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Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper


Sopris Carbondale’s weekly

community connector


Volume 9, Number 27 | August 10, 2017

Let me stand next to your fire

With the Bureau of Land Management and Garfield County lifting stage one fire restrictions, it’s now once again legal to have a campfire in most area campsites. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take precautions — visit https://smokeybear.com/en/prevention-how-tos/campfire-safety if you’re not sure what that means. Full disclosure: Laurel Smith’s photo of Brandon Olszewski above is actually from last year up Mitchell Creek, but The Sun’s attempt to get something more recent was doused by rain.











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970.963.5880 On the SE Corner of Hwy 133 and Main Street in Carbondale

Carbondale Commentary The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, email editor Will Grandbois at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.

In search of true grit By Judith Ritschard I’ve become obsessed with the idea of acquiring grit. My driving motivation is raising two boys in a world totally different than the one I knew as a kid. My family had its share of hard knocks. Like so many immigrants who arrive in this new land, we were initially strapped for money and living on a prayer. As for my boys, they have always had more than enough: nice clothing, sporting equipment, and exciting vacations, just to name a few things. Of course, I feel fortunate that my husband and I are able to provide all of these things for them. After all, isn’t that the progress that every generation strives to achieve? But, sometimes this “privileged” lifestyle has me worried that they won’t develop a strong sense of self, or worse- what if they turn into the stereotypical entitled Millennial? No- por Dios! I can’t have them wearing skinny jeans, sporting a man bun and never learn how the hell to change a tire or cook a meal. I will have failed as a parent if they don’t learn to see the benefit in the struggle and the importance of sticking to their goals. If I were to define grit, I’d say it is a combination of resilience and determination, staying on track in the face of feeling rejected or being in an uncomfortable situation. It is the ability to stay motivated and focused on moving forward even though sometimes it’s not obvious that you’re making ground. It seems this concept has taken parent circles by storm and it has snatched the attention of many teachers and psychologists. According to University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth, grit, is defined as a child’s “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” And many psychologists suggest it is a better indicator of future earnings and happiness rather than either IQ or talent. No wonder this concept has gotten so much press. Isn’t happiness and success really all parents, including myself, want for our kids? So, of course, as a mom I often wrack my brain trying to figure out what is going to give my kids not only the opportunity to struggle, but also the mental toughness to stick with the task. In short, I want my kids to practice being gritty little people now so when they grow up they have a better chance of being well adjusted adults who can deal with life’s curve balls. The thought of my parents looking up how to make their kids gritty is laughable. My parents didn’t have to come up with ideas. It just happened to be the circumstances of our life that made us confident, adventurous, and hardy individuals. Like so many immigrants, they had this burning steady passion to keep moving for-

ward. I watched as they arduously built a comfortable life in Aspen back in the early ’80s. They started their business with one single client and over many years acquired hundreds of clients. In all those years I never once heard my dad complain when he woke up at 3 a.m. to start plowing the streets in Aspen. In the summers he’d often arrive covered in grass clippings way past dinnertime. My mom meticulously ran the house cleaning side of the business. She worked long days moving from house to house with her crew, only to come home to cook us dinner. Dirty Harry has nothing on my folks. They were and still are hard as nails. Us kids were expected to be tough too. At a young age we helped run things around the house like preparing meals, scrubbing toilets, and taking care of my baby sister. From age six and beyond we often went to work with my parents. We’d help with easier tasks like emptying trashcans, or dusting surfaces, and making beds. Most school mornings we packed our own lunches, and got ourselves to and from school and activities. I recall how I had to be extra tenacious in the classroom. What it took my classmates to comprehend it seemed sometimes it took me twice as long. My “learning disability” came from belonging to immigrant parents that were both trying to learn English, adjust to a new culture and, to be totally honest, too busy surviving to dedicate much time to our academic success. Reading and math didn’t come easily so I had to overextend myself just to get a B. I had to pay extra attention and spend more time at night going over and over certain assignments. I was motivated because I was not going to be labeled dumb nor fall behind because I didn’t put in the work. I could have fallen through the cracks but I had the strength of will to push myself through high school and college with good grades. In my heart, I know my parents were in the shadows ready just in case I really went off track. No matter how humbling school was at times, I appreciate that they didn’t hover over every move I made. In my opinion, the act of creating plucky individuals without stripping away all the magic of childhood is a tricky balance. But, I’m prepared to take on that challenge too. I will do my best to impress the “immigrant spirit” on to my children. Of course, it will not be completely how my siblings and I experienced it. I realize I will have to adjust for their unique, more modern challenges. And as uncomfortable as it may be, when they do fall, I will be standing by ready to help — constantly reminding myself not to protect too much.



The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 500 words via email at news@soprissun.com or 250 words via snail mail at P.O. Box 399, Carbondale CO 81623. Letters exceeding that length may be returned for revision or submission as a guest column; please include your name, town, and contact information. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday.

What would Sutey have wanted? Dear Editor: Concerning the Sutey-Wexner land swap: I would like to provide information regarding Frank Sutey Sr. as his voice and moral character will soon be lost forever in the Roaring Fork Valley and Today’s America. My parents were more than exceptionally strong friends of the Sutey family. When I attended high school in Glenwood we would often visit the Sutey family on their ranch. They were kind, warm, honest and very hard working people. The very best!

Frank Sutey Sr. and my grandfather, Steve Krizmanich Sr., were from the same small village in northern Croatia. Both men left their homeland before the Great War (World War l) because they could not make a living getting around the big guys, who owned and controlled everything. They became miners in Crested Butte. An unusual number of geographical and socioeconomic world conditions which existed before the Great War have resurfaced and are expanding in today’s world. World War II is considered an extension of WW I.

Correction A brief on Garfield County's financial audit in the Aug. 3 edition of The Sopris Sun was incomplete in its characterization of recommendations to the Clerk and Recorder. In fact, the office has

The resurgence of the wealthy oligarchy class is one of these phenomenon. Frank Sutey and his family left Crested Butte sometime in the 1930s because he was blackballed from working in the mines. Unemployment was his reward for trying to improve working conditions for the working man and the “little guy”! He and his family settled the lonely, barren land on Cattle Creek which became the Sutey ranch. I believe if Frank Sutey were alive he LETTERS page 19

been reconciling by tender type for years, and only need a small modification to better reflect automatic account withdrawals. Also in the Aug. 3 issue, The Sun misidentified the winner of the adult limbo contest, who was in fact Brandi Parsley.

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • AUGUST 10-16, 2017

Sincerest thanks to our

Honorary Publishers for their generous, ongoing commitment of support. Jim Calaway, Chair Kay Brunnier Bob Ferguson – Jaywalker Lodge Scott Gilbert: Habitat for Humanity - RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger

ank you to our SunScribers and community members for your support! It truly takes a village to keep e Sun shining.

To inform, inspire and build community. Donations accepted online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 520 S. Third Street #32 Carbondale, CO 81623 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Kathryn Camp • 970-379-7014 adsales@soprissun.com Reporter: John Colson Photographer: Jane Bachrach Graphic Designer: Terri Ritchie Delivery: Tom Sands CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS board@soprissun.com Barbara Dills, President Debbie Bruell, Secretary Cliff Colia • Diana Alcantara Matt Adeletti • Olivia Pevec Faith Magill • Stacey Bernot Raleigh Burleigh • Marilyn Murphy The Sopris Sun Board meets regularly on the second Monday evening of each month at the Third Street Center. Check the calendar for details and occasional date changes.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

Here comes the bridge By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff After years of planning and months of construction, the planned 95-day closure of the Grand Avenue Bridge (GAB) begins Aug. 14. In the largest infrastructure project on the Western Slope in 25 years, crews are working to replace the more than five-decade-old traffic bridge across the Colorado River and Interstate 70 in Glenwood Springs. While the impacts will be mostly felt by folks who live in or commute through Glenwood, the whole region is going to notice. “Basically everybody’s got to go in and out of Glenwood through exit 114,” explained Tom Newland, public information manager for the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). That leaves Midland Avenue and Eighth Street as the primary connection between Interstate 70 and Highway 82 via Grand Avenue. Upvalley folks with destinations in north Glenwood may opt to take Devereaux, particularly if they’re headed to Iron Mountain Hot Springs or the Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park. There’s also a shuttle service from the old Bighorn Toyota lot over to the

Glenwood Hot Springs, though folks might also consider parking on the south side of the river and walking over. In fact, walkers and bikers are likely to find the closure much less disruptive in general. Although you won’t be able to pass under Grand Avenue at Seventh Street — an access already closed to cars — the pedestrian bridge just to the east will remain open throughout the project and, thanks to elevators, it’s ADA compliant. Indeed, RFTA will be bypassing the detour by staging buses on either side of the bridge, and will also be free from Battlement Mesa to Glenwood Springs for the duration of the closure. Roaring Fork School District is taking a similar tact with a “walking bus” from Two Rivers Park, taking advantage of another pedestrian bridge near the confluence. “We’ve got really a bunch of different ways that you can get around without your car,” observed Newland, who plans to do a lot of biking himself. For construction workers or others who can’t bus or walk, CDOT is also offering incentives for carpooling, with passes available for vehicles with six or more people to skirt GRAND AVE BRIDGE page 5

Most of the new span has already been constructed, but the final connection will require a closure of one of the area's most significant transportation links. Courtesy photo

PSA from the Colorado Department of Transportation: Visitor information

For hotels in south Glenwood Springs, at Glenwood Meadows and Exit 114, drive through the detour and, if possible, time your arrival and departure to avoid commuter traffic patterns — generally weekdays from 6:30 to 9 a.m. and 3:30 to 7 p.m. After arrival, hop aboard the city's free shuttle service to get to attractions and other destinations.

For hotels in north and west Glenwood Springs, it is not necessary to take the detour route. However, walking, cycling and taking the free shuttle service are highly recommended after arrival. Access to US 6 will remain the same. Emergency services and safety message

The Detour Map for the Grand Avenue Bridge. The detour will begin Aug. 14. Graphic provided by CDOT

Motorists are reminded to move over for emergency services vehicles (EMS). Anyone who blocks EMS is subject to citation and fines. Northbound CO 82 traffic will be reduced to one lane at 27th Street. The right lane is reserved for EMS, transit, vanpools and right turns only. Wulfsohn Road, behind Glenwood Meadows, is reserved for EMS, transit and vanpools. Blocking intersections will not be tolerated.

Commercial vehicles

All commercial vehicles must contact the CDOT permitting office for wide-load restrictions. Independence Pass is NOT an alternate route. Vehicles over 35 feet are permitted to use McClure Pass. Cottonwood Pass between Eagle County and Garfield County is also NOT a recommended alternate route, and commercial vehicles are prohibited on this county road. Tools to reduce traffic and frustration

Plan your trip or commute by understanding traffic impacts and delays. Avoid peak travel times.

Shift your schedule, combine trips or telecommute.

Team up and commute with your neighbors.

Mobilize a neighborhood carpool for child pick-up and drop-off

Eligible students should ride the bus to school.

Identify neighborhood assets such as parking lots, bikes lanes or carpooling locations. Take the bus

Stay informed by signing up for alerts at codot.gov/projects/sh82grandavenuebridge or by calling 618-9897.

THE SOPRIS SUN, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • AUGUST 10-16, 2017 • 3

Town Report

Cop Shop

Carbondale, AirBnb reach tax agreement

From July 28 through Aug. 3 Carbondale Officers handled 305 Calls for Service. During that period, officers investigated the following cases of note:

Airbnb has started collecting and will remit sales and lodging tax to the Town of Carbondale on behalf of hosts beginning Aug. 1, according to Town Manager Jay Harrington’s weekly report to trustees, staff and others. An expanded press release specified a 3.5 percent sales tax rate and a 2 percent lodging tax as part of the Voluntary Collection Agreement — the ninth such in Colorado and one of around 300 worldwide. In other news from Harrington’s report… • LiveWell Colorado proudly awarded Elite Status to the Town of Carbondale for its commitment to building a healthy community. In order to qualify for the top status, a city must have adopted at least five healthy eating and active living (HEAL) policies since joining the campaign. For Carbondale, that meant creating the town’s first Health and Safety Committee, conducting a trails and sidewalks needs assessment (March 2016), completing sidewalks to the Third Street Center, creating a summer garden boot camp for kids and master garden program, providing land for the local farmers’ market and receiving a grant to provide cooking classes and produce to 10 low-income families. • The streets crew assisted with the clean-up following Mountain Fair, and swept streets and placed traffic control in preparation for First Friday. In addition to routine sign maintenance and pothole repair, the crew also assisted the utilities department with a fire hydrant repair and work on the wingwall for the Carbondale ditch headgate. • The contractor was waiting for delivery of parts for the Crystal Well project, while staff were preparing to disinfect the clear well and new piping inside the building. Startup is tentatively scheduled for the week of the Aug. 14. The carpentry work is ongoing at the Nettle Creek plant in preparation for concrete and the metal siding installation. There have been no reported operational problems at the water plants; production average for

the week is 1.4 million gallons per day. • The soft starts for the blowers at the wastewater plant have been delivered and should be installed this week. The wastewater plant reported issues with the bio-solids system, but a solution has been found. The data collection navigator problems have yet to be resolved, however. • The trail connection between the parking lot at Triangle Park and the existing trail along Highway 133 was completed. Additionally, work on the highway trail lighting project between Village Road and Cowen Drive is expected to start this week. • Staff attended the preconstruction meeting for the teacher housing project on Third Street and met with the vendor for the next Hazardous Waste Day on Oct.14th. • Parts of the Carbondale Recreation & Community Center were closed on Aug. 5 to accommodate a wedding reception for 250 people. • Modified hours will begin at the John M. Fleet pool on Aug. 14; the schedule is available on line at www.carbondalerec.com. Also, an upcoming Tri Race for ages 6-15 will take place at 10 a.m. Aug. 18; register by Aug. 17 for $15. • Parks crews undertook post Fair duties like moving picnic tables, aerating Sopris Park and turning the irrigation systems back on. They also conducted hand weeding at North Face Park. • Utility crews worked on the wing wall for the Carbondale Ditch to allow more flow into the head gate. The Crystal flows continue to recede. • The GIS system development continues. The information available through this system is providing a comprehensive road map to infrastructure and resources. • The Historical Preservation Committee met on Aug. 3 and discussed the status of the historic building survey, which is still on schedule to finish early next year.

4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • AUGUST 10-16, 2017

SATURDAY July 29 at 4:25 p.m. An employee at Basalt Bike and Ski (formerly Ajax Bike and Ski) in Carbondale informed that someone had broken into the store the night before and stolen seven bikes with an estimated total value of $62,000. Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 963-2662. SATURDAY July 29 at 7:18 p.m. Following an accident on Third Street, officers arrested one 42-year-old driver on suspicion of driving under the influence and child abuse (negligence). SUNDAY July 30 at 1:50 a.m. Police stopped a car for weaving and erratic breaking and ended up arresting the 26-year-old driver on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. SUNDAY July 30 at 3:53 a.m. A traffic stop for a broken tail light and no license plate light led to an arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol, possession of a controlled substance and other charges. MONDAY July 31 at 2:52 p.m. Officers took a report of a cold hit and run accident. The victim had a picture of the possible suspect vehicle and the case is under investigation. THURSDAY Aug. 3 at 2:09 p.m. A 34-yearold man was arrested on an outstanding warrant following a domestic disturbance call.

Trustees select Luis Yllanes to fill vacant seat By John Colson Sopris Sun Staff Luis Yllanes, a Florida-born man with a background in the arts, was appointed to join the Carbondale Board of Trustees at a meeting of that board on Aug. 8 at Town Hall in Carbondale. Yllanes, 43, is married with two children and has lived in town for close to two years and in the Roaring Fork Valley for a total of about eight years. He is fluent in both Spanish and English and offered himself as a liaison between the town government and Carbondale’s Hispanic population, among other attributes, he told the town’s trustees at the meeting. He was picked from a field of six candidates whom the sitting board members universally praised as highly qualified men and women who each would have made a good choice to replace former Trustee Katrina Byars, who resigned from the board earlier in the year when she had to move out of Carbondale in order to find affordable housing. The town’s codes require that trustees live in Carbondale. Byars still had about nine months left on her four-year term as trustee, and Yllanes will serve out that remaining time, then will need to run for election if he wishes to continue to be a trustee. Other candidates included Colette Armstrong, Hank van Berlo, Niki Delson, Julia Farwell and Jade Wimberley, all of whom were encouraged to run for election next April, the next regularly scheduled trustee contest. That election promises to be an unusual

one, as five of the board’s seven seats will be Many of the applicants recounted their up for grabs due to a combination of factors. volunteer service to various organizations, Trustee Frosty Merriott will be step- and one, Colette Armstrong, emphasized her ping down due to term limits. Other seats status as a Carbondale native and local high up for election at that time include those school graduate who went away for college currently held by: and work but returned about • Mayor Dan Richardson, three years ago. who was elected to a trustee’s She said she has volunteered position in 2016, but ran for and for the historical society and won the mayor’s job last Noother organizations, though not vember to fill out the term of reon any town advisory boards, tired Mayor Stacey Bernot; and that she applied for the • Trustee Heather Henry, aptrustee position because “I repointed last year to replace deally want to be part of helping Luis Yllanes parted Trustee A.J. Hobbs; to shape the community in • Trustee Erica Sparhawk, who was ap- moving forward.” pointed in January to fill out the remainder Farwell, who has been a key member of of Richardson’s term as trustee, after Richard- the town’s Environmental Board for years, son stepped into the mayor’s spot last year. and whose history of volunteer service was • and Yllanes, since Byars’ term was set to openly admired by some of the sitting expire in 2018. trustees, pointed to her bilingual status The only sitting trustees who will not be (English and Spanish) as something that standing for election in April are Ben Bohm- would help her serve as a link between the falk and Marty Silverstein, both of whom town government and the Latino commuwere elected in 2016 to four year terms that nity that makes up hefty portion of the end in 2020. town’s population. At the Tuesday meeting when Yllanes was Yllanes said he learned about the trustee chosen to replace Byars, all six of the appli- opening while he was away on vacation, and cants for the position showed up and gave told the trustees that he felt an “obligation” to brief introductions of themselves, then were apply and offer his offer to help improve asked a series of questions by the trustees and, communications between Town Hall and the in turn, were offered the chance to ask the Latino population. trustees questions of their own. Toward that goal, he said he would iniAlmost as if they had rehearsed their re- tially reach out to Latino business owners to marks, nearly every one of the applicants learn what their interests are, their views of mentioned that the trustees were faced with the town government, and how that governhaving to pick one out of a field of just about ment might best modify its outlook and opequally-qualified individuals. erations to improve communications with

Grand Ave. Bridge om page 3 traffic in some places. Newland is less concerned about visitors or locals with plans outside the standard commute time or heading in the opposite direction from the crowds. “Although these traffic counts are high, it’s definitely morning and afternoon centric,” he observed. “If you’re going against traffic, you shouldn’t have too much trouble getting through Glenwood Springs.” Still, he added it may not be a bad idea to take Highway 133 over McClure Pass if you’re headed to Grand Junction or Highway 82 over Independence Pass if you’re

headed to Denver. “Not only does it help you, but it also helps traffic in general,” he said. He discouraged Cottonwood Pass as a detour. “If it gets wet or a stray semi truck happens to go up there, you could get stuck in the middle of nowhere for a good period of time,” he said. He also noted that Colorado River access will be closed for 10 days beginning in Aug. 14 and again in September, with closures enforced at the Grizzly, Shoshone and Bair Ranch rest areas. For up to date in-

The Town of Carbondale is currently

seeking volunteer members for the following Boards & Commissions:

t 1BSLT 3FDSFBUJPO $PNNJTTJPO 1 opening (meets 2nd Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 p.m.) t "EWJTPSZ #PBSE "QQMJDBUJPO Download application form from the Town of Carbondale Boards & Commissions webpage (www.carbondalegov.org)

t )JTUPSJD 1SFTFSWBUJPO $PNNJTTJPO 3 openings (meets 2nd Thursday of each month @ 6:30 p.m.)

formation on river closures and restrictions, join the 3 p.m. daily conference call at 218-339-7800, access code 230-0335. Meanwhile, Newland encouraged locals and visitors not to cut the area round the bridge out of their plans. “Something I’m going to do for sure is frequent downtown a little more than I normally do,” he said. “Glenwood’s definitely open for business.” He also has high hopes that the contractor will end up with a bonus for finishing early rather than a penalty for finishing late. And when it does, folks will have to decide whether the inconvenience was worth the gift of GAB.

Latinos living and working here. Trustee Sparhawk asked Yllanes about his background working in art museums, and whether that background might be helpful in the town’s relations with the Carbondale Arts organization, a key player in the town’s social and creative life. After lauding the work of CA, Yllanes said with a smile, “I would love to bring my knowledge to that.” Although he has been in town only about two years, Yllanes said he feels he has a good grasp of the town’s cultural and social priorities and problems, and that he will be able to help encourage greater participation in town affairs by Latinos and other immigrants. The trustees, on a motion by Silverstein, voted unanimously to appoint Yllanes to replace Byars. In other action, the trustees: • Agreed to keep Byars on duty as the town’s liaison to the oil and gas industry and to the Garfield County government, a role she fulfilled when she was a trustee; • Approved a transfer of ownership of the Colorado Product Services marijuana cultivation and retail sales firm (which does its retail business as Doctor’s Garden on Main Street) from founder James Leonard to one of Leonard’s employees, Sara Johnstone, who has purchased the business from Leonard. • Adopted a proposed Carbondale Environmental Bill of Rights, drafted over the course of months by Trustees Frosty Merriott and Heather Henry, with assistance from the E-Board’s Julia Farwell and others, to guide the town’s future decisions regarding environmental sustainability.

How locals are planning The Sopris Sun took to social media to find out what folks were thinking about the big closure. Here’s what we got back. • Kent James: “‘Martini’..... :)” • Sarah Johnson: “Staying away from it all if possible; Independence Pass is going to be busy; yikes!” • Carolyn Fisher: “It concerns me a little. With fire season coming up in the fall I worry about safe evacuation out of the valley.” • Lori Meraz: “Online shopping and not going anywhere past Glenwood City Market.”

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For Information & Reservations call 970-945-0667 • yampahspa.com Spa Open 9-9 Salon Open n 9-7 • One Block East off the Hot Springs Pool Pool THE SOPRIS SUN, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • AUGUST 10-16, 2017 • 5


Send your scuttlebutt to news@soprissun.com. Travieso. Juancito Bollini scored a gamehigh seven goals and Paul Foster of Los Amigos Blue also scored seven goals in the subsidiary game against Flexjet to tie the single-game scoring club record held by Alex Gooding. The next match at the club (3275 CR 100) takes place from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 13 and is a benefit for the Aspen Valley Hospital Foundation. Visit AVHFPOLO.gesture.com for ticket sales.

Rams reunite! Alumni of Roaring Fork High School — or its predecessor, Carbondale Union — are invited to an all-age reunion Sept. 15 through 17 at 6334 Highway 133. Events include a catered dinner Friday night at $10 a plate, potluck breakfasts Saturday and Sunday and a potluck dinner Saturday and an auction. Volunteers are needed and RSVPs are appreciated. Contact Ann at 379-1759 or Donna at 945-9208.

Over and under

Not actually at Town Hall Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet will hold a Town Hall meeting on Aug. 11 in Aspen to listen to Coloradans' concerns and respond to questions. Doors open at 3 p.m. at Aspen High School (235 High School Rd.). Those unable to attend the Town Hall can follow Senator Bennet on Twitter and Facebook for updates the day of the event.

To the corps In collaboration with Mentor Colorado, the Buddy Program has received a grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service to host an AmeriCorps member at Basalt Elementary School to mentor and support 10 youth and provide after school programming during the 2017-18 school year. The Buddy Program is a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit that runs four programs throughout the Roaring Fork Valley, including one-to-one mentoring and group, experiential mentoring.


While afternoon rainstorms are driving the fire bans away, they’re also leaving some pretty big puddles on West Main Street and elsewhere. Photo by Julie Albrecht

Don’t wait; matriculate Registration for the fall semester is now underway at all Colorado Mountain College locations and online. Classes begin the week of Aug. 28 and throughout the semester. Fall class schedules are available at local campuses and at coloradomtn.edu/classes. For registration, go to coloradomtn.edu/register or visit any CMC campus.

Crystal clear Have you ever wondered about those giant white marble blocks along the Crystal River or that old water-wheel in the middle of Filoha Meadows just beyond Penny Hot Springs — and just who is Penny anyway?

body & soul


v truenaturehealingarts.com 100 N 3RD S T • C ARBONDALE 970.963 .9 900

6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • AUGUST 10-16, 2017

Author Charlotte Graham, a Marble resident of 20 years, spent seven years getting answers to her curiosity by visiting with local elders and researching backgrounds of many historic points of interest between Carbondale, Redstone and Marble. Explore Booksellers in Aspen hosts Charlotte at a wine and cheese reception at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 17, where she will present and sign her two volumes of Memoirs of a River…Up the Crystal. For more information, visit www.charlotte-graham.com.

Marco! The Aspen Valley Polo Club ran away with the High Alpine Cup title Sunday with a 14-9 victory over defending champion

The pedestrian underpass at Basalt Avenue and Highway 82 is now open to the public. Construction will continue in the area — we’ve heard it referred to as “The High School Hole” — throughout October, but the brunt of the highway alignment impacts are complete.

Volantes Consulado Móvil The Mexican Consulate’s Division of Community Affairs will be visiting the Roaring Fork Valley Aug. 19 and 20 and providing services like birth certificates, passports and IDs for the area’s Mexican community. They can also help with questions of relocation. To make an appointment, call 1-877-639-4835.

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another year of life this week include: Louise Holgate (Aug. 10); Tripp Adams and Bill Hofto (Aug. 11) ; John McCormick (Aug. 12); Briana Boland and John Ginn (Aug. 13); Ariane Montez (Aug. 14) Mugsy Fay and Jill Knaus (Aug. 16).

Meet Carbondale’s new postmaster, Reza Tehrani By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff The 81623 zip code has a new postmaster — and his door is always open. Well, except when The Sopris Sun and KDNK sat down with him to ďŹ nd out a bit about his background and philosophy. Soft spoken and polite, Reza Tehrani ushered us past the folks waiting to buy stamps and into his simple ofďŹ ce just off the public area. He explained that he came to the United States from Iran as a teenager in 1987. “At that point, back in my country there was a war going on and it was not a comfortable situation,â€? he said. “It was kind of dictated to me.â€? He ended up in management at a Denver company that made inators for airbags. In 2004, however, it was bought out and the location was closed. “Most of us decided to look for new careers, and the Postal Service came up,â€? he said. He ended up getting a job as a clerk in Aspen, and eventually began to work his way up in the organization using his management background and some encouragement from an existing postmaster. He served in various roles in Glenwood, Old Snowmass and Carbondale before being officially sworn in as the head honcho in Carbondale. He’ll be commuting against the trafďŹ c rather than uproot his wife of 17 years and their two daughters — 10 and 13 —

from Aspen. As for what the job actually entails, he’s glad to elaborate. “Other than overseeing the operation of the post ofďŹ ce, we try to connect with and educate customers and our team members,â€? he said. “The most important goal of the post ofďŹ ce is to provide the best service we possibly can.â€? It’s a role he takes seriously and with a fair amount of pride. The USPS, he observed, is self funded and supplies a type of mail service quite different from its competition. “People grow up with the United States Postal Service. Everybody looks for the mail on a daily basis,â€? he said. “You get packages, you send letters and postcards — these things bring people together.â€? There are also a lot of services folks may not be aware of or fully understand, like post ofďŹ ce boxes and forwarding. “We are hoping that people bring their questions and concerns to us,â€? he said. He had some answers for our questions, at least. Does the fact that regional mail all goes through Grand Junction mean a later delivery time? Tehrani wasn’t part of that decision — which was made several years ago — but he suspects it probably has an impact. What about the rumors of nixing Saturday delivery that oated around a few months back? “At this point, it’s a non-issue,â€? he said.

Reza Tehrani (right) is sworn in as Carbondale’s latest postmaster. Photo by Will Grandbois

“As far as the information I get‌ we will deliver the mail six days a week.â€? What kind of challenges does the rural setting have, particularly where Marble and Redstone are concerned? It turns out those routes are done by contractors, and it’s mostly a matter of getting them up to speed. “This ofďŹ ce had two of the best contractors who knew those routes inside and

out,� he explained. “We recently got new contractors, and they’re getting familiar with it and doing a better job every day.� Generally, he plans to use a light touch with mostly behind-the-scenes changes and some extra training. It helps that he’s already blessed with a friendly and competent staff. “We do have exceptional people working for us here,� he said.

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Dentist Gene Covello opts out of Carbondale commute By John Colson Sopris Sun Staff For the past 20 years, garrulous Carbondale dentist Gene Covello has been a long-distance commuter, driving the 90-plus miles from Grand Junction (where he has a home and a practice) to Carbondale, in order to continue seeing patients who are as much his friends as they are clients. But that has come to an end. Covello, 67, on Aug. 8 had his last appointment as a dentist in Carbondale, though he will continue to practice at an office in Grand Junction, which he opened after moving there in 1997 for family reasons. Meanwhile, his practice is now owned by his former partners, Matt and Taylor Verheul (pronounced “ver-heel”). “I commuted for 20 years,” he recalled.” I’d come up on Monday and work through Thursday, and then I’d go home.” The issue for him, he said, was that “I still loved Carbondale. My heart was here. But I love my wife, and that’s where the other part of my heart was.” And his wife, Sheila, was happier in Grand Junction than she had been in Carbondale, Gene said, mostly because of the tough Carbondale winters and Roaring Fork Valley’s infamously short growing season for vegetables. “She loves gardening, she loves growing things,” he said, remarking that this year in Grand Junction she had tomatoes ready to eat in June, along with fresh peppers and herbs. When Gene suggested, after the kids had left home, that they move back to the Roaring Fork Valley, “she looked at me and said, ‘I’m not going back.’ So we made that (the weekly commute) work for 20 years.”

“I don’t think I ever questioned whether I would like it or not,” he said. “It was just what I was going to do.” As the son of an avid fly fisherman, Covello had been exposed early on to the Roaring Fork Valley. He would come to Basalt nearly every summer in the 1950s and ’60s with his folks, staying at Wolf’s Cabins. His mom and sisters would shop or do “touristy things,” but he and his dad would fish the Fryingpan and Roaring Fork rivers, long before the local rivers became Gold Medal waters with catch-and-release rules. His dad, who was a cop, also was “a post-Depression child, so he wanted to keep everything he caught. “But I was from a different generation, I wanted to preserve this for future fishermen,” Covello continued, so he would sneak fish out of the creel and slip them back into the water whenever he could. One day, he said, his dad saw him do it from across the river and shouted, “If I could get across this river, son, I’d kick your ass.” When they got home that night, Covello recalled, his dad grimly told his mom, “Gene’s going with you and the girls in the morning. And she kind of looked at him funny.” That night, his mom told him much later, she confronted his dad and said, “Hey, dummy, this is your son. If he wants to go fishing with you and if he wants to throw these damned fish back, let him throw ’em back! It ain’t like we haven’t – Taylor Verheul got enough.” Gene went fishing with dad the next day, and no more was said about his tossing fish back. After graduating from Northwestern, he decided he wanted to get back to small-town living in the mountains. He came to check out the Roaring Fork Valley in 1975, looking for a place to work, and ended up buying the only practice in town, started by Dr. Bob Tattenham some years earlier in the 300 block of Main Street. A couple of years later, he said, he bought the home of one-time Skyline Kennels owners Charles and Louise Kelly, at Third and Main Streets. He converted it to a dental office but retained the barber shop in front, which had been there when the Kellys owned the building and is still there today. Over the years, he had several dentists as partners, culminating with the partnership with the Verheuls. The dental office has moved again, to a new office on Village Road built by the Verheuls, a couple who met at

“We’re so fortunate to have had such a wonderful mentor. He’s an amazing dentist.”

From Denver to Chicago to Carbondale Covello said he grew up in North Denver and Wheatridge, the youngest of three kids (two sisters). He graduated from Wheatridge High School and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree from CU-Boulder in three years before moving to Chicago, Ill., to attend the Northwestern University dental school there until graduating in 1975. A talented baseball player in high school and college, Covello at one point had to choose between the minor leagues and densistry, and he chose dentistry.

Gene Covello in 1975, shortly after starting up his practice. Photo by Rebecca Young

dental school in Minnesota and came to Carbondale in 2005 after practicing for a couple of years in Sioux Falls, S.D., the state where Matt Verheul was raised (Taylor grew up in Montana, she said.) After running their own practice for a couple of years, they joined Covello in 2008 and after working together with him for nearly a decade they bought the practice as Covello prepared to move to Grand Junction. Covello said he feels he is leaving Carbondale in competent hands, with several other good dentists in town now in addition to Verheul Family Dentistry. “I think Matt and Taylor have a great practice and are very talented dentists,” he said, though he acknowledged that some of his patients have declared they will be seeing him in Junction, where his practice is physically smaller than the old Main Street office but will keep serving clients from Carbondale. He said that already he has heard from long-time patients who now live in such towns as Rifle, Parachute and DeBeque, and would not be surprised to hear from some in Carbondale and Glenwood Springs. The Verheuls, contacted at the new dental facility, expressed gratitude for Covello’s willingness to become partners and ultimately sell them his practice. “We’re so fortunate to have had such a wonderful mentor,” said Taylor Verheul. “He’s an amazing dentist.” Matt Verheul added, “It’s been a great run.”

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Carbondale Farmers’ Market HYHU\ :HGQHVGD\ )RXUWK 0DLQ 6WUHHW THE SOPRIS SUN, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • AUGUST 10-16, 2017 • 9

Community Calendar THURSDAY Aug. 10 ART OPENING • Carbondale Arts presents a solo exhibition of paintings by Paul Manes, beginning with a 6 to 8 p.m. reception at The Launchpad (76 S. 4th St.). Manes, who now lives in Carbondale, has been widely exhibited in America and Europe and his paintings have been acquired by many museums and private collections. TONY FURTADO TRIO • Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) brings back perennial favorite Tony Furtado with Sam Howard and Luke Price at 8:30 p.m. — though you’ll probably want to there early to nab a seat. WOMEN’S SELF DEFENSE • Sacred Cycle brings Pam Soldoff of Basalt Family Martial Arts to Basalt Elementary (151 Cottonwood Dr.) at 6 p.m. for an evening of honest and interactive discussion on the realities of personal safety. Donation based; RSVP at info@thesacredcycle.org.

FRIDAY Aug. 11 MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre presents “Dunkirk” (PG-13) at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 11-13, Aug. 15-17 and “The Big Sick” (R) at 5 p.m. Aug. 11-12. Closed Aug. 14. ART WALK • Stop by Tania Dibbs, Toklat Gallery, Ann Korologos Gallery, Colori Gallery & Studios, Dbstudios and Art of Hair from 5 to 8 p.m. for Basalt’s second Friday festivities. Make some extra time for 10x10 Name Unseen, showcasing over 100 Colorado-based artists at the Art Base.

To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is noon on Monday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted.

HOOTENANNY • KDNK Community Radio & Carbondale Creative District present free music from The Band of Heathens and others, local food and drinks, activities and more. Gates open at 5 p.m. and the evening wraps up at 10 p.m. with the Mountain Fair slideshow. PIZZA PICNIC • Bring your favorite pizza topping for a Carbondale Community Oven bake and hang out in Bonnie Fischer Park while your custom pie bakes. First firing at 6 p.m.; 5:45 for gluten free. Chairs or blankets, non-alcoholic drinks, sides, and tableware encouraged. MILKSHAKES FOR MOMS • Aspen Valley Hospital’s Aspen Birth Center lactation consultants will host free milkshakes in the Castle Creek Café from 12 to 2 p.m. in conjunction with World Breastfeeding Week. For more information about the Aspen Birth Center or its ongoing classes and “Bosom Buddies” weekly support group for new moms, call 544-1130 or visit aspenhospital.org.

SATURDAY Aug. 12 CHAMBER MUSIC • The Aspen Music Festival continues to bring instrumental music downvalley at 6 p.m. with another free concert at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.).

COUNTRY FOLK • At 8:30 p.m., Steve’s Guitars (19 N. Fourth St.) hosts the concisely crafted honest songs of Trevor and Sylvie. ROOTS ROCK • Gaslight Street plays at 9:30 p.m. at the Black Nugget (403 Main St.). OUTDOOR MOVIE • Basalt Summer Cinema Series presents E.T. at 8 p.m. in Lions Park (101 Midland Ave.) on a 16-foot inflatable screen. The series, presented by the Basalt Chamber of Commerce, is designed to appeal to a range of ages and interests.

SUNDAY Aug. 13 MUSIC IN THE PARK • Free second Sunday concerts continue in the Sopris Park from 4 to 7 p.m. with Rosewood Divine, Pearl & Wood and The DƎER.

MONDAY Aug. 14 HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION • Free opportunities include… • One-hour consultation about heart attack prevention, plant-based nutrition, other medical issues. Call retired family doctor Greg Feinsinger, M.D. for appointment (379-5718). • First Monday of every month catch a powerpoint presentation by Dr. Feinsinger about the science behind plant-based nutrition 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the board room Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). • Fourth Monday of every month, plantbased potluck 6:30 p.m. Calaway Room Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). All events supported by Davi Nikent, Center

for Human Flourishing. More information at www.davinikent.org.

TUESDAY Aug. 15 TRAIL WORK • Show up anytime after 4 p.m. to help improve and expand the trails along the Crown section of Prince Creek. Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers does the organizing and provides dinner; direct questions to rfov@sopris.net or 927-8241.

WEDNESDAY Aug. 16 FARM DINNER • Take a tour around Roaring Gardens (16411 Highway 82) at 5 p.m. followed by a family-style, multi-course dinner straight from the garden to your fork. Only a few miles bike ride from downtown, and downhill on the way back. Tickets are $60 at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2948361. Non-alcoholic beverages provided; BYOB.

Further Out THURSDAY Aug. 17 PARENTING CLASS • Castle Valley Children’s Clinic is kicking off a monthly parenting series with a 6 p.m. meeting at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Hosted by Dr. Carey Levin and Dr. Becca Percy,” it will address the topic “Should I see the doctor? Common parenting questions.”

SUNDAY Aug. 20 ONE TABLE • Bring your family and friends to a town-wide potluck on Fourth Street. Reserve your spot by emailing ourtown1table@gmail.com or calling (305) 710- 0826. Visit ourtown1table.weebly.com for more information.

CALENDAR page 11

Roaring Fork Valley Host families needed NOW Contact: Stacy Grimm – sgrimm@flag-intl.com – 970-309-4728

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10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • AUGUST 10-16, 2017

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Thanks to all of our sponsors: Town of Carbondale, KDNK, The Sopris Sun, Alpine Bank, American National Bank, Poss Architecture, Jaywalker Lodge, Equus Wealth Management, Amoré Realty

Community Calendar

continued from page 10


AMERICAN ART • The Ann Korologos Gallery (211 Midland Ave., Basalt) hosts “America at Heart: Valleys to Peaks” a solo exhibition of works by Dan Young showcasing plein air impressions of Colorado’s most beloved locations and pastimes. CARBONDALE CLAY • The Carbondale Clay Center presents its twelfth annual national juried exhibition, this year called “The Art of Utility” and focused on functional ceramic wares. For more information, visit www.carbondaleclay.org or call 963-2529. WRITERS GROUP • Wordsmiths of all experience and abilities gather at the Carbondale Branch Library at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of the month. IMMUNIZATION CLINICS • Garfield County offers immunization clinics at the Carbondale Family Resource Center (in the Bridges Center at 400 Sopris Ave.) the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. To schedule an appointment, call 945-6614, ext. 2030. TRIVIA NIGHT • Gather a team of up to six and head to Marble Bar (150 Main St.) on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. to compete for the chance at $50 off the team tab, plus show off the custom made marble Trivia Trophy for a while. POETRY WORKSHOPS • Release your inner poet from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of each month a the Basalt Regional Library (14 Midland Ave.). BLUEGRASS JAM • Bring the instrument of your choice or just your voice for a weekly jam session first and last Sundays at 6:30 at

Steve’s Guitars (19 N 4th St.) and all other Sundays at the Glenwood Springs Brew Garden (115 Sixth St.). YOUR STORY, YOUR LIFE • A free facilitated workshop for adults, writing your personal history, one story at a time. Facilitated by Shelly Merriam, historian/writer/genealogist. First and third Fridays, 10 a.m. to noon at the Glenwood Springs Branch Library, (815 Cooper Ave.). Info at 945-5958 or gcpld.orgf COMMUNITY MEAL • Faith Lutheran Church (1340 Highway 133) hosts a free community meal from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the first and third Saturdays of the month. Info: 510-5046 or faithcarbondale.com. Carbondale Homeless Assistance also has its meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month. RODEO • The Carbondale Wild West Rodeo takes place at the Gus Darien Arena on Catherine Store Road every Thursday through August 17. Gates open at 5:30 p.m. with slack at 6 and a 7:30 p.m. Grand Entry. FARMER’S MARKET • Local produce and more available at the Fourth Street Plaza from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesdays. HIGH NOON • Bring your compliments, complaints and ideas to Sopris Sun Editor Will Grandbois at 12 p.m. Thursdays at the Pour House (351 Main St.). MEDITATION • Free silent meditation sessions are held at the Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.) from 6:45 to 7:30 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Additionally, The Monday Night Meditation Group meets from 7 to 8:15 p.m. at True Nature (100 N. Third

St.) and offers instruction in the Buddhist practice of Vipassana. Also at True Nature, everyone’s invited for SRF meditation from 10 to 11 a.m. on the first Sunday of the month and 5 to 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month. MINDFULNESS • The Mindful Life Program in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) offers group sessions Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Admission is by donation and registration is not necessary. Info: mindfullifeprogram.org and 970-633-0163. SENIOR MATTERS • The nonprofit Senior Matters, based in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.), offers numerous programs for senior citizens, including: tai chi with John Norman at 8:30 a.m. on Monday and Wednesday; tai chi with Marty Finklestein at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday; Alaprima Painters at 11 a.m. on Thursdays; the Senior Matters Book Club at 4 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of the month; and the Roaring Fork Brain Train. Info: seniormatters.org; Diane Johnson at 970-306-2587; and Senior Matters, Box 991, Carbondale CO, 81623. SENIOR RADIO • Diane Johnson talks about senior issues and services on KDNK at 4:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month. BRIDGE • The Carbondale Bridge Club hosts duplicate bridge (not sanctioned by ACBL) from 6:30 to 10 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). $6/per pair. ROTARY • The Carbondale Rotary Club

meets at the Carbondale Fire Station (300 Meadowood Dr.) at 6:45 a.m. Wednesdays. The Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at Mi Casita (580 Main St.) at noon every Thursday. GRIEF AND LOSS • Pathfinders offers a grief and loss support group every other Monday at 6 p.m., and a caregiver support group every other Wednesday noon. An RSVP is required to Robyn Hubbard at 319-6854. Pathfinders offers support groups from Aspen to Rifle and is located in Carbondale at 1101 Village Rd. Info: pathfindersforcancer.org. LET’S JUST DANCE • Catch a free lesson with Wild Bill at 7 p.m. then it’s $8 to get out on the dance floor at 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday at The Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). No partner or experience necessary. Questions? Call 970-366-6463 or email BillyPat4@gmail.com. LUNCH • Crystal Meadows (1250 Hendrick Dr.) senior housing hosts a lunch followed by Bingo every Wednesday. RUN AROUND • Independence Run & Hike hosts a run around town Saturdays at 8 a.m. Meet at the store 596 Highway 133 (in La Fontana Plaza) and run various distances, with different routes each week. Info: 704-0909. YAPPY HOUR • Colorado Animal Rescue’s Yappy Hour at the Marble Bar (150 Main St) takes place at 5:30 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Sip on handcrafted cocktails and meet a C.A.R.E. dog, with $1 from every drink donated to C.A.R.E. Bring your own dog along as well.

There are lots of things g f kid for kidss tto d do after school. Make sure p parents know about b t your program program. New!

The Sopris Sun·V

Guide G Guid id de to After-School Affterr-School -School Pr Programs ograms o Published: Thursday, August 17 After-School Program Listings

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THE SOPRIS SUN, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • AUGUST 10-16, 2017 • 11

¡Una MULTA hasta $1,000 por violar la ordenanza de basura/osos!

NO LE ENSENE A LOS OSOS NUEVOS TRUCOS Se han visto osos en Carbondale y en los alrededores Prevencion Temprana ¡La prevencion temprana ayuda a que los osos no se acostumbren a visitar los vecindarios! REMUEVA COSAS QUE ATRAEN A LOS OSOS: xBasura xAlimentó para pájaros xComida de animales domésticos xParrilla para asar xFruta xCompost

Photo by Linda Romero Criswell

EL CODIGO DEL PUEBLO: No Poner Basura Afuera Antes de las 6AM el Dia de Coleccion El Pueblo de Carbondale ha pasado una ordenanza que prohíbe poner la basura afuera antes de las 6AM el día de colección y el contenedor vacío debe estar adentro ese día a las 8PM. El olor de cualquier comida atrae a los osos. Tenga su basura adentro hasta la mañana del día de colección y tenga su parrilla limpia. Es mejor tener ventanas y puertas cerradas, especialmente en la noche. Si un oso entra a su hogar, abra las puertas para que los osos tengan una ruta de escape, y salga.

LA BASURA MATA A LOS OSOS Osos que hacen visitas repetidas a las vecindades pueden ser movidos o se realizara eutanasia. Para mantener su familia y osos seguros, por favor, de eliminar cualquier atrayentes, y siga estos consejos hasta que los osos hibernan en el invierno. Osos son 90% vegeten arios y raramente cazan o matan animales, sin embargo, son animales salvajes y pueden ser impredecibles. No se acerque a los osos, especialmente los cachorros.

x x x

CONSEJOS: Se anima tener un gallinero electrificado. El compost debe estar guardado en un contenedor seguro o dentro de un lugar seguro. Contenedores resistentes a los osos deben ser aprobados/certificados por el Inneragency Grizzly Committee

Para más información llame al Division of Wildlife al 947-2920. Si ve un oso en el pueblo, llame al Departamento de Policía en Carbondale al 963-2662. 12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • AUGUST 10-16, 2017

Photo by Will Grandbois

The Carbondale Community Oven (in Bonnie Fischer Park just south of the Third Street Center) had an unprecedented turnout for it’s pre-Fair pizza bake on July 27. Dozens of attendees brought toppings, tossed dough donated by Peppino’s Pizza and hung out while a live fire toasted it all together. Indeed, it became something of a picnic, so the oven crew is embracing a similar concept for a bake at 6 p.m. (5:45 p.m. for gluten free) on Aug. 11. In addition to pizza ingredients and an optional donation, folks are invited to bring blankets, chairs, non-alcoholic beverages, side dishes and the tools to eat it all.

Photo by Linda Romero Criswell

Pizza Factory eyes Carbondale franchise Staff Report Pizza Factory, a California-based franchise with 110 locations across six states, is interested in expanding into Carbondale, according to President and CEO Mary Jane Riva. “We’re a small town franchise,” Riva told The Sun. “Carbondale has the size and community feeling that fits the profile of what we’re looking for.” Before buying the company in 2012, Riva and her husband started out as a franchisee, so they have a sense of what it takes. “Most people don’t even know we’re a franchise,” she observed. “They thought it was just Bob and Mary Jane’s pizza places that we were opening up.” Pizza Factory hasn’t identified a particular site for a Carbondale location, but it will almost certainly be part of an existing building. “We’re not a cookie cutter franchise,” Riva said. The look and feel will come from the community… We’re looking for fran-

chisees that live in the town and want to be part of it and give back.” A potential franchise owner should have a net worth around $200,000 and about $90,000 in liquid assets. If the application process goes well, the company will help negotiate a lease and facilitate a solid business plan. Riva is well aware of the existing pizzerias in town and thinks Pizza Factory will add rather than compete. It’s a by-thepie setup, but there are personal sizes and a lunch buffet. Everything’s made on site, and there’s often some sort of arcade. “We’re the place that families can come and kids can really let their hair down,” she said. The kid focus also shows up in an array of community involvement projects, including the “No Bully Zone” initiative and fundraising to support schools, youth sports and the like. For more information, call 1-800-654-4840 or visit pizzafactoryfranchises.com.

Bilingual play gives kids a voice amid violence Transcribed by Debbie Bruell El Colectivo, a group of Latino artists, presents a bilingual reading of “Draw me a Lamb”, a play by Mexican playwright Karmina Fanjul, at 7 p.m. Aug. 12 at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). Fanjul has been writing and directing theater for over 30 years and has refined a style focusing on characters that usually navigate seas of solitude and explores themes of death, soul dissatisfaction, disappointments, and the imminent search for the Creator Principle, origin and cause of its existence. “Draw me a Lamb” tells the recollections of a 10-year-old boy from Ciudad Juarez in Mexico, when facing the violence that affects the city. The recollections are based on true stories. The event is a fundraiser for the Karmina’s Kids Theater Company and donations are highly encouraged. In advance of the event, KDNK’s Alejandra Rico Bustillos interviewed Fanjul as well as local Carlos Herrera Montero, who translated the piece. The following is a partially translated excerpt transcribed by The Sun. KDNK: Ciudad Juarez is in Chihuahua Mexico. It’s a border town with El Paso, Texas. It’s a huge name for human rights, especially regarding women and the violence against women that has been happening for decades in that part of the world… There are beautiful artists that stayed and are still there. They’re warriors of light, and they’re creating possibilities for people, especially children, that are still living in the midst of beauty and chaos, ugliness and death… Next weekend there’s going to be a reading of a play written by an artist of Ciudad Juarez. Carlos Herrera Montero (CHM): It’s being put together by El Colectivo, a group of latinos that has been doing some theater. It’s a way of presenting more of Carmina’s work. We’ve been performing some of her work, especially during the Day of the Dead celebrations and some puppet shows that we did in Paonia and Parachute. KDNK: When did you write “Draw me a Lamb” and what was the reason behind it? Karmina Fanjul (KF): I wrote it in 2008-9 as a way of giving voice to the kids’ perception of the violence that they experience on a daily basis… I wrote the play to give them a voice. KDNK: Are the parts that are presented in the play based on true stories? KF: Yes, absolutely… I’ve changed the names, but unfortunately, they’re all based on real stories. It’s not only about organized crime, but also about kidnapping and murders. The kids are immersed in that reality. KDNK: When did you begin the children’s theater project in Juarez? KF: The children’s theater company has been a long process. It was started way back in the ’80s as a way of giving the children an opportunity to have theater with values and

Up to $1,000 FINE for violating trash/bear ordinance!

DON’T TEACH BEARS NEW TRICKS Bears have been seen in and around Carbondale Early Prevention Early prevention keeps bears from making a habit of visiting neighborhoods!

REMOVE ITEMS THAT ATTRACT BEARS: xGarbage xBird Feeders xPet Food xBarbeque Grills xFruit xCompost

positive messages, beyond the commercial theater, so they can express and transform their reality. KDNK: What is your connection with the Roaring Fork Valley?

TOWN CODE: No Garbage Before 6AM on Collection Day

KF: Art is a manifestation of human beings. It flies; it spreads all over; it knows no borders. It spreads itself through friends and acquaintances, through those who need it.

The Town of Carbondale passed an ordinance prohibiting placement of trash for pickup before 6AM on collection day and empty containers must be brought in no later than 8PM the same day.

KDNK: How can we help the children that are facing this violence? KF: It’s inevitable that these children will experience violence. It’s important for adults to always talk with their children about what they’re experiencing. Keeping in mind their age, because some of them are very young and they can’t understand what’s going on. That’s why there are certain topics that can be problems. For example, little kids need simple answers about what is good and what is bad. Others, who are a little older, need a little more explanation about the crime and assassinations so that they can protect themselves. One way is to limit the exposure of children to the news — the television and newspaper talk every day about violence. We need to get kids involved with positive values and how to take care of themselves. And on the other side, how can we protect them? How can we create projects that help them protect themselves and defend themselves? KDNK: What is the project that we are supporting right now, and why is this support needed? KF: We’re working with children to introduce them to art. We don’t charge the families anything to have their children participate in our projects. We offer classes for free. The children come from poor families who could not afford to pay. They’re children who otherwise would be playing on the streets and exposed to violence. When they come in, they don’t even have an idea of what art or theater is. And yet, we can see a difference in the behavior of the kids that work with us, because they can express their perceptions of their society, and it changes them.

The smell of any food may attract bears. Keep garbage indoors until the morning of trash pickup and keep outdoor barbeque grills clean and odorless. It is best to keep windows and doors securely locked, especially at night. If a bear enters your home, open doors to leave the bear an escape route and leave the house if possible.

GARBAGE KILLS BEARS Bears that make repeated visits to neighborhoods may need to be moved or euthanized. To keep your family and the bears safe, please remove any attractants and follow these guidelines until the bears hibernate in winter. Bears are 90% vegetarian and rarely hunt or kill animals, however, they are wild animals and can be unpredicatable. Do not approach any bear, especially cubs.

x x x

TIPS It’s encouraged to have electrified chicken coops. Compost should be stored in a secure container or inside a secured area. Bear resistant trash cans should be approved/ certified by the Inneragency Grizzly Committee

For additional information, call the Division of Wildlife: 947-2920. Call the Carbondale Police Department if you see a bear anywhere in town: 963-2662

THE SOPRIS SUN, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • AUGUST 10-16, 2017 • 13

Governor candidate talks renewable energy, preschool in Valley visit By John Colson Sopris Sun Staff U.S. Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO Dist. 2) came to the Roaring Fork Valley last week to drum up support for his bid to become the next governor of Colorado, after incumbent Gov. John Hickenlooper steps down in 2018 due to term limits. Polis, who has represented the Boulder region since 2009, is hoping that a majority of Coloradans agree with him that the state needs to move decisively to achieve a portfolio of 100 percent renewable energy statewide within the next few decades, put together a statewide program of free preschool and kindergarten classes, and find a way to ensure that the state’s economy “works for everybody, not just a few CEOs,” he told an audience of local voters at a series of recent campaign stops in the Roaring Fork Valley. An entrepreneur and philanthropist as well as a politician, Polis, 42, founded several businesses in his early working life, and regularly ranks as one of the wealthiest members of Congress, with a net worth of nearly $400 million, according to Wikipedia, the online reference site. He is the only gay Congressman with two children, and is the current chair of the Red-To-Blue program of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which works with Democrats running for election in competitive districts around the country, again according to Wikipedia. In an interview at the El Korita restaurant in Willits on Aug. 3, Polis said of his two-day campaign swing here, that the events had been well-attended and productive: “It’s great to hear people’s perspectives about what they want their next governor to do.” With that in mind, he said, “An important part of being an effective governor is to make sure you have a plan for the whole state, not just the Front Range, and that we all succeed or fail together.” He noted that he is “no stranger to the valley,” having represented mid-valley residents when that part of Eagle County (El Jebel and Basalt) was in the 2nd District, prior to redistricting following the 2010 U.S. Census. First among his top issues of the day was his plan “to transform our state to 100 percent renewable energy by 2040,” which he said would be good for the environment and air quality, combat climate change and create jobs “that can never be outsourced” and moved overseas. Asked if that level of renewable energy production is available today, he conceded, “Well, not yet, that’s why it’s for 2040.” He said the state currently gets about 25-30 percent of its energy from renewable sources, and that “already, adding new wind energy costs less than adding new coal capacity, which is why Xcel hasn’t built any new coal-fired power plants.” Solar energy technology is cheaper than coal, as well, he said, adding to the potential to reach the 100 percent goal

sooner rather than later. Another of his key goals, he said, is to set up a “coalition” of private and public partners to bring free, full-time preschool and kindergarten classes “to every community across our state,” an idea that has been slowly gaining traction around Colorado. “Right now, it’s very hit-or-miss,” he said, maintaining that while some areas have full-day kindergarten or preschool programs, it is not always free and it is not available enough, “particularly in rural communities.” “The early childhood years are the most important educationally,” Polis explained, and can have a profound effect on everything from later performance in schools to improving family dynamics in households where the parent or parents work full-time jobs. And, he said, “It is not a red or blue issue,” stating that such Republican-majority states as Oklahoma have universal, full-day free kindergarten. His other prime message, Polis said, was that “I’ll build an inclusive economy, where workers make more money, not just CEOs.” In his own companies, he said, he offered stock options and other benefits that meant all his workers, not just the bosses, get the benefits when a company does well. He said these initiatives will not be costly for taxpayers, as they will involve public-private partnerships and other non-traditional funding sources, as well as cooperation from the Colorado PUC to expand the state’s renewableenergy portfolio. Noting that agriculture historically has been a crucial sector in the state’s economy, he said he favors the idea of legalizing hemp (the non-intoxicating form of the marijuana plant species), and has introduced federal legislation to remove prohibitions against the production and use of hemp for industrial applications. He once flew a flag made of Colorado hemp over the U.S. Capitol dome for a day, he said, to make the point that hemp would be good for American farmers and industry. He also called Colorado’s legalization of marijuana “a reasonable decision” and one he will continue to support regardless of the possibility of federal interference under the administration of President Donald Trump. “I’ve been very concerned about the rhetoric from Attorney General Sessions, with his hostility to both medicinal as well as recreational marijuana,” Polis remarked. “I think that states ought to have the prerogative to decide how best to regulate marijuana.” Over a wide range of topics, Polis offered ideas that he said seemed to jell with the thinking of much of the voting population of the Roaring Fork Valley. He said he believes that commuter rail traffic, which ended several decades ago and which some have hoped to revive in the valley, seemed to be a sensible pursuit if it is

Jard Polis plans to run for governor in 2018. Photo by John Colson financially feasible. “I’m generally speaking, at the 20,000-foot level, a big supporter of passenger rail,” he said, particularly on the Front Range but also in other parts of the state. “If there’s any way to make it work, I would support specific projects,” he said of the interest in bringing commuter trains back to the valley. He also said he has been critical of the differential pricing for health insurance that has been in place under the federal Affordable Care Act, pointing to what he agreed is an unfair tilt toward higher insurance prices in the mountain resort areas. “It makes no intuitive sense that somebody in Frisco should be paying 50 percent more (in premiums and other costs) than if you drive 20 miles down the road to Georgetown or Idaho Springs,” he said, naming two towns along I-70 that are marginally closer to the Denver metro area and have lower insurance costs. But, he said, he remains a supporter of the ACA and will work to fix the controversial health-care program if it can be done. In general, he said, he believes Colorado can continue to take a leading role in finding ways for Republicans and Democrats to work together, because it already has done so. “Democrats and Republicans work together better (in Colorado) than they do in Washington,” he maintained. “It's a great state — when we solve problems, we do it together.

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14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • AUGUST 10-16, 2017

Join the congregations of Carbondale and Basalt Community United Methodist Churches for an eight-week sermon series by Pastor Brad Walston on what it means to be a progressive Christian and rediscover the Gospel as a life-giving message that still transforms. Continuing this Sunday, August 13 Every week through Sunday Aug. 27

8:30 a.m. at Basalt Community UMC 0167 Holland Hills Rd. 10:30 a.m. at Carbondale Community UMC 385 S. Second St. This week’s sermon: “Talk is Cheap” All are Welcome … Really!

AVLT celebrates half a century of conservation By John Colson Sopris Sun Staff

AVLT’s story

The Aspen Valley Land Trust (AVLT), which turns 50 this year, has invited its supporters to a party and silent auction near Aspen this weekend to help the organization celebrate its half-century of successfully preserving land from development and other despoliation. The “Promise of Forever 50th Anniversary Land Gala” is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 12, from 5:30-11 p.m. at the White Star Ranches property of Suzanne Farver, situated in the McLain Flats area just outside of Aspen. Tickets range from $150 (for those under 40 years old or who are new donors) to $450, and tables for 10 are going for $5,000, according to the website, avlt.org. The program will include a cocktail reception, a “Farm-To-Table” dinner, and a dance to the sounds of the MoTunes band, the website announced. And chief on the agenda for the evening, said Executive Dir. Suzanne Stephens, will be a presentation of awards to AVLT co-founder John Doremus; first land donors Fritz and Fabi Benedict and first conservation-easement donor George Stranahan; as well as laudatory remarks about the large number of supporters who have been behind AVLT from its start as The Parks Association in 1967 in Aspen. “There’s hundreds and hundreds of people that have supported us over time,” said Stephens, who recently replaced former AVLT director Martha Cochran. “And I think that’s really cool.”

town of Independence, near IndependThe organization was founded by ence Pass on Highway 82, and the 35Doremus and two other noted Aspen acre Ryan Parcel near another ghost residents — Eve Homeyer and Francis town, Ashcroft, on Castle Creek, among Whitaker — in 1987, and was origiother projects. nally dubbed The Parks Association, to After all these years ... reflect the founders’ interest in “preToday, said Stephens, the group is serving the natural environment of still hard at work, including some projAspen and surrounding areas,” accordects to preserve properties in the miding to a historical statement on AVLT’s valley including: website (www.avlt.org). • 25 acres at the base of Red Hill At first, the association was simply near Carbondale, once owned by a non-governmental organization set Pat Groom and zoned for commerup to take ownership of open areas AVLT is working to preserve the land around the cial development; and parks to prevent them from being Powers Art Center near Carbondale. File photo • the Marble Children’s Park in the developed either by private interests village of Marble, up the Crystal River or government. from Redstone; The website catalogues a considerable tered the mission of the group. It became the AVLT in 1992, and in the • and the 335-acre Ryobi Ranch property legacy from those times, including such parks as Glory Hole, Iselin, Henry Stein, Freddie years since has partnered with Great Out- surrounding the Powers Art Center just off Fischer, Aspen Alps and others, as well as a doors Colorado for such large-scale pur- Highway 82 near Carbondale, a memorial for fledgling trails system built with the help of chases as the Windstar Conservancy (founded the late art collector John G. Powers that was by singer and activist John Denver) and act- opened in 2014 by his widow, Kimiko Powers. local governments in the 1970s and 1980s. In addition, Stephens said, AVLT currently But the association already was having a ing to preserve more than 4,700 acres of open land in Pitkin and Garfield counties. is working to preserve a 4,000-acre ranch in growth spurt by the late 1970s. In 1999, former Pitkin County Manager the Cattle Creek area, although that deal is In 1978, for instance, Stranahan donated a conservation easement that protected Reid Haughey was hired as AVLT’s first full- still in its infancy and Stephens was not able much of the townsite of Lenado, up Woody time director, and since then the organization to discuss it much. Tickets to the 50th anniversary party were Creek, and in 1981 he did the same for his has stepped up its work considerably. “All told, AVLT has worked with landown- still available as of Aug. 8, Stephens said, Flying Dog Ranch near Carbondale. In 1980, according to the website, the as- ers and public agencies to conserve nearly though there were only about 30 left at that sociation spearheaded a campaign to create 40,000 acres across five counties, making a point (280 or so attendees is the goal, she and open-space tax in Pitkin County, provid- real and lasting difference to the landscape of said), and information about buying tickets or about the celebration itself are available on ing a funding mechanism for the outright Western Colorado,” states the website. This has included preservation of the ghost the website. purchase of land and easements, which al-



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THE SOPRIS SUN, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • AUGUST 10-16, 2017 • 15

Why Tri(y)? By Terri Ritchie Sopris Sun Staff I first became aware of the Roaring Fork Women’s Triathlon Team (RFWTT) about four years ago when I saw a friend post her triathlon photos on Facebook. She had joined and accomplished this with her daughter and I thought they looked so proud and happy together. Since that time I would run into various women at either exercise classes, the pool or just around town who would mention the team in conversation. Whenever I would say it sounded like such fun they would always say “You’d love it. You should sign up!.” This March I started inquiring more. How far do we swim? Do you have to do freestyle? How far is the bike? How far is the run? What is the time commitment? Could I really do this? I emailed Coach Nancy Reinisch and she was always quick to respond. The race that the team trains for is the Tri for the Cure in Denver. It is a sprint distance triathlon: 750M (1/2 Mile) swim, 18.3K (11.4 Miles) bike, and a 5K (3.1 Miles) run. The team trains for 14 weeks starting in May; twice a week as a team with two more on your own. After I relayed to Nancy all my excuses and concerns, she replied (in what I now know to be typical Nancy style) “If not now, when?” I had so many reasons that I wanted to get involved: trusting my body to get in shape without injury; team camaraderie, support and coaching; and honoring my mother and baby sister who were taken by cancer. I decided it was time to give it a try. If not now, when?

ditioning levels represented from age 30 to 73. Women balancing careers and mothers trying to juggle conditioning and family life all came together. Everyone had their own reasons for joining the team. RFWTT is composed of roughly half newcomers (tribabies) and half experienced triathletes (tri-umphs). It is a non-competitive (not for any lack of competitive spirit or talent) and supportive group. I’ve learned so much over the past 14 weeks. In the pool I progressed from a nervous swimmer doing any and every stroke possible in order to finish the swim to feeling comfortable in my freestyle and regulating my breathing. On my bike I learned to change my gears more responsibly and use the time to hydrate and get needed nutrition. In the run I learned to trust my body again; that I can run/walk to avoid injury.


The team I couldn’t have known then how much I would learn and how much RFWTT would change my life. From the first meeting I realized the team was special. Nancy introduced herself and her co-founder and swim coach Judy Haynes to the group along with their team of running, swimming and biking coaches. She explained how the team started 18 years ago; her past and ongoing challenges with breast cancer and then she opened the floor for other team members to share their experiences. Many stood and shared their stories of overcoming and dealing with medical issues such as cancer, diabetes and weight problems. There were all body types and con-

Race day We met at 5:15 am on Aug. 6 in the hotel parking lot with headlamps, helmets and backpacks on, ready to bike to the race course at Cherry Creek Reservoir. As we rode in the darkness of the early morning I could feel the butterflies start. At our destination I laid down my transition mat with all my gear in order: helmet – check, sunglasses – check, water bottle - check. The list goes on. After going through the dance of putting on my wetsuit and grabbing my goggles I headed down to the water. The sun shone brilliantly over the choppy waters. A beautiful site although very intimidating. I got my butterflies

A few carpool buddies: Nancy Zeigel, Maureen Nuckols and Margot Fishman. Photo courtesy of Nancy Zeigel

The 2017 Roaring Fork Triathlon Team competed in the Tri for the Cure at Cherry Creek Reservoir in Denver on Aug. 6. In alphabetical order team members are: Tanya Allen, Lori Andrews, Linda Austin-Martin, Gaby Bello, Lori Boardman, Brown Deborah, Kristin Burks, Wendy Caldwell, Jeannette Chiappinelli, Laurie Ciani, Andrea Coe, Kate Collins, Kelicia Costello, Susan Cottle, Karen Cox, Deborah Cutter, Cindy Davis, Lauren DeAre, Jamie Darien, Janet Earley, Sheldon Emery, Lorraine Escue, Tina Fang, Gloria Farmer, Margot Fishman, Jami Friday, Ginni Galicinao, CJ Gredig, Claire Guidas, Heidi Halladay, Angela Hanley, Judy Haynes (Coach), Cindy Hester, Adriana Hire, Wendy Huber, Tess Jankovsky, Jessie Johnson, Emily Kushto, Lucy Laffoon, Mari Lliteras, Carol McCurry, Jacque McMillan, Janet McNutt, Melissa Miller, Valerie Nau, Lisa Niehaus, Maureen Nuckols, Shawna Parks, Sharma Phillips, Lynn Pulford, Deborah Quinn, Nancy Reinisch (Coach), Cyndie Rightmire, Terri Ritchie, Susan Ross, Susan Ryan, Sherrie Setterberg, Jeanne Sheriff, Katie Soden, Amy Spradlin, Missy Taucher, Andrea Thompson, Gail VanDerbeck, Christa Wagner, Nicole Wenger, Carla Westerman, Tianna White, Ann Wilcox, Tari Williams, Jill Wilson, Sarah Windholz and Nancy Zeigel. Photo by Zack Ritchie

in formation (an inspirational quote from Coach Nancy) and proceeded to my wave (age group). Thankfully the water calmed down as each wave started their swim. After finishing the swim I transitioned to the bike. I saw team members as I rode the course and gave a quick smile making sure to focus on the obstacles on the road. Next up was the run. I headed up the Dam(n) Hill giving high fives or head nods as I passed my teammates on their trek downhill. The finish line came none too soon and with gravity on my side I strode into the finish with teammates cheering (and a big hug from my son). 65 teammates crossed the finish line (65 starters, 65 finishers!)

nounced that she and Judy Haynes would be stepping down from the helm of the team. We were all saddened to hear their 18 year reign would be coming to an end. They have had such an impact on so many women in the valley from Rifle all the way to Aspen. Women who never thought of themselves as athletes were transformed into confident triathletes – no small feat. While this chapter for the team has come to an end, there is still a bright future. Nancy also announced that the RFWTT would be led into the future under the direction of Sharma Phillips and Carla Westerman – two experienced and motivated traithletes/ trainers.

A new beginning

I feel such gratitude to the coaches, volunteers and all my teammates who helped me on my journey. Carpools: In the early days I carpooled with Nancy Zeigel, Margot Fishman and Maureen Nuckols (an 18 year tri-umph and TRI page 17

The race on Aug. 6 was the culmination of weeks of hard but also fun and inspirational training sessions for everyone. We were well prepared physically and mentally – or so we thought. At our team dinner the night before the race, Nancy Reinisch an-

Team support

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16 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • AUGUST 10-16, 2017

Working together for pets and their people

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Tri om page 16 inspiration). They have a wealth of knowledge that I appreciated but didn’t totally understand regarding time devices, swimming accessories, etc. and always had lots of fun and raucous discussions. They’d always reassure me “You don’t need to worry about this yet.” When it came time to bike I started carpooling with Lorraine Escue. I learned what an amazing athlete she is and enjoyed hearing about what exciting thing she’d be doing next – dining with friends, playing pickle ball or taking on an out-of-town race challenge. We had many early mornings loading bikes and fun talks on the road. Coaches/vounteers: • Cate Bishop convinced me that I could do this Tri and encouraged me to sign up. She always had a smiling face in and out of the water with lots of motivational advice. • Heidi Halladay, Janet Early, Carol McCurry, Sharma Phillips, Katie Soden, Carla Westerman and Tianna White always had lots of great running advice. • Nancy Reinisch had incredible Tri advice, support and weekly emails and always kept me motivated. What a warrior… fighting through treatments and keeping us all inspired and organized! • Judy Haynes organized all the great swim training including open water swims at Harvey Gap and taught me healing through foam rolling and body positioning. • Kathy Westley helped me find my pace and breath in those early days in the pool. • Terry Heggy gave me confidence in my freestyle swim and helped me find my “walking” pace. • Jacque McMillan and Jill Wilson kept the team on track with team uniforms, technology and overall organization. Thank you to the whole team for all the support. I am in awe of the heart and soul of these women and their dedication to changing women’s lives – one at a time. What a tri-umph!

An exciting history of parking and taxes From the archives of the Roaring Fork Valley Journal Aug. 11, 1977 In the style of the Civilian Conservation Corps of the Great Depression, The Youth Conservation Corps was putting local teens to work over the summer in an effort to combat some of the highest unemployment rates in years. Locally, the eight-week paid gig involved helping the U.S. Forest Service. Over the course of the summer, they restored the Lily Lake ranger station, work on the fish breeding ponds on Kline Creek, did winter range improvement for elk, constructed the parking lot at the Thomas Lakes trailhead and build a bridge across Hell Roaring Creek. In other news… El Jebel was anticipating its first full service bar-restaurant in the form of the “Cedar Inn,” opening in September.

Aug. 13, 1987 A “tough, brutal” year for the coal industry left MidContinent Resources up for auction for unpaid property taxes — and not for the first time. The only metallurgical grade coal mine still operating in the state, Mid-Continent had been struggling since the previous year, when the USC steel plant in Utah was closed due to a strike and never reopened. Since then, miners that hadn’t been laid off had taken a 21 percent pay cut. The school and fire districts, to whom most of the $384,384 delinquency was owed, were also anticipating tighter budgets.

In other news… A meeting was scheduled to discuss the possibility of pursuing a “Wild and Scenic” designation for the Crystal River (an effort that is still underway).

Aug. 14, 1997 Carbondale’s Ben Franklin 5-and-Dime was planning to shutter in October shortly after the expansion of City Market into its Crystal Plaza space pushed it into a new building. The corporation to which the franchise belonged had already filed for bankruptcy, and some said the closure was just a sign of the changing times. In other news… The Unnamed Carbondale Community Bike Program gave bike sharing a try with donated bikes, with their low value as the only theft deterrent.

Aug. 16, 2007 A parking crunch in downtown and lack of enforcement on a 2-hour time limit had trustees looking for solutions. Potential solutions considered included meters, deputizing a retiree to act as a parking monitor or encouraging more walking and biking. “The only thing I can guarantee for certain is that it’s only going to get worse,” Mayor Michael Hassig said. (Currently, downtown parking is mostly provided by leasing lots from private owners — not owned by the town itself.) In other news… The new Roaring Fork High School building was preparing to welcome students on schedule, with an open house scheduled after the first day of school.



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Using local food to better our health By Margaret Donnelly Health & Wellness and Aquatics Coordinator, Carbondale Recreation and Community Center The Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Coalition needs your help. HEAL is looking for 15 families who have one parent and one child who want to take healthy cooking classes for free. The classes will run every Thursday from 4:30 - 7 p.m. between Sept. 7 and Oct. 19 at the Carbondale Recreation and Community Center (CRCC). The family requirement is one parent and one child between the ages of 6-12 must attend four of the six classes and one fitness orientation. The bilingual classes are run by Cooking Matters and each week the families will learn to cook a healthy meal, discuss why it is important to eat fresh fruits and veggies, eat together as a family, cooking healthy on a budget, and more. The classes will be using produce provided by the local CSA Roaring Gardens. The families will then get a $30 valued basket from Roaring Gardens that contains the produce they just learned to use. The families will have the additional opportunity to attend two Colorado State University Extension (CSU) Canning classes also held at the CRCC. If the families attend all six classes, plus the two canning classes, and the local CSA visit they will be gifted a

free canning kit so that they have a better chance of implement eating healthy at home. HEAL is working to recruit 15 families in hopes that 50 percent will attend all of the cooking classes. This is the average dropout rate that Cooking Matters sees per class. The classes are open to all families, but 50 percent of the participants must qualify for SNAP (if you are on free or reduced lunch program you qualify). This program is modeled after the FarmacyRX program which was established in Montrose. Their program has been running for over four years. This program will contain follow-up tracking and we are hoping to see the same results as Montrose: a continued 65 percent increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables over the four years of tracking. This has been a collaborative effort from the HEAL coalition. The idea was presented by Gwen Garcelon from the Roaring Fork Food Alliance back

in January. The coalition met with the coordinators from Montrose, several local food sources, Roaring Fork Family Practice, and Garfield County Public Health. The committee had a grant writing team; the Garfield Healthy Communities Coalition is funding the whole program this year. If the program is a success they are looking for a bigger grant and grant funding source to help even more families next year. The goal is to educate and support our local community. As obesity rises along with health care costs to sooner we can get children and families to understand how fun and good tasting eating healthy can be the better off we all are as community. We also want to teach people where they can get local produce. The biggest challenge to the whole program was finding locally sourced food. Initially the families were going to receive $30 to spend at the local evening farmers markets and then the evening market was cancelled, then we


were going to partner with the Dandelion Market and that store was closed, we then partnered with Roaring Gardens and then their lease was cancelled. Fortunately, Roaring Gardens is being allowed to finish their growing season through 2017 end of October. Next year the HEAL coalition hopes to continue this program and work to bring back the evening Farmers Market and help support local farmers. Providing locally sourced produce is the key to the whole process hence the name FarmRX. For this year if you have a family that you know would like to sign up for the program again it is free. Spanish speakers and non-Spanish speakers can get more information from and must register with Diana Alcantara (274-2472) by Aug. 31. Initial registration will be taken at the first class and the families who are SNAP qualified will need to provide one of the following: a income tax return, current W-2 and pay stubs from all employers, or if self employed financial statements for the last six months at the initial class. This has been a labor of love for the HEAL coalition and we hope to see this program become successful.


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! FREE family cooking classes through Cooking Matters - Thursdays, 4:30-7pm at Carbondale Rec and Community Center. ! One parent and a child, aged 6-12, attend classes together. ! Learn to cook a meal and eat together with your child and other families at each class. ! Receive a $30 basket of fresh veggies from Roaring Gardens at each class. ! Classes taught in Spanish and English. ! Visit the farm where your local veggies are grown and meet your farmer. CONTACT DIANA ALCANTARA (970)274-2472 - TO REGISTER AND FOR MORE INFO (EN ESPAÑOL TAMBIÉN) REGISTER BY SEPT 1ST!


A project of the Town of Carbondale HEAL Coalition, with support from Roaring Fork Food Alliance

18 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • AUGUST 10-16, 2017

Letters continued om page 2 would be very pleased his ranch is scheduled for recreational purposes. However, I am also 99% certain he would be absolutely opposed to the original genesis of the deal which directly contradicts his primary reason for leaving Croatia! Simply put, the art of “horse tradingâ€? and philanthropy created an opportunity that the BLM could not refuse! Unfortunately this deal cements the proposition: If you have enough money you can get almost anything you want in today’s America! Furthermore, these deals create a very negative moral lesson for our youth and they increase government mistrust, resentment and unrest! I’m not sure if the Wexners are aware of the ďŹ nal message they are hammering out, which is being known as hungry plutocrats getting what they want! The rise of the wealthy greedy class has always been a part of the history of man. It is very unfortunate and exceptionally sad it is happening in this area! The Wexners may be very pleased with a vast expansion of their private exclusive domain. However, mother nature cannot be controlled and things may not turn out as “rosyâ€? as Leslie and Abigail had wished! Joe Krizmanich Glenwood Spgs/ Albuquerque

Pony Club pride Dear Editor: The Roaring Fork Hounds Pony Club was a part of a historic moment July 17-24 at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington at the US Pony Club National Championships. Eight young, accomplished equestrians from the Roaring Fork and Eagle River Valleys competed in team Show Jumping and Quiz, demonstrating their self-reliance, sportsmanship, teamwork, and enjoyment of the game well-played. Coach Bridget Strang trailered 5 horses to Kentucky, and proved that the Rocky

Mountain Region produces some of the best English riders in the nation. Pony Club teaches a solid foundation of correct riding based on timeless principles, good balance and communication, developing thinking and effective riders who always have their horse’s best interest at heart. We are very proud of our hard-working kids and their horses who competed during a heat wave with a temperature index of 105 degrees! Over 1,600 competitors ages 8-18 travelled to Kentucky from 40 regions including Alaska, to demonstrate their skill in many different equestrian disciplines. There were 2 sections for 31 teams in the Introductory Show Jumping Divisions, and our local team of Olivia Pedersen, captain, Leah Braudis, Wren Kelly, Callista Smith, and Madison Ritsch, stable manager (Eagle Valley), placed ďŹ fth in both Jumping and Horse Management. Ella Stainton rode on Tahquitz Equestrian team from Thermal, CA and her team placed ďŹ rst in Horse Management and second in Show Jumping. Honors were awarded for Equitation (judged on the rider’s position and effectiveness in communicating with their horse) to Wren third, and Callista sixth, out of over 120 riders. Francesca Savi and Hazel Barette competed on a Quiz team, placing second in their division. Support from our local community made it possible for our Pony Clubbers to compete at Championships. We are grateful for donations from the Aspen Valley Polo Club, Roaring Fork Valley Horse Council, Western Slope Materials, Sue and Bob Pietrzak, Roaring Fork Valley Co-op, Alpine Bank, Barbara McElnea, Karin Reid OfďŹ eld and Chris Vance, as well as many generous friends of Pony Club including Judy Brown, Susan Cuseo, Marguerite Dykann, Barbara and Peter Guy, CJ Howard, Nancy Kimbrell, Lynn Kirchner, Maree McAteer, Carla Peltonen, Yvonne Perry, Hensley Peterson, Monica Schwaller,

Leslie Thomas, and all the equestrians who entered the Pony Club BeneďŹ t Horse Show on July 8-9. Bridget, Kit and Scott Strang provide our club with a wonderful home at Strang Ranch. Good horsemanship extends far beyond skills in the saddle, and Pony Club provides an impressive depth of knowledge in equine behavior and training, health and ďŹ tness, nutrition, veterinary care, and cor-

rect uses and maintenance of saddles and other equipment. Special thanks to our coach, Bridget Strang, a Pony Club graduate herself, for her dedication to developing our kids’ character, leadership,conďŹ dence and sense of community. Valery Kelly, District Commissioner Roaring Fork Hounds Pony Club

Parting Shot

Unclassifieds Submit to unclassifieds@soprissun.com by Friday 12 p.m. Rates: $15 for 30 words, $20 for up to 50 words. Payment due before publication.*

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS for kids and teens to promote their businesses enterprises. Thirty word maximum. Please send to unclassiďŹ ed@soprissun.com. GET THE WORD OUT IN UNCLASSIFIEDS! Rates start at $15. Email unclassiďŹ eds@ soprissun.com. *Credit card payment information should be emailed to unclassifieds@soprissun.com or call 948-6563. Checks may be dropped off at our office at the Third Street Center or mailed to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. Call 510-3003 for more info.

Coleman and Dillon Cloud of Georgia took the opportunity to ďŹ sh in Avalanche Creek during a hike on Aug. 6. Photo by Will Grandbois

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THE SOPRIS SUN, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • AUGUST 10-16, 2017 • 19




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