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This Friday

Sept. 7

Because every town needs a park, a library and a newspaper


Details inside

Carbondale’s weekly

community connector

Volume 10, Number 31 | September 6, 2018

Over the hills … … and not so far away

Each summer, Wilderness Workshop offers a series of free, guided hikes through some of the most scenic country along Colorado’s West Slope that the organization is working to protect, including a guided backpacking trip for a more immersive experience. Over Labor Day weekend, Hike Series Coordinator Brandon Jones organized a three-day hike covering 23 miles through the Thompson Divide. On Saturday morning, the group departed from Carbondale and was dropped off near Middle Thompson Park. After a short hike along the road,

everyone dropped packs and summitted one of the Twin Peaks. The view offered an interesting vantage point, capturing the western flanks of Mount Sopris and jagged Capitol Peak, Lamborn and Land’s End towering over Paonia, as well as an uplifting view of a large section of the most contiguous old growth forest in the White River National Forest. Then the group entered that forest by Middle Thompson Creek Trail, defined by massive Engelmann Spruce and blue spruce trees, as well as aspens thick enough to exceed the reach of a full-body hug. The next day, the merry band

walked until reaching spectacular, isolated Lake Ridge Lakes, where they enjoyed a sunset from the ridge. On Sunday, the group was on the trail early, putting in over ten miles to reach the output where the Braderich Creek Trail reaches Coal Basin just outside of Redstone. There are two more free, guided hikes still available this fall. Learn more at wildernessworkshop.org/hike-series. Photo by Brandon Jones Text by Justin Patrick











On the SE Corner of Hwy 133 and Main Street in Carbondale


Carbondale Commentary

The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, email editor Will Grandbois at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.

That’s just, like, your opinion By Will Grandbois As a reader-supported nonprofit newspaper, The Sopris Sun makes a special effort to provide a public platform for the full breadth of experience and opinion in our community. We publish the vast majority of letters to the editor and guest columns we receive, but due to space constraints or conscience, we occasionally leave some out. This is typically left to my editorial discretion, but in the interest of maximum transparency, this is an attempt to codify how we prioritize our opinion section. First off, let me paint a picture of the ideal letter – the kind I’d feature first and be least likely to cut. It’s from a local source on a local topic. It’s a perspective we haven’t heard before from someone we don’t always hear from. It’s thought provoking, fair and well reasoned, not spiteful or mean. Bonus points if it comes in the form of a haiku. Now, the reality of the letter section isn’t going to look like that. There’s only so much poetry in pitching your favorite political candidate, thanking the sponsors for your event or providing feedback to the paper — all important ingredients in the mix. But in choosing which pieces get prime placement and which get delayed or cut, here are a few things we consider: ● Timeliness. Letters sent to us by our Monday noon deadline or columns arranged in advance will always be given priority. Additionally, we give consideration to topics related to the the end of a comment period or an important vote. ● Novelty. Infrequent writers and submissions specific to The Sun get top billing (We just ignore mass mailings from national organizations, and have made a habit of turning down responses to stories or opinions that ran in other papers). Henceforth, I’m instituting a cap of three letters or one column per month per person (eulogies, reviews and other more editorial content excepted). Also, I leave a week between two letters from the same person on the same topic to give others a chance to respond. ● Relevance. As a local paper, we prefer to feature issues and experiences that resonate with our readers in particular. National issues can, of course, have local or personal implications — just bring it back here, if you can. For everything else, there’s the internet. ● Brevity. We can get several succinct letters on page 2 before the jump, leaving the back for the long-winded. If you email us a letter of over 500 words, we’ll probably ask you to cut it or else I’ll do so myself. We greatly prefer digital submissions (in the body of the email is best) but if you don’t have access to the internet, I will accept physical letters up to 250 words via traditional mail. ● Rationality. There’s no sense in printing the nonsensical. If we can’t understand what you’re talking about, we can’t really assess whether it meets our other standards. By the way, hate speech and defamation (as legally defined) are the two things that will warrant outright refusal to publish. We like The Post Independent’s policy against using “illegal” as a pejorative noun for a human being. And while you’re welcome to criticize the actions of a public figure, we’re not the place for you to belittle your neighbors, make unsubstantiated accusations or advocate for anything illegal. We’re confident most people can make their point without all that. Feel free to contact us if you have problems with these guidelines or, better yet, write a letter.

A weekend with my Uncle Chas They say, “if you’re lucky enough to be Irish, you’re lucky enough.” My mother’s family, the Moores, are Irish. And that’s exactly how I feel about my uncle Charlie; if you’re lucky enough to know him, you’re lucky enough. He has always been there for me, (and countless others) and he continues to be someone I can rely on- even when I’m the one trying to help him. Last week, as I was driving to Denver to visit Chas, my car overheated at the top of Vail Pass. That little red exclamation point glared at me all the way down to the Frisco exit, where I “stopped safely” as the message on my dash commanded, and proceeded to look for a place that sold antifreeze. After walking a few blocks to Napa, I poured in the antifreeze, along with distilled water, eyeing a ratio of 1:1. Then I stepped back and bent down to look under the car, where I saw a small Niagara Falls running out of the engine. After 24 hours in Frisco, I was back on the road to see Uncle Charlie, who then loaned me his By Jeannie Perry car to get home. Forty years ago, when my mom moved to Denver, (divorced, with three young girls in tow) we stayed at Uncle Charlie’s house on Humboldt Street until she bought a house of our own nearby. Chas was on a river trip that summer, so we had the run of his house. I’m sure the kitchen saw more action that summer than in all the years before or since… I remember my sisters and I would sit in our respective bean bags, eating yoghurt push-ups and watching public television with my mom’s dog, Kumari. Kumari came from Nepal, where my mom was in the Peace Corps. She brought Kumari home on her lap on the plane, and twelve years later, there sat Kumari, in her own bean bag, blind, with two teeth left, snapping at anyone who got too close— unless they had a yoghurt push-up. Or, were Uncle Charlie. P’S & Q’S page 18

Will Grandbois is the Editor of The Sopris Sun. He can be reached at will@soprissun.com or 510-0540.

Send us your letters! Enough of the stick — how about a carrot? In an effort to focus our community dialogue, we’ll begin featuring prompts encouraging folks to write letter on specific topics. For starters, let’s talk business. Is there something the community is lacking that you’d encourage an entrepreneur to pursue? What’s your favorite local restaurant and what makes it special?

Should the Smithy count Friday as the weekend for the purposes of Eggs Benedict? Let us know.

2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018


Ps & Qs


The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 500 words via email at news@soprissun.com or 250 words via snail mail at P.O. Box 399, Carbondale CO 81623. please include your name, town, and contact information. The deadline for submission is noon on Monday.

Park and parcel Dear Editor: The plaza is a tenet of European city planning lost to the American park and vital in its role as a common gathering place. Among those who read this letter, perhaps there is one who knows the presumed owner of several properties now for sale that have been graciously parked upon and partied upon for years. Perhaps I overstep my gratitude in contending that such a generous soul might consider the enduring legacy of a plaza named in their honor where the community may continue to gather and cohere for generations to come. This is my personal wish for the impending Christmas promised by that solitary plastic tree in a sea of private grass. Raleigh Burleigh Carbondale LETTERS page 18

Sincerest thanks to our Honorary Publishers

for their generous, ongoing commitment of support. Jim Calaway, Chair Kay Brunnier Bob Ferguson – Jaywalker Lodge Scott Gilbert – Habitat for Humanity RFV Bob Young – Alpine Bank Peter Gilbert Umbrella Roofing, Inc. Bill Spence and Sue Edelstein Greg and Kathy Feinsinger Carolyn Nelson

Thank you to our SunScribers and community members for your support! It truly takes a village to keep The Sun shining.

To inform, inspire and build community. Donate online or by mail. P.O. Box 399 Carbondale, CO 81623 520 S. Third Street #32 970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Editor Will Grandbois • 970-510-0540 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Carol Fabian • 970-510-0246 adsales@soprissun.com Reporter: Megan Tackett Photographer: Jane Bachrach Graphic Designer: Terri Ritchie Delivery: Tom Sands Current Board Members board@soprissun.com Marilyn Murphy, President Raleigh Burleigh, Vice President Stacey Bernot, Secretary Barbara Dills, Treasurer Debbie Bruell • Cliff Colia Olivia Pevec • Nicolette Toussaint John Colson The Sopris Sun Board meets regularly on the second Monday evening of each month at the Third Street Center.

Founding Board Members Allyn Harvey • Becky Young • Colin Laird Barbara New • Elizabeth Phillips Peggy DeVilbiss • Russ Criswell Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a proud member of the Carbondale Creative District The Sopris Sun, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations to The Sun are fully tax deductible.

Putting on the gloves to Power Punch Parkinson’s Text and photos by Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff At first blush, boxing seems like an unorthodox physical therapy for Parkinson’s patients. After all, one of the most high-profile cases of the degenerative disorder was Muhammad Ali, and many have long theorized that repeated head injuries may have been a factor. But low-impact boxing programs are popping up all over — and now there’s one in Carbondale. Karen Bradshaw at Rising Crane Training Center (in the Red Rock Plaza at 768 Highway 133) first heard about the idea two years ago. “A friend of mine sent me an article about how boxing was making an impact on Parkinson’s symptoms across the country,” she said. “I realized our facility was perfect to offer such a program and we started researching how to make it happen.” Rising Crane brings a lot of things together for Bradshaw: her time teaching leadership in the corporate world, her Master’s in exercise, and her extensive background in martial arts. She’s known for (you guessed it) crane form — a philosophy of longevity and only using your strength when you really need to. That “training” part of the name is an intentional contrast to a rigid dojo dedicated to a single philosophy. “Whatever your path is, we’ll help you on that journey,” she said. “Why force a snake to be a tiger?” As open as she was to Parkinson’s boxing, however, she wasn’t sure whether the existing “Rock Steady” model could work financially in a small town. That’s where the Parkinson Association of the Rockies came in. The Denver-based organization has an ongoing mission to better reach rural communities, and is sponsoring the class under the moniker “Power Punch Parkinson’s.” As part of the deal, they wanted a professional occupational therapist on site, and Jenna Heilers just happened to walk through the door. Although she started out with a pediatric focus, she’s learned to love working with seniors (most, but not all, Parkinson’s patients are older) since her own father was diagnosed with the disease. He’s in a similar program elsewhere, and she gets new ideas every time she visits him. Parkinson’s, she explained, comes down to issue with the neurotransmitter dopamine. While physical therapy can’t cure that, it can help with the resulting tremors by building confidence, focus, strength and fine motor skills. “Boxing lends itself to high interval training,” Heilers explained. “A group setting helps you get to that point where you want to quit but you go a little bit further.” And while some discussion is integrated into the program during breaks and there are plans for a support group, the participants seem to be there mainly for the

workout. Thanks to volunteers, they get a lot of personal attention, and Paul Shaffer of All Valley Boxing provides some experience with the sport. Shaffer hopes to eventually bring a youth boxing program to the area to do for others what he saw done growing up in Boston. “I think the biggest change in my life was boxing,” he said. “It doesn’t matter what you were outside, we were all equal there.” Working with Power Punch Parkinson’s has given him a second opportunity to appreciate what he has, and he’s enjoying working with a different demographic. “Boxing is a dance. Punching is the easy part. I’m trying to get them to move around,” he said. “People keep coming back, so it must be good.” Indeed, demand is such that the program has just gone from one day a week over the summer to twice weekly this fall. “They really want to get in there and just train,” Bradshaw said. “They have so much fun. It has really become the most satisfying, rewarding, effective program I’ve ever been part of.”

The expanded fall schedule for the free Power Punch Parkinson’s program began Sept. 4 at Rising Crane Training Center, with old and new students showing up to train with Paul Shaffer (top, left), Jenna Heilers (left, background), Karen Bradshaw (bottom right, background) and others.

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018 • 3


Send your scuttlebutt to news@soprissun.com.

Let it snow!

Take action

After a few first false starts that proved to be hail, we observed what’s almost certainly snow on the summit of Mount Sopris when the clouds cleared on Sept. 5. That means Katie Dahl is the winner of our annual contest, with the closest guess of Sept. 3. In a way, though, we’re all winners, as any snow up there seems like a blessing after this hot, dry, smoky summer.

English In Action is holding a tutor orientation and training at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 10 at 33 Gillespie Dr. in El Jebel. Learn what it takes to become a tutor and make a difference in the life of another person. There are currently over 150 people waiting for an individual tutor, and if you speak English, you are qualified. Call 970963-9200 or email info@englishinaction. org for more info or to register.

Latinos for land Wilderness Workshop has officially hired Beatriz Soto, Latino Outreach Coordinator, to spearhead its Defiende Nuestra Tierra program. Originally from Chihuahua, Mexico, Beatriz grew up in a bicultural setting between Mexico and the United States and graduated from Basalt High School. Beatriz will work to create a vibrant, informed, and engaged Latino citizenry that advocates for and stewards public lands. Reach out to Beatriz with any questions, suggestions, or just to say “hi” at beatriz@wildernessworkshop.org.

Youth must be served YouthEntity recently received a $150,000 Daniels Fund grant to support its career development and personal financial literacy programs. YouthEntity is a Carbondale-based organization that provides career development experiences to help prepare youngsters for the realworld — more at youthentity.org.

Rolling rolling rolling

Local organizations Poss Architecture + Planning and Interior Design, Olde Towne Moving and Storage, Shaver-Ramsey Fine and Custom Rugs, LLC, Paragon System Integration and Aspen Reprographics Inc. came together to create the VVIP tent at the Jazz Aspen Snowmass Labor Day experience. Photo by Rachel Guest

Get into jail free

Shuffle the deck

Sarah Uhl has had a few events in the Historic Carbondale Jail since she moved her art studio into it, but Sept. 7 will be her first official opening. It’s a short walk from the Main Street festivities down to the corner of Weant Boulevard and Highway 133. Uhl will be taking map orders, selling new works and offering discounts to local and Carbondale lovers on a large body of work from the past four years from 5 to 8 p.m. with a 7 p.m. set by Let Them Roar.

Literacy Outreach is offering reduced pricing through Sept. 9 for the 22nd annual Glenwood Canyon Shuffle Race for Literacy! The half marathon/5K run/ walk is set for the morning of Oct. 6 at the peak of fall color season. Runners receive a t-shirt especially designed for this year’s race by Kelsey Dunkelberger, and the person with the best poker hand will win $100. Register at active.com; more info at literacyoutreach.org.

Now’s the time for teams to register for Solar Roller programs close to home and across the West. More high schools than ever are expected to turn photons into valuable joules as they design, build, test and race their solar powered cars. Registration and info at solarrollers.org.

They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating another year of life this week include: Peter Robinson, Ben Hoffmann, Nancy Taylor, Linda Bishop, Jesse Payne, Lora Meraz and Randy Lowenthal (Sept. 6); Richard Hart and Mario Tarin (Sept. 7); Jane Bachrach, John Bruna, Whitney Will, Hailey Thompson, Tris and Tag Speaker, Marian Perregaux, Gayla Tippett Auten and Janet Boyle (Sept. 8); Annie Worley and Ben Bohmfalk (Sept. 9); John Colson, Casey Piscura, Brian and Brent Perkins (Sept. 10), Aaron Garland and Debbie Crawford (Sept. 11).

Presented by the Town of Carbondale & Steve’s Guitars


3PM to 7PM

Sunday Sponsored by: Ace Hardware

September 9th

Up to 100 big rubber balls race down Main St. Carbondale!

This First Friday - September 7th

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Tickets still on sale until the race happens! Come join us this Friday for the most colorful ball race around! 5:30pm - Running of the Kids fun run 6:00pm Parade down Main Street 6:30pm Running of the Balls 7:00pm - Carnival Games at 4th Street

See You There!

Stillhouse Stillhouse Junkies Junkies starting starting at at 5pm 5pm

Free No pets •

Family friendly • No alcohol No glass • Thank you to our sponsors!

4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018

A family prescription for fun nutrition By Geneviève Villamizar Sopris Sun Correspondent

It was just as the cucumbers were coming on and the fruit trees were heavy with apples and pears that I saw an announcement for a series of farm-to-kitchen cooking classes. My daughter, Sprout, has grown up with her own “backyard grocery store”. We’re lucky she digs it so much. How can you not, when a seed the size of roughly-ground black pepper grows into a sweet, purple carrot? How to make the leap, though, into cooking on her own? To deepen her comprehension of sumptuous, nutritious food and its relationship to the muscular little body in which she lives? I showed her the announcement. We read it together: “‘Cooking Matters for Families’ brings school-aged children and their families together to learn about healthy eating, planning meals as a family, and working together in the kitchen.” Was she down? You betcha. We discussed the time commitment — one day a week for six weeks, two hours each class, at the Carbondale Rec Center. And the dangling, golden carrot? At the end, she would earn her very own cutting board...and chef’s knife. Yep, that’s right: a legit, full-on, sharp as heck knife. How’s that for motivation? She just barely got her first pocket knife and now she gets a full nine inches?! Absolutely. In these times, where food is a social justice movement, the ‘fruits’ of Monsanto lurk in every biological organism on the planet, and obesity threatens the health of millions of people, programs like Farm Rx rock. Farm Rx made “icky” vegetables come alive with new flavors and textures, all the while connecting parents and kids in the kitchen and at the dining table. As a free program for low income families, Farm Rx targets the families that need it most. Recognizing the value of locally grown foods, the program partnered with Roar-

ing Gardens CSA. We received delicious, weekly bags of organic veggies, often filled with crazy things even I had never eaten before. Every week, Sprout joined newly-familiar families in learning about the food that grows our bodies. Wonderfully, Farm Rx took the onus off of me, the “nagging” parent, in demonstrating that food and nutrition are just an everyday part of life, important to families everywhere. Farm Rx covered the obvious bases — the revised food pyramid of veggies, grains, proteins and fruits. We learned about vitamins, calories, proteins and carbs; how to read food labels and to compare the quality and ratio of ingredients. In related activities, we compared heaps of glistening Crisco on paper plates, representing the fat content of a burger or a slice of pizza. The kids got a kick out of blind taste tests picking the best apple. With the highest sugar content, Honeycrisp won by a landslide! We also tackled a delicious new recipe using that week’s farm veggies, cooked en masse in the Rec Center kitchen. What a blast to watch our kids vie for the grater or the chef knife or the blender, to pitch in and cook. Better yet? Eating it together — ooing, ahhing and slurping over tacos with crunchy onion and rich cilantro (yes, kids ate onions!) or pita sandwiches piled with zukes and cukes, topped in zang-a-langy yogurt dressing. Toward the end of the six weeks, we visited “our” farmer Ben Armstrong at Roaring Gardens in Carbondale. Rows upon rows of veggies made for a rich tapestry of color: wine red lettuces and beets contrasted with the frosty blue kales and luminous chards. Tumescent heads of pale cabbage bobbled alongside purple-dusted domes of broccoli. It was a Dr. Seussian tableau of magic that sent the kids into a frenzy, pretty much. Farmer Ben introduced us to different families of veggies — nightshades, brassicas, fruits. We learned to gently pick yellow, black or purple tomatoes. We tasted ground cher-



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Sprout with her grown-up cooking knife. ries and cherry-sized pepino melons, both bursting with intriguing flavors. It was a nutty afternoon and truly sent the message home: food is fantastical. It comes from the ground. People grow it. It’s the best, “funnest” kinda food to cook and eat. Farm Rx seemed most about “connection” — connecting parents and kids, kids and food, farms and kitchens. I saw the outcome in our own kitchen. Sprout loves to help out more, often tying on an apron, meaning business. She wields her chef knife with pride and care, prepping and cooking her first mushroom soup, her first cherry pie (from our trees!) and doing everything herself. It’s pretty cool. For more information on the class and to register (by Sept. 11), visit carbondalerec.com or call 510-1290.

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8am-10am RotaryPancake Breakfast (7th Street under the Bridge) 10am Family Parade across Pedestrian Bridge (to the front of Hotel Colorado, Main Stage) 10:45am Ute Blessing 11am Kid’s Concert with Dr. NOISE 12pm Magic Show

1pm Presentation of Dignitaries 1:30pm Ute Tribal Presentation 3pm Glenwood Vaudeville Revue 4pm FREE Cake and Ice Cream Social 5pm SKYWAVE 6pm Chris Daniels and the Kings.

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018 • 5

All in a (Labor) day’s work While most folks rest and relax on the holiday designed to commemorate the labor movement, the town doesn’t quite shut down like a strike. Whether they were catering to tourists, keeping the community safe or just taking advantage of an extra day to get things done, here’s a salute to the folks we spotted working on Monday — and everyone else who didn’t take a long weekend.

Call us for small and large animal dentistry

This Page, left to right: Carbondale and Rural Fire Protection always has folks standing by. Former Ship-of-Fools owner Bert Meyers bartended at The Pour House. Opposite page, counterclockwise from top left: Claire de L’Arbre got some online sales shipped in between customers at Harmony Scott Jewelry and Design. Tim McLaughlin trimmed the grass in front of the Days Inn. The Village Smithy was hopping from opening ‘til closing, as usual. Roy Rondeau kept the RFTA circulator circulating. Anne Goldberg and Stephanie Seguin tidied up at the Carbondale Clay Center. Photos by Will Grandbois


Vaccines up to date? Get your pet feeling their best with acupuncture and chiropractic!

Sign up for Fall productions & classes! Dr. Oneal Peters, DVM, CVA



970-456-3277 allpetsmobilevet.net This Sunday, Rev. Shawna Foster will share a humorous folktale about trickery at a royal feast that provides a fresh lens for our Unitarian Universalist tradition of the Water Ceremony.

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As we begin a new congregational year by mingling the water from our summers, each of us must answer this question: Will I contribute the best of myself to this beloved community? Will I share my gifts, adding to our abundance, or will I hold my gifts back for my own use?

Join us Sunday, Sept. 9, 2018 - 10:00 a.m. Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist (TRUU) @ Third Street Center, Community Room


Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist

Music with Jimmy Bryne, Religious Exploration with Ana Chynoweth, Preschool with Justice Bouchet

6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018

The Musical 2018 Winter Conservatory, Grades 7-12 For more info visit TheatreAspen.org/Education or call 970.925.9313

The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018 • 7

Town Report

The following items are drawn from Town Manager Jay Harrington’s weekly report to staff, trustees and others. FIRE RESTRICTIONS within town were modified just in time for Labor Day, with screened fire pits, charcoal and gas grills and smokers all allowed. Smoking is still only allowed in an enclosed vehicle, building or in a 20 foot vegetation free area. Explosive materials, welding and acetylene torches and engines without a spark arrestor are also prohibited. POTATO DAY DEADLINES for sponsorship and vendors have been moved back to Sept. 14. Pick up your application at the Carbondale Rec. Center or get it online at carbondalerec.com. RED HILL TRAIL WORK wrapped up with five total evenings. A trail assessment is pending and, along with signage, will determine the official opening date. REC. CENTER HOURS change to the fall/ winter schedule on Sept. 7: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays. The fall rec. brochure is inserted in this edition of The Sopris Sun. OPEN POSITIONS exist for climbing instructors and customer service representatives (contact jwall@carbondaleco.net or 510-1214) as well as group fitness and Silver Sneakers instructors (contact mdonnelly@carbondaleco. net or 510-1276). A DRAFT 2019 BUDGET has been completed and staff is in the process of compiling and evaluating information.

THE GATEWAY RV Park closes for the season on Oct. 1. PLANNING COMMISSIONERS Yuani Ruiz and Jennifer Gee DiCuollo attended their final meeting after serving for ten and eight years, respectively, on Aug. 30. The meeting addressed a special use permit for a Verizon cell antenna at 1150 Highway 133, which was approved with several stipulations. Three new commissioners will begin their terms in September. THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT and Appeals was also approved for new members by trustees, with a training session pending. FIRST BANK water and sewer tie-ins are slated to begin this week, following a preconstruction meeting with Sopris Engineering and Gould Construction. HYDROGRITTER core drilling has begun and a construction agreement with Velocity has been sent out. THIRD STREET SIDEWALK work has moved on to conduit installation, with the path already in use. The streets crew also assisted the utilities department with culvert cleaning on the road up to the Nettle Creek Treatment Plant, conducted street sweeping and cleaned up the RV Park and wastewater treatment plant. THE TOWN ARBORIST took a driver safety course, removed a dead tree and pruned others around the Town Hall and generally worked on landscape maintenance.

Cop Shop From Aug. 24 through 30, Carbondale Police handled 296 Calls for Service. During that period, officers investigated the following cases of note: SATURDAY Aug. 25 at 8:50 a.m. Police took a report of possible criminal mischief. SUNDAY Aug. 26 at 12:58 a.m. Following a traffic stop for failure to drive on the right side of the road, a 23-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. SUNDAY Aug. 26 at 1:55 a.m. When a 29-year-old man failed to stop at a stop sign, he was pulled over and arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. SUNDAY Aug. 26 at 7:41 p.m. A 53-year-old motorcyclist reportedly failed to stop when police tried to pull him over for failing to drive on the right, leading to a pursuit down Highway 133 and charges of driving under the influence of alcohol, vehicular eluding, driving without a valid license, obstructing a peace officer and resisting arrest. MONDAY Aug. 27 at 12:09 a.m. After being stopped for a defective tail light, a 38-yearold man was issued a summons for driving under the influence of alcohol and released to a sober person.


Each time you use your Education Loyalty Debit Card, Alpine Bank donates 10 cents per transaction to support local, school-related programs. Join us in celebrating 45 years of building Colorado communities with you. #TrailblazingWithYou

8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018

Open house slated for mixed-use development off Main By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff It’s been years in the making, but the plan for the Carbondale Marketplace — a 5.37-acre mixed-use project just west of the roundabout and south of the planned City Market — is finally ready for its public debut. “The property has been controversial for almost 20 years,” said Bob Schultz, who spearheaded the planning and permitting for the project. “[There are] two things that people always seem to be ok with: grocery store, rental housing. So I feel good about it.” Construction is already underway to extend Hendrick Drive, which will serve as one boundary for the site. The three buildings along that perimeter will all serve both commercial and residential purposes, while the remaining eight will be completely residential. Not all 11 buildings will go up at once, Schultz noted. “It’ll be built in little increments. They’ll build a couple of buildings, fill those up, see if people are still complaining about rentals. If they are, then you build the next one,” he said. “If there’s no demand, then you just wait.” It’s unlikely that the demand for housing will stagnate. The Colorado Housing Finance and Authority, Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority, Eagle County, Carbondale and Basalt all committed funds in December toward a needs assessment coordinated by the Garfield County Housing Authority. That survey is still open (www.regionalhousingsurvey.org/open). “I see this as a need in Garfield County,” Garfield County Commissioner Mike Samson said in a statement, recounting his 30-year career at Rifle High School. “We continually lost good teachers because they couldn’t afford housing.” Anecdotally, Schultz commented that he, too, sees a consistent need for housing in the area. “A lot of my friends are looking for places to live,” he said.

A rendering of one of the planned mixed-use buildings that will comprise the Carbondale Marketplace. Courtesy graphic While not officially affordable housing supported by subsidies, the idea is to keep rent prices attainable for average residents — logistically, that means doing more with less space. Some of the two-bedroom units are less than 800 square feet. That wasn’t a problem for Andy Wisnoski of Poss Architecture + Planning. “I think there are quite a few examples of more and more smaller... units out there, particularly when you consider some of the markets in more urban areas, where you’re seeing a need for that kind of product,’ he said. “It’s a little bit challenging, but I think quite honestly it will be well received because in our Valley, it’s not dissimilar to those markets. We all need that, I think.” One of the key ideas behind the Carbondale Marketplace is creating not just a place to live, but an affordable neighborhood that people can call home. The buildings largely occupy the perimeter of the site, with a dedicated green space for recreation and parking claiming the center of the property. A pedestrian and bike trail will run through the site from Main Street to the new City Market. That design was intentional, Wisnoski explained.



SUPPORT GROUP Please join Allison Daily and Sean Jeung for evenings of sharing and healing

Carbondale Marketplace Open House When: 6-8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 7 Where: Poss Architecture + Planning, 311 Main St. “When we got the opportunity to work on it — particularly being next to a larger retail area like the future City Market — we wanted to create a defensible space,” Wisnoski said. While that may sound “tough,” he continued that by having the buildings wrap around shared green space, the designers were able to create a neighborhood feel despite its proximity to the new City Market. “It just contains this really unique environment that’s still big enough that you feel part of the community. It’s not cut off; it’s connected.” This First Friday, Sept. 7, the team behind the Carbondale Marketplace is hosting an open house for community members to check out the plans, including a monitor displaying an interactive 3D model. In keeping with the First Friday spirit, there will be drawings and prizes to keep things fun, Schultz said. “That idea came about from Bob,” Wisnoski said. “I think Carbondale’s a unique place where we have First Fridays, and almost our entire community is standing on Main Street.”


First Friday, September 7th, 5 til 8 P. M.

SEPTEMBER 18 - OCTOBER 23 6:00-7:30 PM INFO: Allison Daily 970-379-5276 Fees are on a sliding scale and sponsored by: �ath�nders� a local non�pro�t serving the Roaring Fork Valley with counseling and volunteer services for cancer serious illness and all kinds of grief and loss. Flora Dorra

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399 MAIN STREET, CARBONDALE, 963-3775 The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018 • 9

Telephonic local Can you imagine? stories, Volume II Editor’s note: This monthly literary and creativity section features a sort of telephonegame story. Read the whole thing at soprissun. com/groupstory and sign up to write a chapter, submit a poem or otherwise get involved by emailing news@soprissun.com.

Drawing by Dave Notor of Roaring Fork Drawing Club, which meets every Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. at rotating locations. Fb: Roaring Fork Drawing Club, Instagram: rfdrawingclub

Chapter One: Happy Birthday, Max! By Gavin Dahl “Please tell me they got Cheetos again.” Max isn’t necessarily supposed to, you know, eat Cheetos. But the lighting is right because it’s a full moon, and it’s his birthday. He knows a guy whose cousin’s neighbor is friends with a former roommate of the teenage bear who accidentally electrocuted himself downtown. That punk bear’s name was Phatty. “Don’t be like Phatty. You got this Max.” A two-legged student freed Max on his birthday so while it might seem cool that he’s a liberated middle school mouse, he’s been struggling to avoid starvation for an entire year now. The biggest leftovers mailbox on wheels in this neighborhood gets used by a lot of two-legged families. It’s light green with a black lid and behind a high square fence so those greaser teenage bears who live on the edge of town won’t keep causing such a fuss, getting themselves snatched or worse. The lid is plastic and hinges at one side to open and close with no lock. It’s too big for Max, even with help, to budge. But it’s bent just enough for him to squeeze inside. Max crouches on the decaying fence beam, singing himself the happy birthday song, psyching himself up. “And many more!” He plunges down and makes it to an abandoned scrap of carpet, where he can scan the leftovers. “Yes! What do we have here? Why, it’s a Cheetos bag, peeking out from underneath a sideways paper bag, same side of the leftovers mailbox as last time! I’m getting better with age.”

SEPTEMBER SPEAKERS: September 12 Rotary Exchange Student Georgia Mitchell - Year in Thailand September 19 Rotary Exchange Student Taya Mishel - Year in Chile


September 25 Rotary 5470 District Governor Chris Peterson

Be sure to get your tickets to the RUNNING OF THE BALLS on Sept. 7 – $5,000 Grand Prize! More at rotarycarbondale.org/running-of-the-balls

Hi, I’m Denver! I’m a 3-year-old Plott Hound Mix that’s great with other dogs, cats, and kids! The doctors tell me I need to go on a diet and lose half my body weight, so I’m looking for a workout partner! Wanna get fit with me this Fall? Call C.A.R.E. at 970.947.9173 for more information! RJ Paddywacks offers a “C.A.R.E. Package” for new adoptive families, including a Paws for Points plan and a first-time 15% discount for your new pet. RJ Paddywacks Pet Outfitter 400 E Valley Rd. # I/J Next to City Market in El Jebel 970-963-1700 rjpaddywacks.com

Working together for pets and their people

Looking to have fun and give back? Come join us at Rotary every Weds. at 7 a.m. at the Carbondale Fire Station All are welcome! RSVP to Ed Queenan at (401) 465-4276 or queenan. edward@ gmail.com!

We have 17 dogs and 18 cats waiting for a forever home. Colorado Animal Rescue 2801 County Road 114 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 970-947-9173 coloradoanimalrescue.org

10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018

He starts to use his tiny paws to shovel Cheetos dust into his mouth kernel by kernel, when he notices, too late to stop himself, that the pile of dust inside the Cheetos bag is red, not orange. Max sneezes Flaming Hot and knocks himself down from his precarious perch onto a loosely tied-off trash bag full of cat litter. He shudders. The smell of housecat waste is such a gross reminder of his girlfriend’s grisly murder the week the last snow melted. Feral cats bury their filth, at least. “Yuck! Cats are such an invasive species! Ok. Ok. Ok. Easy Max. You got this.” He is precariously balanced on a lumpy sack of stink and ready to get headed back before the sprinklers rotate and start blasting his most convenient path to his latest crash spot. Max jolts up and bounds like Sonic the Hedgehog toward the top of the pile, but he slips, no joke, on a banana peel that should have been tossed in the freaking compost bin and tumbles back toward the floor of the leftovers mailbox. “Owwwwwwwwwww! Use your stupid two legs to recycle your stupid cans of stupid Le Crotch, you stupid idiots!” Just like the incident that made his last birthday, the worst day in a year filled with too many bad days, even worse, Max looks down and sees that he has once again sliced his own leg open inside the mouth of a beer can that should have been recycled. “So careless! How can they call themselves the smartest species when they keep mailing leftover aluminum over and over and over? Stay cool, Max, you got this.” He takes a different route up the poorly sorted mess and exits the leftovers mailbox. He limps down the closely weed whacked grass line and thinks back to his last leg injury, and the circumstances that caused him to lose his house at the middle school. Liberation is for the birds. He remembers the incomparable joy that is a life of steady meals. A regular feeding schedule, even just the idea that a two-legged might bring food in the morning as the sun comes up, is a constant reminiscence for Max. Enough to keep him going even. Now he just needs to get across the street during a rowdy cruiser ride.

Breaking down barriers to books

By Will Grandbois Sopris Sun Staff

sion to make knowledge, building connections within our community and to provide Young readers rejoice — Basalt Re- the same level of access to all members, gional Library is no longer charging fines regardless of their background, financial for patrons under 18, or adults checking status or current station in life,” Librarian out juvenile and young adult materials on Ann Scott explained. “Those connections their behalf. foster democracy, and that is really the It’s part of a broader push by the li- end game — a well-informed citizenry, cabrary to shake off the image of libraries as pable of independent critical thinking and serious places guarded by stern librarians inspired to make positive change in their personal lives and in their communities.” and provide access to everyone. “Our roots are firmly planted in a misTo that end, Youth Services Librarian Linda Slaybaugh drafted a letter advocating for fineelimination policy. “Fines do not motivate kids to be good library users,” she wrote. “Removing fines for children and teens will build positive relationships between our library and its youngest patrons and their families.” The responsibility of teaching kids to return their books on time should stay with parents or guardians, she asserted, rather than having the library itself creBasalt Regional Library puts a lot of effort into engaging ate a “terror of not being able to pay what they owe.” youngsters. Courtesy photo Already, the library had a habit of removing blocks Basalt Library eventsll for kids who contribute as little as a dime toward their total, but taking any money One-time from children was difficult for staff. Smart Kids, Smart Nutrition: Learn She expressed concerns that fines distips to support your child’s daily diet proportionately impacted those of meafor health, energy and attention at ger means or with limited transporta5:30 p.m. Sept. 6 tion, and cited a national trend toward fine removal. Facebook Basics for Business: RegisThe Library Board unanimously backed ter to learn how, and why, to create the proposal, and the policy took effect a Facebook Page, as well as how to Sept. 1. update that profile, post, create ads Old overdue fines don’t carry over, aland more at 5:15 p.m. Sept. 10 though those related to lost or damaged Marionettes: Using cardboard, string items that need to be replaced will still and a little imagination, build your apply barring a formal appeal. Due dates own puppet at 4 p.m. Sept. 11. will still appear on books and items, but “Sound City” Documentary: The story won’t be considered lost until 60 days afof America’s greatest unsung recording ter that date. studio screens at 5 p.m. Sept. 12. The change is not expected to make a significant difference in the district’s budRecurring get, thanks to an increasing diversity of Mother Goose on the Loose: A fun, funding sources including property taxes, interactive, engaging storytime primarstate and federal support and grants. The ily for babies and toddlers up to 24 board will have a chance to re-assess the months at 10:30 a.m. Mondays. policy after a one-year pilot. As a one-branch library, the district is Toddler Tales: Two-year-olds (with a able to respond to changing times and lifavorite adult) enjoy interactive brary uses. While physical books are still stories, songs and games at very much part of the equation— and 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays. wanted by a growing number of younger Hora de Cuenta Para Bebés En Espapatrons), the library also offers digital ñol: Bebés recién nacidos a 24 meses books for those who can’t afford them. disfrutaran cantos, rimas, tiempo de There are also a wide array of classes and juego y libros a 10:30 a.m. Miércoles. events designed to inform, build commuKid Creators: Build it with Legos, nity and expose patrons to music and arts. Keva Planks, craft sticks and more The librarians themselves are a resource at 3 p.m. Wednesdays. for those seeking knowledge and learning Preschool Adventures: Stories, games, to discern reliable and unreliable sources, and fun for children ages 3-5 at with literacy resources in place as well. 10:30 a.m. Thursdays. And there’s more to come. To see how you can help, call “We are currently engaging commuClase de Ingles: La biblioteca de Garry Schalla at 970-945-2840 x7290 nity members in discussions to learn more Basalt en colaboración con Valley Email gschalla@mountainfamily.org about their specific needs and how to reSettlement ofrecen clases de ingles www.mountainfamily.org move barriers that prevent them for aca 12 p.m. Viernes. cessing library resources,” Scott said. The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018 • 11


needs health care for


Support the Basalt Integrated Health Center Project

Community Calendar

To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is noon on Monday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted.


ACOUSTIC ROCK • Andrew Wynne takes the stage at the Black Nugget (403 Main St.) from 9:30 p.m. ‘til the wee hours of the morning.

HEALTHCARE DOC & TALK • Members of the Physicians for a National Health Program screen “FixIt - Healthcare at the Tipping Point,” — a 40-minute documentary about the growing cost of providing healthcare insurance — at 7 p.m. followed buy a Q&A with local physicians at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). RSVP to gbohmfalk@gmail.com.

STARGAZING • Aspen Science Center brings its new moon astronomy nights to Waldorf School on the Roaring Fork (16543 Highway 82) beginning at 8 p.m.

SAT Sept. 8 & SUN Sept. 9

ROPING • Roaring Fork Ranch brings you roping in the style of the Vaquero beginning at 8:45 a.m. both days at the Gus Darien Arena. Spectators view free.

FRI to THU Sept. 7-13

MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre (427 Main St.) presents “Eighth Grade” (R) at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 7-12; “BlacKkKlansman” (R) at 4:45 p.m. Sept. 8-9 and “No Man’s Land Film Festival” at 8 p.m. presented by No Man’s Land on Sept. 13.

FRIDAY Sept. 7

RUNNING OF THE BALLS • The $5,000 winner of this Rotary raffle fundraiser will be decided by the bouncing of up to 100 big rubber balls down Main Street during First Friday. Tickets on sale through Rotary members and YouthZone. SCRATCH AND ATTACH • See works of art by Carbondale Clay Center (135 Main St.) students with a 6 to 8 p.m. opening reception.


MUSHROOM HUNT • Meet Trent and Kristin Blizzard at the Marble Hub (105 W. Main St.) at 10 a.m. for some foraging.

SUNDAY Sept. 9 COMMUNITY PICNIC • Aspen Valley Hospital (401 Castle Creek Rd.) invites you to a healthy barbeque prepared by its nutritional team, plus games for kids and live bluegrass beginning at noon. ART & ARGENTINA • Aspen Sister Cities and Roaring Fork Valley Art & Music Exchange present a free nature walk and sketch map workshop with Argentinian Ingrid Roddick from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at The Art Base (99 Midland Spur, Basalt). Plus, catch music by Cristina Villafañe and Marisa Di Giambatista. Reserve your spot at theartbase.org. COMEDY • Comedy Sportz performs at 8 p.m. at The Temporary (360 Market St.). $14 in advance at tacaw.org or $19 at the door.

Fostering Diverse Educational

Sept scl

Get Involved

Qigong, TaiChi Bridge, Bookclub Alzheimer Help Tax Assistance Art, RF Enrichment r e b Sight & Health Info. o t Medicare Assistance c OTech Classes, Zingers, Painting Podiatrist, Sno Cones to Cow Kids

SINGER SONGWRITERS • Severin Browne and Laurie McClain play at 7 p.m. at The Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). MUSIC IN THE PARK • Jackson Emmer Duo opens and The Stillhouse Junkies headline a 3 to 7 p.m. Second Sunday concert in Sopris Park.

MONDAY Sept. 10

ASK KDNK • Station Manager Gavin Dahl takes your questions from 4:30 to 5 p.m. on the air — call 963-2976.

TUESDAY Sept. 11

CLIMATE TALK • Dr. Roger Pulwarty discusses learning and adapting to uncertainty in the West at at 6 p.m. at ACES (100 Puppy Smith St., Aspen).

Follow us @HighQRockies


BEING WHO YOU ARE • Learn to accept yourself and others in evening of exploration and experience with About Truth at 7 p.m. at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.)

Further Out THURSDAY Sept. 13

FORM & VOID • Carbondale Arts presents simultaneous exhibitions at the R2 Gallery (76 S. Fourth St.) — the light explorations of abstract artist Mary Conover beside Jim Johnson’s charcoals and Vicki Lee Johnson’s written sculpture — with a 6 p.m. opening.

THU Sept. 13 – SUN Sept. 16

NO MAN’S LAND • The flagship fourth annual film festival featuring world-class female athletes takes over The Crystal Theatre and downtown with screenings, adventure meetups, panels, workshops and more. Tickets start at $20; more info at nomanslandfilmfestival.org.

SATURDAY Sept. 15 DRESSED TO THE K9S • Lively entertainment, music by Valle Musico, a silent auction food and libations come to the Carbondale Rec. Center at 5 p.m.; $85 tickets at coloradoanimalrescue.org help fund CARE. CALENDAR continued on page 13



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Community Calendar

continued from page 12

Ongoing HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION • Free opportunities include… One-hour consultation about heart attack prevention, plantbased nutrition, other medical issues. Call retired family doctor Greg Feinsinger, M.D. for appointment (379-5718). On Sept. 10, catch a powerpoint presentation by Dr. Feinsinger about the science behind plant-based nutrition, 7 to 8:30 p.m., boardroom Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). Fourth Monday of every month, plant-based potluck 6:30 p.m. Calaway Room, Third Street Center. All events supported by Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing. More information at www.davinikent.org. HISTORY MUSEUM • The Mt. Sopris Historical Society Cabin Museum and Pioneer Heritage Garden (located at the corner of Highway 133 and Weant Boulevard) is open on Wednesdays 3-6 p.m. and Fridays 12-3 p.m. through September 2018. YOGA • Get a donation based introduction to Hatha Yoga Tuesdays from 8 to 9 p.m. at The Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.). MAKERSPACE • Children and teens are invited to design, create, tinker, and play with art and technology to design and create with 3D Pens, make stop-motion animation films, engineer duct tape creations, build their own video games, and more from 2 to 3:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.). ONE VOICE • Lisa Dancing-Light, founder of Higher Octave Music Programs, presents a community singing group intended to cel-

ebrate the joy that music brings to the spirit. Every other Thursday from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at The Helios Center (601 Sopris Ave.) in Carbondale. RECOVERY MEETINGS • Self-Management and Recovery Training, an abstinencebased secular self-help program for those struggling with addiction, meets at 7:30 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the Glenwood Springs Library (815 Cooper Ave.) GRIEF AND LOSS • Pathfinders offers a grief and loss support group every other Monday at 6 p.m., and a caregiver support group every other Wednesday noon. An RSVP is required to Robyn Hubbard at 319-6854. Pathfinders offers support groups from Aspen to Rifle and is located in Carbondale at 1101 Village Rd. Info: pathfindersforcancer.org. BRIDGE • The Carbondale Bridge Club hosts duplicate bridge (not sanctioned by ACBL) from 6:30 to 10 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). $6/per pair. Contact Marlene for more info: 928-9805. SENIOR MATTERS • The nonprofit Senior Matters, based in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.), offers numerous programs for senior citizens, including: tai chi with John Norton at 8:30 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays; tai chi with Marty Finklestein at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Alaprima Painters at 11 a.m. on

Grief... is an emotional process, not intellectual.

Thursdays; the Senior Matters Book Club at 4 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of the month; and the Roaring Fork Brain Train. Info: seniormatters.org; Diane Johnson at 970-306-2587; and Senior Matters, Box 991, Carbondale CO, 81623.

Thursdays and three and under at 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays. Kids must be accompanied by an adult.

SENIOR RADIO • Diane Johnson talks about senior issues and services on KDNK at 4:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month.

RUN AROUND • Independence Run & Hike hosts a run around town Saturdays at 8 a.m. Meet at the store 596 Highway 133 (in La Fontana Plaza) and run various distances, with different routes each week. Info: 704-0909.

BOOK CLUB • Join friends and fellow readers to discuss great books at Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at 4 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month; call 963-2889 for this month’s selection. WRITERS GROUP • Wordsmiths of all experience and abilities gather at the Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of the month. STORY ART • Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.), in partnership with the Aspen Art Museum, invites kids to learn about artists and create masterpieces of their own at 4 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month. YOUR STORY, YOUR LIFE • A free facilitated workshop for adults, writing your personal history, one story at a time. Facilitated by Shelly Merriam, historian/writer/ genealogist. First and third Fridays, 10 a.m. to noon at the Glenwood Springs Branch Library, (815 Cooper Ave.). Info at 945-5958 or gcpld.org. STORYTIME • Carbondale Branch Library (320 Sopris Ave.) hosts stories songs and more for ages four and up at 10:30 a.m.

LIFE DRAWING • Drop in for figure drawing with Staci Dickerson at 6:30 p.m. Mondays at SAW (525 Buggy Cr. Unit C).

MEDITATION • Free silent meditation sessions are held at the Launchpad (76 S. Fourth St.) from 6:45 to 7:30 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Additionally, The Monday Night Meditation Group meets from 7 to 8:15 p.m. at True Nature (100 N. Third St.) and offers instruction in the Buddhist practice of Vipassana. Also at True Nature, everyone’s invited for SRF meditation from 10 to 11 a.m. on the first Sunday of the month. DHARMA • The Way of Compassion Dharma Center holds a Dharma talk and meditation from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays and a silent meditation and Buddha of Compassion practice at 8 a.m. Saturdays at the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.). MINDFULNESS • The Mindful Life Program in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St.) offers group sessions Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Admission is by donation and registration is not necessary. Info: mindfullifeprogram.org and 970-633-0163.

The Grief Recovery Method® An action program for moving beyond death, divorce and other losses - PROVIDED TO THE COMMUNITY THROUGH ROARING FORK FAMILY PRACTICE -


The Grief Recovery Method provides powerful, effective tools so you can step back into life after loss. Course facilitated by Jennifer Bouchet, LCWS, with Roaring Fork Family Practice.

gives you a process to address


Thursday evenings, starting Sept. 27 through Nov. 15 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

the emotion caused by


Roaring Fork Family Practice 978 Euclid Avenue, Carbondale


$150 plus book. Sliding scale options available. Call to inquire.

The Grief Recovery Method®

a loss of any kind.

Registration: Space is limited. Call Jennifer Bouchet at Roaring Fork Family Practice with questions and to register.

970.384.7126 Call to register. The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018 • 13

This Land … is your land. Snowmaking sought Don’t forget tocomments vote!

The Forest public Ballots wereService mailedistoseeking all registered comments on 16 theand proposal provide voters on Oct. shouldtonow have additional snowmaking coverage in the been received. Alpine Springs whenbyearly Ballots must bearea returned Nov. season 7. Votsnowfall is below average. It would iners are reminded to affix 49-cents postage clude approximately 2.1 miles of pipeto their ballots if they choose to return them linemail. and Ballots 34 acres of be coverage. by must receivedTo byprothe vide 7storage improve operations, Nov. deadlineand — postmarks that are retwo facilities would constructed in ceived later than thatbedate will not be the vicinity Elk Meadows. counted. Votersofmay alsoCamp drop off their balWritten comments mustbox belocated submitted lots in person at the drop outvia mail, fax, electronically or in person side of the Carbondale Town Hall. (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to Flu atScott 4:30vaccinations p.m., excluding available holidays) to: Medicare Fitzwilliams,workshop c/o Monte Lutterman, Mountain Sports Ranger, White River The Colorado Gerontological Society will National Forest, Aspen – SoprisMedicare Ranger host a free educational workshop, District, at 620 Carbondale, Monday, theMain Third Street, Street Center Nov. 6 CO 81623. to address the changes to Medicare that beneficiaries can expect to see in 2018. CMC seekswill Gallagher Walgreens be on handprotection to make flu vaccinations available.Mountain Anyone whoCollege wishes The Colorado to receive vaccinehas willpassed simply apresent Board of the Trustees resotheir andissue theirbefore insurance lutionMedicare to put aCard ballot the card to one Walgreens voters of of thethedistrict in pharmacists, November who willIftake the information and admin2018. passed, it will authorize the ister the vaccine. Walgreens willservices handle the trustees to maintain college in Medicare/insurance billing.the CMC mill the future by adjusting Open enrollment for Medicare beneficilevy if needed in response to statewide aries endsreductions Dec. 7. Thiscaused is the time of Galyear revenue by the when beneficiaries review lagherMedicare Amendment to theneed statetoconstitheir current healthCMC’s insurance coverage,were pritution. In 2017, revenues marily through reducedfor by prescription $2.8 million,drugs compared to Medicare Partprojected D. For those individuals who what was before the Galare currently in a Medicare lagher effectenrolled was triggered. If the Adas-

sessment rate drops in 2019 vantage Plan and want again to change plans — or whichtoitoriginal will doMedicare, absent any return nowlegislative is the time or make statewide remedies — CMC expects to that change as well. to experience an additional reduction of $3.8 Bowl’ million.temporarily This amount is equal ‘Toilet to the out ofentire orderoperating budget of one of the college’s campuses. Effective immediately, Colorado Parks and Wildlife is instituting a voluntary fishing Benefiat ts aofpopular local transit quantifi closure area on the Fryinged Pan The Roaring Fork Transportation River located downstream from the Ruedi AuthorityDam. (RFTA) of Reservoir The produces fishing spotmillions — known dollars more in benefi ts for Pitkin and locally as the Toilet Bowl — will experience Garfield Counties it water costs that to fund, significantly reducedthan flow as norsays afeeds newthe report from Southwest mally pool will be the re-routed to faEnergyrequired Efficiency Project (SWEEP). The cilitate dam maintenance. new report RFTA’s benefi ts Work on showed the dam,that which is owned and to the communities fuel savoperated by the Bureauinclude of Reclamation, is ings, reduced congestion, employment estimated to continue through Nov. 10; opportunities, reduced parking impacts however, it could take longer if additional and more. SWEEP produced a similar work is necessary. report in 2013 for RFTA, with curFor more information about thethe volunrentfishing releaseclosure, coming two months tary contact Coloradobefore Parks voters will decide whether to raise propand Wildlife’s Glenwood Springs office at erty taxes to expand services. 970-947-2920 and forRFTA’s information about work on the dam and dam operations, conIndependents host forums tact Tim Miller of thecandidate Bureau of ReclamationThe at 970-962-4394. Western Colorado Independent Voters will host a candidate forum for Rangers receive State House Districtrecognition 57 with incumbent Five White River National emRepublican Rep. Bob Rankin Forest and Demployees are the recent recipients individocrat Colin Wilhelm at 7 p.m.ofSept. 13 ual, prestigious awards recognizing at the Glenwood Springs Library. their The contributions the land and the commuorganization’stoOctober meeting is also nities they serve in their respective profesexpected to be a candidate forum for sional fields. the Garfi eld County Commissioner's “These both internal race with recognitions, Democrat Paula Stepp and

Republican Tom Janovsky, thepeople date external, demonstrate what a but lot of has not know: yet been set.the White River Naalready that tional Forest has incredibly dedicated, hardColorado climate working and rallies talentedfor people stewarding these lands “Rise on behalf Americanrallies pubSeveral Up of forthe Climate” lic,” said Scott on Fitzwilliams, ForestSlope Superviare planned the Western on sor. “I8am extremely toat share Sept. including at proud 10 a.m. thethese Old awards with our local communities,” he Courthouse in Grand Junction (544 said. Andrew Larson, ErininCarey andTown Katy Rood Ave.), at 10 a.m. Paonia Nelson(North all received their Park Fork recognitions Avenue andfor Fourth work in the Aspen-Sopris Ranger District. Street). Those participating adhere to the conviction that climate change is CDOT real and director it poses aresigns clear and present danger Colorado. today announced Gov.to Hickenlooper Shailen Bhatt will be leaving his role as Executive Director theMission Department Tipton praisesofVA Actof Transportation (CDOT). Congressman Scott Tipton recently “Shailen’s innovation and drive wrote the following in support of has the pushed theapproved Department recently VAof Transportation Mission Act: to work tirelessly to stand up a transporta“While the Veterans Choice Program tion network that can meet the needs of was a step in the right direction, many Colorado,” said Governor Hickenissues still arose after its John implementalooper.Earlier “We wish him the best and can only tion. this year, a GAO report say ‘watch as hewas brings his expertise found that out’ the VA unable to fulfill andmission creativityoftoproviding a new set of challenges.” its veterans with Gov. medical Hickenlooper appointed Bhatt in timely appointments, despite February of 2015. During his tenure, Bhatt the billions of dollars in funding that focused on public safety andthe worked to have been funneled into Choice better the lives Coloradans an Program… Ourofveterans havethrough sacrificed improved system. in service transportation to this country, and everyone leave his position in December canBhatt agreewill that these heroes deserve betto become president andurgent Chief Executive ter. In response to this problem, at the Intelligent SoIOfficer supported, CongressTransportation passed, and the ciety of America. CDOT’s Deputy Executive President subsequently signed into law and Chief Operating Officer Mike aDirector bill that will greatly improve veterans’ Lewis has been named interim director. access to healthcare.”

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An alignment by any other name By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff After deliberating the details for the proposed Carbondale to Crested Butte trail for two hours Tuesday afternoon, the Pitkin Board of County Commissioners and Open Space and Trails Board of Trustees agreed on one thing: words matter. “I think the trail alignment issue is of extreme importance and generates a lot of controversy,” OST Trustee Graeme Means said during the meeting. “I see this as a vision for the future, and there are going to be future boards, future public, and I’m wondering why we’re even trying to choose trails right now. These are possible alignments, A and B. I don’t think we have the information right now to make any of these decisions.” He later asked for consensus to change the adjective describing the existing trail alignments from preferred to possible. Still later, potential became the chosen modifier after Pitkin County Attorney John Ely looked up the definitions of both words for clarification. Members from both groups agreed with that assertion — mostly. Commissioner Steve Child was perhaps the most outspoken about his personal preference for both the alignment and the word to describe it. “I think there’s compelling reason to not even at this point consider putting [trail segments] on the east side of the river,” he said, referring to Alignment B. “The Healthy Rivers and Streams Board, the Crystal River Caucus and Colorado Parks and Wildlife: all three have said they want Alignment A as the preferred alignment. I would not use the word potential; I would still use the word preferred. We could put in parentheses that this our best shot at looking at it in 2018 what we think the preferred alignment should be. That doesn’t mean that in the future when the actual discussion is taking place that maybe it’s going to be different people living in the subdivisions, [and] maybe they would all want to have it in their subdivision at that time, but that’s a future discussion for them.” Others echoed Child’s support for the proposed Alignment A that follows the existing Highway 133, but conceded that

changing the language in the draft plan would benefit the public’s understanding that as of now, very little is finalized in the process. “I think that takes away some of the sting of what some people are reacting to,” OST Trustee Amy Barrow said of the semantic shift. “It’s a document to help guide the future because there are a lot of

potential po·ten·tial \ p - ten(t)-sh l \

Existing in possibility, capable of development into actuality — Merriam-Webster issues that are out there that we haven’t drilled down into yet. That is all for the future.” And the future will likely usher much more change to the Crystal Valley than simply the proposed trail, which won’t see construction for its final phase until at least 2030 as currently outlined. When considering conservation easements, members from both groups acknowledged an 80-percent potential increase in housing units in the Pitkin County portion of the valley — totaling an additional 351 homes in the area. For Commissioner Rachel Richards, that means more safety concerns for would-be trail users. “I do think you’re going to see changing conditions in the community as these homes get built out. It’s unfortunate to think it would be 80 percent more homes by 2040, but with population movement in Colorado, it’s not ending,” she said. “I think the safety on the road is going to continue to decline.” In addition to population growth, Richards contended that safety concerns should also influence the language used around seasonal use of any proposed alignment.

“When they push all the rocks and debris with the snow, it’s not until springtime that they they clean all that up. So you’d have spots that might be open and then spots that are in ice,” she said, noting winter plowing of Highway 133. “A limiting factor is different from a closure, but when I think about all those sections that get almost no sun, I think it is a limiting factor [to trail use].” But OST Trustee Michael Kinsley feared that focus on the Colorado Department of Transportation not maintaining a highway alignment during the winter would create a negative public perception toward that alignment — the alignment he favors. “It is a limiting factor; it’s not a closure, per se,” Kinsley said. “The paragraph in here in effect says it won’t be accessible in the winter. I don’t know that’s true.”

Eventually, Planning and Outreach Manager Lindsey Utter intervened. “The language just says no winter maintenance on either A or B,” she clarified. “Maintenance doesn’t mean closed or open. It just means maintenance.” There were some points of clear accord. Namely, that while the long-term trail specifics will be discussions for future boards and future stakeholders, the stretch between Redstone and the McClure Pass Summit is a suitable first phase for the project, BOCC Chair Patti Clapper summarized. “I think it’s a huge amenity, and I think it’s a really common-sense start and maybe end of the trail — we don’t know what will happen in the future,” she said. “It gives Redstone a little bit of economic vitality without the huge impacts to the rest of us.”

If the Carbondale to Crested Butte Trail ever gets built, Goat Green LLC might be brought in to conduct weed control. The goats have been out on the Rio Grande Trail for several weeks now, and while you can’t pet the workers, there are a few reserved for “PR.” Photo by Julie Albrecht

Carbondale Farmer’s Market Your local source for September’s harvest:

Every Wednesday At the peak of harvest find okra, summer squash, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. roasted green chilis, onions, potatoes, nectarines, Fourth & Main Street and more! The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018 • 15

Longhorns share long histories at all-class reunion By Megan Tackett Sopris Sun Staff In the digital age, in-person high school reunions can seem, well, outdated. In fact, the Basalt High School all-class reunion — an every-five-years tradition — almost didn’t happen this year. “I wasn’t sure that this was even worth doing again,” admitted Janice Duroux, one of the event’s organizers. “But it’s just fun to see everybody happy.” Happy was an apt description for the room at the Sept. 1 reunion. Five long tables boasting bowls and trays overflowing with food stretched across one wall. Posters featuring smiling teenagers from yesteryears lined the other. Clusters of old friends filled the space in between. Garry Dial and Joel Azoulay are such friends. They stood together near their classes’ photo collections: 1965 and 1966, respectively. “There I am, right there. You recognize me?” Dial pointed, grinning ear to ear. The rest of his face had aged over the decades, but his eyes still shone mischievously like they did in the photograph. “Right here was one of my sweethearts all my life,” he said fondly, pointing to another picture. He recounted his days at BHS just as fondly. “I got to play football here. I was in every play here. I was kind of a shy kid

Bill Alexander and Wade Patton experiment with one of Basalt High’s first computers — an Apple II — in 1982. Valley Journal archive photo before I came to school here,” he said. “I’m from Kansas City, big huge school.” Today, he’s back in Kansas, celebrating his third year in retirement. He came back to Colorado for the reunion. “I haven’t seen you in a lot of years,” he said to Azoulay. “[You’re] absolutely my buddy.” They shared stories, from how Dial “almost killed” Azoulay with his wild driving to how they both survived serving in

the Vietnam War. Azoulay even recounted finding himself in a helicopter with a classmate on the other side of the planet. “The gunner sits on the seat, higher up. And they’ve got a face mask on; you can’t see who it is,” he explained. “He said, ‘Are you from Colorado?’ I said, ‘Yeah.’ And he said, ‘Do you know where Basalt is?’ Finally, he raises his viser.” That encounter is even more improbaBHS REUNION page 17

Laura Posusta and John Roberts dance as Basalt’s prom king and queen in 1988. Photo by Cindy Anderson for the Valley Journal

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16 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018


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BHS reunion from page 16 ble when considering the class sizes at Basalt in the 1960s; they often had single-digit student bodies. It wasn’t until the Ruedi Reservoir was completed in 1968 that the town saw a bit of a population boom. “It was a very small town back then. My folks had what used to be called the Frying Pan Inn — now it’s the Italian restaurant,” Dial said. Change is inevitable, Jerry Gerbaz said. And it’s a good thing, he maintained. “A place that’s popular is going to change, that’s all there is to it,” he said. “When we grew up here, there wasn’t any restaurants. Now we’ve got a whole bunch to choose from!” His grandfather bought the ranch in what’s now known as Gerbazdale in 1897, just 10 years after the Colorado Midland Railroad came to Basalt. Jerry and his wife Judy just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They originally met as teenagers at a Carbondale football game in 1955, the same year Jerry graduated from BHS. Ed Grange, class of 1945, was the oldest alumnus at the reunion. When making the introduction, Duroux reflected on his family’s immigration story, his nearly six-decade career at Holy Cross and his stint as an entrepreneur. Grange, though, was more enthusiastic about his longestlasting and still current love: skiing. “One year, I did one million vertical feet!” he said proudly. Last year, because of the dearth of snow, he only got on the hill three times, he lamented. But there’s always next year. “I’ll be 91, if I get there!” The stories went on and on. No matter the story, it seemed it was always told with a smile. And that, Duroux commented, was what made organizing the reunion worth it again and again. “The school pulls you back,” she said. “You can feel it. And the hugs! I’ve gotten a million hugs here.”

Good enough for government work From the archives of the Roaring Fork Valley Journal Sept. 7, 1978

Sept. 10, 1998

Carbondale Pioneer Marian Jacobs died at the age of 94, leaving behind four children, 13 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and three great-greatgrandchildren. She had come to Colorado by train in 1892. She met Ed Jacobs while she was teaching at the Catherine’s Store School and the family ran a farm near El Jebel until 1949. Her Populist upbringing came out in her involvement in civic groups including the Rebekah Lodge, and her longevity had made her an advocate for the preservation of the area’s old landmarks. She once told Pat Noel over milk and cookies, “I only had one day in my life when I got up and said, ‘What am I going to do today?’ Well, that settled that. I’ve kept busy ever since.” In other news… A year after being hired as Carbondale’s first female police officer, Beth Bascom decided to hang up her gun.

Carbondalian Brad Hendricks and Glenwoodian Walt Stowe faced off to replace Marian Smith as the Garfield County Commissioner for District 1. Hendricks — running under the motto of “good enough for government work” — was a former trustee who felt that better communication could fix a lot of the county’s ills. Stowe — a businessman and active member of the Kiwanis — saw most of the region’s issues as stemming from growth. (Stowe won the election, and now serves as Public Information Officer for the Sheriff’s Office). In other news… The Colorado Division of Wildlife confirmed that it had been a banner year for skunk populations.

Sept. 8, 1988 The Colorado Department of Health confirmed that several rabid bats had been discovered in El Jebel and Basalt. An Eagle man had also recently been bitten by a bat, and was being treated, while two unimmunized cats who had dragged a bat home were euthanized. Owners were encouraged to make sure their pets were up on their vaccines, but not to panic. In other news… A Carbondale man was killed in a game of Russian Roulette.

Sept. 4, 2008 A new state law required galleries to apply for a permit in order to serve wine at openings. While not necessarily as stringent as a formal liquor license, the process also set a limit of 15 such events per organization at a maximum of four hours each. The Town intended to make the process as easy as possible while complying with the ordinance, but gallery owners were still miffed. “I don’t think I’ve been contributing to the moral demise of the community or anything,” noted Frank Norwood. In other news… A memorial service was scheduled for Gini Lappala who, along with her husband Paul, had been instrumental in everything from the Mount Sopris Nordic Council to Colorado Mountain College.



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The Sopris Sun, Carbondale’s weekly community connector • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018 • 17

P’s & Q’s continued from page 2 Whenever I moved—in my twenties I probably averaged a move a year—Uncle Charlie would show up with a pickup truck and two strong backs, load up my meager belongings, and move me on to my next adventure. No questions asked. Charlie has at least one of everything, and usually more than one. From tools to furniture to antique golf carts; if you need anything, Uncle Charlie probably has one he’ll lend you. My first car, college furniture, bagpipers for my wedding… whatever I’ve needed over the years, he has helped me get. (By the way, a quality used dresser is one of the hardest pieces of furniture to find on this planet, yet Chas has them in spades, lining the walls of his storage. When it comes to used furniture, my uncle is, indeed, a wealthy man.) Recently he said to me, in regards to his seventysome years of accumulated belongings, “I got all of this through no fault of my own.” Chas has a unique relationship with fortune in the universe. His generosity is overwhelming and it seems to boomerang back to him tenfold. He is not pretentious at all, and he has the ability to connect with people from all walks of life. He also connects us with people from the past by harboring artefacts and retelling their history. Most of Charlie’s belongings have been saved and stored over the years because of their sentimental value, more than their actual value, and the stories behind them are often worth more than the items themselves. Like Aunt Ethel’s ring, and how she gave it to my grandmother because Gran accidentally left her favorite ring on the sink in an airplane restroom. One of the seven children of Tom and Ruth Moore, Charlie grew up caroling in Denver in the winter and camping in Carbondale in the summer. He traveled abroad, drove across North America more than once, (in each direction) and ran most of the rivers in the west. Charlie has a life well lived. He’s been as lucky in life as any Irishman, and I’m forever grateful to have him for my uncle. Jeannie Perry is a writer, philosopher and cashier. Send your ideas, suggestions, words of wisdom, etc. to perrywilfley@yahoo.com.

Letters from page 2 The stretch run for setback initiative Dear Editor: The oil and gas setback initiative is on the ballot, but it’s not time to put it on cruise control. It’s a long way to the finish line when we need to turn out and pass the measure on November 6. You can bet oil and gas will attack the initiative with all their monetary might. Have you noticed in their plethora of ads they never refute the medical evidence that drilling and fracking within a half mile of populated structures causes sometimes severe health issues? That’s because they can’t. Forbes magazine reports,”there are more than 700 studies looking at risks and more than 80 percent of health studies document risks or actual harm.” The time to make us healthier and safer is nigh. Fred Malo Jr. Carbondale

Be an informed local voter Dear Editor: Election season is here! Important local county positions and the Governor. Not the glare of the national elections but more important to us in who runs our local government. Where does our real money go? A bunch of county positions are unopposed, then there is that write in candidate. Our county operates at the optimum efficiency when everybody participates, so those with talents for government please put them to good use. As we know county government as with our contemporary world has become rather complex. Updates from the state, local ordinance changes, public opinion and then elections. Those who have


Roaring Fork Food Alliance

Farm Rx:

Un programa familiar de clases de cocinar utilizando productos saludables de una granja local.

‣ GRATIS clases de cocina familiar con Cooking Matters - Jueves, 5:30-7:30pm en el Centro de Recreación de Carbondale; 13 Sept - 25 Oct ‣ Un padre y un niño, de 6 a 12 años, asisten a clases juntos ‣ Aprenda a cocinar una comida junto con su hijo y otras familias en cada clase. ‣ Recibe $30 de verduras de Roaring Gardens en cada clase. ‣ Clases bilingües en inglés y español. ‣ Visite la granja donde sus verduras locales se cultivan y conozca al agricultor. LLAME A DIANA ALCANTARA (970)274-2472 - PARA INSCRIBIRSE O PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN. REGÍSTRESE ANTES DEL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE Un proyecto de la Coalición HEAL de Carbondale con apoyo del la Alianza Alimentaria Roaring Fork

18 • THE SOPRIS SUN • www.SoprisSun.com • SEPTEMBER 6-12, 2018

been around for a while like our county clerk, the one who is in charge of vehicle registration does an outstanding service to us all. Then we have a sheriff who writes in the budget “See the future and prepare for it today” — this must be why the sheriff’s budget has grown more than any other county budget. In that same paragraph he says he is proud of his “excellent fiscal track record”. Not sure what that means, except I have done a great job spending every penny you have given me. The sheriff’s office is not about stockpiling arms for war, it was designed to assist and lead disaster’s and more than one fire company firefighting. County commissioners have the toughest job, I think. How to vote with all your people in mind, or do the people vote in a person who is going to do the best things for the entire county? Take time and participate this election season and let us do it together. Garfield County voters you are part of the greatest political system in the world and only through you voting do we have any rights. Spend time researching who will be spending your money. These candidates make a difference in our community, be heard. Paramroop Singh Carbondale

Fountain of youth Dear Editor: Mill St. Mall, Aspen Giggling kids dash to-and-fro Dancing fountain fun JM Jesse Glenwood Springs


Roaring Fork Food Alliance

Farm Rx:

A family program of cooking classes using healthy produce from a local farm.

‣ FREE family cooking classes through Cooking Matters - Thursdays, 5:30-7:30pm at Carbondale Rec and Community Center. Sept 13 - Oct 25. ‣ One parent and a child, aged 6-12, attend classes together. ‣ Learn to cook a meal and eat together with your child and other families at each class. ‣ Receive a $30 basket of fresh veggies from Roaring Gardens at each class. ‣ Classes taught in Spanish and English. ‣ Visit the farm where your local veggies are grown and meet your farmer! CONTACT DIANA ALCANTARA (970)274-2472 - TO REGISTER AND FOR MORE INFO. (EN ESPAÑOL TAMBIÉN)) REGISTER BY SEPT 11! A project of the Town of Carbondale HEAL Coalition, with support from Roaring Fork Food Alliance REGÍSTRESE ANTES DEL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE

Service Directory


The applicant is Greenline Architects

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Carbondale Planning and Zoning Commission for the purpose of considering a Minor Site Plan Review for an Accessory Dwelling Unit.

Said Public Hearing will be held at the Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO at 7:00 p.m. on. September 27, 2018.

The property is located at 275 South Fourth Street, SW Section: 34 Township: 7 Range: 88 Subdivision: Original Townsite Carbondale Block: 17 Lot: 9 Through: - Lot: 12 11000 Sq. Ft. The owner is Peter Davidoff The applicant is Greenline Architects Said Public Hearing will be held at the Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO at 7:00 p.m. on. September 27, 2018. Copies of the proposed application are on file in the Planning Department office, Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO and may be examined by interested persons during regular working hours, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The application may also be reviewed on the Town’s website at www.carbondalegov.org John Leybourne Planner Published in The Sopris Sun on September 6, 2018. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Carbondale Planning and Zoning Commission for the purpose of considering a Minor Site Plan Review for an Accessory Dwelling Unit. The property is located at Section: 34 Township: 7 Range: 88 Subdivision: Original Townsite Carbondale, Block: 18 Lot: 3 Through: - Lot: 5 W 12.5’ OF Lot 3 6875 Sq. Ft. Street Address to be determined. The owner is Aspen Center for the Environmental Studies

Copies of the proposed application are on file in the Planning Department office, Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO and may be examined by interested persons during regular working hours, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The application may also be reviewed on the Town’s website at www.carbondalegov.org

Copies of the proposed application are on file in the Planning Department office, Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO and may be examined by interested persons during regular working hours, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The application may also be reviewed on the Town’s website at www.carbondalegov.org Janet Buck Planning Director Published in The Sopris Sun on September 6, 2018. NOTICE

John Leybourne Planner Published in The Sopris Sun on September 6, 2018. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Carbondale Planning and Zoning Commission for the purpose of considering an application for a Major Site Plan Review to allow a mixed-use project with approximately 10,000 sq. ft. of commercial space and 115 residential dwelling units on a 5.37 acre property. The application includes a Variance to allow the buildings along Main Street to be set back farther from the property line than the 10 ft. Maximum Front Yard Setback prescribed in the UDC due to the location of the Rockford Ditch and associated easement. The property is Lot 1 of the Carbondale Marketplace Subdivision. It is the vacant property located at the northwest corner of Highway 133 and Main Street. It is generally located along West Main Street, behind the 7-11 store. The owner/applicant is Crystal River Marketplace LLC. Said Public Hearing will be held at the Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO at 7:00 p.m. on September 27, 2018.


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APPLICANT: YONGFU LIN Information may be obtained from, and Petitions or Remonstrance’s may be filed with the Town Clerk Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO 81623 Published in The Sopris Sun on September 6, 2018.

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