Sun 031518

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community connector

Volume 10, Number 6 | March 15, 2018

Photo and text by Jane Bachrach Green is the New Black was a “hair-raising” production in the best sense of the phrase, but more importantly it was a money-raising production for Carbondale Arts, the nonprofit that produces the show and donates the proceeds to educate our youth. The 10th annual Green is the New Black Fashion Extravaganza took place on Friday and Saturday, March 9 and 10, at the Carbondale Community Center. Tickets were also sold for the dress rehearsal on March 8. The show has become so popular that if tickets for the 2019 fashion extravaganza were to go on sale this week they would probably sell out immediately, as this year they sold out a month early. Ten years ago, when Carbondale Arts (formerly CCAH) gave birth to “Green is the New Black,” what set it apart from other fashion shows was that it featured recycled and/or SUPER.NATURAL page 14 GITNB dancers: Alexandra Jerkunica, Rebecca Rogers and Meagan Londy Shapiro

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Carbondale’s weekly


Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Carbondale Commentary

The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, email editor Will Grandbois at, or call 510-3003.

Don’t take it to the extreme By Stan Badgett

Extreme. What in the world do we mean by extreme? When we speak of temperature we say that something is too hot or too cold, or perhaps that it is pleasantly warm or cool, or perhaps tepid. The highest and lowest temperatures would be at the extremities, thousands of degrees in the case of the sun, and on the other end, absolute zero. My understanding of possible extremes of temperature is probably out of date. If we consider the speed limit on Colorado highways, it ranges from 20 mph on snaky mountain roads to 75 on rural freeways. Traveling 20 mph on a rural freeway is dangerously slow, while doing 60 on a mountain pass is too fast. Land speed records at Bonneville have climbed into the upper 700s. I may have hit the slow record pushing my car out of the driveway in January. Phenomena such as temperature and automobile speeds can be shown on a continuous spectrum — a simple horizontal line — with the maximum quantity on one side and the minimum on the other. Anything quantifiable can be charted this way, from wavelength to medical charts, as long as it is only one value being measured. For example, my English papers at Bread Loaf ranged from 3 to 4. Anything below 3 was considered a failure. The possible grades from 1 to 4 could be graphed on a line. If I had gotten a 1 or 2, I would have been kicked out of the program. Such a spectrum might be labeled “Quality of Writing” (as assessed by a handful of English professors). You could average all my scores and specify the resultant GPA on the line. The spectrum is such a useful measuring device, not only for gauging the extremes, but also for appraising the middle ground. To take another example, exposure to noise levels of 100 decibels, such as one might experience at a rock concert or a monster truck rally, can lead to hearing loss. Total silence could also be hard to endure, especially in such circumstances as confinement in an isolation cell. I probably should not go on multiplying examples, though it’s tempting to add a few more. What if a sound truck comes through the neighborhood at 3 every

Tuesday morning, broadcasting raucous music at such a volume that it wakes the neighbors? If someone wants to complain, they would be wise to purchase a sound meter in order to get a precise measurement. That way, they can back up their complaint. My grandmother Etta’s brother was a gambler and entrepreneur. Dad always spoke of him admiringly as a “promoter.” He would borrow money off Grandmother during the Depression in order to spend it at the Santa Anita race track. She said of him that he could sell you sand on the desert. I’m imagining a scene where my great-uncle is selling real estate to some gullible person, offering a terrific deal on lush property with manicured lawns and superabundant fruit trees. The yokel realizes he’s been sold five acres on the Mojave Desert after my great-uncle has already pocketed the cash. To make the illustration more outlandish, I suppose I could imagine him representing a parcel on the Atacama Desert — where there is practically zero rainfall — as if it were a tropical paradise with annual rainfall of twenty or thirty inches. In my mind, this presents a picture of our current unreal discourse about politics. Some mistakenly equate increasing governmental control with increasing freedom. The more the government suppresses and circumscribes us, some suppose, the freer we are. But the nature of government is to govern, if necessary at gunpoint. Governments make laws and enforce them; that’s what they do. Ultimately they have the power of life and death over their citizens. The political spectrum is frequently misinterpreted to show a concentration of power on both ends of the scale. This is dishonest. Some also imagine one end of the spectrum transmogrifying into the other. It’s like saying, “The sun so hot I froze to death.” The accumulation of power does not lead to paradise on Earth; it leads to slave camps and genocide. That can be demonstrated.


Mutt & Jeff

Part of a planned series of columns by Paige Meredith and Stan Badgett.


The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 500 words via email at or 250 words via snail mail at P.O. Box 399, Carbondale CO 81623. Letters exceeding that length may be returned for revision or submission as a guest column; please include your name, town, and contact information. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday.

You can trust Hanlon

Enough is enough

Dear Editor: I support and will vote for Karl Hanlon for Congress. Why? He is a good, hard-working person who supports rural infrastructure projects and economic development. He is focused on renewable energy, protecting our public lands and reducing our skyrocketing health care costs. I believe in moral, driven, compassionate, intelligent and passionate people leading our government. Karl has all of these characteristics. His wife Sheryl started Smiling Goat Ranch which supports autism and PTSD therapy. His children and step children are wonderful young adults who have the right work ethic and sensitivity to the world around them. No fluff here – just an opinion of a friend and supportive citizen. You can trust and rely on Karl to do the right thing in Congress. Please support his election! Ann Denney Glenwood Springs

Dear Editor: I have had enough of fake news. Democrats from Colorado Our democratic governor I have had enough of the reporting on Obama. I have had enough of the schools systems around here on the Western Slope. The white kids are getting shafted as far as the public school is concerned. Apparently Obama puppets are still in our school system. I am totally disgusted with the fact that the reps on the Western Slope can never get anything that we ask to happen — happen as our governor isn’t for but half the State of Colorado. He raised the price of our vehicle tax as apparently the tax on marijuana isn’t getting enough to pay for anything it was supposed to. Hickenlooper was going to take care of so much stuff with the marijuana tax and now he claims he doesn’t want marijuana around anymore. Well

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • • MARCH 15-21, 2018

that is tough. We need a new governor that isn’t tied to Obama’s apron strings even after Obama is no longer in office. Hillary isn’t either. Audrey Jane Budzynski Carbondale

Carbondale steps forward Dear Editor: The Town Trustees of Carbondale have taken another step toward a fossil fuel free future. They have requested a grant from the Regional Air Quality Council and the Colorado Energy Office for an electric car charging station to be located at the Launchpad. Town Public Works Director Kevin Schorzman says the facility will provide 25 kilowatts, enough to charge a standard electric car like a Tesla in about an hour. It will be the only such charger in the valley outside Aspen, Schorzman said. There will be no charge. LETTERS page 19

Sincerest thanks to our Honorary Publishers

for their generous, ongoing commitment of support. Jim Calaway, Chair Kay Brunnier Bob Ferguson – Jaywalker Lodge Scott Gilbert – Habitat for Humanity RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger

Thank you to our SunScribers and community members for your support! It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

To inform, inspire and build community. Donate online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540 Advertising: Carol Fabian • 970-510-0246 Reporter: Megan Tackett Photographer: Jane Bachrach Graphic Designer: Terri Ritchie Delivery: Tom Sands Current Board Members Marilyn Murphy, President Raleigh Burleigh, Vice President Stacey Bernot, Secretary Barbara Dills, Treasurer Debbie Bruell • Cliff Colia Olivia Pevec • Faith Magill Nicolette Toussaint • John Colson The Sopris Sun Board meets regularly on the second Monday evening of each month at the Third Street Center.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell Send us your comments: The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

The long and winding road to fire chief By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff For Rob Goodwin, being on top means propping people up. That’s been his philosophy throughout his career with the Carbondale and Rural Fire Protection District, and now that he’s chief, it’s no different. “There’s an old saying: ‘there’s no limit to what a person can do and what they can accomplish if they don’t care at all about who gets the credit’, and I really believe that,” Goodwin said almost shyly. “My favorite part of this is being able to enable people to succeed and run with stuff and feel like they really did something important. That gives me the most satisfaction.” After all, he said, he’s been the benefactor of so much support while finding his own path. “Years ago, I never really dreamed of being a fireman or anything like that,” he said. His father moved the family from Denver to the Roaring Fork Valley in 1977 to follow the construction money and after graduating from Roaring Fork High School, Rob, too, was working construction in Aspen. “I remember I’d be driving home from work and there’d be a car wreck,” he said, noting that Highway 82 was only two lanes then. “And I’d get out and go to help, and I didn’t know anything. About the third time that happened — I’ll never forget it. I was coming home, and getting out and going, ‘Oh geez, this looks terrible.’ And I just didn’t know what to do. I was so frustrated. I went home and I told my wife, ‘That’s it. I’m never going to not know what to do again.’” It was that incident that sparked Goodwin to sign up for Colorado Mountain College’s Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) class. “Barb Bush was the instructor,” he recalled. “She’s the one that got me into this! Shortly after I started, I walked into class one day, and she walked up and had an application and she said, ‘You’re joining.’” Goodwin began volunteering at the fire department in early 1987. He was immediately hooked, he said — or, rather, signed by mimicking a hook in his mouth. “It was like a calling. And I just kind of found it. It’s always been that way for me.” Bush wasn’t the only one to propel Goodwin into the firefighting realm. He worked his way through the volunteer ranks before getting hired as assistant chief in 1992. “It was me and Ron — and we had a part-time office manager — and that was it.” More than a quarter of a century later, Goodwin has stepped in for Ron Leach as chief, who retired from the role in February. “They’re big shoes to fill”, he said. “Ron Leach led this place for 37 years. I helped in my way, but he had the vision and leadership to bring this from a really

Rob Goodwin from the Valley Journal archives when he was first hired 1992. (left) Today, (right), he serves as chief. Photo Jane Bachrach

Barb Bush (left) works through a drill with Rob Goodwin (right). Bush taught Goodwin’s EMT class at CMC and was the one who initially encouraged him to pursue a career in the field, he said. Valley Journal archive photo small-town volunteer department — which was a good fire department — but he went with the changes and created change, which is hard to do. I think our communities owe him a real debt of gratitude for what he’s done, and I can’t thank him enough for what he’s done and for what he’s done for me.” Goodwin gets a little emotional when he talks about the people with whom he’s worked so closely over the years. There was a time when he didn’t think he’d be able to return to the department after taking a five-year hiatus.

Burnout “Through the ’90s, of course, it all grew,” Goodwin said. “We did a few bond issues and built stations and the district expanded through [Leach’s] leadership. I did that for 17 years.” At home, he and his wife were becoming empty nesters

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— and at one point, the nest included eight kids. “We had five kids together, plus we raised one of our nephews for about eight years,” Goodwin said. Eventually, two more extended family members joined the household for a few years. “I love kids,” he said. “They all grew up.” The couple discussed what to do next. “My wife and I had always wanted to kind of do an adventure and own a business together,” he said. That opportunity arose in 2004, when Goodwin was still deputy chief. “We bought and started a real estate business.” Over the next five years growing that business, Goodwin’s EMT certifications lapsed. “I had spent a lot of time and a lot of hours and a lot of years dedicated to this place doing that job, and I was probably a little fried,” he admitted. “I had always told myself and told other people I’m not going to come back until I miss it. And what I found was, I really missed it.” The Goodwins sold their business in 2008, right before the economic crash that ignited the Great Recession. It was time to come back, Goodwin had decided. But first, he had some hoops to jump through in order to regain his certifications. And he had to wait for an opening at the department. In some ways, though, he never truly left. “I didn’t want to lose my connection here, so I ran for district board,” he said, on which he served from 2004 to 2010. Then, in 2010, there was an opening at the department. “I was so blessed to have the opportunity to come back. It’s rare that you stop doing something and then you get the chance to go back. I’m so grateful for that,” he said. Now in his new role as chief, another career change isn’t likely; in fact, he’s already thinking about the future for the district. “Our challenge as a fire district and my challenge is to change as the times change and still be a modern, relevant fire department,” he said, adding that he knows those that comprise the department are up to the task. “A lot of places have people that just do the job; we have men and women who care,” he said. Goodwin is among them. “It’s still a calling for me.”

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 15-21, 2018 • 3


Send your scuttlebutt to


Howdy, partner

“Cowboy Up Carbondale� will take place Friday, Aug. 24 and is seeking to partner with a local beneficiary for the 10th annual celebration of Carbondale’s western heritage. If you are a 501(3)(c) nonprofit bettering the lives of residents in the Roaring Fork Valley, email Erin Bassett for an application at The deadline to apply is April 13.

Wild Rose Education’s Youth Water Leadership Program and Lens on Climate Change are seeking 30 middle and high school students to partake in the Lens on Climate Change Program in Carbondale June 11 through 16 at the Third Street Center in Carbondale. The project pairs middle and high school students in film production documenting the effects of climatic and environmental changes on their lives and in their communities. It’s a great opportunity to work with mentors in both science and technical careers. Sign up at

Final check Carbondale Rotary Club President Ed Queenan presented Karen Lee from the area Salvation Army with a final check from the recent holiday Red Kettle bell-ringing campaign at the Carbondale City Market store. Rotary arranged for volunteer bell ringers to help raise $14,180 for poverty assistance and emergency relief efforts in Garfield County. Alpine Bank has agreed to make it easier to do daily deposits of proceeds during the next campaign.

Don’t be alarmed The Upper Colorado River Interagency Fire and Aviation Management Unit (UCR) is preparing to conduct several prescribed burns on White River National Forest and Bureau of Land Management lands in Eagle, Garfield, Pitkin and Rio Blanco counties, weather and conditions permitting. All agencies involved would like to make a friendly reminder to the public not to call 911, even though some smoke may be visible. For additional information, please call local White River National Forest Ranger District Offices or the Colorado River Valley Field Office at 970-8769008, follow the White River National Forest on Twitter @WhiteRiverNews, or on Facebook at

Back online

Safety meeting

Keepin’ on trekkin’

As part of the Roaring Fork Schools District’s continued emphasis on adolescent health, well-being and substanceabuse prevention, schools have scheduled several events on emerging topics such as vaping, marijuana, and internet use and safety. All are welcome to attend these free events, which offer food and childcare, but participants are asked to register in advance. Registration for the Carbondale and Basalt events can be done online. Call 384-5695 to register and learn more about Glenwood Springs events.

The Pitkin County Commissioners and Open Space and Trails Board met March 13 at the Pitkin County Library for a discussion on the Carbondale to Crested Butte Trail Draft Plan. This work session was televised on GrassRoots TV and streamed live at While the comment period will not begin until after the boards have authorized revisions, the draft plan is available to read and download at

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The Garfield County Libraries were recently awarded a grant from the Garfield County Federal Mineral Lease District to purchase charging carts and 60 new Chromebook laptop computers. In 2016 alone, library public-access computers were used nearly 60,000 times and the library served over 82,000 wireless internet sessions. Despite the high usage, libraries had to eliminate 32 public computers across the county’s six locations because of drastic funding cuts in 2017. To use a Chromebook, simply ask at the front desk of your local Garfield County Library.

Students of the month Violet Long and Caden Smith Photo by Will Grandbois

4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • • MARCH 15-21, 2018

AD RESERVATION DEADLINE: Monday, May 7 by noon Contact Carol Fabian 970-510-0246

First blind climber to summit Everest talks about bestseller By Carrie Click Colorado Mountain College

Erik Weihenmayer has explored Colorado Mountain College country countless times. Trekking from his home in Golden, he’s come west to rock climb Mount Royal in Summit County, skin up Breckenridge Ski Resort, kayak through Glenwood Canyon, ski Beaver Creek and hike the Tenmile Range. In many ways Weihenmayer is just another of Colorado’s accomplished outdoor athletes. What sets him apart is that he’s totally blind. In 2001, he became the first blind climber to summit Mount Everest. In 2008, he completed climbing the Seven Summits — the highest peaks on each of the seven continents. And turning from mountains to rivers, he solo kayaked 277 miles of the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon in 2014. Weihenmayer’s bestseller, “No Barriers: A Blind Man’s Journey to Kayak the Grand Canyon,” is Colorado Mountain College’s 2018 Common Reader selection. It received an honorable mention award in the outdoor literature category of the 2017 National Outdoor Book Awards. Each year, the college’s students and employees vote on a book to read together. All community members are invited to participate in this group read, too, and attend author talks at several CMC campuses.

Harder than Everest Although Weihenmayer received worldwide attention for summiting Everest – he made the cover of Time magazine, and Oprah Winfrey and Jay Leno were among many who interviewed him – he said that kayaking the Grand Canyon was harder. “The mountain isn’t moving – well, hopefully,” he said. “I can gauge where things are. I can stop. With boating, you can’t control the movement. With kayaking, I can get so turned around. I have to use my ears to hear the noises

Erik Weihenmayer is the coauthor, of “No Barriers: A Blind Man’s Journey to Kayak the Grand Canyon,” Colorado Mountain College’s Common Reader selection. of rocks and holes. It’s game on.” Harlan Taney, a river guide and kayaker with hundreds of Grand Canyon descents, communicated with Weihenmayer using radio headsets in their helmets, with Taney kayaking as close to Weihenmayer’s boat as possible. “Harlan was my secret weapon,” Weihenmayer said. “He knows how to read the river so well. His eyes, brain and knowledge gave me the support I needed.”

Finding your map The book is about kayaking, though that’s only part of it. Weihenmayer writes about his family and what it was like to go blind at age 14. He shares stories of friends who have confronted major hurdles in order to live purposeful lives. “It’s alchemy,” said Weihenmayer, 49. “It’s turning adversity into strength.” Skyler Williams, who manages Weihenmayer’s business development and adventure training, has seen that

strength first hand. “When we were training for the Grand,” Williams said, “we’d run Shoshone a lot. Maneater [rapid] seemed so gnarly to us, but after running Lava [Falls rapid in the Grand Canyon] it didn’t seem like that big of a deal. It still was to Erik, though. He’d get this look on his face, like a vacuum cleaner was sucking all his air out. But he’d still run it.” Mark Wellman, a paraplegic climber, and Hugh Herr, a double amputee climber and biophysicist, founded No Barriers USA with Weihenmayer. The Fort Collins-based nonprofit organization is for youth, veterans, people with disabilities and everyone who has a barrier they want to overcome. “All of us in a way are climbing blind,” is a phrase Weihenmayer uses. “Sometimes it’s physical, like Hugh, Mark and myself,” he said. “Sometimes it’s invisible. It’s PTSD, or you were destroyed as a young person. You’re damaged and stuck, and you can’t figure it out. In that way, we all are part of No Barriers. You have to find your map.” Weihenmayer earned a degree in English and communications from Boston College, so he’s no stranger to words and writing. He said his coauthor, Buddy Levy, was instrumental in “shaving down” the book as it progressed. Weihenmayer typed on a talking computer, and Levy handled transcribing and editing it. “I wrote for a year,” said Weihenmayer, who’s authored two previous books. “It was transforming. It’s like floating a river. Underneath the surface, diving down is hard work. That’s where all the energy is created – under that surface.”

Next Steps

Who: Author, climber Erik Weihenmayer When: 7 p.m. March 23 Where: 815 Cooper Ave., Glenwood Springs More info:


LIFTED. The dust is settling on our TrueValue face-lift, so when you stop by the Co-op, you’ll find things have changed a bit! Change can be scary, but this change has allowed us to expand our product lines, pick up new lines, and make room for exciting new opportunities: like our new custom paint mixing. We now offer mix-to-order EasyCare paints in all your favorite finishes. Now’s the time to finish that interior paint project before the outdoor weather returns, and the Roaring Fork Valley Co-op has you covered with everything you need.

0760 Hwy 133 • Carbondale, CO • (970) 963-2220 The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 15-21, 2018 • 5

Alaprima Painters featured in Rockies West National Exhibit By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff

Seventy-three artists from 17 states have works featured in this year’s Rockies West National in Grand Junction, and five of them call Carbondale home. It was the first time Carbondale had such representation in the exhibit, now in its 26th year. That’s because it was the first time the Alaprima Painters decided to submit pieces. “We decided to apply as a group. We all didn’t do it, but there were five of us,” said watercolorist Joan Engler, who is a founding member of the group. “We were all accepted.” The Alaprima Painters — intentionally spelled differently from the painting style called alla prima — meets weekly on Thursdays in the Senior Matters room in the Third Street Center. Though most of the members specialize in watercolor, that’s not a stipulation. “Sometimes we’ll find someone doing pastel or oils or even leather work,” Engler said. This June will mark the group’s fourth year creating together, Judy Milne said, who founded Alaprima Painters with Engler. “We had been taking classes with Sarah Peterson, who grew up in Aspen and lives in Longmont now. She has quite a following of artists up in our Valley,” Milne said of the inspiration for starting Alaprima Painters. “She does weeklong classes when she comes to the Valley, and you are just immersed in it. It is such a wonderful, wonderful camaraderie as well as sharing of ideas and everything that Joan and I kept saying, ‘Why can’t we do this once a week?’ Because sometimes we didn’t paint between classes for months on end.” They approached Carbondale Arts — back then it was still the

Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities, Milne noted — about using its classroom as a dedicated space for the endeavor. That got them started, and then Senior Matters emerged as an ideal host. “My husband is on the board of Senior Matters, and they were renting the room out [at the Third Street Center]. They said they’d be happy to have us in there once a week, and we’re just thrilled,” Milne said. “We have a very happy environment for painting,” Engler said, adding that it’s also a very popular one. “We have — you could call it a waiting list of people that want to paint with us, but we physically just don’t have the room,” she said. Currently, there are about 10 people that meet every week, many of whom are also art teachers in some capacity. “I would say it’s a very high quality of art,” Engler said of the group’s work. Engler herself has been a professional watercolorist for 31 years. She’d painted as a teenager, but didn’t pursue it seriously until she was 40 years old, she said. “My husband said, ‘When are you going to take up your art again?’ And I said, ‘today.’ And I did.” The Rockies West National is not the group’s first show — they’ve exhibited their work as a collective in several local venues, from the Village Smithy to the Launchpad to the Snowmass Chapel. “It’s one of those wonderful experiences in life where you come away feeling so great about everything,” Milne said of having the group’s work showcased in such locally famous venues. “And it’s really an honor to be in the show in Grand Junction.” The exhibit lasts the entire month of March by the Western Colorado Watercolor Society (WCWS), with an awards reception March 2. Nicolette Toussaint, an Alaprima Painter and Sopris

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Successful children come from homes where books from school are celebrated and days are filled with stories, songs and conversation. Early brain development is dependent on these interactions. Our red book bags go home weekly with 1,600 local children to provide a reminder. Our time is our most precious gift to our children.

“Osprey” (top) by Joan Engler and “Small Talk” by Judy Milne (bottom left) are currently on display at the Third Street Center. “Apache Girl with Puppy” (bottom right) by Nicolette Toussaint won the Meininger Award at the Rockies West National in Grand Junction. Sun columnist and board member, won the Meininger Merchandise Award — a $100 prize. Toussaint received the photograph that inspired her “Apache Girl with Puppy” from her friend, Rebecca Knight. Knight had been visiting the San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona with a nonprofit that was providing the tribe with veterinary care when she noticed the girl holding the puppy.

“I would never have been able to do the painting at all without the wonderful eye and adventurous spirit of my friend,” Toussaint wrote in a Facebook post thanking Knight. “We ask people to send in two images, and we only pick one from each artist,” WCWS Vice President Dani Tupper said. “Then the images are sent off to our juror, who

is a nationally known artist.” This year, National Watercolor Society Signature Member Fealing Lin, of San Marino, Calif., selected and judged the show. Tupper won the “Best of Colorado Artist,” a $500 prize sponsored by Alpine Bank. “I won for the first time!” she said of her entry, “Relics of Yesteryear.”

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6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • • MARCH 15-21, 2018

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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 15-21, 2018 • 7

Town Report

The following items are drawn from Town Manager Jay Harrington’s weekly report to staff, trustees and others.

HAZARDOUS OPERATIONS training in Rifle drew staff from the streets and utilities crews as well as the Town Arborist. APPLICATIONS are being accepted for Seasonal Vegetation Management Worker and the Kay Brunnier Tree Fund. For more information on both, contact Mike Callas at 510-1331. Additionally, anyone interested in being a lifeguard or swim instructor should contact Margaret Donnelly at mdonnelley@ or 510-1280. To apply as a climbing instructor, contact Jamie Wall at jwall@carbondaleco. net or 510-1214. To join the seasonal parks maintenance crew, contact Russell Sissom at or 510-1327. LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION registration is underway at the cost of $150 with $115 refunded for those who take on a fulltime gig at the pool. Participants must be 15 years old by the end of the class; contact Margaret Donnelly for more information at or 510-1280. WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL runs Monday nights starting April 9 and culminating on May 21. It’s $150 per 4-on-4 team with registration due by April 2. PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS at the Rec. Center take place from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. Monday and Wednesdays with an obstacle course and bounce house. Both are parent-supervised and cost $5 for members and $6 for non-members. EARLY RELEASE WEDNESDAY open gym and youth facilitated climbing takes place from 2 to 4 p.m. for a discounted youth daily drop-in rate of $3 at the Rec. Center. A climbing wall waiver signed by parents is needed to participate. SCAVENGER HUNT registration is underway with the “Where My Peeps” for 5K-10K run/walk scheduled for


March 31. Work with your team of 2-6 to complete tasks, decipher clues and find hidden peeps around town. There will be two race categories this year: one for families and kids who want to stay close to downtown and one for competitive teams who’d like to range farther. Registration is $30 per team at TENNIS NETS were placed at the Darien Tennis and Pickleball courts to allow the combined high school tennis teams from Carbondale and Basalt to start practicing. Full-size soccer nets on North Face Park and volleyball nets will be placed in parks this week. TOWN AUDITORS McMahan and Associates will be onsite conducting the audit field work for 2017 this upcoming week. A presentation to the Board is planned for June. HYDRO FEASIBILITY STUDY progress continues. The South Nettle creek line was pressurized for readings and the information is being evaluated. The Town found that there are vents which were cause for inaccurate readings.These will be taken into consideration for the suitability study. DITCH CLEANING begins this week for the upcoming irrigation season. The ditches are scheduled to be turned on mid-April. DROUGHT OUTLOOK remains about the same, with regional precipitation around 80 percent of normal. PLANNING & ZONING approved a manufactured infused products facility on Buggy Circle and opened the public hearing for Thompson Park, which will be continued on April 12. OFFICER STOCK-BELL will be shadowing Officer Zimmerman for the next couple of months.

someone you love.


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8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • • MARCH 15-21, 2018

Cop Shop From March 2 through 8, Carbondale Police handled 209 calls for service. During that period, offices investigated the following cases of note: FRIDAY March 2 at 11:48 p.m. A traffic stop for a broken taillight lead to the arrest of the driver on a Criminal Justice Information Services warrant and driving while revoked. SATURDAY March 3 at 12:58 a.m. Failure to use a turn signal landed a 27-year-old in jail on suspicion of driving under the influence. SATURDAY March 3 at 1:47 a.m. Following a speeding stop, the 23-year-old driver was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and issued a citation, a notice of revocation and his license was confiscated. SUNDAY March 4 at 2:02 a.m. An officer contacted a vehicle for speeding, failure to observe stop sign, failure to drive on right side of the road and failure to use turn signal. After further investigation, the driver was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. WEDNESDAY March 7 at 2:35 p.m. Someone reported $6,000 worth of jewelry stolen out of their car.

RFHS, Ross participate in National School Walkout By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff

No signs. No slogans. Roaring Fork High School’s participation in the National School Walkout on March 14 was a quiet affair. While the whole student body shared 17 seconds of silence during a community meeting inside, around three dozen kids and a handful of grown-ups took it a step further by exiting the front doors and standing silently in a circle in front of the school. One student voiced the benefits of silence: “Don’t speak, because there are those that will take you words and twist them to harm others.” The students been warned by Roaring Fork School District that absences for protest would be counted as unexcused — and thus warrant a detention. Nevertheless, they persisted. “I’m aware of the consequences but they won’t stop me,” sophomore Charlie Candela said afterwards. While the Wednesday morning event was apparently an impromptu show of support with demonstrations around the country, Candela is part of a group called Carbondale United for School Safety (CUSS) that hopes to put on a bigger, more official event on April 20 (the anniversary of the Columbine shooting). Students have already obtained permission to alter the school schedule, and are hoping to involve other schools and the community at large. While gun violence has been the most talked about issue in the Photo by Will Grandbois wake of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting, CUSS hopes to address a broader scope of issues including mental health and bullying. “We want to feel safe in our school, but we don’t want to do exactly what Glenwood did,” Candela explained. Meanwhile, it seemed that all those who participated in this week’s demonstration made their way back to the event in the auditeria, where Principal Brett Stringer acknowledged them. “You are surrounded by love and support. I think that’s clear with the speakers today as well as the circle out front,” he said.

School Sponsored Ross Montessori School’s participation in the National School Walkout was actually arranged by staff, with most of the school participating. In a letter to parents on March 8, Principal Sonya Hemmen gave them a chance to opt their students out or walk alongside them. “I still do not have answers to this ongoing problem of school violence. And, like all of you, I have been watching news and hearing about planned and unplanned walk outs to protest this ongoing problem in our country. The most important two jobs all of us have in schools is to ensure the health and safety of all the children in our care,” she wrote. And so, on March 14, most of the school donned grey and red and spent 17 minutes of silence along Lewie’s Lane before a couple of students gave speeches and the whole school joined together for “Light a Candle for Peace” — Ross’s unofficial anthem. Photo by Jane Bachrach

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UN club helps cultivate model citizens at RFHS By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff

RFHS sent 30 students to the National High School Model United Nations, the world’s largest UN conference. It was the biggest group the school’s ever taken, and students represented Denmark, Cote d’ Ivoire and Venezuelan President Nikolas Maduro’s Cabinet in a crisis committee. Photo by Matt Wells

The Roaring Fork High School Model United Nations club came home from New York with a concrete victory: the students representing Cote d’ Ivoire — or the Ivory Coast in English — cosponsored a resolution regarding the protection and safety of journalists, and three of their proposals made it into the final draft. “We went in as sponsors for that paper,” said Iliana Castillon, who shares the secretary general title with fellow senior Chelsey Serrano. It was her third year attending the Model UN Conference in New York, and she was pleasantly surprised to see her team’s suggestions make the final resolution. “People usually don’t listen to us if we’re representing a small country, but for this one, they did.” For Matthew Wells, RFHS social studies teacher and Model UN advisor, that’s one of the goals of the trip. “The whole point of [the conference] is not to win; it’s to compromise, to find common ground. Certainly debate issues, but then find a way to solve a really complex global issue,” he said. “If they are able to pass a resolution that they are happy with, then you did your job. That’s what diplomacy is.” In learning the finer points of what constitutes diplomacy, the students received

help from a professional. In addition to Cote d’ Ivoire, some RFHS students served on crisis committees as Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s cabinet while others represented Denmark. As such, Wells was able to arrange an informational session at the Permanent Mission of Denmark with a policy deputy — that kind of accessibility is one of the perks of attending the national conference in New York, he said. “It’s really cool for kids to see an actual diplomat and ask them questions. Those things are a nice element of this particular conference that make it worth it.” “She gave us an overview of what she does and how she works and the challenges she faces,” Solana Teitler, an RFHS junior and two-time New York Conference veteran, said. “We went around and talked about what we were discussing in our committees. Those who were representing Denmark got some advice.” Even those who weren’t representing Denmark still found the session insightful, Castillon said. “A lot of the questions tailored toward, ‘if a lot of my stuff won’t pass, what can I do’?” The answer, according to the deputy, seemed rooted in patience and perspective. “[She] said you can come away with a lot of losses, but the one win is pretty powerMODEL UN page 16

Pitkin County Healthy Rivers is now accepting grant applications for projects and programs that improve our watershed quantity and quality, wildlife habitat and riparian zones, and that benefit the Roaring Fork drainage. Please visit for grant criteria and more information.

Deadline is March 31, 2018 Email application to:

10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • • MARCH 15-21, 2018

Learn to love monsters with ‘The Voices Project’ By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff

“Blame is a monster I can’t seem to kill off,” sophomore Daniela Rivera observes in a deeply personal vignette she will perform as part of “The Voices Project” — an interdisciplinary, multi-school performance which takes place March 16 and 17 at Thunder River Theatre. The piece was originally a poem which garnered acclaim at a recent slam. It dealt bleakley and directly with childhood sex assault, but gave no indication of the central character coming out the other side. “I came to a lot of realizations I didn’t want to really come to,” she observed. When a group of Roaring Fork High School students were tasked with selecting a theme and came up with “Loving Monsters” it gave her a chance to revisit the piece. “It’s a title that can work in so many different ways,” she said. “There’s lots of external monsters that create lots of internal monsters you have to learn to deal with.” In addition to gaining a cast of her peers, the story now has a sort of ending, with the monsters ripped up and thrown off a bridge. Most importantly, it’s another opportunity to tackle an important issue. “People need to be more comfortable talking about things like this,” she said. “It’s easier to do that when you know everybody else is putting out something close to home.” That doesn’t mean that every student involved has a dark place to draw from. “I don’t really have many monsters,” said sophomore Hayden Holbrook. Instead, he got into the program as a way to get out of

his comfort zone of sketching and try a different art form. “I’m down for expanding yourself in a creative way,” he said. Holbrook co-wrote a duet with his girlfriend which explores the correspondence of an imprisoned father and his daughter. And while you could see a metaphor about high school as a four year sentence, that’s not the point. “I’m just trying to put some of my experience into this character,” he said. The experience may refine is already “casually bleak” style and has already hooked him on performance. “This has really helped teach us how to interact with each other,” he said. The elements will be linked together by dance, with grownup Gabriela Alvarez helping shape the students’ vision. “Kids are super emotional. I’m just trying to give them this reality in their bodies,” she said. It brings a sort of third language to the already bilingual performance — something near and dear to Alvarez. “It’s not so common to see Latino people in the arts here,” she said. “If I was younger or my family was here and couldn’t speak English, I’d like to perform something they’d understand.” Alvarez is also one of the few people to overlap between both Roaring Fork and Basalt’s pieces, which will be performed back to back. “We’ve been through a very similar process, but what we’re creating is very different,” said Cassidy Willey, director for the Roaring Fork crew and drama teacher at Glenwood Springs Middle School. “I’ve been incredibly touched by what the students have shared and inspired by what they had to say,” she

The Voices Project features everything from puppetry to song, written and performed by Roaring Fork and Basalt High School students. said. “It’s very exhilarating because it’s authentic. I don’t think there’s any way an audience can show up and not feel that.”

Next Steps

What: “The Voices Project” derived theatre performance Who: Roaring Fork and Basalt High School students When: 7:30 p.m March 16 / 3:30 and 7:30 p.m. March 17 How much: $10 donation requested Info: 274-3741

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An eighteen-year Carbondale residentOn Lani has3rd managed Vote for Lani Kitching April businesses in several local industries that framed her sense of the community’s foundation.

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Lani has lived and worked in Carbondale for the last eighteen years. Key initiatives she backswide are: organizations designed volunteered on valley

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La educación Montessori sigue al niño con un trabajo individualizado para dominar habilidades y conceptos, enriquecido con artes, idioma extranjero, educación física y tecnología.

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We value: Children, discovery, mastery, love and community Valoramos: Niños, descubrimiento, maestría, amor y comunidad

109 Lewies Lane, Carbondale, CO 81623 970-963-7199

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 15-21, 2018 • 11

Community Calendar THURSDAY March 15

LOVELY SOUNDS • Callin’ Old Souls plays at 6:30 at Batch (358 Main St.). WILD & SCENIC • Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (ACES) and Patagonia Snowmass will host the Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour at 7 p.m. at the Wheeler Opera House (320 E. Hyman Ave., Aspen).

FRI to THU March 16-22

MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre presents “The Post” (PG-13) at 7:30 p.m. Mar. 1618 and Mar. 20-21; “Jane” (PG) at 5:15 p.m. Mar. 16; “The Shape of Water” (R) at 5 p.m. Mar. 17; “Three Billboards” (R) at 5 p.m. Mar. 18 and “The Moment” presented by Aloha Mountain Cyclery, a benefit for the Roaring Fork Mountain Bike Association (R) at 7:30 p.m. on Mar. 22. Closed Mar. 19.

FRIDAY March 16

MEET THE ARTISTS • Anderson Ranch artists in residences share their work and mingle from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). HARMONIZED STRINGS • The internationally renowned Altius String Quartet plays from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.). CELTIC ROCK • Named after moonshine brewed in Ireland, Potcheen plays at 8 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits). $17 in advance at or $22 at the door.

To list your event, email information to Deadline is noon on Monday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted.

IRISH SONGBIRD • Miss Meaghan Owens plays from 2 to 6 p.m. at Sunlight Mountain Resort (10901 CR 117) to kick off their Yard Sale! spring music series.

FRI & SAT March 16-17

VOICES • See what happens when high schoolers are challenged by artist mentors to create an original show in only four weeks at 7:30 p.m. Friday and 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the Thunder River Theatre (67 Promenade). To reserve a seat for this bilingual collaboration between Roaring Fork and Basalt High, call 274-3741.


YOGA W/ PETS • Practice doga at 9:30 a.m. and yogato at 10:45 a.m. at Colorado Animal Rescue (2801 CR 114).

ALT ROCK • Echo Monday plays beginning at 9 p.m. at The Black Nugget with no cover.

SUNDAY March 18

EQUINOX CEREMONY • Providence Apothecary and Holistic Center (713 Cooper Ave., Glenwood Springs) celebrates the time of balance from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. with planting, yoga, tea and more. Bring $25 and a potluck dish to share; registration at

MONDAY March 19

PRESSURE CANNING MEAT • The Carbondale Rec. Center (567 Colorado Ave.) presents a $10 course on how to turn your summer game into winter stews from 6 to 9 p.m. with registration required by March 16 at www.


Ongoing EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN • Staff and sources talk about this week’s paper in more at 4 p.m. Thursdays on KDNK (88.1 FM). HIGH NOON • Bring your compliments, complaints and ideas to Sopris Sun Editor Will Grandbois at 12 p.m. Thursdays at the Pour House (351 Main St.). HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION • Free opportunities include… One-hour consultation about heart attack prevention, plantbased nutrition, other medical issues, and concerns about a hospital or other medical bill. Call retired family doctor Greg Feinsinger, M.D. for appointment (379-5718). First Monday of every month catch a powerpoint presentation by Dr. Feinsinger about the science behind plant-based nutrition, 7 to 8:30 p.m., board room Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Fourth Monday of every month, plant-based potluck 6:30 p.m. Calaway Room, Third Street Center. All events supported by Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing. More information at

GO GREEN • Marble Distilling (150 Main St.) celebrates St. Patrick’s Day with festivities from 4 to 7 p.m. and an ongoing commitment to sustainability.

TRIVIA • Compete with a team of six to answer questions across five categories at 7 p.m. at Marble Distilling (150 Main St.) with the winning group getting $50 off their tab and custody of a fancy marble trophy.

YAPPY HOUR • Colorado Animal Rescue’s Yappy Hour at the Marble Bar (150 Main St.) takes place at 5:30 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Sip on handcrafted cocktails and meet a C.A.R.E. dog, with $1 from every drink donated to C.A.R.E. Bring your own dog along as well.

MUSIC & STOUT • Batch (358 Main St.) hosts live music by The Low End from 7 to 9 p.m. and offers stout specials and more.

BINGO FOR BUDDIES • Carbondale Beer Works (647 Main St.) hosts BINGO to benefit the Buddy Program with 7 p.m. card sales and 7:30 games.

COMMUNITY MEAL • Faith Lutheran Church (1340 Highway 133) hosts a free community meal from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 CALENDAR continued on page 13

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presents a night of UNFORGETTABLE

Friday, March 16 7:30 PM Saturday, March 17 3:30 matinee + 7:30 PM

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Our loyal listeners can become your customers. Contact Greg ( about underwriting.


We have monthly training meetings every third Thursday at 5:15pm. Contact Luke ( for details.

This original show is CREATED and PERFORMED by STUDENTS from BASALT AND ROARING FORK HIGH SCHOOLS under the direction of VOICES’ Artist Mentors.


Renew online at See us 76 S. 2nd Street, Carbondale Mail us PO Box 1388, Carbondale, CO 81623

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*You help yourself by insuring Carbondale businesses stay in business so you don’t have to shop out of town; you help the town of Carbondale by keeping your sales tax dollars

right here; and you help your neighbor because most of Carbondale’s store and businesses are locally owned.

12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • • MARCH 15-21, 2018


Community Calendar

continued from page 12

Ongoing p.m. on the first and third Saturdays of the month. Info: 510-5046 or faithcarbondale. com. Carbondale Homeless Assistance also has its meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month. STORY ART • Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.), in partnership with the Aspen Art Museum, invites kids to learn about artists and create masterpieces of their own at 4 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month. YOUR STORY, YOUR LIFE • A free facilitated workshop for adults, writing your personal history, one story at a time. Facilitated by Shelly Merriam, historian/writer/ genealogist. First and third Fridays, 10 a.m. to noon at the Glenwood Springs Branch Library, (815 Cooper Ave.). Info at 945-5958 or gcpld.orgf. STORYTIME • Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) hosts stories songs and more for ages four and up at 10:30 a.m. Thursdays and three and under at 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. LET’S JUST DANCE • Feel great, have fun and dance Tuesdays at The Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Catch a free lesson at 7 p.m., then from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. it’s open dancing with two-step, swing, waltz, line dance, salsa and more. No partner or experience necessary. $8/person; $14/couple. Questions? Call 970-366-6463 or email CONTRA • Every first Saturday October through May, catch contra, waltzes, polkas and square dances from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at the

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Carbondale Community School (1505 Satank Rd.). No partner or experience necessary; $10 for adults and $8 for students. More info at

at 319-6854. Pathfinders offers support groups from Aspen to Rifle and is located in Carbondale at 1101 Village Rd. Info:

ONE VOICE • Lisa Dancing-Light, founder of Higher Octave Music Programs, presents a community singing group intended to celebrate the joy that music brings to the spirit. Every other Thursday from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at The Helios Center (601 Sopris Ave.) in Carbondale.

LIFE DRAWING • Drop in for figure drawing with Staci Dickerson at 6:30 p.m. Mondays at SAW (525 Buggy Cr. Unit C).

RUN AROUND • Independence Run & Hike hosts a run around town Saturdays at 8 a.m. Meet at the store 596 Highway 133 (in La Fontana Plaza) and run various distances, with different routes each week. Info: 704-0909.

MAKERSPACE • Children and teens are invited to design, create, tinker, and play with art and technology to design and create with 3D Pens, make stop-motion animation films, engineer duct tape creations, build their own video games, and more from 2 to 3:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.).

PARENT CHILD CLASSES • Waldorf teacher and parent Holly Richardson offers programs for caregivers and children from birth to 3, with Musical Storytime from 9 to 10 a.m. Mondays, Sweet Peas Garden from 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Peas and Carrots from 9 to 11 a.m. Fridays. Call 9631960 for more info or visit waldorfschoolrf. com. Preregistration is suggested but drop ins are also welcome on Mondays. OPEN MIC • A new open mic takes place from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays at Riverside Grill (181 Basalt Center Circle, Basalt). Food and drink specials. Free. GRIEF AND LOSS • Pathfinders offers a grief and loss support group every other Monday at 6 p.m., and a caregiver support group every other Wednesday noon. An RSVP is required to Robyn Hubbard

YOGA • Get a donation based introduction to Hatha Yoga Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.).

DHARMA • The Way of Compassion Dharma Center holds a Dharma talk and meditation from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays and a silent meditation and Buddha of Compassion practice at 8 a.m. Saturdays at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). KARAOKE • The Black Nugget (403 Main St.) and Sandman bring you over 30,000 songs to choose from and a quality sound system to release your inner rockstar at 9 pm. every Thursday. BLUEGRASS JAM • Bring the instrument of your choice or just your voice for a weekly jam session first and last Sundays at 6:30 p.m. at Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) and all other Sundays at the Glenwood Springs Brew Garden (115 Sixth St.).

AIKIDO • Roaring Fork Aikikai (2553 Dolores Way) trains adults and teens Mondays through Thursdays at 6 p.m. and Saturdays at 3:15 and 4:30 p.m. and kids Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 4:30 p.m. (ages 5-8) and 4:45 to 5:45 (ages 8-14). More info at LIONS MEET • The Carbondale Lions Club meets the first Tuesday of the month at the Gathering Center at the Orchard (110 Snowmass Dr.) starting at 6:30 p.m. Info: Chuck Logan at 963-7002 or Chris Chacos at 379-9096. ROTARY • The Carbondale Rotary Club meets at the Carbondale Fire Station (300 Meadowood Dr.) at 6:45 a.m. Wednesdays. The Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at White House Pizza (801 Main Ct.) at noon every Thursday. MEDITATION • Free silent meditation sessions are held at the Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.) from 6:45 to 7:30 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Additionally, The Monday Night Meditation Group meets from 7 to 8:15 p.m. at True Nature (100 N. Third St.) and offers instruction in the Buddhist practice of Vipassana. Also at True Nature, everyone’s invited for SRF meditation from 10 to 11 a.m. on the first Sunday of the month and 5 to 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month. WRITERS GROUP • Wordsmiths of all experience and abilities gather at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of the month.



Vote for Erica Sparhawk Experience: As a Trustee, volunteer on nonprofit boards and working mother Commitment: With energy and passion for our community Advocacy: Through work and outreach to make Carbondale a great place to live

20 % OF F Green Velvet Bud

Erica Sparhawk was born and raised in Carbondale and is now raising her family here. She is committed to keeping Carbondale fun and funky. H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H

You’ll get your ballots this week! Please vote! H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H

Limit 7 grams. While supplies last. See store for details. 730 MAIN ST • SILT | EXIT 97 OFF I-70

Paid for by Erica Sparhawk for Carbondale Trustee, Treasurer Carrie Haberern


The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 15-21, 2018 • 13

SUPER. (from page 1)

sustainable materials worn by local models who strutted, danced and slinked up and down the runway. Each year the “fashion show” evolved and brought in more designers, materials, creativity, models, music, dance and video elements until it became a fashion “extravaganza.” This year it’s evolved even further and has morphed into something SUPER.NATURAL, the actual theme of the show. It has also become more of a multimedia and performance event with fashion as its anchor. Today, the show takes more risks. It’s still about the clothes, although many of the models didn’t have much on, but it’s also about other Top row left to right: Sue VanHorton wearing MD Designs; Madalyn Buchanan wearing Streetlore

Center row, left to right: aerialists Jacqui Edgerly, Elyssa Edgerly; Elizabeth Tolan Bottom row left to right: Carrie Vickers; Jenna Wurtz; Stephanie Dibacco wearing Studio Rand

14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • • MARCH 15-21, 2018

NATURAL kinds of art such as movement, design, photography, video production, dance, body painting and makeup. It includes video elements that mimic and/or enhance the live performances. For the last few years the production has added more of the performing arts such as aerial silks and rings, which also enhance the fashion elements of the show. Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Faboo Designer Challenge: “Best Overall” collection, Maria Rodina’ “Most Fashion Forward” a tie between Delia Bolster and Laura Stover;’ “Most Original,” Michelle Dunn of MDFashions-Aspen, and “Best Emerging Designer, Amanda Simmons of VictoryMae. Clockwise: Sarah Overbeck wearing No Refuse; Stella Doble; Caroline Iles wearing Zzyzx; Deborah Colley wearing Threads & Alchemy; Sal Cruz wearing Akomplice; Angela Anderson wearing Arcana by Dena Barnes and Maria Sabljak wearing Elizabethan

Photos and text by Jane Bachrach

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 15-21, 2018 • 15

A beautiful place at odds with its own future By John Runne

I love Carbondale and the Roaring Fork Valley! Where else can you find four known rivers converging, Mt. Sopris’ constant vigil over us all and cattle walking down Main Street? The mix of friendly and caring folks all around gives somewhat of a mirror image of being in New Zealand, a place where people still care about people and the God they worship. I did not realize such a place existed in America yet have found the calm, peace and warm openness nestled here on the Western Slope. Carbondale is an amazing and very special gift to us all. So when I am in conversations about Carbondale and its future there seems to always be a mysterious viewpoint of a Town vs. new ideas, development and new sources of (apparently much needed) sales tax revenue. I remember when I first arrived in Carbondale almost a year ago the resounding message to me was “don’t try to improve anything in Carbondale as the Town, its Trustees and its citizens will vote it right down.” I found that an educational moment but also could not fully accept what I was hearing. From dozens of conversations with town folks I kept being told that Carbondale never wanted to change a thing. While at some level this is certainly understandable it is also confounding when one sees the development and growth happening north and south of us while Carbondale seemingly ponders and ponders away. To maintain all the wonderful characteristics of the place we love one must accept change as only change can bring the funds for keeping the charm and uniqueness of our town intact. Most conversations for the future end the proverbial question of “how will we pay for that?” Colorado’s structure of smaller towns living on sales tax revenue puts a focus on retail activity and plenty of foot traffic. In speaking with some business leaders I learned that the only real foot traffic comes with the cattle drives through town. If only cattle had money to buy things! Our beloved Main Street is about two blocks short of being a retail success. More reasons are needed for people to linger a while before or after enjoying our great eateries and the easily found peace of walking through town. The solutions to a vibrant retail and restaurant downtown existence are within reach and achievable. So why, in the view of the vast majority of people I have talked with, is the problem with this thinking always “new ideas will get voted down?” It has been pointed out to me that there is an extremely difficult, adversarial and expensive process new development must go through to have a prayer of getting approved. I have also learned that the percentage requirement for af-

fordable housing is the highest in the Valley (Glenwood Springs just eliminated this requirement entirely). I understand that the fees charged by the city are also way out of whack. Simple math says that accepting the current terms and conditions by a developer or current business means going into a project with a high risk of losing money and/or using the cheapest materials possible to make reasonable return. I was amazed to learn that the Town and the trustees of past were also willing to risk a major portion of the town’s revenue by delaying the City Market project. Is this effective caretaking for the good of the majority of the town? Or are steps like this a private town leadership agenda that could add the word ghost before town? I have not yet discovered what the town leadership is trying to protect and why there is a perception it is so seemingly antagonistic towards revenue producing improvements and change. Our beautiful rivers will remain, Mt. Sopris is not going anywhere and, as the ranchers will surely tell you, they are not converting to raising salmon, so just what is being protected? Why are other towns bursting with activity while all we have seen is the bulldozer, grass and new fencing? Are we saying we do not want new things in our town? Do we not want to continue the many special events sponsored by the town and merchants (Mountain Fair, Potato Day, 4th of July, 5 Point Film Festival, First Friday, Oktoberfest, etc.), all funded by tax revenue? Do we not want people to come visit our special town? It is a mistake to continue operating in the past and pretending we have a Carbondale Mint to print the monies needed to run the town. What is needed is a friendly, cohesive, cooperative and integrated future plan for the majority of our citizens. Carbondale needs an openness and willingness by its leaders to listen and act positively while not building obstacles for the sake of creating them. Some of the folks around here remember the impact of the mines closing down. That could be the town’s outcome. Like you, I would vote for that not to happen again with a willing and prepared Carbondale leadership that wants to secure the town’s future vitality. Establishing this robustness and maintaining the character and charm of Carbondale can only be funded by new development and the expansion of businesses already making significant contributions.


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Chelsey Serrano (left) and Iliana Castillon (right) share the role of Secretary General. In addition to the leadership role in the club, they also act as mentors to underclassmen. Photo by Matt Wells

Model UN from page 10 ful,” Castillon said. Teitler nodded with enthusiastic agreement. That advice helped propel the students’ confidence, which in turn resulted in their proposals getting approved in the resolution regarding journalists’ safety. Castillon, for her part, is also the editor of the Roaring Fork Rampage. For example, RFHS included language cautioning against the repeated use of radio-frequency-based devices from the same location by journalists in conflict areas. Such actions may result in real-life deaths of journalists and civilians alike when adversarial governments used the signal locations for attack targets. RFHS sought to have this cautionary practice become standard protocal for journalists. “It’s really cool to see the level of discussion and debate that they’re working at and the issues they’re grappling with,” Wells said. “It goes against that stereotype that’s out there from time-to-time of apathetic, plugged-in and tunedout high school kids,” he said, adding that the club meets at 7 a.m. Wednesdays because it’s one of the only times that doesn’t conflict with students’ other extracurricular obligations. Model UN is one of the most popular clubs at the school. This year, Wells and two other adult supervisors were in charge of 30 students while in New York, where they ate together in Chinatown and visited the National September 11 Memorial and Museum. “That’s the biggest group I’ve ever taken,” he said. “It’s 8 percent of our school!” That opportunity to explore the city is itself a draw for students. “I’ve been here my entire life — I don’t know much else,” Castillon said. In that sense, Model UN has expanded her perspective in several ways, she said: she’s navigated the city with a large degree of independence, and she’s argued diplomacy points from a stance other than that of an American. “I’m going to miss going through those experiences with my peers,” the senior said.

On Healthcare: Is National Improved Medicare for All the Best Answer? By George Bohmfalk Amid ongoing efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), and after rejection of Colorado’s statelevel single-payer plan, the United States struggles to determine its healthcare future. Meanwhile, premiums, deductibles, and other forms of cost sharing continue to rise for those fortunate enough to have insurance. Companies, cities, and school districts struggle to fund coverage, pushing more of the cost onto employees, dampening wage growth. We are approaching a crisis, especially in the Roaring Fork Valley, home to some of the highest insurance rates in the country. Many point to exorbitant profits, prices, and excessive treatment as the main drivers of our $3.5 trillion annual healthcare costs and suggest that more free-market competition will solve the problem. Those aspects do contribute, but the biggest factor is the extent to which private insurance has produced an enormous bureaucracy of managed care. This industry of case managers, claims deniers, and pharmacy benefits managers arose as insurance companies tried to maximize profits by minimizing medical payouts. An opposing army of billing clerks, coders, and claims appealers grew in every hospital and physician office. Combined, they account for one-third of healthcare spending – $1 trillion dollars every year, to shuffle paper and argue whether a rec-

ommended treatment or MRI scan will be covered. This is the unaffordable elephant in the room. Our $3.5 trillion national healthcare spending averages over $10,000 per person. That’s twice the average of other industrialized nations, which provide health care for all of their residents. Despite their lower expenses and coverage of everyone, they outperform the U.S. in nearly every health metric, including life expectancy. We rank at or near the bottom in both maternal and infant mortality, among many other indicators. But an interesting thing happens as we age. Once we qualify for Medicare at age 65, our national health begins to improve dramatically. With universal insurance, older Americans quickly rise to the top of health rankings compared to other countries. Access to healthcare makes a difference. Medicare is both effective and popular. It’s also efficient. Private insurance company overhead costs average around 20 percent. Medicare’s overhead is 2-3 percent, because it has one plan, one form, one set of rules, and no profits for shareholders. Replacing the hundreds of private insurance companies and their thousands of plans with a single efficient payer – an ex-




panded Medicare for all – could save half of the administrative cost described above. That’s $500 billion per year. Expanding Medicare to cover all U.S. residents would cost around $300-400 billion per year. That would include dental, vision, hearing, and prescription drug coverage, with no deductibles or other outof-pocket cost-sharing. Not only can we afford it, there would be money left over. How do we pay for it? We would pay a single health premium, not to a private company with 20 percent overhead, but to a single efficient payer, Medicare. You can call it a tax, as technically it would be, but with everyone participating in the same efficient payment system, 95 percent of households will pay less than what they now pay for premiums, deductibles, copays, and prescription drugs. No longer would health insurance be tied to your employment. You would have free choice of private doctors and hospitals. You would not have to debate whether to have a mole or a cough checked. You would not be forced to choose between paying for healthcare or paying the rent. You would pay less, and get more. We are a large nation, and many fear that such a wholesale change would be


disruptive. Many are reluctant to give up their employer-provided coverage, despite narrow provider panels, less coverage, and higher deductibles. But the myriad of those private limited policies is what makes healthcare so expensive. You wouldn’t be able to keep your old plan, but why would you want to? We have one military and one interstate highway system. Each city has one police and fire department. We all contribute toward and use our libraries, parks, and public schools. As a cost-effective protection for the safety and benefit of all Americans, a single national healthcare system – expanded and improved Medicare for All – is the best answer. If you agree and would like to help provide healthcare to all Americans, join us at, at no cost. Invite us to speak to your groups. Learn more at Call your Congressional representatives at the Capitol hotline, 202-224-3121, and encourage them to support the House’s H.B. 676 and Senate bill S.1804. George Bohmfalk, M.D. is a retired neurosurgeon and member of Physicians for a National Health Program and its Colorado chapter, the Health Care for All Colorado Foundation (HCACF). Tom Gottlieb, M.D., a retired internist and CoPresident of HCACF, also contributed to this column.

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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 15-21, 2018 • 17


Roaring Fork strike a blow for the underdog From the archives of the Roaring Fork Valley Journal

Teddy G. Cantrell

March 16, 1978

Teddy G. Cantrell, 82, of Carbondale, Colorado, went to be with the Lord surrounded by his family Monday, March 5, 2018. Teddy was born to Howard Cantrell, and Ellen Nelson, November 11, 1935 in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Teddy graduated from Frutia High school in 1954. He married Laura Woodworth in 1955, happily married for 62 years and they lived together in Carbondale. Teddy worked at Diemoz Construction until he retired in 1994. Cantrell served his country in the Army for 2 years. Teddy was proceeded in death by his son Wayne Cantrell. Teddy is survived by 2 children: Danell Kelly (Tomas Kelly), and Connie McFarland (Keith McFarland). He also is survived by 5 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. No services are planned at this time. The Sopris Sun accepts obituaries with a local connection of reasonable length, including pictures, with no charge.

A series of conflicts between dogs and deer were causing headaches for local wildlife officers. In a specific incident described, a motorist on Highway 82 called in two dogs harassing a herd of mule deer. Officers arrived too late to prevent a fatality, and shot the dogs before they could do more damage — making them “perpetrators and victims of little murders.” In other news… Carbondale’s first paid town planner, Mark Bean, resigned after 3 years on the job thanks to a Mid-Continent grant.

March 17, 1988 The Roaring Fork girls’ basketball team did better than expected against defending state champs Platte Valley, but couldn’t quite take the title from them at the end of a 51-49 game. Still, Rocky Mountain News columnist Mark Wolf was impressed. “Roaring Fork’s scrappy over-achievers won my heart,” he said. Added Theresa Smith of the Denver Post, “Roaring Fork struck a blow for the underdog.” (The girls would go on to win the next three state championships.)

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In other news… U.S. Senator Tim Wirth sat in on a Basalt town council meeting.

March 19, 1998

A full 10 percent of Marble’s population ran to fill four council seats. Vince Savage, Carol Parker, Darrel Freeland were all seeking reelection, and were challenged by Joseph Manz, Gary Wagner, Evalee Gifford and Mario Villalobos. Mayor Bob Leone also had Craig Donaldson challenging him for his seat. “It’s pretty amazing,” said longtime council observer Pat Kimbrell, “All of the sudden there’s a brouhaha, but nobody has attended meetings for the last two years.” (Incidentally, this year’s Marble election is also shaping up to be an interesting one, with a candidate forum slated for 7 p.m. March 21 at the firehouse). In other news… A potential permanent easement up Marion Gulch became a nonstarter when some folks pushed for motorized summer access.

March 13, 2008 The Carbondale Recreation Center was about to open with a community celebration planned for the following

Photo by Jane Bachrach

Will Grandbois

He’ll take your compliments and complaints, answer your questions and hear your suggestions.

Pour House

Stop in for lunch, grab a drink or dessert or just drop in.

Sopris Sun Editor will be at the

(351 Main St.)

at noon Thursdays (970) 510-5800 | Carbondale, Colorado | 18 • THE SOPRIS SUN • • MARCH 15-21, 2018

day. The 13,558 square foot, state of the art energy efficient facility would be showcased in a series of tours. After that, it was expected to open to public use the next week. In other news… Roadside Gallery brought the first class neon sign back to Main Street in years.



Helping independent businesses thrive in their communities.

Marcia Cerise plays her last game as a Ram. Patti Berry Levy photo

Letters from page 2 The Carbondale town fathers continue to be proactive by seeing that the internal combustion engine has had its day. All we have to do is trade in our gas guzzler and go electric. Fred Malo Jr. Carbondale

Any way you look at it you win Dear Editor: I finally took the time to listen to the Carbondale Candidate Forum on KDNK and am so impressed by the quality of the candidates. Thanks to such capable and insightful people for putting themselves out there. Give it a listen at: Thanks to KDNK, The Sopris Sun, Third Street Center, and Chamber for putting on the event. Bob Schultz Carbondale

Fake chemistry Dear Editor: With regard to the letter from Dan Jervis published in the March 8 Sopris Sun, people who don’t know any chemistry shouldn’t write letters about it. Firstly, the “fluorines,” the substituents attached covalently to a carbon atom in ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, and

Legal Notices Service Directory moxifloxacin (Avelox) are atoms, not molecules. It is impossible for the extremely reactive fluorine molecule (F2), a gas, to bond to any organic compound such as a quinolone. I do not know how these fluoroquinolones are metabolized, but I would be very surprised that the very strong carbon-fluorine bond is broken, perhaps generating a fluoride ion. Ionic fluoride (F-) is definitely found in nature (and many toothpastes), but fluoride is fluoride regardless of its source-natural or synthetic. The fluorine in fluoroquinolones is not fluoride; the benefits of these medicines far outweigh their side effects (toxicity). S.Wolff Carbondale

Calling all readers Dear Editor: For those who like to read, I have a few suggestions: “The Nameless War” by Archibald Maule Ramsay, 1952; “Pawns in the Game” by William Guy Carr, 1958; and “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300” by Dr. John Coleman, 1991. All can be read in PDF format on the internet. Steve Campbell Glenwood Springs

Unclassifieds Submit to by Friday 12 p.m. Rates: $15 for 30 words, $20 for up to 50 words. Payment due before publication.*

GET THE WORD OUT IN UNCLASSIFIEDS! Rates start at $15. Email FREE CLASSIFIED ADS for kids and teens to promote their businesses enterprises. Thirty word maximum. Please send to *Credit card payment information should be emailed to or call 970-274-1076. Checks may be dropped off at our office at the Third Street Center or mailed to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. Call 510-3003 for more info.



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HEARING ON APPLICATION TO BE HELD AT: CARBONDALE TOWN HALL 511 COLORADO AVENUE CARBONDALE, COLORADO DATE AND TIME: APRIL 24, 2018, AT 6:00 P.M. DATE OF APPLICATION: MARCH 4, 2018 BY ORDER OF: DAN RICHARDSON, MAYOR APPLICANT: KELSEY McQUILLEN, OWNER/MANAGER Information may be obtained from, and Petitions or Remonstrances may be filed with the Town Clerk Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO 81623. Published in The Sopris Sun on March 15, 2018.

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NOTICE OF CANCELLATION and CERTIFIED STATEMENT OF RESULTS §1-13.5-513(6), 32-1-104, 1-11-103(3) C.R.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District, Garfield, Gunnison and Pitkin Counties, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixty-third day before the election, there were not more candidates for director than offices to be filled, including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the election to be held on May 8, 2018 is hereby canceled pursuant to section 1-13.5-513(6) C.R.S. The following candidates are hereby declared elected: Michael Hassig Michael R. Kennedy Gene Schilling Gretchen Stock Bell

4 year term 4 year term 2 year term 4 year term

until May, 2022 until May, 2022 until May, 2020 until May, 2022


/s/ Jennifer Cutright (Signature of the Designated Election Official)

Under Diagnosed & Under Treated!*

Jennifer Cutright (DEO’s Printed Name) Contact Person for the District: Rob Goodwin Telephone Number of the District: 970-963-2491 Address of the District: 300 Meadowood Drive, Carbondale, CO 81623 District Facsimile Number: 970-963-0569 District Email: Published in The Sopris Sun on March 15, 2018.

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What the fashion? There was also fashion off the runway on Friday evening at the GITNB Fashion Extravangaza. Pictured here is Brian Colley’s version of a fashion “superhero with a kitty.” It’s a typical Brian outfit, as only Brian can pull off. Photo by Jane Bachrach


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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MARCH 15-21, 2018 • 19

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