Futurum Spring 2006

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S t P aul ’ s futurum GRAMMAR SCHOOL

St Paul’s Grammar School Penrith penrith, australia

No. 40 spring 2006

Main photo, Tiananmen Square, Beijing. Max McNamara is kneeling third front left and Zachary Roberts is kneeling centre front left holding the sign

Encountering China through the eyes of two st paul’s cultural tourists

MAX MCNAMARA AND ZACHARY Roberts are two of the 28 St Paul’s students, along with three ex-students as musicians, five staff members and three directors of the school Chinese program support group SPOSMaC, who toured this vast, ancient and dynamic country from 8th to 23rd April this year. Here, Max and Zac provide us with a brief pictorial overview of what were high points in the tour for them. The photo above was taken in Tiananmen Square in Beijing on our second day in China. As you can see, we were a happy lot, full of anticipation. Almost six months before, we had

begun to have meetings to prepare for our trip which, as the time approached, became more frequent. Despite this familiarity with our approaching trip, until we boarded the plane in Sydney, it all seemed surreal. Different cultures and countries seem a whole world away when you are limited to studying places like this in school and seeing them on television. Tiananmen Square is simply enormous. No photo can adequately portray this. Behind the photo above is the Forbidden City, the entrance to the ancient summer palace, with a large photo of Mao Tse-Tung visible behind the school party. To our left as we face the group is the

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national museum, to the right are the parliament buildings and behind us is the building housing Mao’s embalmed body. All these are significant Chinese icons and underline the significance of the square as the centre of China’s capital. There is a serious mood overriding any lightheartedness apparent in the photo. The mood befits it as a place of great significance, of major demonstrations and gatherings and triumphant and tumultuous events of the past. We enjoyed being in a place of such moment. The trip had been largely the brainchild of Mr Adrian Gan, Head of Languages, and it was originally planned as a Chinese language tour for

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