Agrarian urbanism and Vertical Farming

Page 6

ABSTRACT As the world progresses through time, it has two main challenges to address – Population growth and environmental pollution because of inability to manage our wastes. The two issues are invariably interconnected on many levels. For the past 1000 years, humans have been associating farming only to- and restrict it to rural areas. But the greatest impact of population rise is the rise in the number of urban hungry and the increase in demand for agricultural land to grow food for them. Another major issue is in the question of waste management. Cities receive a large quantity of produce through ships, and trucks from farmlands and convert all this to waste that now reside in landfills and dump yards. Urban agriculture is an initiative to create a self-sustaining ecological cycle of food and waste in the urban environment by incorporating agriculture into the cityscape. The means to do this could vary from small scale initiatives like converting terrace spaces into farmlands, to cultivation on top of green roofs and green walls, converting unused urban pockets into productive landscapes, creating skyscrapers to produce crops on every floor through vertical farming and so on. The implementation of such a system could not only help enhance the economy of the country by providing a new sector for employment in urban areas, but also create widespread social change by altering the biased idea of ‗farming‘ in the minds of the urban consumer. Mark Boyle – ‗the moneyless man said, ―if we grew our own food, we wouldn‘t waste a third of it as we do today‖ This dissertation is a targeted study on continuous productive urban landscapes, urban agriculture and vertical farming, aiming to critically analyse its need, suggest solutions for its implementation and explore its feasibility through case studies from different parts of the world. 5

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natural light for photosynthesis

page 79

7. Conclusion

pages 80-81

Figure 54: overhead LED lights for crop growth

page 76

Figure 53: Hydroponic technology

page 75

Figure 52: Aerial view of steel factory to be converted to vertical farm

page 74

Figure 50: hydroponic cultivation and harvest

page 72

Figure 47: Plan and section of the edible schoolyard

page 69

Figure 48: Interior of the greenhouse

page 70

Figure 44: Floor plan of the eco tower

page 66

Figure 40: Readjusting the module according to site

page 63

Figure 37: Productive green facade

pages 59-60

Figure 36: Floor plans of Pasona office HQ in tokyo

page 58

Figure 35: Water conservation and reuse strategies

page 56

Knafo Klimor Architects

page 51

Figure 34: Climate control strategies during summer

page 55

Figure 32: South elevation of building

page 53

Figure 23: Dr. Doshi's organic farm

page 38

 Social

page 41

Figure 28: Crops cultivated inside buildings - "breathing highrises"

page 48

Figure 20: How to make a CPUL Figure 21: Vegetable fields along railway tracks between Elphinstone Road and

page 35

 CPULs explained

page 33

productive landscapes

page 34

Figure 15: City planning of Letchworth

page 29

Figure 17: The agrarian utopia of the Broadacre city - F.L.Wright

page 31

4. Urban agriculture: A revolution for a solution

page 21


page 6

Figure 11: "Victory gardens" during the WW1

page 24

4.2 Urban theories in relation to farming

page 25
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