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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper

Carbondale’s weekly

community connector

Volume 10, Number 24 | July 19, 2018

Marvelous Marble Rex Branson (pictured) and his wife, Vickie, have one of the the shortest commutes of any participant in the annual Marble Marble Symposium, which may explain why they keep coming back year after year. The event brings carvers from all over the world to work on the local Yule Marble famously used in the Lincoln Memorial and Tomb of the Unknowns. Through July 22 and again July 29 to Aug. 5, they’ll be camped out by the river just past the town limits sign in a pageant of whirring saws, white dust and spectacular sculpture. Photo by Jane Bachrach

MOUNTAIN FAIR SPECIAL July 27th, 28th & 29th

Doctors Garden 580 Main St. Carbondale #300 Right across from Sopris Park 963-9323




1¢ 1¢

Carbondale Commentary

The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, email editor Will Grandbois at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.

Welcome to 40 By Judith Ritschard

More than I care to admit I find myself thinking, “Ugh, kids nancial hand-holding. On the surface I was having fun fluttering these day!” And I sound like my parents when I hear myself ask- around like a butterfly in the breeze, but inside I was weighed ing a dozen times a day, “Who left all these lights on? Don’t you by anxiety trying to figure out who I was. The boyfriend and I boys know we have to pay for electricity?” jumped from job to job and city to city. We lived and A bigger sign I might not be such a young worked abroad for a short while surviving on odd muchacha any longer is that I’m thrilled to be jobs, our sense of adventure, and maybe a little too on my sofa as I write this on a Friday night. I’m much cheap beer. dressed for the occasion in the most unsexy pair During that decade I was consumed by big quesof pajamas — the oversized, slightly stained T-shirt tions like, “What do I want to do for a living?” and I stole from my husband’s closet about a decade “why are we always so broke? Immediately followed ago — a decade that is now in the rearview mirror. by, “Do I really need to buy health insurance?” It Hello four zero and hello slew of emotions tied to was a time where I was trying to balance low paythis milestone birthday. ing jobs with big dreams. Together we survived the For one, I’m a bit caught off guard that I’ve unreliable car, the crappy jobs, and the stress of yet somehow entered full on ma’am status. It’s one another insufficient fund notice. Somewhere in mix thing if you’re living in the south where everyone we were able figure out how to get the money to gets ma’amed. But, when you’re at latitude 39 I’m finish school and get closer to our careers. I married not so sure the shoe quite fits. Can someone come that boyfriend and a year later arrived at 30. up with a different title for women who are not I quit being such a headcase and settled into life By Judith Ritschard quite a misses but not quite ready for ma’am either? a bit more (or maybe life settled me). I worked tireIf they did it for the tweens I don’t think it’s too much to ask lessly to pay off my student loans and save for a down payment to do it for us. on a house. There were trips abroad for work and pleasure. My Then there’s the mountain of disbelief. And sorry in advance husband and I finally had our careers on track and it felt good for sounding so cliché, but holy hell time flies! I remember par- to not go into major panic mode when our car had an unexents at high school graduation said it would happen but I did pected issue. Like many of our friends, we were hitting some of not believe a word seeing that the high school years often felt life’s bigger milestones like buying a house and meeting our baby eternal. And to add to my bewilderment can someone please boys. It was one exciting big life event after another. explain how a person like me, who holds the label “middle-aged And now 40. I’m convinced this new stage of life is another woman,” instantly goes into dancing fool mode when I hear turning point, an age that has ignited a stronger sense of urgency some ‘90s hip-hop? in me. And because time’s a-tickin’ maybe I’ll finally stop being But, possibly the strongest and by far the most welcome emo- such a sissy and get my first tattoo, that and really, REALLY tion attached to this new decade is sense of ease and content- focus on weeding out the petty bullsh*t more than ever before. ment. It’s an incredible realization that I just don’t give a damn I suppose I feel that arriving at roughly the halfway point one is about so many things that used to consume my brain. This calm able to see over to the other side, a place we’re all heading. is a far cry from where this journey to adulthood began. Don’t think I make it a habit to dwell on my own death, but I Looking back on my twenties I can tell you it was not a time do have a strong feeling that if the last twenty years flew by the when my mind was at rest. On the contrary I had a considerable next decades will for sure go screamin’ by. amount of uncertainty. For the first time in my life I had no fiRITSCHARD page 15


Bits & Pieces


The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 500 words via email at news@soprissun.com or 250 words via snail mail at P.O. Box 399, Carbondale CO 81623. Letters exceeding that length may be returned for revision or submission as a guest column; please include your name, town, and contact information. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday.


Bringing football back

Rediscovering the West

Dear Editor: Cat atop a fence Stock-still, ever-vigilant Like a haunted ghost JM Jesse Glenwood Springs

Dear Editor: Seven excellent assistants and finer gentlemen are going to help me return the RFHS and CMS football programs to their years of competitive football. The middle school has won one game in six seasons, and the high school went 0-9 last fall, scoring 18 points while giving up 480. I coached the Roaring Fork Rams from 1987 until 1996. When I heard they were seriously thinking of dropping the football program, my first reaction was that we can not let this happen. Practice begins Monday, Aug. 6, 5 to 8 p.m. at the high school practice field. I urge any seventh through 12th grader that has an interest in the great game of football to come out and see what we have to offer. David S. Close Buena Vista

Dear Editor: Having lived in the Roaring Fork Valley for 25 years and seldom venturing out, I’ve come to believe this is the only the only beautiful location in the West. After a spiritually enriching sentimental journey to the Camas Prairie in Idaho, the place where my mother grew up and I lived for four years in the mid-1970s, I realize I couldn’t have been more wrong. First, there were the stark, vast expanses of southern Wyoming. You don’t have to have mountains to be appealing to the eye and you don’t need them to have wildlife. The pronghorns were plentiful. I’d forgotten that when traveling in this kind of country, you’d better fill up if you see a gas station and you have a quarter tank. I blew into Lander, Wyoming on fumes. Then, there were the spectacular vistas of the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. That was somewhat spoiled by the traffic that LETTERS page 15

Manchurian candidate Dear Editor: With the disarray of the world’s climate accord, the G7, NATO, a worldwide tariff war, constant cognitive dissonance, handing over of voter information to Cambridge Analytica through Facebook and Kobach’s voter info harvest on the vote fraud committee, embracing of murderous tyrants like Duterte, Un, Erdogan, Putin and others while rejecting solid democratic leaders, the Russian investment in Trump’s election has been extremely successful and worth every penny. John Hoffmann Carbondale

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • JULY 19-25, 2018

Sincerest thanks to our Honorary Publishers

for their generous, ongoing commitment of support. Jim Calaway, Chair Kay Brunnier Bob Ferguson – Jaywalker Lodge Scott Gilbert – Habitat for Humanity RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger Carolyn Nelson

Thank you to our SunScribers and community members for your support! It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

To inform, inspire and build community. Donate online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Carol Fabian • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Reporter: Megan Tackett Photographer: Jane Bachrach Graphic Designer: Terri Ritchie Delivery: Tom Sands Current Board Members board@soprissun.com Marilyn Murphy, President Raleigh Burleigh, Vice President Stacey Bernot, Secretary Barbara Dills, Treasurer Debbie Bruell • Cliff Colia Olivia Pevec • Nicolette Toussaint John Colson The Sopris Sun Board meets regularly on the second Monday evening of each month at the Third Street Center.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

The Sun’s guide to summiting Sopris By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff

It’s hard to look at Mount Sopris looming over the Valley and not think of climbing it. At 12,965 feet for both peaks, it’s far short of the fourteener status that usually attracts mountaineers, but its prominence and beauty more than make up for it. It’s the source of our water and a local barometer for the variation and passage of the seasons. “Mount Sopris is something that everybody refers to very lovingly and personally,” Carbondale Trustee Lani Kitching said. “It’s very hard to describe for someone who isn’t of that inclination.” It’s considered a right of passage in some circles, and is accessible enough that many have achieved it. “It has its challenges. It greets you with a nice scree hill, but it’s good for you,” Kitching noted. “It’s a good training mountain.” The sheer range of skill levels involved, however, can make it hard for a prospective first-timer to accurately gauge its difficulty and plan accordingly. Your ultramarathoner friend might call it a “walk up” — and it’s true that the standard route is basically just a long, rough hike without any seriously technical sections. But your aunt who did it after coming from sea level would also be perfectly correct in emphasizing the psychological and physical impacts of strenuous exertion above timber line. Shelly Braudis, Recreation Manager for the Aspen Sopris Ranger District, does her best to walk that line. “It’s not my job to say you can or can’t do something,” she said. “I provide the info people need to be as safe and have the best experience possible.

Be prepared Elliot Norquist has quit counting the number of times he’s been to the top of Sopris — he did it at least once a summer with students during his teaching tenure at Colorado Rocky Mountain School — but one occasion in particular stands out. “It was a hot day, summer afternoon. I was Summit False Summit

Thomas Lakes

A brief history The mountain is named after Captain Richard Sopris a prospector turned politician who led one of the first expeditions into the area. The members of the Hayden Survey of 1871 were probably the first Europeans to actually climb it, according to Frontier Historical Society President and former Forest Service archaeologist Bill Kight.

Future Editor Will Grandbois may have been the first person to lug a copy of The Sopris Sun as far as the false summit back in August 2009. Photo by Rebecca Young

It seems likely, Kight added, that one or more Utes beat them to it. Less certain is what they called it, as many names were lost when the tribe was forced out and those that have resurfaced are unconfirmed. Don’t look for the Nashnaguapash News anytime soon.

irrigating for Bob Perry and got some time people rely on cell phones too much,” she off, so I went up there with nothing but a said. “It’s a false sense of security.” That said, there’s service almost all the water bottle and a pair of shorts on,” he recalled “I’d seen some clouds, and when way up, so it’s worth having it along with I got up to the very top and there was this a full charge just in case. Regardless, it’s big mean storm coming right over from always worth making sure someone back Avalanche. Damn if someone hadn’t left home knows where you are and when you should be back. a big white wool Norquist’s anecsweater on the sumdote also illustrates mit. I was saved.” how unpredictable If you don’t want and dramatic weather to rely on strangcan be on the heights. ers with sweaters, Choose a day with a consider the “10 Eslow chance of precipisentials” — navigatation and relatively tion, sun protection, little wind, and plan insulation, illuminato be headed down tion, first aid, fire, food, tools, hydraaround noon. – Lani Kitching “Sopris is not the tion and emergency Carbondale Trustee place you want to be shelter (nps.gov/ when those afternoon articles/10essentials. htm). Bear-proof containers are required rain storms come in and lightning starts for backpackers, and fire restrictions cer- striking,” Braudis cautioned. tainly apply. Also, if you’re bringing your kids or dog, be sure to consult the list for Choices As you might surmise from the timing them, too. of this guide, late summer through early Braudis is a particular proponent of sturdy shoes and a real, wa- fall is the ideal time for most folks to sumterproof topographic map mit Sopris. Others choose to skin up and — not a printout or ski down in winter, which warrants an entirely different story. One of the perks of your phone. “I think the warm months is the chance to camp at or near Thomas Lakes the night before your ascent — trading extra weight for extra time (one dayers generally start at first light or before). As for where to start, Dinkel Lake is the

default from the Carbondale side. Bikers may opt for the Hay Park route, but have to switch to foot on the Wilderness boundary — a stark contrast to the days you could drive all the way to Thomas Lakes. “It’s not the wild world it was in the ‘70s,” Norquist noted. “With the kind of traffic it gets now, whatever we can do to follow the rules and protect is probably the way to do it.” When you get to the top, you’ll also have to decide whether to make the trip to the second summit (not counting the false summit, which can be discouraging for folks who think they’re almost there). “If it’s a nice day, I like going out there,” Norquist said. “It’s not that much of a walk, and it’s a different view.” Make sure to save some steam for the descent. Both Kitching and Braudis cited it as the stretch you’re most likely to feel the next morning. Once you’re off the summit, you can take your time. It’s not a race — though if it is, the time to beat from trailhead to summit is Ryan Phebus’s 1:26:33 as logged on July 15, 2017 at strava.com. “I feel like my slips and falls happen while I try to walk and take in the the view,” Braudis said. “You’ve worked hard for it; stop and enjoy it.” And if the weather turns sour, someone in your group gets sick or hurt or you just don’t think you have it in you that day, “know when to say when.” The Mountain will still be there tomorrow.

“It has its challenges. It greets you with a nice scree hill, but it’s good for you. It’s a good training mountain.”


Hay Park


GETTING THERE: Heading south from Carbondale on Highway 133, turn left on Prince Creek Road and continue about six miles to the saddle above West Sopris Creek. Take a right at the fork and look for the trailhead on your left about two miles up. If you reach Dinkle Lake, you’ve gone too far. The trail itself is roughly 13 miles round trip with 4,000 feet of elevation gain. Graphic constructed in Google Earth.

That’s the question The Sun, and others before us, have put to the community in the past. This year, we’re keeping it simple and asking you to guess when the very first dusting will be — none of this “mantle” debate. We figure anything from here on out counts as early rather than late.

well as recognizing them in the paper.

It’s strictly a gentlemen’s bet — though we’ll always happily take donations and will present the winner with a small token of our esteem as

Last year our own Jane Bachrach was the lucky lady, so act fast before our staff takes all the best dates!

Each participant can choose one date (we’d recommend something between today and the end of September) and let us know at news@ soprissun.com. It’s first come first served; you can check our website to see what’s taken.

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JULY 19-25, 2018 • 3


Send your scuttlebutt to news@soprissun.com.

Service with a smile

They’ve got the power

Nominations are being sought for the Pitkin County Cares Volunteer Service Awards, which honors individuals and groups for their outstanding service, leadership and civic involvement. Recipients will be chosen for their service in the following sub-categories: Greg Mace overall volunteer, Children/youth, Seniors, Health, Community Pride, Education, Good Samaritan, Environment, Rising Star (18 years and younger) and Exceptional One-Time Events. Nominations forms are available at pitkincounty. com/pitkincountycares. The Aspen Hall of Fame Board is also accepting nominations for prospective inductees into the 2019 Aspen Hall of Fame; info and forms at aspenhalloffame.org.

Celebrate five years of the Powers Art Center (13110 Highway 82) by viewing the new Jasper Johns exhibit that features works on paper from the original “John and Kimiko Powers Collection”. Accompanying Jasper Johns is an exhibit of Andy Warhol works on paper donated to the Ryobi Foundation from the “John and Kimiko Powers Collection”. The exhibit has works from 1964 to 1983 including Warhols’ famous “Marilyn” portraits and his iconic “Campbell’s Soup Cans.” Admission is free; hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

Get smart The first SMART Recovery meeting in the Roaring Fork Valley will be on Wednesday- July 25th at the Glenwood Springs Library – 815 Cooper Ave from 7:30 to 8:45 PM. SMART is an acronym for Self-Management and Recovery Training. SMART Recovery is an abstinence based- secular, scientifically based, self-help program for people having problems with drinking and using. It includes many ideas and techniques to help you change your life from one that is self-destructive and unhappy to one that is constructive and satisfying.

All right already The Aspen Institute will host a conservative panel of speakers on July 24, featuring Allysia Finley, assistant editor of OpinionJournal.com, Jonah Goldberg, senior editor of the National Review and former lieutenant governor of Maryland, and Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National Committee, in conversation with Aspen Institute vice president and former congressman Mickey Edwards. The panel will examine the intersections between conservative ideals, the priorities of the Republican Party, and the policies of the Trump administration from 5-6 p.m. at the Greenwald Pavilion on the Institute’s Aspen Meadows campus.

Have some compassion Compassion Fest & Gathr Films Partner are planning to bring a special screening of “I am MLK Jr.” to the Crystal Theatre at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 2, but they need to book half the seats by July 23 in order for that to happen. Reserve your ticket for $11 at compassionfest.org.

They say it’s your birthday Carol and Ernie Gianinetti celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on June 21 at the Gianinetti Spring Creeks Ranch Pavilion. Courtesy photo

Golden eggs A Sun staffer happened to be at the Pour House when a woman with a noticeable brogue asked to see the chef and told him, “I’m from Scotland and those are the closest to my home Scotch Eggs I’ve had in 20 years here.”

Folks celebrating another year of life this week include: Tony Comer and Edgar Reyna (July 19); Heather Henry, Dave Dixon, Amy Burdick (July 20); Ernie Kollar and Brian Wexler and Colleen Weinfurter (July 21); Jessica Kollar (July 22); Jeff Wadley, Shelle DeBeque and Ruth Frey and Mary Boucher (July 23); Audrey Spaulding, Greg Jeung, John Masters, Adele Hause, Mark Von Hagke (July 24); Jim Tippett, Frank Norwood, Adrienne Ackerman, Robert Moore, and Ruby Honan (July 25) and a belated happy birthday to Luke Spaulding (July 17).

Plan ahead, register your vehicle before July 31. Join Roaring Fork Valley Spellbinders® for their next volunteer training and learn the art of oral storytelling! By becoming part of our fun, loving community, you can:

All County Clerk Motor Vehicle departments will be closed August 1 - 3 for conversion to Colorado DRIVES, the new computer system going live August 6 for titles and registrations. The Garfield County Clerk & Recorder’s office will be open during the conversion dates, but will not be able to assist with any motor vehicle needs. Garfield County Clerk & Recorder 970-384-3700

www.garfield-county.com/clerk-recorder 4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • JULY 19-25, 2018

Be placed in local schools to have fun while making a positive impact on your community Bring out the innate storyteller in you Receive on-going training & support Share the rich oral tradition of storytelling with children Our next training dates are August 2, 7, 9 & 14 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm in Carbondale. All four sessions required. For more info and to RSVP, contact Kim at kstacey@rof.net.

Hospice helps you pack for your final journey By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff Memento mori — remember you must die. And for those who see it coming and want to ease the transition, there’s hospice. “The dying process is extremely important and is one that needs to be cherished and celebrated. Would you prefer to be lying in your own bed or in a hospital?” queried HomeCare & Hospice of the Valley founder Markey Butler. “96 percent of all Americans want to die at home. Having specialized caregivers who understand how to work at the end of the life is extremely important.” For 10 years this Halloween, Hospice of the Valley has provided just that. Butler, a nurse by training, retired here and was on the board of Roaring Fork Hospice when Valley View Hospital shuttered it. A movement built to replace the service and, with support from both Valley View and Aspen Valley hospitals, Butler agreed to run the show. It’s something of an uphill battle. “Physicians are trained to treat,” Butler said. “When to move from cure to care is a hard conversation.” There’s also the matter of public perception. Most folks do their best to avoid thinking about death until they’re faced

with it, and then there’s a perception that end-of-life palliative care is “giving up.” Butler sees it as anything but. “We’re all about hope — working through the bucket list,” she said. “You want them to go out with friends or get to the top of Aspen Mountain or go fishing.”

icked because they don’t know what they should do.” It can be particularly tricky when someone is incapacitated and hasn’t left clear instructions or designated a power of attorney. Butler encourages anyone teenaged or older to have advanced directives — through a form on the state website or organizations like Five Wishes — and update them every five years. In many cases, you don’t even need a lawyer. There’s also the relatively new factor of assisted suicide, which Colorado legalized (albeit with – Markey Butler significant requirements and HomeCare & Hospice of the Valley founder limitations) beginning last year. So far, however, only around 60 As such, the idea that hospice is just a people have taken that option statewide, morphine drip for the last few days of life and just a handful in Hospice of the Valis also erroneous. ley’s 6,000 square mile service area. With “We use so many different medications around 90 employees, 130 homecare pathat it’s ridiculous,” Butler said. “If we’re tients and 50 hospice patients, the organiin there two days, we’re not really doing zation’s focus is very much on the living. good hospice care.” It helps that pretty much all insurance Through the homecare program, some plans cover the program, although reimfolks even continue treatment while bursement to the agency itself is “lousy.” benefiting from their own familiar sur- To help offset that cost, the organization roundings. Hospice also offers emotional is holding a series of fundraisers — July support, through tough decisions and 26 at the Pan and Fork in River Valley through into bereavement. Ranch, Sept. 6 at the T Lazy 7 in Aspen “If you’ve never been around death, it and Sept. 26 at the Country Club of the can be terrifying,” she said. “People feel Rockies in Edwards. For more informahelpless, isolated, afraid, unsure, and pan- tion, visit hchotv.org.

“The dying process is extremely important and is one that needs to be cherished and celebrated.”

John Bemis, Marine, loved his country and his family. He was cared for by Hospice for several years. Courtesy photo

Savor the Journey What: Cowboy-themed fundraiser with food, libations and live music from the Bo Hale Band When: 5:30 to 8 p.m. July 26 Where: 303 River Valley Ranch Rd. How much: $100

GET EXCITED! Carbondale’s beloved Red Hill/Mushroom Rock trail system is getting a makeover! In partnership with the Aspen Valley Land Trust, the Town of Carbondale has recently acquired a piece of land bordering the current trail systems, which means the public will get to use and love what was formerly private property. Starting the evening of Tuesday, July 24th and continuing every Tuesday until August 21st, you can help build BRAND NEW TRAIL on one of Carbondale’s most popular trail systems. Arrive any time after 4pm and we’ll be working until dusk. Every evening, dinner is provided. We’re honored to be partnering with Aspen Valley Land Trust, Bureau of Land Management - Colorado, Red Hill Council, and the Town of Carbondale on this project. This is a fantastic way to be a part of your community and to give back to a trail system that has given us so much. To sign up, please visit rfov.org!


The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JULY 19-25, 2018 • 5

Local impacts of solar tariff mitigated By Katie Dahl Sopris Sun Correspondent Two local solar installers say the 30 percent federal tariff imposed in January on solar imports is not hurting them so far. The industry saw the tariff coming and bought extra product from abroad before it went into effect. What’s more, a change in Chinese policy may lead to costs going so low that the tariff isn’t felt by many consumer for some time. What could impact your solar costs, though, is the end of the federal tax credit, a 30 percent savings on installation expected to begin winding down in 2019. Red flags went flying when Reuters published a report last month that $2.5 billion worth of large solar projects had been cancelled as a result of the tariff, and that only $1 billion in new spending was planned to take advantage of the new import tax. Large scale projects seem to have been hit particularly hard. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, Colorado has nearly 6,800 solar jobs, 452 solar manufacturing or installation companies, and boasts over 200,000 homes powered by solar. And according to one local company, forward thinking and some changes in China could keep prices comfortable. Katharine Rushton is the commer-

cial sales manager for Carbondale-based Sunsense Solar. “We really strategized to make sure we had a lot of product in the country before the tariffs hit,” she said. “That really gave us a cushion, at least for the first half of the year.” Ken Olsen is the owner of SoL Energy, also based in Carbondale. “We haven’t seen our prices increase due to the tariffs,” he said. According to Rushton, policy changes in China could further mitigate the price increases. China had plans to continue installing solar, but recently announced that installations would stop. Why they decided that is not clear, but it does mean the global market for solar panels will be flooded with all that product they already manufactured. Rushton thinks it will be enough to outweigh the tariff. “All manufacturers, whether they’re in Korea or Singapore or Canada are going to be affected by that. Prices are probably going to go down fairly substantially,” she said. There are also aluminum and steel tariffs that could impact the price of the racking built under the panels, and rumors the administration will increase the solar tariff another 20 percent, but from what Sunsense has seen, those increases may be tempered by the global market price decrease. “Even with that additional

SoL Energy crew installing an array at Rocky Mountain Institute’s Innovation Center in Basalt. Courtesy photo 20 percent, module prices are going to be less than they are right now.” Rushton had some advice for consumers as well. “The other thing people should bear in mind is that what’s driving the solar industry in the U.S. is not really so much these small modifications in equipment pricing, it’s the federal tax credit. It adds a huge amount of value, 30 percent of your system costs… And so if you’re thinking of installing solar on your residence, you’ve got two years in which to do that… It’s something to start initiat-

ing and thinking about soon, because if you wait until the end of that two year period, there’s a good chance you’re not going to be able to find a solar installer to help you out.” The tariff is also set to decrease incrementally and settle at 15 percent in year four. Whatever happens with the tariffs, policy changes, and tax credits, according to SoL Energy’s Ken Olson, “the future for solar is very bright and people should consider using it for producing clean renewable electricity.”



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6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • JULY 19-25, 2018

Former teacher builds her pack with dog-care business By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff

Just a year after Ashley Gann landed her dream job — teaching physical education at Roaring Fork High School — budget cuts prompted a career pivot that has earned her more money and growth potential. “I didn’t find out until a month before school ended that I didn’t have my job,” she said. That timing made it incredibly difficult for her to apply elsewhere — plus, she added, physical education is a highly coveted teaching arena. “In this valley, nobody leaves their PE position once they get it.” Feeling distraught and out of options, Gann committed to starting something new. Instead of spending her days teaching archery, rock climbing and fly fishing to students, she would spend them playing in parks and hiking trails with four-legged clients as her own boss of her own business: Dog’s Best Friend. “I’d been doing some dog walking on the side already just to supplement income, and I was like, ‘I don’t want to leave, so what the hell, let’s try it,’” she said of her convictions. “And it somehow worked out really well!” That was in March of last year. Since then, business has boomed and she’s hired two associates, Erin Danneker and Jake Martenson. Much like Gann, Martenson and Danneker were both in transitional places in their careers when they joined the Dog’s Best Friend pack. Danneker, who oversees the company’s marketing and manages operations when Gann is out of town, had left her role at Habitat for Humanity in order to establish her own design firm, Eyedrop Design. Dog’s Best Friend became her first client. “I’m totally invested in doing whatever it takes to grow this business,” Danneker said of her role growing from contracted designer to employee. “It works out perfectly because I love it, and I also get the consistency of the bookings while I try to keep the security of my business and not freak out about, ‘Do I have a [design] client this month?’”

Ashley Gann (left) and Jake Martenson walk Meatball, one of Dog’s Best Friend’s regular clients, along Third Street. Gann sports her fanny pack, which she keeps full of supplies for her outdoor adventures with locals’ pets. Photo by Erin Danneker

Martenson, who Gann hired as a full-time associate in May, was also facing a career shift. An avid athlete, he worked as a Snowmass Ski Patroller for nine years and trained his German Shepherd, Lando, with the Snowmass Avalanche Dog Rescue program. Everything was going fine until he had to have a hip surgery. “[That] made me start thinking, ‘Can I continue doing that physical job?’” Martenson said. “The surgeons, they said it’s just a bandaid fix right now. I’m due for a total hip [replacement].” He had hired Gann to care for his dogs, Lando and Quickers. “She was nice enough to let me know when she was at the dog park so I could socialize Lando with a good group of dogs,” he said. “We got to talking, and she hired me on. I was a lucky guy.” Gann helped Martenson say his final farewell to Quickers in June. “We got everybody that was in Quick’s life, and Ashley was a huge part of it,” he said. “It was rough — there are certain triggers that will set me off.” But, he added, spending his days with others’ dogs helps both him and Lando move on. And his new job is much easier on his body. Gann loves that her venture has created opportunities for others. “Now there’s three of us,” she said with a smile while recounting the business’ growth trajectory. And she’s not done. “We need to automate a lot of the things that we do in order to expand. We want to get a walker in Basalt, a walker in Aspen and a walker in Glenwood.” The company’s services range from quick check-ins to let pets out and get fed during the day to full-on 24-hour care, with walks and hikes in between. “Our regular walk clients are professionals who are working long hours in Aspen, so they’re driving and that’s the biggest thing that’s adding to their time,” she said. “So we come over and walk their dog three to five days a week.” What’s her secret to managing two employees and more than 50 furry clients? “Calendars,” Gann said. “Ridiculous calendars.” And a fanny pack with plenty of poop bags and bear spray.

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JULY 19-25, 2018 • 7

Town Report The following items are drawn from Town Manager Jay Harrington’s weekly report to staff, trustees and others.

SIDEWALK WORK on Third between Main and Colorado begins this week. Snowmass Drive sidewalk construction is ongoing, with curb and gutter work this week. A QUINCEAÑERA will close down the Rec. Center gym on July 21, but the rest of facility will be open normal hours.

OUR TOWN ONE TABLE reservations are ongoing for the Aug. 19 event, themed “The World Comes to Carbondale.” Nab your spot by emailing jwall@ carbondaleco.net. This year, it will also be possible to mark vacant spaces for folks without a table to join. SWIMMING POOL attendance continues to be up year over year. For schedules, closures and an array of aquatic fitness classes, see carbondalerec.com

WEEDING will take place at the North Face Bike Park on July 20 thanks to Summer Advantage and Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers.

THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT participated in the state sales tax simplification committee, discussing topics like the supreme court decision on online sales tax.

YOUTH SKILLS CAMPS include hockey (ongoing), volleyball (July 23 to 26) and basketball (July 30 to Aug. 3). Pre registration is required. THE TRAILS AND TENTS program includes a hiking trip to Thomas Lakes on July 25. For ages 8 and up, it operates under a special use permit and registration is required. THE RVR HOA MEETING brought in Harrington to review staff’s role and position on RVR Golf’s inquiry into the appropriate process to rezone the driving range for housing. RODEO INJURIES sustained during the bronc riding event resulted in hospitalization but were reportedly not serious. MOUNTAIN FAIR PARK PREP began.

THE PLANNING COMMISSION approved a subdivision exemption for 167 N. Eighth St. and discussed proposed Unified Development Code changes for childcare, lighting and residential zoning parameters at its July 12 meeting. WATER PRODUCTION remains stable at 1.88 million gallons per day. With the plants set at 74 percent production, the White Hill and RVR tanks have filled daily to allow well pumps to cycle. Lowe flows are anticipated in the ditch system, so staff is making adjustments. DEFENSIVE TACTICS training was provided to Carbondale Police, with help from new grant-funded equipment.

Cop Shop From July 6 through the 12, Carbondale Police handled 249 Calls for Service. During that period, officers handled the following cases of note: FRIDAY July 6 at 10:06 a.m. No one was injured in a two-vehicle accident off Highway 133. FRIDAY July 6 at 1:56 p.m. A 46-year-old man was issued a summons for petty theft. FRIDAY July 6 at 10:43 p.m. After pulling over a 34-year-old man for speeding and failing to stop at a stop sign, police arrested him on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. SUNDAY July 8 at 3:22 p.m. A report of a car theft overnight was determined to be unfounded. MONDAY July 9 at 11:57 a.m. Property reported stolen from a downtown business was recovered, and no charges were filed. MONDAY July 9 at 1:29 a.m. A man reported that two men had offered to fix a dent in the door of his car, only to damage it further. TUESDAY July 10 at 1:47 p.m. A man discovered digging in the ditch was taken to Valley View Hospital on a mental health hold. WEDNESDAY July 11 at 7:52 a.m. Following a domestic violence call, police arrested a 35-yearold man for misdemeanor assault and felony false imprisonment.


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(561) 746-6615 8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • JULY 19-25, 2018

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Sutey suggestions sought, trail toil Tuesdays By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff

Last week, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) hosted a public open house regarding the management plan for the land parcels gained from last year’s controversial Sutey Land Exchange. About 50 people came to that meeting, including members of the Roaring Fork Valley Horse Council (RFVHC) and the Roaring Fork Mountain Bike Association (RFMBA). “Most of the attention was on the Sutey Ranch,” said BLM Public Affairs Specialist David Boyd of the 557-acre property acquired in the exchange. The BLM also gained the 112-acre Haines Parcel along Prince Creek in the deal, but Boyd noted that it’s largely remaining intact. “Haines already had a system of biking trails,” he said. “We have designated a trail issue there and fixed some of the trespass issues and trails that weren’t sustainable. We’ve worked through a lot of that.” Sutey Ranch, however, is a different story. “Before we start developing alternatives for a plan and doing the environmental assessment, we start with what’s called scoping,” Boyd said of the meeting’s purpose. “So we were asking the public what issues and concerns you want to make sure we address. That’s going to help us.” People with different interests have already voiced different desired outcomes for that land, especially because of the property’s proximity to the Red Hill trail system. “There’s some people who want us to keep it as it is right now: foot and horse traffic only,” he continued, noting the RFVHC’s presence. On the other hand, the RFMBA envisions “two trails open to bikes from the new Sutey trailhead to allow for a loop experience vs. an out-and-back,” according to its website. “Parks and Wildlife was there. There’s a lot of wildlife value there, too,” Boyd added. “So those are the things we’re going to have to balance as we come up with alternatives for people to look at this fall.” He estimated that the BLM will have completed its environmental assessment and created a draft plan for comment in

the next few months, at which point more public meetings will be scheduled. Comments for this initial scoping endeavor are due by Aug. 5 and can be emailed to blm_co_sutey_haines_rmpa@blm.gov or mailed to BLM, 2300 River Frontage Rd., Silt, CO 81652, Attn: Sutey/Haines Management Plan. “We want to definitely hear from the public, so if people have some thoughts on that, they should let us know for sure,” he said, adding that more specific comments are more effective. “Sometimes scoping can be a little hard for people to understand because… it’s kind of wide open.”

Red Hill trail construction begins Meanwhile, ground breaks on the Red Hill Trail Project Tuesday, July 24. The Board of Trustees unanimously approved the second of three proposed trail alignments by DHM Design during its July 10 meeting. The design concept creates three separate routes that connect the parking lot and the Red Hill trail system — a shared access trail, a hiking trail and a downtrack trail specifically for bikers, with a connecting trail between Three Gulch and the new downtrack route. “The idea more or less is to separate that downhill bike traffic from people who are walking,” said Matt Annabel, communications and outreach director at Aspen Valley Land Trust (AVLT) about the connecting route. AVLT spearheaded the fundraising effort that allowed the nonprofit to purchase the 25 acres at the base of Red Hill. Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers is now leading the charge on building the new access trails. Every Tuesday between July 24 and Aug. 21 at 4 p.m., volunteers will gather to work until dusk. Interested volunteers are encouraged to sign up at tinyurl.com/RedHillVolunteers. “The really cool thing about this project is that it’s been a community project all the way. The community helped raise the funds, then the community helped plan the trail. Now… the community is actually going to get to build what they’ve worked on so hard,” Annabel said, adding that he’ll personally be out there every week “swinging a whatever it is” (tools will be provided).

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for more info Call 704.0909 or visit www.independencerunandhike.com The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JULY 19-25, 2018 • 9

Community Calendar THURSDAY July 19

CHAMBER MUSIC • A juried selection of student musicians from the Aspen Music Festival and School play the Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.) at 5:15 p.m. free of charge. SONGS THAT SPEAK • Join singer/songwriters Frank Martin and Mateo Sandate for a 6 p.m. free performance at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.). PUBLISHING TALK • Novelist, writing instructor and part-time Snowmass resident Amy Meyerson discusses everything you need to know about what happens after you finish writing your book at 8 p.m. at Bookbinders Basalt (760 E. Valley Rd., Unit C-122).

FRI to THU July 20-26

MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre (427 Main St.) presents “Won’t You be My Neighbor” (PG) at 7:30 p.m. July 20-25; “Mountain” (R) at 5:30 p.m. July 21 and “RBG” (PG-13) at 5:15 p.m. on July 22. Closed July 26.

FRIDAY July 20

BRAIN BENEFIT • An art show and silent auction for Roaring Fork Brain Train — an enrichment program for early memory loss and caregiver respite — runs from 5 to 7:30 at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) with demos, food and drink. Suggested donation of $20 per person or $30 per couple. DARK ROCK • The Stone Foxes play at

To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is noon on Monday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted.

9 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits). $12 in advance at tacaw.org or $17 at the door. GRITTY BLUES • Hector Anchondo plays a 9 p.m. solo set at Stubbies Sports Bar (123 Emma Rd., Basalt).


HALF MARATHON • Sunlight Mountain Resort (10901 CR 117) hosts a 13.1-mile trail race benefiting the Glenwood High School Cross Country Team. $55 per entrant; bibs handed out starting at 7 a.m. for an 8 a.m. start. Winners get lift tickets and more! DEAF CAMP BENEFIT • Music, food and scenery come together to support the Aspen Camp of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing from 5 to 9 p.m on Fanny Hill in Snowmass Village. GYPSY JAZZ • The Django Festival AllStars perform at 8 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits). $34 in advance at tacaw.org or $39 at the door. ALT FOLK • Edison gets up on the Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) stage for an 8:30 p.m. show.

SUNDAY July 22

POETRY MARKET • Stand up, sit in, speak up, listen in or join up for a live po-

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etry event curated by Alya Howe at 8 p.m. at the Wheeler Bar Lobby (320 E. Hyman Ave., Aspen). Free as part of Sunset Sessions.

MONDAY July 23

DAM FILMS • “Buena Vista Social Club: Adios” screens as part of the ongoing Dance, Art & Music series at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits). $8 for Aspen Film members, $11 in advance at tacaw.org or $13 at the door.


CIRCUS MUSIC • Joanie Balonie, Jennie, and Charlie the Circus Dog make melodies at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at 11:30 a.m. in the final event of the 2018 children’s Summer Reading Program. HEALTHSCAN DEMO • Join Certified Health Coach and NES Practitioner Laurie Nathe for a free demonstration of the miHealth device at 6:30 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.).


FOREIGN FILM • At 5 p.m., Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.) screens “Lion” — the story of a child lost of the streets of Kolkata, India and adopted in Australia. Popcorn, drinks, and kleenex will be provided. POETRY SLAM • Meta Sarmiento kicks off a free verse spoken word competition at 8 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St., Willits). $9 in advance at tacaw.org or $13 at the door.


Further Out FRI July 27 – SUN July 29

MOUNTAIN FAIR • Carbondale Arts celebrates art in all forms of expression with the fair’s diverse range of arts and crafts, non-stop entertainment, great food and an amazing spirit. With interactive and creative experiences for children, friendly competitions run the gamut from cake baking to wood splitting, over 145 vendors poised to bring their unique crafts and food to Sopris Park and 300 volunteers on hand to help, the weekend will once again gather the tribes from far and wide. Non-stop world class entertainment like Tierro + Bridget, Down North, the Dendrites and more will bring fans and friends to Carbondale, adding to the fun. For the full entertainment line up visit carbondalearts.com.

Ongoing HISTORY MUSEUM • The Mt. Sopris Historical Society Cabin Museum and Pioneer Heritage Garden (located at the corner of Highway 133 and Weant Boulevard) is open on Wednesdays 3-6 p.m. and Fridays 12-3 p.m. through September 2018. YAPPY HOUR • Colorado Animal Rescue’s Yappy Hour at the Marble Bar (150 Main St.) takes place at 5:30 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Sip on handcrafted cocktails and meet a C.A.R.E. dog, with $1 from every drink donated to C.A.R.E. Bring your own dog along as well. CALENDAR continued on page 11

body & soul


LO CA L’ S 7

















844-420-DANK(3265) | www.HighQRockies.com 10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • JULY 19-25, 2018

PUNCH PASSES AVAILABLE. v t r u e n a t u re h e a l i n ga r t s . c o m 100 N 3RD ST • C ARBONDALE 970.963 .9 900

Community Calendar

continued from page 10


RODEO • The nonprofit, volunteer Carbondale Wild West Rodeo continues at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at the Gus Darien Riding Arena on Catherine Store Road. FARMER’S MARKET • Sample wares from a small, eclectic blend of local farmers, producers and artisans Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Fourth Street Plaza. HIGH NOON • Bring your compliments, complaints and ideas to Sopris Sun Editor Will Grandbois at 12 p.m. Thursdays at the Pour House (351 Main St.). TRIVIA • Geeks Who Drink comes to Batch (358 Main St.) for free at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays.

ery month, plant-based potluck 6:30 p.m. Calaway Room, Third Street Center. All events supported by Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing. More information at www.davinikent.org. COMMUNITY MEAL • Faith Lutheran Church (1340 Highway 133) hosts a free community meal from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the first and third Saturdays of the month. Info: 510-5046 or faithcarbondale. com. Carbondale Homeless Assistance also has its meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month. BRIDGE • The Carbondale Bridge Club hosts duplicate bridge (not sanctioned by ACBL) from 6:30 to 10 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). $6/per pair. Contact Marlene for more info: 928-9805.

KARAOKE • The Black Nugget (403 Main St.) and Sandman bring you over 30,000 songs to choose from and a quality sound system to release your inner rockstar at 9 pm. every Thursday. EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN • Staff and sources talk about this week’s paper and more at 4 p.m. Thursdays on KDNK (88.1 FM). HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION • Free opportunities include… One-hour consultation about heart attack prevention, plant-based nutrition, other medical issues. Call retired family doctor Greg Feinsinger, M.D. for appointment (379-5718). First Monday of every month catch a powerpoint presentation by Dr. Feinsinger about the science behind plant-based nutrition, 7 to 8:30 p.m., boardroom Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Fourth Monday of ev-

SENIOR MATTERS • The nonprofit Senior Matters, based in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.), offers numerous programs for senior citizens, including: tai chi with John Norton at 8:30 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays; tai chi with Marty Finklestein at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Alaprima Painters at 11 a.m. on Thursdays; the Senior Matters Book Club at 4 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of the month; and the Roaring Fork Brain Train. Info: seniormatters.org; Diane Johnson at 970-306-2587; and Senior Matters, Box 991, Carbondale CO, 81623. SENIOR RADIO • Diane Johnson talks about senior issues and services on KDNK

at 4:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month.

build their own video games, and more from 2 to 3:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.).

BOOK CLUB • Join friends and fellow readers to discuss great books at Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at 4 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month; call 963-2889 for this month’s selection.

DHARMA • The Way of Compassion Dharma Center holds a Dharma talk and meditation from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays and a silent meditation and Buddha of Compassion practice at 8 a.m. Saturdays at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.).

BLUEGRASS JAM • Bring the instrument of your choice or just your voice for a weekly jam session first and last Sundays at 6:30 p.m. at Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) and all other Sundays at the Glenwood Springs Brew Garden (115 Sixth St.).

RUN AROUND • Independence Run & Hike hosts a run around town Saturdays at 8 a.m. Meet at the store 596 Highway 133 (in La Fontana Plaza) and run various distances, with different routes each week. Info: 704-0909.

ROTARY • The Carbondale Rotary Club meets at the Carbondale Fire Station (300 Meadowood Dr.) at 6:45 a.m. Wednesdays. The Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at White House Pizza (801 Main Ct.) at noon every Thursday.

ONE VOICE • Lisa Dancing-Light, founder of Higher Octave Music Programs, presents a community singing group intended to celebrate the joy that music brings to the spirit. Every other Thursday from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at The Helios Center (601 Sopris Ave.) in Carbondale.

OPEN MIC • A new open mic takes place from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays at Riverside Grill (181 Basalt Center Circle, Basalt). Food and drink specials. Free.

RAGTIME • Theatre Aspen (470 Rio Grande Pl.) presents an epic musical set in 1900s New York with shows through August.

LIFE DRAWING • Drop in for figure drawing with Staci Dickerson at 6:30 p.m. Mondays at SAW (525 Buggy Cr. Unit C).

GRIEF AND LOSS • Pathfinders offers a grief and loss support group every other Monday at 6 p.m., and a caregiver support group every other Wednesday noon. An RSVP is required to Robyn Hubbard at 319-6854. Pathfinders offers support groups from Aspen to Rifle and is located in Carbondale at 1101 Village Rd. Info: pathfindersforcancer.org.

YOGA • Get a donation based introduction to Hatha Yoga Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). MAKERSPACE • Children and teens are invited to design, create, tinker, and play with art and technology to design and create with 3D Pens, make stop-motion animation films, engineer duct tape creations,

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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JULY 19-25, 2018 • 11

Weiser explains Attorney General role during Carbondale campaign stop By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff The state attorney general can be a deeply personalized political office that plays an active role in protecting Coloradan interests — at least it should be, according to Democratic candidate Phil Weiser, who came through Carbondale last week in a series of roundtables to introduce himself to Roaring Fork Valley voters. “The attorney general is the lawyer for the people of Colorado. Your rights as a citizen, as a consumer, are protected by the attorney general,” Weiser said. “This is a critical position. It’s the only one that can defend you not just against companies that might take advantage of you, but the federal government doing things that are unconstitutional in some cases or in other cases illegal. And there is so much at stake right now.” Weiser, who narrowly defeated threetime Colorado Rep. Joe Salazar in the primary election, served as dean of the University of Colorado’s law school for five years. And though this is his first campaign as a candidate, he’s certainly not new to politics, having served in both the Clinton and Obama administrations — he did a

10-month stint as deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department’s antitrust division before being appointed senior adviser for technology and innovation to the National Economic Council director in 2010. And while Weiser’s courtroom experience is limited — he’s litigated a mere six cases, though that’s six more than current Attorney General Cynthia Coffman, according to a June 26 Westword article — the attorney general’s office is much more about legal strategy and management, of which he has ample experience, he emphasized. “You should hire a creative problem solver with the right legal expertise and leadership ability to make this office an office for the people that works on their behalf for progress,” he said about the November election.

The logistics As for what that creative problem solving can look like, Weiser listed “regulation, contracts, calling people out to take best practice on areas” in addition to litigation, though he’s not shy about using that option. “I see litigation as a part of problem solv-

Phil Weiser, Democratic candidate for Colorado Attorney General, engages with a voter during a campaign stop at the Third Street Center. Photo by Jono Krawczyk ing. I’m not into bring lawsuits just to bring lawsuits; I’m into solving problems,” he said. Weiser pointed to Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh and Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro being particularly outspoken in their support of the Affordable Care Act and environmental protections as examples of state attorneys general representing citizens’ best interests and said he would do the same. Weiser also addressed concerns about the future of Roe vs. Wade and access to abortion as a right in light of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“I’ll fight for this right, all the way to the Supreme Court, to the best of my ability,” he said. I’m running against someone who believes Roe v. Wade should be overturned. If we lose that battle, then it goes to the states.” State policy has enormous influence on a woman’s access to birth control and reproductive health regardless of national precedent, he stressed. “Our current Attorney General Cindy Hoffman, has sided against Planned Parenthood in important cases, seeking to unWEISER page 13

BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 2018 Summer Open seats on the Town of Carbondale Board of Adjustment (Variances and Appeals Board for land use) Contact Janet Buck 970.510.1208. Applications may be found at www.carbondalegov.org or at Town Hall. Applications are due by August 15, 2018 at 5 pm.

Orthopedic Lecture Series Learn from top orthopedic specialists about common conditions, innovative treatments and exciting new technologies. Ask questions and discover the best way to live your life in motion.

COMING UP TUESDAY, JULY 24, 5:30 - 6:30 PM Basalt Regional Library Osteoporosis of the Spine Stanley Gertzbein, MD

Basalt Regional Library Summer Fun For Everyone We e k o f J u l y 2 2 - 2 8 Tunes & Tales Groovey Joe & More A musical storytime with the Aspen Music Festival

Poetry Workshop Meta Sarmiento Spoken word poetry, and the role of love.

Music at the Library Jarabe Mexicano Enjoy traditional latin music on the lawn.

Tues, July 24 10:30 - 11:30 AM

Fri, July 27 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Fri, July 27 5:30 - 6:30 PM

All Ages 3+



See all the events for this week at BasaltLibrary.org/events-calendar 14 MIDLAND AVE · BASALT, CO 970-927-4311 | www. basaltlibrary.org 12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • JULY 19-25, 2018

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BASALT REGIONAL LIBRARY Community Room 14 Midland Avenue, Basalt

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continued from page 12

dermine their ability to provide reproductive health services. She got overruled in that case, but it shows you the power of the office,” he said. “So this matters. This issue of the rights of women to control their bodies, it’s on the ballot.” Health is the mainstay for most of Weiser’s political positions, whether it manifests in his desire to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for misleading advertising that contributed to the opioid epidemic or ensuring environmental protections are enforced. “Climate change is real,” he said, noting that Colorado’s water rights will become increasingly in the legal spotlight. “We’re in drought conditions. It’s having a whole series of implications, and water is at the center of it. We need water for our agriculture, we need it for industrial use and we need it for residential use. And we can’t allow ourselves to descend into a war, all of us fighting against each other and fighting surrounding states,” he added. He is prepared to commit to environmental protections regardless of the actions of the federal government — and that’s part of the attorney general’s job description, he continued. “If the federal government doesn’t do their job, you have independent authority to enforce environmental laws and antitrust laws,” he said. That means protecting consumers’ interests, too. “We have more concentration in our economy right now than we’ve ever had. That is a danger sign that we need to react with vigilance,” he said, offering an example of two prominent airlines merging as something he would combat as attorney general. “That would be a merger that would really hurt Colorado consumers. As AG here in Colorado, I have the expertise, the will, the ability to make sure that we stopped anything from happening that was going to raise prices to our consumers. That’s true in airlines; it’s true in healthcare.” Editor’s note: The Sun intends to provide equal coverage for any current candidates who hold public events in Carbondale with adequate notice.

What about the Lake Christine Fire? Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about “the biggest fire the Valley has seen since Coal Seam and Storm King,” as Basalt Fire Chief Scott Thompson put it even before it blew up and torched three homes on the night of July 4. We’ve continued to update our online coverage as the Type Two Team hands it over to a Type Three crew and will post any breaking news as soon as we have it as well as keeping an eye out for features. In the meantime, here’s where things stand as of July 18:

VITAL STATISTICSII 6,875 acres 59 percent contained 193 firefighters still on site Two people facing felony charges All mandatory evacuations lifted National Forest closures on Basalt Mountain and Red Tables Absolutely no drones allowed over the area Stage Two fire restrictions still in effect One ironic but unrelated structure fire in El Jebel caused by steel cutting, as well as a small lighting-ignited blaze doused above Aspen Glen Several gofundme.com campaigns for families and firefighters (search Lake Christine Fire) You can also donate to the Wildland Firefighter Foundation. More information at inciweb.nwcg.gov/ incident/5895

Past controlled burns on Basalt Mountain have helped keep the still smoldering fire away from homes in Missouri Heights, where it seems like every driveway has a sign thanking the firefighters. Photo by Will Grandbois

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JULY 19-25, 2018 • 13

Bonedale the last to bend on open container


July 20, 1978

Raymond John Bourg Jr.

From the archives of the Roaring Fork Valley Journal Carbondale postmaster Glen Norton announced that home mail delivery would begin in the fall to all residential and business addresses within the city limits. The move was partially in response to insufficient post office boxes, which had consigned almost 100 patrons to “general delivery.” It had not yet been decided whether service would be cubside or at the door, but the post office planned to use an existing employee and a mail truck leased from Grand Junction for the purpose. In other news… A local troubadour and apparent pickup thief led law enforcement from four agencies on a 105 mile-perhour chase up and down Highway 133 before the truck finally ended up in the Crystal River.

July 21, 1988 The Western Slope had seen 23 cases of HIV/AIDS since

1985 amid a growing epidemic. Valley View Hospital had treated two patients who didn’t make it, although neither person lived in the area. Although it lost $100,000 on the cases due to bad debt, the hospital was not considering a change of policy. “We treat everybody,” Administrator John Johnson said. In other news… The Mona Lisa of Redstone Boulevard made its debut in the window of Bill Jochems’ home, thanks to artist Bob Carr.

July 16, 1998 The majority of Carbondale Trustees seemed in favor of a new ordinance prohibiting drinking in public, although most of those who provided public comment were in favor of the town’s previous leniency on the subject. “Two years ago, people weren’t saying they felt threatened walking down

In other news… Garfield County Commissioners were considering a ballot question on term limits for elected offices — which would automatically have removed Clerk and Recorder Mildred Alsdorf, Assessor Steve Rippy, Coroner Trey Holt and Surveyor Sam Phelps. (Given that John Martin is now in his sixth term, this clearly didn’t happen.)

July 17, 2008

the street. Now they do,” explained Trustee Susie Darrow, who favored the change after opposing it in 1996. Anyway, noted trustee Mark Whalen, Carbondale was the only town left in the Valley, and maybe in the state, without such a regulation, although he suggested there might be some sort of exemption for Mountain Fair and street dances.

Job Opening-Parks & Recreation Facility Maintenance Lead

This full-time benefited (non-exempt) position performs skilled duties in the construction, operation and maintenace of town recreation facilities. Successful applicant will have a minimum of 2 years of experience in parks and recreation maintenence and a working knowledge of general construction equipment. A valid Colorado driver’s license, physical exam, pre-employment and substance abuse testing is required. Must be 18 years old. EOA/AA/ADA. Please send cover letter, resume and Town Employment Application to: Carbondale Town Hall Attn: Eric Brendlinger- Parks & Recreation Director 511 Colorado Ave Carbondale CO 81623 Go to www.carbondalegov.org for a job description and application. For more information call 970-510-1277 or e-mail:ebrendlinger@carbondaleco.net

Saving Democracy In our Unitarian Universalist principles, we affirm democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. How should we understand the history of democracy in our society, and how can we put our principles into practice in a time of crisis in American democracy? with Guest Speaker Colorado ACLU Director Nathan Woodliff-Stanley

Join us Sunday, July 29, 2018 - 10:00 a.m. Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist (TRUU) @ Third Street Center, Community Room


Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist

Music with Christina Wenning, Religious Exploration with Ana Chynoweth, Preschool with Justice Bouchet

14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • JULY 19-25, 2018

New stop signs were installed along Main Street at the intersections with Third and Second. The Town had previously considered eliminating parking spaces near the intersections to improve line of sight for pedestrian safety, but opted for stop signs instead. (The Second Street stop has since been removed, while most other Main Street intersections have gone four-way in the interim.) In other news… Sopris Liquor and Wine replaced Mr. C’s in the Carbondale Plaza Shopping Center (and just recently expanded even more).

Raymond John Bourg Jr. left this earth July 11, 2018 with family at his side. Ray was born in Bridgeville Pennsylvania on Nov. 12, 1954 to Raymond John Bourg Sr. and Veronica Ewing Bourg. Ray is survived by his sister, Renee (Don) Bourg-Giarrusso, Brother Ed (Kathleen) Scott, Bernie and Lisa Windstein, and many loving nieces and nephews. Ray is preceded in death by his sister Patricia Marie and his Parents. Ray loved his life in Colorado and loved Redstone, Colorado. The proudest accomplishment of his life was being a Carbondale Firemen. A Celebration of Life will be held for Ray in Carbondale in late August. A specific date will be announced. Arrangements entrusted to Farnum-Holt Funeral Home.

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needs health care for


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Letters from page 2

Legal Notices

reminded me of the Maroon Bells and Hanging Lake. We here understand how we can love our natural wonders to death. The highlight of the journey was the trek over the Lolo Pass from Montana into Idaho. A sign read, “Winding Road for Next 99 Miles” and they mean it. It’s 99 miles of twisty, turny two-lane road through a corridor of tall timber with the rushing Lochsa, Selway, and Clearwater Rivers alongside. Adding to the challenge was the fact that U.S. 12 on the Idaho side is in desperate need of resurfacing. On top of negotiating hairpin turns, I had to dodge broken pavement. I was glad I brought along my steering wheel. I know of no stretch of highway like

this in Colorado, or anywhere else for that matter. The Bitterroots don’t have as many snow-capped peaks as our mountains do. It’s hectare after hectare of round mountains covered by jack pine and spruce. You can see why Lewis and Clark experienced such terrible hardships crossing this pass, being unfamiliar with the terrain, and if the Nez Perce hadn’t saved them, they’d have starved. Topping out over the Kamiah grade and looking down at the Camas Prairie took my breath away. This is some of the richest grain growing land in the world and, unlike here, they’ve had a very good year moisturewise. The wheat and barley are lush green and the canola rape is shimmering gold. As beautiful as the scenery is in this


Parting Shot

from page 2

country, the people are its match. Of course, I might be prejudice because I’m related to half of them. The majority of the people on the Camas Prairie make their living off the land; farmers, ranchers, loggers, miners. etc. Face it, folks, the majority of the people in this valley are tourist trap scammers. Family get-togethers are emblematic of the country lifestyle. The television set is on, but the sound is off and nobody’s paying attention to it. It’s storytelling time. Each in their turn, family members shared stories about the near and distant past. Most were funny. Some were poignant. All were chockfull of love. Fred Malo Jr. Carbondale


AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE, COLORADO CONCERNING A CORRECTION TO THE BOUNDARIES OF THE OLD TOWN RESIDENTIAL (OTR) ZONE DISTRICT NOTICE: This Ordinance was introduced, read, and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carbondale, Colorado, on July 10, 2018. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after publication of this notice. The full text of said Ordinance is available to the public at www.carbondalegov.org or at the office of the Town Clerk, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado, during normal business hours. THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE ________________________ By: s/s Dan Richardson, Mayor ATTEST: __________________________ s/s Cathy Derby, Town Clerk Published in The Sopris Sun on July 19, 2018.


Indeed, there are times that I’m scratching my head wondering how I got qualified for all this adulting, and why it takes my body so long to recover from that last workout. But, if arriving at this age comes with more calm, more confidence and more peace of mind I say bring it! Forties will be fantastic and to celebrate my fortieth trip around the sun I’m going to bypass the cheap beer and instead mix up a margarita with a quality tequila and real limes while I crank up the ‘90s gangster rap. Then I think I’ll watch an episode or two of Friends, all while bumming around in my grungy old T-shirt. Oh, Friday night, you never had it so good. Judith Ritschard was born by the sea in Mexico then transplanted to the Roaring Fork Valley where she turned full on mountain girl. You might spot her in her huarache sandals on her townie bike trying to keep up with her two wildlings in Carbondale.



AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE, COLORADO APPROVING MAJOR SITE PLAN REVIEW, STATUTORY VESTED RIGHTS, SUBDIVISION CONCEPTUAL PLAN REVIEW FOR PARCELS 2, 3, AND 4, AND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PARCELS 2 AND 3, THOMPSON PARK SUBDIVISION NOTICE: This Ordinance was introduced, read, and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carbondale, Colorado, on July 10, 2018. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after publication of this notice. The full text of said Ordinance is available to the public at www.carbondalegov.org or at the office of the Town Clerk, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado, during normal business hours. THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE ________________________ By: s/s Dan Richardson, Mayor ATTEST: __________________________ s/s Cathy Derby, Town Clerk Published in The Sopris Sun on July 19, 2018.

OFF TO SCHOOL Several local grads (back row, from left: Justin Thompson, Kajsa Sutro, Albert Marquez and Lily Nichols) received scholarships from the Rebekahs at the Near New (front row, from left: Rochelle Norwood, Kate Schwerin, Anna Abdelaal and Ann Samuelson) to help them on their way. Photo by Will Grandbois

Unclassifieds Submit to unclassifieds@soprissun.com by Friday 12 p.m. Rates: $15 for 30 words, $20 for up to 50 words. Payment due before publication.*

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS for kids and teens to promote their businesses enterprises. Thirty word maximum. Please send to unclassified@soprissun.com.

GET THE WORD OUT IN UNCLASSIFIEDS! Rates start at $15. Email unclassifieds@soprissun.com.

*Credit card payment information should be emailed to unclassifieds@soprissun.com or call 970-274-1076. Checks may be dropped off at our office at the Third Street Center or mailed to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. Call 510-3003 for more info.

PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on July 10, 2018, the Town of Carbondale Board of Trustees (“Board”), Garfield County, State of Colorado, approved a Major Site Plan for the property legally described as Parcels 2, 3, and 4, THOMPSON PARK SUBDIVISION, according to the MASTER PLAT thereof filed May 19, 2015, as Reception No. 862909, Garfield County, Colorado, consisting of approximately 3.74 acres (“Property”), pursuant to the application submitted by ESA Architects on behalf of the Property owner, Cerise Park, LLC. In approving the Major Site Plan the Board created a vested real property right for the Property, and the Major Site Plan serves as the site-specific development plan therefor. The Property will be developed to include 27 residential units on Parcel 2; 6 residential units on Parcel 3; and 7 single-family homes on Parcel 4, all in conformance with the Major Site Plan. A total of eight units among all three parcels will be deed-restricted for affordable housing. Published in The Sopris Sun on July 19, 2018.

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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • JULY 19-25, 2018 • 15

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