N H E A RTG A L L E RY.C O M • A RT @ R AV E N H E A RTG A L L E RY.CO M 6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • FEbRUaRy 16, 2012

1505 Dolores Way, Carbondale 963-9647 (Public Charter School of the Roaring Fork School District)

New group promises to “BASH” Basalt By Angela Paulone Sopris Sun Correspondent According to the Basalt Chamber of Commerce Web site: “Basalt is a progressive community situated at the heart of the Roaring Fork Valley on Colorado’s Western Slope. Settled by European immigrants and incorporated in 1901, Basalt was the regional hub for the Colorado Midland Railroad, built to carry coal and silver ore between Aspen and Leadville. It was named for the black volcanic rock that forms Basalt Mountain just north of town.” Today, Basalt’s historic downtown area is host to fashion boutiques, art galleries and a wide variety of restaurants. One business owner, Amy Forsey of express yourself, is working together with a team of business owners and town representatives to inject Basalt with some energy. The group – consisting of Susan Philp and Denise Tomaskovic from the town of Basalt, Bennett Bramson of Fleisher & Co., Farrah Roberts of Alpine Bank, Darcy McNew from the Basalt Chamber of Commerce, Javier Bringas of Tempranillo restaurant, and Ryan Beckman from Guild Mortgage – formed to get more people into Basalt on Saturdays for shopping, lunch or dinner. BASH (Basalt Arts and Social Happenings) is a fairly young organization, with the committee having been formed in January/February of last year and their first event kicking off last June. It was a successful block party with local vendors, music and the shutting down of Midland Avenue for participants to casu-

ally walk around and take it all in. This month’s event was a Valentine’s Day themed affair, with the committee offering to watch kids from grades K-4 at Basalt Middle School (where they played basketball, dodgeball, made cookies, enjoyed Timbo’s pizza and watched movies) while parents were able to have a date night with a horse-drawn wagon escorting them to three participating downtown restaurants. The next event, March 10, will have a St. Patrick’s Day theme in Lion’s Park with a classic Irish dinner from 1-4 p.m. and a beer garden. BASH events take place on the second Saturday of every month. Music, games, street closings, vendors and dinners are among several activities slated for the summer, when hours will switch to 5 to 8 p.m. so folks can enjoy the mountain evening air. Some of the Basalt BASH participating businesses include: Timbo’s pizza, Tempranillo, Cuvee, Heirlooms, express yourself, Fresh and several art galleries. Most of the businesses are located downtown. For folks new to town or the Roaring Fork Valley, downtown Basalt consists of Midland Avenue, with a caboose in Lion’s Park to indicate you have arrived to the historic front. This new group has even gone digital so folks can “like” their BASH Facebook page to get the latest updates. On their Facebook site, the group’s main objective states: “A committee that generates ‘social happenings’ to build awareness of and bring people to, Basalt, CO.”

Trae Moxley knocks over two Skiers on his way to the hoop on Feb. 10. Aspen prevailed, however, by a score of 44-35. The Rams conclude regular season play against Coal Ridge at home at 7 p.m. on Feb. 17 and at Rifle at 4 p.m. on Feb. 18. They host district tournament action on Feb. 22. Photo by Sue Rollyson THE SOPRIS SUN • FEbRUaRy 16, 2012 • 7

All over Carbondale

Mid-February might be the “dead of winter” in other places but not Carbondale. The town was hopping with multiple pockets of action in the past week, as these photos will attest.

Windwalkers’ Hot to Trot fund-raiser on Saturday night packed PAC3 in the Third Street Center. The evening included dinner, live music, kids activities and a silent auction. Windwalkers, a non-profit that specializes in equine therapy, is located on Missouri Heights. For more on Windwalkers, check out windwalkerstrc.org. Photo by Jane Bachrach

Broomball is sort of an extreme sport, meaning that some players do it extremely well (lower right) while others don’t (above). The Carbondale Recreation department’s broomball tournament Feb. 10-11 brought out both kinds of players, as you can see here. Photo by Jane Bachrach

Every day had a theme for Winter Homecoming at Roaring Fork High School the week of Feb. 6-10. Here’s Trae Moxley, Phil Gomez and Clay Gross on ninja day. Photo by Sue Rollyson Photo by Jane Bachrach 8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • FEbRUaRy 16, 2012

Community Calendar THURSDAY Feb. 16 PaRTy WITH THE SUN • The Sopris Sun celebrates its third birthday at the Pour House from 5 to 7 p.m. There’ll be food, live music and fantastic door prizes. Come one, come all. Bring the kids. Tie up the dogs out front. Donations, which will help ensure the Sun keeps shining, will be accepted during the party and always at www.soprissun.com. LIVE MUSIC • PAC3 in the Third Street Center presents Juno What at 8 p.m. Info: www.PAC3Carbondale.com. TWILIGHT SNOWSHOEING • The Roaring Fork Conservancy hosts twilight snowshoeing from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Emma Open Space. Snowshoes are required. Info: 927-1290. SPECIaL SCREENING • Davi Nikent presents the documentary “Healing: Miracles, Mysteries and John of God” from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Calaway Room.Admission is $10. CCS OPEN HOUSE • Students will show their portfolios at Carbondale Community School open house from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The school is accepting application for the 201213 school year through April 13.The school is located at 1505 Dolores Way. Info: 963-9646. LECTURE SERIES • The Frontier Historical Society in Glenwood Springs presents Susan Marie Frontczak in her role as Eleanor Roosevelt in “What We Are Fighting For” at 7 p.m. at the Glenwood Springs Library (413 Ninth Street). The presentation is part of the society’s Winter Lecture Series. WaXING CLINIC • The Aspen Cross Country Ski Center offers a free waxing

To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. deadline is 5 p.m. Saturday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted. For up-to-the-minute valley-wide event listings, check out the Community Calendar online at soprissun.com. View and submit events online at soprissun.com/calendar.

clinic at the Aspen Golf Course starting at 5 p.m. Nelson Oldham of Toko will explain various waxing techniques. Info: 925-2145.

drink. To RSVP, call 945-6589.

ROTaRy • Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at noon at Mi Casita

LIVE MUSIC • Carnahan’s Tavern in the Dinkel Building presents Bob Molly at 10 p.m. VaUDEVILLE • The Glenwood Springs Vaudeville Revue returns with a winter show and pubstyle dinner theatre Friday and Saturday at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 5:30 p.m. through April 23. Reservations: 945-9699. GET HaPPy • As part of World Happy Day, there’ll be a free screening of the documentary “Happy” at Nepal restaurant on Highway 82 at 6 p.m. The film takes viewers from the bayous of Louisiana to the deserts of Namibia to explore the secrets of our most valued but little understood emotion. HONOR baND PERFORMS • Jazz Aspen Snowmass sponsors a concert by the District 8 Honor Jazz Band at Roaring Fork High School at 5 p.m. More than 100 musicians from across the district are in town for workshops and instructions.The concert is free and the public is invited. Info: 920-4996, ext. 12. baRN DaNCE • Carbondale Barn Dance throws a contra dance at the Third Street Center at 7 p.m. Jeff Haemer from Boulder is the caller and Doom Hammer plays the music. Admission is $8 or whatever you can afford. bREaD baKING • The community bread

FRIDAY Feb. 17 MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre presents “A Dangerous Method” (R) at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 17-23 and “Hugo” (PG) at 5 p.m. Feb. 17-21. COLLaGE CREaTIVE COLLECTIONS • A reception for new artists takes place at Collage Creative Collections from 5 to 8:30 p.m. The gallery is located at 1154 Highway 133, just south of Carbondale Car Care. Info: 963-9488. LIVE MUSIC • PAC3 in the Third Street Center presents Dumpsta Funk at 8 p.m. Info: pac3carbondale.com. LIVE MUSIC • Carnahan’s Tavern in the Dinkel Building presents the Tankerays at 10 p.m. a NIGHT OF aRT • Wyly Community Art Center presents “New York” from 5 to 7 p.m. Exhibition dates are Feb. 9-24. For details, call 927-4123. aFTER HOURS • The Glenwood Springs Chamber Resort Association holds an After Hours at from 5 to 7 p.m. at Edward Jones. Peppinos pizza will provide the food and Roaring Fork Liquors will provide the


oven folks hold a community bake day at the Third Street Center outdoor oven at 1 p.m. Info: 963-9371.

MONDAY Feb. 20 GRIEF aND LOSS • Hospice of the Valley, in partnership with Grand River Hospital, offers an ongoing Grief and Loss Support Group that meets the first and third Monday of every month. Info: Sean Jeung at 5441574 or visit www.hchotv.org.

TUESDAY Feb. 21 ROCK bOTTOM RaNCH • Michael Thompson presents “What is a ‘sustainable lifestyle?’” at Rock Bottom Ranch at 7 p.m. Tuesday, February 21 at 7 p.m. RSVP at aspennature.org. MaRDI GRaS • Snowmass Village kicks off Mardi Gras with Fat Tuesday. To participate in the parade, e-mail Jacquie Stewart at rainlord@aol.com. TIME TRaVEL • The Aspen Historical Society continues its Time Travel series with“Off Piste: Explore the Backside” at the Limelight lodge at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $8 for non-society members; free for members. Info: Christine Benedetti at 925-3721 ext. 102.

WEDNESDAY Feb. 22 ROTaRy • The Rotary Club of Carbondale meets at the Carbondale Firehouse on Highway 133 Wednesdays at 7 a.m. Upcoming speakers are: Dawn Chase (marketing director for RFTA) on Feb. 22 and Dr. Andy White (“The Importance of Healthy Eyes”) on Feb. 29. Info: 584-3333. CALEndAR page 11

If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed and color, we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon. ~ George Aiken

Join us to contemplate The Spiritual Path of Social Justice. Sunday, February 19, 2012, 10 a.m.

Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist (TRUU) “Buddy” Hayes

@ Third Street Center

June 1999-February 2012


“Buddy” Hayes, who was a constant and loyal companion to David Hayes for more than 12 years, is unfortunately no longer with us. We will remember “Buddy” for the joy and happiness he brought to David and Carbondale each day. This space provided by David Clark, Lynn Kirchner & Amoré Realty, and The Sopris Sun.

10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • FEbRUaRy 16, 2012

UU Minister

Gretchen Haley Inspirational, Contemporary Music

Jimmy Byrne Youth Program Director Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist

Heather Rydell Childcare Provided

Community Calendar

from page 10

COMEDy • The Aspen Laff Festival runs Feb. 22-25 at the Wheeler Opera House. For details, go to wheeleroperahouse.com.

Erik Molvar (director of the Biodiversity Conservation Alliance) at the Third Street Center at 5:30 p.m. Info: 963-3977.

POTbELLy PERSPECTIVES • The Aspen Center for Environmental Studies continues its Potbelly Perspectives series with “If You’re Gonna to be Dumb, You Better be TOUGH: Climbing Around the Worldâ€? by Hayden Kennedy at 7:30 p.m. Info: 925-5756.

LIVE MUSIC • White House pizza presents Mike Waters (acoustic electric wizardry) from 7 to 10 p.m.

OIL TaLK • The Wilderness Workshop and ACES continues its Naturalist Nights series with “War on the West: How the Oil Industry is Carving Up Our Last Best Placesâ€? by

LIVE MUSIC • Dan Rosenthal hosts open mic nights at Rivers restaurant in Glenwood Springs every Wednesday from 8 to 10 p.m. All talents are welcome. ROTaRy • Carbondale Rotary meets at the ďŹ rehouse Wednesdays at 7 a.m.

Ongoing NETWORKING • Linx Networking Group meets at the ChafďŹ n Light building in downtown Basalt Tuesdays at 7 a.m. Info: 390-8401.

Carbondale Mayor Stacey Bernot on Tuesdays from 7 to 8 a.m. at the Village Smithy, located at 26 S. Third St.



Visual Art Show continues at the Third Street Center through Feb. 24. Info: 963-1680.

MayOR’S COFFEE HOUR • Chat with

Cooper Library hosts a bilingual story time Saturdays at 11 a.m. Fun will be had with stories and songs in Spanish and English. It’s open to all. Info: 963-2889.

Save the Date WEDNESDAY Feb. 29

baO baO FESTIVaL • The Aspen Dance Connection presents the Bao Bao Festival at Roaring Fork High School at 7 p.m. There’ll be African drumming, dancing, singing and storytelling. Tickets are $15 for adults/$5 for students (kids 5 and under are free). Info: 927-0641.

FRI.-SAT. March 9-10 CCaH FaSHION SHOW • The Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities presents its annual Green is the new Black fashion show on March 9 and the Bonedale Bash fashion show on March 10. Both events will be held at the Carbondale Recreation Center. For details, go to carbondalearts.com.

Further Out


mation contact kat@kdnk.org.

WOMEN’S aRM WRESTLING • KDNK stages another night of women’s art wrestling at Phat Thai at 10 p.m. Expect costumes, alter egos and super heroes. Registration starts at 9 p.m. The $10 admission beneďŹ ts KDNK Community Access Radio. For more infor-

SUNDAY Feb. 26 SELF DEFENSE • True Nature in the Third Street Center presents a women’s self defense seminar titled “Do You Have a Planâ€? from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Info: 963-9900.

Hold the Presses SUPERINTENDENT SEaRCH UPDaTE • The RE-1 School District holds community meetings to discuss the district’s superintendent search at Carbondale Middle School, Basalt Middle School and Glenwood Springs Middle School at 5:30 and 7 p.m. on Feb. 16. The 5:30 p.m. sessions are intended for parents and students; the 7 p.m. sessions for the entire community. There will also be a meeting for business owners at Carbondale Middle School at 10:30 a.m. on Feb. 16. The school district is also conducting an on-line survey concerning the superintendent search at rfsd.org to help develop a leadership proďŹ le and create selection criteria. The school district hopes to have a new superintendent on board by June 1. TRIVIa NIGHT FOR HISTORICaL SOCIETy • Carbondale Beerworks throws a Trivia Night for the Mt. Sopris Historical Society at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 21. It costs $5 to join a team and play. Suggested team names may or may not include Teenage Losers from Outer Space. No word on whether one question will be “When was the War of 1812?â€? ROGER WILSON HOLDS C’DaLE MEETING • State Rep. Roger Wilson holds a town hall meeting at BonďŹ re Coffee from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Feb. 18. aDULT baND PRaCTICE CONTINUES • Practice for an adult band continues at Roaring Fork High School Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. The band is led by Glenwood Springs middle and high school music director Tami Suby. For details, go to thevalleyband.weebly.com or call 319-8791. KDNK SERIES CONTINUES • Community access radio station KDNK is airing a series of reports on natural gas drilling titled “Fractured Communitiesâ€? Monday through Friday at 7:45 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. At least one more segment is slated for the ďŹ rst week of March, according to KDNK Reporter/Public Affairs Director Ed Williams. For details, go to kdnk.org. In Carbondale KDNK is broadcast at 88.1 FM. LIbRaRy GOES TO P&Z • The Carbondale Planning and Zoning Commission holds a public hearing concerning a proposal for the GarďŹ eld County Library District to build a new library at the corner of Third Street and Sopris Avenue at 7 p.m. on Feb. 16. aRCHaEOLOGy SOCIETy MEETS • The Roaring Fork Chapter of the Colorado Archaeology Society will meet on Feb. 20 at 7 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church in Glenwood.

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THE SOPRIS SUN • FEbRUaRy 16, 2012 • 11

Community Briefs Teams need lacrosse coaches The third season for boys lacrosse at Carbondale Middle School starts April 2 and the program needs some coaches. The program is for players from fifth through eighth grade and they practice at Bridges High School in Carbondale from 4 to 7:15 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Lacrosse experience is helpful and program organizers say they’d love to get more folks involved in this “wonderful sport.” For details, e-mail Joe at carbondalelax@comcast.net or Tripp at tsutro@sopris.net. For program registration, call Cailen Hollenback at momcailen@gmail.com.

School board meets in Carbondale The Roaring Fork RE-1 school board meets at Roaring Fork High School Feb. 22 and at Basalt High School on March 14.

bingo in basalt The Basalt Lions Club hosts Bingo nights at the Eagle County Building in El Jebel on Feb. 22 from 7 to 9 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; food and refreshments are available. For details, call 319-9163. The Eagle County Building is located across the highway from Wendy’s. Other Bingo nights are slated for March 14 and March 28.

Thou shalt love jazz

The nieslanik horses on County Road 100 east of Carbondale were feeling frisky one day last week during a break from the snow. Photo by Jane Bachrach

If you’d like to learn quite a bit more about jazz than you think you already know, check out this Colorado Mountain College offering. Wick Moses, who personally owns hundreds of jazz records, teaches “Introduction to Jazz” at Colorado Moun-

tain College in Carbondale Thursday mornings beginning on Feb. 23. Students will encounter Armstrong, Ellington, Davis and others. Space is limited. The registration deadline is Feb. 20. For details, call 963-2172.

KDNK presents C-Town Community access radio station KDNK presents C-Town, a celebration of local talent and creativity, March 2 at 8 p.m. at PAC3 in the Third Street Center. For more information contact kat@kdnk.org. C-Town is a Spring Membership Drive event.

blood drive Valley View Hospital in Glenwood Springs holds its monthly blood drives from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the third Tuesday of the month. Info: 384-6657.

Humanitarian nominations due March 2 Nominations for the Garfield County Humanitarian Service Awards are due March 2. For details, go to Garfield-county.com.

bCUMC offers finance workshop The Basalt Community United Methodist Church offers a free workshop titled “Faithful Finances: A Workshop” from noon to 3 p.m. on Feb. 19. The church is located at 0167 Holland Hills Rd. (just upvalley from downtown Basalt). The workshop will be led by Pat Pier of Ross Myers and Associates. For details, call Rev. Marie Gasau at 379-4643 or gasau@sopris.net.

On Behalf of the Mount Sopris Nordic Council Thank You to All Participants (133 – we broke a record!) and Your Sponsors for the

2012 Ski for

SISU Skiathon


Penny Marshall George Tempest Jenny Tempest Wick Moses Marty Schlein Dave Peckler Steve Hessel Bob Lucas

Mark Chain Dave Peckler Berit Bjerke-Daniels Pat Bingham Elliot Nordquist Tripp Sutro Jack and Doris O’Neil

12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • FEbRUaRy 16, 2012


Aspen Skiing Company Dos Gringos Burritos and Nelson Oldham Timbo's Pizza Russets Restaurant Carbondale Beer Works Sopris Liquor & Wine The Blend Free Bonfire Coffee The Village Smithy Defiant Bean

Backbone Media Catering Company by Phil McKeaque Sunrise Carpet Cleaning and Joe Farrell Summit Canyon Mountaineering Ajax Bike and Ski Basalt Bike and Ski Phat Thai 689 Restaurant Transformations Yoga

Icon Lasik Colorado Cyclist Copper Triangle Tyler Stableford Photography Avalanche Ranch Hot Springs White House Pizza Aloha Mountain Cyclery Aspen Cross Country Center Two Old Hippies Ace Hardware


Aspen Skiing Company Environmental Foundation for the Grant for the New Ski Trail

Letters continued om page 2 later on they pay off. My opinion is that solar energy is better than natural gas and that we should stop using non-renewable resources like natural gas. In my feature (sic), I want to be able to use coal and natural gas. *** What do you think is better for our environment? Natural gas or solar? I think that solar is better because it is renewable and natural gas isn’t. Some of our concerns are that people would rather use natural gas than solar. Another of our concerns is that natural gas can harm people and some people don’t know that and we are worried that people can die for not knowing the truth about natural gas. Some of our beliefs are that we can go around town and see that some people are using solar energy. Another of our beliefs is that not every one is using natural gas and not many people can be hurt. Thank you for taking your time to read this letter. Alondra Torres Helen Jurado Rocio Contreras Mariaine Gonzalez Basalt Middle School

Plastic bags, really? Dear Editor: Really, what is the big deal? Plastic bags? We have many more problems here even to think we can squash the real problems with the elimination of plastic bags. Have you ever tried to squash a plastic bag

to its smallest nuance? They become smaller than a golf ball and take less energy to produce. As a matter of fact, cloth and paper bags use up more raw materials and use more energy to produce and are as bad as the golf ball. You have to admit plastic bags can be reused many more times over their initial task, convenience, portability and massive capacity. You can’t carry two boxes of cereal, half gallon of milk, tomatoes, lettuce, bacon, and loaf of bread and a small jar of mayo with the golf ball. That would be preposterous. What is even more insane is that the golf ball takes up more space in our environment than plastic bags could ever ďŹ ll. Plastics will continue till the source of origin is relinquished. Humans will have no part in that: we will suck every drop of oil from the planet even if we poison ourselves doing it. Plastics are so interrelated and interconnected it is impossible to alter our current course lest all would fall apart. Plastic bags are an off-gas in the production of oil reďŹ ning. So in other words, they are “greenâ€? as we so loosely use the term nowadays. We cannot eliminate the use of plastics. So tell me what the solution is? Must we eliminate all plastics? We cannot. We are at the brink of self-destruction. As long as we are dependent on oil and use our military to control this resource we are doomed. Oil should have been left in the earth to lubricate and cool the core, stabilizing the intense heat and friction associated with plate tectonics and the cooling of this

planet. One day the slick lubricant will be no more and the plates will bind so intensely the outcome will be more disastrous than any man-made bomb. Who are we to make all the laws for the betterment of the world when we are inca-

pable of policing our own tendencies? Plastic bags are here to stay and like it or not, no regulation by this tiny community will alter the worldview on convenience. Alejo E. Dominguez Carbondale

Anne Goldberg (left) and Wendy Stewart (right) are among dozens of models who are in rehearsals for the upcoming Green is the new Black “Back to the Future� Fashion Show slated for March 9-10 at the Carbondale Recreation Center. The annual show is presented by the Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities. Photo by Jane Bachrach

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www.JacksonHewitt.com THE SOPRIS SUN • FEbRUaRy 16, 2012 • 13

Tree house continued om page 5 Green Line Architects is an employee-owned design firm focused on future-thinking high performance home designs, from affordable to high-end. Photographs of a modern interior scheme with several of Rasmussen’s furniture pieces are included in the book as well, as staged by local interior designer Robyn Scott. Now 76 years old, Kahn made his first splash in publishing by editing the “shelter” section of the “Whole Earth Catalog” in the late 1960s, a collection of tools and ideas later praised by Steve Jobs. The ISBN number for “Tiny Homes, Simple Shelter” is 978-0-936070-52-0.

Salt Lakers look decades down the road More good green news comes from a homes with solar or wind power, though city that was smart enough back in the it’s not easy to achieve the wondrous mid-’90s to start planning a more sustain- state of “net-zero” – defined as any able future, reports Governing magazine. building that produces at least as much In a community effort called “Envision energy as it consumes. But now, you can Utah,” Salt Lake City residents planned 40 choose such a house right off the shelf, and even 50 years ahead. so to speak, from some Goals included reducing local developers, reports sprawl and driving time, the Denver Post. Though cutting down on air polthey’re not cheap, they’re lution and retaining the not out of bounds for precious open space near families with a couple of the mountains. They conincomes. Denver-based centrated on planning for New Town Builders, for “higher-density developinstance, offers a ments around mass-tran$424,000 model with sit stops” – creating places rooftop solar panels, where cars could be abanguaranteed to “generate doned in favor of walking enough extra power to or taking light-rail trains offset utility costs.” There or streetcars to work, is one hitch, however: stores and school. If that Mortgage underwriters vision holds, the Greater “typically do not take into Wasatch area – a narrow, account energy-saving fea120-mile strip where tures that boost purchase By Betsy Marston about 80 percent of prices,” and New Town High Country News Utah’s population lives – says the solar panels add will “conserve 23 square miles of open $26,900 to the cost of its net-zero space, reduce traffic congestion by 18 per- houses. Help might be on the way from cent, and increase (mass) transit use by 12 Colorado Democratic Sen. Michael Benpercent,” predicts the federal Housing and net, who has introduced a bill directing Urban Development agency. federal mortgage-loan agencies to consider the expected reductions in energy ••• Wouldn’t it be grand if you could live costs when calculating loan costs. His in a house that never racked up a single bill, called SAVE, for Sensible Accountelectric bill? Some homeowners have ing to Value Energy Act, awaits a hearpursued that goal by retrofitting their ing in the Senate Banking Committee.

Heard around the west


Steve novy is the only Colorado architect featured in the new book “Tiny Homes, Simple Shelter,” which includes a story and photos about the Crystal River Tree House he designed outside Carbondale. Courtesy photo

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14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • FEbRUaRy 16, 2012

GalaBOOK Extravaganza NOW! Id Mar Deadline Feb.9 24

Dessert Reception, Adult Fashion Show & Dance Party with DJ Harry ADVERTISE in the Program for Doors & Reception: 7 pm · Show: 8 pm

GREEN IS THE NEW BLACK Bonedale Bash Fashion Show s urday 10March The program will beMar inserted in the 8 Adult Fashion Show issue of The Sopris Sun, and will be given to Designer Challenge Winner Announced attendees 8 pm March 9-10. Doors:all7 event pm · Show:

More than 3,700 copies will be distributed.

at Carbоda Rec n r Ad sizes available include 511 Colorado Ave · Carbondale, Colorado

1/2 page, 1/4 page and 1/8 page. RESERVE YOURavailable AD NOWat:BY CONTACTING Tickets CCAH · 520 South Third Street, No. 9 bob@soprissun.com Carbondaleor Rec970-927-2175. Center, 511 Colorado Ave. & online at: www.carbondalearts.com

For ticket info, contact CCAH at 963-1680 or carbondalearts.com

Don’t believe the bean-soaking-atulence theory As with myths regarding health, there seems to be no end to the number of food myths. I will briey dispose of several by revealing that opening the oven door will not cause a soufÊ to fall, soaking beans before cooking unfortunately does not reduce their tendency to cause embarrassing side effects, nor does salting beans before cooking make them tough, and plopping an avocado seed into a bowl of guacamole will not keep it from turning brown on top, but pressing plastic wrap down on the surface will—oxidizing air is the culprit. As for ripening that avocado, putting it in a dark drawer is no better than leaving it in the light, but putting it in a paper sack, which traps the ripening gas, ethylene oxide, that most fruits emit, will expedite its softening a bit. Here are a few myths that relate to health and nutrition.

trary to both common sense and science that its persistence is all the more remarkable. The only rationale I can surmise is that placing several hot items into the refrigerator at once theoretically might raise the temperature enough to threaten spoilage of other foods already inside. This may have been a concern when a block of ice had to last until the next delivery, but with thermostat-controlled modern refrigerators, rapid cooling is the best way to prevent both spoilage and food-borne illness.

The two-stomach theory

Most diet plans are nothing but myth, as many of us have sadly discovered. One statement that particularly amused me is that our stomachs can’t digest carbohydrates and proteins at the same time, so we should separate fruit and starches from the rest of the meal. What? Meat and potatoes are suddenly a problem? Wood or plastic? Our omnivore stomachs have evolved into We are led to believe that harmful bacremarkably efďŹ cient and non-discriminating teria take up residence on our cutting By Chef George Bohmfalk food processors, capable of properly hanboards and threaten us every time we dling just about anything we send their way, chop an onion. We can even buy plastic cutting boards in any combination. Continue to enjoy the meatballs with impregnated with antibacterial agents. Despite our intu- your spaghetti, and ignore such pseudoscience. ition that bacteria should thrive amongst the moist, porous grooves of wooden boards, numerous studies a 24-carrot myth show that bacteria prefer plastic. In some tests, no bacteAs children, many of us were coerced to eat carrots ria were found on wooden boards, while plastic boards with the promise of sharper vision. This is one myth that all harbored residual bugs after thorough cleansing. Fur- gets complicated. Yes, carrots contain lots of betathermore, some of the impregnated antibacterial agents carotene, which our bodies convert to Vitamin A, which were found to be either ineffective or potential biohaz- is important in retinal health. And in the Third World, ards. Butcher block wins! Vitamin A deďŹ ciency is a major cause of poor vision. But

The Fork

that Roared

How now, brown egg? Many people believe that brown eggs are somehow healthier or more nutritious than their pale counterparts. Brown eggs often sell for a premium at the grocery store, a perfect example of buying a myth. There is no taste or nutritional difference between brown and white eggs. White-feathered hens lay white eggs, and red ones lay brown. Like people, they’re all the same inside.

Don’t drink cold water? In researching weight-loss diets, I read that drinking ice-cold water helps one lose weight. The rationale is that we burn calories raising the temperature of cold water to our body levels. Scientists debunked this dieting myth, determining that the energy our bodies use to warm cold water is negligible. Another curious claim is that water is better absorbed when drunk at or slightly below room temperature rather than ice-cold. This too is a bogus notion, as any liquids we swallow are close to body temperature by the time they reach our stomachs. Our grandmothers probably had more valid reasons for telling us not to drink refreshing cold water, related to wasting precious ice or wearing out the refrigerator door.

about that icebox Have you heard that if you put hot food into the refrigerator, the food will spoil? This myth is so completely con-

in developed countries, normal diets contain adequate amounts of Vitamin A, so the additional aid of carrots is not needed. This myth may have begun during World War II, when Britain was developing top-secret bomber navigation devices. At the same time, they coincidentally produced a bumper crop of carrots. As a result, the government found it doubly convenient to promote carrot eating. To dispose of their glut of the then-unpopular vegetable, they suggested that eating carrots would improve Londoners’ night vision, which could be useful during air raid blackouts. They also gambled that propaganda showing Royal Air Force pilots munching on carrot sticks would distract the Germans from discovering the real explanation for Britain’s bombing success, their new navigation devices. Carrot consumption soared, Germany wasted precious time and money trying to develop their own vision enhancer, and everyone believed he was seeing better.

Finally, notwithstanding everything that every adult ever told you, you may safely go swimming immediately after enjoying a meal. There is no record of a single drowning from those apocryphal stomach or leg cramps we were assured of getting if we so much as dipped a toe in the water within 30-60 minutes of eating. I wonder if Colorado moms believe this also applies to après-lunch skiing?

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Submit Unclassifieds to unclassifieds@soprissun.com by 12 p.m. on Monday. $15 for up to 30 words, $20 for 31-50 words.

WANTED: Creative Hearts, Minds and Healing Professionals. Are you a facilitator, teacher or therapist, looking for an affordable home to see clients, lead classes or re-

High Tone Auto Body Inc.

all in

Unclassifieds BOOK YOUR MOAB SPRING VACATION NOW! 3 bdrm/2 bath fully equipped townhome, sleeps 6-8. Weeknights only $150, 2 night minimum. Weekends $225 per night. VRBO #398960. Call Valerie Gilliam for details (970) 948-5877. Tell me you saw it in the Sun!

Service Directory

treats? Creative Spark Studio at the 3rd St. Center seeks like-minded individuals looking to put down roots and time-share with our studio. If you are ready to take the leap to creating a dynamic business of your own, write or call and we’ll tell you how it works! email: sheri@sherigaynor.com or 970-618-0561. GET THE WORD OUT IN UNCLASSIFIEDS! Rates start at $15. Email unclassiďŹ eds@soprissun.com.

*Credit card payment information should be emailed to unclassiďŹ eds@soprissun.com or call 948-6563. Checks may be dropped off at our ofďŹ ce at the Third Street Center or mailed to P.o. Box 399, Carbondale, Co 81623. Call 618-9112 for more info.

In the old Smiling Moose space


Support The Sopris Sun while The Sun supports your business! Service directory ads start at just $40. Contact #PC "MCSJHIU at 970- or CPC@soprissun.com

THE SOPRIS SUN • FEbRUaRy 16, 2012 • 15


community-based, community-focused journalism!


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3RD BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Thursday Night, February 16 5-7 p.m. at The Pour House


The Sopris Sun’s third year of publication and learn how you can support us in our fourth year

Send in your gift today


Donate online at www.soprissun.com Fill out this form and mail your donation to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623 Take out an ad for your business by contacting bob@soprissun.com or 970-927-2175

LIVE MUSIC courtesy

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of Yvette MacEachen

Giving Method: My check is enclosed. I will give on-line at www.soprissun.com, this form is an indication of my pledge. Please charge my: Visa MasterCard Amount to charge Credit Card $____________ Name as it appears on card: ____________________________________________________ Card #________________________ Expiration Date _________ 3-digit code on card _____ Authorized Signature ________________________________________________________

DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE The Sopris Sun, LLC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit subsidiary of the Roaring Fork Community Development Corporation. Sopris Sun, LLC #26-4219405

Contributions from the community ensure our team of journalists, designers, ad rep, distribution master and others have the resources needed to put out a great newspaper every week. Your donations will also help us expand our reporting staff and explore new ways of delivering news to our community.

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