Meet Drew
Chicken talk RFHS sports
Sopris Carbondale’s
weekly, non-profit newspaper
Volume 4, Number 29 | August 30, 2012
Back to School at Crystal River Elementary Students, teachers, parents and administrators headed back to Crystal River Elementary School on Monday with lots of smiles, happy greetings and enthusiasm for the upcoming year. The school, on the east edge of Carbondale, boasts about 550 students. Photos by Jane Bachrach
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Carbondale Commentary The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, e-mail editor Lynn Burton at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.
MRI explains solid waste transfer station application (Editor’s note: This letter was also sent to the Carbondale Board of Trustees). By Don Van Devander I felt it was necessary to explain exactly what MRI is proposing and the reason for bringing forth this application to the Garfield County BOCC. There has been far too much speculation and downright ”conspiracy theories”as to what MRI is wanting to bring to this area. Granted, much of this is speculation comes from a direct competitor of MRI and that in its self should be viewed with caution. MRI has applied for the approval of a non-hazardous solid waste transfer station and a recycling processing center. These are two very different operations and one must fully understand what each one does in order to recognize the direct benefits to our operations and the community.
Solid Waste Transfer Station A facility in which collection vehicles drop off their contents onto a concrete floor with drains. The incoming material is screened by personnel, then pushed into a larger transfer vehicle. Once the transfer vehicle has reached its lawful capacity, it is taken to a local area landfill for proper disposal. The time material sits on the floor is less than 10 minutes. This facility will handle 60-100 tons per day or approximately three to five loads per day. The floor will be free of all debris and washed down at the close of each shift. All liquids are collected by floor drains and secured in 1,500 gallon monitored tanks. Thus, eliminating the chance of ground water contamination. All municipal solid waste that enters our facility must leave our facility within 24 hours. The potential for fire is extremely low. If one were ever to occur, we will have 100,000 gallons of water available within seconds to mitigate any fire. The comparison of this facility to a large facility in Denver that handles 50-100 times the volume of this facility is ludicrous. A fire cannot burn for hours or at all, if there is no trash sitting around to burn.
Recycling Processing Center Our recycling processing center will consist of two separate areas. One will be the efficient processing of recyclable materials that are picked up curbside and at businesses throughout the Valley and the I-70 corridor.
Currently, collected recyclable materials are all hauled to Pitkin Canyon Landfill only to be collected again, and hauled to the Eagle County Landfill for processing. From Wolcott, the materials travel down I-70 to Denver. Our facility will allow for materials to be separated and baled in Garfield County without wasting thousands of gallons of gasoline, traveling thousands of extra miles and producing hundreds of tons of unnecessary carbon emissions. The second portion of the recycling processing center will consist of the recycling of construction and demolition materials. Through this process, MRI will screen and remove all the recyclable materials, diverting more than 500 tons annually away from local area landfills. This will increase the life span of both South Canyon and Pitkin County. MRI has not been secretive. MRI has followed all the requirements necessary to submit an application to Garfield County. Coming out and describing your project before you even have a completed application to submit to the County would have been putting the cart before the horse. Mr. Finch was given a tour of the facilities by Bill Rice in 2011. Bill told him everything he knew at the time. I believe that should fall under full disclosure rather than being secretive. All the nonsense brought forth by a competitor with regards to Waste Management is just that, nonsense. Perhaps the trustees would be better served asking MRI’s competitor whether he has been discussing the possible sell out of his company with high level WM officials in Denver, rather than continuing with “conspiracy theories” about MRI’s intentions. I would hope that the elected officials and the citizens of the town in which I live would take the time to review the factual information in our application.Approval of this facility will: • Eliminate hundreds of truck trips annually from Catherine’s Store Road through downtown Glenwood Springs; • Eliminate the use of more than 20,000 gallons of diesel fuel annually; • Eliminate wear and tear on our roads with 50,000 less miles traveled; • Reduce carbon emissions in our Valley by more than 200 tons annually; • Create 10-15 new, good paying jobs; • Increase local area landfill’s life spans without destroying their ability to operate.
Don Van Devander is general manager of MRI (Mountain Roll’offs Inc.)
Correction The obituary for Claude Holgate in the Aug. 23 Sopris Sun contained an incorrect name. The correct name is Jackie Holgate (Michael S).
Clarification The Sopris Sun retracts the use of the word “dump” in an Aug. 23 headline regarding a proposed facility on County Road 100 east of town. The correct term for this facility is a “solid waste transfer station.” 2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • AUgUST 30, 2012
The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 400 words. Letters exceeding that length may be edited or returned for revisions. Include your name and residence (for publication) and a contact email and phone number. Submit letters via email to letters@soprissun.com or via snail mail to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. The deadline to submit letters to the editor is 5 p.m. on Tuesday.
Surprised and appalled (Editor’s note: The first two letters here pertain to each other. Please try to read both). Dear Editor: I was surprised and appalled at the library groundbreaking that neither recognition, or speaking spot, was given to Marilyn Murphy, the branch manager, while everyone involved in the physical and monetary aspects of the new library spoke. What happens inside is why we have libraries. Contents and staff are certainly as important as the bricks and glass. (The sketch of the interior of the new library doesn’t show many shelves). In addition, I was disturbed that the name has been changed from Gordon Cooper to Carbondale. In our history deficit society, many people don’t remember how dangerous, experimental and innovated were the initial excursions in space, culminating with the moon landings. When the original library opened on Main Street, Gordon Cooper, one of the original seven astronauts, was circling the earth. When we opened the beautiful Augiereno designed library on Fourth Street, Gordon Cooper was there to dedicate the library and he frequently dropped in to visit the library whenever he came to see his parents who lived locally. While the library is no longer the major community-meeting center since we built city hall, the recreation center and the Third Street Center, let us hope the library will continue to be at the heart of our town and its predecessors will not be forgotten or ignored. Barbara Snobble Former branch manager Gordon Cooper Library Carbondale
The rumor is true Dear Editor: The rumor about the name change is true. The Garfield County Library District’s policy on naming for structures is that the name sunsets at 30 years.The Board has informally decided that it is appropriate to allow the name to stay with the current building, and that the new library would be allowed to develop its own identity. As you may know, the library in Carbondale was originally opened in 1963, when a town library was formed by a group of interested citizens. Gordon Cooper’s mother was among them as she was living in Carbondale at the time and asked that her son’s name be placed in the window of the new library, “to emphasize that it belongs to the modern age.” The Town Library opened on Jan. 26, 1963. A year later Garfield County took over the running of the library and it joined the Garfield County Library System along with Glenwood Springs and New Castle. The name Gordon Cooper Branch Li-
brary was carried forward in 1983 when the present building was being planned. I can find no evidence in the minutes from that time that there was any discussion about the name of the library being continued when it moved to the new location. The library has benefited over the years from its association with the Gordon Cooper name, most recently in 2008 when a NASA traveling exhibit was loaned to the branch. Our intention is to keep the dedication plaque with Gordon Cooper’s photo as part of our local history collection in the new facility and to continue to honor his memory in the community, its association with the library and his contributions to space exploration. I can also address why Marilyn was not asked to speak at the groundbreaking. This is consistent with all six groundbreakings that we have held. I view them as formal occasions to acknowledge the elected officials, library board, architects and taxpayers for their efforts on the library’s behalf. Staff is recognized and included in the event and was not meant as a slight to the staff and their essential role in providing library service to the community. Amelia Shelley Executive Director Garfield County Libraries LETTERS page 7
To inform, inspire and build community Donations accepted online or by mail. For information call 510-3003 Editor/Reporter: Lynn Burton • 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Bob Albright • 970-927-2175 bob@soprissun.com Linda Fleming • 970-379-5223 linda@soprissun.com Photographer: Jane Bachrach Ad/Page Production: Terri Ritchie Webmaster: Will Grandbois Sopris Sun, LLC Managing Board of Directors: Debbie Bruell • Peggy DeVilbiss David L. Johnson • Colin Laird Laura McCormick • Trina Ortega Jean Perry • Elizabeth Phillips • Frank Zlogar
Sopris Sun, LLC • P.O. Box 399 520 S. Third Street #35 Carbondale, CO 81623
970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Visit us on facebook.com Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun is an LLC organized under the 501c3 non-profit structure of the Roaring Fork Community Development Corporation.
New head Ram is raring to go By Debbie Bruell Sopris Sun Correspondent Drew Adams knew it was a good sign when he was invited to interview for the Roaring Fork High School principal position on a day that he was already planning a family trip to the area. With their car loaded down with bikes,Adams’s family took a short detour en route to Fruita. They parked at Sopris Park, Adams changed into his suit in the bathroom there and went on to his interviews, while his daughters played in the park and his wife talked with families there about life in Carbondale. During his 21 years of living on the Front Range and driving out to the Western Slope for backpacking and backcountry skiing trips, Adams had often thought about moving his family out to the mountains. They had considered re-locating to various ski towns, but they hadn’t found the sense of community they were seeking until encountering Carbondale. Roaring Fork High School was also a good fit for Adams in that he was looking for a principal position at a small school, where he could develop the kinds of relationships with students and their families that he had experienced in other small schools. Adams told the Sun the RFHS job opening came at a perfect time. After teaching for 11 years (four years in a middle school and seven years in a high school), then working as an assistant principal for six years, he was ready to move on to his next challenge. As Adams describes himself, he “enjoys transitions” and is “always looking for something new.” Even as a teacher, Adams taught a different subject or in a different department every few years. He traces his hunger for new challenges back to his childhood. As a “corporate brat,” he moved to a new school every one to three years, living in various places around the country, including Texas, West Virginia, Delaware and Puerto Rico.
Passion for Diversity In addition to constantly moving to new places, Adams’ childhood experience of living in Puerto Rico also had a lasting impact on him. Arriving in Puerto Rico in fourth grade knowing no Spanish,Adams was thrown into classes taught entirely in Spanish. Three years later he left Puerto Rico as a fluent Spanishspeaker. Through this experience, Adams gained a greater appreciation of cultural diversity as well as tremendous empathy for students who arrive in U.S. schools with limited English language skills. Adams’s educational and career choices reflect his passion for linguistic and cultural diversity. He received a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and Latin American studies from the University of Colorado-Boulder. He received a master’s in curriculum & instruction from CU Denver, with an emphasis on linguistic diversity and English language instruction. As a teacher, Adams taught social studies and English language instruction. And as a high school administrator,Adams created and supervised the school’s first English Language Learner program and support structure. Adams has worked in a variety of schools in the Boulder area, and has found that he most enjoys working in schools with great ethnic and socio-economic diversity. The last four years he worked as assistant principal at Casey Middle School in Boulder, a school with about 45 percent of students from lowincome families and 50 percent of students in its Spanish/English Bilingual program.
Vision for RFHS When asked whether his continuous desire for new challenges would mean that he would be ready to move on from RFHS after a few years, Adams responded that he had lots of ideas for RFHS that would keep him busy for a while.
Topping his list of challenges to tackle is his desire to have all high school-aged students in Carbondale choosing to attend RFHS.Adams told the Sun,“I really believe in neighborhood schools. Schools should provide the programming that people need and want in order to hold onto its students.” He would also like to expand the Performing Arts, Music and Agricultural/Biology programs, as well as enhance the school’s partnership with Colorado Mountain College and various “green” programs in the area, such as sustainable living and renewable energy programs. Working in a high school in Lafayette, Adams faced a similar challenge of low enrollment when a new school opened in the area, and the student population in his school dropped almost 40 percent.After a concerted effort to “reinvent who we were” as a school, developing partnerships with CU-Boulder and new programs such as a pre-collegiate engineering program, the school soon regained solid enrollment levels. Another big goal of Adams is to improve the ACT scores of RFHS students and ensure that all students graduate “college-ready.” Adams has already taken significant strides toward another goal of his: enhancing the communication and connection between the school and students’ parents. He has created a blog (roaringforkhighschool.blogspot.com) and a Twitter account (twitter.com/Adamsrams) for the school. He has already begun revising the school’s Web site as well (rfhs.rfsd.k12.co.us). He plans to use these and other methods to keep parents continuously updated all aspects of the RFHS experience. Adams also hopes to create a ParentTeacher Organization, providing parents with another avenue to connect with and support the school aside from the existing Booster Club. Adams is eager to jumpstart this improved parent-school connection at the Back to
Roaring Fork High School Principal Drew Adams addresses an assembly on the first day of school on Aug. 27. Photo by Jane Bachrach School Night on Wednesday, Sept. 5 from 6 to 8 p.m. The event will begin with a potluck dinner, followed by a short presentation and then an open house, during which parents can talk with staff, tour the facility and learn about various clubs, activities and programs at the school.The whole family is encouraged to attend and child care will be provided. Adams told the Sun that his focus for this year at RFHS will be “the three R’s:” rigor, relevance and relationships. Adams’s wife, Jen, will be teaching at Basalt Middle School this year. His daughters, Anna and Lily, will be attending Crystal River Elementary School.
Back to School Night
When: Sept. 5, 6 to 8 p.m. Where: Roaring Fork High School. What: Potluck, presentations and tours for students, parents and the community.
YouthEntity: Giving students real-life experiences Kayla Henley Sopris Sun Correspondent The summer is winding down and kids have returned for yet another year of school, but students who work in the Bridges High School building couldn’t be more thrilled for the start of another year. At YouthEntity, students enjoy every bit of the learning process within this non-profit’s numerous programs.
Since the renovation of the Carbondale Middle School several years ago, non-profits and businesses have blossomed within the hollowed skeleton of the old school, one of these being YouthEntity, which was established in 2006. But prior to its current incarnation, it was known to Carbondale as Computers for Kids. Many of Carbondale’s youth have had the
opportunity to work with “C4K,” fixing old computers and taking them home to use as their own. It was a successful operation and beneficial to local youth, so why did it change to YouthEntity? “At the end of 2006, we were reevaluating our mission and vision,” explained YouthEntity President Kirsten McDaniel, who has been involved with the nonprofit since its concep-
tion. “The board of directors at that time felt that we could do, and should do, more.” YouthEntity is divided into three departments: Business Experience, Financial Knowledge and Technological Skills. Each branch hosts several programs that benefit youth in multiple ways. Falling under the Business Experience branch is YouthChefs, YOUTHENTITY page 7
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THE SOPRIS SUN • AUgUST 30, 2012 • 3
News Briefs Fake emergency shuts airport Airport emergency responders will get realistic practice dealing with a full-scale simulated airline crash at the Aspen/Pitkin County Airport between 8 a.m. and noon on Sept. 8, according to a press release. Approximately 50 “victims” and “families of victims” will be played by local volunteers and actors. Volunteers are still needed. They will receive a light breakfast, lunch and a commemorative aluminum water bottle. For details, call Cynthia Bernal at 429-2852.
AHS continues Aspen Times project The Aspen Historical Society announced $20,000 has been donated to continue the digitization of the Aspen Times. “This funding will add four more decades of historical records to the current collection, which is searchable online,” said an Aspen Historical Society spokeswoman. The public can already search Aspen Times newspapers online from 1881 to 1923. The anonymous gift of $20,000 was donated through the Friends of the Pitkin County Library.
garCo commish sued over Vernal Grand Valley Citizens Alliance (GVCA) and Western Colorado Congress have filed a lawsuit against the Garfield County commissioners over a closed door, executive session that included lobbyists and oil shale executives in Vernal, Utah on March 27. Other attendees included the executive director of the National Oil Shale Association, a member of Utah Governor Gary Herbert’s administration and commissioners from counties in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, according to a press release.
Sponsored by
RFTA’s new picnic shelter between Aspen Glen and Cattle Creek on the Rio Grande Trail was dedicated with a ribbon cutting (shown here) and hamburgers (not shown here) on Aug. 25. The facility, designed by Land+Shelter, includes a vault toilet and uses existing rail stock left on the former rail corridor. From left to right are Todd Horsely (RFTA), Andrea Korber (Land+Shelter) and Luke Bolinger (Great Outdoors Colorado). Photo by Gavin Brooke
SOPRIS LIQUOR & WINE Be Responsible!
Cop Shop The following events are drawn from incident reports of the C’dale Police Dept. SATURDAY Aug. 25 • At 9:40 p.m. police received a report of a suspect assaulting victims at a downtown bar and on Garfield Avenue. While contacting the RP and a witness downtown, the suspect walked past the officer then ran away. He was arrested after a short chase, taken to Garfield County Jail and charged with three counts of third degree assault. SUNDAY Aug. 26 • At 11:50 p.m. police responded to a call on South Second. A man said his girlfriend would not let him sleep and also threw his cell phone out the window. Upon investigation, police determined the cell phone was hers. Both parties agreed to leave each other alone for the night and get some sleep. MONDAY Aug. 27 • From 12:50 to 1:02 p.m. police handed out warnings to drivers who rolled through stop signs at Cowen Drive and Latigo Loop, and at Merrill and Eighth Street.
Allegria Pasta, Salad & Vino
An Italian affair in Carbondale
335 Main Street
Monday-Friday 11:45 am -9:00 pm Saturday & Sunday 4:45-9:00 pm CLOSED TUESDAYS
All items can be ordered to go – Gluten free available
BEER – BALLS & OYSTERS Rodeo days are over for the season so let’s start Oyster days at Allegria, your Carbondale Main street affair Enjoy Oysters of the sea and the mountains with Birra Moretti Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday all night long
OYSTERS OF THE SEA 4 Blue point Oysters on the half shell with tomato vinaigrette and a Birra Moretti or your choice of Sangria from our bar $10 OR
A plate of fried Rocky mountain oysters with mascarpone mashed potatoes, spinach & Stout gravy and a Birra Moretti or your choice of Sangria from our bar $15
See you at Allegria to get some B,B & O 4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • AUgUST 30, 2012
Carbondale trustees talk chickens, pot and trash By Lynn Burton Sopris Sun Staff Writer The Carbondale Board of Trustees sat down to a full plate Tuesday night in a meeting that cracked the five-hour barrier. On the chicken front, trustees instructed staff to return with numerous changes to a draft ordinance that addresses keeping chickens in town. Carbondale’s backyards and alleyways are dotted with chicken coops, and the practice of raising the birds for food and fun is growing. The town allows residents to keep up to six chickens on their property, although roosters are banned. Earlier this summer a resident complained to the police and trustees about his neighbor’s chickens, which prompted the board to look at rewriting the chicken ordinance to give police direction and authority when problems arise. Mayor Stacey Bernot pointed out that permits are not required to keep chickens and if a resident has complaints, it can be “difficult” to enforce the town’s existing code. Town manager Jay Harrington told the trustees the draft ordinance presented Tuesday night came from similar ordinances around the state, including Glenwood’s.
Among the restrictions and requirements presented Tuesday night: fencing must be buried at least one foot below grade to prevent predator intrusion, coops must be built of uniform materials, any heat source must be located at least 10 feet from any combustible fence or structure, coops must be at least 15 feet from all property lines and 20 feet from any residential structure on adjacent properties. Concerns from the trustees included proposed setbacks, including the 15-foot distance from property lines that Bernot felt was “too onerous.” Trustee John Tom Kilby Hoffmann, himself a chicken coop owner, said area resident he favors language that would allow “communal” chicken coops for multiple families that could be as big as 1,250 square feet. The current coop limit is 120 square feet, which is the maximum allowed without a building permit. Carbondale’s chicken coop community was well represented Tuesday night and among the things they told the trustees about chickens is: some like to sleep in trees, they come in on their own at night and if a coop is well insulated they not only don’t need a heating source but in many cases chickens don’t “appreciate” it. Two different chicken coopers pointed
“This is the biggest issue you’ll ever face.”
out that their birds are not pets. “ … I slaughter chickens,” said John Ackerman. About halfway through the chicken talk Harrington told the trustees “It sounds like we are headed to a number of changes (in the draft ordinance).” For the record, chicken related jokes and quips included: “hen pecked,” a reference to a chicken crossing the road, a chicken curfew, rotisserie cooked and flame broiled, and asking about keeping chickens on leashes (like dogs).
In other trustee action:
center at the former Mid-Continent coal load out facility about a mile east of Carbondale on County Road 100. Garfield County invited Carbondale to comment on the application; the county commissioners discuss the application on Sept. 17. A solid waste transfer station is “a facility in which collection vehicles drop off their contents onto a concrete floor with drains,” said part of a letter from MRI to the trustees (for more on the letter, please see page 2).
• By a 4-3 vote, trustees approved a medical marijuana dispensary permit for Green Miracle Medicinals, located at 985 Highway 133 (just north of 7/Eleven). Voting for the applicant were John Foulkrod, John Hoffmann, Frosty Merriott and Allyn Harvey. Voting against were Elizabeth Murphy, Pam Zentmyer and Stacey Bernot. A main issue was the shop’s location within 1,000 feet of Colorado Rocky Mountain School. New dispensaries are not permitted within 1,000 of schools, but existing dispensaries such as Green Miracle are grandfathered and can be allowed.
Early in the meeting, town planner Janet Buck told trustees she had determined three possible impacts to the town: traffic, odor and water quality then added “fire could be a real issue.”
• Residents from inside and outside the town limits packed the meeting room to oppose an application from MRI and IRMW II LLC to build a solid waste transfer station and recycling processing
At the end of the meeting, trustees instructed staff to take their comments and draft a letter to the Garfield County commissioners regarding the MRI proposal, which they will then review and submit.
Audience members logged in loud, clear and often emotionally. Area resident Tom Kilby stood and told the trustees, “This is the biggest issue you’ll ever face … We need to stand up and do something. … The freight train is coming.” Rose Lane resident Patti Phelan, who lives less than a mile from the site, called the proposal “shakingly scary.”
Land Trust
Aspen Valley Land Land Trust’s T rust’s 9th Annual Annual Save the Land Land Dance Dance
September 8, 5:30 pm Tybar Ranch, Carbondale
Opening Friday Night, August 31, 2012 6pm to 8pm with Live Music
Tickets $75 Purchase tickets online at www.avlt.org
Music by The Whittington’s Band
Saturday and Sunday, September 1 & 2, 2012 10am to 5pm Labor Day, September 3, 2012 10am to 4pm Free demonstrations, book signings & hands-on
book release event for
Our Place, Too
More People and Conservation in the Roaring Fork and Colorado River Valleys
workshops throughout the day ^ƉŽŶƐŽƌĞĚ ďLJ EŝĐŬ ĞtŽůĨ &ŽƵŶĚĂƟŽŶ͕ >ŽǁĞ͛Ɛ͕ ŽůŽƌĂĚŽ ^ƚŽŶĞ YƵĂƌƌŝĞƐ͕ 'ĂůůĞŐŽƐ ŽƌƉŽƌĂƟŽŶ͕
Kaufman Peterson & 'LVKOHU /DZ RI¿FH
Send your scuttlebutt to news@SoprisSun.com.
Back off the saddle, again According to various observers, it’s been 10 or 12 years since the “snow on the saddleâ€? of Mt. Sopris completely melted away, rendering Carbondale’s looming landmark completely devoid of white adornment. This year the thin slice of snow between the two peaks appeared to be about 20 or 30 feet wide and far less in width as of Sunday afternoon. The saddle between the two peaks is best viewed from Missouri Heights and also best viewed when wildďŹ res from Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Washington don’t completely blot out the entire mountain. In any case, The Sopris Sun invites folks to keep an eye on the saddle (not to be confused with “the prizeâ€? because there is none) and let us know if and when the snow completely melts away. Time-lapse photos from cameras with a 500 mm lens mounted on a tripod will be considered for publication. Or how’s this? Hike up there on your day off, scoop up the snow that’s left, lug it back to town and use it for “Final Sopris Snowâ€? ice cubes -- $5 each as a fund-raiser for a worthy non-proďŹ t (such as The Sopris Sun).
NY Times inks Carbondale Carbondale, speciďŹ cally Gianinetti Spring Creek, got inked in the Travel section of the Aug. 19 New York Times. The writer, Seattle-based Christopher Solomon, explores private ďŹ shing waters under the headline “Your Own Piece of River.â€? Solomon’s stops included Gianinetti Spring Creek (a pond below Comfort Inn) and other private ďŹ shing outďŹ ts in the west. After being surprised to be ďŹ shing under the Country & Suites sign, Solomon recovered to note in his article “A few century-old trucks and farm implements melting into the earth lent a rusting Ozymandian poignancy to the place.â€? Ozymandian? Less high falutin’ newspapers might have allowed the writer to say the place is “really coolâ€? or the rusting vehicles “connect the property to it’s ranching past.â€? Anyway, according to the Urban Dictionary, Ozymandian means “A work of great hubris, generally eeting and devoid of meaning, especially a tremendous structure or work of art.â€? Solomon mentioned having lunch at Mi Casita (enchiladas and beer). After lunch he and guide Kara Armano ďŹ shed a stretch of the Roaring Fork that abuts Gianinetti Spring Creek. He said he caught and landed a total of “perhapsâ€? 15 trout that day.
PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING Thursday, September 6 at 5:30 p.m. The Orchard, next to Crystal River Elementary School EVERYONE WELCOME
Learn how MRI's proposed
SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATION will turn Carbondale into
“GARBAGEDALE� our Town's future is at stake! PLEASE HELP BY ATTENDING THIS MEETING! Sponsored by: Don’t Trash Carbondale Coalition
Local ďŹ shing guide Gil Finn used to joke on KDNK about how to display a y for butt-hooking suckers. No word on how many of those ďŹ sh Solomon might have snagged.
glenn book published Karen Glenn’s book of poems, “Night Shift,â€? was recently published and is available on amazon.com. “The subjects of Karen Glenn’s compelling poems vary widely, but whether she is praising night-shift workers, visiting a lab where human organs are grown in sheep, retelling myths, or describing personal experience, her deeper concern is always the ‘yearning heart.’ ‌ With remarkable grace and ease, Karen Glenn hits the nail of human experience dead center,â€? writes Eric Nelson, author of “Terrestrials,â€?“The Interpretation of Waking Lifeâ€? and “The Twins.â€? On a related note, Glenn will read from her book during Live Poetry Night at Victoria’s Wine and Espresso Bar in Aspen (510 E. Durant) starting at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 30.
Measuring a sunower As The Sopris Sun’s unofďŹ cial Tallest Sunower contest comes to a fairly quick conclusion and the plants start running out of steam and wilting, one question remains: how to measure your sunower so that folks won’t think you’re just making things up. Here’s how Eric Anderson, over on Clearwater, said he went about measuring his 11 footer: â€œâ€Ś I climbed to the top of the ladder, against the advice of the ladder manufacturer, to make sure the tape measure was at the top and my wife held the bottom of the tape and actually took the measurement. We ran it down the stalk so there was no plumb line involved (editor’s note: as suggested by the editor in an e-mail). It has grown a couple more inches over the weekend so I will try to measure it again ‌ but I will have to get on the roof of the house as my ladder is not tall enough. I will keep you updated. ‌ be aware as we have set up a security camera just in case someone would want to do harm to my ower.â€?
They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating their birthday this week include: Lynn Kirchner (Aug. 30), Veronica Smith (Sept. 1), Lori Haroutunian (Sept. 2), Kathy Webb and Kim Kelly (Sept. 3) and Don Ensign and Janelle Johnson (Sept. 5).
Letters continued î&#x2C6;&#x2021;om page 2 Thanks Dear Editor: We would like to thank the anonymous woman who picked up our old and disoriented dog on Highway 133 this morning and safely delivered her to KDNK. Also, thanks to KDNK for providing the ID tags and maintaining their data base on â&#x20AC;&#x153;memberâ&#x20AC;? canines. This is still a great community full of caring people and organizations. Lee Beck John Stickney Carbondale
Rodeo thanks Dear Editor: Another rodeo season has come to an end in Carbondale and, again, we had a great summer. The weather gods smiled on us all summer, until closing night when we got dumped on. On behalf of the staff, the management and the owners of The Pour House, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to thank the rodeo committee: Mike Kennedy, Melanie Cardiff, Dave Weimer, and Tom Harrington for the hard work that they do to keep this event the success that it has become. This is a volunteer-run operation like no other. All of the cowboys in the arena, the gatekeepers, the timers, ticket takers, parking attendants and security are volunteers.
YouthEntity continued î&#x2C6;&#x2021;om page 3
Hats off and cheers to all of you. And to all of you cowboys and cowgirls who come from all over the Western Slope to compete every week, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to say thanks for all that you bring to our little town. I also want to thank all of the other sponsors of the Carbondale Rodeo. Without you it canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happen. One more thanks and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s it: our town of Carbondale public works and recreation departments keep our rodeo grounds in great shape all year around for 4-H, ice skating, rodeo and much more. We live in a great place. Skip Bell Proprietor The Pour House restaurant
a program for high school students interested in culinary arts. Every year the Financial Knowledge branch holds the Investment Challenge, which allows high school students to experience investing stocks with their own virtual portfolio. Peter Gilbert, a volunteer for YouthEntity, also helped out at Roaring Fork High School during last springâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Financial Literacy class. Under Technological Skills is another branch known as WebEntity. This program hires high school students who then learn the ins and outs of Web site designing and gain marketing experience. They have designed Web sites for many locals throughout the Roaring Fork Valley. Some of those businesses include Hestia, Echo, Carbondale Coordination and Pilates, and others.
Thanks for the soles
Not as monotonous
Dear Editor: Thank you to everyone who participated in Sopris Chiropracticâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual Health Foot Month. In addition to providing dozens of complimentary foot, knee and hip exams, we collected over a 100 pair of shoes for Soles for Souls. Though we are no longer taking donations, it is possible to send shoes directly to Soles for Souls. Contact them solesforsouls.com for more information. Take care of those feet! Dr. Scott Tesoro Sopris Chiropractic Carbondale and Basalt
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a known fact that schools are not as monotonous as they used to be, but how much further does the education system have room to expand nowadays? While the schools in our beloved Bonedale are no longer confined to the rigorous practices of â&#x20AC;&#x153;the old days,â&#x20AC;? and students have significantly more access to one-on-one time with their teachers, what is lacking from this much-improved organization? Brooke Tuveson, program director of YouthEntity, believes it is the absence of real-life experience. â&#x20AC;&#x153;[Today], students have less and less handson learning opportunities,â&#x20AC;?Tuveson said. Hence, Computers for Kids evolved into
´ &H O H EU D W L QJ 'R ZQW R ZQ &KD QJ H V $ 6H QV H R I &R PPX QL W \ /R F D O )R R G D QG $U W ¾
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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Friday, September 14 through Monday, September 24. Please sign up NOW at the front desk or call 963-2889.
FREE BOOKS for teachersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; classrooms. Gordon Cooper Library Downtown Carbondale 963-2889
a non-profit designed to provide youth with what they were missing in school â&#x20AC;&#x201C; real-life experience. â&#x20AC;&#x153;YouthEntity has helped me in so many ways.â&#x20AC;?said Blake Lockard, who is WebEntityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Web site design manager. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Although I have learned a great deal about Web design and my career in the field has blossomed, I have learned many other important skills that will help me out much more in the long run.â&#x20AC;? Lockard started working with McDaniel during his freshman year of high school, before Computers for Kids (C4K) transformed itself into YouthEntity. At that time, Lockard was assigned to maintain and update the C4K Web site. When YouthEntity was established a year or two later, he became the Web site design manager of WebEntity. Lockard will be starting his first year at Colorado Mountain College this month and he said he plans to keep in touch with the WebEntity team. The creation of YouthEntity has brought together many community members who share a common goal: providing youth with real world experience. It has also benefited staff members like McDaniel and Tuveson. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a lot of fun being able to work with students at WebEntity and business consulting. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what I really enjoy,â&#x20AC;? McDaniel told the Sun. Tuveson supports YouthEntity because it allows her to â&#x20AC;&#x153;engage with students and schools, and gives me a pulse on our community.â&#x20AC;? Then with a smile she concluded, â&#x20AC;&#x153;But ultimately [I get to see] what the future of our community is going to look like.â&#x20AC;?
THE SOPRIS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ AUgUST 30, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 7
By Lynn Burton Sopris Sun Staff Writer
Roaring Fork High School athletes take to their respective courts, gridirons and pitches this week in league-play action that kicks off on Aug. 31 and concludes by Oct. 26. Playoff games would begin on Oct. 20 for volleyballers, Oct. 26 for volleyballers and Nov. 2 for footballers.
RFHS fall sports schedule FOOTBALL
Roaring Fork teams primed for fall
The football team, coming off last year’s 3-7 season, drops down to Class 1A this season, although they’ll still face traditional rivals Basalt, Aspen, Paonia and Hotchkiss in non-league action. At 6’5” and 255 pounds, senior Trae Moxely (tight end/defensive end) is a key player on this year’s squad. Other key players are senior Brandon Cruz (offensive tackle/linebacker), junior Tanner Nieslanik (quarterback/linebacker), senior Sam Morse (linebacker), junior Mitch Brown (offensive and defensive line), and junior Nate Nieslanik (running back/linebacker). The head coach is Tory Jensen. The girl’s volleyball team competes at the 3A level in the Western Slope League. They made the playoffs last year and finished the season at 17-8. The Rams are well stocked with returning letter winners and all-conference players. Megan and Hattie Gianinetti made first team all conference last year, while Madison Handy, Caitlin Kinney and Taylor Adams were honorable mention. Other returning letter winners are Georgia Ackerman, Toni Gross, Josie Horn and Taila Howe. A total of 35 players turned out this season and 11 are varsity. “We are very excited to have such a large freshman class,” said head coach Carrie Shultz. Assistant coaches are Jennifer Dority, Steve Kinney, Chris Clarke and Derek Shultz.
Roaring Fork quarterback Tanner Nieslanik rolls out for a pass in last Saturday’s scrimmage against Coal Ridge. The Rams open their season at home against Basalt at 7 p.m. on Aug. 31. Photo by Lynn Burton
Soccer The boy’s soccer team made the playoffs last year and advanced to the second round. They return all-league players Enrique Abarca and Ben Carpenter, plus starters Jack Fisher and Lalo Clemente. The Rams head coach is Aaron Anderson and the assistant coach is Nick Forbes.
Aug. 31 – Basalt (home), 7 p.m. Sept. 7 – Aspen (away), 7 p.m. Sept. 14 – Monte Vista (home), 7 p.m. Sept. 22 – Ridgeview Academy (away), 1 p.m. Sept. 28 – Paonia (away), 7 p.m. Oct. 5 – Cedaredge (home), 7 p.m. Oct. 12 – Hotchkiss (away), 7 p.m. Oct. 19 – Meeker (away), 7 p.m. Oct. 26 – Lake County (home), 7 p.m.
Aug. 30 – Glenwood Springs (home), 7 p.m. Aug. 31 – Meeker (at Glenwood), 3:30 p.m. Sept. 1 – Moffat County (at Glenwood), 9:30 a.m. Sept. 6 – Palisade0y), 6 p.m. Sept. 15 – Olathe (away), noon Sept. 18 – Aspen (away), 6 p.m. Sept. 22 – Gunnison (home), 3 p.m. Sept. 25 – Eagle Valley (away), 6 p.m. Sept. 27 – Basalt (away), 6 p.m. Sept. 29 – Moffat County (home), 3 p.m. Sept. 29 – Olathe (home), 6 p.m. Oct. 6 – Cedaredge (away), 3 p.m. Oct. 11 – Rifle (away) 6 p.m. Oct. 13 – Grand Valley (home), 3 p.m. Oct. 18 – Aspen (home), 6 p.m. Oct. 20 – Coal Ridge (home), 3 p.m. Sept. 4 – Basalt (home), 4 p.m. Sept. 6 – CRMS (home), 4 p.m. Sept. 8 – Grand Valley (home), 11 a.m. Sept. 11 – Aspen (away), 4 p.m. Sept. 13 – Delta (away), 4 p.m. Sept. 20 – Coal Ridge (home), 4 p.m. Sept. 22 – Moffat County (home), 11 a.m. Sept. 27 – Basalt (away), 4 p.m. Sept. 29 – Glenwood (home), 11 a.m. Oct. 2 – Aspen (home), 4 p.m. Oct. 6 – Moffat County (away), 11 a.m. Oct. 9 – Vail Mountain (away), 4 p.m. Oct. 11 – Grand Valley (away), 4 p.m. Oct. 16 – CRMS (away), 4 p.m.
Grand Opening Celebration Two Main Street neighbors celebrate together Friday, September 7, 5:30-7:00 pm
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Free food and product sampling • Spin the Wheel of Fortune Live Jazz Piano with Vid Weatherwax
559 Main Street, Carbondale I 963-1375 8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • AUgUST 30, 2012
549 Main Street, Carbondale I 963-0437
Red Hill serving as Carbondale’s pound By Kat Lieblick Special to the Sopris Sun
PITKIN COUNTY ROAD PROJECTS SCHEDULED FOR THIS SUMMER: Castle Creek Road is now completely paved. We hope you enjoy 2” of new asphalt from Aspen Valley Hospital to the backcountry turn off to Pearl Pass. Crews will be building up the shoulders and striping over the next week or two.
Pitkin County is getting a “volume discount” on roadwork this summer by “piggybacking” with CDOT on asphalt, construction & more. Please Note: Construction schedules always change. Stay tuned. We’ll do our best to keep you informed. Listen to KSPN and watch CGTV Channel 11 for the latest road updates. Questions? 920-5390
Coal Creek Road near Redstone has one lane open to traffic. Culvert concrete walls will be poured this week. Take caution around heavy equipment. Project complete in early September. Call G.R. Fielding for up to the minute updates at 920-5206. Jack Gredig Road to the Pitkin County landfill will be repaved sometime in August at a date to be announced. Smith Hill Way, Willoughby Way and Redstone Boulevard are slated for resurfacing later this summer/fall at dates to be announced.
roadwork ahead!
Did you know that Carbondale has a secret dog pound? Well, it’s not exactly a secret because Police Chief Gene Schilling and others know about it. Carbondale’s dog pound, where wayward pooches are taken when the police pick them up, is none other than Red Hill Animal Health Center at 955 Cowen Drive. The town of Carbondale contracts with Red Hill’s owner, Dr. Judi Leake, to house and care for dogs until they can be reunited with their owners or put up for adoption. Most people apparently don’t’ know they should check with Red Hill if their dogs go missing because at least one pet was there for so long, the owner didn’t hook up with it until they came in looking for a new dog to adopt. Lately, other well taken care of dogs have turned up after thunderstorms without identification. Leake and Schilling provided the Sun with some protocol pertaining to lost dogs and Red Hill: Red Hill only accepts dogs that the police bring in; • The dogs must have been found inside the town limits; • Red Hill has four kennels for lost dogs; • When dogs are brought in a description is sent to Garfield County dispatch for its Lost Dog Log (their phone number is 625-8095). After 10 days, dogs are neutered or spayed and vaccinated, and become property of the town. Red Hill then tries to find homes for the dogs or transfers them to CARE near the Colorado Mountain College Spring Valley campus for adoption. Dogs are not euthanized. Police, veterinarians and animal shelters across the U.S. agree that the most important thing owners can do is to have their pets “chipped.” The micro-chips contain owner information and are scanned when pets are brought into pounds and shelters. Most veterinarians can chip a pet and it’s not expensive. Volunteers and employees at Red Hill take dogs for walks and the facility has a K9 play area inside. Other tips for locating lost dogs include: • Make sure the dog has a proper tag and collar; • KDNK at 963-2976 and KMTS at 945-9124 broadcast lost pet reports; • The Carbondale Police Department phone number is 963-2662; Red Hill’s phone number is 704-0403.
CORE and the Roaring Fork Food Policy Council present the
7 C66
September 2012: FREE Film Screening & Challenge Kick-off:
In Organic We Trust September 7 at Crystal River Meats 55 N 4th St. Carbondale
FIRST FRIDAY at Crystal River Meats
Farm stand with free burgers starts at 6:30pm, film at 8pm • A checklist lets you track personal actions to choose healthy, sustainable foods and support local farmers. • Prizes awarded to the highest local-food achievers after two weeks. • Culminating harvest potluck and Pecha Kucha storytelling September 20th with CCAH.
THE SOPRIS SUN • AUgUST 30, 2012 • 9
Community Calendar THURSDAY Aug. 30 ROTARY • Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at Mi Casita every Thursday at noon.
FRI.-SUN. Aug.31-Sept. 2 ART SHOW • The Redstone Art Foundation presents the 17th annual Redstone Labor Day Art Show on the front lawn of the Redstone Inn Aug. 31 through Sept. 2. An opening reception takes place Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. The show includes 35 artists working in: watercolor, oil and pastel painting, gouache and egg tempera, photography, sculpture, ceramics, turned wood, fused glass, hand-woven baskets, collage, jewelry, clothing, ironwork and painted feathers. Info: www.redstoneartfoundation.org or 963-7002. LIVE MUSIC • The Jazz Aspen Snowmass Labor Day Festival takes place in Snowmass Town Park. Info: jazzaspen.org or 920-4996.
FRIDAY Aug. 31 MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre presents “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” (R) at 8 p.m. Aug. 31 through Sept. 2, plus Sept. 6. The theatre is closed Sept. 3-5. This film is a dramatic comedy that follows a group of retirees who decide to “outsource” their retirement to a less expensive and seemingly exotic India. LIVE MUSIC • Carbondale Beer Works on Main Street presents Betsy Franck (soulful R&B styles from Athens, Georgia) from 8:30 to 11 p.m. Franck is coming off a Colorado tour that included a stop at Aspen’s
To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is 5 p.m. Saturday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted. For up-to-the-minute valley-wide event listings, check out the Community Calendar online at soprissun.com. View and submit events online at soprissun.com/calendar.
Belly Up. No cover. Info: 704-1216. LIVE MUSIC • Steve’s Guitars in the Dinkel Building presents music every Friday night. LIVE MUSIC • Rivers restaurant in Glenwood Springs presents Frog and Todd (bluegrass and Americana) from 9 p.m. to midnight. Info: 928-8813. RFHS SPORTS • The Roaring Fork High School football teams travels to Basalt for a game at 7 p.m. The girl’s volleyball team takes on Glenwood Springs and Meeker starting at 3:30 p.m.
SATURDAY Sept. 1 SLOW MONEY • The Slow Money Rocky Mountain Regional Gathering takes place at Sustainable Settings from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Presenters include MacArthur Fellow/biologist Joel Benson, Slow Money founder Woody Tasch and others. The cost is $75. Info: slowmoney.org. HARVEST FESTIVAL • Sustainable Settings on Highway 133 hosts its ninth annual Harvest Festival from 4 to 9 p.m. Mark Fischer, Bryce and John Little (Six89, The Pullman and Phat Thai) Chris Lanter (Cache Cache) and Jim Butchart (Aspen Skiing Co.) will be preparing and serving Sustainable Settings’ Beyond Organic lamb, pork, goat, veggies, eggs and
Labor Day Event nt Friday, Monday, Friday, Aug. 31 - Monday day, Sept. 3
Ace Hardware of Carbondale www.CarbondaleAce.com
10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • AUgUST 30, 2012
(970) 963-6663
more. There’ll be organic wine, spirits and beer, live music a fabulous silent auction and naming of the Local Organic Farmer of the Year. Tickets are $150; kids under 12 are free. Info: sustainablesettings.org.
sion with Dana Wilson from 7 to 9 p.m. every Monday. All abilities are welcome.
SATURDAY MARKET • Crystal River Meats and Osage Gardens hold a Saturday Market at 55 N. Fourth Street from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Saturday. Info: 876-0668.
YOgA • Fran Page starts giving yoga classes at CMC-Carbondale on Tuesdays starting tonight from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Paul Sanchez teaches Thursdays at 6:10 p.m. Space is limited and advance registration is required. Info: 963-2172.
SUNDAY Sept. 2 RVR • The first annual River Valley Ranch Labor of Love 5K Fun Run/Walk takes place on RVR streets starting at 9 a.m., followed by kid’s dash at 10 a.m. The suggested donation is $5, with proceeds going to CARE (Colorado Animal Rescue), Rifle Animal Shelter and Lucky Day. Prizes are being donated by local businesses. There’ll be snacks and beverages after the event. Info: 963-6300. LIVE MUSIC • Redstone’s free summer music series concludes with the Mountain Metamoocil Boys (acoustic blues, folk, swing and bluegrass) from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Redstone Park.
MONDAY Sept. 3 JAM SESSION • Carbondale Beer Works on Main Street hosts an old-time jam ses-
TUESDAY Sept. 4 PAM HOUSTON • The Aspen Writers’ Foundation brings Pam Houston to the Third Street Center for a free talk at 6 p.m. Houston’s books include “Cowboys Are My Weakness,” “Sight Hound,” “Waltzing the Cat” and “A Little More About Me.” She’ll be discussing her most recent novel “Contents May Have Shifted.”
g’WOOD MARKET • Glenwood’s Downtown Market at Ninth and Grand takes place from 4 p.m. to dusk. There are vendors and live music. Info: glenwoodmarket.com. COMEDY • Jack Green presents Cardiff Tuesday Night Comedy Night at the Cardiff schoolhouse every week from through the summer, fall and into the winter. Tickets are $7.17. Info: 618-0199. RFHS SPORTS • The Roaring Fork High School boys soccer team plays Basalt at home at 4 p.m. (JV game at 6 p.m.)
WEDNESDAY Sept. 5 DITCH TOUR • The Roaring Fork Conservancy offers a free bicycle tour of CarCALENDAR page 11
Community Calendar bondale’s ditches, starting at the Crystal River fish hatchery, from 5 to 7 p.m. Nonmembers are $5; members are free. Meet at town hall. Registration is required at roaringfork.org. Info: 927-1290. ROTARY • Rotary District Gov. Carla Vauthrin speaks at the weekly Rotary Club
continued from page 10
of Carbondale meeting at the firehouse on Highway 133 at 7 a.m. Info: 927-0641. VALLEY DIVAS • The Valley Divas, an all women’s networking group, meet at Konnyaku from 5:30 to 7 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month. The cost is $12. Info: 704-1711 or lauri@limitlesslivingnow.com.
Further Out
LIVE MUSIC • PAC3 in the Third Street Center presents BoomBox at 8 p.m. Tickets are $25 in advance and $28 the day of the show. Info: pac3carbondale.com.
FRIDAY Sept. 7 LIVE MUSIC • PAC3 in the Third Street Center presents the David Mayfield Parade and David Wax Museum at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15. Info: pac3Carbondale.com. LOCKE VISITS CMC • Kevin Locke tells stories, plays Lakota courting flute and hoop dances in a free presentation at Colorado Mountain College-Rifle at 7 p.m. Locke is a world-renowned master traditional performance artist and a UN Cultural Goodwill Ambassador, and has played major cultural institutions in the U.S. and abroad. CMCRifle is located in the campus’s Clough Auditorium at 3695 Airport Rd. info: 625-1871 or kevinlocke.com. CLAY CENTER • The Carbondale Clay Center on East Main Street opens the show “Moonlight Mystakes of Summerscapeism’s” from 6 to 8 p.m. featuring new ceramic
tumblers, luminaries and wall pieces of Jesse Ring. Regular gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Friday. The show continues through Oct. 2. Info: 963-2529 or info@carbondaleclay.org.
MAYOR’S COFFEE HOUR • Chat with Carbondale Mayor Stacey Bernot on Tuesdays
VAUDEVILLE • The Glenwood Vaudeville Review’s all new summer show is staged in Glenwood Springs at 901 Colorado Avenue. Shows take place Fridays and Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 5:30 p.m. There’s a pub style menu and full bar. Tickets are $22 for adults, $20 for seniors, $16 for kids. Info and reservations: 945-9699 or gvrshow.com.
PICKLEBALL • Drop-in pickleball happens at the North Face tennis courts Saturdays at 9 a.m.
gOLF • The 13th annual American Legion Women’s Auxiliary golf tournament takes place at the Ranch at Roaring Fork. The cost is $40 per player (18 holes) and there are four players per team. Entry fees can be sent to The American Legion at 97 Third St. or drop them off after 3 p.m. Hole sponsorships are also available. For details, call Julie 963-2381.
MAN AND WOMAN OF YEAR NOMINATIONS TAKEN • Nominations are being taken for the 2012 Man and Woman of the Year. The deadline for submitting nominations is Sept. 15. Forms are available at town hall. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the community through volunteerism. The winners will be recognized at the Sept. 25 board of trustees meeting and will also serve as grand marshals for the 103rd annual Potato Day parade on Sept. 29. The award is presented by Zeta Epsilon sorority and the town of Carbondale. For details, call 963-0161.
EXPLORE FILOHA • The Roaring Fork Conservancy offers a free family exploration at Filoha Meadows open space near Redstone from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Registration is required at. www.roaringfork.org/events. Info: 927-1290.
HOLE SPONSORS WANTED • Hole sponsors are still being accepted for the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship Fund golf tournament at Ranch at Roaring Fork on Sept. 8. For details, call 963-2381.
THURSDAY Sept. 13 LIVE MUSIC • PAC3 in the Third Street Center presents Tab Benoit at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 the day of the show. Info: pac3carbondale.com.
The Fun Starts at 1:00 House of Bounce - Sparkles the Clown
Main Street, Carbondale, See you on the Sunny Side
TAI CHI • Senior Matters in the Third Street Center offers tai chi with instructor John Norton at 9 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. The cost is $40 per month or $7 per drop in. Info: 274-1010.
from 7 to 8 a.m. at the Village Smithy, located at 26 S. Third St.
Hold the Presses
HIgH SCHOOLERS JAM • Local high school jazz musicians stage a jam session at the Ramada Inn in Glenwood Springs Monday nights from 7 to 9:30 p.m. VALLEY SYMPOSIUM REgISTRATION UNDER WAY • Guest speaker at this year’s Valley Symposium is author Amy Cortese, who will discuss her book “Locavesting: The revolution in local investing and how to profit from it” at the Hotel Colorado in Glenwood Springs on Sept. 14. Register online at hmcnews.org. Cortese’s work has appeared in The New York Times, Business Week, Mother Jones, Portfolio, The Daily Beast and many other publications.
ting • Celebra a r b ndo e Cel
Community Street Dance & BBQ Sunday, Sept. 9th
The Sirens for Your Listening Pleasure @ 6:00
gORDON COOPER • The Gordon Cooper Library and Aspen Art Museum team up for “Story Art” the first Thursday of every month from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. The program combines visual literacy and art-making and is free. Registration is recommended. Info: 963-2889.
DJ Ginger Anne
Years • Años
Sponsored by
Comunidad Barbacoa y Baile Domingo, 9 de Septiembre La diversion comienza a la 1:00 Casa de Bounce - Sparkles el Payaso DJ Ginger Anne
Las Sirens para su placer de escuchar @ 6:00 Main Street, Carbondale, nos vemos en el lado soleado THE SOPRIS SUN • AUgUST 30, 2012 • 11
Community Briefs get your shorts ready Aspen Film is now accepting submissions of live-action, documentary and animated short films and video for the festival’s International Competition, which takes place April 9-14, according to a press release. Internationally known as a premier North American showcase for short film and video, Aspen Shortsfest welcomes over 50 filmmaker guests from all over the globe to participate in screenings, in-depth Q&A’s, school education programs and special events. Nearly 3,300 short films from over 60 countries were considered in 2012, with 80 short films representing 30 countries ultimately selected.
Aspen Hope Center slates events The Aspen Hope Center presents “Living Mentally Well” with Kevin Hines at Paepcke Auditorium in Aspen at 5 p.m. on Sept. 6. Hines will share his story of survival and hope after jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Tickets are $25, with a reception for an extra $75. Call 544-1298 to RSVP. Aspen Hope Center’s community suicide prevention trainings are also offered during September, including a session at the Carbondale fire house on Sept. 18 and the Basalt Regional Library on Sept. 11. For details, call 544-1298.
Jaywalker holds fifth scramble Jaywalker Lodge’s 5th annual Serenity Scramble to benefit The Right Door takes place at River Valley ranch golf club Sept. 15. The cost is $150 per player, which includes an awards luncheon. Singles and teams are welcome. For details, go to jaywalkergolfopen.com or call 704-9292.
Lead King Loop comes around again The ninth annual Lead King Loop charity races return with a 2.5K, 12.5K and 25K events on Sept. 16. Runners received what is billed as “the best raffle on the Western Slope,” plus “great schwag” and a barbecue. Proceeds benefit the Marble Charter School. For details, go to leadkingloop25k.com or contact Independence Run and Hike in Carbondale.
Tybar Ranch rocks on Sept. 8 The ninth annual Aspen Valley Land Trust “Save the Land” dance takes place at Tybar Ranch on Prince Creek Road south of Carbondale. The evening includes dinner (from the
A police officer in training? Could be. Word has it Jax Moss pulled in after yet another tough shift of keeping Carbondale citizens safe. Photo by W.G. Moss
Hickory House), dancing (to the Whittingtons Band), a silent auction and the release of “Our Place, Too: People and Conservation in the Roaring Fork and Colorado River Valleys.” The hardcover coffee table book showcases photos and stories of 46 landowners and families who have conserved their land. The action starts at 5:30 p.m. and tickets are $75. Info: avlt.org or 963-8440.
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12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • AUgUST 30, 2012
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fire and Rainâ&#x20AC;? this August above tree line The things that strike me in August, like my ďŹ rst day off from The little peak we were headed toward was where he had being a ďŹ&#x201A;y ďŹ shing guide in almost two months, are like matches. spread her ashes. A favorite place. Even on a rainy day. My friend I begin to burn again. Colby shared he was on vacation. I said a blessing to the man, we Even in the rain, walking above tree line, I pick a leaf of yarrow said our goodbyes, and continued walking up into the rain. It was and crush it between my ďŹ ngers and it smells like brief. Strangely intimate. Full of open-ended tenderthe past, it smells like the present, it smells like the ness and impermanence. future, and it catches my insides on ďŹ re. Go ďŹ gure. Leaning against a tarpaper shack listening to So much of life is rain. solar panels catch the rain as I eat a chocolate croisOr can be. sant, catches me on ďŹ re, too. As does getting to Not usually in August, mind you. Usually August spend the day with a buddy who escaped the Deis the driest and hottest month. But not this August. partment of Energy in Washington, D.C. This August has been rainier than usual. In the midst In smaller ways, so does drinking whiskey. Or of all the rain, somehow I pulled off guiding 22 trips joking about the past. And especially pondering the in 15 days. This second half of August, with kids big things in life (his wife is due in November). going back to school, hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been quite as good. And Fire. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had more time to think about the rain. A kind of All this internal burning in August is good. cleansing of sorts. A facing up to the facts of life inThe external burning of muscles and lungs ďŹ nally stead of avoiding them. Nourishing, yes. Wet, yes. getting above tree line for the ďŹ rst time all summer, By Cameron Scott But also cold. Also uncomfortable. DeďŹ nitely uneven better. comfortable. And â&#x20AC;Ś rainy. â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ On our way up to the summit/shack we passed an older man on It has been years since my summer camp days, and years since his way down. While we had been hiking for miles, he had driven Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve thought about James Taylorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fire and Rain.â&#x20AC;? But somehow most of the way up the pass (there was a road, too, and Jeep tours, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m reminded this August about how good it is to be able to light and four-wheeler tours, although the weather wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t particularly an internal ďŹ re, even in the midst of loss. And how good it is to be good, and so we only saw one of each). He had already gained the able to escape into the backcountry in order to begin to light that small summit, and was walking back down with a walking staff, ďŹ re. And if James Taylor isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t your gig, maybe Neil Young is. In wearing a pair of brown penny loafers. Not exactly great hiking which case, my my, hey hey. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s better to burn out, than it is to rust. shoes. We stopped on the trail to say hello. And sometimes, it is unbelievably nice to be able to eat a chocoAs it goes in the mountains, so goes it sometimes in life. When late croissant, leaning against a tarpaper shack, with solar panels we are unbound, untethered, and perhaps more oxygen debted for umbrellas, and an old friend to take it in with. Sometimes we than we usually are, we sometimes share things we wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t nor- just have to make the pilgrimage and look at things above tree line. mally share. After hellos the man said it was the three-year anniversary of his wifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s death. (Cameron Scottâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s column appears every month).
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Liquid light of a liquid universe, already I can taste the sweetness of your softness blossoming and falling all at once over the cliff of the heart like starlightâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; I can hear the roots of mountains reply that they once bent like flowers in the wind back before walls, back before all these ambergris ghosts when molten thoughts spilled out of mouths like butterflies. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Cameron Scott
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THE SOPRIS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ AUgUST 30, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 13
Shopping | Dining | Culture | Recreation
VISIT BASALT & EL JEBEL At the confluence of Frying Pan and Roaring Fork Rivers THURSDAY Aug. 30 DRAKE EXHIBITION • An exhibition featuring photographs by Martha Drake concludes at the Wyly Community Art Center in Basalt. Info: wylyarts.org or 927-4123. WALKINg INTERVALS gROUP • Are you ready to get your body back in shape after delivering that sweet bundle of joy? Well, grab your stroller, your little one (everyone needs a workout buddy!) and dust off those workout shoes. We’ll start with a quick stretch and warm-up walk, continuing with a more intense walk to get our heart rates up, there will be intervals throughout the mile walk. You must be six weeks postpartum (eight weeks for C-Section) and please let me know if you are pregnant. Check out our Web site for more info, http://befit-mama.weebly.com/ or email befitmamas@gmail.com with questions. From 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Cost: $5 single class/$20 punch pass. RIVERSIDE gRILL, BASALT • Salsa night has returned, every Thursday night from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Be here early for free casual instruction by Tere and Ricardo Hernandez. (formerly Jimmy’s Salsa DJ’s and
local salsa dance instructors.) They will begin every Salsa Night with free instruction from 8:30 to 9 p.m. All are welcome.
FRIDAY Aug. 31 BHS SPORTS • The Basalt High School football team travels to Carbondale for a 7 p.m. game against Roaring Fork. The girl’s volleyball team travels to Glenwood Springs for a 3:30 p.m. match against Meeker.
SATURDAY Sept. 1 BHS SPORTS • The Basalt girl’s volleyball team takes on Moffat County in Glenwood Springs at 9:30 a.m.
SUNDAY Sept. 2
WEDNESDAY Sept. 5 COMPUTER CLASSES • The Basalt Regional Library offers free PC classes Wednesdays from noon to 1 p.m. and Thursdays from 6 to 7 p.m. For details, call 927-4311 or go to basaltlibrary.org.
BASALT SUNDAY MARKET • Locally grown produce, local artists, cooking demonstrations, etc. Meet and talk with local growers, ranchers, artisans, and healers. Take home some of the finest local foods available, as well as arts, clothing and more. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. YOgA IN THE PARK • Through Sept. 2, join the yoga experience. All levels welcome. You’ll flow to fun and familiar tunes. From 11 a.m. to noon.
To list your Basalt or El Jebel event, e-mail it to basaltthrift@live.com by 5 p.m. on Friday.
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14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • AUgUST 30, 2012
Basalt Sunday Market Lions Park, Sept. 2 Town Hall closed Monday, Sept. 3 for Labor Day
September Happenings
Second Saturday BASH B-B-Q Sept. 8 LONGHORNS FOOTBALL HOME GAME Sept. 14 Laugh-In-Lions comedy fest Sept. 22
TUESDAY Sept. 11 SUICIDE PREVENTION • Aspen Hope Center gives a suicide prevention training session at Basalt Regional Library on Sept. 11. The trainings are free and open to the public but registration is required. For details, call 544-1298. Other session are offered from Aspen to Glenwood Springs on Sept. 11, 18 and 25.
SCHOOL IS IN SESSION! Drive Carefully!
FRYINg PAN ANgLERS • Fly Tying Class offered by Frying Pan Anglers. Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Cost: $10. Sign up at Frying Pan Anglers in downtown Basalt or call 927-3441.
Your Ad Here To find out more contact: Bob Albright 970-927-2175 or bob@soprissun.com
RECLAIM~RESTORE~REUSE 180 South Side Dr. Basalt 970.927.6488 basaltthriftstore@live.com www.basaltthrift.com
First Man crowned KDNK’s first annual Mr. Carbondale Man Pageant at Phat Thai on Aug. 24 attracted 14 contestants and the winner was … Michael Gorman (upper right). Gorman paddled the competition with his skimpy outfit in the River Wear round and was reportedly so far ahead in points he couldn’t lose when the Talent round came around. Other rounds included Evening Wear and Carhartt Wear. The event, part of the community access radio station’s fall membership drive, packed the restaurant and was a rousing success. The night’s MC’s were Jen Roser, April Clark and Steve Skinner. Clockwise from upper left: Elliot Marquette, Michael Gorman, Billy Bob Laemmel, Darren Broome and Steve Skinner. Photos by Jane Bachrach
THE SOPRIS SUN • AUgUST 30, 2012 • 15
Vehicles lined the top of Independence Pass for the recent Pro Cycling Challenge race, but camping tents on the summit were not to be found. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s because the Forest Service banned camping on top of the pass in order to protect fragile tundra. Camping was allowed, however, farther town the pass. Photo by Bill Kight
Being inconvenienced trumps conserving resources When science is confronted by emotional reaction to a decision that is not popular, science often takes a back seat. Take the Forest Serviceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision to not allow camping on top of Independence Pass to prevent damage to the fragile tundra ecosystem during the recent Pro Cycling Challenge race. Were alternative camping sites available? Yes, but they were too inconvenient for some. As a matter of fact, space was available at developed campsites along the route Wednesday night. Those of us involved in resource management decisions love our jobs and take them seriously but we also have a sense of humor. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why we got a good laugh at the Tshirts that poked fun withâ&#x20AC;&#x153;TRTâ&#x20AC;?(for Tundra Response Team) and a little tundra ďŹ gureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hands in the air. Sometimes baseless accusations are hurtled at the agency and a cub reporter may ďŹ nd it easy to interview a few disgruntled spectators. Our desire is to get as much information as possible to the public through the media in a transparent manner so people understand why and how we arrive at decisions. The United States Forest Service mission is to sustain the health, diversity and productivity of the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.
modify behavior for what is appropriate to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Caring for the land and better collaborative decisions. serving people,â&#x20AC;? best capIf decisions are made by car- consider in making good land management tures that mission. ing for the land and serving peo- decisions. Being inconvenienced trumps conThose words ďŹ t well with ple then they are appropriate. serving resources. Two of the other guiding principles that the choice I made along with However, balancing both these many of my generation to priorities is not easy. Popularity the forest service uses are: we use an ecologipursue a career in the manis not part of the equation. cal approach to the multiple-use management agement of Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s public ConďŹ&#x201A;ict in todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s land of the national forests and grasslands; and we lands. My decision was inmanagement arena centers pri- use the best scientiďŹ c knowledge in making ďŹ&#x201A;uenced by reading Wallace marily on recreational use of decisions and select the most appropriate techStegnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beyond the Hunpublic land. The focus is often nologies in the management of resources. The Pro Cycling Challenge wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t our dredth Meridian.â&#x20AC;? At that narrowly reduced to â&#x20AC;&#x153;my use time if a word had to be my way.â&#x20AC;? Instead of â&#x20AC;&#x153;re-creat- ďŹ rst rodeo. When we get thrown off the picked to describe what I ingâ&#x20AC;? their outdoor experience bronco or in this case thrown under the bus would become by pursuing by renewing their spirit many we smile, get up and dust ourselves off â&#x20AC;Ś By Bill Kight such a dream it would be people become vehemently en- ready to meet the challenges facing present â&#x20AC;&#x153;conservationist.â&#x20AC;? trenched into what becomes a and future generations. Conservation laws were passed mandating siege mentality leaving no way for reason. how to best care for the land and serve people. It becomes â&#x20AC;&#x153;my right to do as I please Bill Kight is the public affairs ofďŹ cer of the In the forest service we also have regulations, wherever I want to whenever I canâ&#x20AC;? with White River National Forest. A public serexecutive direction and congressional intent no regard for any long-term caring for the vant for almost 35 years, Bill writes to guide our decisions. land. What is missing is a willingness to monthly for the Sopris Sun. Decisions are made taking into account 13 guiding principles that help realize our mission. One of those principle states, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We recEarly Deadline for ognize and accept that some conďŹ&#x201A;ict is natural and we strive to deal with it professionally.â&#x20AC;? In observance of Labor Day on Monday, Sept. 3, Many of the complex problems faced by the ad reservation and calendar deadlines for the the White River National Forest decision Thursday, Sept. 6 issue is 12 p.m. Friday, August 31 makers involve multiple conďŹ&#x201A;icting objectives. ConďŹ&#x201A;ict handled professionally often leads to
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Mid-Valley Food Pantries Carbondale: Third Street Center, 520 South 3rd Street, #35 Mon, Wed & Fri: 10am-12:30pm â&#x20AC;˘ 963-1778 Basalt: Basalt Community United Methodist Church 167 Holland Hills Rd. â&#x20AC;˘ Wed & Thur: 11am-1pm â&#x20AC;˘ 279-1492
Learn more at www.liftup.org and join us on facebook! 16 â&#x20AC;˘ THE SOPRIS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ AUgUST 30, 2012
Dr. Benjamin Mackin Mon., Tues., Thurs., Friday 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday 10:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m.