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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Carbondale’s weekly

community connector

Volume 10, Number 12 | April 26, 2018

Having the

time of their lives

There probably wasn’t much ABBA playing during this year’s Roaring Fork High School prom at the River Valley Ranch barn April 21, but there was no shortage of dancing. Clockwise from top left: Charlie Candela and Daniela Rivera are all grins; most of the party struts in sync; vice principal Kelsie Goodman crowns Pepe Rico prom king while prom queen Reece Ettelson looks on; Edwin Cisneros and Angelica Morales share a quiet moment; Keegan Holt, Tosha Koltz and Gracie Palomino goof off.

Photos by Jorie Devilbiss

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Carbondale Commentary

The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, email editor Will Grandbois at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.

Absolutes? Absolutely!

First off, thanks to editor Will Grandbois for seeing the need and allowing for a different voice than we usually see in The Sopris Sun. Consequently, we now have Mutt and Jeff, a couple of local yokels, to address the issue. On today’s poisonous political spectrum we would undoubtedly be described as extreme or radical right. Although we think of ourselves as simply constitutionalists. Today, right wing seems to imply the principle of maintaining the “old ways,” the tried and true ways and values that work, being closedminded to change and tending to be judgmental. What about the left wing or progressive? Someone who is vibrant, always ready for improvement, open-minded, embraces change and would rarely criticize anyone else’s lifestyle and values? Sadly, I believe this presents an inherent and intractable problem which I’ll get to shortly in attempting to find common ground between what I will call genuine conservatism and its counterpoint: liberalism. First, let me critique the above description of conservatism. I believe it to be accurate in some ways and is one expression of human tendencies, but it is not “genuine conservatism.” To help explain “genuineness” I can refer back to Mutt’s, (aka Stan) column from several weeks ago in which he described the ways we often misuse the concept of “spectrum” — that is to confuse and misapply certain words so that they do not accurately fit on a spectrum of meaning. Have you, for example, noticed how the word “absolutely” is much over-used now-a-days? The simplest question, such as, “Do you think the Broncos will win the Super Bowl this year? will be answered “Oh yes, absolutely.” Well then-that person should bet his life-savings on that game if he believes it absolutely. (Yes, I know we use words more broadly than their literal meaning.) My point is that to be a genuine conservative one must hold that certain ethical questions do have literally absolute answers; not just based on tradition, or one’s upbringing, or some inner intuition, or such things. The inherent problem mentioned earlier now comes into play. Mutt and Jeff would agree with most conservative political and social ideals, but oftentimes for a very different reason. Why? Because a genuine conservative believes that certain human actions are based on absolute truths, not just tradition or pragmatism. Now, before you, dear reader, throw this paper down in disgust, think about this: I would suggest that we all, conservative or progressive would agree that it is not good to steal, to commit adultery, to lie, and it is good to love your neighbor as yourself, perhaps even to the point of saying these are absolute truths (even admitting that no one can keep even one of these absolutely). Decrees such as these do not flow out of a meaningless, lifeless

universe caused by a “big bang” 16 billion years ago, nor out of unguided, purposeless, evolution. Now, my next question is, if we agree that the above decrees are true and valid, why would a person not agree with all of the others found in the Bible? Do we agree with the Bible when it condemns extortioners, drunkenness, or even gossips? How about fornication or bestiality? Or do we get to pick and choose our evils? What about divorce? Yet we have codified and enshrined divorce as a natural right; and the result is broken families, mixed up kids, and often financial ruin. We wink at fornication then deal with two results of doing so: 1. single moms on public assistance or 2. far worse, millions of abortions since Roe vs. Wade. Now, a moment of warning and acknowledgement to all you genuine conservatives concerning these things; to those who take their marching orders from the absolute authority of the Bible: I Cor.5:12, the apostle Paul speaking: “For what have I to do with those who are outside(i.e. outside the church)? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges.” In other words, we are not to judge others who disagree or even oppose us, but we are to be advocates of good and permanent things while engaging the society in a respectful and sober way. Too often in history certain groups of Christians have been wrong on important issues. However, when the Bible speaks clearly against an action we must communicate with our progressive neighbors and stand against it if they are endorsing it. So, yes, we have an inherent problem in dealing with our differences. An example of this is the present movement in some public schools, including the elementary grades, to teach the naturalness of various sex/gender related life styles. My argument to any of my progressive friends would be twofold: 1. God has forbidden such things, and 2. The family, not the school, is the most basic social institution and as such has priority and sole responsibility in such things. What is the solution? - ironically, in this life, there is no “absolute solution” Perhaps the best we can do is to start by realizing that I am what I am, and each liberal/progressive is what he or she is; and the challenge is to do our best to live together while embracing greatly differing views of reality. To summarize the difficulty of the problem: consider these two quotes: John Dewey, American philosopher and educator: “Since everything changes, the past doesn’t matter and can’t inform us.” Francis Schaeffer, American philosopher and theologian: “If society has no absolutes; society will become absolute.”


Mutt & Jeff

Paige Meredith shares this column with fellow conservative Stan Badgett.


The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 500 words via email at news@soprissun.com or 250 words via snail mail at P.O. Box 399, Carbondale CO 81623. Letters exceeding that length may be returned for revision or submission as a guest column; please include your name, town, and contact information. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday.

Warm thanks Dear Editor: The folks at the Carbondale Community Oven would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Aspen Thrift Shop for its recent generous grant. Their donation will allow us to offer another year of free public baking events that showcase our outdoor masonry oven. Pizza picnics, bread bakes and other oven programs bring our Roaring Fork Valley community together in a way that welcomes everyone. Linda Criswell Carbondale Community Oven

Mike Johnston returns to C’dale Dear Editor: For anyone who is frustrated with this unpredictable and tumultuous political landscape, change is on the horizon as we approach the midterm election primaries. Primary ballots will be mailed the beginning of June and will include local, county and state races including that for Colorado’s governor. For the first time, unaffiliated voters in Colorado will be able to participate in the primaries to decide which candidates will advance to the November midterm elections. We are fortunate to have several highly

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2018

qualified Democratic candidates running for governor, and are delighted that Mike Johnston will return to Carbondale Sunday (April 29th, 3 p.m., Third Street Center) to meet with voters and share his vision for the state. If you’ve heard Mike speak, you know he is capable and knowledgeable, articulate and compelling, and inclusive and collaborative. For those of you who have never met Mike, or are unfamiliar with his candidacy, we encourage you to join us this Sunday to learn about him in person. Whether you have been following the Governor’s race or learning of the candiLETTERS page 14

Sincerest thanks to our Honorary Publishers

for their generous, ongoing commitment of support. Jim Calaway, Chair Kay Brunnier Bob Ferguson – Jaywalker Lodge Scott Gilbert – Habitat for Humanity RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger

Thank you to our SunScribers and community members for your support! It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

To inform, inspire and build community. Donate online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Carol Fabian • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Reporter: Megan Tackett Photographer: Jane Bachrach Graphic Designer: Terri Ritchie Delivery: Tom Sands Current Board Members board@soprissun.com Marilyn Murphy, President Raleigh Burleigh, Vice President Stacey Bernot, Secretary Barbara Dills, Treasurer Debbie Bruell • Cliff Colia Olivia Pevec • Faith Magill Nicolette Toussaint • John Colson The Sopris Sun Board meets regularly on the second Monday evening of each month at the Third Street Center.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

A school resource

Michael Zimmerman has built strong connections with Carbondale kids over the past five years, but will not be able to continue as school resource officer due to failing eyesight. Photo by Jane Bachrach

School resource officer losing sight, but not vision By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff Michael Zimmerman is going blind. After five years as Carbondale’s school resource officer and almost 30 in law enforcement, he is actively training his replacement, Gretchen Bell, and will soon be looking for another career. News has leaked out slowly over the last school year, but he broke it to all of Roaring Fork High School in a heartbreakingly upbeat speech in March. “If you see with your heart and your mind, you have vision,” he told them. “If you see with only your eyes, then you are limited by what is in front of you.”

From the first Zimmerman was born in northeast Indiana but was adopted and grew up in the northwest part of the state close to Lake Michigan. Even as a kid, he wanted to help people. “If someone got themselves in a tight spot, I was the one to jump in and figure things out,” he said. “I wanted to be the guy between people and adversity.” With an uncle in the sheriff’s department, he had an example of how to do that — but he didn’t take the direct path there. Instead, as a teen, he did rentals for a ski area up at a whopping 800 foot elevation, mixed flash powder for a fireworks company and did lawn care for a company where he met his future wife, Karen. “We hit it off right away, but the timing wasn’t right,” he noted. He was fresh out of high school and she was a senior, and it took them two years to start dating. By then, Zim-

merman had ruled out psychology as a profession and was on the fence between serving as a Navy photographer’s mate — something of a long shot but the perfect blend of his passions — and getting into law enforcement. He got a job with the sheriff first. “I was kind of apprehensive at first, but once I got into it I never looked back,” he said. When the couple married and started thinking about having kids, Zimmerman began thinking about his birth family. He got in touch with his biological mother, and discovered that both she and her sister suffered from a progressive genetic visual degeneration called retinitis pigmentosa. His own vision test came out clean, however, so he chose not to worry about it. In 2012, the lingering idea of moving out west became suddenly tangible on a family visit. Karen saw an ad for a radian therapist at Valley View Hospital and decided to drop off a resumé, which led to an immediate interview and a job offer. So the family — the couple, their son and daughter and Karen’s mother — moved to Colorado, and Zimmerman went looking for a job while they were still living out of a motel. At first, he dismissed the idea of staying in law enforcement, but soon he was touring local departments. “I’d never known Carbondale other than a name on the map,” he noted, but he stopped by and talked to the man at the front desk — who, unbeknownst to him, was Police Chief Gene Schilling. It turned out they were hiring, with interviews slated for that night, so Zimmerman turned in an application without much hope. He got a call before he even got back to Glenwood and, again, an almost immediate interview and job offer.

Although it was a smaller agency than he had left, Zimmerman felt immediately at home. “It felt like I was sitting around in my old squad room just visiting,” he said. “Carbondale is as about the people and community policing as any department in the country. It’s not the police against society, it’s the police with society.” His paperwork took just long enough to process for him to miss Mountain Fair, but by January 2013 he was settled in and ready for a new challenge as school resource officer. He brought that same community philosophy to the daunting task of connecting with kids in six buildings. “Problems in the community translate to problems in the schools and vice versa,” he noted. After Columbine, police departments realized they need to have that connection — another set of trained eyes to help look after the young people.” But Zimmerman sees the role of guard or deterrent as secondary to fostering relationships with the kids. It’s had its hiccups, but he tries to treat everyone equally and civilly and hopes that shines through. “We’re not scary; we’re here to help — though we’re not the only answer,” he noted. “A lot of times they think that they don’t have control because they’re kids. I want them to know that they truly are empowered and they have a voice.” He’s proud of the Carbondale United for School Safety group, which is planning a community event with just that theme (see sidebar). “They really want to project the fact that we’re a full community and it’s everyone looking out for each other,” he said. It’s things like that that make it the best position he’s ever held. “The opportunity to see the kids as they grow, handle their struggles and become what they are is so incredible,” he said. “I’m going to dearly miss all of the students and staff.”

Fading light Zimmerman compares the slow progression of retinitis pigmentosa to having a thousand toothpicks and taking away a few at a time. It’s barely noticeable at first, then suddenly each step makes a huge difference. It was his wife that first suspected something might be wrong, though in retrospect he can recognize the signs. A little less than a year ago, he agreed to undergo some tests and got the diagnosis and prognosis: no treatment; no cure. He has been off night shifts since then and has almost entirely given up driving. “I’ve dedicated my life to keeping people safe, so I need to be completely transparent,” he said. Someday soon, he’ll be legally blind — though it’s unclear when that will be or what form it will take. “It’s a process of continual loss,” he observed. “I know by the end of the school year it’s just not going to be reasonable for me to be in the job. It’s on to the next adventure, whatever that may be.” The family is committed to staying in the area — they live in Silt — until his daughter is out of high school. He’s optimistic about landing on his feet and is actively looking for gigs that put his gift of gab to work. Giving up just isn’t an option, particularly since the disease is hereditary. “If I allow this to defeat me, what type of message does that send to my children?” he said. Or, as he put it to the students at that meeting in March, “People do not fail, they just quit trying. Our success is only limited by the amount of our determination.”

Carbondale United for School Safety What: A gathering to share a sense of security and appreciate those who make it possible Who: Anyone who cares to attend — please wear blue in unity When: 9:35 to 10 a.m. Friday, April 27 Where: CMS Football Field, 180 Snowmass Dr.

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2018 • 3


Send your scuttlebutt to news@soprissun.com.

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lores Way, Buggy Circle and Indica Way will be affected. To speed the process, residents are asked not to park their cars on the street during the sealing. For more information, call 510-1217 or e-mail kschorzman@carbondaleco.net.

The Aspen Poets’ Society is looking for student poetry from Aspen to Parachute to publish in an anthology — made possible by a grant from the Aspen Thrift shop. Students can submit one to three profanity-free poems for consideration by emailing them to both gfx@aspengfx.com and lisamaxz@aol.com by May 31.

Press on

Politicking Gubernatorial candidate Mike Johnston will share his vision with voters at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 29 at the Third Street Center. Meanwhile, “Western Colorado Independent Voters” has officially hatched from the second unaffiliated “caucus” meeting at the Glenwood Springs Library on April 12. The group will tentatively meet again in the same location at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 15.

Down the road The Roaring Fork Transportation Authority is working on a 20-year vision for mobility and environmental improvements and is looking for feedback at 5 p.m. Thursday, April 26 at the Basalt Regional Library.

Strawberry jam Cowboy Mouth will headline the 121st Strawberry Days celebration in Glenwood Springs on June 26. In addition to the rock & roll gumbo band, the three-day festival will also feature Chris Daniels and the Kings with Freddi Gowdy; 101st Army Band; A Band Called Alexis; The Mixx; Union of None (formerly known as Bicycle Annie) and The Goodman Band. For more information, visit strawberrydays. com. Speaking of live music, Garfield County Fair and Rodeo attendees will go “Head Over Boots” on Aug. 3 for this year’s concert headliner, breakthrough country music singer and songwriter Jon Pardi. Tickets are on sale June 1 at www.garfieldcountyfair.com.


First-graders Laila Salcedo, left, and Hazel Springett contemplate which art pieces to include in their scavenger hunt on April 19 at the annual Crystal River Elementary School Art Show. More than 900 pieces were displayed in the show, which highlights student work in a variety of materials, including clay, watercolor, metal, paper, textiles and more. Photo by Trina Ortega

Put a fork in it River Valley Ranch residents and foodies in general rejoice! Carbondale’s Pan and Fork restaurant (303 River Valley Ranch Rd.) open for the season at 11 a.m. May 2. With their large deck, enjoy a view of the golf course, Sopris and The Crystal River while you dine.

Crack is whack Folks can expect short delays over the next week as streets crews work on crack sealing. Specifically, the neighborhood east of South Second Street, off Holland Drive, parts of Do-

“It’s our voices; it’s our stories,” Genevieve Villamizar said of her new online magazine project, Bonedale|Amplified. It’s expected to go live on Monday, April 30 at bonedaleamplified.com — stay tuned. Meanwhile, the Rampage, Roaring Fork High School’s student newspaper, is looking for help with the printing costs associated with inserting in The Sopris Sun in each month. So far, they’re up to $450 from 11 donors and are hoping for at least $350 more. Find out more and contribute at youcaring.com/rfhsrampage-1138875. Also, artist Valerie Rose is working on a ’zine on gray wolves; more info and support sought at patreon.com/wolfzine. Who said print is dead?

Wild horses The Bureau of Land Management and the newly formed non-profit Piceance Mustangs are hosting a tour and barbecue at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 5 to celebrate the wild horses of the Piceance-East Douglas Herd Management Area southwest of Meeker. A volunteer work day follows on May 6. For more information, call Melissa Kindall at 970-878-3842.

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another year of life this week include: Gayle Embrey (April 26); April Crow-Spaulding, Sloan Shoemaker, Wewer Keohane, Rachel Gillespie, Donni Cochran (April 27); Julie DeVilbiss (April 28), Judy Welch (April 28); Luis Yllanes and Diana Sirko (April 29); Alexandra Jerkunica (April 30); Devika Gurung, Melanie Gianinetti Cardiff, Jeff Leahy and Pixie Byrne (May 1) and Sherry Caloia (May 2).

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4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2018

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wocompassion.org or call (970) 340-8151. SPACE IS LIMITED!

Roaring Fork Technologists empowers through collaboration By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff It was just going to be a Facebook page, Justin Lewis insisted about the Roaring Fork Technologists group he founded early last year. Lewis, a software developer from Washington who migrated to Denver, had bought a house in Marble. And while he loved the lifestyle and serenity his new zip code offered, he also felt professionally isolated. Sure he wasn’t the only one, he created Roaring Fork Technologists. “I just wanted to meet other technology folk of various flavors,” Lewis said. “But momentum grew, and we had this meeting at the beginning of the year. We came up with three goals: educat[ing] each other, supporting the youth and supporting local businesses.” The group — now with 123 members — is already making headway in those arenas. There are monthly meetups that address the more technical questions between members, and then there is a quarterly speaker series that addresses broader applications for how technology can foster economic diversity and improve professional prospects for residents. “At the end of the day, to have a community that’s going to be inclusive, that’s going to allow people to move here — we can’t be scared of that — to allow people to stay here, we’re going to have to make room,” Lewis said. “Not leave room, but make room for those people.”

A lot of that comes down to innovation and entrepreneurship, he continued. One of his hopes for the group’s presence in the community is that a would-be busi-

“I don’t think it’s going to be the GEs and Facebooks of the world are going to magically make our community better — it’s going to be us.” ness owner feels empowered to take the proverbial leap, knowing that he or she has access to an entire network of technologysavvy people willing to help overcome any startup hurdles. “There’s this mentality where starting businesses is hard and scary,” he said. “We have mentors that have been massively successful in their careers coming in and saying, ‘We would love to mentor you guys.’ I think there is literally no reason to not try.” GlenX opening its coworking space in the Third Street Center became a catalyst for the group’s momentum, as it provided an inclusive physical space for members to meet and, in turn, break down some of the silos that exist in the Valley,

Lewis explained. “You can’t have technology without the idea of using technology, without building business around the technology,” he said. “People in the community building this fabric of skill where we all know each other and support each other and refer each other and give each other ideas and help push them in directions that they didn’t think they might go, that’s what GlenX did.” Inclusivity and collaboration are the philosophical cores behind Roaring Fork Technologists. Even on its website, the group outlines a clear code of conduct that emphasizes respect and handling disagreements well. Lewis acknowledged the larger community isn’t perfect, but that’s the point of having such codes explicitly stated. “The programming culture has a lot of sexism,” he said, noting that it’s been a topic raised at several conferences. “Luckily, the development community took a very firm stand on this.” For Ashley Summers, one of the three presenting women coming from Denver for the next quarterly speaker event on April 27, inclusivity is among the greatest advantages of open data for a community at large — and is in fact a topic of the presentation. “Having more data out in the public realm really helps close the gap between what people think is happening and what’s actually happening,” said Summers, the information systems manager for the Denver Regional Council of Governments. “We’ve

had people working in this environment pushing to have that [data] out to the public domain so that the community is empowered with the facts: Is it equitable? Are we growing the way we want to grow? These are questions people end up answering anecdotally, and that’s usually not a great way to make decisions that affect everybody.” Lewis is acutely conscious of the delicacy needed to broach the topic of intentional growth management for Carbondale and the Valley as a whole. It’s one of the reasons he’s planned Friday’s event in conjunction with a pizza-making session at the Carbondale Community Oven after the talk. Like Summers, Lewis believes that open data should be accessible to everyone, not just people with technical backgrounds. “I’m new the to Valley; I’m not trying to come in here and be crazy,” he said. “Luckily, people see I’m trying to help, not trying to hurt. I don’t think it’s going to be the GEs and Facebooks of the world are going to magically make our community better — it’s going to be us.”

‘Tech That Shapes Our Communities from the Women Who Build It’ When: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m., Friday April 27 Where: GlenX, 520 S. 3rd St., Ste. 29 Extra toppings: Pizza bake and conversation to follow at the Carbondale Community Oven


Town of Carbondale



When: Sat. April 28, 8AM-4PM Where: 4th & Colorado, across from Town Hall


Now thru 4/30/18

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No liquid hazardous waste accepted. • Electronic Waste – Up to 1 large and 2 small Refrigerators must be certified Freon free. items plus unlimited cables, cell phones, ink & toner cartridge FREE for • Regular pickup truck load – Carbondale residents. Businesses & Carbondale Residents $10/nonNon-Residents - $.35/lb. Free offer residents-$25. caps at 20,000 lbs. after which all • Large pickup truck load – will be charged $.35/lb. Carbondale Residents $20/ • Tires – Fees apply. First 100 tires up non-residents-$35. to 18” w/o rims FREE for *Cash/check only for truck Carbondale residents. load, tires and mattress fees. • Mattress Recycling – Educational Booths $10 for the first 50 residents, $25 & Giveaways for non-residents REUSE! Clothing & Book • Yard Waste – Create a fire buffer zone Swap: Bring usable clotharound your home by clearing tree branching, shoes & books to the es a minimum of 10 feet around structures Swap Table (8am-2pm). and removing dry vegetation. Price included Non-usable textiles, shoes & books will be recycled. in pick up load. REPAIR! Bring your bike in for complimentary • Metal Items – Price included in pick up load. minor bike repairs. • Prescription & Over the Counter Medicine – LEARN! Visit educational booths to learn about FREE – Accepted at Town Hall Police energy efficiency and how to divert your waste Station 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. only. year round. Giveaways include LED bulbs & fin• Batteries – FREE for residents (single use, ished compost (bring your own container). rechargeable, phone, auto, etc.) • Thermostats & Smoke Detectors – $10 per item. FREE for first 25 C’dale residents • Light Bulbs – FREE for residents – CFL’s, linear fluorescents, halogens, incandescent, etc. • Refrigerators & A/C units – Price ranges from $50-$125. $15 discount for first 30 Carbondale residents. • Bicycle Recycling – Usable Bikes & Bike Parts FREE **Businesses are welcome to recycle their waste but will be charged full price.


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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2018 • 5

Youthentity culinary team off to national competition Staff Report

You have an hour to prepare and plate a three-course meal to a panel of judges — and yes, you’re rated for your courses’ aesthetics as well as flavor profiles. Oh, and you’re limited to working with two nonelectric burners. If that sounds like a lot of pressure, it’s because it is. But Youthentity’s four-person culinary wowed the judges at the Colorado ProStart Youth Invitational at Johnson & Wales University in Denver in March, successfully defending its first-place state title in culinary arts. The menu featured main attractions such as seared scallops with sweet corn, braised veal cheeks and blood-orangeglazed dark chocolate buche. Now, they’re taking their show on the road to Rhode Island, where they’ll represent Colorado in the National Invitational, along with Kirsten Petre McDaniel, Youthentity founder and executive director, and Matt Maier, an Aspen-based private chef and Youthentity instructor. “Taking high schoolers and working with them to better understand ingredients and techniques, to have them dedicate themselves to the process, to have them pour their very essences into striving towards the goal of perfection, and to see them rise from failure after failure to victory and ultimately to the national stage is truly one of the most rewarding things I

know,” Maier said in a statement. Getting to that national stage is no small feat. Of the almost 140,000 students that participate in the ProStart program across the country, a mere 400 represent their respective states at the National Invitational. And there’s the actual trek across the country to get to the competition in Providence. “We have to be on the road at 5 a.m.,” Petre McDaniel said in an email. While the weekend will be the first time most of the students have been to Rhode Island, it’s not the first time Youthentity has represented Colorado at the National Invitational — in fact, this year marks the fifth year the award-winning program has presented. “If someone had told me years ago that Youthentity would have one of the leading restaurant management and culinary arts programs in the country for high school students, I would have said they were out of their mind,” Petre McDaniel said. “It wasn’t even on my radar.” Youthentity is a nonprofit that operates out of Bridges High School, offering career readiness and financial literacy programs to students. The ProStart track actually has two arms: the culinary team and the restaurant management team, which placed second in March’s state competition for its “Ambrosia Greek Tavern” concept. The skills and mindsets that get fostered along the way to winning those accolades is


The culinary team poses in chef’s attire with Youthentity Executive Director Kirsten Petre McDaniel and Instructor Matt Maier. They compete at the ProStart National Invitational in Rhode Island April 27-29. Pictured: Kylie Orf, Latesha Putnam, Stacy Marquez and Daniel Yoshimura. Photo by Draper White the real success of the program, Petre McDaniel emphasized. “Most workplaces are highly cross-functional and the better you can function well as a team member, the more valuable you’ll be to an organization. Teamwork is a key component to succeeding in ProStart,” she said. Maier agrees. “Youthentity isn’t just about financial knowledge, pastry arts, culinary arts, or any of our programs, really,” he said. “Youthentity is about personal growth. Students are exposed to essential skills for success such as working in a team dynamic, deadlines, pressure and how to learn and grow from mis-

takes. I tell my students all the time that what they’ve learned through ProStart is preparing them to be more successful anywhere.” Regardless of what happens in Rhode Island, both Youthentity’s culinary and management teams have something big to celebrate: because of their victories at the Colorado invitational, each member earned scholarship opportunities — $50,000 for the culinary team members and $25,000 for the management team members — from Johnson & Wales University, Culinary Institute of Virginia, The Art Institutes, New England Culinary Institute and Nichols State University.

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REQUEST FOR BIDS Town of Carbondale

Snowmass Drive Trail Project Bids are due on Monday, May 14, 2018 at 2:00 p.m., to Kevin Schorzman, Public Works Director, Town of Carbondale, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado 81623, at which time they will be opened and read aloud. The project consists of approximately 950 feet of 10-foot wide sidewalk along the east side of Snowmass Drive between County Road 100 and Sopris Avenue/White Hill Road in Carbondale, Colorado. Construction will include removal of existing asphalt, new sidewalk, curb and gutter along the east side, and approximately 300 feet of retaining wall ranging in height from 4 to 6 feet. Bid packets can be obtained on the Town of Carbondale website or at Town Hall. Contact Kevin Schorzman at 970-510-1217, or kschorzman@carbondaleco.net for more information.

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We have monthly training meetings every third Thursday at 5:15pm. Contact Luke (luke@kdnk.org) for details. Renew online at KDNK.org/Donate See us 76 S. 2nd Street, Carbondale Mail us PO Box 1388, Carbondale, CO 81623

6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2018







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Girls come together in fledgling lacrosse program By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff

In other seasons, they may compete against each other. But when playing lacrosse, they’re all Roaring Fork Rams. About half of the girls comprising the JV lacrosse team are full-time RFHS students. No single school has enough students to create its own dedicated team, so players congregate in Carbondale. That suits RFHS senior Megan Rusby just fine. “One thing about team sports — specifically girls sports — is all of us are like best friends,” Rusby said. “Now I have great friends in Basalt and Glenwood. It’s just really great.” This year, more than 25 girls showed up to play — more than double the number last year. That’s a big deal, because it means the team has the numbers to petition the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) to become a varsity program. Athletic Director Jade Bath is in the process of doing just that. “You want them to be able to play at the varsity level, but you have to jump through the hoops before you can get there,” she said. “We’re jumping through the final hoop, and hopefully moving forward, we’ll be a varsity program.” For now, the girls lacrosse team is completely self funded — and funding has to be demonstrated to the district before the season begins, explained Chelsea Robson, former assistant coach. “The kids and the parents find sponsors,”

she said. “It’s a little different having him as a full-time coach, but everything he tells the other girls, I’ve already heard. I love it.” As for what he’s telling the girls, his coaching style has been about emphasizing the foundational skills required to excel in the sport, he said. “One of the things I worked on with the girls is the mechanics of shooting [and] running fast. It’s hard to teach the ethic of it, but I kind of compare it to running a race against your friend or your brother — there’s that little extra 100 percent,” he said. That’s often the difference that cinches a win, he continued. “Not the 80-percent running, but the 100 percent.” It’s a strategy that’s working; the girls are 4-1 in their season, with the sole loss in double overtime to Battle Mountain. When the girls win, they win big — often by double-digit score margins in a game with traditionally lower scoreboards, The RFHS JV girls lacrosse team practicing before the next game in Telluride on April 28. similar to soccer. They’ll also host Aspen at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, May 2. Photo by Jane Bachrach “We really just run over all these other teams, which is kind of a bummer. We need she said, adding that many parents also do- but in his daughter’s senior year, he decid- some more competition.” Becoming a varnate directly to the team. “We do stuff with ed to make the switch. sity team will help with that, he added. the booster club, where the girls will go and “We have no drama; they’re always havIt’s not the team’s only obstacle. “The volunteer with booster activities.” ing a good time,” he said of coaching a girls handicap is going to be finding coaches. I It’s the reason Coach Jason Rusby team. “The boys always seem to be mad only signed up for this year. They posted doesn’t take a salary. “I don’t want to take about something. These guys are a blast.” the job here and had zero applicants.” money from a self-funded team,” he said, Megan, for her part, is used to her dad Robson isn’t in a position to take back estimating that it takes at least $9,000 to giving her pointers, and that certainly has over, but she still helps out with the team, fund a season. its advantages. and has confidence in its future. It’s his first year coaching the girls at “I seriously started playing on a team “Next year, they will go varsity, and RFHS. Previously, he coached the boys when I was 11 or 12, and he’s just kind of they’re going to be good next year,” she said. team at Glenwood Springs High School, always been my behind-the-scenes coach,” “I’m excited to see how they’re going to do.”



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400 E. Valley Road # I/J • Next to City Market – El Jebel The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2018 • 7

Town Report

Cop Shop

The following items are drawn from Town Manager Jay Harrington’s weekly report to staff, trustees and others. RED HILL DESIGN / BUILD requests for proposals drew three applicants. The property was recently acquired by Aspen Valley Land Trust through their successful “Save Red Hill” Campaign fundraiser. A firm to conduct the work should be selected by the trustees by press time. The public will have multiple opportunities to get involved in May and June during the planning and design phase of the project. Volunteers will also be needed for the trail building itself. The Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers have evening trail building opportunities scheduled for Tuesday nights starting on July 24; more information at rfov.org.

SUMMER RECREATION programs are available for registration now. Find out more and get involved at carbondalerec.com. THE SPRING INTO FUN FAMILY BLOCK PARTY is slated for 4 to 8 p.m. First Friday, May 4 at the Fourth Street Plaza. This is a free event for the kids and a carnival atmosphere, with youth musicians, prize drawings, silent auction, adoptable animals, arts and crafts and food and drink for purchase.

A $25,000 GRANT from the Garfield County Federal Mineral Lease District will be used to replace the dilapidated wood shingle roofs on the Sopris and Miners Park bathrooms and install solar power panels on the roof at Miners Park to handle the electric needs of that bathroom. These upgrades will take place in the fall of 2018.

FRIDAY April 13 at 2:33 p.m. Someone filed a report of a missing person / runaway.

A CONTROLLED BURN of Delaney Nature Park and North Face Bike Park had to be postponed due to unfavorable weather conditions and wind. It will rescheduled to take place by May 1, weather dependent.

MONDAY April 16 at 12:57 a.m. After checking on a man sleeping in a car, police arrested the 60 year old on an Eagle County warrant.

GATEWAY RV PARK is undergoing cleanup and weed mitigation in anticipation of a May 1 opening. Weed mitigation will also take place at the North Face Bike Park with manual extraction and the use of Avenger, a non-toxic, citrus-based burndown herbicide.

LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION registration runs through May 7 for participants who must be 15 by the end of the class. It costs $150 with $115 refunded for those who become full-time lifeguards at the pool. For more information, call 510-1280 or email mdonnelly@carbondaleco.net.

THE THOMPSON PARK DEVELOPMENT will go before P&Z for a public hearing on April 26. In addition, there is a minor site plan review, special use permit and variances for an accessory dwelling unit at 379 Euclid Ave slated for the same meeting. POLICE OFFICERS attended a patrol meeting and were re-certified in First Aid and Narcan administration. Additionally, Police Executive Assistant Anna Ramirez was appointed to the 9th Judicial District Attorney’s Victim Assistance Board.

WEDNESDAY April 18 at 10:58 a.m. Someone was issued a citation after running into a school sign on Highway 133.

tus medicamentos no utilizados caducados EntregaEntrega tus medicamentos y medicamentos siny recetas que no sean Prescripción sin receta médica para unaeliminación segura. usados o que estén caducados para disponer seguramente.

Saturday– October 22,2018 2016 Saturday– April 28, 10:00AM AMto to 2:00 2:00 PM 10:00 PM For

MONDAY April 16 at 2:27 p.m. A speeding stop on Snowmass Drive led to a warrant arrest and an additional charge of driving with a suspended license.

¿¿Tienes medicamentos? Tienes medicamentos?

in your unused or expired household TurnTurn in your unused or expired household prescription/over-the-counter prescription/over-the-counter medication for safe disposal medication for safe disposal

For the disposal location the disposal closest closest tolocation you contact: Carbondale you: Police Department

FRIDAY April 13 at 8:17 a.m. Police received a cold accident report, but no citations were issued.

COMMUNITY GARDEN plots are reserved at Hendricks Community Garden but Demeter Community Garden still has space available. Call 5101290 for more information.

THE JOHN M. FLEET POOL was drained and cleaned, the wading pool has been repaired and new locker room doors have been installed. A new heater will be installed this week and then the pool itself should be filled.

A NEW GAS LINE was installed at the Thompson House. Streets crews also worked on drainage, street sweeping and pothole maintenance and repaired some banners after the big wind storm.

From April 13 through the 19, Carbondale Police handled 192 calls for service. During that period, officers investigated the following cases of note:

Sábado, 22 de Octubre, 2016 Sábado, 28 de Abril, 2018 10:00 a.m a 2:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m a 2:00 p.m.


511www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov Colorado Ave., Suite 911, Carbondale, CO 81623 970-963-2662

Para lugar de más Para saber eneldonde se eliminación encuentra el centro de cercano a usted contacte: reciclaje más cercano a usted visite: Estación de Policía en Carbondale www.DEAdiversion.usdoj.gov

511 Colorado Ave., Suite 911, Carbondale, CO 81623 970-963-2662 Los siguientes articulos no serán aceptados: Los siguientes articulos no serán aceptados: Agujas y objetos punzantes, mercurio (termómetros),

The following items WILL NOT be accepted; The following items WILL NOT be accepted; Needles (thermometers), Needles&&Sharps, Sharps, Mercury Mercury (thermometers), Oxygen Containers, Oxygen Containers, Chemotherapy/ Radioactive Chemotherapy/ RadioactiveSubstances, Substances, Pressurized Canisters, Canisters, Illicit Drugs Pressurized Illicit Drugs

8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2018

Agujas y objetos Los punzantes, mercurio (termómetros), contenedores de oxígeno, Los contenedores oxígeno, radiactivas, Sustancias de quimioterapiade/ sustancias Sustancias de quimioterapia Recipientes a presión/ ysustancias las drogas radiactivas, ilícitas Recipientes a presión y las drogas ilícitas

Waste Diversion Day provides easy, affordable recycling By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff

If you’ve ever wondered about where your recyclables go, don’t worry: Julia Farwell has already done the homework — at least for the Spring Clean Up event from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 28 by Town Hall. “I’m sort of like the watchdog,” she said. “I want to make sure that the right thing is being done and as much is being reused or recycled as possible and not make its way to the landfill.” With that aim, she has requested weigh tickets and visited facilities. It’s a labor of love based on the believe that waste diversion should be second nature, not a difficult or expensive process. “The average person is too busy making ends meet to worry about all the intricacies,” Farwell said. “It’s either heavily discounted or free” — subsidized by the fee on plastic bags “going directly back to the people.” New this year is an emphasis on reuse and repair as the first step in waste diversion, with resources for bike repair and a book and clothing swap. While single stream recycling — paper, cans, plastic containers, etc. — isn’t accepted at the event, local providers Mountain Waste and Recycling and Waste Management will have free educational booths. Waste Management communications director Jennifer Rivera assured customers that their recyclables, too, don’t end up in the landfill. “People absolutely make a difference when they recycle the right way,” she said. “When people put trash in with the recycling, that’s when we have a big problem. The quality is critical to maintaining that strong market.” Specifically, she cited the need for clean, dry recyclables without plastic bags and other items that might jam sorting machinery. Bottles, cans, paper and cardboard are recycled almost everywhere — more information at recycleoftenrecycleright.com You can also learn about year round recycling of hard-to-disposeof items like propane tanks and mattresses at the Pitkin County Solid Waste Center booth. Folks who want to get more involved with the event — volunteers are accepted right up ’til the day of — can text Julia at 379-4777.


lululemon trunk show Location: The Marble Distilling Company 150 Main Street Carbondale, CO 81623 When: Friday, April 27th Saturday, April 28th Sunday, April 29th From: 1 - 5pm

What to bring (and where it goes) Batteries and bulbs : Brite Ideas / Region 8 Enviro (Denver) Free. You can also learn about local energy efficiency programs and recycle any type of light bulb and pick up an LED bulb to replace it. Thermostats and smoke detectors accepted for $10. Bicycles: Bicycles for Humanity (Africa) The Way of Compassion Bike Project will also offer complimentary minor bicycle repairs. Books and clothing: The Environmental Board will host a 8 to 2 p.m. book and clothing swap for items in good condition; nonusable condition also welcome for recycling. Leftover clothing from the swap will go to USAgain (Denver) and books will go to Ecocycle (Boulder).

Waste Diversion Day 2015. File photo by Jane Bachrach Tires: JLM (Geocycle for co-processing) Bike tires are free to recycle, automobiles are $4.50 with steeper rates for semi and tractor tires or sets with rims.

Compost: EverGreen ZeroWaste / Pitkin County Solid Waste Center You can also talk with waste diversion experts about curbside composting for businesses and residents and get free compost if you bring your own container. Yard waste by the pick up load.

Mattresses: Spring Back (Denver) $10 for first 50 residents, $25 for non-residents & business owners.

Electronics: CORRecycling (Grand Junction) One large (tvs, monitors, appliances, etc) and two small electronic items per household (VCRs, DVD Players, stereos, etc.) No limit per household on cell phones, cables, ink & toner cartridges. Non-residents and extra items 35¢ a pound. Data destruction off site for $10.

Refrigerators / AC units: Brite Ideas Mini for $50, regular for $75, commercial for $125

Medicine: Carbondale Police / National Drug Takeback Free; accepted at Town Hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. only.

*Cash and checks only for pickup loads, tire and mattress fees. Credit cards accepted by CORRecycling & Brite Ideas.

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Community Calendar THU through SUN April 26-29

THE GOONIES • SoL Theatre Company takes you on the quest for One-Eyed Willy’s treasure at 7 p.m. April 26, 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. April 27, 7 p.m. April 28 and 2 p.m. April 29 at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Tickets are $10 for kids and $15 for adults at soltheatrecompany.org.

FRIDAY April 27

ALBUM RELEASE • Catch Jackson Emmer live at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits) beginning at 8:30 p.m. then take home some of his intimate Americana. $10 in advance at tacaw.org or $15 at the door. PRESCHOOL FUNDRAISER • Join Blue Lake Preschool from 6 to 10 p.m. at The Orchard (110 Snowmass Dr.) for its annual adults only ‘Date Through the Year’ event complete with silent auction, dancing and music, photo booth, games, food drinks and more. Admission is $25 presale at the school, $30 at the door. ARTIST CRITIQUE • Carbondale Arts offers artists a chance to get feedback from professional artists and curators like Andrew Roberts-Gray from 6 to 8 p.m. at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). Participation is limited to six artists — register at carbondalearts.com and free for Carbondale Arts and Art Base members and $20 for others. BENEFIT CONCERT • Rock & Roll Hall-of-Famer Richie Furay plays from

To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is noon on Monday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted.

7 to 9 p.m. at Glenwood Springs High School (1521 Grand Ave.) to support youth non-profit organization Grizzly Hockey. Tickets start at $25 and are available at aspenshowtix.com. IMPROV • Thunder River Theatre’s comedy troupe performs beginning at 8 p.m. on its own stage (67 Promenade). Tickets are $15 at thunderrivertheatre.com.

FRI to THU April 27 - May 2

MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre (427 Main St.) presents “Isle of Dogs” (PG-13) at 7:30 p.m. Apr. 27-29 and May 1-2, also showing “Surkhaab” presented by The Way of Compassion on May 3 at 7 p.m. Closed Apr. 30.

FRI & SAT April 27-28

COMMUNITY BAKE • Bring your own topping to share and make a custom pizza at 7 p.m. April 27 and/or bring your bread dough at 1 p.m. April 28 at the Carbondale Community Oven behind the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.).


SPRING CLEANUP • Recycling of ewaste, textiles, bikes, books, metal, light bulbs, batteries and tires will be available

for Carbondale residents from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Fourth and Colorado.

for mom from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Carbondale Clay Center (135 Main St.).

COLOR RUN • Support the Riverview School (228 Flying M Ranch Rd., Glenwood Springs) by running and getting doused in color. Register for $25 at events.myschoolcolorrun.com or show up at 9 a.m. ahead of the 10 a.m. start.

POETRY NIGHT • An open mic for all student poets is followed by an open mic for adults in a free event beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Mountain Chalet (333 E. Durant Ave., Aspen).

MARKETING WORKSHOP • Carbondale Arts and The Art Base present “PR 101 for Artists: Creating Buzz, Telling Stories” facilitated by Lara Whitley from 10 a.m. to noon at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). Registration is encouraged at carbondalearts.com. COMEDIAN • Caitlin Gill performs at 8 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits). Tickets are $19 in advance at tacaw.org or $23 at the door.

SUNDAY April 29

FILM & LIVESTREAM • Catch refugee documentary “Human Flow” and participate in a Q&A with filmmaker Ai WeiWei via livestream beginning at 12:30 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits). $8 in advance at tacaw.org or $12 at the door. GLAZE DAZE • Paint a $10 to $20 piece


ACOUSTIC MUSIC • Stop by Marble Distilling (150 Main St.) for live music with the Crowlin’ Ferlies from 6 to 9 p.m. — or even bring your own instrument and join in.


STUDENT SHOWCASE • Hear talented musicians from Aspen to Rifle who have been working with Jazz Aspen Snowmass in a 6 to 8 p.m. concert at Roaring Fork High School (2270 Highway 133). MOVIE MAKING • Watch independent science fiction film “Primer” and find out how it was produced for only $7,000 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.).

Save the Date SATURDAY May 12

DANDELION DAY • A celebration of spring and Carbondale’s town flower with the Parade of Species down Main Street at 10 a.m. followed by artists, farmers, food vendors, brewers and musicians at Sopris Park. CALENDAR continued on page 11

This night is an opportunity for parents to learn about CMS for their soon-to-be 5th graders! It is intended for a parent audience.

Prospective 5th Grade Parent Night at Carbondale Middle School! Date: May 9, 2018 Time: 5:30-7 p.m.

CMS is committed to rigorous academics, arts, language and technology enrichments, and“Membership CREW experiences. CMS’s Drive”…Seeking commitment to: more Participants! • Academics, has resulted in the school’s math program ranking in the top 1% in the state for growth. ──── • Enrichment, offers students opportunities to play inFork a full band The Roaring alongside Aspen Music School / Jazz Aspen; to produce authentic Valley’s only artwork that is shared throughoutprogram the RoaringtoFork Valley; and to support engage with computer coding, design with Science, technology those with Early and engineering projects. Memory Loss and • CREW, creates a collaborative community wherePartners students their Care can overcome challenges, work towards personal goals and ──── strengthen their character.

H Principal Welcome H Introduction to our Band Program H Short Breakout Sessions in Classrooms H Meet Classroom TeachersBRAIN TRAIN!! WE LOVE Looking for 3 H Translation Provided additional Carbondale Middle School: Where Everybody Belongs H Childcare Provided participants ASAP

Based on the movie by Richard Donner Screenplay by Chris Columbus


Membership Drive

Each referral earns a coffee gift card “Membership Drive”…Seeking ──── more Participants! Each referral who


────becomes an active We are actively seeking qualified participants for participant earns RoaringFork Fork Valley’s only TheThe Roaring Roaring Fork Brain Train in to ensure the continuation $50 after first month Valley’s only program to support those attendance to with RFBT of the program that we love so much! For the program to support Early Memory Loss and their remainder of this month, we are offering a $50 those with Early Care Partners. incentive or discount on program fees for anyone Memory Loss and their Care Partners who becomes an active participant. Refer to the

We are actively seeking qualified participants for website infotoand application. Or Call (970) 319- ──── Roaring Fork Brainfor Train ensure the continuation Refer to 8829 www.mycommunityhealthfoundation.org WE ofLOVE BRAIN the program that we loveTRAIN!! so much! the website Looking for 3 for info and additional We are offering a $50 incentive or discount on application participants ASAP program fees for anyone who becomes an active or call participant through the end of August. ────

ROARING FORK (970) 319-8829 www.mycommunityhealthfoundation.org BRAINTHISTRAIN COMMUNITY AD SPACE DONATED BY COOL BRICK STUDIOS. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE • APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2018 10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com Each referral earns a coffee gift card ────

Story by Steven Spielberg

Presented with special permission

Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Sunday April 26th April 27th April 27th April 28th April 29th 2:00 pm 7:00 pm 1:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm The Third Street Center in Carbondale Tickets $15 for Adults, $10 for Kids 12 and under Tickets available at the door or online at soltheatrecompany.org Proudly Sponsored by

Community Calendar

continued from page 10

Ongoing HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION • Free opportunities include… One-hour consultation about heart attack prevention, plant-based nutrition, other medical issues. Call retired family doctor Greg Feinsinger, M.D. for appointment (379-5718). First Monday of every month catch a powerpoint presentation by Dr. Feinsinger about the science behind plant-based nutrition, 7 to 8:30 p.m., board room Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Fourth Monday of every month, plant-based potluck 6:30 p.m. Calaway Room, Third Street Center. All events supported by Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing. More information at www.davinikent.org. HIGH NOON • Bring your compliments, complaints and ideas to Sopris Sun Editor Will Grandbois at 12 p.m. Thursdays at the Pour House (351 Main St.). EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN • Staff and sources talk about this week’s paper and more at 4 p.m. Thursdays on KDNK (88.1 FM). LET’S JUST DANCE • Feel great, have fun and dance Tuesdays at The Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Catch a free lesson at 7 p.m., then from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. it’s open dancing with two-step, swing, waltz, line dance, salsa and more. No partner or experience necessary. $8/person; $14/couple. Questions? Call 970-366-6463 or email billypat4@gmail.com. CONTRA • Every first Saturday October through May, catch contra, waltzes, pol-

kas and square dances from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at the Carbondale Community School (1505 Satank Rd.). No partner or experience necessary; $10 for adults and $8 for students. More info at glenwoodspringscontradance@gmail.com. ONE VOICE • Lisa Dancing-Light, founder of Higher Octave Music Programs, presents a community singing group intended to celebrate the joy that music brings to the spirit. Every other Thursday from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at The Helios Center (601 Sopris Ave.) in Carbondale. BLUEGRASS JAM • Bring the instrument of your choice or just your voice for a weekly jam session first and last Sundays at 6:30 p.m. at Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) and all other Sundays at the Glenwood Springs Brew Garden (115 Sixth St.). COMMUNITY MEAL • Faith Lutheran Church (1340 Highway 133) hosts a free community meal from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the first and third Saturdays of the month. Info: 510-5046 or faithcarbondale. com. Carbondale Homeless Assistance also has its meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month. LIONS MEET • The Carbondale Lions Club meets the first Tuesday of the month at the Gathering Center at the Orchard (110 Snowmass Dr.) starting at 6:30 p.m. Info: Chuck Logan at 963-7002 or Chris Chacos at 379-9096. ROTARY • The Carbondale Rotary Club meets at the Carbondale Fire Station (300

Meadowood Dr.) at 6:45 a.m. Wednesdays. The Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at White House Pizza (801 Main Ct.) at noon every Thursday. BOOK CLUB • Join friends and fellow readers to discuss great books at Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at 4 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month; call 963-2889 for this month’s selection.

MINDFULNESS • The Mindful Life Program in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) offers group sessions Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Admission is by donation and registration is not necessary. Info: mindfullifeprogram.org and 970-633-0163.

WRITERS GROUP • Wordsmiths of all experience and abilities gather at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of the month.

Further Out

STORY ART • Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.), in partnership with the Aspen Art Museum, invites kids to learn about artists and create masterpieces of their own at 4 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month.


YOUR STORY, YOUR LIFE • A free facilitated workshop for adults, writing your personal history, one story at a time. Facilitated by Shelly Merriam, historian/writer/ genealogist. First and third Fridays, 10 a.m. to noon at the Glenwood Springs Branch Library, (815 Cooper Ave.). Info at 945-5958 or gcpld.orgf. STORYTIME • Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) hosts stories songs and more for ages four and up at 10:30 a.m. Thursdays and three and under at 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. YAPPY HOUR • Colorado Animal Rescue’s Yappy Hour at the Marble Bar (150 Main St.) takes place at 5:30 p.m. the third Thurs-

day of the month. Sip on handcrafted cocktails and meet a C.A.R.E. dog, with $1 from every drink donated to C.A.R.E. Bring your own dog along as well.

RAIN BARREL WORKSHOP • Roaring Fork Conservancy and the City of Aspen provide instruction on harvesting local water, rain barrel installation and maintenance, and rain barrel regulations in accordance with Colorado Water Law from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Pitkin County Library (120 N Mill St., Aspen). Registration is $40 at roaringfork.org/events and comes with a barrel. BUDDHIST FILM • Meet renowned Indian actress and producer turned Buddhist nun, Barkha Mandan, now Venerable Gyalten Samten and watch her highly acclaimed film “Surkhaab” at 7 p.m. at the Crystal Theatre (427 Main St.). All proceeds support the first annual Compassion Film Festival and Symposium that will be hosted in Carbondale, CO in August. Learn more and buy tickets at wocompassion.org.

THANK YOU Carbondale community

for supporting Ross Montessori School

We raised over $30,000 to support our students and teachers SPONSORS:

WINE & BEER DONORS: Sopris Liquor & Wine Roaring Fork Beer Company



Saturday, April 28, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. • Sunday, April 29, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Aspen Skiing Company Erin Beaudette Steve's Guitars Vail/Aspen/Breckenridge Dermatology The Aspen Institute Aspen Leaf Spa Avalanche Ranch Bonfire Coffee Brava Modern Trattoria Bristlecone Mountain Sports Carbondale Clay Center Carbondale Recreation Dept Mark and Elizabeth Spidell CO Community Acupuncture Crystal River Meats Crystal Theatre Dandelion Inn Dos Gringos Elements Salon Sarah Overbeck Photography Glenwood Hot Springs Resort Glenwood Springs Comm Ctr Glenwood Springs Golf Club Rose Gahl Alison Berger Handmakery Heirlooms Sonya Hemmen Kenichi K'Gen Asian Cuisine L'Hostaria Ristorante

Lux Wellness Center Marble Distilling Co. Body Mantra Mi Casita Miser's Merchantile New Look Electrolysis Element Basalt River Valley Ranch Golf Club Peppino's Pizza Phat Thai Pokolodi Lodge Jenn Weede Pottery Redstone Inn Ripple Effect Training Roaring Fork Club Karen Ruiz Carina Redmond Smoke Modern BBQ Sopris Liquor & Wine Verheul Family Dentistry Sarah Klingelheber Betsy McMichael, MAED Sunora's Hair Salon Sure Thing Burger Alpine Bank Carbondale Creamery & Cafe Judith Ritschard Pour House The Village Smithy Timberline Condos Pepsi Co. Karina and Chris Marconi White House Pizza Kristina Bingaman

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REQUEST FOR BIDS Town of Carbondale

Enterprise Telephone System This Request for Proposals (RFP) is intended to solicit proposals from offerers capable of satisfying the Town of Carbondale’s needs for an enterprise telephone system. Offerers shall provide a response outlining the roll-out of a Hosted Voice over IP (VoIP) telephone system. Bids are due by May 18, 2018. Contact Gene Schilling at 970- 963-2662 or eks@carbondaleco.net with questions.

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2018 • 11

A compassionate take on safety in the backcountry By Kate Phillips Special to The Sopris Sun


Flushing old or unwanted prescription drugs or vitamins down the toilet can potentially harm our drinking water and our river ecosystems.

PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT by safely disposing of unused, expired or unwanted prescription and over-the-counter medications. Pitkin County Sheriff’s Office 506 E. Main St. | Suite 204 | Aspen 970.920.5300 | 8am to 5pm

Glenwood Springs Police Department 101 W. 8th St. | Glenwood Springs 970.384.6500 | 8am to 5pm

12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2018

Another 5Point Adventure Film Festival has come and gone leaving the valley inspired, empowered, and lusting for the next adventure. As always, 5Point portrayed the festival’s five key themes — purpose, respect, commitment, humility, and balance — through films, lectures, music, and art highlighting the rawness of the human spirit. At this year’s festival, the lives of Hayden Kennedy, son of festival founder Julie Kennedy, and Inge Perkins were honored throughout the event. Kennedy and Perkins both perished last October. Their untimely deaths reminded audiences of the risks involved with outdoor adventure and the stigma often associated with backcountry tragedies. To begin a dialogue surrounding this topic, 5Point and True Nature Healing Arts hosted the Big Heart Big Hands panel discussion “Trauma, Loss, and Resilience in the Backcountry”. Big Heart Big Hands is a non-profit organization based in the Vail Valley that focuses on raising money for mountain rescue organizations, supporting awareness and execution of mountain safety education, and assisting the victims both financially and emotionally. Saturday’s panel consisted of four members: Jessica Heaney, LCSW, a certified Emotionally Focused Therapist; David Richardson, the survivor of a Maroon Bells storm that ultimately took the life of his hiking partner, Jarod Wetherell; Krissy Sprinkle-Timlin, the widow of Joe Timlin who died in one of Colorado’s deadliest avalanches, and Michael Ferrara, a famous mountain rescuer with over 30 years of experience. Richardson, Sprinkle-Timlin, and Ferrara candidly shared their stories of survival. Sprinkle-Timlin stated that although her experience does not define her, it has become apart of her story. Nodding in agreement, the other panelist expressed similar feelings. Ferrara added that the emotional impact of these tragedies stretches beyond the victims to the rescuers and families left behind. In his experience community support has been beneficial. One goal of Big Heart Big Hands is to “reduce the stigma associated with seeking help after an incident”, according to co-founder and executive director Bobby L’Heureux. It is common that when a community learns of another backcountry death, initial reactions are unkind and judgmental. More often than not, the victim’s education, ability, and reason are put into question. This type of thinking is unhelpful and typically stops the survivor from asking for support. “Education alone does not solve this ongoing problem” of safety, according to L’Heureux. We must find ways to practice compassion and love instead of judgment in order to open channels of communication. Heaney, the panel’s relationship specialist, added that anyone can be in-

volved, and connection is crucial for the survivor’s well-being. To further support our community, Big Heart Big Hands offers a series of free programs including a Backcountry 101 course. These programs are open to the public and interested parties can subscribe to their email list to receive updated information (https://www.facebook. com/bigheartbighands/). Don’t have the time or means to attend a program? Take a few moments to review the backcountry safety tips listed in this article. A brief refresher could save your life. Our support is necessary to ensure Big Heart Big Hands continues to advocate for victims of backcountry tragedies. On May 10th, Big Heart Big Hands will be attending the Mile High 100 Spring Meetup for a chance to win $10,000. Check out Mile High 100 on Facebook for information regarding this event and how you can help further the Big Heart Big Hands mission. Remember, for a lifetime of peakbagging, be safe, be humble, and have some compassion for your fellow adventurer. Don’t forget to have fun along the way!

There’s always risk in the back country, but preparation increases your chances of coming out smiling. Courtesy photo

Backcountry safety tips Take a course! Big Heart Big Hands, Aspen Alpine Guides, Colorado Mountain College, and Mountain Rescue Aspen are just a few organizations that offer affordable courses. Plan your route and include multiple exit strategies. Have the right gear and know how to use it. Bring more food, water, and clothing than you think. Prepare for at least 24 hours of unplanned time in the backcountry. Do not rely on your cell phone. A simple map and compass will not run out of battery. Make sure you are of sound body and mind. Tell at least one person what your plan is. Changing your plan last minute? Let them know! Double check everything with a friend.

‘Choose your own backyard’ Van Life Rally showcases homes on the road By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff The idea of picking up and living out of the back of a camper or bus has likely occurred to most folks with an outdoor inclination, but some of the examples at 5Point’s annual Van Life Rally are more achievable than others. On one end of the spectrum is the 1953 Tucker Sno-Cat Model 743 that caught plenty of attention at the April 19 event. With no stock parts, only “Snocat royalty” like Aaron Tucker could keep the thing running. Only eight were made — several of which were used for Edmund Hillary’s trans-antarctic expedition — and the other intact ones are all in museums. This one, though, will serve as a mobile tasting room for Tincup Mountain Whisky next winter. By contrast, with only one unique part, Amanda Winter and Matt Swartz’s 1964 Clark Cortez is no sweat to keep running. The couple happened to be on their way from Moab to Denver in time to revisit the event that inspired them toward the nomadic lifestyle in the first place. “It’s a wonderful thing,” Winter said. “It has made it possible for us to pursue our creative interests more.” Their jobs — freelance copy editor and

photographer — not only allowed them to go on the road, they benefited from it. Rather than opt for something on the cutting edge, the couple tracked down the classic camper. “I wanted something that would make me smile,” Winter explained. The dashboard gives away the forklift company origins, but custom woodwork has made the back is warm and welcoming. While it’s not always possible to get all the way to the trailhead in a large vehicle, that’s just an excuse for a bike ride. The lack of rent, meanwhile, means they can easily take time off to hike the John Muir Trail, or linger for weeks in a popular climbing area. “It allows us to fully immerse ourselves and experience a place,” Swartz said. You can follow their progress at instagram.com/van.project, but don’t expect it to last forever — they’re hoping their travels will eventually bring them to a permanent place to settle down. They’re not alone in moving on. Ryan Gannaway is in the process of selling the ‘94 F-350 and camper she built with Jake Sakson ($13,000 or best offer — 3617496). It was a project of necessity two

KICKIN’ BACK A little “Bonfire,” blanket and and a hatchback is all this gal needs to make her smile (above left ); No “Bonfire,” but a bigger van and a canine companion put a grin on this guy’s face (right). Photos by Jane Bachrach years ago, when their lease was up and they still wanted to ski in Aspen. “We realize we just couldn’t rent anymore,” she explained. “It was too expensive.” She sold her car to afford the $4,000 truck, and they proceeded to put about that much again into constructing a wooden shell. If she’d had more time, it might have some more aesthetic touches, but at least it sports a stove, sleeping space, plenty of storage and the durability to hold up on the road. “It’s like a moving earthquake,” Gan-

naway observed. “You have to build strong.” Neither of them were particular experienced at construction, but the process was part of the point, as well. “I wanted to learn and be sustainable,” she said. “I feel so connected to every piece of wood. You don’t get that with a Sprinter.” And while a house is on the immediate horizon, she’s not ruling out another project. “It’s paid itself back and more,” she said. “It’s the freedom to choose your own backyard.”



May 2 – Briston Peterson City Market Carbondale Update May 9 – Jeff Hauser - Exec. Director of Challenge Aspen May 16 – Ryan Honey - The Temporary Basalt Entertainment Venue

Looking to have fun and give back? Come join us at Rotary every Weds. at 7 a.m. at the Carbondale Fire Station - All are welcome! RSVP to Ed Queenan at (401) 465-4276 or queenan.edward@gmail.com! The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2018 • 13

Striking against ‘the jaws of hell’ Letters From the archives of the Roaring Fork Valley Journal

April 27, 1978

April 30, 1998

The members of the Redstone Workers Association penned a cover column entitled “Why we are striking.” They noted that wages had gone up 80 percent compared to a 300 percent increase in the price of coal, and argued that a $12 per hour would better match the local cost of living than $9. Further, they expressed dissatisfaction with compulsory weekend work, even with overtime wages. “Each day we work, we go forth into the jaws of hell and face possible death,” the column read. In other news… The Board of Trustees were pushing to relocate Mountain Fair to undeveloped open space in Crystal Village, but the Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities opposed the idea.

Emma Store owner Owen Minney withdrew his application to annex the property into Basalt after trustees expressed disinclination to grow in that direction. Minney’s plan called for some housing and office space, a 3,000 square foot country store and farmer’s market and restoration of the historic building. Built as early as the 1880s, it was sold to the Cerise family in 1929 and used to store potatoes and stable horses. A future owner, Minney noted, might have no problem leveling it and building a big river-front home. In other news… A parent survey lead Roaring Fork School District to reconsider a planned mill levy override request.

April 28, 1988 Mary Glassier explained away her spectacular garden at Weant and Highway 133 as thanks to “good dirt and a good corner” with ditch access and plenty of manure. The daughter of Italian immigrants who moved down from Marble on a lumber wagon when she was three months old, Glassier had plenty of time to perfect her craft. Indeed, she had trouble listing all the different types of produce she sewed among peonies and roses. Her core advice? “Work it every day.” In other news… Mayor Bill Gray expressed no interest in a strip show ban despite Crystal River Baptist Church’s objections to a Las Vegas Playboys performance at the Where House Lounge.

April 24, 2008 Developers had submitted an application for the Overlook development along Merrill Avenue. The 12.29 acre property was slated for a mix of residential and commercial with a hotel as a possible central feature. Due to Trustee John Foulkrod’s involvement with owner C’dale LLC, he planned to recuse himself from the discussion. (The Overlook remains unbuilt, but is still in the same hands.) In other news… Roaring Fork Transportation Authority’s Bus Rapid Transit plan included the possibility of several large parking structures in Carbondale (though only one park-and-ride was eventually built).

from page 2

dates for the first time, it has never been more important to participate and make informed decisions for your future. We are grateful that candidates value our valley’s interests, priorities and beliefs, and will make the time to come see us. Please join us Sunday and take an active role in our state’s leadership. Lisa Raleigh and Elizabeth Reynolds Redstone

Vote for Crown Mountain Park Dear Editor: Attention Crown Mountain District voters: now is the time to mark your ballots to support a mid-valley asset, Crown Mountain Park. Now is the time to step up and commit to funding much needed upgrades, deferred maintenance, expanding programs, better operations and exploring the additional needs for this huge Crown Mountain Recreation District. We all enjoy the opportunities provided by this District. Now, please vote yes. Leroy Duroux Basalt

Serving up love Dear Editor: Last month, Crystal River Elementary School held our second annual Ladles of Love event. This event is a community building and fundraising event for CRES parents and staff and features soup bowls hand painted by CRES students. This event was made possible by countless hours of volunteer time from our Parent Teacher Organization, the dedication of our art teacher Sue Annabel, and numerous donations from area businesses. Our immense gratitude goes out to Melissa Miller and The Orchard for hosting our event in their beautiful space. We’d also like to give a special thanks to the local restauLETTERS page 15

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(970) 510-5800 | Carbondale, Colorado | footstepsmarketing.com 14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2018

Letters from page 14 rants who donated the delicious soup that was served: Señor Taco Show, Allegria, Whole Foods, Village Smithy Restaurant, Carbondale Beer Works, Dos Gringos Burritos, Pan and Fork, Beijing Tokyo, Gina Cucina, Mi Casita Restaurant, Pour House, White House Pizza, and El Pollo Rico. And thanks to Denise Wright and the RFHS International Travelers Club for providing childcare during the event. Proceeds from this event benefit CRES and a local non-profit organization selected by CRES students. This year, students selected Lift-Up as the beneficiary. A donation will be made to Lift-Up later this month. CRES is proud to be part of this great community and appreciates your continued support! Katy Nardecchia CRES Parent Teacher Organization

Honoring those who served Dear Editor: Attention all veterans: the town of Redstone and the Redstone Community Association would like to invite you to be a part of our annual Fourth of July parade honoring those who have served their country in the military. If you have kept all or part of your uniform please wear it to represent the branch you served in. We will have a float for those of us who would rather ride than walk the parade route. The parade begins at noon so we would ask all who will be participating to meet in the lower Redstone Inn parking lot at 11:30 a.m. This is an early notice so that you can plan ahead to be here with us. I’ll have some updates as we get closer to the Fourth. I hope as many as possible of my fellow vets can plan to be here. Skip Bell Redstone

Keep on dancing Dear Editor: “A 12 hour dance marathon? Are you crazy?” This was the most common reaction I received as I spread the word about Dance Valley Dance, a fundraiser benefiting Stepping Stones and Aspen Youth Center, that took place at the Carbondale Recreation Center on April 14. Yes, it was a very ambitious idea for two small youth organizations. And yes, it was challenging. But no, I am not totally crazy. Aside from raising funds for our organizations, Dance Valley Dance was inspired by our desire to host a collaborative, community event for the youth in our valley. Michaela Idhammar from Aspen Youth Center approached me in the fall of 2017 with this idea, and I was thrilled about the opportunity to create a fun annual event that would bring our organizations, our participants, and our supporters together. Partnering with Aspen Youth Center felt so natural, as we share the same passion for empowering youth. Aspen Youth Center and Stepping Stones both strive to provide free, quality youth programs to our valley, and we wanted to celebrate our unique participants and supporters. And boy, did we celebrate! The day started off with a high energy Zumba class lead by the wonderful Luis Olmedo. Other talented movers kept the day busy, including Alexandra Jerunicka with Coredination and Bonedale Ballet, Shannon Jones, and yoga instructor Emilee Phelan. Between instructors, there was never a dull moment, thanks to the upbeat hits curated by DJ Dylan from Aspen DJs and the Aspen High School DJ club. Twelve hours of dancing required constant nourishment, which was provided by local favorites Coloradough, Peppino’s Pizza, Rocky Mountain Pizza Company, and a full catered

dinner from Aspen Skiing Company. Carbondale Recreation Center was a gracious host, providing a fun and flexible space that kept our participants entertained the whole day. We are incredibly grateful to all of these individuals and organizations for making our event possible! What made this event a true success was our youth. These young voices are fighting for what they believe in — or in this case, dancing for it. Our youth participants were the life of this event, from the money they all raised in sponsorships, to the energy they kept up for the whole twelve hours. Beyond the fun they have at Stepping Stones and Aspen Youth Center, youth are fighting for our spaces because of the hope we provide for their futures. I am so thankful for the families and community members coming alongside us to empower youth in the Roaring Fork Valley. It might require us to go over the top, do more than the baseline, and dance for 12 hours. It will certainly be ambitious and challenging. But it will never be crazy. Becca Rogers Stepping Stones

Foxes, chickens and ground squirrels Dear Editor: People who raise chickens don’t like foxes because they raid chicken houses and kill chickens.

Parting Shot

I understand that. But trapping, shooting or poisoning foxes is not the best way to prevent chickens from being preyed upon by foxes. White Hill in Carbondale used to support a lively fox population, which included at least one black fox. The foxes were not afraid of people walking by and provided much enjoyment watching them frolic in the area. Then suddenly they disappeared. Now the ground squirrel population in the area is growing, as natural predators like foxes are no longer around to keep their numbers in check. Can it be that hard to foxproof chicken coops by embedding fences in concrete to discourage foxes from digging under them? We have lost a wonderful member of our local fauna and I think it is time to start becoming aware of the effect of species destruction on the ecology of our area. Dingos of Australia were decimated by early settlers who wanted to stop predation of their sheep herds. Little did they realize the devastating effects this would have on rodent populations, which exploded and ruined their crops. Perhaps a little education on how to manage wildlife would be appropriate to insure that we do not drive out species that give our area its charm. We cared about bald eagles; maybe it is time to start caring about preserving our local fox populations too. Fred Pulver Carbondale

Unclassifieds Submit to unclassifieds@soprissun.com by Friday 12 p.m. Rates: $15 for 30 words, $20 for up to 50 words. Payment due before publication.*

THE GOOD SEED COMMUNITY GARDEN is accepting registrations for organic gardeners who would like to start or continue gardening with GSCG located at 110 Snowmass Drive, Carbondale. For sign-up packets and to enroll, contact Melissa at The Orchard church office next door, or call her for details. GET THE WORD OUT IN UNCLASSIFIEDS! Rates start at $15. Email unclassifieds@soprissun.com. *Credit card payment information should be emailed to unclassifieds@soprissun.com or call 970-274-1076. Checks may be dropped off at our office at the Third Street Center or mailed to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. Call 510-3003 for more info.

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Outgoing trustee Frosty Merriott shook hands with incoming trustee Lani Kitching after the swearing in on April 24. “Have vision, follow your heart, live with as few regrets as possible… believe in yourself and find someone else who believes in you and whatever you do finish strong,” Merriott told a packed room of well wishers — including numerous local public servants past and present — before heading off to celebrate at the Pour House. Incidentally, the uncontested candidates in the canceled Carbondale and Rural Fire board election were also recently sworn in, with Michael Hassig, Michael Kennedy and Gretchen Stock Bell slated for four year terms and Gene Schilling for a two year term. Photo by Will Grandbois

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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • APRIL 26 - MAY 2, 2018 • 15

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