Goddess Guru 9th Edition

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issue 09

The Art of Apology 2013 - The Birth of a New World Bring Magic to your life this Christmas! Re-discovering your Magical Mojo Solstice Extremes What is Feminism Today? The Modern Witch - is back! www.goddessgurumagazinezine.com



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GODDESS Guru Ezine S’Roya Rose Publishing Editor,

S’Roya The Editor

Email: email@sroyarose.com Skype ID: goddess-sroya




S’Roya Rose, She DeMontford, Mikailah Gooda, Stacey Demarco, Apple Blossom, Elizabeth Vaccaro, Kali Cox, Michael Lamb, Shaman Eilee, ZaKaiRan, Bronwyn Fish, Lea Gay, Jane Meredith, Ambrosia, Kerrie Friend, Lauren Clark, Rhianne NewLahnd, Nicole Rowley, Andrea Elliot, Janelle Manton, Tracey jewel, Tina Georgitsis, Jo Jayson,

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Welcome lovely Gods & Goddesses to issue 9, As this year draws to a close, I’d just like to thank all those who contributed and filled our pages with wisdom, hope and inspiration. And to those who were a constant support for me here and over seas whilst living in Avalon (Glastonbury) UK. I could never have done this magazine without you… you all know who you are. Many thanks peeps xxx This issue sees an end to 2012 as December looms closer and closer… are you ready or feeling the pull? I surely am… have you noticed how it is working us all faster & faster… as we speed into the next dimension of our Soul’s evolvement… what a ride! Hang on for your life as we enter the Brave New World of Tomorrow! How will it affect our lives… well read up ZaKaiRan’s article 2013 – Birth of a New World, and find out! We have some new writers debuting our pages and our favourite Modern Witch Stacey Demarco is back safe from her Sabbatical overseas. Mother Nature is having her way with us again through unpredictable weather and we can expect a lot more where that came from. Truly we live in strange times, while nothing is certain or predictable anymore. Be prepared for the unexpected, new and unknown whilst remaining flexible in all your dealings. Our spiritual tests will become very real and grounded as our inner strengths like faith and hope become useful tools once again. Trusting in your heart will be paramount to feeling your way as you listen intently to your intuitions guidance. Kind of like spiritual dodging & weaving… Stay calm within the chaos, no matter what is going on around you, and you will see everything more clearly than others who are in resistance to the changes required and who are choosing inner turmoil instead. Old out moded dramas and ego stories of the past must leave your consciousness and NOW!! There is no more time… you must be functioning from your soul and its knowing in a constant way of being, not becoming. Those still addicted to becoming will fall by the wayside as those who are living their truth fly past in a state of bliss accepting everything no matter how it is. Soon to be released is AVALON magazine February 2013… stay tuned as we attempt the re-balancing of the divine masculine with the divine feminine… we have some fun times ahead... lol … So grab your favourite cuppa, pull up a Laptop & enjoy this 9th issue... Blessings friends...




Meet our Guru’s

Contents Guru Features... 6 The Art of Apology, by S’Roya Rose 8 Bring Magic to your Life this Christmas, by Nicole Rowley 10 The Modern Witch, by Stacey Demarco 12 Re-discovering Your Magical Mojo! by Kali Cox 14 Solstice Extremes, by Jane Meredith 16 On Friends, by She DeMontford 18 Themis in Love & justice, by Lea Gay 20 What is Feminism Today? by Janelle Manton 22 2013 - The Birth of a New World, by ZaKaiRan 24 Proof of God & Goddess’s Existance, by S’Roya 26 Practical Workshops, by S’Roya 30 10 Steps to being Sexy at 40, by Apple Blosom 32 Before ‘Good Hair became Bad”, by Lauren Clark 34 Making your own Mermaid Tail, by Michele Morseu 36 Hodgepodge, by Bornwyn Fish 40 Astrology & You, by Elizabeth Vaccaro 44 Image - Self Esteem, by Kerrie Friend 46 Book Reviews - Editors Choice, by S’Roya 48 Guru’s Noticboard & Business Directory

Guru Regulars Book Reviews, Hodgepodge, Image, The Modern Witch, Astrology Moon & You, Noticeboard & Directory.




GODDESS Guru Ezine Empowering the Goddess in us all. Bringing things back into balance, restoring and rebirthing the Sacred Feminine. Guru’s of all pursuasions sharing their infinite wisdom for growth, nuturing & support, during times of great transformational change. Blessed Be the Goddess!


The spirit of the GODDESS leads the way for us all, grounding the Sacred Feminine and the Cosmic Lunar energies into a balanced holistic Earth Walk. GODDESS Guru e-zine helps assist in anchoring these Spiritual concepts into our everyday life! We understand that everything is connected through the greater web of all life. Everything we do, everything we say, affects everything else... therefore collectively we can make a difference.


GODDESS Guru e-zine is an open forum which provides comprehensive spiritual wisdom. Our regular columns, guest writers and special features will make the magazine a highly appealing spiritual resource, that will be kept and called upon time and time again.. The Sacred Rose placed inside the triple goddess symbolises the heart, soul and hidden mysteries of the rebirthed divine feminine. May her wisdom be forever in our hearts & minds as we journey into the unknown life ahead. www.goddessguruezine.com



y g o l o p A f o t r The A S’Roya Rose


s a healing therapist I’ve observed the end results of many people not being able to apologise and or not being able to accept someone’s apology. In real life growing up means we all mess up occasionally and make real and often genuine mistakes. Learning to say ‘Sorry’ is just the beginning of sorting things out. It may not fix a broken heart or mend a relationship fully, but in the silent atonement for ones mistakes we grow and are healed none the less. Conscious or unconscious we all would benefit from learning the art of Apology.





Expressing Regret: “I am truly sorry”. This is where we go belly up and express our sin or wrongdoing. Now here’s the thing. It doesn’t matter whether it was conscious or not at the time of the perceived wrongdoing. Even if you did it without realising you’d committed an offense at the time, if you realise it has hurt someone you love or care about inadvertently, then apologising is the expected protocol…


Accepting Responsibility: “I was wrong”. In the owning of your mistake you must accept that

you were indeed wrong and this enables you to take the responsibility for how it affected others. This demonstrates you’re willingness to grow in the face of adversity. No matter how small, you played a part that was wrong, so admitting it is the next step to restitution.


Make Restitution: “What can I do to make it right”. When you are unhappy with the results of what has happened, your conscience wants to put things right again. Asking “what can I do to put this right,” allows for atonement and humility to accept that you may need to Do/Give/Say

something to put things right. In most cases the acknowledgement of a mistake can be enough therefore an apology may be all that is required. But it never hurts to try to genuinely put things right where ever possible.


Genuine Repenting: “I’ll try not to do that ever again”. This is not something that you may even need to speak out loud, but it often helps. At least make a silent pledge and commit to ‘never repeat it again’ in any case. Making a real plan for ‘change’ is what is now required, to be seen to have learned from your mistake. Implementing personal changes and making real adjustments is all part of growing up and putting things right for yourself and others, healing relationships, creating room for growth.


Asking for Forgiveness: “Will you please forgive me”. This allows for true compassion and understanding, from others that were upset and hurt by what you may have done. Do not beg, but let them know that they may not be able to forgive you now, but that hopefully they can find it in their hearts in the future, especially if you make restitution. As anybody can say sorry, but not everybody means it. Do not expect to be able to be forgiven instantly, as these things can take time to process. Simply ask that they consider it. Forgiveness is a choice they have to make, it cannot be forced in any way. All of us need somebody to forgive us. In the face of true humility, having been brave enough to fess up when something is found out to be hurtful to others or a wrongdoing in the first place, we need to humble ourselves to experience real

forgiveness. When we learn how to forgive we are no longer part of the problem we are offering ourselves and the other person/s involved true grace. This acts as a healing and allows for atonement to be offered, most people are truly sorry for their mistakes and or learn by them. It is one thing to mess up but it is another to be forgiven. We all need to be forgiven from time to time.

Learning to Forgive No matter how hard it is in accepting someone’s apology we must not only forgive them, we must never make the mistake of constantly bringing it up as a weapon of torture in the future. All too often people make the mistake of using a past indiscretion as a weapon or a barb to be thrown out in any disagreement. This is a control drama or superiority attachment and is inappropriate in every way. Let go of the judgement of being right and step back into LOVE instead. What a person did years ago must be left to die. To do this we must let it go completely and forget it, and not feel the need to continually reinforce the old wrongdoing. By bringing it up in the future you are not allowing the old hurt to go. It has an emotional resentment attached to it that has festered and now can be misused at will to hurt or humiliate the other person. Holding onto something that was done to you or harbouring grudges is not healthy for anyone’s mental state. It can fester if unchecked until it becomes long-term resentment and internal bitterness, resulting in cancers, kidney or liver problems. It pays to remember that messing up and making mistakes is all part of the real human experience and it is

unreasonable to expect everyone to be perfect and never make a mistake. To forgive is divine and restores balance to a situation or relationship. Learning that it is possible to let things go from the past when you finally forgive them from the heart. Allow some room to breathe around you, by working on never holding onto things… let everything go. Nothing is worth the grief and the energy it takes to hold onto the past. In the End, we are a Soul in a Human body and we need to be reminded of that, so forgive and forget and get on with the new state of being. Make room for imperfections and accept that they are part of our everyday existence as human beings.You will feel more relaxed and unburdened if you do. Often times it is easy to forgive others but it can be harder to forgive self. When we let go, it pays to say “I forgive myself for harbouring hurts related to…. (what ever it was)”. Say, “I set myself free from the tyranny of regret and accept that things unfolded that way they did for a reason, that I know not is irrelevant. I accept that the divine has a plan, and as such, I am not in control of, but I am part of that plan”. In loving and approving of ourselves we must learn how we co-create our experiences good bad and otherwise. That in that acceptance everything we are a part of has to do with our choices, our karma and those we engage in our experiences.




r u o y o t c i g a M g n i r B … s a m t s i r h C life this Nicole Rowley


erry Christmas, ho ho ho…This is what we all will be hearing as we read this fabulous & informative magazine. Where do these words take you my pretty’s? Christmas, it’s smells, it’s giving, it’s goodwill to all people alike. It always takes me to Jerusalem, gatherings, giving gifts, family, friends, Santa Clause, yummy food, festivities, love and magic. This time of year has always been very special to me; celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, gathering with families, giving gifts, eating yummy food and feeling the love and magic that is in the air around this special time of year. Jesus Christ, well what more can I say! I have been brought up to celebrate his birthday on Christmas Day. Before we can give and open our gifts, we have always said, “Happy Birthday Jesus and thank you so much for 8



all you have done for us and continue to do so.” I am so grateful for all he and God do for us and send them so much love and blessings. Whatever you believe in my friends, there is our own reason why we have Christmas Day. Gratitude is a gigantic part of giving and receiving. So go and be grateful for so many wonderful things at this precious festive season. The Christmas tree. Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, however green your branches, I sing happily. What fun I have always had decorating it with our handmade decorations and the like. Putting the ever so ageing Angel on top. Then the best part comes, putting all your gifts under the tree. I always cannot wait to give mine to my loved ones. It is the best feeling to give. One thing I always do and am teaching my daughter to do, is finding a

charity place that gives to the less unfortunate. I purchase a gift for a girl or boy, and place under the giving tree. I love to visualise a young child receiving a gift that they wouldn’t have received if I hadn’t bought it. My daughter is starting to get the satisfaction of giving feeling as she is getting older. I love to see her face too, as she places her gifts under the tree. There is a lot to be said about giving. Feel the love, my friends, in giving someone something that they would love and use.

watched my Nan lovingly make until she passed. Now my Mum and Aunt, have taken over, and boy did they have trouble at the start. Our combined teamwork surely got us through. I remember one year, it being so dry, that you couldn’t eat it. So if this is you, please don’t despair, practice makes perfect here.

Santa Clause, oh how I love him. I have always been told to believe in what I want to believe in. So, of course, I still believe in Santa. He is around us everywhere, his energy One cannot forget the carols! Oh, how music soothes our brings happiness to so many. To see the smiles on the soul. Christmas carols can be heard for miles, spreading children’s faces as they wake to see what Santa brought, it’s cheer and love. Silent Night, will always remind me of remembering the same feeling as a younger girl. Magic my Nan. It was her favourite carol and we would sing this really. I never questioned how or why he did it. I always together in Church and at Carols By Candlelight, boy we felt close to him as he is a giver, just like many of us. I loved singing and sending out love and magic. Get singing love watching my daughter getting excited, hanging the my friends or hum away to the Carol’s, you will help to stockings ready to be filled, unable to sleep on Christmas spread cheer to all mankind. This in turn, will help you to Eve. I still wake up about 5.30am all excited and get up to feel loving, happy and excited. Great feelings I say. What put the kettle on. Singing Christmas carols, only to wake are you waiting for, get singing and love! the rest of the house, what a shame hey. Most years, I have woken my daughter, Mum and Dad, much to his disgust. Family gathering together is another of my favourite parts Dad will not budge until at least 6 or 6.30am. This year, I of Christmas. The love between families whilst eating get to wake my life partner. Our first Christmas together. and drinking merrily, is the cream of the cream. Playing The magic of manifesting has brought him to me. I look games, the men washing up after lunch and then having a forward to merrily sharing my favourite time of the year few hours of merry slumber. We have a fierce competition with him. with quoits; my Grandfather was champion and would Christmas is a time to love all of mankind my friends. lead the men to victory, but the last two years, the women Please put your hand out to help someone, so many have prevailed. Go girls! Unfortunately for the men, Pa people and animals do it hard at this time of year; a passed away February 2010, so the men have to pull their smile, lending a hand, a gift, a hug, a touch, there are socks up now that their patriarch has left. Our trophy last many ways you can help lift another’s spirits. Be your year was a sleigh with an empty can of VB in it, so fun. I own Santa Clause, Kris Kringle. When we lift another’s must go and get a more professional type of trophy I do spirits, it automatically, lifts ours. The gift, truly, is in the believe. Maybe t-shirts for the ladies too!? Have fun with giving. One must always remember though, to receive, your family this year my friends, it is an excellent time so the balance of the Law of Attraction and the Universe to spend quality time with the ones you love. Friends fall is in order so, they can bring to you, all what you want into this category also, who would we be without friends and need. I send you all wonderful, magical blessings for and family. Christmas and the New Year, along with love, light, health, Food, glorious food, hot pudding and custard.Yum, love happiness, and peace. See you all in 2013 and be prepared Christmas breakfast of ham and eggs, a hot and steamy for many new beginnings and positivity... Blessed be roast lunch and a cool and lighter salad and cold meats for tea. Plum pudding, custard and cream are our beautiful Nicole Rowley is a Psychic Medium/ desserts. All part of my traditional and yummy Christmas Clairvoyant and Healer. Nicole has a Day of eating. Lollies, nuts, chippies, they are all there genuine calling to help guide, heal and to fill our bellies to the brim. We literally all roll out the empower others. Contact Nicole via front door after the festivities have merrily parted. If you Facebook and Little Shop OfWicca page. have never made a Christmas pudding or a Christmas goodwitchnicole@yahoo.com.au or cake, then why now make this year the first!? I have call her on 0410 026 488. www.goddessguruezine.com



Stacey Demarco


ne of the most magnificent things a person can do is choose to evolve. What does that mean? Well to me it means being open to change and continual transformation, which is, an entirely natural process and often unique to the individual. Think of it this way: many of you reading this would identify as a pagan or as a witch or some other earthhonouring path. We respect and take




note of the cycles – the lunar, the earthly, the seasons, the weather, birth/death/rebirth- and we use them in our workings and weave them deeply and lovingly into our lives. Our seeking and working should take us deeper than just ‘using’ the natural energies in a surface way and into a state where we wish to commune and expand and connect with these energies in a more complete way. When we begin to have these kinds of desires, we

naturally begin to become curious about how we can do this. When we become curious, we discover things. Sometimes these things change us and our behaviour. We realize that our path is not only a spiritual one that is symbolic but one of real life spiritual responsibility. Sometimes, we can look back at our own evolution, our own self discovery and because of what we have learnt and what we now take

Spiritual Evolution and Responsibility! responsibility for, we can hardly recognize how far we have come. I look back on the teenage me and I have great compassion for this young woman looking to find her place in the world. She wanted to fit in yet she was so different. She had talents but knew not where to place them. She had ideas and knew not how to action them. I look back too at myself in my 20’s and I saw how travel opened my eyes to other cultures, other beliefs, other ways of life. I saw my way- or the way I experienced the world- wasn’t the only way or ‘the right’ way. I became a ‘seeker’- I began to exercise my rabid curiosity and extend my horizons through learning about myself and the world more deeply. My spiritual life opened up as well as my life in general. I became a witch when before I was not. I became an author, when before I was not. I became a wife, when before I was not. I became a mountain climber, a skier, an adventurer, a teacher, a horserider, an aunty… when before I was not. And so as we discover more about ourselves and our spiritual path should we not begin to weave those discoveries into our ‘real’ life? After all isn’t spirituality a verb as well as a noun? As I learnt more about myself and who I really was, (hard won by the way), my views on certain things changed simply because I was uncovering the REAL me through the filter of a

spiritual pathway that was earth honouring. If I really felt that the earth was my temple and not a church building, how could I stand for people trashing and polluting that temple? How could I be a bystander when forests were being cut down, whales harpooned and dolphins slaughtered? Let me give you some other examples. I love animals and one animal I especially love is horses… and so as child I just loved going to the horse racing. But then, I learnt more about the way these horses were trained and experienced this first hand as I learnt to ride as an adult. I couldn’t look at the races the same way again. I became a practitioner of Natural Horsemanship so I could work with horses in a kinder way. It was the same for me with meat. My brother is a butcher and we always had copious amounts of meat, but as I grew into my paganism and myself, it made it more important to learn more about how most meat is produced in our society, I eventually found it impossible to eat it knowing what I knew and I became a vegetarian. I simply thought, once I had all the information, nothing needed to die for me in the cruel way that is modern mass beef production any longer. In short, I evolved and grew. May I suggest to you that whatever your spiritual path is that you expand it outwards for the greater good. Whatever your passion for change is,

ENGAGE in it! It may not be like my path but I do hope it is indeed a path where you feel it is your sacred duty to engage in something great! It’s not all about creating a beautiful altar at home and allowing the natural altars of the land outside to be trashed. It’s not about professing you are ‘one with mother earth’ in ritual and then outside the circle not really caring about how she is treated. I invite you to have an active spirituality and go out into the world with a passion for positive change. Seek out things that may even disturb you. Stay awake on issues that seem hard. Act on what you learn. Transform! Evolve! Be the mighty agent of change that your spiritual path is encouraging you to be! You have power- there is responsibility in this and it is real! Stacey Demarco is The ModernWitch. She is an active pagan teacher, activist and bestselling author and wishes to bring passionate practical magic to everyone. Learn more at www.themodernwitch.com



10 11

r u o Y g n i r e v o c s i Red ! o j o M l a c i g a M

Kali Cox


ell, I searched. Everywhere. I whispered sweetly, called it’s name in empassioned pleas until I eventually howled like a Banshee – all of which resulted in a few coins, a handful of dustbunnies and one startled cat. No magical mojo to be found. I imagine, with great grandeur, that it is in that mystical void where single socks go to socialise and my




ritual cigarette lighters cease to exist to ignite candles and incense and become the torchbearers for the apparent singed hole in my wallet where all the money escapes. How on earth did I lose it? I certainly didn’t notice it creep away stealthily in the night and be replaced with a hefty dose of can’t-be-bothered-it is lying under my pillow next to the plastic spider my comedic husband left for me this morning!

Upon further investigation, I discover my sweet friend Sharne also afflicted with the same malady! Is it an epidemic of mojoic proportion? And where does good mojo go to anyway? Does it bolster the single socks into finding partners via the romantic flickering flame of my absent lighters? That’s the thing though isn’t it, with Life? We become so busy with the busy-ness of it, so tired keeping up with it, that we lose our sense of Self. Our creativity becomes stifled. We

much as my bottom lip, for what feels familiar and safe is a now big mountain of red aeroplane jelly that seems too big to eat through. So, I just have to listen to and trust that Self will give me a spoon big enough to do the job! Technology has built some amazing So, how do we go about finding that bridges over great distances that we magical mojo again? Is it hidden ride across in the spirit of keeping under a bush on a path paved in Although I seem to be taking rather a thoughts and connections steadfast sparkling yellow bricks and dotted lackadaisical approach to my magical and yet the simple magic of a spoken with the pitter patter of tiny Fae conversation not only reconnects you practise of late, I still take time each feet? Perhaps it’s the quote that has night to give thanks for my blessings, with the world outside of you, but ‘chosen you’ from your Facebook uplifts heart and soul. I am so in love Daily Gratitude Challenge newsfeed, send love and healing to those in with and have immense gratitude or the well worn affirmation on your need, and make sure to smell each of the flowers my son picks from the for the invention of Skype, which is bathroom mirror. garden for me. Perhaps life happening the most amazing magical mojo, shy Me, I believe that Simplicity makes you no less dedicated – maybe of being in the immediate presence and honouring Self is the key of my loved ones. Sweet faces and just a little distracted? to unlocking the magic within. laughter and warm loving voices shine Begin by listening to our bodies. light into darkened corners, restoring At times it feels like working Slowing down to take a breath, magically is like riding a bike without hope and faith and inspiration. knowing it is ok to feel. Allowing the training wheels.You coast it, but not dwelling there. So, how do you find it? Start slow. along for a while, exhilarated with Feel, Acknowledge, Release. With newfound joy and freedom until you Start simple. Breathe. Ground. love, to love. Reconnect. One step at a time. One get the speed wobbles, lose your day at a time. Practise raises energy balance, hit a tree root on the path I like to be by the water, bare feet in and faceplant into the dirt – cool and which equals endorphins which the sand. Grounding, calming and unforgiving – then you begin to lose equals HAPPY! soothing, or buried in the warm fur Magic lives in love. Kisses. A warm faith and trust in your ability to ride and unconditional love of my cat, hand in mine. Bubble baths. My boys. purring happily at my touch. Perhaps without them on. So, when you feel ready you get back up, brush yourself A good smelling man. Snuggles on it’s the green of the rainforest, or wrapping arms around rough skins of off and gently get back on and start to rainy days. Sunshine on my face. True pedal again, one revolution at a time, friends. Endless hugs. Life. the tall gentle guardians of the bush. What’s your magical mojo? Find it. Hands deeply earthed in garden beds reclaiming yourself until it becomes Nurture it. BE it. second nature, an integral part of or smudged in paint and charcoal everyday life. bringing life to canvas. Kali Cox is Domestic Goddess, Being balanced in my life and the things that create a sense of normality an empath, busy working Mum of Magical mojo can be quite the trickster! You may think you’ve lost it, for me is what brings my mojo back. 2, aspiring collator of the written word, and full-time Solitary Witch. yet when you allow yourself to come The routine and flow of all things She has appeared on local surrounding me keeps me on stable back to centre the sweet simplicity Brisbane radio, creatrix ground, secure and confident. of the magic that surrounds us every of and moderates the day can be seen in the vase of flowers When tree roots appear on my merry path to happiness, when things ‘Witches Of White on your table, favourite crystal by Magic Unite’ Group are beyond my control, the speed your bed, the fragrant hypnotising Fan Page on Facebook. drifts of smokey incense or the gentle wobbles begin to quiver almost as become tethered to the Black Dog, losing our way, losing our Faith and the choker chain around our necks becomes tighter as we sit and watch Time tick by pulling merrily on the leash.

illumination of candles. Writing in a journal is also a simple way to honour Self as it encourages release, helping to stop feelings manifesting into other illnesses within the body/mind. Basking under the full moon, stating simple wishes and affirmations are small, but powerful ways we can bring the magic back.



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s e m e r t x E e c i t s l o S Jane Meredith


he Winter Solstice and the Summer Solstice arrive six months apart, and on the face of it appear to be utterly different from each other, complete opposites. One occurs at the height of summer and is the longest day; the other in the depths of winter, the longest night. The dates of the solstices are on or close to June 21st and December 21st. Both Summer and Winter Solstices are extremes. They are both as far as the earth can go, in one direction; into light or into darkness.




But, as the world is divided into two hemispheres, they occur simultaneously. The same day that is the Summer Solstice for the Southern hemisphere is the Winter Solstice in the Northern hemisphere, and six months later, the opposite is true. The earth is holding this huge contradiction, planet-wide – that the moment when winter is fiercest is the same moment summer is strongest. These Festivals are not only opposites, they are also similar. They overlap in their strength; their ferocity, their extremes; the height,

and the depth. Both are turning points for the Wheel of the Year – pivot points – the moment fullness is reached (whether of darkness or of light) things turn and begin to swing back the other way. If we look beyond the differences in story, symbolism and weather we can see into the next layer; where the equinoxes are balance and moderation (whether spring or autumn) and the solstices are the two points of extremity. The Winter Solstice is about the birth and rebirth of light; the star

in the night sky, dawn after the longest night, life lasting through the darkness. Some of its symbols are a new-born baby, a star, an evergreen tree and a candle. Summer Solstice is about the young God or King at the height of his powers, love and union and the lushness of the earth. Its symbols include the stag, flowers, the midday sun. Really we are just worshippers of the light, of the stars and of one particular star; our own sun. Both the solstices are bound into this most basic of human concerns; that the sun keep shining. Living in Australia and travelling regularly to England, I discerned an even more interesting overlay; at least between those two places. In Australia it’s the Summer Solstice that is dangerous; with drought, bushfires and dust storms hovering. Our Winter Solstice is – in most places – relatively mild, benign and welcomed. In contrast in England the Summer Solstice is celebrated as warmth and ease brought to a land that suffers through a much more severe winter than Australia ever meets. So in both places it is the December Solstice – summer in Australia, winter in England – that is the dangerous one, and the June Solstice – winter in Australia, summer in England – that is gentle. But what do the solstices mean in our own lives? How can we apply these moments of extremity to our magic and our understanding? Extremity is something we have most often been taught to shy away from. Extremity in love, in politics, in religion – all can have a very unpleasant face. All too easily extremity swings into obsession, jealousy, fanaticism or evangelicalism. Is there a way we can work with the

solstice energy that allows expression of our strengths and passions without becoming overbearing and obnoxious, or even dangerous? An understanding of the solstices can guide us. Even bushfires and droughts, even freezing cold or floods have a place in nature; sweeping away the old, reforming the landscape, culling weaknesses in the heard and creating resilience. If we can accept that our own lives, from time to time, may benefit from this culling or sweeping away, from this re-formation and building resilience we will be able to enter into the strength of the solstices. Let’s look firstly at the Winter Solstice for magical and personal inspiration. The imagery is of a single flame, a light reborn. Finding that place within ourselves – our seed of starlight, our essence, our innermost being – we can reconnect with what is absolutely essential to us, and emerge with new vision, resolution and understanding. This can help us to realign our lives with what matters most to us. Just as there is a stripping-away process needed to get to this inner place; a temporary shedding of worldly identity, relationships with others and a reconnection with our own mortality; so when we emerge there can be another stripping away, this time of things we have been devoting time and energy to that are really not important to us. This inward journey is ideally done in meditation. It may be a walking meditation, a dancing meditation, a writing meditation or of a more conventional style. For the Summer Solstice an outwardness is called for, a shining of

our most brilliant light. So instead of meditation, bring all of your energy, inspiration and commitment to doing something; maybe creating a piece of art, organising an event or setting off on an adventure. The clearer your intent is – to shine your essence brightly in the world, to live your passion, to dream whilst awake – the more the Summer Solstice energy will be able to inform and support you. These two activities – the inward search of the Winter Solstice and the outward expression of the Summer Solstice – are, like the solstices, not really separate from each other. They belong together. What is there to shine outwardly, if we have not done the inner searching? After we have been shining brilliantly in the world, where would we go to be refuelled, realigned and recover but inward, into our essence? You could do one of these activities every six months, the inner one on the Winter Solstice and the outer for the Summer Solstice. But I think they are strongest done together, supporting and informing each other, and to do this process twice a year seems ideal. Thus as the earth holds Summer and Winter Solstices, at the same time and as part of each other we would be doing our inward and outward workings, at the extremes of our selves. Bio: Jane Meredith’s most recent book is Journey to the Dark Goddess: How to Return toYour Soul. She holds workshops in both Australia and England and her website is: www. janemeredith.com



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: s d n e i r F n O

Just what is a Real friend? She D’montford


eople come up to me at festivals and proudly declare themselves to be my facebook friend. I have 4928 facebook friends, on one page. I have 4 pages and two groups. Does this mean I have a lot of friends? With point and click friends, in both of our lives, the sum total of what we may do for each other is to "click like" and "accept." This doesn’t disturb me. I have never really chosen any of my friends. Most of my friends have just adopted me.... I was pimple faced, pale skinned and my mother died my hair bright red. This was way before Goth was chic. It was not fashionable, I was not a trend-setter and I was not chic. I was just odd. Still a girl at my bus stop refused to join in with the others who teased me and decided to walk home with me. She said silly things to make me laugh. We were ten years old. I had one other girl friend. She felt jealous of my new friend. Before that, she had never had any competition for my attention. She spent long hours explaining to me that she was my real friend and that this new girl was not.




Fast forward. By 30, I had achieved a small modicum of success. I was voted Queensland Business Woman of the Year, by Women in Business magazine. I popped in to share my joy with my "real" friend, whom I had not seen in 18-months as I had been busy. The reception was icy but the years fell away as we sat in the park on the swings and I blabbed my good news. I felt like I was ten years old again. However, when I asked her what was happening with her new job, I was told that I was prying and that my interest in her was no longer needed. I have not heard from my real friend since. My friendship with the girl from the bus stop continued. At times it has been low maintenance and long distance. Though not as close as the friendship I had shared with my ‘real’ friend, yet I have since had occasion to trust my life to her and she has never let me down. What defines a friend is what they do for you. The old joke is true... "A friend will bail you out of jail after a big night but a real friend is in the cell with you after a big night...."

In the end, what makes a real friend is the same as what makes a good lover - It is not the level of intimacy that you share... It is being there.

There is far more to friendship than pointing and declaring yourself a friend. It is an ongoing, 2-way, reciprocal relationship. It is hard work being a real friend. You have to ask yourself what have I done for that person A friend turns up when you need them to. If they say they that will make you worthy of their friendship? I have been are going to do something for you, they do it... They are asking myself all day "What did I do when I was ten to the only ones who will care enough to tell you that you deserve such a good friend as the girl from the bus stop have egg on your face, help you wipe it off and then they and why did I underestimate her for so long? help you to laugh at yourself. The girl from the bus stop reassures me that I have done They also know when you need something without asking. heaps for her... And that we share a history... Mornings The girl from the bus stop and I are both now fifty. She after.... Helping each other over the world's worst turned up today with a dishwasher for me. My dishwasher relationship choices ... Standing up in court for each has been broken down for some months and had resisted other... Looking after each other after operations... all of our efforts to fix it. She has a white goods business.I Jumping off 20 story buildings and out of a perfectly rang my friend for advise on my pesky appliance. She good airplane for no good reason...Getting incriminating advised me to let go and move on and to stop being such videos of each other with male strippers… Making each a miser and buy a new one. I explained things were a little other laugh when it hurt… Media.... Underworld.... cash tight right now, and that I would do that next month. Firemen... Policemen... Hellfire... Children... Parents Two days later, without being asked she has a dishwasher and on occasion trusting each other in potentially life for me... and she disposed of the old one. threatening situations... Even recycling old lovers to each I was humbled yet again by this girl from the bus stop other… Sure, we have been angry with each other. She who is such a good person. I am so lucky to have her as slept with a guy I was currently dating once - but hey, we a friend. She has earned my respect and tries to keep it had been friends much longer than I had known him. It and I appreciate her for that.Yet there are others who do was nothing that a pillow fight in a car park couldn’t fix. nothing to earn your respect, abuse you and are offended Who’s counting? Who can count? We have done things when you are critical of their bad behavior. for each other. Even though we are not constantly in each others back pocket, we do maintain the relationship. A case-in-point is another friend who adopted me a few However, I still don't feel like I have done enough for her years back. I took her into my home when she went and I would give her a dishwasher too, if she needed one, through a break up and I match-made her with a beautiful in a heart beat! younger man who she now lives with. He is by far the best relationship she has ever had or will ever have. I have also My definition of "real friend" is that girl from the bus knitted for her when she was sulking that I made things stop. From now on I will be putting more time and effort for my own family but not for her. "Your so lucky to have into her and my other real friends.. but I still feel like I me as a friend..." she says to me...when she is drunk and have some catching up to do. She never makes it easy. For stoned an yelling at me and won't let me leave to go to example she rang me an hour ago to say...."when I was sleep. She has let me down on each and every occasion I there dropping off the dishwasher, I couldn’t help noticing have made the mistake of asking her for some help. your fridge..." Even when I have paid her for that help she did not complete. When I have tried to explain that her social Shé D’Montford is the Editor in Chief of picadilos are isolating her from others, I get the cold “Magick: and now “ESP” magazines. ESP shoulder for months and she talks about me behind my Magazine, available in all leading newsagencies back. Sometimes those who think they are “real” friends and on line at http://www.magcloud.com/ don't know what it means go be a “real” friend. The girl browse/issue/420118 , is a unique magazine from the bus stop should give friendship lessons. for the psychic community, Its writers, artists, editors, marketing managers, advertisers and production crew A "Top Gear" day driving Super Cars and are all well respected members of the psychic community. Nasscars - with the girl from the bus stop. Call +61(0)402 793 604 She is available for readings. www.goddessguruezine.com


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e c i t s u J d n a e v o L n i s i Them

Lea Gay (aka, Attitude Goddess)


e rise to our true beauty in challenge, when standing true to our feminine power; no matter how tough it seems. Our spirit expands beyond what thought possible, as we, in all our dignity, take the gift of opportunity in embracing adversity. To build and grow in Goddess spirit is to take on any battle in reverence, to protect the soul and heal any wounds of the heart.





ighting the good fight calls on our inner spiritual warrior; she’s mighty, she is strong, she is powerful beyond measure, and she knows; the bigger the challenge is, the more her spirit grows for a bigger payoff in the end; not just for her, but for the soul of humanity as a whole. Standing outside the court house, in her regal stature, she’s poised, she’s dignified, holding her sword of Truth in one hand and shield of Love within, her eyes may not see, but it is her heart that truly knows. She is the epitome of Justice and all that is good; she carries a message from her oracle, that any human establishment of societal order is ultimately dependent on the natural order of the earth. This majestic statue holds the scales of balance in sovereignty, being vigilant in equilibrium, knowing not to tip the power either way. As we understand her calling for justice we can see the irony in her position of uprightness. Themis - in all her glory, sends an echo through the ages. She is as we know, one of the most revered of all the ancient Greek goddesses, being the daughter of Gaia (Earth Goddess) and the mother of the fates. Themis means divine law not human ordinance and she embodies all that is Truth and Justice, and in her ancient and traditional Divine voice she first instructed human kind in: the primal laws, in ethic and morality. Implementing Prophetic grace in her oracle she foretold from her wisdom a sense for order and connection with nature, Themis’s true value in ‘good council’ was and still is, revered by all who value justice. I am She, She is me, we are Her, I sing to myself as I stride past Themis in and out of courts more than a hundred times in the last 3 years. Thrust into the trials of being my own legal representative was incredibly challenging. At first my trusting Self in all my naivety prevailed, or should I say my gullibility pulled me into dark shadiness behind veils of man-made law, trying to lure me into a propensity to follow the actors of their game; lawyers, court advisor, hired shooters loaded with ammunition of all sorts: tricks, lies, slander, deals; I was prey to it all, from those hiding behind a sham of titles unrepresentative of what is perceived, to bewilderment in knowing that someone could actually use a ‘Justice system’ as ammunition to continue a pattern in narcissistic behavior. I personally found myself emotionally drowning at times, being caught in a continuous upsurge and bureaucratic barrage of protocols, procedures and paperwork. Not what I thought I knew justice was supposed to be. In holding truth I endured. I found the presence of

Goddess Themis, in the silence of my mind, she embraced me in her instructing through Divine Feminine forces … heightening real justice by enhancing all that is beauty, rebalancing the feuding forces, instilling harmony of the soul, unifying the Spirit within us all, as she gently yet firmly called forth what is authentically true. Oh her grace, oh her splendour and magnificence I feel while striding with her in the adorning of her wisdom. Being given any privilege to know of injustice is being honoured with a duty to act in accordance with truth. Themis commands attention to any wrong doing before us; she shouts ‘It’s NOT ok to hurt the soul of humanity by using Justice in revenge to attack another. Cease the Soul depleting processes hidden behind the facade of Justice. Justice is a divine decree, a sacred law, not a system of intimidation or control, Justice is Divine in its highest order of power, beyond any mortal deed.’ Here is where I see a conflict needs resolve. There is a difference between what our present egoist patriarchal law arrangement upholds, and what is truly in the soul of humanity. Soul serves with unconditional love while ego controls with terroristic bullying and fear. To go along with what is not true to our essence is to allow abuse of the soul, if in being the divine feminine we allow the cruel existence of any act of abuse or violence; whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, we too, not only become part of the problem, we condone it, by allowing, by giving permission in our silence. Although we should not have to, but we must, prove; the intangible in ‘Love and Justice’ is who we are and what we stand for by educating the system of its very existence. Goddess Themis’s message whispers, sometimes roaring, asking that we discern to laws of nature, natural laws, unwritten laws; that the soul knows surpass any earthly man made law. Her pleas come summoning to the individual souls of every person; especially those who play a role in the system of upholding Justice. Adhere to feminine divine duty of care. Let love and natural justice BE of the highest Law. Lea (AKA Attitude Goddess) - Author, inspirationalist, metaphysician; world renowned for her Attitude Goddess message of Attitude Goodness and her Goddess Spirit empowerment processes and products. Contact Lea at lea@ attitudegoddess.com she also has a Facebook page with a reach of more than 5 million at www.facebook.com/attitudegoddess www.goddessguruezine.com


18 19


e have indeed come a long way since our bra burning. We have climbed corporate ladders, gained the right to vote, take contraception and own our own property. We have reached a time where paid maternity leave is normal in the western world and have worked diligently to help protect women’s rights against domestic violence, sexual harassment and sexual abuse. Indeed we have come a long way through generations of oppression and patriarchy… But why are so many women still so unhappy?

s i t a h W m s i n i m e F today? Janell Manton

The struggle for equality has not finished and a new breed of feminist is being called upon. The more the planet cries out for help the more important living from the heart consciousness becomes, the more women struggle with energy, life balance and overwhelm – the more the need for individual personal growth and the resurgence in feminism is needed. The real world, the one we live in now needs more and more women to take on leadership roles, big and small, so together we can make a difference and ensure our evolution. It sounds simple enough because it is. With over 20 years of working with women and over 8 of them in a personal ‘coaching’ capacity, I have noted some serious patterns and needs in women today. These are the most common challenges and problems women face: Lack of certainty and safety – Not having basic human needs for security met creates fear and insecurity Overwhelm and burnout – The constant treadmill with little personal satisfaction or fulfilment Relationship challenges – Successful women struggling to find suitable partners who are strong enough to meet their needs. Imbalance of sexual polarity. Working in male dominated environments – This causes a rise in women’s masculine

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energy and suppresses natural feminine tendencies and can cau se This means: at an extreme, adrenal fatigue, exhaustion and depression. Suppressed sexuality – Ov Pursue your own personal erwhelming feelings of guilt, development- Conscious shame, lack of libido and even effort toward life balance and the feelings of disgust when it fulfilling all areas of your comes to sex.This is not norma life. l. Lack of self-esteem, self-w Being the UltimateWoma orth and confidence – There n means you no longer is so much lacking in a woman’s need to dress or act like a man. conviction, she doesn’t even Embrace your feminine know who she is and wonders if she is enough? qualities so you can feel closer to you r true nature. On a larger scale, in Easte rn countries, women have very RealWorld Feminism means you little or even no rights and are ’ll discover your stoned to death, beheaded purpose and work passionately and imprisoned for the slighte in thi s field; this is the st misdemeanours (of which wo men only way for you to sustain your energy in the west take for granted), it’s for what you do. a disgrace that these atrocities Develop authentic relation still happen today. ships with those in you

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r life, be OKWITH vulnerability and intimacy and always be truthful. There are many aspects of feminism that contribute to the whole but what is most RealWorld Feminism Movement relevant in the real world is supports women of the rise of the feminine. Fe all shapes and sizes and we cel minism today is about being ebrate our diversity and feminine and seeing ourselve unique, individual characterist s as equal because of our ics , encouraging positive body femininity. If we want to hav image and difference. e equality, women need to see themselves as equals fir st and foremost. RealWorld Feminists are consci ous consumers, Over the past few decades women have developed vie loo king at what can be recycled, wh w that being feminine is weak at can be purchased and girly, that being emotion second hand and question wheth al shows a lack of strength an er they need the thing in d we can only compete in the the first place. In this we help corporate world if we are we to nurture our planet. aring a black or navy suit Being the Ultimate woma and are tough! This is no lon n means living from ger true and being masculin your heart space, embracing fee e in this way is heavily contribu ling and intuition and ting to our ultimate demise in doing so, you support other wo as feminine women by increa men; hold them to higher sing such challenges as esteem and consciousness. overwhelm, divorce statistic s,



depression, health problems and motherhood challenge s. Women and the world need s to soften and move with the times and that is the ris e of the feminine (embracin g our differences as women an d seeing them as strong and powerful) and ultimately, liv ing from our heart space in order to raise consciousness – so we can evolve to the next level of our human evo lution. Joining the Real World Femi nist Movement is the next step in your personal develop ment and will ensure the security of your family, your happiness and ultimately, our environment. Women are nurturers, fearsome str ong beings that are capable of an ything and owning who we really are is long overdue. It’s time to do things a little different; together we can ch ange the world. The Real World Feminist Mo vement means you are working toward being the Ul timate Woman so we can change the world we live in for everyone.

If you are ready to take your life, relationships and your career to the next level, the n doing something differen t to what you are currently do ing, is essential. This is how I can help by assisting you – by providing guidance with life and career choices, helin g you to step up in all areas of your life and by getting mo re of the good stuff in life. Embracing and accepting tha t there is more to life than what you have right now is the first step to BEING the Ultimate women and leavin g your foot print on the planet. Are you ready to mo ve mountains?

Email me for a free 15 minute coaching session and let’s work on your goals and aspirations together. admin@ topsecretwomensbusiness.com Yours Real and Raw, Janelle Ma nton, Director and Founder Top Secret Women’s Business www.topsecretwomens ubsiness.com www.goddessguruezine.com


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d l r o W w e N a f o h t r i The B W What’s going to happen in 2013?

ell beloveds, what happens now, after all of the fanfare of 2012 and the end of the world as we know it, what’s going to happen next? Well, we start all over again. Now we create a new world, so don’t worry about the old world, just let it gently die from old age. The heartless forces of control that believe they own planet earth, are afraid that they will lose control of the masses and we will dust off the guillotines and storm the Bastille, will continue in vain to try to control us as well as the money systems on the planet, because they are afraid to open their hearts to see what is really inside. But fear not my bright little stars because your bright million candle watt lights are illuminating even the darkest forces. You are an unstoppable force! That is, if you choose to be, it is your choice. Or, you are a very stoppable force if you allow yourself to be - it is your choice. This reality is a dualistic reality and you have always had the choice to create heaven or hell in your life, (or anything in between), regardless of outside influences.

cause of truth and love. Do not be distracted by the dream stealers that just want your attention to stray over here and over here to this shiny thing or this immense promise. This just takes your valuable energy away from yourself.

Instead focus steadfastly on your dreams! Hold them dearly in your hearts and never let them go! Dream big my fledgling Elohim! Dream big and hold to your dreams and we guarantee that they will come true! But again, you must hold steadfast to the wheel through the storm of distraction. Always focused on your dreams, without being distracted by thoughts and time constraints and projections from others that you should do this or that!

The universe has waited for eons for your return beloved hearts. The Universe has waited for you to remember your Divine Power. For you to remember, that you are divine power it self. For you to remember, that you are the Creator of Stars! And to help you remember, we remind you to start a bit smaller first, before you reach for the stars, Now is your time to shine, if you hold to remind yourself one step at a the focus and keep steadfast to the time that you are an amazing and 22



powerful creator of reality. And we remind you to notice every magical creation and congratulate yourself when you manifest these things. To honor yourself for each divine manifestation, no matter how big or how small. If you do not acknowledge your manifestations you will just carry on like humanity does, thinking they are lucky or unlucky. Thinking that reality creates itself by chance, rather than through your conscious intent. So you must let go of the old world and it’s archaic beliefs of lack and competition! You must be born again, as if nothing existed prior to 2013! And everything that existed prior to 2013 was just like a historic movie. This is a new world you are creating! But before you can create a new world that you have been envisioning and dreaming of since the day you woke up from your amnesia., you must create a new world for yourself, within yourself. It is time to start again. You are now born again. Yes, all the wisdom you have amassed from your past guides you, but do not cling too dearly to what has comforted you in the past, because I can assure you that there is much

greater comforts in store in this new world you are creating for yourself. What do you want in your life? Whatever is your wildest dream, you may have it! Dream it, see it, believe it, think it, envision it, imagine it and feel it – and it will surely manifest, without fail - if you are steadfast and unrelenting and do not ever give up – ever ever ever!!! If you can be distracted from your dreams by conflict, drama, gossip, codependence, attachments and addictions. And you listen to people that have no idea what they are talking about, that do not know how to guide themselves, who give advice to others based upon their fears then you will lose your dreams, and you will struggle to manifest your heart dreams and desires. And you may say, “it is not possible to consciously create reality, I have tried.” Or you may say, “that positive thinking, positive affirmation and Law of Attraction stuff doesn’t work, because I tried it for a couple of weeks!”. You may say, “I’ve been working at manifesting for 10 years now and it hasn’t worked, I’m not a millionaire!” Well, we can say for a fact, that if you had been fully and completely focused and steadfast on creating specific desires, in a specific and empowered way, you would have them by now. Because we know how the Law of Attraction works. It is not the recommendation of attraction, it is the Law of Attraction. Did you meditate, affirm, write, imagine, feel and focus 100% of your attention and especially your feelings? Completely knowing in your heart that it is going to manifest? Feeling

it like when you were a child and you knew that there were presents waiting for you at Christmas or Hanukkah. You knew they were there, you could see them, and you were so excited that you were crawling in your skin! If you had done this, with full conviction and feeling, even for a short period of time every day, completely focused on your dreams and goals? If you had done this, you would have them all by now! This is not speculation, it is Law! Just reading “Think and Grow Rich” once, isn’t going to do it for you. Just going to one seminar on the Law of Attraction, isn’t going to manifest the goodies for you. Placing .05% of your attention and focus on your dreams will only manifest .05% of your dreams. Placing 10% of your attention and focus on your dreams will only manifest 10% of your dreams, etc. But it does not matter what you have done, what maters is what you are going to do now! Because of the increased levels of light and the increased amount of awakened souls that are collectively focused on self empowerment – it is going to be a thousand times easier for the light workers to manifest what they truly desire, regardless of what anyone else wants or doesn’t want you to do. The key is to focus internally, not externally. Do this and you will manifest what you want. If you focus externally, you will just do what other people want you to do to suit them, not you. You must learn to guide yourself then you do not need to listen to what anyone else says about anything or anyone. You don’t need anyone else’s advice or guidance

about what decision to make about this or that, because you have your own guidance and your heart knows best. Learn how to “Tummy Test” (info on my website), or muscle testing or whatever method of receiving guidance works for you. But the point is, do not listen to gossip and only listen to people that are well and truly authorities in that field, not just theorists. Not just people that have done a course and are now “authorities” on that subject. Listen to people who have what you want and who have been where you are now. And above all, listen to your own guidance and intuition, then, no matter what happens on planet earth with the money systems, or governments, or food, or water… you will always be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing with the right people! You are your best guidance! Listen to your heart and listen to your Spirit calling you to magnificence, beauty, prosperity and Love! Have a fabulous new life and enjoy your fabulous new world! Infinite blessings on your amazing divine journey of remembering how awesome and magnificent you truly are! ZaKaiRan enjoys providing ascension tools and guidance, such as sonic alchemy, and karmic record healing to fully empower others and help them create heaven in their lives.To find out more about him visit www.ZaKaiRan.com.



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d o G e h t f o Proof e c n a t s i x E s ’ s s e d d o G &

S’Roya Rose


ow you have to know that my family was not at all religious, so the word God rarely even got lip service unless used in vein. I had no idea what God/Goddess was in real terms and didn’t really care, never thinking it important enough back then to ask or discuss it at length. I personally had a real aversion to those perceived religious types and closed off on all levels when the word God was even mentioned. However, during the course of my life and career I had come to accept that a large proportion of the general public needed to hold onto some kind of belief or faith, not really sure why. My feelings then about this subject simply reflected my own ignorance. I felt that people used religion like a crux, like alcoholics use alcohol as a form of escape into non-reality. I saw it as a way of them not taking full responsibility for their life and any painful events within it. I was not in judgment of this as long as it was not thrust onto me, so I remained safely an uninformed ignorant agnostic. I considered myself to be a realist not needing any form of religious escapism or dogma. As a child I had however attended Sunday school, remembering only that I loved the pictures of Jesus and especially the Angels in the children’s bible. I also remember pictures and stories of Jesus as a boy and then as an adult. I tended to view religion and the story of Jesus as some sort of legend or fable passed down through generations, not pertaining to me in any way at all. I put my trust in logic and science totally dismissing the need for religion or God/Goddess in my life. Now I feel this is the case for the majority of people who do not feel like belonging to a religious mindset. I have 24



met many such people in my life that, like myself, did not feel the need to yield to any kind of dogmatic religion. I have always seen religion as a form of ‘controlling the masses’, not really knowing where these feelings came from. However, I had to admit that they existed in my beliefs somewhere. I remember my father telling me that he gave away the church and religion when they kept asking him to give them money. Now he was a proud man who worked hard for his living and would help anyone that asked for it. He found it impossible to believe that the church would want to take money from a poor man who had five children and a wife to support. Disillusioned with so-called ‘God fearing’ people, he never went back to any church. His disappointment probably played a large part in why I came to my understandings about religious types in the first place. That and the bible-bashing door knocking types that also arrived on my father’s doorstep only to wake him from his precious shift working sleep.


t was understanding the science of energy that rescued my consciousness and helped me to accept that God/ Goddess were not a people who sat in judgment over us, but rather an energy force that permeated every living thing. It took me a while to integrate the concept that ‘God/Goddess’ was a loving life-force energy that affected every living thing, but I understood it perfectly. It felt so right and I knew it in my heart as a truth. I finally understood the concept and it took learning about energy to put it into a scientific perspective that made sense and it sat well within my logical mind. It was obviously part of my spiritual pursuit to seek out some kind of scientific proof of God & Goddesses existence. What I was to find, with this age-old question and argument between the religionist and scientist as to whether God/Goddess exists, was pointless, for the Divine is beyond the mind; it cannot be rationalised or hypothesised; it cannot be found by dogmatic assertion in a laboratory, on a slide, or through a microscope. The ‘creations’ of the Divien God/Goddess, yes, but the creator? NO! Both the God/Goddess are supreme and Infinite Energies from which ALL is made manifest and from which ALL flows. God/Goddess are life forces, in earth terms, known also to us as “LOVE” - Unconditional Love. Which is the Dynamo that drives everything, including man/ woman-kind. Even the mechanistic world of fixed laws and predetermined processes under the laws of physics and chemistry, for it drives the universal machine we call Earth. Both the God/Goddess are found within self - the inner self, and proof of this existence can only be gained by expanded consciousness - the very heart of our matter which holds that mysterious alchemical process that transforms man, the base metal, into the pure gold called “love” (which is our true God/Goddess divine self energy). Love is the highest and most refined vibration of Light energy presently available to mankind for us to ‘identify’ the source of the divine, or part thereof, called “God/Goddess” the source of our being. We come from this source. Over the many eons man has lost contact with this source, haven fallen into a much lower and denser field of matter energy - an energy of a much lower vibration. Should the scientists wish to prove this “God/Goddess” energy exists, then they must change tact and even dispense their present evaluation techniques.

They will not need those for this experiment, which is purely based on the Heart Centre. The experiment is a simple one - some of it may be a little time consuming however, it depends on the individual researcher. It encompasses various methods. One of which is Meditation - the researcher is in control of his/her time and energy. Studies with a spiritual Master/teacher where the researcher may be severely tested by the discipline of a doctrine. Or more immediately or expediently, through the methods of selflessness, compassion, non-judgment, helpfulness and loving thoughts - any one of these positive methods will achieve positive results. These and many other positive avenues will save the researcher precious time, labour and money. Therefore this method should be most appealing! Perhaps the only ‘cost’ might be the loss of pride. No doubt there are many in the scientific field or with a scientific bent that would be willing to undertake this experiment. Or would you prefer to study a channelled energy healing science phenomenon such as Reiki? These simple experiments will be well on the way to proving God’s existence. The rewards for anyone who engages these methods will clearly manifest through feelings of wellbeing and peace with all humanity, a valuable extra indeed! It is the only method that ‘by feeling’, one can prove the energy we call God exists. Now I know that some will query that God can only be found in a church or within a religion, this being the best and even only method of finding God. However, I would ask that they understand, even if they can’t accept, that many others within the community do not seek God through such means. Therefore my comments were not meant to be a replacement to your faith; but they could be an added positive dimension to your particular faith, but were expressed as an alternative route to God/Goddess for those who do not seek him/ her via your path. Surely you would encourage them to find the Creator even if not through your channels? I think you will agree that we should spread God/ Goddess like butter – margarine even, if it is more spreadable! Love is how I spread the divine... )O( www.goddessguruezine.com


24 25

s m

S’Roya Rose

Path of the Psychic Opening the Third Eye ~ 1 Day Workshop

Spirit Guides, Other Realms~ 1 Day Workshop Acended Masters & Angels ~ 1 Day Workshop Animals & Other Realms ~ 1 Day Workshop Crystals & Healing ~ 1 Day Workshop Intuitive Tarot Classes ~ 1 Day Intensive Palmistry ~ 1 Day Intensive Numerology ~ 1 Day Intensive

8Path of Healing

Cert~ Reiki Levels 1 & 2 ~ 2 day seperate Workshops Cert~ Reiki Master Teacher ~ 10 day Intensive Chakras & the Kundalini ~ 1 day Workshop Healing of the Heart ~ 1 Day workshop Letting Go & Healing the Past ~ 1 day Workshop The Use of Sacred Practices ~ 1 day Workshop Clearings & Soul Retreaval ~ 1 day Workshop




Which Path is Your path?

Choose the path that best suits your niche of development. 1 day workshops Valued @ $149ea; Choose 4 workshops for Only $369 & pay upfront to save $227! Transformation of the lower ego self by the higher self is no easy task and many will tell you it is not for the feint hearted. It takes courgae, commitment, diligence and integrity to stay on your souls evolutionary path and shed the outworn skins of the past to step into the true essence of your being. Nothing less is call for as you embark on these magical journeys with S’Roya. Those who have journeys with her know that she is not afraid of facing the truth or those darker moments that can bring many undone. Let her hold your hand

s m

Practical Workshops For all booking & enquiries... call 07 5545 0838

Path of the Wise Sage Keys to Spiritual Development ~ 1 day Workshop Working with the God & Goddess ~ 1 day Workshop Understanding Universal Laws & Truth ~ 1 day Workshop Developing Ego & Soul Awareness ~ 1 day Workshop Past life, Karma & Reincarnation ~ 1 day Workshop The use of Sacred Ritual & Practices ~ 1 day Workshop Psychic, Mystic, Magical Development ~ 1 day Workshop

as she walks you through your spiritual paces and re-claim the mystical self once again in this life time. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Whether you are aware of it or not something wonderful is about to unfold in your life. Teachers of this nature don’t come around all that often, so do not miss your opportunity to refine some aspects of your spiritual development. Cost are very reasonable and classes are fun and informative. S’Roya is very down to earth and her gifts as a spiritual teacher are vast and her methods are intensly rewarding. Much is to be gained and nothing is lost through progression. Call now to register your interest in any of her workshops that suit your development stages, as they will fill all to soon. Call 07 5545 0838 to register.

Practical Magic Full Moon Ceremony ~ 3 hrs Ritual Practical Magic ~ 4 hr Workshop Candle Magic ~ 4 hr Workshop Goddess Circle ~ 4 hr Workshop Charms & Amulets ~ 4hr Workshop Dream Catcher ~ 1 day Workshop Magical Spellcraft ~ 1 day Workshop

m s www.goddessguruezine.com


26 27

c i t s i l o H g n i l a e H

Andrea Elliot

Can it help you obtain your life goals?


here are many energy-healing methods, from crystal healing to Reiki, spiritual healing to aura cleansing. However, most healing methods do not offer the complete package, the holistic life-changing overhaul. As a Reiki practitioner, I understand the benefits of the Reiki healing system. Reiki offers relaxation, for both the healer and the client. Many people report gaining a great sense of peace and calm as they enter a meditative state, on par with the earth’s rhythmic vibration. However, I have not heard of anyone experiencing life-changing events, as a direct result of having hands-on healing. As we moved further into 2012, people were crying out for something different, something that would really help them excel; spiritually, mentally and physically. I




have also heard reports, from spiritual communities and therapists, that there has been a rise in corporate business people walking in off the streets, in search of spiritual comfort and peace, something to take them away from the cutthroat business world. On that basis alone, it is a fair assumption to say, in the past year, we have taken a massive leap towards expanding our spiritual and emotional awareness. The public interest in mind, body, spirit practices, such as healing, has taken and exponential jump. The mainstream media giants are no longer ignoring the holistic, spiritual sector. And so, the media blackout is slowly, but surely, diminishing. In the last two years, a large number of holistic and spiritual therapists have stepped away from conventional practices. By breaking this long-established mould, and by combining ancient beliefs, quantum physics and

pioneering elements, a new set of healing systems have been born. Incidentally, quantum physics hit the headlines and became “cool” after supermodel Kate Moss displayed her in-depth knowledge of the subject, with the former D:Ream member, Professor Brian Cox. Scientists, within this genre have disclosed that the mind has a profound effect on our holistic well-being and, as such, many new healing therapies work on generating a positive mind to promote health and well-being. But, do they really work? According to healer and principle teacher, Paula Wratten, they do. Paula has revealed a healing system, which she created when she was at deaths door. When her illness escalated, she became immobile and incoherent for weeks. Nevertheless, this precarious health situation lent her a valuable lesson she will never forget. During this time, she had a near death experience, which gave her insight into the inner workings of the world we live in. What she discovered dramatically changed her health situation and her philosophy forever. By utilising this spiritual experience, her knowledge of quantum mechanics, and the theory that human thoughts have either a positive or a negative effect on the human body, she took her health into her own hands. She created a healing system called Quantum Holographic Echo Healing and subsequently made a full recovery.

as ‘The Magic’ by Rhonda Byrne and ‘Ask and It Is Given’ by Ester Hicks. After a single session, one avid law of attraction follower said the effects of Quantum Holographic Echo Healing astonished her. She had cosmically ordered a holiday in the UK for months, to no avail.Yet, after one session of Quantum Holographic Echo Healing, she received her holiday, which also cost the same amount as a rebate cheque she had just received. It is also said to help with physical and mental trauma and removes past life and ancestral issues. Others have said it helps with the symptoms of M.E. and one QHEH therapist uses the method to help sports and business people regain their positive mental attitude, by “spring cleaning” their whole internal and external energy field. Overall, and based on the amazing testimonials I have read, the healing does seem to offer the complete package. Perhaps it will help me obtain a new Mini SUV Coupe or a luxury holiday in Dubai…

However, it does not stop there. She discovered that the healing also activated the law of attraction, manifesting personal desires instantly - for both the QHEH therapist and the client - by deleting ingrained human conditioning, experienced at home, school and the workplace.

…OK, maybe I am missing the point here. Perhaps I am detracting from the spiritual benefit of such a healing, which works on removing emotional, mental blocks, in order to regain confidence to get out there into the world. However, a nice new car would be nice.

Now, I know many people, including my husband, who practise the law of attraction and avidly search for new tips, solutions and advanced information, yet are no further forward. Therefore, I find it fascinating that a healing technique can in fact create our desires, without the need of lengthy practices - as detailed in books, such

Andrea Elliot is an intuitive, a healer and a writer of holistic, spiritual and metaphysical articles, for print and on-line magazines. Website: http://www.holisticwords.com Email her at: contact@holisticwords.com



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g n i e B o T s p e t S n e T ! d n o y e b d n a … 0 4 Sexy at

Apple Blossom

“Sexy adjective sexually attractive or exciting”


Heinemann Australian Dictionary

ou’ve reached that age where you suddenly think it’s all down hill from now on. The wrinkles have persistently spread and things that used to stand up and salute the world have begun to sag. Let me reassure you that you can still be sexy at forty.




1) CONFIDENCE David Bowie, the singer, said in his song Let's Dance, to "put on your red shoes." That is exactly what you need to do. Strut your stuff and walk tall in a sexy pair of red high heels, the colour of courage, confidence, and passion. Don't slump with your head down, instead hold your head up high and allow the confidence you feel in yourself as a beautiful woman, a Goddess, to come forth and ooze sexiness. 2) BAD BEHAVIOUR Sexy is not dropping every swear word from A to Z, or blowing up in the supermarket like a raging bull. To be sexy is to carry an air of grace, having a certain amount of decorum and composure, even in the most challenging situations. 3) PUSH IT UP Forget having a breast lift, it is time to purchase a well fitting push up bra. Push together those two squishy and adorable bosoms of yours and allow gravity to be back where it should be. Breasts are one of women's best assets, small or big! 4) SMILE Are those pearly whites, still white? It may be time to visit a dentist. Nothing speaks the language of sexy more than a gorgeous smile. So consider investing some money into the health of your teeth, and smile…smile… smile…. 5) YOUNG AT HEART Take a lesson from Peter Pan and be young at heart. I'm not saying to be irresponsible, I'm talking about letting the small things slide and throwing away that frown. Enjoy life! Go out for dinner, see a movie, or be a wild woman and do the adventurous. Try walking on hot coals, go sky diving, or even better have fun skinny dipping. Feel what it is like to be alive, wake up, and have fun! 6) FACIAL MAGIC Book yourself into the beauticians and pamper yourself with a relaxing facial. Not only do facials hydrate and moisturise your skin, but they also stimulate and boost

your circulation. This helps your skin to feel more elastic and youthful again. You may even be brave and try a facial using the droppings of the Nightingale bird, revered to keep one young and youthful by the Japanese. 7) COLOUR ME GORGEOUS Black, the colour which a lot of us tend to favour can actually age you drastically. As much as you may love this dark hue, the older you become the less it should be worn, especially near your face. You don't have to throw out all your black attire, just implement a few new colour pieces into your wardrobe. Wearing a brightly coloured scarf can knock years off you. Try it and see the difference. 8) HIPS, BUTT, AND THIGHS There is no use in having a whinge to all your girlfriends about your expanding hips, butt, and thighs. Do something constructive about it ! Stop procrastinating and wipe the dust off that treadmill. The longer you put off exercising, the quicker your body will age. Feel attractive and sexy by toning up a little. 9) STOCKINGS, NOT SHOCKING Keep the lingerie for the bedroom! You may have got away with wearing an outfit super revealing in your earlier years, but now it is time to tone it down a bit. It's about learning to wear nice silky stockings, or showing a tiny hint of lace from your bra. Think class, style, and allure. Showing a little less is actually sexier. 10) BE YOURSELF Don't become a generic brand name, a carbon copy, or a clone of someone else. Simply be yourself! Expressing to the world that you are comfortable in your own skin speaks sexiness. Apple Blossom is a natural psychic, medium, and witch. She writes for many new age magazines in Australia and internationally and is the author of three books. http://www.appleblossomscottage.com Photo taken by ‘Julz Photography’ 2011 www.goddessguruezine.com


30 31

" d a B e m a c e b r i a H d o Before "Go

Lauren Clark

Mystique of Black Women’s Hair, and the Showcase of Fall’s Jewels


hroughout the beginning of time, the circle (sphere) has been the source of all life forms. Giving birth to all other shapes, it is the epitome of Creation. The crops and fruits of harvest have arisen from this mysterious figure, who dares to showcase the continuation of life. In the world of beauty, the Circle is ever present. Concerning this realm, hair is one of her domains. And in many cases, it has become reviled against those whose aesthetics (specifically hair), reflects her




existence. Since the beginning of time, hair care and aesthetics have been part of the spiritual essence and allure of Black female identity and womanhood. In sync with the natural forces of the Earth and Universe, Black women’s hair was, and is, a haven for tight curls (and loose ones)-a conglomerate of multiple, small curls. Throughout various communities on the African continent, the art of hair care and styling, was more than just a daily task. Rather, it was a ritual in connection to the Divine, and the bonding of sisterhood, through their

care of each other in this asset. Ever since the deviation away from the Circle (and our connection with the Earth), the World has witnessed the D3 (demonizing, dehumanizing, and defeminizing) of Black women. It was then, that her hair (in addition to other physical attributes) became her supposed “enemy.” Going back to earlier herstory, we are presented with Libyan Amazonian women of North Africa (and even ancient Egypt). Such women honored the Divine through their honor of the snake, or what some would refer to as the “Snake Goddess.” In the time of

the woman, the snake was a creature, not known for its “deceptive nature,” but as a symbolism for the renewal of life and creation. With beautiful locks of hair, the political system of Greece transformed their imagery into the figure of Medusa, the monster-like beast, with hair of vicious snakes, whose apparent ugliness turned men into stone, upon first eye contact. The encouragement of Black women (African, AfricanAmerican, Caribbean, and other areas of the African Diaspora) to use dangerous and unhealthy hair chemicals and treatments in television commercials (and other modern entities), which have come to view her hair as not only a curse, but as removed from the realm of beauty, sensuality, femininity, and overall womanhood. The recent headway made by U.S. Olympic gymnast, and 2012 gold medal champion, Gabrielle Douglas, sparked controversy regarding her hair, during her All-Around Performance, is just one of the latest attacks. And yet the Circle continues. . . Regardless of those negative sentiments, the beauty and salacious allure of Black women’s hair continues to be in existence. Like the Circle, her hair produces and transforms into different styles. From “corn rows,” twists, locs, Afros, “Nubian knots,” single plaits, and other intricate designs and styles, to the use of heat (one of Earth’s elements) in the transformation into straight hair. . .Her hair can personify the fruits, crops, trees, and other agricultural forms blessed by the Great Mother. Like the harvest of rows of corn, produces of pumpkins, apple trees, rice fields, banana, willow trees, and fruits of exotic a lore, her hair not only can align with the forces of gravity, but also defy them. Wherever there is harvest, wherever there is Earth, traces of her being can be found, as her hair is a reminder of Earth’s hidden jewels. And yet the Circle still continues . . . Her hair had been equivocated to that of a freak show. Viewed as a feature, attributed to those of monsters (i.e. the movie, Predator, with the use of locks) which, like the story of Medusa, validates her slaughter and the “need” of a hero to defeat her. The hair of the “dark” woman had become corresponded to being part of forbidden, spell or “blackmagic,” deemed a danger to life as a whole. Then of course, there was mockery. One could travel

to various destination sites, such as Jamaica (and others) where locs (and other styles) have become a scalp-like trophy, gimmick, and souvenir, of having vacationed to the tropics. And lastly, there is the speculation of the Black woman’s hair even classified as real hair. And the Circle remains unbroken. . . Despite the vile nature that has been attributed to her hair, there has still been underlying, and even subtle, recognition of its beauty and mystique. All over the world, in places where she is a rarity, one will find curiosity, and even fascination with the mystique of her hair. She uses the tenderness and silky nature of earthly oils, vegetable enzymes, coconut crèmes, and other nectars as nourishment for it. Reminding us of the circle from which we all come from, and in return, she is able to utilize Earth’s agriculture to enhance in its growth and femininity. Even when her hair is celebrated (in the mainstream), using other feminine images to mask, and imitate, her existence (i.e. Bo Derek, and the 70’s craze of the “Bo Derek braids”), the traces still leads to her image. They are still subconsciously celebrated in connection to her. Forever, the Circle shall remain unbroken . . . It became of no surprise that with the demonizing of woman, darkness, and removal of the Circle, that the Black woman’s hair also became a negative. Being a symbolic reminder of the archaic mysteries and life force of the Circle for women all over the world, it became a necessity to terminate this memory. Yet, despite such events, there are those who have maintained the attributes, performances, and display of the Circle (or the “tight curl”). Their natural curls and hair takes the shape of creation. Styles of braids embody the geometric fields of corn, tomatoes, pumpkins, peppers, carrots, mangos, and other jewels of galore. Laying in the fields, their hair outstretches into the life giving forces of the Moon, Earth, Sun, and Universe. Let the harvest begin! Lauren Clark completed her studies as a ComparativeWomen’s Studies major at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) in Spring 2009. Miss Clark’s concentrations included the following: African-descended, African, Asian, Latina, Indigenous, Native and European women in the areas of health, performing-visual arts, literature, sociology-anthropology, and religion. She is a freelance writer and activist for womens causes. www.goddessguruezine.com


32 33

Artwork supplied by RachelHammond.com.au

n w o r u o y g n i k a M l i a T d i a m r e M 34



Michele Morseu is a sea witch and defender of the oceans. With a passion for the written word, she has been published in sister magazines. She is also a Psychic, Reiki master with a certificate in Natural Therapies.Email is dolphintouch@bigpond.com Website http://www.freeweb.com/ dolphintouch/index

Basic Mermaid Tail Making Tips It is now time to draw up your own pattern for your tail! To do this all you need is paper taped all together to make a large enough drawing surface to fit from your waste and beyond your feet. Depending on how sizeable a tail fluke you want is how big beyond your feet you leave.

! w o N E L A S On S’Roya’s 2013 GODDESS DIARY


Lay down and trace your leg outline. Measure your waste, hips, thighs, knees and calves, ankles. Write these measurements down then divide by half! Transfer all these measurements to your rough out line of your legs. (As my dad use to say, you need to measure twice and cut once. Save you making any mistakes.)


If you have customised your flippers/tail simply trace this from your ankles. If you are using a mono fin just draw the outline of that but outside of that draw the shape of the tail, you want.


Once you are happy with the pattern you have drawn up it is time to pin the material to your pattern.

4 5 6 7

Now cut out the material please remember to leav e a few extra centimetres for the seam.

Sew the sides of your tail! (Leave top and bottom open.)

When you place your flippers in your tail, you can simply sew the bottom closed.

You are done!!! This is only a basic outline on what to do because there are many people out there willing to share their way of making swimmable tails! This will be your tail so swim with it and create your own piece of art! Add whatever you think your tail needs. At first it may seem a bit daunting in making your own tail. I know this feeling all to well that is why I bought my first tail. But it really is worth the time and effort in making your own. Now all you need is a nice summer day and some water to test your new tail out!!! Oh and do not forget the camera and someone that is willing to take some good shot of you! If not just enjoy your swim!

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34 35


Bronwyn Fish is an Events manager & owns Soulessence. She runs regular courses & meditaions Her website: www.soulessence.info

Symbol: Horse Shoe

Horse Shoes have always been synonymous with good luck and protection and is believed that to hang a horse shoe over the doorway to your house will ward off the evil eye. I hang it with the ends pointing up to keep all the good luck within. There is an old wives tale that pesky faeries are repelled by iron, so by hanging an iron horseshoe in a doorway you will prevent the unwanted guests from entering. To find a horseshoe on the road is a sign of money, to dream of a horseshoe indicates good fortune in new business adventures and to have a tattoo of a horseshoe is said to give the wearer a sense of unbeatable luck at any odds.

Rune: Uruz(Uz) Uruz is the rune of strength. It inspires us to be courageous, to take action and to overcome our obstacles. It speaks of good health and shows us that often what seems to be a failure is actually an opportunity to gain deeper insight. If reversed in a reading, it cautions against being easily led or influenced by other people who can take advantage of you. It is a wakeup call to believe in yourself and your inner strength to make sure you don’t lose that opportunity. If you wish to move forward, wear Uruz as talisman to strengthen your will and increase your sexual potency. 36



Planet: Neptune

Neptune, the Roman God of the Sea represents the collective waters of the unconscious through which we are all connected. The source of our imagination and creativity, the planet is concerned with connecting and merging with others and becoming part of the larger whole. Associated with the Zodiac sign of Pisces, this is a planet of compassion and empathy and helps to dissolve the boundaries between ourselves and others. This can bring confusion and a difficulty in distinguishing what is ours, prompting us to make use of our inner creativity and intuitive knowledge to navigate forward.


Crystal: Tigers Eye

Tiger’s Eye is made of brown and gold fibres in layers that reflect the light. With this wonderful flash of earthy brown’s and lustrous gold’s, you can understand why in medieval times, people would wear Tiger’s Eye to ward off evil spirits. This stone is very calming to the senses, the browns grounds the bodies energies bringing stability and balance to the physical and the gold when used over the solar plexus helps to ease stomach and gallbladder problems. It helps reduce cravings for the wrong types of food or if you simply need a bit more will power, then Tiger’s Eye is a great shopping buddy. It stimulates the creative side of your nature, attracts money into a household and worn as a necklace and serves as a protective shield from negative thoughts.

Tarot: The Tower The Tower card often shows a tall building that has been struck by lightning, on fire and about to topple down. The Fool has encountered a sudden, disruptive change that is going to force him to question his journey. If this card appears in your reading, it suggests that you may be experiencing that things are not going to plan, questions and doubts are arising and all your careful goal setting is in danger of being overthrown.

Faerie Domovoi

Domovoi are the house spirits among the Slavonic people of Eastern Europe that are the protectors of the house, defending off intruders as well as evil spirits. They are very loyal to the house and the family and are often found living in the fireplace, so in traditional Russian houses, food is left on the hearth as a thank you for their constant vidual. These hairy grey bearded men will often warn their family of future problems or dangers. Have you ever felt a soft hand upon your shoulder that stops you from tripping, a clammy feeling when something is not right or a tug on your hair that wakes you in time? That is your family Domovoi.

It can be a bit scary when you can’t see the future, however take a deep breath and wait for the dust to settle. This card is asking you to re-evaluate your plans and sometimes the pieces have to fall apart for us to look for a better way forward.



36 37

k o o B ow! N

Avalon-2013 Goddess Tour

Join S’Roya on her Avalon Saced Site Tour!

Book via email Now!

email@sroyarose.com Pay Online - www.sroyarose.com Don’t miss this opportunity! 10 days you’ll never forget! Connect with the Heart of the Goddess in Avalon!

2013 Tour dates are:

Avalon 13th - 22nd of July Unveil the Mystery within the Sacred Isle of AVALON connect with the Ancient Folk lore, Myths & Legends! Feed your inner Goddess & take part in S’Roya’s insightful workshops, let the Lady of the Lake heal any ancestral wounds of the Sacred Feminine. Rejoice, have fun, & remember the way it was.

S’Roya invites you to join her Avalon Goddess 2013 Tour the t u o n Your tour investment is $5800 eck t Pla e h C en onlin m 10 day Goddess Experience of a lifetime! m ay le .co Book your place & take advantage of the payment plan! P availabroyarose w.s ww Email: email@sroyarose.com 38 GoddessGuru www.goddessguruezine.com

S’Roya’s books in Print now!

Reiki a Spiritual Pathway

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In Search of SOUL RRP $25 or $3.99 (iPad)

By S’Roya Rose


The Art of Meaningful Living RRP $25 or $3.99 (iPad)

To Purchase any of these books click on the Link:

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38 39

n o o u o M Y e h T &


Moon Goddess... Lights & Shadows

he Moon governs beauty, depth, yin, emotions... shadows, mystery, and fears of the unseen. She has her light; the yin reflections of your emotions in their depth and beauty – And then... she has her darkness; the unseen and the mysterious fantasies lurking in the depths of the shadow cast by night. These are fantasies because they are based on illusory images made up from fear, and difficulty, of seeing in the dark. In reality, the Moon is broken – there are missing pieces within our unconscious that we courageously try to mend to allieviate our dramatic fears that occur when we are left in shadows. We call this process of piecing our unconscious back together, trust. Trust in our intuitive knowledge brings light to the shade. On the brighter side, some shadows are cast upon existing pieces of the Moon, still in their right places. There is still some solidarity to rest upon when the light is amiss... or just distant. On the originating side of this spectrum, the Sun governs enlightenment, joy, activity, playfulness... and sometimes exhaustion. If we reside in creativity when playing in her light, we don’t get exhausted - we have fun! The day grants us a pathway that is harmonious to trust and bliss. We are not afraid of what may be playing in the shadows because all is freely visable to us. If any dangers surmount, they’re in clear vision and we step aside. But when the light meets night, it’s more difficult to discern with clarity. We keep trying to develop our soul-light in the darkness of the night.

Magically, beauty comes into play when we can see perfectly in the dark. We do earn this trait, yet if feels divinely blissful, like magic! Each step takes your Heart closer to trust in your true reality. Let’s explore the upcoming lucid lights and shadows, as the Moon moves through each Sun-sign constellation, assisting us to explore our attributes pertaining to these Star-lit zones... now all Moon Goddesses can read EVERY sign! 40



Moon in Gemini November 1 – 3 “Sisters & Brothers” Dear Sisters and Brothers, we have an interplay of astrological facets focusing on close friendships. While sifting through illusions and communication difficulties, you won’t meet tragedy.You will actually simplify anything grandiose, to a humbler, more authentic unity. This ushers in a refreshing heart-energy, and fun times. Moon in Cancer November 3 – 5 “Lunar Lover” Hello Beautiful. Within emotional ties, connection is dreamy and your routines come together nicely. If there is any emotional discomfort, the Sun bathes coolness with his warm rays. Still, guard against recklessness if you would like your ship to sail smooth waters. Moon in Leo November 6 – 8 “Fun in the Sun!” Hey Kids, resorting to ‘cloudy days’ like these aren’t fun! Inner children find their light when their feet are up, and they start creating something new... actually, we’re gonna have heaps of fun... if we persist! Moon in Virgo November 8 – 10 “Efficiency Experts” Divine Creatures of Expertise, shall we look into what needs cleaning up? Glimpses of your shadow-side come up from time-to-time. This allows for insight on transformative healing of issues that make you feel lacking, angry, frustrated, or blocked of expression. Your routine provides you with constant light during this progressive phase. Moon in Libra November 10 – 12 “Cloud Lofter” Hello up there! The balance required to float within luxury in the clouds takes practice... yet inspiration takes the lead inciting passion, luck, wittiness, and logic, to cut through any lingering obsessions with the finesse of an Elvish sword. This added level of comfort brings you happiness. Moon in Scorpio November 12 – 14 “Shifting Shadows” For a time of shadow-work, the Cosmos is in utmost harmonious alignment.Yes, there will be transformations,

ElizabethVaccaro is a philospher of the natural world. Her new ebook ‘Enchanted Healing Philosophy’ can be found on her website @ www.elizabethvaccaro.com

Elizabeth Vaccaro

and yes, you will steer clear of illusion. Divine laws, solar enlightenment, and clear thought are shining favourabley upon you. Moon in Sagittarius November 14 – 16 “Horizon Traveller” Fellow Gypsies, as you travel in search of all the horizon’s lands and teachings, beware of deceptive daydreams. Motion forward will fluctuate, yet there will be new inspiration guiding you towards more happiness. There is enough passion present to support your mission.

Moon in Taurus November 25 - 27 “Earthly Survivor” Howdy Down-to-Earth Goddesses, intuition is at a high and your natural Earth survival tendencies come and go on your radar. But when they do arise, you slowly, strongly, and steadily, pave your path forward with ease. Moon in Gemini November 28 – 29 “Sisters & Brothers” Dear Sisters and Brothers, your inspiration for connecting with each other comes on famously and momentaneously. Luck and fortune surrounds. However, there may be an underlying tension to surface and resolve.

Moon in Capricorn November 16 – 18 “Responsible Ruler” To the Governor, how would you like to direct your almighty power today, in the name of responsibility? Yes, you are feeling capable, and you may have discovered a sullen feeling recently... So naturally, you are inclinded to direct your strength to rectify this. Dreams, enlightenment, logic, and insight, are all on your side.

Moon in Cancer November 30 – December 2 “Lunar Lover” Hello Beautiful. Within the primordial depths of your relationship, serenity and dreaminess is abundant. Recklessness behaviour or attitudes may still be maturing, yet emotions, communication, and responsibilities are in harmonious tuning.

Moon in Aquarius November 18 – 21 ”Rebels with a Cause” All rise for a Revolution! Inspired upon this mission, you are instigating changes to transform anything that feels oppressive in your life. In search of freedom, your heart and instincts urge you toward a goal called ‘grace’.

Moon in Leo December 3 – 5 “Fun in the Sun!” Hey Kids, the light shining on playtime is pretty blissful! Forever thinking of new games to play, life could be grand! ...If only those fences weren’t in the way.You ask for someone to unlock the gate – but they don’t listen. Is there anything else you can try before the end of the day?

Moon in Pisces November 21 – 22 “Meeting the Shadow” “Hi Shadow, I’m not scared of you, even though you may be lurking in my blindspot!” The shadow is on your side and you will be intuitive with sparkling ease and comfort. It’s not the time to be expansive, but considering the nature of this phase, it is a fortunate Cosmic climate. Clarity, underworld know-how, and self-governing power, are all friends.

Moon in Virgo December 5 – 7 “Efficiency Experts” Divine Creatures of Expertise, what needs fine-tuning today? Well, the area of expansion does seem a little limiting... and there is an abundance of skills in your sleeve! Self-control, energy, action, logic, grace, and the leadership to cast new beginnings, are all talents supporting you on this task.

Moon in Aries November 23 – 24 “Youthful Pioneer” Ahoy Youthful Goddesses!! As enlightenment, luck, and reward bask upon your trails, you feel revved up to achieve more... perhaps take a slower pace... for now... and step with a gracious attitude for all you’ve recently received.

Moon in Libra December 8 – 9 “Cloud Lofter” Hello up there! Luxuriously balancing on that cloud takes skill. Even so, it’s only on your mind half the time – this is how talented you’ve become! Agility of your senses can be a struggle, as a slow and heavy sensation gets you frustrated. But luck and light are onside too. It’s a balancing act! www.goddessguruezine.com


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n u o o o Y M & The


Moon in Scorpio December 10 – 11 “Shifting Shadows” For a time of shadow-work, the Cosmos is divinely onside! You see clearly in the dark, and continue to find new depths of inner mastery over your inner shadow world. All this comes to you with an innate feeling of responsibility, energetic drive... and clear vision from within your heart.

Moon in Aries December 20 – 22 “Youthful Pioneer” Ahoy Youthful Goddesses!! What’s bothering you, passionate pioneers? Haven’t you realised your disposition for adventure is innate? You can’t see it just now because you’re that super-talented at it! Feeling happier, you wish to tell the world of all the glories you have found... just be careful to watch your steps in the darkness.

Moon in Sagittarius December 12 – 13 “Horizon Traveller” Fellow Gypsies, as you travel in search of all the horizon’s lands and teachings, your inner adventurous companion joins you for short bursts! During this time, embarking on new territory (mind and perhaps travel too) inspire you. The light is on your side, and so is the potential for delusion... so be careful in those shadows.

Moon in Taurus December 23 – 25 “Earthly Survivor” Howdy Down-to-Earth Goddesses, while making your pathway forward in life, positivity and light shines your way – and when it’s dark, you see clearly with your intuition. Strength and energy are also with you. Notably, your feelings of responsibility are sporadic.

Moon in Capricorn December 14 – 16 “Responsible Ruler” To the Governor, how would you like to direct your almighty prowess today? In accordance with your nature, you feel inspired to implement responsibility into your life. Just ensure that your passions (in a blindspot high) don’t cause you to act recklessly.Yet, being heart-driven with clear vision amidst the shadows, you are equipt to make progress through enlightenment. Moon in Aquarius December 16 – 18 ”Rebels with a Cause” All rise for a Revolution! Inspired upon this mission, you are communicating your new found wisdom with the power of your personal belief in abundance, and gracious acceptance of the light supporting you. Restrictions matter and you’re not fond of them. Moon in Pisces December 18 – 20 “Meeting the Shadow” “Hi Shadow, I’m still not scared of you!” Wow, how good have you become in following your intuition? You’re finding ease of movement within self-government and power.Yet grace, fluency, joy, and expansiveness, are areas that can be worked upon in your movement-mojo.




Moon in Gemini December 25 – 27 “Sisters & Brothers” Dear Sisters and Brothers, watch your steps in the shadows! With all that loving history you have for one another, use your heart-felt communicative talents to guide you through the dark. Once in the light, optimism and fun are easily summoned between you! Moon in Cancer December 28 – 29 “Lunar Lover” Hello Beautiful. Within emotional ties, the lands are still beautiful and dreamy. There is bliss in the light and the dark.You may have to look within to find the answer to this plaguing mystery of self-sabotage. Still, responsibilities are harmonious. Moon in Leo December 30 – 31 “Fun in the Sun!” Hey Kids, you’re feeling inspired about everything – there are so many cool things that you feel ever-so-passionate about! This makes your heart sing. There’s just one hindrance... your style is still a little cramped by that barrier.

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e g a m I

Kerrie Friend


rning a e l d n a g n i t p e s acc i e c n e d fi n o c f l “Se tely” e l p m o c u o y e v to lo





here is often a missing ingredient in our image and it’s one that seemingly eludes many. It can be difficult to achieve and maintain a self-confident image. In the middle of our mind and body connection lays your self-image (self- esteem or self- confidence). It presents who you are to the world therefore you need to recognize its importance and begin the work needed to create a more positive self-image.

The most memorable people you meet carry an abundance of self- confidence. They exude an enthusiasm and energy about themselves and life.You’re drawn to their magnetism and self-assuredness, they’re infectious and they’re a pleasure to be around. They don’t grumble or complain their way through life but enjoy it. Their happy and make others’ loads lighter. They’re pleasurable to be around and not burdensome but light and joyous. This is an inner quality and available to anyone who chooses it.You may not possess it naturally but you can still choose to make positive steps towards it and it’s something you can improve upon. No one can make self confidence happen for you and money doesn’t buy it but effort can guarantee it becomes a part of your image. People who have a healthy self-esteem display it to the world through their positivity and excitement. They feel great about whom they are from the inside out and this inner beauty boasts a strong measure of self confidence that enhances their image. Attitude is everything and essential for healthy self- confidence.You don’t want to have an overconfident image but a radiant one that comes from self confidence. How you see yourself determines your happiness and success in life. If you don’t have a good self-image this week start making the necessary alterations to promise you feel good about yourself and allow your self-confidence to bloom. Self-confidence is accepting and learning to love you completely. If you’re not confident in any area of your life you have the capability to change it. Anyone can suffer from low self-esteem but choose not to stay there. What

you choose to stay in your life remains but what you choose to change makes way for better. This may require doing it afraid but you can rise to the occasion and put on self-confidence and begin to see your image thrive. A self assured person doesn’t look for excuses or think the world owes them a favour instead they do all they can to improve themselves, their situations and the world around them. I have a lot of friends who are very successful and they all have this in common: they love life, are selfconfident and work to be excellent in every area of their lives. Self-confidence brings direction and purpose and has a winning attitude not a losing one. Without it you remain unfocused and insecure and you were designed to be so much more. Choose to change from within and let your self-confidence shine through and change your image. You may never have heard anyone tell you that you can choose to be self-confident but you can. As the Nike slogan says, “Just do it”.Your life will change and all of those around you will see a distinctive difference in your countenance. Begin working on the things you’re responsible for such as your body, character, personality, purpose and observe how your self-esteem grows with each and every victory. You’re alive right now able to fulfill a plan that no one else can fulfill but you.You are important and valuable don’t allow a lack of self-confidence hold you back from your self-confident image. You shall have what you say therefore speak about yourself positively and beautifully making way for your selfconfident image. Australian celebrity Kerrie Friend was cohost of hit TV shows Perfect Match andWheel of Fortune. Kerrie and her husband founded Heaven on Earth Media in 2002. She is also an ambassador and spokesperson for a number of societies and authored ‘Image: 52Weeks to a NewYou.’ Visit: www.kerriefriend.com www.goddessguruezine.com


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Universal Symbols

By Ken Dowling RRP: $17.99 www.kendowling.authorsxpress.com

“Universal Symbols are tools to inspire thought and conversations about the possibilities for the spiritual development of humanity,” explains author Ken Dowling, an idea that he further explains in his new book “Universal Symbols: Keys to Your Consciousness”. “The real power of the symbols exists inside each of us,” Ken says. “Spend time with this energy, and you could be forever changed for the better.” Universal Symbols, is a reflection of Ken Dowling’s experiences and discoveries during his spiritual journey, is designed to act as a reference guide and resource to help readers’ souls “find their way within the universe.”

Attitude Goddess by Lea Gay RRP $29.95 www.attitudegoddess.com Attitude Goddess is An inspirational read for every woman to shift energy into the positive and create newness with heart energy. Allow the affirmation style lyrical language to transform you. Full of prosperity principles, universal abundance laws, feminine energy and easy strategies to empower you with positive powerful feelings and so much more. One minute miracles to transform your mind for absolute Unlimited Prosperity. How to Fast Track and magnetise Abundance and Success. An inspirational heaven of true get-out-of-your-rut power-packed lyrical motivation. No matter what your belief system this book will compliment any feminine journey to success, increasing your attraction for creation and manifestation energy. It is without a doubt, ..Every Woman’s Guide to Having it All! 46



The energy of the symbols is the primary focus of the book and its intention. “These symbols are unique keys, current and powerful in clearing negativity and fear and creating the flow of positive, loving energy in our lives. Spirituality is meant to be fun, easy, simple, honest, loving and shared openly.”

Enchanted Healing Philosophy by Elizabeth Vaccaro www.elizabethvaccaro.com

Enchanted Healing Philosphy is a delightful self improvement eBook, aimed at those needing to expand their spiritual awarenes of who they really are, why they are really here, and how to get the most out of their experience. Elizabeth takes complex spiritual concepts and puts them into simple easy to grasp language that any one can understand. Its a transformative book that takes its reader on a beautiful healing journey into the labrinth of self. Married with lyrical well written prose, every page feels like a walk in a fairy dusted forest. Sharing how to improve our individual consciousness and therefore advancing the collective, it is obvous that this book is all about evolvement. Elizabeth joins the ranks of those spiritual teachers helping to improve our quality of life, while looking after the planet where we live.

W E N ase e l e R

Editors Choice Attitude Goddess GURU Guidance by Lea Gay RRP $29.95 www.attitudegoddess.com

‘Wow what a rush”, while still enjoying the huge success of her previous book, ‘Attitude Goddess,’ Lea Gray has done it again, with a follow up book, ‘Attitude Goddess Guru Guidance’. Creating step by step genuine guidance on how to have it all, Lea helps you unleash your true Goddess power. More than just one minute miracles to transform your mind for absolute Unlimited Prosperity. You get real time guidance that magnetises your ability to create continual Joyful Abundance and Success. Written in her lyrical motivational style she weaves a magical energy that transforms your thinking and uplifts your energy to experience the greatness of your Spirit!

I know you will enjoy this book as much as her last one. It lifts your heart and beckons you to live the life you have always wanted... “Be the Best Goddess You Can Be” ...our moto here at Goddess Guru Magazine! Really motivating read, thoroughly enjoyed it, well done Lea Gray!

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The Sexier Sex Guide By Jannell Manton Kindle Price: $9.99 Amazon.com

2013 Goddess Diary By S’Roya Rose RRP: $24.95 www.magcloud.com

The SEXIER SEX Guide is an awesome book for anyone who wants to experience deeper, more connected and meaningful love making that is spicy, fun and spans the test of time.You will discover how to open to your unique inner sexuality in such a way it will also awaken you as a person. The SEXIER SEX Guide is filled with tips, ideas, tricks and games to make your sex life better. Includes BONUS Journal Questions on ‘how to get what you really want out of sex, HOW you want it and when!’ You also gain specific bedroom tools that will keep the storm brewing in your sex life, so you can take your connection to the next level and last beyond the sands of time...You see, this is not just a book about funky, great sex, it’s an exploration into the realms of intimacy, closeness and heart connection with your partner! How awesome!

Our illustrious editor S’Roya has done it again, creating a very simple yet practical 2013 Goddess Diary, full of amazing every day Goddess wisdom. Drawing from her innate goddess wisdom, S’Roya every week takes you on a small inner journey to the rememberance and understanding of the Goddess. She is you and you are her... Each week features one of S’Roya’s Modern Goddess Oracle cards. A very simple weekly diary that would make a great gift for that special someone this Christmas. Currently the 2013 Goddess Diary is on SALE at www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/443112 & selling like Hot Cakes at Only $24.95... be quick don’t miss out!



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