First News February 2012

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February 2012 Vol. 3 No. 2

First Baptist Church of Sulphur Springs... With the Bible as our basis and the Holy Spirit as our guide, we exist to INTRODUCE

people to Jesus


the life of Jesus, and to


our community and the world for Jesus

• • • • • • • • • •

OUR CORE VALUES Prayer Unified Direction Strategic Missions Biblical Preaching and Teaching Transformational Discipleship Effective Evangelism Strong Families Authentic Worship Intentional Fellowship Relevant Ministry

First Baptist Church Sulphur Springs

Sunday Worship 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m.


A Word From Your

Pastor Mark Bryant

Ministerial Staff Senior Pastor

Mark Bryant []

Associate Pastor

Fred Lewis []

Worship Pastor

Neal Terwilliger [

Associate Worship Pastor

Darren Gray []

Minister of Education

Bruce Welch []

Minister of Recreation & Outreach Mike Armstrong []

High School Student Pastor

Brian Brewer []

Middle School Pastor

Heath Anderson []

Minister to Children

Brit Fisher []

Director of Preschool & Kindergarten Tracey Cody []

La Primera iglesia Mission Pastor Amadeo Miranda

What an incredible way to start the year as we ask the Lord to take the ROC and use it for His glory. We had a great crowd and the Spirit of the Lord was definitely among His people. As we move ahead, I want to encourage you to take advantage of the ministry opportunities that are being offered at the ROC. It might seem strange to think of a game of pick-­‐up basketball or a walk around the walking track as a ministry opportunity but this is another way to reach out to our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray we will consider every person that walks through the door as a special guest who may need to hear of the saving grace of Jesus. You never know when the Lord will provide an opportunity for you to tell someone how Jesus has made a life changing difference in your life and how He can change their life as well. You never know when you might meet someone who needs a word of encouragement or a listening ear. I am hoping that we will have a shift in our thinking as we realize that every encounter, whether at the ROC or in the grocery store, is an opportunity to declare the goodness and grace of our God. We need a reminder of the words the Spirit gave to Peter: “[B]ut sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;” I Peter 3:15 (NASB) You never know when you will have a chance to speak on behalf of the Lord so be ready. I have found that we do not always get a second chance and we want to be prepared. A word from the Lord is never wasted! Paul writes, “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.” Eph. 4:29 (NASB) I want to thank everyone who worked hard to make sure that the building was ready for the dedication service and again I pray that you will make this one more resource for bringing your family and friends into contact with the message of Jesus Christ. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Be blessed, Pastor Mark

The theme for 2012 is iSurrender. We will look at how surrender is something that we are called to do in every area of our lives. All of us have things in our life that we need to surrender to the Lord in order for Him to work in and through us so we can finish the course the He has put before us. iSurrender Some need to surrender the desire to go back. 2012 Some need to realize that giving up is not the same as surrendering to Jesus. I pray that you will begin today praying for the Lord to show you what needs to be surrendered to His control. For me, I want to be the first to say, iSurrender! Pastor Mark


What is happening in

We need crosses for a project we are doing at The ROC.

Rehoboth Baptist Evangelism Rally

If you would like to donate a cross to FBC, please bring it to the church office. Wood, metal, ceramic, small, large, new, or old....(Please no crucifixes)

Sunday, February 26 6:30 p.m. Speaker: Dr. Fred Lowery

Diamond Set Adults 55+

Are you looking for a place to serve at First Baptist Church? Pick up a “Get Rooted” brochure in The Welcome Center. It is full of opportunities to help you grow in service, in love and in


Tuesday ,February 28


10:00 a.m. Games 11:30 a.m. Meal

Explore the mission Jesus has waiting from Psalms 147:5 during VBS 2012. Get ready to fly away each day as we take off to new heights!!

Amazing Wonders Aviation will take us to great places! We will learn about God’s power over things, to trust that God is in his control, accept God’s forgiveness, celebrate that Jesus is alive and rely on God's power.

Mark your calendar... June 18-22, 2012

Fellowship Hall

7th - 12th Grade

Registration information is in the office. If registering on line, you will need to get a registration packet in the church office.

“Registration Rally” Thursday, Feb 23, 6:30 @ The ROC

Zone 45

Winter Swim Greenville YMCA March 2 Depart on the east parking lot at 7:00 pm, return at Midnight Sign up online or in the church office Cost: $15.00

Super Sunday Super Bowl partY

February 5th Pre-teen Camp Student Life Camp

Sherman, TX July 2-5

Early Bird Price $185.00 on or before March 28th After March 28th $235.00 (For kids who have completed 4th & 5th Grades)

Middle school and High school

Saturday Night at the R.O.C. Play ball and Games, Eat Pizza! Grades 1-5 Saturday, March 24th 6:30 - 9:30 pm

Sign up is not required, pay $5.00 at the door.

Invite your school friends!

After the 4: o’clock service...

@ The ROC

Group Dynamix Middle School Trip February 10 & 11 Depart Friday, February 10 at 5:00 PM, return by 10:30 AM Saturday, February 11 Cost $45 Register in the office or online.

Student Life

missions & me

Missions & Me-Jan/Feb 2012

Middle School & High School

Student Life Camp June 10-16 at YMCA of the Rockies

Early Bird Price: $275 by Wednesday, March 28; $325 after. $75 non-refundable deposit to register.


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(Parents of)PreschoolersWOW!get your If you didn’t Pare One tube of quarters = $22 M&M tube to fillinup for $22=food for people need. Agree The HOPE CHEST, 1 in it by (Reme Will you help uscheck-in help others?counter stop by the “seeds” BIG TO A couple of weeks ago, and pick one up! Pastor Mark challenged us (as adults) to start donating to a

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February Men’s Breakfast Saturday, February 18 8:00 a.m. Fellowship Hall Cost: $3.00

Game Night Adults 55+

Contribution Records 2011

February 7 6:00 - 8:30 pm Youth Building

Super Sunday February 5 Evening Service 4:00 p.m.

Tithe and register for events... it is safe and secure! More info @

Hours of Operation

RISE Youth Choir Fundraiser

Monday-Friday 6:00 am - 9:00 pm (Closes at 5:00 pm on Wednesdays) Saturday 6:00 - Noon


Tickets are $5.00 and may be purchased from any RISE choir member, in the church office or at the door.

On-line Giving is now available at SSFBC.

Your 2011 contribution records are available. Please contact the church office.

Sunday, February 12th 11:00 am - 1:30 pm Fellowship Hall

Pledged: $1,573,236.00 Given: $1,347,439.65 as of 1/22/2012

Zumba Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8:00 - 9:00 am Texercise for 55+ Are you 55+ and wanting to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle? Come join us for exercises that will provide you with better endurance, strength, balance and flexibility. No fancy gear, just a fun and practical guide to feeling your best! Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9:00 -10:00 am Instructor: Stephanie Litzler No advance sign-up necessary Open gym Tuesday 6:00 - 9:00 pm

Did you know The ROC is available for group events? Call Mike Armstrong at 903-348-2642 for more information or check out The ROC Policies & Procedures page on the SSFBC website. Camille Grace Daughter of Lacy & Russell Coker

Hallie Michelle Daughter of Shannon & Danny Lawrence

Joshua Son of Vivian & Frank Mangrum

Ryker Slade Son of Kendra & Slade Daniel

...from Sulphur springs

SSFBC on Mission 2012

to South Asia...Acts 1:8

The week of july 17, 2012 (Exact date to be determined soon)

Our mission begins at home! we will have opportunities to reach our own neighborhoods...Backyard Bible Clubs, Neighborhood Outreach & more!

Cost: TBD join us as we help and encourage the churches and pastors in Milwaukee. A great mission trip for all ages, families, singles, and youth. Contact: Brit Fisher.

April 15-21, 2012 Cost: $200

Basic carpentry, drywall, painting, plumbing, and electrical work will be done. You do not have to be skilled in these areas to go and to help. For adults. (men & women)

June 24-30, 2012 Cost: $50 VBS, landscaping, community service, etc. Designed for students involved in thirst & ignite, but of course Adults are welcomed! Participation in our local vbs is required to allow proper training & preparation to go & lead while on the trip. Contact: Heath Anderson

Contact: Tommy Johnston

There are over 6000 people groups considered unreached (which means that less than 2% are considered Christian). ssfbc has partnered with The IMB to Embrace one of these groups, asking the Lord to use us to see The Gospel established among them. Please join us in praying for our Himalayan tribal group known as The Bantawa.

RISE Choir Tour July 8-14, 2012 Cost:$500 Contact:Neal Terwilliger Or Bradley Edge (For RISE Choir members and sponsors)

The week of May 20, 2012 For College & Adults June 24-29, 2012 Cost:$150 We will build a team ready to respond in the event of a disaster, such as the Nashville flooding or Gulf coast relief work. Contact: bruce Welch

July 5-14, 2012 An adventurous trip to the high mountains of northern Nicaragua. The location for this trip was picked because of the tremendous potential to start new congregations in the area. The language is Spanish, but we take translators. The activities include vbs, sports ministry, personal witnessing, medical & dental clinics, a pharmacy, evangelistic services, children’s activities, & an ongoing work with a school for developmentally disabled children. this trip requires specific preparation/requirements. Contact: greg Adams

Address service requested

116 Oak Avenue Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482

Non-Profit Organization U.S Postage Paid Permit No. 174 Sulphur Springs, Texas

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