would be for providing and demarcating spaces for urban agriculture along the inner urban and peri-urban spaces. The land itself would become productive as its occupants will act individually to produce food. - The vegetation in itself would appear ever new and exciting as it grows, gets harvested grows again – differently this time, gets harvested again. The frequency of growth also changes side by side with the amount of crop that is cultivated and also with seasonal shifts.
Figure 20: How to make a CPUL
- Establishing green links and the open continuous landscapes brings in the rural aspect of agricultural production and adds a new and important special quality to the city. It also brings with it socio economic and environmental qualities. - CPULs are to be planned such that more importance is given to pedestrians and engineless vehicles such as bicycles etc consequently there will be less traffic., This results in near absence of air pollution as the vegetation itself would purify the air through carbon sequestration. - Noise pollution is another factor that can be controlled and kept in check through CPULs. The interweaving of green scapes in between urban tissue brings with it the added bonus of noise barriers between the urban zones. - Distances, dimensions and basic aspect of human settlement which change dramatically upon the implementation of CPULs as compared to 34