Pastor Mark Bryant
Ministerial Staff Senior Pastor
Mark Bryant []
Associate Pastor
Fred Lewis []
Worship Pastor
Neal Terwilliger [
Associate Worship Pastor
Darren Gray []
Minister of Education
Bruce Welch []
Minister of Recreation & Outreach
Mike Armstrong []
Youth Pastor
Heath Anderson []
Minister to Children
Brit Fisher []
Director of Preschool & Kindergarten Tracey Cody []
Business Administrator
Tommy Johnston []
Director of Technology Scott Singleton [] La Primera iglesia Mission Pastor Amadeo Miranda FirstNews is a monthy publication of
First Baptist Church 116 Oak Avenue Sulphur Springs,Texas 75482 (903) 885-0646
In Revelation 22:12 Jesus says, “Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with Me to repay all people according to their deeds”. Having been raised in the Baptist Church, something I am very thankful for, it sometimes seems a little odd to consider the idea of Jesus “repaying” us for the deeds that we have done because, as we know, we are saved by grace through faith, not by our works. Yet, in His last words Jesus tells us He will return to repay according to the deeds that we have done. So how do we merge the truth that we are saved by grace alone and yet are “repaid” according to our works? The answer can be found in Ephesians 2:8-10 . The NLT says, “God saved you by His grace when you believed (faith). And you cannot take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. We were not only saved from sin, we were saved for good works done through the indwelling presence and power of Holy Spirit and planned for us long ago. When Jesus returns and “repays” us according to our deeds, He will not be judging our sin. He has already removed that on the cross. He will be rewarding us based on our obedience that is derived from the faithful execution of His plan for our lives. If you think about eternity, we have a very small window of opportunity to make an eternal impact. Considering the Biblical calculation of a life span of 80 years, after we subtract the time we spend, reading Gods’ word, praying, sleeping, eating, working, spending time with family, watching the news, listening to music, playing on the computer, Face Book, Twitter, Xbox, Nintendo, and our outdoor recreation, the normal human has about 30 minutes per day to do something eternal. I know this may sound strange, even a bit radical considering our culture, but it is possible that in order to make an eternal impact, we may have to rearrange our schedule so that the things of the Lord, the things that are eternal, can be in their proper place. With all this, I leave you with some things to ponder and pray over. 1. When you think about your life from a Biblical perspective, how much of your time is invested in eternity? 2. When you meet Jesus face to face and are asked to give an account for the way you spent your time based on His commands, how does that go down in your mind? 3. Have segregated your spiritual life from your “normal” life so that the spiritual has very little impact on the normal? 4. Is the Spirit of God speaking to you about how you are spending your time? Our response to His voice will influence not only our lives, but also the lives of those around us. In all the passages that we read about Jesus return, you will find that in almost every one, the future truth impacts some present responsibility. It is the knowledge of His imminent return that puts urgency in our walks, determination in our service, and gravity in our decisions and conversations. “Work, for the night comes!” Be Faithful, Pastor Mark
Bost off into Summer at The ROC! Wednesday, June 5th 5:00-7:00 pm Hamburgers, Fun & Games
"42 Tournament" Sign Up in the Welcome Center "Dunking Booth" Missions Fundraiser with Pastor MarK
Family Nights at the ROC where admission is always free and there is always a ton of fun! June 14 - Movie Night “The Grace Card” June 21 - Volleyball “Grande” Volleyball in a HUGE way! July 12-Movie Night “Courageous” August 9-Volleyball “Grande” August 23-Movie Night “Soul Surfer”
Pray for FBC Mission Trips this summerMIlwaukee Mission Trip June 22-27 Austin Mission Trip June 30-July 6 Disaster recovery Trip June 30-July 5 RISE Choir Tour July 14-20 Nicaragua Mission Trip July 18-27
Summer Camp Schedule MS & HS Camp - June 9-15 4th & 5th Grade Camp - July 9-12 Kids Camp - August 5, 6 & 7
Limited spots available!
Boys and Girls Club VBS is June 15-19th. Last year we had 40-60 kids each day. Find out how God can use you at the Boys and Girls club this year! contact
4th & 5th Grade Student Life Camp July 9-12, 2013
Cost: $235.00 ($75 deposit holds your spot) Register and pay online or in the church office Backyard Kids Club July 1 - July 3 7:30-8:00 pm Pacific Park Volunteers needed Contact Jamie Young
Saturday, July 20 8:00 am Fellowship Hall - Cost: $3 *No Men’s Breakfast in June due to VBS.
55+ Dinner Out
Thursday, June 27 A.J.’s Retaurant Bus leaves at 5:00 pm
Please call the church office to reserve your seat on the bus. Donation of $1 to help pay for gas. Each person will purchase own meal.
-Garland Summer MusicalFriday, July 26th Bus leaves at 4:00 pm Cost: $ 26 + $2.00 donation for gas. Each person wil pay for their own meal. Sign up and pay in the church office. Adults 55+ Diamond Set Tuesday, June 18 Fellowship Hall 10-11:30 Games, dominoes & blood pressure check 11:30 - 12:00 pm Lunch (Hamburgers & Hotdogs) 12:00 pm Special program Cost: $3 per person
Wednesday Nights This SuMMeR Blasting off June 12th!! Join us at 5:00 pm for Dinner!
The Fellowship Meal is a bargain at $4 per person or $12 per household! Meals served from 5:00 - 6:00 pm.
Bible Study
Pastor Mark is preaching a new sermon series throught the summer. “What does the Bible say: Angels & Demons” will start on June 19th at 6:00 pm in the Chapel.
Children & Youth
Preschool Willy Nilly Wednesdays - 6:00 pm in Seeds Preschool Wacky Wednesdays - First Kids (Grades 1-5) Meet at the ROC at 4:00 pm... don’t forget to bring $4 for dinner! Pick up is at 6:00 pm. Middle School & High School - 6:00 pm at The Youth Building (Youth will not meet June 12th due to camp)
Can't wait to see You this suMMeR! VBS shirts are here! You can pick up your VBS shirt for $10.00 in the office. Serving in VBS? VBS leaders shirts are half price! Wednesday, July 3rd No Meal, Bible Study, Teacher’s Meeting or Children & Youth Activities. * The Church Office will be closed on Thursday, July 4th.*