Holistic Pregnancy

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Issue 23, Spring 2022

Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine

Perfect Pregnancy

Creating Balance and Flow, Before, During and After Pregnancy

with Leanne Wilder 12 Superfoods to Eat During Pregnancy

Prenatal Roots of Attachment

The Flow of Emotions

A Path to Deeper Connection to Your Whole Self and Your Baby

Blissful Pregnancy through BioEnergetic Awareness

Holistic Pregnancy

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022 Editor/Publisher/Writer Proudly brought to you by conand flawed dictator: Alexis tributing KinesioGeeks: Costello Alexis Costello (Editor/ Publisher / Flawed DictaContributors: tor) Alison Kingston BruceJensen Dickson Anne Michelle Greenwell Julie White Natasha Polomski LeanneRose Wilder Reenie Robert Frost Michelle Greenwell Sylvia Marina Nithya Poorani Jayaraj Cover image is a stock Sylvia Marina photo

Adam PerfectLehman: Pregnancy inside the holowith Leanne Wilder gram page 6

page 6 Blissful Pregnancy through BioEnergetic Awareness

Opinions expressed by contributors and advertisers are their own.

page 24

Contents: p. 4 Letter from the Editor p.5 Your turn: letters, questions and social media p. 6 Perfect Pregnancy P. 17 Creating Balance and Flow, Before , During and After Pregnancy P. 22 The Flow of Emotions P 24 Blissful Pregnancy through BioEnergetic Wellness

P. 28 Prenatal Roots of Attachment P. 31 A Path to Deeper Connection to Your Whole Self and Your Baby P. 34 12 Superfoods You Should Eat During Pregnancy P. 36 Classifieds p. 37 Because Health should be Fun!

Cover art: stock photo from Pexels.com

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

The Frequency of Balance You’re Glowing!

I am in the wonderful, joyous position right now of supporting several women through their pregnancies while also working with a few post-partum (and their stunningly cute babies!) Working with pregnant women is one of my favourite things. This time can be an emotional rollercoaster and contain heartbreak and confusion, but it is also full of euphoria and epiphanies. I don’t think any other time challenges your connection to your body and intuition in the same way. My thoughts about how best to show up for these women in my life and my reflections on my two very different pregnancies inspired this issue’s topic.

Read on to hear from kinesiologist-midwife Leanne Wilder and birth doula Julie White as they each present ideas around fertility, pregnancy and beyond. The articles in the issue are intended to help with emotional regulation, nutritional ideas, and the more energetic aspect of pregnancy and conception. My hope is that all together they create a solid resource for anyone—not just those who are pregnant, but anyone supporting women through this time or considering this adventure in the future. Thanks for reading, we’re all in this together!

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

When I speak with practitioners and instructors, it sounds like what everyone really wants is more community. Yet there often seems to be a gap between wanting community and being willing to engage with events and opportunities. So my question is; what are you doing to foster these connections? If you have events coming up that create these connections: conferences, demo days, practice days, open houses, etc. send us the info and we will add the events to the Classified page at the back of the next issue. These events are important and we want them to be shared!

Free Resources on Telegram Are you on Telegram? We run two channels, one called Daily Affirmations: One idea every day to balance yourself and your world. t.me/specializedkinesiology The other is a brand new group called GEMS College of Energy Medicine— Conversations. This is meant to be a platform for open discussion amongst practitioners and those interested in holistic health.

t.me/+-402UnL7en1mM2Qx We would love to have you join us!

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Your Turn: sharing who you are

What are you doing to create community and spread the word about energy medicine / muscle response testing?

Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

Perfect Pregnancy with Leanne Wilder By Alexis Costello


eanne Winder is a kinesiology practitioner in Australia, but is also a nurse and midwife. For this issue of the magazine, we discuss pre and postnatal care, working with babies in utero and the emotions that can cause fertility issues. Click here to watch the entire interview on YouTube.

AC: Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you ended up in the holistic health field?

LW: I started nursing in 1981 when I was 19 – I had always wanted to be a nurse since I was a child. I did midwifery in 1992 and stayed there after that, working in antenatal and postnatal care. I taught antenatal classes for ten years and I have worked in an IVF clinic, a Women’s clinic and more recently with a gynecologist. I became interested in reiki, and after taking a course, began using reiki on my ladies while they were labouring or with upset babies. And then I was introduced to essential oils by a colleague and began studying clinical aromatherapy so that I could include it in my work, particularly in the delivery room. Around the year 2000 I took my daughter to see a kinesiologist. She was 8 years old and had alopecia and a friend recommended a practitioner. I didn’t know what kinesiology was, had never heard of it, but thought, this is worth a try – we had been down the medical path to no avail. And within three weeks those bald patches on her head started growing back. I started seeing a kinesiologist myself and studied Touch for Health, just out of interest. KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy I became middle manager at a hospital and got a degree in business, but then I started to feel… like I needed to be doing something else. I needed a change. The hospital system wasn’t the same as it was when I first started. It was now a business whereas, when I started, it was very patientfocused. I signed up to go on a retreat to Bali for women and on that retreat, I saw a medicine man. The day before I saw him it had popped into my head that kinesiology was what I needed to do and when I saw him, he confirmed it. I came home, did some research, and began studying two weeks later! I stepped back from my role as a manager and began working more casually with midwifery so I could balance the two.

Issue 23, Spring 2022 AC: There are so many people in our field who have a similar story – their child or someone they love gets a diagnosis and the medical system doesn’t seem able to do anything about it. Someone refers them to this weird thing over here, and you fall in love! LW: When I was studying, I was still working full time as a manger so I would often go for weeks without a day off, but I felt like I couldn’t tell my colleagues. Because Western medicine is so evidence-based, I was fearful how they would see me, knowing that I was doing this thing that could be considered alternative. It was a difficult time, but I persisted because I knew that was where I needed to be.

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy AC: How does muscle testing and energy work compliment your midwifery practice? LW: When I’m working as a midwife it’s hard to use the two together in an up-front way because it’s a conflict of interest; I can’t muscle test women when I’m working with them in a hospital environment. However, I can draw on my own intuition and experience and muscle test on their behalf. Asking, ‘what does this woman require, what is best to suit her needs?’

Working as a kinesiologist and having women come to me who are pregnant, I can just go all out because they are there for that! So there’s quite a difference. AC: Are you in your role as a midwife, or in your role as a kinesiologist? LW: Exactly. AC: What does the average session with a pregnant woman look like for you?

Issue 23, Spring 2022 or experience themselves. These are the sorts of issues that come up for women with fertility issues… It might even be the feeling that she doesn’t deserve to have a child.

In a kinesiology session as you know, we are looking to see: what are the emotional blocks around this and what do we need to do to clear it? And for someone who comes to me antenatally, it’s a whole gambit; physical, emotional, and nutritional. Usually when someone comes to see me, they have an idea of why they’re there and what they need to address. There might be fear around the things that happen in labour: am I going to get the support that I need? Is the pain going to be too much for me? What if I tear? What if I move my bowels? Am I going to be able to have intimacy after, or are there going to be issues that stop that? Am I going to be a good mother? There are all those fears and worries about the things that occur in labour and after, but sometimes there is also stress about the things that are happening through the pregnancy like pelvic instability or backache or indigestion.

LW: I see women in all stages. Yes prenatal, but women with fertility issues are more the ones that I see. When there are blocks to getting pregnant, and I address those blocks. They might come in having their second or third round of IVF and they have been told that there is no reason medically for them or their partner to not be able to have children. The things that I might look at – the things that will come up in the session – might be previous sexual abuse, miscarriage or birth trauma that sets up like a self-sabotage type of environment where subconsciously they’re thinking, ‘I can’t do this again.’ So, they don’t. And for some women it might be poor parenting experience, so they wonder how they could be a good parent to a child when they have never had that example

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy For example, a client that I had, it came up (through the testing) to work with the individual muscles of the pelvis. Emotions were blocking them, and she was having lower back pain and was finding it difficult to sit or to walk very far. And once we cleared out those emotional blocks, those things weren’t such an issue for her anymore. I try to look at the nutritional aspect as well. Is she getting enough iron in her diet? Because the blood supply increases by up to 30% in the firs trimester to get all the needed oxygen to that child. You’re supporting yourself with oxygen, but also baby. And baby starts to draw on your iron stores at about 28-30 weeks, so if you can get on a good iron supplement prior to all that, you’re well supported. Folate is important prenatally, which has been shown to reduce neural defects. Vitamin D for immune support and mood balancing.

Issue 23, Spring 2022 Magnesium to help keep you calm and stable and is also good for your muscles and your cells. And probiotics are extremely important. We want good gut health in mom because if baby is born vaginally, they pick up all that beautiful good bacteria on the way out. And for the girls who have cesarians, it’s becoming common practice to 'seed' the baby, so they'll do a vaginal swab at the time of delivery and then place that over the child to make sure the baby is getting all the good bacteria from mom. It’s called seeding because they are planting the seeds of good bacteria on the child and a lot of obstetricians here are not doing it automatically to help the baby develop its immune system. And of course, if you’re breastfeeding, the probiotics are passed through the breastmilk as well.

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy AC: Out of curiosity, do you ever use the mother to surrogate for the baby in utero? LW: Yes, I do. Sometimes it just comes up through the session. It depends on your views of things – I read a book a few years ago called The Cosmic Cradle, it was written by two scientists about people’s memories of before they came here (to Earth). It talked about how some people have memories of choosing who their parents would be, remembering what it felt like in utero etc. So when it comes up to surrogate for baby, for me, it makes total sense because it is a little being. It’s not always easy to translate that to a pregnant woman though. AC: I ask because I’m working with a few pregnant women right now (and it’s one of my favourite things to do!) and, like you, often the women that I am working with have had problems in the past, so they want me to check in on the baby. And I work with it the same way I would with anyone, looking for stress and diffusing it. But I really love, especially near the end of the pregnancy, where you begin to feel like you can see some of the personality of this little being.

Issue 23, Spring 2022 LW: It’s so lovely! And that’s why I started to offer a pregnancy package because things change throughout. Initially she might come in saying, ‘I’m worried about labour,’ then as they progress there are physical concerns, and then as they move to the end, it’s more like, ‘what am I going to be like as a parent?’ and the baby’s things too. If we can do 4 sessions in a pregnancy, then we can cover as things are evolving, the full ground of pregnancy/labour/parenting. AC: What do you wish more people knew while working with women through pregnancy? LW: I feel like midwives need to have more of an awareness of the baby and not just the woman and her partner. As kinesiologists we cover more of that, though I still feel like the focus on the child is less than on the mother. Most practitioners are still not likely to say let’s check in on baby and do a balance on baby, it’s more woman-focused. So more awareness that this being that is growing is an entity within itself. Even though it’s connected to mom, it’s an individual in its own right and that comes with it’s own fear and ways of being as well.

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy Especially as the baby is floating in amniotic fluid; water carries vibration four times faster than air does. It’s classed as an old-wives tale that babies pick up their mom’s stress, but there’s an absolute truth to that! Maybe there has been a death in the family or a trauma or stress, that child feels all of that and if it isn’t managed it can imprint on the child. If your client has high anxiety and is fearful, that child is going to pick up on that. If we can deal with those sorts of things early on, we’re helping both mom and baby in the future. AC: I was part of the Knowlative collaborative workshop last year, presenting about the emotions of epigenetics. I don’t know how anyone can think that a mother is providing nutrients for her baby through the blood and not realize that the chemistry that’s in the blood, which is the emotional state, is in there too!

Issue 23, Spring 2022

“Even though it’s connected to mom, it’s an individual in its own right and that comes with it’s own fear and ways of being as well.”

LW: There is truth to some of these things that we have been told through generations, from the knowledge way-back-when. AC: Are there any resources you would suggest to those interested in learning more?

LW: In Australia we have a podcast called Australian Birth Stories (sure there’s an

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

an equivalent in other countries) and these are interviews about women’s birth experiences – twins, posterior, c-sections – a multitude sharing their experiences. So if you are carrying a breech baby for instance, you might listen to a story of that birth experience or what was done to help turn this baby… Hypnobirth or calm birth classes: my daughter did this, and they talk about getting yourself into a meditative state to be able to deal with contractions – it was all to do with colour, and I turned to my daughter and said, ‘they’re talking about your chakras!’ It’s all chakra colours you’re meditating on. They’re not saying, ‘we’re balancing your chakras to help you through this’, but that’s what it is. There are free antenatal and pelvic floor support classes on YouTube. Also, as an aromatherapist, I would highly recommend using oils through labour. I have my own list of oils that are suitable in labour, so when I do my package with the pregnant girls, I also include a massage oil that I make up for them. And you can find that kind of information just by Googling. Perineal massage is really important in the last trimester for vaginal delivery, stretching it out and allowing it to strengthen.

Issue 23, Spring 2022 Leanne is a Kinesiologist, Midwife, Registered Nurse, Reiki Master and Aromatherapist.

She has been involved with Kinesiology for 23 years both as a client and as a Practitioner. Accessing her own inner wisdom has been life changing & fulfilling for her. Kinesiology has increased her awareness of self, her beliefs and understandings, and guided her to dive deeper into the spiritual aspects of nature and the world around her. This revelation of self has led her to supporting others to do the same.

She studied Touch For Health after experiencing the amazing results of Kinesiology personally, and then, after an inspiring meeting with a Balian (Balinese Medicine Man), progressed to studying Certificate IV in Kinesiology followed by the Diploma and International Diploma. You can reach Leanne at https://www.heartandsoulkinesiology.com

The following pages of lists courtesy of Leanne can be used as scan sheets while working with women through all stages of pregnancy and birth.

You can find a nutritionist if you feel like your diet might need some support. A lot of Western obstetricians and midwifes don’t really look at diet and what you are eating. You can also work through old trauma (Leanne gives a shout out to the practitioners she knows here in the interview on YouTube if you are looking for a recommendation in Australia)

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022


Parenting Experience - own, step, as a child

Abuse Miscarriage history

Birth History Birth Trauma

Antenatal Physical


Back Discomfort

Belief Systems re Family e.g mother staying at home

Bleeding Stepping back from career/identity Diabetes

Family Dynamic Fertility Mindset: empowerment Foetal Abnormality Emotions in pelvic Floor Muscles Heart Burn/Indigestion Baby

Pelvic Instability Fears, beliefs etc. Hip Discomfort Miscarriage Vomiting

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

Birth Back Labour

Not making it to hospital in time

Breech baby



Phobias - blood, breast feeding


Premature baby

Cord around the neck

Poo - maternal








Support - midwives/Drs/partner

Stillbirth Tearing Vacuum



Bonding with Baby

Parenting Concerns

Breast Feeding

Life Balance


Financial concerns

Intimacy Pelvic Floor

Sick Baby Sleep Weight Issues

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

ACTIONS Own birth history: trauma, maternal fears/traumas in pregnancy, water element ESR, NL or NV Cycle CV1 - Perineum major post delivery. Is this intact or missing? Birth Trauma balance - PN Pelvic Floor Balance Pelvic Ligament Balance Temporal Tap around sphenoidal line to deeply imprint goals and affirmations within the conscious/ unconscious mind. Replaces negative self talk with positive messages.*** If epilepsy, rub the sternal notch GOALS 'Wisdom comes from me' 'I move with ease and comfort'

'My pelvis easily and comfortably supports my growing baby' 'Baby & I work together to enable a calm, relaxed birthing and postnatal experience' 'I birth my baby with ease and love' 'Giving birth is an enjoyable, easy experience for me' 'I'm excited and ready to easily birth my baby and become a mother' 'I easily relax into myself, connecting to myself and my baby, & allowing plans to evolve'. 'I believe in and allow Universal abundance'

'I am confidently prepared for the birthing of my baby and fully accept and trust the support team' 'I create positive emotions'

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

Resources ** Essential oils in labour Lavender - Relaxing, calming Peppermint - Uplifting, resouceful Mandarin - Calming and uplifting Bergamot - Encouraging, calm and uplifted Clary Sage - Uterotonic Frankincense - for Maternal Panic Jasmine - Uterotonic, uplifting Rose - Uterotonic, Calming ** YouTube: Core and Floor Restore - Free antenatal classes, Pelvic Floor exercises, support and management ** Supplements Iron - To cater to the increase in red blood cells and transfer of oxygen to baby and cells Folate - To assist in the prevention of neural tube defects (essential pre pregnancy and in first trimester particularly)

Magnesium - assists cell function, emotional calmness, nerve balancing so good for leg cramps, aids absorption of Vitamin D Vitamin D - Immune support, helps with mood & growth of baby Probiotics - Healthy gut, positive vaginal health, transferred to baby during birth process to assist immune system, transferred in breast milk too DHA - healthy fats to support brain development, reduce joint inflammation and support Mum's mental health www.flownutritionist.com.au - Jo is a Nutritionist and Kinesiologist TRTP - The Richards Trauma Process : changes core beliefs, protector of self (reboots the subconscious brain for a new future

Timeline Therapy ; guided therapy working with emotions to learn about reactions to evenst, so the reaction changes for future events where the emotion is felt. www.deephillipskinesiology.com.au is qualified in both TRTP and Timeline Therapy

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

Creating Balance and Flow Before, During and After Pregnancy

By Michelle Greenwell


s a new Grandma, I have marvelled at the difference it is to watch your next baby come into the world. Times are different, the world is different, and of course, I can snuggle my grandson and then send him back when I need a rest. It is a beautiful position to be in, to watch someone you love to grow and be nourished by new parents. Those new parents need love and nourishing too, and I now have the tools to assist with that process. Of course, I didn’t know about these bioenergetic supports while I was having my own children, but I have taken notes and waited. I wanted to make sure others would benefit from what can provide balance and flow through all those precious days of creating a new person.

For those of you who work in the wellness industry, you likely have a list of tools that you would use from a clinical perspective, that is, when they come to visit you for support. I am going to provide some tools that can be used at home for daily self-care and can be offered and shared.

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

Vagus Nerve Reset – With all the buzz around the Polyvagal Theory and creating regulation for the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, the advice is often to do deep breathing, meditation, and mindful activities. These all work and are very important and effective, but here are three others that can be done to create an instant calm. Eye reset – Turn your eyes to the corner and hold them there until an involuntary action occurs (blink, sigh, twitch, yawn). Then repeat to the other corner. Rub the ears – Some variations: Rub the ear three times from the top of the ear around and down to the lobe, moving closer into the ear with each sweep finishing with a gentle tug as you go around the ear. Same hand as ear. Rub the ear as above but use opposite hand to ear crossing the hand at the front of the body. Rub the ear as above, using the opposite hand crossing behind the head. While the head is turned to the left, hum for the duration. While the head is turned to the right, count for the duration. Holding the head – Placing the hands under the chin with the fingers pointing up towards the ear. The thumb will fall on the side of the neck and the pointer finger will nestle into the soft dip behind the ear. The elbows can be rested on a table if you are sitting. Hold until there is a deep sigh, or the breathing deepens and is regular.

Your inner compassion is your super-power for all you do.

Massaging the Sacrum – For a new mom there are a lot of changes happening throughout the body. The pelvis is no exception. This movement is very gentle and should have only a slight shift of the tissue, so no big moves or strain. Place the feet firmly on the floor shoulder width apart, toes forward and the knees at a 90-degree angle. Sitting as lifted through the body as possible and relax the head so the chin is straight, rather than lifted. You can pull on the top of the ears to find the alignment of the head if necessary. The weight will be between the sitz bones and the tailbone and will feel a little like it floats between the points. Bring awareness to the feet and think of moving the toes forward. This will apply a little pressure across the back of the sacrum or lower back. Notice if there is tension or tightness. Continue to breathe deeply. Bring awareness to the heels and think of moving the heels back towards the chair. The hamstring will engage and the weight on the chair will shift to the sitz bones from centered over the “sweet spot.” Repeat back to the toes and to the heels

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

slowly and gently for several repetitions. You will notice that when you move towards the toes the tension or tightness across the sacrum fading. When it feels open, relax, and do a few spine rotations just to let the body marvel at this new freedom. Take a walk to let the body reset. Choose Love - The ability to experience emotions and ‘let them go’ throughout the pregnancy and beyond is paramount to the well -being of the baby and the family. Utilizing the Choose Love Movement’s Formula, this is an easy way to release experiences that could get tangled up or stuck in a thought loop in the head or be held in tension.

Issue 23, Spring 2022 feels or is experienced like. Forgive yourself the past that has kept you safe and created patterns of support and survival for you. Shift your perception to how forgiveness can provide you with new choices and the awareness to support your well-being to move forward. Reflect on how your willingness to offer inner compassion and care has moved you into balance and flow with ease. Your inner compassion is your super-power for all you do. Honor and respect this gift daily. It is your happy dance! (Cont.)

The Choose Love Formula Check-In Make a connection with your inner self and tune in with your heart, perhaps even place your hands over your heart. Breathe deeply and fully. If you are with a group, make eye contact and hold hands in a circle to connect to the others. Or hold your baby close and feel the warmth of this embrace. Consider your goal or intention. Speak the intent aloud or imagine the outcome in the fullest experience with the senses and awareness. If your hands are free, you can place your fingertips on your forehead, emotional stress release points (ESRs) for this vision time. You can continue to hold the ESR’s or return the hands to cross at the Sea of Tranquility, holding hands with others, or holding your baby. Acknowledge how you courageously tried new actions today to open yourself to new awareness, experience, growth, and possibility. With gratitude, bring awareness to what that

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

When we use the formula pillars in this special order, we create a way to thoughtfully respond to situations and to ourselves. By taking the time to bring focus inward, we can transform how we are feeling, the lens of emotion that we may be experiencing our world at the moment, and the way that we can choose to react to our situation and opportunity. For tired new parents, the lens can be clouded by fatigue and sleep deprivation. Be gentle with yourself, nourish you and the baby, and the rest will happen as it can.

Issue 23, Spring 2022

Footnotes: These tools have been passed to me in discussions, so unfortunately, I am unable to provide the original source. For anyone reading that may know the source, please be sure to update KinesioGeek Magazine and myself. The ear rub has been passed through Touch for Health and Brain Gym.

There are more foot activities that can be found in the “It’s in the Cards” deck that Michelle coauthored. These foot sensor resets can support the entire body while setting the reflexes for grounding, centering, stability, balance, and gravity. This exercise Michelle has used in her Tai Chi and Qi YINtegration classes. Picture created by Yvonne Waines for the BioEnergetic Essentials book and It’s in the Cards deck.

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

Michelle Greenwell is currently the Program Coordinator for the Choose Love Modalit Movement and is the recent co-author of Self-Care Essentials for Educators, BioEnergetic Essentials, It’s in the Cards wellness deck, and Affirmations for the Body and BioField wellness deck. These are located in the shop at ChooseLoveMovement.org along with the Choose Love tea she co-created with her tea company. Michelle is currently sharing her expertise and experiences on her BeWell with Michelle Greenwell podcast on Buzzsprout and Spotify, and her playlists on YouTube. Currently finishing her PhD in Integrative Health, Michelle has been focusing on the language and skills we share for self-empowering others with bioenergetic tools for wellness, you can find classes and events at www.canbewell.org and more about Michelle here.

Additional resources: The ChooseLoveMovement.org has a special program for Neonatal care and for Homes that are free. Deborah McNelis at BrainInsightsOnline.com has a new series called The First Sixty Days, as well as NeuroNurturing Cards to assist with nurturing newborns and toddlers. Lastly, Havening is an excellent tool to provide soothing care to the family anytime. https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhdYh_uJeD8&t=49s These programs will be added to the Choose Love Movement in the coming weeks and provide excellent resources for sharing with clients and students supporting new parents.

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

The Flow of Emotions By Sylvia Marina


motions, emotions, emotions… we all have them, and for a reason. When we understand what happy is, during non-happy moments we instinctively have an idea to look for blue sky, the green of nature, the ripples of flowing water.

When you feel the desire to push an emotion down so that you don’t need to deal with it, remind yourself, each emotion has its own intelligent purpose. Allow the energy of the emotion to move, as it is intended to do, and observe what happens.

When we allow healthy movement and expression of our emotions, our body doesn’t have to find places to hold onto them, or a subconscious need to store them in our tissues or the tissues of the unborn babe, which is what causes pain and discomfort in the body, illness and recurring ill health that just seems to come from no-where…it actually comes from suppressed emotion, that is the genetic pattern of ancestral trauma being carried in the genome of the DNA.

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy Fear and anxiety are normal emotions. In pregnancy, these emotions occasionally arise to ensure a woman keeps her baby safe, cared for and protected during and after she gives birth. She needs to recognize when a fear is getting stuck in her head, perhaps it’s time to seek help.

Rather than rush to the cookie jar or chocolate barrel, put on your favourite relax music, lie on the floor with your gluteus maximus near to the wall, put your legs up the wall, hands by your side, close your eyes and breathe.

This exercise takes the strain off your legs and relieves your lower back. It’s not everyone’s ideal relax but it was a favourite for me…that was for the first pregnancy, next pregnancy, two-year-old thought mummy lying on the floor was a time for clambering over her belly. Not restful for me but, I knew where she was!

Issue 23, Spring 2022 To understand the genetic pattern of ancestral trauma being carried in the genome of the DNA is to learn and experience how to change the energy of the inherited pattern, thus breaking the negative chain of sabotage and infusing positive intelligence, the genius into the cell memory of your body and future generations. Sylvia Marina is a Human Behaviour Trauma Specialist, speaker and mentor. She is the author of TRANSFORMNG DNA MEMORIES and RETURN TO LOVE and offers worldwide seminars in person online A registered Touch for Health Instructor since 1985. Sylvia serves on the Executive Board of the International Kinesiology College of Australia and Dean of the IKC Personal Development School since October 2020.

Her intensive career includes assignments across Australia, Asia, South Pacific, Europe, Canada, New Zealand, Russia, Spain, UK. And USA. https://SylviaMarina.com

Online Balancathon hangout, hosted by Jackie Lysaght with participants from Ireland, UK, and Germany! KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

Blissful Pregnancy Through BioEnergetic Wellness

By Nithya Poorani Jayaraj


hange is inevitable and universal which demands lot of coping and survival strategies, irrespective of the nature. Pregnancy is one such a transition, every couple experiences both physically and psychologically. We always feel excited by anticipating the outcome of the journey. The big picture for the couple is the happiness of delivering a baby. Despite the importance of change in the pursuit of health and happiness, there are few formulations of how it is accomplished gracefully irrespective of mixed emotions, uncertainty, and difficulty to adapt during the process of pregnancy. Bio Energetic Wellness provides holistic care for the pregnant mothers and family to experience the bliss by changing the molecules of emotions. One major factor that acts as an obstacle to enjoy the process of pregnancy is fear of labour pain. Many Pregnant mothers are opting for C-section because of the fear of anticipated pain. This paved way for introducing bio energetic wellness group session for pregnant mothers who fear about labour pain.

Gary Craig’s Emotional freedom techniques helped mothers in changing the reaction towards fear about labour pain. It is performed by tapping on specific meridian points with a set up phrase and reminder phrase. The procedure starts with psychological reversal, tapping on the sides of the wrist,

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Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

with phrase (Even though I have this fear of unbearable labour pain as I have heard in stories, films or from other people experience, I profoundly love, accept and forgive myself).

SP: Even though I am angry on myself that I have mood swings and not taking care of my baby’s health, I deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP : This anger

The reminder phrase (this fear of labour pain) is repeated and tapped on other meridian points in the following order (top of head, eyebrow, corner of eyes, below eyes, below nose, below chin, collar bone, under arm). After 2 sets of tapping, most of them felt no fear and a strong belief about their coping ability emerged.

SP: Even though I am annoyed at my physical appearance and overweight, I deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP: This annoyance

I have mentioned few of other phrases that I use for pregnant mothers:

SP: Even though I feel irritated that my partner and family members are not understanding my physical and emotional disturbances and feel not supported enough, I deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP: This irritation.

Note- Set up phrase is mentioned as SP and reminder phrase is mentioned as RP.

SP: Even though I feel disappointed that I am unable do my daily activities energetically, I

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Holistic Pregnancy

deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP: This disappointment. SP: Even though I feel guilty that I could not experience the happiness of having a baby, I deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP: This guilt SP: Even though I fear about my imbalance in thyroid levels and insulin level, I deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP: This fear

SP: Even though I am tired because of morning sickness, I deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP: This tiredness because of morning sickness.

Issue 23, Spring 2022 Pregnant mothers are encouraged to do ESR even before and during labour process, which helped to calm down and balance breathing & pulse rate. Group session is concluded with Golden light meditation. It is an advanced meditation developed by Dr Mary Jo Bulbrook, taught in Transform Your Life Through Energy Medicine (TYLEM) as a part of clearing and restructuring soul light. It is also a self-care exercise to build and strengthen soul energy. The procedure starts by creating a column of golden light in the hands and connecting the hands on the heart.

Followed by EFT, during the group session, Emotional Stress Release from Touch for Health, by Dr John Thie is practised. On our forehead on the prominences above the eyes are two points which can have a deep calming effect. Holding these points lightly or placing hands on the forehead helps mind to a receptive state rather than protective response to present, past and future stress. Ger Casey’s research (2005) on holding ESR points during stress or thinking about stressful events resulted in reduced blood pressure level than the person’s actual blood pressure base line. This had a same effect on diastolic, systolic and pulse rate levels. This result was so amazing that we could apply to all populations. ESR helped pregnant women in diffusing the stressful aspects of pregnancy (mood swings, uncertainty, self-doubt, disappointment, selfhate, guilt, fear, annoyance, physical disturbances & more...), balancing the blood pressure levels and provided strength to find peace. ESR helped pregnant women to visualise and feed in positive emotions and visualisations about happy pregnancy & labour.

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Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

Then placing hands on top of head and visualising golden light, slowly bringing down the golden light from top of the head all the way through the body (along the hara line) and then onto the earth. Clear and repair the energy by holding in the area as needed until the energy stabilizes. Connect the soul star (above the head) and earth by pointing one hand on 4 th chakra facing upwards and other hand on 2nd chakra pointing downwards towards the earth. Experience the flow of golden energy throughout. This simple yet effective meditation provided a soothing effect physically and emotionally. Pregnant mothers followed this procedure as home reinforcement and had individual energy balancing sessions on a regular basis for physical, emotional and biochemical imbalances throughout the pregnancy. This helped the whole family to experience the bliss of pregnancy with grace and breath, hope and positivity and to get ease with the process of change. Bio energetic wellness is an ocean of holistic tools and I am happy to experience and share few drop of its essence.

Infographic by Hello Wonderful! Find them through this link: https:// www.hellowonderful.co/post/how-big-is-my -baby-fruits-and-vegetables-infographic/

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

Prenatal Roots of Attachment


xcerpts from the article, "Prenatal Roots of Attachment" by Rien Verdult, in the book, Handbook of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology (2021) published by Springer. Collected by Bruce Dickson for his own healing. Also possible to make out of this sequence, a positive closed eye prenatal journey guided meditation.

Note ~ The following can be made more accessible with two changes: - Per the Waldorf folks, replace he and his with feminine pronouns for all prenatal and peri-natal and very young child. - As psychology, this is psychology of the ego of the body deva, the basic self, the etheric body--not "the baby." Add to the below, earlier mis-carriages of the same soul. A large fraction of mis-carriages are failed implantation.

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Holistic Pregnancy Preconception > Journey > Embodiment versus Splitting The degree to which the pregnancy is wanted, Unwanted pregnancies can be linked to maladaptive maternal behaviors and increased stress and anxiety, characteristics and biography of sperm, characteristics and biography of egg. Conception > Fusion > Trust in embodied, physical-material, life versus Obstruction to embodying in physical-material Creation

Affectionate conception vs apathy, accident or rape, in conception if trauma or shock occurs, a first splitting in consciousness occurs. In an affectionate conception, the cells will reach out for each other, will open, and are longing to connect. A basis for trust in life and living is formed. The foundation is laid for secure attachment. In a traumatic conception, the sperm and egg become defensive, can withdraw themselves, can turn away, or can become closed or impermeable. Life is obstructed. Avoidant attachment. Implantation > Connection > Survival versus Neardeath (235) If the blastocyst finds a fertile spot on the endometrial epithelium, then a basic sense of connectedness starts to develop and lays the foundation for secure attachment. His survival is guaranteed. The negative pole of this development crisis is a life-threatening and frightening experience, because the blastocyst gets too little nutrition and energy. If the uterus is not providing enough essential nutrients, then life is at risk. Implantation can be a near-death experience that can be stored in consciousness. The stored message can be: “I have to be on alert, whenever (236) I connect to somebody, because I cannot be sure that my basic needs are fulfilled.”

Issue 23, Spring 2022 An ambivalent attachment pattern can develop out of this bio- chemical message. Possible twin loss “vanishing twin” drama. When healthy implantation occurs, the rapid development of the embryo can begin. In 2 months, a complete person grows out of the fertilized egg. All organs develop, the skeleton becomes visible, and the senses start to function. The embryo gets its physical human characteristics.

Umbilical affect > Exchange > Facilitation versus Deprivation or Poisoning Exchange between the embryo and the uterus wall intensifies. This happens over the umbilical cord. Emotional messages are translated into biochemical messages and received and understood by the fetus. The fetus can be deprived from basic needs. If this is a severe and lasting condition, and the fetus has to slow down his/her development, then the fetus can go into a para-sympathetic shock and become paralyzed. The fetus can become suicidal and desire its own death. It can lead to a avoidant attachment pattern. A toxic umbilical affect is characterized by poisonous messages that the fetus receives, like a rejection, emotional confusion, etc. This can result in ambivalent attachment patterns.

Maternal Discovery > Recognition > Being desired versus Rejection Mother's first and spontaneous emotional reaction to her possible pregnancy creates an emotional climate. This is converted into a complex mixture of biochemical messages to the baby. If its mother or her body rejects or denies the pregnancy, because this is deeply unwanted for her, then the fetus can feel intensely rejected. Biochemical messages will restrain his/her selfconfidence and his/her self-actualization. Depression, self-destructive behavior, or

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Holistic Pregnancy

aggression can be clinically linked to prenatal rejection (Emerson 1998b). As research showed the consequences of being unwanted can become manifest many years later, especially in adolescence (Häsing and Janus 1994). The positive pole of this development crisis is the affirmation of its existence. If the baby is consciously wanted by his parents and if his/her mother’s body is responding with acceptance and joy to his/her presence, then the fetus can feel desired. “I am the one for my mother.” If its mother is deeply pleased about her pregnancy, then her baby gets a “hormonal” affirmation. He gets the right to live.

Birth > Transition > Moving forward versus Being stuck Learning how to breathe, or learning to adapt to his/her mother’s emotional state. Birth is coming. How will an overwhelming change be navigated and made possible? It's possible the baby feels invaded in the birth process and feels out of control of its own well being. caesarean birth can be life saving for the baby, or sudden, unexpected, rough, and frightening, leaving the baby in despair and chaos. Tactile defensiveness is one of the most prominent features of a caesarean-section baby, making it for the mother more difficult to bond.

Imprinting moment > Contact > Affiliation versus Isolation The negative pole of the continuum is finding absence or rejection in her eyes, leading to painful loneliness and isolation. Immediately after birth, when the baby is laid on the belly of the mother a magic moment can occur, the so-called imprinting moment. Research by Klaus, Kenell, and Klaus et al. (1995) was a pioneering work, changing the

Issue 23, Spring 2022

birth practice. The baby needs to restore contact with his/her mother’s body immediately after birth, without delay. This could be done by leaving the infant on his/ her mother’s belly for 20 min, waiting till the umbilical cord stops pulsing, so that the baby can come to rest by restoring his/her physiological equilibrium and make eye contact with his/her mother. The positive pole of this developmental crisis is: restoring contact. When the baby has found the breast of his mother and can look her in the eyes, then he/she can find reassurance and affiliation.

Psychological birth > Separation > Individuality versus Stagnation

The infant starts to experience that it can also function without its mother. A baby with more positive attachment experiences will enjoy exploring his/her world, learn new things, and grow up. It will discover his/her possibilities and boundaries. An insecure ambivalent infant will be more anxious, keeping his/her world small, and sticking closely to his/her mother. He/she is sometimes literally clinging to his/her mother. He/she can be frustrated and activated quickly. He/she is afraid of new things and strangers. His/her development stagnates. The avoidant infant is often called an “easy and quiet” baby. No fussing and clinging, more withdrawn, little or no exploration. In insecure infants, the psychological birth begins later and takes more time. More about BruceTo sign up for gift book serialization, Befriending Your Biology, Physical Health from the Inside Out

KinesioGeek Magazine, www.gemskinesiologycollege.com


Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

Pregnancy - A Path to Deeper Connection to Your Whole Self and Your Baby

By Julie White


n my practice as a kinesiologist and birth doula, I’ve found that the experience of pregnancy and birth presents a beautiful opportunity to evolve physically, spiritually and emotionally and because of this, a healthy pregnancy and birth are relative to the individual.

There are countless books and blogs and classes attempting to educate a new mom on the steps to take for a healthy pregnancy and birth. Some of these resources are wonderful and insightful but they can also be dogmatic and leaving her feeling as though she has to do things in a particular way in order to experience health and vitality with her pregnancy and birth. The truth is, a woman already “KNOWS” deep within, what she needs to be healthy and happy during pregnancy. She and her baby “KNOW” how to give birth. Working with this innate knowledge that has been past through the ancestral DNA is the key to staying connected to herself and her baby during this time and having the best outcome in her experience! My biggest advice to new mommas is to slow down during this season, get in touch with that inner voice that is already there and stay in flow and in rhythm with her, consciously aware of herself and her baby, working as one perfect organism. (cont.)

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Holistic Pregnancy

The only effort here would be to tune out excess advice, noise, and dogma, and choose consciously and wisely what streams of encouragement, ancient wisdom, and love aligns with her and her baby’s highest self. The feminine way is one of ease and grace, creativity and intuition and in many ways we have let ourselves be hijacked with excessive rules, regulations and principles in the birth world.

I love to guide clients to adopt a daily practice of breathing and flow, checking in with themselves throughout the day. Simply closing the eyes, hand on the heart, taking really deep belly breaths followed by long and exhaustive exhales centers an individual and prepares them for listening deep within. It allows for a PAUSE in a busy day, or when faced with lots of information, or when processing decisions.

Issue 23, Spring 2022

With this in mind, I offer a few tips for the pregnant woman to contemplate: •

Birth is natural and not a medical event.

Lean in to the various ebs and flows that each trimester brings and pause to connect to yourself as you navigate the changes your body is going through. “What do I need right now?” Listen to that instinct and have grace for yourself. You are growing another life inside of you! You may need to relax more, or push through more - move with your body. This will prepare you for birth day - relaxing and pushing, leaning into pain but also resting between the surges.

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Holistic Pregnancy •

Choose a birth team/tribe - those whom you trust and will be a good support. This may be a medical doctor/ nurse, midwife, doula or group of friends/family. You may want to have your birth in a hospital, at home or outside by a peaceful river. Unless you or baby is at real risk, the choice is yours! Take instructions from medical professionals or midwives and doulas only after you have checked in with yourself, have the information you need and are fully confident in your decision. Find a kinesiologist who practices muscle response testing so you are able to stay balanced and attuned to your nutritional needs. Every body is different. What one mother needs in the form of supplementation and diet will not be the same for another. Energy kinesiology can help with physical/ structural balancing and also emotional/ spiritual balancing. Pregnancy and birth may bring up past traumas or generational stresses and if appropriate, working through these issues may help in the birth as well as becoming a new parent. Movement is so natural for our bodies and is so important in keeping tissues, muscles and ligaments strong but flexible. Yoga postures that encourage strength in the hips, core and legs are amazing for getting prepared for birth day! Walking outside is also a great exercise to keep your body strong and circulation flowing. Try not to stay in positions that constrict your muscles for too long of a time. Long term sitting, hunching or standing will keep the muscles tight. We are looking for a rhythm of tightening and releasing, mirroring the birth experience.

Issue 23, Spring 2022 There are plenty more nuggets of wisdom to ponder and reflect on as you embark on your pregnancy journey, and I would love to connect with you if you want to nerd out on all things kinesiology and birth! But, my hope is that this offering has given you inspiration to PAUSE and LISTEN to your innate inner knowledge as well as your baby’s before making decisions. From nutrition to birth plans to birth tribes, you were made for this! I believe that each one of us has, in our DNA, everything we need to prosper in this life - in our health, in our relationships, and in our service to others. When you get to the core essence of who you are, you will live an empowered, grace-filled, abundant life. Its not about fixing someone who's broken, it's about awakening the Truest YOU! You were not created to do this alone, but alongside others, in community. I consider myself a CONVOY, an escort for protection; a GUIDE, lighting the way; a companion, one you can trust on the journey. Wherever you are in the process, together, we can unearth your truest self, connecting the dots between your mind, body and soul, SO THAT YOU CAN LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Touch For Health, SIPS Kinesiology, GEMS Flow and Brain Formatting, Doulas of North America RESTOREANDBALANCE.ME

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By: Chris Freytag, CPT // February 1, 2022 from the website gethealthhyu.com

12 Pregnancy Power Foods You Should Be Eating

Holistic Pregnancy Issue 23, Spring 2022

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Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

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Holistic Pregnancy


Issue 23, Spring 2022


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Upcoming SIPS classes

Australia: http://www.kinesiology.org.au/page-1712619 Canada: https://canbewell.org/ Denmark: http://kinesiologiuddannelse.dk/kursuskalender/ Ireland: http://www.kai.ie/kinesiology-training-in-ireland

There are classes coming up in Canada, the US and Europe – visit the website to find courses near you. http://www.sipskinesiology.com

UK: http://www.kinesiologyfederation.co.uk/training/coursediary-search.php USA: http://touchforhealth.us/classes/classes-by-state/ USA: http://energyk.org/training-events/

TFHKA Conference, MN, USA, August 3-7 IKC Conference in Budapest Hungary, August 18-21

Knowlative Open Houses: Free events where we come together as an international community to discuss techniques and ideas that we work with as muscle response testing practitioners. These usually take place the last Tuesday of the month via Zoom. For more information or to get your name on the mailing list for upcoming events, visit www.knowlative.com

If you are a kinesiology association and would like to have your events (conferences, demo days, etc) mentioned, please email us. There are far too many classes internationally for us to list them all, but please send a link to the page on your website that shows upcoming classes and we will add it here. If you would like to advertise your conference, presentation or post-conference workshop, please contact us for details.

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Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

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Holistic Pregnancy

Issue 23, Spring 2022

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