cOctober 2012 d
FirstNews Vol. 3 Issue 10
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g Pastor
A Word From Your
e very ching som a ro p p a r will are e calenda ead, we h th a n o k o t n lo e v ent to . Each e e a mom our church f o e As we tak lif e days in th unday. orld. important r Harvest S ct on the w fo a n p o ti im ra n a a p ess of have making pre e will begin the proc in g e b to ou tw honor Pastor Mark Bryant raying tha courage y glory and p n g e n m ri a to b I t r n in e a a b we Iw ag is in Novem ering that ight once ff it m o h e y g rl u w a t o e a th y th s er is a Even to the end ving in ord st Sunday le e p sa rv o d a e n H p a . n g g w prayin ur givin our area. our very o through o y needs in to camps, tr is ts in n e m d r to the Lord u e st eeting oth help send s well as m a receive to gifts. n o si is m ugh these h on ro rt a th e t c f the e a th p f o istry im e history o in th m in e g g u n h ri Day offe There is a ive above est Harvest at we rece rg th la r e lla o th d d debt on very e receive pay off the ading 250,000. E $ to is o r g a ill Last year w e w y le ur goal this Harvest Day Offering ow you what He is church. O f sh o e Lord, s to th m e in rd it o wing ated the L ro n g g sk si a ts e n d d e n d e a u th y uing to e st Ministerial Staff Please pra ote contin ill be to se n w . k it C n a O g b R in e e ss n be th ble d th how we ca . What a e earth an t g u n th o ri f b b o a s r to d e n u th Senior Pastor yo the e pray toge l spread to Mark Bryant [markbryant@ssfbc.org] ether and g to the gospe rk o w r as we ffering, grow smalle est Day O rv Associate Pastor a H r fo . gs ate in a part Fred Lewis [fredlewis@ssfbc.org] our offerin to particip g n y ri it b n u e rt w o t asy to pp e day tha makes it e ve the o it m a h e sa g o n e ls a th a h we ec On will Worship Pastor des the tim 4th ) we g” because g n lu r ri c e e in b th y m a a e G d v (No Neal Terwilliger [nealterwilliger@ssfbc.org) ce this u to brin ng it “The ering”. Sin allenge yo e are calli h W c . h to t rc “The Gath n u a h ew g as many friends to c sses to brin fferings. W o Associate Worship Pastor la r c l u o o o n bring your h a c th yS rcentage Darren Gray [darrengray@ssfbc.org] ring more ing Sunda highest pe g n e th lle s a a h h c want to b t tha ood! We are it will be g e the class it e v st friends. is in lo m r u ro to o p n y I pla Minister of Education dinner. possible. I ont that day to n o Bruce Welch [brucewelch@ssfbc.org] people as e c n e have in fr a w d t n a e th tt s a ie it s that our increase in t opportun Bible tells u of differen e r e th b t a Minister of Recreation & Outreach m u th n r e rovision. be ware of th r lack His p lso remem e a v Mike Armstrong [mikearmstrong@ssfbc.org] I e . n g ill in w I am very a iv g r family ay u and you rticipate in done His w o y rk h o g w u is ro H of us to pa goal, nd rk th Youth Pastor reaching a provider a ants to wo r ly w u p o m rd is si o L t d o e o n G w th al is Heath Anderson [heathanderson@ssfbc.org] y about ho is leadership. The go hrist. Simply pra H l of Jesus C e to g sp o in g rd e o c th c orld with to reach and give a Minister to Children pact our w t allows us im a th to t r a e e th Tr r o love for Brit Fisher [britfisher@ssfbc.org] but ra have Trunk row in our e g w n s a c ie it e n u w wer as ort icnic where an and Jeannie Bre these opp P h e it w id g W n h lo Director of Preschool & Kindergarten ri A rB hurc es and nity, the C g Service fo ewsletter for the tim u in m n o Tracey Cody [traceycody@ssfbc.org] m si o is c r m n ou CSS. om check the ople at FB and the C e r se p e a is th le H o P n h . a g n one oing throu t on missio Business Administrator e Lord is d d them ou n th t se a e h w w f o Tommy Johnston [tommyjohnston@ssfbc.org] be a part dates and Director of Technology rk , Pastor Ma Scott Singleton [scottsingleton@ssfbc.org] Be blessed La Primera iglesia Mission Pastor Amadeo Miranda
FirstNews is a monthy publication of
First Baptist Church 116 Oak Avenue Sulphur Springs,Texas 75482 (903) 885-0646 www.ssfbc.org
What is happening in
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Saturday, October 27 8:00 AM Cost :$3.00 Fellowship Hall
Adults 55+
Diamond Set
Tuesday, October 23 10:00 am- Games 11:30 Lunch Music program to follow Church will provide meat. Please bring a salad or vegetable.
Lakeview Senior Adult Retreat T hursday, October 4
Commissioning Service for A Love Offering will be taken during all services on Sunday.
Game Night
c b
Speaker: Dr. C. Edward Spann Bus leaves at 8:00 AM and returns at 3:30 PM Cost: $7.50 per person + $1 to help with gas Call the church office and sign up.
Brian & Jeannie Brewer Sunday night, October 14
Adult 55+
Tuesday, October 2 6:00 pm Youth Building
Lord’s Supper Service Sunday, October 7th 6:00 PM
Churchwide Picnic at Heritage Park
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Join us Sunday, October 21 for food, fun & fellowship!
4:30 - 6:30 pm Bounce Houses & Games
Testify in Concert
Hotdogs & Hamburgers a n d
a l l
t h e
sno cones cotton candy
f i x i n s ’
Ladies: Homemade Ice Cream Contest Men: Homemade Pie Contest
aYouth Activitesb
High Schoolers... Remember the “Snack Bar” opens on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Everything is $1 ... space available to do homework.
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS Ride the bus to the game
High School
*October 12-Mt. Pleasant - depart 5:30PM *October 26-Hallsville - depart 4:00PM
6th Grade D-NOWd November 30 - December 1
PLEASE sign up with Heath
Registration deadline - Monday, November 19 Cost: $ 45
Homebound Mealsd Wednesday, November 21
iThirst & Ignite will deliver meals at noon
HCYA Christmas Awakening d @ Heritage Park Wednesday, December 5 All Youth 6:30 - 8:00 pm
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Disciple Now Weekend 7th Grade - 12th Grade February 22-24, 2013
Austin Mission Trip 2013 June 30 - July 6, 2013
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Save the Date P ab
9:45 am at The ROC
October 10th 6:00 -8:00 PM @ THE PRIM
High School Sunday Mornings
Middle School Sunday Mornings
YoUth Building
Multi-site VBS and Community Service Projects Cost: $50.00
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Friday, October 19 post game until midnight At The ROC... Bring $1 for Compassion.
Middle School & High School
9:45 am 3rd Floor
Middle School students...
Middle School & High School
Student Life Camp June 9-15, 2013 @ Estes Park, CO
RISE Choir Tour July 14-20, 2013
Upcoming EventsAt SSFBC Harvest Day 2012-November 4 Goal: $250,000
First $50,000 Weekly Budget Requirement Next $50,000 2013 Camps, Mission Trips & Rise Choir $5,000 FBC Counseling Services $5,000 Lakeview Baptist Encampment $5,000 Strategic Mission Projects Remainder of offering will be applied to The ROC note
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theGA HERing High Attendance Sunday November 4th
Christmas Musical “Dessert Theater” at The ROC Tickets: $5 Saturday, December 8 2:00 and 7:00 PM Sunday, December 9 6:00 PM
Sunday, December 2nd at 6:00 pm
The annual Community-Wide Thanksgiving Service is
Sunday, November 18, 2012.
This year’s service starts at 6pm at the ROC. Eric Godwin, who grew up here at First Baptist Church and is the pastor of Shannon Oaks Church, is the guest speaker. Mark your calendar and make plans to attend this community-wide worship event. In addition to the Community-Wide Thanksgiving Service we are also taking part in the annual Community-Wide Food Drive. It begins on Sunday, November 11, and concludes with the Community-Wide Thanksgiving Service on November 18. We encourage you to donate canned foods and other nonperishable foods to the drive. In previous years Sunday School departments have collected enough money to purchase pallets of canned foods, sugar or rice. Donations stay here in Sulphur Springs to help feed the needy in our community.
It's time to start praying about how you can be a part of
Upward Basketball and Cheerleading u n2013! as 160 kids participated last year and we are looking forward to an increase this year. To minister properly to these kids we will need coaches, referees, scorekeepers, and halftime speakers. Ask God how He wants you to invest in the lives of others. The process begins in December with evaluations and team selections. We also need scholarships so no child is left out. Contact Mike Armstrong for more information.
Wednesday, October 31 6:00 - 8:00 PM SSFBC Ballfield Trunk Sign up in the Welcome Center Please bring individually unopoened bags of candy to one of the containers placed around the church.
Address service requested
116 Oak Avenue Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482
Non-Profit Organization U.S Postage Paid Permit No. 174 Sulphur Springs, Texas