Wilgroup brochure a4 p4

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Introducing WIL Group The WIL Group offers a seamless way for companies to find interim and transition management leaders to lead assignments anywhere in the world. Our vision is to address complex global business challenges through interim and transitional management solutions. The Facts

Number of operational partners:


Number of support staff:




Turnover 2014: Number of countries covered:


Number of assignments per year:


Core vetted leadership pool:


Total talent pool:

70 60 $75m 32 400 4,500 30,000

The WIL Group’s Expertise The company has unrivalled expertise as it brings together 15 interim and transition management companies who are established leaders in their national markets. Together we select the best talent for our clients with the necessary local knowledge, cultural understanding and business experience. Industry & functional expertise

Company Transformation

With more than 4,500 vetted Interim leaders and experts

Our interim managers and leaders quickly grasp your goals

and 30.000 in our talent pool, we bring functional and

and the changes needed in your organisation, from your

industry expertise no one else can deliver.

people to your corporate culture, and ensure the changes delivered have a lasting legacy.

Multi-country & multi-sourcing service

Sustainable & innovative solutions

WIL Group is the first company to offer interim and

We bring innovative and customised solutions operating

transition management solutions on a truly global scale.

flawlessly across international borders. No other organisation

Completing 400 assignments every year, it is the largest

can do this. By harnessing our shared and collective

group of its kind, offering a unique “international multi-

knowledge to solve our clients’ problems – we offer a diversity

sourcing” model.

of thinking that ensures we find them the best solutions.

Why WIL Group? The business world is becoming increasingly globalised, with many companies undergoing major change and transformation. WIL Group is uniquely placed to help clients with these global issues and challenges. The WIL Group offers 5 global services. Performance improvement

Turnaround & Restructuring

uu Reducing costs, improving group finance and control

uu Handling financial stress or distress

uu Improving supply chain, outsourcing, moving factories,

uu Refinancing a company and undertaking major

build new factories uu Rejuvenating an underperforming company, business

business process re-engineering uu Divesting part of company

unit, factory or operational function uu Building strategic purchasing function, reducing

inventory and product cost

Growth & Business Transformation

Project & Programme Management uu Managing programme offices uu Implementing major IT (ERP/PLM) investments uu Securing critical international projects

uu Opening up new markets, channels or specialty areas,

at home or overseas uu Managing a major acquisition, merger or to acquire

new technology uu Renewing products or service portfolios and launching

them successfully uu Rapidly building sales and pipeline uu Building new international operations

Solutions for Private Equity uu Evaluating the performance of a company and its

management team uu Implementing a 100 day improvement programme uu Divesting or selling the company uu Temporarily taking over management of critical functions

Case Study A global energy equipment business manufacturing in SE Asia decided to undertake a major restructuring one of their plants, but needed this to be planned and prepared in a highly confidential manner. Situation



The key issue was that they needed

The WIL Group had to draw on its

The WIL Group candidate was

a strong Plant Manager with

worldwide resources to deliver on

quickly accepted and appointed by

experience of operating in this

this assignment. The client was

the client. He had an immediate

region, a track record of successful

headquartered in Northern Europe.

impact on the project. He achieved

business reorganisation and the

The mission was initiated and

all the milestones and exceeded

people skills to achieve the desired

coordinated by the Paris office. An

expectations, such that the contract

result in a challenging cultural

interim Plant Manager who met all

was extended to allow him to deal

environment, while at the same time

the requirements was sourced in UK.

with the implementation phase.

maintaining customer service.

The implementation was supervised

This could not have been achieved

and managed by WIL Group in

without the cross-border resources


within the WIL Group

Case Study The French subsidiary of an international industrial services company, 50% owned by a Dutch PE firm, needed to be reorganised. Situation



After benchmarking the operations

Through its international network,

After a thorough analysis, it was

of the French subsidiary with the

the WIL Group proposed a Belgian

concluded that the French subsidiary

other subsidiaries of the group,

Interim, Crisis Manager with extensive

was no longer viable. The WIL

the Board decided to downsize the

experience in France, a master of

Group candidate effectively rolled

French activity to 50% capacity. The

both French and Dutch languages

out the procedure for the shutdown

key issue was they needed a Crisis

and business procedures. The

in accordance with the local

Manager with in depth knowledge

Crisis Manager was responsible for

legislation. Through a clear and open

of the French labour market with

analysing the local situation and

communication with the Workers’

the ability to communicate with

rolling out the restructuring plan

Counsel, the WIL Group Crisis

the Dutch HQ. Also required was

according to the French legislation.

Manager avoided any social conflicts.

experience in handling delicate

The implementation was supervised

The shutdown was concluded

situations, given the international

and managed by WIL Group in France.

successfully and efficiently within

nature of the customer base.

the timeframe and budget. This could only have been achieved with involvement from the WIL Group and its unique offering of global, cross border business expertise.

Our Members The WIL Group has offices located at major business hubs throughout the world, delivering truly global interim and transitional management solutions to clients.

WIL Group Members

Prime Countries Covered

Other Global Assignments

WIL Group Members

BCV & Partners Phone No: +32 2 7882510 www.bcvpartners.com Email: info@bcvpartners.com Thompson Management Horizons Phone No: +55115041-2565 www.tmh.com.br Email: interim.management@tmh.com.br

WIL Group international office

X-PM China Phone No: +86 21 6043 9129 www.x-pm.com Email: china@x-pm.com X-PM France Phone No: +33 (0)1 53 45 85 65 www.x-pm.com Email: france@x-pm.com Management Angels Phone No: +49 40 44 19 55-0 www.managementangels.com Email :enquires@managementangels.com

The Gridiron Building One Pancras Square London UK N1C 4AG enquiries@wilgroup.net www.wilgroup.net

X-PM Greece www.x-pm.com Email: greece@x-pm.com X-PM India Phone No: + 911244067997 www.x-pm.com/en Email: india@x-pm.com Italy Office Phone No: + 39 02 76318387 www.tim-management.com Email: costa@tim-management.com X-PM Russia Phone No: +33 6 79 02 63 77 www.x-pm.com/en Email: moscow@x-pm.com X-PM Singapore Phone No: +(65) 6356 8369 www.x-pm.com Email: singapore-sea-anz@x-pm.com

NORACTION Phone No: +34 915 901 660 www.noraction.com Email: noraction@noraction.com Nordic Interim Phone No: +46 8 503 855 00 www.nordicinterim.com Email: info@nordicinterim.com Russam GMS Phone No: +44 0 8456581717 www.russam-gms.co.uk Email: hq@russam-gms.co.uk TH Business Advisors Phone No: +1 (716) 908-6901 www.thbusinessadvisors.com Email: contact@thbusinessadvisors.com

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