Survey questionnaire
Section 1: Candidate selection criteria (should be older than 18yrs of age) 1.
Are you a current resident of Mumbai? ○
No Thank and eliminate this candidate
2. What is your primary mode of transportation for everyday travel? CHOOSE ONLY ONE OPTION ○ Own self-driven car ○ Own driver-driven car ○ Office-provided car ○ App Taxi Users (Ola/Uber - Single Taxi and Pool included in one) ○ Kaali Peeli Taxi or Auto-Rickshaw (single use, share auto not to be considered) ○ Own two-wheeler self-driven (motorcycle or scooter) ○ Other - Local train, any bus (BEST/Company/Private aggregate), metro/monorail, share-auto, share-taxi, bicycle, walk (Not to be included). Thank and eliminate this candidate 3. How many km (one-way) do you travel everyday? _______________(enter actual data) ○ Less than 5km Thank and eliminate this candidate 4. Do you face serious traffic congestion for most of the length of your trip? ○ Yes ○ No Thank and eliminate this candidate 5. How often does this trip occur in a week? CHOOSE ONLY ONE OPTION ○ 7 days ○ 6 days ○ 5 days ○ 4 days ○ 3 days ○ Less than 3 days - Thank and eliminate this candidate
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