Goddess Guru 2nd Edition

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o d d e s s

Elemental Magic: EARTH Goddess Consciousness HooDoo You Love? Sounds of the Cosmos Revamping the Run-Way DIVA Vision Quest, A Magical Journey ReClaiming the Sacred Feminine Arts

issue 02

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Join S’Roya on her Avalon Saced Site Tour!

S’Roya’s 2012

Goddess Tour Book Online Now! www.sroyarose.com Don’t miss this opportunity! 10 days you’ll never forget! Connect with the Heart of the Goddess in Avalon!

2012 Tour dates are:

Avalon 13th - 22nd of June Unveil the Mystery within the Sacred Isle of AVALON connect with the Ancient Goddesses! Feed your inner Goddess & let the Lady of the Lake heal the ancestral wounds of the Sacred Feminine. Rejoice, have fun, & remember the way it was.


S’Roya invites you to join her Avalon Goddess 2012 Tour Your tour investment is only $4800 Deposit of $800 secures your 10 day Goddess Experience of a lifetime! Book your place Online @ www.sroyarose.com Email: email@sroyarose.com


GODDESS Guru Ezine

S’Roya The Editor

S’Roya Rose Publishing Editor, Graphic Designer & Advertising manager Email: sroya@thegoddessguru.com Skype Id: goddess-sroya


S’Roya Rose, Mikailah Gooda, Stacey Demarco, Apple Blossom, Amber Rose, Lisa Clark, Amanda Hall, Michele-lee Phelan, Kali Cox, Michael Lamb, Shaman Eilee, ZaKaiRan, Bronwyn Fish. Kellie Ashton, Roxanne, Esta & Randall Libero, Simone Matthews, Dechen Chodron, Shanon Bush, Tracey Jewel, Lauren Clark, Rhianne Teija NewLahnd, Vickie Anderson, Jennifer Powel, Jane Meredith

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This publication and its entire contents are protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the publisher. Publication of an article or advertisement does not constitute endorsement by the editor, publishers or any employees of Goddess Guru Ezine. While every care is taken to provide accurate information the publisher does not accept any responsibility for accuracy of any information here in. We encourage the highest possible standards of conscious ethical business and copyright practices.

GODDESS Guru e-zine is published by

Avalon Rose Pty Ltd. ACN: 147 811 470 & BlackRose Publishing UK Copyright S’Roya Rose 2011 all rights reserved. Photography supplied by Shuterstock.com, istock.com, 123rf.com. Artists Michele-Lee Phelan, Jennifer Powel


We welcome all submissions of articles, and artwork, adverts, business listings and classifieds All editorial should be supplied in Word format by email as attachment to S’Roya:


Articles size should be; (small) 450-500 or (large) 800-1000 words in length. We reserve the right to edit any material submitted for publication. Next Copy deadline for the Sept/Oct edition is 15th August 2011.

Contact us: E sroya@thegoddessguru.com. W www.thegoddessguru.com F facebook.com/GoddessGuruEzine

Hello my fellow Gods & Goddesses, … Welcome to the second edition of Goddess Guru! Soon to be available in Print...! Exciting times ahead! Also as promised there are some fabulous new Guru’s featured inside. Having just returned to Glastonbury recently after a short stay in Phoenix Arizona, (running seminars & workshops), I’ve been busily immersing myself in the heart of Avalon once again, whilst preparing for my Goddess Tour later in July. Following that, my team & I will launch into my new ‘Spirit of AVALON magazine’! A bi-monthly, that will be on the UK shelves by October. So stay tuned... I’ll keep you posted. :-) If you’d like to be included or contribute, then email me ... I’ll send you an Avalon media pack with all the details. Well 2012 is just around the corner and it’s time...the pressure is on us all. We are being called to where we need to be, as the new cosmic vibrations being anchored are birthing our true individual destinies...! Understanding the Sacred feminine is the key for us all at this time.. As you pathwork with your deeper selves... there is nothing else to be done... except...surrender! Yes, surrender to what feels right, and against all odds things will happen for you. The right energy will flow, but expect some opposition in the form of challenges. Its hard to explain, but the more you surrender to all situations and face the ugly truth, letting go of your attachments to any outcomes or how they happen, the more the universe can step up and meet your souls needs or desires... and trust me ... it will happen! So don’t resist your feelings... Go for it! This is a time for diligence and bravery, a time for boldness and commitment. It’s not a time for whimping out... Heal your past, forgive, let go and surrender... Then move on and up! You are amazing but only you need to recognise this... no one can be you or live your life... Don’t be afraid to be all that you can be. Let those who judge you fall by the wayside, don’t let their fragmented discordant energies effect yours anymore. Be aware that others need your support, but be mindful as to how much energy you can offer, so as not to deplete your own constantly. All these things are going to be important for you to remain centered while living your Goddess path. Observing yourself, take time to remain balanced and have silence so as to keep your mind from being scattered. Self mastery is no longer an option it must become the way you are...so live your mastery as a Goddess... with love! Many Blessings )O( & happy reading. S’Roya ( the Goddess Guru of BlackRose)

2011 | www.thegoddessguru.com |


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Goddess G uru’s


Guru Features...

6 Goddess Consciousness, by Tracey Jewel 8 Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine Arts, by Mikailah 10 The SPOT, by Stacey Demarco 12 The AppleTree of Life, by Dechen Chodron 14 Vision Quest - Journey, by Apple Blossom 16 Sounds of the Cosmos 2, by Simone Matthews 18 Using Emotional Intelligence by S’Roya 20 Re-Vamping the Run-Way Diva, by Lauren Clark 22 Return of the Godess, by Vickie Anderson 23 Flowering of the Goddess Rhianne T Newlahnd 24 HooDoo you Love, by Amber Rose 26 The Pomegranate, by Kellie Ashton 28 Elemental Magic: Earth, by Jane Meredith 30 2012 Eart Ascention, by ZaKaiRan 32 The Sassy Sorceress, by Lisa Clark 34 Meditation Reconnection by Shaman Eilee 35 Warrior Goddess, by Kali Cox 36 Artist Profile, on Jennifer Powel 38 Fairy Healing by Apple Blossom 40 Tarot Moments, by Amanda Hall 42 Natures Spa, Bathing Recipes, by S’Roya 44 Aphrodite - the Love Goddess, by S’Roya 46 Glorious Food! - Noodles & Sushi,Yum! by S’Roya 48 Wellness Guide - Art of Relaxing by S’Roya 50 Health Watch, by Esta Libero 52 Eco Living - Recycling & Home tips by S’Roya 54 Hormone Balancing naturally by S’Roya 56 Hodgepodge with Bornwyn Fish 58 Feng Shui with Roxanne 62 Movie Reviews by Randal Libero 63 Book Reviews & Editors Choice 64 Simply Astrology, by Amanda Hall 66 Noticeboard & Business Listing 68 Guru Directory & Advertising Rates

Guru Regulars Sassy Sorceress, Artist Profile, Glorious Food, Wellness Guide, Health Watch, Eco Living, Movie & Book Reviews, Hodgepodge, Feng Shui, Simply Astrology & Tarot Moments, Guru’s Noticeboard & Directory.



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GODDESS Guru Ezine Empowering the Goddess in us all. Bringing things into balance, restoring and rebirthing the Sacred Feminine. Guru’s of all pursuasions sharing their infinite wisdom for growth, nuturing & support, during times of great change and crisis. Blessed Be the Goddess!


The spirit of the GODDESS leads the way for us all, grounding the Sacred Feminine and the Cosmic Lunar energies into a balanced holistic Earth Walk. GODDESS Guru e-zine helps assist in anchoring Spiritual concepts into our everyday life! We understand that everything is connected through the greater web of all life. Everything we do, everything we say, affects everything else... therefore collectively we can make a difference.


GODDESS Guru e-zine is an open forum which provides comprehensive spiritual wisdom. Our regular columns, guest writers and special features will make the magazine a highly appealing spiritual resource, that will be kept and called upon time and time again.. The Sacred Rose placed inside the triple goddess symbolises the heart, soul and hidden mysteries of the rebirthed divine feminine. May her wisdom be forever in our hearts & minds as we journey into the unknown life ahead.

2011 | www.thegoddessguru.com |

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s s e d d o G s s e n s u o i c s n o C Tracey Jewel

Finding it hard to define who you are ? Feeling you have lost a part of yourself? Then here are ways to reconnect by tapping into Goddess Consciousness.


e must focus of self. Oh yes it’s easier to focus on our children, on work, our partners, the dirty dishes or unmade beds. If we do spend a few minutes focusing on ourselves it is usually the negative kind. Being critical of what we aren’t, what we haven’t done, why we are not good enough or why we haven’t done enough. One of my favourite quotes is by Louise Hay. She says:

“You have been criticizing yourself for years,and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”



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t can be scary to look into ourselves not to mention complicated as there are many aspects to us that come through as we go through life. Each stage and part of us is like a different consciousness. This consciousness can be simply defined as who we are and what we care about consistently through time. It is important to note that there is a purpose in life for all stages of consciousness at different times, just as the butterfly must evolve from caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly. As spiritual, feminine, Goddess women, there are eight stages that can be utilised for different states. By being aware of which consciousness we are in, we are better able to relate to those around us, to be more aware and accepting of where we are instead of judging and criticising ourselves. STAGE 1—PROTECTOR This stage is about being in a Goddess state of protection of self, family and nurturing of those that need it. We need to enter into the role of Protector when we have periods of instability in our life to secure and ground ourselves. Moving house, having a baby, financial insecurities, sickness are all events that may bring out the protector in us, and ensure we look after ourselves and our loved ones. Goddesses we may look to for guidance that are also predominately protector consciousness are Taueret, Egyptian Goddess of protection and certainty especially helpful to women in childbirth and Goddess Bastet, protector of women & children. STAGE 2—PEACEFUL WARRIOR This stage carries forward elements of protection but also the knowing of one’s truth. This is a stage of finding one’s own inner strength and taking pride in one’s self. We are all medicine women with gifts to give to the world. This stage is fabulous for career building, moving out of outgrown relationships or breaking free from “stuck” situations. Guidance

can be found with Celtic Goddess Aife, protector of wisdom & teachings and Egyptian Goddess Isis for protection & magic. STAGE 3—WILD WOMAN This stage is all about being in your Wild Woman self. The Wild Woman is not just necessarily sexual or the dark parts of you, but the parts that are hidden that need to be awakened or that awaken you. This stage is all about balance. We are not meant just to be “love and light” for we all have shadow and darkness too. When we enter a new intimate relationship or embark on travel or a new journey, this part seems to awake and be allowed to open. Remember how freeing it feels to be wild sometimes. Ask Rati, the Hindu Goddess for guidance with passion & joyful sexuality, or Uzume, the Japanese Goddess of sensuality and movement. STAGE 4—MUSE OF HEARTS This stage is about the part of yourself that is a beautiful muse of love and sharing whilst learning some hard lessons of owning one’s unique beauty. This is a period of creativity and growth. The freedom learnt from being wild can help immensely to keep your heart open to love and be loved. This could be a stage of a woman’s life of growing older, from learning from past lessons & healing emotions. Aztec Goddess Chalchiuhtlicue can help you to let go of past hurts and losses and to face the future with an open heart. STAGE 5—THE GOLDEN GO GETTER After being through a period of letting the past go it is now time to be all about the future, of experiencing new opportunities and taking life by the reins. This is a time to literally shine, to come into your own. New careers, new creative endeavours, or new interests of any kind, this is truly a golden time of your life. Speak your dreams & wishes to The Welsh Goddess Rhiannon as she can

help them manifest and come true. STAGE 6—EARTH GODDESS This is the part of ourselves that longs to connect deep within, to others, & to the world. This is the part of you that can give back. Community contributions, recycling and being a part of nature is being in this earth state. Hindu Goddess Prakiti is the feminine material in which the earth was formed, the mother of Nature. Gaia of course is one of the oldest creation deities. STAGE 7—WISE WOMAN A stage that is usually reached by many women later in life or having experienced many past lives is that of the Wise Woman. This is a time for reflecting on life experiences and the insights it brings. It is also a time for guiding others and being a leader. Morrigan is a Goddess of sovereignty, a guide for seeking wise counsel and honouring the voice of experience. STAGE 8—HIGH PRIESTESS All the aspects of a higher power and the spiritual self. This is the stage where a woman has owned, accepted, loved and integrated every part of herself mentioned here and many more. A sense of purpose and connection fulfils every day lived in this stage. All Goddesses may help you reach this level. We may go in and out of all these levels through our lifetime but through owning and loving all stages, we can truly be ourselves and our most authentic Goddess self. Tracey Jewel currently runs her own business ‘Goddess In A Bottle’ – an online shop and wholesaler of goddess inspired products such as crystal soy candles, botanical perfumes, goddess clay amulets & guardian angel toys. She’s a Goddess advocate, holding Goddess workshops in Perth. Contact her: www.goddessinabottle.com

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Exploring the Wild Side

d e r c a S e h t g n i m Reclai s t r A e n i n i m e F Mikailah Gooda



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omen hold the gifts of prophecy, healing, intuition and guidance within their being. They are the sacred vessels that embody the secrets of magic and psychic ability. It is a shamanic path where women walk between the realms of spirit and earth. The journey begins with the ebb and flow of the Moon each lunar month as She waxes and wanes through Her nine moon phases. When women connect through their blood rhythms they honor their psychic intuition. It takes observation and cultivation of an intimate relationship with nature - one that stands the test of time. This ancient key unlocks the doorway to healing and magic based on the consciousness of ‘as above so below’. The ancient esoteric arts of divination and astrology were part of traditional feminine learning from mothers to their daughters. Divination is the art of premonition and prediction, of foretelling the future. Offerings and prayers are sent to the Great Mother to receive these sacred visions through creative meditation. In ancient history the most famous prophetesses were the Sybillines. They were associated with springs and caves, which symbolize the vulva of Gaia and her primordial waters of inspiration and rebirth. The caves represent the dark descent into the Underworld to receive divine guidance. The springs and wells, also connected to the Underworld and dreaming, evoked subconscious stirrings of the soul. The priestesses who served at the Oracle of Delphi where known as the Pythia. These ‘Holy Ones’ where highly-revered for their psychic insights and sought after for their valuable utterances by their community, politicians, state-leaders and royalty. The Oracular Priestess would sit on her tripod waiting for mystical apparitions whilst consciousness-expanding vapors seeped into her enclosed chamber from a chasm deep in the earth. When she received these visions and if ’the time was right’ her voice would carry through the caverns to the petitioner waiting inside the temple sanctuary. It is interesting to note that above the entrance to the Delphic temple was the inscription “Know Thyself ”. It is this profoundly, transformative wording that we carry forth today into our own intimate lives to unveil the gift of prophecy. Astrology is the birth of our relationship with the earth, moon and heavenly universe. It is a time-honored, esoteric art that has survived over the ages since around 3,000 B.C.E. In Vicki Noble’s book, “Shakti Woman: Feeling Our Fire, Healing Our

Earth” she describes the ceiling fresco in the ancient Egyptian temple of Dendera, as a zodiacal wheel containing references to feminine deities. In today’s western society we have personal astrology, a metaphysical and psychological tool that enables you to discover and explore deeper aspects of yourself.Your natal chart is the record of your soul at birth and is the map to your inner being. Astrology is the interpretation of your natal birth chart and the planets and symbols within a twelve-house system. With the pioneering work of Demetra George and her book ‘Asteroid Goddesses‘, we have feminine-based astrology, which includes key astrological sensitive points that relate directly to archetypal Goddess energies. The asteroid belt comprises of a large number of planetary bodies and is located between Mars and Jupiter. The first and largest asteroid was discovered in 1801 by astronomer, Guiseppe Piazzi, and named after the Goddess of the Harvest, Ceres. Coincidentally a multitude of asteroids from the early 1800s to present day have been named after Classical Greek goddesses and signify the reemergence of the Sacred Feminine. The impact, socially and spiritually, has been one of significant transpersonal growth and evolution. One of the most dynamic insights within progressive feminine astrology is the story of Lilith. Her energy unveils initiation, confrontation and ultimate resolution. The symbolic journey of Lilith can be revealed in the theme of an individual’s birth chart and is an impetus for metamorphosis and empowerment through the Dark Feminine. Now days many self-assured women are the diviners, dreamers and seers of old. We can seek them out and they will share their mystical wisdom with us. “To know thyself ” is to have ‘a firm belief or knowing in one’s own powers.’ It comes with the acknowledgement of our shamaness roots and reclaiming our birth rites as women. Sing the Song of the Holy Woman…cast the bones…observe which way the birds fly…scry under the moonlight…return your blood to our Earth Mother…gaze into the tea-leaves… map the stars…throw oracle cards and allow the story to unfold…feel the deep mystery of your ritualistic act and YES if you are female you can do it! Mikailah is a CreativeVisionary of and teacher ofWomen’s Sacred Rites. Her passion is celebrating theWild Feminine. Visit www.mikailah.com or email Mikailah@live.com.au

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! t o p S The t sSensual n a t s n i g n i d l i u B ! y l l a c i g a M connection -


have always loved the idea of a magic wand that changed everything that it touched. Witches have used a variety of wands in their magical workings to focus energy and in particular the Celtic and Egyptian traditions are most well known for this. Wouldn’t it be useful then to have a place on our bodies that changed everything when we touched it? Some of the more witty amongst you would say you already have that, but what if I suggested it wasn’t the places you thought and you could touch it happily in public yet get an intense and intimate connection with your partner? I remember as a very young woman lying next to my boyfriend in bed. I recall looking at the body next to me, drinking it in. I remember looking at a small cleft in the centre of his chest and thinking it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. Not really sure why, but just that it was. This is not to say the rest of his body wasn’t beautiful, it was just that there was something awesome about that particular “spot”. Ever since, with every partner I have really been deeply attracted to, a ‘spot’ has revealed itself, and its inherent power to focus sensual/sexual energy.

What then is “The Spot” ?

Stacey Demarco

This is the specific part of your lovers/partners body that just by thinking about it or touching it, it sends you straight to intense desire! It is also something that you can grant to them and on their body, claim as your own, and that your lover can claim as his or her own. It’s a bodily exchange of an admission of lust and an acceptance of the fact that you are desired. Adopting this practise has a 100% success rate. I have never met a couple that this did not work for but it must be a mutual project. Both partners must identify and claim “The Spot’ on the other. This Spot must be kept totally private by both parties and not only the location must remain secret, but even the fact that you have ‘Spots’. This maximises the intimacy between you both and the ‘illicitness’ of the idea.



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How do you identify the spot?

Claiming and invoking the Spot

If you are anything like me you have possibly identified a number of truly delicious parts of your partners’ body, any of which initially could be ‘your Spot’. However, if you had to choose that one place, that one piece of territory that truly makes your boat float, what would it be? Usually there is one standout favourite.

You can do this in a more formal way later and create a ritual around The Spot if you choose but I always think the nicest and most real way to bring up the idea of The Spot is to be in a physical position close to your partner such as in bed or cuddled on the couch and tell them about their Spot and why.

Here’s some real life examples to get you thinking: “ There is this small upturned triangle of hair that pokes out of the collar of my husband’s open necked shirt. It just says he is a real man to me. When I look at it I get jealous that any other woman would even be able to see it!” Sue “ It’s the side of her neck. White. Soft. Kissable.” Jarrad. What is not the Spot?” When I first advise men about the spot, normally they go big picture and automatically think about either the obvious “ Oh, I’m a breast man so it would be her breasts” or the genitalia. When I first advise some women they tend to choose large areas of the body such as legs, chest or back. The spot is just that: a spot. It is a small piece of real estate on your lovers body that evokes such desire in you that it’s truly yours!

How to Use the Spot Maria tells her story: “ Stacey suggested the idea of the Spot and I was intrigued. I thought why not? I was lying in bed with my husband one Sunday morning and began to stroke his cheekbone. He has gorgeous high cheekbones. I told him how much I loved his cheekbones and that I had decided that they were mine and were my spot. I told him about the idea and asked him whether he had a spot too.” “ He didn’t hesitate. He told me that there was this spot on the side of my neck that he loved, just below my ear. And he declared that his Spot. Just talking with such passion about a tiny spot on each others body led to a great lovemaking session so even if the idea didn’t work, well I still had a fab start!”

For example: Whilst stroking their Spot “ You know I have always loved this Spot on you. It’s so sexy/soft/coarse/different etc. I remember the first time I noticed it and this is how I felt……..” Then you may get into some discussion re this. Then you might ask, do they have an equivalent spot on you? They may know one straight away or they may need some thinking time (as you may have had prior). Be patient with this and have fun!! Ensure you are eventually both clear about your Spot and how you like it to be touched. Remember: you may not understand the Spot your partner has chosen. Perhaps you feel other parts of you are sexier, more beautiful or worthy. Alternatively, you may feel that The Spot they have chosen is ugly or silly. This is not up to you! Do not negate their choice.You don’t really need to understand why they desire this part of you in particular, just that you truly accept that they feel nothing but love and desire for it….so much so that you will grant it to them! Then agree that The Spots on each of your bodies belong to the other as long as you are together. To do this you might say something as simple as “ You know, Ill give this to you. This is your Spot now!” Or as formal as dedicating the Spot to each other perhaps by using a little essential oil and placing your partners fingers on the spot and saying “ This Spot is dedicated to desire and it is yours as long as we are together. So Mote It Be.”

Life of course goes on, and Maria and Michael have a big fortnight of work. They are like ships passing in the night but they manage to tee up a movie night. Maria explains:

Once you have mutually agreed, use your Spot regularly but innovatively! Surprise and comfort each other with this… After all it’s your guaranteed personal magical button that changes everything!

“ We are right in the middle of this film. I’m pretty much engrossed in it, but all of a sudden, Michael lifts my hair up and softly but passionately kisses my spot. I instantly know he isn’t thinking of the movie, he is thinking about how much he wants me! It’s such a turn on!”

Stacey Demarco is The ModernWitch. She is the author of a number of popular books including “Witch in the Bedroom- Proven Sensual Magic” and the “Gods & Titans Oracle”.You can learn more about her at www.themodernwitch.com 2011 | www.thegoddessguru.com |

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Dechen Chodron

The Apple Tree of Life



From dream to seed to birth, to blossom to growth to harvest, to decay and back to the earth.

he wheel of Brittannia represents the cycle of the year in all her seasons. The year is divided into eight celebrations dedicated to eight different goddesses shown here within each Apple of Wisdom.The ninth goddess stands at the centre of the wheel linking everything together. In Avalon she is known as the lady of Avalon, Nolava. All the different sides of her nature are shown on the wheel. For each season there is an apple of wisdom. As we walk on her body tuning into the different seasons, we begin to understand how we are connected to the earth and all the mysterious ways within her nature.

Danu : Winter Solstice. Crown of wisdom.Sit in the stillness and open to your dreams. Ask Danu to dream your dreams awake. Cerridwen: Samhaine. Keeper of the Cauldron Release and let go of all that you no longer need.

Bridie: Imbolc. Keeper of the sacred flame. Open to the inner voice of Bridie as she touches you with her white rod of inspiration, feel the quickening.

Bamba: Autumn Equinox. Ancient Earth mother. A point of balance in the year, to harvest all that we have dreamt into being, as we gather in the crops.

Spring Equinox. Fire Goddess. As the sap rises we feel the energy rises into the earth.To fire our spirit forward into our ideas and inspiration.

Ker:Lammas. Corn Goddess. The harvest is upon us as we give birth to our ideas and the fruits of the earth.

Rhiannon: Beltaine.Goddess of love and sexuality. The time is now to meet that someone special with the blossom on the trees, jump the sacred fire.

Domnu: Summer Solstice. Goddess of the ocean deep. Journey to the ocean feel the warmth of the sun on your back as the sun reaches it zenith.

Dechen was inspired to develop her work as an artist because she discovered the zen of seeing .Dechen has an Honours Degree in Fine Arts from Plymouth University and is an arts lecturer atYeovil College. Her artistic talents cover a range of disciplines including Oil Painting, Sculpture, Land Art,Water art, Photography, Film &Video, Dance, and Storytelling. Contact www.camelotcreations.org.uk



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AUTUMN EQUINOX, GODDESS. BANBHA Lady of the orchard, festival of the harvest. September 21st in the Northern hemisphere Direction West. Element Earth Power Animals, Black Bird, Badger, Fox, Mole, Squirrel. We have journeyed from dream to seed, to growth, to blossom, to birth, to harvest. We now see the fulfillment of our dreams as we give thanks for the harvest. At this time, the Autumn Equinox is the second point of balance upon the earth when the light is equal to the darkness.

LAMMAS GODDESS KER, MADRON Corn mother and birthing goddess 1st August in the northern Hemesphere Direction SouthWest Power Animals Cow, Deer, Goat, Sheep. Corn mother, birthing goddess, you who gives unconditionally with your love and abundance. Let us dance now in the light of your abundance and prosperity. The mother appears giving birth to all the fruits of her nature. Go out into the fully ripened fields of corn and feel the abundance all around you. Feel the energy of abundance as all the vegetables ripen as

SUMMER SOLSTICE GODDESS DOMNU Queen of the ocean lady of the deep Element Water 21st June in the northern hemisphere Direction South. Element Water Power Anaimals Dolphins Wales Salmon, Seal. Enable us to hear your call at this time when the sun is high in the sky. Let us journey to the ocean to feel the touch of the ocean waves upon your body. As you swim allow yourself to surrendering to her touch, releasing and relaxing any pent up emotions held

The light will then begin to recede as we approach the winter. We see the bounty of the earth before us in the wonderful fruits, nuts and grains she has produced. This food we store, to see us through the cold winter months. Create an alter dedicating offerings with some apples to Banbha giving thanks for all that you have received in the year passed. We honour earth, our mother earth, and Gaia the planetary goddess. Dress in the colours of autumn, so as you go about your daily work you are always reminded of the festival of the Harvest and of Banbha. Walk upon her body at this time seeing her transform in a rainbow of colours as she prepares to return to the inner depths of the earth to

rest and rejuvenate. The lady of the earth teaches us to how to bring your new ideas into form upon the earth as you connect deeply with the earth. Make beautiful food to share with your friends for this her harvest.

we eat from her source. Recognise how women have the special gift of giving birth, the bearer of new life. As we sow seeds in our gardens in harmony with her cycles. At Lammas bake bread shaped like the goddess in honour of the grain goddess ker and Madron the mother. Be observant of her creatures the cow, goat, sheep, and the deer, the horned ones. Their gifts of milk, meat, skin, and bones nurtured us through the winter. The white hind or deer is particularly significant as she symbolizes the birth giving mother goddess. Make a corn doll to honour this time to remember

her abundance as you carry her with you through the winter months.

within from the long winter past. The emotions we feel are letting us know we are really alive. Many rights of passage in our lives are felt through our emotions. Birth, death rebirth marriage, divorce, relationships, love. Connect to the element water pause and remember all of the creatures of the deep. The dolphin, the Whale, the seal, the shells all the different kinds of fish. As you experience the sensation of water upon your body send out a prayer to all the creatures of the deep, send out your love to the water, asking for healing. Lay upon her body feeling the warmth of the sun and allow your self to connect to

Domnu, queen of the ocean, call to her and see what images come to you. Then write the experience of this day in your journal.

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ey n r u o J gickal a M A



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y elders, grandfathers, grandmothers, and ancestors of times before, sing their heart songs as I am called into the sacred hoop. I sit, acting as another link in the formation of our spiritual circle. Warmed from the cold outside by the crackling fire in the centre of the tipi, I watch smoky curls rising up, sending my prayers to the Great White Spirit above. I can hear the rhythmic beats of the drums and begin tapping my hands on my knees in time. Slowly I feel myself drifting and transported as my ears now hear Mother Earth as she speaks like whispers, softly, but with a vibration loud as thunder. Her pulse, the rhythm of life, beats in unison with my heart. Reality becomes a blur and I am lifted beyond to see dimensions of places never been. The chief awakens me from my dream like slumber and looks at me with pride. His face is weathered with lines, the marks of battles fought and triumphs had, imprinted like pages of history. I speak little, for anticipation swells like a balloon, for soon I will be given the rite to journey forth on my Vision Quest. He hands me four gifts of the Earth: tobacco to aid my connection with spirit and to cleanse my tears when I am emotionally weak, cedar to nurture my soul and ward off evil that may try to manipulate me, sage for protection and to hear the wisdom of the land and, lastly sweet grass to call good spirits to guide me well. I am farewelled and blessed as the Chief says, “The land is your Mother, your sacred Earth. Within her fruitful womb lays the home of your birth.” I am let free into the plains of the open Earth and leave the safety of the sacred hoop and the council of my elders.

My herbal gifts now tucked within my medicine bag begin to make me feel brave like a warrior as I walk between worlds, amongst the plants, trees, flowers, rivers and also the mountains. These are my Sisters, Brothers, Aunties and Uncles, my blessed ancestors! Together they support me upon the path, which I now begin, towards reaching the heart of the Great White Spirit - my spiritual home! As I look up to the winged ones in the sky, the Eagle Nation is flying freely beneath the golden Sun. I notice how softly their feathers float and fall, each one carrying with it a special message. I collect and bundle some to honour the return of dawn after dusk, the return of day after night, and to bring prophetic dreams in my sleep. I look down towards the Stone People beneath, as they guide my feet, one foot in front of the other, knowing that I am never alone. For when the road ahead is bumpy, they will be there, and when the road ahead is smooth, they will still be there. I come to the bottom of a mountain and climb both physically and spiritually higher. As I reach the summit, my eyes are tired and I now carry a body staved of food from fasting. Visions form like the clouds above and I begin to channel the wise ones. I hear stories told from the great keepers of wisdom and questions are answered, as I enter a deep visualised journey of mind, body and that of spirit. The mountaintop around me is now me, the sky above me, now me, the ground beyond, also me. Four days later, I journey back to be amongst my elders, a warm welcome is given and I feel like the world is now my oyster to be further explored. They guide me into a muddy dome made from intertwined willow. Outside a fire heats seven stones, one by one they are bought inside to share the continuation of my inner journey. They are sprinkled with sacred herbs and honoured like living entities, blessed by the water poured

upon their souls. Steam now boils against my skin, with the rise and fall of my breath. I begin to feel nothing but heat, a volcanic heat, and I sweat. After what feels like an eternity, the door is opened, and I am awakened, having been cleansed and reborn - my Vision Quest now complete.

bad omens. 3. Bind your collected feathers with thread or yarn and then place them over your bed while you sleep to enhance dreams and visions to come. In the morning record any experiences you had during the night.

Exercise one – The Sacred Hoop:

Exercise three – The Vision Quest:

1. Got outside and sprinkle a ring of sea salt around you - your sacred hoop! 2. In a small cauldron or heat proof container burn herbs that you magically resonate with inside this circle and say, “Ancestors who are near or far, follow the scent of thy herbs, and teach me how to follow the path of thy knowledge.” 3. Be patient and wait to hear the language of the land. Jot down any messages that you receive.

Exercise two – Eagle Nation, Stone People:

1. Stand outside with your legs slightly apart and visualise your feet being firmly bolted into the Earth beneath you – the Stone People. Raise your hands above your head towards the sky and as you breathe in three times feel the energy of the Sun above you – the Eagle Nation. Say, “I am blessed by my winged friends above. I am blessed by the stones below. Together we walk the sacred path of life. Together the harmony of nature bestows.” 2. Now that you are connected to the Eagle Nation and the Stone People, go for a walk through the countryside, a park, or anywhere that has not been spoilt by man and progress. Collect feathers and gently wrap them safely inside a handkerchief. Remember to only take those that have fallen. Consider doing some research on the power of different birds and their feathers. For example, Crow feathers are for magic, Swan brings out the feminine, and Hummingbirds work with your heart and heal wounds. Owl feathers are potent and bring wisdom and visions, while ravens are said to bring both good and

1. Go outside and sit down with your legs crossed. Put the palms of your hands on the ground beside you and try to feel the vibration of the Earth. 2. Begin to rock forward and back, forward and back, over and over. While rocking focus on nothing but this simple action and let your mind enter another dimension and worlds unseen.You should reach a light trance like state. Trust that nature will protect you. 3. After five minutes of rocking, bring yourself back to reality and write down any visions that you had.

Exercise four – The Sweat Lodge:

1. In your bathroom fill the sink with boiling hot water. Be careful not to burn yourself. This is a healing, not a self harm exercise! 2. Add a drop each of tea tree, eucalyptus, and lemon essential oil into the water. Place a towel over your head like a tent and lean over the sink. Breathe in the steam that rises up. 3. After five minutes remove the towel and splash your face with cold water. This exercise should make you feel refreshed and re-born, for you have sweated and shed toxins both on a physical and spiritual level from your being. Apple Blossom is a natural psychic, medium, and witch. She is also a Reflexologist practitioner, with a vast background in the study of everything spiritual and magical. Apple is a published poet and writes for many new age magazines, with a million and one ideas floating out the tip of her pen yet to share.

2011 | www.thegoddessguru.com |

GoddessGuru 15 14





Musical Note & Hz Note F – 344hz

Third Eye


Note E - 330hz


Light Blue Note D – 293hz



Note C – 256hz

Solar Plexus Yellow

Note B – 241hz



Note A – 220hz



Note G – 194hz


n my ‘Sounds of the Cosmos Part 1 Article’ I discussed how Sound and Light are geometrically enmeshed together to from vibrations that create our Universe and the entire Cosmos. In this Part 2 article, I will share with you the how Sound vibrations create Light and hence are powerful tools for healing. As we have discussed, energy travels in waves, and the number of waves per second of time is referred to as frequency and measured in hz (hertz). Our hearing today is limited to between 16hz and 25,000hz (though the average is 20hz to 20,000hz varying according to age etc). However, there are unlimited ranges of sound frequencies above and below these ranges. Hz frequencies continue infinitely up the scale and as we reach into the trillions of hz per second we begin to quantify colour frequencies. Colour and the Chakra’s Visible Light (rainbow spectrum) has a frequency between 430 000 000 000 000 hz (red) to 750 000 000 000 000 hz



Organs Pituitary & Hypothalamus Pineal gland

Nervous System Endocrine System Brain Pituitary & Hypothalamus Cavernous Plexus Pineal Gland

Thyroid & Parathyroid Heart & Thymus Pancreas & Digestive Syst.

Laryngeal Plexus Cardiac Plexus

Thyroid & Parathyroid Thymus Gland

Solar Plexus


Ovaries/Testes & Spleen Adrenals & Kidneys

Prostatic Plexus


Coccygeal Plexus


(violet). The sound frequencies of the Chakra’s are mathematically linked to their corresponding colours. That is, if we look at the vibratory frequency of a colour in hz and bring it down exactly 42 octaves, we arrive at the vibratory frequency of the corresponding musical note (sound) for that Chakra. Take for example the Crown Chakra. The Crown chakra resonates to the colour violet and note F in the musical scale. Note F for the crown has a vibratory frequency of approx 344 hz. If we look at the colour violet, it has a vibratory frequency in the trillions being 750 000 000 000 000 hz. If we come down from this high frequency by exactly 42 octaves we have a resonance of 344 hz – note F. What this means is, when we play note F, energy waves move up the musical scale harmonically and literally activates the colour violet. This sound/colour combo works for all the Chakra’s from the Colour Red (base chakra, Note G) through to the Crown Chakra. You do not have to understand the above

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mathematical relationships to see the potential of these energies. As we make sound, we are accessing the various colours of the light spectrum and can thus utilise their energies for healing. Conversely we have the potential to use colour to create sound waves for healing to cleanse, strengthen and balance our Chakra system. What is the Significance of the Number 42 ? Why is there a difference of 42 Octaves between sound frequencies becoming visible colour frequencies ? The number 42 is a very sacred number in creation. There are 42 numbers in the Hebrew Alphabet, 42 degrees is the angle that light reflects off water to create a rainbow, in the Kabbalah – 42 is the number in which God creates the Universe, and even in numerology the word Archangel corresponds with the number 42 (Archangels are the Template keepers of the elements of Earth, Fire, Earth & Water from which Creation infinitely expands).

f o s d n u o The S 2 t r a P s o m s the Co

Simone Matthews

Colour and Our Environment If this all still sounds a bit technical lets relate this to everyday life. The colours we wear, the colours that surround our environment and the colour of the food we eat all affect our own vibrations and our experiences in this world.

physical, emotional and mental health. We have the opportunity to consciously work with colour/sound to bring optimal health, harmony and healing within our world, and live fulfilling and conscious lives in harmony with all creation.

Conversely the sounds in our environment from the music we listen to, the way we speak, whether we live in a densely populated city with traffic noise or live surrounded by the sounds of nature will all have huge impacts on our body’s energy systems.

Here is a very simple experiment you may like to try at home to begin to open your conscious awareness to how colour affects our lives. Firstly try wearing a green shirt, green being the colour of the Heart Chakra which assists in opening the Heart and the experience of calm, peace, coolness and healing. Then after a while switch to wearing a Red Shirt which relates to the Base Chakra– heating, strength, courage, stability, foundation and see if you can feel the difference.

The Colour/Sound interrelationship of our environment, significantly impacts the functioning of our Chakra System. Referring to Table 1, each Chakra holds the vibratory template for the functioning of a particular organ within our body, a nervous system plexus (branch of nerves off our spinal cord) and a particular endocrine gland (hormonal system). Thus the sounds/colours that we create or choose to experience within our world have a direct impact on our

As you then experiment with each colour, you may then like to experiment with sound and the playing of musical instruments, crystal bowls, tuning forks or using your voice to bring harmony to your Chakras. There are many natural

health practitioners trained in the use of sound & colour if you feel guided to empower yourself with further information in this divine form of healing. In this article I have only just touched on the relationship of colour, sound and cosmic energies. I am forever in awe of how inter-twinned we are with all that is, has been and what potentially will be. As we master the ancient art of using form, colour & sound to connect with cosmic energies – we become masters of our own destiny. Simone M. Matthews is an international speaker, spiritual teacher and author of the Crystal Light Healing™ and Essence of Angels® healing modalities. As founder & principal of the Universal Life Tools Metaphysical School of Healing. Simone travels worldwide facilitating her Practitioner & Teacher training programs empowering people to embrace their highest soul potential. www.UniversalLifeTools.com

2011 | www.thegoddessguru.com |

GoddessGuru 17 16

Using Emotional A Intelligence

fter a busy and somewhat stressful day at the office working as an admin manager, Julie pulled into her driveway. Her children’s bikes and toys were scattered all over the walkway into her house. She instantly began to feel tension within her muscles and anxiety in her stomach. As she entered her home, John her husband simply ignored her while he was on the telephone. Looking around, she noticed disorder; nothing was picked up and the house was a total mess. Irritation and frustration had started to settle in. He heart was beating faster. Finally, as her feelings of disappointment and frustration welled up, having been ignored in her own home, she exploded and before she could stop, she began yelling at her husband and children, and she hadn’t even said hello how was your day. Sound familiar to anyone? This is a very normal human response to ongoing stress build up. Often it’s the simple life things that can push our stress buttons; repeated often enough it starts to trigger sadness, worry,dissappointment, anxiety, anger or deep depression even rage. Constant tension leads to anxiety and this can build up into everyday stress, which takes us from feeling calm to experiencing uncomfortable reactions in many common situations such as the one described above.

Stress is more easily understood if observed as a series of bodily responses to situations or demands made upon us called ‘stressors’. These are our body’s communications to us that we are uncomfortable and they are usually instant… such as muscle tension in our stomach or chest, faster breathing or erratic heart rate, sweating and fidgeting. They trigger negative emotional response defense mechanisms. These negative emotions then trigger a defensive behavioral pattern response… like a raised voiced or yelling for example, if these go unchecked they can become extremely abusive especially to anyone on the receiving end of them. Ask yourself how does my body respond when I’m stressed? What triggers my signals that things are upsetting or concerning me? Start to observe some of your subtler triggers and physiological responses to stress.

Recognizing stress signals before they trigger out of control reactions... S’Roya Rose



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Many years ago in my mid 20’s I was asked to see a psychologist for a general work observation session. Now, I had just moved interstate, entered a new relationship and started a new job. Whilst I felt I was fine I was nervous about seeing a psychologist… I had never been before and it felt like I was being examined and it was all very intimidating and scary. I remember he asked about my life and how I was feeling. My answer was always “I’m fine”. A common response. So the Psychologist asked me “did I know what feelings were?” Of course (at least I thought I knew)…. Then something magical happened... He attached some little clips to the ends of my thumb and forefingers; these clips were attached to wires that were attached to a small machine that had a meter reader on the front… He told me that the meter read tiny sweat beads on my fingertips. After he’d attached the clips, he asked me to sit back and make myself comfortable and relax, which I did.

He than asked me to use my mind and imagine I was in a place that would make me feel relaxed, calm and happy… so I did (I imagined I was on a white sandy beach under a palm tree, stretched out relaxing on a long deck chair). He proceeded to help me explore my imaginary happy place, and so I imagined the sea and heard the waves gently lapping the shore, I could feel the hot sun beaming onto my body through the palm leaves.. it was blissful… Then he asked me to remember the last time I saw my children… and within seconds there was a ringing from the little machine attached to my fingertips. Startled, I opened my eyes, only to be reassured that all was well. He asked me to close my eyes again and took me back to my happy relaxed place. I was a little confused, but went back to my imagination and became totally relaxed again. This time when he asked me to remember about my children and the buzzing noise happened again, he made me keep my eyes closed and asked me to tune into my body… “How is your breathing?” he asked… “shallow and faster” I replied. “How is your heart rate”? He asked… “beating faster” I replied… “Now tune into your stomach and chest… How do they feel”? He asked… “My stomach is churning a bit and my chest feels tight” I replied…. Relieved the ordeal was over… I opened my eyes and he said… “This is how your are really feeling… your bodily responses are telling you how you feel… the meter registered stress sweat on your fingertips… he asked how I was really feeling?” Upset and a little anxious” I said and with that announcement I burst into tears. I left his office that day feeling much better about life in general. I never saw him again, however I never forgot the great service he bestowed upon me that day. Needless to say it changed my life in such a simple yet profound way. I now had a place from which to connect with myself properly and so began my journey of understanding how I ticked. From that moment on I learnt to tune into myself and acknowledge my personal feelings and responses to life… the rest as they say is history. Understanding that some of these stressors can be external and outside of you (like work load or money pressures) or internal (like expectations you have of yourself, not feeling good enough or feeling guilty about something you didn’t get to do or say). Whether the stressor is external or internal, scientists have discovered that the major systems of the body work together to provide one of the most powerful and sophisticated human defenses; the stress response, which we know as the ‘fightor-flight’ mechanism. We all have this natural fight and flight response, which helps us to observe the stressors we may have in our life, as it activates and coordinates our body systems to react. To avoid any damaging behavior that might affect others, and ourselves we must observe how we are affected by stress, and interrupt its hold on us before the stress response gets out of control. Interrupting any patterns of behavior is possible once we take responsibility for our stress and the patterns it creates within us.

Here are some simple strategies to take control of some emotional reactions:


Read your personal warning lights: Becoming aware of your stress responses is the first step to managing it. This means listening to your body, being aware of your negative emotions, and observing your own behavior when under stress. For instance, notice muscle tension, pounding heart, raising voice, irritation, dry mouth, or erratic movements.


What you see is what you get: For a potential stressor to affect us ‘stress us out’ we have to first perceive it or experience it as a stressor. Gaining a new perspective on the stressing situation can often drastically change the effect it has on us. Our stress response can indeed be a response (something we can control) instead of a knee-jerk reaction (which is automatic).


Examples: Cut off on the freeway? It’s not personal. That person has a problem and is obviously in a hurry. I will stay calm. Bullied by a co-worker? If I react, she wins. Later, I will privately let her know how I feel about what she did. If that doesn’t work, I’ll discuss it with our manager.


Stress-Guard your life:You can also make many life-style changes to reduce or minimize feeling stressed-out, even if you can’t change some of your actual stressors. For instance, manage your time better, establish priorities, protect yourself from toxic people and relationships, and find a way to manage your money better, or consider changing your job.


Have stress release valves: Regular de-stressing maintenance such as listening to music, walking the dog, gardening, playing sport, going to the gym, getting your hair done, having a massage or a facial; these can go a long way to helping you cope with the pressures of daily life. Make time and de-stress by finding what works for you.


Get regular counseling: If you know you have an issue with something and it wont go away no matter how hard you’ve tried, then try counseling to help you make any necessary adjustments to your behaviour or attitudes. Often its things we are not in control of that pushes us over the edge. If you have anything ongoing (such as nursing a sick family member) or happening often in your life, then regular counseling may help you deal with its effects.


Take time out and learn to de-compress… go for walks in nature… take up meditation, yoga or Tai Chi, they are all great for a whole body focus that works as maintenance and internal tune up. I highly recommend you make yourself important and love yourself enough to de-compress regularly.

2011 | www.thegoddessguru.com |

GoddessGuru 19 18

Re-vamping the RunWay Diva

Lauren K. Clark

The female form comes in various shapes & sizes, these are a distorting our view of how we ought to be!

How many of us actually look like this? Don’t limit your looks based on these stereo types.



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High Fashion and the Transformation of the Run-Way Diva as the Modern Woman


rom the extravagancy of high heels, the presentation of exotic and often eccentric, decorative, and outlandish shapes that the imagination can create, the world of high fashion has become an illustrative fairy tale of the life of the modern woman. And yet, if we were to take a step further, we begin to see how the world of highfashion is none other than multiple depictions, colors, and shapes as to how the Great Feminine presents herself. In the world of high fashion, the cat walk of each model expresses the different movements, and rhythmic patterns as to how the Goddess maneuvers herself through every woman who reflects her existence. The fashion run way has become her platform, where she takes center stage, entertaining all who come to be fascinated and marveled by this world of feminine expression. Multi-colored fashions of diverse colors are more than playful colors which bring forth appeasement. Rather, they are the voices and tones on which the feminine chooses to speak, and listen to those who observe her. Erotic, and often playful shapes and artistry of the attire are none other than immaculate sculptures and artistry in which the Goddess exudes the creation of herself, and the creation which she is able to manifest from her overall being. Intricate designs and patterns on the fierce ensembles are none other than abundant and unlimited formulas that contribute in the birthing of the multiple master pieces. The styles of various fashion designers, are their own expressions of themselves concerning how they relate, understand, and connect with that that great feminine energy. Then of course, there is the musical attributes to any highfashion show. Presentations of loud and vibrant beats, soft, gentle whispers, and the anecdotes to other musical genres are also utensils for how the Goddess chooses to speak within her temple. In this aura, the temple is none other than the fashion runway. The audience can be understood, again as those who come to also seek pleasure from her existence. Yes, indeed. This world of high fashion is a perfect domain for the world of the sacred feminine. However, there is just one problem . . . the shape of those who are presented in her creation are often those who embody a particular form. The Goddess form often expressed in the world of high fashion is often restricted to those thinner embodiments. It is this form which his even ranked at the top of the hierarchy in regards to the ideal shape of the feminine. Within such constraints, the feminine is no longer allowed to embrace the various shapes and designs that she is capable of embodying. Her ability to present the aura of abundance through the acceptance of larger women

has become quite restrained and even ridiculed. In this world, viewers are prevented from seeing how fabric, and the created sculptures can be utilized in celebrating the roundness, and abundance of life which is often presented and celebrated in the circles of the feminine. The presentation of elegance as to how garments are able to drape themselves around the extra movement attributed to those women who present large and abundant version of the feminine continue to remain dismissed in the world of high fashion. However, what if we created a way where transformation of the runway and the world of high-fashion expanded its understanding of the Goddess? What if thinner versions of the Goddess were not considered the perfect depictions, forms, or shapes, in this overall hierarchy in the presentation of her sculptures? Rather, the thinness often presented through the use of feminine bodies is interpreted as one form and route that she chooses to maneuver herself through the circle that she derives from. Those feminine bodies which are larger would not be seen as repulsive, but as reminders of that abundant energy that we all derive from. In this manner the presentation of larger models on the high-fashion run-way would also contribute in a manner where the world of high-fashion is also able to benefit and replicate from the abundance that the Great Mother is able to present. Such inclusion would also allow for the depiction and creation of diverse shapes, and designs through sculptural attire never seen before; all because this energy had been disregarded. If we were to transform the run-way of high fashion, this understanding of the feminine could include more diversity in relation to the colors, forms, sizes within the temple that she wishes to occupy. The run-way no longer becomes a gauntlet where she is judged and ridiculed in not occupying the “right” style, or walk which is expected of her; such being a cause for the limited understanding of the feminine, as a result of having been removed from the circle. It is time for the moment where the re-claiming of our runways not only begins, but also reconnects its linearity with the circle that births its existence. Lauren Clark completed her studies as a ComparativeWomen’s Studies major at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) in Spring 2009. Miss Clark’s concentrations included the following: African-descended, African, Asian, Latina, Indigenous, Native and European women in the areas of health, performing-visual arts, literature, sociologyanthropology, and religion. She is a freelance writer and activist for womens causes.

2011 | www.thegoddessguru.com |

GoddessGuru 20 21

s s e d d o G e h t f urn o


Vicky Anderson

Venus Transits - 2004-2012


uring the eight year cycle of the planet Venus, she shares the same orbit with the Earth. So Venus and Earth effectively become one planet. But what is most interesting is that, in this process, these two planets together trace out the geometric shape of a pentagram around the Sun – a five-pointed star. In ancient Hermeticism, the points of this star represent etheric Spirit and the four fundamental forces of nature. The circle that surrounds it is the symbol of unity, the symbol of a Goddess. In the year 2012, when the last of the transits completes the formation of a pentagram, the planet Venus will be positioned in front of the Sun and in a direct line with the Earth. At that time, her higher vibratory frequencies will be intensely focused upon the Earth. This will allow a higher level of awareness to permeate the planet, which will produce a flowering of human consciousness. And, because it is immediately followed by the exquisite galactic alignment that occurs in 2012, this Venus transit is very, very special. It’s the time of the Mayan 13th Heaven. It’s the time when the frequency of the Earth, itself, is predicted to reach 13 Hz, the next number in the Fibonacci sequence. It is the Return of the Goddess! ( from astrologerVicky Anderson at http://hiddenlighthouse.wordpress.com/about/)



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The Flowering times of the Goddess

Venus Transits 2004-2012 cont... Rhianne Teija NewLahnd


he Flowering times are upon us. For many of us, we have been aware of this for many years, and have been in readiness. Now, the planets are aligning, and it is quite an event! There is not much time until this occurs, and it is the beginning of the new land, we have awaited. What are the things most important to be ready for, when the five pointed star, the pentagram, forms around the Sun, when the Goddess embraces the God? For many of us, we are aware of the changes on the planet, in humanity, and this is showing in our own physical forms. The call to leave behind an old paradigm is great. Even some of those past ways we have cherished, are going to dissolve. But the coming times will be so incredible, and the new forms we will be given for ceremony, for manifestation, for relationship and general living, are far superior to what we are able to be in touch with at this time..and so, it is important, to let go. Rather than wait, for everything to be swept away at once, voluntary simplicity is a good idea. I myself have been in this process for many years. I began to lighten the load by letting go of unwanted or unneeded possessions. Letting go of my large house, which was way bigger than I needed or wanted to maintain, was next. Then, most important, the clutter in the closet of my mind. The past patterns, programs and memories. The way of thinking and being that clearly do not bring me wellness, or a life that is truly in alignment with my divine design. At times, I have felt like I was dying. Both figuratively, and literally. I have thought that perhaps the old me was dying, and a new me is going to take the place of that old person. Now, I realize that in many ways, what is dying away, is the facade of me. That I am not becoming a different person, I am becoming the person that I truly was always meant to be, the REAL me. What is fading away, is a collection of beliefs and ideas that never were really mine. I find it difficult to explain at times, when I feel like my world is falling apart. While many feel the sign of truly being in alignment with the true self is abundance, perfect health and

the finding of the ultimate soul mate, I have none of that right now. For a while, I have felt a failure, somehow punished, or left behind. Now, I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. While I have been called to release so much, I have made space. I am spacious. I am devoted to the Goddess, and she has guided me every step of the way. She wants me to be ready to receive all of the gifts she has coming, an entire garden of delights! I have trusted (even if I did so at times kicking and screaming) that, for every thing, thought, person, activity, etc. that I have let go of that does not serve me, there is more space for what does, and what will in the near future. More than ever, it is a time to increase our devotion, just before the darkest times, when we may feel like giving up, or giving in. To celebrate the return of the Goddess, who will bring with her not the old ways, but ways for our time, for our people, for our New Land. The projects we are working on now, are for this opening. We will receive the support and resources for them, because they are timely and will be of great assistance to the ones who are coming after us. Preparing our bodies, by listening to what brings us strength and wellness, and releasing the habits that only make us sick and weak, is very important right now. Taking the time, to drink in the nectar of the Divine Mother, to allow ourselves to be filled with that beauty, that love, that passion, to fire our enthusiasm, is of greatest value. We support one another in this, by expanding the circle, sharing the wisdom of our hearts, and being willing to see ourselves as who we REALLY are, and our beloveds as who they REALLY are. We are at the gateway! Rhianne Teija NewLahnd Internationally known with 25 years in the arts, ceremony, performance, community development and innovation to connect people to the Sacred FeminineWisdom and power within. www. rhiannenewlahnd.com Lives in Sedona, Arizona.

2011 | www.thegoddessguru.com |

GoddessGuru 23 22

? e v o L u o Y o Hoodo


any believe in the idealism that we were born to love, we exist to love and that love is the substance and function of our lives. Some folks believe that love is a divine magical power that connects two loving hearts and fuels the power of attraction. That love is the complete opposite of selfishness because it turns your focus upon another person other than yourself- and is the highest point if human relation development; it is giving by its very nature. Love is what puts the sugar in our lives and sexual relations is what puts the spice in our lives, providing that zing of vivacity and awards us with the attractiveness we feel on the inside and what makes us bloom on the outside. Sceptical philosophers blame this euphoric rapture on the chemical process of hormones ‘oxytocin’, ‘vasopressin’ and other simultaneous natural reactions of the human body. Not overly romantic? The more romantic dream is that we all have another half of our soul missing, and that the other half is out there somewhere wandering this earth, waiting to be connected again. One soul and one heart. Love has such a potent magickal aspect, one that ascends above the rest, for it has the power to overcome all troubles, heal illnesses, create miracles and lifts us out of the darkness which sometimes closes us in, it brings people together, it gives us meaning to celebrate life but also to remember those passed with fondness. In critical and life threatening instances, love gives us the strength to survive, to hold on regardless of how tough life gets.

Artwork supplied by Michele-lee Phelan www.dreamsofgaia.com



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Love reminds us that we are not alone in this world. But, we have to keep our expectations of love, realistic- Rome was not built in a day. Love is a road with struggles, compromises, and an everyday battle- not necessarily with the one you love but usually with yourself. We can never predict how a relationship will go and in many cases we may place unreal expectations on our partner’s, become

“THE CONJURERS WAY OF LOVE, LUST & RELATIONSHIPS...” envious, jealous and fearful. Fearful for the end while unable to enjoy the beginning; not admiring the golden sunrise over the ocean or the resplendent sunset over a field of fragrant flowers. Instead we focus on the problematic phobias of our own insecurities and doubts. Entirely, we may not know which way a relationship may flow, but, it is up to us to make it better, to let love soar above the grey clouds and truly bloom into a romance that would melt even the frostiest of hearts. When it comes to love magick or other spells it comes under the category of ‘compelling’, ‘commanding’ or ‘binding’ magick, words that command like “You WILL love me”, “I command you to love me”. Regardless how you wish to dress it up and make it look pretty; you are depriving someone of his or her own ‘free will’. Everyone wants to be loved; this is one of those things, which make us all incredibly human. Some pursue that life-long beautiful partnership and others simply want a ‘quickie’, variety is the spice of life. Conjure requires honesty, openness and acceptance of yourself and the acceptance of the glorious sexual being that we all are. I have a flair of performing these types of conjures along with the uncrossing and healings I do because I am a nurturer, it is in my true nature to nurture and be empathetic towards people and my clients; I feel their pain and at times I feel their losses and afflictions, I even feel their joy. Deep down inside I have this passion to love, to give and share with Spirit, nature and the world around me. With this affectionate nature I act on behalf my clients. Before conducting any working, and especially in conjure- communication and consideration are two of the key elements to always remember, if you have not tried every possible means to achieve your desire perhaps it was not ‘right’ for you. Bare in mind that people enter and leave our lives for a reason;

it is all a part of our advancement and lessons in life we all have to learn and accept. Alas sometimes a shattered heart is one of these lessons, which help our development and growth. Whatever love work you seek be sure and definite of what you want and what you are asking for. Make sure it is a change for the better and not a selfish means to cling onto something that was never good for you in the first place. Like candy, looks so sweet that it could melt on your tongue and place your senses in the divine.Yet the taste makes your lips pucker into a cat-bum expression...sour... or... that lustrous apple on the outside but rotten beneath the facade of rich red or crisp green. Sometimes acceptance is the paramount ingredient for any conjure or spell to respect. Clear the path and make way for the love that will curl your toes on a velveteen bed of cerise rose petals. Or, make that commitment you seek, whole of heart and ready to accept this positive change in your life without hanging onto the stagnant of sardonic emotions merely for the sake of holding on.You are not a failure- sometimes you just have to let go regardless of falling or flying. By using ‘conjure’ we place our request in the hands of Spirit, true spiritual work that is unmixed and undiluted- Vodou is Vodou, Palo is Palo and Conjure is Conjure. We use the Bible, we recite the Psalms, and we work with Saints requesting the aid from Spirits of the Deceased to help the living. So, in that spirit of belief and folklore, we preserve these fundamental ethics, for without them, you do not have hoodoo. It is not about exploitation or white-washing; it is about getting your own hands dirty, but being justified in your workings. Otherwise, they simply do not work; Spirit will not follow your request if it is not pure of heart or warranted. It is not about what is good or evil, black nor white; it is about walking the liminal and having the knowledge to tell the difference.

SIMPLE RECONCILIATION JAR CONJURE * Good & pure intention of heart * Photo of yourself and loved one * Clean Sterilized Jar. * Petition Name Papers: Sugar packets or lolly papers with the name of your partner 4 times (in black) with ‘Peace between Hearts’ crossing over it (in red) while reciting the Prayer of Serenity * Clover Honey * Mix brown sugar (love), Cinnamon (love) and Rosemary (peace) * Place honey on your partner’s photo in the shape of a heart sprinkle sugar and cinnamon, fix name paper over the heart then your photo facing your partner, fold towards you, tie carefully with a red ribbon * Submerge photo into honey. It should be completely covered. This is to sweeten the situation * Read Psalm 23 (Reconciliation) or 45/46 (making peace between a man and his wife) * Red candle on top with printed out Psalm beneath the jar * Around the outside, crushed sea salt, dried red rose petals with brown sugar (for love and protection). * 4 white candles on each side outside the circle. * Burn for 4 days every day reading your psalm.

Amber’Rose sees herself with terms- however references have been made towards ‘Edge-Walker’, ‘Root-worker’,‘Strega’,‘Hedge-Rider’,‘Faery Witch/Shaman’,‘PrimalWitch’ & ‘SpiralWitch’.To Amber’Rose the term ‘Witch’ is only but a murmur of those who follow the ‘Old’Ways. An ordained Priestess and regular author for OccultLiving & Goddess Guru Magazine, plus a contributor to HEKATE: Her Sacred Fires, and, another project due to be released around September.You may check out her blog at http:// primalcraft.blogspot.com/ or add http://www.facebook. com/doyouhoodoo

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GoddessGuru 25 24

, e t a n a r g e m o P e Th

ld r o w r e d n d of the U

Sacred foo


he pomegranate (Punica granatum), along with apples and hazelnuts are a sacred food of the underworld, the world below and are therefore connected to underworld deities and of course our ancestors. The pomegranate is more often associated with the Goddess Persephone than any other deity as it was Persephone who ate the seeds from this sacred fruit while she was in the underworld with her husband, Hades. It is for this reason perhaps that pomegranates are held sacred by many women and used in feminine rites! There are many versions of every mythological story, but the story that I treasure the most is that of Persephone’s journey to the dark depths of the underworld. The version I adore of this story (as there are quite a few) is the one where she willingly eats the seeds, not tricked to, as she was not a victim of rape or kidnap, but she was a woman in love who was swept off her feet by a tall, dark and handsome man of her dreams...Hades. But she was torn; she loved her husband, but longed for her mother’s embrace also. This is the reason she was to spend half the solar year with her beloved and half with her mother, not because she was forced to, but because she chose to. Recently I held a ritual based around this amazing & delectable fruit that was designed to release the victim within you as a woman and embrace the role of Queen. Tasting the seeds of the pomegranate symbolises you becoming the queen of your life, queen of your destiny, and queen of your own femininity and taking responsibility of your own divine self!



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No longer relying on anyone or anything else to complete you. The Pomegranate is ruled by the planets Mercury and Uranus and in magic, can be used for many purposes in many different ways. As explained above, it would be a perfect food to add as an offering to Persephone as well as an item used to invoke the God Saturn. Use these precious, ruby-like seeds to bring success and good luck into your life or in fertility spells and rituals. To encourage good fortune, place a pomegranate in your kitchen, or to increase your chances of conceiving a baby, eat blessed pomegranate seeds, include the fruit as well as the eating of the seeds in your fertility rites, or make a talisman from the seeds and place it underneath your bed. At Samhain (the Celtic new year) pomegranates are always a feature on my altar, along with the other sacred foods associated with the underworld. The best thing about this fruit is it is so darn easy to eat! The seeds are so tasty and juicy, not to mention fantastic for your health! Kellie Ashton is a witch, visionary artist, tarot reader and empath, currently writing a book on herbal magic. To follow her pagan blog please visit http://musings-of-a-twistedpixie.blogspot.com or email her at twisted_ pixie@live.com to enquire about her pagan newsletter.

Here are some fun and easy ways to incorporate this remarkable, feminine fruit into your magic... FERTILITY CHARM BAG

Into a green organza bag (or hand sewn charm bag), place the following items, saying the words as you do; - Mistletoe – “for fertility” - Cinnamon – “to invoke success” - Patchouli – “to bring on desire” - Oats – “to eliminate stress” - Pomegranate – “to invoke the divine feminine” - Dragons blood resin – “to fortify the herbs” Add a Jade crystal to the pouch to assist with fertility. Bless this pouch with your intention by visualising yourself already pregnant, healthy and blissfully happy. You may even wish to say “I am the mother” to affirm this is already the case! Keep the pouch above or under your bed until it is no longer needed.


Open a sacred circle in any way you see fit, this can be done by visualising an orb of light around you keeping you safe within it and keeping all negativity out. For this small ritual all you will need a fresh pomegranate.

Invoke Persephone:

“Queen of the dead, Persephone, She of the world below, I call to you now. Through earth & water, Fire & air, I call to you now. Lady Kore, enter, Come forth, I call to you now” State the following in an assertive, meaningful tone: “I break free from the victim & embrace the queen!”

Break open your pomegranate and state: “I AM SHE!” Now eat 7 pomegranate seeds with the intent of releasing the victim mindset & embracing the divine Queen within. You may choose to do a meditation while in this state of being, or you may wish to close circle at this point. The ways you can use the pomegranate in magic and spell work is absolutely limitless and I highly recommend working with her energy! Working with the Pomegranate is an extremely rewarding, and above all empowering experience as it is so powerfully feminine but also so femininely powerful! Go forth and release the victim that resides within all of us at times and embrace the queen who rules your divinity! I AM SHE!!

2011 | www.thegoddessguru.com |

GoddessGuru 27 26

Elemental Magic: E Jane Meredith


lemental magic works directly with the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water and sometimes also what is known as the fifth element, Spirit. These elements are seen as the basic building blocks of all life. Working with them we can affect magic in our lives and ourselves.

and immediate affinity with Earth. Our bodies are made up from recycled minerals, atoms and elements that were part of the earth before we were born, and will return to the earth after our death. We are literally part of the earth, living embodiments of the life force.

Perhaps because of Astrology we’re used to befriending one, or perhaps two of the elements. I’m a Gemini, with lots of planets in Taurus, which means I’m an airy person, with some earth. But elemental magic doesn’t work that way. In elemental magic all the elements need to be balanced and work in harmony. So if I am someone who is at home with Air and Earth, I should concentrate on developing connections with Fire and Water. Only when I’m strong and confident in all four elements can I create effective elemental magic, and begin to reach towards Spirit.

I love the practicality of elemental magic, and Earth is ideal for this. Simple forms of Earth magic include writing up your ideal job description when you are wanting a career change; cleaning your house out thoroughly when you want to ‘clean up’ your family relationships or creating a garden when you want to bring new growth into your life. These acts focus your own attention and energy towards your desired outcomes, through the medium of Earth.

I’ve spent many years working with the elements. Each time I approach them my relationship deepens and I feel more strongly connected, more elemental. These elements are the potent forces that define our existence on the planet and that comprise our bodies and lives. Each has its own special domain; Air is associated with the mind and abstract realms; Water with our hearts and emotions; Earth with our bodies and manifestation and Fire with creativity and passion.

There are also more exciting forms of Earth magic. There’s herb lore, tree magic and animal-inspired magic, just for a start. Anything to do with physically shaping your reality could be called Earth magic and I like to make its magic with real objects. If you’d like to work a piece of transformative Earth magic, you will need some clay (a form of Earth).You can buy clay from art supply shops, or your children may have modelling clay or you can dig some up from your garden.You will need a good sized handful. Work the clay until it is warm and you can shape and smooth it easily.

Earth magic is a homely type of magic, often related to health, home and income. If you have a good relationship with Earth you will be happy in your body, find comfort and security in your Now form a creature from your clay – it can be a real creature, home and be sustained by your income. We have an essential such as a cat or a dolphin; a mythical creature like a dragon



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Earth or an entirely new creature you just made up. The important thing about this creature is that it will be your totem. It needs to resonate with your spirit.You will feel an affinity for it and it will in some way represent you. There are creation myths from many different cultures about the first humans being moulded from earth, or clay by the Gods so in this magic we are linking into the power resonant in those stories. Once you have the basic shape of your creature, you can use tools such as a sharp, pointed object to mark patterns, a blunt knife to cut out toes or ears and other implements to create scale, fur or feather patterns.You might like to talk to this creature as you are forming it, or just think intently about your connection to it.You are about to create a piece of sympathetic magic, which is when you work the changes you desire on one form to create a change elsewhere. Here you will work a single change on your creature in order for that change to take effect in yourself. It’s important to reach a place where you are happy with what you’ve made, however eccentric it may look. Now do one extra thing to bind the clay creature more closely to yourself.You could breathe a single breath over it, as if you were bringing it to life; or inscribe your name on it; or embed something of yours into it (a hair, a scrap of thread from your clothes or something tiny like a feather or sequin). Now for the magic… Choose one characteristic that you would love to express more fully in your life – it might be joy, or relaxation, or courage, or sensitivity – and then work that

change into your creature. Make at least one physical change to the creature, to symbolize the extra characteristic you want it to carry. If you chose joy, you might tilt its head and ears upwards, or curl its tail in the air; if you chose courage you might put bold stripes over its skin; or if you chose relaxation you might change it to be lying down, lazily stretching out. Place your creature on a windowsill or your altar – somewhere it can dry out and you can see it every day. Touch it or stroke it if you like. Allow yourself to draw some of that change you wrought in the creature into yourself; that courage or sensitivity or joy. If you have worked the magic well, you will quickly begin to feel that characteristic expressing itself in your daily life; suddenly you want to go to the park, instead of working on the weekends! Or you’ll find yourself speaking out when you normally would have kept quiet. When you notice these changes, send a little thank you to the Earth element and the creature you made. Know that both you and your creature are parts of the living Earth, one of the sacred Elements. Jane Meredith is a Priestess of the Goddess, a writer, and workshop presenter. Her book Aphrodite’s Magic: Celebrate and Heal Your Sexuality is in the form of a magical spell. She runs workshops internationally. She can be contacted via email at: jane@ janemeredith.com and her schedule, website and blog can be found at: www.janemeredith.com

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GoddessGuru 29 28

h t r a E 2 1 20 cension As ZaKaiRan


very day and every moment is an Ascension; 2012 is not the day we all Ascend and leave this physical plane; every day and every moment is an ascension or more accurately, life is an inscension, we are inscending our divine spirits into our bodies and ascending our humanity into this divine magnificence. The Ascension process is a journey of healing, integration and activation of being who we truly are, it is about getting out of our own way! 2012 is just the beginning, not the end, in a sense it demarcates the official end of the age of darkness and the beginning of the 7th Golden Age of Light, but the age of Light has already begun and we have been working towards it for millennia through countless lifetimes. This is most definitely an Ascension into a higher plane of existence, as humans and as a planet, but the ascension is not about leaving the planet or even leaving your body, it is about truly being here, being here so much that in one sense, you no longer exist, at least not in the old matrix and dimension, instead, you live and breathe in a 5th dimensional plane of unity consciousness and vibrate at a rate far beyond the matrix in a body of light, you are still physical, just less physical. The journey of Ascension is just that - a journey, it is not 30


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necessarily a destination, although we certainly are focused upon results and visions of creation that may or may not manifest as we see them. We focus and work towards arriving at the destination, but we are open to continual change and even expansion of the vision. The Ascension is also not a prize where you finally get a reward for being good, every day and every moment is an ascension and every moment we are ascending closer and closer to our true light and true magnificence, and ascending into or merging with the wholeness of God-Goddess-All-That-Is, that we have always been integral parts of, but we wanted to experience the illusion of separation so we played this game. This is a Mergency! It is time to merge back to oneness, into the wholeness, with all life! Infinite blessings on your Divine Mergency! www.EarthAscensionTimes.com ZaKaiRan enjoys providing ascension tools and guidance, such as sonic alchemy, and karmic record healing to fully empower others and help them create heaven in their lives.To find out more about him visit http://www.ZaKaiRan.com.

Check out Stacey Demarco’s GODS and TITANS

Available at good bookstores near you.


2011 | www.thegoddessguru.com |

GoddessGuru 30 31

...T he Sassy Sorceress!

Lisa Clark

Web: www.thesassysorceress.com

Recognise it

Most of us suspect that how we deal with life is influenced by our upbringing, but few of us realise our personalities and moods often have a direct genetic link too. If you look at your family’s behaviour, strong patterns often emerge which can help you understand how and why you react to certain situations. Recognising emotional tendencies and making the links to family history is often the first step in dealing with, and breaking, your family script. In some cases just knowing where your behaviour comes from can help break bad habits and reinforce good ones.

Swat your NATs (Negative Automatic Thoughts)

The strongest emotional personality traits that you can inherit are things like neuroticism, being an extrovert or shyness. These characteristics directly influence your core beliefs – those little voices in your head that tell you you’re going to fail your exams, that no one likes you or that you’re ugly, but it is possible to reverse them.


ou’ve got your grandmother’s cheekbones and your father’s shoulders, but did you manage to pick up your mother’s foul temper and mood swings as well?We don’t just inherit physical traits from our relatives, but emotional ones too. The good news is you can change your emotional destiny, here’s how to do it the SASSY way!



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If you feel yourself sliding into negative thoughts, the first thing to do is notice them. Imagine you are in the supermarket and someone you know ignores you – do you immediately assume they don’t like you or you’ve done something wrong? Stop that thought in its tracks. Challenge it and ask yourself what evidence you have to support the NAT. If there is none, switch it up and replace the negative reaction with a positive one.

Tell yourself they were busy, preoccupied or just di dn’t see you. This process of noticing, challenging and replacing your inst inctive negative reaction takes a lo t of practice, but once you’ve maste red it, you can vastly improve your moods and selfesteem and how yo u cope with difficu lt situations.

How to C heat your Emotional Future!

achievement and fe elings of control over our destiny – However busy you even tiny things ca are, feeling cared n improve your moo fo r can really make a d and give you a difference to your confident boost. happiness and wel l-being. Jot down at least three simple * things someone co Go for a walk – ev uld en if it’s just do to make you feel around the block, loved and cared fo walking is a great r. Th en do each one of way to distract yourself those things for from thinking dark yourself as soon as thoughts and will possible. Even if th get your feel-good at fe els weird and unco endorphins pumpi mfortable, do it ng . an yway. Keep an ABC ‘tri gger’ diary * Dancing to your Everyone experien favourite ces explosive tune – push back Make connections situations which ca th e so fa , – There can tu rn up n trigger a hot th e vo lu so m e metimes be an urge on your stereo and temper or the tend to isolate dance ency to slip into yourself silly. yourself when you’ a black mood, but re feeling down, ye pin-pointing your t connecting with fa triggers can give bi mily, friends or na g clues to helping By ture switching up the w is a great way of en you change your behavi ay you react, you suring your hear t our. Keep an ABC w ill tr ic st k ay your mind into ne s open. diary, which stands w thought for Antecedents, patterns and over M ak e a connection by Behaviour and Con tim e, this will becom doing something sequences. e your new positive ki nd for someone – send behaviour. flowers to a friend, a love letter If, for example, yo to your partner, pi u have a tendency ck up a colleague’s lu to Gen up binge eat, when yo nch or buy coffee u get the urge, wri fo r a stranger. te If your parents suffe down what has happ red from depressio ened just before n or addiction disorder you want to eat, th s such as alcoholis en note down your m Move your body – or drug dependen feelings and behavi There is extensive cy, you’re three tim our after you’ve es research on the po more likely to suffe binged. When you sit ive effects of r from them too. read it back, you exercise on mood. Other serious diso might be able to id In fact, Dr Michael rders such as bientify what trigge Norden, the author rs polar disorder (M your behaviour an of Beyond Prozac anic depression) an d try to react to it d says: ’90 minutes schizophrenia also differently next tim on a treadmill doub have strong genetic e. So, instead of les the levels of the br factors, so know yo reaching for somet ain compound ur family history. hing to eat, change serotonin.’ If 90 m the pattern – may inutes isn’t an be you could try op inion, and let’s face The key thing to re phoning a friend fo it, that probably member is that just r a chat, reading a goes for most peop because there is a book or a magazin le , ge m netic predisposition oving your body e. for even 30 second to something, it do s will help. Just clos esn’t make develo e ping your eyes and tu it an inevitability. ne into the sensatio Set mood-blocker ns goals you’re feeling. Knowledge is pow Setting yourself go er – learn as much als and targets is a as yo u can about the co good way to divert ndition so you destructive emotio ca n sp ot symptoms if they ns and feelings. If you do appear. feel the onset of a Lisa Clark - The Sa If you’re still conc ssy Sorceress is an mood crash, it may erned, a councello au feel like your only thor, journalist, lifer, psychologist or ps coach and creatrix option is to retrea yc hiatrist can help. t into it, but resist. o’ awesome. Her huge ly successful School o’ Make yourself do something. Anythin Sass is home to e-cour g. ses and workshops th Magickal Mood Sw Even putting the w at ashing on or meetin ar e it a fa ch bu er lo us s bl en d of magic, coaching g To avoid inheriting a friend for coffee an d emotional traits, will make you feel substantial sass to he lp grown-up girls be switch your mood like you’ve achieved come up with these posit mi something. stress of their own de ive feel-good fixers… stinies. Her book, Sa ssy Sorcery hits bookshelv es, late 2011. * W eb: www.thesassysorc Make lists – Tick eress.com Put yourself first ing things – What have you be off a to-do list impr Fa cebook: www.facebook en oves our sense of doing to take care .com/thesassysorceress of yourself this wee k?

2011 | www.thegoddessguru.com |

GoddessGuru 33 32

Meditation … Reconnection

To radiate healing upon our

world, thus assisting all life. 

Shaman Eilee

Choose 3 candles and 3 crystals. Place them in the centre of a Mythonian Syrah (circle above) Say… I welcome the loving energy of Cheylia’ into My Earthly Being, May Her Wisdom, Love and Compassion for All, Flow through me, to My World, and All Life. And So It Is … So Sha.


nce this is done sit and meditate upon the desecration of the mother earth, all the people, plants and animals upon your world. Invoke your emotions to reach out to them. Visualize them in their pain, their sorrow, their grief, their despair, their poverty, their hunger, their lack of love. Feel the hopelessness and recognize the senselessness of it all. Take unto yourself the magnitude of these realizations and let the emotions it instigates release, until tears flow down your cheeks and fall at your feet like a river of never ending pain. Now breathe deeply, allowing each breath to ease the anguish within your heart, and gradually rise above this deep emotion. See the radiance of the sun bathing your world in a golden glow, and know there is Hope. See the darkness of the night sky, and the silver glow of sister moon, set amidst the billions of twinkling stars, and know there



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is Hope. Breathe deeply and draw upon the Love and Life of Cheylia’, know all is well within and upon your world, through Her Divine Love. Now breathe deeply, and draw yourself back into your now time, and become aware, this is not your reality. Be aware of the room in which you sit, the people who are with you and the connectedness, one to the other, you were able to create in order to experience this reality of mankind that is not yours. Give thanks for this and allow the peace and love of Cheylia’ to be with you ever more. Now radiate this to those in your world, knowing that by doing so, you connect one to the other, therefore this, that you do, in love, affects us all. Such is the compassion you possess for all life. Shaman Eilee is a spiritual channel a cosmic shamanic healer. For information regarding the teachings of the Crystaline Leagacy Email her on shamaneilee1@bigpond.com.

My scars are a permanent reminder of my ability to survive, to heal, to live, to regenerate. My scars never let me forget, but in letting go, they do not hurt as much as they once did. My scars teach.Without scars, we do not learn not to make the same mistakes again.

r o i r r a W s s e d d o G Kali cox


he lights are out, and the cries of epic battle echo around the neighbourhood. Teddies fallen lay at my feet as the fight for survival continues. My Superheroes, 6 and 4, challenge Warrior Goddess Mummy to the Ultimate Duel with their Glowy Sword Sabres of Doom and I flash back to the luminary phantasmagoria of Blue Light Discos past, only with 2 adoring boys instead of zero... and yet possibly with just as much shouting. You could be forgiven for asking just who is the biggest kid at our house right now, as the Force takes us up hallways, behind lounges, over beds and down stairs, with breath combined enough to rival even the most Darth of Vaders. White Light Glowy Sword Sabres of Doom reign supreme, and we retreat to chocky milk and bikkies to assess our battle scars and repair the casualties. We are all so very magical in the simplest of ways. The Teddy almost missing a leg might hope that I was a little more magical in the sewing department, yet that we are able to exist in such incredible beauty, wrapped in the elements of nature, bodies that heal themselves and minds that can create our own realities is more of a blessing than we ever really pause to consider.

Kali Cox is Domestic Goddess, an empath, busy working Mum of 2, aspiring collator of the written word, and full-time Solitary Witch. She has appeared on local Brisbane radio, creatrix of and moderates the ‘Witches Of White Magic Unite’ Group Fan Page on Facebook. The most powerful magical tool we possess is our mind. What we think we create, our thoughts are our armour, and we have the power to build our own armour, all tucked up within. We’ve all had our fur singed, and the stuffing knocked out of us at some time or another and still it is a powerful thing, this thing called life, and certainly worthy of battle. No matter how triumphant the combat, scarring may result. However, we can choose to take back our power, to find comfort in our loved ones, solace in bearing our burdens to those qualified to bear them, and to embrace our inner Warrior Goddess, fighting with sabres of love, compassion and self truth, reclaiming ourselves and triumphing against even the most unworthy adversary, even that of the war Within. Scars do remind from our hurts, but also of our survivals.Yet our scars don’t have to define who we are as a reminder of our losses. Our scars can be an empowerment of our strength and survival, our integrity, self truth and our ability to heal, our Soul Band-Aids - if only they came in a box of 24 at Woolies with Morgan Le Fey emblazoned upon them! My scars remind me of the woman I am today, shaped in strength by the wounds of the past. Empower YOU, Warrior Goddess! 2011 | www.thegoddessguru.com |

GoddessGuru 35 34

t s i t r


e l fi ro


Journeys with the Goddess... Jennifer Powell

Simply Magic!

Kali Cox

Getting back to basics for busy witches 36


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...When life imitates art...


seem to have always made art, I feel like I must have been born with a pencil in my hand, it is the way I process my experiences it’s who I am. So thirty years ago when I fell deeply and passionately in love with the Goddess it was not surprising that she began to dominate my art. This piece is titled “She Awakes” and it was made over twenty years ago. It was a pivotal point in my art and was of great personnel significance to me. It was born out of my experience of being initiated as a Priestess of Isis and my need to fully integrate that experience into myself.

I had always seen the Goddess as a fractured thing, it was like she had thrown herself down from the lofty and unobtainable heights to shatter into a myriad pieces. She had done this to be accessible to us, to be emotionally attainable, to offer us a reflection of ourselves in her at every stage of our lives. That’s why my central Goddess figure holds a mirror; she offers me not only a reflection of her in myself but challenges me to see myself as I truly am. She is still largely constrained by her burial wrappings because I felt that I had not yet fully revealed her to myself. As personal revelation at the time of my initiation I had heard Isis bid me follow in her footsteps and travel the world as she had searching for lost fragments of the ancient wisdom. The five freestanding statues represent the fragments of knowledge and there are five because that is the number of change. The piece is toped with the emblem of Maat the Goddess of truth. Now you may expect that having finished the installation piece that it would be set and settled, staying in the original form for as long as the life of the materials would allow.

That was certainly my hope but as always when you give something life you should not be surprised if it goes on to have one of its own. As it had been drawn from the deepest possible part of me, it is probably not surprising that her life would echo mine. In the first year of its life several of the freestanding sculptures where trampled flat by cows (I kid you not). At the time I was a little distress by this but couldn’t help see it as somewhat ironic as trampled was exactly how I was feeling at the time. I rebuilt them and the piece went on to live a little longer only to suffer a wound to the canvas, the central part of the installation. What she, my art and me needed was a more solid foundation and I tried to accomplish this by mounting the canvas on solid board. She went in and out of inadequate storage until a few years ago when I thought I was at a stage in my life when I could rebuild the piece and breathe new life into it. I had decided to remake the piece by turning the central painting to a three paneled, freestanding altarpiece. I would mount the Maat figure on solid backing to crown the piece. The first thing I discovered was that Maat’s feather; the very symbol of truth had broken off and gone missing. I was worried by that but pressed on convinced that the time was right to bring her back to full power. However I kept getting side tracked by other paintings pushing and nagging to be brought to life as I was exploring the nature of love in my art. The altarpiece languished as my life took dramatic twists and turns including the devastating end of a passionate thirty-four year marriage. It seemed that my life was now imitating my art and I needed to rebuild myself to give my core a more solid foundation, to re-envision who I truly was and to celebrate it.

So now I find myself nearly two years later with a new love and a new life at the point of rebuilding the art piece yet again. The sculptures have all gone and some of the building work on the altarpiece has been damaged even though it was far from finished. I want to exhibit it next April at a Goddess exhibition at the Royal Women’s Hospital Gallery. It features the work of emerging woman artists and that seems most fitting because I think I am finally ready to emerge, as an artist and as a woman. I want to pour my passion love and gratitude into this piece to declare to the world what I find sacred. To celebrate our capacity to reconstruct ourselves, as she has so often, to in essence, be reborn, stronger and more self aware than before. I do in truth hope to create a piece that is as powerful as the original but not to be an imitation. This will be a new vision from the same source that acknowledges the sacrifices asked of us in the cycles of life that are marked by deconstruction and reconstruction. I do not know this time round who will imitate whom, perhaps this time my art and I will move forward hand in hand in this reconstruction stage so that we can both stand triumphantly in our power to take on a whole new cycle in both of our lives. Jennifer Powell is an artist and Goddess workshop facilitator who is currently pursuing a Masters in Divinity/ Fine Art;The Shaman Artist, and my Shamanism is deeply rooted in my Celtic origins. A Priestess of Isis and of Hecate and I have been working with the Goddess archetypes for nearly thirty years. Contact 03 53458261 Email: edwardscreswick@bigpond.com

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hen I asked the floating orbs to identify themselves, they sweetly replied without hesitation,“We are the bumble bees of the universe.” I laughed, but of course that was their intention, to make me laugh. For it is within the faeries nature to tickle us emotionally, sharing their gifts to make us smile, giggle and feel joyous. Faeries love the music of the flowers as they sway in the gentle breeze, like tinker-bells to their ears, as each petal hits the one beside it. They long to hear the sound of someone humming a merry tune, which drifts like melodious whispers in the breeze. With their faery wings always expanded to embrace and welcome the bugs and insects into their sacred abode. Such as a fluttering group of butterflies, their personal aeroplanes! A buzzing team of bees, the mathematicians of nature, or ladybugs all elegantly dressed in their spotted suits, employed as their postmen.

a ur aur nse yo a ead of e m l c y r owe n to fl o a i t in a h s i it nt w Visual h a fragra are lying

wit that you ne filled o bow h c a Imagine E ms. et. A rain oup of o e lo w b s d d e e r colou -perfum tice a gr they of potent bove and you no y r ne t s e p a t One by o u, kies a . s s e ie h r t e in fa und yo giggly appears rant, and robatic circles aro to your ib v , ly d n frie own l in ac and swir ur head d filled fly down om the top of yo y empty buckets s fr the g: doing lap ime they do this errily sin m y e h t t h e c t whil feet. Ea faery dus w o b in a r with pe le of ho “A trick of love kle A sprin agic on of m A por ti bows above” e rain From th sed with eld clean e the fi ic t e g r your ene in your aura. Se you feel ly ed you n e d d Su ge repair es not belong to a m a d d an rgy o nted ene e. all holes hing away what d a w n u is us g th to se faeries br ttle wings. Takin urs for all lo o c e li r o ir e with th create m inbow to a r e h t o int



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Faery Hea e through

ok Le Fay under sp oa Morganouring and raucous thhe Sun was forced intelded

t th m The clam d skies above, as g and ear in o F . e e c n n e e swirled the dark cealment of abs dles that d n u o c p tery, y d t e is d blin ue m n of mys q io a it p s o o e p k is li d tics of in unison cles in the air. A th, all characteris e cir for ospher delirious ecrets streamed inous atm m o s is d h n t a within magic, a e. It was c n e s s within e faeries… e r p her een of th t everyone carrie ithin u Q e h t t that I me Fay teaches us tha dark, and to be w ur Le n spirit. O s well as Morga of light a mind, body, and er e r u t a n s the pow our ld o o t bipolar h e it c n r gs bala ared fo both brin should not be fe es us no more. In e f er v id blanket o shadow s nd abolish what s a h t a e n e into it b ea t thorns n to remov re we try to hide e t is s r e it to mo ill push p uman tra w h it a fact, the e is r o It e, the m dge it. t what resistanc acknowle ilt and shame, bu e w il t n u gu actually our being nceal feelings of w side is o d a o c h s d e n that th mask a ured. realise is ld u o h and hono s e d e c on a r b hen em healing w



faer Born fr om wit ies hin the inspirin colo ga surprise rches, the Iris urs of the rain bo d fa they ca if they disappe eries can be fo w and its awe rry wit a u r nd. Do when hin returni ng from the same per someone gets n’t be sona of too clo whence coloure se, fo a rai th d and vio hues of red, or ey came to hid nbow - quickly r let an e faeries, . If you’re luc ge, yellow, gre beneath the ky enou they ca e n, blue, n g filled d reams, be spotted car h to catch a gl indigo, impse o kal ryi everyth f these ing tou eidoscope visi ng buckets of ched in ons, an g joy. d a mag iggles, glitter to fruit y fruitio ic that t u ns of fu n, happ rns iness, a nd

aling Leprech

If you’v aun er or two ecently notice go miss d an inc ing re leprech aun frie , then you mo ase in odd soc nd. Do ks or a re than bring th shoe n’t like e After al magic of abun despair! For t ly have a little da his clev l, er too! To they are the m nce and prosp erity in being can asters o date no t f o t a sing treasure saving m your lif le h e. d o Making pot of gold at uman has been ney, and hidin g t yo h a i Do this ur own pot o e end of a rain ble to access t t f gold heir bow. simple sp Spray p aint a g ell to call for t a h abund r plant a d an seed wh en pot gold. Fill it w ce and prospe ile you r ith pott say: ing mix ity. a nd “I plan t t h e In the seeds o sa f Austra me pot plan financial gr t a gol lian on d coin owth.” e or tw “I call , such od for th t he luc ollar. As you as an k of th do say To pro eL : So tha tect my trea eprechaun t s w u r h e e A mag ical pr n danger is near otectio n will appea r”

Spell t


heal You wil thy s l need: hado ws be One te neath aspoon each of Find a c b lack and omfor t ab white s a tree t alt o keep le place to sit y o o u and spr u groun tside, p inkle th referab d e d. Ta em aro now wi und you ke the two co ly under thin a p loured to f ro (black s salts alt) and tective circle t orm a circle. You are hat hon the ligh o t (white u salt). S rs both the dar “I call ay aloud k thee O : ’ blesse d Mistre As sha s Conce dowed vines s of darkene aled-c d veils c reep fo am Amids t whic ouflaged-w r th h thy l h Teach ight st ispers me to i l l sh honou torch r both ines And th t h at th y shad ows th illuminates e at resi st, hid ing be neath”

Apple Blossom is a natural witch, psychic, medium, reflexologist, writer, and poet. Look out for her upcoming book ‘SPIRIT IN THE MIRROR’. Contact Apple at: enchantedfairy@australiaonline. net.au, Face Book ‘Apple Blossom’, http://appleblossomwriter.blogspot.com

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GoddessGuru 39 38

Tarot Moments I

n the last issue of the Goddess Guru Ezine we covered the Major Arcana, now the Minor Arcana of the Tarot Cards. Many year year after the Major Arcana Tarot was used for decision making the Minor Arcana cards were added to complete the set. The Minor Arcana cards are the remaing 56 Tarot cards. They are divided into 4 suits. CupsEmotions - Hearts. Cups represent people with blue or grey eyes, and fair to light brown hair. Soft, gentle people. Wands - Action- Diamonds. Wands represent people with green or or with flecks of hazel in their eyes, and blonde to red hair to light brown hair. Positive, motivated people. Swords - ChallengeSpades. Swords represent people with hazel or brown eyes, and brown hair or grey haired People whose opinions we respect, not always older, but those with a mature and conservative outlook. Pentacles – Money - Clubs. Pentacles represent people with brown to black eyes, dark brown to black hair and olive to dark skin tone. Professional or business people. The Minor Arcana are said to be the adjectives in the sentence or the ability to furnish us with so much more detail to fill in the gaps in the reading. These cards also help us convey the message of the Tarot cards so much easier. The 56 remaining Minor Arcana cards are divided into the four suits above. Each suit commences with the Ace to 10 then also has four court cards. – Page (young female to 25 years old) Knight (young male to 25 years old)



Queen (female over 25 years old) King (female over 25 years old).You can use the Minor Arcana card simply by themselves to perform a simple reading. For a much more detail and informed reading you would mix the whole 78 Tarot cards together (major & minor tarot cards). The choices and styles of readings are endless.You can always adapt your own favorite spread from other form of divination and fortune telling to the tarot.

Q&A Dear Amanda Will I get another job/ bussiness ?William Dubbo Dear William Looking over new opportunities with a strong outspoken fair woman with green eyes.You will be testing the water over a new bussiness opportunity. There will be some money restriction to begin with. But this will break the chains that have been holding you back. Leave the past behind you with its jeealousy and trouble. Charge towards the future with great confidence and speed now. Amanda Cards used – Page of Pentcles Queen of Wands, Temperance The Devil , Knight of Swords Dear Amanda Will I stay with my current job. Amy - Darwin

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amanda hall www.simplytarot.com.au

Dear Amy You have great peace of mind knowing that this was the right position when you took it. It gave you more confidence to move your career forward. Now there will be an ending or change coming suddenly.You may move to another company that is connected with water. You will move forward with confidence in your career and may need to take a leap of faith in the future developments. This will lead to great happiness and many new friends. Amanda Cards used – Two of Cups, Knight of Cups, 10 Of Swords, 2 of Wands ,The Fool Dear Amanda Will I buy a house soon. Kris - Perth Dear Kris You will gain much peace of mind when the decision is made between the two of you to purchase a property.You have need to get the confidence to make this major step forward. There will be an end to renting which will change your whole life. The purchase of property will be near the water.You friends and family will help you achieve this dream and celebrte you new home with you. This will be a major step forward for you in life. Amanda Cards used – 2 of Cups, Knight of Cups , 10 of Swords 2 of Wands ,The Fool.

LotusBladeCreations Hi my name’s Laura, I’m the spicy little faerie who lives at the bottom of your garden! I’m fun and fanciful and I make all sorts of treasures for your hair! Take a look and see my current pieces, or drop me a line and I can create something special just for you xx


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GoddessGuru 40 41

Nat uresSpa


o achieve good health, we need to enjoy the dynamics of physical activity, restoration, and relaxation. Natural Spa treatments are your sanctuary, to awaken your mental and physical energies. With the use of some simple basic ingredients, using natures wonderous herbs and oils you can acheive really amazing results with ease. In the next few issues of Goddess Guru I want to share with you some creative ‘do it yourself’ bathroom spa products, that I have tested that work, that wont cost a fortune and you can have fun making as well. I’ve found that there are five main things women look for in good spa products. 1. They have to be really easy to use and not hurt your purse. 2. They have to smell the way we like them. (We have to adore the aroma or else we wont use them right?!) 3. They have to make us feel silky and soft when we get out of the bath. (Not too oily as we don’t want to spoil our clothes.) 4. Their theraputic effects have to be noticable, in other words they have to work. 5. They have to be natural and chemical free as possible. 42


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Relaxing is an important time out and we all need to remember to do this. Incorporating it into a regular spa routine is the best way to make it an efficient time as well. I often say to women friends of mine... “don’t just run a bath and lay in it... Savour it like a good wine or chocolate...Yum! Buy some special shells, soft bath sheets and towels and don’t forget bathroom bling; like fabulous candleholders and some scented candles and have fun decorating your space. Ambience creates a holistic effect and is felt on the more subtle levels. So take care and create the perfect environment that you need. I like palms or hanging ferns in a bathroom as they love that tropical steamy energy that a bathroom generates while giving it soul. I use Earth, Air Fire Water and Spirit Elements when dressing my bathroom... the witch in me loves the energy. Last but not least... don’t take your phone or computer in the bath with you, you can call people back... make time for yourself, life encroaches enough. Lock the world out for at least an hour. Bathing should be an enjoyable experience so don’t allow anything to disturb you... remember this is YOUR time... Rest, relax, and pamper your self... Enjoy the solitude!

EARTH ANGEL BATH CRYSTALS You will need: 1/2 cup epsom salts 3/4 cup baking soda 1/2 cup sea salt 2 tsp. almond oil 20 drop patchouli oil 15 drops cypress oil 5 drops rose oil green food coloring ( one or two drops) Mix it all together very well. Sometimes it helps to add wet together separately in another bowl before adding to baking soda and salts. You will need to use a few heaping tablespoons to your tub Gentle Uplifting Bath Salts You will need: 1 cup of sea salt (or Epsom Salts) 1 tablespoon of baking soda 3 drops bergamot oil 3 drops rose geranium oil 3 drops lavender oil 2 drops frankincense oil To color these use light pastel colors, to continue the uplifting feeling. I like light green or yellow personally.Take the oils and mix them together in a separate bowl that you have thesalts in. Mix the oils well. Mix the bath salts and baking soda. Add the two together. Store in a clear jar with a cork top lid preferably. These are great for gift giving.

Hawaiian Bath Oil Ingredients: 1/8 cup of canola oil 1/8 cup of apricot oil 10 drops of mango oil 10 drops of coconut oil 10 drops of gardenia oil Mix all of the ingredients thoroughly together, bottle until ready for use. When ready add to the warm running water as you fill your bath tub and then simply enjoy the wonderful tropical aroma as your body soaks up the oils. (You can add your favourite essential oils as desired when running the bath) Cloepatra’s Herbal Milk Bath Ingredients: 400ml can of Coconut Milk 2 teaspoons of your favorite herbs (try mixing rosemary, thyme, lavender, camomile & mint as a combination, or experiment on your own) Instructions: First place the coconut milk in a blender, when its all well combined add your herbs mixture and blend once more. It is now ready to enjoy simply by adding 1/2 cup of the mixture to your warm running bath water, enjoy! For that extra relaxing add 2 tablespoons of epsom salts to the bath... Cleopatra eat your heart out!.

Honeyed Bath Salts You will need: 1 1/2 cups of Epsom Salts (or rock sea salt) 1/3 cup of honey (liquid honey) 2 drops of yellow food coloring 3 drops essential oil (optional, honey gives off a nice scent) To create: Take the salts and place them in a bowl with the honey. Stir them together very well. It will seem a little sticky. Add your two drops of yellow food coloring to the essential oil if you choose to use it. Oils that are good would be chamomile, rose or jasmine. Take the oil and color mixture and stir it into the salts. Cover and leave in bowl for about 30 minutes so that they all mix well. Use 1/4 cup of recipe for each bath, drop into hot running water. Honey Egg Shampoo 1/4 cup honey 2 tablespoons liquid soap 2 tablespoons water 1 tablespoon witch hazel 1 large egg, at room temperature 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil or almond oil 1 tablespoon rosewater or cologne Place all the ingredients in a screw top jar, cover and shake well. Makes about 2/3 cup.

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t he

Love Goddess S’ROYA ROSE

Mythology has it, that Aphrodite was created from the happy union of the sea and the sky. Having evolved from an early Italian nature goddess, she became known as bringer of spring blooms and vines, good fortune and victory, a goddess of growth and the beauty of nature.


phrodite is described as the goddess of grace, love and beauty and is considered the ruling queen over attractiveness, pleasure and passion. Associated with the planet Venus, she symbolically represents love in all its forms; from pure ideal soul mate love to lustful sexual desire. The myth has it that she rose naked from the sea, the source of all life. Born out of the foam of the ocean, she was carried by the west wind to the shores of Cyprus. There she was discovered by Hoare, who sought favour by showing her to the gods whom she enthralled with her amazing beauty. She became known by many names and was respected as the founder of the Roman people, whose romance with love (‘Amore’) is displayed everywhere within their culture. Legend has it she took numerous lovers and was not particularly faithful, indulging in many secret assignations all in the name of love. Her hot-blooded love affair with Mars led to many offspring, notably son Eros, Cupid and daughter Harmonia. However, it was the discovery of this affair that led to her eventual ridicule and disapproval from all other gods and goddesses, creating much jealousy. Aphrodite’s Venusian connection saw her give the name ‘Venus’ to the morning and evening star. ‘Venus’ is the ruling planet of

Taurus and Libra in Astrology. As the goddess of desire, she is the irresistible personification of both the passionate physical and spiritual heart aspects of love. Her mythical story acts as a symbolic reminder of the soul’s eternal journey through love via the collective unconscious and its eternity. Aphrodite is an archetypal affirmation of a young woman emerging fully into her femininity, embracing all of her beauty, sexuality and pure goddess energy. As a result, she helps women feel comfortable with their bodies, expressing their sexuality and sensuality, increasing desire and romantic passion. She reminds women not to be afraid of their tender feelings or hide their femininity.

When we call upon her goddess energies, she guides us through the stormy and calm waters of love and passion, enhancing pleasures of the senses while navigating the physical and emotional aspects of desire. She helps us to strengthen longterm relationships by allowing passion to have understanding. Within the duality of love, a partner who has passion for you and understands you, can heal occasional hurts and wounds. This encourages the growth of love toward finding a deeper, more committed and caring space. Lust and desire on their own are useless without real love and understanding to sail it’s waters. Aphrodite brings growth as we move into more mature love enabling us to have better relationships. She can also be called upon and used in rituals of love, so call upon her to aid all matters of the heart. She reminds us that ‘love leads the way’. When love is present, the whole world acquires a soft, golden glow, enabling us to have more compassion and forgiveness. It opens the heart to see with the eyes of truth and love. This transcends beyond what only the mortal human mind comprehends. This is the divine essence displayed through the true heart of the goddess.

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Glorious le p m i es S

sty a T &

dl Noo

for taple reat. s d l o useh ste g e a ho lthy and ta ct answer. m o c be fe ea s have re quick, h ’re the per at you y r f r i y the ey a es th le St Nood reasons, th l on the go, le vegetabl olutionised p a us ev obvio ticious me h some sim dles have r eet the u t o i m n For a prepare, w where. No adapted to otic ex o ry e Easy t almost eve they can b t, sour, or es while e s t ey e st a can ge n cooking palett. Sw unique ta daptable th y te a io Euras ments of an sed to crea les. Always side dishes u e b at requir , all can be lthy vegeta ake for gre xtremely e rs ea m flavou esh crisp h ishes, and leaser and w as well. p r d f no many ays a par ty any salads ing fish and using t n e d m lim lw comp al fillers. A en used in types inclu you just t t o e f a g and m they are o ith all me od on the njoy! w E fo ile versit to be used alike. For Noodle’! e s e l l n Suitab y vegetaria ious ‘humb b ic loved at the nutr e b can’t

Humble Noodles 1 Packet of your favourite Noodles 1 Onion - Thickly sliced 1 Capcicum Sliced 2 Medium Mushrooms - Sli ced 1/2 head of Brocholi Flo wettes 1/2 tin bean shoots


Place all vegetable ingredients in heated Wok, lightly greased with Vir gin Olive oil. Begin tossing vegies as they coo k quite quickly, then add your favourit e stirfry sauce, try not over coo k them. For something extra, add either Snow peas, Sprouts or Carrots as optional extras giving that extra health y crunch. Add a 1/2 cup of sto ck and simmer a few minutes. Create an exotic flavour, slice up some coriander & basil or add peanuts or lemon grass. Add you r favourite noodles & toss som e more. Ser ve immeadiately ... Simple yet delicious - Enjoy!



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ES L D O O N Cellophane Noodles

Are clear noodles often made from Mung Bean Starch and Water. Also called bean thread, bean vermicelli, or slippery noodles. Great for all kinds of Soups, Stir-fries, or Deepfry. Try them for something different.

_____________________ Egg Noodles These are very popular. Made from Egg, Wheat Flour, and Water. Great for all types of Stir frys, especially Asian & Laksa Soups.

_____________________ Rice Noodles

These are great for light eating. Made from rice flour, water, and salt, rice noodles can also be thick or very thin, the latter almost resembling long strings of coconut. The same is true of rice sticks. There are also rice paper wrappers (used in Thai Rice Paper Rolls) which come in either circular or triangular shape.. Great for Soups (Thai Laksa) & Stir frys.

_____________________ Substitutions

The Italian pastas make good standins for egg and wheat flour noodles. Which pasta you choose will depend on the shape and thickness of the noodle you are replacing. (For example, thin angel hair pasta can be used to substitute cellophane noodles, while fettuccine makes a good replacement for wheat flour noodles). Noodles can be eaten hot or cold, steamed, stir-fried, deep-fried, boiled, or served in a soup. For the nutritionally-inclined, noodles are an excellent source of protein. Besides being low in calories, they are extremely high in complex carbohydrates.



California Sushi Roll *Source http://www.diy-sushi-recipes.com

Everyone loves these sushi rolls… they are the first to leave the Sushi Bars. The avocado is king in this recipe. I’ve always loved its smooth, buttery taste. Make sure you choose one that is perfectly ripe. The skin should be slightly soft when you poke. Avocados spoil fast so make sure to use them right away. Tobbiko Flying fish roe, or tobbiko as they are called in Japan are often included on either the inside or outside of the sushi roll. These tiny fish eggs are usually a red color and give a California roll a crunchy taste. These can be tricky to find if you don’t have an Asian supermarket in your town. In my recipes, I just sprinkle my inside-out rolls with toasted, white sesame seeds.Yummy! Utensils Bamboo mat wrapped in plastic and sharp knife.


Mix the mayonnaise and scallions in a bowl. Cut the cucumber and imitation crab into matchstick slices Cut the avocado in half and remove the large seed. Peel and slice. Place the shiny side of the nori facing down on the bamboo mat. Dip your hands in water and shake them. Grab a ball of sushi rice (about 1 1/4 cup) and press it evenly over the sheet of nori. Sprinkle on the toasted sesame seeds. Gently pick up the nori and flip it upside down so that the rice is facing the plastic. Evenly spread out the cucumber, crab and mayonnaise on the nori facing you. Lift the sushi mat by placing your thumbs underneath the mat.

Now grasp the ingredients with your fingers to keep everything in its place. Bring the mat forward until it touches the edge of the ingredients. Gently squeeze and form the roll using both hands. Slowly unroll the mat and as you do this bring the roll back to the edge of the mat. Repeat these steps until all of the nori disappears. Let your roll rest for about a minute. Moisten a very sharp knife and cut the inside-out roll into two even halves. Places the halves side-by-side and cut again. Slice into 4 or 6 pieces. Serve on an attractive plate with a bit of pickled ginger and wasabi.

Ingredie nts avocado 5 cups of sushi rice 4 sheets o f nori (toa ste 7 teaspoo ns toasted d seaweed) s ea 1/2 Japan ese cucum same seeds ber (or En 1 1/2 tab glish cucu lespoons o mber) fm 5 ounces of imitatio ayonnaise nc 1 1/2 tab lespoons o rabmeat f sliced sc allions

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. . . g n i x a l e R f o t r A e h T


ul!! or the So Time out f

he Art of Relaxation is more than just getting away from our work or daily grind; it’s more about the absence of stress. Peace of mind brings us a positive and satisfying feeling in which one experiences letting go and at-oneness. True relaxation requires that we become sensitive to our basic need for inner stillnes and peace, self-awareness, thoughtful reflection-and the willingness to acknowledge and experience these needs rather than ignoring or dismissing them as time wasters. Stillness can be nurturing. Research shows that continual pressures of everyday life take a heavy toll on our physical and mental well-being. Stress is one of the most common causes of diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, ulcers, and headaches. In the area of mental health, stress frequently underlies emotional and behavioral problems, including nervous breakdowns. Many environmental factors, from noises to air pollution to economic disruptions, like un-employment, inflation, and even recession add to any feelings of stress. More and more people are frequently distracted from their daily activities by personal problems; conflicts with family member, disagreements with employers, poor living or working conditions, boredom, loneliness, to name a few. It’s easy to become preoccupied with 48


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living, thinking, organizing, existing, and working that we often disregard our needs for relaxation. Reared in a production-oriented society, we often feel guilty, or at least ill at ease, when we are not actively involved in a tasks or producing something. Even our vacations can become whirlwind productions that leave us exhausted having put too many experiences into a short period of time. Which only serves to undermine the value of a vacation, meant as an opportunity for restoration of one’s energies, being for rest and recuperation. Sadly, some people pursue relaxation with the same concern for time, productivity and activity that they show in their everyday life patterns. When we need to learn how to turn off the body clocks and gain perspective again, instead of always striving. Often the need for inner silence is difficult to honour. The secret to relaxation is simple: Find activities that give you pleasure, that when you pursue them, your energies are committed to total mental and physical well being. If this results in an artistic product, a musical skills, or further education, a better body, or whatever, then that’s great. But, remember that relaxation, not achievement, is your reason for participating in the activity.

Guide Try these therapies they are excellent for helping you Relax your Body Mind &Spirit!

Yoga & Stretching

Reiki, Facials or Massage

Meditation & Reflection Relaxing Sound Therapy

Reflexology, Acupressure & Pedicures

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GoddessGuru 49 48

Health Teaching Our Children to be Healthy


ESTA LIBERO, Holistic Health Practitioner, CMT

hildhood obesity is skyrocketing yearly. In the 1970’s, only 1 in 100 children were obese. In 2010, the U.S. is at a very high rate of 26%. What can we expect in the future? The show, Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, Chef Jamie traveled the town Huntington in West Virginia, USA,a town that had been voted the sickest, most overweight population in the U.S. Sadly; he stated that the children of this town will live shorter lives than their parents if that doesn’t change. This is so alarming that everyone should be asking themselves why – and what can be done to change that? We have diverse cultures and diverse food in most major western cities of the world and yet most of our food sources are completely similar; processed packaged food like substances. In the film “The World According to Monsanto”, exposes how agribusiness has been genetically changing our food supply (GMO), which has significantly lowered the amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in our food. All of life depends on vitamins, minerals and trace element in order to keep us healthy and stay alive. Growing food from genetically changed seed will have adverse, long term effects on our health and the Earth. It’s predicted to cause worldwide famine since genetically grown seed cannot reproduce. This is a global issue though some of the European countries have tried to avoid this problem, however they can’t always stand up to the chemical giants. Unfortunately Monsanto is strong arming many countries to have this growing practice and feed people this “Frankenfood”. It’s up to all of us to vote against this with our food spending. We have the power to make more change than we might believe. Interestingly, compared to other industrialized countries, the U.S is at the top of the list when it comes to diseases of malnutrition. They have the highest rates of diabetes,



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heart disease and cancer. On that same type of list, the U.S. is near the bottom when it comes to education. In a study of high school students in the U.S. and in the Netherlands, the top U.S. high school students scored below 50% on a simple exam. If you think that’s strange, think again, malnutrition is the leading cause of most physical, mental and emotional diseases and dysfunctions. Do you see the correlations? In 1987, Americans spent $503 billion annually on food. One half of this was for snack foods and highly processed convenience foods. Europe is not far behind. In fact, the modern food industry is the backbone of the fast food industry. Sadly, we are eating and starving at the same time and lowering our levels of education. Take heart, there are healthy kids in who have been raised to understand what being healthy means. They have learned that processed food is not food and they have the power to choose. Learning to eat real vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins is not difficult. These kids feel and know the difference when they eat well and when they don’t. “I learned to help make meals and pack lunches from an early age” one healthy teen tells me. “I’m more addicted to feeling well than to eating junk. I’m in charge of what goes into my mouth and now my friends are asking me how to be well! When we are young, perhaps we could be taught the means to gracefully grow very old. When we educate and empower our children to be well, they do well. When they do well, they are free to be the loving, creative spirits they were born to be. When they become creative loving and free spirits, they can truly have the energy to make a difference to the future of this world. Will you join them on this quest? ESTA LIBERO, is a Holistic Health Practitioner, CMT Pheonix Arizona, contact email is: sunsister@cox.net

Watch The overwhelming magnitude of diet-related problems is reason enough to demand dietary changes – C. Everett Koop Former U.S. Surgeon General

THE HEALTHY BREAK.COM Your Personal Guide to Nourishing Body, Self & Soul



ESTA LIBERO, CERTIFIED NUTRITIONAL COUNSELOR – sunsister@cox.net – 602-515-1355 2011 | www.thegoddessguru.com |

GoddessGuru 50 51

Save our Planet!

Eco Living T

Think Green Energy... Recycle!

here is still a great deal of waste which could be recycled that ends up in landfill sites, which is harmful to the environment. Recycling is an excellent way of saving energy and conserving the environment. If we all put in more effort a great deal could be accomplished in saving the planet from becoming a human rubbish tip!

Did you know that...?

1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours. 1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes. 1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours. 70% less energy is required to recycle paper compared with making it from raw materials.



Some Interesting Facts...

Up to 60% of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin could be recycled. The unreleased energy contained in the average dustbin each year could power a television for 5,000 hours. On average, 16% of the money you spend on a product pays for the packaging, which ultimately ends up as rubbish. As much as 50% of waste in the average dustbin could be composted. Up to 80% of a vehicle can be recycled. 9 out of 10 people would recycle more if it were made easier.


Each family uses an average of 500 glass bottles and jars annually. The largest glass furnace produces over 1 million glass bottles and jars per day. Glass is 100% recyclable and can be used again and again. Glass that is thrown away and ends up in landfills will never decompose.

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Recycled paper produces 73% less air pollution than if it was made from raw materials. The average person gets through 38kg of newspapers per year. It takes 24 trees to make 1 ton of newspaper.


Over 275,000 tonnes of plastic are used each year, that’s about 15 million bottles per day. Most families throw away about 40kg of plastic per year, which could otherwise be recycled. The use of plastic is growing about 4% each year. Plastic can take up to 500 years to decompose.

Tips for Green-Energy Home hints and Ideas Water

v Consider the environmental v Fix dripping taps – one dripping impact of new items before deciding to buy them. tap could fill a bath a week! v If buying cork tiles make sure v Install a water meter to help they are not PVC coated or buy unsealed you monitor water use – free of charge ones and seal them yourselves. from your water company. v Don’t leave taps running when v Ask suppliers and retailers about the environmental impact of their brushing your teeth or washing your products and their policies regarding hands. chemical pollutants, the environment and v Showers use much less water than a bath – typically 30 litres compared social responsibility generally. with 110 litres – but power showers can use as much as a bath. v Use a bowl if you only have a v Site your fridge and freezer in small amount of washing up. a cool (but not very cold) position – not v Dishwashers use a lot of energy next to the cooker! and water so only use them when they v Don’t leave the door open and are full and use energy/water saving make sure the seals are tight. options if possible. Look for the most v Keep your fridge temperature energy efficient models when buying setting between 3°C and 5°C; settings new ones. lower than this are wasting energy. v Wait until you have a full load v Don’t overstock your fridge! before using the washing machine – each Make sure it is no more than three wash can use over 65 litres of water. quarters full, that way cool air circulates v Use a cooler temperature when more easily. washing clothes – modern detergents are v Clean the condenser coils at the designed to be effective at 30°C or 40°C. back of the fridge – if dust builds up it v If you are going to buy a new can waste up to 30% more energy. washing machine or dishwasher choose v If buying a new fridge or freezer one that is both water-efficient and go for a really energy efficient one – energy-efficient. Check how many litres check the European Energy Label – A++ of water and how much energy they use is the best. Don’t leave any of your per wash. Washing the car (if you have machines in standby mode; switch off at one) with a hose uses up to 90 litres of the mains when not in use. water in ten minutes – that is a lot of v Repair things when they break buckets. rather than throwing them away. Land-fill v Get a water butt to collect is becoming quite a huge problem now. rainwater for your garden. So try not to contribute to it if possible. v Don’t let the tap keep running v Check the energy consumption - turn the tap off while you brush your of any new appliances you are thinking of teeth. buying, including how much energy they v Consider repairing and use on standby. restoring items rather than replacing v Go for a smaller TV screen. Ask them. which one gives off the least radioactive v Look for second-hand items, rays. in charity shops, from auctions, join v Invest in a wind-up radio. Freecycle in your area or ask around.

Fridges and freezers


The Goddess Guru

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e c n a l a B e n o m r o H ! y a w l a r u t a N ..the


e all know that women are designed to produce the hormone Estrogen. This hormone has a lot to do with our moods, behavior, and actions, and is what makes us feminine. It’s also what keeps us looking and feeling young. Estrogen also helps women’s bodies to absorb calcium; actually estrogen acts like a bank teller, allowing calcium to be properly assimilated. When a woman goes through the change of life, or has a hysterectomy, her ovaries, (which produce estrogen and progesterone) no longer produce these hormones. As a result women often suffer with mood swings, depression and bone loss. Their teeth are affected because of the inability to absorb calcium and minerals. The adrenals are supposed to “kick in” to produce the needed estrogen, but in today’s world so many women’s adrenals have been stressed and worn out and they do not produce the smaller amounts of hormones needed. Women suffer the consequences of imbalanced hormones in their systems. Another symptom is hot flushes. When the needed hormones are no longer being produced in the body, this triggers Mother Nature to start shrinking the ovaries. This process makes women feel hot and they break out with hot flushes, perspiring profusely for a few minutes, and are terribly uncomfortable. For this reason, the medical profession advises Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), but synthetic hormones, while helping to eliminate hot flushes, have awful side effects. The most popular synthetic hormone, Premarin is made from pregnant horse mare’s urine, and its side effect is cancer of the breast or uterus. Some herbal companies now produce hormone patches and creams made from another herb called Mexican Wild Yam. However, some Doctors warn us of this particular source, telling us that it is a steroid containing cortisone. While it brings temporary relief from the hot flushes, the long term effects of these steroids makes women gain weight and causes the bones to become soft, brittle, and easily broken, contributing to osteoporosis. The Chinese Yam on the other hand doesn’t contain the saponin (steroid) of the Mexican Yam, which is medicinal and can be poisonous.



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Vitamins & Herbs for our Girly System The Benefits of using natural estrogen and progesterone:


When the proper balance of estrogen and progesterone in the body is maintained, it controls the body’s ability to absorb calcium. This is critical for the prevention of osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, arthritis, etc. When we eat sugar or sugar-laden food, this affects the calcium in our body. Sugar strips the liver of stored nutrients and depletes the calcium out of the bones, affecting bone density. If we are menopausal, then we cannot assimilate calcium well. Is it any wonder that our body, at this time, starts showing signs of aging? Then, according to which symptoms we have in our body, we give them disease names such as: Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia or Muscles Aching. Lack of calcium may not be the only cause of these conditions, but it is certainly a big contributing factor. Natural Estrogen and Progesterone help keep us feeling young and acting young. It keeps our skin young, and gives us our sex drive, our vigor for life... feeling wonderful! The opposite is true when we start aging. We see the effects easily, as our skin gets dryer, wrinkles start appearing, and we start feeling and showing the aging process.



One out of every four women is affected by osteoporosis. So taking supplements that don’t contain hormones, but are capable of connecting to the body’s hormonal receptors, making the body “think” it is receiving hormones is very important. Then the body can utilize calcium as if normal hormone levels are present. Vitamin E; is well-known as an antioxidant, but has many other benefits as well. It plays an important role in energy production and it also increases endurance and stamina. Vitamin E is also very beneficial; as it stimulates the glands that produce hormones; for the heart, causing dilation of the blood vessels and permitting a fuller flow of blood to the heart. It also helps to prevent blood clots from forming. It can help reduce edema (swelling) and lower elevated blood pressure. There is also some evidence to suggest that Vitamin E may be useful in slowing the aging process, since aging in the cells is largely due to oxidation and Vitamin E is so effective as an antioxidant. Zinc; is a mineral, present in every part of the body and has a wide range of functions. It helps with the healing of wounds and is a vital component of many enzyme reactions. Zinc is vital for the healthy working of many of the body’s systems. It is particularly important for healthy skin and is essential

for a healthy immune system and resistance to infection. Zinc plays a crucial role in growth and cell division where it is required for protein and DNA synthesis, in insulin activity, in the metabolism of the ovaries and testes, and in liver function. As a component of many enzymes, zinc is involved in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and therefore energy. Don Quai; is referred to as the “queen of female herbs”. It has been cultivated in China for thousands of years as a treatment for women’s health and considered nutrition for girls from childhood on up. Modern research affirms its musclerelieving, immuno-modulating, and antibacterial activity; aids in overcoming symptoms induced by Vitamin E deficiency, has a calming effect upon cerebral nerves, prepares uterus for delivery (during pregnancy, eat only the last 2 weeks). Helps to maintain the proper balance of female hormones, regulates the monthly periods, relieves monthly pain, smoothes menopause and improves blood circulation. Dong Quai contains Vitamins A, E and B12, nutrients that stimulate glands, which produce female hormones. Its primary benefits are hormonal. Best known as an herb for female problems, Dong Quai also aids in healing for both men and women by improving blood circulation. Korean White Ginseng; is a regenerative food, which nourishes the muscles, benefits the nervous system and helps to balance the function of the hormone secretion especially related to the reproductive organs. Many women in the west don’t eat any foods that nourish their reproductive organs. Maybe this is why women’s problems are so common in our western culture. The reproductive organs and other endocrine glands regulate the balance of the skin through hormone function. Radiant skin therefore is a result of healthy glands. Korean Ginseng seems to have more of a cooling effect on the body, and is good for hot climates, as well as, for hot flushes. The Chinese eat ginseng all the time for energy, strength, and endurance. Athletes who want to increase their endurance and performance commonly eat it. Korean Ginseng is very nourishing to the mind and nervous system. Royal Jelly Extract; is a food produced by the “worker bees” for the “Queen”. It is a highly nourishing food that prolongs her life 30x that of the other bees and also makes it possible for her to lay the eggs for the hive. Research has found this food to be extremely beneficial to the skin, with proven healing and nourishing properties. Royal Jelly is considered perhaps the most complete food; proven to have healing and regenerative qualities. The extract contains 18 amino acids or protein, pantothenic acid, B vitamins, and numerous minerals.

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Hodgepodgesymbols for the modern goddess Bronwyn Fish is an Events manager & owns Soulessence. She runs regular courses & meditaions Her website: www.soulessence.com

Bronwyn Fish

Symbol LOTUS FLOWER The lotus starts life as a small bud at the bottom of a dirty mud pond. Roots deep in the muck, it slowly grows up towards the light and once it breaks the surface, the bud blossoms into an exquisite flower. The Lotus flower is regarded within Hinduism and Buddhism as a symbol for awakening to the spiritual reality of life, a symbol of purity, enlightenment, selfregeneration, the crown chakra and rebirth. It is the emergence from the muddy waters that forms a perfect analogy for the human experience, our struggle through difficulties and obstacles towards wholeness, our search for enlightenment, to reach the surface and show our inner beauty. The white lotus represents spiritual perfection, red is for purity of heart and the blue lotus signifies wisdom, but all represent long life, health, honour and good luck.



People have always looked to the stars as a source of inspiration and hope. There is something magical about them that uplifts and inspires us. The Star card gives us hope. It tells us that if we open our hearts to what we truly desire, trust in our intuition and keep our destination clear in our mind, it will eventually happen. Remember the song, “When you wish upon a Star, your dreams come true?� Keep in mind, the Star does not offer immediate results but a glimpse of a possible future. Like a light at the end of a tunnel, becoming slowly brighter as we travel towards it. The questions you must ask yourself are how badly do I want this future, am I prepared to stick with it no matter what obstacles come my way?



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Called the “Stone of Heaven” by Native Americans, Turquoise is one of the oldest known gemstones worn for protection and to strengthen our immune system. Associated with the fifth Chakra and the Thymus, when placed on the throat area, turquoise can help to regulate this gland and stimulate the repair of damage to the lungs, chest and heart. Turquoise helps us to communicate clearly. Whether it is speaking your truth to others, providing written clarity in an article or giving a presentation to peers, Turquoise provides us with the focus. Think someone is deceiving you, wearing turquoise will aid in seeing the truth. Energetically, turquoise is a grounding stone and offers protection and peace of mind during deep meditation or astral projection. Faerie Dryads, are the guardians of the forests and woodlands. The dryads or tree nymphs are beautiful, quite shy maiden spirits, who live in peace with nature, taking care of the trees and protecting the wildlife that venture into their domains. Each Dryad’s life and soul is integrally linked to a particular tree. While the tree flourishes, so does its resident dryad, however if the tree should die, then she would also pass. Many people revere the dryads and go to great lengths to keep their favour. If it is absolutely necessary that a tree be cut down, offerings are placed at the base of the tree and a blessing from the dryad of that tree must be obtained before any attempt is made to strike the first blow.

Angel Archangel HANael Hanael, whose name means the grace of God, also known as Anael or Hamiel, this Archangel rules the planet Venus and is concerned with love, compassion and the health of all our relationships. Love is the strongest force in the Universe, so to invoke Hanael is to ask for guidance in healing and restoring kindness and compassion to our families and friends, to promote empathy to all creatures and to protect our home, Mother Earth. We each have our own path to travel however we are not meant to spend the journey alone. Invoke Hanael to assist with love of the Self and remember, we all have faults but if we act from love and compassion, we are all beautiful.

Rune Wunjo represents joy and

happiness, plain and simple. It is always a welcome rune in any reading as it signifies a positive outcome, happy news, exciting times ahead or the fulfilment of a wish. Wunjo wards off sorrow and sad times and through love it can strengthen family bonds, it can also assist in helping you find your true purpose in life and by realigning your thoughts and actions bring new opportunities to your door and joy back into your life. If Wunjo should appear reversed, it can represent a need for caution in making a decision. It can also mean someone near you is causing trouble so keep a sharp look out.

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Want to create a Sense of Positive Living in

your Home and Life?

Roxanne our expert shows you how, using Feng Shui Principles Positive Entrance:

People often like to place a pot plant either side of the front door, which establishes their doorway as the entrance and it’s good feng shui as it helps gather any negative energy before entering the home. It’s advisable not to have spiky plants near the front such as a palm, yukka or cactus as they’re not welcoming plants and they can emit negative energy causing arguments and unfriendliness. One of the plants that’s mostly recommended in feng shui is the jade plant, as it’s known as the prosperity plant and is said to bring wealth to your home or business. The round button leaves of the jade plant are succulent, which means it stores water, and water represents money in feng shui. This is why it is deemed such a lucky plant.

Lighten Up:

There’s a saying “Shine some light on the situation,” and in feng shui this can refer to using lamps as an enhancement if there is not enough natural light. They can be placed in any area of your home to assist in activating the energy, providing they are switched on at least two hours each night. Any form of light – natural or artificial – is one of the best cures in feng shui, and especially good for dark or lifeless spaces around your home such as stairways and hallways.

Yin & Yang:

The symbol of yin & Yang is universal but its meaning is sometimes not understood. In feng shui,Yin and Yang represent balance and the correct flow of positive energy when applying feng shui cures. Yin and Yang are mutually dependent and complementary, and they cannot exist without each other. For example, you cannot have day without night. The two halves are in balanced motion, like the Pisces symbol of two fish tails to two mouths, creating perfect balance. Yin and Yang are part of nature and exist in everything. Nothing is completely one or the other because life is in a constant state of change. The Yin and Yang symbol is also known as male and female energy that we all contain in our bodies – female is Yin (black half) and male is Yang (the white half). Roxanne is an Australian well known Feng Shui Consultant and Expert. 
Author of Best Seller Books “Feng Shui – A Practical & Easy Guide”
& “Life Is…Awesome”
 Contact Roxanne to visit your Sydney home or business on (02) 9525 6569 Website: www.fengshuilaws.com



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Kitchen Luck: The kitchen is a central area in your home as every occupant uses this room a lot. There are many rules in feng shui that apply to the kitchen to create the best energy flow. The kitchen is always related to your wealth so:

* Always keep cook tops clean * Use a reflective splash back near the stove * Keep clutter off the fridge * Have a full fruit bowl * Pack away all knife blocks, they should not be seen * Keep bench space very minimal, no clutter

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To book Ph: 07 3378 9649 or Email: babulamoon@bigpond.com



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Black Moon Lilith - 3 Day Womens Retreat

Apple Inspired Wisdom

Dechen Chodron

Dechen was inspired by the Goddess to develop her work as an artist because she discovered the zen of seeing. Dechen runs regular Goddess & AppleWisdom workshops in Glastonbury UK. Her artistic talents cover a range of disciplines including Oil Painting, Sculpture, Land Art,Water art, Photography, Film &Video, Dance, and Storytelling.

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GoddessGuru 60 61

Randall Libero is an independent writer and producer of New Media. His long running radio show can be found at www.spiritoffilm.net

Blockbuster: Thor

world of our ancient imagination; and the film tells us our high tech creations and the dreams of human consciousness are born of the same source. Thor says, “our ancestors called it magic and you call it science. I come from a place where they’re one and the same.”

Mythology & Science Merged resent day Earth and the cosmic realm of Asgard collide in this synthesis of Norse mythology and high tech science. Natalie Portman portrays a scientist who seeks to open a portal to the quantum dimension. In drops Thor, a powerful warrior banished from his place of succession to the throne of his father, Odin. Asgard represents the


The film speaks to the empirical view of the world and alternate dimensions that both science and society holds -and the peril the future may hold for us if we cling to that view too strongly. If we remember our ancient past was truly filled with fantastic wonders and allow those memories to blend with our modern day technology, then a new Golden Age is truly possible -- with the bridge to that future symbolized by the bond of love between the divine feminine scientist and the noble warrior. responsible for seeing that human destiny plans out as it’s “supposed” to. But being the fighter that he is, David refuses to let others dictate his fate, and he and Emily take on the Bureau together.

The metaphor of fate vs. free will takes center The Adjustment Bureau stage and one can see in this story the Free Will and Fate Duel question of the desire to understand and come to grips with how much of re we free to choose our destiny, our lives are free will choices (either on or is it fated and beyond our a soul or personal level) and how much control? Matt Damon plays David, a is dictated by what we are allowed to congressman poised to make a big leap express or manifest in society. The in his career when he encounters a ability to choose -- and our awareness beguiling, enigmatic free spirit, Elise of that fundamentally important (Emily Blunt). Their brief connection and instant attraction deeply effects them birthright -- is something we often lose both. One morning, David unexpectedly sight of. The film provides some insights on such notions, that what we think of meets Elise again, but this time their as free will may be far different than meeting has an unexpected result how we typically define it. And it may -- as their relationship interferes with offer us, for better or worse, far more a group of mysterious agents known than we ever thought possible. as “The Adjustment Bureau” who are




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And you may have missed...

The Last Mimzy wonderful science fiction family film, which centers on two children who develop preternatural powers when they encounter a mysterious box containing strange devices they presume to be toys. This film tells us that our current generation of ‘crystal children’ are developing extraordinary abilities which will have a significant impact on the future and be common among the generations to come.


Journeyman earch on www.Hulu.com for this 13 episode TV series where a reporter discovers he can jump back through time and change people’s destinies. The main character ‘tracks’ peoples lives across many years to a resolution which he is never aware of at the beginning and events and relationships in his own life are always somehow intertwined. Excellent writing and acting make this series truly satisfying.


k o o B iews Rev

Editors Choice Gods & Titans

By Stacey Demarco & Illustrated by Jimmy Manton www.themodernwitch.com RRP: $34.95

Gods & Titans is a much-needed Oracle Deck. Created by Stacey Demarco and illustrated by Jimmy Manton, it is dedicated completely and only to the Masculine Divine! There was a time when Gods and Goddesses, the masculine and feminine Divine, co-existed equally and were honoured side by side.Yet with the passing of time this sacred union was lost. It’s now time to restore the balance! Featuring original tried and tested invocations and spells as well as a full explanation of each God’s attributes and influence, this deck invites you to come back to a time when Gods really were Gods! The cards features Gods

and Titans from many different cultures, countries and times, showcasing well-known favourites as well as the remembering of equally powerful, but little known deities. Through the Gods & Titans oracle you can: Reconnect with the authentic powers of the masculine.Utilize these ancient energies to solve modern problems. Allow the Gods’ strength, action, compassion and protective love to flow through your life. Discover the oracular power of these cards for every day or special readings. The time has come to experience again what the real Masculine Divine is about! The set includes 36 cards and a detailed guidebook, packaged in a hard-cover box set.

The light within By Michael Lamb www.michaelsalchemy.com

Dreams of Magic By Michele-lee Phelan www.blueangelonline.com RRP $34.95

Life is awesome By Roxanne www.fengshuilaws.com RRP: $27.99

I’ve been a fan of Michael Lambs work for many years now, as a modern day wizard he embodies the ancient knowings of Alchemy having studied extensively in this lifetime. Here you will find a collection of original CD’d & meditation from Michael Lamb. These CD’s can transport you to places within yourself & allow you to reconnect with your essential nature in the comfort & relaxed atmosphere of your favorite chair. The Light Within, Vital Force and The Elements are all unique & offer the listener a wonderful opportunity to explore diverse aspects of the inner journey. Why not take advantage of his offer of the CD pack, terrific value at only $50.00.

Dreams of Magick’, the first solo publication of celebrated artist Michelelee Phelan, brings together over 100 of her most-loved illustrations with a selection of stirring poems and short stories.

An amazing artist... This stunning, full-colour publication compiles Michele-lee’s favourite artworks, including private commissions, those from her personal collection as well as never-before-seen works depicting dragons, fairies, gods, goddesses and nature.

 Also featuring an intimate and informative chapter about Michele-lee - her loves, her life, why she paints and writes - as well as a walk-through of her unique painting method, ‘Dreams of Magic’ is a book you will treasure.

Life Is…Awesome by Roxanne is a collection of inspirational excerpts and positive quotes to motivate your life and explore new solutions. This lovely book encourages positive energy and spiritual growth by changing the way you think about life on so many levels. 
It was created just for this purpose, to be consulted in times of indecision and crisis. At any time, open to any page and within the words of wisdom will be the answer, regardless of the challenging question. Life does not have to be so serious, just accept and be free. Roxanne writes in a positive, direct and practical manner but the words of wisdom it contains are Universal and therefore its wisdom is limitless

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Simply Astrology July – August 2011

Amanda Hall

Aries - 22nd March to 21st April Goddess of Love Your Goddess loves being on centre stage. So go out have a great time, show off your natural moves on the dance floor with your partner. This adds sparkle and passion your relationship. The two of you will be in a world of your own. People around you will be captivated and mesmerized. But the two of you will only have eyes for each other. Enjoy this special time together.

Gemini - 22nd May to 21st June Goddess of Love Your Goddess self is restless over the coming months. As you want to get out and explore with your partner. This will create a little bit of friction between you and your loved one as they don’t feel that they can satisfy your needs or understand why you’re so restless.You need to be stimulated with new exciting and different ideas at the moment. Just bored with life, need stimulation.

Leo - 22nd July to 21st August Goddess of Love Well Goddess welcome to your stage, now come and take a bow. It is no secret you just love to be admired all the time.There will be plenty of opportunity over the next couple of months to show off your partner, with a busy social time ahead. Book some time with your lover and watch the spark fly between the two of you. This will increase your self esteem and confidence to tackle the world together.

Goddess Emotional Wellbeing Your emotions will seem erratic, try to balance the equilibrium between full speed ahead and stop. There is inspiration, and answers to old niggling emotional issues.You will be able to put the final pieces in the jigsaw puzzle, and then let it go. Energy levels are up and down. Just go with the flow, and all will be fine soon.

Goddess Emotional Wellbeing Preoccupied and quiet as you try and analyze your thoughts and emotions. With this incredible restless energy running through you, it will be hard to hold your focus any length of time, especially if a major decision needs to be made. You may also seem a little bit selfcentered and aloof to the people that are closest to you.

Goddess Emotional Wellbeing You will enjoy being out with friends and loved ones. But on a serious note, there will be plenty of opportunity for you to network with very influential positive people that can enhance your future and may even bring a business deal your way. So make sure you are paying attention. You can feel there are big things waiting.

Taurus - 22nd April to 21st May Goddess of Love The perfect time to indulge your goddess plus partner by taking some time out. With relaxing aromatherapy massage and let the stresses of your busy life just disappear, with each gentle movement. Then take some of your favorite oils home to burn or luxurious bubble bath. Change the oils to suit the mood or activity. Sweet blends of Aromatherapy oil will create the mood for some serious passionate nights creating a sizzle.

Cancer - 22nd June to 21st July Goddess of Love Your Goddess needs comfort, good food and pampering with your special love interest.You have to be careful not to overindulge in the good things of life. Too often, and leave yourselves short of money. This is the time to really start to make some plans for the future and put into place a good budget. So you can achieve the goals you have together. Time to think about putting down roots and purchasing property maybe?

Virgo - 22nd August to 21st September Goddess of Love The Goddess does enjoy a little bit of mystique and mystery. This special time of reigniting the spark and the romance in your relationship.You spend time analyzing your emotions and listening to their conversations. For you, this is a natural part of a relationship. For some, the relationship may be hidden or forbidden. Or they hold a special candle for someone they cannot have.

Goddess Emotional Wellbeing Emotionally more stable and secure than you have in previous months. Finances seem to be stabilizing and improvement there back under control. For some of you there may even be the opportunity of promotion or a new job on the horizon. This will certainly bring more money into the coffers. The future looks very bright indeed. Increased travel time to the new job, possible business trips.

Goddess Emotional Wellbeing Fresh inspiration and direction for the future. For some this will come through the guidance of meditation and just being still and allowing the mind to just be. In our busy lives, we quite often forget the power of just being still and being in the moment. This can be a great way to get the answers we need. When we come out of our own personal wintertime, with renewed enthusiasm for future plans.

Goddess Emotional Wellbeing Your work or profession could be causing you some emotional imbalances. How can I reinvigorate my enthusiasm for the current situation. Just have patients the answers are coming.You need to be ready to grab the opportunities with both hands and don’t look back. Opportunities, new people entering your life, are good and bring new information to the table to be analyzed, seize the moment and be proud.

Amanda Hall has 35 years experience in Astrology & Tarot reading and runs Simply Astrology & Tarot. She is the best-selling author of the Simply Tarot set, available at good bookstores near you. For more information visit www.simplytarot.com.au.

Libra - 22nd September to 21st October Goddess of Love What a couple of months coming up ahead for the Goddess.You will always seem to be out and about with large groups of people, networking and having a great time. That will sometimes leave your head spinning from an overload of information. Then you will have the opportunity to discuss what has happened and to see what opportunities you will progress with. Life is full of surprises at the moment so enjoy it.

Sagittarius - 22nd November to 21st December Goddess of Love Your Goddess energy is running very high at the present. Higher mind issues will intrigue you with your lover. For some - long distance travel. Always the eternal student you never stop learning through your life. Exciting opportunities, with travel and meeting new people who will help complete the next part of your education.Your lover is caught up in euphoric experiences with you even if they’re not present.

Aquarius - 22nd January to 21st February Goddess of Love With your Goddess energy needs to be different and stand out from the crowd your lover could be uncomfortable with you now. They certainly will not understand the need to be rebellious. Especially when out with family and friends.You are just bored or sick and tired of having to conform to other people’s whims and standards. Whatever the reason you think it’s funny, it has great entertainment value for you.

Goddess Emotional Wellbeing You’ll be day dreaming about far-off land and distant cultures wishing you could be there just soaking up the atmosphere. This might be the perfect time to plan your next getaway. And start the savings plan in earnest. If overseas travel is out of the question, then hire some DVDs of the countries that fascinate you.

Goddess Emotional Wellbeing Work and business will take a major part of the time. Time to have some fun along the way is certainly plenty of that. Lots are meetings with people on a oneto-one basis with brilliant ideas being discussed about your future. So enjoy the accolades and the attention, it is welldeserved. Keep your feet on the ground.

Goddess Emotional Wellbeing Spending some considerable time at home with your lover will help recharge the emotional batteries. Now is the perfect time to have some rest and relaxation, and some pampering time with your lover. There will be a number of new exciting projects to cross your path very shortly.

Scorpio - 22nd October to 21st November Goddess of Love With you’re intense Goddess energy focusing on your work, business this could make life a bit prickly or uncomfortable. They want to go out and have a good time and let their hair down and you are moody, intense and no fun to be around at all. Life is about finding the balance between personal and profession, and having some fun along the way. All work and no play makes the goddess dull and boring.

Capricorn - 22nd December to 21st January Goddess of Love Your Goddess energy is restricted at the moment, try and process deep emotional issues. This will be uncomfortable, and could cause some friction between you and your lover. Just try and keep the lines of communication open at all times. And this will improve the situation greatly. It is a very cleansing period of time, emotionally for both of you. We’ll see the relationship move into a stronger phase.

Pisces - 22nd February to 21st March Goddess of Love Your Goddess energy is ready to strut its stuff on the stage at work, able to perform your magic and have people eating out of your hands.Your lover will be encouraging this, as they believe it is your time to show what you are made of. This is certainly an exciting time, where you will be able to bask in the limelight.Your lover is so proud of you, so enjoy the attention from them.

Goddess Emotional Wellbeing You are certainly keeping your emotions will hidden from everyone. There are a number of issues going on; some issues have been a secret for a long long time. Now is the time, to be open and honest. Their reactions will be better than you anticipate, as they understand what has been troubling you. Resolution is at hand. Freedom and peace of mind will be the end result.

Goddess Emotional Wellbeing You will find it very difficult to try and focus on work. There is plenty of time to get back to being responsible and hard-working. After we have a little time out to play and have fun. Then we will see tremendous determination and hard work, coming to the forefront again. Long days ahead at work as our plans come together for the future. New projects a foot soon will need attention.

Goddess Emotional Wellbeing With your emotions are feeling very balanced and in control.You are able to tackle anything that life throws at you in a positive dynamic way. Most people are drawn to you, like a magnet, because of your infectious calming and funny personality. Use this to your advantage to impress the people in powerful positions so this can enhance your career. The world is your oyster at the moment.Your dreams can become reality.

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Join S’Roya on her Avalon Saced Site Tour!

S’Roya’s 2012

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