The Happy Issue, Fall 2016

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Fall 2016, Issue 01

Specialized Specialized Kinesiology Magazine Kinesiology Magazine

Delving Deeply into 5-­‐Elements

Sylvia Marina Changing Your DNA Story Agape Quest

Creating a Happy Client Base

The Emotion-­‐ Physiology connection

The Happy Issue

The Happy Issue

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,

Issue 01, Fall 2016


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The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

Marina on Sylvia changing DNA,

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine

defusing ancestral stress and becoming love.

page 6 Delving Deep into 5-­‐Element Theory.

Editor/Publisher/Writer and flawed dictator: Alexis Costello Contributors: Denise Cambiotti Lisa Kilgour Paris Berezowski Sandy Gannon Cover photographer: Hannah Costello Opinions expressed by contributors and advertisers are their own.

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Have a topic you think other practitioners would be interested in? An article to contribute, or a product/class/confere nce to advertise? Email:

Contents: p. 4 Letter from the Editor p.5 Your turn: letters, questions and social media p. 6 Feature Interview: Sylvia Marina Changing Your DNA Story p. 9 Modality Profile: An Introduction to Agape Quest p. 13 Think of something Stressful – emotions in muscle testing

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,

p. 15 Remembering the Power of TFH 5-­‐Elements p. 18 Marketing Maven: Creating and maintaining a healthy client base p. 21 Nutrition Corner: Your Serotonin Connection p. 24 Classifieds p. 25 Health Should Be Fun!


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The Happy Issue

Because I’m

Issue 01, Fall 2016

Happy :)

Welcome to the first ever issue of Specialized Kinesiology Magazine! Our field can be kind of lonely. While many of us have practices where we work on people all the time, it can be rare to connect with peers. You know, the kind of people who get really excited about proprioceptors and muscle charts and meridian mapping. I felt like it would be great to have a way of connecting people from different countries, allowing us to share information, learn more and enhance our skills so we become better practitioners. Each issue will delve deep into some interesting facet of our work, showcase a specific modality, include ways to succeed as a holistic business and feature an interview with one of the movers and shakers of the Specialized Kinesiology world. This is The Happy Issue, partly because I am thrilled to be sharing this with all of you, and partly because the science of ‘Happy’ has become a hot topic for researchers in recent years.

In my experience, when clients first walk through my door, they are usually trying to fix some symptoms; get rid of their pain, sleep better, lower blood pressure, etc. But once they begin feeling better, another goal comes out – they want to be happy. Muscle testing is fabulous for cutting through the noise and letting us see what stressors are keeping us from being truly happy with life. Happy doesn’t mean the absence of problems, rather it has to do with how we approach challenges and how deeply they affect us, just like using Emotional Stress Release points doesn’t remove the stress but changes the way we think about the issue. Hopefully, this issue gives you some new ideas as to how to become happier, both in life and in business. Thanks for reading. We’re all in this together!

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

Your Turn – Questions, Letters and Social Media

Question asked of the Applied Kinesiology/Touch for Health group on Facebook: What about our work makes you Happy? Jeanette Knorr Marasco: It's a door into a magical world of Spirit & Love. Tanya Levy: It is an opening to endless possibility and Divine Love which places doors in walls and openings in the heart. (photo mine , Heart lady♡) Rochelle McFarlane: Helping (release) the bonds that hold people back. Joyce Brunner: When I see that 'aha' moment in my client's eyes and their whole body shifts right in front of me! Cindy Goldade: Clients seem to reflect what will most benefit me. So my own personal growth that comes from working with others makes me happy.

Next issue’s theme is “Back to Basics”, featuring an interview with Matthew Thie, a conversation about marketing with Tania of O’Neill Kinesiology College, and an in-­‐depth look at the physiology of muscle testing. Next issue’s question: What ‘basic’ technique is your favourite and why? Post your answer on the GEMS Kinesiology page on Facebook to be included here!

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


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The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

Sylvia Marina Changing Your DNA Story


By Alexis Costello I met Sylvia Marina in Copenhagen at an IASK conference. She moved to the front of the room to speak and I was transfixed. Sylvia speaks in a warm resonant voice and you find yourself instantly trusting her, completely relaxed and yet a little in awe.

effects on DNA expression, literally changing our physiology to better match our perception of the environment. Sylvia has created a class entitled Transforming DNA Memories that shows students how to work with this to create their best self.

Basically, she’s the Oprah of the kinesiology world.

I sit in the early morning sun with a cup of coffee. Sylvia and I are separated by 14 time zones and she is getting ready to turn in for the evening but graciously sits in front of the computer screen to answer my questions.

Thanks to superstars of the field like Dr. Bruce Lipton, many of us are familiar with the idea that our emotions and thoughts can have Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


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The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

A: You have been seeing clients for a number of years. What would make you think that a physical symptom in a client has a trans-­‐ generational origin?

A: How long have you been working with this as a Specialized Kinesiology tool?

S: I’ve been working with it professionally for more than 20 years and created a mastery course for it in 2000, so it has been a long time.

S: When someone says something like, “I’m always tired. I’ve been to the Naturopathic Doctor, the herbalist, the specialized kinesiologist and acupuncturist. It comes right for a little while but then it’s the same.” I ask if any season triggers it and they say no. Is there any specific upset that might trigger it? Now they may recognize a trigger. “Every time I think about this certain subject…” That’s a sign that it might be more than the day-­‐to-­‐day that is making you tired. I would work with cancer patients and they would come in saying they are completely clear of all cancer. Then a few months later, the cancer would come back again. Some time later they would come in, completely clear of cancer and again it comes back, almost as if they’re inviting it back again. Or they have a backache they can’t do anything about… maybe there is a greater story here about responsibility. On their DNA structure where genetics are carried and features are carried, the memories are carried on that – maybe this backache is a memory being carried on their DNA. If things are not being resolved in 2 or 3 or 4 sessions, we need to be looking at epigenetics, trans-­‐ generational trauma.

Etiam eu ipsum. Donec ac arcu.

A: In your paper (for the IASK Conference Journal) you make reference to trying desperately to please your foster parents, but feeling like they disapproved of your ethnic background. Did this influence your work in looking at trans-­‐ generational stress? S: The whole of my childhood influenced my work. I was the child who was very different. Because of my ethnicity I looked different from my foster family, but I also acted different. I would ask, “Why do you have to cook the fish? We should eat it raw, as it is.” There were many little differences that separated me from my foster family and they resented me for it. When people would visit, (my family) would say, “we love all our children the same”, but when you don’t get the favours and the cuddles and the approval as the other children, you know that is not true.

your own choices. I was between this very English way of living (from my upbringing) and this call inside myself saying, “This is what I desire.” This has been a huge influence in helping people to be true to their own knowing. A: This word “Entelechy” (see side bar)… I’m a book fiend and the kind of girl who always wins at Scrabble, but I had never seen this word before I read your paper! Can you tell me about it? S: I looked for a word that said that we have a wisdom inside ourselves that would make us right and whole. (continued next page)

As a child, you have to wait until you grow up to be able to make

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


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The Happy Issue


Issue 01, Fall 2016 I have always had a fascination with creatures that migrate; the internal wisdom that tells them to travel so far to have their babies and then travel back. I searched for a word that would represent this, and I found it in these writings of Aristotle.

In the philosophy of Aristotle, it is the condition of a thing whose essence is fully realized.

Entelechy is a vital force that directs an organism toward self-­‐fulfillment.

S: People have a concept of love, but when you ask, “What is love?” they don’t know what it is. But they know when they don’t have it! Love is around us all the time. That lovely oxytocin feeling comes from feeling connected to love. Being connected to that vibration of love and healing, appreciation of who we are and that (we are) worthy of healing and being whole. We know the words, but unless we are connected to them, they have no value.

Applied to our lives, experiencing your entelechy is about moving past fear, insecurity, judgment and separation, and understanding the potential that we each brought with us into this life.

A: Love and connection are major themes in your work. How do these affect DNA expression?

A: You have been in this industry for a long time; what would you consider ‘Required Reading’ for kinesiologists? S: “The Brain that Changes Itself” (by Norman Doidge) comes to mind. Because that book tells us that; if we have the awareness, the belief, the commitment; then the brain can create new pathways. It has many examples of how people can train their body.

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People see little bits of improvement, which is exciting, and they begin to believe change is possible. That book is nice because it’s not so complicated for the layperson. Another is “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself”, by Dr Joe Dispenza. A: Is there anything else that you feel it’s important for people to know about you and about your work? S: My work actually goes in on a level that most other courses just manage to miss. This is what my students say. One of the things I work with in the course is a list of words called Keys to Clearing. Those specific words take people right into their DNA story. We use very specific focused meditation as well. People often talk about love – we love in many, many ways – but we are only really connected to it through understanding. It is like yin and yang, we can have lots of each, but the beauty is when they come together and everything makes sense. Like when fingertips enfold and move together. It’s the beauty of bringing all our parts together and connecting them. Sylvia is one of the keynote presenters at the IASK Conference in Bergamo Italy 2017, discussing the topic “Understand Your Entelechy”. For more information about Sylvia Marina and her work, visit


The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

An Introduction to Agape Quest By Denise Cambiotti

In honour of the first issue of the Specialized Kinesiology Magazine whose founding theme is the “The Happy Issue”, it does seem fitting to have an article about a modality that translates to “Love Quest”…. Agape Quest is the foundational workshop that allows entrance into the amazing research and power of Applied Physiology® (AP) as created by the late Richard Utt, L.Ac. One of Richard’s favourite quotes is: "All Encompassing Love -­‐ The total and complete acceptance and implementation of all the physical and metaphysical laws of the universe, known or unknown.” My brief contact with Richard impressed upon me the importance of working with my clients with love, from the heart. While there are numerous useful techniques contained in this workshop, the most unique features you learn about right away are AP's discovery and application of Hologram Mode and Powers of Stress downloading. Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

There is a bit of Formatting in Agape Quest, and much greater amount in subsequent AP workshops. These three tools offer a kinesiology practitioner wonderful versatility and finesse when working with challenging issues.

He noticed, 'push-­‐to-­‐mush' sometimes didn't work and he observed the related 'lengthen-­‐to-­‐ strengthen' technique also didn't always work.

While there is a decent Holographic Supertheory lecture during the workshop, the bottom line to grasp about working with Hologram Mode is that it offers a manner of focusing with laser precision on the location of the issue in the physical or metaphysical body. Its’ power is about always looking at the relationships of meridians to each other which creates a 3D effect in the session. Balancing techniques targeted at this level affect all collateral aspects on all other levels. Because of this characteristic, the results can be pretty wonderful. ‘Powers of Stress’ is the term Richard created to deal with an occurrence he ran into quite regularly. Like many people who have taken introductory kinesiology workshops, he noticed some of the people he worked with didn't follow the textbook example when setting up a properly functioning indicator muscle. Even when the indicator muscle was stimulated in the correct manner the muscle oftentimes didn't unlock as easily as was demonstrated in his Touch for Health class. I am willing to bet every one of us who practices 'spindling-­‐off' a muscle has also observed this annoying problem a few times!

I am so proud that Richard decided there had to be something wrong with the person's neurology rather than with his muscle testing skills! (I've heard of too many students and beginner practitioners losing confidence when this problem happens during their sessions.) Having a properly functioning indicator muscle is critical to working effectively. It is essential to correctly locate stressors and techniques to bring balance back into the system. As a highly trained electrical systems trouble-­‐shooter in his previous career, Richard had met a challenge and he designed a relatively simple way to deal this problem. For example: If you have learned about working with goals in your first Touch for Health workshop, you might recall students are encouraged to break a goal down or build it up if the muscle doesn't unlock when the person states their goal. The explanation is that the goal is either too small to trigger a muscle response, or it is TOO big of a goal to work with and the muscle can't unlock. Aha! (continued next page)

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The Happy Issue Richard worked with people with big issues, and co-­‐incidentally noticed a lot of North Americans were already walking around with piles of stress. Chipping away at one relatively small goal at a time didn't fit in with the way he wanted to work. He found a way of downloading the overly-­‐locked muscle. Additionally, the practice of focusing with laser-­‐like intensity at one small area utilizing hologram mode would sometimes cause his client's indicator muscles to unlock and not become re-­‐lockable or it might become too rigid to work with. He had a great incentive to find a work-­‐around for this problem. Powers of Stress technique became a powerful way of downloading and adding the amount of stress regarding the issue into the session for correction and balancing. Observing how many times the technique needed to be applied was a good indicator of just how much stress had been on-­‐board during the session, not only for the practitioner, but also for the client! Powers of Stress are checked not only when placing a goal online, but also when anything is added to the circuit. Some possibilities could include a finger mode, an emotion, or a format. Adam Lehman working with Applied Physiology techniques

Issue 01, Fall 2016 Formatting is a tremendous gift to the kinesiology practitioner. It is usually combined with circuit retaining mode (pause lock), and 'stacking' when one wants to add several pieces of information into 'circuit' before applying a balancing technique to the 'whole circuit'. Formatting combines the use of finger modes as discovered by Dr. Alan Beardall, DC, while simultaneously touching specific acupoints. Richard Utt discovered through an incredible number of hours of research that certain acupoints give read outs for different things, and when combining that information with one or more finger modes, you can ask the body extremely specific questions and obtain answers through the use of our friendly every day tool: the muscle test. An example of formatting in Agape Quest would be to use it in the balancing phase to determine if the body would like a sound or flower essence correction combined with a specific Figure 8 pattern, over a command point, a hand or foot reflex, a neurolymphatic or neurovascular reflex. In other AP workshops, formatting can access extraordinarily specific areas of brain or organ anatomy and physiology. While verbal questioning can work quite well and is a normal practice for other modalities, AP’ers really value the direct hardwired neurological response you can observe when you begin to apply formatting. Working with formats gives the nervous system an extremely clear and specific challenge to which to respond. It is unambiguous. Formatting happens to be a very direct way of stimulating the nervous system! AP practitioners are trained to intentionally stimulate the nervous system based on the person's imbalance via creatively activating whatever we can of the issue, and placing all of what we discover into pause lock. (continued next page)

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016 I am very much sold on the incredible value of this practice as we observe significant and rather rapid results when working with difficult cases whether they are muscular, organ, glandular, or neurological in nature.

Above: Richard Utt

Other snippets of Applied Physiology information may be found here:­‐listings-­‐2/course-­‐ outlines/ap-­‐classes/

In North America, the Agape Quest workshop has been redeveloped from an intense 10-­‐day workshop into a more brain friendly series of four, four-­‐day classes. This allows more time for Anatomy and Physiology lectures, hands-­‐on practice, and deeper understanding of the theory behind the techniques. Furthermore, the re-­‐ organized curriculum puts some of AP’s most powerful tools into the student’s hands in the very first class and they can start effectively working with clients right away. These techniques are Sound Balancing, Seven Element Command Points, Foot Reflexology (all worked with holographic precision), and Figure 8 Energy. Anyone who has heard about the magical AP tuning forks might appreciate knowing they learn to work with the tuning forks in the first workshop, and others will hopefully appreciate they will have the ability to offer Sound Balancing to easily and deeply clear a lot of baggage from the meridian and emotional systems right away. Subsequent levels teach how to work with the basic techniques very masterfully and also weave in working with emotions and flower essences for more support. Denise Cambiotti is an Applied Physiology (AP), Stress Indicator Point System (SIPS), Touch for Health (TFH), Goals Element Mode Stack (GEMS) and Circuits Alive Muscle Tuning (CAMT) instructor. She lives in Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada. She also runs a busy general practice and the online kinesiology supply bookstore at She invites you to contact her via:

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

“Think of Something Stressful…” By Alexis Costello

Specialized Kinesiology work is incredibly cool. Not cool in the kind of way that translates to throngs of people screaming your name, adrenaline rushes, or crazy sex appeal, but cool in a, “did that really just happen?” kind of way. Cool because it is hard for us as a species sometimes to get our logical linear brains around just how much influence our thoughts, emotions and subconscious desires have on our physiology and health, but SK work just drags it out into the open. People are sometimes skeptical of this, but it makes sense when you think about how we are wired. There is an obvious interface between our musculature and our emotions – that’s why it is so easy to read someone’s mood by looking at their facial expressions and posture. The autonomic nervous system centered in the hypothalamus (hormone producing center of the brain) and periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) sends out signals to the rest of the body that we associate with high stress and powerful emotions; sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach or a clenched jaw for example. This information is also relayed via interneurons directly to gamma 1 motor neurons, which are responsible for setting the ‘muscle stretch reflex threshold’, or how much physical stress the muscle can take before giving out or locking up in a clenched way. The muscle then responds to the ‘test’ and shows the level of stress that is being accessed within the brain. The person might not even be aware of the fact that a certain idea or situation is so stressful to them, but physiology doesn’t lie. (continued next page)

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The Happy Issue These muscle responses are read by the SK practitioner as easily as words on a page. By noticing which thoughts, people or goals create this kind of stress in the body we can get a better picture of what might be behind some of your health issues. I truly believe that all health issues have an emotional component. Even a scenario like a broken bone from a skiing injury has emotion attached to it: fear when the individual realized he was falling, or embarrassment in front of peers, or something else totally unexpected. Because the brain always works in real time, whatever you are thinking/feeling right now is what matters. This is why memories of past traumas or thinking about future situations can have such a powerful affect on physiology – the brain is reacting to the idea as if it was happening right now. So traumas have a tendency to stack

Issue 0Issue 1, Fall | D 2016 ate up. If you don’t believe me, think about the last time you had a fight with your partner. Did you stay focused on the issue at hand, or did multiple things from the past few years creep in to the discussion until you could swear you’ve had this exact conversation before? Therefore, it is important to understand how this kind of testing works and, more importantly, how Specialized Kinesiology work can be used to clear it. Alexis Costello writes extensively about Specialized Kinesiology, nutrition and the weirdness of her homesteading life in the rainforest at


Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

Remembering the Power of Touch for Health 5 Elements By Sandy Gannon Much of Touch for Health addresses one side of the triangle of health – the structural side. Many of our correction methods involve physical reflexes…. And, of course our entire evaluation method for any aspect of our client, their needs and their life relies solely on manual muscle monitoring. Very physical! Nevertheless, there are many aspects of this kinesiology method which remind us that Touch for Health has its’ roots firmly in the great traditions of eastern philosophy. Study of the Touch for Health Synthesis, without the need for any further training, enables the Touch for Healther to develop huge insight into the client. This is based on the energy read-­‐out obtained from the 14 muscle assessment made prior to one-­‐point balancing. On the evaluation of an indicator muscle response for each of the 12 ordinary meridians. On an understanding of the Chinese model of 5 elements.

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The Happy Issue The Touch for Healther at this juncture in their training, is able to consider the influence of stages of life, seasons of the year, colours, tastes, body parts governed by the elements, and emotions. It is the objective of the TFH kinesiologist to use the information from the assessment to determine where and how to address blockages in the energy flow, so that stagnation is avoided and the client is able to move freely through the full range of emotions, activities appropriate to context and reactions which are a genuine expression of the person and their feelings in that moment. And so balance, restored and maintained, is indicated by a person’s ability to be authentically themselves in response to the stimulus of living life. This balance relies on many levels of the being addressing the business of life as a coordinated whole: mental/emotional, structural, bio-­‐ chemical. Also known as the 5 phases, 5 movements, 5 cycles, 5 directions, the theory of 5 element energy holds true to the universal law, the Principles of Yin and Yang and the interplay of human emotions. It holds true from Heaven to Earth, from macro to micro, from deep within to far without the individual. The poetry of the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, (Nei Jing) and the Way of Power, (Dao de Jing) look first to balancing Heaven and Earth, Jing and Sheng, with Qi. The relationship with man and the universe.

Issue 01, Fall 2016 The 5 elements models are there to help us understand how to be and how to develop ourselves. Living in harmony with seasons, true to our stage of life, with the inevitability and joy of change. This theory of relationships can be applied to all levels of being, growth and development. The Touch for Health model shows us five elements, arranged in the circle of the Sheng cycle, all equally placed in relation to the parent and child. Through knowledge of this model, corrections to re-­‐establish flow, address over and under energy, and create balance, can be arrived at. The effect of the meridian attributes on one another in accordance with the Sheng, Ko and Luo Cycles is evaluated and gives valuable information, indicating where and how to re-­‐ establish flow and create balance. The 5 element model used in Touch for Health Synthesis is one of many which appear in the ancient texts of traditional eastern thought. Some ancient texts illustrate the interplay between the phases in different ways. And it is Earth whose positions vary. Explore the models used in other times and you will discover that sometimes Earth appears in the centre, with the 4 remaining elements around – Fire to the south, Water to the north, Wood to the East, Metal to the west. This model illustrates the relationship between fire and

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue water; clearly balancing one another at many levels, their powers within us all are apparent, relating heaven and earth, winter and summer, up and down. The horizontal axis in this model shows east balancing west, out and in balance one to another, endings and beginnings are in harmony. Earth spinning in the centre holds all other energies in place. In other illustrations, we see Earth move to the outside of the circle in many positions, between the other elements, helping transition between seasons, stages of life, emotions… There are times and circumstances when our growth as an individual is paramount, when we need to break free of external influence and to nurture and develop those aspects of ourselves which belong to us alone. There are times when our insights into ourselves have no relationship to external factors. We look to balance and harmonize our internal energy in relationship to ourselves. The 5 elements within, the flow between the attributes of the internal organs and the movement of one emotion into another, with only our own thoughts as the catalyst.

Issue 01, Fall 2016 This internal level holds true to the theory of traditional Eastern thought and responds to Touch for Health 5 element balancing. Balance relies on many levels of the being addressing the business of life as a coordinated whole, mental/emotional, structural, bio-­‐chemical. In relation to living in the world, we need to move through all the 5 element cycles, the ebb and flow of the meridian wheel, all sides of the triangle of health. When we become stuck, over-­‐energy or under-­‐energy in relation to one factor or a series of factors, flow is perturbed and imbalance establishes itself. Whenever we become out-­‐of-­‐balance, a Touch for Health 5 element balance can help restore flow and the potential for harmony. This is the way of the Dao. Sandy Gannon has been a full-­‐time practitioner and teacher in the field of complementary therapy for around 30 years. Among all the wonderful tools she feels blessed to use, Touch for Health, Feng Shui and Aura-­‐Soma remain her true loves. Sandy is a Touch for Health Instructor , IKC Touch for Health School Faculty for England, an International Kinesiology Federation Registered Professional , a Professional Kinesiologist with the IKC Professional School, an IASK member. She is a co-­‐founder of the UK TFH Professional Training and teaches her own Vibrational Healing workshops internationally. Sandy has joint honours degree in Languages, Economics and Politics and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing ( B.A ( Hons) ; MCInstM) Contact at:

‘4’ Levels of ‘5’ Elements Surrey nr Heathrow 20th-23rd April 2017 This four-day workshop brings new potential for the Touch for Health Kinesiologist, both for personal and practitioner growth. Having a greater understanding and knowledge of the interplay of this energy medicine in everyday life, in the body, in the universe, gives more clues to the meaning of the patterns and connections we observe on the ‘5’ element map. All the underlying principles and concepts are reviewed and some new ones are added. Email for more information

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

Marketing Maven:

Creating a Happy Client Base By Paris Berezowski In this column, we interview a nd chat with individuals who have created successful Kinesiology businesses about what they have found useful through their careers. This first issue features my little sister interviewing my mom, so it represents nepotism at its’ best. ~ Alexis

Holly Berezowski is a natural health practitioner in Kelowna B.C, Canada. She has been practicing Kinesiology, BodyTalk and a variety of other modalities for many years and is a certified Touch for Health instructor/assessor/trainer. I sat down with her to talk about her practice and her business. Q: How long have you been practicing Kinesiology and Body Talk? A: I actually learned muscle testing about 31 years ago, but I wasn’t practicing it as a business. I started using it as a business about 13 years ago. Q: Was it a struggle for you to start a business in the industry and what advice would you give to someone who wanted to make a business out of practicing Kinesiology? A: I was fortunate. In my course I had to arrange for a practicum. There was only one place I really wanted to work in the area and so I went straight there. I was naïve enough not to second-­‐guess things. I started using what I had learned immediately. I think that’s the secret. I get asked this question all the time. I tell others, don’t second-­‐guess yourself, don’t wait until you know more. That’s like waiting for perfect circumstances before you have a family. It won’t happen. Just start using it right away.

Q: What do you think is needed to be a successful practitioner or start a successful business in the field of health and wellness? A: I think with any business you have to love what you do and believe in it. Pretty much everyone I have met in the industry finds this part easy. However, it also has to be balanced with some business savvy and networking knowledge. Get help if this is not your forte. And of course, you need integrity. We are holding people’s trust. We need to deserve this privilege. Q: How did you build up your client base? A: When I started out I decided how many days and hours I wanted to work and what I wanted my workday to look like. I literally put that on an appointment page. How many BodyTalks, how many Kinesiologies, Massages, Reflexologies etc. Then I went to work, whether I had appointments or not. I was there for walk-­‐ins, I helped out at the front desk and I worked on marketing strategies. I put in a full workday. I gave away a lot of first appointments and I did a lot of presentations. This was pre social networking, so I did flyers and letters and old-­‐ fashioned stuff like that. I've watched a lot of new practitioners come in, take a client and leave. You need to be present and focused. Honestly, it didn't take very long before my reality matched my appointment sheet. (continued next page)

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue

Q: How do you keep your clients happy and what advice do you have for how others can do that? A: This is a relationship-­‐based business. I was never interested in seeing a client one time, I wanted them to come back. And so I follow the golden rule of treating someone like I would like to be treated. People want to be heard, they want to feel like they matter. My clients matter to me. I genuinely care about them. I know their husbands and their kids. I know their stories. They can be honest with me and they can trust me not to judge or betray their confidence. I figured that's why I go back to the people I see for my appointments. I think of that saying that people will forget what you say and do but they will remember how you made them feel. We need to make all our people feel important.

Issue 01, Fall 2016

Q: Thinking back to when you started in the industry, is there anything you would have done differently? A: Yes. I had the opportunity to start teaching several modalities and much earlier. I really couldn’t afford it at the time and circumstances weren’t conducive. If I could do it again, I would find the money and take advantage of those opportunities. I really love teaching. Q: How has your view of health and wellness changed since you started practicing kinesiology and BodyTalk and how has this affected you and your family? (continued next page)

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

A: I have a much more holistic view of health and life now. I recognize that being holistic is much more than what I eat or don’t eat. Just like peace is not just the absence of war, health is not just the absence of illness. It’s about balancing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It has made me so much more responsible for my own wellbeing and happiness. It has helped me establish boundaries. It forces me to think outside the box and consider the other side of the story even if I’d rather not. It empowers me. It gives me perspective. I think it has made me a better person. As far as the family, it is so much a part of us. First of all, so many of us are practitioners and that brings us even closer, but more than that, I literally cannot imagine our lives without this. It is our go-­‐to for everything. Q: What are your favorite parts of being a practitioner in the fields of BodyTalk and Kinesiology and how have you benefited from this being a part of your life? A: Well first, I feel like it has literally saved my life and the lives of several in my family. And for that I am very grateful. I love being a part of people’s journeys. I love watching someone go from ‘0 to 60’ in two days of a Touch For Health course. I love helping make a difference in people’s lives. I also feel very blessed that I have the opportunity to have a job that is so flexible and financially rewarding. Get paid well for something I love? That is a good thing. Q: What has changed in the industry since you started in it and what would you like to see in the future for the field of kinesiology? A: There is so much more awareness of alternative health options now. When I began I had to constantly explain what I did. Now, I rarely have to. It’s become much more main stream and sought after. I would like to see it continue to grow. In an ideal world we would start teaching our children the concepts. The more we educate the more we all benefit. Paris is a high school student and an aspiring journalist in Kelowna, BC. She is looking forward to a career that combines writing, kinesiology and travel. Holly works at Happily Holistic in Kelowna,

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

Your Serotonin Connection By Lisa Kilgour, RHN

I’m almost obsessed with the gut and the power of our gut bacteria. I could talk for HOURS about how our gut bacteria educate our immune system and manage inflammation. I have a new passion – how our diet and our gut bacteria manage the neurotransmitters in our brain, like serotonin (our feel good neurotransmitter) and dopamine (our reward neurotransmitter). The new research on this topic is amazing and fascinating, and I’ve seen how we can manage/manipulate our mood by changing our diet both in myself and with my clients. This is just plain cool. Have you ever gone on a low starch/grain diet and noticed your mood plummet? Do you deal with late night sugar cravings that can sometimes feel out of control? If you answered yes to either of these questions, chances are high you’re a woman. Researchers don’t really know why…but women are much more susceptible to dietary driven mood changes than men. I usually don’t like making generalizations, but I do see this with my clients as well. Men; this doesn’t mean diet won’t affect you, it just means you’ll probably feel this at a much lower level than women. Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

But it doesn’t end there; digestive issues and

sluggishness and constipation, and too little in our

mood changes also go hand in hand. Having an

brain causes depression.

anxious gut, (cramping, spasms, diarrhea) is linked to an anxious brain. And having a depressed gut, (constipation, slow digestion) is connected to depression. It’s all about our neurotransmitters.

Some of us tend toward anxiety or depression, while a lucky few tend to flip flop between the two. Notice what your tendency is, and see if your gut mirrors your brain. Those with IBS tend to flip

We have a concentration of neurons (brain cells)

back and forth from diarrhea to constipation, and

around our gut called the Enteric Nervous System

anxiety to depression.

(ENS). The job of the ENS is to digest, absorb, and assimilate our food and this job is really complicated. If our brain were in charge of

Once you know what your tendency is, you can use this information to help to balance your diet.

digestion it would take so much brainpower that

Neurotransmitters are made from amino acids

we probably wouldn’t have the resources to have

(protein), but it’s from dietary starches and grains

language, art, and all of our wonderfully uniquely

that our body is able to use them properly.

human activities. Digestion is so complicated that


the ENS can work completely independently from

availability in the gut and brain, boosting mood.

the brain. It’s totally running the show.

These types of foods are also out of style right

But, our brain can’t work independently from the

now, and many people have reduced or removed

ENS. 95% of our serotonin and 50% of our

them from their diet. For those with anxiety, this

dopamine is made in the gut (as well as a host of

can be a good thing. But, for those who tend

other neurotransmitters), and our brain relies on

toward depression, this can cause low mood and

the gut’s neurotransmitters to work properly.

severe sugar cravings. For many, these cravings

In our gut, serotonin and dopamine work to contract and relax the muscles in our small and large intestine. Too much serotonin and dopamine causes our gut to spasm and cramp (which can cause diarrhea). Too much serotonin and/or dopamine in our brain and we feel anxious. Too





come at night (usually after having a stressful day) and can be very intense and feel out of control. I’ve worked with many people who have felt “addicted” to sugar, when all they needed was to add starches back into their diet. (Continued next page)

little serotonin and dopamine in our gut causes

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016 Want to see if your diet can help balance your mood, try this: If prone to depression -­‐ Have a high grain/starch breakfast with very little protein and fat. This may feel weird to try, but can work really well. Oatmeal with honey and fruit is a great option. Enjoy grains and starches with a bit of protein for lunch and have your highest protein meal for dinner. How are your sugar cravings at night? How’s your mood? If prone to anxiety – Have a high protein/fat breakfast, like eggs, veggies, and coconut oil. Have a balanced lunch, and a higher starch dinner. How do you feel through the day? Salt cravings? Anxiety? If you’re not sure – try out both and see how you feel. Your perfect way of eating will keep you full and satisfied between meals and will reduce your cravings throughout the day. I love to experiment with food. If it doesn’t help, it hasn’t hurt! But if it does help, it’s something that you can use throughout your life to help manage any mood fluctuations. Enjoy! Lisa Kilgour is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), Founder of, and faculty member a t the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. After years of being frustrated with her own health issues, Lisa decided to take matters into her own hands. Refusing to accept a one-­‐size-­‐fits all approach to health, she carved her own path, and began looking at her health like a puzzle, searching for the missing pieces that were preventing her from healing. It’s the same approach Lisa takes with her clients today. While many nutritionists focus on just food, Lisa sees it as just one of those puzzle pieces. She truly believes how we care for ourselves, our emotions, our gut flora, sleep, stress, and of course, the food we put into our bodies, a ll work together in helping us heal. Her mission is to help you find those missing pieces, and give you the skills you need solve the puzzle once and for all. Lisa’s truly embodies the word ‘holistic’. Her unique approach to health and wellness has made her a much sough after speaker, educator, a nd writer. In 2016 Lisa spoke about the gut-­‐brain connection at TedX Kelowna, and has previously been voted “BC’s Favourite Nutritionist” by Natural Care Canada. Lisa currently lives in the breathtaking Okanagan surrounded by good food, a nd stunning scenery.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

Classifieds: Class listings online for each National Association, Conferences, Products and More Upcoming Conferences International Association of Specialized Kinesiologists – April 28-­‐30, 2017, Bergamo, Italy, Touch for Health Association – July 11-­‐14, 2017, Kansas City, USA, IKC Conference, Sept. 30-­‐Oct.3 2017, Germany, info@iak-­‐ Class listings for individual countries Australia:­‐ 1712619 Canada:­‐listings-­‐2/ Denmark: Ireland: http://­‐training-­‐ in-­‐ireland UK: se-­‐diary-­‐search.php USA:­‐by-­‐ state/ USA:­‐events/

Get your Self Care Certificate Natural BioEnergetics/HK is offering a 6-­‐month program, which includes 3 -­‐4 day intensive classes and much more. Check out the details at­‐ care-­‐certificate Instructor: Linda Easthouse Dates: Starts Dec 2 in Abbotsford BC. Contact for details. Early bird pricing until Nov 1 SIPS Levels 1 & 2 in Kelowna, BC Get a solid foundation in SIPS Kinesiology with Instructor Alexis Costello. Level 1: Nov. 7-­‐9, Level 2: Nov. 11-­‐13 for details This section is a work in progress! If you are a kinesiology association and would like to have your events (conferences, demo days, etc) mentioned, please email us. There are far too many classes internationally for us to list them all, but please send a link to the page on your website that shows upcoming classes and we will add it here. Next Issue will feature a large spread showing 2017 conferences. If you would like to advertise your conference, presentation or post-­‐conference workshop, please contact us for details.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


Because health should be fun!

The Happy Issue

Issue 01, Fall 2016

I have decided to be happy because it is good for my health.

Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree. That makes it a plant. Chocolate is salad.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,


The Happy Issue

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine,

Issue 01, Fall 2016


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