Frack Free
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Sopris Carbondale’s
weekly, non-profit newspaper
Volume 4, Number 36 | October 18, 2012
Bringin’ ’em home
Matt Nieslanik stops his horse at the intersection of Fourth and Colorado on Tuesday afternoon as several dozen cows saunter on through. The end of the trail for this drive isn’t far away. For more on the fall cattle drive, please turn to pages 16-17. Photo by Jane Bachrach
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Carbondale Commentary The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, e-mail editor Lynn Burton at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.
Local treasures make us fortunate By Debbie Bruell Sopris Sun Board Member In our small town of Carbondale, in our rural corner of the Western Slope, we are incredibly fortunate to have several outstanding cultural treasures, including a fantastic arts council, a fun and funky radio station, a wonderful selection of locallyowned businesses and restaurants … and our very own locally-based newspaper. Local newspapers are critical to the health and vitality of communities — they keep people informed about events going on around town and issues impacting the area. They provide a forum for folks to share ideas with one another and serve an important watchdog function for local governments. Local newspapers connect people to one another and enable them to tell the story of their community. Sadly, more and more towns across the country are losing their local papers. The corporate owners of those newspapers are shutting them down because the papers are losing money. Our own Valley Journal was shut down by its corporate headquarters because advertising revenue was too low. Even the daily newspaper of New Orleans — serving a metropolitan area of over 1 million people — was reduced to a 3-times per week publication this fall. Corporate owners of newspapers not only dictate whether a paper will continue to exist or not, they also influence the editorial content of a paper. With The Sopris Sun, there is no corporation that can shut us down simply because advertising revenue isn’t covering the cost of the paper; there is no corporation that can tell us what can be printed in the paper and what can’t. The Sun belongs to our community. The Sopris Sun is op-
erated by our community, for our community, which means our paper can be as awesome as we make it. It’s up to us. If you’d like to see the Sun cover more issues and events, then become a “Sunscriber” (an annual donor) so that the Sun can consistently afford to print more pages each week. If you’re working on an important community event, send us a press release so that we can tell everyone about it. If you like to write, consider writing a story or a column as a volunteer community writer. If you’re a photographer, consider sending the Sun photos that would tell an interesting story. If you’re a business that benefits from operating in a community with its own local paper, consider advertising in the Sun not only to enhance the exposure of your business, but also to help ensure that our newspaper has the resources it needs to survive. The challenging part of running a nonprofit, local paper, is that its existence depends upon community support. The exciting part of running a non-profit, local paper is that its existence depends upon community support! In other words, The Sopris Sun can only exist if it is truly a grass-roots effort. The Sun depends upon community participation — not just financial contributions, but also the contributions of people’s time, ideas, creativity and talents to more truly reflect the spirit of Carbondale and our surrounding area. The Sopris Sun’s fall fund-raiser is Oct. 25: Margaritaville at Mi Casita from 6 to 9 p.m. Come join us — eat some great food, drink a margarita or two, enjoy some live music, share your thoughts about the Sun and find out more about how you can be a part of making the Sun as awesome as it can be.
(For more information about how you can be a part of the Sun, visit our website at www.soprissun.com).
The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 400 words. Include your name and residence (for publication) and a contact email and phone number. Submit letters via email to letters@soprissun.com or via snail mail to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623.
Curry clears the air Dear Editor: Thank you for this opportunity to respond to the extremely negative ad campaign currently being waged in the Colorado State House, District 61 race. The group responsible for the ads is called the Colorado Accountable Government Alliance, and they are a political action committee funded by the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, education groups, labor unions, private donors, and two national committees not registered here in Colorado. They have a budget of $1.99 million. Information on the committee is on line at the Secretary of State’s website. The ads make the claim that I did not support insurance coverage for mammograms and that I ran a bill that would allow insurance
companies to deny coverage for mammograms. Both claims are false – I voted YES on insurance coverage for mammograms (HB091204) and the bill I ran (HB10-1154) had no impact on mammogram coverage. What that bill did was require the legislative staff to research how new insurance coverage mandates could impact the cost of individual health insurance premiums being paid by consumers. My campaign is focused on the issues and on how I would serve the needs of the voters, not on tearing my opponents down. Frankly, there are many challenges that need to be addressed at the state level, and the voters have been telling me that they would like their elected officials to work with each other to tackle these issues. It is regrettable that destructive campaign practices are so prevalent – the negative approach ends up undermining
the ability of our elected officials to build the relationships needed to get anything done and is a disservice to the voters. That is one reason I chose to become an Independent; I don’t support the use of such practices. If you would like to check the facts on my record please feel free to visit my website at www.kathleencurry.org, or contact me directly at Kathleen@kathleencurry.org, or call 970-209-5537. If you send me to Denver on your behalf I will do my best to advocate for your interests and will work to improve our system. Thank you for listening! Kathleen Curry Candidate for State House District 61 Gunnison
Baxter lays it out Dear Editor: We live in a great place. I believe that to the core, and it is a big reason I’ve spent the last 38 years in Craig teaching school, raising my family, and am now running to represent this region as the representative from House District 57 in the Colorado State Legislature. If elected, I promise a common-sense approach to governance. We can make state government work well for all of us, if we keep in mind that we are here for many of the same reasons, no matter our political affiliation. I was elected twice as a Democrat to the school board in Moffat County, and currently serve on Gov. Hickenlooper’s Council for Educator Effectiveness. During my tenure, I’ve worked with fellow Democrats as well as Republicans like Russ George in Rifle and former state Sen. Al White to improve educational opportunity in rural school districts. I believe that experience will prove valuable for our region in the state legislature. The issues I intend to emphasize as a legislator are education, economic development and water. Some of the school districts in the area are struggling, and all of them depend on money from the state legislature to pay for educators and programs. I will work hard to improve education funding, recognizing that there are some very real limits in terms of how much money is available, because of the poor economy and constitutional restrictions.There are ways the state legislature can support our school districts, and I will make it a priority. As your representative, I will work to ensure that economic development needs within this district are considered by the legislature and the state agencies under Gov. Hickenlooper’s administration. The Thompson Divide area provides a perfect example of how we can balance business interests and the environment. I strongly support the efforts of local ranchers and residents to protect this area from energy development. The common sense solution of the Thompson Divide Coalition, which addresses the needs of agriculture and the growing recreation industry, fits in with my vision of how we should work together in this area. The importance of water cannot be understated. The legislature has an important role in protecting the quality of our water and our access to water. I will work hard to ensure we manage this resource wisely in relation to energy development and diversion to the Front Range, and protect the interests of our
communities and ranchers and farmers in northwest Colorado. Please, vote for me to represent you in the state legislature. I promise to do my best to make our state government work for us all. Jo Ann Baxter Candidate House District 57 Craig
Yes on 4A Dear Editor: The upcoming election has an important ballot question that affects everyone in the midvalley. The Basalt and Rural Fire Protection District is asking for a property tax increase to make up the lost revenues caused by the declining property assessments. Replacing aging equipment cannot be accomplished at the current funding levels. Most of the major fire fighting and emergency medical equipment is old and needs to be upgraded in order for the district to maintain appropriate levels of service. Demands for service have increased over the years causing equipment to degrade at an accelerated rate. If the equipment is not upgraded, there is a good chance that ISO ratings will be altered resulting in the possibility of higher insurance rates that we will all have to pay. Higher insurance rates may be more than the increase tax the district is requesting from voters. The district relies mostly on volunteers to answer medical and fire incidents. They give many hours of their time training and responding to calls and being on call for the benefit of all that live in the district. Let’s give them quality equipment so that the Basalt and Rural LETTERS page 15
To inform, inspire and build community Donations accepted online or by mail. For information call 510-3003 Editor/Reporter: Lynn Burton • 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Bob Albright • 970-927-2175 bob@soprissun.com Linda Fleming • 970-379-5223 linda@soprissun.com Photographer: Jane Bachrach Ad/Page Production: Terri Ritchie Webmaster: Will Grandbois Sopris Sun, LLC Managing Board of Directors: Debbie Bruell • Peggy DeVilbiss David L. Johnson • Colin Laird Laura McCormick • Trina Ortega Jean Perry • Elizabeth Phillips • Frank Zlogar
Sopris Sun, LLC • P.O. Box 399 520 S. Third Street #35 Carbondale, CO 81623
970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Visit us on facebook.com Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun is an LLC organized under the 501c3 non-profit structure of the Roaring Fork Community Development Corporation.
Frack Free Colorado: Sheahan, Wol take the leap By Barbara Dills Sopris Sun Correspondent When Tara Sheahan’s friend, Allison Wolff, sent her an e-mail late this summer expressing deep concerns about fracking in Colorado, Sheahan’s response was simple: “We have to do something!â€? Together with a long list of co-sponsors and supporters, they have launched Frack Free Colorado (www.frackfreeco.com), which is staging its inaugural event on Oct. 23 from 3 to 7 p.m., in Civic Park on Capitol Hill in Denver. The lineup of speakers and performers includes: Jakob Dylan and Rami Jaffee (of The Wallowers); Nederland band and Carbondale favorite Elephant Revival; actors Mariel Hemingway and Daryl Hannah; scientist and author Sandra Steingraber (“Living Downstreamâ€?); car racing’s “Carbon Free Girlâ€? Leilani MĂźnter; Woody Tasch of the Slow Money movement; representatives from Water Defense and the Earth Guardians; and others to be announced. Sheahan describes this event as “a Gandhi moment to change our nation’s energy future,â€? a way to help people think creatively about how they use energy and to draw the attention of Gov. John Hickenlooper and the state legislature to the issue through a large, peaceful, even celebratory demonstration. “The United States is in this huge push to be free of foreign oil, so we are just diving into extracting natural gas as an alternative,â€? said Sheahan. “That’s nothing new, but from hard evidence, we ďŹ nally have begun to grasp all the ramiďŹ cations of extracting natural gas through the technology known as hydraulic-fracturing or “frackingâ€?— which utilizes large amounts of precious water mixed with toxic chemicals to force gas out of the shale that lies deep underground. Frack Free Colorado believes that investing in renewable technologies that don’t carry those same risks to water and public health, combined with educating the
public about all the things they can do to help conserve energy and support the widespread use of renewables, makes a lot more sense. Especially here in sunny Colorado.�
Native Coloradan A native Coloradan who grew up in Denver and Breckenridge (where her father was the mayor), Sheahan and her family moved to Carbondale from Boulder ďŹ ve years ago. Since then, she and her husband, Casey, the CEO of Patagonia, have followed the efforts of local groups like the Thompson Divide Coalition, Wilderness Workshop and CORE. Tara said she believes there is power in uniting statewide with other communities and organizations who have similar concerns about fracking. Allison Wolff, Tara’s partner in the formation of Frack Free Colorado, shares that conviction. A resident of Telluride and lifelong Coloradan herself, Wolff founded her company, Vibrant Planet, on the belief that businesses have the potential to be powerful conduits and collaborators for positive social change. Vibrant Planet provides strategy and communications around social concerns like sustainability to innovative companies such as eBay, Google and Apple. Sheahan and Wolff met when both were providing mindfulness meditation training to the same business leaders as part of separate consulting engagements. The idea that activism is most effective when balanced with an attitude of compassion and respect for peoples on all sides of an issue fuels their current work together.
Not blaming “This is not a blaming and shaming movement,� Sheahan said. “It’s an upbeat, solutions-focused movement about people believing and knowing they can take personal responsibility to change things. Our speakers on Oct. 23 will provide information on how possible it really is to put FRACKING page 5
Tara Sheahan is one of the main organizers for Frack Free Colorado, slated for Oct. 23 in Denver. She and her husband, Casey, have followed the efforts of the Thompson Divide Coalition, Wilderness Workshop and CORE since moving to Carbondale ďŹ ve years ago. Photo by Lynn Burton
CARBONDALE This is the CDOT 30% Concept Plan for a 2 lane roundabout at Main Street & Highway 133. This could be Downtown’s main intersection from 2014 to 2032 or longer. The latest draft of the Carbondale Comprehensive Plan lists the following Multi-Mobility Goals and Strategies for the Highway 133 Corridor: VEHICLE TRAFFIC
s #ONNECT THE EAST AND WEST SIDES OF TOWN ACROSS THE HIGHWAY The latest draft of the Comprehensive plan also designates Highway 133 and Main Street as a Gateway that should: s %MPHASIZE BIKE AND PEDESTRIAN ORIENTED DESIGN s 2EINFORCE SMALL TOWN CHARACTER * Indicates a top community priority. (latest draft Carbondale Comprehensive Plan)
Does the above roundabout weigh and integrate these factors? What will be the effect of this intersection on surrounding businesses and Downtown? This plan and more will be presented by CDOT to the Carbondale Board of Trustees at 6:45 pm, Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at Town Hall. If you care about the future of Carbondale, attend this presentation and form your own opinions! THE SOPRIS SUN • OCTOBER 18, 2012 • 3
News Briefs Comp plan hearing continued At its Oct. 11 meeting, the Carbondale Planning and Zoning Commission continued a public hearing on the town’s draft comprehensive plan to its next meeting on Oct. 25. The 141-page comprehensive plan will be used to guide the town in its plans to rewrite its zoning code in 2013, according to town officials. After at least two public meetings for input earlier this year, a working group spent several months writing the draft comprehensive plan. The Carbondale Board of Trustees has the final authority to accept or reject the plan.
Rec commission recommends fee hikes The Carbondale Parks and Recreation Commission recommended a recreation center fee increase at its monthly meeting on Oct. 10. The recommendation goes to the board of trustees for action. “There has not been an increase in fees since our opening of the facility in March of 2008,” Recreation Center Director Eric Brendlinger told The Sopris Sun. Brendlinger said the fees were “bench marked” with seven other recreation centers including Breckenridge, Glenwood, Silverthorne, Gypsum, Aspen, Avon and Snowmass. There are 25 fee levels at the recreation center, such as: daily adult/child/youth/senior, punch passes, monthly, three month, annual and personal training. In related news, the commission recognized Chris Harrison (2005-2012) and Kathy Small (2007-2012) for their service on the board.
RFC awarded $300K grant The Colorado Water Conservatiaon Board recently awarded the Roaring Fork Conservancy $300,000 for its Crystal River Watershed Assessment and other projects, and $16,000 from the Col-
Aspen Community Theatre
Sponsored by
orado Basin Roundtable, according to a press release. The two organizations asked that RFC make a good-faith effort to raise $100,000 in matching grants. RFC, White River National Forest and others are working to decrease erosion in Coal Basin and return Coal Creek west of Redstone to its natural state.
GarCo commissioners settle lawsuit The Garfield County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) has signed a settlement agreement with the Western Colorado Congress, Paul Light, and the Grand Valley Citizens Alliance regarding a lawsuit alleging the BOCC violated Colorado’s Open Meetings Law , according to a press release. The agreement centered on a March 27, 2012 meeting in Vernal, Utah, which the commissioners addressed in public meetings in advance, but did not provide notice of the meeting. Under the settlement, the BOCC will send a letter to the Bureau of Land Management telling the agency that Resolution 1214, which was submitted as the BOCC’s public comments on BLM’s 2012 Oil Shale and Tar Sands Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, has been rescinded.
BLM seeks input for Cattle Creek area The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on its environmental assessment covering a proposal to reduce hazardous fuels for wildfires along Panorama Road near the head of Cattle Creek above El Jebel. A total of about 251 acres of vegetation could be thinned using a variety of techniques along the boundary between public and private land in this area, according to a press release. The project would reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires entering private property from BLM land and provide for firefighter and public safety. BLM will hold a public open house to review the proposal and answer questions at the El Jebel Community Center on Oct. 25 at 6 p.m.
SOPRIS LIQUOR & WINE Be Responsible!
Cop Shop The following events are drawn from incident reports of the C’dale Police Dept. THURSDAY Oct. 12 At 4:30 p.m. police responded to a citizen on Garfield Avenue who reported a “strange” sound in her home. When police responded they did not find an intruder, but did find a dog that belonged to the resident. FRIDAY Oct. 13 At 12:26 p.m. Valley View Hospital called police to report a Carbondale man in the emergency room who had been involved in a fight. Police contacted the man but he did not want them to do anything. FRIDAY Oct. 13 At 9:17 p.m. police responded to a burglary call from a residence on Colorado Avenue. Cash and personal property totaling about $3,000 were taken. There are no suspects. FRIDAY Oct. 13 At 10:29 p.m. police responded to a 911 call on Second Street, placed from a pre-paid cell phone. The voices at the other end sounded like a Hispanic male and female arguing. Police responded to the area but residents said they had not seen or heard anyone. The cell phone was traced to California.
Jo Ann Baxter Colorado House District 57
USHERS WANTED And See The Show! “Crazy For You” will be Thurs., Fri., Sat. Nov. 8,9,10, 15,16,17 at 7 PM. Usher call 6 PM . Sunday Nov. 11, 18 2 PM, Usher call at 1 PM at the Aspen Community Theatre in the Aspen School complex.
“I support Jo Ann Baxter because I am confident that she can help build our economy on the western slope in energy, agriculture and recreation. Please vote for Jo Ann Baxter with the same confidence I have.”
Wear white at top and black at the bottom, bring a flash light.
To volunteer, Call Bob Albright 927-2175, email nearaspen@yahoo.com. 4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • OCTOBER 18, 2012
Jock Jacober, Crystal River Meats
www .JoAnnBaxter
Paid for by The Campaign to Elect Jo Ann Baxter. PO Box 1141 Craig.
Fracking continued om page 3 solar panels on your home or tap into wind energy. They’ll talk about how to move your money to green investments that support renewables, how to invest in your local farmers and local food stores, how to keep money in the local economy. All these actions, when taken together by masses of individuals, can have a huge positive impact and reduce our dependency on fossil fuels of every kind.” The support of entertainers like Jakob Dylan grew out of a nationwide collaboration called Artists Against Fracking, which includes Natalie Merchant, Sean Lennon, Yoko Ono, Lady Gaga and other big names. In May, singer-songwriter Merchant took the lead in organizing a protest on New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s steps. That three-hour-long event intermingled music by Merchant, Joan Osborne, Citizen Cope and others with talks by scientists and activists. Frack Free Colorado has modeled its Oct. 23 event somewhat on the successful New York demonstration. “My own commitment in launching the Frack Free Colorado coalition is to help people understand they have to ‘BE the change,’” Sheahan said.“That means being conscious of their energy use, looking at any investments they have that may be financing natural gas, and moving their dollars to renewable energy and our local food economy. The organization Casey and I founded in 2010, Conscious Global Leadership, will activate a next step after the Oct. 23 event. We’re planning meetings that
will bring together industry leaders, investors, scientists, environmentalists, conservationists and our First Nations People. Our goal is to show that Colorado’s greatest resources are the sun that shines 360 days a year, the beauty of our state, and the prosperity we enjoy from outdoor recreation and tourism. We think by bringing all these constituents together — by working together — we really can speed Colorado’s economy toward one based on renewable energy and sustainable food systems.” Sheahan encourages everyone who can to attend Frack Free Colorado. “We can talk a lot and worry a lot, but if we don’t take action . . . what then? Even if people feel they know everything there is to know about fracking and renewable energy, we need to fill Civic Park to make a statement to our policy makers. Everybody counts.” Carpooling to the event is encouraged. Those needing a ride to Denver on Oct. 23 or who can offer a ride are invited to link up by leaving a message at 963-5782.
Next steps:
What: Frack Free Colorado When: Oct. 23, 3 to 7 p.m. Where: Civic Park on Capitol Hill, Denver The lineup: Jakob Dylan and Rami Jaffe, Elephant Revival, Daryl Hannah, Mariel Hemingway, Sandra Steingraber, Leilani Münter, Russell Mendell, Xiuhtezcatl and others. Info: frackfreeco.com.
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Community Oven celebrates its first anniversary By Linda Romero Criswell Special to The Sopris Sun The Carbondale Community Oven celebrated its first anniversary a few weeks ago as part of the Local Foods Gathering. Instead of a cake, bakers turned 20 loaves of artisan bread, hot out of the oven, Carbondale Community Oven folks recently gathered onto a huge wooden tray around the hearth to celebrate their first year of bakand carried it on their ing bread together. Locals and businesses donated shoulders to the potluck. hundreds of hours of work to get the oven built. It’s Led by musicians and located on the south side of the Third Street Center. trailed by bakers, eaters Courtesy photo and people lured outside by the aroma of baking bread, the procession fairly danced across the Third Street Center lawn and into the dinner, where an overflow crowd feasted while they watched slideshows about local food initiatives (including one, presented by Tom Passavant of Slow Food, about the construction of the oven itself.) In just a year, Carbondale’s outdoor masonry oven has become a local icon. Located behind the Third Street Center in the midst of the future community garden, it has attracted the attention of valley bakers and tasters, and its influence has reached far and wide. Later this year, a group of South American tourists will visit Carbondale for baking classes and a community bake day with area locals. They’ll learn how to make the bread, hang out in town while it rises, and then pop it onto the stone hearth. A group in Fort Collins, one of its members having baked in Carbondale’s oven last winter, will soon break ground on their own public oven. Breads and pizzas have emerged from the oven doors, and Sundaymorning breakfast picnics of hearty oatmeal cooked overnight have become a tradition. “The flavor of bread shared has no equal,” is engraved the oven’s copper doors. That pretty much says it all. The Oven has participated with a number of other groups during its first COMMUNITY OVEN page 7
Send your scuttlebutt to news@SoprisSun.com.
N.Y. Times inks Villafranco The New York Times included a quote from Sarah Villafranco in an Oct. 2 article about bar soap. Villafranco told The Sopris Sun it’s not like she’s fighting back paparazzi after the article appeared, but it was fun being mentioned. As background, Villafranco is a former Valley View Hospital emergency room physician who underwent a major career change this year by starting Osmia Organics, which specializes in artisan soaps, skin care products, natural perfumes and more (for details, go to osmiaorganics.com or check out the April 12 article in the Sopris Sun). The New York Times article kicks off by saying, “This year marks the 60th anniversary of Dr. Erno Laszlo’s Dead Sea Mud cleansing bar. Sold at Saks since 1952, the distinctive black bar, a louche, luxurious cousin to Ivory, promises to remove impurities and exfoliate the skin while hydrating it.” The Times article explains that although Dr. Laszlo’s creation is a cult favorite, “ … face soap in general has long had a dirty reputation in the beauty industry” but the scorn might be outdated. Villafranco’s quote comes about three-quarters of the way through the article, where she says “Commercial soap companies tend to manufacture and process soap in a way that decreases or removes glycerin and adds other synthetic elements to create a harder bar.” She added that some industry professionals think big companies want soap to dry your skin so you’ll need their lotion to moisturize it. Liquid washes can be just as drying as bars, since many contain harsh surfactants, like sodium laureth sulfate, to lend the sudsy feeling some consumers demand. Villafranco creates and distributes her products out of a facility in Satank. How did the Times find out about her? Well, her New York publicist connected her with a freelance writer a few months ago. Villafranco knew the story was for a national publication, but not the New York
The Carbondale Board of Trustees recognized Connor Hollen (left) and Samantha Ferry (right) as Students of the Month at their Oct. 9 meeting. Hollen and Ferry are fourth graders at Carbondale Middle School. Photo by Lynn Burton Times, “ … so that was a pretty pleasant surprise.” If you’d like to check out the article in its entirety, go to the New York Times website and track down the article “Bar soap sheds its bad image and wins new fans” by Alix Strauss.
Students 86’d for “grinding” According to reliable sources, eight Roaring Fork High School students were kicked out of the recent homecoming dance for “grinding.” Old fogies might be familiar with “grinding” coffee, their spouse’s “grinding” teeth at night or moving to Carbondale to escape “the grind.” But applying “grinding” to high school students?
The Sopris Sun pop-culture editor consulted Wikipedia to find out what this “grinding” is all about. Here is a short version of what the Sun learned: “Grinding … is a type of close partner dance where two or more dancers rub or bump their bodies against each other, especially a male dancer rubbing his crotch against a female dancer's buttocks … . Grinding gained its initial popularity in nightclubs, and eventually moved on to high school and middle school dances … where there have been cases of administrators attempting to ban it due to its explicit nature. … A predecessor to grinding as a sexuallycharged high-contact social dance was “The Bump,” popular in the 1970s … .” An e-mail from the RFHS administration to students labeled the homecoming dance “a total failure” due to the grinding incident and the voluntary exodus of students that ensued. “As a staff, we chose to initiate a zero-tolerance towards grinding,” wrote principal Drew Adams.“I recognize that more advance notice and processing was necessary for students to fully comprehend our reasoning for this change in policy. However, we believe that the school should support the same social mores that exist during the regular hours of the school day, into after school functions. We would never condone the level of physical contact demonstrated in grinding, in the hallways, classes, or any other location at school … .” Adams’s blog concluded in part, “A homecoming dance is an important rite of passage for our students and we too were disappointed to see this outcome.” He said the administration and student council leaders are working to find “common ground” to plan the next dance to help prevent a similar outcome.
They say it’s your birthday Folks celebrating their birthday this week include Ian Edquist (Oct. 18), Gabe Alcala (Oct. 20), and Mary Kenyon and Ron Speaker (Oct. 24).
Community Oven continued om page 5 year. Events have involved the Waldorf School, Slow Food Roaring Fork, the Roaring Fork Food Council, the Junior Docents and afterschool cooking classes. In February the Oven will be part of the Gordon Cooper Library’s “Big Read” program recognizing John Steinbeck’s classic “Grapes of Wrath.”The organizers hint that a Soupand-Bread Kitchen Jamboree are in the works. Bread from the oven is regularly donated to the Feed My Sheep program in Glenwood Springs. There are many ways to become involved with the Carbondale Community Oven. Sign up to volunteer, bake a loaf or two of bread, become a firemaster or make a donation. The website is carbondalecommunityoven.weebly.com and the Facebook page (with lots of photos) is listed as carbondalecommunityoven.weebly.com. Or come by to see for yourself on Oct. 20. Follow your nose to the aroma of fresh-baked bread. The baking begins at 1 p.m. Try this simple recipe for hearth-baked bread and bring it to the Carbondale Community Oven at 12:45 p.m. on Oct. 20.
Basic Recipe for Hearth-Baked bread Trustees re-legalized chickens on Oct. 9. Carbondale’s new animal ordinance (Ordinance No. 15) replaces a previous ordinance and says in part: Except for communal chicken coops, “no more than enough chicks and pullets to maintain six laying hens, with a total number of birds not to exceed ten (10) female chickens (hens) of any age at any time, shall be allowed … .” Chickens shall be kept for residential use only (“No individual shall sell eggs, engage in chicken breeding or fertilizer production, slaughter chickens for commercial purposes, keep male chickens for any purpose … or raise chickens or fowl for fighting purposes.”) Chicken coops shall be at least three feet from all property lines and at least 15 feet from any residential structure on adjacent properties, and must be built of uniform materials. Any fencing surrounding a chicken coop shall be “buried at least one foot below grade to prevent predator intrusion.”
(Start the previous day!)
3 c flour (all white, or ½ and ½ white and whole wheat) ¼ tsp dry yeast 1 ½ tsp salt 1 ½ c (approximate) water Mix yeast with 1 tablespoon warm water and set aside for 5 minutes to “proof” it. Mix the flour, salt and water together. Add the proofed yeast mixture. Knead vigorously for 10 minutes. Cover with plastic and let set for 12 hours or overnight. Knead for 1 minute and form into a ball. Let set another 2-3 hours. Punch down dough 1 hour before baking and let it rise. Bring it to the oven just before 1 pm on Saturday.
Turkeys, geese or other domesticated fowl – up to six – are permitted. Photo by Lynn Burton
I love this place! “I will fiercely protect your economic interests, our environment and the integrity of our communities. To do this I ask for your vote on November 6th.” Please vote!
Sonja Linman PA I D F O R B Y T H E C A M PA I G N TO E L E C T S O N J A L I N M A N
“From the Roan to Meadow Lake to the Crystal River — our towns, our landscapes, our people, our future, it’s my home — Garfield County, Colorado.”
Your Voice, Our Future, Together GAR F I ELD COU NT Y COM M ISSION ER
F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N V I S I T M Y W E B S I T E AT W W W . L I N M A N 2 0 1 2 . C O M
City Market bag ban raises $3,770
TONIGHT Thursday, October 18 6 pm
FREE PUBLIC RECEPTION CONTINENTAL DRIFT Seven Colorado-based Artists Explore the Idea of Place Christina Battle Scott Johnson Jeanne Liotta Sarah McKenzie Adam Milner Yumi Janairo Roth Edie Winograde
By Sue Gray Sopris Sun Correspondent Carbondale’s plastic bag ban at City Market has raised $3,770 to date, of which $2,500 has been spent to provide free cloth bags to the public, according to Carbondale town officials. As for the remaining $1,270 – it’s up the Carbondale Environmental Board to recommend how to spend the money to educate the community about the impact of trash on the town and related issues but board members were not available for comment for this article. When ask whether the company has received any complaints about the ban, which also requires the store to charge 20 cents per paper bag, City Market spokeswoman Kelli McGannon said “people understand that the ordinance is being carried out according to the wishes of the town.” It’s been almost one year since the Carbondale Board of Trustees voted 6-1 to ban plastic bags at grocery stores larger than 3,500 square feet and charge 20 cents per paper bag. City Market is the only store in town that fits that bill. Soon after the trustees vote in 2011, residents circulated a petition that put the question on the April ballot this year. The bag ban, which went into effect on May 1, was upheld by 27 votes, with 63 percent of the town’s active voters casting ballots. Under terms of the ordinance, City Market is allowed to keep 25 percent of the paper bag fee, up to $1,000 per month, said Carbondale Finance Director Nancy Barnett. The store is supposed to use the money for administrative costs associated with implementing the ordinance, plus educating shoppers and training employees. The remainder of the fees are collected along with City Market’s sales tax, and go into a special account earmarked accord-
ing to the ordinance to “(A) provide reusable carryout bags to residents and visitors, and (B) educate residents and visitors about the impact of trash on the town’s environmental health, the importance of reducing the number of carryout bags entering the waste stream, and the impact of disposable carryout bags on the waterways and the environment,” and “ongoing campaigns” which are enumerated in the ordinance. Barnett said 1,000 cloth bags, made by Garco Sewing Works Training and Design Center, have been given out for free at town hall, the CORE office and at Main Street businesses. The preamble to the ordinance states, “the Board of Trustees aims to conserve resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, waste, and litter, and to protect the public health, safety and welfare, including wildlife, all of which increase the quality of life for the town’s residents and visitors... ,” and “a fee on the distribution of paper bags by grocers is appropriate to fund the town’s efforts to educate residents, businesses and visitors about the impact of trash on the regional environmental health and to fund the use of reusable carryout bags, town cleanup events, and infrastructure and programs that reduce waste in the community... .” The referendum effort to put the ordinance on the April ballot was spearheaded by Mary Boucher, Lyndsey Sackett and Michelle Hyken. Carbondale is one of many towns across the nation that have taken measures to control and limit the use of disposable bags. The ordinance also includes a provision that requires the environmental board to report back to the board of trustees to discuss the successes of the ordinance as well as provide suggestions for future programs.
On view through Sunday, November 25, 2012 Continental Drift is organized by the Aspen Art Museum and Museum of Contemporary Art Denver. Exhibition lectures are presented as part of the Questrom Lecture Series and educational outreach programming is made possible by the Questrom Education Fund.
aspenartmuseum 590 North Mill Street Aspen, CO 81611 970.925.8050 Admission to the AAM is FREE courtesy of Amy and John Phelan 8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • OCTOBER 18, 2012
Here’s the moose everyone in River Valley Ranch was buzzing about a week or so ago. The photo was taken from the Crystal Bridge on the west side of RVR. Moose are mostly found as singles or in small groups, not in large herds, according to the Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife website. There was no breeding population of moose in Colorado until they were introduced into North Park from Utah and Wyoming in 1978-79, and later to the upper Rio Grande drainage and Grand Mesa near Grand Junction. Moose are very large, fast animals and are aggressive when disturbed. Photo by Mary Whalen
Aliens from the planet Mars retaliating after we dropped an unmanned roving vehicle on their planet last month? Probablay not. This Google Maps photo car was spotted in Carbondale last week and before that in Glenwood Springs. The so called “driver� reportedly does not give interviews but she was apparently photographing Carbondale streets as part of Google’s “Street View� project. No word on whether she made it out to Satank. Photo by Cameron Burns
Winter is coming... are you ready?
Laurie & her tenants
are getting ready! Two boutiques open doors on Main By Sue Gray Sopris Sun Correspondent The ďŹ rst thing you’re greeted with when you walk in to the Madd Fox store at the west end of the Dinkle Building is the wonderful aroma of scented soaps and candles. The second greeting is a warm hello from owner Laura Kuhl, who opened the boutique at 453 Main St. this year on the Fourth of July. Kuhl proudly announces that all of the gift items she sells — from purses, jewelry, and cards, to the soaps and candles — are handmade by local artisans. “That makes it so you can ďŹ nd things here in Carbondale that you can’t get anywhere else.â€? Only a few items, like clothing. are ordered online. Kuhl moved into the space because it allowed her exibility. “I wanted to carve out extra time for my family,â€? she said. “Now my kids (ages 12 and 14) can stop by and see me after school.â€? Kuhl has worked in real estate for the last 20 years in addition to working with horses at Iron Rose Ranch. She was also part owner of Purple Sage, a boutique she ran with Sam Hunter of Miser’s Mercantile fame. “My old customers from Purple Sage kept asking me to open another store,â€? Kuhl said, so after 12 years away from the retail business, she’s back with Madd Fox. The store’s name is a combination of letters and words derived from several family members’ names. At the opposite end of town, another boutique also opened its doors in July of this year. Heaven’s Gate, located at 242 Main St. next to Carbondale Animal Hospital, sells Christian gift items and books. Owner Katherine Buettner moved here from the Chicago area three years ago and has struggled to ďŹ nd steady employment.
After working three different places in the last two years, she decided to open her own store, selling inspirational gifts because she saw a need. “At ďŹ rst I thought about a resale store (thrift or consignment),â€? Buettner said, “but there are already 22 resale shops from Glenwood to Aspen. If you want to buy Christian items, the nearest place is Grand Junction.â€? Buettner had managed an inspirational gift store named Angels Galore back in Illinois, so it was a natural ďŹ t, and Heaven’s Gate was born. Buettner said it was challenging turning what used to be ofďŹ ce space into an attractive shop, and she’s still in the process of getting things organized. She said her hope is that the shop will do so well that she’ll outgrow the space and need to seek a larger location. In addition to Christian themed decor items, Bibles, crosses, clothing and inspirational books, Buettner sells children’s toys and books, including the “Chronicles of Narniaâ€? series by Christian author C.S. Lewis. She also takes requests for merchandise and can do custom orders. Buettner said one of the things she likes best about running the store is the opportunity to minister to people about her faith. She doesn’t push it on people, but is open to conversations her customers begin about their problems. It’s not hard to see how Buettner’s inviting smile and easy way inspires people to open up to her. Both Buettner and Kuhl said sales for the ďŹ rst few months have been good, but are slowing down after summer’s end. They’re hoping things pick up as the holiday season nears. Kuhl plans to supplement winter sales with a tanning bed she’ll soon be adding to the back of her store.
Since buying her Garfield Ave home in 1969, Carbondale resident Laurie Loeb has completed an array of energy efficiency projects, including installing and upgrading solar PV for electricity and a solar thermal system for domestic hot water and radiant heating. She recently had an energy audit done on her rental property next-door, and undertook many of the recommended improvements, making the home much less drafty. She wanted her tenants, Aja & Eric Baumheier and their three children, to be more comfortable this winter, so she’s now having all the windows in the historic home replaced with help from the Town of Carbondale, Garfield Clean Energy, CLEER and CORE.
Limited-time rebates available.*
Yours is waiting for you! Let’s get started before Winter. Call today and talk to an expert energy coach. 970-704-9200 or ActNow@garfieldcleanenergy.org *Rebates available on work done between now and December 31 for residents and business owners in the Town of Carbondale. Call now to reserve yours and schedule your improvements! These rebates can be used in addition to utility and CORE rebates.
Community Calendar THURSDAY Oct. 18 BEER RUN • Independence Run & Hike stages a four-mile beer run Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. The running starts at La Fontana and ends at a Carbondale watering hole. Info: 704-0909. ROTARY • Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at Mi Casita every Thursday at noon. LIVE MUSIC • PAC3 in the Third Street Center presents Caravan of Thieves at 8 p.m.; doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets are $12 advance/$15 day of show. Caravan of Thieves has shared stages with artists such as Emmylou Harris, Dan Hicks, Glen Campbell, Nanci Griffith, The Decemberists, Keb Mo, Tom Tom Club, Iron and Wine, Punch Brothers, Tony Trischka, John Hammond, John Jorgenson and others. The Caravan successfully connected with audiences on each of these diverse bills, proving their act to be understood and appreciated by folk, pop, rock and jazz audiences of all ages.
FRI.-SAT. Oct. 19-20 DANCE • Dance Initiative presents Spectrum Dance Collection at Thunder River Theatre at 7:30 p.m. This is an evening of original dance and creative movement highlighting local female choreographers and dancers in conjunction with other SWAN events. Dance styles will include classical and contemporary ballet, jazz, modern, African, tap and more. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 under 18. Info: danceinitiative.org or 963-8681.
FRIDAY Oct. 19 MOVIES • The Crystal Theatre presents
To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is 5 p.m. Saturday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted. For up-to-the-minute valley-wide event listings, check out the Community Calendar online at soprissun.com. View and submit events online at soprissun.com/calendar.
“Searching for Sugar Man” (PG-13) at 7:30 p.m. through Oct. 25. Discovered in a Detroit bar in the late ‘60s by two celebrated producers struck by his soulful melodies and prophetic lyrics, he recorded an album that they believed would secure his reputation as the greatest recording artist of his generation. The album bombed and the singer disappeared into obscurity until being rediscovered in South Africa. Also at the Crystal Theatre:“Arbitrage”at 5:15 p.m. on Oct. 20 and “Beasts of the Southern Wild” at 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 21. THEATRE • CMC Theatre presents David Mamet’s election-year spoof “November” at the Spring Valley campus Oct. 19-20 and Oct. 2527 at 7 p.m. The cast includes Gary Ketzenbarger, Jamie Spry, Nikki Boxer, Bob Willey and Nathan Kafka. Tickets are $15. Info: 947-8177. STORYTIME • The Waldorf School on the Roaring Fork holds a musical storytime for kids 0-6 years old and their parents from 9 to 10 a.m. on Thursdays. The cost is $20 per family drop in or $60 for four sessions. Info: Holly Richardson at 963-0140. LIVE MUSIC • Steve’s Guitars in the old part of the Dinkel Building presents the Hell Roaring String Band at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $10. Info: 963-3304.
LIVE MUSIC • Rivers restaurant in Glenwood Springs presents Bad Willie in their farewell show from 9 p.m. to midnight. No cover. DANCE • The Aspen Dance Connection presents Chung-Fu Chang and the CSU Touring Company at 7 p.m. at Basalt Middle School. Tickets are $15; $5 for students. Info: 927-0641.
SATURDAY Oct. 20 SATURDAY MARKET • Crystal River Meats and Osage Gardens hold a Saturday Market at 55 N. Fourth Street from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Saturday. Info: 876-0668. HARVEST PARTY • Rock Bottom Ranch in El Jebel throws a Harvest Party from noon to 4 p.m. There’ll be lunch from Crystal River Meats and Whole Foods, beer and wine from Four Dogs Wines & Spirits, music from the Grammy-nominated band Missed the Boat, plus applecider pressing, pumpkin carving, garden and farm tours, games, a silent auction and more. PUMPKIN PATCH • There’ll be a pumpkin patch at Crown Mountain Park in El Jebel from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The day includes hot cider, a hayride, various activities and the Halloween Hustle Kids Race one-mile race at 11 a.m. Info: 963-6030.
SKI SWAP • The 58th annual Aspen Ski Swap takes place at Aspen High School from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Proceeds benefit the Aspen School District. New and used ski equipment and clothing can be dropped off from 4 to 6 p.m. on Oct. 19. WILD HORSES • The documentary film “Wild Horses & Renegades” is shown at the Wheeler Opera House at 5:30 p.m. To volunteer for this fund-raiser for Creative Visions, e-mail jean.owen@comcast.net. LIVE MUSIC • Steve’s Guitars in the Dinkel Building presents Benyaro at 8:30 p.m. Steve describes Benyaro as a “ … indie/acoustic/ roots/soul power duo,” whose songs range from rock to blues, folks to country and soul to beat box. Info: 963-3304.
MONDAY Oct. 22 SPECIAL EVENT •“Nothing Daunted”author Dorothy Wickenden speaks at the Third Street Center Round Room at 6:30 p.m. Wickenden’s best-selling book recounts the lives of two young women who moved from the East Coast to the Craig area to teach school in the early part of the 20th century. One of whom was the late Bob Perry’s mother. Wickenden is the executive editor of the New Yorker magazine and was also national affairs editor at Newsweek from 19931995. The talk is presented by the Friends of the Gordon Cooper Library in conjunction with the Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities. Info: 963-1680. LIVE MUSIC • Steve’s Guitars presents Abigail Washburn and Kai Welch at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $20. Info: 963-3304. CALENDAR page 11
LEAF DAYS OCTOBER 5 through NOVEMBER 18 Collection Site—4th St & Colorado Ave Northeast corner parking lot Leaves must be removed from bags before being placed in container
Separate containers for leaves and small branches $%62/87(/< No trash NO BAGS LEAVES are recyclED TO MAKE COMPOST ... PLEASE DO NOT CONTAMINATE WITH other materials (including vegetation) OR THEY WILL BE LANDFILLED!!!
Sponsored by The Town of Carbondale 10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • OCTOBER 18, 2012
Community Calendar Further Out
continued from page 10
HALLOWEEN • PAC3 in the Third Street Center throws a Halloween party with Grand Farm at 8 p.m. Tickets are $17 in advance; $20 the day of show.
RFCC • The Roaring Fork Cultural Council presents Dr. Philip Tedeschi, who will talk about the relationship between animals and people. Tedeschi is a professor at the University of Denver, executive director for the Institute for Human and Animal Connection and master therapeutic riding instructor. Info: rfculturalcouncil.com.
MONDAY Oct. 29 POETRY • Karen Glenn, Valerie Haugen and Kim Nuzzo will read from their newly published poetry collections at Thunder River Theatre at 7 p.m. The evening will include cellist Sarah Graf, and is co-sponsored by the Thunder River Theatre Company and the Aspen Writers’ Foundation.
Save the date
FRIDAY Nov. 9 DEAD REVIEW • PAC3 in the Third Street Center presents the Rocky Mountain Grateful Dead Review at 8 p.m. Tickets are $12 in advance; $15 at the door.
SUN FUND-RAISER • The Sopris Sun transports folks to Margaritaville for its fall fundraiser at Mi Casita from 6 to 8 p.m. on Oct. 25.
SATURDAY Nov. 10 ELK DINNER • St. Mary of the Crown Catholic Church’s wildly popular elk dinner is served up at the church from 4 to 7:30 p.m. It’s the 35th annual dinner.
Hold the presses HISTORICAL SOCIETY HOSTS NOTED AUTHOR • The Mt. Sopris Historical Society hosts a book signing and brunch with “Nothing Daunted” author Dorothy Wickenden at the Thompson House from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Oct. 22. The event includes a reading. Tickets are $75, and reservations are required at 963-7041. Lew Ron Thompson will also lead an informal tour of the house. A limited number of books will be on hand for sale. PASTA FOR PARKINSON’S OCT. 23 • The Pasta for Parkinson’s returns to the Carbondale firehouse from 6 to 8 p.m. on Oct. 23. Dinner includes spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and dessert. The event is organized by Olivia Savard and proceeds go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s disease research. For details, call 963-9616. OPEN MIC AT THE BLEND • The Blend Coffee Company at 1150 Highway 133 hosts an open mic night for poets and performers on Oct. 18. DAY OF THE DEAD ENTRIES DUE • Entries for the Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities Dia de los Muertos fiesta are due Oct. 19 and the pieces must be delivered by Oct. 29. The fiesta takes place at the Third Street Center from 6 to 8 p.m. on Nov. 2. For details, call 963-1680. OVEN FIRES UP • The Carbondale Community Oven at the Third Street Center gets fired up again on Oct. 20. It’ll be hot enough to bake at 1 p.m. Bring your bread ready to go. For details, call 963-9371. WATER CONSERVATION SEMINAR SLATED FOR AHS • Valley students are invited to a seminar to discuss water conservation at Aspen High School from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Oct. 19. Presenters include Pete McBride, Ken Neubecker and Chelsea Congdon.
Ongoing ART • Through December, the Glenwood Springs Art Guild exhibits include Tara Vetter at the Flower Mart in Glenwood Springs, and Nancy Martin at Bullock Hinkey real estate in Glenwood Springs. ART • CCAH continues its SWAN gallery exhibit 2012 at the Third Street Center. Info: 9631680 or carbondalearts.org.
MAYOR’S COFFEE HOUR • Chat with Carbondale Mayor Stacey Bernot on Tuesdays from 7 to 8 a.m. at the Village Smithy on Third Street. MOVIE DAY • The Gordon Cooper Library plays free movies for kids K-5 at 4 p.m. the fourth Tuesday of the month. Popcorn is included. It’s free. Info: 963-2889. STORYTIME • The Gordon Cooper Library
presents Storytime with Sue at 6 p.m. every Monday. Info: 963-2889.
Dana Wilson from 7 to 9 p.m. every Monday. All abilities are welcome.
CCAH CLASSES • The Carbondale Council on Arts and Humaniites offers youth fashion classes and more this fall. Info: 963-1680 or carbondalearts.com.
JAZZ JAM • A jazz jam ranging with players ranging from middle school students to adults is held at the Ramada Inn in Glenwood Springs on Monday nights.
JAM SESSION • Carbondale Beer Works on Main Street hosts an old-time jam session with
GROUP RUN • Independence Run & Hike stages an all-abilities run on Saturdays at 8:15 a.m.
Jessica G a rf orr o w C U RRee g e n t , D i s t r i c t 3
T h i s N o v e m b e r Vo Vo t e L o c a l . Carbondale resident Jessica Garrow will bring our local voice to the CU Board of Regents www w.. J e s s i c a G a r r o w w.. c o m GarrowFo rRe g e n t @g m a i l .c o m P a i d f o r b y J e s s i c a G a r r o w f o r C U R e g e n t , J o h a n n a h R i c h a r d s , TTrr e a s u r e r
THE SOPRIS SUN • OCTOBER 18, 2012 • 11
get to know your neighbor through a book
join us for a
one book one town
community read
presented by
the Friends of the Gordon Cooper Library
in collaboration with
the Carbondale council on the Arts and Humanities
Community Briefs Call for artisans The GarďŹ eld County Library District is looking for artisans to submit designs for the Carbondale branch library. The current competition is for the new libraryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s service desk cladding and service desk lighting. A pendant light and decorative panels for the front desk will be selected, according to a press release. Entries are due Dec. 1. For details, go to the website callforentry.org or call 963-0201.
CLEER offers rebates CLEER is offering energy efďŹ ciency rebates through a federal grant and the GarďŹ eld Clean Energy Challenge. The funds can be used for insulation, air sealing and the purchase of energy efďŹ cient equipment. "We saw the essential role that rebates play in maximizing homeowner participation in GarďŹ eld Clean Energy programs," said Erica Sparhawk, a program manager with CLEER (Clean Energy Economy for the Region), which runs GarďŹ eld Clean Energyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s programs. "We are thrilled to be able to extend more rebates." For details, call 704-9200.
KDNK broadcasts teachers KDNK broadcasts local teachers during the morning news at 6:34 and 7:34 a.m. Oct. 22 through Nov. 2. Teachers will share challenges and successes inside and outside the classroom, how the community can support kids through high school graduation and reasons why students drop out of school. Featured teachers are Ben Bohmfalk, Laura Hardman, Diana Alcantara, Jennifer Kauffman Lisa Dameron. KDNK-FM is broadcast at 88.1 in Carbondale, and 88.3, 88.5, 93.5 and 94.9 elsewhere.
Meet an energy coach The town of Carbondale, GarďŹ eld Clean Energy, CLEER and CORE present energy coaches and local contractors to discuss energy efďŹ ciency projects at the Third Street Center from 6 to 8 p.m. on Oct. 25. For details, call 704-9200.
Sustainability day slated
special event 0DUPCFS t 6:30 pm Round Room at the 3rd Street Center
free and open to the public New York Best Seller
Nothing Daunted The Unexpected Education of Two Society Girls in the West by Dorothy Wickenden Wickenden captures the uncomplaining frontier women and the strutting young cowboys; the dialect and personalities of her grandmotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s irrepressible young students; and the violent kidnapping of Bob Perry, who had begun successfully courting Rosamond. The book, which began as a much-admired 2009 New Yorker article, is both intimate and epic. It is a story of two supremely engaging women were swept up in some of the strongest currents of the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s history.
about the author Dorothy Wickenden has been
the executive editor of The New Yorker since January 1996. She also writes for the magazine and is the moderator of its weekly podcast â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Political Scene.â&#x20AC;? She is on the faculty of The Writersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Institute at CUNYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Graduate Center, where she teaches a course on narrative nonfiction. A former Nieman Fellow at Harvard, Wickenden was national affairs editor at Newsweek from 1993-1995 and before that was the longtime executive editor at The New Republic. She lives with her husband and her two daughters in Westchester, New York.
12 â&#x20AC;˘ THE SOPRIS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ OCTOBER 18, 2012
CLEER and CORE are looking for high school and college students to go door-to-door from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Oct. 21 as part of an outreach project. The volunteers will offer to replace incandescent porch light bulbs with free compact ďŹ&#x201A;orescent bulbs, which are more energy efďŹ cient. The volunteers will also distribute information on related low-to-nocost resources and green jobs information. For details, call 704-9200.
Flu shots at ACE GarďŹ eld County Public Health administers ďŹ&#x201A;u shots at ACE Hardware from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Oct. 20. Adult shots or nasal mist are $20; kids shots or nasal mist $10. Cash or checks only; CHP/Medicaid/Medicare B accepted; appointments not necessary. For details, call 945-6614.
Looking for veterans Students at Crystal River Elementary School are searching for local veterans to invite to their annual Veteran's Day celebration in November. If you, or someone you know, is a veteran, please email a mailing address to amberbate@rfsd.k12.co.us so students can send them an invitation to the program. The Veteran's Day program takes place at the Orchard (formerly the Church at Carbondale) at 2:15 p.m. on Nov. 8.
RFOV accepting photos Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers is looking for entries for its annual photo contest. The photos can be of people working on projects or scenics capture while working on projects. The categories are: best overall shot, best group volunteer shot, best individual volunteer shot, best project shot and best landscape. The entry deadline is Oct. 19. Photos can be sent to rfov@sopris.net. Winners will be used for RFOV marketing campaigns.
Octoberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Special Pumpkin Body Wrap Private Mineral Bath Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage plus a Day Pass to Our Historic Vapor Caves
Zoning report indicates new direction By Lynn Burton Sopris Sun Staff Writer
Advertise r
ity Focuse un m
• en
Carbondale’s draft comprehensive plan has not yet made it out of P&Z but an accompanying report suggests: • a new zoning code should be more predictable for landowners, town staff and neighbors; • provide a more timely land-use review procedure, which would include more stafflevel approvals, and lead to no new or fewer PUDs and almost no variances. Those are two of the points made in the “Land Use & Development Code Strategic Assessment Report,” produced by the Colorado-based Kendig Keast Collaborative and presented to the Carbondale Board of Trustees on Tuesday night, along with the draft comprehensive plan. The trustees discussed both plans but took no action; the planning and zoning commission will hold a continued public hearing on the comprehensive plan on Oct. 25. onor Driv •D The trustees authorized the strategic assessment report last dS upp year when it commissioned the Durango-based RPI Consulting o t h e Su rt to help the town draft a new comprehensive plan. n wi Town planner Janet Buck calls the strategic plan a “zoning Don th a atio bridge” document. The trustees have said they want to use the n new comprehensive plan as the basis for a new zoning code, which has been amended at least 35 times since 1993, according to the report. The upshot of the report is that the town’s entire zoning code should be overhauled. The report points out that there are 23 zoning districts and nine planned unit developments (site-specific PUDs) in town. The report states: “There are really two development codes in Carbondale – the land development code and the PUD book.” As the strategic report points out, the town’s comprehensive plan provides goals and strategies to address how the town’s physical form will change over the next two decades but it is an “advisory” document and is not “binding law.” “By contrast” the strategic report says, “land development codes are the ‘law of the land,’ both figuratively and literally. They help to implement the Comprehensive Plan by establishing rules for how land is used, developed or redeveloped.” Among the strategic report’s nine general recommendations for a new zoning code: • Reduce the number of zoning districts and improve the fit between the zoning districts and the community character outcomes, which are anticipated by the Comprehensive Plan. • Protect the character of established neighborhoods with a flexible approach that encourages reinvestment. This approach should allow for reasonable expansions of existing buildings without variances. • Increase the number of staff-level approvals, applying use-specific standards if necessary, but avoiding the application of standards that are too general to be useful in decision making. • Evaluate the impact of Carbondale’s multimodal culture on vehicle parking demand and adjust parking requirements in areas that benefit from multimodal transportation choices. Do not forget that residents still own cars that need to be stored when they are not in use. As for the draft comprehensive plan itself, it centers on the challenge of maintaining Carbondale’s “small town character.” To define that character, the plan states: “Community character relates to the use of land, but, more importantly, represents the design characteristics that influence the ‘look and feel’ of development. Instead of specifically identifying land use, a determination of character is more distinctly defined by the intensity of development, the arrangement of buildings and parking areas, the preservation and use of open space, and other design features.”
April Clark kept “The April Clark Show” rolling at PAC3 on Oct. 13. Based on “Late Night with David Letterman” and other shows of that genre, the night included a Clark monologue, music, and interview with Mr. Carbondale and more. The night ended with a dance party for one and all. Photo by Jane Bachrach
eled • Com Fu
Dr. Jerry Tomasso endorses his wife of 21 years for
District Attorney
Vania Cruz Ace Hardware of Carbondale Housewares Specialist Since 2007
Volleyballers pitch two shutouts; soccer boys win By Celeste Comings Sopris Sun Correspondent
fat County 5-2. Five different Rams scored goals in the win: Eduardo Medina, Jack Fischer, Misael Ramos, Abarca and Carpenter. On the gridiron, Roaring Fork continues to slog through a season marked by injuries, ineligible players and a makeshift offense. On Oct. 12 against Hotchkiss the Rams fell 55-6. They end the season at Meeker at 7 p.m. on Oct. 19 and at home against Lake County at 7 p.m. on Oct. 26.
The girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; volleyball team is not slowing down. Coming off a 3-0 win against RiďŹ&#x201A;e on Oct. 11, the team hosted Grand Valley on Oct. 13 and quickly escorted them out. The girls brought home a win in three games, just like they have done rather consistently all season. It didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t take long this week to bring Grand Valley to their knees. In the ďŹ rst two sets Roaring Fork did not let their opponent score over 22 points, winning both games 25-11. With one last hope left, Grand Valley put up a ďŹ ght in the third set. But the 25-19 score would not be enough to take them into a fourth set. The Rams chug full steam ahead into the last week of the regular season. They show no sign of slowing down with an overall 152 record and a league record of 6-1. The girls host Aspen at 6 p.m. on Oct. 18. They beat Aspen in September 3-0. The Rams end their regular season schedule season at home against Coal Ridge at 3 p.m. on Oct. 20. As for other RFHS sports action, the boys soccer team won three straight since Oct. 11, putting their end-of-the-regularseason record at 10-3-1 overall and 4-2-1 in 3A Region 3 play. On Oct. 11, the Rams beat Grand Valley 12-4. In the Oct. 13 win over Colorado Rocky Mountain School, Lalo Clemente scored three goals; Kike Abarca and Ben Carpenter chalked up two apiece; Dakotah Grett and Erik Carrillo each scored a goal. On Oct. 15, Roaring Fork downed Mof- Hattie Gianinetti (#24) goes high against Grand Valley last week. Photo by Sue Rollyson
an open letterâ&#x20AC;Ś To my dear grandchildren, Leah and Sean, Storytelling in your classes brings me such joy! It is now six years that I have been a Spellbinder, sharing stories with you and your classmates. When I walk into your busy, buzzing classrooms on story day, very quickly all of you quiet down and all of you focus on me, ready for my story of the month. Whether a folk tale, fairy tale or legend, for 15 minutes you are transfixed with my words, my expressions, my gestures as I unfold the details of the story. When the story is finished, you and your classmates give me hugs of appreciation. I leave your school believing that I have touched your young lives with a bit of humor or history or culture. And when I see my listeners outside of school, they greet me with excitement and affection. How fortunate I am to be making an impact on you and your classmates! I wonder if any of their parents or grandparents would like to experience the joy of touching young lives like I do? Love, Mima (aka Maury-with-a-Story)
Caitlin Kinney (#4) pounds home a winner in Roaring Forkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 3-0 win over Grand Valley last week. The Rams take a 15-2 record into the ďŹ nal two games of the regular season at home against Aspen on Oct. 18 and at home against Coal Ridge on Oct. 20. Photo by Sue Rollyson
6 ay 2 id er r F ob ct O Pumpkin mpkin carved d by Cindy Noel
Family ly event for preschoolers hoolers & elementary ntary kids s Friday, ay, October er 26 from 4 - 7 pm Bridges ges Center,, 4th St, Carbondale arbondale
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Brought B rought to you by: y:
Materials and support provided. $50 fee
14 â&#x20AC;˘ THE SOPRIS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ OCTOBER 18, 2012
Call C all 384-5689 for more information mation
Letters continued om page 2 Fire Protection agency and their volunteers can provide us the best protection possible. Any questions can be answered by contacting the district office at 704-0675. Please vote yes on 4A of your ballot. Leroy Duroux Basalt
With raised eyebrow Dear Editor: With a raised eyebrow of skepticism I read (Glenwood Post Independent Oct. 5), our current county commissioners believe they are “… doing a good job of protecting the public from the oil and gas industry,” particularly through “… numerous air and groundwater studies the county has supported.” In 2004 when running for county commissioner, our county in the midst of extensive energy extraction, I questioned the lack of baseline air and water quality studies to quantify impacts of industry on our environment and residents. Apparently the most important metric for our county leaders is “dollars” as they proudly tout revenues received and reserves held. Granted this all-holy benchmark is easier to track when compared to others of competing importance. For example, impacts related to our air, water and health. Tons and tons of various emissions are permitted from individual sites, with no real knowledge of cumulative impacts. Commissioner John Martin has blamed diminished air quality on pollution from California or wildland fires. Near our county airport, I regularly see plumes of “things” exhausted into the air from well operations. What are they? Where
do they go? Can the Front Range (or Battlement Mesa/Parachute) attribute poor air quality to our gas fields? And as outlined in recent news, water quantities and quality from well sites, even excluding hydraulic fracturing, has been an ongoing challenge to industry. Health (and death) related effects have not been collated, perhaps due to privacy limitations. Non-disclosure clauses prevent knowing how many properties have been purchased or settlements made by industry due to “damages”? This operative lack of transparency extends again with anonymous outsider“investment” in our local campaigns. Admirably, the Thompson Divide Coalition prioritized baseline studies prior to exploration. Why have our commissioners refused to do the same for so many years and quashed the health impact assessment? Perhaps the collateral damages to property and health in “Gasfield” County are unimportant and not worth quantifying compared to the cash revenues received. Are our commissioners really “protecting the public from the oil and gas industry”or vice versa? Have you felt safe, healthy and “protected”? Vote Sonja Linman and Aleks Briedis. Greg Jeung No Name
That’s listening Dear Editor: Earlier this year two members of the Glenwood Springs Garden Club were scheduled to speak to the Garfield County Commissioners during the public comments time. Before they
Carbondale Flu Clinics Provided by Garfield County Public Health THURS. OCT 11 Carbondale, Bridges High School/ Roaring Fork Family Resource Center Office 455 S. Third St., 1pm - 4:30pm SAT. OCT 20 Carbondale Ace Hardware 10am-2pm
Adult Shots or Nasal Mist $20 Kids Shots or Nasal Mist $10 CHP/Medicaid/Medicare B Accepted Cash or Check Please • No appointments necessary
Public Health RIFLE 195 W. 14th St.
GLENWOOD SPRINGS 2014 Blake Avenue
(Next to City Market)
(Next to Valley View Hospital)
spoke, they were informed that they could speak as scheduled, however, the commissioners had already“made up their minds” regarding the subject. So much for listening. More recently, a friend of ours was told at the commissioners’ meeting that he was “arrogant” to suggest that the secret meeting in Utah might be illegal. Our “arrogant” friend must have been correct as the commissioners have since rescinded the action taken in Utah. So much for listening. John Martin no longer represents our views on most subjects dear to us. Therefore, we shall exercise our voting rights in this representative democracy and vote for Sonja Linman.We urge all concerned registered voters to consider doing the same. Having known Sonja for almost 20 years we know she truly cares deeply about the well being of all residents in Garfield County. She will act on any subject after deliberation with both her heart and mind. Even now she is on a“listening tour” across Garfield County. Now that is really listening. C.C. and Patricia Nolen Glenwood Springs
Yes on 1A Dear Editor: I was delighted to read the Glenwood Post Independent’s editorial of Oct. 15, which supported Measure 1A (Protect Our Ranchlands, Rivers, and Recreation Economy). This program is long overdue in Garfield County. It is a well thought out, very inexpensive way to preserve our high quality of life — the main reason why I choose to live here.
Let’s not mince words; it is a tax increase, albeit a very minimal one. And, it is not taxed on food or prescription drugs. At 0.25 percent, the increase on your bill of $100 is a mere quarter — 25 cents. And, most of these quarters will not be paid by Garfield County residents.We, as residents of Garfield County, only contribute 40 percent of the sales tax revenue for the county. This meager tax, however, will produce about $2 million a year to conserve our beautiful land, protect working ranches, and provide a funding-stream for worthy outdoor recreational amenities, like trail construction and maintenance. The program is completely voluntary and will only work with willing landowners. There is a reasonable cap on administrative costs of 5 percent, and the program automatically ends in 10 years. To continue would require another vote of the electorate. And,in this bitterly fought campaign season, how refreshing that there is an issue that is not a partisan one — Republicans and Democrats alike can support this wonderful program. So, what’s not to like? Nothing. For the benefit of our precious land and water, and to provide a legacy for generations to come, I urge everyone in Garfield County to please consider joining me in supporting this measure by voting yes on 1A. Larry Dragon New Castle
Vote for Baxter Dear Editor: I’m writing to ask voters to cast their balLETTERS page 19
Vote <NJ6 ŽŶ YƵĞƐƟŽŶ 1A to Protect Our Ranchlands, Rivers ĂŶĚ ZĞĐƌĞĂƟŽŶ ĐŽŶŽŵLJ >ĞĂƌŶ ŵŽƌĞ ĂŶĚ ƐŚŽǁ LJŽƵƌ ƐƵƉƉŽƌƚ Ăƚ ǁǁǁ͘ZZZ ͘ŽƌŐ
THE SOPRIS SUN • OCTOBER 18, 2012 • 15
Ranchers and hands ride up to Thompson Creek to gather cattle on BLM land where they spend the summer. Each rancher has a permit that allows him or her to keep a certain number of cattle on BLM land to graze. This is the time of year they bring them back down as the grazing permits end. As the cows gather here, Bill Fales and Marge Perry make sure theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re headed in the right direction.
A lone cow shares the road with a car up on Sweet Hill.
During the gather, moms and calves sometimes become temporarily separated. Here, a cow calls for her calf.
Once the cattle are on the road they meander down to the sorting pens before reaching Crystal River Ranch. A few riders wait on the road as the cattle arrive alone, in pairs or in groups and direct them into the large holding pen. Here, Parker Nieslanik helps them move along inside the holding pen.
From the main holding pen, cattle are sorted by ear tag or brand. Tammy Nieslanik rides to pick up a pair to hand off to the gate hands that then direct them into the appropriate pen.
16 â&#x20AC;˘ THE SOPRIS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ OCTOBER 18, 2012
Ted Nieslanik receives the pair and sends them down to cowboy Johnny Burtard, to direct them to the correct pen.
When the cows come home
Lunch. The highlight of the day. Riders and hands begin talking about lunch around 10:00 a.m. and for good reason. Tammy prepared a mightly fine spread including two pots of chili. In addition, Mark Nieslanik who manages Tybar Ranch cooked up a few pots of his own yummy chili so there was plenty for everyone.
With few exceptions, folks in Carbondale love it when the cattle come through town. But other than the ranchers, few know where they go for their summer vacation or why they even leave, let alone why they come home in October. Besides the ranchers, most locals have no idea what goes on behind the scenes in order to produce a successful cattle drive, nor do they have any idea who the main characters are. Our community no longer has to be in the dark as we will shed some light on the who, what, where and why of Carbondale cattle drives, in the Sopris Sun’s production of “When the Cows Come Home.” The Sopris Sun would like to thank Tammy Nieslanik for all of her help and patience in producing this photo spread. Photos and story by Jane Bachrach
Cattle rancher Paul Nieslanik (right) and Johnny Burtard (left) have a “moment.” Burtard lives on the property where the pens are and takes care of the cattle all summer, which includes moving them around as needed as well as administering any necessary medical care.
After lunch on day two the cows are vaccinated. John and Marty Nieslanik vaccinate at their ranch so their herd was the first to head down. This is where the drive begins. That looks like Skip Bell on the right at the head of the herd.
A Carbondale police officer starts to direct traffic as the cattle begin to arrive.
Emmett Nieslanik ... the future.
Matt Nieslanik guides these cows through town, down Colorado Avenue.
Home sweet home. The cows arrive at their winter pasture right outside Carbondale.
THE SOPRIS SUN • OCTOBER 18, 2012 • 17
Shopping | Dining | Culture | Recreation
VISIT BASALT & EL JEBEL At the confluence of Frying Pan and Roaring Fork Rivers
Basalt Regional Library serves up numerous programs
Become an eco bag lady Now accepting fall items
Sopris Sun Staff Report The Basalt Regional Library offers numerous programs throughout the fall an into the winter. A sampling includes: Book Babies at 10:30 a.m. on Mondays is for children up to 24 months; on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s story time for children ages 3 and up; Toddler Rhyme Time is Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. for children 2 to 3 years old.
970-927-4384 144 Midland Avenue Basalt, Colorado 81621
Story Time & Crafts is for kids of all ages on Fridays at 10:30 a.m. â&#x20AC;˘ Espanola Family Story Time takes place at 2 p.m. on Sundays and includes stories in Spanish for all ages. â&#x20AC;˘ Thursday Arts at 10:30 a.m. for all ages and includes musicians, storytellers and more. After school programs takes place every day from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Mystery Mondays involves puzzles and clues for prizes. Tuesdays and Thursdays the library turns into a study zone. On Wacky Wednesdays there crafts and â&#x20AC;&#x153;messyâ&#x20AC;? science experiments. Build with Legos, and play Wii and games on Fun Fridays! Paws to Read is offered to grades 1-4 on selected Tuesdays. For details, call 927-4311. The dates are Nov. 6, Dec. 4 and 18 from 3:30-4:30 p.m..
Movies for kids will be shown Nov. 19-21 at 1 p.m.
Wyly Community Art Center Programs and classes at the Wyly Community Art Center include â&#x20AC;&#x153;Demystifying Encaustic: Collage & Paintâ&#x20AC;? with K. Cesark for adults on Nov. 3-4 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuition is $170. For more information and to register visit wylyarts.org or call 927-4123.
Introducing self-ser
sh dog wa
NOVEMBER 6, 2012
Open seven days a week Next to City Market in El Jebel, 400 E. Valley Rd., Ste. I/J 963.1700 | Open M-F 10-6:30pm | Sat/Sun 11-5pm
18 â&#x20AC;˘ THE SOPRIS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ OCTOBER 18, 2012
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Letters continued î&#x2C6;&#x2021;om page 15 lot for Jo Ann Baxter in the race for House District 57. This seat in the state legislature will represent GarďŹ eld, Rio Blanco and Moffat counties. Jo Ann taught high school in Craig for 29 years, was twice elected to the Moffat County School Board, and now serves on Gov. Hickenlooperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Council on Educator Effectiveness. She worked closely with Russ George and former State Sen. Al White to improve state funding for rural school districts. She has promised to make education funding and reform a priority as our state representative.
Notice is hereby given that a proposed budget has been submitted to the Town of Carbondale Board of Trustees for the ensuing year of 2013; that a copy of such proposed budget has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk at Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado, where same is open for public inspection; that such proposed budget will be considered for adoption at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees to be held at Carbondale Town Hall on December 11, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. Any interested elector within the Town of Carbondale may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objections thereto at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget. Town of Carbondale By:_______________________________ Date: 10/12/2012 Jay Harrington, Town Manager
Published in the Sopris Sun on October 18, 2012.
Jo Ann has also developed sophisticated ideas about energy and the environment. She comes from Craig, home to a coal-ďŹ red power plant and extensive natural gas ďŹ elds. She recognizes the importance energy plays in our regional economy, but she also understands the importance of agriculture, recreation, tourism and other economic activities. She is in favor of the plan by local ranchers to protect Thompson Divide, and has endorsed Sen. Michael Bennetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bill to make that plan a reality. Jo Ann has strong positions on issues like water resource management, economic de-
ORDINANCE NO. 15 Series 2012
AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 8.04 OF THE CARBONDALE MUNICIPAL CODE (KEEPING OF ANIMALS) NOTICE: This Ordinance was introduced, read, and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carbondale, Colorado, on October 11, 2012.
This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after publication of this notice. The full text of said Ordinance is available to the public at www.carbondalegov.org or at the office of the Town Clerk, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, Colorado, during normal business hours. THE TOWN OF CARBONDALE _________________________ By: s/s Stacey Bernot, Mayor
ATTEST: __________________________ s/s Cathy Derby, Town Clerk
Published in the Sopris Sun on October 18, 2012.
Service Directory CARBONDALEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; S NATURAL FOOD STORE
Your Year Round Farmerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Market OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK M-F 9AM-7PM; Sat. 11AM-6PM; Sun. 12-6PM 559 Main Street â&#x20AC;˘ 970-963-1375 â&#x20AC;˘ www.carbondalecommunityfoodcoop.org
velopment and constitutional reform that you can read about on her website. For me, the thing that makes Jo Ann Baxter remarkable, and worthy of your vote, is her ability to consider peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s views even when they are very different than her own. She is a great listener, and has pledged to govern from the center by ďŹ nding policy and legislative solutions that work for our region and the people who live here. We canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ask for more than that. And ďŹ nally, a word about her opponent. Two years ago, Bob Rankin was running for
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Carbondale Planning Commission for the purpose of considering an Infill Application to construct an accessory dwelling unit within an existing single family dwelling. The property is located at 42 Maroon Drive (Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Sopris Meadows Subdivision No. 2).
The owners are the Oates Family LLC. The applicants are Jeremie J., Sally D., Leonard M. and Cherie G. Oates. Said Public Hearing will be held at the Carbondale Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO at 7:00 p.m. on November 15, 2012.
Copies of the proposed application are on file in the Planning Department office, Town Hall, 511 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale, CO and may be examined by interested persons during regular working hours, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Janet Buck Town Planner
Published in the Sopris Sun on October 18, 2012.
the state senate against Snowmass Village resident Gail Schwartz. In that race, he claimed to live in Aspen. Now he is running for state legislature and claiming he lives in Carbondale. Which is it? Jo Ann Baxter is a Democrat who has lived in Craig for nearly 40 years. She is a native Coloradan. She has committed her life to our region. We know who and what weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re getting with Jo Ann. She will do a great job representing all of House District 57. Allyn Harvey Carbondale
Unclassifieds Submit to unclassifieds@soprissun.com by Monday 12 p.m. Rates: $15 for 30 words, $20 for up to 50 words. Payment due before publication.*
MOVING/ESTATE SALE Saturday, Oct. 20, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 811 Latigo Loop, Carbondale. Everything must go. GOOD SAMARITAN NEEDED. Carbondale Lift-Up is looking for someone to donate a commercial, street-level space from which to distribute holiday food from approximately Nov. 3 through Dec. 22. Distribution dates are Nov. 17 and Dec. 15. For details, call 963-1778. FOR SALE: Organic Farm & Garden retail store for sale in
beautiful Paonia. On our 3rd year with a steady increase in sales and clientele. Turn Key. All existing inventory, lease transfer, vendor contacts, ďŹ xtures, displays & start hoop house. Check out our listing on craigslist Only serious inquiries please contact: 541-846-0420. WANTED: Volunteer writers to cover Roaring Fork High School sports and write features about people. E-mail Trina Ortega at trina@soprissun.com.
*Credit card payment information should be emailed to unclassifieds@soprissun.com or call 948-6563. Checks may be dropped off at our office at the Third Street Center or mailed to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. Call 618-9112 for more info.
Support The Sopris Sun while The Sun supports your business! Service directory ads start at just $40. Contact #PC "MCSJHIU at 970- or CPC@soprissun.com
WINDSHIELD REPAIR AUTO GLASS REPLACEMENT BRAND NEW CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES AT DISCOUNT PRICES Red Rock Plaza (Next to coop) 774 Highway 133 Carbondale 970-510-5030 OPEN 11ď&#x161;ş7 SUNDAYS 12ď&#x161;ş5
DAVID ZAMANSKY â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Headlight Owner Operated Restoration
500 Buggy Circle Carbondale, CO.
Auto Glass & Side Mirrors
Help for families in need. Food is available at LIFT-UPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seven area food pantries, made possible by support from our caring community.
Mid-Valley Food Pantries Carbondale: Third Street Center, 520 South 3rd Street, #35 Mon, Wed & Fri: 10am-12:30pm â&#x20AC;˘ 963-1778 Basalt: Basalt Community United Methodist Church 167 Holland Hills Rd. â&#x20AC;˘ Wed & Thur: 11am-1pm â&#x20AC;˘ 279-1492
Learn more at www.liftup.org and join us on facebook! THE SOPRIS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ OCTOBER 18, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 19
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