Goddess Guru 8th Edition

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issue 08


Online Ezine

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Moon Goddess & Lunar Initiations Sex, Lies & Internet Dating Change or Divine Intervention Follow your Inner Guidance Psychic Ethics ce Spring into LOVE! n re d e f an A Hulas Harvest on nsl er e The Dark MOON s C ue tob W! s O de ast Qt Oc e N Equinox Balance d o o 1s in www.goddessguruezine.com


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Hosted by Goddess Association in Australia

(GAIA Inc.)

The Australian Goddess Conference is a celebration of Goddess and is open to all who wish to come and enjoy and take part in three days of ceremony, ritual, storytelling,sacred drama,teaching, music, dance, workshops, creative play, markets & festive feasting. The Australian Goddess Conference Provides a cauldren or cocoon; a safe and sacred place in which transformation can occur in ourselves, in our relationships with others and in our connection with community and the Earth.

GAIA Inc. Goddess Association In Australia

Presenters include ~ Aboriginal Elder ~ Bilawara Lee, Dr Patricia Rose & Philip Costigan, Jane Hardwicke Collings, Elizabeth Rose, Hollie B, Tess Elliot, Ganga & Anthony Ashworth, Anique Radiant Heart, Dr Glenys Livingstone and many more.

BOOK NOW @ www.goddessassociation.com.au

GODDESS Guru Ezine S’Roya Rose Publishing Editor, & Creatrix

Email: email@sroyarose.com © Skype ID: goddess-sroya


S’Roya The Editor


S’Roya Rose, She DeMontford, Mikailah Gooda, Stacey Demarco, Apple Blossom, Amber Rose, Elizabeth Vaccaro, Rayvanne Phelan, Kali Cox, ZaKaiRan, Bronwyn Fish, Michele Moreu, Jane Meredith, Roxanne, Esta Libero, Kerrie Friend, Lauren Clark, Rhianne Teija NewLahnd, Nicole Rowley, Ambrosia, Tracey jewel, Tina Georgitsis,

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This publication and its entire contents are protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the publisher. Publication of an article or advertisement does not constitute endorsement by the editor, publishers or any employees of Goddess Guru Ezine. While every care is taken to provide accurate information the publisher does not accept any responsibility for accuracy of any information here in. We encourage the highest possible standards of conscious ethical business and copyright practices.


Copyright S’Roya Rose 2011 rights reserved. Photography supplied by Shuterstock.com, istock. com, 123rf.com. Visionary Artists featured: Jo Jayson, and Rayvanne Phelan.


We welcome editorial submissions for articles, and artwork. We encourage all advertsing, event listings, notices, business directories and general classifieds. All editorial should be supplied in Word format by email as attachment to the editor S’Roya:


Articles size should be of 450-500 words or 800-1000 words in length. Include a short 20 word bio and pic of yourself 300dpi jpg. Editorial must be authentically your own work, please note any references made by other writers. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication.

Deadline for the Nov/December edition is 1st October 2012

Hello there lovely Gods & Goddesses, Spring is in the air and it feels exhilarating as we Birth the Guru in print at last.Yes, Goddess Guru is officially available Internationally in ‘PRINTED HARDCOPY’ !! Woo Hoo! Check her out @ http://www.magcloud.com where you can order back issue copies now. In this issue you will notice some major changes, as we have reduced in size from 72 pages to 52 pages. On MagCloud the cost of purchase will be only $12.60... as a result. Good news... we are also available in digital format for your iPads and iBooks for iPhones at only $2.95 (included when you purchase a Printed version) via MagCloud.com.Yay! We are still available FREE Online as usual via our official website @ www.goddessgurezine.com and my personal website also www.sroyarose.com so enjoy! Get ready as the 2012 Australian Goddess Conference gears up… Starting on the 19th – 21st October. If you haven’t registered yet, visit them online @ www.goddessassociation.com.au and register now. 2012 promises to be an amazing time as usual, thanks to GAIA’s committee organisers and guest presenters. Sorry, I am unable to attend this year as I have other commitments already booked for that weekend. We have a fantastic line up of inspirational articles to keep you engrossed, happily reading and occupied for hours. Spring is a time for emerging and renewal so sing, dance and be joyful as we begin the lead up to the festive season culminating at Christmas. What will the end of 2012 really bring for us all…? Stay tuned to find out! … So grab your favourite cuppa, pull up a Laptop & enjoy this issue... Many Blessings to you all on this Spring Equinox … S’Roya )O(

Contact us: E email@sroyarose.com F facebook.com/GoddessGuruEzine W www.goddessguruezine.com www.goddessguruezine.com



Meet our Guru’s

Contents Guru Features... 6 Moon Goddess & her Initiations, by S’Roya Rose 8 Intimacy & Relationship with Self - part 2, by ZakaiRan 12 Change Choice or Divine Intervention, by Kali Cox 14 Psychic Ethics, by She DeMontford 16 Follow your Inner Guidance, by Rhianne 18 How To Create SHE Space, by Tracey Jewel 20 Sprint into LOVE, by Nicole Rowley 22 Other Realms, by S’Roya Rose 24 Balance at the Equinox, by Jane Meredith 26 Mermaid’s Tail, by Michele Morseu 28 Sex Lies & Internet Dating, by Ambrosia 30 The Dark MOON, by Apple Blosom 32 A Hula’s Harvest, by Lauren Clark 35 Ancient Egyptian Crystals part 2, by Tina Georgsitis 36 Hodgepodge, by Bornwyn Fish 38 Hormone Heaven, by Christine McDonnell 40 Astrology & You, by Elizabeth Vaccaro 44 Image - Loss, by Kerrie Friend 46 Book Reviews - Editors Choice, by S’Roya 48 Guru’s Noticboard & Business Directory 51 Guru’s Advertising Rates

Guru Regulars Book Reviews, Hodgepodge, Other Realms, Astrology, Noticeboard & Directory, Advert Rates.




GODDESS Guru Ezine Empowering the Goddess in us all. Bringing things back into balance, restoring and rebirthing the Sacred Feminine. Guru’s of all pursuasions sharing their infinite wisdom for growth, nuturing & support, during times of great transformational change. Blessed Be the Goddess!


The spirit of the GODDESS leads the way for us all, grounding the Sacred Feminine and the Cosmic Lunar energies into a balanced holistic Earth Walk. GODDESS Guru e-zine helps assist in anchoring these Spiritual concepts into our everyday life! We understand that everything is connected through the greater web of all life. Everything we do, everything we say, affects everything else... therefore collectively we can make a difference.


GODDESS Guru e-zine is an open forum which provides comprehensive spiritual wisdom. Our regular columns, guest writers and special features will make the magazine a highly appealing spiritual resource, that will be kept and called upon time and time again.. The Sacred Rose placed inside the triple goddess symbolises the heart, soul and hidden mysteries of the rebirthed divine feminine. May her wisdom be forever in our hearts & minds as we journey into the unknown life ahead. www.goddessguruezine.com



Artwork by RachelHammond.com.au

S’Roya Rose

s s e d d o G n o o M na Initiations

& her Lu

Those who walk the path of the Goddess come to understand the Moon is part of her hidden cosmic mysteries. Get to know your Lunar nature!


n every day in many ways we are blessed by the light of the moon, where her radiant glow is ever present. Since time immortal she has been our silent guide, a gentle force that is constant in our lives. Since a little girl I was always drawn to her magical powers, and felt a kind of reverence, as I stood bathed in her soft moonlight. Whenever I could I’d go outside in the full moon and just look up at her in wonder. Little did I know that I was under the spell of the Moon Goddess. Held in her moon-beam arms, I felt safe and nurtured in a way that, at the time, I wasn’t really aware at first. Much later I came to understand how her silent power called and flowed through me, and all those who are drawn to her. She is the




Initiatrix of the Luna Goddess and as such bestows her Initiations on those who ask her. These are especially felt by women (mainly during their menstruations or moon-time at first) but they are also felt by some men. However, everyone on the planet is touched by her beauty and presence in some form, wether they are conscious of it or not. Such is the gentleness and sacred way of her radiant permeation; for there is a natural awakening that occurs deep within our coded DNA.

hidden within us. During the course of some of these activations she opens up our Third Eye, so we can experience the gifts of our innersight, that of far-sight and insight. She also activates our Luna cycles of which there are many.

Each cycle can take up to 7-9 years to fully complete before the next one begins its initiation. These initiations bring revelations as to our greater being broadening our understanding of self. We often experience a deepening of our emotions and a Discovering her activations is an heightened sensitivity within all of exciting time, as one becomes more our senses. It can be hard to explain, conscious of her power and begins the but these are natural occurrences’ journey into the deeper sides of self. that cannot be avoided on the journey For she awakens our subconscious to wholeness, it’s our birthright. to be experienced in many forms, and activates all that is dormant and


he exacts a powerful pull on our world, is earth’s only satellite, and reflects the light and energy of the sun. Her presence governs the tides and she influences many of our physical rhythms in the same way. Needless to say the moon has a great effect on us. Much of how we feel emotionally has to do with where the moon is in our life. For Luna Activation purposes we try to use her energy wisely. Certain times of the moon’s phases are better used for some ritual or ceremonies than others. A moon calendar is an essential tool when you begin to align with her energies and start to plan rituals. By consulting a moon calendar you will effectively bring her powerful wisdom into your life. New Moon This is a great time to begin things, for renewal and growth as the new moon’s energy is usually used for the start of something. This time is representative of the maiden phase of the triple goddess. Call upon her to help you at this time. Waxing Moon A waxing moon is generally when the moon is progressing toward full illumination. This can bring or attract something towards you. It’s a great time to cast a spell requiring the fulfilment of a request.

Waning Moon Is when the moon’s illumination has decreased after full moon, so her energy is being drawn inside and can be stored for later use. This is a good time to cast resolution spells or for something to be concluded or expelled. Full Moon This is when she is at the height of her strength and making magic is easier.Your psychic abilities are stronger. Dark Moon This phase is felt to be a time of caution by magic users - as the power of the moon is strong but internalised and unpredictable. I feel it is a great time for inner transformational spells as it helps to deal with the deeper psyche. Call upon the wisdom of the crone for casting spells, and be guided. Full Moon Meeting New People Spell The full moon is a great time to break routine, reach out and make new friends. Go somewhere you have not been before, say hello to a stranger, or look up a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Afterwards, burn a coloured candle and think about all the people in the world you never interact with. What can you do to meet more people?

Moonlight Magic The sun warm with a brilliant ray, but the moon enchants. Luna’s soft blue glow takes away the day’s glare and invites rest and relaxation. To invite that power into your home open your curtains and blinds on a full moon and let its glow bathe the room. Place a crystal bowl of water on a moonlit windowsill. The next day, you can move this moon-infused bowl to another room that does not get the moon’s blessing. Guiding Angel Cabbalists know how to evoke angels for specific purposes. Angelic lore helps you decide which one to ask, but the most obvious choices are Gabriel for comfort and emotional healing; Michael for intellectual pursuits and mental balance; and Raphael for warming and healing. Write down the name of the angel whose help you require. Underneath it write your request then burn a candle while whispering your prayer. Sleep with it under your pillow to dream of helpful clues. S’Roya is the editor & pubsher of Goddess Guru & Avalon Magazines, available for purchase online at http:// www.magcloud.com/user/sroyarose She holds regular full moon ritual meditiation nights on Mount Tamborine, runs Goddess Circles and is a available for Readings. Call her on 07 55450838 www.goddessguruezine.com




f l e S h t i w p i h s n o i t a l e R & y c ima

Int 8


Part 2



r e d n e r r u S er d en rr Su


he key to everything is surrender. The key to your enlightenment, ascension, connection to earth, connection to the cosmic, ETs, Angels, Devas, Ascended Masters, the Hierarchy of Light/Love Beings‌ is surrender. The key these realizations and connections is surrender to intimacy, surrender to the intimacy, the oneness that exists within you and between you. To develop a relationship with anything, you must become intimate with it, you must surrender your resistance to the oneness that already exists. In relationship, the beauty of intimacy and key to intimacy with a partner is surrender, finally letting your guard down, finally letting go of your addiction to separation, to conflict, to resistance, to attraction... This seems like a dangerous thing to do because you have been hurt before, and it seems like a dangerous place to go because of what is hidden there. Intimacy is the real initiation of life and ascension; it beings up all of your hidden repressed wounds, this is the nature of all conflicts in relationship, because intimacy exposes all of your denials, all your lies, to self, to others, to God. All the places we do not love and do not want to reveal; all the aspects of self that do not feel loved or feel they do not deserve to be loved. What is revealed is growth, change; self-realization is evoked, this is the gift of relationship. And ultimately what is revealed behind all of this is our magnificence, the unchanging essence of our beingness. There is something to be said about being alone and not pursuing intimate relationship with others so that you can be solely with yourself, which gives you time to know who you are, to know your rhythms and biases, to connect with your Soul, God/dess Presence. But this introspection can be used to deny as well. Alone in a cave, it can be easier to hide from certain aspects of self that would only be evoked in relationship with others. It is also often easier for others to see your lost bits than yourself, because of our tricky self-generated denial mechanisms. It is often more difficult to hide from

Surrender! another master. Intimate relationship radically reveals all the denials, guards, fences, walls, mortar placements, and booby traps in your consciousness. Relationship brings up your relationship to relationship. Relationship with one person brings up relationship with all people, with All That Is. Relationship with another person also brings up your relationship with self, and who is self. Connection and interaction with another person demands that you find out who’s who in the zoo. You are required to be who you truly are and be truthful with yourself about your needs and desires to have a peaceful relationship. You are forced to confront those aspects of yourself that do not operate from unconditional love but feel the need to manipulate, control and take energy and love to not feel pain and suffering of their wounds of separation. In respect of yourself, as you release all that you are not, and reveal and heal those aspects that feel unloved and unworthy, as you function and act within intimate relationships, you then realize what you desire to manifest in your life, and what you deserve as a force of divine creation, as part of God/Goddess All That Is. You now require this in your life, as a statement to the universe, to the manifesting forces, to your soul‌You do not project this desire on to anyone specific although, this is denial and conditional, your desires become unconditional, or universal, or a knowing of what and who you are now, and as a divine force of creation you deserve divine prosperity, the nature order of life and creation, the natural state and desire of your Soul/God Presence/All That Is. To be in truth and function wholistically as a co-creative relationship, both people require themselves to know what their true needs and desires are from their Spirits, from their essences of Love, and release all conditional needs that are not real, that have been adopted from their wounds of separation, genetics, past lives and learned from societal programming. www.goddessguruezine.com



.. t. n o c lf e S h it w ip h s n o ti la e R & y c a m ti In Part 2 Surrender Being in each other’s presence for extended periods of time, especially if having sex, creates higher levels of intimacy, even without much talking or exploration or emotional revelation. Just being in the presence of others creates more intimacy. Your auric, etheric, ka/ astral body, emotional, mental… bodies are blending; your psychic energies are interacting, communicating, blending, and connecting. Your chakras are spinning and melding together, especially from face to face intimacy, love making, hugging… Psychic cords develop, some positive (unconditionally loving), inter-dependent; some negative (conditionally “loving”), co-dependent. These ones need to be continually released and the core of their emanation must be released and healed. (Utilize the assistance of the Cosmic White Fire to melt them, and/or Archangel Michael’s assistance to cut them, or gently pull them out and send them back and retrieve yours). Intimacy is nothing other than having your heart open in every moment (or as often as possible). If it closes down for any reason, there is a pattern, fear or agreement that causes you to close it down, so time to get to work and release any limitation, pattern or wound associated with this situation and be open again. Living a co-creative unconditional life of truth and love, means your heart is always open, there is no reason to ever close it down. There is danger on planet earth, and people do try to take and attack, but you are the creator of your reality and everything you manifest in you life is for your growth and awakening to your magnificence, to show you where you are limiting yourself, to show you where you hidden wounds lie to be able to heal them. You do not need to protect your heart from breaking because it is already in pieces spread all over the cosmos. Recollect and heal your lost pieces and realize your heart encompasses the entire universe of All That Is.

Love is Fickle Until beings heal all of their masculine and feminine wounds and realize they are love and don’t need to get love to become fulfilled, they will continue pursuing 10



relationship. On an evolutionary level, from the perspective of further embodiment of divinity and realization of self worth, beings who are progressing through the initiations of life and who are continually opening to greater and greater intimacy, will always be drawn to relationships where this high level of intimacy and truth is available; to beings where it is embodied, real, grounded and active. Beings who are open and surrendered to their divinity, where intimacy is their greatest passion and natural way of being, where denial does not exist (or at least to lesser and lesser degrees). If love is not allowed to flow, to be expressed and allowed; if you cut yourself off from its channeling, or if your partner cuts themselves and yourself off; if the love supply is cut, a higher vibratory source will come along quickly to fill the gap and help you move on to your next step, because balance must be maintained and evolution is the natural way of creation. If you are still open, yet your partner is not, love will come along from another source, someone who is ready for love to flow freely in their life. They will come along to snag up the channel, which is you, and will channel it to you. We will always go where the love is, if we’re smart. We will go to where the love is like a cat that is being neglected, a cat will leave a home that is absent of love and seek a more wholistic environment without looking back for a second. Can you be this fickle, this truthful and “selfish”, manifesting and acting on what you need and deserve for your next step in your evolution to love and intimacy? Can you be surrendered and open to greater and greater intimacy in your relationships, without running from your wounds, without using others to fill your gaps, but just following your spirit and going where your next evolutionary step lies? Be Divine Relationship! Be the Love you are now! ZaKaiRan www.zakairan.com



10 11

r o e c i o h C . . . e g n a h C ! n o i t n e v r e t n I e n i Div Kali Cox

es m o c g n i n n i g e “Every new b r beginning’s end!” from some othe


mean really, what person in their right mind would base jump from a cliff without a parachute and hope to break the fall with a wading pool, a snorkle and a high grade quality dolphin print plastic inflatable ring around their waist? Change is fluid so that we can adapt, and yet containing it within a 100 litre water boundary would make even the fearless a little resistant. Oh this blasphemous Change word! It leaves us all blindsided in the midst of it’s wake. Is it our ascension or just our innate ability to avoid things, hoping that if we dig to China with our heads and with our hands tied behind our backs in a loosely fashionable knot for long enough, it might all just go away? We KNOW we need it, so why do we simply just settle in life, be it good or not so good, and ask is this all there is? We grumble about how awful our lives are at times, and about how we wish things were different and how unfair it all is.




Yet would we actively throw down the gauntlet to fear and take change by the horns and ride it to greatness? Why do we put up with the miserable stuff and create a thousand reasons why we can’t instead of working towards why we CAN? Don’t we deserve happiness? Perhaps we are just that afraid of it all falling to pieces, this delicate crumbling facade of framework that we have erected around ourselves as our lives, that we don’t dare move in case it all collapses around u? Yet isn’t that a kind of beautiful paradox that out of ruin comes transformation. We breathe through the pain, and we adapt and emerge, transformed because it too shall pass. Something amazing may lie within the box with the pretty red bow, but will you open it, and if you don’t, how will you ever know? The idea remains as exactly that - an idea, because the thought of acting on it is so knee tremblingly scary even more so than the armour plated immortal spider on the toilet door! The same principal applies to the fear of change. Franklin D. Roosevelt once said; “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself ”. The power resides within you to choose to forcibly remove the spider therefore forcibly removing the fear. Some folk adapt to change like transient Gypsies, the excitement and the adventure of new places and faces, not settling long enough to become the stagnant water in the ruts of life continually irritated by the mosquitoes that hover around it. For those a little more resistant, the Universe has a less than pleasant way of removing us from situations that no longer serve our highest good, particularly when

we refuse to do it for ourselves. Without that Universal butt kicking I would not have chosen to change the way things were for me. I would have continued accepting behaviours that were not worthy of me out of sentimentality and not living in my truth, in my authenticity. Perhaps we don our best suits of armour and go bravley where no man ever willingly goes - into the land of positive change to grow and to better our lives, but where in the fine print of the terms and conditions does it say you can go back if it’s not entirely what you expected? I suppose the beauty of choice for change is that you get the bonus accessory of the magic wand to return home if it all starts turning into a field of pumpkins. You know, just because brussel sprouts make you gag, at least you tried them! So, what if the change is made for you? Does it become divine intervention, decided in the bigger universal scheme of things? Dragging you kicking and screaming, out from beneath your comfy crocheted rug and catapulting you into the eye of the tempest without any consideration at all for your feelings! Oh! It makes you question the very air you breathe, the purpose of life and all you thought you knew about it, even your faith. Do you become a permenant victim of circumstance, losing hope and motivation in the white noise of hope so’s and what if’s or an advocate for education, an inspiration for your life and source of strength for others? Once upon a time, the Universe gave me a box wrapped in the hues of a rainbow and tied with a purple

ribbon – and it wasn’t even my birthday! I was afraid to open it because of where it might take me, and I don’t do things just jumping out at me without lots of yelling but I took a deep breath and a big leap of faith and untied the ribbon. And now I know. Inside was the most amazing gift. Soft as silk and as warm as the sun, radiant with light. It’s magic carried me to places I never thought I would go, took me on a journey that opened my mind and my heart wider than ever before. Showed me greater depths of love and gratitude than I could ever express in words. Took everything I knew to be familiar and completely turned it on it’s head in the most wonderful life change that I never expected, like I never could have imagined. Each day I count my blessings that my faith in this unique gift has been rewarded so many times over and one gift that I entrust myself to remain true to for always, even in the darker times, for it’s strength is my strength. My happiness. My Home. Act on tiny ripples of change and watch how quickly they grow, see how your faith is rewarded and how full your heart can become. It’s scary. It’s exhilarating. Enjoy the ride!

Kali Cox is Domestic Goddess,

an empath, busy working Mum of 2, aspiring collator of the written word, and full-time Solitary Witch. She has appeared on local Brisbane radio, creatrix of and moderates the ‘Witches Of White Magic Unite’ Group Fan Page on Facebook.



12 13

s c i h t E c i h c y s P W

ithout ethics no profession can stand the test of time. Because of the selfless desire to help others that is the norm in this industry, psychics have been self regulating for the last 50 years. With the huge upsurge in the number of professional psychics making themselves available and the relative newness of many, it is good to state that we in the industry have a level of professional ethics that we expect to be upheld.

The above ethics are imperative. Gaining a position of trust is hared earned, once lost it can never be restored. Therefore, this profession needs to maintain the moral high ground. Unfortunately there are a few charlatans, unethical psychics and frauds. Their bad reputation can drag us all down and the result can be cataclysmic. If you are in doubt please contact us through “The Ethical Society of Psychics,” who will be able to recommend reputable practitioners.

The ethics that a professional psychic must follow are similar to those practiced by medical doctors but with more empathy. In order for a psychic to be effective they must be able to be trusted. They will gain a good reputation if they maintain high ethics.

Plato’s warning - The Moral of Atlantis One of the earliest tales of the consequences of a gifted society that removes its social constructs is Plato’s (428348 BC) tale of Atlantis, in his works “Timaeus” and “Critias.” It is the tale of the advanced, some say psychic, civilization that abandoned its ethics and values, resulting in its destroying itself. The theme of this story is repeated in each culture in many different forms. It is a fable warning about the consequences of not having clearly defined ethics.Yes, ethics can change but this legend warns that abandoning them all together results in a society not knowing who it is, and destroying itself.

* Client confidentiality. * Refusal to delve into a third party’s business. * Refusal to interfere in another’s decision-making process, or * Refusal to encroach on another’s free will. * Do no harm. 14



She D’montford

An old Pagan concept of honour, nobility, freedom and responsibility, that includes a sense of balance with nature and the karma of The Threefold Law of return, empathy, courtesy, chivalry, gentility, high ideals, promoting a spirit of equality based on common virtue and deprecating discrimination based on blood, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or wealth. This is a good philosophy for an empowered psychic to live their life by. As the troubadour practitioners of paratge were responsible for a great flowering of creativity in the 12th to 14th centuries so is the psychic industry today as we see disenchanted and lost souls refreshed by higher ideals A Great Psychic Has a Diminished Ego Slipping away from ideals of nobility results from hanging onto :- The need to control. The need to be approved, & The need to judge. Living With Nobility, Freedom and Responsibility Psychics, like any other specialized professional, deserve fair remuneration for their time. The financially disadvantaged psychic can’t help anyone, not even

themselves. Fiscal reward gives you freedom. The more freedom you have the more you can help others. There is no nobility in poverty. People who give their skills away usually end up making others feel obligated. This can be very manipulative. It is an inverted control and ego game. Beware the free readings; they often cost you far more in other ways. To truly live within the ethic of honour, nobility, freedom and responsibility, you need to go beyond ego and the internal dialogue. Intimacy and Tact Medical intuition is one of the most intimate things a person can do with another being. It is more intimate than sex.You can end up knowing more about a person than they do themselves and they will reveal things to you that they have never told another living soul. It is always best to read for a person when they are by him or herself. If they insist on a partner being there, be very diplomatic. So always be tactful when you express what you are reflecting. Skeptics often accuse tactful psychics of being obtuse. Legally and morally we have to be. Legally we are not allowed to scare our clients. We are not allowed to tell someone if we see death and obviously we are not allowed to threaten nor intimidate anyone. If our client has a delicate personal problem tell them in such a way that they end up actually saying it for themselves. They can accept it better that way. For instance you might say “I experience an irritation around the genital area for you.” “Oh yes,” the person may reply, “I have had a problem with herpes for a few years now.” Let them tell you, it is far less embarrassing for them that way. On The One I did a reading for a man with prostate issues. I asked his permission before I announce this on national T.V in front of 1,500,000 viewers. Always, always be as tactful as possible. Shé D’Montford is the Editor in Chief of “Magick: and now “ESP” magazines. ESP Magazine, available in all leading newsagencies and on line at http://www.magcloud.com/ browse/issue/420118 , is a unique magazine for the psychic community, Its writers, artists, editors, marketing managers, advertisers and production crew are all well respected members of the psychic community. Call +61(0)402 793 604 She is available for readings. www.goddessguruezine.com


14 15

FollowYour Inner Guidance As Silly As it Seems...

soul to the Goddess on the day I received the guidance to build the tent, was for purpose, community and a way I was in meditation, when the voice of the Goddess said, to express my many gifts and talents. That tent seemed “Put a ceremonial tent in the middle of your living room”. a silly way to get my request met, yet, it ended up being literally, “The umbrella” for a lifestyle and work that lasted As I was rather a novice at following the inner guidance of the Goddess at that time, I thought that sounded twenty years. That tent and I ended up traveling all across crazy! However, I purchased a ten by ten picnic canopy the United States teaching, performing and counseling. and assembled it in the living room in spite of my mind One day I was invited to bring it across the world for a conference in Jerusalem Israel! Then to other places in chattering something about having better things to do. the world. All from following that silly guidance. Then, I went into a creative whirlwind, taking weeks to sew appliqued Goddess fabric art and richly embroidered THE MAGICAL DOLL Indian Sari’s into sensual draperies. Placing a beautiful altar in the center, the simple canopy was transformed to sacred space. As silly as it seems, it became the focal It is now years later. I find my soul envisioning new point for incredible ceremonies and gatherings. It became relationships, creations, and connections. When I have the set for a one woman musical show that I wrote, made asked how to create this new adventure and vision, the answer I get, as silly as it seems, is to create a Wise Woman magnificent costumes and composed twelve songs for. The interesting thing was that, my real request from the Doll to share with others. Well, I have my writing, a wise THE CEREMONIAL TENT




woman game, fabric collage art, jewelry and all kinds of other things that I could do.I have a business to create for Goddess sakes! So why a doll? Well, the Goddess says that, this doll is going to emanate a particular energy, that is going to magnetize exactly what I want! My rational brain argues that there MUST be more important things to do to manifest what my long range visions are. But in my heart of hearts, I can feel it is true. The art for my Wise Woman Doll is on the table as I write this, and will soon be manifested and ready to share. She is speaking to me, and I know that, as that tent turned out to be a great sacred magical symbol and tool, so will this Doll, and all that is built around her. FOLLOWING YOUR SILLY IDEAS I wonder, are there things that you feel guided to do that seem silly or unimportant. A waste of time, a distraction? After all, does the world really need another book, or song, or work of art? Could taking a hike and walking a new trail really bring you face to face with a person who could change your life? Who made up such a silly word as silly? Where the heck did the word come from? To my utter amazement, this is the definition that I found.

judge as foolish? As feebleminded? In spite of your inner judge, do you get the feeling it is important for you to follow your guidance..and you simply have not had the time, or faith, to go for it? What is it, ask for a sign, or symbol, or actual description of this. Ask the Goddess how in the world this silly act can support your soul? Listen to her answer. Enter that wise hearted part of yourself, and hear. After all, what is guidance from “the” Goddess, but your own Goddess higher self speaking to you? Now, envision you doing or creating this. See the possible ripples that go out because of it, changing your world. As SILLY AS IT SEEMS, this might be your version of a tent in the living room, or a Wise Woman Doll. So if you find yourself criticizing, or telling yourself that what you are thinking or dreaming seems “silly, think again. This might be the very thing that will bring you the bliss, good fortune and happiness that you desire...

As silly as it seems We can manifest our dreams Plant a flower, paint a picture, Cast a spell, or make a tincture As silly as it seems, to take the time, To sew that sacred vest To pen a rhyme To call that friend, To Walk that mountain trail, To take a chance, when your afraid to fail

The word silly has over many centuries taken a fascinating journey through a range of evolving meanings. Silly did not originally refer to the absurd or ridiculous – in fact quite the opposite. The word derives from the old English word seely, meaning happy, blissful, lucky or blessed. From there it came to mean innocent, or deserving See the void that is the Mother, dive right in of compassion, only later mutating this sense of naive Cast judgement, fear and doubt childishness into a more critical, mocking term, signifying To the four winds ignorance, feeble-mindedness, lacking and foolish Take that step, to sacred dreams behavior - the meaning we know today. Do it now, In reading this definition, I come to see the magic of the AS SILLY AS IT SEEMS... goddess at work, at her loom, weaving the threads of my heart, showing me a way to my bliss and happiness, as she Rhianne Teija NewLahnd has done for years. I have done a lot of “silly” things. In fact, by the above original definition, I have actually been Internationally known with 25 years in the arts, ceremony, performance, community striving to be as “Silly” as possible. development and innovation to connect people to the Sacred FeminineWisdom and What about your “silly” ideas power within. www.rhiannenewlahnd.com Take a moment, right now. Is there something very silly, Lives in Sedona, Arizona. that you feel guided to create or do? Something that you www.goddessguruezine.com


16 17

e t a e r c o t How e c a p S She ! u o y r o f just

Tracey Jewel


s women we have to be so many things for so many people and all in one day! We need our own space at the end of the day to come “home to” Whether that’s a diva den, a she space, a hello haven or just our perfect place, here are 6 great ideas to choose from to create a “she space” style that suits you. Space 1. Creative Corner She-space style: A place for “working at home” tasks, writing, melting pot ideas, or just to think. How to: This can be a place of healthy clutter to inspire a productive workflow. Pictures, postcards and other items make colourful displays. Baskets and jars holding shells, stones, beads or anything else to get your creative juice flowing. Desk drawers are a must to hide away the “paper”.




Space 2. Fabulous Food Finds She-space style: A kitchen designed for the enthused chef, weekend cupcake baker, and the domestic goddess that loves testing out the latest cookbooks. How to: Stop thinking of the kitchen as just a boring white space for preparing family meals. Add art on the walls, paint the cupboard doors and make every day items like glassware & kitchen tools inventive displays. Make the main ingredient to this space your personality which will also add flair to your cooking! Also ensure there are chairs for others to sit, not just the “chef ” so everyone is invited and comfortable in this space.

home. Create a day spa vibe with a clean colour palette and beautiful feminine accessories such as fragranced soaps, jars filled with bath salts, candles and fluffy towels all make a difference!

Space 3: Silent Sanctuary She-space style: A noise free space away from disruptions like the kids, TV, and the outside world. How to: Banish any items that you find distracting, not just sound items but visual distractions too. Surround yourself with things you love, such as favourite books, magazine stacks, fresh flowers and calm accessories. If it’s a large enough space you can even practise meditation or yoga. Make spending time in this space a daily ritual of calm.

Space 6: Nature Nook She-space style: A designated garden station for all those little jobs you’ve been putting off and a seat setting to just appreciate nature. How to: Wooden benches are great for potting, planning and pondering. Dress it up with cushions that can be removed for dirtier work. Brick ledges are also perfect seats & backyard work spots.

Space 4: Pampering Place She-space style: A spa-like setting for those little luxuries we can’t go without. How to: Sharing a bathroom can be like peak hour, and it’s no fun trying to paint your nails leaning on the toilet, so why not set up another area somewhere else in the

Space 5: Reading Refuge She-space style: A cosy chair with good lighting to relax and read. How to: Arrange your reading spot that allows natural light in for the day as well as being well-lit for the evening (such as a table or floor lamp). Snuggle it up with comfy cushions and a textured throw. A funky side table for your cuppa and extra reading materials completes the space. A “mummy’s reading don’t disturb” sign is highly recommended!

Want more she space? A FREE gift for Goddess Guru readers! Download your very own She Space DIY kit valued at $45 FREE here! (www.goddessinabottle.com) Tracey Jewel’s online Goddess Journey Program is an 8 step program to a mind body & soul transformation which covers all this and much more! Special Goddess Guru offer $149 valued at $497! Limited to 100 participants commencing 1st August 2012 Email: tracey_jewel@bigpond. com



18 19

o t n i g n i Spr

! e v o L Nicole Rowley


do hope you all have survived our glorious Winter, and are now looking forward to a happy and springy Spring. The colours are vibrant and grand, and love blossoms along side of them. Spring is the perfect time for love to come along, and for loved up couples, a fantastic opportunity to bring more love to your relationships. The aroma of flowers sending out sensational and passionate scents, swirling around in your senses, enhancing your hearts good feelings.

Winter has given us all a fantastic energy to deal with ourselves, our relationships, our careers. As in my last article in Winter’s issue, I wrote on how to clear our minds by a easy and quick visualisation. Once you have done this exercise, I will now help you to clear your souls and rid of any fragments that no longer serve you, or anyone else’s purpose.

* Please visualise your soul in your hands. Now please ask for any soul fragments that no longer serve you well, For this edition, I am going to help you with your love please be sent back to those that own it. Once done, then life.Yes, we all want one don’t we, and we all have please ask for your soul fragments that others hold, to someone out waiting there for us. It’s how you ask, how return them to you as they no longer serve them purpose. you manifest and how you invoke love into your life, that This will give you a sense of peace and being whole again brings a wonderful and uplifting love and life mate to you. in your soul my friends. Now you can trust that you are It’s how we word our intention and along with powerful healed and love can come your way. Please remember to and real feelings and gratitude, your Most Compatable do this if you feel any doubt, fear or distrust. Soulmate will come to you. It has happened to me and took only 1 week to blissfully enter my world. * You then will need to do a list of two sections. One for To begin you need to be healed and ready for such love. him and one for you. On the first list, please add what




Earth Magick Emporium

E V O L o t n i Spring you want in a man. This can be respecting you, loving you, caring for you, great sense of humor, you can add as much as you want. On your list, you must be able to give him back what you want from him. For example, if you want him to respect you, you must put on your list, that you will respect him back. The lists need to marry up for everything you add to them. Please now speak this to the Universe. * Then on a Full Moon or New Moon, or anytime really, please say to our Creator, “I am ready for love and have done the work on myself to receive love into my life. Please bring me my Most Compatible Soul mate now, thank you, it is done, it is done, it is done.” Now all you have to do is *trust that our Creator will bring him or her to you. Please know that it will be someone you never thought of. I was blown away when they brought me my partner, he is everything I put out for.You can do this for yourselves my pretty’s. I send you magical blessings and happiness with this spell that will bring you love. Please believe in the magic of love my friends.You too can have what so many others have. Trust, believe, have faith and it shall be yours. I wish you all so much love, happiness, abundance, magic, light, health, happiness, faith, trust, success and fulfillment for our gorgeous month of Spring. Nicole Rowley is a Psychic Medium/ Clairvoyant and Healer. Nicole has a genuine calling to help guide, heal and empower others. Contact Nicole via Facebook and Little Shop OfWicca page. goodwitchnicole@yahoo.com.au or call her on 0410 026 488.

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Shai - 0439 709 798 earthmagickemporium@hotmail.com

Tina Georgitsis

is a qualified Reiki, Seichim and Sekhem Master, and Tarot Reader & Councillor with the ATA. She uses various modalities within alternative medicine, Readings, Healings, sells Magickal items and conducts various metaphysical and occult workshops.


PO Box 117, Clarinda,Victoria, 3169

Nicole Rowley Psychic Medium/Clairvoyant and Healer. Nicole has a genuine calling to help guide, heal and empower others. Contact Nicole via Facebook and Little Shop OfWicca page. Email: goodwitchnicole@yahoo.com.au

Call 0410 026 488 SP

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Tracey Jewel’s Online Goddess Journey Program is an 8 step program to a mind, body & soul transformation, which covers all this & much more!

Special Goddess Guru Program Offer

$149 valued at $497 Limited to 100 participants, commencing 1st August 2012



20 21

Other Realms


S’Roya Rose

Khamsa (Hand of Fatima)

The Khamsa is known throughout the Mediterranean and Islamic world as a sign of good luck and fortune, that is spacifically used to ward of the ‘Evil Eye’ - a malicious stare believed to be able to cause illness, death, or just general unluckiness. This talisman became a part of Jewish tradition in North African and Middle Eastern Communities, where it took the name Hand of Fatima (daughter of Muhammad) and Miriam (sister to Mose). The khamsa holds recognition as a bearer of good fortune among Christians in the region as well, becoming known as the ‘Hand of Mary’. Sufi staffs or poles were seen topped with a khamsa. Often ornately designed and in amulet form, usually set with a stone or crystal in the center of the palm. It became a popular ‘good luck’ charm, it appears on necklaces, keychains, postcards, telephone and lottery cards, and even being seen in advertisements. More recently in decorative tilework, and ornate wall decorations.



Ixchel is known as a very powerful Medicine Woman of the Incas and as such is a potent Goddess to call upon when needing deep inner healing. Her transformative energy will work its magic bringing to the surface what ever needs to be healed, removed and transmuted. If you are a healer who does any kind of energy work, then this is your gal. Like Isis she is able to go into the underworld and retreive lost aspects of a persons soul, she is great for anyone suffering past life problems, posession or addiction type disorders. Working deep into the astral she can retreive visions and messages from past lives that have been triggered in this life and need to be cleared. Used in any kind ancestral wound healing she is a great dark goddess and can clear away those deep DNA generational gender wounds that women are needing to move on from in the 21st century. This kind of healing has the effect of evolving our species back into its cosmic star vibration and is very powerful indeed. Rising our consciousness is all part of her domain, awesome! 22



Magick for the modern Goddess Totem


The Lion is symbolic of the sun and of gold, while Egyptians used the lion as a symbol of power, wealth and bravery. Medieval alchemists associated Lion energy with sulfur. A Lion totem presents a lesson in dealing with groups and your role within those groups. It is a totem for avoiding confrontations and for stealth. Try the easy way to meet your goals; do not confront them head on. The Lion tells you to trust your feminine energies – that of creativity, intuition and imagination. But don’t be afraid to roar if threatened. Aligns with the Goddess Sekmet! The lion knows courage and how to get what she wants by keeping balance in his life. Because of the lion’s noble character, strength and pride, this lion totem represents the great power of self-control which leads to your own personal inner power.

Candles & their Magical Uses Candles are often used for magical spell work. Wether needing to help send someone healing or transmute negative energy, manifest love or better pay or career opportunities, candles can help with your desired outcome. Put newspaper down where you are working as candle dressing can be a bit messy. Candle preperation is important, and needn’t take very long. 1st Be clear as to the desired outcome or purpose of the candle magic. Writing it down will help you to clarify this. 2nd Choose your candle, cleanse it of any imperfections, use a damp cloth, removing any candle lumps or bumps. Now smudge it with the sage and lavender, I use incense if nothing else. 3rd Consecrate your candle by carving specific symbology that relates to what you are desiring on the lower part of the candle. ie: Dollar sign for money, Heart for love, OM for peace of mind ect. Place a pentegram on the bottom of the candle. Some people use Reiki, or runes or other universal symbols. I write/carve my desire on the candle with a tooth pick! Be specific. 4th Dress your candle. This can be messy so prepare your space. Annoint your candle in the corresponding essential oil blend. Be sure to lightly smear the whole candle except the wick. 5th Winding the candle. This is done with either string that will burn or specific ribbon colour. Focus on your desired outcome as you do this. Now your candle is ready to use for magic. Choose a corresponding day & moontime that will assist your outcome. www.goddessguruezine.com


22 23

x o n i u q E e h t t a e c n a l a B Jane Meredith


wice a year we are granted a moment of balance. I’m not talking about personal balance, but balance on the earth; a equality of day and night, and a balancing of the seasons. Twice a year, at the Spring Equinox and the Autumn (or Fall) Equinox we experience a day which has equal hours of light and dark. It is a day exactly halfway between the height of summer and the depth of winter. While the Southern hemisphere has the Spring Equinox, the Northern hemisphere is having the Autumn Equinox; and on the day of the 24



Autumn Equinox in the Southern hemisphere, it is the Spring Equinox in the Northern hemisphere. So not only are the equinoxes days of perfect balance between dark and light, and halfway between summer and winter, but since they occur simultaneously they also balance the opposites of spring and autumn earth-wide. Once we look beyond what is happening immediately around us – bunnies and eggs or autumn leaves and apples – we see this moment is not so much about its spring or autumn quality as about the concept of equinox. What does it mean for

the earth to be in balance, even if momentarily; and what might this mean in our own lives? The world as we know it is sadly out of balance. Some of us have every luxury known to humans – adequate food, clean water, safe housing and medical attention when needed for us and our families – while much of the world does not have this. Of course the inequalities go far deeper, with a child in the developed world consuming many many times more resources, through its life, than a child from the developing world. Similarly across the earth, some small

pockets have the luxury of being preserved in national parks, world heritage sites or as deep, inaccessible wilderness; but much of the earth’s land and resources are exploited in an unsustainable way, from strip mining, forest depletion and devastation, oceanic pollution, mono-culture farming and many other problems. Not to mention the human race’s impact on the ozone layer, the climate and species diversity. When we look at our own lives we may find that they, also, are sadly out of balance and in fact unsustainable. The output we require from ourselves in terms of workload, caring for others and managing a home/business/career/ family is usually far above what meagre input we give ourselves; times of peace and regeneration, creativity and relaxation activities. These two things – a world out of balance and individual lives out of balance – support each other in allowing us to remain unconscious about the consequences of living out of alignment. If we lived in a world where sustainability was valued we might balance our own lives differently.

The equinoxes occur on or close to September 21st or March 21st every year. To begin to find a balance in your life, set up an altar or a small table to represent your life. Divide it in half, down the middle and place a single candle on the dividing line. One half of your altar will represent all of the energy you give out, your activities and relationships and responsibilities. Choose some items, which can be ordinary household items as well as ritual or magical items, to place on this half of the altar to represent all these different things.You might have photos of your children and other family, symbols of your work, even a pile of household bills. Make this half of the altar as full as you feel that outward side of your life is.

On the other half, place some items to represent the activities that nurture you. This might include a fallen leaf from the local park where you walk, your gym pass and your special ritual jewellery. Consider how much time you spend on these activities that nurture you, and how it balances out with the other half of your altar. Perhaps you give yourself barely any time or energy for this The equinoxes are ideal moments inner nurturing – in that case, leave to begin to address such imbalance, the altar mainly empty on this side. because of the natural balance Perhaps you give yourself enough occurring all around. The step beyond to keep going, but only one-sixth or personal balance is to begin to seek seventh as much as your outgoing balance in the world. That might look energy – represent this with how like choosing to shop at local farmers’ full you make this side of your altar. markets, offering time or money Perhaps you are lucky enough to to a charity you support, becoming work at a job that nurtures you and active for a cause that matters to have plenty of time to explore your you or turning your backyard into a spirituality and creativity, as well as permaculture experiment. to have rewarding social activities Ideally begin this at, or approaching – your altar may appear completely either equinox. balanced.

Light the candle and spend some time contemplating your altar.You might ask the tides of the equinox to help bring more balance to your life, or you might spend some time chanting or meditating or journaling, beginning to claim a bit more time for yourself immediately.You may literally see things demanding your time or attention on the external side of the altar that are really unnecessary; see what the altar looks like if you remove them. Over the next couple of weeks continue working with this altar of balance. Notice the equinox all around you, in its temperatures and lengths of day and night and tap into that energy to support you as you seek to find greater balance in your own life. As you find ways to bring more balance into your life, represent this on your altar. You can also try it the other way – if there is a change towards balance you want to make in your life, arrange your altar as if this change had occurred and refer to it, visually and mentally, as many times through the day as possible. Allow the new layout of your altar to inspire, nudge and insist on your rebalancing! Jane Meredith is a Priestess of the Goddess, a writer, and workshop presenter. Her book Aphrodite’s Magic: Celebrate and HealYour Sexuality is in the form of a magical spell. She runs workshops internationally, & can be contacted via email at: jane@janemeredith. com and her schedule, website and blog can be found at: www. janemeredith.com www.goddessguruezine.com


24 25

Michelle Morseu

l i a T s ’ d i a m r Me T

he mermaid’s tail is the most significant element that she possesses it is what makes her whole wondrous presence, her! It is the individuality of this tail that connects her with the watery home in the ocean and waterways of the world. This is what holds the fascination and magical fantasy of my dreams... Her upper half is what reminds us of our own existence conjoining our land-based way of life. Having a goddess’s body something that is beautiful and feminine with the exemption of our everyday restraints. With no inhibitions of her physical body, bare-skinned as close to nature as only the mermaid can be!




These are some of the reasons that I came to purchase my first mermaid tail even though most family and friends thought my actions to be eccentric. It did not matter to me on how other viewed my decision as unconventional. All that mattered to me was in my eyes, I felt terrific that I had made this investment! I say investment because of the fact it honestly is one that is if you really have a love of the mermaids.You get a personal gratification because it gives you a boost of confidence in your femininity! Not just that you can take it further and become a professional mermaid for parties, conventions, anything really. Then you have a challenge of learning to swim in your mermaid tail! Once you have the fluid undulating movements down pat, you have to learn to hold your breath while doing all this. If you can make this and regular event, you will find it will become more natural movement. As time goes on you could increase the length of time under water in one breath... So why not buy or make your own tail? There are lots and lots of places you can purchase a mermaid tail depending on your budget and what sort of tail you are looking for. http://www.merfolktails.com/ is a USA company that sends around the world. (This is where I bought my first tail). http://aquatails.com/ http://www.mermagica.com/ http://www.pixytails.com/ http://www.the2tails.com/ http://www.mermaidshelly.com/#!shell-tail-labs http://www.mertailor.com/ https://www.oceanikamerfins.com/ this is an Australian Company manly children tails. Most are USA based and many sell fabric tails some sell neoprene or silicone moulded tails. The fabric tail are mostly at the cheaper end of the scale neoprene and silicone ones are more detailed and realistic. So basically you are looking at a couple of hundred dollars to a few thousands!!! You could be adventurous and try your hand at making your own. When you really consider the expenditure of the supplies and the amount of time that is required it

might not turn out the cheaper option. On the plus side you have knowledge that it will be a one-of-a-kind tail designed by you! (That is you don’t try copying someone else.) A good place to start researching on how to make a tail try logging on to Hannah Fraser’s website http:// www.hannahfraser.com/mermaid/ there she has tips on how she has made her stunning tails! There is also heaps tutorials on YouTube on how to make them. First step is to decide on what material to be used? There are a few options swim suit materials like Lycra, and Spandex can be used for a first tail making process. (Since that it is more cost saving than the other options.) Or if you are feeling more confident with the creative process the wet suit material, neoprene can be used. This may be a tad bit hard to find. Here are some places that I have found: http://www.linkron.com. au/ is in Australia. http://www.rockywoods.com/ Fabrics-Kits/3MM-Neoprene-fabrics and http://www. foamorder.com/neoprene.html are a few. Neoprene will give you a bit of buoyancy in the water. A silicone or rubber type material is another way to make your own, but you will have to have some experience in mould making for this.You could even combine the neoprene and silicone. This way of making a tail is on my to-do list. But in saying that I really am unsure if I had the confidence to try it. Next thing to consider is the inside of the bottom of your tail, by using a monofin or constructing your own. Just keep in mind if you do make you own it need to be strong but a bit flexible. (You do not want something that will break under stress of the water.) Again YouTube can be of assistance with making your own monofin. It is just a matter of having fun and using your creative talents and not to be too hard on yourself if things do not turn out as you would like. We are but land dwelling humans, and thus we are not perfect and personally, I think our tails should reflect this! Even the merfolk are not without imperfections. Once done all is left to do is enjoy swimming free in your new creation filled with your own mermaid magic!!!!



26 27

Sex, Lies g n i t a D t e n r e t & In Ambrosia


became single again about 2 years ago, for the first time since I was 15 and it’s been a weird experience, but so far mainly confusing. For starters, relationships can no longer be simply defined as married or single. There are so many variations in between that it takes a psychology degree to work out what’s going on.... Dating, Living together, De Facto, Open Relationships, Polyamory, Friends with Benefits... and let’s not even get started on the whole Straight, Gay, Bisexual and sliding variations in between thing! Somehow our society seems to have moved from the concept of marriage and partnership being the primary mating goal, to the concept of total independence as the highest form of evolved being. Sex and relationships have become fleeting things that we are supposed to be able to move in and out of at will, with a strongly developed enough ego and sense of self, not to be too deeply affected by the coming and goings of these connections. And the older you get, the harder it becomes. Everyone is out there wanting to make a connection, be loved. But no one wants to get hurt. And the older




you get, the worse it is. Broken marriages, baggage in abundance, pain, resentment and the wish to never, ever repeat what ended up hurting so badly last time seems to leave us so well covered in emotional armour that it’s really difficult to actually make a connection at all! I started off with the obvious, dating a work colleague I’d known and fancied for years. But I realised after two months that he was just too scarred from both his broken marriage, and the stressful job we both have as nurses, and had been self medicating with alcohol for far too long.... the silences became longer, and the non returned phone calls mounted up, and I finally admitted that this one was too broken to fix. After that I ventured into the world of online dating. And Oh boy, what an eye opener that was! I spent some time wandering through the murky wilderness of the internet, in chat rooms which reminded me of my nights on the town in my early 20’s...”No I don’t wanna meet up for some quick sex. And no, I’m also not gonna send you any nude photos. Oh that means I’m a lesbian does it? How original!”.

1 2 3 4 5 6

The more heavily organised dating site seemed to weed out the desperate for sex a bit more efficiently, but it There is a ratio of 2 to 1 women to men onlin e, esp reminded me rather of a kind of online shopping mall for on the dating sites with long questionnaires. Women people. What did I really want in a man? like talking far more than men do after all. Up until now, I’d never really thought about it...I mean, I’d fallen in love with someone I’d known for some time Sit down and work out your own checklist of “must as a friend, and then worked on finding a away to build have’s” and “won’t deal with”. (I keep cha nging mine, a relationship with this person...the whole concept of as the most interesting men I have met were totally actually choosing a person who could give me what I need outside of my normal comfort zone.) in a partner on all possible levels is a pretty heady idea... and bloody confusing too! Many guys are looking for casual sex. If you aren’t, I mean where do you start? Tall, dark and handsome avoid using words like “adventurous, open mind ed or sounds pretty good...lets add in brains, integrity, a curious” in your intro. It will reduce the num bers, but slightly twisted sense of humour so he can put up with some will always try anyway. Take it as a com pliment and mine....needs to love kid and dogs, since I have both.... move on. ummmm....oh, and of course needs to be solvent. I’m totally over supporting floundering would be artist/ Most of the online guys are either compute r techies muso/world saver boyfriends.... or business men who work in the city. “Real Men” So I filled out the pages upon pages of questions, and then rarely seem to find their way onto internet dati ng sites... sat back with barely contained excitement to see what the Cowboys don’t seem to do the whole social media thing honey, website would dig up for me. you’ll have to go outback to find them! The next day I opened up my mail and began leafing through my prospects with an ever growing sense of dismay: How in the world did this “psychologically designed profiling system” match me with a baker from Gundagai who likes quiet evenings with his mates watching the footy? (And of course with the obligatory good sense of humour.) I started talking anyway...and eventually even went on a few dates. Have I found Love? No, but I’ve learnt a lot more about men...and about myself. But what has really surprised me is that most guys make a real effort to connect. They ask questions about my life, my opinions, what makes me happy...and the anonymity of the internet seems to allow them to open up and actually talk about what they really feel in a way I haven’t encountered before. All up, I have learnt a lot about myself and about men and women in general. And I’ve decided if nothing else, it’s allowing me to re-visit my teenage years of finding out about the other sex at an age where I’m a bit more laid back about it all. And who knows...maybe all this research and writing will eventually grow into a book... I can see it now: Ambrosia Jones’ Number One bestseller: “Sex, Lies and Internet Dating”. The ultimate guide to relationships in the 21st century!

Guys also seem to sit at the computer with a clear check-list: starting of course with physical attri butes, no matter what they claim. Men are visual crea tures, and if you don’t fit their bill of what they physica lly desire, being upfront at least gets that out of the way.... If you can treat it as an adventure, not the big quest for Mr Perfect, you’ll have much more fun.

And the way life works, maybe I’ll end up finding my “True Love” on some outback cattle station when my car breaks down on the book tour, ...grins! Ambrosia is a perfumer, nurse and author who writes for magazines and her own blogs on everything from alternative healing to internet dating. You can find more of her writings and creations on her blogs: http://thebarefoothealer.blogspot. com.au (about Healing and Relationships) http://perfumebynature.blogspot.com.au (about natural perfumery) And of course her online perfumery http://www.perfumebynature.com.au www.goddessguruezine.com


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k r a D The N O O M

Apple Blossom

Dark Moon Bath Soak

From the Dark Moon Dear humans, I now silently retreat to my place of hibernation, pondering on the ancient ways, and the archives of my inner wisdom gained through yet another cycle passed. My body is now a crone, slowly and quietly fading into oblivion like a camouflaged hue melding in unison with the dark of night. For I have grown too old to illuminate the Earth and must rest now dear ones. The silence which beckons in waves of mystery now encapsulates my form, allowing me to hear the whispers of your voices which stream up like thick dense air from you humans below. This I ask my children, please do not forget me as I hide within my cocoon. It is only a temporary pause so that I may recuperate back into my full power. So remember, although I may not be visible in the night skies above, do not fear… for this I promise…I shall return. - The Dark Moon




You will need a pinch each of Black salt - dispels negativity Sea salt - cleansing Dried mugwort - divination Black peppercorns - banishing 1 x small black cloth - symbolic of the dark Moon 1 x black candle - to represent darkness and silence Mortar and pestle Matches


n a mortar and pestle grind the above ingredients until a fine powder like consistency forms. Cover the mortar with a black cloth to bring in the element of the dark Moon. Then use the matches to light the candle to remember that the return of the full and bulbous Moon will return, where she once more will illuminate us all as an opaque pearl of night. As each day passes, our precious Moon Goddess slowly grows larger and larger, brighter and brighter, until she is no longer able to fit in her dark shell anymore…and so her return is inevitable when she once again shines for all. Breathe… Pause… Exhale…

It’s time now to reflect while your herbal mixture sits in silence and deep solitude. What have you endured during the Moon cycle as it waxed to full, and then waned to dark? What pain have you felt or what happiness have you enjoyed? Make mental notes and continue to contemplate. When you are ready repeatedly chant the following words below, gradually getting louder and louder, faster and faster until you feel like you’re going to burst with energy. Allow each sound you speak to travel from your tongue and into your herbal mixture, empowering it with your power “As I hibernate

I recuperate As I hibernate I recuperate As I hibernate I recuperate”

Unveil your herbs by removing the black cloth, then snuff out the candle as an expression that your spell has now been cast. On the next dark Moon sprinkle some of this mixture into your bath and soak.

As you do, know that you are healing and re-energising your mind, body, and spirit…ready to pounce back into the world with your full individual power.

2012 Dark Moon Calender Jan 23rd Apr 21st July 19th Oct 15th

Feb 22nd May 21st Aug 18th Nov 14th

Mar 23rd Jun 20th Sep 16th Dec 13th

Apple Blossom is a natural psychic, medium, and witch. She writes for many new age magazines in Australia and internationally and is the author of three books. http://www.appleblossomscottage. com Photo taken by ‘Julz Photography’ 2011



30 31

Lauren Clark

t s e rv a H ’s la u H A ening of Pele The Spirit of Autumn In the Awak ula Dancer H an iti ah T d an n ia ai aw H e th h ug thro


n the worlds of leis flowers, palm leave skirts, fluid movements, and tropical springs, many tourists vacation every year to immerse in the nectar of paradise. Through many of the experiences, the island of Hawaii becomes a destination of peace and calmness, especially for those escaping the hectic life of the “industrialized” world. The eroticism of the hula dance is what often becomes appealing to the “foreign” eye, who enroll in classes in utilizing their time on the island. Yet, the mystery of the hula is none other than a praise, and immersion, with the Divine Feminine, igniting blessings for the manifestation of paradise. The rich and bountiful fruits of paradise are a metaphor for the imitation of the feminine to the waters, and delectable treasures that she has birthed.




Ancient history of the Hawaiian people are the traces and memories of the Goddess Pele, Hi’iaka, and Laka. The Goddess Pele was known as the “Volcano and Fire Goddess.” What remains of further interest relates to the manner on which fire (within this context) is not allocated to the realm of “destruction,” but of creation. Here, fire has become one of the creative forces, not an antagonism of them. Pele’s existence becomes an understanding of energy, and how one embodies that energy. Then there is Hi’iaka, the sister of Pele, considered the “patron” of this enticing dance. Lastly, there is the Goddess Laka, the protector of this ritual. Those granted the honor of becoming entranced in the hula dance, witness fast-paced rhythms, and the circular movement of the hips. How energetic the atmosphere becomes as such is exaggerated with the

wearing of palm leaf skirts. Attached are the leis flowers, symbolic of Earth’s production, while honoring the energetic forces of Pele. The energetic forces are at work. They are also the forces of creation. Though invisible to the naked eye, it is through these elements, where the agricultural crops are nurtured in preparation of fall’s harvest. How amazing that the female, hula dancer is able to mimic movements of the circle. The presence of fire in various hula dancing ceremonies is akin to the Goddess Pele, as again her being is synonymous to Creation. With the existence of men in the ceremonies, we become enamored to witness, again, the appreciation, celebration, and immersion with this particular feminine energy. Originally considered to be from Tahiti (the Polynesian people), the connection to the Earth, and her fruits are too, reverence to the feminine force of creation. What remains exceedingly beautiful is the offering of flowers granted to the Goddess Pele. Unlike many sacrificial forms, existent in the patriarchal era, the presenting of flowers required no sacrifice of any life form. Rather, this ceremonial gesture transforms outside the ideal of destruction being equated to honoring the Creator. The offering of flowers adheres to a form of reverence, showcasing to the Creator how one has preserved, nurtured, and cared for the life forms that have been produced. Thus, it is the sustaining and continuation of life which gives essence to the true meaning of the word, worship. Abundance. . .The performance of the hula dancer is connected to the theme of Fall. In various cultures, Autumn is the awakening of harvest, the collection of fruits that had been nourished in the Earth’s womb. What remains unique, and intriguing, of Hawaiian and Tahitian hula dancers are the celebration and showcase of the Fall season. The twirl and movement of the hips are in praise and mimic of the Circle, her energy and life-giving forces. Through her essence of fire, Pele is a representative of one of these creative forces. Fire has been reclaimed as one of such. No longer can we continue to associate it with manmade forest fires, food deprivation tactics in war, and other destructive tactics. Rather, through the fluid nature, and circular movements of the hula dancer, the element of fire has become a contributor in the harvest. The wearing

of flowers, headpieces, and other natural accessories are symbolic of the fruits and agriculture, which have become ripe. Though the hula dance originated in Tahiti, through the Polynesian people, the feminine spirit merged her way to Hawaii, embodying the ever-encompassing spirit of woman. Enchanting artistry encourages the connection of Tahitian and Hawaiian women to their divine nature. Their bodies imitate the fluid nature of Mother Nature. With long, black hair (and even short), enwrapping upon their bodies, the celebration (and immersion into) of the Dark Feminine has begun. It is almost as if she has come to partake in this dance, as she too begins to celebrate the reclamation of her beauty, by others who have been birthed from her existence. The beauty of the Autumn season is the reward that has been foreseen through our care of the Earth. We have planted her seeds, nourished her fruits, and now we can eat of her jewels. Our portrayal of the Hawaiian and Tahitian hula dancer shows the embodiment of all three. Through and through, she continues to display how the necessary processes allow for the blossoming. Speaking. . .The tropical atmosphere of Hawaii and Tahiti does not exclude them from the fragrance of Autumn. Rather, it is a display of its very essence. The women who preserve this perfume, re-embody her through their own cultural essence of woman. Pele’s volcanic and fiery presence has assisted in the nurturing of Autumn’s harvest. Her dancers have re-enacted her, and they have shown what she is capable of birthing, all the while praising their own femininity, and that of another. Like the harvest, Pele has re-emerged for our nourishment, and as a reminder for the spirit of Creation. So let the fire continue to illuminate us, as we transcend into the harvest of the hula. Lauren Clark completed her studies as a ComparativeWomen’s Studies major at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) in Spring 2009. Miss Clark’s concentrations included the following: African-descended, African, Asian, Latina, Indigenous, Native and European women in the areas of health, performing-visual arts, literature, sociology-anthropology, and religion. She is a freelance writer and activist for womens causes. www.goddessguruezine.com


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n a i t p y g E t n e i c n A . . . t n o c s l a t s y r C Stones & Tina Georgitsis

Orthoclase is a stone which provides contact with the Ancient Egyptian builders and can be used to initiate into the ancient methods and associated wisdom. Pearl is the stone of Isis. Pearl, like amber, jet, and mother of pearl, is the product of a living creature. Since the oyster must be killed to obtain the pearl, the use of pearls may carry a heavy debt. The Romans imported pearls from Egypt were they were worn to grant favours from Isis. The Ancient Egyptians believed they were connected with the moon, so they could only be worn at night for magic. Peridot was used in Ancient Egypt for healing and as jewels. It was considered the “gem of the sun”. Peridot was used to keep away evil spiritus and to develop its full strength as a talisman it had to be set in gold. Ancient Egyptian miners searched for Peridot crystals at night where they would mark the spot, then come back in the daylight to dig them up. Peridot was greatly prized by Ancient Egyptian Kings and some of Cleopatra’s emeralds were in fact Peridot. Quartz was used by the Ancient Egyptians for diagnostic healing, raising consciousness towards enlightened states, communications with spirits and those from other words. It was also used it for digestive disorders. Quartzite was used by the Ancient Egyptians for buildings, tombs, and monuments. The Ancient Egyptians called it ‘wonderful.’ Statues of kings were often carved of quartzite. It came in many colours and white, yellow, and red were symbols of the Sun. Roselite is used as a window access to the traditions of Ancient Egypt and can help translate the hieroglyphs. Serpentine was common in Egypt’s eastern desert and the Ancient Egyptians used it for small objects, magical stone posts, and amulets to ward off snakes and scorpions. Serpentine was common in Egypt’s eastern desert. Ancient Egyptians used serpentine for small objects, magical stone posts, and amulets to ward off snakes and scorpions.

Tigers Eye was found in Ancient Egyptian tombs and these stones were shaped into shields, amulets, and hearts. The Ancient Egyptians used tiger’s eye stone for amulets to transmit the power of Ra, the sun god, for it is said Tiger’s Eye contained the power of the sun and of the earth. Topaz is a projective stone and is the stone of the Ancient Egyptian sun god Ra. The colour of yellow topaz symbolized Ra, the god of the sun to the Ancient Egyptians. Topaz has been worn as an amulet to protect against evils, to strengthen intellect, and prevent bad dreams. It was also said if you wore topaz you would be invisible, beautiful, intelligent, and have a long life. All of these powers could come and go with the changes of the moon. It was believed that topaz worn as an amulet (mounted in gold and hung around the neck) could drive away sadness, strengthen the intellect and bestow courage. Topaz was believed in wine was used as a cure for asthma, insomnia, burns and haemorrhages. It was also claimed to calm angry tempers and prevent bad dreams. Tsavorite (Green Garnet) is used to contact Egyptian Gods who represent learning, prudence, wisdom and magic. Turquoise was the stone of Hathor and was worn as a powerful talisman against evil spells, and to promote good health, happiness and friendship. Turquoise stones were shaped into shields, amulets and hearts. The Ancient Egyptians considered it a symbol of prosperity. Ancient doctors exploited the stone’s medicinal potential by making it into a paste to treat ailments of the hip. They also mounted turquoise in silver to treat eyes suffering from cataracts. It was an important ornamental mineral for jewellery and bracelets worn by the Ancient Egyptians as it graced the necks of Egyptian Pharaohs. It has been found in tombs and the Ancient Egyptian miners had to go deep into the Arabian Desert to find turquoise.

Tina Georgitsis is a qualified Reiki, Seichim and Sekhem Master, and Tarot Reader & Councillor with the ATA. Available for Readings, Healings, Magickal items andWorkshops in various metaphysical and occult subjects. Email: tarotwithtina@yahoo.com.au www.goddessguruezine.com


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Bronwyn Fish is an Events manager & owns Soulessence. She runs regular courses & meditaions Her website: www.soulessence.com

Symbol: Infinity John Wallis (1616-1703) was the first mathematician to use the horizontal figure 8 symbol to represent time, numbers and space but long before him, in ancient India and Tibet, infinity represented perfection, dualism, and unity between male and female. In the tarot it is linked to magic and the ancient uroborus snake, twisted into eating its own tail is the symbol for endlessness. The number 8 represents infinity. In nature every 8th wave is bigger than the rest. Our sun follows a figure 8 across the sky, 8 hertz is the frequency of Earth’s vibration and the shape of our DNA. So are the secrets of our Universe locked up in this symbol?

Rune: Laguz (Lagu) Laguz is the rune sacred to the God of the Sea, Njord. It represents moving water, and being a feminine rune, it is concerned with the moon, the ebb and flow of the tides and symbolises our emotions, our deep fears, intuition, psychic abilities and the unconscious mind. When Laguz appears in a reading it can mean success in travel and emotional gains however it often signifies to follow your intuition, go with the flow and trust that you will be lead to a positive outcome. If the rune is reversed, it can represent stormy waters ahead, emotional turmoil, or trouble with a colleague, so try to remove yourself from the situation before it becomes too emotionally taxing. 36



Angel: Raguel Raguel is the angel of justice and harmony and his name means ‘Friend of God.’ His mission is to ensure that all the archangels are working together harmoniously and to hold them accountable for any assignments that they have been given. Raguel is often depicted holding a judge’s gavel, which represents his tireless work fighting injustice and empowering the underdog to keep fighting. Angel Raguel is a loving gentle angel that will never interfere with your free will. Call on him if you need help in resolving conflicts in your personal or business relationship, to bring order out of chaos or to simply create harmony in your life.

Crystal: Clear Quartz Clear Quartz was first found high in the frozen mountains of the Alps. It is known as the master healer as it is believed to contain pure life force. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. It stimulates the immune system, cleanses and enhances the organs of the physical and subtle bodies. It aids concentration, unlocks memory, amplifies wishes and positive visualizations, helps you focus during meditations and enhances psychic abilities. If you have only one healing crystal, make it clear quartz as this crystal contains all the colour spectrum so can align itself to all the chakras or substitute for any other crystal in a healing.

Artwork from Amy Zerner & Monte Fabers True Love Tarot

Tarot: Magician

Faerie Peris

The Magician is the card of making things happen, he takes responsibility for who he is and what he can do, he has absolute power over all circumstances because he believes in his potential. He is in control of his own thoughts and he knows that we are all born with the tools and resources within us to use at our whim to live a life with unlimited potential.

From Persian mythology, the Peris were believed to be the offspring of fallen angels, expelled from paradise for their refusal to join the angels of light in the struggle against evil. Originally thought to be the demons that caused floods and famines, they are actually a benign fairy, similar in appearance to the flower fairies depicted in Fantasia. They are beautiful miniatures of us, childlike and graceful with soft transparent gauzy wings. They live on the perfume and nectar of flowers and although according to the myth, stranded between Heaven and Hell, they spend their joyful days helping the nature devas.

If the Magician appears in your reading it is a very powerful, positive omen which can signify new beginnings, bigger and brighter career moves, finances on the increase, the return of good health and he reminds us that we all have the power to make a difference not just in our life but also in others. Reversed he will challenge us to recognise if we are using our power wisely or are we playing the role of victim.



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Christine McDonnell

Hormone Heaven!


e all want to feel young, healthy and sexy as we age, but is it really possible? The answer is YES – with the magic of correctlyprescribed, bioidentical hormones. My story begins about 7 years ago I started menopausal symptoms which were horrendous. Hot flashes every 5 mins, my thyroid stopped functioning and I put on 30 kg. I could stop eating and still I put on weight. I had no energy, no motivation, no libido. I felt like my life as I knew it was over.

Then I discovered Bioidentical hormones, and literally they turned everything around for me. I tried many different remedies but at the end of the day bioidentical hormones worked the best. When we look at the changes that take place in our bodies at mid life, if we are not able to balance our hormones we end up with other issues like insulin resistance, mature age diabetes, fatty livers, hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue. The end result is feeling constantly tired, confused thinking, weight-gain and more. Does any of this sound familiar? So what exactly are bioidentical hormones? They are hormones which have exactly the same chemical structure as the hormones your body produces. What this means is that the side effects are few. Bioidentical hormones are produced from wild yam or soy derivatives and are compounded by pharmacists in a dosage which is designed individually for you. They come in creams, gels, troches (sublingual they dissolve in your mouth), pessaries or pellets. 38



Bioidentical hormones shouldn’t be confused with Synthetic HRT (the most common form of medication prescribed by doctors to treat menopause symptoms). Synthetic HRT is commonly made from mixtures of urine from pregnant mares, known as conjugated equine estranges and progestin. Synthetic HRT does not have the same molecular structure as naturally occurring hormones. As a result Synthetic HRT, according to the FDA, has significant side effects for women e.g. blood clots, heart attacks, strokes and breast cancer. Here’s some information about the different hormones in your body, how their levels change as you age, and the impact of having too much or too little of each one.


The hormone that women become deficient in from 35 onwards is progesterone. Progesterone is made in the ovaries and adrenal glands. It protects the body against unopposed oestrogen or oestrogen dominance which you may have heard of. Oestrogen dominance is something you definitely want to avoid as you age. Excess oestrogen can increase your chances of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancers. Progesterone also helps prevent ovarian cysts, fibroids, heavy painful periods, fluid retention and infertility. It helps with anxiety, cholesterol, thyroid function, it improves adrenal function, and bone health. If you have a progesterone deficiency you may have low libido, mood swings, depression, fuzzy thinking, anxiety, headaches, painful lumpy or swollen breasts, weight gain, PMS, irregular menses and cramping


The Dangers of Excess Oestrogen

DHEA (dehydroepiandrostenedione) is a steroid hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands. It is a precursor hormone for all the other hormones in our body. That means it’s the raw material that all other hormones are made from. It is protective and assists with autoimmune diseases, is very good for reducing fatigue, and helps protect against heart disease by lowering cholesterol. It also enhances libido and helps relieve menopausal symptoms.

Other causes of oestrogen dominance are:

Although testosterone is best known as the main male hormone, it is also essential for women. It enhances your libido, helps relieve menopausal symptoms, helps restore your energy and alleviates fatigue. It also strengthens bone and muscles, and elevates your mood. It helps with memory problems, vaginal dryness, thinning skin, incontinence, heart palpitations and gets you motivated again.


There are 3 main types of Oestrogen: E1 oestrone, E2 oestradiol and E3 oestriol. E1 is the main oestrogen produced postmenopausally. High levels of E1 can stimulate breast and uterine tissue and create cancer. E1 postmenopausally is made in fat cells so the more fat you have the more E1 you make. Alcohol consumption on a regular basis decreases ovarian hormone levels and increases levels of E1, so consequently it tends to increase breast cancer. E2 is the most potent oestrogen. It is mainly produced in the ovaries and it is the main oestrogen produced before menopause. It decreases fatigue, decreases cholesterol, increases serotonin, improves bone density, helps memory, and helps heart health by decreasing platelet stickiness. Levels of E2 decrease significantly at menopause. E3 oestriol is the least potent of the oestrogens. There is some evidence it is protective. It acts by decreasing cell growth, and helps prevent breast cancer. It also helps with menopausal hot flushes and vaginal dryness.

In my experience, most women have way too much oestrogen. Oestrogen dominance is a major cause of cancers in women. So I prefer not to prescribe bioidentical Oestrogen unless I really must. I’ll sometimes prescribe small amounts for a short period if I can’t alleviate problems with progesterone, DHEA and testosterone. Unfortunately, compounds similar to oestrogen appear in many of the toxins that surround us every day. These are called “Xeno-oestrogens”, and are quite toxic to the body. They come from such things as plastics, pesticides, paints, and reheating food in microwaves in plastic containers.

Diet high in dairy and meats that are not hormone free. Lack of exercise. Too much alcohol. Taking too much prescribed oestrogen if you are on synthetic HRT. How can Bioidentical Hormones Help you? Before taking bioidentical hormones, your current hormone levels need to be assessed.You then get an individualised prescription to suit your needs. The first step is to test blood serum levels of all the hormones. This will tell you if you are a candidate for bioidentical hormones. If an answer is yes, a script can be made which can include Progesterone, DHEA, Testosterone and, if needed, some Oestrogen. All this comes in a cream or a troche which you can take daily. So if you want to feel younger, healthier and sexier bioidentical hormones could work for you as well as they did for me. Christine McDonnell is an intuitive Herbalist/Homeopath, mid life coach, educator and presenter. She has been using bio identical hormones on women and men for the past 8 years. Her website www.feelyounghealthysexy.com is still underconstruction but you can contact her facebook link http://www.facebook.com/ pages/Grow-Younger-with-Bio-identicalHormones/404006572966462 or feelyounghealthysexy@gmail.com



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y g o l o u r o t s Y A &

Moon Goddess

As the Moon revolves around our planet, she plays her song as she passes through each of the Zodiac signs. Within this ensemble, she spins, revealing her beauty in her shadows …and light. As Goddesses of the Moon, when we listen to her tune and attentively watch her light-dances, we can melodically turn with ease within our intuition. Our intuition keeps our spirits in check from egotism. Afterall, when our Godly Sun has a beautiful Goddess to twirl, his focus is balanced onto another; the feminine. He can no longer remain focused on himself, as he loves her. So he continues to guide her twirls. The Moon Goddess accepts his masculine presence, and she twirls gracefully, smiling. Although she would never tell… she has a secret wish. The graceful Goddess desires that her masculine dance-partner continues to love her until the end of time. Actually, she has one more wish… that time will neverever end! As creatures made of both feminine and masculine, if we follow the guidance of our feminine Goddess when she is in each of our masculine Sun signs, we may find balance. Revolution #1 Full Moon - September 1st We begin September with optimal creativity Nurturing our earthly knack for specificity… Sun Sign: Pisces September 1 – 2 Luck in love. With this fulfilled, it’s a great time to nurture your hopes of wealth by attending to the finer details. Conservation is the key. Sun Sign: Aries September 2 – 5 Luck with abundance; a new inspiration may bring you more wealth. There may also be personal struggles within your deepest nature; identify these as your own inner battles to avoid projecting this discomfort onto others. Sun Sign: Taurus September 5 – 7 Harmony within dreams, inner-self, and communication are available to you at this time.You will also be received very well by others if you channel a matter you feel strongly about in a considerate way. 40



Last Moon Quarter - September 9th A time to refine the details of experiential wishes Within the manifest realm

Sun Sign: Gemini September 7 – 10 There are sparks in matters of the heart, you’re having fun finding new inspiration, and you’re placing no limitations on yourself. If you’re crossed with any social opposition, just let it go.You may also have some difficulty seeing the light of reality, but it’s probably just those love sparks glaring your focus.. Sun Sign: Cancer September 10 – 12 Naturally in line with your instincts, you are able to trust your dreams and wishes. Try to bypass any reservations about being too different from what people expect of you.You have a lot of power working positively for you, so aim for your dreams. Accept no limitations! Sun Sign: Leo September 12 – 14 There is a heart matter you may feel uncertain about, however it is secure. This unusual rhythm is actually working well within your life right now. Through accepting this as a positive change, you may avoid an unnecessary disagreement. Previous limitations are now magically lifted revealing more freedom and nourishment. New Moon - September 16th Stirrings of inspiration begin… Within the imagination Sun Sign: Virgo September 14 – 16 With your instincts, passion, and limelight ignited you will be feeling powerful and happy.Your daydreams might not be clear just yet, maybe because you’re so busy attending activities and celebrations. Be wary of the sorts of excess this environment tends to attract. Sun Sign: Libra September 16 – 19 You’re feeling that spark igniting your love life at this time Librans! There will also be harmony in receiving abundance; a perfect sphere of bliss! These changes may bring some readjustments within your primordial depths. Take time nurturing these. Also, be careful not to overlook anything important that is contractual in nature.

Elizabeth Vaccaro

Sun Sign: Scorpio September 19 – 21 Your heart or loved ones may be challenged by something you feel very energised about. Recognise these passions as important, yet tread lightly around those who care for you. Listen to your instincts and dreams; they are trustworthy. First Moon Quarter - September 23rd Nurturing ideals and seeking balance Is the key. Sun Sign: Sagittarius September 21 – 23 Your spirits will be lifted as you develop a new fascinating interest.You feel energised as you release a limitation you once held.Your heart will also feel rested as harmony fills this sphere. Be wary of areas you feel are lacking; just apply a balance for now.

ElizabethVaccaro is a philospher of the natural world. Her new ebook ‘Enchanted Healing Philosophy’ can be found on her website @ www.elizabethvaccaro.com Sun Sign: Taurus October 2 – 4 Feeling comfortably strange, your primordial qualities are in their element which may challenge others as you relate to them in a new way. Allow time for your loved ones to get used to your new found depths, and everyone will feel the positivity. Sun Sign: Gemini October 4 – 7 You are aware that you are loving the limelight attention your unique gifts bring, you are aware that you are a bit peeved about lacking quiet time within your love life, yet you may be unaware that you actually have it all. Last Moon Quarter - October 8th Accept the abundance and luck Created by you

Sun Sign: Capricorn September 23 – 25 Within your inner world, you have peace and harmony. In contrast, on the outer you may find struggles.You allow more light into your life as you release a self-imposed boundary. Although you have felt this change, those around you may not be caught up and may take some time adjusting.

Sun Sign: Cancer October 7 – 9 It doesn’t get much better than this; limitations have been lifted, you’re getting creative, and there are sparks in your lovelife! Perhaps all this time spent staying in is why you’re feeling a bit low about your outer recognition… but this is a worthwhile compromise you’re happy to make.

Sun Sign: Aquarius September 25 – 27 There is a lot to be happy about! You feel energised by a new development, your interactions fill you with contentment, you feel lucky, and you have some good foundations in place. On the shadow side, you may experience a low-level conflict. But your life’s brightness will keep you in flight.

Sun Sign: Leo October 9 – 12 You’re a harmonious Leo this month, perfectly in touch with the lunar reflections to balance your shining Leo Sun. This harmony extends to your social life, wealth, power, and new inspiration. There is just one thing; there’s a small communication /restriction style interruption you will need to deal with at some stage.

Revolution #2 Sun Sign: Pisces September 27 – 29 Your instincts are switched on and you are dreaming clearly, so try to recall your night-dreams in a journal to make a bright discovery.You possibly won’t feel like sharing at this time, perhaps the reason might present itself in your discovery giving you more empowerment. Full Moon - September 30th Creativity flourishes Within partnerships therein Sun Sign: Aries September 29 – Oct 2 You will be feeling confident, with your career to keep you company. This may keep you socially isolated for a short while. Don’t let it get you down, as your craving for solitude will pass.

Sun Sign: Virgo October 12 – 14 It’s very important that you take time to see things clearly to bypass an unnecessary upset. This can be clarified by identifying a ‘blindspot’ in matters of the heart, exposing much love. Avoiding excess will benefit you greatly. Fundamentally, you are comfortable within your boots, finding pleasure in your freedom, and having a fine time chatting with loved ones. New Moon - October 15th A delicate fortuitous time In partnerships and pairs Continues on next page.... www.goddessguruezine.com


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y g o u l o o r t s Y A &


Sun Sign: Libra October 14 – 16 You are feeling strong, vitally healthy, and abundant.You are also graced with the warm rays of popularity, which may possibly go unnoticed, as you have grown accustomed to this! There is an unusual sensation arising from your primordial depths; this is simply a trait that you have outgrown and is passing.

you’ve been braving it up to make! Your heart may have something to do with this…

Sun Sign: Scorpio October 16 – 18 You are in your element at the moment. A lot of your good fortune you may take for granted, as you are accustomed to comfort within your depths, and languid visions that nurture your reality.Yet, you will also be happier on top of this! A very dreamy, nourishing time with lots of love shared.

Revolution #3 Sun Sign: Pisces October 24 – 27 Happiness surrounds you, but you need to keep your ego in check to avoid competition. There is a really good opportunity to make your foundations more secure; perhaps a promotion.

Sun Sign: Sagittarius October 18 – 20 You find strength by assertively directing a unique gift of yours, perhaps within your career, and achieve the recognition you hope for! Try to keep all your thoughts and projections of the future, based in the tangible reality. Applying a realistic scenario will keep your sensations of comfort secure.

Sun Sign: Aquarius October 22 – 24 You are perfectly in your element in this phase, assisting you to power through any restrictions or difficulties with technology. Your confidence and happiness levels remain optimistic.

Sun Sign: Aries October 27 – 29 You’re feeling pumped to boost your wealth. Stay in tune with your intrinsic rhythms. An equation you applied successfully previously possibly won’t work. Feel out for the right rhythm before you make your move. Full Moon - October 30th With high tides of emotion Move delicately, with love

First Moon Quarter - October 22nd Activities in partnerships Is beneficial and sweet Sun Sign: Capricorn October 20 – 22 This is your time to bring your Capricorn-esk suave and sophisticated confidence out to make that bold move

Sun Sign: Taurus October 29 – 31 Feeling quiet and reserved is where you’re at. Temporarily shying away from socialising and responsibilities, your soul wishes to momentarily cocoon…

S’Roya’s books available in Print online now! Reiki a Spiritual Pathway

RRP $$34.95 or $4.99 (iPad) In Search of SOUL RRP $25 or $3.99 (iPad) The Art of Meaningful Living RRP $25 or $3.99 (iPad)

By S’Roya Rose


Link: http://www.magcloud.com/user/sroyarose 42





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Kerrie Friend

loss g n i r e f f u s e r a who e s o h t l l a o t d nds” u o w e h t “Dedicate g n i l a till he s d n a d n i k e m of so


here are many different types of loss including loss of a job, loss of relationships, loss of a home, or the loss of loved ones amongst many others that occur during our lifetime. I’ve struggled with all forms of loss throughout my life and I’ve come to understand that when we lose something “eventually” our lives stabilize again if we persist and push past the pain of the loss we’ve encountered. Weeping should endure only for a season not a lifetime.






ven with the sadness of losing loved ones, in time we must move forward, because we’re still here and they would want us to continue to live. People cannot be replaced and coping with death can be devastating. Losing people hurts in a place in our heart that is never gotten over but should be lived and must be dealt with or it can kill an existing life. No one wants to go through it but it is a sad reality and something we must all come to terms with. It’s how we handle life occurrences that ultimately makes us or breaks us. It’s another form of change that we must adapt to or we’ll live our life in sorrow and the past. Those we lose would never want us to suffer and would encourage us to not waste one moment of our precious life. They would want us to live “life after death”, and make sure we live it with appreciation. The process of getting over loss isn’t easy but there are some things that can help our recovery. Always start with the heart, and cry, scream, be alone or do whatever you have to do until the pain begins to change. Then you can begin to love your memories and begin to the process of healing form the loss. It’s their memory or the memories of what you’ve lost that help you begin to live again.

My husband from the age of eighteen to twenty- eight lost what he calls a “special person” each year for ten years. These special people included his mother and father, three grandparents, and five friends. Emotionally he went from wanting to die to becoming one of the most positive people I have ever known in my life. How? He grew through his pain and moved on for them and for his life. I’m thankful he did otherwise we would never have met. He made the decision to live his life with as much happiness as he could because he saw at an early age how quickly life can disappear. He often reminds me when I’m missing someone special, or something I’ve lost of what his mother said to him only days before she died at forty-six, “I can never really be dead as long as my memory lives in your heart.” That thought reminds me of the obligation we have to those who have passed away to enjoy our life and remember happy times, their one of a kind smile, their life and to shed a tear for them when we need to but to also let our heart rejoice because we shared some of this exquisite life with them.

They wouldn’t want you to dwell on their loss for too long as they know you are still here and able to live and experience this beautiful life. There is a time to grieve but there is also a time to start living again. We must move on or we get stuck not living life and that’s not the best for us due to any situation.

Loss is the storm that flashes lightening across the sky and roars with thunder and for a moment we’re scared, but when it finally passes and the sun begins to shine again we appreciate the beauty it once watered. When we lose someone or something we love it’s important to appreciate deeply that we’ve been watered by “them” and continue our life with them living in our hearts to honour our image and theirs.

When loss happens, it’s sometimes very hard to comprehend, but it can also be a good wakeup call of us. God wants to heal our pain not hurt us and I’ve learned through loss I have a responsibility to choose to live. Those people or circumstances we have loved and lost leave their stamp of life upon us and instead of mourning forever we need to honour them by living our lives as completely and gratefully as possible.

Australian celebrity Kerrie Friend was co-host of hit TV shows Perfect Match andWheel of Fortune. Kerrie and her husband founded Heaven on Earth Media in 2002. She is also an ambassador and spokesperson for a number of societies and authored Image: 52Weeks to a NewYou.



44 45

Mythic Oracle

By Carisa Mellado and Ravynne Phelan

RRP: $34.95 www.blueangelonline.com In this visually stunning set of cards Carisa Mellado and Ravynne Phelan explore Greek Mythology and those stories that survived the ages. The pair believes these stories of mankind are a reflection of human nature and human cycles – and through them we come to a better understanding of ourselves. Whether it be love, career, creativity, family, spirituality or personal awareness – these cards are designed to guide you on a daily basis. And they are also designed to help you gain focus and fulfilment. The Mythic Oracle set includes a guidebook, which features a description of the myths, their divinatory interpretations and a range of card

Messenger Oracle

by Ravynne Phelan www.blueangelonline.com Ravynne Phelan has done it again, weaving her magical visionary artists brush, creating a truly spectacular oracle deck. The deck is filled with timeless ancient wisdom, each card portrays it’s own insight, this is cleverly married with a harmonious natural balance of artistic symbolism. Derived from the seasons and cycles of nature and how it affects us in our life, Ravynne has managed to trigger our soul’s knowing of this, sadly long forgotten in our modern world. The Messenger Oracle strengthens our ancient bond with nature and with spirit. I love how Ravynne has infused the cards with the magic of the Animal kingdom, the Fae, Elementals, Ancient Dragons, magical Gods and Goddesses, mystical teaching Trees with their wild Sacred Bird kin. The Messenger Oracle makes a perfect guide to help us connect with, understand and express our depper inner truths. 46



spreads. These allow you to give accurate readings to yourself and others. The cards are refreshing, beautifully illustrated and a joy to work with. ... Enjoy!

Enchanted Healing Philosophy

by Elizabeth Vaccaro www.elizabethvaccaro. com Enchanted Healing Philosphy is a delightful self improvement eBook, aimed at those needing to expand their spiritual awarenes of who they really are, why they are really here, and how to get the most out of their experience. Elizabeth takes complex spiritual concepts and puts them into simple easy to grasp language that any one can understand. Its a transformative book that takes its reader on a beautiful healing journey into the labrinth of self. Married with lyrical well written prose, every page feels like a walk in a fairy dusted forest. Sharing how to improve our individual consciousness and therefore advancing the collective, it is obvous that this book is all about evolvement. Elizabeth joins the ranks of those spiritual teachers helping to improve our quality of life, while looking after the planet where we live.

NEW e s a e Rel

Editors Choice

Universal Symbols

By Ken Dowling RRP: $17.99 www.kendowling.authorsxpress.com

“Universal Symbols are tools to inspire thought and conversations about the possibilities for the spiritual development of humanity,” explains author Ken Dowling, an idea that he further explains in his new book “Universal Symbols: Keys to Your Consciousness”. “The real power of the symbols exists inside each of us,” Ken says. “Spend time with this energy, and you could be forever changed for the better.” Universal Symbols, is a reflection of Ken Dowling’s experiences and discoveries during his spiritual journey, is designed to act as a reference guide and resource to help readers’ souls “find their way within the universe.”

The 2013 Lunar Dairy By Stacey Demarco RRP: $24.95 Rockpool Publishing

The 2013 Lunar & Seasonal Diary, written by Australia’s most trusted witch, Stacey Demarco, is a beautifully produced Lunar diary offering daily explanations of the moon and the impact it has on humans, with practical magical magical suggestions to get the most out of the energies of the season. Educating the reader on everything from planting a garden, increasing your wealth, improving your relationship to conceiving a child, this diary includes: seasonal spell casting and timings, original spells for specific moon phases; Goddess of the Month and ways you can use this Goddess for a better month and year; Witch Holidays and the Wheel of the Year information; Moon Resources and important Southern Hemisphere dates; Moon Phase Information for 2013 including a summary page with all full and new moons for easy reference.

The energy of the symbols is the primary focus of the book and its intention. “These symbols are unique keys, current and powerful in clearing negativity and fear and creating the flow of positive, loving energy in our lives. Spirituality is meant to be fun, easy, simple, honest, loving and shared openly.”

The Art of Meaningful Living By S’Roya Rose RRP: $25 www.magcloud.com Our illustrious editor S’Roya has done it again, with another profound yet practical self empowerment book full of amazing every day wisdom. The Art of Meaningful Living takes you on a journey into the deeper side of life. S’Roya’s coaching gently helps you explore your mindset, emotions and attitudes, what has shaped your life thus far, while encouraging you to forge new ways of conscious living. It’s philosophical spiritual wisdom has a timeless beauty, that if adopted will assist you in some of the darker hours of confusion and feelings of self abandonment. The Art of Meaningful Living offers invaluable tips, ranging from self acceptance to creating more wealth, improving your relationships to manifesting what you want, magnifying your personal power helping to remove any obstacles and fears that seem to be holding your life back and much, much more. www.goddessguruezine.com


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