2 minute read

Dale Borchiver and Elizabeth Endres
Our fitness experts break down how to have fun and let go with five ultimate routine-building tips, while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle this Fourth of July!
Do you ever feel those post-vacation blues that require a few days to recover and regroup? While they are relaxing, holiday weekends can sometimes throw us off our routines and leave us feeling a bit unsettled upon return. Routines are obviously important; they help us carve out that “me” time and allow us to feel grounded no matter where we are. But striking a balance is also important; not every day needs to be rigid and scheduled. We value breaks that allow us to have fun and let go. If you’re having anxiety around the upcoming July 4th holiday weekend, here are some tips you can implement to find that middle ground of letting loose but also feeling your best.
1Consider your relationship with alcohol. Maybe nothing needs to change, but it’s okay (and totally normal) to check in with yourself and evaluate how it makes you feel.
“Hangxiety”—aka hangover anxiety that comes after a night of drinking—is very common and something we’ve both experienced. On holidays away, like the Fourth, there can be that pressure to drink in excess. If and when you drink, remember that it’s your decision and to never let others idea of what you should be doing dictate your actions!
2Start your day our favorite way—with movement. We’re all about rest days and rest weekends, but sometimes sneaking in a little exercise before you begin your day of R&R does the body and mind good. It can be whatever your body is asking for; for us, this usually looks like a 20–30 minute yoga or sculpt class. We have tons of options on the ORRO app (and they’re great for travel!). Even a light walk to grab a coffee is beneficial for your mind and body.
3Carve out some alone time. Holiday weekends can feel like a lot more socialization and itineraries than we’re used to (especially nowadays). There’s no shame in taking some time to yourself—do a quick meditation, listen to music, or read a book for as long or as little as you need.
4Make sure to keep hydrated. We’ll say this over and over again, but it’s so essential. The July heat, being out and about, or drinking alcohol will always require you to hydrate more. We also swear by this to optimize our digestion and skin!
5Let go of anxious thoughts. Weekends away are meant to be recharging. We’re so plugged in with work and weekly to-do lists, but this is the time to slow down your brain! Worrying about what you ate and how much work you have piling up will only take you out of the present moment.
We hope that by applying these tips, you’ll enter the weekend feeling a little more grounded, so you can enjoy the holiday and return to your life feeling new! T