KinesioGeek Magazine Fall 2021 - Peak Performance

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Issue 21, Fall 2021

Peak Performance

Issue 21, Fall 2021

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine

Running as Meditation

Creating the Perfect Formula for Peak Physical Performance and Living Well

With Timothy Olsen Self-Forgiveness for Overwhelming Experiences

What does a new model of learning about wellness tools look like?

Balancathon Stories Around the World Melding science and spirituality for integrative growth, success and health

Physical Emotional Intelligence

Peak Performance

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Peak Performance

Issue 21, Fall 2021

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Peak Performance

Issue 21, Fall 2021 Editor/Publisher/Writer Proudly brought to you by contributing KinesioGeeks: and flawed dictator: Alexis Costello Alexis Costello (Editor/

Adam Lehman: Running as inside the hologram Meditation

Publisher / Flawed DictaContributors: tor) Alison Kingston Anita Ramsden Anne Jensen Michelle Greenwell Bruce Dickson Natasha Polomski Edel Mitchell Reenie Rose Robert Frost Kasia Rachfall Sylvia Marina Kate Young

with Timothy Olsen

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Cover image is a stock Michelle Greenwell photo Rachel Lead

Self Forgiveness for Overwhelming

Opinions expressed by Sylvia Marina contributors and advertisers are their own.

Experiences With Bruce Dickson

Contents: p. 4 Letter from the Editor p.5 Your turn: letters, questions and social media p. 6 Running as Meditation P. 16 Balancathon—from the heart P. 17 Creating the Perfect Formula for Peak Physical Performance P 22 Physical Emotional Intelligence P. 24 Melding science and spirituality for integrative growth

P. 29 Balancathon Sufolk P. 30 Self-forgiveness for Overwhelming Experiences P. 33 What does a new model of learning about wellness tools look like? P. 38 Classifieds p. 39 Because Health should be Fun!

Cover art: stock photo from

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Peak Performance

Issue 21, Fall 2021

Moving At Your Best

The Frequency of Balance

If you ever see me running, you’d better run too because it means something truly terrifying is behind me. While sports have never been my area of expertise I work with a lot of professional athletes, pushing their bodies in amazing ways. This is more than just physical—yes, when we are looking at peak performance, we are looking at the physical structure and form, but there is so much more to it than that. Pushing through mental barriers, fear of pain and limiting beliefs—this is exactly what we are brilliant at changing with muscle responses testing. In the past two years I have begun challenging my beliefs about my body and what it is and is not capable of. Rekindling my love of dance (as an awkward clumsy beginner, not as anyone who knows what they’re doing) has got me improving my flexibility and moving in ways that I simply couldn’t previously. So many of us carry these limiting beliefs around with us which can keep us from ever trying something new. Timothy Olsen speaks to this in our interview where he talks about the psychology and spirituality of running, pushing through old negativity and self doubt. Taking on a truly massive task means rewriting the script. Rewriting the script is happening in other ways too as we strive to find ways to bring the message and ideas of muscle testing to more people. Check out Michelle Greenwell’s article for more info. Thanks for reading, we’re all in this together!

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Peak Performance

Issue 21, Fall 2021

CanBeWell site with self care techniques for balancing and noticing what is going on in your body. Balancathon 2021 - Edel Mitchell: I held my first Touch for Health 1 class on Saturday 25th September unknowingly at the time of booking it that it was world balancathon day!! I had 8 great ladies come join the course and by 12.55pm they had just finished their first ever 14 muscle balance

which was really cool 8 new people

now trained in 14 muscle balance!! We had a fantastic weekend with lots of "waows" and "thats amazing" and many of those coming from me also!! Very proud of the weekend and of the 8 ladies who did super

Pictures from this year’s Balancathon are spread throughout this issue! Check out pages 16, 23 and 29

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Your Turn: sharing who you are

A free ebook that people can download from the

Peak Performance

Issue 21, Fall 2021

Running as Meditation HealthyWith Travel Timothy Olsen

Advice from the Pros

By Alexis Costello


imothy Olsen is an elite athlete and ultra-marathoner with a background in massage and energywork. In 2021 he ran the Pacific Crest Trail which spans from the Mexico/US border in the south to the Canada/US border in the north, covering 4270km of length and ranging from sea level to over 4000 meters of elevation. Tim now holds the record for ‘fastest known time’. I was supporting him with distance sessions through the run and this has been our first opportunity since he completed the trail to talk about it! Watch the full interview on YouTube A: Now that you are finished this huge undertaking, I’m excited to have a chance to sit down and debrief with you and hear a little about it! T: Thank you for all of your work during the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT)! It was a huge project/journey/vision quest. I started at the border in Mexico and traveled north, through the desert, the Sierra mountains, the Cascade mountains, and all the way to Canada. It’s mountain trail so it’s rocky, it’s technical, and there were certain spots where I would meet my crew to get me food and water and such, but otherwise, you’re kind of out there by yourself. I would sleep out in the woods sometimes when I couldn’t get to my crew who had an RV. You’re really taxing your mind and body; it’s the biggest thing I’ve done in my life! KinesioGeek Magazine, 6

Peak Performance It was really important to have help from bodyworkers and support from all around, and that included you from Costa Rica - that was superbeneficial! A: When you say the run is ‘technical’, what do you mean by that? T: The footing changes a lot. For example, in Costa Rica, it’s jungle; it’s slippery and muddy and you might have to go through a lot of water crossings. In this run, you are going through the whole terrain of the West Coast of the United States. So I go through the dessert where my shoes are filling with sand and I’m getting blisters and jumping over rattlesnakes and stuff like that – animals can be a technical part too because you’re having to watch out for them! By ‘technical’ I just mean that you have to be uber-aware of your footing and your body. In the Sierra mountains I climbed over 15,000 feet; you’re going over rocky terrain and you have to use your hands to go over things…

Issue 21, Fall 2021 I had seen parts of the PCT before when I lived in Oregon; there was a dirt trail right next to my house that connected to the PCT. I used to joke that from my house I could run to Mexico or Canada depending on what the day would bring! But the trail changes a lot and the technical parts of it can be difficult for people. One thing that was a little surprising was the number of downed trees. I was expecting some, because I was going through burn areas, but I had to go over thousands of downed trees! I was also dealing with an injury, and it was when my shin was at its peak problem that I was going through lots of downed trees. It was super challenging, and I never knew what I was going to face each day. From years of people hiking, the trail might go around the different trees; and these are massive because a 100ft tall tree might fall down, so (on the ground) it could be 4 or 5 ft tall; I might be clambering up and over it, using my whole body, or standing on top of a tree to go over another tree, and you turn it into an obstacle course so these challenges can be fun.

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Peak Performance A: That’s so crazy! I’m asking because I heard about the distance and I’m trying to comprehend running 4200km and get my head around that, then realizing that this isn’t paved road; it’s 4200km up and down and around and through and with things on fire around you! And you now have the fastest known time for the PCT?

Issue 21, Fall 2021 I met a holistic naturopath and I changed my whole diet. I started meditating and got into exercising daily. I made that the basis of my routine and it led to lots of cool things and to this accumulation of many years of training – a project of this magnitude… it’s not like a week before I thought, ‘I think I’ll run the Pacific Crest Trail!’.

T: Yes, and that was kind of the point of this. I am a sponsored athlete from Adidas and so to do a project like this I had to run it past them. My profession is ultra-marathoner – a marathon is 26 miles, so I’m doing races that are more than that. This race was more than that. I got into running as a form of meditation and a form of purifying myself. I was not a very healthy person for several years after high school and I was kind of destroying my body and then found running and it grew from there. It became a daily thing to go for a run and be at peace in the mountains.

When I went to massage school in 2009 is when my life changed dramatically. I was learning about all of my muscles and then I would go for a run and memorize them. I would use flashcards to learn them and then use myself as a test dummy. I would do a 100miles in a week on rocky terrain going up and down mountains and that’s hard on your body (and I was just getting into it, so that’s really hard on your body!), so the massage and bodywork and energywork was amazing and I met some really cool teachers.

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Peak Performance This was planned for years, and my body has been really prepared for this over many years, also realizing that not every race goes well, not every training goes well. You learn to adapt to the environment and what’s going on and to make the best of the situation. It has been a whole lifetime of learning to connect with myself so I could go connect with nature that deeply and work with it synergistically. A: Thanks for bringing up your background with massage school and such; do you want to say anything else about your experience with energy medicine or how that helped prepare you? T: I had a teacher who did Eden Energy Medicine and was good friends with Donna Eden, so one day we went to class and learned a few techniques and did some muscle testing and that was my intro. In massage school I was integrated with a lot of different modalities. This gave me an understanding of meridians and daily I do some qi gong style energywork and then I do the “Three Thumps” which helps me feel more energized. I have become more and more aware of the energy circuits in my body and how everything plays a role in that; my sleep, the nutrients I put into my body and even my thoughts. I can feel it all in a deep way. Like, when you were working on me… I’ve been in your office where you are touching and working on me, but when I was thousands of miles away from you, that was a little different. I would sit and meditate and I would connect with you, thinking of you right next to me and verbally give you permission and I would talk to you in my head. I know that I had been sending you messages about what was going on. When I would sit, I could feel what you were working on, but I would also guide it any way I could. For example, we had been talking about the pH in my mouth because my tongue was swelling and (while I was meditating) that would pop into my mind and it would be a

Issue 21, Fall 2021

“For me, a lot of the time running is prayer.”

reminder to myself to send intention there and then to give that intention to you. And I don’t know exactly how that all works, but I always felt super-connected to you! There were a couple of times when I was really tired and I didn’t feel the full connection, but then I would feel the session benefits later on. I would feel clearer and brighter. Some of the most meaningful times on the trail were when I got to listen to your messages (of session notes). Because sometimes, I didn’t share a lot of what was going on with you before the session and then you’d leave a message – I still have all the recordings because I love them, and they were always so spot-on. I would feel into those spots and notice any difference. There were a few times where you worked on me and they were my biggest running days. Like I was running about 80-85km a day, but there was one night where you had worked on me and I ran over 100km – I had this extra power. One of the affirmations you mentioned to me was, “infinite energy is available to me right now.” And I would feel that from the earth, going into my roots and my body and I would feel really connected with the earth and with my heart. A: I’m so glad to hear you say of this because we haven’t really had a chance to talk since you finished the run because of all the things

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Peak Performance going on in your life, so I hadn’t heard this before. This was a new experience for me because I have worked with runners before preparing for a big race or helping with recovery afterwards - but this is the first time that I have worked with someone consistently through something like this, so it’s really interesting to hear how that all felt for you and was working for you. I’m very grateful for the chance to get to do that with you! T: It was super positive for me, especially as I had to keep a lot of things locked up internally. My crew was going through their own things. They were helping me 100%, but I couldn’t talk about certain things with them. I knew from day two that I had to be more of a leader then I wanted to be and step into the role, and it was really challenging at the time. You were the one person that I knew I couldn’t hide anything from! You would always be so spot-on, and I could feel the grace in that. You weren’t showing me pity. There was one time when you were like, “wow, you’re really hurting!” I wanted someone to be strong there for me and it was nice to have you holding space for me while I was holding space for the team and for being on this trail where I couldn’t do enough for myself. This wasn’t a single person

Issue 21, Fall 2021 endeavor this was a team – when I got to the finish I said, “We did this!” This experience was way beyond me. It felt very guided in a way, like I was just doing what I was supposed to be doing, and then I had everyone there to help me. I had made all these connections with people that were able to support me in this life event and it felt incredible to have such love and support from all over the world. I’m happy to share what happened out there because it was a really special and lifechanging event for me and my family. A: What role does intention, meditation, and awareness of energy play in your training program and your ability to do these things physically? T: I consider my mindfulness/meditation as the foundation of the project, my life and my running. I start every morning by going into meditation and setting intention for the day and specifically for my run. I scan through my body and check in on what’s going on. This let’s me come back to myself and set the intention; for example, is this going to be a recovery run or a hard training run? For me, a lot of the time running is prayer. I get to connect with myself, with nature, to communicate and to listen.

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Peak Performance

Issue 21, Fall 2021

It’s a time to shut up and listen to those truths to come through. Running is a way to detoxify and to purge all that doesn’t serve me, to receive all the gifts and support from nature, and to give thanks. That’s why I run. This world is very beautiful, and one of the great parts of meditation is that awareness that allows you to just drop in and just be in awe of this moment. Even on the trail, when I was trying to get to the next mile or the next thing – the meditation was always to try to come back into the moment. To be here now. Especially the last few days when I was so close, and everything hurt! I was trying to let go of the idea of a finish – it’s just going through. It’s not like, ‘I need to get through this and then life will be perfect,’ life is perfect right now. A: How do you think that this experience has changed you? T: Everyday I’m changing, and this was a big change – it shook things up. It made me confront a lot of things: insecurities, fears, failures, loss. I hope my experience helps others to follow their passion. When I get triggered by life-things I try to remember to come back to my breath and come back to my practice. The PCT was kind of a deeper thing for the whole family. This past few years, my family has had the loss of a couple miscarriages and it was really challenging to accept that. And to receive the grace and message that was, and not to fight it and feel broken from life and life-circumstances. The PCT was like a healing; to work through frustrations and emotions and whatever arises. To know it’s all unfolding as it’s supposed to be, and sometimes those challenges can feel daunting and hard. I feel like I was given these times in my life as opportunities to keep growing and expanding. I feel like, through this process I was able to change a lot of perspectives in my mind

and let go of stories that keep circulating and coming back. And it’s like the trail – I’m not looking for a finish line. This process really opened my heart and opened me up to receive. It’s funny, but I sometimes see people as trees. Going through life, humans can trigger you, it’s hard to live in society sometimes! And we can judge people a lot and we judge ourselves and it can turn into this terrible spiral. When I’m out there in nature, I can let go of these stories and reexperience life for what it is right now. It lets me love the parts of myself that are harder to love and that I want to hide. There are dark moments and shadows that you have to work through. Your mind telling you that you’re

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Issue 21, Fall 2021

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Peak Performance not worthy and not good enough (at least for me, that’s the experience that I have). I’ve had a lot of negative thoughts or feelings going into the past and instead of going into a victim mentality I’ve been able to turn those into opportunities and grow from them. Something I used a mantra on the trail: if I can change myself, the world can change, if I can heal myself, the world can heal, if I can love myself, the world can feel that love. I would come back to that when I was really struggling. Trying to love and accept myself as a whole and then bringing this into my family and then to the world.

Issue 21, Fall 2021 response to that tends to be one of two things: either I compensate like mad to try to make sure that nobody sees how broken I am, or I keep coming back to the places where I’m broken and licking those wounds – continuing to propagate the feeling of this terrible thing that happened to me. So to go, “ok, I’m just going to notice the places where I feel broken and allow them to change and allow them to be loved, to let them be ok. That the tree may not be growing perfectly straight but it’s doing its best…” I think a lot of people need to hear that.

I have a brand-new daughter and it’s so easy to love her and it can be so hard to love other people! Going back to seeing people as trees; you can see a tree that’s in a shaded section and had to grow crooked and then grew another way, or this tree over here that went through an avalanche and got smooshed down but somehow kept growing, and there are trees with diseases on parts of them… just seeing them all as beautiful and part of this whole. At one point in time, I was having a hard time and was getting mad at the trial and as I was yelling at the trail, I realized I needed to love it; as I love trees, as I love people. And be accepting of it – this trail is not out to get me, this trail did not put a rock here so I would kick it, the hundreds and hundreds of downed trees are not just here to ruin my day! Perspective change, I think was a deep lesson for me. There are other perspectives and people are going through things and we should be more loving and compassionate to each other.

T: It was a beautiful time for us to heal as a family. We went through the miscarriages which you got to connect with my wife with and help with – it has been really hard but, going on this journey together… I got to just sob on the trail for my babies and wish I was running with them like I got to run with my boys. I can hold that sadness of loss, but also feel the joy. I’ve had moments where it felt like everything was against me and life is terrible, but I’m learning more and more that my words are magic. Trying to have intention behind the thoughts and the language that comes out because I don’t need to tell myself crappy stories about how I’m broken every day. I want to say, “Tim, I believe you can run the Pacific Crest Trail, abracadabra, bam!” I had to let go of what I wanted this experience to be and surrender to what it was. I’m a human, so I keep messing up, but instead of telling myself how awful I am I’m trying to stay positive and stay grounded and open to what’s coming next.

A: That feels really inspiring to me because one of the things I notice in this line of work is that most people seem to feel, on some deep intrinsic level, that they are broken. And the

A: That’s why the affirmations are so cool right? When one comes up in a session for a client or for myself and it’s right; there is a feeling that comes along with it of

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Peak Performance rightness. It’s very empowering, and I can feel everything kind of aligning around that. What’s next for you? T: As of right now we have a month-old baby, so my plan is to spend a lot of time with her and helping her mama work through being a new mama again! We have two boys, and we are schooling them. And then getting my body back, trying to integrate what just happened. I just did the hugest thing in my life – I don’t even know what it did to my body, the week after was really challenging, I have never had my body hurt and spasm so much! The plan is to come back to Costa Rica as soon as possible. I want to soak this all in and keep working on what arrived through the trip.

Issue 21, Fall 2021 I’m in the midst of writing a book sharing my experience on the PCT and with that, sharing different aspects of my life. I’m in this spot between racing and doing projects that light up my soul in a different way. We put on these Run Mindful retreats, and with Covid it has been really hard to put those on. Hopefully we will have one in Costa Rica for the first time this winter, that’s something I want to keep growing with my wife. What I really enjoy about this world of social media (there’s a lot of issues with it, but there can be good to): you can spread a message, and that’s what I try to do, and I think it’s really beautiful how we can connect with people all over the world and share our stories.

The Energy Thumps technique that Tim mentioned— technique from Donna Eden.

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Peak Performance

Issue 21, Fall 2021

To listen to others and help each other out. When I was out running it meant the world to me to have people supporting me. We are all connected in a very visceral deep way. A: I loved seeing the posts of you on the trail, especially the ones where the boys were out running with you! T: Some of my favourite times on the trail were when I got to spend time with my family. By choosing to run the trail supported, I got to see my family and I got to run with them; my boys and Krista would hike with me almost every day – it was always the highlight of my day, just to do a mile together. A: Can we just acknowledge that while Krista was doing that, she was like, seven months pregnant?! T: Yes, it was insane – she was a complete rockstar! At one point we were in the middle of nowhere, no cell service, and there was a massage therapist who worked on me a few days and he was there and worked on Krista one day. They were outside and she was on the table and an OB/GYN showed up out of nowhere to see if she was in labour and needed help! And it was a demonstration that the universe was looking out for us, we could be in the middle of nowhere and it would be ok. There’s going to be a documentary on it, so it will be funny to look back on this. We can do a showing of it in Costa Rica! Thank you for your help out there; I don’t think I could have done it without you, and I wouldn’t have wanted to! For more info about Tim, visit: KinesioGeek Magazine, 15

Peak Performance

Issue 21, Fall 2021

IKC Balancathon! Thoughts from the Heart By Kate Young Did we participate? Of course we did! Rochelle and I spent time in a sacred event space held just for mamas where we taught and guided with our large toolkit of body wisdom based, self care supports and sacred touch protocols. The day was rich with love, stress release, greatness and goodness. Doing this work is such a privilege for both of us. To be able to contribute to and support not only mothers in the throes of parenting chaos but also the greater collective of parents, humans, and earth life everywhere and in all forms….is soul nourishing. And important. We live in times where we are bombarded by tech and its frequencies. We can be overwhelmed by toxins and pollutants in our air, water, food, medications and daily consumer products. We are bombarded by fear, hate, disrespect, apathy, rejection, unworthiness, lies and deceit. Bombarded with information. Constantly and never ending. Information always at our fingertips, in our ears and in front of our eyes. Whether we need it or not. We bombard ourselves with negative thoughts on self talk, usually on a loop that never ends. And we let ourselves succumb to the bombardment of the everyday life toxins like bills, financial strain, household leadership, appointments and organization, parenting, relationships… This, my friends, is stress. In all its forms. Stress is a physical killer. This is proven and we have known this a long time. Stress underpins every disease state to some degree or another. Have you ever considered that stress is a frequency killer as well? An energetic flamethrower that literally burns your energy reserves down to nothing. If you do nothing to stop the burn and replenish what has been lost, you will not feel your best, live your best, meet your highest potential, or BE the best for the people who depend on you. When we talk about balancing heart frequency, we are talking about not only counteracting the negative drain on the energy reserves but also nourishing and strengthening heart energy. Heart energy is all love. All joy. What is the opposite of fear and stress? Love and Joy. See how that works? We use simple tools to re-balance, re-strengthen and re-nourish heart energy flow. Tools that can fit right into anyone’s busy lifestyle. Even ours! 2 very busy mamas of 6 children between us, multiple businesses and many, sacred relationships to nurture. If you missed out on the IKC Balancathon it’s ok! We can still balance your heart energy and support the release of your stress. In Gratitude, Kate and Rochelle

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Peak Performance

Issue 21, Fall 2021

Creating the Perfect Formula for Peak Physical Performance and Living Well

By Michelle Greenwell

eak physical performance has always been related to the mental image of strength and endurance. This terminology is often reserved for the elite athlete or the competitive sports enthusiast. When we think of peak physical performance in personal self-care there is a tendency to want to measure to this same standard. Are we setting ourselves up for failure? Are we demanding more of our body, mind and spirit, or “triangle of health,” than it has the ability to give? Is our focus in the right direction?


beyond our abilities to run a little further, to jump a little higher, to garden a little longer? Growing up many of us were told to work until the job is done. Activities and physical strain were not really thought of as going beyond limits. “The further you run, the greater your stamina will be.” Or “If you just finish the job or activity, you won’t have to go back to it.” Or “If you don’t push the limits, how will you ever surpass what you did last time.” These ideas probably seem familiar to you, and may have been something someone said to you, or that you have said to someone else.

When we look back at our engagement as athletes or physically active people, do we recognize the moments that we pushed

The gifts of the BioEnergetic Wellness profession we find ourselves in contains biofeedback possibilities.

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Peak Performance

Issue 21, Fall 2021

From "Mind" to Multiple Intelligences By gaining biofeedback through muscle monitoring or energy assessment, we can understand where the body, mind or spirit is at, and what it needs to be optimum. Instead of training because a coach has been successful with skill building activities with others and you can do the same, there is the opportunity to ask the body what it needs to gain peak performance. Through muscle response testing an in-depth personalized protocol can be built to optimize training schedules, activities, and areas of weakness. Checklists can include: •



Potential activities for training or movement

Training schedule with minimum and maximum time with effort for energy building

Recovery activities

Relaxation periods

Systems and Physical movement that need more support

Evaluation of Goal and Intention for next training or activity

Percentage of success achieved with biofeedback and protocols

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Peak Performance

Also, of consideration for gaining peak performance is the use of regular balancing procedures to daily and hourly check in with the body to maintain flow and energy building. This is the opportunity to assist clients and students with providing them with training in Touch for Health, Brain Gym, Therapeutic Touch etc. The self-care tools that they can use between sessions with a facilitator puts them in the driver seat. They can provide balance and momentum for training throughout their day, and this can enhance their training or activity schedule with ease. As they develop selfawareness of their energy status throughout the day, they become their own monitor as well as supporter.

Issue 21, Fall 2021 the goal of training or engaging in activity. It also hinders recovery and repair of tissue strain. In the BioEnergetic Wellness philosophy, you are engaged in self-care in all the actions you take. This is true of training as well. Regular balancing, protocols chosen through biofeedback and activities to build energy and skill are key. “The Golden Pill” is the area in the lower Dan Tien where energy is built and stored. This area is engaged when activity expands and then contracts through the lower abdomen. During training for specific skills or sports, the use of Qi building can increase strength, endurance, and recovery. If biofeedback

The Five Element Theory from Traditional Chinese Medicine explores the ebb and flow of energy, as well as peak time periods for different systems to be supported. Through a Touch for Health balance there is opportunity to understand which systems are drained by activity and which may be over-energized by activity. Also, how these systems engage in the day and during activity. To understand the shifts in energy flow can be paramount to the success of an activity or training session. In Tai Chi and Qi Gong training one strives to achieve minimum effort with maximum energy cultivation. Rather than draining the system, one works to 70% effort or only 40% effort if there is injury or strain. How does this apply to peak physical performance? Don’t you have to push limits to gain ability? When limits are pushed the Central Nervous System can be put into overdrive and cause a stress response to activity causing more effort, tension, the stress response to be engaged in the parasympathetic system, and the brain to respond with training in a flight or fight pattern. All of this can defeat

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Peak Performance

Issue 21, Fall 2021 provides information on systems within the body that are struggling, activities that can support or enhance those systems while training can create energy flow, but also keep the Central Nervous System and the Parasympathetic system calm and secure so training is not a stress to the body, but an enhancer. Further to this kind of philosophy is also the engagement of the meridians through the fascia and whole-body movement to create an ebb and flow through the systems. Engaging the meridians and fascia involves not just a contraction for forward movement or a targeted skill, but rather a spiralling action enhanced by movement that engages the whole body. Also of significance for training is the use of reciprocal movements in other areas of the body that can support an area that has less strength or ability. Expansion of the hands can open the feet, while alignment of the pelvic floor can release the jaw. Exploring the architecture of movement can provide a multidimensional approach to training or activity that gains maximum skill and achievement with minimal effort and alignment. One of the great gifts that George Goodheart provided those of us trained in Touch for Health, is the knowledge of the muscles related to the meridians and the systems. To understand the body by energy flow and system connection creates a web of understanding how related muscles within a system can help each other. . Linked to this is the understanding of the spiralling action, the fascia connection to energy flow, and the power of tissue because of supporting stimulus for activity. Movement and training activities can be personalized and directed to support this special understanding to create a program

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Issue 21, Fall 2021

that is energy enhancing at each step along the way towards a goal.

Modality Profile:

To explain to an athlete how biofeedback can assist their training for peak performance involves a couple of key training features. First, our skill at setting goals and intentions begins an energy flow towards the success of any training action. Second, creating a biofeedback system for training schedules, skill building, activities to engage in, and for setting peak performance training times is key to personalizing the program with the goal in mind. Third, energy action toward balance and flow before, during and after training optimizes ability and performance. Fourth, assessment of activity success after training periods, gaining biofeedback for recovery, and adjusting balance and flow for any parts of the training that was not supportive can enhance results too. This ability to go back and correct for inappropriate choices can be like rewinding the clock or getting a redo, without doing so physically. Peak physical performance is about optimizing the human experience. Biofeedback, building energy, creating balance and flow, and setting intention all support this personalized experience, and we are the lucky recipients of the tools that are key for such personal success.

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Michelle Greenwell is currently finishing her doctorate in Integrative Health focusing on these fine skills in BioEnergetic Wellness that are listed above. She recently co-authored “BioEnergetic Essentials” (BEE) for public outreach by facilitators and for mini-workshops. She also co-created the “It’s in the Cards” deck for sharing Touch for Health, Brain Gym, Therapeutic Touch, and MNRI techniques with kids and adults. Currently, she is expanding her company “Tea with Intention” to include more tea blends to support the flow and balance of energy in the body, as well as her latest modules of “Raising BioEnergetic Awareness” classes. President of CanBeWell, she is spearheading the education program that is the “Shift into Wellness Synergy Summit, “ with Knowlative, to expand full educational opportunities to support skills, research, and business development for our field around the globe. You can find her at If you want to know more about Tai Chi, check out her FREE videos on Youtube for Tai Chi Wellness and the Seated Form Series.

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Physical Emotional Intelligence

By Sylvia Marina


hree times in my “K” career time moved on, life as it was stood still. The first time is insignificant now, I picked myself up, called on resilience, uttered prayers to Universe and refocused.

1997 was more difficult. My physical body was damaged. With a shattered sternum, broken collarbones, smashed ribs, misaligned vertebrae, shallow breathing, and many more bits of my body broken bruised and aching, I didn’t like the prognosis for the future. Dependant on others to clean-up after I’d attempt to feed myself, my arms had no power to lift a full cup of liquid and the food fell off my spoon. I needed people to dress and care for me. My Wheelchair became my friend. I couldn’t turn the wheels and seriously thought about a motorised chair. Surrogate kinesiology brought relief from pain and discomfort. Sadness was fast becoming a dominant emotion. I began a mantra, “I contribute to the healthy growth of my relationships”. I was grateful for everyone who helped me, but I noticed I was saying thank you with my lips but not with my heart.

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Early one morning I began visualising working through my body, from the top of my head to the tips of my fingers and end of my toes silently whispering into muscles and tendons, “I contribute to the healthy growth of my relationships”. I remember it was on this day I decided to see a physiotherapist who specialised in hydro-therapy. As the physio floated me on the warm water I discovered the feeling of heaven-on-earth. In those moments I wanted to stay in the arms and care of my physio for ever. I felt connection happening in my body and strength in my limbs, I began deepening my breathing and practiced long slow breaths. I continued my daily meditations, whispering into every cell and system of my body, “I contribute to the healthy growth of my relationships”. Daily my beastie took me to hydrotherapy. More and more I was able to care for myself. I began to regain my independence. The third time…March 2020 with a year full of international travel and events I, like many, was plunged into a world of closed country borders. My mantra, “I contribute to the healthy growth of my relationships”. How to do this… refocus, purpose and re-purpose. Communication online via zoom became my friend and magical moments of person-to-person connectedness was possible again. Sylvia Marina is a Human Behaviour Trauma Specialist, speaker and mentor. She is the author of TRANSFORMNG DNA MEMORIES and RETURN TO LOVE and offers worldwide seminars in person online A registered Touch for Health Instructor since 1985. Sylvia serves on the Executive Board of the International Kinesiology College of Australia and Dean of the IKC Personal Development School since October 2020. Her intensive career includes assignments across Australia, Asia, South Pacific, Europe, Canada, New Zealand, Russia, Spain, UK. And USA.

Online Balancathon hangout, hosted by Jackie Lysaght with participants from Ireland, UK, and Germany! KinesioGeek Magazine, 23

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Melding science and spirituality for integrative growth, success and health

By Kasia Rachfall


had been working with neurolinguistic and spiritual therapies long before I found Specialized Kinesiology. I discovered it somewhat by accident and realized it was the missing piece to a problem many of my clients faced. I had never thought to seek the solution in bodywork.

What many of my clients struggled with were repeating patterns of behaviour even though the mind and the emotions were no longer triggered by the circumstances that used to trigger those behaviours. It's like having all shiny, new software to run on your computer, except your computer keeps trying to run old programs; like there is a clog or a loop in the machine itself that keeps defaulting to software that's been uninstalled, yet bits of it are still influencing the new software. Imagine yourself feeling pretty good: you've done the healing work, the setting goals work, you're taking action towards them, and yet sometimes your body pulls you into doing something you know you shouldn't do.

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So here you are observing yourself doing some behavior you know you don't want to do anymore, but you feel powerless to stop it because you’ve healed all the things associated with it.

When I began studying Specialized Kinesiology through the Touch for Health synthesis and found SIPS Kinesiology, I discovered why and how the body can derail the mind. Our body holds on to our stress and our old stories, and unless we can clear it out and renew the energy at all levels, not only mentally and emotionally, we find ourselves repeating the same patterns. That's why I fell in love with the SIPS system! It's like Drano for the body and energy field! It literally removes the frequencies of old stresses and stories from the physical body so that those old patterns dissolve and no longer activate old behaviours. It's like magic, except it's actually a lot of science.

Kinesiology completely revolutionized my work with clients because it gave me a way of integrating the body into the mental, emotional and spiritual work. Our body is the container that we move around in to get our dreams and goals accomplished. If our container isn't on board with what our mind wants, there will be resistance, conflict and

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“It's like magic, except it's actually a lot of science.”

struggle along the way. All of our energy: mind, body, and emotions need to face in the same direction for best results. SIPS fits in beautifully with my Akashic Records work, too. The Records are the vibrational archive of the Soul which means they hold the guidance, wisdom, history and potential of who we are at the core, at the frequency level. By accessing a client's Akashic Records we can illuminate where they hold resistance and old patterns in their life and how those patterns perpetuate certain challenges or struggles. Then, using a combination of kinesiology, healing and coaching, we clear out the old and empower cocreation of the new. Science has been studying the Akashic Field and postulates that it's the torsion fields of electrons that form the information in that field. When we access it, we are interpreting the vibration of the most basic particles through our intuitive senses. Using intention and clear decision we can clear the information that our Akashic Records hold instead of keeping it just in case. SIPS fits in beautifully with my Akashic Records work, too. The Records are the vibrational archive of the Soul which means they hold the guidance, wisdom, history and potential of who we are at the core, at the frequency level. By accessing a client's Akashic Records we can illuminate where they hold resistance and old patterns in their life and

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kinesiology, healing and coaching, we clear out the old and empower cocreation of the new. Science has been studying the Akashic Field and postulates that it's the torsion fields of electrons that form the information in that field. When we access it, we are interpreting the vibration of the most basic particles through our intuitive senses. Using intention and clear decision we can clear the information that our Akashic Records hold instead of keeping it just in case. For example, when we have learned a particular lesson about ourselves or resolved a soul agreement, we no longer need that old information to remain active. It would be like keeping grade-school textbooks for PhD college programs just in case they're useful. They're really not! They're heavy baggage and we don't need to drag them around with us because this erodes our self- trust and confidence in our abilities. SIPS theory states that we carry interference patterns in our physical body and energy field that creates stress on the system. SIPS works with the structure of electricity in the body, and I believe this influences the Akashic Field. SIPS Level 7 touches on this and I was excited to have Kinesiology Science confirm for me the ideas and concepts I had already learned by working with the Akashic Records. I love it when the universe shows us the unity between ideas like science and spirituality!

“My clients report feeling more in control of themselves, more trusting of their intuition, and more confident in taking action.”

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Peak Performance When we clear and balance the body's energy we organize the mental, emotional and physical structures and everything flows better. There is more spaciousness in thinking, in feeling and in responding to our circumstances, projects, and needs and desires. This is often represented to me as clearing and closing records in the Akashic Records, and because of Kinesiology, I can now integrate the body in the clearing process. My clients report feeling more in control of themselves, more trusting of their intuition, and more confident in taking action. They don't get overwhelmed by the details and can vacillate more easily between their vision and strategic tactics to get things done.

Because I tend to attract clients that are on a spiritual path and open to their highest guidance, I often combine SIPS Kinesiology sessions with Akashic Records work. During sessions I will often receive intuitive information about the patterns or stresses we are clearing. Sometimes they are connected to past life imprints or what science calls epigenetic patterns, sometimes to other dimensional expressions which I can't explain, and sometimes to occurrences that happened in a client's current lifetime. The body will often tell me where its holding resistance and what the story of that resistance is. I don't always get story, but I know that when I do it's important for the client to know it. So I verbalize it. My clients receive not only the benefits of the SIPS balance but also a deeper understanding of themselves and what makes them tick… why they do what they do or want what they want. It's deeply validating and offers closure and freedom. What I love about working with both the SIPS system and the Akashic Records is they offer

Issue 21, Fall 2021 structure. Intuition is a skill that anyone can develop and with practice, hone to be very accurate and sharp. The Akashic Records, at least the Key to Enter that I teach in the Akashic Magic Embodied Reader Certification course, offers a repeatable and sure way to access the intuitive information in the field, so the reader can trust what they are receiving instead of feeling like they are making things up. You can’t make this stuff up if you tried! For Example: A client’s body showed me a ghost pregnancy that wanted to be cleared. She said she terminated a pregnancy as a young woman and thought she had healed through all of it, but this explained some ongoing symptoms. I kept hearing words and phrases I don't often hear or use in conversation, and the client on my table said “oh yeah, my father used to say that all the time, and I didn't like how it felt. Let's clear that, please!” Like I said, you can't make this stuff up! I receive scripts from the Akashic Records to help my students and clients connect to more of their highest wisdom. One of my favorites is below. It offers a way to release ancestral energy and reconnect to the love of our ancestors, not their baggage. One trend I've noticed this year is ancestral wounds coming up for us around the world, I thought this would be useful. You can choose to share it with your clients if this comes up for them. Remember that your intention is important when invoking any change.

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Ancestral Healing through the Akashic Records

This is an invitation from the Akashic Records to disentangle ancestral lines and bring freedom to the new present moment. To the degree that you’re ready, we ask that the Soul Agreements with the ancestors are resolved and the Records and cleared and closed.

To the degree that you’re ready, we ask that the only Record of love remain open. To the degree that you're ready say goodbye to your ancestors and receive their love.

We now renew your Haric Line and earth connection so that you are fully grounded here and fully connected to your Soul Etheric Blueprint for your highest good and the highest good of all. And so it is.

We thank the Akashic Records Keepers for their honor and healing.

Kasia Rachfall is a coach, healer and mentor for spiritually focused creatives and purpose driven professionals ready to be fully seen and heard for their work, trust their impact, overcome comparisonitis, and receive Sacred Fame™ on their own terms. Kasia works with Akashic Records, Advanced Quantum Numerology and Energy Kinesiology for holistic and integrative results.

Click here to access a free PDF about the Akashic Records!

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Balancathon: Worlingworth Community Centre. Suffolk.UK. Anita Ramsden & Rachel Lead who are both local TFH Instructors decided to co-organise an IKC Balancathon. The doors opened at 10am and TFHers and visitors were welcomed with Coffee and delicious cakes made by Anita. At the 'Heart to Heart' event commenced with the lighting of a candle which was passed around the group, to symbolize the passing of the wave from time zone to time zone. Rachel read out John F. Thie DC 'I treasure the Touch for Health Synthesis, I see it as a candle, lighting others the way to better health & living... A small Welcome speech was made and we all did a Mexican wave. We laughed our way through the 14 Muscle dance...and did a group Time of Day balance. Questions were asked and we talked about various TFH tips to support our 'Self Help'. As we had several TFHers present, we were able to split into groups of 2 and give attendees a 'Balance'. As the event finished about 2pm, people came up and spoke to both Anita & I about how much they had enjoyed it... Donations were collected for TFH Charity UK. It was such a wonderful success, that next year we are going to organise an extended Balancathon/Health event, and purchase a banner! Rachel Lead & Anita Ramsden

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Self-Forgiveness for Overwhelming Experiences

By Bruce Dickson


he word "trauma" is an abstraction. The acronym "PTSD" is an abstraction. What is actually present? Overwhelming experiences.

Overwhelming experiences come in only two "flavors." Sometimes an overwhelming experience has both flavors. To clearly conceive this, we're going to need the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model of the waking adult psyche, so let's review it. In the human experience, our adult psyche is primarily two-fold. We have a Self which is not an internal part. We have multiple internal parts, who are not the Self. Self is our capacity for calm, curiosity, compassion (and the rest of the Eight Cs). Our internal parts, are our Minions, all the memories, habits and behaviors inside us, learned and formed thru repetition. There are at least a few thousand of them in the Habit Body of every adult. Many of our learned habits are working for us: how we talk, how we work and serve, 95% of our responses to life in the human experience. In a well adult, your Self is leading your system more of the time. Your hyper-reactive, disturbed Minions are leading only when you are taken by surprise or stressed. KinesioGeek Magazine, 30

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Because your Self is singular and your internal parts are multiple, if Self is weak (fuzzy values, fuzzy goals, fuzzy morals-ethics, Sheeple follower of consumerism), highly energized (highly reactive, traumatized) internal parts can take over leadership from Self. "Hijack" is a good word here. In a mentally ill or highly disturbed person, the leadership of their inner system is more or less permanently taken over by their reactive, internal parts. Self is no longer leading; Self is unable to lead. This brings us to how to educate and exercise our Self? As Self is educated and exercises its capacity for the Eights Cs--via IFS or by another method--it becomes stronger, its habits of Self-leadership become stronger. Allowing our Minions to hijack leadership from Self become weaker. A useful image exists for this. Self as King or Queen sitting on a throne An image of the Angelic Plan for the healthy adult psyche is a King or Queen sitting on his or her own throne in your throne-room, the court of Self. If one or more Minions hijack leadership from Self, this is dysfunctional and hopefully only temporary. The more often Self is overthrown, the more Self is in need of education and exercise of its Self-leadership habits. Google now has 24,000 pages for the search: "Self-leadership" easy to learn more about this. Back to overwhelm and how to forgive it. Two categories of overwhelming experiences One is overwhelming sensory experiences, feeling (kinesthetic), auditory, tasting, smelling, visual. The other category is overwhelming experiences of shame, guilt, fear and over-responsibility.

Notice the first category is more child-like, more inner child. This because gut brain is more this way. Notice the second category is more mentalemotional. This is because head brain is more this way. Are you head-brain or gut-brain dominant? Everyone is more habituated to using one brain or the other to respond to daily human experience. Each category of overwhelm is characteristic of one of our two brains. Adding this distinction allows us to get more precise about the vague abstractions of "trauma" and "PTSD." In yourself, or in a client, either the unresolved disturbance is: a) Overwhelming sensory experiences, feeling (kinesthetic), auditory, tasting, smelling, visual. This is characteristic of the gut-brain. This is also the only brain we have going until puberty completes.

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b) Overwhelming experiences of shame, guilt, fear and over-responsibility. This is characteristic of the head-brain. This is the primary brain going if you are an adult leader of your family, your tribe, your colony, your company, your nation, etc.

Q: What if I have both going on?

Once we know which trauma is the priority for our self or for our client, sooner or later we can move to forgiveness.

Acid~alkaline aspect of trauma

I forgive myself for allowing my internal parts, overwhelmed by what I was feeling (hearing, tasting, smelling, seeing), to take over-the first time I allowed my overwhelmed internal parts to take over, the second time I allowed this, the third time... 4, 5, 6, (keep counting until energy stops moving). I forgive myself for allowing overwhelming experience of shame, guilt, fear and overresponsibility, the first time I allowed my overwhelmed internal parts to take over, I forgive myself for allowing my internal parts, overwhelmed by feeling shame, guilt and overresponsibility, to take over-the first time I allowed my overwhelmed internal parts to take over, the second time, the third time... 4, 5,

A: Then modify your forgiveness formula to work better for you. The above can be used for either category of overwhelming experiences.

There may be psychosomatic aspects of pH, over-acid and over alkaline in our body. For $9.70 and free shipping on Ebay you can get litmus-hydrion paper for testing your urine and saliva. Make sure you get the correct range: 4.5 - 7.5 or very similar numbers. Don't buy paper with another scale of measurement A preliminary speculation is people who test over-acid tend to be people whose awareness is too much in the past and the future: worry. This includes people stuck in past trauma and PTSD. Worry, tendency to be stuck in the past and the future, is characteristic of head-brain dominant persons. We speculate the complementary pattern in over-alkaline persons is their awareness is too stuck in the present moment, the here and now. This includes people likely to procrastinate on taking action of their current obligations, responsibilities and personal goals. To Learn More Forgive from Your Soul, Slow-Motion Forgiveness: the Missing Manual, Forgiveness 101 How-to Book (New Directions In Brain Balance) (Volume 4)


(keep counting until energy stops moving).

More about Bruce

Of the above two patterns, which pattern is dethroning Self in you?

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Issue 21, Fall 2021

What does a new model of learning about wellness tools look like?

By Michelle Greenwell and CanBeWell


t the last Knowlative Gathering we were talking about Diversity and how our approach to education has been in one model with textbook and delivery. We explored some of the aspects of learning that we might not realize are needed, like our approach with someone who is deaf, hard of hearing or blind. We also talked about what kind of students we might have and how they may learn best. This is an eye-opener when you are evaluating a course or a delivery method from a different vantage point.

At CanBeWell we have been looking at some of these ideas in our Presentation Committee and the programs we have been developing in our advocacy work to reach out to the public and those people who need our tools right now! ! We need them accessible, easy, and affordable. If you are honest with the programs that you offer, are they accessible to all types of learners and people with challenges? Are they in an easy-to-follow format that can be used by anyone? And are they accessible to those who might not have the means to pay for a full instructional course? For client sessions, how are you reaching those people who cannot afford your services? These are the questions we asked of our organization and our members activities. The Presentation Committee for CanBeWell determined that we needed a FREE program for the

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public that would engage them with our tools. This would provide a mini-workshop opportunity for facilitators to offer in their community for relatively minimal cost. That is how “BioEnergetic Essentials” was born, authored by Michelle Greenwell, Natascha Polomski, Paula Nowak Droog and Tanya Levy. It is available for FREE on as well as our Partner organizations and our Affiliate organizations. We do have hard copy versions of the book that provide a distributors price to those who would like to offer the book to clients, students, and colleagues as workbooks or supplemental materials. This was a way to get started, but still not enough. Paula, Tanya and Michelle wondered how a game could be produced that could be used by parents, educators, counsellors, coaches etc. to create an interactive approach with the materials. This took the information out of the textbooks and created a series of formulas for self-care that could be used daily and could be played as a game. There were games on the market already, and the Presentation Committee highlighted them in their Youth Self-Care Awareness Month for August with newsletter articles, blogposts for the public, social media posts, and webinars. They also created a deck of their own with what they felt were key for people. “It’s in the Cards” was born. Taking the knowledge from Touch for Health®, Brain Gym®, and Therapeutic Touch® that was simple, profound, and impactful, they wove the theme of the cards into the 5 Element Theory. This approach was first explored by Michelle Greenwell as she was creating dance programs for her students with the 5 Element Theory with Color and Sound, and then her combination adding in the Choose Love Formula for Social and Emotional Learning with Compassion in

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Action, Gratitude, Forgiveness and Courage. First created in Foot mats to stand on and dance around, the card deck took the concept into a full program approach. The deck is comprised of 7 Sets of 5 Element programs. They include: Sounds, Colors, Actions, Transforming Emotions, Animals and Movement (Tai Chi based), and Neurovascular Holding Points as Individual activities. They are further expanded with Nature and Movement (Yoga based), Action and Emotions (Pace and TFH), Foot Sensors for NeuroReflex Integration, Neurovascular Holding Points in patterns, Sign Language with the Choose Love Formula, Senses Cards (Brain Gym and TFH) including Switches, Visual Inhibition, Auditory Inhibition, Vagus Nerve, Havening, and the Energy Ball. Compass Cards develop Awareness, Intuition, Intention, Goal Setting and Creating Community to engage the Innate Healing Potential. This gentle flow leads to Biofeedback that supports engagement towards Muscle Monitoring for those interested in learning more. Lastly, there are 9 Formula cards that play with the cards in different patterns to produce specific energy flow for outcomes like: Focus, Happiness, Calming, Confidence, Power, Coordination, Energy for the Day, and Awareness. Lastly, the 5 Element Wheel is explored as a Nurturing Cycle and a Stabilizing Cycle to help with understanding the theory and its power with all the cards in specific orders. This includes using the Sign Language patterns for the Choose Love Formula to transform emotions and stress.

To ensure that educators and parents would have a way to engage with the cards in a learning environment, there are games that

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can be played like Memory and Charades. As well, the sky is the limit for the imaginative process that can evolve for when and how the cards need to be used.

Tai Chi with her Integrative Health tools to produce wellness programs through movement. Together their insights and experience have provided varying approaches for using the cards.

This approach has been used by Michelle with her dancers to create warmups and tools for injuries or movement limitations. She also works with clients who are wheelchair bound with minimal movement and verbal language abilities. These cards have transformed the way she can engage with them, and their level of independence and engagement in community. She also has students in Touch for Health who have trouble remembering the protocols for balances and understanding how the concepts really work. She has found the cards to be a great way to engage them with the concepts and to explore how they can be used daily with ease. For her senior students (some in their 80’s and 90’s), they feel more confident in using the cards than the textbook.

Here is an example of the 5 Element Theory with the Neurovascular points. Using the knowledge from Touch for Health and Eden Energy Method, these tools can be used in a wheel, as one of, or with other tools. Have fun playing. Cards on the next page!

The cards were printed on special paper that is tear-resistant and waterproof. This makes it easy to put into hands that have challenges holding cards, or putting them on the floor, on the table, in centers for learning modules etc. Tanya Levy’s background is in Counselling and Social Work. Trained in Touch for Health and Therapeutic Touch, she weaves the concepts through her approach with clients and students. Paula Nowak Droog is an educator with over three decades in the education sector. She understands the importance of tools that are simple and easy for teachers to use, and which can be used as centers for students to gather at and explore the concepts on the cards. Michelle Greenwell’s background is in movement. She links her passion for dance and

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“Lightly place fingertips on head over the points that are indicated in red on the NV holding point cards. Lightly hold each point breathing deeply as you do. You will notice a shift in the breath, a softening of the muscles, a calming of the mind as you go through either cycle, or through both the Nurturing (Shen) cycle and then the Stabilizing (Ko) cycle. (We used “stabilizing”, rather than “creation/destruction” to be more inclusive of educators and families). Perhaps you would like to use a Formula Card. Here is an example:

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Participants can pull out the 5 Element Foot Sensor Cards, the Neurovascular Holding Points Cards, the Emotion Transformation Cards, and the Breathing Card. Together they can be one set of activities to create flow and balance towards feeling confident and supported with goals and intentions (which are cards that can be added too). Wellness is our profession. Providing very powerful tools in biofeedback (including muscle monitoring), goal setting and energy action is what sets us apart from other health professions. Exploring new approaches to learning and engagement will see us as a daily part of everyone’s lives – a dream envisioned by Dr. John Thie with his creation of the Touch for Health® program. Michelle Greenwell, co-author of “BioEnergetic Essentials” and co-creator of “It’s in the Cards” has been exploring learning opportunities in Integrative Health practices through an Arts Education grant and a Wellness Grant for Marginalized Communities. Unable to work in her community as a dance educator since the start of Covid, she has redirected her energy into program development. She has partnered with the Choose Love Movement to bring the BioEnergetic Wellness tools to educators in a way that makes them useable daily, and in a classroom setting. She has many resources to support programing.

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Class listings online for each National Association, Conferences, Products and More Class listings for individual countries

Upcoming SIPS classes

Australia: Canada: Denmark: Ireland:

There are classes coming up in Canada, the US and Europe – visit the website to find courses near you.


Youth Holistic Health Summit! Specifically for youth age 13-24 interested in holistic health and self care, January 29 & 30 (see last page for more details)

Something amazing is coming! More info next issue...

Knowlative Open Houses: Free events where we come together as an international community to discuss techniques and ideas that we work with as muscle response testing practitioners. These usually take place the last Tuesday of the month via Zoom. For more information or to get your name on the mailing list for upcoming events, visit

If you are a kinesiology association and would like to have your events (conferences, demo days, etc) mentioned, please email us. There are far too many classes internationally for us to list them all, but please send a link to the page on your website that shows upcoming classes and we will add it here. If you would like to advertise your conference, presentation or post-conference workshop, please contact us for details.

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Because health should be fun!

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