Specialized Kinesiology Magazine - A Holographic Model

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Winter 2018, Issue 0 6

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine Specialized Kinesiology Magazine

Inside the Hologram with Adam Lehman The Holographic Nature of the Human Body

Nutrition Resolutions

Serenity and C hange

Hugo Tobar comes to Vancouver, C anada! Interview from Moscow

A Holographic Model

A Holographic Model

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com

Issue 06, Winter, 2018


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A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 Editor/Publisher/Writer and flawed dictator: Alexis Costello

Adam Lehman: inside the hologram

page 6 The Holographic Nature of the Human Body page 29


Have a topic you think other practitioners would be interested in? An article to contribute, or a product/class/ conference to advertise?

Contributors: Alison Kingston Anne Jensen Michelle Greenwell Natascha Polomski Premalatha Shanmugam Reenie Rose Robert Frost Sylvia Marina Cover image is a stock photo Opinions expressed by contributors and advertisers are their own.

Contents: p. 4 Letter from the Editor p.5 Your turn: letters, questions and social media p. 6 Feature Interview: Adam Lehman – Inside the Hologram p. 12 Serenity and Change p. 14 Taking Specialized Kinesiology to the next level at Akamai University p. 17 Evolving with Akamai University

p. 19 Modality Profile: HeartSpeak p.24 Hugo Tobar: interview from Moscow p. 29 The Holographic Nature of the Human Body p.36 An SK Story: Malaysian SK Association p.38 Nutrition Corner: New Year’s Resolutions p. 42 Classifieds p. 43 Health Should Be Fun!

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


Email: happy@alexiscostello.com

A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

Holograms We Are.

It’s difficult to find pictures of holograms suitable for a general audience! According to LiveScience: “Holography is a photographic technique that records the light scattered from an object, and then presents it in a way that appears three-dimensional.” What is light but energy and information – the very concepts we specialize in! Information creating a complete picture so something can be viewed from all sides. A holographic model means the ability to look at things from another dimension. It means recognizing the whole in each individual part, which is what we, as Specialized or Energetic Kinesiologists, train ourselves to do. In this issue, my intention was to explore that idea further and find some practical help in actually going forth and doing this. In Holographic Touch for Health, it means taking the techniques that you already know well and adding a new twist that allows for deeper understanding. In Michelle Greenwell and Natascha Polomski’s contributions about working with Akamai University to receive their master’s, it means looking at a different educational model for alternative health than most of us in the kinesiology field are used to. This includes looking at things from a quantum physics perspective as well, demonstrated in Robert Frost’s article entitled ‘The Holographic Nature of the Human Body.’ As it is a new year, it seems like a good time to look at things from a new angle; a fresh perspective. I hope this issue helps you to do just that.

Thanks for reading,

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

Your Turn – Questions, Letters and Social Media

Question: What’s one amazing SK related thing you learned last year? Michelle Greenwell: I have been reading "The Spark in the Machine" by Dr. Daniel Keown. It has a full explanation of the meridians development right from the first cell division in the zygote. His explanation of how the meridians are formed, how the limbs are formed and how the electricity travels through the body are incredible. I supremely underestimated the power that meridians play in our daily functioning, and I have a much stronger appreciation for the extra meridians as well. Sam Ashbee: I learned how to be a Touch for Health mentor. Robin Brown-Frossard: Dominique Monette and Wayne Topping shared with me that the Gaits points are acupuncture points. I finally understood why they are classified in the Electric/Energy dimension. It’s cool to try to understand the connection between the implicated meridians and the types of things the procedure works on (for example coordination, balance...).

Next issue’s theme is “5-Element Focus” Next issue’s question: How do you use aspects of 5element theory in daily life?

Did you know the Touch for Health UK group on Facebook now has over 1000 members? This magazine featured an interview with Helena Arguelles (who began the group) last year. If you are looking for a good resource for meeting other practitioners or having your TFH questions answered, this is the place.

Post your answer on the GEMS Kinesiology page on Facebook to be included here!

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


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A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

Adam Lehman Inside the Hologram


By Alexis Costello Adam Lehman: AP guru, musician, presenter and ‘Most Likely to Have a Great Bottle of Wine for Any Occasion,’ discusses holograms and seeing things holistically. Click here to watch the entire interview on YouTube!

AC : Why don’t you explain quickly how holograms are actually created? AL: Before I do that, I’d like to preface it with something. The holographic model is based on the concept of the holographic universe, and from a kinesiology Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com

perspective, Richard Utt who was the founder of Applied Physiology (which I have spent the last 20+ years being an instructor of), he’s the person who really brought that model into kinesiology in a way that nobody else did, though now many borrow that concept. We live in a 3-dimensiol universe; we see in 3D, we hear in 3D and yet, most of the work we do seems to be a little more 2-dimensional in nature. A holographic model allows us to work in a way that is more consistent with the universe we live in. (continued next page)


A Holographic Model Holograms didn’t exist until lasers were invented. A laser is simply coherent light, meaning that it’s very well organized and that’s what allows a laser beam to go such long distances while maintaining such a tight focus. And what was discovered was that by taking a laser beam, splitting it into two, and one of those beams going to a particular object that you want to take a holographic picture of, bouncing off it and going to the film, and the other beam goes directly to the plate that is the holographic film, they then collide there. And that collision is called an interference pattern. If you look at an interference pattern in normal light, it looks like the surface of the moon, just a greyish swirling pattern. If you want to visualize an interference pattern, imagine sitting by a pond on a calm day. You toss a pebble into the middle of the pond and there is that nice ring that comes out, and it keeps going and going and going until it hits the shore. But if you take a handful of pebbles and you toss them out, they all go to different locations and they all start creating their own rings. Then the rings start colliding with each other and creating different, more complex wave patterns. And that’s what happens when these two beams collide. Then when you take that plate and you shine a laser beam on it again, up pops this three dimensional representation of the image that you took the picture of. And you can walk around it and see it from all sides, which is very different than a photograph that you just see from one end. If you turn it around, you’re just looking at a blank piece of paper. You get a lot more detail and richness from a hologram then from a normal photograph. The key aspect of that is that you are dealing with these two beams colliding; that’s what

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 forms the 3D picture and it’s very similar to how we see. It is the combination of information from both eyes that allows us to see depth. So, it’s all about relationships. AC : Well isn’t everything really? AL: That’s exactly it! That’s the nature of the holographic universe we live in because that’s what it’s all about; we can only perceive things because we are in relationship to them. Everything is in relation to everything else and that’s what is required to have the existence that we perceive. AC : So how does this phenomena that you just described, of being able to use these two focused beams of energy in order to create something different and 3D; how does that apply to the TFH model, or to SK in general? AL: Well what Richard Utt figured out is that in “normal” (laughing) TFH, or any number of other kinesiologies, you find one piece of information (like in TFH, you test a muscle and it goes off), you rub a point and test it again to see if it made a change. If it did, you go on to the next muscle and you go in this one-byone scenario - and that’s kind of a 2D approach. The genius of what Richard put together is he used the idea of how to make a hologram and turned it into a way of actually assessing the imbalances in the body. The difference there is; you never work on just a single meridian. You are always working on a relationship between two meridians. So we use the alarm points to find the initial meridian called the object meridian, which is equivalent to the beam that is going to the object you are taking the picture of. Then you look for a reference meridian, which is in relation to that object meridian, similar to that

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model second beam going to the plate and colliding there and that collision represents massive amounts of information. And so looking at that relationship we are creating a 3D construct; then when we do our balancing, we balance that relationship. So what? What’s the big deal about that? Well it is a big deal because for one thing, a hologram has massive amounts more data than a photograph. But not only is there more data, there’s another intriguing property about that. If I take a normal photograph and I cut it in half, now I have two halves, one with one person, one with the other person.

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 And if I keep cutting it, eventually I’ll have no idea who these people are anymore. If I take a holographic plate, I can cut it into as many pieces as I want, and if I take a little piece of that and shine the laser on it, I still get the whole picture. It might be a little fuzzy, but it’s all there. Every piece contains the whole. So when I’m balancing somebody and I’m looking at the relationship between the meridians I’m getting a lot more information and when I balance that, not only am I working with that relationship, but because it still contains the whole, I’m also balancing the big picture.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

Stock photos: How does sympathy and empathy relate to anger and rage for you?

Let’s say we are balancing the Stomach. Well, the stomach is a major organ, it does a lot of different stuff and has various anatomic and physiological aspects to it, it has a meridian that has 45 points on it, it has several muscles associated with it that have full ranges of motion – it’s a very broad, undefined picture. When I find a reference meridian related to that; let’s say Gallbladder, now I have a completely new data set to work off of. For instance, I can think about how the two work together for digestion (watch the interview on YouTube to get the details of this! -AC). Knowing this, I can turn around and ask somebody “How do you feel after you eat fatty foods?” And they go, “Not so great. How did you know that?!” It gives the extra depth of information that allows me to ask those kinds of questions and consider the type of the imbalance within the Stomach, not just the whole Stomach. Maybe it’s not a physiological thing, maybe it’s an emotional thing. The Stomach relates to sympathy and empathy. If I look at that in relation to the emotions of the Gallbladder which are anger and rage, now I can ask the person, “How does sympathy and empathy

relate to anger and rage for you?” You might get a completely different story, like “I’m always taking care of everybody else, but then, when I need something, who pays attention to me? No-one’s ever around for me and it really ticks me off!” So, you get a deeper story out of it than if it was just the one emotion. AC : So what I’m hearing you say is that being able to look at the muscle test and meridians in this way allows you to integrate more information and see the relationships that give structure and form to the answers you get with your muscle tests, so you know more specifically what’s going on. C an you use this to integrate modalities as well and to put them together in an interesting way? AL: Absolutely. When you get around to the balancing part, anything that’s meridian based can be applied holographically as well. For example, in TFH, the first thing we might do is rub a neurolymphatic point, but now, we would be rubbing the Stomach NL and the Gallbladder NL at the same time,

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model telling the body, ‘this is the relationship that we’re looking at’. And it sends the healing information to that specific relationship, so it’s much more focused, yet at the same time, addressing the whole, so it’s incredibly efficient. Often you need to do less in order to achieve full body balance. Once you have established this relationship, anything you do: physical, nutritional, emotional or energetic, is addressing the relationship you’ve set up. The Chinese were into this whole idea of the hologram thousands of years ago. The command points, which are the points that are used in the Acupressure Holding Points technique in TFH, are the points within each meridian that relate that meridian to each of the other elements. Right there, there’s a relationship - everything connects to everything. So you can use the command points to access the hologram. We can use the example of the Stomach-Gallbladder again, I would simply go to the Wood element point on the Stomach meridian and hold those points bilaterally. So that would be ST 43 and you are automatically connecting those meridians up and it’s incredibly powerful. This relates back to the interconnectedness of all things and there are many representations of that within the body, such as the Living Matrix; the connective tissue that connects down into every cell in the body, and to my thinking, as below, so above (to reverse the usual way of looking at that!). So if the living matrix connects down into the deepest level of every cell of the body, then there is also a mechanism in which it connects out of the body and into your etheric web which is the metaphysical structure of the body, and goes out from there and that’s one mechanism of the relationship of all things.

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

“Everything is in relation to everything else and that’s what is required to have the existence that we perceive.”

AC : The little bit that I understand about HeartMath seems to link into those concepts as well – does HeartMath also get into those ideas of the ‘bigger picture’ hologram? AL: It’s not so much from the holographic aspect of things, but it acknowledges that the heart is the largest generator of electromagnetic field in the body. The planet Earth itself is a giant magnet. It has this big iron core and it actually generates an electromagnetic field that extends hundreds of miles out into space. And that’s a good thing as it protects us from the solar radiation that would otherwise be bombarding the planet – we’d look a lot more like Mars without it. Our hearts, when in a coherent state, resonate with the same frequency as the planet and produce this electromagnetic field which extends several feet and probably more, we just don’t have equipment sensitive enough to measure it yet. That electromagnetic field is a carrier of information. That information is the rhythm of your heart and the rhythm of your heart is reflective of any number of things throughout the body, including, very much so, your emotional state. And so, your emotional state is affecting the rhythm of your heart and being carried out into and affecting the field of the planet.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model Becoming yet another representation of the interconnectedness of all things. HeartMath is actually doing some research right now on trees and the interface between humans and trees and the effects of that and how trees communicate with each other and all of that fascinating stuff. AC : Are there any resources that you would suggest for people who are interested in the idea of holograms? Other than, of course, taking a class? AL: The classic is a book called ‘The Holographic Universe’, by Michael Talbot. The first third of that book is probably the easiest to understand explanation of quantum physics that I’ve ever seen. It’s a little dated, but it’s all the original stuff which is still very valid. Michael Talbot was basically a B-movie script writer and wrote odd books and science fiction, and then suddenly came out with three different books on the nature of the universe from a quantum physics perspective. ‘The Holographic Universe’ is the leading one of those and is a great resource for this kind of stuff. And he looks at how this can be applied in any number of realms, including the healing arts. Lately I’ve been reading books by Joseph Hilton Pierce, which are all pretty interesting and extend to HeartMath, but also other philosophical backgrounds and concepts that very much speak to the holographic nature of things. AC : Any final thoughts for today on this subject of muscle testing, the holographic model, and being able to see things from another level that you’d like to leave people with?

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 AL: I think it’s really important – I’ve been using it for a long time and I’ve taken thousands of hours of kinesiology workshops and this is the one that I use the most. It’s an open system that lets you integrate everything else you learn. When you apply a holographic model you get more efficient results and more information and it just addresses things on a whole different level, not just addressing the specifics, but the whole of that individual and beyond, which is a big piece that isn’t really fully understood. My hope is that, by helping people to really understand it, in a deeper way, that will help kinesiology grow as a mode of working. We need to learn, not just to do kinesiology, but to think it and understand it, because when you do that, it allows you to focus your intent in a way that deepens the results you get. AC: I couldn’t agree more. Adam Lehman, T.N.P. (Traditional Naturopathic Practitioner), En.K. (Energy Kinesiologist), currently resides in Petaluma, California. He is the Founder/Director of the North Bay Center of BioEnergetic Health, a private Wellness Consulting practice located in Sonoma, California, and the Institute of BioEnergetic Arts & Sciences. The Institute is the educational part of the center, offering self-help and professional training workshops based on Energy Kinesiology (muscle testing) and HeartMath emotional self-regulation and coherence methods. http://www.kinesiohealth.com/index.html

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


Serenity and C hange by Sylvia Marina How we conduct our lives when times are ‘smooth sailing’ is usually quite different than in times of challenge. Sometimes in words, sometimes in tears, people tell me that life is hard. They express feelings of insecurity, difficulty, sleepless nights; gut-wrenching times when finances, emotions, health issues and uncertainty overwhelm, and these feelings become thoughts which overpower any possible sense of calmness or serenity. I understand – through childhood and through my years as a solo-supporting mother, there were times for me when emotionally life felt like shifting sand beneath my feet, and it was difficult to find stable ground. I now know the truth about change, any change, positive or negative. Change is only as difficult as we make it. Reality, in one form or another will always be there, how we handle it is all about perceptions and reaction to the perceived threat to the life we desire.

As human beings we are wired for survival. In the hierarchy of life after our baseline needs of air, water, food, sleep... comes belonging, love, security, intimacy, and acceptance. If any of these are perceived to be threatened, we go into fight, flight or freeze mode. If within your cellular memory there was a congruency harmonizing you, you would have the capacity to buoy yourself; for example you might feel a bit overwhelmed for a few seconds, but bob upright again, breathe and refocus. When I found that harmonizing memory, I found stable ground. “Too many days are spent comparing and wishing we are something we aren’t. Everyone has their own strengths and challenges, it is when you recognise and accept everything you are, you will find happiness.” Many are living in profound, fast moving change and challenge, it is important to be aware of how we are reacting. Are you reacting in an overwrought capacity or responding to the pressure of challenge from a space of inner serenity? If it is the former, don’t race on without clarity, pause, knowing you may not sense the full picture, but just know the next step is the right step...do this.

A Holographic Model 1. Go outside. A highly effective way of bringing reality into a better sense of ‘how to manage’ is to get outdoors. Breathe in fresh air, as you breathe out allow your breath to release the excessive feelings of overwhelm, next...imagine breathing in harmony and send that breath to the space where overwhelm resided. Your senses and remembering will work better because with more oxygen they are less constricted. 2. Imagine in your hand is a cup of the most refreshing tea you have ever had – mine is made with fresh ginger it soothes the emotions held in the stomach. Imagine sipping it slowly whilst whispering deep into your space of remembering

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 ‘ I am grateful for this moment and the new opportunity it is presenting in my life today.’ When you are serene more opportunities come to you than when you are in disarray. Our past and present is our schoolroom – some lessons we accept just as they are, whilst lessons like algebra I never did understand and I still managed to negotiate life, whilst other lessons need time and thought to understand... a ginger tea, quiet space, and when life is truly topsy-turvy... remember the song says... a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down... go find the fragrance and energy of nature and breathe its’ holographic life force. Till we meet, I’m Sylvia Marina ~ www.sylviamarina.com

Transforming DNA Memories Healing Workshop Kelowna, BC Canada: June 23-26 This four-day training includes Kinesiology Techniques, Real Live Case Studies, a useable take home protocol - add these skills to your current practice or for the beginner commencing a new career – your own knowledge & personal development. Course creator, Sylvia Marina has a unique approach to connecting people with their highest potentials transforming their lives for the better. Learn how to stop the cycle of habit, anger, judgments, self-dislike... Understand your emotions that play a role in relationships and illness. Stop repeating negative behaviours, reconnect to what you really want in life. Heal your hurts, become a better healer. People attend for personal self- development – no pre-requirements. Investment is $800 CAD, contact happy@alexiscostello.com to register – Special bonus: readers of SK Magazine will receive their Workbook, Flower Essence and CD, FREE ($75 value)!

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

Taking Specialized Kinesiology to the next level at Akamai University By Michelle Greenwell

In the winter of 2014 I saw an advertisement from Dr. Mary Jo Bulbrook about studying Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) at Akamai University. It could be as an undergraduate program, a Master's student, or the full Doctorate. I was a little intrigued. I already had a degree from the University of Calgary in Psychology, and I had always wanted to pursue more formal studies, but it had not been on my radar while I was taking specialized courses like Postural Reflexes from Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, or Applied Kinesiology techniques from Dr. Sheldon Deal, or Allergy relief from Dr. Wayne Topping. The list is long of all the people that I had pursued looking for specific information on healing particular symptoms. Touch for Health has served me very well over the years, and my continuing to study and refine my skills in Specialized Kinesiology has allowed me the opportunity to build a strong and mighty tool box for myself, my students and my clients. But, what if there was more? I dared myself to send an email and take a look.

Dr. Bulbrook and I discussed my ambitions with my client work, my goals as an instructor and as a mentor, and we determined that the program at Akamai University would be a good fit. I had been out of school for over 20 years, with my last formal paper being written on a typewriter. I needed the time to get into computer skills, Power Point presentations, and all other wonderful online skills required for getting my information compiled and accessible. We determined that a Post Graduate diploma in CAM as a specialist would allow me the opportunity to take some courses and feel out the waters. Since that beginning 3 years ago I have been working on several projects, understanding ethics, research protocols, how to evaluate research, documentation and recognition of sources, and more, that are integral to bringing SK work to the forefront with universities and research groups, as well as the public. (continued next page)

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

My first project was to take my Foot protocol which was first titled "Foot Rub" Short Rub and Long Rub. I know, very imaginative! And, this was researched, developed and reintroduced as The Feet First System Set 1 and 2. It has an app that I built, 54 Videos about feet that are on YouTube, and an extensive manual. This took my little protocol from my first energy medicine book, "My Little Black Book of Energy," and expanded it to its own entity. In this process I was studying some of the most prolific researchers and writers for energy medicine techniques, and gaining a much greater understanding of who is recognized in the field of CAM. There is the understanding of the BioField with Barbara Brennan. The research and writings of James Oschman, and the depth of research pursued by Richard Gerber. And, this was just to get the list started.

It has been a lot of work, a lot of patience and a lot of incredible information. I no longer accept a research document's conclusion at face value. I am critical of articles that do not have any substantial evidence to back up their claims. I am meticulous with documenting where information has come from and giving credit where credit is due. I am a voracious reader and have had my eyes opened to how big the energy medicine field is, how many are working in it and studying its many facets. I have tried to improve my dialogue to educate the public: I have produced more writings for the public, and created more videos to share. All of this in pursuit of the way to get Touch for Health, Specialized Kinesiology and Muscle Testing to the forefront in the general populations conscious choices for health and wellness.

I eagerly completed my Post-graduate diploma in one year, and then continued on to my Master's program. I am currently working on my thesis proposal and then will complete the thesis this year.

My education did not stop there. I had a colleague, Natascha Polomski, who was using Peter Hess Therapeutic Singing Bowls to shift the frequency in her clients and getting great results. However, she also was struggling with getting the use of singing bowls into mainstream and as a recognized treatment tool. She had a business degree from Germany, and English was her second language.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model She took a look at the program at Akamai University and decided that this would be her way of bringing up awareness about the Singing Bowls, the use of frequency in healing, and she wanted specific ways to prove the Singing Bowls were working. Natascha went straight into the Master's program and is currently working on her courses leading up to her thesis. She has expanded her knowledge of the writers and the researchers in her field of study, and she is pursuing new ways of presenting this information to the public. Together Natascha and I have presented at several conferences in both the United States and Canada. We were very proud to be able to present at the International Kinesiology College conference in Banff in 2015, and we have also presented recently for Healthy Dancer Canada in November 2017. We were the co-presenters of the Annual Conference for the Therapeutic Touch Atlantic Region in May of 2017, and our presentation on Intention, Sound and Color to heal the body has been presented in many different ways over the last few months. We each stand strong in our abilities as healers and presenters, but when we tell

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 people that we are working on our Master's program there is a different level of respect exhibited from our audience. There is a credibility that comes with University studies, and with the pursuit of knowledge. When we are sitting with colleagues who are physiotherapists, osteopaths or physicians, we are given a second look. When our theories do not match their learning's, they are intrigued by our viewpoints and our results. And, because we can talk about research and protocols, we have a common area to begin to meld our ideas and our pursuit of health and wellness for all. If you have considered taking your education to another level, consider what a degree from a University might produce for you. Take a look at the CAM program at Akamai University, as well as many of the Biology and Physics programs. You will be surprised what they are working on and how it relates to us in Specialized Kinesiology. Together we can bring the topics of muscle testing and more into mainstream thought and action. Michelle Greenwell, BA Psych/Postgrad CAM Dance Debut Inc., Director since 1988 Instructor in Dance, Tai Chi, and Complementary & Alternative Medicine: info@dancedebut.com www.dancedebut.com

Join us for a special research project using energy photos , intention and movement to heal the body. Calendar and notebooks available now! www.dancedebut.com Fac ebook: One S tep to C han ge Dir ection

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

Evolving with Akamai University By Natascha Polomski Like Michelle Greenwell (see previous article) I am also enrolled in the Master Studies Program that Akamai University offers. When Michelle first raised the idea of me going back to University to study in 2014 I was completely taken aback. First of all it had been almost 15 years since I last went to school in Germany, secondly there was the fact that English is my second language and then there was the fact that my former diploma was in business administration. Why would I even contemplate studying again? Michelle kept poking, the idea stuck, and after talking to the dean of studies Dr. Mary Jo Bulbrook things became clearer. There even was the choice between the undergraduate program and the Master's. Dr. Bulbrook saw no reason that my German business diploma wouldn’t be enough to get me into the Master’s program. My healing background in Ayurveda, Sound Therapy, Singing Bowl Massage, Therapeutic Touch and Touch for Health seemed to be strong enough to provide me some extra credits. She was excited to hear that I wanted to base my thesis on my speciality the Singing Bowls. Akamai only had to decide were my major would be. After sending in all my certificates – I didn’t realized I had accumulated over 25 from all the modalities I trained in since 2004 – the final decision was made and I started my Master’s in Complementary and Alternative

Medicine with a major in Energy Dynamics in spring 2015. At that time I had finished my Level 2 in Touch for Health with Michelle, I had been practicing Therapeutic Touch (TT) since 2009, I was leading the local TT Practise Group since 2010 and I had done my second intensive training in Peter Hess Sound Massage in order to become a teacher. My modalities had started to come together and not be separate entities anymore. Starting to study this field was not only the possibility to grow in my abilities but also a journey into self-exploration. Thus creating emotional and spiritual growth that I would have never believed possible. I believe that this growth has given me better footing to help others, as I can work with other’s challenges without being majorly influenced by my own baggage. Looking back, it feels like being placed under a microscope and having to take a really good look at everything. Challenges that I didn’t realize I had, or didn’t think I had that bad, became unveiled, and in dealing with my topics I learned to look at my clients challenges from more than one or two angles. (continued)

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model “Fachidiot” is a saying in Germany translated: professional idiot - meaning someone who gets so engrossed in his “plate” of studies that he/she is not able to see anything but the plate. I found it amazing that this hasn’t happened to me while studying with Akamai. It might be the fact that I am studying together with Michelle, although we have different majors, but in all the time studying the knowledge achieved and the conclusions found had always meaning for not only the healing but revealed more complex relations and influences on huge variety of matters, such as for instance education, interpersonal relationships, efficiency and effects on everyday life. It is almost as if the mind has opened up and is processing more information on more levels at the same time. My professional growth led me to realize more about my tools and their use. I learned that the combination of my modalities can be a better tool to bring change than just one by itself. The Singing Bowls became not only a massage tool but also a tool to balance or to assess, which lead to workshops for professionals to incorporate them into their workspace and for personal growth. I created Frequency Kinesiology combining amongst other things my Touch for Health training and the Singing Bowls. I started teaching it 2016 in Canada and last year in Germany. My workshop for professionals was welcomed at the 2015 IKC conference in Banff and I was able to present my findings there as well.

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

The Singing Bowls are my passion and they are vastly underestimated in their use. My studies have been providing me with the knowledge, the tools and the understanding to change that. I hope to raise the awareness of their diversity worldwide. If you are at a space in your life where you feel the need to grow or where you feel like you are not completely satisfied with where you are at right now, Akamai might be a possibility for you to change that. It costs nothing to talk to one of their counselors, but it might pay off big time in the end.

Natascha Polomski

napolo@seasidehighspeed.com www.turnupthefrequency.com

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

Modality Profile:

HeartSpeak By Dr. Anne Jensen

HeartSpeak is a next-generation emotional healing process, integrating concepts from cutting-edge science and common sense that works. The result is a system that is simple, elegant, intuitive and astonishingly effective. Because its’ focus is on the management of stress, the applications of HeartSpeak are broad, making it convenient for addressing any stress-provoked condition – from physical symptoms to mental / emotional distress to social challenges. Just as other techniques are becoming more and more complex, HeartSpeak goes in the opposite direction: it is simple, straightforward, and intentionally vague. And for good reason. The entire HeartSpeak process is specifically designed to engage the Feeling Mind, while at the same time to quiet the Logical Mind. HeartSpeak allows practitioners to speak to the Feeling Mind in a language that it can understand. The end result of a HeartSpeak session is usually a feeling of lightness, clarity, peace and ease – you feel distinctly different afterwards!

What conditions address?



HeartSpeak is useful for reducing stress – and since stress is known to contribute to many different conditions, HeartSpeak can be used for any stress-related condition: anxiousness, depressed mood, low self-esteem, not reaching your full potential, and also physical symptoms such as chronic pain, skin rashes, and digestive disorders. If a symptom or a challenge is stress-related, HeartSpeak may be able to help.

Who is HeartSpeak for? HeartSpeak is for anyone who wants to make changes in their life, for everyone who believes that things can be different. It is for those who recognize that emotions and feelings can be responsible for difficulties, and for those who acknowledge their own feelings. HeartSpeak is for those who are open to new things, and who are ready to leave the past behind. It is for those who want to know themselves more deeply, more fully and more authentically.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model Because HeartSpeak is diverse and can be applied to oneself or to others, people can consult with a HeartSpeak practitioner to be guided through a session, or they can learn basic HeartSpeak principles, which they can then apply to themselves.

What happens in a HeartSpeak session? During a HeartSpeak session, a therapeutic alliance is formed as layers of harmful emotions, feelings, and reactions are systematically resolved. In many cases, a client will present to a HeartSpeak practitioner with a specific concern – such as a physical ailment, a low mood, or a sizeable worry. The practitioner will usually ask the client to rate the intensity of the concern using a Subjective Units of Distress Scale (SUDS) -

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 typically from 0 (meaning no concern) to 10 (most concern ever). Then the practitioner will begin to chunk the concern down into manageable pieces, applying the HeartSpeak process to one feeling at a time. For each feeling, the practitioner will use muscle response testing to check for mental/emotional stress, and if present, will ascertain the most useful HeartSpeak feeling that the client needs to resolve. The practitioner will then guide the client through experiencing this feeling until resolution is achieved, and then safely guide him or her toward feeling a more beneficial feeling. In most cases, each run of the HeartSpeak process results in a diminishing degree of distress or concern. The session progresses until the concern becomes negligible (SUDS is “0”) or until the muscle test indicates no

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model mental/emotional stress is present. One distinguishing feature of HeartSpeak is that there is no need to talk about “issues,” or speak about unpleasant memories, or divulge any innermost secrets. In fact, very little talking takes place during a HeartSpeak session – which many find to be a huge relief and even extremely liberating! Clients simply feel their way free of debilitating symptoms and limiting mindsets. HeartSpeak sessions are private, personal, physical and empowering experiences, and clients will feel distinctly different afterwards. Effectively, HeartSpeak is experiential – it must be experienced to be understood.

How does HeartSpeak work? Fortunately, the mindbody responds to stress in very specific and predictable ways – regardless of the source of the stress or the type of stress presented. This response is called the stress response, and it can manifest as a behavior (you do something), a thought (you think something), or a physiological change (you may notice a symptom). Ordinarily, stress responses, acquired usually through the process of learning, are useful and advantageous, for they keep us out of harm’s way. However, many times they outlive their usefulness, yet they remain intact. It is these unwelcome stress responses that HeartSpeak targets. What’s more, research has shown that the source of the stress – which we call a trigger – may be experienced consciously or nonconsciously. That means that while you are usually well aware of the undesirable stress response, the trigger may evade your awareness. This makes it extremely difficult to resolve triggers using classical approaches,

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 which require conscious awareness. As an example, those with spider phobia often cannot consciously report any previous critical experiences with spiders which may have caused the learning of a phobic response, yet still, they become paralyzed with fear at the mere hint of a spider. Because with HeartSpeak no conscious awareness of such an event is required, it is the ideal intervention for phobia and similarly distressing conditions. Using cutting edge concepts from the fields of neuroscience, affective science (the science of feeling), and the science of learning and memory, HeartSpeak softens triggers, leaving the client less and less inclined to experience the same response.

Who can learn HeartSpeak? Anyone with the inclination can attend a HeartSpeak course. HeartSpeak Lite, the fundamental course in basic HeartSpeak principles, does not require any prerequisite coursework, does not use muscle testing, and is usually where people begin. More advanced courses make use of muscle response testing, the first of which is HeartSpeak Level 1, which allows people to delve more deeply into the underpinnings of their emotional world. Once a practitioner’s flow is established, the HeartSpeak Level 2 course steps up the healing another few notches, and teaches how to make HeartSpeak one’s own. Then HeartSpeak Specialty courses and HeartSpeak How-to courses are offered in various topics and which can further enhance one’s practice. Since anyone can apply HeartSpeak principles to themselves and also to others, HeartSpeak can be used by both practitioners and non-practitioners.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

“As the human race evolves, so must our systems.” Dr Anne Jensen, Developer of HeartSpeak

As a result, a range of individuals find themselves at HeartSpeak classes – from traditional health care professionals, to complementary therapists, to mothers who just wish to apply the process to themselves and their families. For those interested in making HeartSpeak a career or introducing it into a professional practice, HeartSpeak International offers a HeartSpeak Practitioner course, a requirement for inclusion in many health funds and professional associations. In addition, a HeartSpeak Instructor program is being developed, which will allow graduates to teach the basic HeartSpeak concepts of HeartSpeak Lite through to the Level 1

As previously mentioned, HeartSpeak is an experience – which all the words on these pages cannot offer. To find a HeartSpeak practitioner near you, click HERE. Alternatively, take advantage of our Try HeartSpeak session – find information about this HERE. Also, since we offer courses worldwide, check out our course schedule HERE. But most of all, if you simply “know” something is not quite right or something could indeed be better, we urge you to keep seeking answers, to keep learning and evolving, lightening and shedding. Because World Peace begins with each of us.

Click here to learn more about Anne’s research and support it!

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

HeartSpeak Tip: Using the Mindbody C onnection

Remember a time when you noticed someone was sad or down. How did you know? It was likely related to how they were holding themselves: their shoulders were likely rounded, and their head was probably tilted down. You can see clearly that one’s mood can impact one’s posture. To illustrate just how interconnected your mind and body are, let’s try this exercise. Sit in a neutral posture with your eyes closed. Focusing on your heart-space, draw up a feeling of Fear. Yes, just any fear feeling. When doing so, some people think of something that they are scared of or worried about, however this is truly not necessary, so once the fear is evoked, put aside the object of the fear, and focus on just the feeling of fear. Then amplify it, exaggerate it, make it as bit as you possibly can. Then let the fear subside, thinking of nothing, feeling nothing. Still sitting in a neutral posture with your eyes closed, next find a feeling of Love – first in your heart-space, and then make it grow. Enjoy that for a moment before opening your eyes. Now that you can evoke Fear and Love, let’s try this... Lean forward, into a ball, which we call a closed or protective posture. In that position, once again find the feeling of Fear. What did you notice? (Most find it much easier to feel fear in a closed posture – did you? If not, try it again.) Then release the feeling of fear, and still in a closed posture, find the feeling of Love. What did you notice? (Many find it much harder to feel love in a closed posture – did you find it harder?) Next sit up in an Open Posture: shoulders back, chest out, palms up resting on knees, head tilted back slightly, eyes closed. Focusing on your heartspace, once again find the feeling of Love – enjoy it for a while. And what did you notice now? (Most people find it so much easier to feel love in this open posture – did you notice this? If not, try it again – it’s worth it!) Then release the feeling of love, and still in an open posture, find a feeling of fear. What have you noticed? (Was it harder to find, compared to the closed or neutral postures?) Interesting, right? Just like your feelings can impact your posture, your posture can profoundly impact your feelings too. You can make use of this by using the HeartSpeak Tool we call Open Posture. If you would like to change your mood, maintain an Open Posture, like what is described above. Sound simple, right? And it is! As a practical exercise, think of a memory or a situation that makes you feel sad or bad – and sit with it for a moment. Then rate the intensity of your upset from 0 to 10 (10=worst upset ever, 0=not upset at all). Next, take an Open Posture, and bring the memory or the situation to mind again. Then rate the amount of distress again. Did you notice it’s a bit less? Do try this exercise, and use the Open Posture Tool whenever you need it! HeartSpeak is an experience – you must actively use it for it to be of benefit.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

Hugo Tobar: C onferences, C ourses and C oming Soon to Vancouver! By Reenie Rose

An interviewbetween Reenie in Vancouver, BC and Hugo about classes, conferences and more!

Reenie: Hello Hugo, thank you for taking your precious time for this exclusive interview! At this very moment, where are you? Where are you speaking from? Hugo: I am in Moscow at the moment. R: Moscow! Is Specialized Kinesiology just being introduced into Russia, or is it already vibrant? H: Kinesiology is relatively new to Russia, but it seems to be exploding here. The people are very enthusiastic and can’t get enough. We have recently expanded into Ukraine as well, so I am looking forward to going there for the first time next year. R: In your travels globally, where have you been teaching recently (other than Russia) and where are you off to next? H: I was teaching in Austria and Germany before I came to Moscow, after this I am going home to Australia for Christmas, via Utah and Austria (I will be doing some skiing). After Christmas I will go to Ecuador to visit my father, then to Utah for some skiing and teaching and then to Vancouver to teach a course and finish my trip with a few days in Whistler. R: I’ve heard you taught in Hong Kong during 2017. Is Hong Kong new to Specialized Kinesiology? H: I have been teaching in Hong Kong since 2012, there is a centre there run by some Australian Kinesiologists. They have been running the full NK program there. I am not sure how long specialised kinesiology has been there but it has been a while. (continued) Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model R: Also coming to Asia is the IKC convention in 2019 being held in Indonesia. Just this past October IKC was held in Kirchzarten Germany. Tell us how this past October event turned out and what are you expecting or anticipating new or different in Indonesia, South East Asia? H: Any conference held by IAK in Kirchzarten Germany is amazing, it is the world’s largest Kinesiology institute by a long way; they have 400 to 500 kinesiology courses each year. This means that when they do a conference there is always a big gathering of people from Europe and the rest of the world. It was a great opportunity to catch up with leaders in Kinesiology and listen to new and exciting ideas in kinesiology. In 2019 the conference is going to be in Bali, I have no experience of kinesiology in Indonesia, but it should be fun to be in Bali. R: I’ve always dreamed of visiting Bali! Hugo, how many conferences have you now presented at Internationally? Over how many years?

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 annual meeting in Tucson Arizona. Since then I have presented 36 conference papers at 36 different kinesiology conferences. R: Were you in Banff Canada in 2015 at the IKC conference? H: No, unfortunately I wasn’t, I planned to go but I had courses booked either side of the conference in Australia, which would have meant I would have had to fly in and fly out. So in the end I didn’t go. R: We keep missing you in Canada. But it’s now official, Hugo Tobar IS coming to Canada, January 31, 2018. We are excited! When was the last time you taught kinesiology courses in Canada and what did you teach? H: I taught in Vancouver a long time ago, must have been at least 12 years ago. I taught Chakra Hologram and Neuroemotional pathways from memory. R: As of today, you have now created 49 accredited Certificate courses in Kinesiology? What is your most recent course created?

H: I first presented at a kinesiology conference in 1999 at the Applied Physiology

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A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

H: Actually it stands at 52 at the moment, the last two I have created and taught were the Burnout course and Leaky Gut course. I have some courses that I am working on that haven’t been taught yet. They are Advanced Physiology, Histamine Intolerance, Balancing Acidity & Alkalinity & Mucous Membrane Balancing.

My ex-wife works as a psychologist in a psychiatric hospital in Austria. She has used this balance with many of her trauma clients and is having amazing results. Even the medical doctors there are seeing it is the only thing that changes their heart rate measurements on a heart rate variability meter.

R: How did the Balancing Burnout course come to be, what inspired you?

R: This is interesting and encouraging. Where have you taught this Balancing Burnout course to date?

H: The burnout course was inspired when I was tested for cortisol and my levels were low which is one of the physiological markers for burnout. I had some other information that was relevant including from Porges Polyvagal theory and a possible function for reverse T3. I put all of these three things together to develop a physiological model for burnout so I could receive the balance.

H: I have taught the course in Germany, my ex-wife taught it in Austria. R: And your next date for this most recent course? H: The next dates are in Utah in January and Vancouver in February.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model R: What can we expect to learn from this Balancing Burnout course? What’s our take home value? As a practitioner and personally? H: The burnout course is great for working with burnout, anxiety disorders, PTSD and trauma cases. It will help a lot to calm you down, also it can improve circulation, digestion, respiration, social engagement and reduce stress. R: What is NEPS and how does Balancing Burnout tie into NEPS 3? H: NEPS 3 has balances for short-term stress (first stage of stress) and long-term stress (second stage of stress). Burnout is for the third stage of stress. Also NEPS 3 has the balances for consciousness; that is to balance DMT or our spiritual awareness. R: DMT? The pineal gland? When we get into NEPS 3 class here in Canada, later this month, I’ll be curious to know if experiencing traumatic events, near death situations as in severe accidents, severe loss, releases DMT? Perhaps a constituent of PTSD syndrome? We’ve heard of MOPS. But I don’t know what it is exactly. Can you explain MOPS and how does it tie into NEPS 3 or Balancing Burnout? H: MOPS is actually a technique for Powers of Stress, similar to SIPS or from AP It can be used in any balance and tells you about the quality of the stress someone has, that is what qualities put that stress into the person.

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 R: In the Vancouver class, we have an opportunity to learn and participate in MOPS, NEPS 3 and Balancing Burnout? H: Yes that is correct, it will not be the complete MOPS, for that you would need to do all of the NEPS courses. R: Hugo, you’ve been widely known for years for your array of Tuning Forks and Sound Healing. Can you tell us how this came to be originally and what we should know most importantly, about balancing with Sound? H: The tuning forks I have used were developed in the U.K. from an aircraft alloy, which gives them very nice overtones when you use them. I first started using the AP 14 meridian set of tuning forks, and I have developed ways of using them with chakras. Using sound or light or even energy to balance people’s energy uses frequencies as the balancing method. Some frequencies are healing as in the case with working with sound and light. Other frequencies can create stress in our system such as electromagnetic radiation or geopathic stress or microwaves. What is important is to be able to select the right frequencies at the right time to de-stress the client. R: Richard Utt introduced AP Tuning Forks of which many us own. Can you explain what sound notes or tones these forks resonate with and how or when you use them? H: I use them extensively mainly for balancing chakras according to my chakra hologram system.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model R: In your Healing with Sound course, you’ve chosen to introduce Energy Chimes. Can you explain the difference between Chimes and Tuning Forks in Healing with Sound? H: The chimes are keyed to the 12 semitones in the musical scale. You can either access these tones through chromatic tuning forks, which are designed to tune pianos, or use the chimes, which are designed for sound healing. The chimes have very beautiful sounds and seem to go deeper for healing. R: Specifically, you are choosing Elfin Energy Chimes. What attracted you to these particular chimes? H: I met Elvina in Byron Bay a long time ago; she has been dedicated to sound healing for a very long time. It is important to me that people do things with the right energy and intent. She makes them all herself by hand, so you know that a good energy has gone into making them. R: Do you use both colour and sound together in a Balance? H: Yes sometimes, though sometimes I just use energy through my chakras. They are both frequencies; colour has a higher frequency than sound.

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

“Even the medical doctors there are seeing it is the only thing that changes their heart rate measurements on a heart rate variability meter.”

specific balancing protocols. Q: We’ve run out of time, Hugo. I want to thank you for taking your precious time today and better informing us. We are truly looking forward in greeting you in Vancouver. Your Canada Event begins with a Specialized Kinesiology *Fair-Day Afternoon. Will you be at the Fair-Day? H: Yes I’m looking forward to this. R: I’m reserving you a table! Thank you, Hugo. See you really soon! For more information or to register for Hugo Tobar’s classes in Vancouver, BC, contact Reenie at energyreadings@outlook.com

R: Where in NEPS 3 or Balancing Burnout would sound or colour play an important part in the balance and why in your experience? H: I use sound and colour as a correction for a balance, therefore it can be used in any kinesiology session. The NEPS & Burnout are Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

The Holographic Nature of the Human Body By Dr. Robert Frost Applied Kinesiology, Quantum Mechanics and C haos Theory In the AK literature, one can see that explanations of muscle testing have been limited to the most widely accepted medical concepts of physiology and neurophysiology. However, within the generally accepted medical model, many of the observed phenomena of AK simply cannot be explained. Bio-resonance and multi-resonance therapy systems such as electroacupuncture (Voll) are used by some. Examiners using AK often test subtle energy substances such as homeopathic remedies, Bach Flower Remedies and gemstones held in the hand. An explanation of how the above methods could function does not exist within the models of classical medicine. Explanations and verifications, however, are now being developed in terms of quantum mechanics and chaos theory. For both diagnosis and treatment, examiners using AK often utilize systems of reflex that have no, or only a tenuous, basis in conventional anatomy. Examples of such reflex systems include neurolymphatic reflexes, neurovascular reflexes, hand and foot reflexes (reflexology), cranial stress receptors, the meridian system, and ear acupuncture. Jochen Gleditsch in his book,

Mundakupunktur, has demonstrated that such reflex areas exist all over the body. According to his research, one can affect any chosen part of the body by stimulating reflex points located more or less upon every other part of the body. In all of these systems, remote areas are stimulated to produce an effect in a target organ or group of organs. Although attempts and some progress have been made, all efforts to explain these phenomena using the models of classical medicine have had limited success. In this difficult situation, and as outlined above, a review of the evolution in mathematics and physics over the past century may provide a pathfinder for understanding the new thinking in medicine. During that time, most of the hallowed Newtonian concepts gave way to Einsteinian theories, and particularly to quantum mechanics and chaos theory. In order to provide an explanation of the peculiar, very useful, and hitherto unexplainable AK phenomena, classic scientific and especially medical thinking will now be contrasted with quantum mechanics and chaos theory.


Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 waves, electrons behaved like waves. In another experiment to detect particles, electrons behaved like particles. So which are they? These experiments demonstrated that electrons appear to be what the experimenter is looking for and measuring! The act of observation, more than any inherent reality, determines how they appear. A philosophical expression of this idea is reflected in the popular saying, “If you are looking for trouble, you will probably find it.”

A C omparison Between Traditional and Modern Models of Reality Classical linear cause-and-effect thinking developed during the Renaissance and ascended to its peak in Newtonian mechanics. The “one disease-one cure” concept still dominant in medicine today is a reflection of this thinking. In the classical scientific model (and also in classical medicine), a separation between the observer and the observed phenomena is assumed. In this model, it is believed that separate objects act one upon one another without any influence being caused by the act of observation. The basic premise of this viewpoint is that one object can cause an effect upon another object, fully independent of the observer. In modern quantum theory, it has been determined that independent observers (those who have no effect upon that which is observed) do not exist. That which is sought, and the act of seeking itself, have an influence upon what is found. In physics, the validity of this principle was clearly demonstrated by the wave-particle duality of electrons. It was not known if electrons were waves or particles. In an experiment to detect

In another experiment, researchers were presented with two groups of rats. They were told that one group was bred for increased intelligence and that the other group was rather stupid. The researchers were asked to test each group of rats to see how much faster the intelligent rats learned to run through a labyrinth. As expected, the intelligent rats did indeed learn significantly faster to run through the maze. Then came the surprise: all the rats from both groups were genetically from the same stock. The only difference was the expectations of the researchers. In a similar experiment, schoolteachers were told that certain students were especially intelligent. And although the students were of only average intelligence, they did excel in their courses when their teachers expected them to excel. These surprising results, which are in perfect agreement with quantum theory, cast doubt upon the accuracy of much of the scientific research performed throughout history. These examples imply that in this universe of ours, there is a tendency to find what you are looking for! Another basic premise of quantum theory is the “superposition principle,” which states that everything is related to and connected with everything else.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model In a universe such as this, it is impossible to make any definite statement about cause and effect. In order to make some sense of observed phenomena, it is necessary to isolate and abstract them from the allencompassing quantum world into the special, classical world of time and space. Then the system researched has individuality: measurements can be taken, and statements about its nature can be made. But any such measurements and statements about the “reality” of the system researched are dependent upon the point of reference, the context of the investigations, and the expectations of the researchers themselves. Although quantum theory has been accepted by most branches of science, many in the world of medicine cling to the cause-effect mentality defined by Newtonian mechanics. Classical medicine still bases its diagnostic and treatment techniques upon the concept of the lock and key, in which the lock is a disease and the key is a medicine or medical technique. This linear thinking model implies that each part of the body and indeed each cell is an independent entity that may be treated for its independent disturbances. However, in a multicellular being such as the human body, cells do not exist individually. This type of medical viewpoint automatically places limits upon which possible therapeutic efforts may even be considered. By only considering lab test values, doctors may diagnose and prescribe swiftly and thereby see more patients per day. The problem is that in this simplistic model, there is no place for individual variation. There is no room in this thinking for the fact that the same symptoms may be produced by different causes. And there is no place for the fact that the same medicine may produce different

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 More attention is given to the numerical results of medical tests than to how the patient is feeling or the causes of her symptoms viewed within her personal biology/constitution, or considered with reference to the quality of her lifestyle. In acute illnesses where physical damage to tissues or infection by a micro-organism is the main cause, traditional medical diagnosis and treatment are extremely effective. In most acute illnesses, one specific cause outweighs all the others. In such cases, the “one diseaseone treatment” mentality is usually successful. Doctors using this method have developed effective treatments for most acute medical problems. Because of these great successes, the world is largely free from many of the complaints that were often a cause of death in the past. Today the situation has changed. The most common medical complaints are no longer acute “diseases,” but are instead tumors, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and other chronic degenerative illnesses. And traditional medical thinking is at a loss in dealing with these problems. Thinking along the lines of the lock-and-key model, the doctor prescribes a chemical medicine to kill bacteria, or in the case of a viral infection, a chemical that inhibits viral reproduction. But medical research has revealed that many of the disease-producing bacteria and viruses live upon and within our bodies constantly. Often, the question is not asked as to why the body was susceptible at this particular time to infection. To even be aware that such a question exists, the doctor needs to expand his or her thinking from the classical Newtonian mechanics style of thinking that typically dominates the field of medicine to

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

the more expansive, multi-dimensional concepts of modern quantum theory and chaos theory. Newtonian mechanics defines physical systems as functioning in a linear manner. An example of a linear system is a single pendulum. Its oscillating behavior is independent of the influence of any separate objects in its environment and is relatively independent of the effect of the observer. This is similar to the medical model of the single, isolated cell discussed above. Redundant Systems and Fractals However, the concepts of cybernetics (Wiener, 1963), chaos theory and thermodynamic open systems of energy (Prigogine, 1979) have demonstrated that biological systems are non-linear. Their principal characteristic is redundancy, i.e., the same patterns repeat again and again on many levels until the available space is filled. For example, in the circulatory system each artery branches again and again into smaller and smaller, but in form essentially identical, arterioles and capillaries. The lung provides a similar example. The lung is basically a bag of air that is subdivided into smaller and smaller bags of air. This redundancy principle may be seen also in the form of most organs, which are segmented with each segment also segmented and so on until each sub-segment is completely filled with nearly identical cells. Mathematics recognizes such redundant systems of organization in which the same patterns appear repeatedly on various levels of complexity until the available space is filled. In mathematics, these geometric structures are called “broken dimensions” or “fractals.”

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model This is the nature of fractals, within which the same figures can be found on many levels of complexity. The chaos theory of mathematical physics uses fractals to describe the routes a dynamic system takes from order to chaos. A chaotic system is sensitive to initial conditions. A slight uncertainty in the beginning develops into greater and greater unpredictability (chaos) over time. In all chaotic systems, a tiny change in the beginning produces great effects later. Chaotic systems include all living forms, ecosystems, social systems and the universe as a whole including the atomic, geological and astronomic levels. Biological systems, like all non-linear systems, exist within natural laws but tend toward a chaotic state (“determined chaos”). They exist in a dynamic balance between utter chaos and rigid order in both structure and function. Too much order (as in a crystal) or too much chaos means death, i.e., destruction of the system. In the determined chaos of biological systems, small changes in the current state of the system can produce large future changes. This fact provides a possible explanation for the effectiveness of such healing treatments as acupuncture or homeopathy in which tiny stimuli may produce system-wide changes that cannot be explained within traditional medical models.

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 non-linear systems is an important factor for survival. Holograms It is interesting to note that a hologram demonstrates characteristics similar to those of life. In a hologram as in a living being, “the whole information is present and repeated in all parts” and “portions of parts may be removed without disturbing the function qualitatively.” These attributes of a hologram are in harmony with the superposition principle that states that everything exists in relation to and has an effect upon everything else. In a visual hologram, a complete threedimensional picture is present in all parts of the film. Cut a small corner of the film and the whole picture is still present, though in

In a complex interconnected system with great redundancy such as within a specific organ with millions of essentially identical cells, many parts can be destroyed without reducing the quality of the function of the organ. The quantity of the chemicals produced or the other functions of the organ will be reduced but it will essentially function as before. This redundant quality of Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model reduced clarity. This may be compared to an organ in which many cells may be destroyed but the organ still performs the same activity with no change in quality, only a reduction in the quantity of activity. A hologram is clearly a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which all parts are interconnected and the whole is present in the parts. There is much evidence to suggest that the brain stores information holographically, that is, that each specific bit of information is replicated over wide areas of the brain. Rats that have learned to run a maze still remember how to do so when up to 50% of their brain cortex has been removed. And it doesn’t matter which 50%! This implies that the learning is stored all over the brain like visual information in a hologram. Holograms can be produced with almost any source of energy, not only light. In producing a holograph, there are always two reference sources of energy. The bilateral structure of the human body may provide similar energy pairs for the formation of holographs within the nervous system. Evidence indicates that the nervous system functions holographically with respect to sensory and motor systems. Perhaps this is why there are two hemispheres of the brain that each receive signals from two eyes and two ears. These separate pairs of images likely are the two references necessary to form holographic sensory images in the brain. If the nervous and organ systems function holographically, then it is logical that one may act upon one part and produce effects on any other part. This is the concept underlying the many systems of reflex therapy.

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 When two similar but not identical holograms are placed one upon the other in laser light, interference patterns appear. These are called “Newton rings.� The father of Applied Kinesiology, George Goodheart believes that something similar occurs in the human body. Goodheart proposed that the brain has a perfect holographic image of all the parts of the body. When the local hologram in one part of the body (for example, an injured knee) does not correspond accurately with the perfect hologram of the knee in the brain, the brain is alerted that something is wrong. Symptoms then occur, and the healing process is initiated. Applied Kinesiology Applied Kinesiology allows us, via the biofeedback of muscle testing, to assess the effect of any stimuli upon the body. It is my belief (and my current area of research) that utilizing of AK to the topic of age reversal will lead to many new and effective interventions that do indeed reverse the ageing process. AK muscle testing has revealed holographic patterns in the human body. An excellent example of this is in the muscle testing of the five element points of Chinese medicine. These are often tested around the navel. When a five element point is active, the individual alarm points may next be tested to determine the specific meridian imbalance. In Applied Kinesiology, there is no general agreement as to what an active alarm point indicates. They may indicate: 1) Some kind of imbalance, 2) Excess energy in the related meridian, 3) A deficit of energy in the related meridian or, 4) A priority imbalance.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model In Specialized Kinesiology, it is believed that if gently touching a five-element point weakens an indicator muscle, there is an excess of energy in one of the meridians in that element. If firmly pressing on a fiveelement point weakens an indicator muscle, there is a deficit of energy in one of the meridians in that element. So, for example, if lightly touching the wood element point weakens an indicator muscle, either the gall bladder or the liver meridian has an excess of energy. The individual alarm points can then be similarly tested to determine which meridian in the affected element contains too much or too little energy. This protocol saves a lot of time over directly testing each of the individual alarm points, many of which are bilateral. Testing five element points and then two alarm points is a lot easier than testing 18 alarm points! The five element diagnostic points are not only around the navel.

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 They are located around every orifice and around every joint of the body! Like a hologram, the same five element diagnostic points are located all over the body. The five elements are not some abstract theory of Chinese medicine. They are a physiological fact that demonstrates the holographic nature of the human body. The many similarities between human functioning and the properties of the hologram suggest that many of the structures and functions of the human body have holographic qualities and may be accurately described and analyzed within the models of quantum theory. Material for this article is excerpted from Dr. Frost’s book, Applied Kinesiology - A Training Manual and Reference Book of Basic Principles and Practices. http://drrobertfrost.com/ak/akbook.htmlThe two chapters from which the article is drawn are available to read online at http://drrobertfrost.com/ak/worldview.html and http://drrobertfrost.com/ak/biomed.html

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

A Kinesiology Story:

Malaysian Specialized Kinesiology Association By Premalatha Shanmugam

Kinesiology, the connection between Movements and Balance. It represents a unique combination of techniques that integrate a person as a Whole Being, be it an infant or an aged pensioner, to live life in a more balanced manner. Kinesiology that was once a seed of an idea, has grown into a forest that spreads throughout the globe while its techniques continue to grow and reach more lives than we can imagine. Kinesiology was introduced to Malaysia long before a formal body was registered in August 2016. Malaysian Specialized Kinesiology Association (MSKA) was formed with the intention to provide support for Kinesiology Consultants, Practitioners, Facilitators and Instructors who need a platform to ensure sustainability, viability and weight especially as Kinesiology gains prominence in the Malaysian community.

Known in the local language as Persatuan Kinesiology Khas Malaysia (PKKM), the Association comprises of consultants, practitioners, facilitators and instructors who fall under the Kinesiology umbrella. Chaired by Madam Premalatha Shanmugam, 10 committee members and 3 advisors make up the board that run the Association. MSKA has not only limited its reach to the city centre but ensures a nationwide net by having representatives from 5 other states on the committee. The states Penang, Pahang, Johor, Sabah and Sarawak each have a representative. The Association’s objectives are driven by the support and will of its members: To support and promote career development and professional Kinesiology in Malaysia

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A Holographic Model To create public Awareness towards healthy learning and living by educating and empowering with various educational Kinesiology activities and programs suitable for all age groups To work together with similar intentioned bodies locally and internationally To promote research and development supporting the field of Kinesiology especially educational Kinesiology for special needs. From its legal registration in August 2016, to its first Annual General Meeting in April 2017, the Association has come a long way. On the 17th of December 2017, MSKA hosted Sinshe Henry Remanlay, a seasoned Kinesiology practitioner, instructor and registered IKC Faculty in Jakarta, Indonesia for its first ever Kinesiology Awareness Free Talk.

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 As the title suggests, the talk was aimed to enlighten the participants with the knowledge of Kinesiology and its pathways. Sinshe Henry spoke on the path of energy in a being. Growing from a cellular level and never stopping. He went on to demonstrate how basic things such an intention and breathing work hand in hand to enhance day to day tasks. The nods and amazement of the participants were signs of a successful awareness campaign. More so was the response and enquiries regarding courses after the talk was over. MSKA is driven to continuously provide such talks and other awareness campaigns to etch Kinesiology onto Malaysians. By continuing its growth, MSKA is enriching lives with the knowledge of energy balance techniques and thus, doing its part in creating integrated learning and living.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

New Year's Resolutions and Adding Vitamin P By Alison Kingson

Depending on where you live in the world, this is either the darkest time or the brightest time of the year. Here in Ireland the weather is dull most days and the days are short. The natural rhythm for us in the northern hemisphere is to be in hibernation. January is a time to gradually emerge. Making any big changes around food or exercise goes against what our bodies crave. The pressure to make big changes for New Year's resolutions can force us to go against this natural cycle. Before we make any changes to what we eat or how we exercise, I want to share a refreshing perspective and some gentle steps to improve your health and wellbeing. I believe the regular advice around nutrition and exercise is missing a piece. Before making outer changes I want to support you to explore your relationship with food and your body. We live in a world so full of information about health, food, exercise and therapies it can be overwhelming to say the least! Through my personal health journey and with my training as an eating psychology coach I have found incredible solace and transformation in the exploration of how we eat and our beliefs about our body and food. (continued)

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model Like when we build a house, the first step is to set the foundation that all else will be built upon. In this article I want to share a few key messages to guide you on setting a solid foundation for true and lasting health.

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

What is that unique feeling for you?

The first question I want you to ask yourself is what does health mean to you personally... I believe we have come away from feeling our health, and are instead taught to measure it by weight, beauty, fitness, etc. But health is sensorial. Measurements are a by-product, but our inner health is something we feel and it is unique to each one of us. What is this unique feeling for you? From this point we can be more easily guided to what actions and activities will lead us to experience this feeling. We start to take back our power around deciding what health is for us, and not depending on outside authorities. The next step is to explore what influences you had growing up around food. Was food and meal time a priority in your life growing up? - Was meal time seen as a celebration and time with family or was it maybe a stress time? - Was food labeled ‘good’ or ‘bad’? - Was someone in your environment always trying to lose weight so they restricted themselves around food?

Let memories arise and see how these influences might affect your relationship and experience with food these days. The reason this is so important is because if eating and certain foods create a lot of stress in your body then this has a big impact on how well you digest and assimilate nutrients. It affects your metabolism and energy levels. The aim is to feel as relaxed as possible while eating so you can gain the maximum health benefits from your meal, which goes far beyond the actual nutrients found in the food you eat. A vital ingredient we need with each meal and snack is Vitamin P (Pleasure). One such bonus effect from feeling relaxed and joyful while eating is the production of a hormone called Cholecystokinin (CCK). CCK is produced by the body after eating protein or fats (note these are satisfying foods). CCK then activates a number of versatile functions around the body. First, it directly optimizes digestive function by stimulating the small intestine, pancreas, gallbladder, and stomach. Second, when it is released in the hypothalamus, part of the limbic area of the brain, it shuts down our appetite. Lastly, CCK stimulates the sensation of pleasure in the cerebral cortex, the highest portion of the brain. Putting all of this together, we find that the same chemical that functions to metabolize our meal also tells us when it’s

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model time to finish our meal. It also makes us feel good about our entire eating experience. CCK shows us how pleasure, our metabolism, and a naturally balanced appetite are interwoven to the core. Most people believe that pleasure is completely separate from the nutritional process and think it serves no metabolic function. Unfortunately we often think that if a food makes us feel good, the body is automatically signaled to eat more and we may never want to stop. My advice to add more Vitamin P to your meals is to slow down and smell the roses. One of the main ways we miss out on the intake of Vitamin P during a meal, is by eating fast. So many of us end up eating our meals in a hurry as we either

Issue 06, Winter, 2018 have somewhere we need to be or we are so hungry we end up gulping down our food. Eating fast can also be a habit we developed as a child and one that can be difficult to break. First we need to be aware that we are eating fast and that we are missing out on the pleasurable experience that eating is, and needs to be, so we can enjoy the optimum health benefits from our meals. The next step I advise is to time how long on average you spend eating a meal. Do this in a relaxed and non-judgemental way. This will help you gradually add time to how long you spend eating a meal. Set yourself realistic

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A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

goals such as adding 1 minute to your meals for the first week. Get a friend or family member on board and have some friendly competition to see who can be the slower eater. Chat and have fun while eating, taking small breaks to drop your fork and knife and chill. I also recommend you try whatever why you find most effective at supporting you to feel relaxed before starting to eat your meal. Here are some suggestions: Put on your favourite music Dance around the kitchen to your favorite music Focus on your breath for a minute before eating. If something is bothering you, tell a friend or write it down on paper. To learn more on how to make eating with pleasure work for you, go to my website www.alisonhealth.com and download my free guide on just this. True and lasting health starts from within and is a unique journey for you. Always come back to simplicity and adding more vitamin P to your life. I work inperson with clients in Ireland and via skype around the world. Book a free 20 minute call with me to find out more about how I work and see if I am the person to support you along your journey to true and lasting health.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

C lassifieds: Class listings online for each National Association, Conferences, Products and More C lass listings for individual countries Australia: http://www.kinesiology.org.au/page1712619 Canada: http://canask.org/class-listings-2/

Upcoming SIPS classes There are classes coming up in C anada, the US and Europe – visit the website to find courses near you.

Denmark: http://kinesiologiuddannelse.dk/kursuskalender/


Guatemala:http://formacionholistica.com/kinesio logia

IASK Meeting of Associations, hosted by KF: April 12 & 13, 2018

Ireland: http:// http://www.kai.ie/kinesiologytraining-in-ireland

Kinesiology Federation (UK) AGM and Conference: April 14 & 15, 2018

UK: http://www.kinesiologyfederation.co.uk/training /course-diary-search.php

TFHKA 2018 Conference: July 11-14, Malibu, CA

USA: http://energyk.org/training-events/ This section is a work in progress! If you are a kinesiology association and would like to have your events (conferences, demo days, etc) mentioned, please email us. There are far too many classes internationally for us to list them all, but please send a link to the page on your website that shows upcoming classes and we will add it here. If you would like to advertise your conference, presentation or post-conference workshop, please contact us for details.

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Issue 06, Winter, 2018

Because health should be fun!

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com


A Holographic Model

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, www.gemskinesiology.com

Issue 06, Winter, 2018


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