KinesioGeek Magazine - Acquiring Abundance, Summer 2021

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Issue 20, Summer 2021

Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine

Find Abundance through Service with John Maguire Communication Styles and Abundance

The Abundance of Living with Full Awareness Fruitful Feelings—Chakra Cards for Kids !

76 Simple Ways to be Generous

Modality Profile: NLP

Perception is the Key to Abundance

Acquiring Abundance

KinesioGeek Magazine,


Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021 Editor/Publisher/Writer Proudly brought to you by and flawed KinesioGeeks: dictator: Alexis contributing Costello Alexis Costello (Editor/ Publisher / Flawed DictaContributors: tor) Alison Kingston Barry Jensen LaPlante Anne Michelle Greenwell Erica Boettcher Natasha Polomski John Maguire Reenie Rose Robert Frost Michelle Greenwell Sylvia Marina Sylvia Marina Cover image is a stock photo

Adam FindLehman: Abundance inside the holothrough Service gram with John Maguire

page 6

page 6 Perception is the Key to Abundance

Opinions expressed by contributors and advertisers are their own.

With Barry LaPlante

page 12

Contents: p. 4 Letter from the Editor p.5 Your turn: letters, questions and social media p. 6 Find Abundance through Service P. 11 Temporal Tapping Technique P. 19 The Abundance of Living with Full Awareness P 23 Perception is the Key to Abundance (Modality Profile: NLP)

P. 26 Communication Styles and Abundance P. 30 Fruitful Feelings Chakra Cards P. 32 76 Simple Ways to be Generous P. 36 Classifieds p. 37 Because Health should be Fun!

Cover art: stock photo from

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

The Heart of Abundance

The Frequency of Balance

Abundance can mean different things to different people. While many of us may think about money when asked about abundance, the truth is that we aren’t actually interested in money itself—by itself it is simply a number in an account or a pile of paper. What we actually want is travel, freedom, interesting experiences, beautiful things, the ability to live with less stress… This is what I mean by abundance: more of the things that make life worth living. More joy, better relationships, time off, adventure and experience. As a practitioner, I find that many of my clients have complicated relationships with the idea of abundance. As a teacher, I find that many practitioners struggle with the concept too—finding it difficult to request payment, or not managing to attract the number of clients they need in order to make their work viable. How can we help our clients with these issues if we have not looked at our own blocks? This is an opportunity to challenge limiting beliefs, deep switches and family stress around a sensitive issue. In this issue, I interview John Maguire as he discuss the ways that we invite abundance by being of service to others and improving their lives. And as we are aware of the impact of familial culture on beliefs, don’t miss out on samples of Erica’s ‘Fruitful Feeling’ chakra cards for kids. Thanks for reading, we’re all in this together!

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

Julie White: Spleen Meridian Affirmation: I breathe in an abundance of life. Jim Holloway: Becoming a master in the art of abundance I draw no sharp distinction between my work and my play, my labor and my leisure,

my mind and my body, my education and my recreation. I simply pursue my vision of excellence through whatever I am doing and leave others to determine whether I am working or playing. To myself, I am always doing both! (Adaptation of a poem by an unknown author) Touch for Health Education Inc: I try to facilitate the person to become aware of their definition and visualization of abundance in their life... to begin to see it, feel it, manifest it. A specific positive goal based on what they want/ what seems to be blocked/imbalanced becomes their custom affirmation. Like, people often say, I want more money, but it's important to ask, what for? What is the BENEFIT they want. Sometimes abundance is there without needing a huge cash flow, or sometimes when you have the focus on the purpose of income, it improves the flow. Of course, once that is more clear, ESR or a good old 14 muscle balance should do wonders!

Do you have ideas for future issues? Feedback about what you are reading here? Interested in advertising or contributing an article, or do you have news about an exciting K-event in your area (or, let’s face it, online)? We want to know! Email

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Your Turn: sharing who you are

What is your favourite affirmation or balancing technique for Abundance?

Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

Healthy Travel

Advice from the Pros Find Abundance through Service

With John Maguire By Alexis Costello


ohn Maguire does a lot of speaking and teaching for the corporate world as well as for the kinesiology world, teaching energetic techniques, but also Tony Robbins Life Mastery workshops. Here, we have a conversation about abundance; what this truly means, and why people have blocks around this. (Watch the full interview on YouTube)

A: What does ‘abundance’ mean to you personally? Because it’s different for everyone! J: First of all, it’s a holistic thing. We might think of ‘abundance’ as money, but it’s happiness, it’s love, it’s peace, it’s connection with other people. So for me, it’s about having a full abundant life. It’s just an expression – it’s all about energy, as you know. When you have energy that’s abundant; it’s in your body, it’s in your field, it’s in your community, it’s in your whole presence of life. Abundance is an energy thing, and financial abundance is just an expression. It’s an expression or a scorecard of how many people you’re helping. It’s not about collecting pictures of deceased-notables on pieces of paper! It’s, ‘how many people did I help today?’ If I’m helping others, that’s abundance, the more, the better.

A: Because you can have all the money in the world, but if you don’t have love and time and people and places to enjoy it – what’s the point? J: There’s a great song by Kenny Chesney called Rich and Miserable. In the beginning, it has this professor talking to these college kids, asking; what is your purpose on the earth? (Check out the video here.) KinesioGeek Magazine, 6

Acquiring Abundance What do you want to give to the world? And he has the kids go up and each one writes a different word and it’s so profound. He talks about the American Dream of being rich and that many people are rich and miserable. Jim Rowen said, “Don’t climb the ladder of success and then find out you climbed the wrong wall!” We need to think about our mission and our purpose and make sure we are doing that. Someone like Mother Tereasa – I don’t think she was loaded with money! - but was an example of doing service and making a difference on the planet. What we want is a worthwhile life. And yes, it’s great to have money and to have freedom and to give it away. Much of what I have I give so that others can have joy and happiness because that’s how I experience joy and happiness. It’s not about the balance in your stock portfolio or bank account; rather, did I make a difference in the world with my presence? So that’s my focus. A: I like what you said about it being a marker of how many people you were able to help today! Why do you think so many practitioners struggle with the financial-exchange part of our work? Because this has been a subject of conversation lately as the economy is kind of strange at the moment – but also generally having trouble with charging money for what they do, or how to talk about money with their clients – there’s a lot of anxiety and stress around that…

J: For me again, it’s an exchange of energy, and it’s the meaning you make. Some people have a belief that money is the root of all evil, or some negative meaning about money. One of the things Tony Robbins taught me is that two things are most important for our psychological wellbeing: one of them is what you focus on, and for me, that’s what I’m giving to this person that is letting them have better quality of life; freedom from pain.

Issue 20, Summer 2021 And people will pay a lot of money to be free from pain – they already are (paying it). I had one person who came to me saying she had paid $4000 to get rid of her knee pain and in one kinesiology session, she got rid of her knee pain (and I didn’t charge her $4000!). You’re giving a result. And it’s an exchange of energy for what that result is. Focus on the service you are providing, not the time. When you bring phenomenal service, again, money is a scorecard of how much you helped that person. A: How do you think practitioners can balance their need to make a living with their calling or with the more spiritual aspects of our work? J: We can think of some of these books, like The Secret; it’s about frequency of vibration and as you reach higher levels of frequency of vibration you can achieve higher levels of abundance. In kinesiology there is also a lot around the inner mind; like the affirmations that you are installing. Some of this is about worthiness, and in my own career I have cleared a lot of my own moneytapes about beliefs that my parents gave me about money. They both grew up in the Depression when it was always scarce. Everything was about, ‘We’ve got to pinch this penny and hold on to it,’ and that got programmed into me. We all need to look at what programming we received and then clearing that through energy balances. We have various tools to deal with this and psychological reversals are a big one with being worthy. People can tap (tapping SI 3), “even though I have these issues around money and abundance, I totally and completely love and accept myself. And I now choose to have positive meanings of abundance allowing me to accept __ per session.” Programming it into the inner mind. Another aspect is the outer mind, where you do set a fee and sometimes you can muscle test – and this might be a little uncomfortable. I have done that, and I

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Acquiring Abundance charge $300-500 per session and at times, it was like,’ I don’t know!’ But go a little bit higher than maybe feels comfortable. And then put it out there. For someone who is really helped, the result is worth much more. People are paying you for results. And almost everyone you run across is praying for somebody with your skills to help them – there’s no shortage of people! (For some stories about this, check out the video on YouTube to hear John) And there are often times when I will barter, when I need services that they can provide. I have done this so many times; I’ve had walls painted in my house, my car worked on, pottery, accounting, you name it. If someone says they can’t afford it, I ask, “what services do

Issue 20, Summer 2021 you offer?” It’s just another twist on energetic exchange. A: How can we be balancing ourselves and our clients to attract more abundance in all its forms? Do you have ideas or takeaway techniques? J: I love the affirmation technique John Diamond developed; Bruce Dewe teaches that in some of his courses. You take a goal or some affirmations you have, and then you do a hum, and if an indicator muscle goes weak on the humming, that means it’s a midline alarm point, and if it goes weak with counting, then it’s a bilateral alarm point. I have a client who is an award-winning actress in Hollywood and she’ll say that she’s

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Acquiring Abundance blocked in abundance, can’t pay her mortgage in her Hollywood Hills home; she comes to me and she loves those affirmations. She always walks out like, “I can do it!” That technique is one of my gotos, you’re basically programming in positive affirmations. She always walks out like, “I can do it!” That technique is one of my go-tos, you’re basically programming in positive affirmations. You could try something right now like: When I think about charging for my services – and then you plug in the positive affirmation – I feel confident, I feel abundant, I feel gratitude and love. Whatever you want to program in. Goodheart originally taught that; I studied with him back in ’82 and in his system, you tap the left side for the positive and the right side for the negative (I know Donna Eden does it the opposite). Most people I find do well with positive on the left, negative on the right. So, tapping on the right: “I no longer struggle with money, I no longer struggle with money.” On the left: “I have abundance in my life, people love my services, etc.” (See following pages for the full technique). Then when you feel like you are sabotaging yourself, you can muscle test yourself – I do the sway test: so ‘yes’, I move forward, ‘’no, I move back – and you can go through each of those statements, like “I am worthy of being abundant with money.” If it comes back ‘no’ then this got programed in, maybe at a very young age, or it could be your generational stuff. Like my mother talked about the “Amman curse” (her family) where they all struggle and they all just got by and had depression, and you might have beliefs like this that have been passed on. So you clear those things out (John begins doing the ‘karate chop tap’ on SI 3 on the hand), “I AM worthy, I AM abundant, IAM grateful.” Gratitude is a big one. For me, I have a gratitude journal that I write in every morning. I write in that

Issue 20, Summer 2021

“Part of my purpose is sharing my everexpanding knowledge with others; and this could be anywhere. ”

journal, what am I grateful for? You probably know from The Secret, and this has been around for millennium, that whatever you’re grateful for, you attract. What you resist, will persist. The other thing that I have learned is to hang out with people who are at the frequency, and who talk in ways, that are aligned with you and where you want to be. Hang around abundant people and happy and joyous people, people who are productive. And then on the outer-mind level, the practical; is set an intention each day. Like I may set a goal financially each day, either when teaching or seeing clients. I might say, “I intend to have a certain number of students joining my class,” and when you set an intention, then that is an attractor field as David Hawkins and Lynne McTaggart talk about (excellent book, The Intention Experiment), when you set an intention, the Universe listens and aligns with that. Fear is a big thing that stops us – that’s basically what keeps us down. There was a poet Audrey Lawrence and she said: “The more I’m in touch with my vision, my purpose in life, the less important my fears are.” Find your purpose and write it down where you can look at it – have it right on your screen, what your life is about.

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Acquiring Abundance Part of my purpose is sharing my everexpanding knowledge with others. And this could happen anywhere. I want everyone to focus on your vision, your purpose, your mission; and then, when the fears come up, it’s no big deal. Focus on the vision and purpose and not on your limiting beliefs that are really not serving you at all, just let them go. Program in the beliefs that support your vision, purpose and mission, and anything that doesn’t align with that, say, “I’m letting it go.” A: You mentioned the book: The Intention Experiment. One of the questions I always ask is are there any resources you would recommend for someone who wants to learn more? J: First of all, Power vs Force, by David Hawkins, and he has a chart, I have it here; it’s about the frequencies of emotions, and basically the name of the game is to keep raising your vibration, and again, abundance is then a byproduct of high levels of love/joy/gratitude. That’s an important book for me. Also, I have been involved with Tony Robbins and teaching his Life Mastery workshop for 27 years. And I love Tony’s stuff because he’s really about making an impact in the world. Your abundance results from helping others. One of his programs is called Unleash the

Issue 20, Summer 2021 Power Within and the book Awaken the Giant Within is about this. And then he has some books about money too. Rich Dad Poor Dad, on the financial end – that’s a great classic. Where his biological father was the head of education in the state of Hawaii, but he wasn’t rich, while he’s friends’ dad dropped out in eighth grade but knew all about how to grow abundance. The principles he talks about in that book are great too. There’s so much out there, but those are a few that I would suggest. Again, it’s all about how are you serving and what’s your mission and purpose. We all have that aligned – we’re here to make a difference in other’s lives. How many people can I help today? Who can I touch in a way that transforms their life? Albert Schweitzer, the great humanitarian doctor, said: “Those of you who are truly happy and truly abundant, are those who have sought and found a way to serve.” And for me, you can’t find a better way than what we do in kinesiology. Touch for Health, energetic kinesiology – that’s our way of really serving others. For more about John, visit

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

Temporal Tapping Affirmations By John Maguire of Dr. George Goodheart found that tapping over the left Temporal Sphenoidal line while repeating positive affirmations can help program them into the subconscious. Here are abundance affirmations you can temporal tap to program yourself for success:

1) I am worthy of abundance. 2) I am prosperous. 3) I am compensated for the great work I do. 4) My life is full of abundance. 5) I am open and ready to attract abundance into my life. 6) I am abundance. 7) I am attuned to the frequency of love and abundance.

8) I am wealthy. 9) I attract success. 10) I am open to receiving limitless abundance. 11) I see abundance all around me. 12) I have an abundance mindset. 13) I am living my life in a state of complete abundance. 14) I radiate abundance. 15) I am living a life of abundance. 16) I am worthy of what I desire. 17) I have everything I need to be successful. 18) I am grateful for the positive things in my life.

19) I am open to limitless possibilities. 20) I achieve whatever I set my mind to. 21) I am smart, capable and talented. 22) I believe in myself. 23) I am ready to share my gifts with the world. 24) I surrender to the wisdom of the Universe. 25) I am my best source of motivation. 26) I am creative and open to new solutions. 27) I choose to embrace the mystery of life. KinesioGeek Magazine, 11

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28) I choose faith over fear. 29) I allow everything to be as it is. 30) I attract miracles into my life.

31) I am open to receiving unexpected opportunities. 32) I am aligned with my purpose. 33) I am worthy of positive changes in my life. 34) I am grateful for the abundance that I have and the abundance that’s on its way. 35) I am capable of achieving greatness.

EMOTIONAL BALANCING USING AFFIRMATIONS When we are under stress our brain is unable to fully use all its resources. It becomes difficult to process information across the midline of the brain to access both sides of the cerebral cortex, which has different functions on each side. The following procedure uses humming and counting, to find out which half of the brain is under stress. The left hemisphere is activated by counting and the right half by humming. If either half of the brain is not being fully accessed when we’re under stress, an indicator muscle will switch off when we hum or count. The meridian energy pathways in the body are related to muscles, organs and emotions. When we hold a stressful emotion, it affects a specific meridian energy channel and its corresponding muscles and organs. Dis-ease can eventually lead to disease in a specific organ. Alarm points are acupressure points that can be muscle tested to indicate when a specific meridian has excess energy. When a person has an energy disturbance related to an emotional upset, we can discover which meridian(s) have excess energy. The alarm points for the fourteen meridians indicate stress and energy blockage in the associated meridian when the point is touched and an indicator muscle (IM) switches off. The midline alarm points relate to the right brain and humming. The bilateral alarm points relate to the left brain and counting.

Muscle test a person you are working with while they think of a stressful person or situation and hum, then while they count.

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Acquiring Abundance If humming tests weak, check the midline alarm points. If counting tests weak, check the bilateral alarm points. One of these alarm points will test weak revealing the meridian under stress. Look at the list to find both the upsetting emotion being held and contributing to the problem and the positive emotion to replace it with. The chart of emotions comes from the book Life Energy by Dr. John Diamond, MD, a psychiatrist who developed this technique. The affirmations listed for each meridian can balance the energy in the meridian. This relieves the stress in the meridian and therefore the related organ system, thus reducing the likelihood of developing disease in that organ system. When there is already an established disease in an organ system, relieving the stress can aid the healing process.

Issue 20, Summer 2021 This helps to bypass the reactive mind's objections to the statement and allows the subconscious to accept the new emotional response to the person or situation as fact. As the person temporal taps and repeats the affirmation with conviction, have them slowly rotate their eyes in a circle one way, then the other (with eyes open then closed) to further integrate this through the brain. For example: If a client thinks of her mother and it evokes feelings of anger, then she is stressing her heart meridian. This will cause certain muscles in her body to be inhibited (subscapularis) and it will also stress her heart.

The affirmation used will be related to the positive emotion (not the way the person is feeling at present). We will be using a procedure know as temporal tapping, which is tapping on the temporal sphenoidal (TS) line around the ear.

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

The new response she could tap is, "When I think about my mother I am loving and forgiving". The old response hurt no one but herself. The new affirmation will probably seem untrue in her present state of mind. Tapping in the new message will result in rapid behavioral change. This new response will help cause a healing in her and in her relationship with her mother through taking the strain off the heart meridian and assisting to balance her body’s energies.

Alarm Points LU:LU 1 - Lung CX: CV 17 - Circulation Sex (Pericardium) H: CV 14 - Heart LV: LV 14 - Liver ST: CV 12 - Stomach GB: GB 24 - Gall Bladder LI: ST 25 - Large Intestine TW: CV 5 - Triple Warmer SI: CV 4 - Small Intestine BL: CV 3 - Bladder K: GB 25 - Kidney SP: LV 13 - Spleen

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Issue 20, Summer 2021

Evaluation: Have the person think about the person or situation that is stressing them and … Count as you test an indicator muscle (IM). IM goes weak

= Bilateral alarm points are involved and need testing

IM stays strong

= Bilateral alarm points are not involved at the moment

If counting was strong, then hum as you test the indicator muscle (IM). IM goes weak

= Midline alarm points are involved and need testing

IM stays strong

= Midline alarm points are not involved at the moment

If either 2 or 3 above causes an IM to go weak then… Test the Alarm points and when the IM goes weak, that is the meridian under stress. The chart on the next page has two emotions related to each meridian. Negative: How we feel at present about the person/situation. Positive: What is needed to balance the energy in that meridian. While holding this alarm point, test the affirmations for that meridian (from the following pages) to find which one reverses the weakness, creating balance within the meridian. Use the suggested affirmations or create one that is appropriate. There may be several that reverse the weakness, so the person choose what they feel best about or combine them into one longer affirmation. Balancing Exercise: Have them say the affirmation of the positive emotion. While they say, “When I think about (The person or situation) I...the affirmation” they tap around the TS line back and forth with their index and middle finger while their thumb touches the ring finger (the emotion mode). Slowly rotate the open eyes clockwise and counterclockwise, then repeat with the eyes closed. Have them think of the person/situation and do whichever formerly weakened the IM and test. The IM should no longer weaken. If it does, recheck the alarm points associated with the humming or counting. The original alarm may now test strong, but another one may be showing stress (emotions are often in layers, e.g. underneath anger is often sadness). Clear this meridian if needed. Once humming (or counting) is strong, go to step 3. Do the opposite action and test an IM: IM weak on hum = midline alarm / IM weak on count = bilateral alarm Usually only one meridian will need balancing, however many meridians may be stressed. Make sure both humming and counting test strong before considering the process complete.

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Issue 20, Summer 2021 Meridians and Their Related Emotions According to John Diamond

Midline Alarm Points (Humming weakens) Meridian

Negative Emotion

Positive Emotion

Circulation Sex









Triple Warmer



Small Intestine












Bilateral Alarm Points (Counting Weakens) Meridian

Negative Emotion

Positive Emotion







Gall Bladder




Anxiety about the future

Faith in the Future


Sexual Indecision

Sexual Security

Large Intestine


Self Worth

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Issue 20, Summer 2021 Meridian Affirmations for Midline Alarm Points

Over each stressor say, “When I think about .... (name of person or situation)…I…affirmation.”

Meridians with midline alarm points: The comma separates each affirmation, so there are seven separate affirmations for Governing. Governing

I am supported, Life supports me, I support myself, I am truthful, I want to know the truth, I am honest, I am trustworthy.


I am successful, I respect who I am, I respect ..(name) I concentrate well, I am a good steward of my finances, I have vision.


I renounce the past, I am generous, I am relaxed, I freely and honestly share my feelings, I am kind and understanding,

I allow others to take their own responsibility. Heart

I have forgiveness in my heart for myself and ...(name) I am free to express love and acceptance to others I am merciful and understanding.


I am content, I am content with what I have, I am full of love and contentment, I am tranquil, I am grateful.

Triple Warmer

I am light and buoyant. I am carried up with light. I am elated. I am buoyed up with hope and life. I am in tune with the needs of others.

Small Intestine

I am jumping up with joy. I learn beneficially from all my experiences. I have a tongue that expresses kindness. I am active and productive. I recall things accurately. I see myself as intelligent. I deduct logically.


I am in harmony. I am at peace. I am patient. I achieve my goal. I want to save. I respect the earth. I have self control.

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021 Meridian Affirmations for Bilateral Alarm Points

Over each stressor say, “When I think about….(name of person or situation)….I.... affirmation.”

Meridians with bilateral alarm points:


I am humble, I am modest, I am tolerant with myself and (name) I appreciate what I have, I have favorable opinions of others, I accept others as they are.


I am happy, I am cheerful, I have good fortune, I change with confidence. I attract prosperity, I adapt to change with grace and ease.

Gall Bladder

I reach out with love, I give love and adoration to God, I am love in action, I reach out with forgiveness, I choose the truth, I am debt-free.


I am secure, My future is secure, God is my guide,

I have faith and confidence in my future, I am materially secure. Kidney

My reproductive energies are balanced, My creative energies are balanced, I am decisive, I overcome and am victorious, I recognize life's blessings.

Large Intestine

I welcome financial abundance, I attract financial abundance, I am clean and good, I feel good about myself, I am worthy of being loved.

Note: After the stressor emotion is cleared from a meridian, the affirmation that was used in the process can be used on a daily basis to help keep the body energies in balance.

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

The Abundance of Living with Full Awareness By Michelle Greenwell


hat is abundance? What does abundance mean in our lives and the way we live? These are the questions that people have been asking for centuries. The meaning of abundance transforms by the time in which we are living, by the privilege with which we live our lives and the accessibility we have to what we need to survive. So, what does abundance really mean? If you go to “Google”, “abundance is a very large quantity of something”. Some people will reflect that to mean wealth, relationships, material objects, success in a profession, family success. They may have been attracted to programs which help you to achieve abundance in your life and have sought out the formula for making it possible.

Look a little further into “Google” and they profess: “Abundance simply means having more than enough of everything you want all the time. The spiritual meaning of abundance is that your higher self (that what you really are) is intricately connected to the abundant universe which is the Source of everything you may desire.” This is a very gluttonous statement from a place of privilege. Is this the true meaning of abundance? “Acknowledge the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance” – Eckhart Tolle. If you are struggling to survive in the world, will this be enough? Can you consider yourself with abundance while starving or needing shelter? “Abundance is already within you. Let it out.” – Laura Emily .

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

From "Mind" to Multiple Intelligences Some would express abundance as our relationship with love, love could be for ourselves and love for others. The Beatles wrote about this concept: “All we need is love,” releasing it in the “Year of Love” in 1967. From Google: “The Beatles were asked to provide a song with a message that could be easily understood by everyone and using "basic English" terms. ... In a statement to Melody Maker magazine, Brian Epstein, the band's manager, said of ‘All You Need Is Love’: It was an inspired song and they really wanted to give the world a message.” John Lennon followed this with “Imagine”. The lyrics to this song have pulled us to possibility but something we have never been able to achieve. “Imagine all the people living life in peace… You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope

someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.” Wayne Dyer expresses it: “Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” If we tune into abundance, can we resonate with the frequency of it, and can we hold that space for ourselves and others to experience? In our Raising BioEnergetic Awareness course, Natascha Polomski and I, put this to our students. What is the experience of abundance? What does it mean in our own little world? What does it “look ” like? We began to explore energy to understand balance and flow for abundance. Our first exercise was to offer the idea of abundance to our partner in the form of an energy ball full of love. What did it feel like to

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offer love in abundance to someone else? For the receiving partner, they were to explore what it felt like to receive abundant love and where did it express itself within the body. Did it need to be spread around within the body? If you wish to try this experience for yourself, hold the palms of your hands towards each other and imagine a ball of love (this can be in whatever form you wish to imagine it). Using the senses and awareness, bring into focus what this experience is bringing to you. Be sure to record this for reflection later. Next, pass the ball of love to someone else and receive their ball of abundant love. Notice your reaction to receiving. Are you able to fully appreciate what has been offered to you? Do you notice anywhere in your body that is not able to accept this abundance? If you are open to receiving abundant love, where does it appear within you, and does it need to be shared around? What does the ability to receive abundant love mean to you? Your observations may be in color, visions, sensations, the senses, music and more. Be open to all the ways your being may want to experience abundant love. Take some time to reflect on this experience. When you are ready, pass the ball back to its owner and receive your own ball back.

Issue 20, Summer 2021 For a final reflection, how could you create flowing abundance in your life through this exercise? How can you share it with others knowing you have more than enough, and the continual flow provides you with the means to reach out compassionately with others to share? And, if the ability to keep it flowing is blocked, how does over abundance affect you and your life? In his book, “The Healing Code” by Alexander Loyd he identifies that, in order for a shift in circumstance to happen, we need to release what our head wants and focus on what our heart can imagine.

Holding your abundance of love ball, how does it feel for you now that it has been returned? What are the insights that you might have at this point in your awareness of abundance and the ability to offer and to receive? Since you were able to create a ball of abundant love for yourself and to share, it is possible that you could create abundance for other concepts and repeat the exercise to gain insight into what abundance really means for you.

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

It is that ability to visualize and encapsulate what we want to experience that the resonance for abundance can be recognized. If we live within our words, (if I had a million dollars, if I had someone to love, if I had the perfect job), we will always be seeking, and when we express from our heart and allow for flow, the energy and the joy of the experience can fulfill inside and flow outside. For this exploration we used the ideas of awareness and ways of knowing. To apply muscle monitoring or the body pendulum to these situations can provide you with other insights. It is important to identify where tension and resistance appears for you, and how you react and release it. Additional insights gained from protocols in different programs can provide valuable background information, but that will bring the information to your head for pondering. . Be sure to really embody the experience to understand how you experience abundance and all that it means for you.

Michelle Greenwell is the co-creator of Raising BioEnergetic Awareness, a program for self-discovery that brings awareness and knowledge to our ways of knowing and how to maximize their power in our every day lives. She is currently completing her doctoral degree in Integrative Medicine at Akamai University and is a Canadian Ambassador for the Choose Love Movement. Trained in Therapeutic Touch®, Touch for Health® and Masgutova NeuroReflex Integration™ her passion to heal through movement and awareness can be found in dance and Tai Chi explorations. You can find her at, Youtube, Spotify, Buzzsprout, Patreon, Facebook, Twitter, Google and Instagram, as well as President of

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

Modality Profile:

Perception is the Key to Abundance By Barry LaPlante


hy do we limit ourselves in so many ways? Glass ceilings are always supported from the inside. It may look like the outside is keeping us stuck; but once you know about the power of the unconscious mind and how to tap into the programs running your thoughts and behavior, you no longer have to be a victim of your current circumstances.

From a kinesiologist’s perspective, “balancing” the body for a goal statement means aligning the different reflex systems for better mind and body connection; which results in more clarity and energy toward the goal. What is really happening? Why do some goals work great while others only get temporary relief? Why can’t we just be open to the abundance and let it come to us without doing all this muscle testing, affirmations, and reflex work?

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

How do we really ‘align’ those energies to resonate with our goals? What is abundance anyway? How do we really get what we say we want? First, we would do well to understand the difference between the conscious and unconscious mind. If you have experienced kinesiology, you probably understand that we are updating unconscious programs by bringing stored information to the conscious awareness, gaining valuable lessons, and clearing blockages from any reflex system that shows up in the context of the goal in mind. This is done by ‘listening’ to the body through muscle testing. And this is freaking awesome! What if we had an entire body of knowledge dedicated to updating the unconscious mind? That is what NLP is. Neuro Linguistic Programming has been called the owner’s manual of the mind and it’s what high performance coaches like Tony Robbins have been using for decades to achieve massive success for themselves and their clients. Similar to Applied Kinesiology, NLP is a huge body of knowledge for human performance. Simply put- NLP incorporates success modeling techniques along with the conscious use of language, visualization and physical action steps to get behavior change to occur at the unconscious level—where all habits are stored. From an NLP perspective, the word balance is replaced with congruency. This means all aspects of you are in full alignment with the best version of you imaginable. Sometimes that means modeling a new strategy or learning a new skill to reach your potential. Which would you rather be: congruent with an outcome? Or - balanced for a goal? It may sound similar, but I believe kinesiologists have been missing some important areas to work with.

The NLP Communication Model shows us how we filter incoming information through our neurology to shape an Internal Representation. As you can see in the diagram, the Internal Representation then creates the state physiology - behavior and results. Change the filters and you change the IR; change the IR and you change behavior and results. So how do we change our filters? The of Logical Levels of Empowerment shows the different levels we must work on to achieve any outcome. By asking the following questions, we are able to get details about issues that need attention and clarity on action steps to breakthrough old patterns. Who do I have to become? What values do I need? What must I believe? What do I need to learn?

What do I need to do? What results will I produce?

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021 Abundance by definition means to have plenty of something. All humans have a need to feel fulfilled and every individual has their own perception of when they are full in any category of life. If you think you are full, consciously or unconsciously, why would you ever allow anything new in?

If we were to ask people to define abundance from a personal perspective, we would potentially have 7+ billion different definitions. My experience with abundance has resulted from a persistent habit of focusing on what I want rather than what I don’t want. This simple process opens up the pattern recognition part of the mind call the reticular activating system or RAS. The more information I give the unconscious mind to look for, the more it looks for that information; literally expanding my awareness of all the resources available to help me achieve my outcome. Then, abundance begins showing up. Or was it already there and I was simply not yet aware because I had not programmed myself to notice?

The biggest lesson I learned is the more I forgive and let go, the more space I have for beneficial change. If the universe hates a vacuum, then holding onto past beliefs and grudges is a blessing blocker. Let’s create a vacuum for our benefit by training ourselves to be the person that deserves what they want. Take on the beliefs and values of that person. Learn or unlearn what we need to. Control our behavior in whatever environment we choose. Once we do that, we realize abundance was there the whole time but we were not ready to receive it. It’s hard to focus without clarity. NLP helps you get laser focused on your outcome, so you can break any glass ceiling. Cheers to abundance! Owner of Atlantic Specialized Kinesiology and ASK Institute in Virginia Beach, VA. Touch for Health Instructor, Certified Trainer of NLP, Hypnotherapy, EFT, TIME Techniques and Success Coaching. He is a body linguistics expert who helps selfsabotaging individuals gain clarity, confidence, and alignment through the intentional use of language, posture and thought. Email:

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

Communication Styles and Abundance

By Sylvia Marina


ommunication style tells a lot about people. Adults often communicate from the point of view of what is lacking or fear of consequence. Kinesiology hosts the world over have heard stories from a place of scarcity.

Married to a farmer, through-out the years we’ve heard the words ‘currently experiencing a bad season’. This infers a temporary situation. When people come from a mind-set of scarcity, what you offer is not a priority right now…unless of course it is a designer label or one-off. Maybe it is the country culture I live in, for many a priority is sport. When the offer is urgent, a priority, people will plan, sacrifice, honour their commitment Fear of Consequence. Adults often communicate from a fear of consequence. What will others think! Decisions made from the dread of outcome lacks ‘definition of purpose’.

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Acquiring Abundance Communication style tells a lot about a person. I inwardly smile at children’s language. Task - Reward I want an ice-cream is often met with a trade, for example, you put your toys away and you can have an ice-cream. Reward – Urgency I need an ice-cream translates to. I haven’t the strength to do the task till I’ve renewed my energy. Maybe they learn this gift of words from mother, “I’ll get that done when I’ve had a cuppa”. I’ve spent years observing communication style including my own. Intrinsic motivation is the act of doing something without any obvious external rewards. You do it because it's enjoyable and interesting, rather than because of an outside incentive or pressure to do it, such as a reward or deadline. The good book says, “ask and you will receive”. The statement suggests abundance. Abundance comes to those who clearly and decisively communicate well. Many is the time I have heard the words, I’ve been asking for abundance, but it never happens. Considering these words, the wrong seed is being sown. Hoping for abundance but the powerful energy of scarcity is active. In the program RETURN TO LOVE I write, the Sacral Chakra energy relates to sexual energy, partnership energy, relationships, money, finances, ethical and spiritual energy. Participants often discover sexual energy and partnership energy need to be cleared of stress, trauma and negative patterns of behaviour relating to insecurity, guilt, abuse clearing pathways for abundance of all types to flow. In asking for abundance define what abundance means to you. Abundance for many means more

Issue 20, Summer 2021 fat cells, more abuse, more clutter, more mould in the home! Define and refine what you truly are asking. I have three little words that can help you

refine your decision making. In the situation— What am I feeling? What do I want? What am I willing to do about it? If you don’t get an answer – repeat— What am I feeling? What do I want? Is this truth. What am I willing to do about it? When you are willing to understand your natural emotions…these three words feel– want–willing are your friends. These little words helped me to turn my life around – I cherish the opportunity to help you too. Sylvia Marina is a Human Behaviour Trauma Specialist, speaker and mentor. She is the author of TRANSFORMNG DNA MEMORIES and RETURN TO LOVE and offers worldwide seminars in person online A registered Touch for Health Instructor since 1985. Sylvia serves on the Executive Board of the International Kinesiology College of Australia and Dean of the IKC Personal Development School since October 2020. Her intensive career includes assignments across Australia, Asia, South Pacific, Europe, Canada, New Zealand, Russia, Spain, UK. And USA.

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Acquiring Abundance

Chakra cards for kids! Understanding and talking about emotions can be less than easy, especially for children. Fruitful Feelings was created to nurture children’s connection with their emotions, help them be in tune with their bodies and understand themselves better so they can confidently express how they feel. The deck contains 35 hand-painted fruit picture cards with positive messages based on the chakras in the body. How they work Working with the cards and the included foldout guide, children are supported to explore how they are feeling about a challenge they are facing or something that is worrying them. The guide also contains some simple and fun

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Issue 20, Summer 2021

ideas to help children work with their chakras so they feel more balanced, resilient and integrated in body and mind. The cards can also be used to set a daily intention to help children develop the language to talk about their feelings and build resilience. How can practitioners use these tools Fruitful Feelings are a fantastic resource for practitioners and parents to help children build emotional awareness and understanding of how our emotions impact the way we feel in our bodies. They can be used when working with emotions or as a way to help clients connect with their chakras. They are also a beautiful support to adults for inner child work and healing.

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

What inspired them Erica was inspired to create Fruitful Feelings during lockdown in 2020. Unable to work, she was feeling lost and unable to help others in the way she loves. After receiving some suggestions and support from a couple of mentoring groups she was participating in, she decided to put her work things away and do some painting when the idea for a set of cards struck like lightning. At first she thought they would be a fun way to support the children she works with (and her own), but she soon realised the cards were a beautiful extension of the work she does in her clinic and much needed in the world at such a challenging time. Fruitful Feelings are now being used by practitioners, therapists, teachers and families across Australia and internationally. Erica will always be grateful to those who helped her creative idea become a reality.

About Erica Erica Boettcher is a mother of two, an ICPKP qualified Kinesiopractor and teacher who loves working with children and adults from her clinic, Eastern Balance Kinesiology in Melbourne, Australia. She is passionate about nurturing and empowering others to listen to and understand what their bodies are trying to tell them about what's not working in their lives so they can make positive changes and let their true selves shine. See the sample cards on the following page! How to order Fruitful Feelings are available through my Etsy store: If you have any questions or would like to become a distributor, I’d love to hear from you: / Follow me: /

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

Sample cards to print and play with!

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

76 Simple Ways to be Generous (This list is not my own and comes from Chloe at

9. Make eye contact with people when you talk to them.

1. Be present, really listen and give someone your complete undivided attention when they’re talking to you.

10. Bring breakfast or morning tea for the people at your workplace.

2. Write words of encouragement on post-it notes and stick them random places. 3. Pick up any rubbish that you see at the beach, park or in the street.

11. Call someone you haven’t talked to in ages purely to check in with how they are and what’s going on with them.

5. Hold the door open for someone else.

12. When you get paid — give first. It doesn’t matter how much. You might like to donate to your favourite charity, a local homeless shelter, the person selling pins outside the supermarket or someone who’s doing awesome things.

6. Smile at every single person you come across for the day.

13. Send someone a card on their Birthday instead of texting or writing on their Facebook wall.

7. Tell someone that they’re doing an awesome job.

14. Be a daymaker and do something to make someone else’s day.

4. Tell someone you’re grateful for them and why.

8. Give someone a meaningful compliment. KinesioGeek Magazine, 32

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15. Write a glowing review for a podcast you’re obsessed with.

30. Offer to do someone something that doesn’t benefit you at all.

16. Buy someone their favourite chocolate for no particular reason.

31. Give someone a gift, not for an occasion, just because you thought they would love it.

17. Tell someone who’s embarking on something new that you believe in them and know they can do it.

32. Make an awesome playlist for someone and give it to them (you could send them a Spotify link or burn it to a CD.)

18. When you encounter someone who’s wearing a name tag make an effort to use their name when you speak to them. Bonus points for giving them a compliment or saying something nice.

33. Pass on a book you read and loved for someone else to read or donate it to somewhere that collects books.

19. Tell someone why you love having them in your life.

35. Create/make/bake something then give it to someone.

20. Use good manners. Please and thank you are simple but appreciated.

36. Donate clothes and belongings you no longer need, want or love.

21. Put in a good word for someone without being asked to.

37. Do a metta meditation. I learnt this technique at a Vipassana meditation retreat where you cultivate love and send kindness and compassion out to the world.

22. Share your knowledge on something without asking anything in return. 23. Send someone a letter or card in the mail. 24. Give someone a compliment about something unexpected that you really love about them. 25. Buy something from a company that is doing awesome stuff in the world eg. Thank You, Who Gives a Crap and Washaway Poverty. 26. If you know someone who’s going through a really tough time tell them that you’re here for them and that you want to help and give them 3 solid suggestions on how you could do this. 27. Bake something for someone and surprise them with it. 28. Use social media to send words of encouragement to someone. 29. Make someone a cup of tea just because (if they like tea of course!) or make them their favourite hot drink.

34. Write an awesome comment on an article you enjoyed.

38. Pay for something for the people behind you in the queue (coffee, ice-cream etc.) 39. Gift someone a book on their Kindle. 40. Be grateful for all that you have to give. As Danielle Laporte put it “When you treasure how much you have – from your good health, free evenings, expertise, a loving soul, a bit of cash – you KNOW you have so much to give. If you’re not feeling generous, try harder to feel grateful.” 41. Send someone an email with no agenda just to tell them that you love what they’re doing. 42. Spend time away from social media, emails, your phone and technology and instead give everyone your full and undivided attention for a particular amount of time. 43. Giving someone space when they need it (the introverts in your life will love you for this!)

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Acquiring Abundance

44. Volunteer your time to someone else to help them do something. 45. Give blood (if you can). 46. Buy a gift card and give it to someone. 47. Tell someone “you’re awesome!” 48. Purchase some extra groceries when you’re shopping and put them in the food bank in the supermarket.

Issue 20, Summer 2021

51. Go to someone’s house and cook for them. 52. Give someone a tutorial of something you know how to do that they don’t, and be super patient with them as you talk them through it. 53. Celebrate someone else. Make them a cake or send a card. For their birthday, some exciting news, an achievement or just because they’re awesome. 54. Give someone flowers (just because!)

49. Wash someone else’s car.

55. Write someone a letter and send it to them

50. Share on social media about a person/product/ book/experience that you truly loved.

56. Do the dishes when someone else has cooked something for you.

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Acquiring Abundance

57. Send postcards to people, just because. 58. Sell something you don’t use anymore and give the money to a worthwhile cause.

59. Forgive someone who has done you wrong and let go of the anger and resentment towards them. 60. Forgive yourself for not being perfect, screwing up, failing, or doing something you shouldn’t have. Give yourself permission to be human. 61. Tell your parents, grandparents (or any significant people in your life) how they’ve influenced you and why you’re grateful for them.

Issue 20, Summer 2021

68. Bake something super delicious and take it somewhere to share it with people. 69. Buy an extra copy of a book you’re getting to give someone else. 70. Buy a meal for someone. 71. Send someone a voice clip instead of a text message. 72. When someone in your life is sick and not feeling good, take them over some movies to watch. 73. Dedicate an hour (or 3 or even a whole day) to someone else (to help them or to just be there for them).

62. Truly support someone and be there for them in their time of need.

74. Take care of yourself first so you can give to others and be generous from a place of overflow and not lack.

63. Give the people you’re out for dinner with your full and undivided attention by not going on your phone.

75. Tell someone that they make the world a better place and truly mean it.

64. Eat at a social enterprise restaurant. Delicious food for a good cause is AWESOME.

76. When someone does something kind and generous for you, accept it with gratitude and thanks.

65. When someone shares something with you that they’re really excited about or proud of, meet them with their enthusiasm and truly celebrate with them. 66. Package up your leftovers to send home with your dinner guests. 67. Ask someone what the BEST part of their day was and give them your undivided attention when they tell you about it.

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Issue 20, Summer 2021


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Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

– Woody Allen

Who was the world’s first stock broker? Noah – He floated his stock while the world was in liquidation.

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Because health should be fun!

“Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.”

Acquiring Abundance

Issue 20, Summer 2021

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