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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Carbondale’s weekly

community connector

Amanda Stroder and Austin Dean Parks

Brittany and Ilse Foss

Volume 10, Number 14 | May 10, 2018

Elly Harder with Jade and Willa Schachter

Betsy and Arbaney After


Beth Grieser and Edan Guimond

Chelsea and Stella Mae Robson

Photos by Mark Burrows, rfvphoto.com

Cassidy and Brooke Sanderson

See more photos on pages 10-11 and at www.soprissun.com

Katie Grey Walker and Emile Grey-Jinks

Sara and Julia Erickson

Holly and Scout Buell

970.963.5880 On the SE Corner of Hwy 133 and Main Street in Carbondale




Carbondale Commentary

The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, email editor Will Grandbois at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.

Don’t let politics get in the way of family When it was all said and done, my husband spent six weeks in Through all those years we could agree to disagree about many isthe miserable land of the injured. A world many of you know is sues, but mostly we’d just steer clear of political conversations and filled with extreme pain, a dizzying dosage of painkillers, crutches focus on playing cards and throwing back a few beers. They could that leave the armpits raw, and that depressing feeling of will I look past the fact that I was this liberal minded Aspen kid going to ever get my normal life back? CU Boulder. I, in turn, could forgive the fact that they Thank God after Dan’s complicated knee surgery watched Fox News around the clock and ignored the we had neighbors, friends and coworkers drop off books on her shelf that had titles like “How to Talk meals and give us extra help with our kids. to a Liberal (If you must).” My mother-in-law, in particular, was a total rock Fast forward to the presidential election of 2016. star. She dropped everything in her life and came to We all know what happened that night. We know our rescue. And during the time she was living with who won and who lost and exactly how we felt as us she somehow was able to refresh my memory on a the states on our TV screens started turning red. On significant matter I had lost sight of. a macro scale that decision skewed our politics and Let’s just say after Trump came into office, I may spun our country in to a very divisive, opinionated, have been guilty of recoiling and might have avoided hateful spiritual crisis of sorts. On a micro scale it this really sweet, caring woman. It is totally ridicumay have caused distance between families, and poslous because she is a person rooted in love and comsibly distracted some of us (*ahem* like me) from passion for her family, but I was off too busy keeping what and who truly matter in our lives. my distance to remember that. Maybe we wrongfully started believing we beWhen I was younger I assumed all mother-in-law longed to a different tribe and even falling into the By Judith Ritschard and daughter-in-law relationships were doomed from blame game. Maybe we were afraid and felt for some the get go. There was so much that that hinted at the fact that I reason or another somewhat vulnerable and told ourselves we was not even supposed to like this woman. All the different cul- had to stay at a distance to protect our little family from… well, tures that surrounded me had their snarky mother-in-law jokes. I’m not exactly sure. Criticism? Conflict? Maybe I was just beAnd, come to think of it, my own mother’s relationship with her wildered by the fact that that someone I cared for so much could suegra was a rocky one. I was pretty well convinced mine would support a president that was so outspoken about people like mebe the same. a Mexican immigrant. But, back in 1999 when I met my future mother-in-law, Jackie, It’s unsettling to think how easy it was for me to distance I thought she was pretty cool. She was a gracious host, a good myself from family when our national politics got ugly. And how storyteller, and always made sure everyone was well fed and com- easy it was to point fingers from afar. It took our little mini crisis fortable in her country home. The only thing she was guilty of was for me to realize that sometimes at the front lines are the very trying to fatten us up with homemade pies, and the fluffiest bis- people we push away. cuits and gravy made from scratch. Every time we hugged farewell During this time when our country is so at odds, I think it’s it was easy to forgive her for my plumper waistline. As we drove especially important to remember that we need to check our polback to our life in Boulder, Dan and I always looked forward to itics at the door when dealing with loved ones and maybe, just the next time we’d see his mom. maybe we need to pull these people in closer. Up close is when Over the years our relationship with his parents was easy you see them magnified into who they truly are and where love considering our incredibly different backgrounds and politics. and family clearly transcends politics.


Bits & Pieces


The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 500 words via email at news@soprissun.com or 250 words via snail mail at P.O. Box 399, Carbondale CO 81623. Letters exceeding that length may be returned for revision or submission as a guest column; please include your name, town, and contact information. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday.

Dandelions, dogs, children and a great town Dear Editor: Dandelion Day, and the celebration of Carbondale’s town flower is coming up, and I am proud to tell anyone who will listen that my town does not spray its town park, or any other town property, especially a dandelion. Dandelions were brought over by Europeans for food and medicine. The entire plant is edible, the greens are packed with vitamins and the root supports liver health and can be made into a coffee substitute. That is a short list of its benefits. But what happened was the plant showed up in the wrong place, in our yards, and our wonderfully managed green, green

Correction A story on teen suicide in the March 22 issue of the Sun contains a quote regarding a “should-have-been ninth grader” which has been interpreted to give an incorrect cause of death for a specific child. Kelsie Goodman has taken responsibility

lawns. I imagine that’s how it came to be called a weed. But it is a food and a medicine folks. If one has the time to research the subject of all the different chemicals out there, one will find that our offsprings have over 200 chemicals in their umbilical cords and I’m sure a few of those are the “-cides” of today. Remember DDT? It’s in the breast milk of every woman in the world. And then there’s Roundup, a new form of DDT that is said to increase the risk of non-hodgkin’s lymphoma in humans by 50 percent. The list of the health dangers to humans and to animals from herbicides, pesticides and fungicides goes on and on, not to mention the soil itself. for the misstatement. The quote was removed from the online version, but had already made its way into print. Goodman recognizes the emotional impact of the false statement in this situation and extends a heartfelt apology for any harm caused to the family, friends, and memory

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • MAY 10-16, 2018

Let’s talk about animals for a minute. Many dogs are dying younger and younger, and today one out of three die of cancer. Our dogs are closer to the ground, don’t wear shoes and even roll in grass, so they are more at risk of direct exposure, so I have to wonder if spraying poisons is a factor to this epidemic of cancer. And yes, Weed and Feed has 2, 4-D and half the ingredients of Agent Orange. Look it up. But don’t read the information from a chemical company. Read the truth from other sources. Now let’s get on to celebrating our town flower. Let us celebrate the leading edge town of Carbondale! We love dandelions! We are cognizant of its properties. Every LETTERS page 18 of the referenced student. Additionally, posthumous award winner Hanya Gottardo’s name was misspelled in a story on Festival Las Americas in the May 3 edition. Also, since the interview for that story, Garfield County agreed not to charge the full $255 permit to sell margaritas.

Sincerest thanks to our Honorary Publishers

for their generous, ongoing commitment of support. Jim Calaway, Chair Kay Brunnier Bob Ferguson – Jaywalker Lodge Scott Gilbert – Habitat for Humanity RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger

Thank you to our SunScribers and community members for your support! It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

To inform, inspire and build community. Donate online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Carol Fabian • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Reporter: Megan Tackett Photographer: Jane Bachrach Graphic Designer: Terri Ritchie Delivery: Tom Sands Current Board Members board@soprissun.com Marilyn Murphy, President Raleigh Burleigh, Vice President Stacey Bernot, Secretary Barbara Dills, Treasurer Debbie Bruell • Cliff Colia Olivia Pevec • Nicolette Toussaint John Colson The Sopris Sun Board meets regularly on the second Monday evening of each month at the Third Street Center.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

Goodman leaves lasting legacy at RFHS By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff There’s nothing Kelsie Goodman values more than community, but sometimes that can lead to difficult decisions. Case in point, moving to Basalt for a temporary teaching position six years ago, and leaving her position as vice principal at Roaring Fork High School to move back home. “I think it’s always been the right choice and it’s always been hard,” she said. “If I didn’t have family I was returning to, I could stay in Carbondale forever. I feel like all parts of me are alive in a way I’ve never experienced.”

The long road Still, those parts have their roots in the small-town soil of Colfax, Iowa. “People show up to games and the school is kinda the heartbeat of the town, which I love,” Goodman said. “Both of my grandmothers taught in one-room schoolhouses and books were 90 percent of the presents we got, so education was definitely it.” Although folks who know her now may find it hard to believe, Goodman characterized herself as a rather melancholy child until she made a conscious decision to look on the bright side. “I think I had this realization that you are your choices, so it’s putting on your proverbial golden high heels and doing the best with what you’re given,” she said. She developed a taste for travel at an early age despite her parents’ disinclination. She was particularly taken with Spanish speaking countries, thanks in part to an influential teacher, and traveled and studied abroad at every opportunity. Although she pursued a masters in education from Truman State University in Missouri, she wasn’t truly hooked until she started student teaching Spanish at a small school nearby. When a formal position opened up, she took it. “There weren’t very many native Spanish speakers, so it was a very different role,” Goodman noted. As such, when a temporary teacher was needed in Basalt, she jumped at the chance. “Who doesn’t want to be in Colorado?” she queried.

Beyond the classroom Her year with the Rams’ midvalley rivals is something Goodman has yet to live down — “Kids still bring it up everytime I wear purple,” she laughed — but it was Roaring Fork that really brought things to the next level. “The people who had a big impact on me as a kid were the teachers,” Goodman noted. “After working with three sets of administrators, I began to see the difference they make, especially at small schools.” So when Barbara Mason announced she would be stepping down as vice principal at the end of the 201314 school year, Goodman decided to go for the job. She got the gig, and suddenly found herself expected to lead meetings she’d never even attended as a Spanish teacher. Luckily, she had plenty of mentorship and a special program through the University of Denver to answer a lot of questions before the start of the school year. Students soon picked up on her enthusiasm and dedication, and her Spanish proved invaluable in the new role. “Our different communities communicate differently, and as a bilingual thinker I get to be in both worlds,” she noted. “How we raise and educate our kids is the most important thing… It’s hard enough to come to school every day. I want to make it as engaging as possible.” Over the past four years, the school has excelled academically — boasting increased enrollment, attendance

A Goodman is hard to find. Photo by Jane Bachrach and test scores — which Goodman characterizes as a team effort. “You can’t grow in isolation. Roaring Fork has been wildly successful, and none if it is attributable to one person,” she noted. “I think I get a lot of credit for things our teachers are doing every day. Everyone cares about the same things I do.” Even so, she became something of a symbol to parents and the community at large when she was passed over for the principal in 2017 despite significant public support. It was a difficult position for a positive person. “We were having this wonderful year and people just wanted to talk about one thing,” she said. The students, however, took an inclusive approach with a waffle-in instead of a walk-out — inspired in part by comparisons between Goodman and Leslie Knope of “Parks and Recreation.” “It represented the best of who we are,” she said. “It unified us and helped us take a step forward.” Her resignation a year later has reopened that discussion, and Goodman is keen to put the rumors to rest. “It would have been a different situation, but I’m not leaving because I didn’t get it,” she said. “I went into it wanting the position, but I don’t have hard feelings about it at all.”

Homeward bound

my family.” She’s confident the school will do just fine without her, thanks to the efforts of others and the systems she helped shape. She has particular pride in Roaring Fork’s trauma resources and the popularity and quality of the all-school meetings. “I’m focusing on leaving a worthy legacy,” she said. “That’s what outlasts you.” Principal Brett Stringer thinks she’s accomplished that in spades. “The culture we’ve built is a huge testament to her, and she’s set it up in such a way that it can continue,” he said. Junior Roland Clemente agreed. “She encourages and supports everyone. She brings a good vibe to the school that makes you want to do better,” he said. “We’re going to miss her.” Goodman is excited about her next job, an administrative position at a 6/7 middle school, and is eagerly awaiting the announcement of her replacement at Roaring Fork — which could come as soon as next week. In fact, she has a laundry list of events she’s looking forward to in the next month, from the art show to awards night to graduation. She’s honored to be serving as commencement speaker for Precollegiate. And while she has no concrete plans about when she’s actually moving, she’s already made plans to return for Graduation 2019 — if not before.

Since almost the day she moved West, Goodman has been receiving Uhaul coupons from her father in the mail. Her two siblings have moved back home, her airEnd-of-year events line miles are used for flights to Des Moines instead of Art show: May 21-23 globe-hopping and Facetiming into family dinners isn’t Pops concert: May 22 cutting it anymore. “The homing device has been going off stronger and Rams Day: May 25 stronger,” she explained. “We are complete products of Graduation: June 2 the people with whom we live, and I think I’ve always known that I wanted to live closer to the community of The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MAY 10-16, 2018 • 3


Send your scuttlebutt to news@soprissun.com.

Yellow journalism

from Oregon Health and Science University in 2005 and has worked for the past twelve years as a Physician Assistant in family practice and adolescent medicine. Sheenjoys taking care of the families in the community and loves the challenge and diversity of family practice, where she is inspired to make personal connections with people, both in practice and in her personal life.

The Sopris Sun is looking ahead this Dandelion Day with the kick-off of our summer sunflower contest. We’ll be awarding prizes for the biggest and best individual plants and arrangements in August, but you can stop by our booth at the park Saturday to sign up, “pick-pocket” some seeds and color in original art by Raleigh Burleigh.

Scenic school

Common law Basalt Regional Library is holding a free legal clinic from 5 to 7 p.m. May 10. Volunteer attorneys will assist one-on-one, via computer link for a max of 15 minutes. Sign-up at the front desk prior to the day of the clinic. If time allows, walk-ins are welcome.

Queen of commerce Congratulations to Andrea Stewart , who was awarded 2017 Chief Executive of the Year at the Colorado Chamber of Commerce Executives spring conference last week. On a related note, Garfield County Commissioner John Martin is slated to receive the 2018 Dale Sowards Outstanding Public Lands Official Award.

Be the change CORE, CLEER and the City of Aspen recently announced the winners of the Changemakers Challenge, a new social media contest activating high school communities of the Roaring Fork Valley to save energy. More than 1,900 valley youth participated in the program, attending assemblies with hip hop artist/climate activist Xiuhtezcatl Martinez and competing in the contest by posting 704 energy-saving actions on social media during a two-week period in April. Aspen High School won the top prize, but Roaring Fork High Schoolers Chelsey Serrano and Izzy Knaus took fourth and fifth place, respectively, among student winners.


Spring is busting out all over, with what seems like an unusually spectacular fruit tree bloom. Appropriately, the Tree Board and Town Arborist celebrated Arbor Day last weekend, so if you see them around be sure to thank them for their continued enhancements to our urban canopy. Photo by Will Grandbois

Spin your wheels Roaring Fork Cycling is offering free after-school mountain bike clubs for students in fifth through eighth grade. Learn new skills, ride local trails, and have fun outside from 3:45 to 6 p.m. Tuesdays in May at Carbondale Middle School. Students from neighboring schools are welcome to join, no prior experience is necessary and all abilities welcome. Additional resources are available if a student in need requires a bike or helmet. Contact Jon Delk for more information at jon.delk@roaringforkcycling.org.

Someone didn’t eat their apples Carbondale native Ivy Hansen has rejoined Roaring Fork Family Practice, where she worked from 2007-2013 before leaving to pursue other opportunities. Hansen received her master’s degree in Physician Assistant Studies

someone you love.


MON – SUN 8 am to 6 pm v t r u e n a t u re h e a l i n ga r t s . c o m 100 N 3RD ST • C ARBONDALE 970.963 .9 900

4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • MAY 10-16, 2018

Colorado Rocky Mountain School was recently named the most beautiful school in the state by Zoë Miller of thisisinsider.com. Featuring a photo of The Barn, the brief entry mentions Sopris and the rugged ambiance of its past as a ranch as reasons for the pick. See the full list at tinyurl.com/beautifulschools.

Dam the consequences Work to replace the dam at Sylvan Lake State Park is under way and Colorado Parks and Wildlife is advising visitors to be aware of a few, temporary inconveniences this summer, including heavy construction traffic. Park officials will drain the reservoir, leaving a small conservation pool for remaining fish. In the interest of public safety, the area around the lake is now closed to public use, including campgrounds, cabins and access to lake fishing. Other attractions remain accessible, including a four-mile section of the West Brush Creek Trail. Officials anticipate construction to be complete by winter.

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another year of life this week include: Kay Bell (May 10); Mark Chain (May 11); Renee Prince, J David Taylor, Megan Cook, Jimmy Byrne, Camy Britt and Bill Jochems (May 13); Doc Philip and Steve Standiford (May 14); Lindsay Dudycha, Kellie Land, Jenny Cutright and Greg Masse (May 15); Cynthia Butterfield and Fred Pulver and Aaron Luttrell (May 16).

Local apothecary highlights the people behind the products By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff When walking into Wyatt’s Apothecary at 259 Main St., it’s easy not to notice the miniature bench at the entrance, a subtle nod to the store’s barely-sixmonths-old namesake. Jeremy “Jambo” Morris is completely enamored with fatherhood, and he’s also relishing being a new shop owner. Like his son for whom he named it, the apothecary is still in early development. “We’re listening to the community, to what they want,” Morris said. “It’s a super fun concept to start out with, and the feedback we’re getting is even better. The direction I’m taking it — it’s more than I thought it was going to be. There’s more support than I could picture.” The space simultaneously feels like an established, almost old-world shop — with tinctures, salves and essential oils lining most of its walls — and still very much a work in progress: the back corner features newly built, still-empty shelves. A peek into the back room reveals bags of unsorted inventory. “What we’re trying to do is grow as a community. I want this center table to be for small-batch consignments, if you will,” he said, explaining his hopes that the shop can evolve into a gathering space for “medicine men and women” in the area. “I want to connect the dots for the communi-

ty. We want to work with this community, rather than being a retailer.” Morris is happy to answer questions about the products he brings into the apothecary, many of which contain cannabidiol (CBD), a chemical compound found in cannabis without psychoactive components. “I think a lot of people want to understand the medicine more,” he said, adding that some of his customers have expressed frustrations that information about CBD products isn’t more readily accessible — largely because of the federal government’s conflicting stances on the matter. “The government even patented it,” he said of United States Patent 6630507, which labels cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants. “If this stuff doesn’t get you high, and you can literally buy stuff that gets you high right down the street at the dispensary, why are we so concerned about the stuff that helps you?” he posed. That said, Morris wants to educate, not mislead. “It’s not like we’re trying to sell hemp as the cure-all; it’s more about having a multitude of products that have been used in traditional medicine and adding a lot of daily healthy-living practice,” he said. “Then you’re the cure, not the stuff you’re taking. You’re your own billion-dollar regenerating machine. You have to have a little bit of faith in yourself, then add education, then add personal choice.”


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Jeremy “Jambo” Morris holds his son Wyatt, for whom he named his new apothecary venture on Main Street. Photo by Jane Bachrach Morris encourages people to have a conversation with an herbalist or doctor about their health goals, then talk to him about what they’re looking for in terms of product. He prides himself in not just knowing the products but knowing from where and whom they came. It’s a cornerstone philosophy at the apothecary. “The field has evolved — it’s much more established,” Morris said. “If you fol there’s more trust in it. low the right path, There’s more testing; there’s more research being done. Everything that a consumer

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that’s looking for safety wants is there.” It’s not unlike the food industry, he said. “That farm-to-table concept, the same thing’s going on with medicine, with hemp, [and it] should be going on with cannabis,” he said. “It’s a conscious movement that can be applied to so many different aspects of our culture and our day-to-day living.” Reporter’s note: U.S. Patent 6630507, which identifies cannabinoids as both an antioxidant and neuroprotecant, can be found in full at tinyurl.com/USPatent-CBD

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Bike Swap This Saturday! What: Buy clothing, parts. What: Buy and andsell Sellused usedbikes, bikes,accessories, accessories, clothing, parts. Find outSaturday, about Roaring Clinics, Programs! When: May 12.Fork BikeCycling’s drop off Camps, is 4:30-7:30 p.m.and Friday, May 11 or 7:30-9:30 a.m. Saturday, Maydrop 12. Swap is from at 10 8am. a.m. toSwap 2 p.m. When: Saturday, May 6. Bike off starting from 10-2. Where: Crown Mountain Where: Roaring Fork High Park. School How: split on all bike & bike related sales: Cost: Revenue Free 80% to seller/20% Cycling, Crown How: Revenue splittoonRoaring all bikeFork & bike-related sales: Mountain BMX and Aspen/Basalt HS Composite Team. 80% to seller/20% to Roaring Fork Cycling, local high Cash only. schooltransactions mountain bike teams, Crown Mountain BMX. Cash and credit cards accepted. For all info: the info, visit www.roaringforkcycling.org or More info@roaringforkcycling.org email us at info@roaringforkcycling.org www.roaringforkcycling.org. THIS COMMUNITY AD SPACE DONATED BY COOL BRICK STUDIOS.

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MAY 10-16, 2018 • 5

Carbondale to Crested Butte trail back with a draft By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff Late last year, the Pitkin County Open Space and Trails (OST) staff received more than 500 individual survey responses from the public regarding the Carbondale to Crested Butte trail. Now, it’s released a draft plan for the 83mile proposed trail, with another survey available. Planners are embracing a slow development process in order to ensure the public feels sufficiently heard in all stages, OST Director Gary Tennenbaum emphasized. “They started talking about this in the early ‘90s, trying to connect this,” he said. “It was kind of like the Rio [Grande Trail] is, trying to create connections between communities and trying to provide safe passage along pretty busy highway corridors. It’s going to be open to all non motorized users.” The draft plan outlines proposals for extending the existing paved, multi-use trail 13 miles to Redstone, then transitioning to a seven-mile single-track section of the trail between Redstone and the McClure Pass summit — but it’s merely a recommendation, Tennenbaum noted. Gunnison County and Crested Butte are in similarly early planning stages for trail details for the other side of the pass. “The reality is a lot of the surface types haven’t been fully decided,” he said. “It was originally proposed, just to get the conversation started, to continue to pave past Redstone then go single-track to McClure; however, during the public comment period, they didn’t want to make that decision. We want to make it clear to people that a lot of those widths and surface decisions have not been made.” Preferences for hard versus soft trail surfaces were practically split in last year’s survey responses: 161 supported a soft-surface

Carbondale Carbondale Middle SchoolMiddle presents

School presents Community Barbeque Community Barbeque

Thursday, May 17 Thursday, May 17

Concert 11:15am12pm Concert 11:15-12:00 Lunch 12-1pm Lunch 12:00-1:00

Public process timeline Draft presentation: 7 p.m. May 10, Church at Redstone Draft presentation: 6 p.m. May 16, Carbondale Town Hall Draft presentation: 5:30 p.m. May 21, Pitkin County Library Public listening session: 5 p.m. June 26, location TBA Public comment due: July 27 An overhead shot of the Crystal Valley. Photo by EcoFlight trail, citing it as less expensive and less intrusive to wildlife; 151 lobbied for a hard surface because of accessibility concerns, especially for road bikers. In fact, there were several comments from the public urging OST to keep bikers in particular mind when considering the future trail’s user experience. “Outreach to cycling enthusiasts will be helpful throughout the process,” one person wrote in a survey response. “While many cyclists will take note of the general outreach methods throughout the process, this is a long distance trail that will see the most use — by mileage if not time — by cyclists.” The other major concern for OST moving forward is wildlife, Tennenbaum mentioned more than once. From whether or not dogs and horses will be allowed to seasonal closures, it comes down to how those decisions will impact wildlife — particularly bighorn sheep and elk. “Obviously, sections that are next to the highway could be

open potentially more, except for snow plowing,” he said. “It’s really going to depend on where the trail is and the wildlife issues surrounding that specific section.”

“We’re moving forward with phases that in the first round have received more support.” The bigger picture While the logistical details are still very much open to debate, there is overarching support for the project. Of the initial survey responders, 82 percent expressed support for the trail, though opinions differed about whether it should follow the highway

corridor or deviate to east of the river. Additionally, the Carbondale Board of Trustees expressed its support, though it recommended a slow, public development process that accounts for landowners’ concerns, according to the plan most recently released by OST. At the state level, the trail represents one of the more ambitious aspects of Gov. John Hickenlooper’s Colorado the Beautiful’s initiative that envisions every Colorado resident living 10 minutes from a trail, park or other green space. In January 2016, Hickenlooper announced his highest-priority trails — known as Colorado’s 16 — and the Carbondale to Crested Butte trail made the list. In December 2016, Great Outdoors Colorado awarded the project a $100,000 grant, and OST

committed an additional $200,000. Then, in January 2017, OST held public meetings in both Redstone and Carbondale to collect feedback about the newly acknowledged Colorado’s 16 trail plan — those meetings attracted about 130 public members, a notably high turnout. “We’re trying to deal with the issues we heard from the public [about],” Tennenbaum said. “We’re moving forward with phases that in the first round have received more support.” With the new release of the trail plan, additional public meetings have been scheduled. Interested Carbondalians can attend a presentation 6 p.m. on Wednesday, May 16 at Town Hall. The current survey, available until July 27, can be found at tinyurl.com/CrystalValleyTrail. The full draft plan can be viewed at pitkinOSTprojects.com.

Crown Mountain Park tax narrowly approved Voters in the Crown Mountain Park and Recreation District came out narrowly in favor of the 7A mill levy increase on May 8. 1178 votes back the tax hike, while 1106 opposed it, according to unofficial results on the district’s website (crownmtn.org). Additionally, Tim Powersmith, Kirk Schneider and Jennifer Riffle officially obtained four-year terms in an unopposed election.

PUBLIC NOTICE CMS Barbeque CMSCommunity Community Barbeque and andConcert Concert You‛retoinvited to Farewell to 3 You’re invited Come say Come say Farewell to Best! 3 of our Best! of our TBT (Throwback Thursday) Thursday) TBT (Throwback

What: Like the Old Days, CMS will be serving a Community Barbeque with the grill out back. Join us for a complimentary lunch and wish happiness to Rita, Nicki, and MOMG as they head into their new journey of retirement! When: Thursday, May 17th Concert 11:15-12:00, CMS Auditorium Barbeque 12:00-1:00, Cafe and Patio

6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • MAY 10-16, 2018

REQUEST FOR BIDS Town of Carbondale

Enterprise Telephone System This Request for Proposals (RFP) is intended to solicit proposals from offerers capable of satisfying the Town of Carbondale’s needs for an enterprise telephone system. Offerers shall provide a response outlining the roll-out of a Hosted Voice over IP (VoIP) telephone system. Bids are due by May 18, 2018. Contact Gene Schilling at 970- 963-2662 or eks@carbondaleco.net with questions.

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Aspen LANDFILL, which Accepts such items for overseas distribution. por favor entregue artículos rotos o dañados al Aspen Land Fill Please donate only during business hours. Tuesday – Friday, 10:30 AM - 4 PM Por favor done durante el horario comercial


Town Report

The following items are drawn from Town Manager Jay Harrington’s weekly report to staff, trustees and others.

DANDELION DAY includes a series of events to highlight activities and products associated with sustainability, community, and Spring. First, a public Q&A entitled “Farmer’s Night Out” from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, May 11, at Steve’s Guitars. Directly after that, move over to Green Line Architects for the Resilient Design Competition Finale. Then start again at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 12, followed by artisans, information, music and beer in Sopris Park. Finally, catch the documentary “How We Grow” with two free screenings at 5 and 7 p.m. Saturday at the Crystal Theatre.

CRACK SEALING continues due to weather delays, with chip sealing slated for the next couple of weeks in the same areas. OPEN POSITIONS for maintenance and utility supervisor are being advertised, with a closing day of May 14. LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION is full for the first class, but another one will be held June 15-17. For more information, contact Margaret Donnelly at 510-1280. THE GAZEBO at Sopris Park received its summer baffles. Park crews also cut sod on the baseball diamonds, tested irrigation systems and did repairs on the community garden.

REC. CENTER SUMMER HOURS are 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Summer programs available for registration now; sign up at carbondalerec.com.

GATEWAY RV PARK is open for the season. There’s a two week stay limit, wifi, a bath house and hookups and it’s pet friendly. For more information, contact the camp host at 379-8151.

BIKE LESSONS for 6 to 12 year olds are open for registration at carbondalerec.com. The classes will focus on basic bike skills as well as pumping, jumping and cornering at North Face Park beginning in June.

SPRING CLEANUP saw slightly more attendance than last year, with tire collection parcicularly popular.

THE SNOWMASS DRIVE TRAIL is out for bids. Plans and specifications are available at carbondalegov.org and bids are due by 2 p.m. May 14. RED HILL CONTRACT negotiations are underway with DHM and Singletrack Trails to design and build trails on the property recently acquired by Aspen Valley Land Trust. The public will have multiple chances for input if things move ahead. Folks can also sign up for trail work days at rfov.org. A DITCH PIPE under Euclid between Fourth Street and Weant had to be unclogged.

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PLANNING AND ZONING will consider a special review request for a ground floor residential and increased density for an all deed-restricted project in the Kay Planned Unit Development on May 10. There would be 30 rental units in the development which range from 416 sq. ft. to 936 sq. ft. The restrictions would be between 50 to 80 percent AMI. SALES TAX for April was 13.2 percent higher than in 2017, with a volunteer vendor of construction supplies accounting for 4 percent in a one-time return. Year to date, tax collections are up 9.3 percent. A NEW TOWN WEBSITE is expected to launch in eight to 12 weeks.




Cop Shop From April 27 through May 3, Carbondale Police handled 200 calls for service. During that period, officers investigated the following cases of note: SATURDAY April 28 at 2:11 a.m. A traffic stop for a defective tail light and failure to maintain a lane led to the arrest of a 17-year-old on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. SUNDAY April 29 at 9:21 a.m. Police arrested a woman following a stop-and-hold request out of Glenwood Springs. SUNDAY April 29 at 4:08 p.m. A 39-year-old was issued a summons for driving with a revoked license. MONDAY April 30 at 8:16 p.m. Someone reported that a man had taken a $1,500 Cannondale bike out of an open garage. THURSDAY May 3 at 6:45 p.m. A cyclist involved in an accident with a car sustained minor injuries but declined a ride to the hospital. Additionally, charges are pending for four juveniles suspected in the burglary of three marijuana dispensaries in the midvalley.

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Single hauler, required recycling favored as trustees talk trash By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff After years of discussion, Carbondale’s Board of Trustees seem poised to get directly involved in municipal waste diversion with the goal of increasing landfill diversion and reducing street impacts and wildlife interactions. Although significant public discussion is still required before a final decision, the board was able to find some consensus on key issues during the longest and best attended agenda item at the May 9 meeting. The trustees were assisted by specialist Laurie Batchelder Adams of LBA Associates. She emphasized the urgency of diversion (South Canyon and Pitkin County landfills are both nearing the end of their lifespan), the potential conflicts and compatibility between their goals (fewer pickup days could mitigate both traffic and appeal for bears) and compromises for some of the most common sticking points. For Carbondale, the first big hangup was the possibility of a single hauler. There seemed little support among the trustees for a return to a municipal service or an entirely unregulated system, but that left two strong options: a public contract with a private company or a free market with some regulation. Mayor Dan Richardson and Trustee Ben Bohmfalk were the most vocal proponents of the contract. “Waste Hauling seems to be one of those things in the economy that the free market doesn’t serve well,” Bohmfalk said. “Communities like Rifle, Silt and New Castle have a public contract with a private hauler and it’s working there.” Trustee Marty Silverstein wasn’t so sure. “Some attempt at free market or competition would be beneficial to the consumer,” he said. “I don’t want to be told who I have to go to.” And while Batchelder Adams pointed out that single hauler can actually involve multiple companies — with independent contracts for each service or district — that still wouldn’t address the issue of choice. That also played into the question of whether homeowners associations could opt out of the town’s hauler — particu-

larly since three of the largest already have single-hauler contracts of their own. Again, Silverstein had concerns. “If this is the town ordinance, and this is the standard we’re setting, how do they get a chance to opt out?” he queried. Trustee Heather Henry had a solution that seemed palatable: grandfather in existing contracts, but don’t allow an optout option for other HOAs or individuals. Whether public comment from self-hauling residents altered that stance wasn’t immediately apparent. Henry also posed a middle-of-the-road solution on bear-proof containers: stick with the current policy that encourages indoor storage, but supply and bill repeat violators for an approved can. The board did seem in agreement about the advantages of volumetric pricing — which could be further incentivized with an ordinance change or contract — and mandatory recycling. Mandatory organics collection, however, seemed a nonstarter, with an estimated 10 percent of Carbondale households using existing services (compared to 70 percent for recycling). Besides, trustee Luis Yllanes noted, “a lot of people compost at home.” The board will meet with stakeholders next before deciding whether to draft an ordinance or set another public meeting next.

In addition, trustees: Discussed feedback to convey to the Roaring Fork Transportation Agency about the potential for a mill levy increase. (“There’s going to be a lot of competition for taxpayer dollars,” Silverstein noted. “Take it back to [RFTA] that they don’t have a blank check by any means.”) Continued a Thompson Park extension request discussion until the June 12 meeting, when other aspects of the long-pending development are scheduled. Approved a special warranty deed, conservation easement and design-build contract agreement for the Red Hill property. Considered options for providing dedicated pickleball courts, with a potential location near North Face Park slated for negotiation with the fire board.

Purge your Spurge & Sock the Rocket Get rid of these highly invasive noxious weeds and get FREE landscape plants! THE REWARD IS: A $20 Mountain Valley Greenhouse voucher for each 13-gallon bag of pulled spurge or rocket.

Dame’s rocket

Cypress spurge

Myrtle spurge

Now - June 30, 2018 NEW FOR 2018! This year, besides its aim to enlist the public in helping to control Myrtle and Cypress spurge, Garfield County Vegetation Management will also focus on another aggressive noxious weed - Dame’s rocket. It is an ornamental plant that has invaded several areas in Garfield County. It has been found in No Name, along Midland Avenue, and in New Castle.

How: Pull and bag your spurge or Dame’s rocket. Contact a sponsor, see list below. They’ll come to you and verify it’s Myrtle or Cypress spurge or Dame’s rocket, and give you a voucher that you may exchange for landscape or garden plants at the Mountain Valley Greenhouse in Glenwood Springs.

Pulling tips: For spurge, try to remove at least 4 inches of the root. Collect the plants in plastic bags. Dispose of bagged spurge/rocket in your trash. DO NOT COMPOST!

Sign up: Contact a project sponsor near you: • Garfield County (379-4456) • CSU Extension (625-3969) • Conservation Districts (404-3438)

Sponsored by: Garfield County Vegetation Management, CSU Extension, CSU Master Gardeners, Bookcliff, Caution! Mount Sopris and South Side Spurge ha s white Conservation Districts, Mountain sap that c an cause skin irritati Valley Greenhouse and the City on. Wear g loves, long of Glenwood Springs. sleeve

s, and long p ants when pull ing.

Students of the month (from left) Ramona Benis, Mackayla Bryan and Donny Read. Not pictured: Jasper Grimm and Trevin Schuster. Photo by Will Grandbois The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MAY 10-16, 2018 • 9


Photos by Mark Burrows, rfvphoto.com

Kelsey and Chloe Monroe Koski

Jenn and Axton Alberts

Rose and Anthony Rossello

Jessica Bartlett and Hunter Chapman

Andrea and Violet Glen Peña Harris

A special heartfelt Thank You with LOVE to Mother, Mammy and Katie and especially to you Carly for a job well done! And from Carly to her sweet “Momma" She was never too old to sit on her lap.

Don’t Miss the CRMS Plant Sale Saturday, May 19, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. • Sunday, May 20, 1-3 p.m. 500 Holden Way Carbondale

Vegetable plants, herbs, annual and perennial flowers, onion sets, seed potatoes. Proceeds benefit the CRMS garden program. www.crms.org/plantsale

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Nancy and Riot Allen

Angie and Remy Davlyn

Sarah and Cooper Whitworth

Maggie Kincheloe and Ruby Strevig

Dina and Ivan Badgett

Regina and James “Cash” Piccione

Tatjana and Liv Maria Harris

Stacy and Maciek Mrotek



Jamie Engan and Thomas Marzec

Karen and Aurora Ruiz

to the Roaring Fork Valley’s newest moms and babies. See them all online at www.soprissun.com A special thank you to Mark Burrows (rfvphoto.com) for taking all of the wonderful photos and for all of the moms and babies who have graced the pages of this traditional Mother’s Day issue. The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MAY 10-16, 2018 • 11

Community Calendar THURSDAY May 10

ZEN BARRE CLASS • Join Sana Rappaport at 9 a.m. at the CMC Lappala Center (690 Colorado Ave.) for a free class that follows the principles of Barre, Yoga, Strength Training and Pilates with an emphasis on Ballet. BTALK • The fifth in a series of community conversations takes place at 5:30 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits). This one features inspiring women Katie Hone Wiltgen, Director of Education and Community Programming for Aspen Music Festival and School; Leticia Ingram, 2016 Colorado Teacher of the Year and Marlene Manown, first female instructor for Colorado Outward Bound. Free and open to the public.

FRI to THU May 11-17

MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre (427 Main St.) presents “Tully” (R) at 7:30 p.m. May 11, 13, 15, 16, 17; “How We Grow” at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. May 12 and “Isle of Dogs” (PG-13) at 5:15 p.m. on May 13. Closed May 14.


TATS FOR CATS • White Lodge Tattoo & Gallery and Colorado Animal Rescue (2801 County Road 114) team up for an 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. benefit featuring nature and animal inspired tattoos (for people) at $40, $60 and $80 as well as a raffle. FARMERS NIGHT OUT • Connect with local agriculturalists for a lively evening of education starting at 5 p.m. at Steve’s

To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is noon on Monday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted.

Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.). At 7 p.m., things move over to Green Line Architects for the Resilient Design Competition finale. It’s all party of Dandelion Day weekend, so find out more at carbondaledandelionday.org. ODDVILLE • The curtain goes up on a hysterically indescribable piece of modern theatre — jammed with ingenious props, amplified physical comedy, complex multi-media imagery and a cool nostalgic score — at 8 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits). $24 in advance at tacaw. org or $29 at the door.


YOGA • MANA Foods sponsors a free Raja Sattvic Yoga and live gong class beginning at 8:15 a.m. at KDNK (76 S. Second St.). All levels welcome, bring mat, blanket and water. DANDELION DAY • A celebration of spring and Carbondale’s town flower with the Parade of Species down Main Street at 10 a.m. followed by artists, farmers, food vendors, brewers and musicians at Sopris Park. PAINT THE TOWN • Basalt High School’s National Honor Society invites you on a 5K run around Basalt beginning and ending at Arbaney Park. It all starts at 11 a.m. with 10 a.m. registration. It’s

Community Wildfire Protection Meeting Wildfire season is coming! Meet with wildfire professionals from Carbondale Fire and learn about current wildfire conditions and what you can do to protect your home.

Saturday May 19, 2018 • 9:30 AM

301 Meadowood • Carbondale Fire Headquarters Station

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Our loyal listeners can become your customers. Contact Greg (greg@kdnk.org) about underwriting.


We have monthly training meetings every third Thursday at 5:15pm. Contact Luke (luke@kdnk.org) for details. Renew online at KDNK.org/Donate See us 76 S. 2nd Street, Carbondale Mail us PO Box 1388, Carbondale, CO 81623

12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • MAY 10-16, 2018

$15 per person or $12 if you register in advance at active.com. BIKE SWAP • Sell your old bike or pick up a new ride — or just gear — from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Roaring Fork High School (2270 Highway 82) in Roaring Fork Cycling’s second annual event. More info at roaringforkcycling.org. FLOWER ARRANGING • Make a bouquet for your mom or someone else with help from Mountain Greenery from 11 a.m. to noon at Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.). Sign up in advance at the library or call 927-4311. HOW WE GROW • Two free screenings of the documentary featuring local farmers run at 5 and 7 p.m. at the Crystal Theatre (427 Main St.). COMEDY NIGHT • Headliner Steve Gastineau returns to Marble Distilling (150 Main St.) for an 8 p.m. performance. BEGINNER FLY FISHING • Roaring Fork Conservancy and Roaring Fork Valley Fly Fishing Club are teaming up to teach adults the basics of equipment, stream biology, aquatic insects, choice of flies for the stream, casting, and spend time fishing in the afternoon; all while surrounded by the beauty of the Roaring Fork River and nearby ponds at Coryell Ranch. The program runs from 9 a.m. to

3 p.m. and costs $80 for RFC members and $100 for nonmembers. Register at roaringfork.org.


SCIENCE • The Aspen Science Center transforms Basalt Middle School (51 School St.) with demonstrations and experiments for kids from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; 420 covers a light lunch. Info and tickets at aspensciencecenter.org.


TRAIL DIG • Join the crew from Aloha Mountain Cyclery and Roaring Fork Mountain Bike Association from 5 to 8 p.m. for one of three Tuesday evenings in May building and maintaining trails in the Prince Creek network. Registration at info@rfmba.org.


HANDMAID’S TALE • Catch the first episode of the television adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian drama at 5 p.m. at Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.).

Further Out THURSDAY May 17

KID FRIENDLY MUSIC • Matt Haslett and Pearl & Wood play Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) at 6 p.m. in a $15/person (kids 5 and under free) fundraiser for the Ross Montessori PTO. CALENDAR continued on page 13

Community Calendar

continued from page 12

Ongoing THREADS OF CHANGE • The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.) hosts “Art for Change” — featuring artists Jill Scher (curator), Wewer Keohane, Shannon Muse, Jill Sabella, and Jan Schubert in a variety of media to respond to a perceived needed change — and “Narrative Threads” — a traveling exhibition of works combining physical threads with narrative content. More info at carbondalearts.com. STICKS AND STONEWARE • The Carbondale Clay Center (135 Main St.) hosts “Sticks & Stoneware” — a fusion between local ceramic artists and woodworkers like John Cohorst, Liz Heller, Giselle Hicks, Matt Johnson, Dave Kodama, Brad Reed Nelson, Mark Tan, and Lea Tyler. HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION • Free opportunities include… One-hour consultation about heart attack prevention, plant-based nutrition, other medical issues. Call retired family doctor Greg Feinsinger, M.D. for appointment (379-5718). First Monday of every month catch a powerpoint presentation by Dr. Feinsinger about the science behind plant-based nutrition, 7 to 8:30 p.m., board room Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Fourth Monday of every month, plant-based potluck 6:30 p.m. Calaway Room, Third Street Center. All events supported by Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing. More information at www.davinikent.org. TRIVIA • Geeks Who Drink comes to Batch (358 Main St.) for free at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays.

COMMUNITY MEAL • Faith Lutheran Church (1340 Highway 133) hosts a free community meal from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the first and third Saturdays of the month. Info: 510-5046 or faithcarbondale. com. Carbondale Homeless Assistance also has its meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month. YAPPY HOUR • Colorado Animal Rescue’s Yappy Hour at the Marble Bar (150 Main St.) takes place at 5:30 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Sip on handcrafted cocktails and meet a C.A.R.E. dog, with $1 from every drink donated to C.A.R.E. Bring your own dog along as well. BRIDGE • The Carbondale Bridge Club hosts duplicate bridge (not sanctioned by ACBL) from 6:30 to 10 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). $6/per pair. Contact Marlene for more info: 928-9805. SENIOR MATTERS • The nonprofit Senior Matters, based in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.), offers numerous programs for senior citizens, including: tai chi with John Norton at 8:30 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays; tai chi with Marty Finklestein at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Alaprima Painters at 11 a.m. on Thursdays; the Senior Matters Book Club at 4 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of the month; and the Roaring Fork Brain Train. Info: seniormatters.org; Diane Johnson at 970-306-2587; and Senior Matters, Box 991, Carbondale CO, 81623.

SENIOR RADIO • Diane Johnson talks about senior issues and services on KDNK at 4:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month. MEDITATION • Free silent meditation sessions are held at the Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.) from 6:45 to 7:30 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Additionally, The Monday Night Meditation Group meets from 7 to 8:15 p.m. at True Nature (100 N. Third St.) and offers instruction in the Buddhist practice of Vipassana. Also at True Nature, everyone’s invited for SRF meditation from 10 to 11 a.m. on the first Sunday of the month and 5 to 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month. MINDFULNESS • The Mindful Life Program in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) offers group sessions Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Admission is by donation and registration is not necessary. Info: mindfullifeprogram.org and 970-633-0163. RUN AROUND • Independence Run & Hike hosts a run around town Saturdays at 8 a.m. Meet at the store 596 Highway 133 (in La Fontana Plaza) and run various distances, with different routes each week. Info: 704-0909. LET’S JUST DANCE • Feel great, have fun and dance Tuesdays at The Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Catch a free lesson at 7 p.m., then from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. it’s open dancing with two-step, swing, waltz, line dance, salsa and more. No partner or experience necessary. $8/person; $14/couple. Questions? Call 970-366-6463 or email billypat4@gmail.com.


PARENT CHILD CLASSES • Waldorf teacher and parent Holly Richardson offers programs for caregivers and children from birth to 3, with Musical Storytime from 9 to 10 a.m. Mondays, Sweet Peas Garden from 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Peas and Carrots from 9 to 11 a.m. Fridays. Call 9631960 for more info or visit waldorfschoolrf. com. Preregistration is suggested but drop ins are also welcome on Mondays. CONTRA • Every first Saturday October through May, catch contra, waltzes, polkas and square dances from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at the Carbondale Community School (1505 Satank Rd.). No partner or experience necessary; $10 for adults and $8 for students. More info at glenwoodspringscontradance@gmail.com. ONE VOICE • Lisa Dancing-Light, founder of Higher Octave Music Programs, presents a community singing group intended to celebrate the joy that music brings to the spirit. Every other Thursday from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at The Helios Center (601 Sopris Ave.) in Carbondale. WRITERS GROUP • Wordsmiths of all experience and abilities gather at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of the month. STORY ART • Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.), in partnership with the Aspen Art Museum, invites kids to learn about artists and create masterpieces of their own at 4 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month.


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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MAY 10-16, 2018 • 13


a C r n b i o s n e dale l c ri Photos and text by Jane Bachrach

Circle around this page and you might notice that each photo has a circle of some sort. There’s the saxophone bells for musicians at both Festival las Americas and First Friday, Megan Currier and fellow middle school teachers inviting anyone who wanted to paint circles to their table, an older girl’s arms encircling a younger girl’s waist, a girl at Handmakery booth painting a sphere, circular “handy” work by Jill Scher at Carbondale Arts, making cotton candy in a circular pan, a girl circling around a maypole on Main Street… and the circles folks made between the simultaneous events.

14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • MAY 10-16, 2018

Spin to Win!

Great Spring Deals!

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Roaring Fork Valley Co-op • 0760 Highway 133, Carbondale • (970) 963-2220 The Co-op asks that you consider supporting WindWalkers, whose programs directly benefit kids and adults throughout the valley with physical, neurological, emotional, behavioral or psychological challenges. Their 2018 campaign will match, dollar-for-dollar, donations up to the first $50,000, so any donations you make will help twice as much! Donate by June 3rd to make the most of your donation’s impact. Go to windwalkerstrc.org, call 963-2909, or send checks to PO Box 504, Carbondale 81623. Together, we can change lives!


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Roaring Fork Leadership and Ross Montessori partner to share harvest By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff It was unanimous: the food would be distributed to as many people in need as possible throughout the Valley. The decision was easy, but figuring out the logistics of getting the harvest from Ross Montessori School’s garden to its desired recipients would take teamwork. That’s where Roaring Fork Leadership (RFL) came in, RMS Director of Development and Enrollment Tricia Williams explained. “I had a committee of kids helping me, deciding what they wanted to do, and they all agreed that they wanted to give the food to organizations like Lift Up,” she said, adding that she didn’t have the bandwidth to organize that undertaking alone. “When I saw that Roaring Fork Leadership needed community projects, it was a no brainer. They created this distribution program and used all their new leaderships skills to build this; it was really neat.” RFL offers leadership training programs that focus on personal growth, skill building and working in teams. One such team, which celebrates its graduation May 18, partnered with Ross Montessori to help the students realize their distribution goals. Nick Chimerakis, an Aspen-based certified public accountant, was a member. Tapping into his own network, he brought the idea of serving as a distribution point to St.

Mary Catholic Church, where he and his wife are parishioners. “There was some apprehension because of the geography difference,” he said about his volunteering to pick up the food from the school and bring it to the church, which operates a homeless shelter. Bridging the geographical and demographical gaps across the Valley is one of Williams’ favorite aspects of how the project finalized. St. Mary isn’t the only distributing partner to join the project: the RFL team also brokered agreements with Valley Settlement, the Traveler and Lift Up to help ensure the students’ produce reaches those who most need it. “I am hopeful that we feed many, many people. Through these four organizations, we are hitting such a cross demographic,” she said, emphasizing that by leveraging organization’s existing systems, the food will make its way to broader audiences. “We’ve got people from Glenwood Springs to Aspen of all ages being covered with this food, so I’m really excited about that.” Chimerakis, who found RFL through his employer, described the cooperative energy toward a common goal as one of the program’s greatest payoffs. “The diversity and the connections were a really rewarding and enriching part of the experience for me. I thought it was amazing what six people can do when they put a little effort in and are willing to work together,” he said of his teammates.

Ross Montessori students planted in March and hope to harvest a crop in June. Courtesy photo While nobody involved knew exactly what the result would look like, he said, through listening and compromise, they were able to create a plan to execute something that would touch the entire Valley — something for which he gave a great deal of credit to Williams, too. “She didn’t come to us and say, ‘It has to be this way.’ She really was open to listening, and I think the end result is a reflection of that collaboration,” he said. As for Williams, she’s already looking forward to next year’s plans even before this year’s harvest. It’s not just an educational exercise for the students — she’s learning, too. “We’re really going to understand what

this greenhouse can do,” she said. “It’s fun for the students; they’re measuring the air temperature and the humidity and the soil temperature, trying to figure out if it’s right for planting and what’s going to do well. Last year, it was kind of, ‘put a bunch of seeds in there and see what happens.’” RMS Head of School Sonya Hemmen is equally committed to the project. “I am so proud of the work that Roaring Fork Leadership has put into this project to make our students’ dream of supplying free produce to the community a reality,” she wrote in an email. “We look forward to many seasons of learning and providing nourishment for those in need who live in our community.”

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7th Grade Students & Parents Please join us for a campus tour, Q&A session, and to learn more about the admission process at CRMS Please RSVP. www.crms.org/admissions/7thgradevisit/

CMC graduates first class of licensed elementary school teachers Press release

Victoria Norville (left) is married with two daughters and didn’t have the option of moving and going somewhere else or affording expensive online colleges. Her favorite thing about teaching? In her own words: “I think the role we play in the community. I’m an immigrant as well, being part of the community and building relationships with the family as well. Because I’m Hispanic, I feel I can connect with Hispanic families, build relationships with them, help them feel at home in the schools. I had that advantage; language hasn’t been a barrier for me.” McKenna Miller (right) has wanted to be a teacher since fifth grade, and achieving that goal in a small mountain town was even more appealing. “My favorite thing about teaching is how rewarding the job is,” she said. “I love being able to see the students grow just after being with them for one year. Knowing that I am giving them all my knowledge in hope to change just one of their lives is what I live for. I teach from the heart because I know that is how I can connect and make a difference with each of the students.” Photo by Ed Kosmicki

The first class of licensed elementary school teachers graduated last week from Colorado Mountain College in Glenwood Springs and Edwards. The program came about through a close partnership among the college and local school districts. According to Dr. Barbara Johnson, CMC director of teacher education, in 2010 the college investigated beginning this program. It assessed the needs of all the school districts within the college’s six-county district. The college conducted surveys, reviewed census data and consulted with a 12-member panel of K-12 and higher-ed educators. CMC then determined that the growth in Garfield and Eagle counties indicated a teacher education program would help to solve an expected shortage of teachers. This program grew out of that need – a “grow your own” approach so local students could be well educated to teach local children. In order to meet expressed community needs, the college also provides students with an option of earning a culturally and linguistically diverse endorsement. The 10 members of the class of 2018 – four in the Roaring Fork Valley and six in the Vail Valley – graduated with a top-quality education plus extremely favorable job prospects. As of late April,

over half of the class has received job offers to work at area schools. And all this at a fraction of the tuition charged at other Colorado higherlearning institutions. The program is based on actual real-world experiences, working from the beginning with children in classrooms. From the first semester of the four-year program, teacher education students are placed right in local elementary school classrooms. Nationally, an average of 500 hours of interactive classroom time is required of student teachers to be eligible for licensure. In Colorado, that figure jumps to 800 hours. CMC’s teacher education program requires a full 1,200 hours before a student graduates with a bachelor’s degree in education and receives a teaching credential. CMC’s Johnson said local school districts that helped to design and establish the program directly requested that students spend more time in the classroom as they learned to become teachers. She said 30 years of solid research has established the importance of education students’ familiarity and experience with children in classrooms. As the first class graduates, CMC’s teacher ed program has more than 80 students. Twelve are on track to graduate in spring 2019, and the numbers are projected to grow.

A hands-on project with a personal payoff By Debbie Bruell Sopris Sun Correspondent Mike Topete has come a long way since he first, quite hesitantly, took a woodshop class his freshman year at Roaring Fork High School. Now a senior, he proposed a Capstone Project that would be “a personal, final test” of all the woodshop skills he’s learned over the past four years. He decided to design and build a rocking bench for his grandparents in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. His favorite part, Topete told Bo Takarabe, RFHS Capstone Coordinator, was “the actual building process...piecing it together, screwing in the pieces…” The hardest part, he said, was working out the logistics of the plan. “Everything after that

relies on those plans, so you can’t afford to make any mistakes.” Of course, Takarabe explained, learning from mistakes is a key part of the Capstone process. Topete learned the hard way the importance of “double-check[ing] the plans — again...because there was one scenario where I cut the wood the wrong dimensions, which was really upsetting.” Topete also learned how demanding and time-consuming a project like this can be. “Managing this project on my own, from beginning to end, was a lot different from other wood projects I’ve done for woodshop class. This took way more focus...I had to set my own pace and no one was holding my hand.”

Topete did have support along the way from his project mentor, Brad Nelson, who worked as the RFHS woodshop teacher Topete’s freshman year. After graduation, Topete and his dad will drive about 30 hours to the small Mexican town where his grandparents live to surprise them with the gift. “I naturally like to give rather than receive,” Topete wrote in his Capstone proposal, “and this is my way of giving to my grandparents. My grandparents deserve more than this, but I would say this is a good start.” The community is invited to view Topete’s rocking bench at the RFHS Art Show from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. May 21 - 23.

Mike Topete puts the finishing touches on his Capstone Project. He uses a belt sander to smooth the edges of the rocking bench he designed and built for his grandparents’ 50th anniversary. Photo by Miguel Hernandez

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Youngsters experience the unfairness of pioneer life

From the archives of the Roaring Fork Valley Journal May 11, 1978

A group of Roaring Fork High Schoolers convinced the school board to back a plan for a solar heated greenhouse like the one at Colorado Rocky Mountain School. It was expected to cost $1,500, but students expected donated materials to offset some of that cost. It was one of several projects intended to showcase how science skills could be practical in everyday life. (While the current school has a much more recently constructed greenhouse, it’s unclear if this earlier proposal came to fruition.)

Sue Lane noted. “But we decided that the pioneers didn’t think the rules of life were always fair to them either.”

May 14, 1998 Carbondale and Roaring Fork School District were having trouble reaching an agreement to share a new baseball field. The school’s old facility had been out of commission following construction in 1996, then lack of sprinklers in 1997. The District proposed sodding the field to get a jump on the next season, but the Town declined to foot the bill. (All of this must have been resolved, because the field in question is still in use today.)

May 12, 1988

May 8, 2008

Students at Carbondale Elementary got a taste of what life was like for early settlers in a project that challenged them to build their own miniature wagons in art class, read diaries from pioneer days and plan a wagon train with daily decisions on routes and supplies. They even had a chance to experience it all first hand with a real wagon ride down Ironbridge Road in what turned out to be awful weather. “One boy complained to me that the rules of the game were not fair,” teacher

Pitkin County was poised to approve the first (and so far only) section of the Crystal Valley Trail. The first 5.3 miles of bike path between Carbondale and Crested Butte had minimal opposition, with right-of-way use approval from the Colorado Department of Transportation as the only remaining hurdle. Funding was largely in place, and a connection with the almost-completed Rio Grande Trail was planned. Noted Trustee John Hoffman, “It’s probably one of the prettiest rides in Colorado.

Housekeeper Wanted Professional couple seeks experienced year-round Housekeeper for secondary residence in Aspen, CO. Ideal candidate: at least 3 yrs of experience (training provided), team player personality, comfortable working in formal home. Responsibilities: daily and deep cleaning, organizational projects, laundry, grocery shopping (vehicle provided), occasional meal prep. 40 hrs/wk, either Mon-Fri or four weekdays 10 hrs/day. Up to $32/hr DOE + health coverage benefits.

Letters from page 2 part of the plant is useful. And whose eyes aren’t delighted in seeing that beautiful, bright yellow color dotting the new landscape of green grass? Just think of that, a medicinal plant decorating our lawns. Wowie! Carolyn Hall Carbondale

Support sanctuary Dear Editor: A booth at Dandelion Days will be for support to Sandra Lopez, the woman who’s been in sanctuary here in Carbondale for six months. It will also be for three other women in sanctuary in the state of Colorado. It is hoped people will read and sign an endorsement titled “The People’s Resolution, Creating a Path Forward on Immigration”. We hope to see you there. Judy Bartels Carbondale

Keep caring Dear Editor: We are so proud and happy that, four months ago, our fledgling community organization, Sopris 100 Who Care, raised $10,000 for The Freedom Center, an amazing organization working to help women and their families recover from addiction. We hope to continue this process with our second event on Tuesday, May 22 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Pan and Fork at River Valley Ranch. We look forward to helping the next organization that wins the financial support made possible by the generous

contributions of those who attend. If you would like to participate but are not yet on the email list, please visit our facebook page or our email, sopris100whocare@gmail. com. You can also, of course, contact one of us. We thank our very generous community for their support of our first efforts. Bonnie Cretti Cathie Farrar Jennifer Carney Cindy Nett Jamie Maybon

Our rancher allies Dear Editor: I was not surprised to read New Mexico rancher Don Schreiber’s Writer’s on the Range column in the March 29 Aspen Times declaring that natural gas wells make poor neighbors. Just like in the Thompson Divide controversy, the ranchers are aligned with those with environmental and climate concerns. Unlike Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, Schreiber is a true westerner who is not interested in having his pasture lands littered with methane gas belching gas wells. Schreiber and 70 percent of westerners favor Obama’s 2016 methane emissions restrictions that Zinke and Environmental Protection Agency director Scott Pruitt want to roll back. Okay, so the ranchers put food on our table that is too high in the bad kind of fat and raising livestock is not the most efficient way to produce protein, but it sure LETTERS page 19





Send resume to apply: lorahams@gmail.com. Qualified applicants will be contacted.

Carbondale Police Department The Carbondale Police Department is accepting applications for the following: Police Officer starting salary $50,000. For application and job description visit: www.carbondalegov.org Deadline to apply: May 18, 2018

18 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • MAY 10-16, 2018

That wouldn’t be much fun. It takes community support to keep The Sopris Sun shining. Please donate at soprissun.com or PO Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623 All donations are tax-deductible.

Letters from page 18 tastes good and I’d like to to see their lifestyle continue into the next century. Fred Malo Jr. Carbondale

Auditory abundance Dear Editor: Here in the Roaring Fork Valley we are so very fortunate to have such a wide variety of musical genres for our enjoyment. In the classical realm, the past month and a half we have enjoyed three stunning performances, professional and impassioned in every moment. First, the Aspen Choral Society and Paul Dankers, director, presented a program of Catastrophes and Courage with pieces of drama and stories to deepen the experience. Along with the choral pieces was Schumann’s thrilling Piano Quintet in E-flat major. At the end of the month was the spring concert of the High Country Sinfonia. The audience was taken on a tour through time that was incredibly enjoyable. The final concert at the Basalt Regional Library called Strings in Spring presented a string quartet who performed Schubert’s String Quartet No. 13 and Dvorak’s Quartet in F, the American to the great enjoyment of the audience. With all of these lovely performances and music that enrich our lives, there is still another set of concerts, the Symphony in the Valley’s spring concert in both Rifle and Glenwood Springs. See their website (sitv. org) for times and info. Thank you to all of the performers, our neighbors and colleagues, for sharing their music with all of us. Deborah Barnekow Carbondale

Recycle, reuse, repurpose art Dear Editor: Would it surprise readers that hardworking people in the public sector are often characterized, unfairly, as lacking creativity, innovation and simply “putting in their time” while collecting a paycheck and

benefits at the taxpayer’s expense? Such is not the case in the Town of Carbondale, Colorado, a municipality in the rural Roaring Fork Valley best known for world-class skiing, hiking and a plethora of sports and recreation opportunities for residents and visitors from around the world. Fortunately, public workers and yearround residents exhibit awareness and sensitivity toward their environment, respect for wildlife and, most importantly, hold a value system that includes a responsibility to preserve and maintain the areas natural beauty for future generations. This unique story began when Carbondale leadership contacted their counterparts in Aspen – to gain knowledge about the specifications the city used for bear-proof containers and how Aspen was raising awareness of its “bear problem” with its residents. Leaders knew that unless the Town set an example its citizens would not become more “bear aware.” Thus, Reason One! Just like Aspen, like many small-town communities in Colorado, Carbondale has suffered a “bear problem,” with bears and other wildlife indigenous to the area seeking food from unprotected containers. Shrinking availability of natural food supplies brings the wildlife into mountain towns creating potentially dangerous confrontations with the public, damage to properties and danger to the wildlife themselves. The expression, “A fed bear is a dead bear” is all too common among wildlife officers, with the number of statewide incidents increasing by double-digit percentages in recent years. Reason Two: It is no secret that Roaring Fork Valley residents have a deep appreciation for the arts. In fact, Carbondale has established a “Creative District” that houses several organizations promoting the arts, and also funds display of public art forms. Enter Carbondale Public Works who acquired a quantity of “used” containers from Aspen. After gaining support from the Town Trustees for the project, they tire-

lessly worked to clean, paint and repair the containers to be reused for animal-safe trash and recycling collection throughout town. Their efforts improved the art culture, by using these colorful, locally-created graphics to repurpose these containers into works of art. Keeping this project “local,” Public Works officials next received permission to utilize eye-popping images created by Carbondale Middle Schools students, entitled “Pets with Personality”. The students’ art teacher submitted a total of 108 colorful drawings to the cause. Previously, a number of these drawings were used to create a graphic “wrap” of the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA) Carbondale Circulator, a smaller bus that transports passengers to a “Park & Ride” station.

The department enlisted Carbondalebased Colorado Mountain Graphics to help create “wraps” for the repurposed containers. This spring colorful images now grace the streets of Carbondale. In addition to recycling and repurposing during the container project process, Carbondale’s team saved money by completing not only the cleaning, sanding and painting of the containers but by also professionally installing the pre-cut graphic wraps, which Colorado Mountain Graphics had printed on high quality 3M materials. The project will save wildlife, utilizes reused and repurposed materials and has recycled not only refuse, but also the positive spirit that exists in this community. Dennis G Dunn Colorado Mountain Graphics

Parting Shot

Unclassifieds Submit to unclassifieds@soprissun.com by Friday 12 p.m. Rates: $15 for 30 words, $20 for up to 50 words. Payment due before publication.*

THE GOOD SEED COMMUNITY GARDEN is accepting registrations for organic gardeners who would like to start or continue gardening with GSCG located at 110 Snowmass Drive, Carbondale. For sign-up packets and to enroll, contact Melissa at The Orchard church office next door, or call her for details. WANTED. 10+ yo gentle sound horse preferably a paint, 970-927-4207. Please leave a message. *Credit card payment information should be emailed to unclassifieds@soprissun.com or call 970-274-1076. Checks may be dropped off at our office at the Third Street Center or mailed to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. Call 510-3003 for more info.

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HATS OFF TO DERBY DAY An excited Tina Sachleben was engrossed in singing “My Old Kentucky Home” right before the “most exciting two minutes in sports” aired on a large TV screen in the barn at Holly McLain’s Rumble Ridge Ranch in Missouri Heights. She was one of many donning appropriate attire for the Kentucky Derby, May 5, as part of a Windwalkers’ and The Roaring Fork Horse Council’s benefit. Photo by Jane Bachrach

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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • MAY 10-16, 2018 • 19

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