Inside: New Sandpoint VA Clinic opens in PlentyBlueWhoOctoberaretheStarMoms?ofresourcesforhealthcare,relief VETERANSSEPTEMBERCHRONICLE2022 RecognitionPOW/MIADay Our country continues to honor our Prisoners of War along with service members declared Missing in Action. POW/MIA Recognition Day is Sept. 16. PAGE 6

The PACT Act will bring these changes:
tions and time periods, the VA has determined that you had exposure to burn pits or other toxins.
•You served in a theater of combat operations during a peri od of war after the Persian Gulf War, or
•You were discharged or re leased between Sept. 11, 2001, and Oct. 1, 2013, and
At least one of these must be true of your active-duty
• You served in combat against a hostile force during a period of hostilities after Nov. 11, 1998
If you served in specific loca
This must be true for you:
The VA considers a condition presumptive when it's estab lished by law or regulation.
What does it mean to have a conditionpresumptivefortoxicexposure?
•Gastrointestinal•Brain cancers of any
These cancers are now presumptive:
•You haven’t enrolled in VA health care before
•Head•Glioblastomatypecancers of any type
•Chronicdisease rhinitis
What burn pit and other toxic exposure conditions are presumptive?now
On or after Sept. 11, 2001, in any of these locations:
What’s the PACT Act and how will it affect VA benefits and care?
The following refers to Gulf War era and post-9/11 Veteran el igibility:
If you have a presumptive con dition, you don’t need to prove
•Chronic obstructive pulmo nary
that your service caused the con dition. You only need to meet the service requirements for the pre sumption.
To get a VA disability rating, your disability must connect to your military service. For many health conditions, you need to prove your service caused your condition.Forsome conditions, the VA automatically assumes (or “pre sume”) that your service caused your condition. These are called “presumptive conditions.”

•The•Somalia•Saudi•Qatar•Oman•Kuwait•Iraq•BahrainArabiaUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)•The airspace above any of these locations
The VA has added more than 20 burn pit and other toxic ex posure presumptive conditions based on the PACT Act. This change expands benefits for Gulf War era and post-9/11 veterans.
• Lymphatic cancer of any type •Lymphoma of any type
Page 2 Friday, September 16, 2022 The Spokesman-Review
Both of these must be true for you:
If you’re a veteran or survivor, you can file claims to apply for PACT Act-related benefits.
•Chronic •Constrictivesinusitisbronchiolitis or obliterative
•Adds more than 20 new pre sumptive conditions for burn pits and other toxic exposures
•Asthma diagnosed after ser vice•Chronic bronchitis
•The•Yemen•Uzbekistan•Syria•Lebanon•Jordan•Egypt•Djibouti•Afghanistanairspace above any of these locations
•Kidney cancer
If you meet the listed require ments, you can receive care and enroll during a special enroll ment period between Oct. 1, 2022, and Oct. 1, 2023.
The PACT Act is perhaps the largest health care and benefit expansion in VA history. The full name of the law is The Sergeant First Class (SFC) Heath Robin son Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act.
At least one of these must be true of your active-duty service:
How do I know if I have a exposurepresumptivetoburnpits?
•You were discharged or re leased on or after Oct. 1, 2013
On or after Aug. 2, 1990, in any of these locations:
The VA encourages you to en roll so it can provide any care you may need now or in the future. Enrollment is free.
of any type•Respiratory (breathing-relat ed) cancer of any type
The VA is extending and ex panding health care eligibility based on the PACT Act. Veterans are encouraged to apply, no matter your separation date. Eligibility depends on service history and other fac tors.If you meet the requirements listed, you can get free VA health care for any condition related to your service for up to 10 years from the date of your most recent discharge or separation. You can also enroll any time during this period and get any care you need, but you may owe a copay.
•You served in a theater of combat operations during a peri od of war after the Persian Gulf War,
The VA encourages you to ap ply during this 1-year period so you can be provided with any needed care now or in the future. Enrollment is free, and care may be free as well.
•Adds more presumptive-ex posure locations for Agent Or ange and radiation
•servedor in combat against a hostile force during a period of hostilities after Nov. 11, 1998
What if I was discharged or released before Oct. 1, 2013?
These illnesses are now presumptive:
•Expands and extends eligi bility for VA health care for vet erans with toxic exposures and veterans of the Vietnam, Gulf War, and post-9/11 eras
• Requires VA to provide a tox ic exposure screening to every veteran enrolled in VA health care•Helps us improve research, staff education, and treatment related to toxic exposures
Am I eligible for free VA health care as a post-9/11veteran?combat
Need local help? See “How can I get help?” on page 5 of this pub lication. Information provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs
Many ser vice members are not aware this earned benefit is available to them; many sellers are not aware of the advantages to VA loans in the transaction process. encourage all Spokane realtors to become familiar this loan type so that all

Veterans Help Net partners with The Spokesman-Review to publish Veterans Chronicle on

To share a veteran story or information about resources for veterans, please contact info@ or,contactadvertising@or(509)459-
join in saying “We believe in VA financing!” S IN THIS ISSUE PACT Act explained 2 Search for missing corpsman continues 4 New crisis line makes it easier to seek help .............................................5 Prisoners of War/Missing in Action honored ...........................................6 Liberty Lake hosts traveling wall, soldier banners .................................8 Sandpoint VA clinic opens 9 Upcoming Stand Downs 10 Contaminated water at Camp LeJeune .....................................................10 Hey veterans, did you know? ........................................................................11 Retired VA employee touches lives 12
The United States Depar tment of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers home loans to active militar y members, reser vists, and retirees, as a benefit of ser vice in our nation’s Armed Forces.

Joe Butler
Scott Baumbach
the third Friday of every month to increase awareness about veteran issues and to help veterans find hope and help.

No portion of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent of the publisher.
Bryan Bledsoe
Page 3 Friday, September 16, 2022Spokane, Wash. / Coeur d’Alene, Idaho WE BE LIE VE IN VA FINANCING Vi sit www.s po kane re al tor.c om to view VA qual ified ho me s in yo ur pre fe rr ed ar ea


Longtime VAMC employee Denise Tolliver, right, poses picture with her husband, Denise

for a
is retiring after 36 years. Read about her career and expertise on page 12 of this publication.

we can
Don Walker
On Sept. 6, BUMED’s Sobocinski expanded his records search. “There is a possibility Gregory Wil liams may not be still alive so we will be pursuing death records and obituar ies,” he wrote.
The first big break came via email. It needed only five words and six syllables to punctuate the gasp from all who read it.
VEO(VEO.)isthe office that sends out the weekly #Ve tResources newsletter, and it’s the office that imple ments customer service solutions and tools to im prove veterans’ experienc es with VA. That mission often involves work with a vast number of government agencies, public and pri vate and non-profit groups, Veterans Service Organiza tions, innovators and influ encers, and more.
The search for Corpsman Williams went national on Aug. 13, 2019, when Jen nifer Brusstar at the Tug McGraw Foundation linked the SAFE Project’s Mary Winnefeld to Officer Mark Keyes, California Highway PatrolMulcrevy(CHP.) worked with Keyes during a 20-year career at the CHP after leaving the Marine Corps, and Winnefeld connected everyone to the director at VA’s Veterans Experience Office
“Several remember Wil liams and were with him in combat. They don’t know the Corpsman now.”
Jason Davis is the managing editor for Vantage Point and an Army veteran. Nicho las Crawford is a graphic designer for the Veterans Benefits Administration.
VA, partners help Vietnam vet look for his rescuer
Upon discharge, the vet eran spent time at home with his father, a World War II veteran. After a few odd jobs, he eventually went back to school, graduated, and miraculously started a 36-year career with the Cal ifornia Highway Patrol and various local law enforce mentMulcrevyagencies.spent decades fruitlessly searching for the buddy who had saved his life in Vietnam. In 2019, he and several state and na tional partners turned to VA for help.
Editor’s note: this is Part 2 of a lengthy story about the search by a Marine Corps veteran for the Corpsman who saved his life during Vietnam. The first part was in the August issue. Part 3 will be printed next month. To read Part 1 or the entire article, visit Vantage/101661/)
• •
Within days, VEO had spread its net to assist in the
search for Corpsman Wil liams, contacting the Social Security Administration and the Vietnam Veterans of America. But the search ramped up when VEO en listed Brian Foster at To gether We Served (TWS), a veterans online commu nity known for its robust records search and Veteran LocatorFostertool.and his team, in cluding Chief Admin Kim Craft, Admin Diane Short, and Person Locator Special ist George Reilly, reached out to Andre Sobocinski, a historian at the Navy’s Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED); plus March Henderson, histori an at the Marine Vietnam Commemoration Organiza tion; Peter J. Ferraro, head of Records at HQ, USMC; Annette Amerman, branch
• • •
His wish is that we help him find the Navy Corps man who saved his life that day so he can thank him. The Corpsman’s name is Gregory Williams.Ifyouhave any recollec tions of this Corpsman or you might know how we could get in touch with him, please let us know by send ing us an email to”
Based on previously suc cessful cases, Foster and Craft at TWS were hopeful.
“We have had a break
Within days, the various Facebook posts exploded with engagement, but none had produced any new in formation.“Wehave talked to every one we know in Mike 3/5,” Foster replied via email.
“Would you be able to let us know,” the sender asked, “if positive or negative iden tification is possible by Mr. Mulcrevy?”
Page 4 Friday, September 16, 2022 The Spokesman-Review
The last big break came via email on Sept. 13. Just three hours and 19 minutes after Sobocinski’s previous email, the search had come to an end. “We think we may have found Doc Wil liams,” he wrote.
Marine Corps veteran Bill Mulcrevy faced a long recovery from his injuries in Vietnam. After Navy Corpsman Gregory Wil liams loaded him onto the MEDEVAC that day in 1966, Mulcrevy was trans ferred to various hospitals throughout Vietnam be fore eventually completing physical therapy in San Francisco 18 months later.
Attached to the bottom of the email was a color por trait of a Black man in his Navy dress blues uniform. The photo’s shallow depth of field highlights dark eyes and a warm, hearty smile framed beneath a white halo.It was Navy Corpsman Gregory Williams.
head and historian, Marine Corps History Division; and Michael Doidge, his torian, USA Vietnam War Commemoration, to dredge official records in search of a birthdate.Onthelast day of the month, Foster’s team post ed to the 3/5 Facebook page, the Navy Corpsman Face book page, the Vietnam Facebook page, the U.S. Marine Veter ans Facebook page, the U.S. Military Directory Face book page, and the Military. com Facebook page: “Together We Served needs your help in fulfilling the wish of a dying Marine who served in the 1st Pla toon, Mike Co, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines in Vietnam in 1966. On Aug 12, 1966 he was seriously wounded in Tam Ky.

Veteran Service
IN SpokanePERSONCounty
1117 N. Evergreen Rd., Spokane Valley, WA (509)477-3690
Every county and state has a Veteran Affairs office to answer questions about benefits and provide assistance. There are also other useful resources for veterans in the InlandNorthwest.HOW CAN I GET HELP? If you don’t know who to call, VA has a new “Single Access Point” phone number to all VA contact centers 1-800-MyVA411 (1-800-698-2411) A new, Veteranseasier-to-rememberCrisisLinenumber JUST DIAL 988 VETERANS CHRONICLE
What happens if I’m overseas?
Goodwill Support Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) 130 E. Third Ave., Spokane, WA (509) 828-2449
The Department of Veterans Affairs website has resources on every topic relevant to veterans.
Explore VA benefits and discover which ones you and your family may be eligible to receive.
No. Veterans will still be able to call 800-273-8825. Then Press 1 to connect to responders. The VCL will be available by chat at veter and text 838255

The VCL’s 800 number is a continental United States (CO NUS)-based toll-free number that remains active. Some international calls may incur a charge, depend ing on the caller’s location and net workVeteransprovider.overseas may contact the VCL through chat at Veteran or Crisisalone.thennumbernoyouchatyouchat/,canrequestthiswithinthevenue.Aresponderwillcallatthenumberyouprovideatcharge.Bepreparedandsavethenewinyourphone:Dial988,Press1.Remember,you’renotDayornight,theVeteransLineishereforyou.
Because VA administers the VCL through the Lifeline’s nation al network, the service was affect ed by this transition.
Based in Post Falls, Disabled American Veterans Chapter 9 Fort Sherman shares links and information to both local and national help organizations for veterans.
Is the old VCL phone number going away?
reach the VCL, Veterans will press 1 after dialing to connect with VCL responders. Though the number is new, the Veterans Crisis Line dedicated service is still the same. You don’t have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to connect.
The change is a result of the National Suicide Hotline Designa tion Act. The law authorized 988 as the new three-digit number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Lifeline). Under the law, all telephone service providers in the U.S. had to activate the num ber by July 16, 2022.
What does the new number mean for me?
Why did the VCL get a new number?
The VA Welcome Guide covers all types of benefits and services available for veterans, new recruits, active service members and their families.
Since 2007, the VCL has sup ported millions of Veterans in cri sis. This new, shorter number in creases ease of access and clarity in times of crisis for both Veterans andLikesupporters.thecurrent number, to
Healthcare for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) 504 E. Second Ave., Spokane, (509)435-2019WA
If you’re a veteran having thoughts of suicide or concerned about someone, you can reach 24/7 crisis support through the new Veterans Crisis Line number: Dial 988, then Press 1.
Page 5 Friday, September 16, 2022Spokane, Wash. / Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
This shorter, three-digit num ber provides an easier-to-remem ber way to access the VCL. We’re working to make sure all veter ans and their supporters know about the new number. Below are answers to some questions you might have about this change.
Apply for emergency ser vices, or have any benefits or ser vice questions answered by 5 Veteran Ser vice Officers (VSO) and staff.
North Idaho Veteran Services and Benefits
120OfficeE. Railroad Ave., Post Falls, ID (208) 446-1092
Meet with a VSO or staff for help with VA enrollment,benefitsclaims or other veteran needs.
Matthew A. Miller is the executive director of VA Suicide Prevention, at the Office of Mental Health.
SSVF helps homeless veterans and their families find housing and connects veterans with other support organizations.
Provides healthcare and outreach for housing, job opportunities and counseling.
According to accounts, during the first ceremo ny of POW/MIA Day at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., fighter airplanes from the mili tary base in Virginia flew in the ‘missing man for mation’ in their honor.
How do you celebrate POW/MIA Recognition Day?
National POW/MIA Recognition Day is observed annually in September around a central theme to show commitment to full accountability to the families of captured service members and missing war
About 90 percent of the 1,741 people still missing were lost in Vietnam or areas of Laos and Cambodia under Vietnam's wartime control, accord ing to the National League of Fam ilies website (cited in the United States Army website).
Until 1979, there was no formal day set aside for these important men and women and the first observance of POW/MIA day included a re membrance ceremony at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Since then, the Pentagon is where the official observance happens, with other celebrations happening at military bases around the country and elsewhere.
National POW/MIA Recognition Day Frequently-Asked Questions
Who can fly a POW/MIA flag?
National POW/MIA Recognition Day is not a public holiday but a na tional observance. Businesses have normal opening hours.
Regardless of where they are held in the coun try, National POW/MIA Recognition Day ceremo nies share the common purpose of honoring those who were held captive and returned, as well as the memory of those who remain missing in service to the United States.
National POW/MIA Recognition Day posters are also displayed at college or university campuses and public buildings to promote the day. Remembrance ceremonies and oth er events to observe the day are also held in places such as the Pentagon, war memorials and museums.
Many Americans across the Unit ed States pause to remember the sacrifices and service of those who were prisoners of war, as well as those who are missing in action,
Though POW/MIA day is important, it’s not yet a federal holiday
and their families. All military in stallations fly the National League of Families’ POW/MIA flag, which symbolizes the nation’s remem brance of those who were impris oned while serving in conflicts and those who remain missing.
There are 1,741 American per
Veteran rallies take place in many states on National POW/MIA Rec ognition Day. United States flags and POW/MIA flags are flown on this day and joint prayers are made for POWs and those missing in action.
Manyheroes.service members suffered as prisoners during the several wars that have happened through out the history of the U.S. National POW/MIA Recog nition Day was initiated as the day to commemorate with the family of many of the tens of thousands of service members who never made it home.
What is the motto of the POW/MIA flag?
“You Are Not Forgotten.” The motto was adopt ed together with the flag that was designed years before the remembrance day became official by Mary Hoff; wife of a missing veteran.
The United States’ National POW/ MIA Recognition Day is observed across the nation on the third Fri day of September each year. Many Americans take the time to remem ber those who were prisoners of war (POW) and those who are missing in action (MIA), as well as their fami lies.
Is National POW/MIA Recognition Day a Public Holiday?
sonnel listed by the Defense De partment's POW/MIA Office as missing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam War, as of April 2009. The number of United States per sonnel accounted for since the end of the Vietnam War in 1975 is 841.
Page 6 Friday, September 16, 2022 The Spokesman-Review
How is it observed?
The day was first observed in 1979 after Con gress and the president passed a resolution to make it official following the demands of the families of 2,500 Vietnam War POW/MIAs who asked for ac countability in finding their loved is also mostly associated with service members who were prisoners of war during the Vietnam War.
Celebrate by raising the POW/MIA flag. You can also visit a themed museum to learn about the he roes and wars that defined the United States.
Anyone can celebrate POW/MIA Recognition Day by flying the POW/MIA flag. POW/MIA Rec ognition Day is observed around the country with the same goal.

Information courtesy
The United States Congress passed a resolution authorizing Na tional POW/MIA Recognition Day to be observed on July 18, 1979. It was observed on the same date in 1980 and was held on July 17 in 1981 and 1982. It was then observed on April 9 in 1983 and July 20 in 1984.
‘You Are Not Forgotten’ Commitment for POWs/ MIAs remains strong
History of National POW/MIA Recognition Day
•A pinch of salt symboliz es the tears endured by those missing and their families who seek answers. The Bible rep resents the strength gained through faith to sustain those lost from our country, founded as one nation under God.
I am 1 in 5 million. No, not the odds for winning the MegaMil lions jackpot. Or not the odds that I would ever be a Space X passenger aboard the next Starship.Iam1 of the 5 million people who wore a POW MIA brace let between 1970 and 1976. The nickel-plated bracelets sold for about $3 and were engraved with the name, rank, and loss date of an American service man captured or missing during the Vietnam War.
The National League of Families’ POW/MIA flag symbolizes the United States’ resolve to never forget POWs or those who served their country in conflicts and are still missing. Newt Heisley designed the flag. The flag’s design features a silhou ette of a young man, which is based on Mr Heisley’s son, who was medically dis charged from the military. As Mr Heisley looked at his re turning son’s gaunt features, he imagined what life was for those behind barbed wire fences on foreign shores. He then sketched the profile of his son as the new flag's de sign was created in his mind.
from the Cold War
•The glass is inverted – they cannot share a toast.
The flag features a white disk bearing in black silhou ette a man’s bust, a watch tower with a guard on pa trol, and a strand of barbed wire. White letters “POW” and “MIA”, with a white five-pointed star in between, are typed above the disk. Be low the disk is a black and white wreath above the mot to “You Are Not Forgotten” written in white, capital let ters.The flag can also be dis played on Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, In dependence Day, and Vet erans Day. The flag can be displayed at the Capitol, the White House, the Korean War Veterans Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans Memo rial, national cemeteries, var ious government buildings, and major military installa tions.
• The table is round – to show our everlasting concern for our missing
•The vase is tied with a red ribbon, symbol of our contin ued determination to account for our missing.
My bracelet showed the name of a Navy Lieutenant Com mander. I was still on active duty when I learned that “my” MIA officer had returned home –safe and alive. Still, count less service members and their families have suffered – and still suffer – from the residual effects, the fears, the unknown andForunanswered.moreinformation of field operations and recovery ac tions, go to
The event was observed on July 19 in 1985, and then from 1986 onwards the date moved to the third Friday of Sep tember. The United States president each year pro claims National POW/MIA Recognition Day. Many states in the USA also proclaim POW/MIA Recognition Day together with the national effort.

•126 still considered MIA
They were first created in May 1970 by a California stu dent group called Voices in Vital America (VIVA) so that American Prisoners of War in Vietnam would not be forgot ten.Missing but not forgotten –the numbers are unfortu nate and staggering. As of May 2020, the Defense POA/MIA Accounting Agency within the Department of Defense reports these•72,598figures:still considered MIA from World War II
•A slice of lemon on the bread plate is to remind us of
•1,587 still considered MIA from the Vietnam War
•7,580 still considered MIA from the Korean War
•6 from conflicts since 1991
Bracelets of Remembrance help draw attention to POWs/MIAs
Master Sgt. Sheila Couzins wore this POW/MIA bracelet in remembrance of Chief Master Sgt. Harold Mullins who was missing since June 1966. She returned the bracelet to Chief Mullins' family after his remains were buried in Arlington National Cemetery in November 2011.

•Themen.tablecloth is white –symbolizing the purity of their motives when answering the call of
The Missing Man Table, cre ated by the National League of POW/MIA Families, is a major part of any POW/MIA ceremo ny. The league’s site explains the meaning of the items on this special table as follows:
Page 7 Friday, September 16, 2022Spokane, Wash. / Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Continued from page 6
•The chair is empty – they are missing.
the bitter fate of those captured and missing in a foreign land.
In 1979, Congress and Pres ident Jimmy Carter signed a proclamation (which has been repeated annually by every United States President) es tablishing the third Friday of September as National POW/ MIA Recognition Day. The first observance of POW/MIA day included a ceremony at the Na tional Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Since then, official ceremo nies happen nation-wide.
•Theduty.singe red rose, dis played in a vase, reminds us of the life of each of the missing, and of the loved ones who keep the faith, awaiting answers.
Veterans, family members, and anyone else is invited to visit, honor and remember those who sacrificed it all and the impact of those sacrifices on those who re turned home.
This panel, Wall,accompanieswhichtheVietnamTravelingMemorialsumsupthecontentsofthewallinWashington,D.C.
Organizers will be adding 25 more banners to complete the 50-banner plan for Phase 1 of the Liberty Lake Hometown Heroes Banner Program.
Moving Vietnam Memorial Wall visits Liberty Lake this month
It officially went on display here Sept. 15. Viewing the wall can be done around the clock and is free to the public.
TheRoad.first25 banners were installed prior to the arrival of the Moving Vietnam Memorial Wall to Pavilion Park on September 15.
Page 8 Friday, September 16, 2022 The Spokesman-Review
Herb Sennett, a West Palm Beach resident and U.S. Army veteran who served in Vietnam, bows in front of the section of the Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall that bears the name of a buddy and fellow soldier. The exhibit was on display at the Hilton Palm Beach Airport in June and went on display in Liberty Lake on Sept. 15 and will remain in the Eastern Washington city through 8 a.m. Sept. 19.
The City of Liberty Lake, the Liberty Lake Centennial Rotary Club and Avista are honoring local veterans, past and present, with banners placed on light standards along Country Vista Road west of Liberty Lake

Phase 1 includes 50 heroes
The Moving Wall, a complete version of the Vietnam Wall that travels the country, will be at Lib erty Lake’s Pavilion Park through 8 a.m. Sept. 19.

Since the banners are an ongoing project, nominations can still be submitted. Do you have a veteran, with Liberty Lake connections, that you would like to honor? Go to for information and applications.
A banner for the Liberty Lake Military Hometown Heroes Banners project.
Liberty Lake Military Heroes now on display
Page 9 Friday, September 16, 2022Spokane, Wash. / Coeur d’Alene, Idaho RefuelingOurHeroes Buy your flight gear or donate today!Support fellow Veterans and be a part of Operation Fly Together. A portion of all merchandise proceeds go into a Veterans Fund. VETERANS CHRONICLE

The law updates the Blue Star Mothers Congres sional Charter to include grandmothers, adoptive mothers, foster mothers, and female legal guard ians. The law also expands membership to moth ers whose children have served more recently by removing references to specific conflicts.
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. (BSMA), is a private nonprofit organization that provides support for mothers who have sons or daughters in active service in the U.S. Armed Forces. It was originally formed during World War II.

in Grand Junction, Colo., under the leadership of National President Wendy Hoffman, members passed a resolution changing membership eligi bility.The resolution was taken to Congress in August 2011 and signed into law Dec. 13, 2011. It expanded membership opportunities for more women who have supported service members in new conflicts and different family structures.
The name came from the custom of families of servicemen hanging a banner called a Service Flag in a window of their homes.

On Oct. 5, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., STGi and the VA will co-host a public Open House at the new clinic, which is a design-build project of 8,770 square feet and three times larger than the existing clinic in downtown Sandpoint.

The VA is grateful to have partnered with Kaniksu Community Health in recent years, but is also excited to welcome a new contracted provider group to the new clinic’s location at 130 McGhee Road, just off Highway 200.
It also expands membership to eligible mothers living outside of the U.S.
Veterans living in the Idaho Panhandle say they welcome increased resources and health care programs and services provided by a new VA-contracted clinic near Sandpoint.
VA CLINIC OPENS IN SANDPOINT What does a Blue Star in the window mean?

The contractor, STGi International based in Arlington, Virginia, operates more than two dozen clinics around the country. The facility will offer a full-time physician, an advanced registered nurse practitioner, and two full primary care teams, plus mental health, telehealth, limited laboratory, and other services aimed at increasing access to care for veterans in rural North Idaho.
The Service Flag had a star for each family member in the military. Living servicemen were represented by a Blue Star and those who had lost their lives were represented by a Gold Star. Until 2011, membership in the Blue Star Mothers was open to any woman living in America who has a son or daughter (and in some cases, stepchildren) in the U.S. Armed Forces, or who has had a son or daughter in the U.S. Armed Forces who has been honorably discharged.
The group holds a Congressional charter under Title 36 of the U.S. Code.
The Bonner County VA Clinic, part of the Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center’s regional health care services for VA-enrolled veterans, is scheduled to open in early October.
At the National Convention held August 2010
• Aplastic anemia and other phomasyndromesmyelodysplastic•Bladdercancer•Kidneycancer•Livercancer•Multiplemyeloma•Non-Hodgkin’slym•Parkinson’sdisease
events include an 8 a.m. opening ceremony.Formore info visit www.facebook. com/veteransstanddown or contact Charlie Duranona, VA Stand Downs Co ordinator, (509) 319-7067.
Page 10 Friday, September 16, 2022 The Spokesman-Review
• Reservists
What kind of benefits can I get?
Lunch will also be provided.
• Health care • Compensation (pay ments)
• Medical records stat ing that you have one or more of the eight illnesses on the above presumptive conditions list
1987, and
Other upcoming stand downs in the region include:
You may be eligible for disability benefits if you meet all of these re quirements.
Jacob Worden, 19, groceriescarriesto the truck of veteran Jess Withers on April 14, 2007, at the services.haircutshealthmilitarydown"annualinLegionAmericanPost143PostFalls.The"standofferedveteranscare,food,andother

Who’s covered?
How do I get benefits?these
• Guardsmen
Veterans throughout the greater Spo kane area are invited to Spokane Coun ty’s third-annual Veterans Stand Down and Resource Fair.
• Veterans
• Wenatchee, Sept. 17, ANG Armory
Looking for local help? See “How can I get help?” on page 5 of this publication.
You can file a claim sults).reportevidenceillnesses,presumedingtooffice.geteranrepresentativehelphow-to-file-claim/;;orhelpataVAregionalWhenyoufile,besurestatethatyou’reapplyforoneormoreoftheCampLejeuneanduploadany(likeadoctor’sormedicaltestre
You’ll need to file a claim for disability com pensation and provide this
Both of these must be true:
Am I eligible for disability benefits from VA?
• You didn’t receive a dishonorable discharge when you separated from theYoumilitarymust have a diagno sis of one or more of these presumptive conditions:
• You served at Camp Lejeune or MCAS New River for at least 30 cumu lative days from August 1953 through December
• Moses Lake, Sept. 24, Grant County Fairgrounds•Libby,Montana, Oct. 1-2, Event Cen
evidence (supporting doc uments):•Your military records showing you served at Camp Lejeune or MCAS New River for at least 30 days from August 1953 through December 1987 while on active duty, or in the National Guard or Re serves, and
Stand Downs provide opportunities for visitors to learn about housing ser vices, legal services, food assistance, en ergy assistance, how to access VA bene fits, employment readiness, healthcare service, education, and suicide preven tion. All of this information will be pro vided at no charge.
The fall event is planned for 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Oct. 15 at the Salvation Army, which is at 222 E. Indiana in Spokane.

If you served at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune or Marine Corps Air Sta tion (MCAS) New River in North Carolina, you may have had contact with contaminants in the drink ing water there. Scientific and medical evidence has shown an association be tween exposure to these contaminants during mil itary service and develop ment of certain diseases later on. If you have qual ifying service at Camp Lejeune and a current di agnosis of one of the con ditions listed below, you may be able to get disabili ty benefits.
• Adult leukemia

... VA provides travel pay for health appointments?care
... You can get hearing aids through the VA?
• You have an income below the maximum annual VA pension rate, or
The deductible is charged be cause the VA is required by law to withhold certain amounts from travel reimbursement payments. The money withheld helps pay for travel or medical care for oth er Inveterans.some cases, the VA may waive this deductible.
The VPA pays round-trip mile age for scheduled appointments. It may only pay return mileage for unscheduled visits.
To receive hearing aids through VA, you must first register at the health care.asableandandhearingerneedclinicalhearingandappointmentregistered),cessed)'stimeumentsofsectionadministration/enrollmentoftheVAMedicalCenteryourchoice.Thefollowingdocareusuallyneededattheofregistration:acopyoftheDD214,driver'slicensehealthinsurance(ifavailable).Thereareseveralwaystoen•InpersonatanyVAMedicalorClinic••BymailingcompletedFormtotheMedicalCenterofchoice(besuretosignyouroritcannotbeproOnceregistered(orifalreadyyoumayscheduleanattheAudiologySpeechPathologyClinicforaevaluation.Theaudiologistwillmakeadeterminationontheforhearingaidsand/orothhearingassistivedevices.Ifaidsarerecommendedfit,thehearingaids,repairs,futurebatterieswillbeavailatnochargetoyou,aslongyoumaintainVAeligibilityfor

• You’re traveling for care at a VA health facility or for VA-ap proved care at a non-VA health facility in your community.
• Transportation by a specially equipped vehicle, like an ambu lance or wheelchair van, when needed and approved
The VA can reimburse eligible veterans and caregivers for mile age and other travel expenses to and from approved health care
... It’s easy to apply for VA medical benefits?
• You’re traveling for a sched uled VA claim exam (called a com pensation and pension, or C&P, exam), to get a service dog, or for VA-approved transplant care
Page 11 Friday, September 16, 2022Spokane, Wash. / Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
• Mileage driven to and from appointments•Bridge,road and tunnel tolls
• Taxi and plane fares
• Meals and lodging when needed in some cases
It uses Bing Maps to calculate mileage, based on the fastest and shortest route from your home to the closest VA or authorized nonVA health facility that can provid ed the needed care.
While not officially confirmed, this rate increase is one of the highest raises seen in a long time. Official and final COLA from the VA is typically announced on Oct. 13 each year with figures expected to be finalized in December.
... VA disability pay rates may grow up to 10.5% next year?
tal each month. After you pay $18 within 1 month, the VA will pay the full cost of approved travel for the rest of that month.
• Is a veteran’s transplant care donor or support person
Before the VA can pay a veter an back for expenses, he or she must pay a deductible, currently $3 one-way or $6 round-trip for each appointment, up to $18 to
The VA may also pay for care for an allied beneficiary when the appropriate foreign government agency has authorized care, or for the beneficiary of another feder al agency when that agency has approved care. The VA can reim burse for travel to the closest VA health facility to a veteran’s home that can provide the care they need. If a veteran’s VA health care provider decides that they need to travel to another VA facility for care, the veteran will be reim bursed the cost of Reimbursementtravel.isavailable for non-VA care at a non-VA health facility if it has been approved in advance, except in certain emer gencyThesituations.VAmaypay for:
• You can’t afford to pay for your travel, as defined by VA guidelines, or
At least one of these must also be
Submit travel pay reimburse ment claims through the Ben eficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS). VAntage/85832TheVAcurrently pays 41.5 cents ($0.415) per mile for ap proved, health-related travel.
• You’re traveling for treatment of a service-connected condition, even if your VA disability rating is less than 30%, or
Non-veteran caregivers may also be paid for transportation and related lodging and meals for if they meet any of these require ments.Atleast one of these must be
All veterans are encouraged to enroll in the VA Health Care System. To begin the process, please complete an Application for Health Care Benefits at yourifonly)charge”ForcesMedicarecurrentpleaseingthebilitytheorapply/,printtheformandmailitto:SpokaneVAMedicalCenterBusinessOffice/Eligibility4815N.AssemblyStSpokane,WA99205YoucanalsobringtheformtoMedicalCenter.TheEligiOfficeisonthe7thfloorofmainbuilding.Whethermailorbringingyourapplication,includethefollowing:•acopyofbothsidesofyourinsurancecard(includingorMedicaid•acopyofyourDD214,“ArmedReportofTransferorDis(PurpleHeartrecipients•acopyofyourawardletter'PurpleHeart'isnotnotedonDD214TospeaktotheEligibilityOffice,call(509)434-7009or(800)325-7940.
• Parking
Disability pay rates, which are effective beginning Dec. 1, 2022, currently include an estimated year-over-year increase of 10.5% based on the latest cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) projections.
• Ticket costs for public trans portation, including train, subway, bus, ferry, or light rail
• You receive a VA pension, or
• Is a medically required atten dant traveling with a veteran to support their care, or
appointments.Veteransmay be eligible for re imbursement if they meet the re quirements below, including:
Does this sound like someone you know? Pass this information on to them and invite them to look at the “How can I get help?” section on page 5 of this publication to learn how to sign up.
true:•Is a family caregiver under the National Caregiver Program trav eling to receive caregiver training or to support care, or
•true:You have a VA disability rating of 30% or higher, or
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Soon, Tolliver was cre ating monthly operating

Denise Tolliver’s 36 years of federal service earned her admiration and gratitude from all those she helped lead and learn. Once a Department of Defense Dependent Schools teacher in the Far East, Denise became a pillar of leadership and grace by guiding VA clini cians, staff and leadership through organized “sys temsHerredesign.”career, marriage and family are built on faith and determination, which is why her recent retirement is bittersweet for so Tollivermany.began her VA journey in 1998 15 years after earning her college degree (in three years) with honors, and getting
“Denise has been a role model for others in practic ing VA Core value: ‘ICARE’ on a daily basis. With her servant style leadership, she has been able to devel op trusting relationships and build a center of learn ing and improvement ex cellence across the organi zation. She has served as a coach to many and enabled to earn yellow/green/ black belts in lean manage ment,” explained Dr. Sunil Wadhwani, Chief of Phar macy Service at Mann-GrandstaffSpokane’sVAMed

Johnson said Tolliver loved bragging about the accomplishments of the staff, and the staff gave her many reasons to be proud.
icalHerCenter.expertise led to sev eral years heading the sys tems redesign and contin uous quality improvements within VA. Tolliver would host annual “poster fairs” illustrating the challenges or issues, and the process in which employees and ser vice lines would design an improvement or resolution to the process in question.
reports and helping train facility leaders for annual reviews by the Joint Com mission, VISN20 and Of fice of Inspector General audits. This training led her to complete her master’s degree in education, teach ing and learning, including instructional technology.
ing with Denise. “It was bittersweet when I was told that De nise was retiring. On one hand I was happy that she decided to pursue other life activities that would fulfill and make her happy. On the other hand, I knew immediately her retire ment was going to be a big loss for Spokane VAMC.”
married to the love of her life, Quincy Tolliver, USAF MSgt. (retired), and mov ing with him to Kadena Air Base in Japan. The couple were blessed with a son and daughter while sta tioned in Okinawa. Their travels would take them to England, before their final tour at nearby Fairchild AFB, just outside Spokane. Each stop along the way, Denise Tolliver was learn ing (and teaching) valuable computer skills and new electronic record-keeping systems. To many, Tolliv er has always been a qui et, confident and capable leader. In less than 10 years at the VA, she earned ex perience in more than six different analytical fields, VA’s top clinical priority –Patient Safety and Risk.
A strong advocate for personal and professional growth, Tolliver commit ted her talents and drive to all she served with the real benefactors being the veterans.“Denise had a broad set of skills. I knew that she worked with System Rede sign but did not understand how far that reached into the organizational struc ture,” explained VA Nurse Donna Vreeland, Chief,
Bret Bowers is a Pub lic Affairs Officer inMann-GrandstaffatVAMCSpokane.

Longtime VAMC employee retires after 36 years COURTESY OF VA DEPARTMENT Denise Tolliver receives retirement accolades from Sarah Boardman, of MannGrandstaff Medical Center.

Page 12 Friday, September 16, 2022 The Spokesman-Review
Quality, Safety and Value. “I joined Quality, Safety and Value just a year before Denise retired. She was considerate and looked out for the best interest of others. She understood the needs of the facility in the time of COVID and EHRM adoption and adjusted her work to support the facility accordingly. We’ll miss her and her expertise,” Vree landRonaldsaid. Johnson, now the director at Richmond VAMC, also enjoyed work
“Although she had many contributions over the years, and even though she made the Spokane VAMC a better health care sys tem overall, the one thing that I will remember most … is her smile. She always made my day brighter when she smiled.”