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s shearcarla’ inspiration Carla Dozier and her staff have been making the men and women of Oak Harbor beautiful for 27 years. Customers will appreciate the professional, spa-like atmosphere with a great view of the bay. Dozier credits her staff for her success. “I am proud to say that when someone comes to work here, they don’t want to leave. I have people that have been here since we opened. Low turnover means our customers know that their stylist will be HERE when they make their next appointment. We’ve created an environment where we enjoy sharing new techniques and skills with each other that will enhance the customer
[ N48°17.2791, W122°38.8257 [ experience. We ALL recognize the importance of putting the customer first”. And, as a customer, you will immediately sense this level of service and dedication the moment you walk in the door. At Carlas, it’s clear that these women really love what they do, love each other and most importantly, love their customers.
830 S.E. Bayshore Dr., #101 • Oak Harbor, WA •360.679.4477
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