L+U Spring 2014 Feifei Yuan
CONTENTS Maquilapolis Revisited .................1 Class’s Assignments
Development Systems 10............... Class’s Assignments
Robotic Landscapes Class’s Assignments
Maquilapolis Revisited
Reading 1
Reading 2
Reading 3
Distance to the Airport
Port View
1 67 Mi,
5Min Hour1
Drive Kalundborg Havn (Port) Railroad Main Streets
Industrial Park research Residentail Area
Treated Sludge f
m ea St
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Residentail Area
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Neighboring Farms
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Fuel Gas
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Neighboring Farms
Fuel G
Treated Sludge f
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C o o li n
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Sweden 9% (Market Terms)
Netherland 20% (Market Terms)
23,000 Total
Gas Sale to End Customers in 2012
Electricity Sale
SO2: 0.07g/kWh NOx: 0.38/kWh
Denmark 20% (Market Terms)
Environmental storage
Rest of Europe
Not Actual Scale
Denmark 8% (Public regulation)
South America
Crude Oil
Norway 5,538
5 270,578
Netherland 44% (Market Terms)
Danish district consumption
Owned By
: 54,598 Billion DKK
the Hywind, launched by Statoil in 2009.
2012 Total Revenues by Geographic Area (in NOK million)
Denmark 48% (Market Terms)
Danish Government
68,807 9,121
Privit Shareholders
170 People
Africa 169
Wind turbine is
37% 19%
Million ,746 :11
North America
2013 Novozymes Sales by Industry
The operational
Biomass, Wind, Gas, Coal, Oil, Waste as fuel
purposes since 1996
UK 46% (Market Terms)
Statoil has injected CO2 into the Utsira formation on the
arma Ph
More than 400 products
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CO2: 7.8 Million tons
Denmark 5% (Public Regulation)
Total Revenues: 721,745
Flows and Couplings
Assemblage Norway
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40 unique end markets
Foo d
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Waste by Sort
Total Waste
Total Employee: 6,236 36.4%
Dispersal Method
Nonhazardous: 9,337tons
Hazardous: 11,670tons
Kalundborg Eco-industrial Park is an industrial symbiosis network located in Kalunborg, Denmark. The special part of this industrial park is that companies in the region collaborate to use each other’s by-products and otherwise share resources. This is the first full realization of industrial symbiosis. The collaboration and its environmental implications arose unintentionally through market forces, as opposed to through government planning, making it a model for private planning of eco-industrial parks. The park began in 1959 with the start up of the AsnÌs Power Station. The first episode of sharing between two entities was in 1972 when Gyproc, a plasterboard manufacturing plant, established a pipleine to supply gas from Tidewater Oil Company. In 1981 the Kalundborg municipality completed a district heating distribution network within the city of Kalundborg, which utilized waste heat from the power plant. Since then, the facilities in Kalundborg have been expanding, and have been sharing a variety of materials and waste products, some for the purpose of industrial symbiosis and some out of
All of these exchanges have contributed to water savings, and savings in fuel and input chemicals. Wastes were also avoided through these interchanges. Data from around 2004 show annual savings of 2.9 million cubic meters of ground water, and 1 million cubic meters of surface water. Gypsum savings are estimated around 170,000 tons, and sulfur dioxide waste avoidance is estimated around 53 Tn. These numbers are mostly estimations. Aspects of the eco-industrial park have changed, and there are many levels to consider when doing these calculations. These interchanges have shown annual savings of up to $15 million (US), with investments around $78.5 million (US). The total accumulated savings is estimated around $310 million (US). Kalundborg was the first example of separate industries grouping together to gain competitive advantage by material exchange, energy exchange, information exchange, and/or product exchange. Kalundborg’s success helped generate interest in industrial symbiosis. Developed nations such as the United States began to formulate incentives for corporations to implement materials
Development Systems
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rea al A nt
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Tra ns i Resi de
Di s al rs pe
In du
City Center
City of Tijuana (1974---2054)
Iconic Autobiography
Robotic Landscapes
Robot Futures Reading Respose
This book talks about how the robot will develop to in the future. It include six chapters which predicts how much the robot technology can reach in different time period. It is very interesting to see what the author think of the future robotic world, and I agree with him that in same day robot will be an important part of human life. And I believe, everything we can think of today could become true in some day. Robotic world will become the way world towards to because the technology changes day and night which are developing things to meet people’s needs. Robot are demanded because with the help of robot do all kinds of things, people will have easier lives than we have now. However, robot may not only be the helper of human beings, but as could be enemies. As author says, “One certainty is that humans will be inferior to robots in some ways ...Eventually, we will need to even compete with them in sports, at jobs, and in business.” (Robot future, pg xx) Because there is a physical limitation for human bodies and people do make mistakes, so robots would take some of the human positions in some area. In Author’s prediction, the first step the robot will develop into a easy-used machine, as he gives the name “New Mediocracy”. This is denotes a possible robot future in which democracy is effectively displaced by universal remote control through automatically customized new media. Therefore, robot will be as easy use as TV. And it will be available for everyone. This is the stage that robot is become a normal thing in life.
Flying city
With robotic development, robot would also generate some short comes, such as people may lose their privacy through use robot, or people would be too relay on robots, or robots would take people’s job and lead job lose... Soon after, robots would leads dehumanize. As author mentions that “dehumanize our relationships with robots using a rather broad brush, so we may incidentally dehumanize our relationship with people”. (Robot future, pg64) Similar to what we have now compare to 80’s. When people have an afternoon tea, they talk to each other in 80’s. However, most people would use their smart phones when they sitting next to each other. With more robotic development, this issue zoom out bigger too. At the final stage, robot will become our sub-body. Human physical reach is not necessary anymore. The author predicts that in robots body and the human body would be hard to distinguish, and computer can perform real-time transformation. It would connect our brain to a robot body, which could do much more things that we cannot physically do it right now. I agree with author that developing robot is the way to improve the quality of our life. Now it is using in corporations, militaries, government, and a privilege band of technically savvy individuals, but not citizens and local community. It would be very helpful to develop them for the majority of people. The robots could be transportation, infrastructure, workers etc. It would not be a utopian idea because technology is on the way to come out, such as self-driving cars. This is already being investment and developing now. There are not only big companies’ are doing research for new technology, but also many startup companies’ and individuals. It would be very interesting to see the robotic world in the future.
USA-Mexican Border drone security monitors
Modern city
Cross border super high speed train
Speculative Everything Reading Response
“Speculative Everything” it’s a very interesting book. It shows us how to design out of box and be creative. He uses nine different terms to show his idea of “speculate things”. He also includes many creative projects in his book. I agree with his ideas about how to design for the future and what we need to be aware of in order to design thing that is new and useful, because as he said, only if we speculate everything, we can then have creative design that other people won’t think of. I believe, even some of the design we have done maybe useless or not produced now, it still makes us explore new ideas, and make us improve. Author first talked about the cone of design, which is “probable”, “possible”, and “intersect of probable and plausible”. This three words was actually all sound the same to me in the beginning. However, those words can be very different for designers. The “probable” is describe what is likely to happen; “possible” is making links between today’s word and the suggested one; and “intersect of probable and plausible” is preferable futures. The last cone is the main stream of future, which government and industry often determine it. This is telling us that things can go on very different dictions. There are thousands of possible ways to live. But what we have now is actually happens because of the preferable. So that it is very important to think about what’s the preferable in the future when we are doing our design. On the other hand, we should not limit by the preferable, because it changes time by time. Therefore, we need to be more creative, try different things on our design. To be more creative, author shows many of ideas of how to think. I found out what more interested is story idea and thought experiment. When you give an object a story, it would be alive. And we can also get some ideas from the story. We can try different ways to design one object, or we can design different objects from the story. The other idea he mentions is generate fictional truths, which is use imagination. I believe imagination is the most important thing to a designer. There is nothing you cannot do, but only you cannot think of. People imaged to fly as bird, and that’s how airplane been created. This is also link to the other idea—Sci-art. Airplane could not be created if we do not have the technology to make the plane. And now we have plane already, so we started to think other objects that might require technology that we do not reach now. Therefore, we should not be afraid to design something that we cannot make today, because if it is a good idea, it will eventually be produced in the future. One project that shows in the book is to create victim less leather. The leather can be created
in the laboratory with transgenic technology, which is come out as a whole piece stitchless jacket. Therefore, we do not need to kill animals to get the leather. It is a very environmental friendly idea, and I think it will come true real soon. The most interesting design in this book is Dunne& Raby’s Train project. It seems like there are endless compartments of the train, which are carry houses, pools, mountains, grassland, and people. That train is more like a moving city. People can experience different places by live in their own houses. I would like to be one of the people on that train city to travel some day. However, I think the barrier with that project is to find out the way of providing energy, since it is moving everyday and needs to provide energy for houses, it requires lots of low pollution energy. The other barrier is to figure out the route to go, and how the rail works. The book also shows some great ideas of menstruction machines, bio cars, grown assembly for factory etc. Those are not able to produce yet, because we need the higher technology support. The reason that some of the producedable design own work is because either people do not need it now or its not confortable to use, such as the Modular Car. This car looks very squareish and seems very hard to sit inside. That is something that I wouldn’t want to try. However, it still a very good design idea, and I think the designer can keep updates it to make it confortable. I believe, our world can move so fast is because of those incredible design ideas and talented scientists. I cannot wait to see what our world looks like in 50 years.
Bibliorgarphy Soja, Edward. TransUrbanism. Rotterdam: V2_Publishing/NAi, 2002. Print.
Kun, Josh, and Fiamma Montezemolo. Tijuana Dream. London: Duke UP, 2012. Print.
Castells, Manuel. “Toward a Sociology of the Network Society.” Contemporary Sociology 29.5 (2000): 693. Print.
Nourbakhsh, Illah Reza. Robot Futures. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
Dunne, Anthony, and Fiona Raby. Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.