Hunting Enjoy the outdoors with a friend Stop on any country road in Southeast South Dakota and find a hunter’s paradise. South Dakota’s state bird, the Ringnecked Pheasant, thrives in the excellent habitat provided by the South Dakota landscape. Thousands of hunters descend upon the Southeast Region of the state in the fall for their chance at the wily pheasant. Many hotels gear up for the season with special rates, and lodges such as Blue Tin Ranch by Vermillion, or River Valley Retreat close to Sioux Falls cater to hunters. Hunting guides are popular, like Mike Kuchera’s S.D. Guide Service Inc. out of Mitchell, to make all the arrangements for a hunting trip. Looking for a hunting lodge with acres of pheasant habitat nearby that will provide a guide and lodging with meals available? Contact Dakota Custom Hunt near Tabor. Hunting is a yearround sport in southeast South Dakota. Though pheasant and deer are the most popular, hunters will find a wide variety of abundant game.
Traditional season is Mid-October to early January. Season opens on October 15, 2022. Preserve season is September through March. Although pheasants are found statewide, the main pheasant range encompasses the eastern two-thirds of the state. Pheasants prefer agricultural fields, wooded draws, tree strips, wetlands and set-aside acres. Much of South Dakota is privately owned and permission is required to hunt, but public lands such as Game Production Areas and Walk-In Areas offer choice habitat for 21