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What’s your sign? Our in-house astrologist is sharing her predictions for your early summer escapades!
You can look forward to June beach days filled with all sorts of possibilities for career enhancement. Keep your CV dry in your swimsuit as you cartwheel in the dunes. Do pitch perfectly at cocktail bashes and fall only for the one who’s willing to climb the ladder up with you.
Now that Beyond burgers are replacing your own sweet curves, you’re free for fun. Jupiter in Pisces promises you a June of earthly delights that will see you building Gaudi-like sand castles on the beach and batting eyelashes at that hunky lifeguard you always imagined.
Twins, stroll the beach and find two shells. One is for your work, which accelerates as the months go on, but the other is for you getting seriously lovey-dovey as June is bustin’ out all over with Venus in Taurus. Dance at The Surf Lodge and it’ll come back to you in spades.
No more mulling over Johnny Depp’s probs; the new moon and solar eclipse in Gemini commands you to step off other people’s issues. You’re the most compassionate, but save that juice for a Solstice Day picnic, when all your sensitivity can pull together a major lovefest!
This month it’s okay to eliminate those fawning fans who don’t appreciate your generous spirit. It’s expansion time. Seek travel, but a share house might not be what you need this year. Leave the shores, but fear not, this is your year for marriage—symbolic or otherwise.
The good thing about being a virgin is…is there a good thing? This June, cast off that critical eye for pleasure and tranquility. Adopt a dog—his daily walks will get you out of the house, and he’ll teach you wonders about resting and nonjudgment. It’ll pay off in August.
Jupiter moves into Aries in June, so that means anything can happen. You may have to choose between two friends— unexpected romantic windfalls? Think Pete Davidson energy and pace yourself. After all, you love balance, so give yourself a chance to see and saw.
Hopefully you’ll be by the sea on June 10, when the new moon and solar eclipse turn you upside down with transformative possibilities. You won’t drown, though, as the next day Mars enters Leo and your social IQ jumps 20 points. Flirting will follow!
Never stop horsing around, Sag. With that great sense of humor and those travel legs, you’re likely to laugh with the fairies. But this month, it’s best to sit still in the sand at Coopers Beach and think about what you need. Hang with your family for more meaningful connections.
Sea goats, you’re known for all the strength you possess, and you will certainly need it as June pushes you out of your comfort zone. Thinking of a master’s program? This is a great time to go back to school as you continue to soar higher, as only you can.
While you’re listening to Billie Eilish, your own genius is cooking up ways to make June swing. Your ruler, Uranus, is big in your chart and that means energy expended—some of it quite kooky. Take June time to simmer down, recharge, and let your gray matter cool.
Fish gotta swim, and you can go in two directions. Which will it be? The year will bring challenges, but using your intuition will help you meet them head-on. June quiets down, so dig into that book you’ve been meaning to read. You of all the signs can go deep, so go.