Immune System
Issue 18, Winter 2021
Healthy Travel
Advice from the Pros
Purpose Boosts Immunity with Wayne Topping
By Alexis Costello
or this issue, it felt important to address the immune system as a multi-layered and holistic structure – not just the T-cells and B-cells, but how emotions and energetic flows affect it. Who better to discuss this with than Wayne Topping? He offers far too many studies and stories to accurately share everything here; visit YouTube for video of the complete interview.
A: How do stuck emotions affect the immune system? W: We know that when we are experiencing any type of negative emotion it tends to shut down the frontal part of the brain – redirecting energy to the limbic system so we then react. We have a non-specific response in the body such as blood being pulled away from the skin and extremities, the body changes in various ways as it prepares for a fight/flight response. Most people don’t recognize what’s happening with the immune system. Many years ago, I read a book by John Diamond – you’ve probably read it – “Your Body Doesn’t Lie”.
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