Fire Protection Engineering

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Fire fighting systems protecting your personnel and oil & gas investments

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We promise Experience is our key to obtain perfection The organisation Operating to our client’s satisfaction Products and integrated systems Services offered References Quality Assurance and Registrations Where to find us


We promise

To use all our skill and experience to make sure that the systems we develop, meets the most stringent demands for fire protection for oil and gas installations. To make sure that the flow of communication from us to you, as our client, will be to your satisfaction. To use and master modern 3D modelling computer software in the process, and therefore be able to be flexible, and do swift and precise adjustments in response to your special needs. To invest in, and develop, the technology, and to use it in combination with our in-depth product know-how for the best of each and every assignment. To do our utmost every time: By using our years of experience in this particular field, to your advantage. 3

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Fire Protection Engineering AS is the leading company in Norway in the field of design and production of fire fighting equipment and -systems for the oil and gas industry. The company has also gained a significant position as a supplier in the international market for high quality projects. FPE employs skilled engineers, technicians and fitters. The majority of our key personnel started working in this industry between 1977 and 1992. Our personnel have been involved as project managers and project engineers in supplying fire protection systems and equipment to most of the platforms operating in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, but also for projects in the UK, Singapore, Korea, China, Canada, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russia. Vital experience has been gained through involvement in upgrading and replacement projects on oil and gas platforms, as well as through hands-on service and maintenance work.

Experience is our key to obtain perfection

FPE has a specialised focus on fire protection equipment for:

Fixed Production Platforms Floating Production Units Petrochemical Plants Onshore Oil and Gas Production Plants Drilling Rigs


Sales and management team.

Workshop Assembly Group.

Taking care of every little detail.

Teamwork is what it’s all about.

The FPE Design Group.

The Service Group at your service.


The Engineering Group.

Inhouse knowledge of state of the art tools enables us to make swift responses.

FPE is founded on extensive experience in supplying high quality fire fighting systems for the oil and gas industry. The core competence is our engineering group where the majority of engineers and designers has been working in this industry for over 30 years. Also, our crew of assembly fitters and service technicians have extensive experience through years of practice in assembling and servicing all kinds of fire fighting equipment.

The organisation

Several of our service technicians have multidiscipline qualifications. The combination of our competent field technicians and our skilled in-house staff of engineers makes us particularly qualified to take responsibility for refurbishment and upgrade work, as well as full scale field system testing and verification.



Our main goal is to leave a satisfied customer after each completed job. All assignments are made to suit the individual requirements of each client. Each product is designed by use of the most modern 3D modelling computer software. This is a particularly vital point as it allows us to provide quick and flexible response in cases where unforeseen needs occur.

Operating to our client’s satisfaction

Drop-in replacement FPE specialize’s in tailor-making equipment, which can be used as drop-in replacement for existing, worn-out equipment. Planning and execution Our service and commissioning personnel are trained to undertake the responsibility of planning and executing replacements on a platform. In addition we are capable of planning and the installation of new products, covering all activities up to and including the commissioning of the equipment. Our QA System is certified by DnV to NS-EN ISO 9001:2008 Our management system is certified by DnV to NS-EN-ISO 14001:2004


Products and integrated systems

FPE cover the complete range of fire protection systems and equipment including:


Multivalve deluge Skid

Single deluge skid

Deluge valve skid with integrated foam tank

Helideck nozzle integrated system

Sprinkler systems

Multivalve deluge skids are suitable for use in compact installations such as offshore platforms, where the distance between protected areas is limited. All our deluge skids are based on the Inbal elastomeric pressure regulating deluge valve. Valve and piping materials may be titanium, duplex stainless steel, cunifer etc. Skid enclosures are made from stainless steel, insulated and heated if required. Skids are available with foam proportioning facilities, and can be equipped with full size test lines for realistic functional testing.

Single valve deluge skids are available for installations where it is nescessary to install the valve skid adjacent to the protected area. The valve skid uses the Inbal pressure regulating deluge valve. The standard design for all deluge skids is as shown, with rigid lightweight corrugated stainless steel enclosure. Deluge skids can also be supplied as open skid units. The valve skids will normally include a manual by-pass valve. The systems are available with instrument air control, or direct firewater control for system release.

Deluge valve skids are available with different types of foam supply arrangements. Foam can be supplied pressurized from a central foam unit, or as the one shown here with the foam tank integrated into the skid design as part of the corrugated stainless steel enclosure at the back of the unit. Mixing of foam into the firewater can be achieved by use of balanced pressure foam proportioners, foam inductors, constant flow foam valves, or waterdriven foam proportioning pumps.

This system includes a deluge skid with an integrated foam tank, and a foam proportioning unit. The discharge line from the skid connects to a piping distribution network installed directly underneath the helideck. The nozzles are fitted into the deck structure and the nozzle surface is flush with the surface of the deck. When the system is activated, the nozzles pops up, and provides a spray of water/foam up to 7 metres above the deck. The system is completely safe for personnel evacuating a helicopter, and very efficient under all wind conditions.

Sprinkler systems are used for protection of living quarters, offices etc on an oil and gas installation. The sprinkler skid is based on the Inbal pressure regulating valve, and can be made as wet or dry pipe system. Wet pipe systems will normally have a special fresh water connection for the distribution pipework. The sprinkler can also be connected to a fresh water tank for an initial supply of fresh water upon system release followed by a firewater supply


Water mist systems

Central foam skid systems

Gaseous systems

Surge pressure compensator

Active hydrophore unit

Water mist systems are used for protection of gas turbine enclosures, emergency generator rooms, fire pump rooms and other small machinery spaces. The unit is supplied in a corrugated stainless steel enclosure. This can be heated and insulated if required. The unit contains a stainless steel water tank, sized to fit the protected room, and one or more high pressure nitrogen cylinders. The system operates at low pressure, and contains all necessary instrumentation for system pressure control, water tank level indication, automatic activation etc.

Central foam skid units are used on installations where it is convenient to have one central foam unit providing foam liquid to all required areas. The Skid unit consists of a foam tank, foam pumps, necessary pressure control valves, and instrumentation for safe operation. The foam tank is made from stainless steel and can be insulated and heated if necessary to prevent freezing. The foam pumps are normally powered electrically.

Gaseous systems are used for protection of electrical rooms, not suitable for water mist protection. Available systems employs CO2, Inergen or Argonite as extinguishing agent. The systems are normally supplied with a stainless steel enclosure for environmental protection of the equipment. These systems can be fitted with various system release barriers for personnel safety and are sized to fit the protected room. They can be made as a single room protection system, or multiple room protection with release line selector valves.

Pressure surges can be a serious problem in firewater systems. One typical problem is column separation and vacuum in high firewater risers. Problems occur when the deluge valve opens before the firepump is running. The surge pressure compensator aleviates this problem by injecting compressed air into the top of the riser, this maintains a positive pressure. When the firepump starts, an air cushion is “shot� into the firewater piping, immediately establishing a pressure of 8-9 Barg, this dampens the velocity of the water column efficiently, and prevents damaging water surges.

Some firewater systems have an arrangement and lay-out where the surge pressure compensator is not effective. In such cases the active hydrophore unit can be a suitable alternative. Instead of injecting compressed air into the firewater system, this unit injects water at a minimum pressure to prevent vacuum in risers. The tank is pressurized by ultra rapid responding air pressure regulators, fed from high pressure cylinders. The tank is sized to cover the time delay between the opening deluge valves and starting of the fire pump.


Swinging hosereel, central firepoint

Dual agent hosereel

Fixed hosereel

Fixed foam hosereel

Firewater hydrant

Swinging hosereels are very efficient for fire extinguishing in living quarter areas and in open deck areas. The hosereel cabinets are stainless steel made, insulated and heated if required, and available for open wall - or recessed mounting. The hosereel can be fitted with 1” or 1 ¼” hose. The central firepoint unit can also be fitted with a portable extinguisher, first aid kit, and a torch. The rigid hosereel is made with water ways in titanium or bronze alloy, designed to give a minimum pressure drop for ma ximum flow.

A variety of dual agent hosereel units which have the extremely efficient combination of dry powder and water/foam are also available. These units are suitable for manual use on helicopter decks and in areas with high risk of hydrocarbon fires. The standard units have a 250 kg powdertank. Foam is either supplied from a built in foam tank, or from a central foam system through a pressurized foam ring main. The units are enclosed with an insulated and heated stainless steel enclosure. The hosereel is available with waterways in titanium or bronze alloy.

Fixed hosereels with 1 ½” hose are suitable for use in open deck areas as an alternative to traditional hydrants. The hosereel is a rapidly activated, powerful unit. Waterways are made in titanium or nickel aluminium bronze, framework and drum arrangement is made from rigid stainless steel. The hosereel unit can be made freestanding or installed in a stainless steel cabinet which can be insulated and heated if required.

The fixed hosereel is also available with foam. The foam hosereel is equipped with 1 ½” hose, and incorporates a stainless steel foam tank and a pick-up inductor for injection of foam liquid. The foam tank is available in various sizes. The foam tank can also be insulated and heated if required.

Firewater hydrants are used in open deck areas for manual fire fighting. They can be supplied with or without pressure regulating hydrant valves, and will normally have cradles or racks suitable for storage of collapsible hydrant hoses. The inlet manifold and hydrant valve is available in titanium, cunifer/alubronze or other materials. The cabinet is made in stainless steel, and can be heated if required.



Firewater monitors

Autofog monitor nozzle

Deluge nozzles

Nozzle adaptors

High capacity nozzles

FPE supply a wide variety of monitors. These include; manual monitors, automatic oscillating monitors and hydraulic or electric remote controlled monitors. The picture shows an electric remote controlled monitor for 24 V operation. All functions, horizontal and vertical movement and jet/ spray pattern on the nozzle can be controlled by joystick or pushbuttons. The electric motor and arrangement is EEx(de) for operation in “zone 1� areas. The monitor is made of cast bronze, with the motors in stainless steel.

This monitor nozzle has a built in device to ensure that it returns to fog position once the water pressure is off. This means that the nozzle will always start in the fog position. This monitor nozzle is intended for helicopterdecks or other areas where personnel may be hit by the water stream from the monitor. By automatic start up in fog position, it means personnel will not get injured. Once the water pressure is on, the nozzle can be manually operated into any full jet or spraypattern. The monitor nozzle is made in bronze.

FPE supply a vast range of deluge nozzles including medium and high velocity covering all spray angles and K-factors. The nozzle comes with UL listing, and are available in titanium, bronze or brass materials.

Nozzle adaptors are used in combination with deluge nozzles for object protection. The nozzle adaptor allows the nozzle to be easily adjusted into its optimal orientation, to provide the best possible coverage of the protected object. The adaptor allows the nozzle to be offset up to 28 degrees off centre from the pipefitting in any direction. It can then be locked in position. The nozzle adaptor can be supplied in titanium, bronze or brass materials.

High capacity nozzles are suitable for use in areas where, because of the distribution piping network, it is impractical to use traditional deluge nozzles. These nozzles have a higher flow, and a larger coverage than deluge nozzles. The K- factor of the nozzles can be easily altered, and the spray angle can also be adjusted from straight stream to wide fog. The shown nozzle has a built in device which allows for easy adjustment of the direction of the spray. This can be offset up to 28 degrees from the centre line in any direction.


Services offered

Our main objective is to contribute to the protection of your personnel and production facilities, by ensuring that your extinguishing systems operates satisfactory at all times. FPE key-personnel have more than 30 years of on-site experience in inspection, troubleshooting, repair, modification and updating of extinguishing systems and equipment. Several of our service technicians have multidiscipline qualifications in this field. Site services carried out by our service technicians is backed by our engineering group for calculations, design and documentation.


Preparation of fireprotection specifications

Design and hydraulic calculation of deluge distribution systems

Full scale testing of deluge systems

Regular servicing

Installation, start-up and commissioning

FPE can produce professional technical specifications for all kinds of fire protection equipment and systems. These can be prepared either as functional specifications, or with detailed technical descriptions of a specific design. The specifications will be ensured to describe proven, workable, solutions, which are in compliance with recognized standards.

We can undertake responsibility for deluge design, including location of nozzles and design of distribution piping system, complete with isometric layout drawings. We can also provide hydraulic calculations, by use of Pipenet Software, and optimize the system with regards to hydraulic balance. Isometric drawings may include complete material take-off lists.

FPE can also take responsibility for full scale testing of deluge systems, on-site.This includes: Preparation of test procedures, necessary preparations at site, execution of tests, verification of flow / pressure acc. to hydraulic calcs, verification of area coverage (density) to ensure sufficient flow in all areas, inspection of all objects to have sufficient protection, check system performance with regards to wind-conditions, verify correct flow through all nozzles etc. The test-results will be recorded, by use of “clamp on� flow meter(s), pressure transmitters and data-logger. A detailed test report will be issued.

Based on an agreed level of involvement, by establishment of a Service Agreement, FPE offers to undertake responsibility for all periodical inspection and servicing of your fire fighting equipment. We will then inspect and service all your equipment, and do everything required for you to be assured that the equipment will work whenever needed. Our testing also includes analysis of consumables, such as foam liquid and dry powder. Further, we will immediately alert you, should we determine conditions, which could, potentially, cause a future malfunction in any of the firefighting systems.

FPE can provide experienced engineers and technicians, well qualified for supervising the installation, start-up and commissioning of fire protection systems, according to relevant procedures. A commissioning report will be prepared to verify the system capability against the specifications.



Regular audit of system

Trouble shooting and repair

Upgrades and replacement

Evaluation & verification of existing systems

Spare parts

FPE can assume responsibility for regular audits of your fire fighting systems. This may be in the form of independent inspections and functional testing of equipment, yearly or at other intervals. The equipment will be thoroughly inspected and function-tested, in accordance with predetermined test procedures, to verify that the system functions and performs as intended. Such regular audits of the equipment will ensure that the equipment will function correctly, whenever a real fire situation occurs. As apart of the audits, we will also offer training of your site personnel, to ensure better understanding of the function and key reliability issues of the systems.

Our experienced servicetechnicians, backed by our engineering team, are all very well qualified for survey and inspection of all kinds of fire fighting equipment, to determine the causes of malfunction or problem. We have been used extensively for this kind of work on a number of offshore installations in Norway and worldwide. We are able to provide various alternative solutions for repairs, depending of the nature of the problem, the urgency etc. FPE also holds a variety of components in stock, in order to be able to respond quickly when such needs occurs.

FPE also provides assistance related to upgrading and replacement of equipment, whether it concerns replacement of certain components or complete systems. The existing installation is evaluated and various alternatives for upgrades may be proposed. We are prepared to accept “turn-key” responsibility, including design of the new solution, engineering and fabrication of new equipment, planning of installation, physical installation and commissioning of the equipment. All necessary documentation will be updated, as required. We also stock temporary fire fighting equipment, which may be used during the installation phase.

We can perform field inspections of existing fire fighting installations, and carry out evaluation of the systems against relevant standards. Such field inspection will include a technical assessment of the quality of the system(s) and its ability to provide the intended fire fighting capability. The field inspection will result in a detailed report, describing all findings, a description of the system state, as well as proposed actions or repairs, if considered necessary.

FPE keeps stocked a number of “long lead” and critical components, which are part of the fire protection systems. Throughout the years we have gained significant knowledge of competing manufacturers of fire fighting systems, and will be able to supply spare parts for various makes of fire fighting systems. When modification work is carried out, alternative fire protection equipment may be needed in order to maintain the required safety level. We hire out monitors, nozzles, fire hoses etc for temporary use.



You are never better than your latest accomplishment. That is why we treat every challenge as our most important one. While this brochure is made to give a general impression of what we have done, here is a presentation list of projects which we have carried out to our customers exclaimed satisfaction. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a presentation of more detailed and specific references. We also recommend you to visit our web-site which provides detailed information such as drawings, data sheets, flow charts, weight and dimensions on a wide range of products.


End users

Engineering Contractors

BP China National Offshore Oil Corporation ConocoPhillips ENI ( Agip ) Ex xonMobil Hydro Maersk Husky Oil Sevan Marine Shell Statoil Talisman Total ( Elf ) Woodside Energy

Aibel Aker Solutions AkerMaritime Kiewit Contractors Amec APL Bayards Coflexip Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Dresser Rand Fabricom Fluor Daniel Frank Mohn Flatøy Heerema


Hyundai Heav y Industries K. Lund Offshore Leirvik Mt Linde AG Mustang Engineering National Oilwell Services Phermadule Emtunga Rig Design Services Rolls Royce Power Engineering Samsung Heav y Industries Transfield Worley Services Triocean Engineering Unitor

Vetco Aiblel Worley Parsons Wood Group Engineering

Quality Assurance and Registrations


Years of experience is the main key to obtain the best protection of your oil and gas installations

Were to find us: Kanalarmen 12, Forus 4052 Røyneberg Norway Phone +47 51 95 92 92 Fa x +47 51 95 92 91 -



Røyneberg - foto: tom haga

Fire Protection Engineering as P.O. Box 142 4065 Stavanger Norway

Visiting address: Kanalarmen 12, Forus 4052 Røyneberg Norway Phone: +47 51 95 92 92 Fa x: +47 51 95 92 91 Enterprise no: 981 990 374 QA Certificate no: 2001-OSL-AQ-7140

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