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Sopris Carbondale’s
weekly, non-profit newspaper
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Volume 4, Number 44 | December 13, 2012
Headed for town Parishioners at Saint Mary of the Crown celebrated Fiesta Guadalupana with a procession down White Hill, followed by native dancing and music at Carbondale Middle School, and then a bilingual mass and dinner on Dec. 11. Photo by Jane Bachrach
Carbondale Commentary The views and opinions expressed on the Commentary page do not necessarily reflect those of The Sopris Sun. The Sopris Sun invites all members of the community to submit letters to the editor or guest columns. For more information, e-mail editor Lynn Burton at news@soprissun.com, or call 510-3003.
Divest for the planet By Amelia Potvin Over 55 percent of Americans believe humans are warming up the planet, and that the current state of the economy is no excuse not to address global climate change.1 That’s good news for a new movement to finally break political deadlock on global warming. Led by 350.org founder Bill McKibben, students nationwide are asking universities to divest endowments from fossil fuel companies. With a majority of Americans now in agreement that a switch to renewable energy will create a better future for our children and grandchildren, protect health and save species, the time is ripe for a powerful new strategy. For too long, the world’s wealthiest industries — oil, coal and natural gas — have blocked the policy changes necessary to avert planetary disaster.
Rolling Stone The story starts in the 1980’s, when a global divestment campaign convinced the cash-stressed and internationally shamed
South African government to end apartheid. Young people led the movement then, and they will lead it now. But they will need all of us to put the pressure on and show our elected leaders that we are ready for renewable energy. In a September Rolling Stone magazine article, McKibben laid out a formula describing the basis for the divestment strategy. The math looks like this: 2°C = the maximum global warming all world governments have agreed to stay below.To date, the planet has warmed about 1°C, causing 40 percent of Arctic ice to melt and strengthening natural disasters, such as Superstorm Sandy. 565 gigatons = the maximum CO2 emissions that can be added to the atmosphere without exceeding 2 degrees of warming. 2,795 gigatons = the amount of CO2 that oil, coal and gas companies have in reserves waiting to be burned.These resources, though still in the ground, are already figured into shareholder prices. The fossil fuel industry is planning to burn five times more carbon than the planet can afford. With trillions of dollars of profit at stake, these companies will not voluntarily change course. Fear not! 350.org and its allies are going to hit the industry where it hurts: in the coffers. Within just the first month of this divest-
The Sopris Sun welcomes your letters, limited to no more than 400 words. Letters exceeding that length may be edited or returned for revisions. Include your name and residence (for publication) and a contact email and phone number. Submit letters via email to letters@soprissun.com or via snail mail to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623.
Remembering the mine disaster Dear Editor: On April 15, 1981 at 4 p.m, 15 men lost their lives in a coal mine explosion at the Dutch Creek #1 mine at Mid Continent Resources. Several of those men were born and raised in Carbondale. The tragedy forever changed the town and the area. Coal mining is a distant memory now in the Roaring Fork Valley, but back in 1981
it was a lifeblood of the local economy. I was a member of the community back then and reminiscing on that time brings back many memories. Most of my friends in the eighth grade, at Carbondale Middle School, had fathers who were either ranchers or coal miners. Those men were descended from generations of ranching and mining families. With the exception of my nephew, I doubt that
Lorrie Carlson (right) and Rick Carlson (left) checked out the Sun in front of the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires while visiting their son, Jared. Jared is a CRMS grad, majoring in international affairs and Spanish at the University of Colorado. He recently completed his semester of study abroad at the University of Belgrano in Buenos Aires. Courtesy photo 2 • THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012
ment campaign, two colleges have signed on and elected leaders in Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington pledged to follow suit. The agreement is simple: First, universities, pension funds, businesses and municipalities freeze new investments in fossil fuels.Within five years, they sell all such holdings and reinvest in clean energy solutions. “Greening” a campus, or a skiing company, means little if its money props up the dirtiest industry on the planet. Divestment also sends a clear vote of “no confidence” on fossil fuels to policy makers and signals that Americans are ready for significant change, including long-recommended policies to price carbon in accordance with its true social and ecological costs. A rapid transition is possible. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado recently demonstrated multiple pathways to an 80 percent renewable grid in the U.S. in its Renewable Energy Futures study. With strong potential for a cleaner future, the critical force to bring it to fruition is each one of us.2
Stand up Over the next year, environmental groups will ask you to stand up for renewables, by writing letters, calling lawmakers, attending town meetings and rallies, and of course, taking action at home. Imminent decisions
many eighth graders currently in attendance at CMS realize the indelible mark that ranching and coal mining had on the fabric of Carbondale and the surrounding area. The Dec. 6 Sopris Sun column “Looking Back” on 1981 failed to mention the mine disaster. You wrote about the miners on strike and “scabs,” improvements to Main Street and upset business people, the debate on Mountain Fair, and other divisive issues of the time, but neglected to mention an event that truly brought the town together. Without the support and love from the Carbondale community, many families would have had a much harder time dealing with the ramifications of the explosion. How we respond in tough times defines us for all time. I will forever be grateful for all the fine folks living in Carbondale in 1981, for all the love and support they gave, and I cannot let your oversight go without comment. Rod Patch Salida
bag ban backfires Dear Editor: I think maybe it’s important that perhaps a little known fact be brought to light. It seems that because of the bag ban at Carbondale City Market, people are taking the black baskets out and just putting them in their cars and driving off. Could this be part of the repercussion of the bag ban that three members of the town council voted for. I do know that Stacey Benot didn’t vote for this bag ban and one other person on the council voted with her. Do not blame our mayor. Three others voted for it. Aspen, Basalt, Carbondale and Glen-
include the president's approval or denial of the Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry enough oil from Canada’s tar sands to the market to outweigh Obama’s own vehicle gas mileage standard. Locally, the BLM will approve or deny fracking in the Thompson Divide and North Fork Valley. In addition to jeopardizing wild and farmlands, new drilling unleashes significant and unnecessary greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, when renewable options for heat and power are available. Carbondalers, our hands and voices hold the power.With scientific consensus and majority opinion aligned, the time has come to pull a bigger lever. A campaign to divest town, county and corporate money from fossil fuels will be a strong complement to the community’s climate goals and resistance against local drilling. Moreover, divestment will prove that we stand with a majority of Americans who are ready to quit dirty energy habits and create a clean, healthy and stable future. Find this study from George Mason University and NREL’s Renewable Energy Futures at www.aspencore.org. 2www.aspencore.org. 1
Amelia Potvin is community sustainability coordinator for the Community Office for Resource Efficiency (CORE).
wood proposed a bag ban. Aspen has a bag ban that some gentlemen in Aspen have now taken the city of Aspen to court over LETTERS page 18
To inform, inspire and build community Donations accepted online or by mail. For information call 510-3003 Editor/Reporter: Lynn Burton • 970-510-3003 news@soprissun.com Advertising: Bob Albright • 970-927-2175 bob@soprissun.com Linda Fleming • 970-379-5223 linda@soprissun.com Photographer: Jane Bachrach Ad/Page Production: Terri Ritchie Webmaster: Will Grandbois Sopris Sun, LLC Managing Board of Directors: Debbie Bruell • Peggy DeVilbiss David L. Johnson • Colin Laird Laura McCormick • Trina Ortega Jean Perry • Elizabeth Phillips • Frank Zlogar
Sopris Sun, LLC • P.O. Box 399 520 S. Third Street #35 Carbondale, CO 81623
970-510-3003 www.soprissun.com Visit us on facebook.com Send us your comments: feedback@soprissun.com The Sopris Sun is an LLC organized under the 501c3 non-profit structure of the Roaring Fork Community Development Corporation.
Town reaches landmark agreement with CDOT By Lynn Burton Sopris Sun Staff Writer Culminating a process that started at least 12 years ago, the Carbondale Board of Trustees on Tuesday night unanimously approved an Access Control Plan agreement with the Colorado Department of Transportation that will guide the state agency as it upgrades Highway 133 in years to come; the plan will also guide the town in land use decisions along the highway corridor. The Access Control Plan (ACP) looks at 93 points of access on the two mile-stretch of Highway 133 from Highway 82 to the River Valley Ranch area, and describes the conditions under which CDOT will alter highway access for the next 20-30 years and beyond. For example, the ultimate configuration for access point 4 (at Cowan Drive) is a roundabout rather than a traffic signal, although neither is proposed at this time. Most of the access changes on Highway 133 will not occur unless conditions in specific areas change due to development or redevelopment. “If nothing changes (in land use) then nothing changes (with the highway),” CDOT Region 3 Access Manager Dan Roussin told the trustees on Tuesday night. Town Manager Jay Herrington later told the trustees the state highway access code is “arbitrary” at best, “so this (ACP) will get us beyond that.” Only one member of the public, Frank Taverna, attended the meeting. Taverna is
co-owner of Red Rock Plaza on the west when highway traffic is heavy. The ACP ulside of Highway 133 and told the trustees timate configuration calls for a “right-in” that shoppers will go where access is most (from Highway 133), “right-out” (onto convenient. “We’re going to lose some of Highway 133). A traffic signal can be inthat,” he said. “It’s going to be real impor- stalled if three neighboring access points are tant” to keep small businesses in mind. restricted. Full movement (left and right In an e-mail to The Sopris Sun, public turns onto Highway 133) at the Dolores works director Larry Way access point can Ballenger said the continue “until safety or town and CDOT operational issues deformed a 10-member velop” the ACP says, or project team last Janalternative access beuary comprised of: comes available just to Roland Wagner the south. (CDOT resident engiRoussin told the neer), Bart Necessary trustees the project team (CDOT engineer), Frank Taverna looked at allowing a Dan Roussin (CDOT roundabout on Dolores Red Rock Plaza Co-owner access manager), AnWay in the future, but drew Knapp (CDOT), that access to Highway Anna Smith (consultant), Andrew Knapp 133 to the south (connecting with Dolores (consultant), John Hoffmann (town Way) is a better option. Roussin also said trustees), Charlie Kees (town planning and that if a roundabout is built at Dolores Way, zoning commissioner), Janet Buck (town the potential exists for backupson Highway planner) and Ballenger himself. 133 due to traffic signals. At Tuesday night’s meeting, Hoffmann Roussin stressed that the ACP can be listed six ACP access (conditions for change) amended if conditions warrant. points that he’d like for the trustees to conBottom line with the ACP, according to sider. He led off by suggesting the town the resolution approved by the trustees: leave open the possibility of a roundabout “The goal of the plan is to provide apat Dolores Way, which leads to Carbondale propriate access to the highway while Community School and Satank before maintaining the safety and efficiency of deadending at the Roaring Fork River the facility.” pedestrian bridge. Currently, motorists can Since last January, team project members turn left or right onto Highway 133 from met with most or all of the property owners Dolores, but traffic sometimes backups along Highway 133 to explain the ACP’s
“It’s going to be real important” to keep small businesses in mind.
goals and the process. In June, approximately 50 members of the public attended an open house that explained the draft ACP. In other action from Tuesday night’s meeting: • The trustees unanimously approved a $5.3 million general fund budget for 2013. A budget memo from town manager Jay Harrington says “The local Carbondale economy continues to experience a slow recovery to the effects of the national downturn of late 2008 and into 2010.” Harrington said general fund revenue is projected to be down 4 percent compared to 2012, but the 2013 budget anticipates mineral leasing and mineral severance tax funds of $280,000 (down from $456,000 in 2012). He said the 2013 budget plans for $1.5 million in reserve spending for various capital and fleet improvements. “The General fund has ample reserves that will total approximately $4.1 M (million) for year-end 2013. The Town has targeted a portion of this $4.1 (sic) for future land acquisitions and possible capital construction projects,” Harrington’s budget memo continues. • The trustees approved a 1,500 square non-commercial green house for the 82acre parcel overlooking River Valley Ranch. A memo from town staff said the parcel is not within the town limits but the trustees have the authority to approve or deny the use per River Valley Ranch covenants. One single-family dwelling currently sits on the property.
GarCo commissioners OK solid waste application By Lynn Burton Sopris Sun Staff Writer The main solid waste transfer opponents were unavailable for comment on Wednesday but the day before, Garfield County Commissioner Mike Samson asked for “faith” that the county would enforce conditions placed on the facility on Tuesday. He also urged the public to complain to the county if problems arise at the facility. Samson’s comments came after an eight-hour public hearing on whether to approve a land-use change permit to allow IRMW II LLC and Mountain Rolloffs Inc. (MRI) to operate a solid waste transfer station and recycling station in an industrial zone-district at the former Mid-Continent load out facility about two miles east of Carbondale on County Road 100. All three Garfield County Commissioners – John Martin, Tom Jankovsky and Samson – voted for the application. Opponents and a handful of supporters once again packed the Garfield County commissioner meeting room. Before the vote, commissioner Jankovsky said “I got back to the zoning for this site, which is industrial. … I see this as an industrial use.” Jankovsky said the site is shown on the county’s comprehensive plan as an industrial area and an area for rural employment. “I truly believe if these guys do as they say they will do, we’re not going to see a big change,” he said. Opponents objections included truck traffic, odors, a decline in property values, impacts on recreation and tourism, and fears that water runoff following any fire would pollute area wells. Opponents speculated that MRI’s real motive in creating a solid waste transfer station is to sell out to Waste Transfer, which will then use the facility to ship trash to its landfill in Montrose. If that happens, landfills in Pitkin County and Glenwood Springs would lose money. MRI officials have said MRI page 5
Arturo Ortiz helps move cattle during a recent snow storm from one pasture to another just east of Carbondale. Photo by Jane Bachrach THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012 • 3
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Who needs Norman Rockwell when we’ve got Mark Burrows? Variations of this scene were repeated more than 100 times at the Third Street Center on Feb. 7, as kids lined up to let Santa know what they want for Christmas, and for Burrows to photographically record the event. Poached photo by Lynn Burton
Be Responsible!
Cop Shop The following events are drawn from incident reports of the C’dale Police Dept.
Correction A report in the Nov. 22 Sopris Sun Cop Shop section inaccurately described an incident involving a juvenile that Carbondale Middle School reported to police on Nov. 16. According to Carbondale Police Chief Gene Schilling, a staff member at Carbondale Middle School called police and said a student reported she had been sexually assaulted outside the town limits. Carbondale police investigated and determined the alleged assault occurred in Basalt, and turned the investigation over to that police department. Schilling said he is not at liberty to further discuss the incident. The Sopris Sun regrets any confusion or problems the Nov. 22 Cop Shop report might have caused. SUNDAY Dec. 9 At 1:55 a.m. an officer responded to a noise complaint for the second time that night at Seventh Street and Lincoln Avenue and warned the resident he would receive a citation if police received a third complaint.
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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Position Description: Online Marketing and Sales Manager CommunityFootSteps.com Part-time Opportunity (could grow to Full Time)
FootSteps Marketing, (www.footstepsmarketing.com) a Carbondale, CO based, Internet Marketing Company is looking for a part-time professional to help grow and manage an new online marketplace, Community Footsteps (www.communityfootsteps.com). The position requires good sales and marketing skills, organizational skills, high level of working knowledge of Internet marketing and online advertising, promotion. The right person will be comfortable dealing in a technical environment and would have good digital and computer skills. The position is commission based but will also include a small base hourly pay and growth incentives. Position could increase in commitment to full-time for the right person. Position ideal for someone who wants to be part of the growing Internet Marketing Industry that is looking to supplement their income, Position could also be of value to gain insight, training and experience for eventual career in interactive marketing. Send resumes and inquiries to: services@footstepsmarketing.com About CommunityFootSteps.com: Community Footsteps.com is a locally owned and operated business in the Roaring Fork Valley. FootSteps Marketing provides Internet Marketing Services for Independent Businesses and Retailer.
FootSteps Marketing, LLC Carbondale, CO 81623 phone: 970-510-5233
4 • THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012
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CLEER/CORE rebates and assistance available
continued om page 3
they do not plan to sell out to Waste Transfer. As part of the approval, the applicants will help Garfield County pay for upgrades to the Catherine Store bridge so that heavy trucks and get in and out from Highway 82. Truck traffic will also be prohibited from accessing the site from the west and must come in from Highway 82.
Bob Olenick lives near the soon-to-be solid waste transfer station and was one of dozens of area residents who opposed the proposal. Jane Bachrach photo
Other conditions of approval mandate that MRI: Limit hours of operation to 6 a.m.to 7 p.m.; Construct a left-hand turning lane into the facility from County Road 100, as well as an acceleration lane coming back onto the road; Obtain access permits from the County Road and Bridge Department as well as the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority to cross the Rio Grande Trail. (The trail runs parallel to the county road). Restrict access to the site to the waste transfer operation and sub-contractors, and not allow regular public access. Company officials said it will be several months before the facility is up and running. Carbondale Mayor Stacey Bernot, and town trustees Pam Zentmyer and John Foulkrod, attended Tuesday’s meeting. Speaking for herself and not as a trustee, Zentmyer said the facilities’ impact on business was her main concern. As part of his power point presentation, opponent Mitch Knutson told the commissioners the county could have “significant” legal exposure to a class action lawsuit by affected property owners.“We don’t mean it as a threat … but it could be the only course of action.” The waste transfer station plan calls for MRI to haul trash and recyclable material from the Roaring Fork Valley to the site, then sort it and bundle it for transport to local landfills, or to recycling centers in semi-trailer trucks.
Sopris Sun Staff Report The town of Carbondale, Garfield Clean Energy, CLEER, and CORE have been offering new rebates and one-on-one assistance for energy efficiency upgrades for homes and businesses in Carbondale,” according to a press relase. “The response has been considerable,” said CLEER spokesperson. “In the past six weeks, 46 home owners and 14 business owners signed up for energy upgrades. All together, CLEER and partners have engaged over180 people in Carbondale through outreach efforts that have included an efficiency open house, door-to-door canvassing, community presentations, and old-fashioned telephone calls and emails.” Miser’s Mercantile owner Sam Hunter is a business owner who has taken advantage of CLEER programs. “If you want a way to act on the climate challenge while also boosting our economy, now is a great time to take action. With so many people in town getting energy upgrades, we are setting an example for communities across the country.” Businesses that have completed upgrade projects as part of the Garfield Clean Energy Challenge or are in the process of upgrading their facilities include 311 Main Street, Aspen Valley Land Trust and others at 320 Main Condo Association, Carbondale Center, Carbondale Food Coop, Crystal Glass Studio, Dos Gringos, Peppino’s Pizza, Red Rock Diner,
Sopris Liquor & Wine, The Pour House, Thunder River Theatre Company, Village Road HOA, Carbondale Beer Works, K&K Properties (Main Street Framer, Dr. Hilary Back, Dr. Scott Tesoro, Rainy Day Design and Main Street Liquor) Mi Casita, Mt. Sopris Montessori School, KDNK, The Orchard, and, of course, Miser’s Mercantile. According to Erica Sparhawk, program director at CLEER, taking the time to navigate the upgrade process can be challenging. “But, we have energy coaches here to help,” she said. “We also have a new low interest energy efficiency loan program, to help homeowners manage the cash flow when they want to upgrade their homes. I recommend people do the upgrades now, while the rebates are available.” The Garfield Clean Energy Revolving Loan program allows homeowners to take out loans to make energy improvements that can greatly save their energy bills while making their homes and buildings comfortable. The loan program is a product of Garfield Clean Energy participating in the Better Buildings Neighborhood DOE grant, and this specific loan program has been the product of a collaboration between Garfield Clean Energy, CLEER, Energy Smart Colorado and Funding Partners LLC, to provide loans for homeowners who want to or need to make an upgrade but don’t have the cash and want lower rates than they’ll get using their credit cards.
BY G.F. HANDEL The Aspen and Glenwood Springs Community Choruses Aspen Choral Society Orchestra Directed by Ray Vincent Adams
GLENWOOD SPRINGS First United Methodist Church • 7:30 pm Tuesday, December 11 • Wednesday, December 12 ASPEN St. Mary Catholic Church • 7:30 pm Friday, December 14 • Saturday, December 15 $15 AT THE DOOR • CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE ADVANCE TICKETS AT ASPENSHOWTIX.COM OR THE WHEELER BOX OFFICE
THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012 • 5
Send your scuttlebutt to news@SoprisSun.com.
Almanac recognizes cash mobs Cash mobs weren’t invented here but folks in Carbondale were some of the early mobbers, after learning of the grassroots effort to support local businesses more than a year ago. Well, in the 2013 Farmer’s Almanac in the “Money Matters” section, the venerable publication lists cash mobs as a growing trend. The Almanac defines a cash mob as “a group of people who arrive at a designated small business at the same time to spend cash to increase sales.” As for other Almanac highlights, 10 great headlines (submitted by S.P., of Manchester, New Hampshire) include: “Hospitals Sued by 7 Foot Doctors,” “Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers,” “Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over” and “New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group.”
Carbondale makes the TV news On Monday, Denver’s Channel 4 news aired a short item about folks stealing shopping baskets at City Market. You might remember that a few weeks ago in Scuttlebutt, the Sun broke the news about the vanishing black baskets. It seems that some folks just forget to return the baskets after taking them to their car, while others drive off with them as retaliation for having to pay 20 cents for a paper bag – thanks to an ordinance that passed by a 27vote margin earlier in the year. At one point, hundreds of baskets went missing and City Market was down to just a few baskets, but folks are reporting the stack of baskets just inside the front door is staying steady at about four-feet high. SCUTTLEBUTT page 7
Community-oven-based tourism? It might be a bit of a stretch, but these four Colombians visited Carbondale to check out the oven while staying in Breckenridge this week. They learned about the oven on the Internet and were treated to a baking lesson, plus a town tour with Tom Passavant and Katie Leonaitis. As snow fell and they waited 45 minutes for the bread to bake, everyone scurried inside the Third Street Center to snack and chat. Colorado Mountain College student Adam Jameson just happened to be playing classical music on the Calaway Room grand piano so he joined in for a bread tasting when the hot loaves were taken from the oven. The Colombian visitors are (left to right): Marion, Elise, Ceteline and Else. Photo by Lynn Burton
music & dancing with
6 • THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012
continued from page 6
A Santa spotting?
moving up
Some folks did double take at what appeared to be Santa waiting for a bus at the RFTA stop across from Subway at about 7:15 a.m. on Wednesday morning. A second look revealed it wasn’t Santa at all, just a cold-looking woman dressed from head to toe in red with a white scarf across her face. The temperature was 5 degrees.
Kelly and Ethan Sundstrom would like to announce that they are so proud of their daughter, Autumn Sundstrom, who was recently accepted at the sophomore level into Southern New Hampshire University. She will be working toward a dual degree (a BS in artificial intelligence/robotics, and a BS in game design and development).
Wolverines go 2-1
They say it’s your birthday
The Carbondale Middle School eighth grade boys went 2-1 in the PEG league basketball tournament in Aspen on Dec. 8. After losing to Grand Valley 31-29, the team finished the tournament by defeating Glenwood 34-14 and Aspen 29-16. Aldo Pinela and Jassiel Petatan scored 17 and 11 points respectively in the Glenwood game. In the Aspen game, Petetan had 14 points, followed by Pinela, Hayden Bernot, Kade Kennedy, Lorenzo Andrade, Taylor Carney and Axel Palmorea. Congratulations on a great tournament!
Locals celebrating their birthday this week include: Amy Broadhurst and Jon Araujo (Dec. 13), Steve Keohane (Dec. 14), Ciarra Bristol and Lynn “Jake” Burton (Dec. 15), Daisy Tena and Kathy Ezra (Dec. 18), Frances Lewis and Shirley Bowen (Dec. 19), and a belated birthday shout out to Joy Rosenberg (Nov. 30).
Thanks for spreading the light Chris Chacos and the Carbondale Business Coalition wish to thank the following Carbondale trustees and a town employee for helping to put up or purchase lights for the park at Eighth and Main streets: John Hoffmann, Frosty Merriott, John Foulkrod, Allyn Harvey, Pam Zentmyer and Jay Harrington. “Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated!” Chacos said.
Clint Gilfry recorded his first game as Roaring Fork High School’s basketball scorekeeper while a student during the 1975-76 season and continued for 37 years. Gilfry closed his book for the last time after the recent Brenda Patch tournament and boy’s head coach Larry Williams says: “He was known and respected throughout the Western Slope … . I don’t know if any school will ever have someone as dedicated as Clint.” Gilfry is employed at Crystal River Ranch but now spends his winters in Arizona. Photo by Larry Black
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www .IndependenceRunAndHike.com ike.com www.IndependenceRunAndHike.com THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012 • 7
Kelley Cox was one of the Whimsical Women of the West who set up shop at the TSC for their annual show on Feb. 7-8. Cox, a photographer, also creates one-of-akind sculptures out of found objects. Photo by Jane Bachrach
The people of Carbondale Community United Methodist Church warmly invite you this Christmas season to:
Longest Night Service December 21st at 7pm. A service of chant, candlelight, and silence on the darkest night of the year.
385 S 2nd St. Carbondale (970) 963-4461
8 • THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012
Christmas Eve Services December 24 6pm - Children’s Christmas Service with candlelight 8pm - Christmas Service with candlelight and choir
TRTC presents a redemptive tale If you walk away from Thunder River Theatre Company’s production of “Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol” and don’t feel the urge to be a kinder person, you’ve not paid attention. The play, written by Tom Mula, is a twist on the Charles Dickens’ classic. In Mula’s story, however, Ebenezer Scrooge’s business partner, Jacob Marley, is at center stage. In order to free himself of his chains and save his own soul, Marley is tasked with what he calls the impossible — to make old Scrooge have a “complete and willing change of heart.” The TRTC production is directed by Mike Monroney and shines with fervent acting overlapped with engaging storytelling by the four actors (each playing multiple roles) who carry the stage with Above (left to right): Kent Reed and Richard gusto. Kent Hudson Reed is Jacob Marley Lyon; below (left to right): Chris Wheatley and the past and present Christmas ghosts; and Lee Sullivan. Courtesy photo Lee Sullivan’s lead role is Bogle; Richard Lyon is Scrooge; and Chris Whatley is the to redeem Scrooge is creative, with a touch of slapstick. It’s all executed with no props. Record Keeper, Fezziwig and others. The set, designed by Lon Winston, is simThe story-telling nature of the play places great emphasis on the actors to enliven not ple but does not lack animation or life. The only the set but their roles as well. The cast characters ingeniously “float” above the members bring the entire theater to life with earth on a prop that is intentionally wheeled moments that are funny, sad and even scary. around by the other actors. When the zany The performances show that the four ac- Bogle takes Marley for a “ride” to his past, tors must purely enjoy working on stage to- they do“barrel rolls”and“power dives.”The gether. When Marley first sees all of the other scene is clever and humorous, if not a little ghosts floating about in purgatory, he de- nausea-inducing. It also shows how the acscribes it as a“hellish aquarium.”The planned tors handle the physicality of the production cacophony of the actors’ voices rise in unison with great finesse. The stage and lighting by Brad Moore to create an intense, nearly maddening, representation of what it would feel like to be a also allow for the story-telling to shine. The ghost trapped for eternity,“wearing the chains starry night, the shadow of the “dark figure” and old Scrooge’s face lit from below add to forged in life.” Reed makes us feel — and fear — the — not detract from — the story. As Marley and Bogel venture through weight of Marley’s chains (a strand of impressive, rusty ship links) as he hauls it, heaves past, future and present in this story of reit high, or rhythmically bangs it against the demption, the lead characters come to unfloor. When we join Marley and Bogle for a derstand how they should have been and can look back into Marley’s“Dickensonian child- be more compassionate. As viewers, we may hood,” Reed’s deep, thick voice breaks not be able to whirl around on a theater prop enough to make us feel great sadness for the to see our past and future selves, but as one boy. Yet we can also laugh as Reed portrays audience member stated after the play, a playful side of Marley, wagging his tongue “There’s a lesson in there for all of us: We and jumping with arms outstretched as he just need to be kind to one another.” “Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol” contries to spook Scrooge. Lee Sullivan is seriously funny as Bogle, de- tinues Dec. 13-16. Curtain is at 7:30 p.m., livering lines in a sing-song voice, flaunting vul- except the Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. For gar dance moves and taunting Marley. The tickets, visit www.thunderrivertheatre.com scene where Bogle carries out Marley’s contract or call 963-8200.
By Trina Ortega Sopris Sun Contributor
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THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012 • 9
Community Calendar THURS.-SAT. Dec. 13-15 THEATRE • Thunder River Theatre Company in downtown Carbondale presents “Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol” at 7:30 p.m. The play has been described as a journey of laughter and terror, redemption and renewal. The Chicago Tribune wrote, “ … an inspired and moving story that makes all that old stuff about ghosts and graves seem both immediate and revelatory.” Tickets and info: thunderrivertheatre.com.
THURS.-FRI. Dec. 13-14 POTTERY SALE • The Pottery Club of Aspen holds its annual ceramics sale at the CMC campus (0255 Sage Way) from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Info: 925-7740.
THURSDAY Dec. 13 bOOK SIGNING • Dr. Dave and Dee Jensen hold a book signing for their new book “The Thrival Theory: Secrets to WIN during Global Chaos” at the Third Street Center from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The book tells how to prepare for global transformation, how to build a true community, how to survive and thrive amidst economic meltdown and how to be the person you are regardless of circumstances. LIVE mUSIC • The remodeled Black Nugget presents Big Daddy Lee at 7 p.m. There’s no cover. ROTARY • Mt. Sopris Rotary meets at Mi Casita every Thursday at noon.
FRI.-SAT. Dec. 14-15 “mESSIAH” • The Aspen and Glenwood
To list your event, email information to news@soprissun.com. Deadline is 5 p.m. Saturday. Events take place in Carbondale unless noted. For up-to-the-minute valley-wide event listings, check out the Community Calendar online at soprissun.com. View and submit events online at soprissun.com/calendar.
Springs community choruses, and Aspen Choral Society Orchestra, perform Handel’s “Messiah” at St. Mary Catholic Church in Aspen at 7:30 p.m. Ray Vincent Adams directs. Tickets are $15 at the door; kids under 12 are free. Info: aspenshowtix.com.
FRI.-SUN. Dec. 14-16 THEATRE • SOL Theatre Company and CCAH present “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and “The Little Star” at Carbondale Middle School at 7 p.m. on Dec. 14-15 and 2 p.m. on Dec. 16. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for 12 and under. Info: soltheatrecompany.com.
FRIDAY Dec. 14 mOVIES • The Crystal Theatre presents “Flight” (R) at 7:30 p.m. through Dec. 20; “The Sessions “ (R) at 5:15 p.m. on Dec. 15; and “Searching for Sugar Man” (PG-13) at 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 16. CHRISTmAS CELEbRATION • The Mt. Sopris Historical Society hosts an old-fashion Christmas celebration from 6 to 8 p.m. on Weant St. The evening includes a tree lighting, hot apple cider and cookies, caroling, log cabin tours and horse-drawn carriage rides from The Pour House every 30 minutes starting at 6 p.m. Info: 963-7041 HANDbELL CHOIR • Daystar Handbell Choir, from Salt Lake City, performs at the Orchard (110 Snowmas Drive) at 7:30 p.m. The group boasts 20-25 bells and instru-
ments, and is not to be missed. The program is free to the public, however donations to the group are gratefully accepted. Info: 963-8773 ext. 105. PHOTO SHOW • An opening reception for Gayle Waterman’s abstract photography takes place at the Colorado Mountain College gallery (802 Grand Ave., Glenwood Springs) from 6 to 8 p.m. The show continues through Jan. 25. LIVE mUSIC • The newly remodeled Black Nugget in the Dinkel Building presents The Natural Disasters at 9 p.m. There’s no cover. LIVE mUSIC • Steve’s Guitars in the old part of the Dinkel Building presents live music every Friday night. LIVE mUSIC • Rivers restaurant in Glenwood Springs presents Josh Rogan from 9 p.m. to midnight. There’s no cover.
SATURDAY Dec. 15 FILm FESTIVAL • Colorado Rocky Mountain School presents the Winter Wildlands Alliance Backcountry film festival at the barn. The 90-minute program starts at 7 p.m. and includes “Skiing the Void,” “Further,” “Alaska Wilderness Classic,” “A Story of Trust,” “Denali Experiment,” “Freedom Chair” and “Unicorn Sashimi.” Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students. Proceeds go to the Rios to Rivers Chilean
kayaking exchange program. There will also be a raffle with fantastic prizes. bIRTHDAY & bENEFIT • There’ll be a birthday party for a local rocker who is turning 50, and fund-raiser for the Thompson Divide Coalition, from 5-9 p.m. at the Third Street Center Round Room. The musical lineup includes Electric Lemon, Tjaar and Acoustic Mayhem. There’ll also be food and general fun. The suggested donation is $10. Info: 963-1348. CRYSTAL mEADOWS bAZAAR • Crystal Meadows senior housing holds its annual Christmas bazaar at the Rominger Room from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Stop by and enjoy all the crafts. LIVE mUSIC • The newly remodeled Black Nugget presents “pianodrummer” Christof Brownell (funky reggae, jazzy blues, classic jams) from 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Info: pianodrummer.com. LIVE mUSIC • PAC3 presents blues/rocker Coco Montoya. Montoya toured with blues icon John Mayall for 10 years. Since stepping out as a band leader in 1993, Montoya has released four recordings and performed all over the world. Info: pac3carbondale.com. KOROLOGOS SHOW CONTINUES • Ann Korologos Gallery in Basalt continues its “Winter Welcome!” show, featuring Carbondale artist Andy Taylor and more than two dozen western regional artists. There will be an artsits’ reception from 4-7 p.m. Info: 927-9668. CALENDAR page 11
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10 • THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012
Community Calendar SUNDAY Dec. 16
OPEN mIC • Jammin’ Jim hosts a open mic at the Black Nugget at 5 p.m. There’s no cover.
MONDAY Dec. 17
SEASONAL SONGS • The Gordon Cooper Library presents “Seasonal Songs with Sueâ€? at 4 p.m. The interactive program is designed for elementary school-aged kids and adults.
WEDNESDAY Dec. 19 ROTARY • Amy Kimberly of CCAH/First
Hold the presses
continued from page 10
Fridays addresses the Rotary Club of Carbondale at the Carbondale Firehouse at 7 a.m. Upcoming speakers include: Jack Lanning of Symphony of the Valley on Jan. 9 and Dick Durrance (“Dream Like a Championâ€?) on Jan. 16. VIbRATIONAL EVENT • Davi Nikent presents the tele-streamed “Vibrational Transformation to Loveâ€? with Ram Dass, Alan Cohen and Panache Desai at the Third Street Center at 7 p.m. A $10 donation is asked. Info: 618-5879.
AAm HOSTS FISHER RECEPTION • Beginning with a public reception with the artist at 6 p.m. on Dec. 13, Aspen Art Museum presents the ďŹ rst American museum exhibition to focus on the painting practice of Los Angeles-based artist and ďŹ lmmaker Morgan Fisher. The centerpiece of “Morgan Fisher: Conversationsâ€? is a new painting installation based on temporary structures Fisher has created to reect aspects of the architectural plans for the AAM’s Shigeru Ban-designed future home, scheduled to open in 2014. LITERACY OUTREACH SEEKS VOLUNTEERS • Literacy Outreach holds an informational session for prospective volunteers at the Gordon Cooper library from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. on Dec. 13. The organization teaches basic literacy skills to adults, including reading, writing and math to native English speakers, and oral English skills to non-native speakers. For details, call 945-5282 or visit literacyoutreach@rof.net. LIFT-UP AT CRYSTAL • On Dec. 13, the Crystal Theatre will collect food for Lift-Up. Bring in a non-perishable donation and receive $1 off any single concession item. WATCH OUT FOR SmOKE • Smoke may be visible in the Roaring Fork Valley as BLM ďŹ re crews begin burning slash piles in the Emma and Carbondale area near the intersections of County Roads 103 and 112, according to a press release. “We need to have enough snow on the ground for safe pile burning operations combined with weather conditions favorable for lifting smoke out of the area,â€? said Rusty Stark, fuels specialist with the Bureau of Land Management’s Colorado River Valley Field OfďŹ ce. KENNEY HOSTS OPEN HOUSE CONTINUES • Potter Diane Kenney hosts an open house and studio sale from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays through Dec. 22. All are welcome. For details, call 963-2395 or go to dianekenney.net.
Ongoing PHOTO SHOW • Ron Martin shows his local photographs, and Margie Martin shows her handmade craft items, at Martin’s Central Vac and Electrolux store on Highway 133 through December. CCAH • The Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities in the Third Street Center continues its “Hand to Heartâ€? show that features the works of: Lea Tyler, Colby June, Anne Goldberg, Rochelle Norwood, Sarah Villafranco, Cami Britt, David Powers, Jill Sabella, Natasha Seedorf, Sheila Babbie, Riley Marshall, Jane Ogden, Sondie Reiff, Michelle Zinanti, Brad Reed Nelson, Asha Ironwood and Amber Sparkles. Info: 963-1680. mAYOR’S COFFEE HOUR • Chat with Carbondale Mayor Stacey Bernot on Tuesdays from 7 to 8 a.m. at the Village Smithy on Third Street. bEER RUN • Independence Run & Hike stages a four-mile beer run Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. and a group run Saturdays at 8:15 a.m. Info: 704-0909. CCC • The Carbondale Clay Center continues its Holiday Festive Tableware and Small Works Invitational exhibition and sale through Dec. 23. More than 30 local and national artists are offering functional pottery and ceramic sculptures. The hours are Tuesdays through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Info: 963-CLAY ZINGERS CONTINUE • Betsy Schenck leads the Senior Matters Zingers sing-along group in Room 33 of the Third Street Center. Under her direction the tunes take on a whole new meaning and resonance when sung by seniors. Info: 963-2167. ART • Through December, Glenwood Springs Art Guild exhibits include Tara Vetter at the Flower Mart in Glenwood Springs, and Nancy Martin at Bullock Hinkey real estate in Glenwood Springs. STORY TImE • The Gordon Cooper Library presents Storytime with Sue at 6 p.m. every Monday. Info: 963-2889. JAm SESSION • Carbondale Beer Works on Main Street hosts an old-time jam session with Dana Wilson from 7 to 9 p.m. every Monday. All abilities are welcome. JAZZ JAm • A jazz jam with players ranging from middle school students to adults is held at the Ramada Inn in Glenwood Springs on Monday nights. TAI CHI • Senior Matters in the Third Street Center offers tai chi with instructor John Norton at 9 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. The cost is $40 per month or $7 per drop in. Info: 274-1010. SUPPORT GROUP • Hospice of the Valley presents a grief and loss support group in Basalt the second and fourth Wednesday of the month.
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The jog before the storm. That’s what was happening up White Hill on Dec. 7 as Jack Bethel got out for a run. Bethel was visiting his family in Carbondale between semesters at Cornell College in Iowa. He’s a philosophy/ political science student but just finished a class that had him working in the Atlantic Ocean, studying the effects of ocean acidification on pteropods (small life forms). Julie Albrecht photo
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12 • THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012
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Storm Angels: e making of a children’s book By Barbara Dills Sopris Sun Correspondent
Local resident Barbara Reese grew up in a farming community in rural Maryland, where loud, scary thunderstorms were a regular feature, especially in the summer. As a child, she made up stories about them as a way of dealing with her fears. Having lived many different places as an adult, she had mostly forgotten about her stories until she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1994. Suddenly, memories of those summer storms dominated her waking dreams each day. She thought back to childhood and how she had learned to calm herself when the thunderclouds loomed or the booms crashed overhead. She realized she could enlist the same skill to deal with the monumental challenges she now faced to heal from cancer. This realization also gave birth to the idea for her first picture book for children, Storm Angels. Beautifully illustrated by Robert Gant Steele’s evocative watercolors, Storm Angels depicts how a young boy named Andrew and his mother imagine together that the forces behind a thunderstorm in their midst are not angry but kind, even playful. As they see black clouds approaching on the horizon, we read: “‘Wow, Mom,” said Andrew. “Don’t those clouds look like great big bowling balls?’ “His mother laughed.‘I’ve always wondered what those angels did for recreation. Do you think they’re going to roll a strike?’” And so this storm goes. Andrew decides that the sounds of thunder, wind and rain are only “an angel orchestra.” As raindrops pelt against the window in the living room, the mother suggests he listen for the sound of “angels tapdancing.” Through these delightful exchanges, the things the author recalled thinking as a little girl become what the mother says to the boy.
Barbara Reese grew up with thunderstorms in rural Maryland and has turned those experiences into a book for children ages 3-8. Photo by Lynn Burton
“I think a good children’s book is a marriage between the illustrations and the text, but one that leaves a question, and opening for the child to fill in with his or her imagination,” says Reese, a former Montessori teacher and trainer and a mother of three herself. Reese now lives in Old Snowmass in a 100 percent solar-powered straw bale house, where she has witnessed
12/22/12 12/21/12 • Live Streaming of Birth 2012 Global Celebration Events • 2:45PM - Global Singing - “Ise Oluwa” • Labyrinth Walk • 6PM - Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist Solstice Community Celebration with Fun Kids’ Activities Third Street Center, Carbondale
• 7AM - Sunrise Fire Ceremony • Global TRE • Sacred Dance • Qi Gong • Tai Chi Body Prayer • Heart Coherence Meditation • Selected Live Streaming of Birth 2012 Global Celebration Events • Birthing Monologues •Wheel of Co-Creation • 1000 Commonalities Project 4:30PM - Blessing Ceremony Third Street Center, Carbondale
8AM - Yantra Sound Yoga with Live Music, 6PM - Evening Birth 2012 Party with Gong Meditation, Drumming, Perpetual Fire Singing & Dancing , Live World Music, and Snacks at the Douglass hogan both days Carbondale Community School
the angels at play in many magnificent summer and winter storms. She enjoys bringing Storm Angels into local classrooms to help young children find their voices through writing, as she has. She is also active in a local poetry group that meets weekly in Carbondale. Storm Angels (ages 3-8) is available at Book Train in Glenwood Springs and Toklat in Basalt.
Birthing a New Era and a Universal Humanity 2 Days of Ceremony and Celebration For Event Times and Details: See EVENTS at www.davinikent.org Email - info@davinikent.org Call - (970) 618-5879 Please “Like” Conscious Evolution RFV Community on Facebook. Go there for full schedule of events. THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012 • 13
Basketball season in swing Sopris Sun Staff Report Roaring Fork High School boy’s and girl’s basketball season kicked off with the Brenda Patch Invitational tournament last weekend; regular season play continues to
Feb. 22. Larry Williams is the boy’s head coach. Kirk Cheney is the girl’s head coach. The schedules are as follows. Junior varsity and C team games precede varsity games, so times are not exact:
Dec. 14 – Roaring Fork vs. Coal Ridge (away), 7 p.m. Dec. 15 – Roaring Fork vs. Moffat County 4 p.m. Dec. 18 – Roaring Fork vs. Glenwood (away), 7:30 p.m. Dec. 21 – Roaring Fork vs. Grand Valley (away), 7 p.m. Dec. 22 – Roaring Fork vs. Olathe (away), 4 p.m. Jan. 11 – Roaring Fork vs. Gunnison, 7 p.m. Jan. 18 – Roaring Fork vs. Aspen (away), 7 p.m. Jan. 19 – Roaring Fork vs. Basalt, 4 p.m. Jan. 22 – Roaring Fork vs. Coal Ridge, 7 p.m. Jan. 25 – Roaring Fork vs. Cedaredge (away), 7 p.m. Feb. 1 – Roaring Fork vs. Grand Valley, 7 p.m. Feb. 2 – Roaring Fork vs. Olathe, 4 p.m. Feb. 5 – Roaring Fork vs. Aspen, 7 p.m. Feb. 8 – Roaring Fork vs. Gunnison (away), 7 p.m. Feb. 15 – Roaring Fork vs. Basalt (away), 7 p.m. Feb. 16 – Roaring Fork vs. Moffat County (away), 4 p.m. Feb. 22 – Roaring Fork vs. Cedaredge 7 p.m.
Dec. 14 – Roaring Fork vs. Coal Ridge (away), 5:30 p.m. Dec. 15 – Roaring Fork vs. Moffat County, 2:30 p.m. Dec. 18 – Roaring Fork vs. Glenwood (away), 6 p.m. Dec. 21 – Roaring Fork vs. Grand Valley (away), 5:30 p.m. Dec. 22 – Roaring Fork vs. Olathe (away), 2:30 p.m. Jan. 11 – Roaring Fork vs. Gunnison, 5:30 p.m. Jan. 18 – Roaring Fork vs. Aspen (away), 5:30 p.m. Jan. 19 – Roaring Fork vs. Basalt, 2:30 p.m. Jan. 22 – Roaring Fork vs. Coal Ridge, 5:30 p.m. Jan. 25 – Roaring Fork vs. Cedaredge (away), 5:30 p.m. Feb. 1 – Roaring Fork vs. Grand Valley, 5:30 p.m. Feb. 2 – Roaring Fork vs. Olathe, 2:30 p.m. Feb. 5 – Roaring Fork vs. Aspen, 5:30 p.m. Feb. 8 – Roaring Fork vs. Gunnison (away), 5:30 p.m. Feb. 15 – Roaring Fork vs. Basalt (away), 5:30 p.m. Feb. 16 – Roaring Fork vs. Moffat County (away), 2:30 p.m. Feb. 22 – Roaring Fork vs. Cedaredge 5:30 p.m.
Sopris Sun Holiday Deadlines FOR DEC. 27 NEW YEAR’S ISSUE Ad reservations due by noon Fri., Dec. 21.
FOR JAN. 3 ISSUE Ad reservations due by noon Fri., Dec. 28. Contact bob Albright • 970-927-2175 bob@soprissun.com or Linda Fleming • 970-379-5223 linda@soprissun.com
14 • THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012
Roaring Fork’s Israel Leyva goes up for a shot in the recent Brenda Patch Invitational in Carbondale. The boys and girls start regular season play on Dec. 14 and continue to Feb. 22. Photo by Sue Rollyson
Building your immune systems is like building a moat The human body is a castle, home to our mind, body and spirit. Like a castle, it contains precious cargo that needs to be protected. The immune system is the moat around the castle, protecting it from pathogens seeking to infiltrate and occupy the body. To secure a castle and fortify its defenses, one digs the moat wider and deeper. This is done during times of peace, when there is not a current threat from invaders. The same goes for the human immune system. For your One strengthens the immune system during times of peace, when the body is by David Teitler healthy and strong. A common misconception about the immune system is one should try to strengthen it and take supplements for it while sick. This would be like digging the moat wider and deeper when the barbarians have entered the castle. When sick, one must fight back gallantly with bows and arrow, sticks and stones, herbs, antibiotics, homeopathic remedies or your medicine of choice, those with anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. In this fashion one can reclaim the castle. Once reclaimed, and when peace has returned to the land, we go back to digging the moat wider and deeper. Much like digging a moat, building up the immune system is slow, hard work that takes time and patience. How does one dig the immune moat wider and deeper? I wish there was that one thing I could tell you to accomplish this, but the answer is not so simple.
Three legs
The real work is done by eating right, exercising regularly and practicing stress management. These are like the three legs of a stool, each of which is necessary to keep the stool from toppling over. What is the best diet? It can be difficult to choose, especially since each month it seems some expert is touting this or that as the latest, greatest dietary system. I do not think any of these choices are necessarily right or wrong. I would like to suggest, however, that optimal nourishment comes from whole foods (not the new store). Whole foods are food that looks like it looked when it was alive: broccoli, rice, a piece of fish, an olive, and a peach. These foods are filled with the vitamins and minerals, oils and fiber the body craves. Regular exercise strengthens the body. The emphasis is on regular, not epic. Biking along the bike path or a casual ski at Spring Gulch can be just as beneficial to the immune system as a strenuous mountain bike ride or an epic feat of endurance. Stress management is important because stress breaks down what a good diet and steady exercise build up. Again, there are many paths to stress management, but perhaps the most difficult obstacle for many is dedicating the time and effort to make this happen. Yoga and meditation are perhaps two of the best known modalities, but for many, a quiet walk in the woods or a game of Monopoly with one’s child serves equally as well.
Boosting the immune system with the use of supplements is most effective on the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Once the foundation is solid, adding your favorite supplement to augment and fine tune the immune system can be beneficial. My personal favorite is medicinal mushrooms, including Reishi, Cordyceps, Maitake, Shitake and others. Medicinal mushrooms have numerous immune modulating properties. The most thoroughly researched of these is polysaccharides — long chain sugar molecules that give the mushrooms their sweet taste. Polysaccharides stimulate production of t-cells and NK (killer cells), the very basis of our immune system. In Chinese herbal medicine, the use of medicinal mushrooms falls under the category of Fu Zheng, which translates directly as “support the righteous,” but translates loosely as “support that which enhances vitality.” Taken over time, medicinal mushrooms slowly but steadily augment immune function and help strengthen the body. There is no magic pill to vitalize the immune system. While advertisers may have you believe otherwise, building a strong immune system is a slow and steady journey of the trenches, shovelful by shovelful.
The immune system is the moat around the castle … To secure a castle and fortify its defenses, one digs the moat wider and deeper. This is done during times of peace, when there is not a current threat from invaders.
David Teitler has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in the Roaring Fork Valley for 15 years. He practices at Carbondale Acupuncture Center, and owns Dr. Dave's Herbal Medicine. He can be reached at 704-1310 or dave@drdaves.com.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you for your continued patronage! From the staff at the Red Rock Diner Closing Dec. 24 at 3 pm Closed Christmas Day Open Dec. 26 at 7 am
New Year’s Day Open at 7 am
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THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012 • 15
Celebrating the “holidaze” with spirits and friends Oh, the joy of the “holidaze!” They should have nothing to do with shop to determine not only the valley’s favorite tequila but what the valmaterialism, but let’s be honest with ourselves. There’s a WHOLE lotta ley’s over all tequila palate was. Based on that, these lucky sons o’ guns consumption going on out there! So rather than wax sentimental about got to travel all the way to Mexico to taste barrels of tequila from the gardening stuff, let’s talk LOCAL consumption with a green slant to it. Herradura estate. Finding the one most representative of the Roaring And high, merry spirits are a terrific starting point. At a recent celFork Valley taste, they purchased this barrel for Bonedale. Terry has alebration, a friend poured rounds of their favorite bottled concoction. ready sold out, but you can still score at Mi Casita. Mine is a Christmas Noting the label, I assumed it was the CapRock organic gin my friend present to myself. receives in trade for his legal advice. By my second or third sip though, For $110, you can have your own private stash of Carbondale DouI was puzzled. It didn’t have the sharp bite or floral hints of the better ble Down waiting for you each time you belly up at Mi Casita. Bring in gins we’re used to. It was like crystalline sugar suspended in spicy iced your friends, a lover(s), business clients, whomever. Make yourselves sunshine. Was it a rum, silver maybe? Can you even make rum in Colcomfortable at the bar and enjoy the mood lighting from a most imorado?! No. It couldn’t be. It also reminded me of the French vodka, pressive presentation: each privately owned bottle is displayed on the Ciroc, distilled from “snap frost” grapes, which I’ve always found to top rail. Under-lighting illuminates the amber fluid within, shedding a be too sweet for a vodka. Be gone with you, mystery and ignorance. I warmth over the bar that will be duplicated in the partaking. Steel dog grabbed the bottle and introduced myself to a new friend- CapRock tags, engraved with the name or saying of your choosing, marks that organic vodka. bottle as yours. “Barkeep! We’ll have a round from ‘Winner Takes All.’” By Geneviève Joëlle In our own valley, the Roaring Fork, where we pride ourselves as “Hey, can you hook us up with “Cinquenta mujeres, cien pechugas?” or Villamizar foodies into the locavore thing, it’s pretty cool to know what we’re insimply even “This Here Bottle Is Mine!” gesting and where it comes from. CapRock organic vodka is distilled by Peak Spirits, just For me, Carbondale has become such a special place because I can’t step out my door over the pass in humble little Hotchkiss. And like Ciroc, it’s a vodka distilled from grapes. with out running into people I know, or shopping in my favorite shops without catching The grapes are grown at Jack Rabbit Hill Farm and Gunnison up with the owner. Every restaurant and bar I go to, the owners or River Farms, both within 10 miles of the Peak Spirits distillery. Even employees know me by my name. How cool and personal to settle the water used to produce the vodka is local, unfiltered spring water in with friends at Mi Casita and have our own tequila poured for tapped from Grand Mesa. us and you don’t even have to slide plastic across the counter to do My favorite way to enjoy this delicious burst of alcohol? With so. Talk about the ultimate imbibing experience. What a stocking very close friends at a tiny table with low lighting, knee to knee, stuffer! perhaps playing footsie; poured in frost covered shot glasses and Friends and neighbors, and all of you I have yet to meet that fill with no good intentions. the streets of Carbondale with all the awesomeness that we are: Presentation and occasion are what truly make an imbibing exMerry Christmas and Happy New Year; 2013 will be our best year perience. That being said, I highly encourage you to tap into one of yet – Cheers! Bonedale’s sickest premier spirits opportunities: Carbondale Dou(Note: How is this green or garden-y? ALL spirits come from ble Down, a double barrel Reposado, to be had at this point, solely at my friend Kiko’s plants, be they grapes or agave!) restaurant, Mi Casita, and Sopris Liquor & Wine. Terry Kirk (of Sopris Liquor & Wine) and Kiko, have been telling me about this During the growing season, Genevieve Villamizar writes a monthly gardening column (ad)venture of theirs for months. Terry had a competition-style round of tastings at his for The Sopris Sun.
Getting Grounded
“It was like crystalline sugar suspended in spicy iced sunshine.”
The Sopris Sun welcomes new Carbondale Chamber members Martin’s Electrolux Vacuums & Repair 0534 Highway 133 Carbondale
THANK YOU for your support, your trust, and for recognizing the importance of always taking the high road.
16 • THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012
Heaven’s Gate Gifts 242 Main Street Carbondale
The Black Nugget 403 Main Street Carbondale
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Fire and frost:
Waging war on winter By Randy Udall There was a strange moment on the Weather Channel the other day. The perky announcer was struggling to get her mind around a fire near Rocky Mountain National Park. The forest was still burning in December, she reported. The evacuees were being allowed to return home — just in time for Christmas. Winter used to be the main event in Colorado, but lately it’s as rare as a wolverine. After that weird November we just had here in Carbondale, where cyclists were riding around in shorts, I’m glad that it’s gotten cold enough that the frost has returned. When I moved from Arizona to Crested Butte 40 years ago, the locals called winter “The Hawk.” It arrived at Halloween and
stayed through Easter. In the face of that icy raptor, my rusty Land Cruiser balked like a rented mule. But no matter, since life in that town took place not on wheels but on skis. Snow is necessary for skiing, but it’s essential for life. If the Rockies are a sail, then Mount Sopris is the spinnaker. For the last few years I’ve been running the water system in our small subdivision. Our springs are fed by Prince Creek, which begins high on Mount Sopris. Our situation is simple: no snow in January up there, no water down here in July. Last winter’s snowpack was poor, and so I’ve been watching the mountain closely this fall, wondering when winter might arrive, and about the young people I see around town — those laughing toddlers on the swings, those eager 10-year-olds in their gaudy soccer uniforms, the teenagers filing into the high school. Ah, what a world they’ve inherited; what
a journey they’ve begun! One of my daughters is 25, which means she’s been alive for about 300 months. In all that time, she’s never experienced a single month in which the average temperature on Earth was colder than normal. Not one. Explorers used to ski to the North Pole, but by 2030 or 2040 you’ll be able to paddle there. It’s been at least 700,000 years since the Arctic Ocean was free of summertime ice, which means those toddlers on the swings are going to live to experience something no human ever has — the top of our planet turning from a white lens to a blue iris staring back at the sun. Humans have been wandering around the planet for perhaps 100,000 years. And for all of those millennia, frost has been putting the hammer down on us. It’s no surprise that we got good at dealing with cold. Snowboarding may be brand new, but skiing goes back nearly 5,000 years. Of course, our main strategy for deal-
ing with bitter cold was to get really good at burning stuff — seal oil, whale blubber, wood, animal manure, coal, oil and natural gas. The big bonfire is raging right now. Indeed, half the fossil fuel humans have burned over the past 100,000 years has gone up in flames since my daughter was born in 1986. We are waging war on winter as if it were an enemy not a friend. As if we were all arsonists. It’s time for a new strategy. We need to burn less stuff. If you want to keep winter cool, you need to make your house warm. Fix the man cave. Call CLEER and sign up for their weatherization rebates, which are good for new boilers, furnaces, insulation and so forth. It’s never been easier. The other night, as temperatures dropped to zero in Carbondale, Elliot Norquist showed me the new, super-insulated windows in his house. “Aren’t these cool?” he exclaimed. “Warm wife, happy life.”
Shopping | Dining | Culture | Recreation
VISIT BASALT & EL JEBEL At the confluence of Frying Pan and Roaring Fork Rivers NEW HOURS 7 A M - 9 P M
NOW Registration is under way for the Wyly Community Art Center class “Collage & Mixed Media Techniques” with Ami Maes. The class takes place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Jan. 26-27. For details, call 927-4123.
THURSDAY Dec. 13 FOOTbALL AT CUVEE • Thursday night is Football Night at Cuvee.
YES ALLOWED MATERIALS: Glass, Aluminum & Plastic Containers, Cardboard, Newspapers & Magazines, Office Paper, Phone Books & Household Batteries
SALSA NIGHT • The Riverside Grill in Basalt continues Salsa Night from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. JACK JOHNSON KNITS • Registration continues for Wyly Art Center’s Sip & Stitch knitting class with Jack Johnson Thursdays from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. through Dec. 13. Tuition is $75. Info: 927-4123.
Become an eco bag lady
The materials listed below must be taken to the Pitkin County Landfill or other designated facility.
Now accepting winter items
Household Trash Furniture Yard Waste Hazardous Materials
FRIDAY Dec. 14 IPAD LESSONS • Get in touch with your iPad from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Basalt Regional Library. For details, call outreach coordinator Berenice Herrera at 927-4311 or e-mail berenice@basaltlibrary.org.
SATURDAY Dec. 15 KOROLOGOS OPENING • The Ann Korologos Gallery opens its current show with a reception from 4 to 7 p.m. The show features Western contemporary art and continues through Jan. 4. YOUTH FITNESS TRAINING • Crown Mountain Recreation District offers SAQ (speed, agility, quickness) training at Basalt Middle School through Dec. 15.
MONDAY Dec. 17 bASALT LIbRARY • Book Babies for kids up to 24 months takes place at the Basalt Regional Library Mondays at 10:30 a.m. Pre-school story time for kids 3 and up is Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Toddler Rhyme Time for kids 2-3 years old is Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Espanola Family story time is Sundays at 2 p.m.
Car Batteries Electronics Appliances Construction Waste
NO DUMPING • YOU’RE ON POLICE VIDEO! No Tires Basura • Te Estamos Vienda!
INDOOR SOCCER CAmP • Crown Mountain Recreation District offers a youth indoor soccer camp today. For details, call 963-6030.
TUESDAY Dec. 18 FLY TYING • Frying Pan Anglers offers fly tying classes from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. The cost is $10. For details, call 927-3441.
970-927-4384 144 Midland Avenue Basalt, Colorado 81621
Hours: Mon-Sat 10-5 Sun 11-4 Down the Block from Big O Tires, Basalt 970.927.6488 "Non-Profit Supporting Local Sustainable Food Efforts"
Ranchway Senior
50 lb. Black Sunstriped
We are now offering Large $41 Animal Feed and wild bird seed
Call us today to place your order, discuss your needs or for more information 963-1700
Open seven days a week
Next to City Market in El Jebel, 400 E Valley Rd. Ste I/J 963.1700 | Open M-F 10-6:30pm | Sat/Sun 11-5pm THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012 • 17
Letters continued om page 2 this and this could be overturned. He said it is unconstitutional. Anyhow, Basalt and Glenwood proposed it and it was defeated. Most people take their bags in at both stores, but if you buy more than your bags hold, they will gladly put your items in a plastic bag. Carbondale on the other hand is experiencing a repercussion. We all know that our city council voted the bag ban in place as of July 2012. I don’t shop here in Carbondale because of the bag ban. If I buy things here, it’s because I don’t wish to run to Glenwood or Basalt. As you well know, City Market is not going to absorb the cost of the black baskets. This cost will be added to your grocery bill and the consumer will be the one to pay for this basket. It won’t matter that you didn’t take the basket; it’s simply that Kroger/City Market will not replace them at their cost. I would suggest that perhaps if you don’t agree with the members of the town council who insisted that we have a bag ban and voted for it, that maybe they should be the ones to shoulder the cost of the lost black baskets on their own. Frankly I think that they should have thought more about this when they voted for it. Perhaps if they were sent a bill by City Market Carbondale, they might think twice about what they have done. You know there are drawbacks to every good idea, just sometimes we don't realize that what we have created, can become a monster in the making.
You can agree or disagree with my attitude. I won’t be paying for these lost baskets. I don’t think anyone who shops there should either. Jane Spaulding Carbondale
What a place Dear Editor: Well, I’m turning 50 on Tuesday (or have turned 50, if you’re reading this on Thursday). I’ve lived in quite a few places in my time, and some of them are known for being great places to live: Ann Arbor and Austin probably top that list. That said, I’ve never felt as “at home” as I have in Carbondale. I’m not quite sure exactly what it is that makes this town so special, but a few things come to mind. It smells good here, I mean, really good. There are a lot of places where you don’t really notice the scent of the place, or when you do, you wish you could keep breathing out. Not here – this place is special. It’s very beautiful – in all directions. Okay, this one is obvious. You have Mount Sopris. It’s always magnificent, any season, any weather. But it’s also pretty everywhere else you look, too. And don’t forget the sky, which is a magnificent blue, or milky white when the snow’s coming in, like it did Monday. But perhaps most significant of all, are the people. Folks are friendly and interested: Interested in how you’re doing, in what’s going on, and in how to make things
“Spruce Up The Sun” ANNUAL HOLIDAY COVER CONTEST The Sopris Sun is doing a new variation on our annual “Spruce Up the Sun” cover contest. Instead of a coloring contest we have opened up the competition to an original design. The theme is “winter-holiday” and the contest is open to grades Pre-K through adult.
DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 5 p.m. DEC. 14 Drop off your creations at The Sopris Sun office in the Third Street Center (520 S. Third St., #35 – at the end of the “long hall”)
18 • THE SOPRIS SUN • DECEmbER 13, 2012
better, or how to help one another out. I think it’s that sense of living in a place where people care that feels like family, and that feels like home. So, thanks everyone. Thanks for being who you are, for staying engaged, and for caring about one another, and about where you live. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to celebrate this birthday, but decided to have a big party for this funky town, and everyone in it. And given the pressure of gas development in the Thompson Divide, it seemed like a good idea to make this party a benefit to raise money and awareness, and hopefully stave off anything foolish from happening up there. So please come on out to the Third Street Center this Saturday, Dec. 15th, from 5 to 9 p.m. to celebrate with us. The party is the in the Round Room, and rumor has it some really great bands are going to be playing. Warmly, Marc Bruell Carbondale
Contact the senators Dear Editor: As part of our mission statement to promote conservation, the Roaring Fork Audubon Society has an incredible opportunity to help preserve vital habitat for birds and mammals, and as a recreation area for people to enjoy — the Thompson Divide. This is not political. This is fighting for our community, our water, our backyard
recreation, and our animals – especially our native birds, whose numbers are decreasing by frightening amounts, partially due to loss of good habitat. The Thompson Divide has always been one of our favorite areas for taking beginning birders on field trips because of the abundance of birds – migrant and year round – that are able to breed in the undisturbed areas of pinion, juniper, and sage. This peaceful backyard of ours is under immediate threat from gas development. This could happen very soon. The gas claims are already being staked. The Thompson Divide Coalition is seeking federal legislation to permanently withdraw the area from availability for future leasing, and is working with current leaseholders to buy out their leases. Please help them. The Thompson Divide Coalition is looking for business and organizations to join them by adding their name to a newspaper ad. Contact them now at savethompsondivide.org or zane.kessler@gmail.com. Write, call, and ask your friends to do the same: Sen. Michael Bennet, bennet.senate.gov/ 970-241-6631, 225 N. St. Suite 511, Grand Junction, CO 81501; and Sen. Mark Udall, markudall.senate.gov/, 970-2459553, 400 Rood Ave., Suite 220, Grand Junction, CO 81501 Mary Harris President, Roaring Fork Audubon Society Carbondale
Checking in on checking out; letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s walk Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a few weeks since the operation on my lower back. I consider it a success because I woke up from the operation alive. The fact that I could still walk without the pain I suffered through, over, under and with for the last ďŹ ve years is something for which to be thankful to the skilled neurosurgeon, wonderful nurses and Creator. I will not bore you trying to explain why I waited ďŹ ve years to do what needed to be done â&#x20AC;&#x201C; ďŹ ve years ago. This I will say. The presurgery preparation was good for me. Every once in a while itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good to take time and prepare for when checkBy Bill Kight ing out is permanent. It helped me to live life like I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t coming back. First on my must-do list was to tell and/or show friends and family that I love them and how important they have been in my life. Amazing how humbling that can be â&#x20AC;&#x201C; admit-
Common Ground
ting and acting on the fact that the world doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really revolve around us. I am a very lucky man to be the father of daughters (and grandfather of a granddaughter) who love me. They all gathered around me holding hands in prayer before being rolled into surgery was a godsend. Next, I gave more stuff away. For you accountants and legalistically inclined types, my tithe is usually 10 percent of my time, talents, possessions and/or money that goes to others. Eight boxes of books went to library book sales, thrift shops and friends and I still have too many books. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s almost like parting with friends because of the time I have spent with them. Like friends, they have made me laugh, cry, get mad and passionate at the same time and, they have comforted me in times of great trial, soul searching and grief. But it helped me realize I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need to nor want to stuff my head with any more useless knowledge. If the book has taught or teaches me wisdom Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll keep it â&#x20AC;&#x201C; otherwise it goes. The Five Wishes Living Will is in the possession of all three living daughters along with all my wishes for disposing of the body as well as photographs and stuff for the memorial service where I hope people laugh a lot. The poet in me created quite a few postcard poems. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one of the ways of expressing myself. The small space on the
left of where the address and stamp go forces me to be brief and concise â&#x20AC;&#x201C; make my words count. The thing I am most thankful for is being able to walk without the pain. It was hard not hiking or snowshoeing because the get-down-on-your-knees pain could strike and did at any time. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been a Forest Service ranger for most of my whole adult life, ranging from one outdoor place to another walking, ridge seeking, getting off the trail and cutting out across the land. Now Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m walking two miles a day per doctorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s orders and canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wait to get on snowshoes soon as the snow cooperates. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy to take for granted being able to go anywhere we want. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s face it: we live in a fast-paced, mobile, get-to-whereyouâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re-going-as-fast-as-you-can-and-get-outta-my-way world. Them that canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t keep up get run over or left behind. Rent a wheel chair for a day and try getting where you want to go your usual way and see if that doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give you a new-found appreciation of walking on two legs. I hope you had as blessed a Thanksgiving as I did this year. Go on a walk with me and tell me all about it. Bill Kight is back to his regular monthly column after surviving a very long ďŹ re season and other calls of duty.
Submit to unclassifieds@soprissun.com by Monday 12 p.m. Rates: $15 for 30 words, $20 for up to 50 words. Payment due before publication.*
FOR SALE: (1) Roland Juno-106 Programmable 61-key Polyphonic Keyboard with 3 midi jacks connectable to any midi-equipped synthesizer or sequencer - $200. (2) Ion Center Stage Sound System with two 50 watt Speakers, 2 stands, 1 mic and cable, ipod holder
- $200. Purchase of both - $350. Call Greg at (970) 963-4820. GET THE WORD OUT IN UNCLASSIFIEDS! Rates start at $15. Email unclassiďŹ eds@soprissun.com.
*Credit card payment information should be emailed to unclassifieds@soprissun.com or call 948-6563. Checks may be dropped off at our office at the Third Street Center or mailed to P.O. Box 399, Carbondale, CO 81623. Call 618-9112 for more info.
Service Directory Carbondale Chamber Gift Certificates
on sale now Great for teacher gifts, stocking stuffers, and more Redeemable at 80 + Carbondale Chamber businesses Call the Chamber at 970-963-1890 or visit their office, 520 S. Third Street, Suite 3 (in the Third Street Center) for more info and to place your order www.carbondale.com | DIBNCFS!DBSCPOEBMF DPN
THE Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Store of the Roaring Fork Valley
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Hours: Sunday 10am-4pm, Monday/Tuesday 9:30am-6:30pm, Friday 9:30am-1pm, Closed Sundays Horarios: Domingo 10am-4pm, Lunes/Jueves 9:30am-6:30pm, Viernes 9:30am-1pm, Sabado Cerrado
(Includes ncludes cludes ludes ludes des dess a complimentar complimentar mplimentar tar y Expr tar EExpress xpr press pr esss Car Car Wash). Wash). ash). h).). (Includes complimentary
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Upscale Thrift Shop
Support The Sopris Sun while The Sun supports your business! Service directory ads start at just $40. Contact #PC "MCSJHIU at 970- or CPC@soprissun.com
Help for families in need. Food is available at LIFT-UPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seven area food pantries, made possible by support from our caring community.
Mid-Valley Food Pantries Carbondale: Third Street Center, 520 South 3rd Street, #35 Mon, Wed & Fri: 10am-12:30pm â&#x20AC;˘ 963-1778 Basalt: Basalt Community United Methodist Church 167 Holland Hills Rd. â&#x20AC;˘ Wed & Thur: 11am-1pm â&#x20AC;˘ 279-1492
Learn more at www.liftup.org and join us on facebook!
Headlight Restoration Auto Glass & Side Mirrors
500 Buggy Circle, Carbondale, CO DAVID ZAMANSKY â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Owner Operated
THE SOPRIS SUN â&#x20AC;˘ DECEmbER 13, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 19
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for helping the Sun shine
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The Sopris Sun does not have a full-time staff reporter or photographer. So, did you ever wonder how we fill up the paper each week with articles, columns, photographs and other important information? Take a glance at the list below. That’s how we fill up the paper week after week. Throughout the year, dozens of mostly volunteer writers, photographers and others contribute their time and talents to help us paint a picture of Carbondale and surrounding area.
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The Sopris Sun would not be the newspaper you have come to expect without these contributors. So, the Sun board of directors and staff would like to say “Thanks.”
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PHOTOGRAPHERS Sue Rollyson Mark Burrows Patrick Johnson Julie Albrecht Jennifer Hunt Silvia Ramos Cindy Marks Greg Fitzpatrick Wendy Hayden Kelleigh Condon Robert McGown Rick Blauvelt Altitude Filmworks Lara Claasen Jon Robon Patrick Johnson Cameron Burns Bryan Welker
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Gavin Brooke W.G. Moss Ed Kosmicki Jennifer Michaud Lewis Cooper Marty Treadway Jamie Bethell Sandra Kaplan Amy Hadden Marsh Steve Skinner Doug Whitney Walter Gallagher Kathleen Sullivan Mary Whalen Frosty Merriott Gregg Adams Photography
help make The Sopris Sun Carbondale’s newspaper. ARTICLES Celeste Comings Sue Gray Marlene Mannow Angela Paulone Nicolette Toussaint Andrew Cohen Barbara Dills Terray Sylvester Allyn Harvey Debbie Bruell Will Grandbois Cameron Scott Trina Ortega Soozie Lindbloom Linda Criswell Romero Russ Criswell Kayla Henley Kat Lieblick Michael Schoepe Lindsay Hentschel Melissa Miller Michael Schoepe April E. Clark Eduardo Yanez and Bridget Gomez Jessica Hardin
The Sopris Sun apologies for anyone who was accidently left off this list. Please let us know if you are missing and we’d be happy to acknowledge you in an upcoming issue.
GUEST OPINIONS Erica Sparhawk Stacey Bernot Megan Cook Shelle de Beque Frosty Merriott/ Pam Zentmyer John Foulkrod Bob Schultz Steve Skinner Ken Neubecker Mary Noone/ Frank Breslin John Hoffmann Megan Noonan Scot Dodero Ben Bohmfalk Dorothea Farris Davis Farrar Amy Kimberly Bill Grant Amelia Shelley Darryl Fuller Ron Leach Amelia Potvin Don Van Devender (Van Dee-vender) Maria Wimmer Dr. David Teitler
CARbONDALE COmmUNITY SCHOOL STUDENTS Emily Adams Josey Morford Lauren Kenyon Leelah Ahumada Linc Kleager Clayton Horning Gabriela Santana Sophia Jacober Wilder Jacober Erik Novy Lauren Murphy Sophie Genung Hannah Bingaman Lily Weber Connor Hollenback Brayan Alventro Luna Annika Weidemann COLUmNISTS Bill Kight Charlotte Graham George Bohmfalk Genevieve Villamizar Jeannie Perry Cameron Scott