January First News

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Vol. 3 No.1 January 2012


First Baptist Church

From the Pastor... M a r k B r y a n t

Today as I was considering what the Lord would have me write to you I had an experience that brought everything into perspective. An “acquaintance” of mine, who likes to hunt ducks, invited me to go out on a scouting trip during our lunch hour. Thinking this would be a “fun” experience I said “let’s go”. So off we went to Cooper Lake to study the habits of migratory birds. (This is another way of saying we are looking for a place to shoot unsuspecting ducks out of the air.) Everything was going pretty good until we, and I must say it was our idea, decided to take the short route back to the truck. What began as a difficult walk in mud up to our ankles turned into a ½ mile journey in mud up to our knees. As you know I am built rather thick so the issue of gravity began to come into play and every step was a part of a 90 minute cardio workout. When we were about half way across I looked back and realized there were three or four options. First, I could pray for a helicopter to come and pull me out of the mud. That idea seemed to be a little farfetched so I went on to the next option, going back. For a moment I thought about the first 100 yards which were not nearly as difficult but I realized this was not where I needed to go. There third option, which seemed to be the most difficult, was to press on. Hold that thought for a moment. There was a fourth “option”. I could stay there stuck in the mud. It required no effort; it was to some degree more comfortable than feeling my heart beating wildly in my chest as I took each grueling step- but that was not really an option. What I came to realize is that I needed to surrender. That may not make sense but I had to surrender to finish the course. I had to surrender the consideration of going back. I had to surrender the possibility of remaining in the mud. All of the sudden I realized that there is a huge difference in surrendering to the struggle so I could reach the goal and simply giving up because my circumstances seemed overwhelming. I want you to go into 2012 with an understanding that surrendering to the Lord, His call, His purposes, His plan for our lives, brings victory. Any other choice will end in defeat. In II Timothy 4, Paul spoke of how he had surrendered his life in order to be used by God to complete his course. He surrendered to Jesus Christ in order to finish the course of life set before him. The theme for 2012 is ‘iSurrender.’ We will look at how surrender is something that we are called to do in every area of our lives. All of us have things in our life that we need to surrender to the Lord in order for Him to work in and through us so we can finish the course the He has put before us. Some need to surrender the desire to go back. Some need to realize that giving up is not the same as surrendering to Jesus. I pray that you will begin today praying for the Lord to show you what you need to be surrendered to His control. For me, I want to be the first to say, iSurrender! Looking forward to a wonderful year in Christ Jesus,

Pastor Mark SSFBC Ministerial Staff Senior Pastor

Mark Bryant [markbryant@ssfbc.org]

Associate Pastor

Fred Lewis [fredlewis@ssfbc.org]

Worship Pastor

Neal Terwilliger [nealterwilliger@ssfbc.org)

Associate Worship Pastor

Darren Gray [darrengray@ssfbc.org]

Minister of Education

Bruce Welch [brucewelch@ssfbc.org]

High School Student Pastor

Brian Brewer [brianbrewer@ssfbc.org]

Middle School Student Pastor

Heath Anderson [heathanderson@ssfbc.org]

Minister to Children

Brit Fisher [britfisher@ssfbc.org]

Preschool & Kindergarten Director Tracey Cody [traceycody@ssfbc.org]

Minister of Recreation & Outreach

Mike Armstrong [mikearmstrong@ssfbc.org]

La Primera Iglesia Mission Pastor Amadeo Miranda

Business Administrator

Tommy Johnston [tommyjohnston@ssfbc.org]



Recreation Outreach Center Open House & Dedication Sunday, January 8 5:00 p.m. - Open House Light Refreshments Served 6:00 p.m. - Dedication Service

New Deacons elected to begin serving in 2012: Tim Armstrong, Tommy Hurley, Tiger Massey, Greg Owens, and Gene White. 2012 Officers: Stacy Cody, Chairman; Ricky Berry, Vice-Chairman; and Wade Johnston, Sec-Treasurer

2012 Mission Trip Informational Meeting

Sunday, January 29 @ 4:30 pm Fellowship Hall

Please make plans to attend this meeting if you are interested in going on a trip.


7th -12th Grade Cost: $45

Meals and Wednesday Night Activities Resume Wednesday, January 4

2012 Offering Envelopes are available in the Welcome Center

High School Whirly-fest 2012

Saturday, January 28 Cost: $15 You must sign up and pay by January 22 (register online or in the church office) Meet at 7:00 am @ The youth building

bring food and/or $ for food stop(s)- will return Saturday afternoon

The Singing Men of North Central Texas will be presenting a concert at First Baptist Church, Paris on Thursday, January 12 at 7:00pm. There is no charge for this concert and all are welcome to attend. Our Worship Pastor, Neal Terwilliger is a member of this group and our choir has been invited to join a mass choir for one song. Come on over to Paris and enjoy this night of great music!

55+ HEALTH FAIR & ROC TOUR FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH RECREATIONAL OUTREACH CENTER 115 PUTMAN STREET TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 2012 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON Over 50 different vendors. Health information, blood pressure checks and other medical test checks. Over 25 different door prizes will be given away at the end of the program. Lunch will be at the ROC at 11:00 a.m. for $5.00 per person with a special program.

All adults 55 and older are invited to this special day.

Address service requested

116 Oak Avenue Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482

Non-Profit Organization U.S Postage Paid Permit No. 174 Sulphur Springs, Texas

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