The North American Post 2023 Japan Fair Special Bilingual Edition

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Please find the event program and exhibitor information in our first digital official guide by scanning the QR code at right. It will be accessible online before, during and after the event ジャパンフェア初の公式デジタル ガイドで、プログラムや参加者詳細を チェック。今すぐ右のQRコードをスキ ャン! イベント中はもちろん、開始前 や終了後もアクセス可能。(掲載広告 募集中)

PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SEATTLE WA PERMIT NO. 1153 The North American Post 519 6th Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98104 Change Service Requested Published Every 2nd and 4th Friday Meydenbauer Center Kimono Art, one of many performances at Japan Fair.
JF June 23, 2023 Vol. 78, Issue 12 Your Link to Seattle’s Japanese Community Since 1902 Official Paper for Official Mascot 2023 10 am - 6 pm 10 am - 5 pm
Sat. July 8 Sun. July 9 ジャパンフェア特別バイリンガル号 Stage Performances, Exhibitor List & More Inside! *Meydenbauer Center parking fees apply (p. 6)


Aki Maturi by the Eastside Nihon Matsuri Association (ENMA) was one of the local events that introduce Japanese artsandculturefor18years.

When it announced to close its doors, the Japanese community was not able to find the organization to take over. Some Japanese community leaders and volunteers found non profit organization (ASUNARO) to keep the legacy of Aki Matsui, then ASUNARO's "Japan Fair" became the official successor of ENMA's"AkiMaturi"in2016.

The irst Japan Fair was held at Meydenbauer Center on September 3-4, 2016, with guidance and help from ENMA. The new "Japan Fair" drew many irst-time attendees and brought nearly 20,000 visitors for the weekend event. Inside events brought new exhibitorsfrom both America and Japan who shared their projects and products with the people of the Pacific Northwest, along with many exhibitors of Japanese artandculture.

During the pandemic, Japan Fair was a virtual event that reached more people around the world. People from 35 countries participated remotely in its programs. We are proud to be back at Meydenbauer Center again this summer. Connecting people and communities not only in the Northwest but around the world makes a great impact on our mission. Bonding and connecting all communities though Japanese art and culture today is more important thanever.


イーストサイド日本祭り協会(ENMA)に よる秋祭りは、18年間にわたり日本の芸術 と文化を紹介する地域イベントのひとつで した。秋祭りの終了が発表された際、後継 者となる組織を見つけることができず、そ のため、日本のコミュニティのリーダー有志 やボランティアが非営利団体ASUNAROを 設立し、秋祭りの伝統を守ることになりまし た。そしてASUNAROによる「ジャパンフェ ア」は、2016年にENMA「秋祭り」の正式な 後継イベントとなりました。

最初のジャパンフェアは2016年9月 にメイデンバウアーセンターで開催さ れ、ENMAの指導と伝統に沿いながら引継 ぎを果たしました。新しい「ジャパンフェア」 は初めての参加者も多く、合計約2万人の 来場がありました。屋内の会場では、日本に 古くからある品物や最新の製品を紹介する ブース、また日本の芸術や文化に関する出 展も多くありました。

パンデミックの間、ジャパンフェアはオン ラインイベントとして開催され、35カ国か らの人々がリモートで参加しました。今年は メイデンバウアーセンターでの開催を再開 することができ、嬉しく思っています。

日本の文化と伝統を通してノースウェス トだけでなく、世界中の人々やコミュニティ を繋ぐことは、ジャパンフェアのミッションと して非常に重要です。たくさんの人が参加 し、楽しんでいただけることを願います。


•MC: Tomo Hoku Angie

•Budokan Judo Dojo

•Cascade Kendo Club

•Cosplay Contest (Sakura-Con)

•Evergreen Glee Club, Sound Singers, Echo Chorus, and Cabin Choir

•Kaoru Okumura


•Laryn and Hatsune (Koto no Wa)

•Music of Remembrance

•Necchu Live from Yamagata

•OKK Chijinshuu Taiko of WA

•Seattle Kokon Taiko


•Ten Sushi LLC

•The School of Taiko / Japan

Creative Arts

•Yuuki Hashimori

•UV Performing Arts

•Washington Shotokan Karate Association

Workshops, Seminars & Demonstrations

•AI Image Creation seminar (Tsuyoshi Watanabe)

•Furoshiki workshop (Lynn Miyauchi)

•Haiku seminar - English (Michael Dylan Welch)

•Haiku seminar - Japanese (Hisao Mogi from Rainier Ginsha)

•Ikebana demonstrations (Ikebana International Chapter #19)

•Japan In the School (JapanAmerica Society of the State of Washington)

•Onigiri workshop (Kanako Koizumi from Kozmo Kitchen)

•Sumie Art workshop (Hiroko Nagatomo)

•Tea Ceremony Demonstrations (Chado Urasenke Tankokai Seattle Association / Chanoyu Seattle Omotesenke–Ryu)

•Translator Battle (Jay Rubin and Zach Davisson)

•Visit to Fukushima (Seattle Fukushima Club)

•Washoku seminar (Takeyuki Suetsugu and KenichiroTsumura)


Agape Japanese Language School

Aki Sogabe


ANA (All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.)


Asia Pacific Language School


Beans Eight Roasters

Bellevue Children’s Academy Bsize, Inc

Chado Urasenke Tankokai Seattle Association CHERRYSTONE


Consulate-General of Japan in Seattle

Crystal Angels

Dreambird Candles

Fin & Feather

Fukushima Kenjinkai

Great Rice

handarbete weaving

Hasu-Seizo Artisan Japanese Knife

Hitotsu World LLC

Hyogo Business & Cultural Center

Ikebana International Chapter #19

International Learning Academy

Japan Airlines Co., Ltd.

Japan-America Society of the State of Washington

JIA Foundation

Keiro Northwest

Kenjinkai Clubs

KIMONO ART / NPO I love Kimono

Yuki no Kai

Kimono by Ancient Grounds

Kyoto Kenjinkai in Washington State


Math Abacus School of Seattle Miki’s Ceramics

Mindful Planet. Inc.



Nefertiti Holistic's

New York Life Insurance

Nisei Veterans Committee Foundation

Noodle & Co.

North American Post/Soy Source

NPUSA Affiliate



Punching Pandas

PNW Marketing & Travel, Inc

Rainier Ginsha

Retro Pop Namu

ROYCE' Chocolate

Seattle Choeizan Enkyoji Buddhist


Seattle Go Center

Seattle Japanese Garden (Arboretum Foundation)

Shishido Creative

Siamurai Apparel & Mukashinoboro


Soap Sweetie


Sugimoto Tea Company

Takai by Kashiba


Powered by Ramen-Ya TEINEI

The Athelier/Curious Nature Studio/ Shhmiggles

The Institute for Teaching-Skill Sharing (TOSS)

Toto USA

Treasure Hunt

Two Squirrels and a Nut

Umai Imports / Sake Drop

Upright Tree Coffee Roasters

U.S Jaclean, Inc.

Washington Shotokan Karate Assn.

WAZA Tokyo – Modern Japanese



Yotsuba Gakuin

2 The North American Post Vol. 78, Issue 12 June 23, 2023
Bilingual emcee Tomo Hoku Angie.
Photo: courtesy of THA
Cooking demonstration. Photo: JF Childrens' yukata dress-up. Ikebana; Japan Fair Menu. Photos: JF Live stage performance, Karate. Photo: JF Tea ceremony.


We celebrate the return of Japan Fair to Bellevue’s Meydenbauer Center. This in-person event is its first since 2019 and my first since being stationed here. I am delighted that we can co­host Japan Fair, which exudes an atmosphere different from its online

events held since 2020.

Host organization ASUNARO's (“becoming tomorrow,” in Japanese) commitment to share Japanese culture as a bridge between Japan and Bellevue and Japan to the world is important for building cooperation through community activities between our two countries. We are grateful for its efforts, which will strengthen the bond between Japan and the United States.

We eagerly invite you to participate in Japan Fair 2023, where the allure of Japan comes together. Through live stage

performances, interactive exhibitions, cultural workshops and vendor booths, we hope you will be captivated by Japanese anime and game characters, music, dance, traditional kimonos and craftsmanship, and immerse yourself in Japanese culture. We encourage you to invite your friends, family and children and join us at Japan Fair 2023. We look forward to your attendance.

Hisao Inagaki Consul General of Japan

ジャパンフェア 2023 、ベルビュー市のメイデンバウアー・センターでの開催、おめでとうございます。対面での開催は2019年以来で、私が当地 に着任してから初めてとなります。2020年以降のオンライン開催とはまた異なり、熱気が伝わるジャパンフェアを共催できることを嬉しく思います。



日本の魅力が一堂に集まるジャパンフェア 2023 に参加していただき、ステージ・パフォーマンス、体験型展示、文化ワークショップ、出店ブース

を通じて、日本のアニメやゲームキャラクター、音楽、ダンス、伝統的な着物や工芸品・職人技に魅了され、日本文化に浸って頂ければ幸いです。ぜ ひ、お友達やご家族・お子様をお誘い合わせの上、ジャパンフェア 2023 へ足をお運びください。皆様のご来場を心よりお待ちしております。

It has been several years since we began carrying on the legacy of Eastside Nihon Matsuri Association’s (ENMA) “Aki Matsuri” (Fall Festival) in 2016. Japan Fair introduces a wide range of cultural and educational experiences. We offer everything from traditional Japanese

arts and culture to modern industries and products, educational experiences for children, and amazing performances and workshops. Japan Fair is the annual event where individuals, organizations and community groups come together to celebrate Japanese culture — all in the heart of Bellevue! We continue to show appreciation for previous generations of our Japanese American community; due to their dedication, we now live in a thriving community. Today we strive to enhance that community for future generations.

The North American Post

June 23, 2023, Vol. 78, Issue 12

Publisher: G eneral Manager

Editor :

Tomio Moriguchi

Bruce Rutledge

David Yamaguchi

Jpn Content Editors:

Hikari Kono

Noriko Huntsinger

Ako Mizoe






Mie Ohno

Japanese: Tiffany Nakamitsu Shihou Sasaki

Arisa Nakamura

Geraldine Shu

Randy Tada

Meydenbauer Center is centrally located, accessible to all, and has superior indoor facilities to host our fair. We are also excited to live-stream to Japan after it powered up its IT technology during the pandemic. Please bring your family, friends, and neighbors to this one-of-akind event!

Yuka Shimizu, Allen Nakamoto Japan Fair 2023 Executive Chairpersons

ENMAの秋祭りの伝統を2016年に正式に引き継いでから、ジャパンフェアは今年で7年目を迎えます。個人や企業、団体、コミュニティグ ループが集まり、ベルビューの中心地で共に日本の文化を紹介する年に一度のイベントです。会場のブースでは伝統的な日本の美術や文化 から現代の産業や製品など幅広く展示・販売が行われます。また子ども向けの教育体験、素晴らしいパフォーマンスやワークショップまで多 岐にわたるプログラムが展開されます。

日系アメリカ人コミュニティにおける先人たちの献身により、今ここで繁栄するコミュニティで生活できることに感謝しながら、先人たちの 思いを将来の世代に引き継ぎ、発展させていくことが私達の使命だと思います。

メイデンバウアー・センターは、ベルビュー市の中心に位置し、誰にでもアクセスしやすく、優れた屋内施設を備えており、バリアフリーの素 晴らしいホールです。今年はさらにパンデミック中に学んだIT技術を活用し、日本とのライブストリーミングも行われます。ぜひ、ご家族や友 人、ご近所の方々と一緒にイベントにご参加ください!

For over a century, the Pacific Northwest communit y has enjoyed an in c reas in gly warm relationship with the people and businesses who have journeyed here

from Japan. The annual Japan Fair, held this year at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, continues to be an important event that further serves to display our rich culture to people who have an interest in learning more about Japan and its distinct contributions.

With our long and notable histories within the local Japanese American community, “The North American Post” (121 years) and “Soy Source” (31

years) newspapers have always encouraged our readers to acknowledge their unique backgrounds so we can learn and share with one another. In doing so, we can collectively make all of our communities a richer environment in which to live and work.

Tomio Moriguchi, Publisher

100年以上にわたり、太平洋北西部のコミュニティは、日本からの人々や企業と温かい関係を築いてきました。今年もベルビューのメイ デンバウアー・センターで開催される同フェアは、私たちの豊かな文化を、日本に興味を持つ人々に紹介する重要なイベントです。  地元の日系アメリカ人コミュニティにおける長い歴史と顕著な存在感を持つ「The North American Post」(121年)と「Soy Source」

(31年)は、常に自分たち独自のバックグラウンドを認識し合える場でもありました。私たちは共に、より豊かな環境を作り上げることがで きると信じています。

Published by North American Post Publishing, Inc. 519 6th Ave. S., Suite 200 Seattle WA 98104, (206) 519-5469

(Legal address; NOT FOR MAIL)




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3 The North American Post Since 1902
シアトル総領事 稲垣久生
ジャパンフェア 2023 実行委員長 清水楡華、中本アレン
北米報知発行人 トミオ・モリグチ

•Visiting Japanese artist Tomoyuki Washio seeks a mural wall during July 22 - Aug 9. Wall space can be temporary or permanent. The artwork will be done by a group of foster youth from Japan.

• 【求む!情報提供!】1990年から2001年の 間に Palm Top SONY PTC-500またはPTC550を米国で使用したことがある方(個人、企 業、団体は問いません)からの情報を大募集 です。当該製品に関して簡単な質問にお答え いただければ、お礼を差し上げます。こちらの 製品を使用したことがある方、または購入した ことがある方はSONY@stathera.orgまでご連 絡ください。

• "笹の葉に願いを書けば、星に届く" Sasa no ha ni negai o kakeba, hoshi ni todoku. Write your wish on a bamboo leaf, and it will reach the stars.


JULY (Fumizuki) 文月

Fumizuki, the month of writing

"Japan Fair 2023," Sat - Sun July 8 – 9. Bellevue (pp. 1 – 6).

Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple, "Bon Odori," Sat Jul 15, 4 – 10 PM, Sun Jul 16, 3 – 8 PM 1427 S Main St., Seattle. The 2023 gathering will include a Saturday Beer Garden with live jazz.

Seattle Japanese Garden, Garden Party 2023, "Festival for the Senses" fundraiser, Thu Jul 20, 6 – 8:30 PM. With music by "arx duo," textural graphics by Japanese indigo dye artist "Awonoyoh," and a bento box by chef Kanako of Kozmo Kitchen. Tickets: $150.

Bellevue Botanical Garden, Kusatsuki

Ikebana Demonstrations, Fri - Sat July 21 – 22, 11 AM – 5 PM. Free.

Japan-America Society, 63rd Annual Golf Tournament, Wed July 26, 11 AM

-8 PM. The Golf Club at Newcastle.


Tacoma Buddhist Temple, Bon Odori, Sat July 29, 4 – 8 PM. Dance lessons, Wed-Thu July 12 – 13, 7 – 8 PM. 1717

Fawcett Ave, Tacoma (3 blocks from UWT campus). Info:


ArtX Contemporary, Michelle

Seattle Nichiren Buddhist Churc h

Kumata, "What We Carry / O Que Nós Carregamos" Exhibition, until July 8, Tue - Sat, 11 AM - 5:30 PM. ArtX Contemporary, 512 First Ave S, Seattle,, (206) 839-0377


JCCCW channel: 2023 Virtual Tomodachi Gala, Main Program. (36 min.)

Itsuka Japan: "3-Day Solo Climbing Japan's Highest Mountain Mount Fuji Summit," (34 min.). A great armchair version of the timeless adventure.

Northern Alena: Mt. Fuji for the first time in my life! (Japanese listening practice, 12 min.)

YouTube Movies & TV channel: "Black Rain," (1989). Ridley Scott movie starring Michael Douglas and Ken Takakura as police fighting the yakuza in Osaka (free with commercials; 2 hr, 5 min).

See May 26 issue or for a more complete list of ongoing events.

Submit events to: events/ or

1042 So. Weller St. Seattle, WA 98104

日本語 / English (206)323-2252

Mailing address: PO Box 84685 Seattle, WA 98124

(425) 861-5574

4 The North American Post Vol. 78, Issue 12 June 23, 2023
Michelle Kumata, "Alcançar (Reach)," 2023. What does it mean to be Japanese Brazilian? How does one navigate their own heritage, ethnicity and claim their own identity?" — MK. Image: MK
日蓮 宗 シアトル 日 蓮仏教会
Detail of mural, "It's not the end of the world" by Tomoyuki Washio. Image:


Enjoy Japanese sake tasting and a Japanese food menu created by distinguished Chef Takeyuki Suetsugu and local Chef Kenichiro Tsushima

CO-HO Imports serves retail markets and restaurants with premium imported beer, wine, sake and distilled spirits. CO-HO Imports has the largest Japanese sake selection in the US and is committed to bringing its highest quality products to Japan Fair visitors.

Please come and enjoy the aroma and taste of many different types of Japanese sake. We will also provide food-pairing recipes created by Chef Takeyuki Suetsugu and Chef Kenichiro Tsushima to match each sake. Chef Suetsugu has been awarded "旭日双 光章” (the Order of the Rising Sun Award) by the Japanese government. He will be sharing his special Washoku (Japanese traditional food) menus with us. Chef Tsushima was once appointed as chef at the Consul General of Japan’s official residence to serve Washoku to distinguished guests.

Chefs Suetsugu and Tsushima are also scheduled to be at the Workshop where you can enjoy conversing with them and hear interesting stories about Washoku in a small-group setting.


賢一朗シェフによる、日本酒の試飲と日本料理 CO-HO Importsは、アメリカで最大の日

本酒の品揃えを誇り、プレミアムな輸入ビ ール、ワイン、日本酒、蒸留酒を小売市場や レストランに提供しています。

ジャパンフェアでは日本政府から「旭日 双光章」を授与された経験を持つ末次シェ フが、特別な和食体験を提供します。そし て、在シアトル日本国総領事館のシェフを 経験し、多くの著名なゲストに和食を振る 舞ってきた對馬シェフも参加するワークシ ョップ(日曜11時)。

末次シェフと對馬シェフによる、日本酒に 合うフードペアリングレシピは必見。CO-HO Importsからの最高品質の商品とさまざまな 日本酒の香りと味をお楽しみいただき、レ シピをお持ち帰りください。

Music of Remembrance and Nisei Veterans Committee (NVC), “Remembering Ryuichi Sakamoto: the Power of Music to Carry Our StoriesandtheMusician’sLegacy”

The shocking and sad news of Japanese music icon Ryuichi Sakamoto's passing on March 28th of this year reverberated around the world. For decades, Sakamoto has had a unique impact in Japan and around the world as a composer, musician, film actor and peace activist. Japan Fair will celebrate his achievements and his connection with Seattle. Sakamoto composed a beautiful arrangement called "Snowfalls" (2017) for “Music of Remembrance” in Seattle. His chamber work draws on melodies inspired by a poem of Kiyoko Nagase. Her poetry is delivered with an English translation by Empress Emeritus Michiko. Enjoy watching the full video of this beautiful pieceandpoetry.

Mina Miller from “Music of Remembrance” will give a short talk about the power of music and how it influences us. Yuuki Hashimori, a well-known Japanese concertmaster and violinist, will play "Akatonbo" (dragonfly), a melody many Japanese children learn. During World War II, when Japanese immigrants were incarcerated around the world due to wartime hysteria, first-generation Japanese immigrants hummed this song together to encourage one another.YukiHashimotowillaccompany a sing-along in Meydenbauer Hall, joined by participants in cities in Japan where Japan Fair will be live-streamed. Seattle NVC will display a manga book telling the story of the Japanese American experience in the 442nd, allJA Regimental Combat Battalion. The story has been heard often but needs tobetoldtothenextgeneration. Please come and join us in this memorableperformance.

坂本龍一氏を偲ぶ、音楽が物語と遺産を運ぶ 今年3月28日、日本の音楽界のアイコンで ある坂本龍一氏が亡くなったという衝撃的 なニュースが悲しみと共に世界中に響き渡 りました。同氏は数十年にわたり、作曲家、音 楽家、俳優、平和活動家として、日本のみなら

ず世界中にさまざまな影響を及ぼしてきま した。ジャパンフェアでは、彼の業績とシアト ルとのつながりを称えます。同氏は、シアトル のミュージック・オブ・リメンバランスのために 「Snowfall」という美しい曲を作曲しました。

このアンサンブルは、永瀬清子氏の詩にイン スパイアされており、上皇后美智子様による 英訳で演奏されています。どうぞこの美しい 楽曲と詩の完全版ビデオをご覧ください。

ミュージック・オブ・リメンブランスのミナ・ ミラー氏が、音楽の持つ力とそれが私たちに 与える影響について短いトークを行います。

日本のコンサートマスターとして幅広く活動 するヴァイオリン奏者の橋森ゆう希氏は、日 本の子どもたちが幼少期に習うメロディー「赤 とんぼ」を演奏予定。第二次世界大戦中、世 界中に収容された日系移民の一世が、互い に励まし合うために口ずさんだのもこの歌で した。シアトルの会場で橋森氏の伴奏による 赤とんぼを合唱します。  シアトル二世ベテラン委員会は、これまで あまり語られることのなかった、日系人の連 隊戦闘大隊である第442部隊の日系人体験 談を、漫画で紹介。


Japan Fair 2023

Committee Board of Directors

Yuka Shimizu, Allen Nakamoto, Susumu (Sam) Takahashi, Noriko Palmer, Tsutomu (Tom) Sasaki


Consulate General of Japan in Seattle

City of Bellevue


Gobo Enterprises

Tateuchi Foundation

Doug and Noriko Palmer

Yuka Shimizu

Hokubei Hochi Foundation

Japan Business Association of Seattle

Allen & June Nakamoto

Michael and Tsuchino Forrester

Tsutomu Sasaki, Ryo Kubota

Kawabe Memorial House

Jay & Rakuko Rubin

Tanimoto Children's Calligraphy Class

Shawn Brinsfield

Deacon Charitable Foundation

All Nippon Airways, ANCEA/SakuraCon, 84 Yesler, Aki Sogabe, Beans Eight Roasters, Bellevue

Children's Academy, Brave Cellars

citizenM Pioneer Square


Fran’s Chocolates

Holistic Spa KIREI

Japanese Green Tea Co./Japanese

Coffee Co./Japanese Knife Co.

Kiku Sushi, Kizuki Ramen & Izakaya

Long Shadows Vintners, Lotte Hotel

Seattle, Noodle & Co

ROYCE' Chocolate

Shishido Creative, Sugimoto Tea

Company, Sushi Kashiba, Ten Sushi LLC, Town and Country Markets, Uwajimaya

Washington Shotokan Karate

Association, WAZA Tokyo

Willows Preparatory School

Zojirushi America Corporation, Lighthouse

The North American Post

Sakura Radio, Seattle's Child Soy Source

5 The North American Post Since 1902 JAPAN FAIR HIGHLIGHTS
Left: Sake tasting. Photo: Japan Fair. Middle: Ryuichi Sakamoto. Photo: Joi Ito CCA 2.0 Right: "Snowfalls" (2017) from the bilingual California premier performance, with poetry by Kiyoko Nagase. "Snow falls on this country of sorrow... Kanashimi no kuni ni yuki ga furitsumu..." (p. 11). Photo: YouTube screencap

The sights in Yonezawa City, Yamagata,

where the grain-written words read, "Ganbarou!




Live Streaming From Japan; Experience a Spiritual Moment From Uesugi Shrine

Enjoy our live-stream from a Japanese place known for its mystical energy.

Uesugi Shrine in Yamagata Prefecture, northeastern Japan, is a spiritual and mystical location. It will be early morning in Japan, so you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the shrine.

We’ll also introduce additional special locations in Yamagata City. Perhaps you will make it your next destination when you visit Japan.

Yonezawa City is a second point of cultural interest located in the southern part of Yamagata Prefecture. It exudes the charm of medieval Japanese culture and is home to numerous tourist attractions such as Uesugi Shrine and the Uesugi Hakushaku (count or earl) Residence.

Support Japan Fair

•Your support, contributions and ideas are valued and important for the Japan Fair.

• Cash donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. You can submit checks by mail or online from the Japan Fair web page.

• Volunteer. Come join us, learn from our distinguished community leaders and meet new friends through volunteering.


Advertise in the Japan Fair 2023

Official Guide

We welcome all small/large businesses, restaurants, schools/ classes, nonprofit organizations, artists, and any groups/individuals!

Your ad will have a clickable link to jump to your website! It will be spread via Japan Fair social media channels and be displayed on the main stage screen.



ンフェア2023公式ガイドの広告サポーター になれる! 公式デジタルガイドに、企業や お店、団体、教室などの広告・メッセージを

The Tanbo Art (rice-field art) event also occurs every year during this season. It is nearby in the vicinity of Onogawa Hot Springs. For this event, different colored rice is planted in the paddy fields to create magnificent landscapes. It is a unique event that showcases the beauty of artwork created using rice fields.

During our live broadcast, we will introduce these attractions and the Tanbo Art event directly on location.

Treasure Hunt

Make sure not to miss the Treasure Hunt booth, where you will find new and used unique items with unbelievable prices. Find your treasure and help save the Earth through reusing.

You may find Japanese art, cookware, antique home decorations, household items including dishes, paintings and more. Profits from this sale will help fund venue rental fees for Japan Fair so we



2. ジャパンフェアSNSで広くシェア・周知拡大


4. イベント終了後もアクセス・ダウンロード可能

5.1コマ(ハーフスクリーンサイズ)$100 オ プション:ジャパンフェアのテンプレート及 びご自身のデザインで承ります。

Please email your ad to info@

•Include your organization name in the email subject.

•Image Size: 8.5" W x 5.5" H

•File types: We accept PDF, JPEG, and EPS (300 dpi). Please submit files in RGB. Include all fonts, and linked art should be embedded.

•File name: Include your organization name in the file name.

•Rate: $100

• Submission due date: Fri June 30th

Option: You can choose one of our templates or your own design.


Japan Fair Office 14640 NE 24th St. Bellevue, WA 98007


can continue to provide free admission to the public.


•AIRLINE RAFFLE: 1 Ticket for $25, 3 Tickets for $60 for a pair of round tickets



Blue Categories: 1 Ticket for $10, 5 Tickets for $40 for "Joe Hisaishi Returns" Seattle Symphony Concert tickets, Beautiful Paper Cutting art by Aki Sogabe, Premium Wines baskets, One night stay at luxury hotels.

Red Categories: 1 Ticket for $5, 5 Tickets for $20 for Japanese Goods (Zojirushi rice cooker, Japanese school backpack (Randoseru), popular local restaurant, market & spa gift cards.

Escape Room

Immerse yourself in Japan Fair through escape-room-style questions that take you around the whole venue. Solve the first question in our digital program to reveal the location of the next one. Stop by the information booth afterwards for a small prize!

Getting There:

Meydenbauer Center 11100 NE 6th St, Bellevue, WA, 425637-1020,

Directions and Parking: https://www. attendees/directions-parking/ Meydenbauer Center in downtown Bellevue is conveniently accessible from Interstate 405, which runs north and south through Bellevue.

Meydenbauer Center Garage Parking

Meydenbauer Center has a threelevel underground garage with 434 parking stalls including nine disabled parking stalls next to elevators. The garage entrance is mid-block on NE 6th between 110th and and 112th Avenues NE. The overhead clearance is 6 feet, 9 inches. Oversized vehicles should park in the North Lot.

Meydenbauer Center North Lot (overflow parking)

The North Lot entrance is midblock off 112th Avenue NE, between NE 8th Street and NE 6th Streets. The pay station is located in the northeast

Meydenbauer Center, viewed looking northwest along 112th Ave NE.

Photo: SuddenFrost CC0

corner of the lot.


By bus, ride to the Bellevue Transit Center, which is one block west of Meydenbauer Center on Sixth Avenue. From downtown Seattle, ride bus #550 at Second and Cherry (about 30 min.).

Parking Rates

•0–30 minutes $0; 30–60 min. $7

•1–3 hours $11; 3–5 hours $13

•5–8 hours $16; 8-10 hours $18

•10–14 hours $21; 14–24 hours $24

6 The North American Post Vol. 78, Issue 12 June 23, 2023 FAIR HIGHLIGHTS
Japan. Left: Uesugi Shrine. Photo: Ippukucho, CC 3.0, Wikimedia Commons. Right: Tanbo (rice-field) art, Tohoku" (Let's hang in there, Tohoku!) Photo: Yonezawa-Shi, CC 2.0 Above: ANA and concert tickets are among fundraising raffle items. Below: Official 2023 T-shirt, for sale at Japan Fair. Photos: JF; ANA,Masahiro Takagi, CC2.0
8 The North American Post Vol. 78, Issue 12 June 23, 2023
Photo: CGJ in Seattle Right: ON JUNE 10, the UW held its commencement ceremony. There, Monica, of the audio podcast series "Beyond Generations," was among the thousands receiving degrees. Hers is a master's degree in Communication.
Photo: courtesy of Monica JULY 7 is Tanabata, when wishes are written onto colored paper, then hung on bamboo branches. The practice dates from 755 CE. Photo: Japan Fair Left: ON JUNE 7, Tsuchino Forrester received an Imperial Award for her community work on behalf of Japanese war brides. From left, Consul-General of Japan Hisao Inagaki, Forrester, husband Michael Forrester, Yuki Inagaki

OF WHAT VALUE is a knowledge of Japanese classical literature today, one might ask?

Scientists internationally respect it as a human written record. In April, Horikawa and her advisor, Paul Atkins, contributed to a research article on lunar eclipses published in "Nature" — the best international science journal. One was described by poet Fujiwara no Teika on December 6, 1229: "the Moon over the hills emerged in eclipse... (its light) meagre..." (left). — DY

9 The North American Post Since 1902
ON JUNE 11, the "Lotus Skyliners" book-launch was held at the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple. Info: Photo: John Pai ON JUNE 17, Washin Kai honored Nobuko Horikawa (left; with husband Benjamin Burton). She is the first to receive a UW Ph.D. in Japanese Classical Literature with its funding. Photo: David Yamaguchi

Cleveland High School Memorial Forest

On Friday, May 26, I began Memorial Day weekend early by attending the annual ceremony at Cleveland High School Memorial Forest with three school buses of Cleveland juniors and a few other alumni. The gathering is of interest to NAP readers because many are CHS alumni, because few alumni have made the trip — it was my first — and because it comprises a remarkable story in its own right. There, we saw a flag-folding done by two students, then listened to three WWII-era alumni speakers. The main speaker, Emil Martin, ’40, was in the Battle of Peleliu, east of the Philippines. Later, he was stationed in Hokkaido during the Occupation of Japan.

Following the speeches, those who could took a gentle hike to a memorial rock, a great stone deep in the forest, likely a glacial erratic (a stone dropped by glaciers). Overall, I was glad I attended, for it is not often these days that one hears firsthand from WWII veterans and era students. It was placebased learning at its finest, for the elderly alumni walked the same school hallways that later students did.

At this point, the reader is probably wondering where the Cleveland Memorial Forest is, and how it is that the city’s smallest high school has a forest at all. It is between Issaquah and Fall City (map). It is 131 acres.

The project began during WWII, when many organizations, including high school student bodies, were doing what they could to raise funds for the U.S. military. Not to be outdone, the students at CHS contributed coins to a weekly collection jar. They supplemented their own contributions with funds they raised from metal recycling and other activities. But at the end of their efforts, the total amount they were able to raise was $300 and some change. It was too little to make a substantive gift. They could not buy the U.S. Army a tank, for example.

Following the suggestion of their science teacher, Joseph Hazzard, the students decided to instead purchase a tract of land to make a memorial

Kiyoko Nagase Poem

The North American Post


Kanashimi no kuni ni yuki ga furitsumu

Kanashimi o kate to shite ikiyo to yuki ga furitsumu

Ushinai tsukushita mono no ue ni yuki ga furitsumu

Sono sanga no ue ni

Sono usuki shatsu no ue ni Sono minashigo no

midaritari touhatsu no ue ni...

The translation by Empress Michiko reads, Snow Falls Snow falls, On this country of sorrow Snow falls, As though to say Fie on your sorrow Snow falls, On loss and devastation

On mountains and rivers

On people with shabby clothes

On orphans with disheveled hair...

forest for their WWII-fallen classmates. Accordingly, Vice Principal Ray Imus used the students’ money to place a bid on a parcel of cut-over land that Weyerhaeuser was selling at a county auction. There, no one bid against Imus when they heard the students’ plan. And so CHS was able to obtain the property, which was placed in

Principal Kenneth Selby’s name. Selby, in turn, gifted the forest to the Seattle Public Schools (SPS) in 1944, so CHS would not have to pay its taxes. Later, students obtained from Weyerhaeuser a donation of 10,000 tree seedlings, which they planted in their forest.

Today, the forest is used for student educational field trips.

Over the years, the forest has faced multiple challenges. One was the theft of a brass plaque bearing the names of the school’s WWII fallen, which had been mounted on the Rock. It was made in the CHS metal shop. A larger hurdle was the forest’s permanence, for the SPS eventually decided they wanted to sell it, which raised the ire of the CHS Alumni Association. In a two-year lawsuit settled in February 2000, the alumni won their case against the SPS, as the latter had accepted the gift as a perpetual monument to CHS alumni killed in WWII.

Today, the forest has a granite monument, of little value to thieves, and a few buildings. Its trees are starting to be of substantive size.

There is one more thing. Recently, to ensure the forest’s long-term future, the SPS, working closely with the CHS Alumni Association, sold the forest’s development rights to the King County Parks Department, while retaining ownership of the property. For the rights, KCPD paid the SPS $3.47 million. Info: memorial-forest/

Note: The CHS Alumni Association could use a few more hands. Notably John R. Barton, '54, has been looking to turn over editing the quarterly alumni newsletter to defter hands. Here, print media is essential for maintaining communication with older alumni. How about you? (I’d be willing to coach a new editor through Adobe InDesign.)

The entire premiere performance of "Snowfalls" (5 min, 8 sec.) is here: watch?v=2Q4HiA_kz9Y

11 The North American Post Since 1902
The Cleveland Memorial Forest Monument, for fallen alumni veterans, surrounded by tennis team members. The carved names include Nisei Jero Kanetomi and Yoshito Noritake. The tennis juniors were a manageable subset of the students present who could fit in a photo around the monument. All have been coached by “Coach Roger” Yamaguchi (, Apr. 2016). Trees in the Cleveland Memorial Forest.
Index map. Image: Google Maps
降りつむ 永瀬清子 かなしみの国に雪が降りつむ かなしみを糧として生きよと雪が降りつむ 失いつくしたものの上に雪が降りつむ その山河の上に そのうすきシャツの上に そのみなし子のみだれたる頭髪の上に
The Kiyoko Nagase poem that inspired Ryuichi Sakamoto's "Snowfalls" (2017; p. 5) is superb. It reads, in part: A scene from the film, "Ichi" (2008). It tells a fictional tale of goze, blind wandering minstrels of Old Japan. Photo: YouTube trailer screenshot


場所:East-West Chanoyu Center 1414 S. Weller St., East Building, 2F, Seattle 問い合わせ:☎206-328-6018、





月からイベントやクラスを 開催。毎週土曜日午後


においてツチノ・フォレスター日系国際結婚友の会会長への勲章伝達式・祝賀レセプションが行われた。式典では、稲垣久生在シアトル日本国総領事から祝辞の後、勲記が読み上げられ、旭日単光章が授与された。日系国際結婚友の会は、国際結婚がまだ一般的ではなかった時代に「戦争花嫁」 として戦後の日本から移住した日本人女性を始め、日系コミュニティー全体の福利厚生を向上さ せるため、さまざまな活動を行ってきた。フォレスター会長は自身のこれまでの取り組みについて触れ、日本の文化や言語を守っていくことの重要性を述べ、また米国での生活や経験を振り返りながら感謝の意を表した。

日系国際結婚友の会会長、 叙勲伝達式





ポートを行う。参加者全員に オリジナル


ク・オフミーティングを予定。 応募・詳細:


New Wave- Memories and Melodies

30 x24 inch Handcrafted, Oilstained Wood and Paper Mosaic, Acrilic Oil Sumi Bainbridge Island Museum of Art(

Spotlight Julied Exhibition, Jun. 30 - Sep. 10. 2023

イベント案内、会合の報告、新規ビジネス・サービスのお知らせなど日系コミュニティーへの告知をお待ちしています。寄稿文も受け付けています。記事や 写 真をEメールにて送付くださ )。

Naoko Morisawa/ Morisawa Studio



投稿募集 ■

令和5年5月18日、岸田文雄内閣総理大臣は、G7広島サミット出席のため訪日したジョセフ・バイデン・アメリカ 合衆国大統領と、日米首脳会談を行いました。その概要を北米報知の読者の皆様へお伝えいたします。アメリカ合衆国 在住の皆様におかれましては、両国の友好関係が一層強化されていくよう、引き続きお力添えをお願い申し上げます。

の成果を踏まえた日米同盟の抑止力・対処力の一層の強化に向けた協力を継続していくことを改めて確認しました。また、両首脳は、 米国の拡大抑止が日本の強化される防衛力と相まって、 日本の安全及び地域の平和と安定の確保に果たす不可欠な役割を再確認しました。

安全保障協議委員会(日米 「

を嬉しく思う旨述べた上で、 日米同盟はインド太平洋地域の平和と安定の礎であり、 日米関係は、安全保障や経済にとどまらず、あらゆる分野で重層的な協力関係にあると述べたのに対し、バイデン大統領から、日米両国は基本的価値を共有しており、日米同盟はかつてなく強固である旨述べました。 続いて、両首脳は、日 米安全保障協力について意見交換を行い、


2 」)や日米首脳会談

1 月の日米

日米首脳会談 冒頭、岸田総理大臣から、 1 月の訪米以来の再会

ぐる諸課題への対応に当たり、引き続き日米で緊密に連携していくことで一致しました。また、両首脳は、 中国と共通の課題については協力していくことの重要性を確認しました。さらに、 (

両首脳は、インド太平洋 地域、とりわけ東アジアにおいて、力による一方的な現状変更の試みを許してはならないという観点も踏まえつつ、次のとおり意見交換を行いました。 (


米国のコミットメントが改めて表明され、両首脳は、 そうした文脈において、情勢が進展する際のあらゆる段階において二国間の十分な調整を確保する意思を改めて確認しました。両首脳は、直近の日米「





ミットにむけて、国際社会 や地域の課題に対する

の揺るぎない結束を世界に示すべく、日米でも緊密に連携していくことで一致し ました。 両首脳は、地域の経済秩 序に対する米国の関与がますます重要となっているとの認識を共有し、インド太平洋経済枠組み(

るグローバル・サウスへの関与や支援の重要性を確認 しました。 また、両首脳は、

めとする同志国と緊密に連携しながら、厳しい対露制裁と強力なウクライナ支援を継続していくことで一致 しました。 ( 4)



によるウクライナ侵略について、引き続き G 7

5月上旬の訪韓に触れつつ、日韓関係を更に進展させていく旨述べたのに対し、バイデン大統領から、日韓関係の改善を歓迎する旨述べました。両首脳は、国連安保理決議に従った北朝鮮の完全な非核化に向け、日米韓の安全保障協力を含む地域の抑止力強化や安保理での対応において、引き続き日米、日米韓で緊密に連携していくことで一致しました。また、岸田総理大臣から、拉致問題 時解決に向けた米国の 引き続きの理解と協力を求め、バイデン大統領から、 改めて全面的な支持を得ま した。 ( 3) 両首脳は、ロシア

G 7 広島サ

G 7


経済安全保障の協力を具体化 させることで一致しました。 日本国政府 (写真提供・内閣広報室) より詳しい情報は、首相官邸ホームページ(、外務省ホームページ (をご覧ください。

といった分野にも協力を広げていくことで一致しました。さらに、両首脳は、エネルギー安全保障の強化に向けて取り組む重要性を共有しました。また、日米経済政策協議委員会 (経済版「

保護の重要性に関する認識を共有し、量子及び半導体分野における日米間の大学及び企業間でのパートナーシップ締結が予定されていることを歓迎 するとともに、バイオや

いての我が国の考えと取組を伝 えました。


また、日本政府の政策や日本の魅力について、英文の日本政府公式ホームページ「JapanGov」 (や、英文オンライン・マガジン「HIGHLIGHTING Japan」(和文も掲載。もご参照ください。

2 」)において、



Public Relations Office, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan


日米首脳会談 日米首脳会談
+ 2」
I P E F)
( C P T P P )につ
Japanese 12
7月 8日 (土 ) ・ 9日 (日 )に
2 万人が訪
日は 1 シフト 4 時間で会場サ
T シャツが進呈さ れる。 6月 24日 (土 ) にはキッ
( N ・ A ・ P) 6月 7 日、総領事公邸
( J C C C W )
1時 2
© Consulate-General of Japan in Seattle

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