March 29, 2012

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Coming down




Mob strikes


Sopris Carbondale’s

weekly, non-profit newspaper


Volume 4, Number 7 | March 29, 2012

Last call for voting By Lynn Burton Sopris Sun Staff Writer


irst, the basics. If you haven’t returned your election ballot to town hall you have until 7 p.m. on April. 3. If you lost your ballot, or your kid folded it into an origami work of art then painted it blue, you can hustle yourself down to town hall and fill out a“Request for a Replacement Ballot” form. “I will (then) give you a new ballot,” said town clerk Cathy Derby. Eight candidates are running for three seats on the sevenmember Carbondale Board of Trustees. The trustees’ race started with 10 candidates before Stacy Stein and Jim Breasted dropped out. As of Monday approximately 20 percent of the town’s 2,803 active voters had returned their ballots. This compares to about 25 percent who voted in the election two years ago and about 60 percent who voted in January’s ballot question, which shot down the Village at Crystal River development proposal by an almost 2:1 margin. At Tuesday night’s meeting, trustee Ed Cortez (who is term limited and can’t run for a third term), thanked voters who had given him the opportunity to serve. “It’s been a great honor and a privilege,” he said. Cortez noted the strides the town has made in the past eight years: opening the recreation center and Third Street Center, downtown improvements, surviving the economic downturn and more. Rather than a town divided, Cortez said he sees it split on one issue: growth. “There are those who feel growth is important and those who feel no growth is important.” Voters are also being asked whether to overturn an ordinance that bans disposable plastic carry out bags at City Market and imposes a 20 cent fee on paper bags. The ballot measure reads: “Shall the Town of Carbondale approve Ordinance No. 12, Series of 2011, which ordinance would require grocery stores larger than 3,500 square feet in size to cease the distribution of disposable plastic bags and instead offer disposable paper bags for a fee of twenty cents per bag to all customers at the point of sale for the purposes of transporting goods purchased?” A trio of women – Mary Boucher, Lyndsey Sackett and Michelle Hyken – gathered the necessary 149 signatures on a petition to ask voters to overturn the bag ban. The ban, which trustees approved 6-1 last December, did not spark many letters to the editor in recent weeks. With little public dialogue, at least one question regarding the proposed ban remains. Some people are asking: how will cat owners clean their kitty litter boxes without disposable plastic bags from City Market? Come April 4, we may begin finding out.

With a nose nudge from mom, this newborn calf on Missouri Heights struggles to stand on its own four legs for the first time last week. Older calves can be seen romping around lower elevation pastures before heading to the high country this summer. Photo by Jane Bachrach


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Carbondale Commentary The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, e-mail editor Lynn Burton at, or call 510-3003.


No more BS unless it comes from the cattle Usually, spring is my least favorite season: the snow finally melts only to reveal brown dirt and dead yellow grass peppered by leftover cow pies; as soon as I clean the floors they’re tracked with mud again; and all the newborn calves have an even more freaked out look in their eyes than their seasoned elders. But not this year. This year I can barely stay in my seat as spring has sprung and brought with her the year 2012— this is it! The year of the dragon, the year of Magic Cyclops, the year of Don’t Change Carbondale, Let Carbondale Change You. It’s also the beginning of a new era. We’re through the oughts and headed for the maddeningly awkward yet beautiful transformative teenage years; we’re a tween. “I wonder when people will start saying ‘The turn of the century’ again.” – CA. No more “Father Knows Best” when it comes to where we’re going or how we’ll get there. The idea that the pursuit of happiness requires sacrifice is so last century. We now know we can have it all, and we can share it with our friends and neighbors, and we can do it without polluting the air and water. Our town’s recent little showdown showed our true colors and they are natural shades of green as opposed to the dark grey, By Jeannie Perry Army green hue of money. We know that we have a choice and we don’t have to keep our heads down and do it like we’ve always done it before. Listening to the town council candidate forum on KDNK I was happy to hear so many of my fellow citizens willing to stand up for what they believe in: Carbondale. When this many people are running toward their civic duty you know you live in a great place with good people. It’s admirable to put aside your personal choices and preferences (and social life) in order to represent your fellow townspeople. One thing is for sure, this town inspires its people. I think that’s because Carbondale can think for itself. And we lead the pack by embracing innovative, self-sufficient ideas, especially when it comes to basics like food and energy. We’ll grow our herbs on the roof right next to the photovoltaic panels – thank you very much. We are moving in the right direction and we cannot afford to stop and ask directions from the guy driving a Buick in circles in the parking lot. This town is nothing if not pioneering. Besides, the patriarchal attitude of ‘helping the small town grow its business” is a little more condescending than we’re used to. On a recent walk around the dog park with a current community leader, while dodging assorted pies, I asked about the Village at Crystal River developers. He said they were frustrated, of course, but willing to come back and negotiate. I said that’s good because while everyone wants a new grocery store, we shouldn’t have to subsidize the construction with our grocery money (especially since we’re already doing our part by buying the groceries.) I told him we would also like to see food growing right there, in the form of fruit trees and a greenhouse on the roof like they do in New Jersey. And then I began to illustrate my idea for the old City Market building: a roller skate track outlining a speed-limited wogger track outlining another roller rink with a horseshoe bar in the middle. People can sip their cocktails on barstools made from old saddles in the midst of roller derby, heart-healthy velour-clad exercise and couples skate (genderless of course.) We’ll have to put up Plexiglas in between for safety’s sake, maybe even some chain link fencing for the roller derbiers. I stopped talking when I saw the just-born calf look in his eyes. He said it’s been pointed out on more than one occasion that not everyone in Carbondale can agree on what they want. Well sure, I said, but isn’t that what we like about it? Isn’t that why we live here? And isn’t that why we count the votes?

Ps & Qs

The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 400 words. Letters exceeding that length may be edited or returned for revisions. Include your name and residence (for publication) and a contact email and phone number. Submit letters via email to or via snail mail to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. The deadline to submit letters to the editor is 5 p.m. on Tuesday.

Stop the mudslinging Dear Editor: I'm trying to sort out what I know and don't know about the candidates and many of the letters and endorsements and front page "articles" are not helping. As voters we have an important job to do. What will help me is to figure out who meets the qualifications and qualities I see necessary to run my town. 1. Experience public sector government: Who has given their time and energy and been involved in the "boring" minutiae of government/schools/boards etc. 2. Community minded: Who will work to keep us together and continue to build on diversity of mind/action/beliefs? Who has experience on local boards? 3. Money-wise/budget experienced: Who has the ability to stretch my $142 per year of property taxes to do a few basic things like: remove my snow/maintain my parks/fill the potholes/pay staff/oversee water and sewer, etc. etc. 4. Experience private sector: A business background/understanding is the underpinning to supporting our economy. 5. Listener/decisive/level headed/collaborator: These are qualities that are critical for any group working to make informed/balanced decisions for our community. 6. Endorsements: Who is endorsed by whom. Sometimes not being endorsed by someone gets my vote. I am strongly against the fracking that will occur and impact our health and quality of life and ultimately the economy. That's why I support the Thompson Divide Coalition and Wilderness Workshop. But that's not the major work for Carbondale government. Also, don't lump me in as a majority of those who voted against Village at Crystal River and assume that determines whom I'll vote for in this election. That was a complex issue and it's likely I voted against it for different reasons than others did. I'm happy to have a chance to vote on some quality candidates and good people. Thank you all for running. Carrie Podl Haberern Carbondale

Support the bag ban

“Greetings from Rio Hondo, Guatemala.” That’s what Rick (far left) and Chris Lawrence had to say in a recent e-mail. The Lawrences are well into a three-month motorcycle trip through Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. Chris’s daughter, Erica, and her family (Ryan, Mali and Luci) made their way to El Sunzai, El Salvador via more conventional means and hand delivered a Sopris Sun. Courtesy photo 2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • MARCH 29, 2012

Dear Editor: How many of you have a stockpile of grocery bags under your sink, in your closet or garage waiting to be used for trash liners, dirty laundry or whatever else? I do, even though I habitually bring my reusable bags to City Market for hauling groceries. Somehow, I still acquire more plastic bags than I have need. I support the bag ban as an opportunity to modify our behavior for the health of our children and their environment. It’s an easy way we can reduce litter, oil-use, and endocrine-disrupting bisphenol A (BPA) and ph-

thalates. These additives mess with the proper functioning of human hormones responsible for development, sexual traits and fertility. Some say that reusable bags are germ traps. To that I say, wash them as needed and designate bags for certain purposes. It is estimated that the U.S. population uses 100 billion plastic bags annually and that it requires 12 million barrels of oil to make these! Reducing our demand for these products seems like an easy way to positively impact our environment and community while minimizing our need on foreign oil. For every secondary use we have for disposable plastic bags there is an alternative. Not only am I referring to reusable grocery bags, but to reusing bread bags for dog poo, cereal bags for produce, wax paper bags for school lunches, etc. If you have to purchase plastic bags or liners, you can support green jobs and the planet by purchasing bags with post-consumer, recycled content. Currently, you ARE purchasing the disposable plastic bags at City Market, only their price is incorporated into the price of groceries so you don’t notice. My hope is that this bag ban will be a first step in positively modifying our behavior and make each of us aware of the impact we have on our environment. It LETTERS page 5

To inform, inspire and build community Donations accepted online or by mail. For information call 510-3003 Editor: Lynn Burton • 510-3003 Advertising: Bob Albright • 970-927-2175 Photographer/Writer: Jane Bachrach Ad/Page Production: Terri Ritchie Paper Boy: Cameron Wiggin Webmaster: Will Grandbois Sopris Sun, LLC Managing Board of Directors: Peggy DeVilbiss • David Johnson Colin Laird • Laura McCormick Trina Ortega • Jean Perry Elizabeth Phillips Frank Zlogar

Sopris Sun, LLC • P.O. Box 399 520 S. Third Street #35 Carbondale, CO 81623

970-510-3003 Visit us on Send us your comments: The Sopris Sun is an LLC organized under the 501c3 non-profit structure of the Roaring Fork Community Development Corporation.

Library tree guardians shift focus to one spruce By Lynn Burton Sopris Sun Staff Reporter Some tree guardians have whittled their wish list down to one spruce at a soon-to-be construction site, but sparing the towering tree comes with a hefty price. The tree on library property at Third and Sopris is rooted at the east end of a line of four other mature spruce trees running east-to-west that are slated for removal during the upcoming construction of a new Garfield County Library District library. The district originally planned to cut down all five trees but recent inquiries by the Carbondale Tree Board prompted the district to commission a study of the trees’ current health and long-term viability. The study, conducted in early March by Ellsperman Ecological Services, states that the condition of four trees range from fair to very poor. The study recommends that at least two trees be removed regardless of construction activity and the long-term viability of the two is not good. But the one tree at the east end of the line, nearest Third Street, exhibits characteristics that provide evidence the tree is “healthy” and “has long term viability potential.” Referring to the study and conversations with at least one other arborist, Carbondale Tree Board member Bill Lukes told The Sopris Sun “I think that the fifth tree, the one near Third Street, has been disregarded and is being thrown under the bus. Or in this case, being made into a bench at the bus stop. I think that this tree should be saved, and plans for utilities and excavation coordinated and modified to make this happen. Nobody seems willing to even consider this … .” Garfield County Library Director Amelia Shelley pointed to a report from project architect Willis Pember Architects that said the total cost to save the tree (hard and soft costs) range from $72,000 to $142,000. She also said the root systems of all five trees extend well into the construction site and “regrettably, it is our belief that any construction occurring next to these trees will contribute to their further decline.” Then there’s the issue of any of the five trees toppling over in high winds. “A number of similarly sized and aged spruce trees in the community have failed in recent years and have caused some property damage … ,” Shelley told The Sopris Sun. “All five trees’ trajectories would strike the new library should they fail to the north. The Library District believes our patron’s and staff’s safety and security must come first.” Carbondale Tree Board members and other tree guardians turned out in force during the recent trustees meeting where the development application for the new 13,000-square-foot library was approved.The town and library district have both pointed out that a line of four spruce trees along Third Street to the south of the new library site are not part of the discussion concerning the library district trees. The trees on Third Street are on RE-1 School District property. In conclusion, Shelley said, “What will we do to make amends for the loss of these five trees? Our site plan shows the 32 trees we are planting in the areas adjacent to the new library. The new trees that are planted on site will be selected for species that will thrive in this climate and will be irrigated

This tree near Third Street is the healthiest of five spruce trees on library district property but is still being slated for removal. A recent study concludes that at least two of the trees should be removed regardless of construction activities. Photo by Lynn Burton to ensure that their growth will be optimized and healthy. While we know that trees, especially old ones, are priceless assets, we also believe that protecting our patrons and a pub-

lic resource is a wise decision for the community.” The library district has said it plans to break ground on the new library later this year and complete construction next year.

Karen Chamberlain Poetry Festival returns to TRTC Sopris Sun Staff Report The second annual Karen Chamberlain Poetry Festival returns to the Thunder River Theatre March 30 through April 1. “Everyone is invited to join us as we honor the inspiring life of the Roaring Fork Valley’s Karen Chamberlain,” said Thunder River Theatre Company Director Lon Winston. The schedule is as follows: March 30: The festival presents the Colorado State Poet Laureate David Mason, poets Uche Ogbuji, Hildegard Guttendorfer, Celeste Labadie, Eric Walter, River City Nomads, Kit Kalriess Muldoon, and Western Slope Poet Laureate Art Goodtimes, among others. March 31: During the day, several workshop are offered, including “Author Photo Workshop” with photographer/poet Kit Hedman; “Poetry in Exile” with Aaron Abeyta; “Finding your Voice in Creative Journaling” led by Jim Ciletti; “Inspiration, Responsibility and Troublemaking” with Stewart Warren; and “The Next Voice You

Hear” with Chris Ransick. Saturday evening performances include Sandy Munro reading the poetry of his great uncle Norman MacCaig (who won the Queen’s Medal for poetry in Scotland); poet/performers SETH and Collette; Koyoonk’auwi poet Janice Gould; Dr. Robert King of the Colorado Poet Center; and Jack Mueller, Debbi Brody, Rachel Kellum, Aaron Abeyta, Mark Todd and the WordHorde Performance Troupe. Evening performances will be followed by an open mic ($10 a turn), which benefits the poetry festival. April 1: The weekend concludes with a continental breakfast, a performance by David Rothman, a gourd circle led by Art Goodtimes, and two poetry workshops. One takes place in the portable Western Sky Planetarium, that will be set up in the theatre.A field-trip workshop with Cameron Scott entitled “The Story of Water” will also be offered. For performance times and other information, visit, e-mail to or call the theatre at 963-8200.

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THE SOPRIS SUN • MARCH 29, 2012 • 3

Young guys try kickstarter for ice cream shop By Lynn Burton Sopris Sun Staff Writer A pair of Internet-savvy guys are eyeing Carbondale for a Main Street ice cream shop and hope the Web site can help them pull it off. Ben Mawhinney and Anders Nordblom graduated from Colby College in Maine in 2010 and moved to Carbondale in 2011. Mawhinney and Nordblom’s roommate, Elizabeth Powell, e-mailed The Sopris Sun and explained the pair is calling their venture the Carbondale Creamery and they have until April 13 to raise $10,000 through, which would fund their opening. The Sopris Sun zapped back some e-mail questions to the pair and here is some of what they sent back. Question: 1. Do you have a location? Answer: Not yet. We plan to be on Main Street and are looking at a few locations. We’re also having conversations about collaborating with a few local businesses and sharing a store front. Q: Tell us about A: is a Web site that allows entrepreneurs, artists, designers … to fundraise for their project. Each project offers rewards for donations. In our case, for different levels of donors, we’re offering things like Carbondale Creamery merchandise, an ice cream“season pass,”the chance to create and name your own flavor and more. Q: Why the April 13 deadline? A: With Kickstarter it’s “all or nothing

funding,” which means that if we do not reach our set goal of $10,000, all of the pledged donations stay with our supporters and we don’t get a dime. We gave ourselves 25 days to raise the funds, so that’s why Friday, April 13 is our deadline. Q: What is the status of people who donate/invest. Are they part owners? Will they be paid back? A: Our supporters are not part owners. But we will have a giant“thank-you”wall for everyone who donates through Kickstarter. Also, Carbondale Creamery is meant to be a community project; the more Carbondale can help us “kickstart” this shop, the more we’ll be able to give back with discounts, ice cream parties, ice cream making lessons, etc. Q: Is Carbondale Creamery a 501(c)3 non-profit or do you hope to be? A: At this point, no. Having a non-profit based on the food industry is tough. Also, from our calculations, having an ice cream shop in a small town like Carbondale is not likely going to be very lucrative for us. We want to pay our employees well (we’re hoping to offer five new jobs for high schoolers and current college students). We want to use good, local ingredients, and we want to keep our prices as low as possible. We’re both employed full time (me at Colorado Rocky Mountain School and Anders at Rock & Ice magazine). This is a labor of love and our way of “giving back” to a town that has offered us so much. Q: Any background info you want to

include? A: We met in high school, were roommates at Colby College and graduated in 2010. We moved to Carbondale from Maine and New Hampshire shortly after graduation because we were inspired by incredible access to the outdoors and by the same community ethos we felt we left at Colby. Now we live with six other young Colby graduates crammed into a small house on Garfield Avenue, who work for 5Point Film Festival, Blue Lake Pre-School, CLEER, Ragged Mountain Sports, and (on) Aspen Mountain. Q: Is Ben related to Ben & Jerry? (just joking). A: In spirit, yes. Two college grads who couldn’t afford to start a bakery thus started an ice cream shop in Burlington, Vermont. We think we could follow suit! Q: What local producers do you think you might be able to use? A: We’re working closely with the Carbondale Co-Op to determine the best farmers and growers to use for our ice cream. A goal of our shop is to educate our consumers about where their food comes from, so we will have maps and info on the walls showing just how far cocoa has to travel to get onto our cones. Q: Anything else you want to add? A: At the top of our Kickstarter page, there is a 2 minute 50 second video explaining our project. If you have the 3 minutes, we feel it does a really good job giving you a quick, anecdotal visual of who we are and what we’re doing.

Americans use 100 billion plastic bags every year. • Made from 12 million barrels of oil. • Littering the planet. • Killing wildlife. • Polluting our air, oceans and waterways.

Dan Sadowsky Amy Kimberly Carlyle Kyzer Laurie Loeb Betsy Herzog Nathan Ratledge Katherine Dart

Jason Haber Amelia Potvin Marta Parker George Stranahan Frosty Merriott Carly Merriott Jason White

On Tuesday, April 3rd, Basalt and Carbondale voters can choose to make a change. Please

VOTE YES to reduce disposable bags.

Gwen Garcelon Gerald Terwilliger Tripp Adams Pam Zentmyer Jock Jacober Jennifer Kauffman Tom Cardamone Alyssa Reindel Dave Reindel Karen Baxter

Peter McBride Bob Daniel Kersten Wilson Matthew Hamilton Katie Schwoerer Joani Matranga Randy Udall Auden Schendler

Paid for by the Community Office for Resource Efficiency

4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • MARCH 29, 2012

Sarah Johnson Elyse Hottel Karin Teague Harry Teague Vincent Mathis Lisa Dameron Jessica Garrow Jannette Whitcomb

Sponsored by

SOPRIS LIQUOR & WINE Be Responsible!

Cop Shop The following events are drawn from incident reports of the Carbondale Police Department. SUNDAY March 4 At 2:50 a.m., police were advised of horses running loose on Highway 133 just south of town. An officer responded and stayed on the scene until a Pitkin County sheriff’s deputy arrived. SUNDAY March 4 At 3:06 a.m., dispatch reported shots fired in the vicinity of Crystal Bridge Drive in River Valley Ranch. An officer searched the area but couldn’t find anything suspicious. WEDNESDAY March 7 At 8:24 a.m., an officer observed an unattended Suzuki on Roaring Fork Avenue that had been idling for about 15 minutes. The officer removed the keys and when the owner arrived five minutes later he said he was warming up the vehicle (the police report notes the temperature was about 48 degrees at the time). The officer explained the town’s idling ordinance and issued a warning.

Letters continued om page 2 teaches us and our children to purchase durable goods, avoid wasting our resources on single-use anything and think about the sustainability of our practices. Alyssa Reindel Carbondale

Vote for Lamont Dear Editor: Carbondale faces an important election April 3, when three trustee positions are open. Bill Lamont represents an outstanding candidate, with experience serving our community on both the school board and the library board. Bill is a forward thinking individual whose career as a city planner gives him a great understanding of what needs to be done to continue to make Carbondale a wonderful place to live. Vote for Bill Lamont, whose history of listening to feedback from all our citizens has served us so well in the past. Make sure he continues to help us in the future. Herb Feinzig Carbondale

Vote Zentmyer, Harvey Dear Editor: In Carbondale’s upcoming trustee election, the two candidates who truly represent smart growth for Carbondale are Pam Zentmyer and Allyn Harvey. Carbondale voters spoke out loud and clear that the Village at Crystal River was not

what we would consider smart growth. Proposed malls like the VCR and the previous one are predicated on out-dated models of development that are failing their communities across the country. Sadly, there are members of the current board (those NOT up for re-election) who still believe in that kind of development: Stacey Bernot, John Foulkrod and Elizabeth Murphy.This election is an opportunity to balance the board with progressive, open-minded individuals — like Zentmyer and Harvey — who understand the shifting times. Despite Bill Lamont’s impressive-looking list of credentials, his experience doesn’t generalize to the Carbondale of today and the future. He was an avid supporter of the previous mall (Crystal River Market Place), which was shot down by a majority of voters, and he pushed hard for the VCR. His outdated model for development just doesn’t fit with our town. Zentmyer and Harvey are committed to growing Carbondale in ways that build upon our town’s many strengths. They understand that we need to grow carefully and thoughtfully, in ways that enhance our uniqueness, and not gamble our strengths for the chance to make a quick buck. As a trustee these past four years, Zentmyer has demonstrated her ability to carefully examine proposals, ask difficult questions, and listen to community members. She has been the voice of reason when “Mall Fever”swept over other board members. We LETTERS page 7

Folks at Aspen Equestrian Estates did what had to be done on Saturday morning – they got out there and burned their communal pasture. A cloud of smoke from the controlled burn at Catherine Store drifted upvalley toward El Jebel but most of it dissipated by noon. Photo by Lynn Burton

THE SOPRIS SUN • MARCH 29, 2012 • 5


Send your scuttlebutt to

Buzz Weaver tool sale

Lost bracelet

When Buzz Weaver died unexpectedly last December he left behind 30 years of construction tools. The family has scheduled a tool sale for March 30 from noon to 8 p.m. and March 31 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Items include ladders, scaffolding, compressors and more. The sale will take place at 811 Latigo Loop.

A bracelet with orange beads was lost in Carbondale near town hall on March 9. If you found it, please call 963-1719.

CCAH announces winners

Spotted Blue birds have been spotted for the past couple of weeks on Missouri Heights. No word on whether whistle pigs are basking themselves on Prince Creek Road. On a related note, the mallards that congregated in the cattle pasture east of the Delaney dog park seem to have moved on, although geese continue to inhabit the area along with newborn calves and their moms.

More on Rampage awards The following Roaring Fork High School Rampage staffers were recently recognized at Colorado Mesa University's 22nd annual Media Day. First place: William Masters (feature writing), Shaeley Lough and Rosa Roybal (tied, news writing), Kyle Bruna (overall editorial writing). Second place: Taila Howe (editorial writing). Third place: Mariah Villalobos and T Conrad (tied, feature writing), Toni Gross and Brandon Williams (tied, sports writing), Kelley Farris (editorial writing). The Rampage also took first place for best over-

Friends and family congregated at the Pour House on Saturday night to help David Hayes celebrate his 60th birthday. A banner behind Hayes noted his Special Olympics status (he’s currently Carbondale’s favorite Olympian). On the cake front – it was good. Photo by Lynn Kirchner all newspaper (small school division). The Rampage is included in The Sopris Sun every month.

All Conference Sam Carpenter (a senior) and Trae Moxley and Dakotah Grett (both juniors) were recently named to the Western Slope League 3A All Conference basketball team. Clay Gross and Trenton Reeds (both seniors) were named honorable mention.

The Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities recently released the names of the winners in its Valley Visual Art Show and Collage Designer Challenge. On the Valley Visual front, Chris Hassig won the People’s Choice award for his pen and ink drawings. Second place went to Will Grandbois for a panoramic photograph and Barry Sheehan was third for a sculpture. Hassig’s work will be featured on next years Valley Visual Art Show poster. The Collage Designer Challenge winners from the Green Is The New Black Fashion Extravaganza were Jenna Bradford in the Functional Fashion Forward (ready to wear) category; Tanya Black won in the Creative couture category. Each received a $500 cash prize from Collage! Creative Collections.

Just in The Aspen Yacht Club held its first event of the 2012 sailing season Feb. 25 at Ruedi Reservoir above Basalt. Members skied in to the club’s frozen facilities on the reservoir’s north shore where they cooked out and discussed the upcoming season. In related news, upcoming AYC events include Spring Work Day on May 19 and the New

Member BBQ and Public Open House on June 2. For details on the Aspen Yacht Club, visit

Welcome back: Cook’s Choice The Roaring Fork RE-1 School District lunch menu is as follows: Monday, April 2: Cook’s Choice (all grades). Tuesday, April 3: Elementary schools, homemade ham and cheese hot pocket, baby carrots, grapefruit wedges; middle schools, homemade ham and cheese hot pocket, baby carrots, grapefruit wedges; high schools, hamburger with cheese, fruit and vegetable bar. Wednesday, April 4: Elementary schools, mac-n-cheese, steamed broccoli, fresh strawberries, apple streusel cake; middle schools, Asian BBQ chicken over rice, steamed broccoli, fresh kiwi; high school, BLT sub sandwich, fruit and vegetable bar. Thursday April 5: Elementary schools, super nachos, refried beans, salsa, fresh apple slices; middle schools, super nachos, refried beans, fresh apple slices, milk; high schools, nachos supreme, fruit and vegetable bar.

They say it’s your birthday Birthday greetings go out to: Stacy Patch Bernot, David Hayes and Bob Schultz, March 29), Jorie DeVilbiss (March 30), Colleen Borkovec and Jane Hart (March 31), Dave Ritchie (March 2), Don Muishet, Jeff Busk, Terri Ritchie (April 3), and Marilyn Murphy and Donny Mushet (April 4).

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FFor or m myy pos position ition paper & wh whyy I’I’m m running plea please se visit www PPAID AID FOR BY: BY: LLAMONT AMONTT FOR CCARBONDALE, ARBONDALE, LLANCE ANCE LLUCKETT UCCKET T TREASURER

Your Y our o V Vote ote o is Impor Important t tant 6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • MARCH 29, 2012

You are invited to attend our upcoming Quarterly Luncheon and Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 3, from 11:30am to 1:00pm in the Calaway Room at the Third Street Center. Join us as we present our new benefits, review our current benefits, and discuss our annual report. Lunch will be provided by our newest Chamber Member, Lisa’s Third Street Cafe. This event is open to current and prospective Carbondale Chamber members. When: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:30am to 1:00pm Where: Calaway Room, Third Street Center 520 S. Third Street, Carbondale, CO 81623 Cost: $15 in advance $20 day of event For more information and to purchase your luncheon ticket, email to with “Yes! Sign Me Up” in the subject line, or call the Chamber at (970) 963-1890.


Phone: (970) 963-1890 • Fax: (970) 963-4719 520 S. Third Street, Suite 3 P.O. Box 1645 Carbondale, CO 81623

Letters continued om page 5 don’t know where we’d be without her, but we don’t want to imagine it. Harvey’s community involvement over the past decade, including his work as a founding board member of The Sopris Sun and a leader of the Locals for Smarter Growth, has demonstrated his commitment to our community as well as his ability to think outside the box and focus on the big picture of the many facets of our town. We urge you to join us in voting for Zentmyer and Harvey as our next trustees. Marc and Debbie Bruell Carbondale

Lucky to have Lamont Dear Editor: I think we in Carbondale are very lucky to have a candidate like Bill Lamont running for town trustee. Here is a guy that has "been there and done that" in small mountain towns. He has been a director of planning for Boulder and has consulted with a number of other small towns on the various problems in building a viable community. He also is a doer, while on the board of RE-1, he and Jeff Jackel were responsible for the cooperative effort to develop joint athletic ďŹ elds between the town and RE-1 (a ďŹ rst), which produced three longneeded new tennis courts. You just don't get that kind of quality applicant very often and we need his kind of experience and skills. I urge you to vote for Bill Lamont for town trustee. Bob Lucas Carbondale

Vote for Zentmyer Dear Editor: We are writing to encourage the citizens of Carbondale to vote for Pam Zentmyer in the upcoming Carbondale Trustee election. Pam has a proven track record of integrity, intelligence and balance in addressing the issues that have faced the trustees in recent years. Her views toward future growth are moderate, sustainable and centered around the actual needs of the community. As a trustee, Pam is responsive to the community as a whole. So many of us have worked hard for decades to make Carbondale a town known for its volunteer spirit, grassroots community organizing, its many non-proďŹ ts, green energy building and resources, environmentally friendly practices, and an outstanding town in its support and fostering of the arts and humanities. Pam understands all of this and is committed to preserving and fostering all that makes Carbondale this unique and special place. She is actively involved and visibly present at many community, non-proďŹ t events and happenings around town. She is tuned in to the spirit and the rhythms of Carbondale. She also understands ďŹ nance and budgets. Pam supports and is ready to expand upon existing efforts to promote Carbondale as a tourist destination as a source of economic stability. Pam grew up in Carbondale and has many deep-rooted connections to this community. We are all very fortunate that she is LETTERS page 11

Red Cunningham For

Carbondale Town Trustee

Roaring Fork’s Taylor Adams moves in for a goal in the Rams’ recent 2-0 over Basalt High School. If you’d like to get out and see the girls play, their next game is at home against Rie at 4 p.m. on April 3. Photo by Sue Rollyson

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Private Miner and Back, Neck ge, a Shoulder MassOur to ss Day pa Caves. Historic Vapor A� $115 SP “A DAY AT THE

Historic Underground Vapor Caves






• Thompson Divide Coalition

• Diverse Business Development

• Fiscal Responsibility

• Schools and Education

• Comprehensive Town Planning • Property Rights

• Keeping Main Street Vibrant • Well Advised Growth Photo by Jackie Daly

Paid for by the committee to elect Red Cunningham for Trustee

THE SOPRIS SUN • MARCH 29, 2012 • 7

Community Calendar THURSDAY March 29

To list your event, email information to Deadline is 5 p.m. Saturday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted. For up-to-the-minute valley-wide event listings, check out the Community Calendar online at View and submit events online at

8 p.m. No cover. Info: 704-1216.

ROTARY • Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at Mi Casita on Main Street every Thursday at noon. CLASSES UNDER WAY • Spring classes are under way at Collage Creative Collections on Highway 133. Instructors include Tanya Black, Jenna Bradford and Donna Roberts, Info: 963-9488. COMPOSTING • Local Earth, Inc. holds an organizational meeting for a new composting program at 5:30 p.m. at the Basalt Regional Library. Info: 970-279-1929.

FRIDAY March 30 MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre presents “A Separation” March 30-April 5 at 7:30 p.m. and “The Artist” March 30-April 5 at 5:15 p.m. “A Separation” won the Academy Award and Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film. Set in contemporary Iran, a married couple is faced with a difficult decision – to improve the life of their child by moving to another country or to stay in Iran and look after a deteriorating parent who has Alzheimer's disease. "It's a thrilling domestic drama that offers acute insights into human motivations and behavior as well as a compelling look at what goes on behind a particular curtain that almost never gets raised," said Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times. LIVE MUSIC • Steve’s Guitars in the old part of the Dinkel Building presents Tom Freund tonight and stand up comedy on March 31. LIVE MUSIC • Carbondale Beer Works on Main Street presents Mile Markers starting at

POETRY • The Thunder River Theatre Company’s second annual Karen Chamberlain Poetry Festival takes place March 30-April 1. Poets and presenters include: Colorado State Poet Laureate David Mason, Uche Ogbuji, Hildegard Guttendorfer, Celeste Labadie, Eric Walter, River City Nomads, Kit Kalriess Muldoon, and Western Slope Poet Laureate Art Goodtimes. Info: WHEELER • Folk-singer Martin Sexton plays the Wheeler Opera House. Info: 925-5770. WII BOWLING • The Marble Wii Bowling League continues at Slow Groovin’ BBQ Friday nights at 7 p.m. Info:

SATURDAY March 31 LIVE MUSIC • Carbondale Beer Works on Main Street presents Caleb and Matt at 7:30 p.m. CHILI COOK-OFF • The American Legion Post 100 Auxiliary holds a chili cook-off starting at 3 p.m.The cost is $10 and the public is invited. Info: 963-2381. DRUMMING • An African-inspired drumming workshop takes place at Carbondale Community School from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.The

cost is $40; drum rental is $10. Info: 9632798. AVSC • The Aspen Valley Ski and Snowboard Club holds its 75th Anniversary Celebration at Bumps restaurant in Aspen from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Tickets are $50 at LIVE MUSIC • Carnahan’s Tavern in the Dinkel building presents Denver’s TRUCKASAURUS at 9 p.m. There’s a $5 cover charge.

SUNDAY April 1 TREKKING THE HIMALAYAS • The Redstone Community Association presents “Volunteering and Trekking in the Himalayas, Nepal and India” with Sue McEvoy at the Redstone Inn at 6:30 p.m. It’s free. Info: 7041843.

MONDAY April 2 BURLESQUE • Auditions for “Viva la Woman!” take place at PAC3 starting at 6 p.m. on April 2-3. Info: Barb Bush at 3797972 or Deb Colley at 985-5352.


PARTY AT CBW • GNED (pronounced “Gee Ned,” aka the Group to Not Elect Doc) holds an Election Night party from 7 to 9 p.m.

at Carbondale Beer Works. “All candidates and supporters are welcome, as we celebrate another peaceful transition to a new Carbondale Board of Trustees,” said the GNED spokesman. “Hawaiian shirts or muumuus are recommended but not mandatory.” CHAMBER LUNCHEON • The Carbondale Chamber of Commerce holds its quarterly luncheon and annual meeting from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Third Street Center Calaway Room. Lisa’s Third Street Café will provide the dining fare.Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 the day of. Info: 963-1890. LINX • The LINX networking group meets at Chafin Light every Tuesday from 7 to 8:30 a.m.

WEDNESDAY April 4 ROTARY • The Rotary Club of Carbondale meets at the Carbondale Firehouse on Highway 133 Wednesdays at 7 a.m. Info: 927-0641. KDNK • The two-part conversation with Sandra Steingraber on KDNK’s “Shifting Gears” concludes at 4:30 p.m. The topic is water and hydro fracking. VALLEY DIVAS • The Valley Divas monthly networking get-together takes place at Konnyaku (in La Fontana Plaza) from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The cost is $12, which includes “incredible” appetizers, a house drink and tip. To RSVP or for details, call 704-1711. BASALT STORY TIME • The Basalt Regional Library holds a story time for kids up to 5 from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Wednesdays. CALENDAR page 9

Garfield County


You are warmly invited to

Holy Week and Easter Services at

Carbondale Community United Methodist Church Maundy Thursday • April 5th - 7 p.m. Good Friday • April 6th - 7 p.m. 385 S 2nd St. Carbondale (970) 963-4461

Easter • April 8th 7 a.m., Sunrise service 10:30 a.m., Worship service

8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • MARCH 29, 2012

Staff nominees Debbie Bath Jenny Lang Burns Kelly Keeffe Kathleen Kline Barbara Romero Patty Schaffner Gyla Stark Megan Lee Taylor-Alstatt Young Adult nominees Sarah Rippy Melea Sheridan

Senior nominees John Breckinridge Ron Kokish & Niki Delson John Neal Organization nominee First United Methodist Church of Glenwood Springs Visionary Founders nominees Diane Welter Rosie McSwain

Monday, April 16, 2012 • 5:30 p.m. Hotel Colorado • Glenwood Springs Tickets $20 • Advance payment required by Tuesday, April 10 Reservations: > Tickets for HSA Awards or call (970) 456-3271

Community Calendar

continued from page 8


CLAY CENTER • The Carbondale Clay Center offers classes for all ages and special events. The center is located at the east end of Main Street. Info: 963-CLAY. DANCING • Salsa Night takes place from 8:30-11:30 p.m. every Thursday at the Riverside Grill in Basalt. Free “casualâ€? instruction by Tere and Ricardo Hernandez.

VILLAGE SMITHY • Mark Duff displays his ďŹ ne art photography at the Village Smithy restaurant through April 2.

CLAY CENTER • “John Cohorst: 2012 Resident Exhibitionâ€? continues through April 4 at the Carbondale Clay Center, located at the east end of Main Street. Info: 963-CLAY.

WYLY • Wyly Community Art Center presents “The Long View: New Landscapes by Bayard Hollinsâ€? through April 27. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Info: 927-4123. IMMUNIZATIONS • The GarďŹ eld County public health department offers immunizations for $10 at the Bridges Center (455 S. Third St.) the second and fourth Thursday of the month. Please bring your immunization records. To make an appointment, call 945-6614.

ADULT BAND • Tami Suby, director of the

days from 7 to 8 a.m. at the Village Smithy, located at 26 S. Third St.

WEEKLY RUN • Independence Run & Hike in La Fontana Plaza stages group runs every Saturday at 8 a.m. All are welcome. Info: 704-0909.

SENIOR ZUMBA • Senior Matters brings “Zumba Goldâ€? to Room 33 at the Third Street Center Tuesdays from 2 to 3 p.m. Professional Latin dancer Paula Valenti leads her Zumba class to the beat of Latin music and a modiďŹ ed Zumba formula. The class is for the active older participants as well as those starting a journey to a healthy life style. Zumba Gold is also appropriate for people with disabilities and those who are in wheel chairs.“It is for everyone. It’s upbeat and fun,â€? said Valenti. A punch pass is offered for $32, which covers six classes (the ďŹ rst one is free). Info: 945-8822.

ZUMBA BLASTS • PAC3 is the location for Monday Zumba Blasts. The action takes place from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Info: 818-6406482. SENIOR MATTERS • Senior Matters in the Third Street Center offers free computer classes from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Thursdays. Info: 379-6599.

Glenwood High School and middle school bands has started an adult beginning band that practices at Roaring Fork High School on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. Info: 319-8791.

ZINGERS • Pianist Betsy Schenck leads the Senior Matters Zingers singing group at the Third Street Center Thursdays at 2 p.m.


Cooper Library hosts a bilingual story time Saturdays at 11 a.m. Info: 963-2889.

Carbondale Mayor Stacey Bernot on Tues-


GRIEF AND LOSS • Hospice of the Valley,

or visit

in partnership with Grand River Hospital, offers an ongoing Grief and Loss Support Group that meets the ďŹ rst and third Monday of every month. Info: Sean Jeung at 544-1574

COMPUTER CLASS • The Basalt Library offers free PC classes Wednesdays from 12 to 1 p.m. and Thursdays from 6 to 7 p.m. Info:, 927-4311.

Hold the presses Cutting up at Steve’s Steve’s Guitars presents “All Fool’s Eveâ€? with local comedians March 31 at 8:15 p.m. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and the show should run about 90 minutes. Featured funny people include: April Clark, Glenn Smith, Bob Richmond, Don Chaney, Gail Mason,Alexa Fitzpatrick and Mark Thomas. According to a press release that did not originate at a high-proďŹ le PR ďŹ rm in L.A., “There’s a rumor that Steve’s will be rafing off a new Jeep Grand Cherokee, and one lucky audience member will be auctioned off to the comedian bidding highest to run off to Las Vegas after the Saturday night show, get married, see all 19 Cirque du Soleil shows, and y back in a private jet piloted by Wayne Newton’s personal chef.â€? Admission is $10.

Stage of Life holds fund-raiser Stage of Life Theatre Company — a “new voice in youth theatre in the Roaring Fork Valley� — holds a kick-off party and silent auction at the Third Street Center from 6 to 8 p.m. on April 5. For details, visit or call Logan Carter at 720-936-9732.

RFOV hosts season kick-off events Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers will host two events to launch its 17th trail and conservation project season and also to recruit volunteers for their Ambassador and Crew Leader programs. On April 3 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Third Street Center, RFOV will release the non-proďŹ t group’s season schedule that includes nine projects in the Colorado and Roaring Fork river valleys. Volunteers are invited to sign up. A Crew Leader kick-off at the Village Smithy is slated for April 5 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. This session will focus on the Crew Leader program. To RSVP or for more information, e-mail or call 927-8241.

Basalt shooting range closed The Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife has closed the Lake Christine shooting range in Basalt from March 26-29 to accommodate a National Disabled American Veterans Winter Sports clinic. The Roaring Fork Valley Sportsman Association is hosting the veterans. For details, call 947-2920.

Local Focused

Development that enhances Celebrate Carbondale the Arts

Events that support businesses & non-profits

Save Thompson Divide

Pedestrian, bicycle & bovine rights-ofway ore

Buy Local

Co-Ops of all Be kinds



Promote & support m s s ag local W rk le businesses a b

Support Local Ranching & AG

Open door Attract sustainable policy for businesses community input Listen & be open to possibilities

Work Together

Smart Growth


THE SOPRIS SUN • MARCH 29, 2012 • 9

Community Briefs the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office annex (106 County Road 333A, Rifle) at 4 p.m. on April. 5. For details, call 665-0200.

Call for Studio Tour artists The deadline to apply for the ninth annual Roaring Fork Valley Studio Tour is April 20. The tour takes place from Aspen to Glenwood Springs on May 19-20. For details, call Laurel at 379-7618 or go to

Strawberry Days accepting applications Strawberry Days in Glenwood Springs is accepting entertainment applications. The 115th annual Strawberry Days takes place June 15-17. The application deadline is April 15. For details, go to

Adult softball registration Registration for the Carbondale Recreation Department’s men’s and coed adult softball leagues is under way.The coed season starts June 4 and the men’s season starts June 5. Early bird pricing – $650 for coed and $800 for men’s – ends on April 30. The registration deadline is May 18. For details, call 510-1292.

COREmmuter Challenge returns CORE’s COREmmuter Challenge returns from April 25-May 18. The goal is to achieve 10,000 human-powered miles in the towns of Aspen, Basalt, Carbondale and Glenwood. Prizes will be awarded. For details, call 544-9808.

CRES holds open house Crystal River Elementary School holds an open house for parents of preschool and kindergarten children from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on April 5. Students must be 5 years old by Oct. 1, 2012 to attend kindergarten in the fall. Registration day is from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on April 10. For details, call 384-5620.

Oni Butterfly (left) and Rita Marsh (right) joined the cash mob that swarmed the Carbondale Community Food Co-op last Saturday. Out front, several local food vendors set up booths and offered their fare. Photo by Lynn Burton baskets/flower pots/bowls and wheel throwing. The cost of each six-week session is $125. For details, call 963-CLAY.

Senior Matters classes return Senior Matters is offering free classes to seniors for computers and smart cell phones at the Third Street Center on April 6. For details, call 379-6599.

Art project deadline extended The application deadline for the Two Rivers Art Project in Glenwood Springs has been extended to April 15. Chosen artists receive a $500 stipend. For details, call the Glenwood Springs Center for the Arts at 945-2414.

Clay Center classes for kids The Carbondale Clay Center is offering classes for kids for creating Easter Large Bags from $3-10


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Pinwheels for Prevention Sheriff’s office supports “Pinwheels for Prevention” During the month of April, the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office is teaming up with Prevent Child Abuse America’s“Pinwheels for Prevention,” as well as members of the community to spread awareness of child abuse and neglect by planting pinwheels throughout Garfield County. An opening takes place at

963-1700 Town of Carbondale, Colorado


The Town of Carbondale is soliciting proposals and statements of qualifications from qualified local concrete contractors. The Town would like to receive bids for Concrete Flat Work, which will include new construction, as well as replacement work on miscellaneous streets and sidewalks throughout town. Local concrete contractors are interpreted to be contractors located between Aspen and Rifle, Colorado. A Bid Package can be obtained at Town of Carbondale, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado 81623. Proposals must be received by 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 11, 2012.

Inquiries can be directed to Larry Ballenger, Director of Public Works, at 970-510-1217 or Ellie Kennedy, Assistant Director, at 970-963-1307.

10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • MARCH 29, 2012

Composting meetings slated for Basalt Local Earth, Inc. holds an organizational meeting for a community composting project at the Basalt Regional Library at 5:30 p.m. on March 29. For details, call 970-279-1929.

Lorey Esquibel Carbondale Trustee


Roaring Fork Family Resources Center presents its last Love and Logic services at Basalt Elementary School on Monday from April 9 through May 14. For details, call 384-5689.


RJ PADDYWACKS Next to City Market in El Jebel 400 E Valley Rd, Ste I/J

Love and Logic concludes

Let’s Balance our Local Economy:

Encourage creation of jobs in our community. Identify areas of goods and services lacking in the community.

Stabilize & provide opportunity to grow a healthy tax base.

Build cash reserves for needed capital improvements to our infrastructure.

Improve the safety and appearance of Highway 133.

Support existing businesses. Let’s provide opportunity for balanced commerce we can all be a part of. Paid for by the committee to elect Lorey Esquibel Trustee

Letters continued om page 7 on the board of trustees and willing to run again. Anyone who has sat through some of the Tuesday trustee meetings knows that everyone on that board is making a very big sacrifice and generous commitment to contribute that service to our community. Pam has done a great job as a trustee and she will continue to do so! Diane Kenney John McCormick Carbondale (Crystal River Valley)

Elect Lamont Dear Editor: We have the opportunity to elect a talented man to the Carbondale Board of Trustees. Bill Lamont has proven that he is a leader, a hard worker and a team player. He is committed to work for our community, our future, our schools and our children. He knows that working together gets positive results for our community. As a member of the RE-1 School Board, Bill was deeply involved in getting the affordable teacher housing PUD approved by the town. In addition, he worked with others in RE-1 to get the mill levy override approved last November. Bill worked to create the development of the joint Carbondale/RE-1 School District ball field plan to create additional soccer and softball fields. He has been a member of the Garfield County Library Board for 11 years and served on the facilities committee, working with all six towns to design and approve

their new libraries. During the last five years he worked on the negotiations and approval for our new $4.8 million library. He has expertise in the areas of growth, planning, and economic stimulation. Professionally he was a planning director for the city of Boulder and the city of Denver. In addition he has been a consultant for a variety of projects in Colorado and other states. He is committed to Carbondale. He is very approachable and he will be a willing listener to concerns of the citizens. Bill has integrity. Vote for Bill. Charlotte Vanderhurst Carbondale

Want fewer stoned drivers? Dear Editor: If you want fewer stoned drivers, support Senate Bill 117, which enforces the law on stoned drivers in Colorado. S.B 117, enforces the law on stoned drivers. If a driver has five or more nanograms of THC in their blood they get punished, with the same punishments as a DUI. It's time that a state with medical marijuana did something to stop stoned drivers at the wheel. The cost of this state law will range up to $600,000 a year to defend offenders that can’t afford a lawyer.This policy is important because people that are getting pulled over aren’t getting charged. All of this money will come back with the fines that the offenders have to pay. Money isn’t a problem when it LETTERS page 12

We care for women Our team of OB/Gyn physicians has a long history of providing a full range of caring services to women in every stage of life. Well women’s care Obstetrics • Infertility Gynecology Bioidentical hormone therapy Gyn and Uro-Gyn Surgery Minimally invasive Gyn surgery

Roaring Fork High School honors students presented their vision of the Village at Crystal River property to a panel at town hall on March 22. Panel member Stacey Bernot said she and others were impressed with the breadth of knowledge the students displayed, their confidence in presenting their proposals and the respect they showed for one another when they expressed differing opinions. Photo by Jane Bachrach

R e -e le ct

ann Joh nboHndoa lfe fTrm us te e r e


Community Conscious Growth

All our physicians practice at our main office in GlenwoodSprings. We also hold clinics at: Willits Medical Center (Dr. Halliwell) Silt Medical Center (Drs. Kocher and Boysen) Eagle Medical Center (Drs. Glode and Dwyer) Clockwise from top: Dr. Dana Dwyer, Dr. Mary Glode, Dr. Jill Boysen, Dr. Brooke Halliwell, Dr. LeAnn Kocher

Call 945-2238 for your appointment

Women's Health

Paid for by the committee to elect John Hoffman as trustee

Spring Savings American Seeds American Vegetable Vegetabl e

25 5


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Expires Expires

Ea. 4/8/2012

of Carbondale

(970) 963-6663

THE SOPRIS SUN • MARCH 29, 2012 • 11

Letters continued om page 11 comes to our safety on the road.This law will make the streets, highways, and freeways safe with this law. Support S.B 117;make Colorado’s trafďŹ c safe with this law. If you want to learn more go to or 109488/bill-cost-is-stumbling-block for more information, or if you support us “likeâ€? our Facebook page “THC Act.â€? Oscar Olivas Roaring Fork High School Carbondale

A ski racing tribute Dear Editor: Growing up in Aspen, for most of us meant, living, sleeping, eating, drinking, dreaming ski racing. It was not uncommon for mom to come in after waking up to a gorgeous, champagne powder day, and say, "You don't really want to go to school today, do you?� The days we did go to school, we couldn't seem to get ourselves fast enough out to Slalom Hill, at the end of Mill Street. All our ski stuff was stored there.

TOWN OF CARBONDALE Business Revolving Loan Fund ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Loans available for new or expanding businesses located within Carbondale town limits For more information: Roaring Fork Business Resource Center 945-5158

We would hike up, skis slung over our shoulders to run courses. This was before rope-tows, or the Ski Co. agreeing to let the Little Nell lift run longer, just for us. We had coaches that not only helped us with our racing, but put into place a foundation for life. Coaches: Roger Moyer, Peter Lorem, Sim Thomas, Bill Harriman, Ron LaMaster, Kenny Sawyer, Whit Sterling and Jeff Mann, kept us in line. Whether it meant scolding us from ditching boot packing, jumping off of lifts, or adventuring into unknown territory like powder skiing through the trees. They were there to praise us when we successfully drove our downhill knee in, stopped our arms from apping like butteries, or just downright kicked ass! They pumped us up, rubbed us down, and gave us pep talks before heading into the starting gate. And even though they got to keep their poofy parkas on during snowstorms, while we stripped down to our paper thin downhill suits, it all seemed worth it, when they met us at the bottom with our parkas, singing praises how our line was just right! Some of us were fortunate enough to forerun the Roch Cup, others more experienced and older got to race it. They pushed us beyond limits we knew possible, kept us on track physically, mind and spirit, waxed and tuned our skis, until

Legal Notices

Unclassifieds Submit to by Monday 12 p.m. Rates: $15 for 30 words, $20 for up to 50 words. Payment due before publication.*

FOR SALE: Whirlpool “Resource saver “ dryer for sale. Two years old but only used one year. $200. Needs an owner’s manual. 963-1549. GET THE WORD OUT IN UNCLASSIFIEDS! Rates start at $15. Email unclassiďŹ *Credit card payment information should be emailed to or call 948-6563. Checks may be dropped off at our office at the Third Street Center or mailed to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. Call 618-9112 for more info.

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LOST BRACELET. Orange beads. Lost in Carbondale near town hall on March 9; call 963-1719.

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12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • MARCH 29, 2012


Information may be obtained from, and Petitions or RemonstranceĘźs may be filed with the Town Clerk Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO 81623 Published on March 29, 2012 in The Sopris Sun.

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they realized we probably should be doing it, and along with our parents, woke us up at the crack of dawn to drive us all over for races. On March 31 is a tribute to Bob Beattie. He coached at the University of Colorado, U.S. ski team, and Olympic teams, co-created the World Cup and was a commentator in the ski world for over 40 years. He founded World Pro Skiing. Many of us were coached by some of these iconic pro racers, some of who will be in Aspen on March 31. Not to mention, they were who we aspired to be. Summer months were spent in Red Lodge, Montana, training with Hank Kashiwa, Billy Kidd, Pepi Grammshammer, Eric Sailer, Anderl Molterer and Eric Strom, or summer camp in Val Senales with all the various European ski teams. One of my favorite summers was in Axams with Hugo Nindle. World and Olympic racer who later turned pro, Spider Sabich, moved to Aspen in the early ‘70s and among many of us became a local hero. Right here in our own hometown we turned out numerous amazing racers like: World Cup and Olympic racer Andy Mill, and pro racers Mark Tache and Dave Stapleton. Barbara Sophia (Schnucki) Ulrych Marble


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